THE OMAHA DAH/Y / B.1J3E : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 2 , 1889 , . HO3BWATER , Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNINQ. THUMB OP BullSClUPTION. Daily ( Morning Edition ) including Sunday lloe , One Yfiir . tlO 00 J'orfix Months . ft U ) ] Y > r Tlirco Months . SCO &IIP OmKtm Sunday lice , mailed to anr . „ nd < lrcs . Una Ycnr . < . S 00 Weekly Dee , One Your . . . . . . S ! 00 omens. Omana Offlcp , Ilco IJulMlng. N. VT. Corner BcrenteintliBml Karnnm Street * . Chicago Office. MTIIookcry llutldlng. Now York Oflico. Itooins 11 and 15 Tribune "vns'tfl'nBton Omcp , No. Bin Fourteenth Street. Council Hlurtit omco. No. 12 1'earl Street. ' Lincoln omco , 1029 1'gticnt , COnilESrONDKNCK. All communication * relating to news nnd edi torial mnttnr should bo addressed to the Editor of the Doe. nosiNRsa i.r.rruiig. All bnslnccs letters nnd remittance- ! should loiu ! < lrese < Uo'Jho Heo VnbllshlnR Company , Onmlia , Drafts , chocks nnd postolllco orders to bo nmrto pnyablu to the order of the company , The Bsc PnlilisliiiigcSpaiiy.Troiiriclors . , HEK llulldlng f arnnm nml Seventeenth Stioots. Til 13 JMIIiY UKK. Sworn Ktntpmcnt of Circulation. State of Nebraska , I. . County of lloiiRliv.1. | BS < GeoruM 11. Tzschnck. secretary of The nee Fubltanlim Company , UOPH solemnly swonr thut the tctual circulation of THE DAILY HER for thu week , eiullni ; AuRiist ill. ISSO.was as follows : Sunday. AngusiZi . . . . . . . . 18.KX Monday , August -JO . IH.nso Tueciluy. August 27 . 1H.6W Wednesday. AttKimSd . , . 18.S7U Thursday , August 1M . lHr > 7 1'YldHV. AURUitsj . 13r > il ! Baturduy , August Ul . W > 7n Average . 1H.012 or.oitnE n. TZSCHUOK. E worn to before mo ami HU scribed tola m ; presence this Hist day of Aimn t. A. O. laso. [ Seal. ] N. 1' . 1'KIU Notary Public Etateof Nehrvskn , I County ot Douglas. I B3 > OcorKo II. Tzschuck , belnR dnly Bworn , de poses and tmya that ho is secretary of Trte Dae rnbllfililiiK company , tlmt iho actual average dally circulation of THE DAILY UF.E for the month of September , iww , 18,151 copies ; for Oc touer IbtiS. IH.OM coplpf ! for November. 18 * , 18. USD copies : for December. 18&S. 18,241 copies : foi Jnuunty , IBS ! ) , 18,574 , copies ; for robrunry. 1883 IH.OM copies ; for March , ! & . 18,854 copies ; foi April , INIl , IB.CM ) copies ; fo" May , ] ( ) , 18iri ! copies ; for Juno. Jba'.i , J8.STK ) . copies ; for July ItKKl , ] f,738coples ; for August , 188.1. 18.0'il copies Gro. II. TZSCIIUCK. H \\oin to before me nnd subscribed In mj rrencncothlsaist day of AUKtitt , A. 1)I8 < . [ SKAul N. p. KKIU Notary I'ublic. DKNVKK will certainly bo convincot of Onmha's superiority nftor our bas < ball tonm has returned from its pros' ont visit to thut city. TUB board of public works has issuoc another manifesto against the rotter paving block , nncl now what are the contractors poincr to do about it ? Tim long talked of line botweoi Onrnlm nnd IVilrbury , an extension o the Chicago nnd Rock Island , bids fail to become a reality in the near future TJIK fact cannot bo disputed tha Omaha is laying more street railway track than any city in the country , anc will soon have a street car service see end to nono. THK prohibition party of Nobraski offers 810,000 for an organ. The hyphen atcd attempt at journalism , with a bif J , might add to its varied attractions ty accepting the proposition. K are indications that a lon { pull , a strong pull nnd a pull altopotho : will bo made at the coming session o congress to aid the steamship suhsid1 jobd. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "STANDAKD OIL" will bo used as i lubricator by Ohio democrats this fall The party recommends this bran < above all others as an infallible romod ; for contracted pockotbooks. THE enterprising road agent wh < "holds up" mail trains will bo opt ti take extra precautions now that Post master General Wanatnakcr has put i price of a thousand dollars on his head THE agitation aboutropavlngFarnan street will answer the purpose bettor i it is postponed about ono hundred years for in that time the present pavomon may begin to show some signs of decay nnd the street will then need a now one ENGLISH harbors are full of idle vessels sels which can notrecoivo their cargoe on account of the great dock strike The hundred millions of capital in vested by dock owners is not paying i very lift-go interest at this timo. EXi'EiiTS are pretty well agreed tha the whout crop of the country this yea : will not fall short of flvo hundred mil lion bushola. This will allow a whoa surplus for export of not less than om hundred and twonty-flvo millions , a against ninoty-flvo million bushels las year. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R Tiiu HBO in price of steel rails am plates abroad to almost tlio sumo rate ; now prevailing in America is nn on couraglug sign to the stool mills of thii country. The prospects nro that Amor lean manufacturers will tnko advantage of the situation and raise the price o Btcol rails as high as the trafllo wll bear. A auNUUAL extension of Idaho's irri gation system would bring about sb million ucros of land under oultl vatlon , nnd at least flvo mlllior acres in Nebraska , at present worth' loss , could bo reclaimed in a like man ner. The only question is to what extent tent shall the people of the Unitoi States tax themselves for reclaiming I arid lands. TIIK London strikers have at thoii head a man who not alone possossoi their unbounded confidence , but enjoy the respect ot their opponents. This i John Burns , the pociulist , who has mor than once shown his ability as a loade of men. Under uuch leadership , ani with almost the entire London press u their back , it is hard to BOO why thesi workmen should not wiu a doclslvi victory. KlNrt LUOFOLD , of Belgium , talks o resigning his sovereignty of the Cong Frco Btutos because the returns are no whni thov should bo and the expense of his JTo. 2 kingdom nro very hoavj It would bu a great stroke of diplomat ; , if Leopold would turn over his Cong Booptro to Stanley who has been th prmo ( minister of the kingdom since it organization. Tli