Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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PART I. , 1-8.
Germany Boating Her Plow Shares
Into War Weapons.
The Coming of the Czar Regarded
as Very Doubtful. %
The Bochum Congress Favors Tem
poral Power For the Pope.
The Chancellor Anxious to In No
Way Interfere "With ISnglnnd's
Schemes Ulgorotis Passport
Morn Men of Rlnod.
lOSOby Xcio York Auoetated 1'rcfs. )
BERLIN , August 31 , The coining session
of the rolchstag Is not expected to bo stormy
or sensational. Among the most Important
measures to bo introduced is a bill which the
government Is preparing for credits to aug
ment and reorganize the army , In view of the
continual Increase of the French nnd Rus-
Bian armaments. The members of the roich-
Btag and tbo public are being prepared for
this line of significant articles In
all the official organs. Those papers
tire demanding nn increase of the German
forces , , which Is calculated on the effective
force that the now French military law will
enable Franco to put into the Hold.
Several petitions have been sent to the
government from Alsace-Lorraine asking
that the authorities bo instructed to miti
gate the rigors of the passport regulations.
The petitions thus far have met with no response
sponse- from the government.
The Strausbourg Landos Zoitung even re
ports that the permission hitherto accorded
in parishes adjoining the frontier to dispense
with the exhibition of passports where there
is frequent crossings for business purposes ,
is cow withdrawn. No reason for the with
drawal Is assigned.
Thnro is no cessation in the press polemics
on African affairs. The Vossischo Zoitung ,
commenting upon tbo appearance of
vho English blue book says that
the object seems to DO to demonstrate anew ,
in spite of German indignation meetings and
rovllmgs against England in regard to the
Emln relief expedition , the fact that the
Anglo-German understanding ha ) not under
gone the slightest interruption. The
Vossische Zoituug believes that this entente
cordlalo precluded the possibility of Germany
landing the smallest countenance to any
efforts llko that of Dr. Peter's to Interfere
with tbo English pluus In central
Africa. The Boorson Zeltung declares
that during the negotiations for a
Joint blockade Germany gave formal
assurance that the Emln province , including
Waddl , though officially abandoned by
Egypt , sDould still bo regarded , nt least pro
visionally , as belonging to-Egypt.
The assertion that a formal agreement was
made is perhaps exaggerated , both the North
Gorman Gazette's attack the
on Cologne Ga
rotte and l.ho national liberal party's organs
favoring Dr. Peters , Indicate Prince Bis
marck's firm intention to give no offense to
England in colonial matters. The Hanover
Courier , Herr Bcnnfgsen's organ , deplores
the misunderstandings created by tbo
North German Gazette , and regrets that
the friends of Prince Bismarck and
the emperor , in high position , should bo at
tacked because they failed to foresee a year
ago the rapproacnmont with England.
The Frankfort Gazette similarly expresses
surprise , considering the license Prince Bis
marck formerly allowed , that it should now
bo so dangerous to endeavor to ascertain In
a perfectly passionless manner what nro
Germany's rights as compared with English
private transgressions. The Gazette asks In
n fono of sarcasm , "What is the enormous
price England must bo paying for u total
suppression of oven the most modest expres
sion of public opinion regarding German
colonial subjects. "
The Vossischo Zeltung supports the atti-
,1udo ; of the North German Gazette.
Telegrams from Copenhagen represent tbo
liinjj of Denmark as surprised that his son-
in-law should have so long delayed return
ing Emperor William's visit and as most
anxious that this act of courtesy should no
longer be uofnrred ; still after so many dis
appointments the statement that the czar has
decided to coma next * weak , moots with a
deal of skepticism oven In offi
cial circles. The bitter articles
of the Berlin Post and other papers
may bo attributed to the annoyance caused
by these delays. Tlio Port declares the only
way to turn the attention of Russia from war
is for the European powers to give her free
hand fa Asia or the Balkans.
The marriage festivities ut Copenhagen
will bring a largo gathering. It is estimated
that forty members of the Imperial and royal
families will bo present , the assembling of
whom gives 'rise to numerous betrothal
The Bochum congress was well attended.
There was some disappointment over tUo
lack of original and practical ideas for the
amelioration of tbo condition of worklnguicii.
Count Galen delivered the best discourse
on thoquestion. . Six thousand per
sons assembled to hear Dr. Wlndthrost
deal with religious education and the efforts
of the centrists on behalf of the minors , The
congress adopted an address in favor of the
restoration of the temporal power of the
The National Uazotto , apparently the only
authority of the Chlueso ambassador , domes
the story that Count Von , Walunrseo elabor
ated the plan of campaign for China during
the Tonquln war.
The Post issues an official denial that Ger
many has any designs on Crete. .
The Weather Forecast.
For Nebraska : Fair stationary tempera
ture , except In southwest portion , silently
warmer southerly winds.
For Iowa : Fair , warmer in western , sta
tionary temperature In eastern portion ,
southerly winds.
For Dakota : Fair , except local showers in
northern portion , showers Monday , sta
tionary temperature in southeast portion
tion , cooler in northwest portion , cooler
Monday , southerly wluds , shifting to west
erly. _
Clilof Grusa it * Sick.
