Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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jBlaborato Preparations For
Great Drumraors' Farado.
flolm DoWItt Oroni Into Poetry Some
Intcrciulng Htnllstloi Gnttirrlnc
Of the Clntm Caught In
Hotel Corridors.
fn American Commercial Trartlcr.
[ A ttiwoling mcn'n paper took exceptions
to tlio term "drummer , " used by Mr. DoWItt
In "A Drummer's Constancy , " puullslicJ In
the Traveler soma tltno npo. In reply
thereto , Mr. DoWItt sends us the following :
Tlioro nro some mcaqulto aahntncd
JuHtbcuuuao they've been named
"Drummers. "
Better throw down vour load
And got oft the road ,
"Bummers. "
Why , wo "Knights of the Grip"
Are well dubbed ovury trip ,
"Hummers. "
And wo'ro never ashamed ,
13nt wo'ro proud when wc'ro named
. "Drummers. "
Perhaps "Tourists" will do ,
Or plain" "Pilgrims , " for yon
"Uumuiors. "
But call us who nro plain
By Unit dimple old name.
' Drummers. "
It takes hrntns now to sell ;
By hard work you can toll
"Drummers. "
You can tell by their woo ,
And the things they don't kcow ,
"Uutnniurs. "
We nro now very strong ,
Quarter million , era long ,
"Drummers. "
But I'm rlnd wo find few
Of such UlcUors as you
' 'Bummers. "
You wrlto homo ns of yore
Ten have Konc Just before
"Drummers ; "
That's the reason you full
And you can't inako n sale ,
"Bummers. "
If you'll change ull your wuys ,
Doing hard Work that pays ,
"Bummers. "
We'll forcivo all the past ,
And will call you ut lust ,
"Drummers. "
Or. Another Itoulo.
The following letter , ciatcd Grand Island ,
August 27 , bas boon received :
I herewith hand you a copy of resolutions
adopted at Grand Island , Aucust 25 , 18S9 , by
the commercial travelers , which wo would
bo pleased to have appear in Tun UBB. On
Monday inorninp , September 2. 1SS9 , without
a moment's warning , wo swung around
among thu boys sit the Palmer house and Pa
cific botnl nnd on the street , and in short or
der plclceil up a sufllcicnt amount of money
to defray nbout all the funeral expenses of
our deceased brother. What a noble class of
men are these commercial travelers 1 Quito
u number attended the funeral in a body.
The family of our deceased comrade fully
appreciate this act of Uludness on the part of
the boys. There is a further favor to bo
aslcod of the boys in behalf of the faintly of
our deceased brother , which will bo mode
known In duo time , and wo have no doubt it
will bo cheerfully granted. The boys biwo
made a multitude of friends by this ono little
act of kindness. CIAHO.
AcL-ompanyinc wiis the report of the meet
ing und the resolutions adopted as follows :
At a meeting of commercial travelers hold
at the Palmer House , Grand Island , Neb. ,
August 25 , 18S9 , to take action concerning
the aouth of Thomas F. Allen , thu following
resolutions were adopted :
Whereas , our co-worker , Thomas P. Allen ,
has been taken away by the ouiiilslcntfnther
of all moil and placed beyond thu further
knowledge of humauo task and humane
Resolved , That In his death the community
loses an upright cltl/eu ; thu commercial
world a woriccr of irreproachable character ;
the church a brother wh'o never tired o ( well
doing ; Ins family a devoted husband and a
tender and loving father.
Ilosolvod further , That wo hereby extend
our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved
family In this their sad hour of sorrow and
deep affliction.
Resolved further , That a copy of these
resolutions bo sent to the city papers , Tun
OirliiA. UEK , and the family of our deceased
"When the hammer of relentless pain
f DotH break the rivets of the fleshly chain ,
"Which bind the spirit ,
Then aho Hproads her wings.
Suffering can dlin the mortal sight.
Hut makes the eyes of faith more bright.
