Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No advertisements will bo taken for
thoao columns afterI2:8O p.m.
Terms-Cash In advance.
Advertisements nndr thin hnad 10 cents per
line for the first Insertion. 7 cents for each sub-
requcnt Insertion , and 11.50 per line par month.
IIo ndvcrtlsomcnti taken fov less than 5 cents
for first Insertion. Seven words will be counted
to the line : tlicy mnst nm consecutively nnd
tnnn bo paid in ADVANCII. All advcrtlse-
montR must 1)0 handed In before 12:00 : o'clock p.
tn. , nnd under no circumstances will they be
tnkrn or discontinued by telephone.
I'tirtlonndTcrtlnlntt In these columns and nar *
ing their answers nddrcxscd In cnre otTiic HRB
Will please ask torn choc * toennblo them to get
their Icttors. us none will bo d llvor d except
on prepeDtfttlon of check. All answers to ad-
Ycrtlcemonts shculd IH pncloied In envelopes
All advertisements Inthrso columns nrn pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
TIIK Dm , the clrcnlntlon of which aggregate !
more tlmn Ifl.OUO papers dally , mid Elves the ad *
yertlf cm the benetit , not only of the city rireu-
Intlonof Tur. IlKK. but also of Council Illuffs ,
Lincoln and other cities and town * throughout
thU section of the country.
Advertising forthcao columnn r/lll be taken
on the nbovo conditions , at the following bum-
ness house * , who are authorlzedngonts for TUB
DBS special nolle * ? , mid will quote the same
rates ns can bo had at the main office.
tl Street.
/ 1IIA8N &KDDY , Stationers and Printer * . 113
USoiith 10th Street.
SH. FA llNSWOItTH , Pharmacist , 2110 Cum-
. mlng Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , G24 North ICth
GF.O. W. PAIUI , Pharmacist , 1609 Bt. Mary' *
tTTJGIIKS'PHARMACY , 2M3 Farnam Street
" " "
TI7 ANTED A situation In small private f amT -
T T ny by n respectable middle-aged woman ,
Address or call at 317 N. 10th sc. 4KKl )
SITUATION wanted by an experienced
woman as pastry cook In first-claRS liotol.
Address M. J. I ) . , care of Windsor betel , Lin-
coin. Neb. 470 3UT
OHOHTHAND amanuensis ( flrat-clnss ) wants
Dpoiltlon. I1H. lloo. - 4G029P
WANTKD A situation by a young man , ago
10 ; willing to do anyinlng honest to work
my way up , John Wultson , DoWitt , Nob.
WANTHIJ Situation I/T a first-class book
keeper and accountant , with the best of
Omaha and C. II , references. Address II. I ! . ,
caroOgdonltousp , Council lllutTs , la. 380
\\T ANTKD-CooktorWlsner ! 1 cook nnd ono
TT baiter North Platte , J80 monthly each ;
waitresses J1S monthly. H. 15. Whites. 110 N ,
lUth.W ANTED Good busholman. 115 N. 15th st
4S5 1
" \X7ANTI5D 7 farm hands. Mrs. 1
W B. j5tn
" \\T ANTED A competent "all round" black-
T > smith. Address or apply Immediately to
Jolinnthan Hulllnger , Suuirt , In. 474 : W
TX7 ANTED A good , reliable , energetic man
Vr acquainted with the retail grocers of
Omaha , to sell flour on commission ; will fur
nish complete stock to reliable party. Call at
Windsor notel , 20th , or address M. T. Allum ,
eamoplaco. 483 'Mt
TX7ANTED Immediately , pastry cook ,
Y V 2 cooks 825 , short order , (15 ; 1 at 810 , no pas-
try. Mrs. Hrega , 314J4 8.16th/ / 453 2U *
WANTKD 3 Unners , Armonr-Cudahy I'nck-
Ing Co. . South Oiimlm. 411 30
W ANThD At once , two peed tailors. John
Wolskell. David City. Neb. 4 K SOt
ANTED A good blacksmith who under
stands hordeHbonmg and wagon and car
riage repairing , "With references. Apply to W.
J.j Cotlus. North 1'latlc. Neb 44IKMJ
\XT AN'l Ell A special agent for every county
W in Iowa and Nebraska ; must nave one
hundred dollars'In cash aud bo a hUBllor-sal-
nry JHXlTiorjmontb , Cull or address "Tho XJeo.
B'CllnoPub. HouseV-UoomOil , Kirst National
Tjtyng building. Qiiia'lin. < f , .4191
WANTED A good cook , $ Ti per week Frank.
K. Moores,0178.18th. 427 3t
WANTED A llrst class shoemaker wanted.
No others need apply ; 1 > 8. llith utrcet ,
C. J. Polinqulst. iK5-3'JT
WANTED Live men with good habits and
pleasing address can Und remunerative
employment by calling at room 420 , New York
Life bnlliling.Oinalm. Correspondence solicited.
" \Tff ANTED 3 young men at light work , call
YY this \veek. room 17. 2A ) N. lllth. 304 30 *
TV" ANTED Salesmen everywhere for our ad-
T V justvble all metal door plates. ( Cau sell
and deliver at onco. ) Made ot nickel , gold or
solid bronze , new goods just out , protlts largo
and sales rapid ; no house canvassing. Write
for narttculars. N. Y. Door Pluto Co. , Newark ,
N. J. 34.1 31t
GOOD reliable canvassersstoady employment
witliThe Singer Mfg. Co. , 1618 Douglas st.
_ _ KU 8 13
WANTED-25 railroad laborers for U. P.
company work , at Albright's labor agency ,
1120 Farnam st. _ 191
" 1 jiNTKD flood man In every town. Salary
V > paid weekly. Aiidress Sherman. Tangen.
berg & Co. . ICO W. Lakest. , Chicago. iC54ilt
W ANTED At the Fair , Urbt class salesman
in clothing department. _ UC8
WANTED-Atthe Fair , on or before August
30 , first class , experienced salesman in
ehoo department. Must bo able to speak Her
man. 358
WANTED-Kor Washington Torritory-tlo-
makers , choppers , carpenters , rock men ,
graders and tracklayers , at Albright's Labor
Agency , 11JO Ifarnam at. 221
ANTED-Salesman to carry full line Calf-
fornla ( llitves on commission for this
territory. References roiuirod. Ravmond ,
Squirt ) .V Co , Ban Francisco , Cal. 218-81 *
m ORDERS In 6 days : "I average 10 orders in
f 12 calls. " Those extracts from agent- * ' let
ters ; ageulB wanted in Nebraska. Address with
gtnmp , C. E. Osborno. Beatrice , Neb. Oil a 17 *
WANTED A good olllco man to go east ;
must Invest $2,50(1 ( ; must bo a good business
man. Address the C3eo. 8. Cllne Publishing
House , 315 to 321 Wabash ave. , Chicago , 111.
W ANTKD-Attho Fair , a llrst clim genls'
furnishing goods salesman. 333
WANTCD-Agents. Maglo cigar lighter ,
every smoker uuvs , lights In wind or rain ,
lasts n lifetime. Bixmple Ifie , two forliflc , dozen ,
II , by mall. Btnmps taken , Austin & Co. ,
Providence It. I. 4598.B
\\f ANTED tS weekly roiire-optatlvo , inalo
T or female. In every community. Goods
staple : household necessity ; sell nt sight : no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , und expenses
advanced. Full particulars anil valuable sanple
cuso Prea. We mean Just what we nay ; address
at once , t'tamlord Bllverwaro Co. , Jloaton. Mass.
