Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1889, Part II, Page 11, Image 11

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    M ' If
From the Depressing Effect of the Changing Season , or by Hard Work
and Worry You Need the Toning , Building Up ,
; ; ! . .
' ?
Nerve-sfrejigtheninj led I'S SARSAPARILLA. -
Will give you a feeling of health and strength again.
HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA is sold by all druggists. Prepared by
I P .
A.n Astronomloal Phenomenon to be
Witnessed in Omaha.
The Great Plnnot and His Glittering
Train of Obsequious Satellites
One by Ouo Will I'asa
From Sight.
A Celestial Panorama.
Tuesday , the 8d Inst. , at 8 p. m. , the cltl-
tons of O in ah a may feast their eyes upon a
ruro astronomical phenomenon *
Anyone who has occasionally glanced heav
enward on a clear night must have soon a
brilliant star In the southeastern sky. Just
at dusk It makes Its llrst appearance , and as
night advances and darkness covers the lund
its clear light makes it a conspicuous and
beautiful object to boliold. Even the bright'
cst of its companion stars scorn dim beside
its sparkling brilliancy. A casual observer
must have noticed that each night its position
was higher In the heaven than when flrst ob
served. A closer scrutiny , however , will re
veal another and more interesting fact. Each
star in the "Groat Bear , " for instance , al
ways holds iho same relative position It hold
years ago , when as children , this brilliant
constellation was pointed out to us as the
"Dig Dipper , " and now , as then , the two
largest stars In the cup of the "Dipper"
point out with unerring accuracy to ttio mar-
r "iner's great guide , the North star.
This beautiful star , howovur , is not gov
erned by the common law that determines
i !
the positions of ether stars. It moves about
among Its companions us If on a visit of In
spection , and completes its tour of the heav
ens in about eighteen years , On account of
thli wandering about through space , it is
called u planet , and Is known as Jupitor. It
is the largest planet In our solar system.
Its diameter Is about 80,000 miles , It weighs
twlco as much as the total weight of all the
other planets , and the volume of its sphere
is more than 1,300 times the volume of "this
great world of ours. " Its speed In revolving
about Us axis Is marvelous ; for , while our
earth completes its day In twenty-four hours ,
Jupiter completes Its day in ton hours. By
reason of this mold motion , the clouds on its
surface art ) thrown Into parallel lines above
its equator , and , like huge girdles , com
pletely encircle the planet. Those clouds
are distinctly visible through a tnoduruto-
ized , but wall doUnlng telescope , and uro
known as the "Belts of Jupiter , " The dis
tance of the planet from ui at present la
over flvo hundred millions of miles.
Our earth , which is also a planet , has but
ono moon to accompany It , us a faithful su-
tollito. In Its lonely way about the sun.
Jupiter , however , Is accompanied by four
moons , or satellites , and the solar and lunar
eclipses visible- from Us surface are every
day occurrences even la its short day of ten
hours. These eclipses are also visible froir
tlio earth , and , as it requires only a small
telescope or good opera-glass to reveal their
presence , this planet has over been ono of the
most Interesting- sights In the heavens. Any
one who has had the good fortune of looking
at the planet through the largo telescope ol
Croighton college observatory , wjll recall
those facts with pleasure. The four satel
lites , or moons , of Jupiter are constantly am ]
rapidly changing their positions , at ono time
disappearing in the shadow of the great
iilauut , only shortly to reai.nxmr with seem
ingly renewed tplendor ; at another , passing
behind and then in front of the illsk ; and in
each of these two positions as effectually lost
to vlowasif they wore completely annihilated.
Largo tolescopoi will even show the shadow
of the moon moving across the disk , when
the moon passes between the planet and the
The moons of Jupiter eau readily bo found
ami idoutlilod , Binco oil four tro generally
on the same straight line passing through
( ho center of the planet. On Tuesday ovou
, ngat twenty minutes to 8 , the moons will
nave the exact positions given in the dia
gram :
.104. 2. .
The small circle represents the planet , the
dots are the moons , the llgures 1 , 3 , 3 , 4 , are
the numbers of the moons. No. 1 is nearest
the planet in actual distance , and No. 4 the
most remote , although , owing to the per
spective , No. 4 at times appears nearer than
No. I. The moons move towards the num
bers , hence If wo IOOK at Jupiter after the
instant given above (7:40 ( : p. m. ) , No. 1 will
have moved nearer to the planet's disk and
towards the west , while numbers 4 and 2
will also have nuprouched the disk but
towards the east , and number 3 will have
moved away to the west. It will bo of in
terest to know that No. 1 completes a revo
lution about the planet In 1 day and 18 hours ;
No. 2 In 8 days and 13 hours ; No. 3 in 7 days
and 4 hours , and No. 4 in It ) days and 18
hours , while our moon requires 29) days to
complete a lunar month.