Heaven is more near it ,
Nearer all collostial thin
W. L. Eastman ,
A. Druinmtu-'H Note Bonk.
Tlio Cozad Messenger says the following
memoranda of an Omaha drummer was
picked upycstorday : Mllus traveled , Q.'JjU ;
number of trunks , two ; shown samples ,
sixty-one ; sold goods , thirty-four ; been asked
the news , fifty-six ; told the news , three ; lied ,
thirty-three ; didn't know , twenty ; boon
asked to drink , eleven ; drunk , eleven ;
changed politics , seventeen ; religion , three ;
dally expenses allowed by house , 9 ; actual
dally expenses , SO ; been to church , none ;
accompanied girls homo from ahurcli. seven
teen ; girls flirted with , forty-two ; agreed to
marry , two ; expected trouble , ono ; kicked
out of the house , two ; lot ; by backdoor ,
three ; dodged faro on railroad , five ; number
of persons cheated , thirty-four : tried to
cheat , sixty-one ; hats ordered , thrco ; suits
1 of clothes made , two ; goous sold for other
firms , $ r , GH ) ; commissions from rival firms ,
$280 ; salary , Srt per day for forty days , $341) ) ;
, aaved from daily expenses , $121) ) ; money put
iu savings bank , $500 ; cash on hand , (70 ;
pot drunk , eleven ; badly broken up , two ;
slipped out on hotel keepers , four ; cigars
Hmokcd , 200 ; cigars given away , three ; num
ber days actual work , thirty-two ; number
days charged firm , forty ; light wagons stove
uu , two ; attended hoHQ racer olovon.mado ;
on bets , $ M ) ; lost on bets , $35 ; my actual
prpllt for forty days , 510 ; the firm's actual
pront for forty days , $010.
A Torrlblo Yield.
TUB UKC reporter who fell heir to 75 cents
yesterday , unil blow it againstjv fresh lob
ster lunch at one of Omaha's leading hotels ,
overheard two drummers talking. Ono said
to the other : "I toll you , ttoy have bigger
crops Iu the northwest than were ever raised
before , and times are bound to l > e good in
that part of the country. Just think of 230
bushels of wheat tt 1)0 ) cents a bushel. Ob , I
toll you tlio northwest is tbo place to sell
poods , "
"You don't mean 2SO bushels to tbo r.crot"
sold the other , apparently astonished at the
iissortiou ,
"Wol | , you heard rae , "
"You , 1 heuid you , but don't bellovo It
Thcra uovor was liSO bushels of whuat raised
on ouo aero of ground in the world. "
"Well , call tnu a liar if you want to , but 1
Just cauio from the northwest and kaow mj
business. " _ _ _ _ _ _
"It is a perpetual wonder to me what
chumps some men can inako of themselves , ' ,
eald Ctiarllo Graves , a Chicago iruvolinf
won , lost \vook. "For instance , about five
minutes ngo I stood bore In front of the I'ax
ton and watched a St , Louis banker trying
to flnd nut from ouo of the hackmoa whal
car to take to reach Sixteenth street and
\Volistor , Of course tno bookman Inforuiei
him that Sixteenth street and Webster wn :
two miles beyond the terminus of all thu rai
ilaeg , and consequently Mr. Hanker WID
compelled to hire a hack and ride to his
destination. There are three cnr lines frou
the Paxtoa tliut go out very near ijlxtoontl
nd Webster , and any ordinary podostrlftn
oulu have so informed blm. but I suppose
hat la St. Louis acutonoss.
Tim Grcnt Pnrndn.
Tnoro is going to bo an Immense throng of
ho tourists in the city this week. Already
11 the hotel * are tilling up and A parade
arger and moro ImpoMn ? than over boforo.
i'bo following report of a drummers * moot-
up In the Sunday edition , will glvo all nco-
ssary Information :
The traveling mon held an adjourned meot-
ng lust night at the A rend o and perfected as
or as jftmlblo the preliminary arrangements
or their grand parade oa Drummers' day. '
Joarly ono hundred knights of the grip
roro present , among thorn mon who hava
iccn on the road in.vny .years , and they all
rmnifcstod grout , enthusiasm and expressed
iotermlnatlon to make the event Wednesday
ext ono that will attract the attention It do-
ervcs. President G. O. Lobeclt on calling
ho meeting to order stated that Messrs.
Stout , Lirown and other members
f the executive committee had
icon vcrv aettvo and reported peed
csults. They found the collodion of money
at her ttlow , but the parudo and fair grounds
Islt will bo better ttiU year than last.
