. THE . . OMAHA - _ _ . . _ _ . . - . - . _ . . . * DAILY - - - - . - . - . . Bg jj , : FllIPAY . _ . _ . _ . , AUGUST ' _ ' -1T''f ! . _ 39 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLtrFFS. OI-T1CK. MJ IS STIIGUT. * ! lvcrcd br carrier In Any Tart of ho City a Uwenty Cents 1'orWeok. . _ . , . . UW. TIIV10N. . . . . ; . . . . , . .MANAGED TKLKl'HONUS : iTFijer.fiH Omcr. No. 43. NIGHT KntTon , " MINOR MI3.V11ON. r ; . Y. p. Co. Gleason coal. C. U. Music Co. , 633 U'way. ' D. W. Otta , city nml farm loans. l.'OBton More leading hosiery liouso. Nick O'Urlon ' U putting up a ( lee residence on Sixth nvcnuo. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the mer cury * registered 85 tloqrccsln the shade. The traveling und oHlco men will piny the last ball game of tholr aeries next tiunclny afternoon. The Globe nnd Nonpareil news room force * will moot on the Fnlrviovv park diamond mend Sunday. A number of old residents presented Mr. Frank Gulttnr with a Imndsotno gold-headed catio Wednesday evening , The lodge ot Perfection , A. A. S. U. , will meet this evening at its cathedral. Work In the fourteenth degree. The meeting ot the teachers of the pubilo schools , announced for to-morrow , will beheld hold at the Bloomer school , The traveling men have secured an appro priate bnnuer lor tmrndo purposes , which will bo at the head of the Council Bluffs column on "Drummers' day , " Landlord Halncs will reopen the Paciila bouse Sunday noon. Extensive rop.ilrs are being nmdo and the house will bo in much bettor condition than before. The young ladies who are members of the Sunday school classes of Messrs. Saunders and Allen will entertain u sociable this evening - ing at the Uroudway M. K. church. Judge Carson protested the will of fc > . P. Gruyhlll .yesterday. His son. William A. . nnd wife , Frances A. Grnylilli , wcro named as executor and executrix , respectfully. "Tho store room at No. 11 South Main street , recently vacated by Fearon , U being romoddollcd , und will shortly bo occupied by Shugart Co. , with ttlolr stock of hard ware. W. A. Knbb , who was recently sentenced to ton days on the streets for vugrincy , nnd took leg ball , has been , recaptured , und will ivear a ball und chain until bis time has ex pired , An effort Is being mode to got up another oxcurslou to go to Creston next Saturday , that being "U. U. & Q. day" at tbo Uluo Grass palace. An Omaha drum corps will go along to enliven the occasion. The Coursing club is enclosing about a quarter of an acre of ground on Ninth avenue , and building a kennel for the accom modation of their hounds. The kennel will bo in churgo of John Montgomery. Tram No. 4 on the Union Pacific , duo hero at 9 o'clock last evening , was abandoned , I owing to the burning of u bridge In Wy oming. Transferring passengers and bug- guge at that point caused the delay on tbo previous night. The wholesale houses of the city have agreed to glvo their traveling representa tives a holiday next Wednesday , to enable them to join in the traveling men's parade in Omaha. The prospects are that the Council Bluffs business houses will bo well repre sented. A pint of Babbitt's addition w.xs Jllod yesterday at the oulcoof the county recorder. The addition was formerly known as the Babbitt tract , and comprises about thirty acres , lying between Broadway and Har mony street , nnd Oak utrcut and Clark avenue. The names of twenty-five grantors appear on the plat. The Klrmcss company will leave by special motor tralu for Omaha to-morrow evening. The cars will leave the corner of Sixth and Broadway at 0:15 o'clock , and all the dancers und friends who accompany them nro requested to bo promptly on hand at that hour. The next reunion ol the old settlers will bo held at Glunwooa. A number were in favor of the Chautuuqua grounds near this city , but It WUH finally decided that the facil ities for reaching there were inadequate , and it was decided to wait another year be fore having it here , Another full house erected the Kirmcss dancers last evening. The entertainment has greatly improved t inco its flrst presenta tion. A now feature lust evening was a Japanese dance ot four little Japs. It was n