MiNNEil'OUS , August 81 , A special from
Port Yatcn , N , I ) . , says : John Grass , the
great chief of the Sioux , is seriously ill and
not expected to live.
Ho Wants to Ita President of the Kn-
Klnccrs' Inalltlitn.
tCort/rftfM iSK ) by Jamrt Qoiiton Ocntittt.1
LONDON , August 31. ( Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BUB. ! A member
of the Institute of civil nnd mining engineers
of the United States informed the Herald
correspondent to-day that Andrew Carncela
was a candidate for the presidency of the In
stitute. A delegation of the Institute visited
Europe thl summer. The members were
splendidly entertained In'England , Franco ,
Germany nnd clsowhcro. Next year a dele
gation of engineers from this side will visit
the states. Of course , they must bo enter
tained. The president of the Institute will
be chairman of the reception committee.
This position Andrew Cnrnoglo Is suid to
want very much. The Herald correspondent
iniormaut Is a prominent member of the In
stitute nnd ho states that Cornelia's suc
cessful opponent will bo Abruin S , Hewitt.
Kldilcr , I'ruboily/it Co 'a Preference
For ninnvnt Kxplalnrd.
CHICAGO , August 81. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BnnVl It is said this evening by a
Chicago railroad man that the explanation
lias dually been given why Klddor , Peabody
& Co. preferred Mr. Manvcl to Mr. Strong
as president of the Atcliison. It is known
that Baring Brothers , of. London , wcro
largely instrumental in floating Atehi-
son bonds , and they had no
dilllculty In placing them. The Atohison has
novcr .vet defaulted on the Interest of its
bonds , but it has not paid the interest with
its earnings. Baring Bros , huvo stood in the
broach nnd made good the deficiency , no
matter how largo the amount. This was a
heavy drag on the London firm of bankers.
Having utmost or quite oxhaustei the
amount originally obtained for floatIng -
Ing the lends , in this exigency'
they begun looking about for a Moses who
would lend the Atchison out of the wilder
ness. A coolness had already sprung up be-
t\veen Kioder. Pcabody & Co. and President
Strom ; , and as this banking llrni is prac
tically the American representation of Bar
ing Brothers , the report on the fitness of
President Stronir was naturally lukewarm
or hostile. Baring Brothers also floated a
large block of Manitoba bonds , and
in . doing it were much im
pressed with the illness of General
Manager Manvel. This Impression Presi
dent Hull \v .s not slow to foster , as ho hon
estly believed Mr. Manvol was ono of the
most capable executive officers In the rail
road business. After many consultations
with Kiddcr , Peabody & Co. it was decided
to send representatives to Chicago and got
an unprejudiced opinion of Mr. Manvcl's ' fit
ness. Tlio investigation was complete and
created gossip at the time , none of which
however , credited Mr. Manvol with a chance
for buch u position as president of the Atchi
son. President Strong resigned while this
Investigation was going on , probably being
the only man who guessed its intent , but his
resignation was not accepted. As soon as
the report was made , however , Baring
Brothers concluded to make the change , and
President Strong's resignation was accepted.
Into the Ilnr.cts of the Opposition ,
NEW YOIIK , August 31. Tno control of
the Columbus , Hocking Vulloy & Toledo
railroad to-day passed into the hands of the
opposition. John W. Shaw , president , re
signed and was succeeded by C. C. Wuite ,
son of ox-Chief Justice Waito.
Taken a St-p
, August 31. President Hill ,
of the Manitoba road , to-day Issued a circu
lar appointing A. JL. Mohlor general manager
of the road , vice Allen Manvel , resigned. P.
P. Stilploy was appointed assistant ; general
manager. _ _
The IJIji Fighter's Homo Filled with
Mourners nnd Friends.
BOSTON , Mass. , August 81. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim Brc.J The remains of Mrs-
Michael Sullivan , mother of the immortal
JohnsL. , wcro successfully waked to-nipht.
The house was Jam full of mourners and
friends. No liquors were to bo had , but
clears were in profusion , and the smoke
brought out from every eye all remaining
tears that sympathy had loft unwrung. Tito
women occupied the front room und the men
the rear , while In the center passage way
stood the bier with Its flickering tapers. The
conversation wa ? general , being now and
then interrupted by the wail of the mourn
John was visibly affected , and at times
really shed tears. What little space was
loft from the crowd was occupied by the
mass of flowers , which early to-day came
pouring In from all over the country from
friends of the fighter. Ono florist here says
he has employed all tbo ticlp-ho can Und and
will bo all night getting up his orders. Ono
of thoni is from Bud Hcnaud , of Now Or
leans , and will cost $100. AH day long tele
grams of condolence have been coming in.
The funeral to-morrow , for the son's sake ,
will bo ono of the largest over seen in
'I ho HonittliiH Plnocd In a Mausoleum
Itullt In n Flower Garden.
ST. Louis , August 31. The late Henry
Shaw , ofbotauic.U garden fame , was buried
th'u afternoon from Christ church , on Thir
teenth and Locust streets. There was a tre
mendous crush of people to witness the von-
orublo philanthropist's funeral. Bishop
Tuttle conducted the services ,
The honorary pall bearers included Gov
ernor Francis , Mayor Noonan nnd many
other distinguished citizens of the city and
state. The remains were deposited In u
mausoleum , In the gardens , which Mr. Shaw
had built us his last resting place.
