Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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rtUveredbr carrier In Any Part of hcCltfiv
' 1 ucnty Cents 1'er Week. , . . .
H. W. T11.10N. . . , . . . .StANAGEH.
Niaur KIHTOII , No.zi.
N. Y. P. Co. -
4 OloRson coal.
C. U. Music Co. , 533 U'way. '
D. W , Otis , city mill farm loans.
lioston store lending hooisry liouso.
The ronl estate transfers the post wcolc
amounted to fl3,8'J.1.50. (
At the regular weekly wntch drawing nt
E. Uurhorn's , Snturday ovenlne. tlio lucky
ticket holders wcro G. A. wobcr , J. T.
Chrlstonscu , John Evora and Ooorgo Scho-
vcr.Tho Y , M. 0. A. rooms will bo moved to
day from the present location to the now
quarters 'in the Mcrriam block. All changes
will bo completed for the reception ot visitors
by ttio last of the week.
Twcnty.four bottles of Ucrgundy wlno ,
four cases of beer and several bottles of
claret nnd chnrnpngno are In the custody of
Constuhla Ct-Vnlt , ns the result of u raid on
Stcllu Long's bagnio on Upper Uroadway.
A slight blu7.o In an old , unoccupied frame
building on North Main street , culled out
the llro department at un rurly hour yester
day morning. Tlio llro burned very slowly ,
und was easily suppressed when the depart
ment arrived.
The Council Uluffs Water Works com
pany , which in the defendant in n suit
brought by M. & E. Hlnelumin for damages
sustained In u recent llro through an Insuf
ficient water supply , has lilcd u demurrer to
the plaintiffs' petition.
Very few nrroats were mndo yesterday ,
although a few drunks were rounded up in
certain localities whcro prohibition did not
prohibit. Notwithstanding the largo gather
ings in the parks and at the pleasure resorts
the day passed very n.uaty ! ! and no serious
disturbances were reported.
The Dodge Light Guards tmvothclr | prom
ised dress parade , together with the Omiihii
Guards , nt the uimory lit the Masonic tcmplo
this evening at 8:10. The prize drill of the
Omuhn Gunrds for tlio oulcors' prize , will'
also take place. It promises to bo an event
of unusual interest in military circles.
II. ColTceu will act as captuln , and J , C.
Dunn us btnmlnrd bearer for the Hlufl's dele
gation of truveling men , which leaves the
Uechtclo house 8 o'clock
at Wednesday morn
ing , mid after n half hour's parudo on this
side of the river , takes motor cars for
Omaha , where they will Join the grand
parudqon "Drummer's Day. "
Tbo now iron for the electric motor exten
sion nlonc the Main nml Pearl street line
has been delivered upon the ground , nnd the
work of tearing up the old traclt will bo
commenced this morning. The work will bo
pushed as fast us possible and burring serious
and unexpected delays the electric cure will
bo in operation along the whole line before
the middle of October.
Martin W. Walker died Saturday night nt
the California House , on lower IJrondwuy , of
consumotlon , aged nineteen years. The de
ceased arrived In the city a \ \ eek ago , ac
companied by his sister , en route south , li op
ine to find renewed heultti , in n change of
cllmatn. Ho wus taken suddenly worst1 , and
could L'O no further. Thu remains will betaken
taken to 13ig Grove to-day for interment.
Yesterday witnessed the reopening
of the New I'ucllo house , after
being closed for over a month
for repairs , Landlord Huincs served an ele
gant dliinc which was p.irtaiten of by over
100 guests. The house under its present
management is more popular than ever ,
and will undoubtedly enjoy a very liberal
patronage. It has been entirely rclittud and
refurnished , und is now a tlrst class hotel.
Ilcv. G. W. Croft having returned from
his vacation trip the Congregational pulpit
was occupied by him us usual yesterday ,
Numerous lloral decorations about the pulolt
bespoke In u delicate way the welcome back
felt by all. Following the sermon yesterday
morning camn the observance of the Lord's
supper. To-morrow evening the members
of the church and congregation will civc
a reception from 0 o'clock until 10 o'clock , at
the parlors of the church.
Dexter , employment.
8. B. Wudsworth & Col loan money.
Swanson Muslu Co. , 333 Uroadway.
Knlrinnunt Pnrlc.
The beautiful gem.of Council muffs sot
amid The romantic hills and shaded by ver
dant bnugtiH of forest trees. The most de
lightful place Imaginable for picnics , tennis
parties and quite rambles.
'inko the eicctrio motor cars bridge line
which lands passengers in the very heart of
the park. Furo from Omaha to the park
only 10 cents.
The park is owned ntd controlled by the
city authorities aud the best of good order
is enforced.
Steam und hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , 618 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
1'orsnnnl I'arncriipiis.
Mrs , E. A. Eby will return from u business
trip to Kansas City to-Jay.
E. H , Mnyhow und family bnvo removed
to this city from Mobcrl.y , Mo.
Mrs. D. C. McCuo and Miss Dosla Griin-
mott , of Fulton , Mo. , are visiting Mrs. W. S.
A. T. Cole , who has been woriclng In Cole
& Cole's hardware store , loaves to-day for
Mount Pleasant to attend collage ,
J. J , Slcatmun has returned from the
national G. A. H. oncamnmciit at Milwaukee ,
and Is greatly improved in hoaltn.
Miss Francis Smith left last evening for
Vlnlon , la. , to take her position as teacher of
f muslo in the institution for the blind.
Miss Nellie H. Hayes , of Hock Island , 111. ,
the uuw assistant teacher In the high school ,
lias arrived In the city , und enters upon hur
duties to-rtuy.
Mrs. Baldwin , ol ICcosauqua , Towa , mother
of Mrs. C. S. Lcfforts , of this city , is
seriously ill , and her daughter has boon sum
moned to her bedside.