WANTKD A good competent girl for gen.
oral hoiisowork , washing uud Iroulng. 024
Bouth lUh street. _ 4U
WANTHD 3 housekeepers : laundress for
Sundance , Wyo. ; nUocook and experi
enced nurse ( settled woman preferred ) , in HHIIHI
family , out of city. Would like girls \ \ ho wish
Bltuatlons out of city to come and register , as
wulmvo to 1)11 ) places too quickly to uilmlt of
advertising. Mrs , llrepa. 3I4H B. 15th. 481 80t
WANTIUl-3 waltrossos Lincoln , (18 ; laun-
( irons for Wymoro * 4 ; S wnltren.scs for Nor
folk ( I , fares all paid ; 3 cooks privala family ,
Ul housekeeper out cllv : nurse girl I" ; 4 wai
tresses , 1 second girl , blilrt pollnher (10 , WOBK
steady work ; stenographer I.VI ; : w girls geucrul
work. H. M. Wlillus. Ill * N. ICtU at , 481 ftij
WANTKIJ Olrl to wash dishes. Apply llka !
ciub.'llh Iloor , cor. I&th und Douglas.
W ANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. Mrs , L. 0. Jones , 718 No. " 1st.
1 ADV canvasser to null useful articles to pn <
JUfute famlUea ; can mnko big wages. Address -
dress H 4J. llee olHcu. J81-ot
WANTED Girl to do general housework at
M | g Chicago si. 407
* \\rANTKI > A good girl for general house-
TT work. Unqulraa4 Jones. 460 31t
\\rANTED-A competent girt Jor general
T T lnjubowork. Good wages and a good home
to thu right party. Apply 8116 gpencurnt.
Kouutzu place. 431-ai
WANTED An experienced cook , who Is a
good laundresd ; German or Irish pre
ferred. Apply at H"iUa > enport t ,
WANTED Lady agents for our now Mcln-
to , n waterproof Itagian. Very stjliahj
cloth outside ; iiothlng use lliem in ttorea.
Aueata hnva big trade. Prices ou "Daisy" dose
Biipporters greatly redutea. Wo glvo agents
tha grojlest chauca ever ollernd to make money
tuts t ll on our full line of fait selling goods.
AUdrewi wltli atanip , K , H , Campbell. 4St. llan-
ColpU tr et , CUlcago ,
W ANTKD-Woman soicond cook for Color
ado , $2T and pass ; dishwasher for Wyom
ing. 170 : nantry girl and waitress for Colorado ,
1 for Wyoming. Any amount of first-class
pine.cs In families. Mrs , llrega , 31414 8. IHh.
453 au ;
" \X fANTKD Two girls nt once at City hotel ,
T > ono for dining room nnd lor chamber work .
_ _
T\7"ANTKD Shirt makers , lllSFnrnam.
TlfANTBD-Uutlon-holo maknrs,1112 Farnam.
ANTKD Cilrl , small family , good wages.
Apply ilia s. loth st. , f sea
WANTBD-Olrl for general Housework In
family of. three , German preferred ; apply
to ago Cnpllol nve. _ JEH
W PANTUD A good girl for poneral houtt-
work at J0. South aotli st. 372-ffl >
/1OOD girl for teneral house work ut 409 N.
vJ loth BU ; good wagcB. .Tai 30t
WANTI1D Good girl for hnnso work. Mrs.
W , W. lUngham. 8U S. lUh st. 44.1 3M
A"NTKI-Oood ) glr ) , general housework ,
small family. Call S119. 21th. '
trANTI'.n Aobod girl for house work at
V KM N gilh st. 471 a J
[ TANTnD A c'rl ' t ° T general housework ,
VV r l N. aith fet , cor Califurnlo. 173
W ANTED tierraan girl to do cooking and
washing , best of wages paid. Inaulro J ,
llrandels..21 B IBlh st. 2a ;
WANTKfTPl'orentan S or ii-room house In
Bonthwrst part of city ofOmaha : all mod-
irn Iniproxoments : ftlngin house doslrod , Ad-
ross J. II. lllanchnrd , So. Omaha , Nob.
WANTED -Two rooms nnd board for family
of four In a eoon locality. l'nc must bo
'easonable. ' Good references furnished and re
tired. AiiareBS " 11 31. " lice onico. 48l-.ll *
and board for four
- " young
men north of Clarx st. near car ll'io. Ad-
rcsa H itt Ueo olllce. 417 2J $
Td rent nbout Sept. 20 houpo of
7or8 rooms with modern conveniences.
iV. S. llynn. U. B. Not , bank huildlng.
WANTED Furnished cottage. Cor 8 rooms ,
by family ot 3 , from Sept. 1st. Address
O29 , nceonic-e. H77
FIEST class Hay uoard. Inquire 1C09 Douglas
lO *
A STYM8T1 dressmaker Just from Denver
twants howlni ; by thu day Jn private family ,
all at ( OiN 17th. 418 sat
J-V UESSMAKINQ In families. CJTSo. 17th. ava.
019 s t
TUNQAOEMENTS to do dressmaking in fami
llPs solicited. Miss Sturdy. DID 8 2oth St.
KH s4t
FOR RENT West half of house Sill. Davon-
port st. to small famllr. til pey monlh.480 1
FOR RENT For $13 a month , a new 6-room
house , S Eighth ami Center. 413- !
FOll 11ENT 4-room house , 618' Williams st.
TT1OK RENT A 3-room house In rear ot lot.
JL ? Inquire l.llTGtbs-st. 4J3 iWt
F OR RENT A ft-room cottage to party who
will buy furniture ut a biirgaln10 8 20th.
420 2Ut
TTIOR RENT 5 cottages , Omahn view , JU per
JJ month. Hoggs & U1M. 4151
.TTI OR RENT Elegant 10 room brick , Douglas
"JO st. . J. U. Evans , 303 N. V. Life. 41330
FOR RKNT nouseof 0 rooms.-on 35th and
Cumlngs ; price , $10 ; or 4 rooms $10. in
quire. tCH South 18th st. ' U97-30.
RENT Mne 11 and IT-ioom houses with
all modern improvements. Cass street , be
tween 24th and 25th sts. . at low rates. U. T.
Clarke , 2120 Cass st. 2K5
FOR KENT Have ilats , sincle and double
rooms , Sherman avenno , bet , Ohio and
Corby streets. 332-20 *
FOR RENT 7rroora 2-story house , barn tor
4 horses if desired. Tor terms for the winter
call on1or address C. ! ' . Harrison , Merchants'
Nnt'lllank ; 1 * 1W1
fTIORHENT Two new8-roomhouses ( nobase-
X mont ) , every convenience , less than mlle
from I' . O. , reached by threullnes of street cars.
Wilt rent very low to tmitahle tenant on yr's
leaso. Apply , l.0 | Soutfj 28th st. or Dan H ,
Wheeler , Jr. , Douglas and IHh st. 850
OR RENT Ten-room brick houso. all con
F veniences ; 20J3 Faruam , Cor , 27th avo.
FOU KENT To responsible family without
children , for forms of years at Jew rental ,
a desirable renldence.f urnlshcd or unfurnished.
21th und Cass streets , or wculd sell at low
price. Hoggs & Hill , Heal Estate , 1403 Farnam.
HOUbES for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
FOR RENT J-rooin collage near Fort Oma
ha. $5 per month. Sell for J1.100. I ) . V.
Shales. 210 Fir > t Nalional bunk. KM
FOR RENT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
avo. Inquire,2S3tDoilge. 811
SlXnew houses. 5 to 8 rooms each , prlco very
low. Cull upon or address , Tteb. Morigago
Loan Co. , room 618 Pixtou bl'k. 1.13
T7IOR RENT Two nine room brick houses on
JL' park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on aamo street , with all
comenlences ; price * n3 to t-lf > per month. D. V
bholes. 210 First National Hank. 311
T7WR KENT Residence , 2100 Douglas st. , new
JL' bouse , all modern improvements ; not a
basement houso. Enqulro ot Slorltz Meyer ,
Cor. ICth aud Parnam. t2J
TTT USE forront , ia3 Dodge ,
TJ1OR REKT T-room flat , 82 ? per mo. above
JL1 The Fair , Uth tind Howard. Inquire TheFalr ,
F OR RENT10room brick bouse on 20th st.
aearLeavcnworth. Apply at No 827B.20tn
T1OR HENT-A detached 0-roora house , all
JL ? modern conveniences. Enq. il"J Capitol ave.