Twolvn alt ; n Hard to Got.
CHICAGO , August 31. The proceedings of
to-duy In the Cronln case make It more and
more apparent that the selection of a Jury is
to bo a matter not Involving days but woqks.
Both sides uro most searching in their ques
tions , and many Jurors who ut first question
ing uppoar to bo eligible prove upon moro
minute inquiry to bo wholly incompetent
under the law.
About twenty talesmen worn examined to
day. When court adjourned this evening
the case was still without u single Juror who
had been definitely accepted. Throe men
who huvo boon examined by each side Have
been "passed. " All of those ere yet subject
to ro-oxamluutlon and chaljengo.
Too Many Wives.
GiiNHsvn.LK , Tex. , August 81. Deputy
Marshal Carr arrested yesterday at John-
sou vlllo , Chlckasuw Nation , a deputy United
States marshal named Thomas Ikes , who
has boon working for the Muskogco court.
Ho is charged with bigamy , U is alleged
that Ikes has throe young wives In various
parts of the Cblukosaw Nation , and has
novcr been divorced from any of them , Ikes
will bo taken to I'nrls , Tex. , to-morrow for
Ono Hundred and Ton Thousand
Man Out.
Looturoru and the Houso-to-Houao
Propaganda at Work.
The Public In Full Sympathy With
tbo Tollers.
Discontent hong Suppressed nt Last ,
Asserts Itself , nnd the Unttlo
Promises to Ho
a Stubborn One.
The Army of the Discontented.
( CopyrMit 1SSO ly A'cio 1'orfc Assoctatril l'rcss.1
LONDON , August 31. The long smoul
dering discontents of the laborers on
the London docks received n strong nthnulus
by the revelations before the lords' committee
on "sweating" last year. The leaders of the
labor movement , seizing the opportunity ,
prosecuted a vigorous campaign in the East
End nnd funned the embers of discontent
until the dockmon , rouspd from the lethargy
Induced by their sordid surroundlucs , sub
mitted to the guidance of Burns and other
active spirits , their concerted action leading
to the present crisis.
The continuance of the strike for seventeen
days , and the strikers' determined attitude
now , show that the lenders calculated the
probable course of the movement before
notice of the strike was formally given.
Interviews to-day with the functionaries
whoso duties bring thorn into daily contact
with dock men nnd these of the allied em
ployments , show that for years past the con
dition of the dock men's families has been
as bad ns any of the worst cases before the
"sweating" committee. The local radical
clubs1 nnd other organizations are fully olive
to the importance of striking while the iron
is hot. They are creatly assisted by the lec
turers and by the house propa
ganda intended to foment discontent nnd
forward , what in view of to-nighl's situa
tion nnd the strike corabilttco's latest mani
festo , promises to develop Into an organized
crusade ngnlnst capitalism generally.
The strikers adhere to tholr full demands ,
though the countenances of many who enter
nnd depart from the relief committee's room
plainly reveal sharp privation.
Public feeling , both in the East End nnd
in the city's commercial circles , strongly
favor the strikers. Local sympathy Is act
ively exerted to supplement thn various pub
lic subscriptions to afford practical relief.
To-day tbo employes of Yarrow & Co.who
are under a heavy contract to supply the
government with torpedo appliances , struck ,
while 5,000 iron workers at the Isle of Dogs
have gone out for an advunco cf 0 pence.
The dock laborers in the strike number
110,000. As an immediate sequence of their
cessation 5JO.OOO stevedores , 0,000 TiKhtormon ,
2,000 clerks and nearly fifty thousand grain
weighers and laborers are idle.
A mass meeting of dockmon will bo held
In Hyde Park to-'rnorrpw.
The directors of the dock companies have
absolutely declined to mnko uny'conccssloa
beyond < vhat has alreadybeeti offered , and
matters remain in statu quo. The strike
committee mot late to-night at the Wade
Arms and decided to withdraw tholr appeal
for a general strike and to substitute an ap
peal to the trades unions ut homo and abroad
for financial help to continue the struggle.
A Fair Prospect That It Will Soon
Uc Hottlod.
CHICAGO , August 81. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BEK.I There is ut least a fair pros
pect of the great Strcator strike being sot-
tied. Governor Flfor , who has been deeply
interested in the struggle between the miners
nnd their employers , and who has ocen much
Impressed with the accounts of the suffer
ings of the unfortunate strikers in the
Spring Vulloy district , has resolved to take
a hand in the matter and , If possible , to
bring the unfortunate dispute to a peaceful
and satisfactory termination. This
morning a long conforcnco was
hold bstwecii Governor Fifer
and a committee representing tbo strikers.
A preliminary meeting had been hold last
night at which Senator C. B. Farwell was
present and expressed his readiness to
do every thing in his puwer to bring about a
settlement. Ho was not present at the con
ference this morning , but his views were
represented by Ilallroad Commissioner
Wheeler who also took part m the delibera
tions. The meeting was hold in Governor
Fifor's room und was not open to the press.