case Leopld takes TJI HUE'S suggestion this city will have th pleasant distinction of havingonco boo the homo of u king. THIS WEEK IK ( Mf/llT/l. The present week promises to bo ono of the memorable in the experi ence of Omaha. There will bo tons of thousands of visitors to the city , iind they will find entertainment both instructive and onjoyablo. The fair as sociation exhibition nnd races will bo a loading attraction , which nil will attend. Tha exposition at the Coliseum , with its ono hundred nnd sixty exhibitors , nnd its numerous novel features will bo a center of interest for every body , nnd aa nn exhibit ot the busindss nnd industrial interests of Omnha will bo superior to any over before made. The street parades by day and by night , the displays of fire works , nnd the other sources of ontar- tahunont which have boon provided , will furnish such nbundanco and vari ety of attractions as can not fall to plcaso all who shall como to the city and keep their interest alive and alert while they remain. To all the points of attraction there nro the most ample moans of communi cation. Few cities In the country are bettor supplied than Omaha with rapid transit , its cable and motor lines being equipped to meet any demand that may bo made upon them. The ordinary nttrnctions of the city will bo supple mented by elaborate decorations , the mercantile houses will display their richest goods , nnd altogether the me tropolis of Nebraska will present for the pleasure , the edification and tha entertainment of the thousands of vis itors whom it expects an extent and variety of attractions unequalled in itfi history. The opportunity will bo a most au spicious ono for the cltiznns of Ne braska to acquaint themselves with the substantial progress which the metrop olis of the state is making , and with the evidences ot a solid and permanent prosperity which she is able to show. Omaha is moving steadily forward tc the iull realization of her destiny as the loading commercial center of the west and is building strongly and flrmlj at every stop of her advance. The efforts of envious rivals to de preciate her are of no aval ! against the conditions which make foi her progress , and which cannot be wholly diverted from her , Despite disparagement , discrimination , ant hostile influences , Omaha moves steadily onward , strong and stable in the secure position die has reached and with unbounded contidonco in the fu > lure , There will ho a cordial we'como ' foi all who visit the city this week and t hearty hospitality that will spare ne olTort to make the visit agrees bio. Especially will the coun try merchants find that ovorj provision has boon made toretiilor then stay hero onjoyablo. The purpose ol Omaha's business men to establish more intimate relations with the busi ness mon of the tributary territory should bo largely responded to , as bO' ing ono of mutual interest and ad vantage. The indications are that thi will bo done , and that the mercantile interests of "Nebraska-will bo voryfullj represented among the visitors who wil this week "honor Omaha with thoii presence. THE SIOUX Congressman Poclo , chairman of thi house committee on Indian affairs , ani author of the bill to divide the Siouj reservation , interprets that measure ai intending that the reservation should bo opened to settlement by proclama tion of the president. Ho says regard inp the provision in the uppropriatioi bill requiring that the agreement made between the commission and the In dians shall bo ratified by congress , tha it was only intended to bo used ir case the Sioux bill failed te Tie ratified by the Indians "but it was not intended ti submit the work of the commission li congress if the Indians ratified it. " This is certainly to be regarded a very good authority , but it is nevertheless less not easy to see how the language o the appropriation bill can bear the con struction Congressman Peolo gives Wo have published the section of thi bill relating to this matter , and the Ian guugo is as plain and explicit n possible that the negotiations am agreements with the Indians shall hi submitted to the first session of tin Fifty-first congress for ratification This can have but one moan ing , and obviously the opposite of tha given it by Mr. Poolo. It is quite possible that the insertiot of this provision was a blunder. It certainly tainly does antagonize the evident in tent of the Sioux bill , and it appeal- absurd that congress should desire ti ratify an agreement which it had salt should be final upon the acceptance o the Indians in other words , that i should provide for approving its o\vi contract. But nevertheless this wa : done , and it is the opinion of the score tary of the into'rior , prosumabl ; with the concurrence ) of tin president , that the matter must agnii goto congress. The contention of Till BKK has boon bused wholly upon tint official construction , which , in the absence sonco of any expression by congress ate to what was intended , is ttio highosl authority. A further examination o the question may change the vlow o the president and secretary of the in terior to accord with what has boon the general understanding and is the general oral desire , TJJB SITUATION AT SALT LAKE The exuberance of the Gontllos o Salt Lake City over their recent vie tory has by this time calmed" down am a closer investigation would load ono ti believe that their joy at having overthrown thrown Mormon rule in thut city wa somewhat premature. The recent election tion was not for city olllcials , but fo members of the territorial legislature with the result that the Mormon elected thirty-six members nnd thi Gentiles elected olght , & gain of throi for the latter. The increase was mudi in the Salt Lake City districts and wa aided by the help of throe bund roc young Mormons who for tlio first time joined hands with the Gentllca. Tin defection of tbo young blood was cause i by the inaction of the Mormon poll t leu machine which , confident of victory failed to take warning that iho Gonllloa were making a vigorous campaign. Back of tills , however , is the restlessness of the younger generation to cut