"Arrangements , ' continued Mr. Labock ,
'huvo been nmuo fur every traveling man to
IQ furnished with n ticket of admission for
ilmsclf and liujy to tlio fair urounds , at board
f trao hall , Wednesday morning. " Mo In-
Isted that uvury limn who expects to take
art In tlio shall be on hand at 9
Treasurer M. W. Hiorson read n report
bowing that the committee bus unrolled 523
mine * and collected $3M ) . Out of the luim-
icr subscribing litivu paid ,
The president declared that it would bo
inposslblo to get through with loss than
500.At the suijpostioii of Mr , Hall every ono
i'uo HO desired was authorized to invite any
ricnd or acquaintance In Join tlio procession ,
,11 d the Omaha drummer ! ) are to bear all the
ixponscs. It was announced that Ucntrlca
vlll send up a delegation of eighty , acconii
lanlud by uvcr.v man. woman and child in
hat town. These boys , however , sc'nt word
hat they could not ndopt silk huts.
Jut that makes no dlffuronce ; thu
) muha and Council Uluffs mon
vulvcd this point and wired them to coma
vlthoutsilk hats. A committee of twenty
vltl meet thorn at the depot and escort theme
o headquarters. Messrs' . Myers uad Har-
oy were appointed to take the matter in
ihargo and select their escort.
Air. Ually submitted a good ru > ort from
Lincoln. The cnmmlttuu also look for a
; i.od attendance from Norfolk.
ArranuomonU h.ivo been made for a spo-
: iul train to the lair gioiiud , which xvill
cave the Webster strout depot ut , I o'clock
in Wednesday. The committee on huts.
) iidgrs and streamers reported progress , and
vlll liavu their part of the business well at-
.cuded to.
The Japanese parasota and funs will bo
icro Monday and rondy for distribution
Wednesday morning. Joe Garucau has
iromlsed two bunas , and W. S. Hclphrv , the
: ommlttco on fair ground refreshments ,
.vrites . from D.iviil City that ho will ba hero
xT attend to bis parlor the business. Dur-
ng the session , Marshal ClarUson and somn
> f his aides appeared on the scene and ere-
itcd quite a stir bv announcing that in the
Jrdcr of paradu they would , unless the trav-
illntr men objected , put them at the head of
: ho trades display In the Hccond division.
The traveling men did object , whereupon
it was decided that they should be in the
llrst division and next to the military , which
will have the right ol the procession ,
After announcing that ull drummers ,
whether visiting or otherwise , nro invited to
ioin in the parade , the meetiug adjourned.
Messrs. Meyers and Harvey then announced
is their delegation to moot the Ueiurico
train , the following gentlemen :
W. F. Bodley. C. S. Maloy , L. L. Rappoll ,
lotm Maloney , T. U. Coe , C. P. Kogun , H.
A. . Dyke , George Breok , P. H. Daniels , D ,
P. Marsh , Sam Couch. W. H. lUth , J. 13.
Erion.W. S. Helphrey , E. A. W. Snoll , H. P.
Thompson , T. P. Fcnnoy , U. H. Kalster , G.
H. Savage , J. E. McCarkin , J. 13. lieal.
Will Bo ( o the Pront.
The very thought of putting several other
organizations ahead of the traveling men
sn "Drummers' day , " as suggested by Chief
Marshal Clarkson , at their meeting Satur-
Iny nlcht , very much disgusted some of the
DO.VS. They discussed It yesterday , but he
folded so gracefully to their wishes that the
natter will have no contrary effects upon
Lho occasion. However , all who expressed
themselves seemed to think it very poor
taste for the marshal to undertake the formu'
tion of a procession on "Drummers' day"
by putting them in any ether than the very
front position. "Why , wo are the attrac'
tion , " said one , which inspired another to
ileclare that "Only for the traveling men
it would bb an inferior affair. " "Xnat's a
fact , " chimed in the third , and it bus been
advertised every where as "Drummers' day.1
President Looectt then chimed in with :
"Our banner is inscribed 'Always to the
front ; ' therefore It would not do for us tc
be made tall-ondors. For my part , we will
march next to the military or not march
at all. "
"Why , certainly , " exclaimed Marsha
Clarkson. "Wo want to accommodate the
traveling man. They can have anything
they ask for. I simply felt that ns thev unc
the trades display are so closely allied it :
interest , it would bo merely a matter of gooc
taste as well as style to have them at the of the feature , but they want to bt
next to the Omaha Guards , and there is tin
place I will put them. "
'Inkiiii In.