Tbo governor opened the proceedings by
stctlng tlmt ho had thoroughly Investigated
the statements as to the sufferings of the
striker ? in the coal districts and ho
had made up his mind to take
some uctlvo steps to bring the
wretched state of affairs that existed there
to aa end. Ho also said that ho was of the
opinion tlmt the mon were not sufficiently
paid for their labor , and ho believed if they
were not immoderate , in their demands a
satisfactory settlement to all parties might
bo effected ,
Mr. , Cowdroy nnd Mr. Dotivltor both
pointed out that the men's demands at
present were exceedingly reasonable. They
said that the minors only naked to bo paid nt
n rate that made It pdsslblo for tly.n , by
great diligence und hard work , to earn $3
a day.
Governor Fifor thought an able bodied
man ought to bo able to earn at least $ J a
day In this country and ho didn't consider
such a demand unreasonable. Ho thought
that if the minors nnd operators could bo got
together again something might bo done to
settle matters.
After a long discussion Mr. Wheeler rose
and said that ho desired to repeat now what
ho said when the conference broke up two
weeks ago , that ho hud a suggestion to make
which ho believed would bring about u satis
factory settlement. Ail ho wanted wus the
proper opportunity to pffer that suggestion.
Some moro talk followed this remark and
finally it was decided that the miners cull a
general mooting for 10 o'clock. Monday morn
ing at Jbllot , which the owners will bo in
vited to attend. Governor Flfor promised to
send Mr. Wheeler down as bis representa
tive to the mooting , wbore Mr , Wheeler , in
the governor's numo , will tuako his propo
sition , Tbo governor is so im
pressed with the reasonableness of
Mr. Wheeler's proposition that bo told the
delegation that ho had ovary reason to hope
that the atrllro will bo settled Monday. The
governor has nlso decided to issue a procla
mation asking for contributions to help out
the starving pcoptq In Spring Valley.
Governor Fifor's only doubt about a pen-
oral settlement bolng effected is with regard
to W. L. Scott's employes. In case the em
ployes of the other operators should coma to
terms and Scott's mon bo' forced to remain
out , a proclamation for their special benefit
will bo Issued. It Is believed possible that
Mr. Wheeler may bo In h position to offer , on
behalf of the railroads , such n reduction in
the rates as will enable the operators to
acccdo to the men's ' demands.
Ho Seta Flro to n Itnrn nnd .lumps
Into the Flames.
NnwAnK , N. J. August 81. The town of
Paradise , N. J. , near the Blue mountains ,
was the scene of n dreadful tragedy a day or
two since. Phillip Hoinicklc , n well to do
German farmer , furnished the sensation ,
but did not have the satisfaction of enjoying
the sight of his neighbors' surprise.
Hcimchlo has for some time past made
threat * that ho woufd burn the town , but
little heed was paid to htm. The other day
ho went to his barn , in which was stored nil
his year's harvest , nnd kindled a flro at each
of the four corners. The barn was soon
blazing , the flames and' smoke showing for
miles around. Homicide stood watching the
destruction of his property with perfect in
Some of the farmers living near him saw
the flro and cama to help him save bis prop
erty , but with a gesture ho refused their aid ,
and they could do nothing. The heat was
BO intense that they could not approach the
burning barn.
After standing by for a whllo they were
horrified to see Hoinlokle deliberately throw
himself into the flames. No ono was near
him at the time and nothing could bo denote
to prevent the awful deed.
When the flro baa exhausted itself nnd the
embers had cooled so that u search among
the ruins was posslolo , his charred nnd half
consumed body was found.
Grand Army Circles Considerably
Worked Up.
CIIIOAQO. August 3i. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bnc.l Graud Array circles have
been considerably worked up to-day by the
reports in the inoraing papers relating to an
nllogcd insult to General' Sherman by mem
bers of the Phil Sheridan , post , of Chicuco.
Tiio affair took place at Milwaukee yester
day forenoon on the train which wasabout ,
to leave for Chicago ,
The story coos that General Sherman and
his brother woio shown > to n car which was
afterward entered and claimed by a Chicago
party , members of Phit Sheridan post.
Even tbo presence' df General Sher
man , it is said , did not sllcnco
the protests of the party * against the occu
pants of the car , nnd finally the illustrious
chieftain and his brothoi ; went out and left
the Chlcagoans In possession.
A reporter called on Wm. C. Curtis , com
mander of Phil SherMatu post , this morning
to get his version of tiio. ory.
"It's nn awkward uffahsala , ho , "and It
is not going to bo nn * < oaty matter for us to
make it appear just righfin the eyes of the
people , although wo dlrf nothing Improper
and arc really not blameworthy. The fact is
tlmt the general was a little tired
and his brother a lUtlo too quick
tempered , and they toolf oftenso whore none
was meant. The car which the general
boarded was ono which.elght or nine of us
had chartered , and as we had our wives
With us wo could'do nothing less than insist
pn claiming the provisions wo had made
for their comfort. When the car was
backed into the station and attached to the
train a rush was made for it and when wo
reached it the seats were already filled. Wo
protested to the porter , who immediately
began to clear the car , explaining the situ
ation to tno usurpers. It was not noticed at
first that General Sherman was ono of the
Intruders , but as soon us be was observed
the porter told him that ho was in
the wrong car , that his seat was in the coach
ahead. The general didn't seem to bo much
put out , but his brother flow all to pieces In
a minute nnd denounced us for disturbing
the old commander. Vice Commander
Brown , a member of the party , offered Gen
eral Sherman a scat , but the offer was re
fused. Ills baggage was picked up and car
ried into the car that should have been taucn
nt first , the general following it , accompanied
by'Major Sherman , who was still burning
with indignation. Now , wo intended no dis
respect to the general. Wo did not treat him
rudely and ho had no reason for getting
wrathy except that ho was tired and
didn't llko to moyp. If our party
had consisted of men alone , why , it would
have been different. But , you see , wo had
eight ladies , and wo were obliged to consult
their comfort. Besides , the general might
have staid in the cur , ar yliow , had he chosen
to accept the scat Mr. 13 rown tendered him ,
and perhaps ho would h wo done so if his
brother hadn't been so not. I regret the af
fair very much , and I realize how difilcult it
Is going to bo to set ourtelVQ.i right. However -
ever , wo can state the facts Just as they nro
and let the people form ! their own conclu
sions. If they won't bbllovo us , then lot
them go to the conductor and the porter of
the train. Both will confirm what I have
stated and what all the members of the party
will lully corroborate.-- *
Attempted .Murder.