loose from the old conservatism element of the church which controls the municipal destinies of Salt Lake. Tlio young mon oi Utah hnvo caught the fever of progress nnd nro anxious to make Salt Lake a bustling buslnesscon- tro. So long as the old administration holds tlio key to the situation Salt Lake City can never got out of its ruts , and it is this restraint under which the younger Mormon blood is chafing. The rub will como in February , when the election for city officials takes placo. The Mormons nro fully alert to the situ ation and will make a desperate fight to prevent the reins of govortnont from being wrenched from their hands. The whip of the church will bo vigorously applied , nnd it will bo used unsparingly on the backs of that Mormon element which wants to see Salt Lake City boom and enjoy a business and industrial re vival. It remains to bo soon , therefore , whether the Mormoa Influence is still as powerful as of yore to hold its follow ers under loash. A Gentile victory can not bo won without the aid of the now generation of Mormons in Salt Lake , and it will bo for the possession of this vote that the municipal campaign will wax hot. TIME TO CUT LOOSE. The railroad bosses who are supply ing the lubricator for the homo organ of Mr. Laws at McCook nro expanding a great deal of ammunition nt long range. They cannot comprehend what right anybody outside of the Second diitrict has to talk about their candi date for congress. They have doml- noorod ever the people of the Repub lican Valley so long that they cannot tolerate even a very mild remonstrance to their high-handed bulldozing meth ods. ods.Tlfts Tlfts member from the Second district is expected to represent the people of the whole state at Washington. If ho is to bo the more chattel of tlio Burlington road and the dummy of their political henchmen , ho can scarcely do justice to the people of Nebraska. The wretched political par asites who subsist on railroad nntronago and the favors of the town-lot gang are of course willing to sacrifice the inter ests of the state. A yellow dog in con gress is good enough for thorn , provid ing that ho fills the bill for the corpo rate monopoly that feeds them. The republican party of the Second distinct should assort itself and cut loose from the brass-collared roust abouts who have run the conventions and dictated candidates ever since the district was carved out. This is an opnortuno time for a declar ation of independence. If the party continues in the old rut there will be a general uprising of the rank and file twelve months hence which will tench the railroads and railroad bosses a lesson they will never forgot. If they know what is good for them they would take hood and call elf their suporsorv- iooablo swashbucklers. Otm consulat Victoria"'reports ' to the department of state that the number of Chinese in British Columbia has ma terially decreased within the past few years , ana that at present there have boon no arrivals of consequence at any port in the province direct from China. All told , it is estimated that there are less than ton thousand Chinamen in British Columbia , which is a surpris ingly small number. While it is highly probable that sorno of thorn smuggle themselves into this country , there need bo no alarm that the United States are in danger of an invasion from that quarter , for the present at least' . THE pretense that Laws is not boin g pushed for congress by the railroad bosso ? because they could not afford to do without him in the board of trans portation is decidedly flimsy. That contingency is already provided for. If Laws goes out then Cowdroy or Oil Inspector specter Caldwell is to takes his placo. Neither of them are very much feared by the railroads. Cowdroy proved his usefulness and subserviency to the rail roads when ho was secretary of the rail road commission two years ugo , and Smith Caldwell is not known to bo a very dangerous anti-monopolist. THE seventy-sixth anniversary of Commodore Perry's victory on Lake Erie , September 10 , 1818 , will bo ap propriately celebrated at , Put-in-Bay , Ohio. The comlnodoro wns the author of the celebrated dispatch , "Wo have mot the enemy and they are ours. ' ' Ohio people view this hero's momor.v with great reverence , and well they may , for ho was ono of the greatest fac tors in America's second successful struggle with England. THIS people of Johnstown are good advertisers and have progressive ideas with regard to business. A good evi dence of this nharactoristio is shown in the epitaph ever u grave , which roads as follows : WJSLCOMK. "Hero lie John Shank , his wife and four chileran ! , drowned on May 31 by the South Fork Fishing and Hunting club. " NOIIODY knows bettor where to invest his money to advantage than our mer chants. Sunday's issue of Tun BEK con tained over two thousand dollars worth of mercantile advertising , and two half pages of display had to bo refused because - cause the paper had all it could carry without crowding out news mutter. And yet this is only the beginning of the season. COLONHL JOHN L. SULLIVAN is tak ing n spirituous farewell of his beloved Boston , and his effort to carry away in Ills person all tbo whisky at the Hub evinces the tender regard the cham pion of the world holds for his fellow citizens. Tlio JH-oudeiico of Iln Vtlea Observer. Tbo peonlu who sing UouluiiKer'a praises uro now far outnumbered by the organ grinder * wbo play hla march. Tim Sntiiu Old lUttero. Oil Citu Derrick. Some of this year's stiako stories are so surprisingly HUe those of lust year that wo nro Impelled to tha hello f that Uio snnlco artists kccp'nucrnp book or stick to the same brand of slbmnch blttors with surprising regularity , t _ _ the Ijnttcr Class. . -Mhintfl Contfftutfoti. William Jtye , .tlio Hnmitrunf philosopher , remarks thnV , lioro ) nro two kinds of bald headed moo. , Some are bald on tbo outsldo n'ud some ace bald on tbo inside. Kclltor dliijels Define * n Swlnkor. What is n wlnkart This question m nsked witb growing ynxloty slnco tbo Macon Tele graph characterized a political candidate ns ono. A &winkpr Is popularly bollovod to bo n