[ I was n stronger In a utrnngo laud anil tlior tool
main. ]
That hackinen and c.ib drivers are sharks
' to the manner horn , " is proverbial , write
a commercial traveler in the American Merchant
chant Travelog I think , however , that It
nil niy traveling experience I was neve
taken in by them but onco. It. was on m ;
tlrst visit to a town In eastern Illinois. I hai
made a loug run ever the Illinois Contra
from Chicago , and arrived at my destlnatioi
late in the evening , The train was late , am
not r. porter or hotel ruur.or was to bo seei
or heard , Ono solitary cab stood guard eve
nil. I carried a grip and heavy sample case
Approaching cabby I usltoa : "How for is i
to the Grand Mocul Hotel ! " "Abou
11 ft ecu minutes' rWo , sir. Tak
you up with your luggog
for half a dollar. " Tnero acomed no alternn
live , and , of course , I accepted. Away w
went , up grade and down grade , nrouni
corners to tha left and corners to the right
and in duo time 1 was landed at the Gram
The next morning I stood at tlio window o
the hotel watching a tralu pulling out of i
depot directly ucros * the street. The nam
on the cars aroused my suspicions. "Whu
depot is thatl" i usked the clerk. "The 1111
iiois Central , air , " ho replied ; "that is th
train from Chicago. " Tuen I knew that
had paid cubby 50 cents for taking mo fror
that depot , ono hundred foot away , to th
hotel. To bo sure , it took him fifteen mln
utes to do it , and wo were going at a brls
pace all the time. Over what ground w
went I do not know aad 1 shall never in
qulro ,
Makes a C
F. C. Wood bas resigned his position n
traveling salesman for Kopp , Drelbus & Co ,
and will hereafter cerry tha grocery grip fo
Paxton & Gallagher. Mr. Wood is wo
known In western Nebraska , where ho ha
represented the above named candy firm fc
the past four years. "Woodsio" will all !
got there Just the same.
ut u UikOount.
The canned preserves market Is dull. A
least that In what C. S. Ucmpert , who rcj
resentf the P. J. Rllter Conserve compaii )
of Philadelphia , says about It. Mr , Hen :
pert returned last week from a trip to Cal
fornia , and when seen at the Mlllard not
yesterday was lamenting the extreme slov
ucss of business In his lino. "What is tl
cauao of ill Well , I'll tall you. Lust year
big crop , and the open winter , knocked i
out. Thu manufactories put up to man
gooJi that the nmrUot was glutted , priw
\yent dowa und merchant ! * laid la stoc
enough to last them a year.
At tlio 1'nxtun.
Following were the traveling men at tl
Paxton Sunday i W. H. Estep , St Pai
Mlnu. ; George N. lillss , Uoatou , Mass
James Uowmuo , Now YorkjC. P , McCarth
Now York ; K M. ItodgJon , Harorhlll.
MUM. ; W. K Evans , St. Paul. Minn. ; J , W ,
Tryor , Chicago , 111. ' * Arthur Achcson , Now
York ; Dim Morgan , Cincinnati. O. | Matt
Bingham. Chlcntto , 111. ; WallftRO Sherman ,
Now York ; a. M , Heldooth , Fostorln , Os
H. a Chadbourno , ChlcaRO , ill.V. ; . 11. Dun
can , St. Louts , Mo. ) Oeorgo F. CMoy , S- .
Joseph. Me. ; , Tt II. Mobcrly , Chicago , lilt.
John O. Mettlor , St. Louis ; Prank Lane ,
Now York ; C. K. MoDermont , Chlcnqo ; W.
L. Uuctfson , New York ; W. A. McOroary ,
Now York ; A. J.SIefol. Now York ; E. J.
Hart , Chicago ; P. B. Noivoll , Peorla , 111. ;
J. L-Klng , ur. 111. ; Charles G. Kobb-
gen , Noiv York ; Gcorgo Llms , Now Or
leans ; V. P. Matliwet , Cleveland ! James A.
McGonuirlo , Lttavomvorth. Kan ; Henry
Melnkcn. Cincinnati ; T. W. Palmer , St.
Louis : G. I. Jones , Chicago ; W. H. Beers ,
Philadelphia ; B. A. Englor , SU Louis ; G.
Hodenberjjor. Providence , 11. I. ; A. T. Holl-
brook , Philadelphia ; M , It. Landman , Now
YorK ; Luther Hyde , Now York : Charles J (
Hanck , jr. . Now York ; A. O. Davids , Chicago
cage ; H. M. UuKgiuSf Onkdnlo , Colo.
At tlio 31nrrny.
