Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 02, 1889, Page 2, Image 2

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The Oovotod Prize Almost Within
the Homo Team's Grasp.
Dtlnnnnpollg Pefunts Milwaukee and
Sioux City Uoxvnn St. .loo AVlth
Knso Standing of
the Clubs.
Standing oftlie Club * .
Following is the standing of the Western
nssoctatlon clubs up to and Including ycstor-
Uaj's games :
PlnVod. Won. LrfWt , Per Ct.
. ( .SO .
Oinnlm 8 , Uonvor Jl.
DENVEK , Colo. , Sept. 1. Omaha bunched
their hits in the first and third Innings to-day
and won the second game of the bones.
Earned run -I ) < mver 0 , Oniuba 1. Two-baio hlls
nnlrymfle. Tirt-hnni ! ) lilts xtraumi , Coenry. llnscs
Rtnlnn lcnTer2.Om ha4. I > oul > lo ploys Treartway
to Kithj , Whlto toalcClollan to Ilowo. Anilrows to
Cnioki , Strnniu to Crook * , llmo un ball Off Dnrn *
brcmah 7 , off Nlcholi 1. lilt tf ) ball Mcssltl unJ
Clcvulnnd , Struck out ny Dambrotixli B , by Ntdioli
8. 1'ansotl b ln Dotan , uoonny l.Strnum 1. Tlmo
of muno-Ono hour nnd forty mlnutev Umpire
llnmt. Wlldpltch-ltarnbrouitli I , Nlebotol. Lofton
lB ei Denver ! > , Omaliail.
Minneapolis O , Mllwitukom 4.
MM.WAUKRB , Wis. , Sept. 1. A ball lost In
the grass through Poorman's error gave
Minneapolis three runs and thogamo. Score :
T. Ii. n. a. r. Ii. a. n. e
roormim.rt..1. ! . ) Dukc.rf . l u u ( I U
Hntton.2b 1 1 2 1 u m-n / iu.-u ' . t o 2 S 0
Morns9uyll > . . . < > U I ) U 0 Mlllur. Sb I 2 1
Hliock.ns 0 121 busier. cr..l l fi ( I U
Minor ( i i u u Mlnnollim , II.11 u T ( I 1 U I 2 U McVcy. If 1 1 7 U 1
' ' '
Albcrtn.3b.i..U 1 1 U II lliiiirafmir.'ss'.i ) 6 II . . 1I I )
llurloy. o .U 071 Uinlion.p . U U U 3 u
Blorrlson , II..I 0 o < 5 I Duplnle , o 1 1 4 U ( l
- Tulnln 4 82111 31 Totnla . . . . . C 627 JO"3
Milwaukee . .200020000-4
Mlnnoniiulla . .U U 0 0 U 2 0 4 B
ICnrnril rmn-Mllwmikco ! , Minneapolis 2. Iln > os
Blolon I'oorman 2 , Foxier. i > oublo plity Hnnriilinn
to llenulo to Mlnnubmi. Ilium on bulls Albert * ,
Duko. IK'iiuloMlnnuhan.MaVor , llnnr.llmti , Hudson.
Struck out Uy Morrison 6 , by lludion 1. I
ball llurloy. Tlmo 1 hour nnd 45 minutes. Uuiplru
„ SlnuxOity 7 , St. .Joseph 2.
ST. JOSEIMI , Mo. , Sept. 1. St. Joseph got
but ono hit ofTBurdick after the first inning.
Stallmnn was wild und gave way to Knell in
the fifth. After that Sioux City got but ono
hit. For deliberately striking out McGarr
was lined { 25 , und after the game was re-
leas' his own request. Score :
r. h. o. n. o. r. Ii. o. a. o
. . . . _ U U J 2 UCIInc , rf 2 1 1 o U 1 1 0 0 1 ( Henri , If : i 1200
Xrhtr , Sb. I 1 o 1 Uil'owull , Ib. . . . ,1 U 7 U U
< Anlnor,2b&p..U U 2 .5 u ltru nnn , 2b.l ( l I l l
lI'OUvllllK , CT..U 1 1 0 ( I Conlns , cf..l 2 3 0 U
Onrtwrliitit.lbi.U U 10 1 U llriulloTJD.\0 \ .U Old
cicmm | Be. C..U 1 S t lllllnck , HS..U I 8 2 U
' , 0 , 3 UunllikP. . < . . .0 0120
t tnUniau. . . . ! . 0 0 S < V , . . .0 0 V 1 1
. . . . . , . 0J
Totali. . .I.I 24 14 8' ' Totals 7-02:17 2
Ht. JosnnlJ .2 00000000 3
blouxClty -i 0 3 3 0 0 U 0 7
Earned rmiB St. Joseph 2. Tirivbiua hits Ilotiil-
Inu , Ulonn , ( 'culns 2. Flrtton bulls OH st-ilhnuii 7 ,
on Knoll ' . ' , oir Ilurdloka. Struck out lly Stullmnn y.
IvyJCaell V. by Ilunltck 7. Stolwi hiinua-Curtla , Krolir ,
r Cnrtifilght , StiellhaMO , t-tullmun. Ikiublo ulnyii
Mcriiirr ttr Anlnrr to Cartwrleht. I'liwod balls
Bliolllmjso 1. Wild pltrh ytiilliiinn 1. Tlmo of game
1 iiour , W inlniites. Uini'lro Docsclicr.
Tlio American Asioolatlon.
COLCMDUS , Sept. 1. Kesult of to-day's
pamo :
Columbus. . . . ! 110003001--0
SU Louis 1 000203000 5
PHILADELPHIA , Sent. 1. Kesult of to-day's
game :
Athletics. , 0 R 000001 0 0
Cincinnati 0 00000000 2
The City Steams yesterday defeated the
Fort O in alma at Fort Omahu by a scorn of
SI to 10. The features of the game was
thtf battery work of Copclund nnd Klsso , of
the CityS teams , Copeluml striking out six
teen men , Hurley's butting and Molroso's
homo run with three men on bases. The
game was for a purse of $20.
* \Vorld.Heralds and Shamrock lie-
serves playca atgamo of ball yesterday
afternoon , which resulted iu u victory for
the latter by a score of 11 to1 ) . Batteries
Keserves 1'etornou and Kent
, ; World-Her
alds , Uolan nnd Inlow , Struck out By
" Peterson 11 , by Dolan 8. Hits Reserves 12 ,
H Missouni VALLKV , la. Sept. 1. J Special
t Telegram to Tin : UKB. ] Tlio Union Paclilcs
: played the Vulloy club this afternoon with
tbo sumo result that every amateur club
of Omaha has met with. Score ! U to 3 in
favor of Missouri Valloy.