person who unites the dignity of the bec- IcrbcR witb tlio esprit du corpse of the scara mouch ; but , If thh Is orroncou * , our es teemed Mncontomporary should sot the thing right. Missouri Tramp Sales. A/fmirapolto / Tribune. Tour tramps were sold nt auction at Mo- borly , Mo. , on Monday , the prices ranping from T5 cents o $3 each. They will bo slaves for four mouths. Tears came to the oycs of many of the old Mlssourlans present as they were reminded , by the sale , of tbo Rood old days "bofo1 do wnh. " SKCONI ) DISTRICT. Ttio llnllrnnil Commission All The Hustings Nobraakan bears It staled conlldently that "oltlior Bon Cowdroy , dep uty secretary of state , or Snittb , T. Caldwell , state oil inspector , would bo appointed by the governor to succuod Laws In tbo state capital , and that would create another vacancy to bo filled. It is easy to see , there fore , that this line of succession would uar- sonally Interest , a nunibnr of Individuals am bitious to got office , and enlist certain aid In behalf of Mr. Laws. " Xorvnl In the Knot * . The Seward Reporter Is glad to know tbat its townsman , Senator Norval , is considered a strong possibility In the congressional raco. ' 'No man , " it says , "in tlio uistrlct is bettor qualified for tbo position. Ho has ability uu- suipassed by any of those m the field , bis personal habits and integrity nro spotless , and bis popularity is very great all over the district. In fact , the talk of bis bolng a can didate came from bis friends away from borne , before tbo people of Seward bad re covered from tbo shock of Mr. Laird's death enough to think of who should be his succes sor. " An A bio Man. The Garfiolcl County Quaver believes tbpt "Hon. N. V. Harlan , of York , will undoubt edly bo tbo nojct congressman from the Second end Nebraska district. Harlan is nn able man and would bo an honor to the state In tbo halls of congress " A Room for Harlan. The York Republican comments on the congressional question ns follows : "The death ot Laird leaves n vacancy to be filled by some good republican. It requires a man to 1111 Jainus Luird's ' place. The people do- irmnd some onei of broad and liberal views , at the sumo time an unflinching republican. The city of York-and York county will present - sent as such a"rindn the Hon. N. V. Harlan , ex-speaker of ' .tWNcbraskn bouso of repre sentatives. Hofif VV. T. Scoit , Judge Post and George li.ilCranco have been favorably mentioned for 'tho ' position , but they are not in the Held except aa workers and well wishers in Mr. Harlan's interest. The chances nroi i very favorableto tnu nomination' of Mr. Harlan. He has warm friends'in ' every county in the dis trict ; tbcso friends nmdo him speaker of the house ; by bis impartiality aud fairness he .won the resuect ot all who opposed him in tiio speaker's c'ontust. Mr. Harlan was the only contestant for Laird's place at tno last election. When Laird was nominated N. V. Harlan gave him bis personal support ; by thh honorable- action Laird's friends were made to think well of their only opponent Of course nothing is certain in politics. Some one else may be nominated , tlr. Har lan and his friends will make a strong fight. If Mr. in loft , ho will assist in the election of the nominee. " CHEAT BlEN. Hadje Hnssoln Ghooh Khan still has American newspaper clippings sent to him In Europe. Hcrr Gottfried 'Keller ' , of Zuricn , whom Paul Heyso called "tho German Shake- spcaro , " bus recently celebrated bis literarj jubilee. Wilkio Collios-irshort and delicate-look ing , witn very small hands and feet and t cheerful face. His luxuriant hair nnd beard are snowy white , and ho habitually wean spectacles. Ho is an inveterate smoker. Wnd-cl N'Jumi , the leader of tbo Arab In- vnders , who was killed at Toskl , was one ol the Mnhdi'a bravgst lieutenants. It was be who destroyed Hicks 1'asha and his army , Ho also led the dervishes who captured Khartoum and Uilled General Gordon , Hcminisconces of Juelgo U'erry , whom Mar shal Nnglo recently killed in California , re call the fact tlmt at the time of the cclo- -bratcd Torry-Brodorick dul ono of the "friends" who figured prominently on the 1 ! roil crick side was Jobn A. McGlynn , brother of the slnco famous Dr. Hdw&rd Ma- Glyuu , of Now York. Hotli Hroderlck and McGlynn wcro Now York boys , and had n w.irm friendship for each other. Another otto of Urodorick's friends was Andrew J. Butler , a brother of General Uonjumln P. Butler. Mr. Gladstone says that ho brought his children up without constraint. "They have never been governed at any period of theii lives by force. " Some idea of tbo shah's traveling expense. may be formed when it is stated that n check for 5125,000 has been forwarded to Messrs , Cook , tbo well known tourist agents , on be half of the Persian monarch. This sum com prised expenditure for certain hotel nccom- nmdatlon , as well-as for rail and other cost ? , The sun wonthipprs , will bavo to pay the bill , The late FcllxPyat _ in the days of bis literary fopnlsbness used tochanguhU shirt and white elovo. U.\vjro n day , and wns notable for tbo udroltvny - lie knocked off tbo nccke of bottles so as tej.irevent ) tlio possible con tamination of biiftviho by the waiter's llngurs , General Boulutnrcr , like a great many noted men , is superstitious. Ha Is careful not to get out of bed on the loft aide , and U bis path is crossed by a black cat ho dooa untiling of political Importance for twenty- four hours , He must buvo mot an army of black cats lately ; . . STATIC A Nehrna Jottlne" . A circulating library has been established at Craig. t Tbreio bams were buroed in ono day at Chadron JaBtwoelf. Father Hull , of Weeping Water , cele brated bis eightieth birthday last weak. Delegates from nvo townships met at Junl- ntu Saturday and formed the Adunis county Farmers' alliance. Tbo Sunday school worknrs of Kearney county will hold- convention at Minden October IS and 10. Tlio llm annual reunion of tbo Grand Army posts of Hurt county will be tield at Tokamab , September 25 to 27 , The sunlno population of Wnhoo was largely reduced ono night last week by the fren dtstiibution of poison