The following traveling men gathered at
the Murray Saturday and will remain In the
city during Merchants' week :
Prom Now York , Alex Ueoch , Lee Lick-
tonstuln , B. Lovlson , jr. , H. Codduback. M.
P. Adler , Hunry Mlsscll , Albert Houller ,
Uobort Pigoit , J. W. Houscn. W. T. Hroud-
way , E. C. Hoylan , W. J. Walsh , Thus. 11
Crude , J , 1C. Pruzior.
Prom Chicago ! W. J. Sehnltz , Leo W.
Mnycr , H. M. Hnrwick , C. H. Palmer , W.
H. Bates , P. G. Hull , Prank L. Gazgolo , O.
H. Hoffman , J. E. Wells , J A. Howard.
Prom Boston : C. H. Slvun , George H.
Vllibort , G. W. Simpson.
Other loxvns : E. Kucchlo , St. Joseph ; C.
B. Buttenleld. Denver ; W. E. Somors , Phil-
ndolDhia ; . L. Harding , Kansas City ; Max
Koshimui. Cincinnati ; . B , Donls , Dayton ,
O. ; V. C. Uettoicks , Pittsburg ; W. 1. Ash-
ton , Boston.
At Urn aillliird.
As will bo scon by the list glvon below , a
large number of traveling men rested their
wuury toes at this house over Sunday.
They wore : * L. A. Sawyer , Now York ; H.
E. Wright. Boston ; D. S. Stewart , New
York ; A. ituttniv.mor , Detroit ; Jumes Mo-
Cullough. Now York ; H. Whitney. Memphis -
phis ; J. D. H. Ralph , Philadelphia ; Prances
H. Underwood. Boston ; C.V. . Hennott , Cin
cinnati ; It. Eisomnn , Chicago ; George ,1 ,
Smith , Now Yor ; Prank Northrup , Chicago
cage ; W. G. Hamburg , Detroit ;
A. B. Thomas , Detroit ; J.
W. Pooka. Delaware ; T. , !
Darnidgn , St. Louis ; W. Hurtman , Cincin
nati ; Uen Bcigtleld , New York ; E , F.
Cruwley , Now YorkV. ; . S. UaUer , Chicago ;
J. H. Conradcs , jr. . St. Louis ; E. A. Everts ,
Chiuauo ; W. It. PJliiKSthorn , New York ; H.
M. Sprlgel , Chicago ; A. P. Sode , New York ;
W. J. Walsh , IS'ow York ; A. W. Ware. Now
York ; M. Hubenan , New York ; J. Mltcncll ,
Now York ; P. E. Costello , St. Louis , S. P.
Jowott , Now York ; A. Leid , Now York ;
B. Branch , St. Louis : Georco Spanionborg ; ,
Boston ; U. H. Ulover , Pittsburg ; P. D. Hen
derson , Plltsburir ; LowlsTocheu , Louiavillo ;
W. U. White , Chicagu ; L , Stern , Now York ;
J. C. Ware , San Praneisco ; E. D. Weyburn ,
Chicago ; H. 1. Schoiiklo , Dayton. O. ; H.
Schwab. New York : H. T. Vent , Chicago ; J.
C. Tussoy , St. Louis ; P. E. Little , St. Louis ,
J. W. Houjjhton. Boston ; T. W. Davis , Now
York ; M. E. Schoenlnjr. New York ; W. S.
Dilllngwortb , Blnghauiton ; P. B. lloy-
nolds , Binghnmpton ; A. D. Simon , Cin
cinnati ; E. G. Griflith , Chicago ;
W. P. Wallace. Chicago ; E. T. Towslus ,
Chicago ; It. Cochcraft , Now York ; C. S.
Himport , Philadelphia ; N. B. Bloom , De
troit ; U. M. Harvey , Chicago ; P. A. Lee ,
Now York ; E. H. Mead , Detroit ; E. H.
Scott , Now York ; P. E. Beau , Chicago ; J.
P. Norton , New York.
At tlio IJnrker.
The following traveling mea will entertain
their customers and frlouds in royal style lit
their rooms ut the Barker during the coining
week :
James A. Smith , Charles W. Shivel , O. E.
Thomuson , I. E. McCracken , L. B. Moody ,
C. DosCamps , Albert Thayer , Charles A.
Wheeler , E. B. Ovelinau. B. J. O'Brien , H.
Loder , I. K. Yandusor. I. B. Haines , W. A.