BLAIII. Neb. , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEB.J A game of ball wus played
hero to-day between the Hermans and
Blairs for a woirer of $ & 0 u slue , resulting in
favor of the Hermans by a score of 14 to IS.
But tlio Trainmen Fulled to RoHpond
and a AVrcofc Followed.
Charley Swcozey , the Union Pacific en
gineer who figured in the freight wreck at
Fremont Saturday morning , In which un
Klkliorn and a Union I'acltlo frolght train
were badly demolished and two lives wcro
lost , has urrlved in Ouinlm. Concerning thn
wreck ho said :
"When wo approached tno crossing I ap
plied the air brakes , but they failed to work ,
I then discovered that the Kilt-
horn train wus crossing , and 1 signalled
the conductor and brakesmen for brakes ,
but they failed to rcsiond. I reversed my
epglno as soon as 1 discovered that the air
brakes bud gone back on me , and if the
it trainmen hud done their duty , und answered
tuy signal for brakes , there would have been
no accident. At the point where the acci
dent occurred there U a down grade , and
not having unv help I eould uol hold tbo
train back with niy engine. "
Superintendent Heart- yule , of the Union
Pacillo , hus decided to institute a rigid In
vestigation , and has already suspended tlio
conductor and brukomen that were on the
train. As yet nothing linn been douu with
Stveezoy , und it is thought that he will bo
exonerated. The fact that ho remained on
Ills engine at the buzzard of hU lifo , together
with nu past record as a reliable engineer ,
will , It Is thought , ba nunluleut to convince
the oQlclala that ho was in no way to blame.
' 'A Newspaper Alan Married.
Mr. II. C. Craven , a reporter on the
World-Herald , baa become a benedict , and
lias taken unto himself a wife In the person
ot Mus Elizabeth Evans , of Willumaburg ,
Jo. The ceremony took place on the /rtb ult.
in WlUlumsburg , the homo of the bride , In
the presence of numerous friends of the con
tracting parties. Kov. L. F. Parker , an old
friend of both Mr , and Mrs. Craven , under
whpso tutelage they passed through the
Iowa State university , performed the cere
mony ; Mr. Cravou was ubout town yestcr-
duy receiving tbo congratulations of his
fcUitierouB friends. Mrs. Craven will arrive
In a few days aud they will bo "at home" at
No. 100 North Fourteenth Btreut.
Tlio I'noklng House itoya linjoy n Dny
In tlio IVootln.
The Armour-Cudahy Company's picnic
nt Waterloo yesterday was n most cnjoynblo
affair. Ono thousand people were present ,
nnd everyone enjoyed themselves to the ut
most. Displays of prowess In the various
lines of packing house industry were In
dulged In to the great edification of the
people present.
At fl:45 : a. m. a train of fifteen cars , Includ
ing n beautifully decorated refrigerator car
loaded with refreshments , nulled out of the
Union Paciflcdcpot wfth the Hibernian band
ploylntr a merry tune , and aided bythechccrs
of Uiohnppy picnickers. Conductor Billy Orr
.had moro business on his bnuds than n cran
berry merchant , and flow through the train
llko a utroak of groaned lightning trying to
get all his tickets In ,
The first event of tha day was the ham
Rowing contest. There were two contestants ,
T. F. Klnsolla and T. J. Flaherty. The
former sowed up twenty-five hams in 13:2.1 :
minutes , the latter in 18:25. :
John Hognn mid Otto Bnyersdorfer then
competed : or Iho box inakmp prize. The
first eight boxes fell to the ground simulta
neously , but Hogan gained ground and won
the 120 prize in Ul:13 minutes , with Bayers-
dorfcr. but six seconds .behind.
Then came the great event of ttio day , the
cattle killing and dressing tournament. The
contestants were the champions in tholrline ,
Linrry Noonan of the Armour-Cudahy com
pany , nnd G. II. Boust of thoSwiftrompany.
Larry Noonnn Is the champion beef dresser
of tlio world to-day. Ho has beaten nil
records. The contest was for points under
the Wnshburn rules , used in Chicago.
Noonan , who is known as "tho priest , "
donned his slickers and tackled the
ilrst steer which was killed , and
In 7 minutes and 17 ! seconds after
tlmo wus called the carcass was
skinned and dressed for the market. His
contestant made the same time , but lost two
points , not having taken oft the hide cleanly
and making too many cleaver cuts. The
priest" won $50 and Unyorsdorfer $30.
After this came the young ladies' footrace
for $5. which was won by Miss Anna Plouler.
The fat ladies'raco could find no entries and
was abandoned. Frank Brubaker , of Omaha ,
won the snclc 'race for t5. The lat men's
race for $10 , was won by Captain W. B.
Bell , with many puffs and much pcr-
ppiration. The greased pig , whlto with ro-
ilucd lard , wus turred loose in the crowd ,
and people who bad Sunday clothes on
sought the topmost tree branches. P. Hickey
finally grabbed his ulgshlp by the hind legs
und won him.
The baby show on the dancing platform
attracted an enthusiastic crowd , and after
much consultation und wise shaking of heads
the committee , Messrs. Bell , O'Kcefo and
Eclilin , blushlngly decided to award tbo
prize to Master Tommy Ennls , a blonde
youngster of eight months.
The day passed very quietly and happily.
One of the chief attractions for tno cromo
of tbo male portion of the assembly was
Murphy and Orr's garden , n bower in which
they lingered nearly all day , listening to tbo
rnuslc of the band and the babbling of the
fountains. The train returned to Omaha in
two sections at 7 o'clock In the evening ,
bearing homo a tired but happy crowd.
Two Men Feel His Hulleta and Ono
Man Will Din.
Yesterday evening a shooting affray in
which two men were injured , occurcd at
Ilusor's park , outside tbo city limits , which
may result fatally for ono of the victims.
Frank Wagner , an employe of Oscar
Picard , Peter Ruser and some other men
were sitting in front of Henry Ruser's sa
loon. Wagner snatched the hat of a man
named Sewoll , and i of used to return it.
Sowell seems to Iravo been the
butt of the neighborhood nnd to
have boon subjected to all kinds of annoy
ances by those who understood the sim
plicity of his nature.
In this cuso , rowever , Jho snatching-of the
hat and the subsequent teasing annoyed
Sewoll to that degree that ho drew 'a re
volver , nnd remarking" "I cuoss I'll uso.this
on some one , " shot nt Wn'gnor. The bullet
struck him on the glanced off ,
inflicting only a flesh wound.