Misses Katie and Maggie Murphy , who
have bccm visiting for the past week with
tbo family of J , M. G..lviu , ou Sixth street ,
have returned to their homo In Atlanta , Ga.
F. A. Sprague , general agent ; A. W.
Johnson and 8 , C. Urotllng , travelers , for
the Sandwich Manufacturing company , will
spend the week at Dos Molues showing the
fe inontu of their goods to visitors to Iho state
A. H. Mncr. F. O. Mlllnrd , 0. M. Burgess ,
Miss ] ' . Dodson , Miss Emma Barnard , Mrs.
Hose Walters , O , L. Barrett und Hov. J. J.
Ir II. Uocdy have returned from Fort Dodge ,
1 Where they have boon attending the state
convention of the 1. O. G , T ,
MUs Anna J , Chamberlain has returned
from a month's visit cast among relatives
and friends. In her rounds shu was ut .luf-
forsonvlllo , Ind , , Louisville , Ky. , Hagers-
town , Md , , Philadnlphlu , Now York city ,
Buffalo , South Bond , Ind , , Chicago and other
cities , and also the noted pleasure resorts of
Capo May , Atlantic City , Up-tlio-iludson ,
Niagara Falls aud Into Canada , taking In the
sights generally , and returns invigorated for
her year's work in the public schools of this
Kelley & Younkorman sell grocorlo
Chase aud Sail born coIToos a specluly.
The ? ' w Ogdcu , Council Hinds , tlnesi and
largest \ ol < l in western Iowa. Special at
tentions o commercial uiou.
J. G. Tlpton , real cstuto , 527 B'dwtty ,
City stcum laundry , SI Main , tel , 141.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lota at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Bbeafo & Co.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broadway.
E. II. Shoafo & Co. give special attention
to the collection of routs and euro ol prop
erty In the city and vicl-itty. Charges moderate -
orate , ODIcu Broadway aud Main streets ,
up stulr * .
Desirable dwellings for rent at numerate
price * . K , H. Sheafo & Co. . rental
Broadway and Main treoti , up suirt.
A Olty Hall Promised For the Near
Tlio Tompcrnnco Women The Day In
tlio I'nrKS The Vntuu or Knno
iirtlilp I'cfflonal a ml
General Notes.
Another Chnptnr on tlin Olty Hull.
"Well , I guess not no , I guess not. "
H was not the Inimitable Low Dockstador
who spoke , but W. II. Knepher , aldorman-at-
larcc , who wn replying to TUB Ilnr.'s In
quiry as to whether the now city hull project
had not been cut olT In the bloom of. Itsyouth ,
uiul WHS oven now tilling n premature Rruvu.
"Tho project Is nil right , nnd the now city
hull will also bo nil right before many months
Iiuvo passed , or 1 don't know what 1 am talkIng -
Ing ubout. It's mighty lucky , though , Unit
the council Isn't working at It
the wuy the papers do , or It
would bo ninny n long ilny before
Council Bluffs would sco u new city building.
Why ! Simply because the papers don't hung
to It. Kvor.v hltlo whllo they have a spasm ,
and for several days wo don't ' rend ubout
anything but city hull , then they get tired
because they don't sco the wall * golnj ; up ,
nml then tno matte.-1s apparently forgotten
for n week or two. Well , perhaps that Is the
bettur way after nil , for if It was kept con
tinually before the eyes of tlio public they
might cot tired of It , nnd wiint It dropped en
tirely to u'ivo thorn u rest. 13ut that city hall
going to bo built. Wo uro now advertising
for bids on locations , und the site question
will bo settled some tlmo this month. Then ,
of course , wo will hnvo to find out what
amount the city is willing to pay fop its now
hall , mid I suppose Unit it will bo tlio proper
thing to hnvo the question submitted at the
regular fall election , U3 that would suvo the
expense of calling u special election just to
vote on the bond question. 1 don't suppose
that it could bo called n bond election either , '
us the money would huvo to bo rinsed by a
special lev.V , but the result would bo the
same. I foci very sanguine ns to what the
result of such nn election would
bo , for 1 believe that the citi
zens understand the situation perfectly
and know that our present accommodations
nro Inadequate , und nlso know that it Is
throwing money nwuy to make any additions
to the present city building. After an elec
tion , would como the adoption of plans and
letting of contracts. My opinion is that
work will bo commenced on the now build
ing by next February , nnd I sincerely hope
thut I will not bo disappointed. It is pretty
hard for n man who has nny pi-Mo in his city
to hnvo to point out thut wretched feed
storoon Ur.vnnt street when a stranger In
quires for the city hall , nnd if there ever
was u ciiso of excusable lying , It would bo ,
under such conditions , for the party utl-
drussod to set up the claim that ho wns nlso
a stranger , und did not know the location of
tlio city hall. Aside from the disgrace at
tach ing to the city through that portion of
Us public property , there nro many argu
ments that might bu ndvudced , but there is
ono which nlono should bo sulrlciont. A now
city hall is a necessity for the adequate ac
commodation of citv officers und preservation
of city records nnd those of the superior
court , If Iho citizens wish to gainsay this
they will soon have u chance to do so. "
C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway.
Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing at 12. Uurhorn.
Moonlight ou the Lmko.
Don't fail to take in Lake Manawa and
Manhattan beach during the moonlight even
ings. The boating und b.ithlng nro delight
ful and moonlight parlies nro all the rage.
Tuo Famous cash bargain house , 200 B'way.
Christina Science.