FOUT WIYNE , Ind. , Aijgust 81. The bag-
gairo room ut the Plttatjurg , Fort Wayne &
Chicago railway depot ) vas to-day the scene
of nn attempted murderjwkloh was only pre
vented by the prompt action of Policeman
O'Ryan. Both parties otmocrnod are colored
mon. The assailantw , s Moses Moton , en
gineer at the ICerr-Murray manufacturing
company's ' works , undfi the man assailed
Roberts Barnes , brakeman on the Grand
Rapids and Indiana railway. Moton struck
Barnes with a heavy poa'e ! and was in the net
of shooting him with u revolver when ho was
seized. Mayor Hurdinz pound the prisoner
over In thu sum of faWTor assault and bat
tery with intent to killT ! /
-T *
Kn Whisky lfi \ -
LITTLE ROOK'Ark. ' , Abgust St. There uro
between flfty and sixty ijaloons in operation
in Little Rock. There is ulso hero a United
States army post. For some tmo | nast tbo
soldiers have boon getting drunk , and , of
course , were arrested uy the cltv police.
To-day , by order of tub mayor , the saloon
were notified that they must not
sell liquor to United States soldiers under
peua'ty ' of u line not-less than f 10 or aior i
than $100.
At Han\burjf \ Tuo Augusta Victor ! * , from
New York.
At London The Bafrowmore , from Hul-
timoro. {
At Now York La Brotagne , from Havre j
The Greece und Persian Monarch , from Lon
don. k '
A Union Pnolflo Freight Crnshoa
Into an Elkhorn Train.
His Companion Sustains a Broken
LOJJ and Arm.
Nineteen Oars Derailed and a Hun
dred Hofja Slaughtered.
Gamblers Enun o In a Shooting
Scrnpo nt Alliance Yoiinu Ames
Mysterious Disappear
ance Nebraska News.
A Hud Wreck at Fremont-
FKEMOXT , Nob. , August 31. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun BEE.I At 2:15 this morning n
disastrous wreck occurred at the crossing of
the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
and Union Pacific roads six miles west of
Fremont. A freight train of forty cars
coining cast over the Klkhorn road was run
Into by an cast-bound freight on the Union
Paclilo as the former was crossing
the track of the latter. Fourteen cars
wcro derailed , nine belonging the Union
Puclflo and live to the Elkhorn. There wore
two cars of hogs on the Elkhorn which were
wrecked und about ono hundred were killed.
They were shipped from Geneva and wore
billed to South Omaha. Two men were
stealing n ride In nn empty car on the Union
Pacillctrnin. Ono of them , John Shlmbergor ,
was killed almost instantly , and the other ,
Ethan Allen , had his right arm und loft
leg broken. They got aboard ut Central
City and started east to their homo at Bristol
tel , Ind. Shlmbergor has a brother living
nt Central City. Ono of the Elkhorn cars
was occupied by E. P. Fuller , of David City ,
and his two-year old trotting stallion , Mc
Gregor Wllkes , valued at $10,000 , on
their way to the Omaha fair. The
car was turned over on its side , the men
escaped unhurt , and the horse with but
slight bruises. The latter was led out
through a hole cut In the roof of the
car. Trains were passing on both roads nt
The Union Pacific engine was in charge of
Engineer Charles Sweesy , of Omaha. The
wreck occurred on the open prairie.
Fntnlly Wounded In nn Affray.
ALLIANCE , Neb. , August 31. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEC.J Considerable excite
ment was occasioned in this city this after
noon by a shooting affray .resulting over a
game of cards. A man who has boon work
ing ' with the railroad bridge gang by the
name of Fred Bishop became engaged in an
altercation with two gamblers , and started
for a hardware store with the avowed Inten
tion of procuring a revolver and killing ono
of them by tho" name of Sam Ditto. Ho 10-
turncd with a weapon and several shots wcro
exchanged , Ditto succeeding in hitting him
in the abdomen. The ball entered the left
side , descending slightly und coming out on
thoriKhU The wound "Mil probably prove
fatal. Bishop is about twenty-three years of
ago and came from Terra Haute , Ind.
Snnmlcr * County Teachers.