great hit , and was deservedly encored. The tTyrolcso daucnrs also received a hearty encore - core , to which they very graciously re sponded. The plcnio season , at Fairmount park has opened m earnest. A special car load from Omaha , consisting of Mr. Sherwood , pro prietor of.tKd Paluco stables , with his family nnd about twenty friends , came over yes terday afternoon , nnd three other picnic parties from the Hlufts enjoyed the beauties of the park aud its attractions as a picnic ground. There was but ono cnso In police court W yesterday morning , und that was Frank Trimble , who has caused the police consid erable trouble of late by his persistent , adulation with the cun which cheera. Ho was released -condition that ho would leave the city. A thirty days' sentence Is the alternative which awaits him it found In the city after twenty-four hours. A team wns stolen two weeks ago from W. M. Morey , a fanner living near this city. Ho has been searching for the horses over since , and has ilnully discovered them in an old shed situated in the willows north ot the driving park , near the river. They have evidently been very poorly cared for , as they show every indication of neglect. An information mation has bocu filed , aud arrests will soon follow , _ Dexter , employment. Notice to Hie Public. The following blacksmiths have entered into an agreement , and will , on and after September 1 , churgo not less than $1 for noxv shoes und { 3 for resetting old shoes on each pan of horses : A , N. Scrlbner , G. Miller , James Hebrew , C. Henrickson , J , Peterson , Bam Noble , A. Irrcsson , O. Jensen , Lorn- man & Smothers , A. Krause , C. Gregorv. P. D. Uurko. " Kelley & Younkorrnun sell grocorio Chose and Sun born coffees a specluly. Kerr & Gray , real estate , 505 First avenue. J. G , Tlpton , real estuto , 527 B'dway. Porn on ill S. Duke Murray , advance agent for Milton Nobles , was in the city yesterday , L. C. Baldwin , of this city , Is the superin tendent of the division of horses und mules At the stale fair. John Kolmers , of Grand Island , president of the Couucll Uluffs Insurance company , Is in the city ou business connected with that institution. Mr. John Stork has received ofllclal notifi cation of tits appointment aa vice president to represent Council Bluffs on "Drummers' day" ot Merchants' week in Omaha. , Mosirs. F. Hollls nnd II. A. Young left lost evening for Dos Moiues , to attend tbo Btuto fair. They will represent the Koystoao Manufacturing company , Walt Johnson , of the Council Bluffs branch of the Sandwich Manufacturing company , Is attending the Iowa state fair , looking after tbo exhibit of the company , Hen Wells , who travels for the Eagle Manufacturing company , with headquarters with the Sandwich Manufacturing company , on South Main street , loaves this morning for Arkansas on a visit to relatives. Mrs. True , of Norway , Mo. , mother of Frank True , of the city treasurer's ofllco , and Mr. and Mrs. William U. Danforth , of North Stratford , N , H. , mil visit thu UlutTa uoxt month. Mrs. J , F. Potter and children , of Cedar Kaplds. have Joined their husband and father burp , and will uiako Council Bluffs tholr future - turo liouio. Mr. Potter is proprietor of the "Economical , " 15 Main stioat. Charles Mautz , who has been chief chock clerk itt the transfer for several yours , bus tendered his resignation and has accepted tha agency for western Iowa and Nebraska of Uouulug'g car mover. 12. P , Nichols has bcea promoted to till the vacancy. Wall paper , room moldings ana decora tions , No. 13 North Mala street NEWS ABOUT ME BLUFFS The Ambitious Mercury Dlooourngtoa a Qoillal Juotico. DOINGS IN THE DISTRICT COURT. Pro hi I ) III op Attorneys CIa li AVhon It Co in cs To n Question of Fco < A Now KnlcrprlHC Tlio llounlon. The Dny In District Court , The liquor eaies arc ngnm attracting tlio attention ot tlio public ! , as they have nptnln boon brought up In district court , tt will bo remembered that a short tlino ago a now feature of saloon prosecution developed , and Juclgo Uolton blossomed out ns a full fledged prohibition attorney. Ha applied for injunc tions Indiscriminately , and promised to shut up