TI1OR RENT I0-rootn house , steam heat , all
JL ? impiovcnibnts , cheap rout , G. K. Thompson ,
100111214 , Bhooly block , 15th and Howard.
. Oil
TjlOR KENT Fine largo residence , hara wood
JL ? llnlsh. all' conveniences , low lent to private
family ; uio N. lath st. iwt
Tmolt RENT The 6-room Hat occupied by Dr.
J } Oilm&re. sdilopr. No. IflU Howard st. Inquire -
quire ot Oto. HlgKlnMll How ard st. 133
TTOIt RF-NT Six new fi-rooni cottages , ready
JL ? on or before September 1. 'Mil and Half
Howard streeiSrhritlthy location , near Farnam
cars. Rent , each $15 per mouth , bill table tor
tinall tidy famlUvs. John II. F. Lelimann. G24
B. 17th st. " 44 ]
TJ10R' RENT Oillco room opposite the post
JU olllco. 103. , 473
"OOOMSnnd board for 3 gentlemen , where
J-Xthoy cau bo at home. 521S 2uth avo.
BEAUTIFUL housenlcoly furnished room ,
and first-class board. 407N10th. 4.W-U
OOR RKNT Nicely furnished rooms with all
JL ? modern conveniences , a.2 N. 15th st. 4541 *
TJIOR RUNT 2 nicely furnished front rooms
JU for Hunt huusoKeeplng. 53. B. 18th fat.
404 30t
_ _
KWLY furnished room with board , 2J03
Faniain. 457 K
T7\OR \ RENT Large , nicely furnished fron
JL ) rooms with gas. batli ana heat for winter
None but rofpectablo people need apply. Itu
Bt. Mary's ave , 430 30t
FOR HF.NT-l'nrnibhcd rooms , with board
1522 Dodge Bt. 401
_ _
FOR RKNT-2 nicely furnished rooms , 2103
turuani street , 403
OR ItKNT-EIegant furnlsned room for
stogie gentleman only. 7 4 B , 1 1Kb at. , cor.
Leaveuworlh. MX )
OR RENT Furnished room , at 2215 Deuce
street. ana
/ tO D room with bath , BiaasjtU st.
TTILEOANTLY furnished rooms at 409 N. 10th ,
Ju/l'uul / block ; nil modern Imurovemenu.
U33 g
17/011 liUNT-Nicely furnished room , with
JL1 board , in private family , for two young
men , ( inly 0 blocks from 1 * . O. . on cable ; al
modern conveniences. Address H 22 , Ilee.
3 (
1 > OOM with or without board. 1813 Dodge.
RENT-Two furnished rooms , ou Bt.
Mury'o avenue. To gentlemen onlr. 8lx
minutes vtalk of business center. Reference
required. Inquire at store. 210 and 213 B. 16th it ,
TJOOM3 with or without board , gas bath. CO I
JU8. nth. Zd Iloor. feign
ST. CLA1H nuropoan Hotel , cor. 11th nnd
Dodge { special rate by week or month.
TT1OU IlKNT Two parlors front and back on
JL nrst Iloor. nUo alngie rooms with board.
All modern covenlences. 1KB Douglas. GSJ
DDSIHAIUiBrooms cheap , on car line. 1119
N.lEthst. U8J-817
OH HKNT-Furnlshod rooms , SSfl Dodgo.
'Mi a
FOIl HUNT 2 nicely fnrnlshed rooms with
board. Gentlemen only. 2015 Douglas st.
dU-aO * ,
TntJUNlSHED. or unfurnlihed house for.ront
JL' In 1'ark Terrace , opposite Hnnscom. park ;
all modern conveniences. ItinulroLce&Nlrhol ,
feth nnd Leavonwortli. 38
fTIVliNIBIIKD rooms with all modern con-
JL1 venlences.tor gentlemen only , 1703 Dodpo st.
' furnished suit of rooms nnd ono sin.
i glo room. All modern conveniences , private
family , ! 14 Karnam sU KX
front room , meals In the house , . ItKXJ
.pttol avenue. ffjO
I71OK KENT Two furnlsned rooms , 315 nru-th'
Ju 17th tt. Hcferenco renulnid. 37J-S1
TTIOIt 11ENT S unfurnshed oonslOT 1'o-
J nnm. 450-lt
"fjlOll KENT a unfurnlshort rooms vlt h nl
JL1 modern conveniences for light hcusekoep-
ng. at VIM Bhertnan ave. R ? 2 r
TTIOIt HRN'l Unfiirntshed rofim sultiiple for
JL } housekeeping. In sultus of 2 tn 4 : convenient
ocatlon. llutt's llcnttug Agency , 1508 Farnam.
rpOH RENT Oood location for baroer'shop !
JJ with bath rooms and hot water , 515 S.iith. :
h .uir. H r w.
TTiOlt RENT Stores and llvluivrooms on Cum-
X1 ing st. Also house on Cass st. Harris-room
411,1st Nat. Hank. ' " SH
FOR RENT A larpe warehouse on .lones Bl
bet 13th nnd 14th , threa stories and base
ment. 41 bv lua feet , neil lighted nnd very
strongly built , suitable for haivy machinery
for manufacturing purposes , will lease for llva
or more years at reasonable rent.Inquire of
Henry A. 1 Ionian , 413 S. Kith st , j gU 6t
FOR HKNT Flno brick store rooms on S l.lth
St. , No. HIS , 1)17 ) , Illl' . etc. Ono4i-room cot-
togo , 121(1 ( on Mnson tt. . in good order. . Inquire
or John HumUn. 1)17 ) a3th st..1 ' 11 *
TTIOR RENT Storeroom , cor.2Hh and N W. .
X' Bouth Omaha. Host location ins city for' '
gents' furnishing or dry goods store. > Inquire
of J , J. Mahuuey , room 60tl Vuxton blk. 4T2-sJ
O RENT Desirable war houia room on
JL track. Applv to C. W. Keith , 7U 1'aclUo Bt.
I71OH RKNT The 4-story brick building witi |
JL ? or without power , formerly occupied liy'lhs
Ilee Publishing Co . 1)13 ) Farnira st The billld-
HiS has a lire-proof cemented b isonient , com
plete steam heating llxtures , watar on all , the.
lloors , gas , etc. Apply at the odlce of The Uoo :
TTIOR RENT Tno corner room hmlor the'Ne-
JL ? braska National bank wi.ll soon bo Tor rt-nt ,
the Equitable Trust Co. removlng-'tor larger
quarters. > *
The space is about double that occupied by
tno C. , II. & Q. tlcKet olllcdTliflloor li tiled
nd the room can bo matin desirable ror a 1C. 1C.
i.rket or broki-r's olUco. ' t '
Tor particulars apply at bank. " C3
C HAS. S. Todd does collecting. 44 Ijnrkor blk
443-SJ7J '
A SELECT school for children , under Ihe
Belt ctlo syslom as taught by Prof. Hlch-
anls. W. D. C. . will bo openol Bopt. i IS I ) .
Home comforts can bo had In building.-1- For
further particulars address Mrs. W. . HUr Cap-
llolnve. 34JU "
"CfCONOMIZE In fuel by covering your btsam
JLUpipes with fossil meal nmi-eoudnctlns cov ?
erlng , the most olllclont and eho ipcst of all
coverings. D. O. McEwnn , western agent , 1811.
Howard st. 2J78.M
rpHE banjo taught as nn art by Oeo. F. Gollen
JL beck. Apply a' lleo olllce. U50 "
clslcrns. privy imilts , etc. ,
v/cleancd ( julctly. quickly , cheaply and cjoan-
ly ; all work done bv odorless pump. _ Odorless'
banltary Co. , 14U8 Farnam street xol. 293. ,
Kli sT
LOST , stolen or strayed , pup 2J4 months.cross
between Newfoundlun 1 und M-istllf , binc't.
white spot on bicast , leather collar with name
nnd nadress ; reward. T. D. Duns , .barbor ,
Muray hotel. 4tW 2U ?