, Wxnoo , Neb. , August.81. ( Special to TUB
BEE. ] The largest teachers' institute ever
held in Saundcrs county has Just closed. The
enrollment reached 213. The teachers ox-
prcssea themselves highly pleased with the
work done in all its departments. It cer
tainly stands second to none in point of en
thusiasm and diligent work of the teachers.
The entertainments during the institute
were well attended both by teachers and clt-
izoas. At the close the teachers warmly
commended Superintendent Dooley for the
able manner in which ho bus conducted the
educational w6"rk of Saundcrs county. To
the instructors , Prof. T. H. Bradbury , of
Wahoo ; Miss Kato Ball , of Omaha ; Prof.P.
H. Watson , of Valparaiso ; Prof. Dcntou , of
Chadron ; Prof. Lohr , of Codur Bluffs , and
Prof. John Howio , of Bloomflold , In. , much
credit Is duo to the success of the institute.
A Successful Institute.
ALMA , Neb. , August 31. [ Special to THE
Biic.J The teachers' institute in session at
the high school building in this city for two
weeks rnst closed to-day. The enrollment
reached 104 , one-third more than at any in
stitute over held in this county. Superin
tendent Goodban secured the services of ex
cellent Instructors , who wore not only
enthusiastic workers but who had the fac
ulty of creating a good livelv interest In all
the institute work. Resolutions were passed
to-day by the teachers expressive of their
high appreciation of the efforts of the super
intendent and instructors to inako the insti
tute successful. It seemed to bo the opinion
of all present that the term had been ono of
unusual interest throughout.
Beatrice Toniplcx of TJiewnls.
BKATIIICE , Neb. , August 31. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BEE. ] The magnificent now
Paddock opera house will bo formally opened
on the night of September 14 by Milton
Nobles , In "From SIre to Son. " A gala
time is being arranged for.
J. Li. Tait has Just closed a contract for a
fine now public hall on Fifth street , to have
n seating capacity of 1,200. The now build
ing will bo generally devoted to light drama.
ItJIs to bo completed by the holidays.
1'orklns County tM USofIerA
VK.VANOO , Neb. , August ; K. [ Special to
THE BEE , | The old settlers picnic , eleven
miles north of Venango , at the residence of
Mr. Harrison , was a decided success. The
addresses were appropriate and everybody
was sat la fled. At noon the baskets were
brought forth and the good things saved up
for the occasion were enjoyed by the hungry ,
and the number was many. Parkins county
politicians were us hungry us wolves , and
the button-holelng wus a serious obstacle
during the speeches. This is the llrst old
settlers meeting in the county.
JlnrvoRt J'lcnle.
UiuiNAicn , Nob. , August 31. [ Special to
THE BEE.J A harvest ptculu was hold seven
miles \\ost of hero yesterday und a largo
crowd attended ,
Hr < w Is Tlilf , Coroner Oppeniin.
HNOWKVILI.E , Nob. , AuiruBt 81. [ Special
Telegram to Tup BEE.I The telegram
which appeared in THE HUE last Thursday
in regard to , the floater found at this place
the day previous has elicited some Inquiry
from friends of missing parties north , but
owing to the fact that Coroner Opperam had
the body of the dead uiau interred wituout
holding nn inquest no correct description can
bo furnished thorn. The coroner's notion
has been reprehensible in other similar in
Vniinic Amen Is Dylnir.
BL.UII , Nob. , August 81 , [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Bnn.J Joe Amos , the hey that
was shot hero yesterday , Is nllvo , but falling
very fast. Dr. Pcabody , from Omnhn , was
up to-day. Ho located the ball at the base of
his brain , but could not get it out. The doc
tor says ho can't ' live to exceed forty-olght
hours. Ames has admitted ho shot hlmsolf ,
but will not glvo his reasons. When the girl ,
With whom ho had been keeping company ,
called to BOO him , ho told her it was nil her
fault ,
At Fort Itoblnson.
Four ROBINSON , Nob. , August 81. [ Spe
cial Telegram to Tins Bnn.l The ladles of
General Crook's party wont up to the buttcs
north of camp in an nmbulnnco to sketch the
camp to-day. Upon starting down to return
the nmbulanco upset. Miss Corbln was very
slightly injured. The troops were mustered
by regiments for pay at 4 p. m. General
Crook leaves to-morrow for Chicago. General -
oral Brcckcnrldgo goes from hero to the
cauip In Dakota.
Doniirnii'H ltcmnlim. ,
ICcAiiN&r , Nob. , August 81. [ Special Tel
egram to Tun BBE.I The remains of John
Don avail , who was murdered yesterday nt
West Kearney , were shipped to-day to
Columbus for interment. The coroner's Jury
decided this morning that ho came to his
death by n blow with a shovel , in the hands
of Gcorco Vnnoll. This ovunlcg Vanoll ap
peared in n Justice court for n preliminary
hearing. His attorney waived examination
and the prisoner wus remanded to Jail to
await the September sitting of court.
A SlystnrloiiH Ilsr\i > | > rmrmc\
STANTON , Nob. , August 31. | Special Tele
gram to THE BEB.J The people of Stanton
arc very much mystified ovortlio sudden dls-
appoarnnca of George Lane , a butcher of
this place. Ho was at his pluco of business
yesterday and apparently in good health.