Ho then shot at Potcr Huser nnd the ball
entered the abdomen , passed around and
lodged under the skin nour the spinal col
umn. The bullet was subsequently extracted
but it was thought Itusor would die.
The latter is a son of Henry Kuser , pro
prietor of Ruser's gardonand is but nineteen
years of nee.
After the shootinc Sowoll ran for the
woons and disappeared , and at last accounts
bad not been arrested.
Marvelous gymnasts at Eden Musoo
Mrs. Charles Tietz nnd Two Children
Narrowly Kscapc Donrli.
The palatial residence of Charles Tietz ,
corner of Military and Wadsworth avenues ,
wus converted into a bosultal yesterday
afternoon. Mrs. Tietz and two children were
out for a drive , aud in passing along St.
Mary's avenue the team became frightened
and dashed alone the paved street at u
frightful pace. As the Sixteenth street
crossing was reached the vehicle was upset
and Its occupants thrown out with-considera-
ble violence. Assistance was rendered
nnd the victims wcro convoyed
to an adjacent pharmacy. Mrs. Tietz was
badly bruised about the body , received
several severe cuts In the face , und her left
leg was pronounced broken in the reeion of
the knee. "One of the children was cut about
tba head and a linger was severed from the
right hand. The other occupant , n child
four years of age , escaped with a Blight cut
In the head. Mr. ' Tietz. who is proprietor of
tbo park which bears his name , was notified
and ut once provided a conveyance for bin
family to tholr home , where up to a late hour
they were restjug quietly , it is thought
that all will survive.
Eaton & Hey u.n's Georgia Sorenadcra ,
at Edou Museo to-day.
An Alcohol Fiend.
Albert Campbell , a brick mason , living
near the corner of Sixteenth and tyason
streets , wus arrested last night for being
drunk and abusing his family. Ho has been
in the habit ot getting drunk every Saturday
night , and on Sunday he drinks alcohol to
keep It up. As a consequence ho becomes
crazy for the tlmo belli ? , and raises coin
around homo. Last night ho was
no exception to the rule , and his
howls and swearing aroused the whole
neighborhood. His wife retreated
to thu upper floor , but this did not suit tbo
ideas of the lord and master , and ho amused
himself by tearing up thu few bed clothes
the family possessed. When his wife ap
peared upon the scone to remonstrate , he
picked up a rocking chair und throw it ut
her , afterwards striking her several blows
with his band. The policeman on the via
duct was attracted by the noise of the racket
und took Campbell In charge. Mrs , Campbell
states that her husband earns good wages ,
but Is very niggardly in providing for the
house , although ho doesn't , hesitate to spend
S3 or 110 every Saturday for drink.
1 Another HI an Onnu Wronir.
J. Tinsler hasbcen employed as a packer for
the Ferguson furniture house at 1111 Far-
nani street. When ho came across a nice
piece of furniture or bric-a-brao which ho
thought would bo broken in packing or
transportation , ho would carry It ever to his
lodging house. Mr , Ferguson's suspicions
were aroused by the disappearance of a
number of article * and ho called on
bin employe yesterday morning to consult
-will ) him as to a method of ferreting out
tbo rascally thief. When ho entered
Mr. Tlnsler's room ho was struck with the
idea that tno carpet looked very familiar ,
Next his eye rested on n handsome center
table which ho Imagined had once adorned
his storeroom. From that his eye passed
successively to a lounging chair , the bed and
finally to some dishes which were In the
room. All bore the same familiar look and
Mr , Ferguson concluded he would glvo his
employe un opportunity to explain the situ
ation to Judge Berka. Consequently Mr.
Tinder exchanged Ills luxurious cusy chair
for the soft sldoof a plauk in the hostile.
Negroes Massing in Misslosippl and
Woot Virginia.
The Blnckinon Outnumber tlio
Whites Six to Ono Blood
shed nt Gouldfilioro ,
An Epidemic of Unco Trouble * .
GIIKNADA , Miss. , Sept. 1. A telegram re
ceived hero this morning says that negroes
were massing near Shollmound , Miss. , nnu a
conflict between the whites nnd blacks was
expected. Help was called for , as the negroes
outnumbered the whites six to ono. A vol
unteer company of nuout lorty men
was raised hero in un hour or two and
loft on the 1 :10 : train for the scene of
the trouble , under command of J. C. Long-
street. A company of cavalry will leave to
A dispatch received from. J. C. Longstrcot
and C. LI Uownoasks'UB tb send nil availa
ble men at once. By order ot the governor
the Wlnotia rlilos , accompanied by several
citizens , loft on a special train ut 'J p. in. to
day for Greenwood , from which place they
will go to Shollmound to aid in suppressing
the trouble.
NEW OIILKANS , Sept. 1. A Greenwood
special says : For the last month n negro
namcn Cromwell hat been organizing , it was
thought , an alliance iu this part ot the delta.
This week a number of uoroes
belonging to the alliance demanded
that sumo ono besides Cromwell bo
placed ut the head of the organization , as
they dunned that ho was an ox-convict. A
majority of the negroes of the alliance voted
In favor of Cromwell. The next day Crom
well was ordered to leave the country. Ha
showed the letter to thu negroes
and the same evening the whites
nt Shell mound received warning letters
from a party of negroes who signed them
selves "Threo thousand armed men. " They
said that they proposed to stand by Crom
well , and that if any efforts were made to
disturb him they would kill , burn and des
troy Shcllmound. About scvontr-llvo
armed negroes came into town und talked
very loud nnd in n threatening manner.
Last night the sheriff received information
from Sunnysldo , about fifteen miles above
Shollmound , that there wore 500 armed ne
groes who were massed in Johnston's Holds ,
near there , and needed help. Ho wired the
governor the situation und asked for troops.
The telegram was promptly answered by
Governor Lowroy in person , bringing live
companies of militia. The governor has sent
two companies to Sunnysldo to report
to the sheriff , who wont up there this mornIng -
Ing to sco if ho could do anything with the
A steamboat running between hero and
Shurkoyo has just come in , bringing a num
ber of women and children. Thcro have been
several reports from the scene of trouble
this evening , ono of which was that the ne
groes had left the vicinity ot Sunnysldo ,
breaking up In small bnnus of twenty or
thirty , and seemed to be sulky.
Another Hint.