'I OST Larijc. yoim-close-haired Bt. Bernard
JLJ dog , \ollow with white broaU and foe { . ite-
turn to 1100 Georgia ave. , or 1)01 ) Douglas and got
reward. 5.13
WANTED To buy counter about 10 feet
long. H 48 , Ueo. , , , r 480 SSf
\ % * ANTED A lot uortli of California , cast'of
V > 30th , cash cublomer. Geo.J. l'a V6 > fJ
Farnam , 47B
/ * " *
WANTED To purchase an P-rcoin jjiodorn
house , pries not lo exceed and-cash
payment not to ha more tlmn J OD or $ lOlJ , bal
ance monthly. Address , giving location , terms ,
etc. , II 41 , Hco. "i > X 4B art
W ANTEU Horse , harness and wapon , IOJ3
N. KUth. 4230r |
WANTED to Iluy A piece of acre property
near Omaha or Council Dlulls that will
grow m valuo. Address with , description nnd
prlco H 31 lleo olllco. * 421
\X7ANTED-Furnliuro ; carpets' . stoVe"nnd
V ) household goods of uli kinds , lt Omalia
Auction A. Slorrgo Co. . 1181 FarnamV , i&T
CJTOHAOE at low rates at 1131 Fatnam fit , ,
kJOmuha Auction anu Btornge Co , 237
STORAGE and forwarding. Wo cpUect and
deliver goods of all descrlpt'ons ' , merchan
dise , furniture and baggagn at cheapest j-ates
for storage for any length of time , vans aad
wagons to bo had nt shortest noptrfc , witn pure-
ful men for moving , rucking widi Khljiulng
from our own warehouse done on tinoa rate
charge. Jlerclmuillse loaded and unloaded.
W archouse on our own tracks. Oflico 2178 llth
st.toophona ; ! 114. HowelliCo. 240
rilllACKAGH storage at lowest rates W. M.
JL liushman 1311 Leavenworth. 238
M ADA JIH Wellington , world-renowned as-
trologlst , test medium und destiny loader ,
just from l.uropo , Tells jour life from tbo
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy manluge with the ono you late ,
locales disease and treats with mastagn and
electric baths. All in trouble should not fall to
consult this glftoil sooress. Parlor 0. upstairs. '
417 a lltli ; oillce noun , from lO'a. m. toMe f. iu.
MRS. Ecclcs , the famous fortune toiler una
clairvoyant : business , love. "man lage'and
changes. OJ7 B Uth st , next door to Darker hotel
OHT0NE Teller Mrs. L'enormun 'cit5i"be
consulted on all airalrs of Ufa , Sntlsfiio
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th t Uil-S.8'
rvil. NANNIE V. Warren. clairvoyaritf"mdl-
JL/cal and bunlness medium. Female diseases
tt specialty. HUN ICth st. rooms 2 and : ! . W5
OTANDARD Hhorthand school , I'axton blk ,
C3successor ( to Vulentlno' ) the largest exclu
sive shorthand school in the wost. Touchers
are verbatim reporters. Particular atlenlian
paid to typew riling. Mechanical construction
of machma taught by factory expert , Circulars ,
IIITTMiRRVH Shorthand Bchool , IHr-ier
block. Bend for circulars ; Lord's prayer
In shorthand free. " 47rt-g"t
MAHARuslnois College , cor lth and CapT
lol ave. Shorthand The largest and most
successful shortnand denartmnuc In tlie state !
Standard tnuthods tanghl. Munson'a revised
of 'SU a specialty. Call or write for terms.
IUVATE sale household funiliuro. 8US1 t'alT-
fonila. 4Pi ) 81
OH BALK A good family horse , with btfu
Ijy aud harness , cheap , itooin 317 Omaha
Nan bank. 48Jao
$ 100 buys mare , harness , open buggy. Enquire
1819 Sherman ave. , after 6 o'clock , 44 < 1 7 $
TpOUSALU Afatcovr.
T7IOK BAliK-Ohoap 4 large and small stiow
J- cases , one iinall safe ; also fine norao and
but'ey. Hranch ft Co. , Ull How ard itreet , >
GNU fireproof sate ; light express wMon.uewj
four liorses.ranglngirom MO tolauipounds ,
wUI be sold very cheap. Nebraska .Mortgage
Lc .u Co room 618,1'axtou block. BUi
T7IOR SALG Cash or lime , 2 good teams , wnp-
JJ ons and harnesses , J. J. Wilkinson , HIT
Farnam Bt , I 11 cto
FOHSALK Moslor rfifnl ontsldo mnftstiro-
tnent 04x33x2goo4 ' Ulmdltion. Knnulro
0otham cigar store. . O.CQC.icth and Bodge ts.
JJIOll SAM5 Clioap.klnmg ] | } , 1711 Douglas :
"filOltSALK A .Ti-horAo Sowtr Porter engine
Jc In good condition , wMght filM ( pounds , cyl-
iidor llxlU. For partlca Wfe apply to aim Hoe
olllce. . 708
ITMNIMT carriage toixmrilhstale , dark browns.
JJ lull 18 hands , welghtlpInqulra W. H.
Milliard , 3. E , cor lOtn nml Douglas ' , Omaha.
ftg ! > 7BOS13
innAND OuarTtitoT&TnisT'co , N. Y. Life
bltlg , Completonb'stracta furnished and titles
.o real estate examined , perfected & . guaranteed.
M ONEV to Loan Chattel.4 , c-nltateral real
estate. It roi , Merchants'Nat'l bank bulldgln.
TJEFORK making chattel or collateral loans ,
4 Jit will pay yon to zee Tlie Western Invest
ment Co. , room 4li lleo blag. Jau
PHILADELPHIA Morgaga ft Trust Co. t tir-
nlsh cheat ) onstcrn monev to borrowers.
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept mans
at Ibelr western olllco. UeorgoV. . ] ' . Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade , 281
MONEY luaned on chattel securities ana jew
elry. Iloom41l , Bheely block , Omtha Ne
braska , F. H. Jerome. 437 82 $
MONlsV "to loanTcasn orTliand : no delay , jT
W. Squire , 1J10 1'arnnni St. , First National
jank building. 230
TTIIRST mortgage loins at low rates and no
J.1 delay. D. V. SholeS21U ? First' National
bank. " an
T\f ONKY to loan on any security
J-'JL for stort time , ut low
rates. Lo\vest rules
on personal
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 40i ( , Paxton block. &W
BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholos , 210 first
> National bank. 231
[ ONKY to loan. O.lDtivls Co. , real estate
and loan agents , l.'Xl'i Faruam at. 277
LOANS made on real estate and mortgages
bought. Low Is B Heud..vqo.R U Hoard Trudo
MONEY to loan on funilturo , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or ou any approved security. J. W ,
Robblns. llll'.J ' Faruam atrect , 1'nxton hotel.
QBE Sholos. rcom 210 , Vlrst Nat'l bank , before
kJmaklng ) our loans. 231
MONKY lonned for 30 , HO or HO dftys on any
kind of cuattel socurltv : re.isonablo Inter
est ; coutldeniiaL J.J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
loans CJ5 to 7 per cent road
Xldltloiml chaiRes for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , II. Alelkle , 1'irst Nut bank bdg.