on the streets. Twenty new pupils for the Genoa Indian school accompanied Superintendent Dackus homo on his lust trip to the Sioux country. Guueralislmo , nu Imported French stal lion owned by E. J. Askwlg , of Oakland , nnd valued at $3,000 , died lost wcok of plnk- oyo. oyo.Jim Hoylo , of Wahoo , Is In deep tronblo ngam , having oocn held for trial to tbo dis trict court for disposing ot n bunch of fat but mortgaged cattle. The Croighton Courier 8ayn that the ci- capo of Frank Guthrie from tbo jail nt Nlo- brarn hod ono good effect. They nro repair * Ing the locks on the "rat trap" concern. While Jacob Housoworth , of Orleans , was oiling a Hour bo Her In a mill , his right arm wns caught Innwbool , tearing the flesh from tbo elbow to the middle ot the band. The members of tbo Ono Hundred nnd Second end Illinois infantry , many of whom now ro- nldo in Nebraska , will hold their next re union at Now Boston , III. , September 8 nnd 4. Mrs. Hannah Deal , who died nt Sioux City , la. , recently , was ono ot the pioneers of Grand Island , her husband having boon probate - bate ludao and a member of the Nebraska legislature for a number of terms. Dr. J , A. Ounn , who was nominated for coroner of Furnas county by the republicans , has declined to accept in a card In which ho says : "If I might legally dictate during my term in tbo olllco wbo should furnisn the cold nud clammy corpses ever whom I should preside , than I roulel ratbor bo coroner than president. However , an I am not allowed , if elected , to dlctnto tbo distribution of the patronage , I respectfully but positively do- cllno the nomination. " Iowa Itnius. It costs Davenport $100 a week to keep the weeds cut. Mrs. Moncrs , ot Hello Hlnlno , Is searching for her ilfteon-yoar-old daughter who disap peared some weeks ago. Six roast oxen nnd sixteen roast pigs formed apart of the attraction of the har vest festival ut Prlmgbar on Saturday. The farmers near Des Molncs nro forming a society to protect themselves ncainst lob- bcrs , wbo are becoming numerous there abouts. Pharmacy Commissioner Snider made a raid on the saloons and druggists at Grin- neil , and as a consequence nil received lines ranging from ? - ' . " > to $30 and costs , , E. D. Dart , of Sao county , harvested 203 bushels of flax from ten acres and sold the crop for OS cents n bushel , bringing him $ . ' 03.84 , or a little ever f'JO an ncro. Richard Andrews , a farmer t-llvlng near Cambridge , loft his homo with a team to go hunting. As ho did not return at the ap pointed hour a search was Instituted , nnd ho was found dead near tbo buggy. It is sup posed the shot-gun wns in some way acci dentally discharged ns he was getting out. At Newell a man brought a two-year-old ba by boy aboard tbo east bound Illinois Central train and placed him in charge of the conduc tor. The younpstor was ticketed to Uloomlnc ton , I1L , where his father Hvod. The mother deserted the llttlo ono a ngo , ana the fattier wai too poor to como to Newell after his child , wbo had been with the family of nn uncle. Alex Simpson , county assessor of Madison county , Nevada , suicided nt Laurln , twelve from Virginia City , on the 10th , by shooting himself through the head with a 4ri-cnllbor Colt revolver. Ho loft n note which read : "Whisky is the cause of this : may God forgive - give me. " Ho loaves a wlfo aad two small children. Iloyond the Hookies. The hop crop of Oregon \VashinRton will scarcely be two-thtras as largo as It was last season. The Keystone Mining company , of Quito , witli n capital of Sl,000OUO , bus been incor porated in Montana. Samuel Wilson , who shot nnd killed tiireo men at Graham , Idaho , last summer , has been arrested in Texas. The corner stone ot the new old people's home , at San Francisco , was laid last wcok with impressive ceremonies. Godas , tno half-breed Montana murderer who is serving a life sentence in the peni tentiary , is dying ; of quick consumption. George Khrman , a farmer living near Po mona , Cal. , plowed up u can of Spanish gold iu a field the other day , the total value"of which was $0,470. Warden Edmuston , of the Woshlneton penitentiary , ut Walla Walla , unearthed a plot for n general delivery of the convicts. A prisoner named Dunston was caught work ing on a key which llttod the outside door perfectly. Says the Billings ( Mont. ) Gazette : "When tba morning sun peeps over the mountain tops of tha everlasting Rockies the sheep herders , cowboys , ranchers and * minors will flock to the polls , for protection only , and pilot tlio ship of state safe into the harbor of republicanism. " J. C. Byram , a prominent business man of Los An coles , died last week from paralysis produced in a peculiar manner. Ho was mounting u saddlohorsp , when the animal throw back his head nnd struclc Byram in the temple. He soon lost consciousness , and paralysis followed , ondlng in death. E. J. Parkinson , of the Carson Tribune , who has been affected with paralysis for a number of years , says tlio Hcno Gazette , was induced to try the Brown-Scquard experi ment in the bopo of getting relief. Dr. Fox injected the elixir , and bis arm is said to bo badly swollen clear to tbo shoulder'and blood poisoning is feared. PATUIOT1SM. AVIint Ho Intended Doing in Case nicUIcIInn Was iSloctrd. The "Llfo of Lincoln" reaches in the mid summer holiday number of The Century the political campaign of 1801 , when ho was a second time the nominee of his party for the presidency. It seems that Lincoln felt that the campaign was going against him and made up his mind deliberately as to the course ho should pursue , which , as stated by the authors , was as follows : ' -Unwilling to lo.ivo this resolution to the chances of the changed mood which might follow in the natural exasperation of defeat , ho resolved to lay down for himself tlio course of action demanded by his present conviction of duty. He wrote on tbo 2.1d of August tbo following memorandum : " 'This morning , as for several days past , it seems exceedingly probable that this ad ministration will not bo ro-olected. Then it will bo ray duty to so co-operate with tlio president-elect as to save