The regulnr Sabbath afternoon meeting of
the Christian Scientists was held in the
rooms of the Western Iowa Business col
lege at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. A lit
tle knot of Christian Scientists meet herewith
with unvarying regularity at that hour every
Sunday and hold devotional exorcises , and
not , as popularly supposed , to discuss their
peculiar views upon the laws of health. The
cxccssivo heat yesterday perhaps made the
nt'endanco lighter than usual. Only ubout
twenty-five wore present , and these mostly
ladles. But small as the number was , there
wore worshippers from DCS Moines and
Oiifjhii , besides the regular attendants from
Council Bluffs. The services wore opened
by prayer and slriclngand then J. P. Filbert ,
of this city , delivered u very earnest and
thoughtful dlscourso from the text found in
First Timothy , ill ! lii. 'M'ho church of the
living God , the pillar- and ground of the
truth. " The commentators' definition of
what the church implied us now constructed
was given as the aggregation of chrmian
influonco. Iho stricter ecclesiastical term ,
the church militant of Christ 'on earth ,
primarily implies a warfare , tlmt. which
resists it , be it what it may.
This judgment is said to bo linal. The de
rivation of the term church militant indi
cates an organization of u military character ,
and the whole history of the church sustains
It. Hut the prophei-y or Christ concerning
the stone which ttio builders bud relucted
applies to the Christian churches to-day as
clearly und strongly us it did centuries ago.
Christ is tbo ground nnd pillar of truth , and
His command was to resist not ovll but to
overcome it with truth ; and yet throughout
all ages the church has been ji military or
ganization against all sin , rejecting Christ's
oharlty ns its corner stone. Hutico the earth
bus mourned , unu because of thut rejection
has como sorrow , sickness und distress. We ,
as cbrlatian scientists , claim the church and
stuto are not divorced , never have been
and never can bo divorced. Every law man
kind has placed upon record nun been in
conformity with the church's deadly onmlty
towards sin , Every law from Moses down
to Ulackstono has been u punlsbuiont.thoreby
leaving out Christ , State , law and
mudiclbo can never bo separated. The
church , militant Is a material ro-
Hgion and requires a matcrla medlcu ,
with Christ the material. Mind was the
only healer. Ills theology , medicine and
law wore ono charity , 'itie true church is
the church Of the living God the church
triumphant , uot militant. Whatever makes
n new inau , whatever casts out devils , lieuls
the sick , is the true church. The clay that
Christ mixed with His spittle and annolntcd
the eyes of the blind man had no virtue in
itself , but the dlvlno will and mind of the
Master wrought the miracle. This divine
will and mind Christ gave to His followers
and to His church , uud when It is rejected
the pillar and the ground of truth is re
The services closed by singing the doxology -
ogy uud pronouncm ? tlio benediction.
The discourse was listened to with n great
deal of Interest. On next Sunday Dr. Elliott ,
of DCS Moines , will preach at the usual hour.
f-'ulmol Hook-i.
For city , Catholic and country schools , at
Crockwell'8 , 411 Broadway.
If ynu want clean , Iresh Groceries and
frultu.imllon . Johnson , t Olson , TlBroadway. .
paper , room moldlngx nnd decora
tions , No. 13 North Main si root
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'way
Tcmprrnncc Wotm-n ,
The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U.
will bo hold ut the I'rcsb.Ytenau chuich next
Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. An inter
esting programme has boon arranged in which
the following ladles will participate :
Mo'sdnmos J. Newton , E. I. Woudbury , B.
M. Hoover , N , 1' . Jodio ? , B , F. Steveus. S ,
1'helps. p. J , Montgomery. Smith , Tnlolc-
stun , Coolny , Boebo , UerclienhaJ , 11. J ,
Fisher , It. M. Casudti , Amelia Bloomer , L ,
W , KOSE , II. A. KtotlUard and S. S. Slovens.
A Viilunhln TowiiHhlp.
From figures submitted by County Auditor
IlundriokH it Is learned that tlio njsessed
valuation tf Kauo township for ISS'J is
$0,2M,437 , , uu Increase of 1,475.353 over that
of last yuar'tt , nnd that of the oounty outsldo
of Kane towuihlpU 47,37k,510 ) , un iucreaau of
70,142 over last year. This mnhcs tlio total
assessed valuation ot the county $14,030-
047 , or nn Increase of $1,510,093 over that of
3888. It will bo seen that whllo the as
sessed valuation of the county U thus
largely Increased , the Increase comes from
Knno township with the small exception of
$71,042. As the ussrssed valuation of the
city of Council Bluffs is $0,125,448 , leaving
that of the remainder of Kiuio township but
$ ' 7,039. It will bo scon thut the increase In
the assessed valuation of rottnwuttamlo
county comes almost entirely from this city.
This Is but another proof of the growth of
Council Bluffs during the past year , nnd
shows ttint the rust of the county will huvo
to got on n lively hustle or bo left far bo-
hind. The indications nru thut the growth
this season will fur oxcccd that of last year.
Always on Time.
If you wish to purchnsn a good and rollablo
watch 25pcr cent lcs than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call nt once nnd lanlto
your own selection nt C. B. Jacquomln &
Co. , U7 Muln street.
Money loaned at L. IJ. Craft's ft Co.'a
loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personul property of nil kinds ,
nnd all otnor nrtiolua of valuo. without
removal. All business strictly confi
dential. -
An Orthodox .Jewish XVciIcllnir.
Jacob Lohrmnn , n woil-to-ilo mechanic ,
nnd Miss Hosti Chcrrlss wcro united in ninr-
rlago nt 7 o'clock last evening nt the Jewish'
synagogue. The ceremony was performed
according to the orthodox Hebrew rite , and
wns witnessed by n largo crowd of citizens
who wcro interested in seeing the strange
custom which has been handed down among
the Jews slnco the earliest times ,
Uabbl Llbbarinaii , the newly elected priest
of the congregation , performed the cere
mony. When It was concluded the young
pcoplo wcro conducted to n feast which had
been jiropaicd in the church.