CPU.UCO ) to loan ut II per cent Llnahan k Ma-
tuhonoy , room DOtl 1'uxton block. M"
"SfONKV to loan"on rcal cstato security , at
a'tlowesf talcs , llctore negotiating loans see
Wallace , U. ttli ) . Drown bldg. JiAh & Douglas.SJ
WANTED First class inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and sna us. . Mutual Invest
ment Co , R1. Darker blkMr > tli ami Faruam. 2iS
MONEY loaned on ftfrtltiue , horses and
wupous : rates rcasomlmo. City Loau Co ,
11EH. kill St. , opposite .Mllluul hotei. 270
MONI3Y to lo.m on hbwcs. wagon , mules ,
household goods , pin.iiorgans ; ( ( , diamonds ,
lou est rates , 'ilie tlrsc organized loan olllco In
tno city. Make loans foi ; ' , thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-rive days , iwhich can bn paid in
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal and interest , ' . ' .ill and see us when
yon want money. We cau assist j ou promptlr
and to jour ailviintnslthouc removal ot
property or publicity , .Money always on hand.
No delay In muiclnc loans C. F. Reed & Co. ,
illO 8. lutU st. over lllnglium' ' & Sons. 2X3
WONEY to loan ou furniture , horses , \vagous
orsecurittesot any kind ; commorcirl and
mortgnga notes bought ! ttfalr ) rates : all busi
ness triuvacted contldenilal. Collateral Loan
Co. , room i 'l , Itamgo bnllitln . 71 1
6 Per Cent money It , SOSj'N. ' S" . Life Ins. oldg
_ I. - . iL'QSO ;
ONEY to Joan on' iiy , pr fnrni propoity.
aco.J. Paul. KJJIFftrti&asl. . 1U2/ /
1"\O YOU want money ? If so don't "borrow
JL/ Before gelling ray rates , which are the low-
rst on any sum from tl up to JIO.KX ) .
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , lnrsesmules.waions.\\areliouse receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , in any amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be zrlado for one to six months and
you can pay part at anv time , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe a balance
on your furniture or horses , or nave a loon on
them , I will take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will flnd It to your
advantage to see me before borrowlatr.
11. K. Masters , room 4 , Wltlmell building , lotn
and Uarney. _ 289
MONEY to loan We make liberal advances
ou all kinds of furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses und wagons , without lamoval , wlttiout
publicity , and at low or rates than can bn had
elsowhcr'j in the city. Payments cau bo made
at nny time , which reduce both principal and
Interest. Kong and short time given and lib
eral extensions maue. All business strictly
confidential , lloforo you borrow orrenew your
loan call and got our rntos. Hawkryu Invest
ment Co. , room 13. 3d iloor , Douglas block , H.W.
corner K'tli and Dodge streets. 303-S-21
KKYS'lONE MorlKigfTco. Loans of J10 lo
I1,0X ) ; got our rates before borrowing nnd
save money ; loan ou horses , .furniture or nny
approved socurltv , witliout publicity : uotes
bounht ; for new Ic m ronswal of old and low
est rates , call KAHbK'Ioy : blk.ljtti & Howard st.
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
ou tdflloy , nml purchase goods , commercial
pi.per nnd mortgage notes. B. A. blomaii , cor ,
i.ith aud Farman. 272
NEBRASKA Mori. Loan ro will maLe ypu a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land conlracts ,
flno Jewelry , or securities of nnv kind
without publicity , at reasonable rates ,
( loom 7. Itowlov block. South Omaha.
Jtooms 51U-51U , I'axton block , Omaha , Neb.
TfOll SALE A No. 1 meat market ; can she
JL1 goad sales. Address H 4Z , lleo. 4'H Hit
ITIOR BALK Grorory store at Florence , sell-
JL' ing from ? so to Jl * per day : will take a few
good teams as part payment ; look tills up.
Cowau X Hall , Florence. 41.1 St
H OTEIj , furnltnro nnd Oxturos In good loca
tion In cltv , all inoaern conveniences and 40
regular hoarders , U'8 rooms , price f W. rent $1 > .
Co operative Land and Lot Co. 205 N. ICth at.
_ . 8ALB Cigar nnd fruit stand ; good
business ; good reasons for selling , son B. 1 %
408 S9
AnARGAINl-il.ooi drug stock for cash ;
will sell any amount from $500 up. Address
E. K. Capps , ( julbertBon , f pl ) . 423-UJ
"ITIOR RENT One barnjTn'stalls ; large yard :
X1 clean and convenient ! eiuiuiro of Frosts
Harris , Izard at. bet. 2 djuid 23d sis. Uul-
ARE jou looKlng for ilii'opportunity ' to en <
gage in the mercuutllo"business/ so come
and see us. W. R. E. & Jl.Ji , Room li Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. Il40 , < inn H15
TTIOR RENT-Woll furWitied hotel In good
JL : town , llcnt low. J. M ; Hell , Vork , Nob.
. 301-29
_ ' _
WAN'11'.D-A partner ptu'li 2.1.00) ) to fi.OOtl to
take u half Interest In a well esfiibllflhed
grain and seed business. Address llor ] ) ,
Gieenwood , Neb. ' * * Ib3
_ _
HOTEL for rent ; thu only" hotel in town. Ad-
dress lock box 11 , Nortn Jlend , Neb.
, yiU OiTrtW
_ _
TTIOR BALE Two-chain Jwirber shop , good lo
J. latiou , uddieas Craw ford , Neb , , for term *
A. O.'iatro. r 38531 *
_ _
Cheap Harber shop ana 4 chairs ;
JL' good location ; paylugibuslnoss. M. II. FlemIng -
Ing , CT9te. Neb. ' ' 804 s7 *
FORSALE-A well built up brick. yard , 270
f et from sldo track ; two stationary kilns ,
two drying shedd , brick muchlno new , house ,
stable , wind mill , water tank , lead piping , to-
nether with live acres of land. Price IWJ. Address -
dress C. F. Kaul. Mudlson. Neb. Baa S )
EUJU BALE-ElnvatoriitOakUale. Qood loca-
tlon for grain , live stock , lumber und couL
1'or parilcnlara write A. Tmesdell , Fremont ,
Neb. lUal7t )
TXT ANTED A partner in a brewery doing a
TT goo < l business in a prosperous Nebrnska
town. Enquire at room II , Chamber of Com-
merce. Tel , 1440. 875
TTIOR BALK or Trade for Omaha property aa
J-1 ettabUshed business. Uox 5U Omaha.aio
FOR EXCHANGE Unimproved land for
territory for runt-selling improvement ; biz
money lo the right puny ; also house und lot.
Fur particulars uddtoM 8. C , Me , David City ,
Neb. 477 20f
rpO TJXCnANQE Qencrnl stock mdso ; want
JL ( and Nnd money , llox 78 , Frankfort , Ind.
" * 473 St
T7 XOltANlE-ia ) ncrcs of land In eastern
.IK 1 own and cash to exchange for quarter c-
tlon In Nwbrnska or northern Ksnas , 1m-
roved or vacant. Sena price and location to
K 45 , Omaha lleo. 475 29t
WAN1KD l rofrty ) In Columbus. O. . Tot
Omaha property. U.F.HtrrlsonMerchaits'
National bank. 468
0r > .000 stock nnw , clean general merchandtso
Ptt > exchange fcr Nebraska land and money :
want oll'o-tlnrrt cash. Address box U.V , Itlver-
too , Neb , < XW
Eltt I1TV" acres near Marysvllle , Kansas , liar-
ihnll crinhly , for vacant lot In Omaha. 0
r. Harrison , Merchants' Nat , b-ink. IISO
4KOO.M Iioiijo and lot In , Stephens IMaco , sta-
blonndbupgysllods , lol 14(1x330. ( price tl.500 ,
Inctimm Alice J < i < ) . 'to triuto for restaurant , cigar
toro or good tarm land. Co-operatlvo Land and
Ix > t Cn n N. ifUh st , ; rjja >
Foi ; RXCHANOrt-ClearlotlnSo. Omaha to
tradivfor residence lot In Omaha ; assume
rtllTcronco. p. r. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
Hank. ; _ 270
WAN'JL'f.O To trade for a stock of groceries ,
cash and lots ou 0. & 0. 11 , motor lino.
Lois will ha .put In ut tholrcash value. W. H.