GKETNA , La. , Sopt. 1. This morning
between 2 and S O'clock , as an excursion
train loaded with colored people nearcd the
Gouldsboro depot , ono of the excursionists in
jumping off , fell. Some unknown person
shouted : "Look ut the black , "
The negro drew u pistol and flred fuor orflvo
shots in rapid succession , ono of which struck
u white man named Miller. Then the shoot
ing became general , some four or five hun
dred sbols being ilred Inside of fifteen
minutes. A terrible 'panic ensued , women
nnd children running in all directions
shouting and screaming. Ed. Levy , colored ,
living in Algiers , was shot iu the left arm ,
and a colored woman namc'd named Fleming
was fatally wounded. \ '
About 4 o'clock this morning a.Hght was'
seen 'in ' tha sky between Algiers and Jeffer
son parishes.The Algiers flro department
went to the scene and found a largo number
of men armed with muskets , and a ucpro
church on fire. There was no water , and thu
cdillco was destroyed ,
Several negroes who formed a part of the
excursion party were interviewed to-day ,
and stuto that when the train was nearlng
the Gouldsboro depot it was fired on by men
secreted along the railroad , and as soon as
the train stopped a general stampede took
place. It is difficult to locate a single person
who witnessed the beginning of the shoot
ing.Ren Watkias ( colored ) , resldlpgin Goulds
bore , was shot while lying in bed ut homo
after the general affray , by some unknown
persons , who fired through the window. Ho
was seriously wounded.
The stories of the row and its origin differ
very widely.
The negroes say that before the arrival of
tha train there was a largo force of armed
white men in the vicinity of the depot who
opened tire on the colored people while the
excursionists were gottlnc oft.
Tbo white men's version of the affair , of
course , is entirely xMfteront. They state that
there was only some half a dozen concerned ,
and that the shooting was commenced by
the negroes before the train had
stopped. Two shots were fired
from the train they say , and a white boy
named William Miller was shot iu the face
by a negro in getting- off the train.
A pollco ofllcer , u brother of
the wounded man , attempted
to arrest the shooter , when the negroes
opened flro nnd the affrav became general.
The whites ubout Gouldsboro are dlsln-
cliuea to talk about the riot.
Trouble la Went Virginia.
PiTTSiiuuo , Sopt. 1. A 'special from
Wheeling , W. Va. , soys : There is 8 good
deal of anxiety over the news of a threatened
enod race war in Now river vnlley Fuyotto
county. Information from the sceneof the
threatened trouble Is meagre" , out'ts of such
u nature as to glvo rise 'to fears
that a serious broach of t hg peace will
occur. The trouble had its origin Friday
evening when a negro went into the stor'6 of
Beury , Cooper & Co. , ntEcho.und , brandish
ing n club , threatened to do up the entire
force of employes. All efforts to pacify him
were futullo und ono of tno clerks , after re
ceiving a bad blow from tbo club ,
shot the negro , killing him instantly. Echo
is the center nf a considerable
colored population and last night .informa
tion was received at Charleston that a mob
of negroes had collected on New rlvor and
that a concerted onslaught 'on the
whites was in contemplation. Orders
were received by the Charleston hard
ware stores for all the Winchester rifles
available , and a considerable shipment of
these arms was mado. The citizens of
Charleston are also gathering arms , nnd It Is
apprehended that the militia would be or
dered out. Nothing additional hud been
heard up to 10 o'clock to-night
Grand reopening at Eden Musoo to
A Uanquet to Admiral Kimuorly
Mnlloton'H Jump.
SAMOA , August 15 ( via San Francisco ) ,
Sept. 1. A banquet was given last night to
Admiral IClmbcrly and his two staff ofllccrs ,
Lieutenants Rittenliouso and Merrlam < It
wu attended by a representative body of
American and English residents of Apia.
Chiefs Manga and Aul , who with Maliotoa
have returned from Earlo. op Marshall
ulanil , state that when Maliotoa was taken
on board the German cun boat Wolf , at
Joluit , to bo returned to Samoa , believing It
wus but a subterfuge , bo jumped overboard ,
but was rescued.
Chamber of America , open at Edou
Musoo to-duy.
A Great Unco Ilnrso Shot.
TORONTO , Sept 1. Drake Carter , the
well-known Toronto race horse , whoso
record , 5:31 : for thrco miles , made some years
ago , has never been beaten , fell und broke a
leg while training on the Woodbine track
yeiterday , and bud to be shot.
The two theatres open to-day at Eden
aoorcmo no HUE K ,
Tlio ImtntloiU Yflinln I'rotm or Ills
Ilttf uy Crltncft.
MAnQOHTTs , JOioh. , Sept , I , Holzhoy , the
Gogoblc fltn o , rpbbor , was taken south by
the Gogobio , ftherlft on the train this after
noon. Thq jirlsonor was defiant , nnd
his demeanor , , showed him to bo
ready for.i , t any desperate deed.
It is cxpqfifed , If ho is not very
closely guardedo , will make a determined
attempt to asdapo. A great crowd congre
gated at the ndpbt to sco the noted bandit.
Holzhay did npVf-'ollsh tholr scrutiny , and re
marked to thophpcr | with him :
"If I had my guns and was frco they
wouldn't bo so anxious to got close to rao. "
To the ofllcers who guarded him last tilgflt
Holzhay admitted that ho was the man who
went through the Milwaukee & Northern
train near Kills junction last May , and after
ward hold p the passengers on a Wisconsin
Central train , nnd robbed several coaches In
northern Wisconsin , besides committing
many depredations.
The driver of the Gogobio stage , which
was robbed last week , was brought ; hero to
day by the sheriff and Immediately Identified
him as the mim who "did the job. "
'I he only regret Holzhay expresses in con
nection with his criminal career is that the
two ofllcors ut Republic effected his capture
so easily. Ho says ho ofna determined not to
betaken nlivo and had no had the slightest
inkling of tholr purpose when they were approaching
preaching htm ho wpuld have shot them both
down. The proof against the man without
his admission to the ofllcors is complete , nnd
unless ho escapes or suicides ho is booked
for n llfo term in Btnto prison.
Lynolilnu Threatened.
BESSEMEn , Mich. , Sopt. 1. Sheriff Foley
is expected to arrive from Mnrquetta be
tween 1 and 3 o'clock with Train Robber
Holzhay. The streets and saloons are
crowded to-night nnd there is much talk of
lynching him before the stage which mcoU
the train at N6rth Bessemer , reaches the
city. The crowd contains many persons
who have been drinking heavily to-day. No
ono will go to bed until the prisoner ia either
safe In the county jail or dangling from some
convenient bouijh in the forest.
Financial Tranimctlnus or the Coun
try Foi the I'nst Week.
BOSTON , Sept. 1. | Special Telegram to
TUB BEE. | The following table , compiled
from dispatches from the managers of the
leading clearing houses in the cities named ,
shows the gross exchanges for
the week ended August 81,1889 , with rates
per cent of increase or decrease as com
pared with the amounts for the corresponding
ing week of 188S :
* Not Included In totals ; no clearing house at
this tlmo last year.