Kerr & Gray , real estate. 505 First avenue.
DlHioliitlon Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing bo-
twc'.Mi 1'aco & Schnld Is this day dissolved
by mutual consent , John Schnld retiring.
All accounts duo by or to the llrm will be
settled by cither of the old members.
PAci : & SCHNID.
The business will bo continued nt the old
market , "US Broadway , by J. II. Pace , who
will bo pleased to servo .his old customers
and many now ones In the prompt nnd cour
teous way ho 1ms always done. Few mon
know how to run n flrat-oluss moat market
in n first-class manner , but Mr. Pace Is ono
of the faw.
Odcll Bros. & Co. loan money. The most
iberul terms offered. 103 Pearl street.
Sumlr.y nt Fall-mount I'nrlc.
The first of a scries of band concerts was
given yesterday afternoon at Falrmount
park by Dalbey's military band of fifteen
pieces. It was a great addition to the many
ordinary attractions of this beautiful spot ,
and the result was scon in the thousands of
visitors who wcro in the park during tlio
afternoon nnd evening. It was estimated
that fully 3.000 pcoplo visited the pjrk dur
ing thoduy. It was without exception the
largest crowd that has yet gathered in the
park , and all were satistlcd with the concert ,
which lasted from 4 to 7 o'clock.
ICdticntion of the l > oaf nnd Dumb.
We print below notice issued by the super
intendent of the abnvo Institution , stating
the time of opening the school and calling
attention to its betterments and Improve
ments. There Is no nobler mission on
than to assist these who might otherwise re
main in mental darkness in securing un ed
ucation in this frco school of the state.
There are some people in every county of
the state wno are connected with or know of
somn deaf mute child to whom this Institu
tion would be n blessing , a homo and a
school. To all these wo would suy ,
writeto the superintendent * and secure
all needed information which may possi
bly brine into mental activity a dor
mant mind and result in a useful member of
society , when othcrwiso tha parents , friends
and community might have an unfortunate.
Ignorant dependent. In addition to the
school , industrial schools , under proper
management , teach the pupils sewing , ironIng -
Ing , general housework , printing , ahoomak-
itig , broom-making , carpentering and tailor
ing. It is in our schools that we , in Iowa ,
take such pride , und this institution being a
part of this great benillccnt system , deserves
the encouragement and assistance of all.
Iowa institution for thn education of Iho
deaf and dumb , frco to the deaf mutes of the
state. To parents , friends , guardians and
pupils : You nro hereby notillcd that the
next term of school will commence on
Wednesday morning , September 11 , and
therefore all pupils should report promptly
on the day before , viz : September 10.
Ofiiccrs and conveyances will bo at all
trains on those two days to meet the pupils.
Parents need have no fear as to attention
to their children after their arrival at depots
at Council Bluffs.
There have been many improvements and
betterments made during vacation , all tend
ing to the comfort , health , advancement and
contentment of the children ,
A postal card notifying each parent or
friend of the safe- arrival of their child will
bo Issued on arrival.
Have all trunks checked to local depot ,
Council Bluffs.
Hoping for a prosperous'year , and ready at
all times to ansxver ary and all communica
tions , I remain , Truly Yours ,
During twonty-flvo years trial , mor
tality , where Dr Jollforla' preventive
and euro for diphtheria and putrid sere
throat ( as in malignant scarlet fever )
is used , IH 1-10 of I per cent , or , ono in
a thousand. Under other treatments
in Europe and America , 50 to 80 per
cont. Address Dr. Thos. Jofferis , box
057 , Omaha ; or Dohaven , druppist ,
Council Bluffs. la. No physician re
quired. Sent by express on receipt of
price , $3.
Tlio Daughter of the Victim Demands
Dulling ! s fur Injuries.
BLOOMINOTON , Ind. , Sept. 1. Suit'
was filed In the circuit court yesterday byMiss
Nannie Norman against Marquis O , Reed ,
John Norman. G. W. NormanFrank Norman ,
John Carson , Ell Sowdors , James Hagsdulo ,
Isaac Bonham , Isaao SIpas and William
Stacklcathcr , and $5,000 damages Is asked.
Miss Naiinla is u daughter of William Nor
man , who was the plalntltt in the famous
"White Cap" case tried hero last February.
In her complaint slio alleges that ono night
in May , 18S3. at a very late hour , the defendants -
ants broke into her father's house , and ,
while whipping him she was cruelly as
saulted und forcibly compelled to remain ,
dressed only In her night clothe * , ami with
her font bare , upon the ground for an hour
in the prcscnco of the defendants whlto they
boat her father. Mien Norman la about
twenty-two years old and a school teacher.
From Omaha and Council Bluffs via the
Northern Paellle to all points on the
North Pnnilio coast have bo placed In
olToct permanently. The Btop-over
prlvileiio given on Northern Paellio
second-class tickets enables the intend
ing settler to personally inspect any
DorLIon of Washington Territory. Free
second-class sleepers are run via the
Northern Pauillo from St. Paul through
to Tacoma and Portland.
Killed Ity liur lurs.
IJlHMi.NOiiAM , Ala. , Sept. 1 , At Mont-
jcello last nlglit John Lawrence saw light in
his uncle's store und wont to sop about It.
Burglars were inside and opened on him
with pistols. He tired three tiuiea , but when
all wns over the burglars were gone und
Lawrence lay daad , shot through the hoart.
Ono man has been arrested , charged with
the offense.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrlblu cough. Shlloh's Cure in
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
nmu Drug Co ,
Uovcrntnnnt Mutiny Won From As *
Klfttnnt. I'dq&nnsicr OPIIIIT.
taniAXAroM' , .Sppt 1. William B.