B. .VM.1J. , IjQOtn 11 Chamber of Commerce ,
rpo EXCHANOn-TlKMindlvldort one-halt m-
J.terestlniCW.Ul-100 acn-s ot a ( rood farm , lo-
caled'iti'PiliasVi Co'Mo. ; about oec-halt In
cultivation , the uatanco good timber ; about
ten acY 4 In orchard t two other small orchards ;
four fair i'jonaos ; abundance of Rood spring
water , and laying about ono in I In from good
business town on railroad : full and unlncum-
bered title. This farm Is In a good settlement
nnU'lieiUliy" locality. Wo will oxchsngB for
general mprchatullno pr hnrrtware. Call on or
address W. U. Gordon & Co. , Stcolo City , Nob.
\\7"IIAThav < J ybn to offer In exchange tormy
T ? Ko ! ( cfitilty' In ihy double nouse on
Ltitnrotfst , neiir iBtn , br tor my M.OJO equity In
my iloiible house on Spencer st near 22d , or for
my $ ' ,0 xi equity In my double house on Wlrt st ,
east of 21thll \ \ 1th modern Improvements , all
oncitmhrnnijO'j 5 years at 7 per cent. No farms
villlw consldnmK wi T. Seaman , east sldo
intli pt , nottli ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages. _ 7iU
HAVIUiouiv nnd Uit'clcur of encumbrance
.wortli .UOJ. Iti oxclmnge for Dntiulas
county bine stock at parvaluo. Stringer is
I'euny , DoMgloa blork , _ S63 HO
mo UX6irAdk-\V'i5 | have a good farm of 120
JL acres : lay lUR-cloio up to the'to n of Bteeia
City , .InlTcraon Co. . Neb. About 70 acres In high
st a to of cultivation. This is river bottom land ;
Boll cnn'tr He-beat hnjHviiere ; 21 acres good tim
ber ; balanoojncooa pasture : all fenced ; never
falling water ; tus Is a mtwilllcout farm , with
bouse , attiUllnp. and H ulco lots In ton n go uitli
farm if duilrutl : titles all perfect ; 'no want In
exchange , nice , clean stock or merchandise or
hardware. Call on or addrnss W. U. Oorden ft
Co. . Steele GUy. Nub. _ 517
F"blt SA"M-4toal Estatbi
U-room house- and lot. 1 mlle V. O , (1,275 ,
Cottaga uu < ilmlt lot. 27th and Douglas , . ' ,000.
1'lno VVolnut Hll | lot.
10-room rtsWeti'e. Ilunxcom Place , t.'iBD , ) .
HutclilnfOIi & Wfad , 1K4 Douglas streut.
TTlOU { LVI E Splendid 1B3 acre farm ICcarnoy
J Co. , at.a'graM sacrlllco , only $1,1101 donn.
acres r cnltlvat6d. 'Tioegs & , Hill , real l otttxte.
1408'Farnam " " ' ' 4140
HANSCOJf place lot for sale very cheap for
cash , lot 15 block10x150. . Address ! ' , I'.O.
boxilto. n ASi U77
NH oQitho two house and lot bargains 1
imyo beta oirerlng oil Georgia ve..north of
J.eavenv nowaold and ijccuplod.hocautio
of myivnrrlowprlca. The south liouio ot tha
two stlU'remoins a bargain open to somebody.
1'lrst comes ; nrst served. To bo appreciate 1 It
needs ejmuilned Internally. I posltlvelv
will not rent it , though several times oirered
J t ) per month. Price , on very easy terms. * ! ono.
\V. T. Seaman , east sldo lilth st.north of Nich
olas bt..Omahas large-st variety of wagons und
_ _ _ 2U. ) _
TTIOH SALK 8,000 acres land In Nebraska ;
Jt ? nOxlld foot lots 11th St.ata sacrlllcing price.
Inquire UK SDt'i. ' Geo. H. 1'eieison 10sW
< m longtime and easy payments ,
JJ hnndsuniu. now. well built bouses of 8 , 'Jam !
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street ; cars and within walking
distance of I1. 0. Nathan Shelton , 1U14 rurnam.
I sa
rpHK motor will go to trm state mute institute
JL thU Jnll , conseiincntly whoever buys any of
thH property wlllaouble his money right away.
apres close to Institute $1.000 per acre ,
Lots irfOrehard Hill 9V)0 oiclu
"Walnut HIH.lWtoach. <
Hlghlimd jl'ark JJ5H each.
Coeidalij \ $ .VH ) each.
Itaker Place $17) ) each.
Sounders ts Hlmnbaugh's $ fl50 each. '
fctrlimev & Penny , room 20 , Douglas block ,
cor. Kith and Dodge. U31 ai
" 1710Kb.ll/E.-r-fTnoof tne oestlocated tracKugo
Jj lots , ou the northwest corner of 21st and
Izard streets , size 120x11 ! feet. For prlco and
terms Inquire1 of the owner , Edward Speller-
beri | , 1012 North 21st street ajU-sU .
B10H SALE Easy terms. Kountzoplaca.
Tw { > bonier , each 8 rooms , each $1,000.
Two hoiues , ach9 rooms , eachft" > .oaj.
T\vo homfls , each 15 rooms , each $7,603.
All with modern convenience.
Alljurpe value attha price.
All witulna square of tli motor line.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W. U' . Seaman ,
Ua&c We 10th st j north or Nicholas st ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. 231
FOH 2AIE , real catato Uliroo choice lots In
Itedtck Paik uddltioi , fncluc2th ave. Only
$1.0 0 each. A' line class of residences surround
this property , and In less than tw o years they
will double Jn value , Ueorgo J. SternsdortT ,
1st > { ut.biniK. building- . 448
tnOH SALE-C41.TJ acres , sec. 5 , tp. 13. r. Uw
JL Hamlllpn county. Nab. House , stable , 3J3
acres fenced , living water. I'rlco. $ J.OJ. ) F. K
Atkins , own r , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
TflOll 8ArjErealestato Tlie motor cars are
Jt ? now running to Walnut Hill , which makes
thataddltloa a very desirable location , I have
tu o brick houses of live rooms each thai < an be
bought at tlguros and terms to Htilt. Ueorgo J.
StcruddorlT , IstNat. bank building. 441
um 8ArE--2 houses on lot 7Mx83 on s o cor.
nth Hud.Vlnton , Inquire within. 104
TTiOKSAtiB , real estate Hrltjga Place , I have
X1 ln ( tills destrablo addition a number of
choice lots for sale at low figures and terms to
suit 3'onr convenience. If you are looking for
ix Hue re.sldeiic" location , let mo drive you out
and show j on these beautiful lots which 1 olFer
for sale. 'Thav Ijelong to nonresidents and
musfbd'ROhr. 'Don't delay but cull at once on
( loorgoj , Sternsdorff , ,1st Nat. bank oulldlng.
, 441
rnOMANUFACTUKR'na-l will give ample
JLgrountUi with Brilundld trarkugo faciiufcn ,
on the Fiemoiit , Klkhorn fc MUsourl Valley
ratlrodd , or on the Missouri 1'aclllo ( Holt Line )
railnay In Weitlawn , just outside the city
limits. In WeiitUmhlm. conveniently situated aa
repards npons'j tqcnqbuHlnens center of Omaha
und tjoutli Omalin. to parties for the locution of
any oi thtTfollowlng Industries :
Furulturo ractory , Ilutton Factory ,
Shou Factory , Lard HcUnery ,
Starch & ( ilucoso Wks , Bean Works ,
I'nper M1H I'urlller Alanufactory ,
1'low Works. , , i j llroom Fat tory ,
Harvester Works , . Woolen JI11L
Nail Works. Oatmeal Aim , .
Knlttlns Mills , > , * llox Manufactory ,
Sash. l oor nud'nilud Wire Works ,
.Manilfactory. Machine Bhops ,
Flour ana veed Mill.
Or ahy.go'od manufacturing plant. Westlawn
Is just outsiOe the city limits , and industries
planted thero. will escape hoaw city taxes.