Biayton , P. J. Feene.v , It. S. Bacon , D. P.
McCullough. E A. Uaker , H. D. Sell ! * .
Everything new , beautiful and ele
gant ut tlio family resort , Eden Museo ,
_ _
Fiancts TH/niie , ' " Longman's Magazine ,
The meadow-sweet was uplifting
Its plumelets of delicate hue ,
The clouds were all dreamily drifting
Above the bine.
On the day when I broke from my tether ,
And lied from square and from street ;
The day wo went walking together
In the meadow , Sweet.
The meadow , sweet with Its clover
And bright with its buttercups lay ;
The swaltows kept cddving over
All Hashing and gay ;
I remember a fnlr.vlikn feather
Sailed down your coining to greet ,
The day we went walking together
In the meadow , Sweet.
Ah ! thn meadow , Sweet I and the singing
Of birds in the boughs overhead !
And your soft little hand to mine clinglig ,
And the words that you said
When bold in , the beautiful weather
I lafd my love at your feut ,
The day wo went waliting together
In the meadow , Sweet.
Distrcsb after eating , heartburn , sick
headuchu and indigestion arc cured by
Hood's SnrsapaHlla. It also creates ii
good appetite.
TlioVuy to In It.
Now York World : Iloro is an inter
esting and suggestive calculation witli
respect to the World's fair guarantee
fund : Lot twonty-llvo of our richest
men give 8100,000 each total , $2,600.000 ;
lot fifty very rich men give 850,001
total $2.r)00,000 each- lot 100 rich men
give $2 > ,0 < ) l ) each total , $2,600,000 ; lol
250 men who can afford it crlvo 810.00C
each total , $10,000,000. The people
will pay the rest in ontrunco foes. AnO
wo huvo the men amply able to do 'this
4f they are alive to the welfare of Now
York and the country.
The continued use of mercury mixture
poisons the system , cause tho. bones to dcca.v
aad brings on mercurial rheumatism. The
use of S. S. S. forces impurities from the
blood , gives a good appetite and dictation
ana builds up the whole tinman frame. Sent
to Swift Specific Company , Drawer ,1 ,
Atlanta , Ga. , for Treatise on Blood Disease
Stoixmshtp Rnqevs Don't Pny.
"When HcomoB xo freight. " says the
ntrontof the French steamship line In
Now York City , "thcso rncora to not
pay. Aftoc the CUnb sails there's no
trunsntJtuiUo f rolghV'lpft here to speak
of , anyhow. The Oullfcf burns , they sny ,
only 135 tons of coal daily , and she
makes the passage' in ton days or so.
You can imagine thw 'prollt thorc is in
a boat llko that. Then the old Adriatic
ol the satno line gets' Along with olghty-
flvo tons and nmkcs1 Iho passage plenty
fast enough for frof lfb. She's n regu
lar gold mitiobosidd Ihoso now racers. "
The ugont snys "a Uirriblo amount of
room must bo sacrificed to coal on the
racing ships. " t
Tlio Grand l'rcrotilNlto | of Vigor.
The dual operation of digestion and assimi
lation is the grand prerequisite of vigor. To
Insure the conversion of food Into rich nu
tritious blood , it Is only necessary to use
with persistence and systematically Hostot-
tor's ' Stomach Bitters. The fountain head
of supiily In the annual economy IB the
stoinanh , To regulate , to invigorate that
organ , and thus facilitate Us digestive and
assimilative processes , should bo the chief
aim of those troubled with n doQclt of sta
mina. Nervousness , Insomnia , feeble nnpo-
titu thcso are usually traceable to Impaired
digestion. Overcome this and you of neces
sity dismiss its multifarious , perplexing and
harrnsalng symptoms. The emaciated can
nuvcr hope to gain llcsh so long as assimila
tion Is Imperfect. 'Clio Bitters surmounts .
the only obstacle to nn incrrase not only of
vigor , but of bodily substance. Conquer also
with thu Uittor * malaria , kidney and liver
complaint , constipation and rheumatic
trouble. Thoroughness characterizes its
effects ,
Yandcrbllt Itarn Danoo.
At the dance in Mrs. W. K. Vandor-
bilt's sUiblo at Newport , the ether
night , an improvised olectrio plant fur
nished the illuminations upstairs and
down. Ovur the carriage doors hung
bright rod poppers , and all , over the
ceilings were frescoes of pumpkins ,
squuslips , egg plants and ether garden
vegetables , the groundwork being of
oak. leaves , and oak . eaves were used
for the decorations of tlio sides , leaving
places for llorul panels in the shape of
horse colars and yokes for oxen. Flow
ers were also made up to represent
harness. Hung about as it on pegs.