Uoiiny , the defaulting assistant postmaster
nt Boonvillo , this titnto' , made n startling
confession to the , iunct attorney yesterday
regarding the ' 'Olrcumstuncos of hi
shortage. Ho alleges that ho lost the whole
amount , $0,500 , In iu\Wl playing at Evantvlllo ,
nnd gave the nmuoXof sixty men with whom
ho had played. lio.fuys thosa parties were
fully acquainted with his financial condition ,
nnd must have . .Known that ho had no re
sources of his own , mid that their winnings
represented the tfltst funds of the postoftlco
of which ho had charge. The dis
trict attorney refused to give 'ho
names on the list for publication , but
It Is known to contain those of many men
of business standing in Evansvlllo who have
never been suspected of frequenting gamb
ling houses. Under the United States law
any person winning money which must hnvo
been known to bo government mono } ' Is
made guilty of the crtmo of embezzlement ,
and subjected to the snmo punishment that
Is visited upon the defaulting employe. Tlio
district attorney proposes to Institute n
searching Inquiry Into thn n'mttor. and the
grand jury will have all tha facts laid before
It when it mcoU next month. Thu defaulter
Is u nephew of the in nvo r of this city nud the
confession Is bollovcd to bo the result of a
conference between the two to-day , the undo
telling him to make u clean breast of every
thing in the case. Young Denny wai re
leased on $10,000 ball the major becoming
his surety.
limes from Omaha nnd Council lUuTs.
Second class tickets from Omaha and
Council Blulid via. St. Paul and the
Northern Pacific to Portland and all
Puget Sound points are now sold at 586.
Passengers via. the Northern Pacillo
are taken through the eastern and cen
tral points of Washington territory , and
are onubled to visit nnd inspect any
portion of the territory , stop-overs being
given at Spokane Falls and all points
Ho Bcjis to lie Allowed to Die Out
sldo the iTliion Walls.
SmXAVATun , Mian. , Sept. 1. Bob
Younger Is rapidly dying of consumption. It
is the general opinion that ho cannot live
more than two weeks at the outside. Ho can
not talk nbovo a whisper , mid ho can not sit
up , his back Is so weak. The famous outlaw
is possessed of an iron will , and until to-day
It has remained unbroken , und never a mur
mur has passed his lips. But this evening
ho begged Warden Stardock to be allowed to
die outside the prison , oven if it were only in
the nearest hospital. He dreads the thought
of dying in prison. His sister , Uitta , watches
and waits on him night and day.
Advice to .Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always bo used for children
teething. It soothes the child , soltens
the gums , allaystill , pains , cures wind
colic , and is the best remedy for diar
rhoea. 25c a bottle.
They Foutihtmt Lm-ulyV Inni * .
MOUNT PEASANT , ' la. , Sept. 1. Henry
county , lown , has hud for ninny years among
its residents , threejsurvivors of the war of
1S12 Chandler , aged ninety five , Captain
Peter Fisher , aged ninety-four , and JacoD
Ilogers , who died"to-day at tlio advanced age
of nearly 112 , having been born January 1.
1778 , near Pittsburg , Penn. All three of
these old veterans were present .at
the battln of Lundy's Lane. Mr. Rogers'
father wns shot ttirougn the body at
the battle of Bunker Hill , but survived and
lived for many years in east Tennessee.
Jacob Rogers was probably the oldest mason
in the United Statesand ( will bo buried with
masonio honors. Ho labored In a smalt wuy
long after ho had , reached his hundredth
year. About two years ago his pension , by
special act of congress , was raised to > 0 a
month. Captain Fisher Is a member of Mc-
Farland Post No. 20 , G. A. it. , of this city ,
ana claims to bo the oldest G. A. K , ooy la
the country.
That hacking cough can bo so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure.Ve guarantee
it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co.
Depr Pnrlc Appointments.
DEER PAIIK , Md. . August 31. The follow
ing appointments were issued to-night from
the summer executive quarters : John C.
Watson , of Nebraska , attorney for Alaska ;
Willis Vundevunter , of Wyoming , chief jus
tice ; Wheeler G. Veury , of Vermont , inter
state commerce commissioner.
A Bml Cm in the Loir.
Jkmcs Ryan , a cattle butcher at the Ar-
mour-Cudahy packing house , attempted to
stick a bullock Saturday , and the knife slip
ping , cut a bad gush in tlio calf of the loft
leg. Ono of the arteries was severed , and n
surgeon was necessary to sew up and dress
the wound.
Not"H About the City.
S. Landsinpr , holdingticket No. 70 , won the
horse and buggy raffled off Saturday night In
John Foloy's saloon ,
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs , M. L.
Richards was buried Saturday afternoon at
4 o'clock la L < uurol Hill cemetery ,
Charles McGuire , Christ Maloney nnd
Michael Rowley will answer before Judge
King for resisting Oftlcer Spocitlor in a
Third ward fracas ut Q and Thirty-first
W. N. Babcock has called a mooting of the
reception committee for the Merchants'
week visitors , to bo hold in the Live Stock
Exchange rooms , Exchange building , Mon
day afternoon , ut 4 o'clock.
.About L'crnoiifl.
B , L. Moffatt , of Chicago , is visiting his
broiher-ln-law , C. T. Van Akin.
Miss Helen Poor , an accomplished young
lady of Independence , la. , is the gucstof Mr.
aud Mrs. John P. Evors.
J. H. Adams and son Edward , who have
spent three weeks traveling over Iowa , re
turned Saturday evening.
Patrick Baxter , of Chicago , on his way to
California , stopped to visit his old friend ,
Captain John Murphy , of the Armour-Cudahy
lire department.
William Armour , boss In the Armour-
Cudahy canning department , has removed
from Omaha to this city and has taken u
house utThirty-subpjid and R streets ,
J. M. Richards , of iKichanls & Saundcrs ,
after a business trip to Chicago and u run up
to Milwaukee to attend ttio national G. A. R.
encampment , returned Saturday evening.