the union between the election and the inauguration ; as ho will have secured his election on such ground that ho can nol possibly save it aftmvards. ' "He then folded and pasted the sheet In such manner that its contents could not be read , and ns tbo cabinet came together ho handed this paper to each member succes sively , requesting them to write their names .across tbo back of It. In this peculiar fash ion ho pledged himself and the admlnlstra- ion to accept loyally the an tlcipatod verdict of the people against him , and to do the ut most to save the union iu the brief remain der of bis term ot oflico. Ho pave no Intima tion to any member ol tbo cabinet of the na ture of tbo paper they had signed until after his triumphant ro-olt-ction. "Wo copy from the MS. dairy of ono of the prcsidont.'s secretaries under date of No vember 11 , ISlll , the following passaxo re lating to this incident : 'At the meeting of the cabinet to-day the proaldent tool : out n paper from his desk'and sold ; "Gentlemen , do you remember last BU minor I asked you all to sign your names to the back of u pupor of which I did uot show you the inside ) Tills U It. Now , Mr. Hay , BOO if you can open this without tearing it. " Ho had pastud it up in so singular a style that It required BOino cutting to get it open. Ho then read this memorandum ; given la the text above. The president said ; "You will remember - member that this wus written nt the time , six days botoro the Chicago nominating con vention , when as yut wo had no adversary and Hdoined to have no friends. I then sol emnly resolved on the course of action indi cated In this pap r , I resolved in case of the election of General McClollun , being cer tain that ho would be a candidate , that I would see him and talk mutters over with him. I would say , 'General , the election lias demonstrated that you uro stronger , buvo more influence with the American people , than I. Now let us together , you with your inil'icnco and 1 with all the executive power of the government , try to save the country. You raise us many trooos as you possibly can for this final trial , and I will devote all my energies to assist and llnish the war , ' " " Seward said , "And tbo general would hove answered you , 'Yes , yoa1 ; and the next day when you saw him ugaln and pressed tbtiso views upon him bo would have Buld , 'Yea , yes , ' uud BO on forever , and would huvo done iiolhiug at ulL" " 'At least , ' said Lincoln , 'I should have donu ray duty and huvontood clear before my own conscience.1" ' THE CAPITAL CITY GRIST , Labor Day and the Mnunor of Its Oolobrntlon. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH TONY ? Harrington's , .FrlcnlR Still Ucllovn He's True , But Cnn't Explain Ills Absence Tlio Btnto Fair. Lmcoiat lionBAD orTniiOvuiu Uis , t 1029 1 STIIEKT. J. LiscoM ? . Sopt. 1.1 Monday , September 3 , Is Labor day , n pub lic and local holiday , created no by the last legislature. This will bo the first observance of the day unil the laboring mon of this city nro maulng special arrangomonU to sea thitt the celebration lacks notfilng to make It an nbsoluto success. The oxorclsos will begin at 0 o'clock In the morning with a grand parade , which will form on Ninth street north of O , and march cast on O to Tenth , north to P , east to Eleventh , south to O , east to Twelfth , south to N , west to Eleventh , north to O , west to the postonico , whcro the ofllcor of the day , Mr. .1. 11. Kramer , will announce the various inoilfis of transportation to Cushman park , where the principal exorcises will tulco placo. At the park the people will bo addressed by the Hon. Frank T. Ransom , of Nebraska , state senator from Otoo county , and author of the bill creating labor aay. There will also bo addresses by the Hov. J. Oliver , Hon. 1. W. Lansing ana Hon.V. . , i , Uryau , of this city , and Mr. Chamberlain , of the Strouis- burg Headlight. lu the evening there will bo dancing and sports of various kinds. There will also , duriug the afternoon , bo exorcises in the city for the entertainment of those who cannot go to Cushman park. The train for the park will leave the Bur lington depot nt 1:30 : p. m. The faro will bo 20 cents for the round trip , which includes admission to the grounds. All working girls who nuply at the hall will bo provided with tickets frco. The following address has been Usurd : The people will enjoy for the first time the legal holiday on September 2 of Labor day. Tim Lincoln central trades and labor unions have resolved to colcbrato the occasion by a monster plcnlo nt Cushman park. The Lord's day , or Sabbath , Is also the laborer's day of rest , and In that respect a prlcpless natural boon not to bo Infringed upon , but as the Sunauy is mor < j especially sot apart as n recognition , of the Almighty Creator , and as other days have been sot apart , such as Washington's day and Independence day , It is fitting that one day In the year should bo also sot apart m recognition of labor. It Is appropriate to offer a few words on the oc casion. The institution known by our Irish friends as Dublin castle is not at all excep tional in Its 3stem of working. It sees the people , united , calm , determinedsteadily pursuing a wise course. It employs ugcnls to go among them and to talk cheap violence , to urge dvuamlto and murder , keeping them selves safe always and so divide the solid muss. The same course exactly is pursued by monarchies , aristocracies , landocracies , monopolies , corporations and bosses all the world over. They ere more afraid of n dozen sensible educated business men than they arc of a thousand or ten thousand anarchists , the lenders of which violent propaganda arc always paid agents of monopoly. Let the people bo wise , calm , steady , determined , persevering In tils just demand and cure- fully and severely letting all anarchists alone , and they are bound to inako rapid pro- gross. COMMITTEE LIKCOLX CEKTIIAL Tiuur.s LAUOU UNION. The Traveling Men. The Lincoln traveling men Intend to be represented in the Drummers' parade at Omaha during Merchants' week. The fol lowing committee has been appointed to ad