The phenomenon which wo will have the
pleasure of witnessing on Tuesday evening
( If the weather permit ) . Is the disappearance
of this great planet behind our moon. It
will romaln hidden from our view for one
hour and n quarter. In astronomical lan
guage this phenomenon is styled an occulta-
tlon of Jupitor.
The moon Is our nearest celestial neighbor ,
and yet her distance from us is 240,090 miles.
This distance will certainly appear small
when wo coinparo It with the millions of
miles through which the planets and the
tixcd stars transmit their light to us. It Is ,
in fact , n distance only ten times around the
earth , and many an engineer and conductor
during their service on our railroad trains
have run that distance. The sun is 400
times as far away and 70,000,000 times as
largo as the moon , and yet on account of
her closer proximity td the earth the moon
seems to bo of the same size as the sun.
While the moon hurries on her way among
the stars she is continually intercepting the
light from some of them Just ns effectually
as a person would do If ho passed between
us and a row of lights. The lights would
successively disappear for a time proportion
ate to hU xpced , and then reappear. This is
called occulting , darkening or intercepting
the light ot n distant body. Occultatlons ,
eclipses and transits are three terms which
mean essentially the sumo thing , and any
difference that may exist is solely duo to the
apparent size of the bodies. This phenome
non occurs when two heavenly bodies are in
the same straight line with our position on
the earth. If the nearer ono is the greater
wo say there Is an occupation of the farther
one. Thus wo havd occultatlons of stars
and planets by the moon , and sometimes ,
though very rarely , occultatlons of stars by
planets. If both bodies are about the same
size , or If ono enters the strong shadow of
the other so as to lose its own light and dis
appear from view , the phenomenon Is called
an eclipse , such as the eclipses of the sun by
the moon and of the moon by the earth.
Lastly , If the nearer body be so
small that It cannot bide the
light of the larger , and appears
only ns a small spot upon Its disc , wo say
there Is a transit , suctiits the transits of Ve
nus and Mercury across the disc of the sun ,
All those various phenomena of occupations ,
eclipses and transits are continually shown
by the moons of Jupiter , and a few hours of
patient observation , sometimes oven a faw
minutes , will bo amply repaid by the sight
revealed to our oycs. Another world will bo
laid open to our gaze , and wo can sea with
what faithful accuracy the satellites revolve
around the central planet obodlonl to the
laws which the creator has llxod for them ,
and which Ho alone can over chance. Ju-
mtor and his moons are as complete a system
in themselves us the solar system of sun and
the attendant planets. No wonder then ,
that as soon as the telescope of Galileo dis
covered the wonderful harmony of the Jovian
system , the true construction of the solar
system ana the law which ruled jts every
motion , could not remain unknown and
sealed to thinking minds.
The American Ephomorls gives the follow
ing times of the phases of the satellites of
Jupiter ;
September 8 , 20h 23m p. m. , I Tr , In.
lib 37m p. m. , I sh. In.
September 4 , 13h SOui a. ra. , I Tr. Ejf.
Ib 55m n. m , , I Sh. Eg.
8h4-na. m. , IVOo.Dis.
4h45n a in , IV Oc. Ha.
6h SUm p , m. II Eo. Ho.
7h 4lra p. m I Co. Dls.
17h 13m p. m. , 1 EC. Ho.
Note Tr. means transit ; In. meant In
gress ; Sh. meansshadow ; Eg. means ogress ;
Oc. means occultation ; Dis. moans disappear
ance : Ilo. means reappearance : EC. means
ccllpso. The times are given In central
standard time.
But , to return to the occultation of Tues
day night. In the beginning of this article
wo said that the phenomenon was a rare
ono , and this will bo evident from what fol
lows. The moon's orbit is gradually shift
ing , so that she never returns to exactly the
same place , but is moving farther and far
ther from It at each revolution around the
earth , until after about nineteen years the
orbit is restored to its former position. Its
motion is very like screw-threading , and
owing to this fact her lower limb flrst grazes
the upper limb of the sun. Then at the
next revolution she descends and hides a
small portion of the sun's disk , causing a
partial eclipse. Gradually ttio eclipses be
come greater and finally total , after which
they begin to decrease and the cycle is at an
end. This celebrated oollpso-perlod was
discovered by the Arabian astronomers and
called the Saros. A similar cycle applies to
the stars occulted by the moon , for as re
marked nbovo , nn eclipse of the sun Is es
sentially an occultation by the moon. But
while the occultation period of the stars is
oven more regular than that of the sun , that
of the planets become very complicated on
account of their seemingly erratic motions.