Cushman's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , astluna , buy fever.
Trial free at your , druggist. Price 50 cents.
On HlN Wny to Church.
The Indiana Progress : Wilson Kee
ner , of Rood's fetation , killed thirty-six
snnkos on his wayto , church on last Sab
bath. '
Beccham's Pills cnro bilious and nervous Ills
Homeliorly Itlunilored.
Baltimore American : In a Moxldnn
duel ono of the contestants was wounded ,
From a Georgia standpoint this accident
was entirely unnecessary.
Glasses Accurately Prescribed.
Special attention glvunto c'.ironic neuralgias ,
boadiciun : , upllepay und otliur nervoiin utroc-
tlonn , a Urge majority of which uro cauuml by
osuler defects , mid are entirely curablu by
proour treatment of thu t-yea. Bund stamp for
pamphlet , llsst of reference * given ou appli
cation. Catarrh truatud with miccesa by mull
att.T llrst coimultiitlon. Olllcu cor. .Ilromlwuy
und Main street. OVIT Council Itlulfs Having *
IlnnK. Houri-U to IS and 2 to D. Council
lllutlv , Iowa.
_ _
\VM. SinnKNTOI'P , Ilcnl "nstate. Hpeclal
> t intention Riven to examination Mid cor
rection of title to Innds nmllots in city and
county. Mo. H. North Muln st. >
\j \ lOirsTiXiforTlcnt Unrrton land with lion BUS ,
Jjby J. 1C. lllco , UK Main st. , Council lliulf a.
TOAIUUTTlMacolotsforsato by V. J. Day.
GO IXJOIC nt the llubbltt I'laco on Upper
Ilronilway , then sco K. J. lny. )
HOU8K5 for rent In nil parts of the city. P.
J. Day.
_ _
TOOK BALK Two flno now sis-room lieu ns on
JL' I'ncillcnvc. will bo sold cheep for n small
pnyinont down nml balance to suit purchaser.
Kerr to Orny , 6-JS Vim uvo.
OK ItliNT 3 unfurnished rooms , 001 Third
I7UVB Kansas fnnna to exchange for tlty
J-1 property. Johnston t Vtui ratten , tiverett
BXCHANOE A smnll newspaper outflt
* ' to exchange for lots , Johnston tt Vnn 1'nt *
ten. Council liliills. _
SKVKKAlj Nebraska farms to exchange for
Council 11 hi IT a lots , Johnston it Vnn Vat-
ten. _
TTOHSKSto exchange for rqiiltyln House anil
jIlot. . Johnston & Vnn 1'nttcn.
SiViilAI. : ; nice farms ncnr the city for sale.
Johnston A ; Vnn FnUcn , Kverott block ,
Council llluira.
T OT on ftveauo A. in lloers' sub. . (100 , If taken
JU soon. Jolmston & Van t'ctten. _ _ _ _
HOUSK4 for siilo. $10) down nnd 112.51 per
month. Johnston & Vim I'atten. _
LOT on High street , tiM : speak quick If you
want It. Johnston .V Van I'nttcn. _
TOOK HAIitt Ono or the best paying cream-
-L orles in lowu , making nowover i.uuu pounds
butter dally. Also a largo brick butter , one
nnd poultry house , nil coniploto with largo cold
Storage elevator , etc. . doing big business. 1'rlco
of this entire- plant complete Sii.ODO ; ti.txxi cnsn ,
bai. In 5 nnd 111 .years. Or would take Rood city
property , or No. 1 Inn'l ' tor the ( M.UOJ payment.
lluslnoss done last year37OiXi , will exceed that
tnls year , uml It Is the onlv plant In the county ,
Enquire ot Kerr & Gray , 605 First ave. _
FOH SAIjl ! Acre lots In Orchard place. Tills
property is located In the Hlco nursery ,
south of the iiinlii part of thn city , 1 A lullos
from courthouse , ( ! co. Motcalf , 1J Pearl st.
TOOK KENT Houses In all parts of tno city.
-C Kcrr > V Pray. fU5 First nVc.
TOOK HUNT Klght now li-room cottages on
L' Avenue H , Snckett's ndd. to city , Honts
very reasonable. Call and let us show you them.
Kerr A : Orny ,
FOH HKNT-7 of the moat beautiful cottages
in Council Hluirs : ono block from motor
line ; new houses ; city water in the houses ncd
all modern conveniences. See Kerr & Gray.
SAMS 120 ncro farm In Jasper county ,
' Iowa , located near coal mines that nro in
operation. There Is n tlvo foot vein of coal
under the farm. Oco. Metcalf , No. 10 I'oarl st.
TOOK SALE Improved and unimproved prop-
JL erty in every part of the city. Hare oppor
tunities for Investors who seek speculations ;
splendid opportunities for those who desire
homes. . ( leo. Metcnlf , No. 10 Pearl at.
BUSINESS locations oc Mnln nnd Broadway
at great bargains. Geo. Metcalf. No. 10
Pearl st ,
T7IOU SALE BO feet lake frontage located be-
JL ? tweon 0 It. boat house and Mauawa bench.
Also a number of choice lots In Itegatta place.
Oeo. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl st.
IF you wiiut some genuine snaps in choice lots
on bottoms call and see Kerr fc Gray. They
have some lots that must be sold regardless ot
cost before Nov. 1.
IP you have anything In the line of real estnte
< ir chattels you want to exchange or dispose
of , you should call on Kerr & Gray. You can
llud them at their olllce , BO. ) First avo. , Council
TOOK SALE On monthly payments , very neat
J- new house near Harmony mission. Cull or
address Kerr & Utny , 603 First ave. . Council
25 feet on Main street for sale cneap. Vohnston
Js Van Patten.