vertise the parade unions the boys who come to this city : L. W. Garoutte and C. P. White , nt the Opolt hotel ; B. F. McNeil and J. E. Douglas , at the Windsor ; C. M. Hands and II. M. Meyers at the Capital. The talk now is that Beatrice will send a special car loaded with traveling men through Lincoln curly on the morning of the parade , and the boys hero want to eet things in shape BO that they can attach two or three cars to this one , and all go down with flying colors. Hastings , Kearney , Grand -Island , Norfolk. Fremont and other towns where a number of traveling men reside will do likewise. The prospects are that this Drummers' parade will DO one of the most important features of the week , and the boys hero are very enthu siastic over it. Another meeting was held this afternoon and more enthusiasm was worked up. One thing , however , that was mentioned , which the boys did not like , and that was ttio action of a few of Omaha's jobbing firms , who have written their men to stay out on the road , work their territory , and not come in during the week. While no public men tion of this was made , there was a quiet un derstanding tlmt these flrms lacked enter prise. Tony Harrington's Disappearance. A sensational rumor is afloat to the effect that Tony Harrington , late deputy clerk of the district court , lias suddenly disappeared , leaving a number of creditors in the lurch to the tune of something lilte $1,000. The real facts in the case are hard to get at. About August 1 ho notified the otllco that ho was going to Odell to visit his brother. On the ICth his commission as deputy clerk of the district court was revoked , because ho had been lu the city some days nnd had not sbown up at the oflico. A day or two ago some drafts of his appeared at the Capital and German National banks , indorsed by Chicago parties. They wont to protest , and It was then discovered that lie owed various sums to parties in this city. Nothing has since bemi heard from him. Ho wn receiving a salary of J100 n month , and as he had no spendthrift habits , the won der is how ho became so deeply Involved. His friends in this city insist that Tony is all.right , and that he will snow up in duo time and that none will bo a loner by him. No young man in Lincoln had a larger circle of friends , and the chances are that ho be came Involved by nttomtninp to keep up his end of the social string among a crowd who had more money than ho. The stitto Pair. The stnto fair opens Friday of this week. There has been a rush for some tune from outside parties for the entry books. This rush will continue with greater force until the books are closed. Miss Krninu Glllespio , who ban clrnmo of those books , said that the entries from outside of the stale was i5 ! pur cunt greater than at this time Just year. The otllco of the society , with Miss Ulllespio in charge , will be formally opened ot the Windsor ser butol In the morning , llasu , Croppii'H anil 1'oroli , A government tlsh car arrived In the city to-day in charge of Newton Simmons , con taining 5,000 half-grown flsh , consisting of Ulack bass , crepplcs and porch , These wore caught In the Mississippi valley by seining In the bayous , and the work was done under the direction of the United States commit- Biun , The car went out at 1 o'clock this afternoon with a special engine to Milford , whore one-half will be planted in the Jiluo river. To-morrow the cor will go on to Havonua , where the other half will bo emptied Into the Loup. Mr. O'Brien , super intendent of the Btuto hatcheries , met the car hero and accompanied it on iho trip. County I'olliloi. There la very little change in tlio local political state unless It be a determination on tbo part of some of the local wire-pullers to encompass the defeat of Schaberg for county commissioner. Thus far , however , they have been unable to find a man who would stand as a candidate. Until recently the leading candidate for county clerk lias been the present deputy , W , E. Churchill , but recent developments give the Impression that ho will have some trouble to got his own delegation thut of tbo birth ward owing to a spirited contest over ttto oTflen of Ju ttco of the pcnco. It appear * tlmt II. C. Eddy , who is an aspirant for the latter position , finds out that ho must hnvo the delegation nt any hazard to come within n Mono's throw of the nomination. Good judges of politics say that KJdy's chnncoi nro the bettor. State Tonnls To urn run out , The Lincoln Tennis club has arranged n state lawn tennis tournament , to tnko placn In Lincoln during the stnto fair , as that time will best suit out-of-town plnvors. The tourney will begin nt 10 o'clock on the morn * ing of September 10 , nnd contlnuoto nflnlsh , probably three or four days' piny. The events wilt bo men's singles and doubles. Spaldlng has given a line racket for n prize , nnd It is probable others will bo offered. The tournament \vill bo open to any amateur player in Nebraska , and ontrio * will bo ro- colved by S. L. Golsthnrdt , ot Lincoln , up to nnd Including September 4. The Lincoln club will provide grounds , balln nnd olub house conveniences. The railroads will have low excursion rates on account of the state fair. Letters received by Mr. Gclsthnrdt Indicate that players will bo present from Omaha , Fremont , Hastings , Kearney. Pawnee City and Elwood. At tliU mooting an elTort will ho nindu to organize ) n state as sociation for the purpose of conducting uu annual tournament , The I'jivlnt : Confront. Uuekstnft & Stout , paving contractors , hnvo declared to the council nnd citizens gen erally , that they would finish their contract with the city by the 1st of December , If un molested , nnd claimed that the delay was occasional bv the lack of brlctt ; that they were not only burning to the full capacity of : their kilns , but were buying ot Holmes , Fitrgcrald and others , but n recent notice in the Council Bluffs department or Tun Hun tells n different tale. It seems that liuck- stafC & Stout are selling paving brick to the city of Council Bluffs. 