A Chicago Gambler Wins $2OOOO
Kroin a Kiinsns City Mnn.
KANSAS CITV , Sept ! J. The chief of police
wants Bud Gulontof Chicago. Mr. Gulon Is
a gambler. Ho came hero u week ago and
registered atone of tno prominent hotels ,
giving it out that ho was a cattle buyer from
Now York. Cornelius C. Qulnlan , ono of the
most prominent sellers of cattle in the south
west , with headquarters in this city , was
stopping'nt the same betel , and cultivated
the acquaintance of .Gulon. Their acquaint
ance ripened into intimacy. Guion pro
poser ! a little game of poker. Qulnlan is
something of a player himself. They went
to Guion'n rooms. Among the furniture
there was a handsome Inlaid table , a present ,
as Mr. Gulon described it , that ho prized
very highly. Tup poker came was played on
this table. Ihojlrst night Mr. Qululun lost
his ready cash. iTho next night ho went
"heeled" with 513,000 In cash. Ho went
away without -it. The third night
W.OOO In cash was -vyon by Mr. Guion , to
gether with a llko amount in promissory
notes , and Qulnlan's watch chum , two
diamond studs ana a ring. The Kansas City
man became suspicious and the next mornIng -
Ing notified the pollco that ho had been ruvln-
died , but Mr , Gulon hud fled , und now It is
alleged that the inlaid table assisted him in
a marked degree i in winning some twenty
odd thousand dollars ,
Albert Briorly'Arrlves in Boston and
In Interviewed.
BOSTON , Sopt. 1. Albert Brierly , the
Liverpool merchant who gained a world
wide notoriety through his eonn ectlon with
the Maybrick inui'Jeryas a passenger on
the steamer.Soythlajv&l0'1 ' "r rived nt East
Boston this uionjijif , ' . To a reporter who
boarded the staapipr io , aulil bo had cotno
to this country toenpo notoriety and dlu
not wish to talkjiiiorp than to nay ho had fig
ured la tbo cage , fnfro prominently In print
than any real cornicctlon with it warranted.
Ho admitted ho Itadi paid the costs of the
trial , amounting t iO,500.
Morton , EonU & * Muck ut Eden Musco
to-duy. . 3 V , '
i'rrcedcnt Kstffulioil by Grraliam
CHICAGO , Sept. 'l.--Saturday Judge Grosjj
ham rendered a ddbiiVon in the case of the
receivership of tholudlariapolU , Decatur &
Western railwarq YJpa case hus attractco
much attention bocaiiBo the receiver , after
his nppolntmcntJjIqVptod the surplus earn
ings to the pajSzhcot of the Interest on the
llrat mortgage bqiidfvaeavlng labor and BUJ > -
ply claims to the amount of { unpaid.
It uppcurlng the revolver hod been asked
for to maintain the .Interests of the bond
holders to thu disadvantage of the claims for
labor the order of appointment was sot
aside. Certain recommendations or suggos *
tlonavoro made by Jho court and the case
continued with leave to complainant to
amend tbp bill. Tbo suggestions were not
acted upon , the court holding the receiver
hud been made a defendant for the express
purpose ot creating Jurisdiction. Judge
Uroshum has now throsyn tbo cato out of
court. The decision is a long ono , but U
formal in character , and the interest lies
wholly in the result reached and its ' as
a precedent.
The War Chamber open to-day ut
Eden Museo.
A \Voll-Knovvfi Brmvcr Dead.
YOIIK , Sept. 1. Otto Ilubor , a well-
known brewer , died ut Brooklyn to-day.
The Rolffn-of Hla Mftjo3ty Soul Ono
Sod Boglus.
Axtctl , ttio Scnsntlonnl Two-Yonr-
Old , Holding An Kqulno I-iovco
Bicnnlnl Report of the
Utnto Auditor.
TheImvn Mnrdl Grns.
Dns MOINCS , In. , Sept , 1. [ Special to TIIR
BEE.I DCS Molnos' great carnival week be
gins to-worrow. Labor day will bo observed
as a holiday by nil labor organization ) ) , and
all labor in the public works will bo sus
pended by order of the mayor. There will
bo an Imposing parade In thu forenoon , and
in the evening tbcro will bo mimlo roproson-
tatton ot the battle of Vlcksburn , at the Zoo ,
conducted by Crocker Post G. A. R. , with
a cycling exhibition at Athlotla park , and a
general Illumination. Tuesday , Wednesday
aud Thursday evenings will bo especially devoted -
voted to the carnival ot his majesty , Seal
Ono Scd. Tnoro will bo the flnest spectacu
lar displays over scon In Iowa. Mlles of gas
plpo have boon stretched along the curbing ,
from which Innumerable ) flumes will Issue.
Arches nf colored lights , and special designs
In illuminations have boon erected it street
intersections. The whole city will bo in a
blno of light each ot the thrcu evenings.
Tuesday and Thursday nights will
bn devoted especially to the trades
display. This has been arranged by the
business men to represent the commercial
and industrial Interests of the city. There
will bo at least sixty floats in line with strik
ing displays. Other features of the proces
sion are designed to represent the growth
and development of Iowa. Primitive times
will bo represented by a band of Indians
from the Iowa reservation , old-fashioned
stage coaches that preceded the railways ,
and other signs of frontier llfo. Wodncs
duy evening will be given over to a parade
of military and clvio organizations , and a
general Illumination as on the other even
ings. The attractions of each evening under
the supervision of the great kiuir , Sen ! Ono
Sod , are all free , aud the ontlro expense is
tnot by the business men of the city. They
belluvo that the carnival will be agrcatbouo-
ilt to Dos Moines , and become In thuo as
famous as the renowned Mardl-grasor veiled
prophet's display. Nothing of the kind has
over before boon attempted in Iowa , and the
crospuct is that the largest crowd will be
gathered hero that over assembled in the
The exhibits for the state fair are now in
place ready for the time of practical opening
to morrow. In some lines the exhibits nro
larger than over before. This is especially
true of line hogs , there being l.COO on exhi
Ax tell and Allcrton bavo arrived and are
the centers of great interest. The grounds
wore open to-day , but the exhibits were gen
erally closed , still there was a largo crowd
at the sermon of Dr. Thomas , of Chicago.
This afternoon ho preached from the amphi
theatre at the race truck. The city is rapidly
filling up and greater crowds are expected
than over in the history of the stuto , as this
is to bo carnival week for Dos Moinos.