F INE homo on First avo. for sale. Johnston
& Van Patten ,
FW ' _
W A good horse aud buggy. Jterr
te Gray.
REAL KSTATK llought and sold and ex
changed. Special attention Riven to exam
ination of titles. W. C. James , No. 10 I'oarl at. ,
Council Plugs. _
FHAIILR boarders wanted at 123 Benton street.
J- Good board at rcasouablu rates. Mrs. I.V. .
Cooper. _
6 PERCENT loans made on real o state , cash
on hand. V , J . Day.
A . home on Oakland nvo. at a
bargain. F. J. Day.
f0xl60 on Oakland nve. , $3,000. F. J. Day.
Q9x300 on Park ave. , $ .2,000. P. J. Day ,
HOMES forsalebn monthly payments. F. 3 ,
200 acres good bottom land in Iowa to ex
change for vacant lots In Council BlulTs. K.
E. Mayne. 01' ) Broadway.
10Uown and $5 per month. 3 good lots to sell
. ) on these terms. High ground , full size and
title perfect , E. E. Mnyno , 01U Uroadway ,
$ 275 will buy lot , blk 21 , Central sub. . If taken
at once , on Aveuuo I ) . High ground , good
title and Actually worth ! MX > . E. K. Muyno , 019
I71OH EXCHANOE-Lana In Iowa for Council
- IUlulla property. E. a. Mayno , 010 llroad-
Some more bargains to salt. E.
E. Mayno , UIU Uroadway.
\S7ANTED-Sltnation by a No. 1 miller. Can
TT furnish Hist class references. Address 0. ,
Bee. Council Ulutfa.
FOK 8ALB or Trade Full supply of hotel
furniture , also lease for 18 months on small
hotel In Council llluirs. Apply to Udell Uros.
A : Co.
AVKNU12 A lots , corners , great bargains ,
liensou & Shepherd , U-Multi tit.
H OUSE and lot , Cochran aad. , cheap , easy
payments. IJenson & gnephenl , U Main st.
WE havn more Uroadway property than any
body , iieuson & Shepnerd. U Main at ,
LOT on 4th uvenue , Van lirunt Si Idea's HUD. ,
cheap , Ucnson & Shepherd , U Main st.
JOT on Illult st. , flno residence lot cheap ,
t. lienuon & Shepherd , U Main at.
BUST corner on Uroadway , opposite power
house * liensou & Snephcrd , U Main ut.
5 LOTS In llayllss' 'ld , on motor line , &UO each.
Demon It Shepherd , 0 .Main st.
LOTS on aien uve. . genuine snaps. Benson tc.
Shepherd , 1) ) Main bt.
HOUSES and lots ; J100 cash , I'M cash. * MO
cash , balance easy , liensou & Shepherd ,
D Main st ,
GRAHAM avenue property that will double
right away. ! ' . J. Day.
FOU BALK or Exchange A flno brlce hotel
with trainii addition , situated In Central
lown in a thriving town of y.ii'JO ' inhabitants ;
two railroads. This hotel has 43 guest room * ,
sample rooms , a line olllco with plate gluts
front ; slzo of brick KixK , u stories. Thu frame
part Is mod for dining room , kitchen , laundry ,
etc , Will tradu for eastern Nebraska or Kan
sas laud , all In ono body , part of It Improved
and clear of Incumbrance. Price of hotel and
furniture 110WO. A good chance for some one.
( loou reasons for selling , Encjulro ot Kvrr &
Oray , EOT ; First nve.
LOTS on'Uroadway , First avenue and Ave
nues A and H , cheap. F , J , Day ,
AlLWAVTrlcycio-For sale cheap. Excev ,
lent condition. One man can handle easily *
Will carry two persons und load , Address Do"1
Council llluirs
W ANTED Competent girl for general house ,
work. Mrs. Oeo. Champ , Fletcher tor race.
A baby's afghan ; owner call at
Ileo olllce.
I HAVE a snap for an Investor for to-day
only. F. J. Day.
Cole & Cnlis's ( irent Stove Hole.
We have an extra heavy little N. 8 steve inodu
to order for us that we are selling for J1We
guarantee every one. This Is the best ( IS stovu
over offered the public. We will sell Fuller k
Warren's Western Diamond coal cook , No. P. at
IS. Thin Is America's best , largest , heaviest
stove at any price. Jtlstno u K stove of the
world' * largast tovu foundry and with 7 ycara
experience with this as our leading stove WB
CHU recommend it 6s America' * best stove. Wo
will bu flail to navu thu public call and com
pare It with other makes. Our price thlo year
Is a cut of It from tno usual prices eliewhero.
Wu have thu largest block ot heating btovts wu
ever tarried , with thu Kadlant Home and Stow ,
art a In thu lead. We have a variety ofOuks
and wood burners from 11 up , Don't full to get
our prices. Ktore oi > Q till V } > . m , Cole Ct
Colu. 12 Main .
Ei 's
67 Feet Front. 175 Feet Deep.
Especially Adapted for
HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators
Specifications nnd estimates furnished for cotnplotesteam plants. Itegnlatlou , durability
euarantccd. Can show letters from users where fuel economy I
with Corliss Non-Condensing. Send for entaloguo.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
The llest Equipped Eatabllshmont In the West. Docs Dyelnjr and Cleaning of Garments on *
( oods of every description nnd material. Dry Cleaning of Kino Garment * a SpeLlaU ) .
Out of town orders by mall or express , will receive prompt attention.
Works on Motor Line , Corner 26tii St , & Ave , A , Council Bluffs
liveiy , Sale and BoardinjrStable
No. 1 Rigs to let at lowest rates , delivered in
any part of the city.