1 he matter will bo Investigated by the city council. Second Dint net Politics. Captain Yocum , of Hastings , who was In the city yesterday on business , was asked for some news on the sentiment of Adams county people onthe question of the succes sion in the Second congressional district. Ho said that ho did not feel authorized to talk on that subject ; that the people of Adams county stood in the light of mourn ers and did not feel that they had any candi date or that It would bo proper for them to attempt to champion the cause of any can didate from the outside. The chances were that the delegation would bo elected without instructions nnd , further , that it might even bo divided in Its prcfaiouccs. He was for Laws , himself , but that was simnly his pre ference , and his alone. He did not pretend to represent anyone else. Mr. Bostwlektho chairman of the central committee , is in Boston , but was exported home about the 10th of September. Nothing would bo dona toward calling n convention until his uoturn , nnd no date had , so fur us ho know , boou discussed. City N WH ami Notes. Mrs. A. E. I'onx , of this city , is in attend ance nt the bedside of her mother , Mrs. M. J. Hester , at Shenandoati , la. Judge M. B. House , of Wahoo , was in the city yesterday. The paving force is at work to-day on South Sixteenth street , which lends to the state fair grounds. Frank Webb has been appointed general agent for the Now York Mutual Life Insur ance company for this city and vicinity. Drs Cascbccr and Crlui lulminlotorod a dose of the Dr. Brown-Sequard elixir to an. old gentleman bv the uamo of Sanfnrd last evening1. The effect is said to have been very perceptible. Ho felt good after taking it something like taking a glass of whisky. An experimental Injection was made In Dr. Crim's Ing and ho reports much the snmo effect. Late yesterday afternoon nn answer was filed in the case of the Sherman Center ( Kan. ) Townsito Company vs Theodore F. Barnes. Mr. Barnes was sued by the com pany for $10,000 on account of defects in * ! title to lands sold by him to the company. In his answer ho enters n general denial and then sets up n conn tor claim in the sum of $15,000 damages on account of the failure of the company to comply with the conditions of the contract , and for the falsa nnd mali cious statements contained in the petition. Ho alleges that the company purchased hla "final receipt , " roprosentins'thnt they would locate n town thereon. In which they failed. * It seems that they abandoned this idea and the perfected entry was canceled by the gov ernment , so that it reverted. Barnes alleges that this was done purposely by the company in order to attempt to "cinch" him. The humane society will hold its monthly meeting in the parlors of Temple Hall , Tues day evening , September 3 , at 8 o'clock. A full attendance of ail interested Is looked for. Colonel H. S. Uoed , of Western Resources , loft to-day for Dos Moiues , la. " , to nttond'tbo state fair thoro. All banks in the city will close at noon , Monday , on account of the Labor Day cele bration. The Rev. O. A. Williams , pastor of the First Baptist church , is at homo from his summer vacation. Ho occupied his pulpit to-duy , preaching In the morning on "Tim Fullness of Christ , " and in the evening on "David's Triumph over Goliuh , or the Triumnh ot Hight over Wronir " The Millard W. C. T. U. will meet no the residence of Mrs. S. D. Glllespio , ICUn G- street , Tuesday evening , September H. This is the meeting for the annual election ot ofllcors , and a full attendance is desired. Miss Wukoly and Miss Doati , of Omaha , nro the guests of Miss Fretza Barnard , ll > . ! 0 H street. On Friday evening an informal reception was given m their honor by their hostess. About thirty young people wcro present , nnd a very pleasant evening spent , Three well 1'llod ' coaches went out to at tend the lawyers' picnic at Cushman | > ark to-day , and ttio nffulr Is reported to have boon n howling success. Vigor , vitality and a healthy appe tite , imnartcd by u Httlo AngosSttiru Bitters every morning. Solo Manufnej- turora Dr. J. G. B. Siogort & SeJnu. At all druggists. Mil. HJJOrV A.UU.VlG.Vl-iD' Oh a reed With Ili'sponsililllty For the Trouble ) nt Sprlni ; Vnlloy. Si-itiNo VAM.KIT , III. , August 81. The Spring Valley Sentinel will to-morrow pub lish an article on the miners' strike , deplor ing the outlook hero and holding Mr. Scotl responsible for the present situation. It says that Mr. Devlin , who owns ono-nevonth of the capital stock of the company , offered to take the mines and run them and pay the company 15 cents a ton clear of expenses. This was re fused by Mr. Scott , proaldent of the com pany. The Sentinel docs not think lux ra- consistent with Mr. Scott's claim thai bo cannot run the mines at u profit and pay ttio rates demanded by the men. It furthua points out that at Braid wood u settlement h uboui to bo inado nt tfltf conU n ton , and that the Union Coal company at LnSallo , which Is operat ing the same vein an the Spring Val ley company , makes a standing offer of Stiff cenU. The paper also denies Mr , Scott'a claim that his market Is in Chicago , and snya during the whole of last year ho Bold coal to the Northwestern railroad hero for f M'j u ton. Hie market is hero and along the North western road , The Sentinel adds that the town-alto company - pany , which is practically the civil company , hui sold lots and Induced capital to como here by renreientlng that this was ttio largest coal-mining plant In the country , Simula Mr. Scott cairy out his throat and close tha minus tor six months or more , the twpotf days , many of these people will bo bank * ruptod. The article says : "W. L. Scott may close his mines now , but tf the governor of this sluto nnd the IcgiMa * tura do their duty as jaw-maker * and oxacu * tlves should , thisstuto of affairs will bo rugu latcU and the rights of innocent parties pro tected , " Jlnvo You Cntnrrli ? There U ono remedy you can try without danger of hum bug. Send to A. G. Colemun , ubomUt , Kula- miuoo , Mich.for trial package of his catarrh euro. His only mode of advertising ls by giv ing it away. Postage So. Judge for your self. Mention this paper.