Iho Amiitor'8 Biennial Keport.
DES MOIXES , la. , Sept. 1. ( Special to
TUB Bcu. I The biennial report of the
state auditor was filed with the governor the
past week , and Its principal features contain
some llgures of general public interest. It
shows better than the report of any other
ofllccr tno real iinauciul standing of the
state. _ The auditor in Iowa has much to do
with the collection of state funds , as well as
with their expenditure. Ho keeps prodding
the county treasurers to send in their re
ceipts from tuxes , so that ho really has helped
materially in getting Iowa's floating Indebt
edness all wiped out. The present report
shows that at the beginning of the biennial
period there was in the state treasury the
sum of § 209,109.01. The amount received
from all sources during this period was $3.-
450,811 , which added to the Drst amount gave
a total to bo accounted for .of $3.719.020.01.
Of these receipts , ? 3.810,5ia.71 , came from
the 2K mill state luvy , $ .33,721.15 from inter-
cst.on dollnqucnt taxes , ? H9,33S.43 from in
surance companies for taxes , $53,325.75 from
fees to the auditor's office , 913,091 from the
secretary of state's oflluo in foes , and S7-
239.41 from foes received by the clerk of the
supreme court. The total disbursements
during the biennial period were ? : ) ,422,400.74 ,
leaving a balance In the treasury , Junn ! ! 0 ,
18SO , of § 297,513.27 , divided among the funds
us follows : General revenue , 85,181,07 ; ag
ricultural college endowment , { 01,105.23 ;
swamp lands indemnity , $1,100.37.
The auditor makes an estimate of the re
ceipts for the next two years at Wlo2,0d7. ,
Ho estimates that the total expenditures , re
quired by law , will amount to $2,521,230.
This would leave only $830,777 for the appro
priations to bo made by the next general as
sembly. But this estimate of receipts con
templates a 2jf mill state levy fur 1890 and
only 3 mill levy for 1891. The extra half
mill woa put on soverul yearn ago to mlao
funds for the completion of the capital.
After it was not needed for ttiat uurposn the
legislature thought It wise to continue it , to
ufTord.monov for some now institutions llko
the soldlorsr homo , and to help wipe out the
quicker tbo floating indebtedness of the
statij. The half mill rests so lightly upon
the individual taxpayer , but in the aggregate
brings in a very convenient sum for the increasing -
creasing needs of the state , that it Is prob-
ablo' that it may bo continued. An effort
will undoubtedly bo made to have the next
legislature malto u generous und becoming
appropriation for the soldiers' monument.
The subject has boon agitated for years , und
now that the Btnto Is out of debt it Is thought
to bo u good time to botrln the work. If
that is done , and if some of the state institu
tions receive the buildings which It Is
claimed they greatly need , it Is Jlkoly that
tbo aualtor'H estimate of the receipts will not
bo largo cn6ugh , and the extra halt mill may
bd added to tbo levy both years of tno com
ing biennial period. The auditor's report
shows that the state receives quite a hand-
gomemcojne from fees paid by insurance
companies. During the last biennial period
the tire Insurance companies imui fees
to the amount of $39,034 , , the life ,
accident , fidelity und casualty companies
paid to tun amount of $ T > , a5150 ; tha llfo and
accident assessment companies paid $2,351.50 ,
Thcfto sums , with the fees paid by other
companies not classified , raised the total In
crease from this source , during the two
years , to $52,147.25.
One statement ? In the report shows the
amount ot state and local taxes levied in the
several counties for the year 1883. us reported
to the stuta auditor , by the various county
auditors. Polk county ( including the cltvof
DOS Moines ) leads in the amount of taxes
raised for ull purposes , with the sum of
$329,975 SO. Wooduury county ( Including
Sioux City ) cornea next with $727,000.01 , und
Pottawattuiaio ( including Council 131ulls )
come * third , 1U tuxes for all purposes
amounting to fOTOW3.65. ! Some of tbo other
counties In order are Vis Moines , Clinton ,
JJuuuquo , Scott , Lao and Linn. This , Polk
county , tneroforo raised last year for taxes
over (100,000 moro than any other county In
the stuto , while of tlmgroup of counties lust
named no one of them raised ono-lmlf us
much as this. These figures give some hi on
of the counties In which the improvements
are being mudo , and uroporty Is advancing
in value. That mukos the thrco cities that
have tha best showing in this rctmcct , DCS
Molncs , Hiour City und Council Bluffs , in
the order named.
Prohibition In Koolctiic
DCS MOINES , la. , Sopt. 1. ( Special to TUB
UKK.J An attempt Is to bo made to enforce
the prohibitory lavy in Kcokuk , a city ut
present under democratic administration.
When John Irwln , a republican , was mayor ,
ho determined that the Jaw should bo enforced -
forced , and he did enforce it , closing all the
saloons of the city. But bo vras defeated ferro
ro election last spring , and the saloou men
helped to elect a democrat , expecting that
they would bo loft nlono. Mayor Craig ,
however , after letting thorn run In full blast
for sovcrnl months , has decided to proceed
against them. Information tins been flletl
agnlnstsomo forty persons engaged In per
sistent violation of the prohibitory law , nnd
they will bo prosecuted , It is thought that
some plan ot flnlnc violators so much a month
In lieu of a license will bo adopted so that n
revenue ran bo derived from the ale of li
quor even under prohibition. This plan has
been tried in some of the river cities.
A. Trump's Villainous Ingratitude.
Lr. MAMS , la. , Sept , l , | Bnoclnl Telegram
to TUB BEB.I Three months ngo n loan ,
hungry tramp came to Father Uarrou. of the
Catholic church ho re , and was taken in , fed
and clothed. A tow days ngo ho asked to
bo sent to Dubuque , claiming to bavo rela
tives thoro. Father Darren gave him $15 to
travel on , but Fitzslmmons , the thrifty
tramp , blow It In at some of the thirty-eight
LoMnrs "holes In-tho wajl. " Yesterday ho
wont to the priest's housa wlilo ho was away
rnd demanded more monov , which Mrs. Barren -
ron , the priest's mother , refused. Then the
nngnl they had boon entertaining unawares ,
turned upon them and made throats of vengeance -
geanco which ho carried out soon after by
setting lire to sotnu hay in thg priest's yard.
It came near burning up Ilio house , but that
was llnnlly saved ; then pursuit of the tramp
commenced. Ho was- finally caught , pleaded
guilty , and wont to Jail in default of $500
bonds 16 uppcur before the grand Jury ,
" I loirs In tlio Wall. "
L.EMAK9 , la , Sept. 1. [ Special Telegram
to TUB UKB , | An attempt Is being made to
enforce the prohibitory law in. this city.