The planets , as seen from the sun , remain
always in the same plane , and always move
in thu same direction , but from a traveling
observatory like the earth wo sec
"Their wandering course now high , now
low , then hid ,
Progressive , retrograde , or standing still. "
While the moun advances on its ever-
shifting orbit , the planets perform their ap
parently most lawless evolutions , nnd al
though the moon may happen to occult them
npw , n long time may elapse before the sight
rimy present itself again. Taking Into ac
count in our calculations the chances of the
weather and the unequal odds of having the
occultation In the daytuno or below our
horizon , wo have reason to wonaer at the
rare spectacle in store for us on Tuesday
nisht. Twelve times this year Jupiter Is
occulted by the moon , but the phenomenon
occurs above the horizon of Omaha only
twice. The ilrst time was March 21 , at sun
rise , but the occultation was not visible on
account of the sun's brightness. The only
chance remaining is Tuesday nlijht ; thohour
is u convenient ono , the moon , is not too
bright , and if only the sky bo clear , all other
chances are In our favor.
The smaller of the two diagrams given in
this article will give us all the details neces
sary for enjoying so rare u sight. The circle
represents the moon as it would bo seen
when full , but as the moon will DO but \ %
days past the llrst quarter , a llttlo over half
Its disc will bo lllutntnutca , and our imagina
tion must supply what Is wanting to complete -
pleto the full circle. This is rather an ad
vantage , because the planet will disappear at
tno dark limbof the moon where the glare
Will not fatigue our eyes. The four points
marked N. 8. E.Y. . ore the cardinal points of
the disc. Since the celestial meridians become
more inclined as they approach the horizon *
the north point of the moon will also Incline
from the vertical. The point marked A will
bo uppermost at the beginning , and the point
11 at the end of the occultation. If wo hold
the paper In such a manner that B will bo
above , wo shall have llttlo dlfllculty in know
ing where to expect1hoplanet to emerge
from behintf the disk. It is clear that such
precautions are not necessary for the immer
sion. Jupiter's diameter is about one-fiftieth
that of the moon. The planet will disappear
behind the dark edge of the moon at about
nlno minutes after 8 , and remain hidden until
about twenty-ono minutes after 9. At this
latter instant a sharp look-out will bo neces
sary to separate it from the moon's bright
limb. The disappearance will bo gradual ,
because Jupiter , unllko a flrst magnitude
star , is not a mere point but presents u disk
of considerable size , oven in a small tele
scope. Gradually , then , it will fade from our
sight , and its brightness will bo missed in the
sky. In a telescope the sight will bo superb.
About twelve minutes before the planet
hides itself behind the Invisible dark edge of
our moon , the moon No. 3 will disappear so
suddenly a < > almost tostnrtlo , ono who wit
nesses the immersion for the flrst time. Five
minutes later moon No. 2 will share the fate
of its companion , only to bo followoJ after
flvo minutes by No. 4. Tuen the invisible
and opaque veil of the moon will begin work
on the great planet itself , and after a min
ute's struggle its light , too , will bo removed
from our gaze , leaving us only moon No. 3
for two short minutes. Then the last
trace of the crand Jovian system will
bo completely lost to our view. Though
hidden to our.eyes for a tune , they are beam-
in gas brightly as over to the telescopes o f
Mexico , the West Indies and all of South
America ; nnd if wo patiently wait for nn
hour and a quarter wo , too , shall see the
giant planet again as he emerges with undl-
inlnlshod splendor from the obstacle that
shut out his light from our admiring eyes.