The most thorough search to-day failed to
discover his whereabouts. Ho cuuio from
southwestern Iowa bore und has a wife and
Trlotl the ljnmliinuiiiRnuto. ,
BEATKICK , Nob. , August 31. [ Special Tel
egram to THE Bcc.1 A colored woman liv
ing in the cast part of the city tried auicido
by the laudanum route last night. She took
too big a dose and had to resort to a stomach
pump for salvation. She has concluded to
defer her trip up the golden stairs until
cooler weather.
Oospor County's Institute.
ELWOOIJ , Nob. , August 31. [ Special to
THE Bcn.1 The Gasper county teachers' in
stitute closed to-day. Seventy-five teachers
have been in regular attendance und all have
taken unusual Interest. Superintendent
Thomas has been assisted by Edward Hca-
loy , of Lexington , Neb. , and Prof. Thomas
Scott , of El wood.
Work nn Alum's Court House.
ALMNeb. . , August 31. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The contract for build-
lug the now court house at this place was lot
jtcPdajTby thu-eounty board to R. M. Liberty.
Work will bo commenced tit once andpushed
forward as rapidly as possibles until the build
ing is completed. .
Dropped Dead of Heart l > lson e.
BEA.THICB , Nob. , August 81. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BEE. ] Orson L. Bockwith ,
an old and esteemed resident of this city ,
dropped dead of heart disease nt his resi
dence , corner of Seventh and Elk streets ,
about noon to-day. Ho will bo buried to
morrow afternoon.
.Drank liyo nnd Died.
WILLIAMS. Neb. , August 31. ( .Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] A two-yoar-old
child of Thomas F. Potts , a farmer living
ono and n half miles northeast of hero , drank
concentrated lye yesterday evening and
died from the effects of it this afternoon.
The lye hod been prepared for scrubbing
and was loft sitting within the child's reach.
W. O. T. U. Workers.
WAHOO , Neb. , August 81. [ Special to
THE BEE. | During the last three days the
Fourth district convention of the W. C. T.
U , has been in session hero , and a vast
amount of business has boon transacted.
For Fire Fighters.
BEATHICE , Nob. , August 81. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] The local flro department .has
arranged for a series of urizo races to occur
hero during the county fair October 1 , 2 , 3
and 4. The aggregate of prizes will be $200.
Competition is open to this state and Kansas.
Kctlinc Mortgaged Property.
PENDKK , Nob. , Augusts ) . ( Special Tolo-
cram to THE BEE. | George Hull , an old and
respected citizen , was this afternoon ar
rested for selling mortgaged property. Ho
plead not guilty and gave $1,000 bonds.
The headers of The Recent Insur
rection Committed For Trial.
SAN FUANCISCO , Cul. , August 81. The
steamer Zcnlandla arrived from Austria ,
Now Zealand , and Honolulu this afternoon.
It was considered probable hero that Kim-
bcrly would arrive from Samoa , but the
steamer brought no Samoan passengers.
Advices from Honolulu state that affairs
have been quiet there smco tbo revolution of
July 80. Uobort Wilcox , the loader of the
Insurgents , und others , who were arrested ,
wcro given u preliminary examination In
court on the charge of treason , conspiracy ,
riot and unlawful assembly , and committed
for trial at the next term. The Second bat
talion of Hawaiian volunteers , comprising
all the native corps except the King's ' guards ,
have been disbanded and their arms re
turned to the government. It is understood
that this action was buxod on u report made
by VV. S. Wood , adjutant , in which
ho declares that ho was unable to
bring forward any men of his
command nt the time of the Insurrection.
Many were in sympathy with the Insurgents ,
and a number of them wore actually with the
party wtio attacked the palace.
The United States man-of-war Nlpslc ,
which arrived at Honolulu from Samoa last
month , Is now undergoing repairs.
The Honolulu Commercial Advertiser de
nies the report recently published In Amer
ica that United States Consul General Sov-
orauco was not toceivod there by King ICal-
akauu , and says that on the contrary Sover-
unco was most cordially received by the king
Btnhlicd IIU Wlfo.
Four WAYXK , lud. , August 31. This
morning u man who gave hli numo as
Thompson , und says hu has been employed
as a reporter for n St. Louis paper , attempted
to murder his wife whllo ho was under the
influence of liquor , Ho stabbed her repeat
edly in the arm with a penknife , only ceas
ing when the knlfo blade broke oft short ,
Tbo woman's screams attracted neighbors ,
and Tboinpion wus soon m custody. It
suspected that the name given is assumed.
The parties have lived in Fort Wuyuo but a
short time , and little Is known of them.
Wisconsin's Block Bart In the
Hands of the Law.
Taken Inio Custody by Plucky
Michigan OfUolals.
The Murdered Flolaboln'o Fookot-
. book In His Possession.