Thcro are about forky "holes in the wall 'I
hero. The Temperance alliance has been
organising , which has frightened some of
the Joint keepers , so a few of thorn got a
prominent business man to offer the city
marshal $ -10 n month to leave them unmo
lested. Ho responded bv getting the county
attorney to bring nation against a lot of
thorn. Yesterday three wore pulled , waived
examination nnd gave $500 bonds to appear
before the district court. Others will bo
pulled as soon as the marshal can catch
A Very Old Mason Dlrs.
DBS MOIXES , la. , Sopt. 1. [ Special
to TUB BEB.I Another of , the "oldest
Masons" has just died. His name was Jacob
Rogers , aud ho lived on Cedar Crook , seven
miles southwest of Mt. Pleasant. Ho was in
his ouo hundred aud twelfth year when ho
died , and his friends claimed for him the dis
tinction of being the oldest Mason In the
world. '
The Piro Worshippers at Eden Musoo
Grnlinm Plunges Snluly Down Nlnjjara
In II IB Hnrrel.
NUOAIU FALLS , Sept. 1. Last Sunday
afternoon Carlisle D. Graham made u sue
cossful trip through the whirlpool rapids1
the maelstrom and Foster's Hats. That
was preparatory to his effort to
day to pass over the Hats , which
according to Graham himself and
a few eye wituesses was accomplished in
safety. The sauio barrel was used. At 0
o'clock this morning it was lowered out la
the river "by two friends of Grashain , nnd at
t:45 : it was let trout a point opposite Chippewa -
powa Crook. Down the current it swept ,
plunging over reefs , often out of sight , till
at 7:10 It approached the. brink and dropped
800 feet into the abyss below. The barrel
soon rose intact und was descried in an
eduy. Elmer Jones i < wam out from the
Canadian shore , caught hold of a rope at
tached to the barrel und towed it in to the
shore an just 7:25 a. in. Graham was lifted
out by Jbiies. Graham brought , moro
dead than alive , to a saloon on this side.
Graham himself auys :
"The first thing I knew was when some
one stiuck the barrel and said : 'Aro you
Ho complained of terrible pains In his
back und head from the racking ho had re
ceived , und could talk but incoherently.
About a dozen people verify the statement
that Graham was in the barrel , nnd many
moro will say they saw the barrel co over.
Salomon & Whiting at Eden Museo
Ono Man Fatally Wounded nnd Two
Seriously Hurt ,
ROCKT Fonn , Col. , Sept. 1 A shooting of-
fray occurred at this 'placo last night be
tween Cattle Inspector Joe Wyutt , United
States Marshal Maxwell , of Pueblo ; John
Miller nnd others , in which Miller was
fatally wounded , and Wyatt. nnd Ike Frosh-
our. a bystander , were both seriously
wounded. The Miller boys are both resi
dents of La Junta , and an old fouu has long
existed between them and Inspector \Vyntt.
The trouble culminated over u suit brouuht
in court. All the parties concerned were
arrested and placed under bonds of $10,000
Fifty Farmers Htiminonmt as Jury
Can ( I id a It's.
CHICAGO , Sept. 1 Fifty farmers will
march into Judge McConnoll's court room
to-morrow morning as candidates for Jury
duly during the trial of the Crontn sus
pects. A special vrnlro for thorn was Issued
for them without the knowledge of the at
torneys for the defense.
Judge McConnell yesterday qulotly issued
the venire und hod ShonfC Matson dispatch
the couuty bailiffs in search of jurymen. The
Jifty who were summoned lived on farms und
remote suburban villages ot tbo Bounty. Uy
to-morrow night it is , expected that some of
them will have been accepted as Jurymen , or
the defense will make .1 big halo in the
ninety-six peremptory challenges it still has
In its power to make.
Putnam twin aisle re ut , J don Musoo
- * H -
North 1'Intto Shop dinners.
NOHTH PI.A.TTK , Nob. , Sept. 1. ( Special
to Tun HUB. ] E. H. Glbbs , division fore
man of the Union Pnclllo shops , was relieved
this afternoon and his position filled by
David Patterson , of Denver , u former workman -
man in our shop * . Mr , James Edwards , one
o * the foremen in the bailer shop , was tnir.g-
fenyd to the western division on account of
Ill-health. Last evening us ho was leaving
his friends presented him with a handsome
chain ana clmrm , which was a very pleasant
nurprUo to him.
A Horrlhlo Fltilit Iletween 1'wo Men
In Indian Territory ,
KANSAS CITV , bept. 1 A special from
Vlntu , I , T , , says a shooting affair occurred
yesterday ut Table Springs which resulted
in the death of two man mimed Mo no mi
und Given. Given had accused Moriena
und a man numod Plxleyof homo stealing.
In thu quarrel \vblch ensued Given and Mpr-
loim draw revolvers and llrnd until both hud
failed , Pixloy pounded Givon's biainsout
with u hummer. Morioim died shortly after.
An Aii ul From Railroad Men ,
WAHIIIXCITQX , Sept. 1. A petition signed
by 0,032 conductors , switchmen , brakomun ,
etc. , has been sent to the Intur-ututo com
merce commissioners requeuing that body
to take such stops as it dopms proper to
bring about the adoption ot uutomatiu brakes
and couplers on freight car * on railroads in
the United States , and urges upon congress
the noccslty of national legislation in this
mutter ,
A Vcusel Honnled II r
SA.SJ FIUNCHOO , Sopt. 1. Australian papers -
pers ay ihut ubout Juno 20 the Suyou small
trading vessel , was boarded by natives at
Malay ata and -one of them shot Mate Lad.
don dead while another beheaded a trader
named Cooper with an axo. Keating , t'ie
owner or the vessel , H-id lovorhl other * on
board were badly Injured , but droyu oft the
natives , killing twalvo of thorn , ft u re
ported that If eating bus Bluca died.
The Australians at Kdeu MUBOO to
Installation of tlio Itov. N , M. Mnttn
HrloT IHouraphionl Hkctoli.
After being without n pastor for1 noirly n
year , Unity church , near the corner of Sov-
cntponth and Cass streets , was filled to over
flowing yesterday morning to witness the
Installation of Kov. N. M. Mann , lata of
Rochester , N. Y.
The services opened with choral responses
mid the reading of the scriptures , followed
by an mitliom anil prayer.
Rov. John R. Eftlngcr , of Chlcatro , secretary
of the Western Unitarian conference , then
introduced the now pastor , glvine n short
sketch of his llfo anil toaehlngt , and also In
structed the congregation ni to their duties ,
and how they could best assist the pastor In
the discharge of hli duties.