The large diagram given" represents
the earth ns soon from Jupiter at the mo
ment of occultation. The earth is tilted at
angle of 23 % degrees , with the south polo
well In view. The uppermost curved line
"on the terrestrial glebe shows the path pur
sued by Omaha across the earth's disc. The
upper small circle in the moon , and the long
straight line is the path of Its centre. The
marks on this straight line represent the
distance run by the moon In ono hour. The
meridians on the earth are also an hour
apart. The instant that Jupiter appears to
cross the merldan , as soon In Omaha , that
same instant Omaha crosses the central
meridian , as sees from Jupitor. What wo
therefore call an occultation of Jupiter by
the moon , is called by the inhabitants of
Jupiter , if there bo any , nn occultution of
Omaha by the moon , or , rather , ns both
earth and moon appear smaller than Jupiter
t , if/
' does to our eyes , and as both on that night
appear somewhat crescent-shaped , like our
moon when about six day's ' old , the astrono
mers of Jupiter would have the superb and
inagnlticont sight of two small crescents approaching
preaching , touching and separating , a slgUt
superior to our view of Jupiter's satellites
which never appear as crescents. The
curved line running up and down very nearly
through the middle of both earth and
moon , is the sunset line , sep
arating day from night. The sun is
away to the loft , and hence the portions to
the loft of the line have day , while the rest
have night. Omaha will bo on the central
meridian at 21 minutes past 7 , and at the
same Instant the moon's center will bo at
the place marked O on Us own orbit.
UememboHng , then , that the marks on the
moon's path and the meridians on the earth
are ono hour apart , wo can easily find the
positions of the moon and of Omaha at any
given timo. From a diagram similar to the
ono given , the times of disappearance and
of reappearance of Omaha as seen from
Jupiter , or of Jupiter ns seen from Omaha ,
hove boon found to bo as given above that
is , nt S ) minutes past 8 and at 21 minutes past
0 o'clock.
An exhaustive investigation of the dia
gram given would answer all the questions
that could bo asked on the subject. Wo
vlll point out only a few nnd with them
bring our paper to a close. Everything will
convince us that It eleven ocoultations out of
twelve this year are lost to us , this only re
maining ono shares some of the hazards of
the others. Wo BOO , In the flrst place , how
high the moon passes above the earth's disc ,
and to what small portion of the world the
occultation Is visible at all. Then , as the
diagram gives us the position of the moon at
the instant the ocoultatlon begins at Omaha ,
we sco that the planet is disappearing at the
same instant at all the Places In the United
States and a very small portion of Mexico ,
Sunday news from Cincinnati ! All quiet
on the Hhino.
Adam was the flrst man to be hung In M-g.
A preachers' trust is now talked of.
No scandal in the choir has occurred for
some time. The country must bo getting
The clergyman doesn't pay much attention
to the stock exchange , but ho is frequently
"long" In sermons.
"Wo are all worms , " exclaimed a preacher
In his sermon. Llttlo Bobby , who was fol
lowing the discourse attentively , whispered
to his mother : "Then that's the reason
why the great big llsh swallowed Jonah ,
isn't UP
The congregation of the Evaneollcal church
of Lansing , Mich. , is shocked nt the news
that Its pastor , Rev , Frederick Mayer , has
drawn a lottery prize of 5,000 , Mr , Mayor
bears the shock , it is needless to say , with
great equanimity.
Sunday School Teacher Now , Bobby ,
why did Moses strike the rocui Bobby
'Cause ho wanted water.Vcll , we don't
have to knock on the rocks for water now ,
do woi" "No , mu'au ) , but you have to Knock
throe times for beer on Sunday , "
In a lecture in Kansas City , Robert Ingon
soil , the inlldol lecturer , in trying to explain
his faith , suidi "What do I believe in ) I
through which the right side of the moon's
circular diso is drawn , and reappearing at
all places In the Pacllio ocean which are to
the loft of the moon.
Again wo notlco that Omaha is u llttlo
over an hour's distance from the sunset line ,
giving us the time of sunset at Omaha at
about 7 o'clock , nnd that the disappearance
or immersion , as It Is culled , of Jupiter must
occur in Snn Francisco whllo the sun is still
above the horizon. The immersion is there
fore Invisible at that place , on account of the
Finally , there Is no occultation of Jupiter
for any place south of the center of Mexico
nnd for the whole of the eastern hemisphere ,
in fact for all the worla except between tbo
25th and 07th degrees of latitude and lu the
United States.
It Is to bo hoped that the last danger , that
of the weather , may also bo safely averted ,
and that all things may conspire to the suc
cess of a grand celestial spectacle , which
may not occur again for decades of years.
belfovo in what I sco before mo. I bolievet
in these 2,000 people at II a head. " Tim ,
was , without doubt , a bit of truth thu
slipped out unawares.
Harvard university expects to have a largo
entrance class this fall.
The bequests to the schools of the country
during the past year were up into tbo mil
American colleges never wore better pat
ronized and in more flourishing condition
than they are to-day.
Students who use tobacco In any form are
denied admission to the University of the
Pacific at San Jose , Cal.
The school of medicine of Boston university
has graduated 478 physlclanu. Nearly ono-
half of these are women ,
Victoria university Is this year headed by
a lady , Alice Crompton , of Manchester , stand
ing alone for first classical honors.