If you are ttilnkmgof locating In Omaha It
will pay you to Investigate this ,
eo , N. Hicks , New Vork Life building ,
Omaha. 7VO
FOU BALE tots In Stewart 1'lace , will fur-
nisi : money for building bouse , and pay-
moms monthly , Here Is a chancft to seciiro a
home. Ilitrrla. Hoom 411. 1st Nat. Dank.
d sea us and Investigate some of tha
V hargalus w have to offer. Wn are contin
ually listing new properties , and "if you don't
BCO what vou want ask for It. "
For BiUo or bxchange , ono of the flnodt res
taurants In Omaha at a bargain.
We ha. several lln hotel properties to trtula
for land or other good valuon.
An elevator property with , large dwelling
house , at a bargain. Klovator complete , wltli
hurne power , scales , allied furnished , etc. A
flno opijnlnK for n practical grain dealer.
Houses and. lots la all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,000 acres
of school land lease , in one of tne best counties
in thd fitate.
A line residence property in Omaha View for
gale , At a baryulu.
From 175.000 to 100,000 worth of first-class
notes to exchange for Omaha property ,
I/or excliango for Omaha property , ono of tha
best farms In Hock county. Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery nocesnary to carry
on the place. Old age und falling health ot tha
onner Is reason for Bellini ; .
A flue Wheeler county farm , well developed.
good eoll , for exchange for Omaha property.
tti > acres of line land in northwestern Iowa to
exchangaforOmana property.
For ale or exchanga for western lands , city
property , merrhandlDo or Jive mock , a line hotel
property la Iowa town ot 0.000 inhabitants.
] < 6 dlng hotel ot the Place and doing a Una
buslqens. Furmahea meabj for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the right man.
We have unsurpaise. facllltfea for disposing
of property , having gome 500 agent * scattered
over /our or live states. List your property
with us If you with quick turn. W. H. K. *
M. 8 , lloota H , Cliambor ot Commerc * . telo-
phojieKW. (61
TTOn SAM ! At a .bargain , A fine driving
J-1 tnnr * , BUltablo for indy or centltman : also
ft good hand-mad * phasum with narnesi ; must
baaold Immediately sptlco , whole rig , fiOJ. In *
qulro W. M. Tales , Nebraska National bank
XllCK6-roomcottano , near hlgn school : lot ! O
IN xlK. SUiOO : thH fi a bargain. 0. F , HOT-
rnon , Merchants Nat , bank. 127
IHAVIJ some first-class rental property for
sale cheap within ono mlle ofpostoincn. on
r > avi > d streets and motor lln , Thos. V. Hall ,
111 Paxton block. 5sa
T7IOH 8Al.lOn the motor line In Walnut 1.1111
JL1 2 8-room houses \Ylth full lot-s , MjM ) ) ; prlco
tl.don ; Rnmll payment down , balance vn-vr.
House to rout. Inquire of K , Q. Merrill , 44th
and Son ard sts. 4S7 fit
BUY a homo In the ccntdr ot the city , on
monthly payments. I will sell you a lot in
Aldlno tquare , oulUta houiaof any Kind , worth
from tVUO upwards , and you can pay far It
nonthly. quarterlr or yearly. Aldlu gquare
s on draco street , between 22d and BJd streets ;
t has all the advantages such as paved streets ,
sewerage , water , gas , and Is a first-class local
ity. Call at inii ) Fnrnain street ami see plans
of buildings and got Ugurna , 1) ) . J. p'Douiitioo. '
riTHE best money's nbrth ot hon < < 6 an'd lot now
JL for sale lu Omaha U that which Inm now
complallninoar21th St. , on paved Wlrt St. , In
ICotintza plncB , K bedrooms , 2 pirioM. dining
room , kliclum , 3 'bath rooms , U wfttet1 closets ,
large laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace
ami coal room and cellar , cloctrlo bulls and
npeaklngtubo , ISeluiots. I'rico only S7.MO on
tormn to unit. Likewise a dupllcato AdiDinlni ;
at HHinn price. W. T. Seaman , east lido 10til st.
north of Nicholas st. Onialia'a largest variety
of wactpns and carriages. , J.M
Tj > OIl SAUK-Si , 4ror 00 feet of lot 0. block 7
JL ? at H1& per foot. Tlili \\ithln a-quartor of
a blooe ot the new P. 0 , site , and will bo worth
tl.uxlnslitflori\ypnr. )
Tin a M lot 8. block 101 , cor. I ouglT and 10th
BIB , 4t feet on Douglas and en on loth , pries
? : i\00i. tUi.000 cnsli , balance In fl\e equal annual
paymontR ,
The so U nw M see IS. 114 , r 11 o. Douglas Co ,
; ) rlcoliiniJt.iwo cash , balnnoo eijsy.
I/ot 7. blfc JAti , South Onlnlm , prlco 11,809 , terms
easy. W. 11. K. AM. K , loom 14 , Chamber ot
Commerce telephone 144(1. ( 7JT.
Foil SAtjK 41-roolti"house , birn and lot ,
Hanscom Place , at a bargain Harris , Hoora
411,1st Nnt. Hank. 6TJ
"TTUIIST National safety deposit vaults. Rafcs
JC to rent $ r > to US a year , IU7 B. J3tti.
GIX)11R HOTErr-Nowly furnished nnd fitted
up throughout : cdntralty located : t ) per
day. lJOa-3HMJ12 Douglas st. . 181
\TlHUlAY HOTPJ , Newest , latest ana only
ITI first-class hotel In Omaua1 ; $1 to tl per day
O. Sllloway. proprietor. 170
WINDSOR HOTBL-Corner ot 10th and
Jackson streets. 3 blocks .from Unto
depot. Uect & a day house In the city. 180
HOTBI < llAUKKIl-Hl rooms , elegantly fur
nished. $2 and & 2.60 per day. 1,1 til ana
Jones st , , Omaha , T. A , iJalch. proprietor.
\J Omaha , Nob. , Augusts , 16ai , Scaled pro
posals. In triplicate , will be received at this
oRIco , and by Depot Qtiartiiaster , Choyenuo ,
Wyoming , \mtlltuo o'clock p. ni. , September
5th. Ii83 , for delhory at Cliejumio. Ouartor-
mastor's Depot , or at oth r"polnta upodHed by
bidder , of MO tons of baled hay. and Ui.OlW
pounds of oats. In stouc burlap sacks. Tha hay
mustbn of best upland grass and well cured bo-
tore being baled. Government reserves right to
reject any or all proposals- nforcnco given to
attlclesot domestic reduction , conditions of
price and quality belna eqnjl. Further part
Lcuhirs and blanks for bidding may bo obtained
on application to this otllce , or to Depot 1 Onar-
termastor , Cheyenne. WM. 11. HUGHia. Lieu
tenant Colonel aud Deputy Quurtcnnastor Gou- U. S. A. . Chief Quartermaster.
a-7-d-4-t-2K50 !
. Notion TO Contractors.
Sealed proposals will bo received at the offlco
ot the County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska ,
until 2 p. m. , Saturday. September 14th. IXMi ,
for the erection of sovou (7) ( ) twenty foot spans
trcstlo work , over tne I'aplo. between Sections
34and27 , township 1C , range 12.
Plans und sueclllcatlons to bo found In County
ClorKsolIlce. All bids to bo accompanied by
certified check for $ > 0.00. The county reserves
the right to reject any or all bids
[ SEAL ] JI.U. , , UQCIIE , Cpunty Cleric ,
a-20-d-24-t _ ,
- - - - .
Notice to Contractors.
Sealad-proposalswlllborecelvedat the odlco
ot the County Clerk , Douglas County ; Nebraska ,
until 2 q'clock p. in. , > nturUny , rinntember 14th ,
18-V , for the erection nt llVtt(5i ( twenty foot spans
trestle Work , on load , known , as Dr. Miller's
lload , between sections 1 and 12 , township 14 ,
range 12. '
Plans und specifications to bo found In County
Clerks oillco. All bids must IJQ accompanied by
certified check for $51) ) 00. The County reserves
the right to reject any and all bids ,
[ SKAI/I JI. D. UOCIIE .County Clerk.