Horscn bought nnd sold on commission.
Centrally Located , Plainer HIUT.
W. O. UTTBBBAOK.23O Broadway
In tha city. Gilt edged opportuiiltitH to 1mm
dUto luvujtorj uul Iio.iuij3i3rj.
Tnos. OFFICER , W. H. M. Poser
Corner Main and Broadway ,
Dealers In foreign &nd domaatlo exchange.
Collections made and Interest puld oa tlmo de
posits. _ _
Adapted to the public schools , Thn only
complete thing of IU kind In cxlxtenco and In *
dlspunslble In the school room. School boards
di'slrliij ; thu inont perfect help for tlio teacher
are invited to examine thin. Addreui
General Agent ,
r 173 Willow Avo. , Council lllulfs. Iowa ,
Pros. Vlco Pros.
CHAS. H. HANNAH , Cashier.
fITl'JfPllTt1) ' ) PTATI ? DAVTf
Paid up Capital $ | 5Oooo.oo
surplus 35,000.00
Liability to depositors. . . . 333.OOO.Oo
DniKCTOii I. A. Miller , V. 0. Qleason. E. li
Bhugart , K. 15. Hart , J. D. Kdimindson. Chas. H.
Hannun. Transact general bunking business.
Largest capital and surplus of any bank In
nosthwcstern lowu Interest on time do posits.
No. 10 Pearl St.
Incorporated Nor. 1 , 1870.
Boatnwest Corner llroadway und Main Street.
CAI'ITAK , 6150,000.
noeualk-gular lUuklngawl Kxchanga Iluslness
N. P. OODQK. 1'resldent : JOHN IIRIIKBHRUI ,
Vlco P.-ost. ; A. W. IIIKICMAN , Cashier.
Dlrectors-N. I' . Dodao , J Hereshelm. 0 o.
Kcellne , J. L. Btowart. W , W , Wnllucv , O. M.
Dodge ,
20to60 DAYS.
This is u disease which lias ho ro to for *
Baflled all Medical Scienco.
Vfheu Mercury , Iodide ot. Potassium , Sarsapa
rtllaorllot Springs tall , weguaranteeacuro.
Wo have u Hemedy , unknown to anyone Intti *
World outaideof ourCompauy , and ono that hoi
U > cure the most obstlnato casoi. Ten days la
recent case * does the work. H Is the old chronla
deep Keatml cases that we solicit. Wo have
cured hundreds who have toeen abandoned by
Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , , and wf
challenge the world to bring us u cnso'that vr
will not euro In less than sixty dayM.
filnce the history of raealclno a. true spoclOa
for Syphilis hag beou sought far but never
found until our
w discovered , and wu are Justified In Raying
It IB the only Kemeuy in tliii World tnat wlllpoS
Itlvely euro , because tha latent Medical Work * ,
puhMiaed by the bunt known authorities , sujr
' there wninoveratruespecltlobofore , Ourr m- .
edr will cure Jien everything else has failed.
Why waste you tlmo and money with patent
medicines tnntuovcr had virtue , or doctor wlttt
physicians that cannot cnro you , you tfcat hay *
tried everything lso should coma to us now and
B. t permanent relief , you never can get It els * .
where. Mark what we say. In the end you
must take our remedy or NBVEIl recover and
you that have been afflicted but a short tint *
should by all means como to us now , not ona la
tenof miw caee over get permanentcured. .
Many Kctbelp ana ihink they are free from tn
dlicnse , but in one , two r undo ? ? ar.i after It
appears again In a more horrible form.
This is ft blood Purlflor und will Cur *
any Slcln or Blood Dlsouso when
Every thine El so Fails.
NOTICK WBdeilre 10 caution patients In r
gard to parties claiming to use the Cook Item
ed- . Our formula In not nnd CANNOT b
Known to xnyone but our on' ! .
Booms 418 and 419 , Mou Block
( Le I.Unnr Hublt. I'nulllTclCured
ItT AilmlnlmerlnB I > r. lluinca'
tialden Hpeclflc.
It can bu mrcn Inn cup of coffi'O of ti' without tha
knowlodKu or the person lufcluu III l > ubiulutelr linrmi
lc , unu will ctfuct u tpvuily ami iiurmuncrjt euro ,
wlietliur lliu iiiitluiit Is u moluruUi ilrlnkcror al
coliulwruck. 'ItiuiisamU or Urunkiinlii Imvo tuuu
made t ni | > i > rule invii who ti nvo tulu-it ( julilfn f peclUo
In tliBlrcylTeowltliuiiltlielr kniiwloiluo nnd - -
Inx its. , OmaUa. A. IJ. fcuetcr A lro. , Ovuncll Ilium.
( IttrlllcomettheiiiiH < iulii/ln *
nice of lee oil the Stomach ,
Jet Mia Iftclth FMilrrlnr , for
cVCbllilrta Xavleoratloff , and X
to/itu i
/ ir ' ni
mffli ( iRY'JUWAfr.itlni let All. TB Btit m.
r ct d strictly tan tut Vctitt
mtuleJ..a ICtlint Rimidy
for Dltrrlai , Choliri Uotbii.
DyitnUrr , 1 U Dlitrditisf
tht Sowili ,
f& Dcarfilrii-I have tried tb
IluneaiUu IllHckberry Julco
you eo kindly tent mv. Itli
' ! ti no rlui ultra of dimmer
V&p' alco.
< lrlnki. Itli { reo Jrom
liol , allnyi tlilrnt , IDIIH luo
nrunmllu flavor'anUU lu 6
lliuililiiKforcllarrliwM troub.
IWJD.ft.a.l.r . . J'a- ' ±
ictfiilljr."i M. I/ .
Tor ' . by Dru K diti.
Ucaltn anil Urecc ( * >