During the recent commencement season
the sifts to colleges and other educational
institutions amounted to nearly 13,000,000.
It Is stated in the Russian papers that now
professionals in the Japanese , Corean and
Hindustani lanpuatrei nave Uecn founded at
the University of St. Petersburg , and that
the course of studios lu these subjects will
begin next session.
Mrs. Kcstorson , of Fulton , K.V. , has flvj
sons , and the birthday of each Is July 24.
A toadstool three foot across and very
beautifully colored was found in the wood !
nbovo Martin's Ferry recently.
A queer animal , described as "a cross bet
t woo n a kangaroo and a 'possum ' , " was cap
tured by \orlc man the other day.
A fish-hawk has built Its nest on a chlm
noy on Jonathan Hoffman's house. In Fish *
ing Creek , Capo May county , Now Jersey.
On the arrival of a train at Derby , Eng
land , the ether day the wheel tapper found
In the spring of a box a thrust's nest full ol
eggs in process ot incubation. 1
At Galveston recently a carpenter nameij
Edward Johnson , whijo fishing with an ordi
nary hand line , caught a rodfish weighing 10Q
pounds. It required the assistance of two
men to land the monster.
A weeping poach tree Is ono of the curios- !
osttlos of Denison , Tox. It Is visited by
many persons dally. At times u perfect
mist or spray surrounds it. A number ot
supertltous persons think that spirits oport.
ate upon the tree.
Three sisters , all under fifteen years ol
ago. In Mlssurl , weigh together 803 pounds.
Lydla , thirteen years old , Is the heaviest ,
tipping the beam at 873 pounds. Two of thd
trio have six lingers on each hand and the
same number of toes on each foot. Their
parents are of ordinary size.
A queer freak of lightning occurred at
Kirkwood , Gn. , a few days ugo. A young
man named Guy was struck by lightning ;
and the shock was so crcat that it toro the
eyelets out of his shoes. Strange to say Mr.
Guy WAS not injured beyond the shock of tha
stroke , and Is ns well as over ,
A homeless dog In Stamford , Conn. , has a
habit of following baby carriages about ?
town , as if to protect the innocent little occu
pants. The brute is of a yellowish brown
color , part shepherd , of medium size , nnd
will not allow man or boy to touch him. All
ho seems to want Is a baby to guard ,
A good many of the shade trees In Port
Jorvls , N. Y. , scorns to be In a drooping con
dition. The Port Jorvls Union Buys that
most of the affected trees are In the Immedi
ate vicinity of electric lights , and suggests
that the darkness of night is us needful to
trees for rest as It is to human beings.
A very rare specimen ! of animal 11 fo was
discovered in Pennsylvania recently on the
farm of Henry H. , Davenport , father of
George H. Davenport , of Moadvillo. Mr.
Davenport sot a trap for what ho supposed
to bo a white skunk , and caught what turn *
out to bo u gonulnn white woodchuuk.
Twelve hundred converts have boon ba | > -
tl/od In the Baptist mission In RUSHIU tha
past two years , 'iho mission is principally
among the German colonists in south Russia.
There Is also a successful mission In Rou-
mania and Bulgaria.
Persecution of dissenting Christians seeing
to bo increasing In nil the countries of cen
tral nnd easteiii Europe. Their rapid prepress -
press ha * alarmed the clergy of the estab
lished churches nnd ttio.y uro putting forth
every effort poxHlblo to suppress them ,
The appropriations of the American Bap
tist Missionary union for the year ending
March 81 , IB'JO ' , amount to $102,785.71. Much
now work Is provided for , and the schedule a
more nearly In accordance with the esti
mates from the missionaries than for many
The Roman Catholla bishop of Havana ap
pealed to the governor of the island to close
the cemetery which the Baptists hud opened
in that city , but the government of Spain has
decided that the Baptists were acting ac
cording to the laws and may have their place
of burial.
A now station on the upper Congo river
has been opened by the American Baptist
mission. It is 170 miles above Stanlev Pool ,
Lieutenant Taunt , United States commer
cial agent on the Congo , says thin is the
only mission on the river which has boon
successful ,
There are forty-seven organizations en
gaged In thoovangolUat'.onsof the Jews with
077 workers and 105 stations. At least 150
of the missionaries uro converted Jews.
A navigable chanmil has ueou discovered
in the delta of tbo Zambezi river , southeast
Africa , by which vessels can enter the mam
river. This will greatly facilitate the ad
vance of mission * and civilization in that re