After another hymn General W. W. Lowo.
president of the board ot trustees , welcomed
the im-itor to the church aud to Otanha ,
Mrs. Martin Calm then rendered a solo ,
"Como Unto Him. "
Rov. N. M. Mann then delivered n most
touching and earnest normtn , showing great
depth of thought nnd How of language.
Rov. Mann comes to this city from Rochester -
tor , N. Y. , whrro ho bus been associated
with one church for nearly a score of yoixra.
' 1 ho following from the Rochester Herald
shows the high esteem In which ho Is hold
by the people of that city :
Rov. Newton M. Mann settled in Rochester -
tor In 1870 , nntl remained In charge of the
Unitarian church for the next eighteen
years. Ho cnme to this city from Troy.
Previous to this tlmo ho had boon the pastor
of a church nt Kenosha , WIs. , so that ho Is
familiar with the west. Mr. Mann's dis
courses from tno pulpit of the Unitarian
ohurch hnvo boon widely read nnd their
author's ' opinions Invvo been eagerly sought
on many theological und philosophical
questions. His sermons are always enriched
with a wealth of simile drawn largely from
nature and from his sclontidc researches
which makes them especially valuable for
their literary merit Mr. Mann hits boon
active in the academy of science , devoting
considerable time to astronomical study. Ho
has also been n member of thu Human' ) so
cloty , nnd wan the founder ot the local Soci
ety for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chll
drou. After resignlnir from the pastorate of
the Unitarian ohurch a year ago ho spent
several months In Europe. His decision to
leave thli cltv , with which hu has boon so
prominently Identified , will bo generally regretted -
grottod ,
Unity church has been recently organized
nnd is now on a mo t substantial footing.
The following is n list of the chuich ofllcors :
Board of trustees General W. W. Lowe ,
chairman ; I. L. RIohanK secretary ; Samuel
uol E. Rogers , GeorgoW. Eason , Thomas
Advisory committee W. E. Hurllnglm ,
treasurer , 513 North Thirteenth Btreot ;
Henry C. Akin , Charles A. Coo , O. C. Hol-
rton , W. S. Curtis , Josaph H. Hluir , Wm.
Wallace , George A. Joslyn. Snniuol li.
Johnson , N. J. Edholui , E. A. Ayurst.
Anot tier Lost Child.
Mr. Jessie Llmbert , of 2501 North Twenty-
fourth street , reported to the police yester
day that ho had been expecting the arrival
at his house of Mnry Wnfcl , a little girl
thirteen years old , who haa started from
Worthinpton. Minn. , on Monday la t to
coma to his homo. She was seen at the
Council H In its transfer last Tuesday morn-
lug , but lias not been scon since , aud ho
fears some harm has befallen her. She is
described us being rather largo for her upd ,
with dark eyes nnd hnlr and wearing a whlto
lawn dross figured with small blue ilowors.
She carried n satchel and basket.
1,0000 marvels of son , earth and ait ; at
Eden Musco to-dny.
limy Worn In a Hurry.
John Muthorford nnd C. L. Kalp were run
In last night for reckless driving They were
driving a sorrel horse in a sulky nnd ran into
n buggy near the corner of Fifteenth nnd
Farnam streets , in which were Mr. J. Aiti-
ous und his wife. The bUggy was tipped
over and smashed up , and'tho'occupants
spilled out onto the sldowMk. No one Wits
Injured seriously , but the bugpyhris'seon'-its
lust dnys. ,
A Sunday Marriage. ' '
Max Neor , a grocer at 010-12 South TcnUi
street , and Miss Jennie Franklin , daughter
of Jacob Franklin , u traveling man'repre
senting an eastern house , were united < In
marriage last night at the "St. Louis1 b'y
Rabbi iicnsou. After the ceremony n supper
and dance followed.
HtonniHliip Arrivals.
London The steamer Bohemia , from Now
York , for Hamburg , passed the Lizard
to-day. . i .
The steamer Aureola , from New York , arrived - _
rived at Queoustown to-day.
The stoiunor Lord Gough , from Philadel
phia , for Liverpool , arrived at Queo'nstown
New York Arrived : Steamers Servln ,
from Liverpool ; Arizon , from Liverpool : An-
chotla , from Glasgow. '
Burglars CaiiK' ' " Up a True.
BIUMINGHAM , Ala. , Sept. 1. The two
burglars who Killed John Lnwrcuco at
Montovallo on Friday nljrht , when Law
rence discovered them in thu act of robbing
his uncle's /Uoic , were both captured yester
day. Ono of them confessed.Vhon found
they were up a true within fifty feat of
whore the murder was committed.
Viwllors To tlio Fair and Coliseum.
Bo sure anil cull on llospo , 1G13 Doug-
Uis htroot , art and intiHic rooms.
Hyracmo Knlr.
NKIIIHSKA CITT , Neb. , Sent. 1. [ Special
to Tin : Uii : : . ] The Syrncuso fair opens on
next Tuesday and promises to .bo onq of the
most HUccessful of any hold In a number of
youia. The Nebraska City association hus
fallen Into u Bluto of Inucuous dentuitiule for
the present season nnd there will bo no meet
ing. _ _
The Wenlnor Foroonsr.
Nebraska und Iowa Light ram , preceded
In Iowa by fair , cooler , . southerly , shifting to
westerly winds.
Dakota Light rain , lower temperature ,
winds shifting to northwesterly ,
NOKI-OPH I'opnor Knch Oilier.
KmvAUDSvirxii , Kan. , Sept. 1 , A shooting
affray occurred this morning between no-
irroos. In which Bill Butler shot Clmrlca
Brown und un unioiowii colored man , Botu
are dungeiously woundod.
'Jlio Old Mun ix H Picker ,
Solomon Zook , 1111 Ohio ffonlloirmn ,
aged otahty-Blx years , \i\\o \ is visiting
friondu in Milllin county , iliBtiiitfuuhed
himself by piokinj , ' UOI ) quarts of nwp-
borricH in two duy during the ounon.
Vitality an J VlKor are quickly given to
every iwrt of the boily by lluo-l/a buranpurl'lu '
'Hint 11 rod feeling U entirely overcome , the
blopil U imrlllBil , enrlcnixl anil vitalized , the
Btcwiiwli l < tuned ami strengthened , the upnetlt *
restored the Uldnnyo anil llvor Invigorated , tha
liritln rufrelied , thu whole irntem built HP , Try
HoDtl'B Sarsaparll'la oiaby dniBB
reimreit byO. 1. liood & Co. , Lowoll. Mtuw.