The Swift Sooclllo Company , Drawer 3
Atlanta , Ga. , olter a reward of one thousand
dollars to any one who will flnd by nnalysls a
particle of mercury , Iodide of potash , or
other poisonous substance In S. S. S.
\ Ilovo tttmimrv WatcJi.
R. M. Thompson , of Buy no township ,
Indiana county , Pennsylvania , has , per
haps , the oldest watch in the country. It
is of the bull's-eyo patternkoops correct
time , anil was made by JamesLuctclmrt ,
of Glasgow. The timepiece was pur
chased by Mr. Thompson's grandfather
while crossing the ocean in Juno , 18S9 ,
and consequently has been in the
Thompson family over- ono hundred
years. The present ownor'is proud of
it and would not o Ghango it for the
linest gold watch made" .
An AlJ.snlmo Cure.
Is only put up in largoitwo ounce tin boxes , -
and is an absolute curq fpr old sorus , buras ,
wounds , chapped bunds , and all skin erup.
tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold l > y Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box bv mail 80 cents.
Moilts of Southern Women.
Northern people have always had a.
good many queer notions about their
cousins down this way , and the queerest
of all is the notion .that the southern
women are not practical , says the Sunny
South. On the contrary , the women of
the south take to business as tin urally
as a duck docs to water. Tboy have not
the tendency to isms that the fair north
erners boabt of , lliumc the Lord. Their
way is to take things as they find them ,
and make the best of the situation.
"Without the least appearance of ullort
or sounding of tom-toms , thoygo quietly
about paying their way. and their fail
ures are "too few to talk about. It was
nothing uncommon in old times to bee a
woman riding about in tlio iieldsbossing
the negroes and the overseer. She usu
ally supplemented this care on her own
account with a general supervision of
the country side , and her masculine
neighbors were only too glad to consult
her on matters of common interest.
Many a debt-burdened estate has been
freed by the feminine turn for detail , a
faculty that too many planters lacked
before and since the war.
Somctliinir to Ucmemuor.
If you arc going east remember the
"Rock Island Route" run the sleepers
and chair cars of their solid vestibule
train to and from the Omaha depot ,
leaving Omaha at 8:15 : p. m.thus avoid
ing the transfer at Council Blults.
Three solid trains daily. All chair cars
are free. Dining oars on all through
trains. Our trains make close connec
tion with all eastern limited trains con
necting in union depot at Chicago ,
avoiding a transfer across the city to
parties on route to Now York , Boston
and ether eastern cities , "and every
thing a little better than ether lines
can offer , " S. S. STKVUNO.
Ticket olllco 1305 Farnam. Gon'l W. A.
ISalT l < 'aito DUN
For the Iowa state- fair , commencing
Aug. 20 and continuing until Sept. 7th ,
the ' 'Rock Island Route" will soil ex
cursion tickets to DCS Moines and return -
turn for ono fair for the round trip.
Tickets good to return until Sept. Oth.
S. H. STISVKNB , Gen. West. Agt.
Ticket office 1505 ! Farnam St.
Not Tliolr Kind of I'ooplo.
Ohicngo Tribune : It is given out con
fidentially that the brewers of Milwau
kee are dissatisfied with the business
they have done since last Sunday. It
is not up to their expectations. Some
of thorn must have imbibed the singu
lar idea that U soldiers' reunion is like
a democratic convention.
I '
: s
d , , . . . . . . . . .
l } ; 1 uwuci iiuva uuit-tiuiam AIUUIUIJIB , i-w # * IM * * * w * v..w.wwv * w. W
5 . Vanilla , I.ciuou.Orzuiic , Almond , Hole , tic.duuoUoulalul'oltouousOllg or Chem
r , PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . New York. Chicago. Bt. Loula.
Of Fall goods is the grandest Omaha has ever soon. No words can gi ve a
description of our new stock. Wo invite the hundred thousand strangers
who will 1)9 in Omaha this week , to visit the largest clothing establishment
of the west and look at our grand display of Men's and Boy's Clothing , Hats ,
Shoos and Furnishing -goods. Our display is one of the features of this '
week's fair. Holy upon it you will see something exceptional in the way of
assortment and stylos. No matter whether you wish to buy anything or
not , call and look around in our establishment. It will do you good. You
will not be urged to buy. You will not oven have to ask a salesman for the .
price of anything , as you can toll the prices yourself , Everything in our
store is marked in plain figures and THESE FIGURES WILL BE A REVE
LATION TO YOU. We are sure you have never soon goods marked and
sold that way.