Nonce or Stock Subscriptions. '
Notice Is hereby given that the books ot the
Omaha , Lincoln i Gulf Hallway Company will
bo opened for the purpose ot receiving sub
scriptions to the capital atoclcot said company
on and nf tor the second day ot September , 183J ,
at No. I'Wu Farnam street , tu the city of Omaha ,
Dated this 1st day of August , 1889.
G.Jj. lllIODGS.
aiig-l-d30t Incorporators.
Matter of application of M. J. Carroll , for liquor
Notice Is hereby given that M. J. Carroll did
upon the s h day of Aug. A. I ) , 18) ) . tile
his application to iw Hoard of Flro und Police
Commlssoiiers of Omaha , for to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors at Omaha
Fair Ass'n Orounds , Filth word , Omaha. Ne
braska , from the flrst day of January , KK3 , to
the Iirat duv of January , 1800. ,
p If thcru bo no objection , remonstrance or
protest tllea within two weeks from August 2U ,
A. D. IbSti , the said license will be granted.
n2.-8J ) Mi J. ( JAituiir.i. . Applicant.
TVJO. U. iu A. NO. OKI rltUl'OSAI.S 1O11
-L > ARM Y Supplies Oillco ot Purchasing and
Depot Commlsary of Bubsistonco , U. .8. Army ,
Omaha , Nob. , August28,1B89. Bealed proposals
In triplicate , subject to the usual conditions ,
will on received atthlsolllcc until U o'clock in. ,
central standard time , on Monday , the liith day
of .September , l Sli , at which tlino und placu
they will bo ouonod in the pruseucu of bidders ,
for the furnishing and dollveryat Omaha , Nob. ,
the iollowlng army uupvlles , viz. : Hard bread ,
corn meal , cheese , Y , A. ; crackers aud oatmeal ,
cooked. 1'rcfuroucu ulll bri.glvcn to articles of
Uomestlujiroductlonorjnanufucture. conditions
of quality and prlco ( Including in the prlci ot
foreign productloiisormanufactures the duty
thereon ) beingcqtial. The right Is riaoived to
rnjtct any or all bids , lllauk proposals ,
und spocillcatlous shoeing in detail tno articles
and quantity required nnd giving full Information
mation as to condition of contract will bn fur-
nlHlicd on application tothlsolllco , J. W. BAU-
IlIOEIt. Maj , and C. S. U. 8. A.
a-2'J-d-4-t-s-l 114.
ha. Neb. . August : J7.18V | . .W11I bu pld for
rash at public auction ut the Quartormabtar's
Depot iu this city , at eleven o'clock u. m , Sop-
tombjr 10th , JWl ) , ono frame Etorehouso ; tbo
purchaser to take limned Into steps to remove
the building from the depot grounds and com
plete the removal tvltliln ten days. 1 > 'or further
informatlun apply to the Depot Quartermaster ,
or the undersigned. ' WM. H. HlJUHW. Men-
tenant Colonel and Deputy Quartermaster Ucu <
era ) , U. B , A , , Chief Quartermaster.a2Pd4ts78
lttelll correct thetlamaydio in.
flurtlteofleeonthebtomaeh ,
Tor M II Hh rrmrtlnr , for
ch"drtn > nvlortlo ( > nd B > *
\rr.ihlBg for ill , Th. . t Bun-
'nnrB vtr i inEjiteuc | . w r-
nntoil Etrlctlr fart ml Unfir-
niEtid , An EBcleat Etmidy
( or CUrrhat , Chulira Mortal ,
Dyiinterr , nl nil Dliordtri of
till Bo li ,
NA8in'ILI.ETEXK.Juno 0 , ' 67.
lpar Bin : -I have tried Ibe
IIuiiKarlan ninckberry Juice
you < u kindly sent me. It I )
tbu lie | ilti * ultra of aaiiiincr
( Irltikn. Ills free from ulco.
hoi. all y tUlnl , tanw tli
dlgeitlvu organa , 1ms a flue
aromatic flavor , and Is Ju t
tlieililiik'lerillarrlicual troub-
| p In Ilia liratrd term. A
llnnprtfully ,
T. A. ATOltlbU.'i , ST. D.
Halford MEATS FOR ,
Table 80UP8 FISH , ,
Sauce. io.
nl ft" urio X trouMes easily , oulck
lyand safely cured byDUUTUlU Cap.
Heveral uasei curaa m ssron aajr . Bold
per box , alldrui , ; Uti , or b/ mall from
DocuuaM'C'iCCo. 11 * White tt , Kulldir o-
Ilnnnlng between Council Illuffs nnd Ai-
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop at Twentieth und TwrUty-tourth
streets , and at Iho Summit tn Omaha.
" * J
II No. 2 BsOOpmlA No.13 7Uam
O No. 0 ( l:5UpiuH : | No. 1 0:15pm
A No. 4 10OOamO : No , B 5:15pm :
A No.14 0:43pmA | No. 3 0.SJam
No. 0 1) ) . 40 am No. 7 0:37am :
Do. 8 3:15 p in No.3 7:16a : m
No. 4 : iam Nor > 0:15 pm
A No.3 0:10 : amlA No.l 7:00am :
A No. 4 8:40pmA : | No.3 n:4Bpm :
A No.13 10:07amA : | No.3 6:25nm
A No. 4 'J:45piaA | No.l OslOpm
A No. 10 TaamA : | No. 0 8:65am :
A No.12 7OOpmA : | No. 11 0.OOpui
A No.8 4:33pinA : | No , 7 13:00m
A daily : n dally , oxcoot Salurday ; 0 ozcep
Sunday ; i ) except Monday ; 'fust mall.
X - undorslgned , have just been granted Letters -
tors Patent for u Ilaguoldor. This Is a very
handy thing , an ono man can 1111 up bugs by
using this holder , us wall us two men can , as ft
is constructed in u manner no it can be fastened
anywhere , or to anything. It holds thu bag
open to thu full extent of Itsmoutli ; it also can
bo altuied to Ut any size bagj. aiid lias pivoted
hooks which can be let loose to turn , to lot the
biigcomuolf oiiNy : and It Is ns simple an It is
effective , and H will sell at Bight. Now , I olfor
this patent fet { mile , either nil thu States und
TermorH'.s cast of the Rocky Mountains , to ono
party or parties , or by Btiiles or Counties. Re
member , you will gut the exclusive right to
manufacture nnd sell this device , at your own
prlco , for thn term of seventeen years. On re
ceipt ot.uO ( ! ) Two dollaru , 1 will send any one
who wishes to buy rights , a sample , together
w 1th u cojiy of my Hpe < Ideations und Drawings ,
JOHN I'L'KSS , Patentee , Stockton , Ban Joaquln
County , Callfoinla ,
For 80 dor * OMI/V wo will Mnd fur 9 the
Mrff * : ? JiBi .tr& Tis ? { :
" "Iff f * ? . It ! ptrttel , lltila murvel anrt Mng
BJ8l"lJ" ! , ' lly * t l l l " > iiiilr. Circular Xrtt.
IB onCOT ELSCIMB CO. . CSS Wwi'a Ot. , Ceitu Hut.
lUtil Cro Diamond Jraiul
Ti # nlr rclUblo | > lll lit * J > . Kr0 an4
r . I ftrle * k iVmjrgUl ror/t > * l > l *
Munu IIrmJ l" rl luiuUUUiu , i * M
) M L > rii u &r u4 "liellcf f *
iitimui , " U H-f / IHHlL A4W ,
Udlrliotrr lieutltnl C w.t Aluultou HU < ( I'ullituAi l'jjb
I kndTuiuonouitKn : no
CANCER 'bookfree. L.b.Ht lUi