In the Quiet Iilttlo Town of Hoimbllo
, the Hold Hull Man Who Uov- ,
clcil iii Daring Dooils Gnta
Neatly Gobbled
The Timber Terror Cunturod ,
MAIIQOF.TTB , Mich. , August 31. Redmond
Holzlmy , the Gogcbio stage robber , was captured -
turod at Republic , in this county , this morn
ing. The method by winch his.capturo Wai
effected was as clover and neat as tno ban
dit's own exploits have been daring nud as
tounding. Tlicro is no doubt whatever that
Holzhay is the sumo man who startled the
entire northwest about two months ago by
going single handed through u train on the
Milwaukee & Northern road at Kilts Juno ,
tionVls. . , and levying tribute on a score or
more of passengers ; that n few weeks later
rode into a store In a small coun
try sottlomunt , and at the niuzzlo
of a revolver compelled the proprietor to con
tribute the contents of his safe , and still
later held up a train on tno "Wisconsin Cen
tral railway. "I
Holzhay was brought to this city at 2 p. m.
to-day mid incarcerated in the county Jail.
To an Associated press reporter ho said ho
had made for the thickets immediately after
the stagu robbery. He unshed rapidly oast-
wnrd and struck the Duluth , South Shore &
Atlantic railway about fifty miles cast of
Nestorlu. Tlicro hu bo.mlod a train und
rode to Champion , the northern terminus -
minus of the Milwaukee & Northern.
Ropubiio lies ten miles south of
Champion , and to that point Halzhay made
his way on foot. Ho applied at the Republic
house for lodging and wus assigned to a room.
It was about 0 o'clock yesterday afternoon
when ho nrrived there. Ho ate supper and
an lionr later wus shown to his room. The
landlord observed a striking harmony with
the description of the Gogobio stngo robber ,
and informed the qity marshal , who also had
been notillnd by B. 10. Wolsor , a Justice of
the pouco. Woiscr had met the man ,
on the stroot. The marshal notified
Oeuuty Sheriff John Glade , and to
gether they went to the hotel. Findlntr
the landlord already suspicious , their own . ' I'-l
Euspicions wore confirmed , but they decided
not to disturb the stranger in his room. They
wore certain ho was well armed , and would
shoot if disturbed. It wus therefore con
sidered host to wait until morning , und the
plan of capture was quickly determined
upon. Holzhayo arose at G o'cloclr , ata a
light breakfast and paid his bill. Ho had a
checkered quilt rolled up and bound with a
small rope. In this Improvised grip ho car 4
ried a change of clothing. Slinging the 4I
bundle over his shoulder ho started off ,
intending to make for the Wisconsin
lumber camps. Officers Glnda and Woiser
were awaiting his appearance on the street.
They wcro dressed In citizens' clothing to
avoid arousing suspicion. As Hulzbay approached
preached them they walked toward him , ap i.
parently in narncst conversation and paying !
no attention to the stranger at all. VVhen
they came to him they parted to allow Halz
hay to pass between thorn. No sooner were
they abreast than the ofllcern seized their
man , one at each arm und shoulder and
throw him to the pavement. Halzhay strug
gled and tried to roach his hip
pocket , nearly succeeding In doing BO.
At that moment Policeman Wbalon
came up and with his stick gave the pros
trate man a rap on the head which quieted
him , and ho made no further resistance.
Handcuffs wore then applied and the terror
of northern Wisconsin and Michigan was
found on Holzhny's ' person bore the name of
A. Flolschbein in largo letters on the inside
cover. Flolschbein was the man who was.
killed during the attack : upon the stage.
A Knit Drought Which Will Test
Ilielr Iiocnlity.
Cincxao , August 31. Proceedings tending
to test the legality of the recent election by
which the surrounding suburbs wore an
nexed to Clilcago vvaro hud in the circuit
. Treasurer True of the
court to-day. , an
nexed town of Lulco View , had begun suit to
compel the county treasurer to turn over to
him , as treasurer of Lake Vlow , the taxes
collected in that end of Now Chicago , on the
theory that the recint annexation was un
constitutional. Arguments wcro hoard to
day on that point , und the court decided
against Mr. True , An appeal was 'taken to
the supreme court of the state and will cotno
up before that tribunal In October. In case
the annexation is declared unconstitutional
the decision will apply to all the other sub
urbs recently annexed.
HolyoUo'H Firm Convention.
HOMTOKI : , Col , , August 81. | Special
Telegram to TUB HBB. ] The llrst republi
can convention in Phillips county was hold
hero to-day , placing in nomination county
ofllcers as follows : Treasurer , 13. A , Has
kins ; Judge , P. O. Wostovor ; clerk and re
corder. J. M. Cullis ; sheriff , Jj. 0. Wither-
bee ; superintendent of schools , A. F. By-
bee ; assessor , J. H. Chlluott ; surveyor , J ,
W. Whlnploj coroner , li , P. Lou-is ; com
missioners , M. Cunningham , C. M. Dillo and
F. W. Hawlins. The best of harmony pre
vailed and u strong ticket was the result ,
insuring to the republicans of the now coun
ty an easy victory at the coming election ,
A NcKi' < > Foiled.
SA.N ANTOXIO , Tex. , August 31. Last
night Mury Site , u fourteon-yoar-old , girl ,
daughter of respectable wlilto persons liv
ing on West Houston street , was awakened
by u hand upon her throat , and opening her
eyes saw a burly ni-gro near her bed. She
screamed , and the powerful rufllan Bolzod
her In his arms and hurled her bodily
against the wall , stunning her. He made his
escape , but not until the parents had eoou
him. He was Identified us John Williams ,
a negro who is employed at the gas works.
Hu was arrested this morning and lodged in
jail , charged with assault with Intent to com
mit rape.