If there is in our stock any one line of which we are especially proud , it
is our line of Suits for dress and business wear a marvelous assortment.
Fall Overcoats , silk faced and. silk lined , beautiful styles.
Boy's and Ohildrens5 department second floor is brimful
o ± novelties.
Shoes A new department also on second floor wo
keep only honest and reliable makes of shoes.
Hats and Furnishing Q-oods More than a half dozen
stores together.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
Instantly Mops the most excruclatlnK pains : never falls t > Kl o ease to tlio sufferer
NUUHALO1A , BCIATIOA.HKAOAUIli : , TOOTHACHE , or any other PAIN , a few application
act like magic , causing tlio p.iln to Instantly stop.
Internally taken In doses of from thirty to slxtv iirop * In half a tumbler of water will euro In n few
minutes Cramp Spasms , Sour Stomach. Colle , l-'lautuleneis. Heartburn , Cholura Morbus , Dyaontry.
llarrhL ( a , Sick Iloadacho , Nausou , Vomiting , Ntirvousnoss. Sleeplessness , Malaria and all Internal
pains arising Jrom change of diet or water or other causes.
DO Cento n Ho tile. Sold by Drucillsts.
Remington Typewriter ,
THE NK pr.US UI.TUA of writing ma
chines Is noted for Its Bnoed , Compactness ot
kor bourn. Simplicity ot construtlon , Kuse
of operation anrtdurlbllltv. Don't experiment
with cheap machines ; you . .nowUiat you
are getting when you tiny the Itemlngton.
Don t rely on assertions made by RO called
competitors. An examination costs you
nothing and may suvo vou from purchasing
a w orthless machine. 'Jhe Itominplon holds
the World's ChamplonshlH for gptud.
Second hand machines , all makes for Rale.
ThoCro n 'J'yoewritcr writes capitals and
small lettnrs. figures , fractions , etc. , mid Is
the most Itanlcl , Cheap mticliliiu mtulo. 1'rlce
&ift. Stunogiapher.s supplies of all kinds.
Send fur circulars.
JOS. P. Mlte-EATH , 1607 Farnam Street
For sale by M. E. Blisi , Omaha , Nebraska ,
Brownell Hall !
Corner of Tenth and Worthlngton Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Rey , Robert Dolierty , S , T , D , , Rector ,
Fall Term Begins Wednesday , September 11. For Particulars
Apply to the Rector.
A. B. MEYER & CO. ,
1O3 South IBlh Street , Opp , Postoffice , Telephone 149O.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
505 feouUiKUlli Struct , Ouiulia
Capital $400,000
Surplus Jnn. 1st , 1885) 52,000
HENHV . YATES. President.
LEWIS s. HERD , vicol'iusldant.
11. C. CUfllHNO ,
W. II. 8. IluaiiRB , Cashier.
Oar. 1-tli and Karnam fit.s.
A General Banking llusinosi Transacted ,
Capital , $4OOOOO
Surplus , 4OOOO ,
Onicors and Directors R. M. Morsnmnn , Q.
M , Hitchcock , Jos. O'uineau. Jr. . A. Henry. K.
At , Amleruou , Win. G , Maul , v.prcs. : I , . II. Will ,
lama , A. ] ' . Ilop'.Uns , pros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ;
V. 11. Uryunt , atnlHUitit cashier.
1802 L'ARNAM STRElflT.
Steck Piano
Rouiarkublc for powerful sympathetic
tone , pliublo nation and ubsuliito dura
bility ; so yeura' record the bust fjuurau-
tco of tlio oxcollunuo of Uioso intrns-
Noa , 303-4O4-I70-6O4.
lYluN leailliipwf ua i > t : f.n onnpf jr t > t
VIGOR H tly js ! n < l Is flit Sty
ilr.lUi. " Al olui " tcitry. VlUlCO *
PfllA Clirnl HflllMllt I1 * ! ' ! Ot'fJlHrv'U'D ' * Auuff * * . .
Oeslon-DUpre Cl'nlqUe ' , 1 1muwM \ , VO.-M.