moro saloons in llftoon minutes than At torney Sims , of tlio Law and Order league , hud closed In three years. Ho associated himself In partnership In this business with David Gray and a few dlseruntlcd ox-saloon- keepers , who had found a fSUO Una for con tempt a strong Incentive to quit budge sellIng - Ing , und they decided to enforce the prohibi tory law Insomuch as It applied to Council Uluffti , For sonio reason their motives wcro mistrusted , and they wore not received by the prohibitionists with wide spread arms ; still they vowed they would make themselves felt. felt.An An unnaturullzcd foreigner named John Lundstrom , In Gray's ' employ , was the party who was Induced to become tlio plaintiff , and they started out swimmingly. They soon struck a snag , however , as the shcritl re fused to servo the original notices , and the clerk would not file them unless the fees worn paid in advance. Under such circum stances progress was necessarily slow , but iiolton continued to meander up and down , muttering something about the mills of the Rods grinding to the tune of a funeral march , but intimating at the sixmo time that they al ways eventually "got there" on a double un derpinning , So matters progressed , until the cnscs wcro Anally called in court. It then transpired that both Suns nod Uolton hud applied for temporary Injunctions against thu sumo parties , each wanted his case beard ttrst , and each wanted tho.attorney fees. Quito naturally there was a lively Janclo when the matter was referred to the court. Holton insisted that his cases should bo heard before these of tha. temperance aili- anco attorney , especially where defaults wcro-cntored , as ho had filed the llrst papers. In reply to this thu opposition urged that the wises In which Lundstrom had originally been the plaintiff had boon supplemented by others in which Gray was plaintiff , and that In the meantime Sims hud arrived on the field with his suits. It was decided to give Attorney Uolton until yesterday to show whether ho or Sims was entitled to the at torney's foes In tha default cases. When the cases wcro called in court yesterday mornIng - Ing Sims Jumped onto tea of tlio cases and rode off with Hying colors , while Uolton xvus left disconsolately holding the bag. Answers wcro died in a number of cases by several outside attorneys to prevent them from going by default , and it Is stated that this move is made for the solo purpose of freezing out Uoltou. Sims states that Uolton's only object in touching the cases is to make something out of it on the side , while ho ( hhus ) is the regularlv em ployed attorney of the law and order league. Thcso eases occupied the intention of the court the greater part of the day. The grand jury assembled in the morning , nn'd begun the work of the term , The mem- burs of the presont'grand Jury are : J. It. Maciue , Garner township , foreman ; D. Par- rlsh , Hazel Doll ; H. McCabe , Washington ; U. S. Miller , Lewis ; Hans Kief , Norwalk ; M. TInlev. Kane , and Squire Pratt , Crescent. C. H. Gllmorc , ot CouiiSl muffs , acts as cleric of the body during this session. It is not expected that a report will bo made this week. There is worlc enough on hand to keep the investigators busy for at least two weeks. The prisoners in the county Jail whoso cases are awaiting the consideration of this body were taken Into court yesterday and waived the right to challenge the grund Jury , after wlilch the body went to work. Several subpoenas were sent out for wit nesses who will be present to-day , but little other business was done , and the grand Jury adjourned at 3 o'clock until 10 o'clock this morning. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 U'way If you want clean , fresh groceries and fruitscall on Johnson & Olson,712 Broadway. Udell Bros. & Co. loan money. The most ibcral terms offered. 103 Pcurl street. Too Warm fur Courting. "I can't do you any good to-day , " remarked Squire Hand ricks yesterday , as the scribe poked his inquisitive nose inside the former's ofllce door. The dispenser of justice was comfortably settled In a capacious arm chair , which bis ample proportions filled to a de gree of fullness seldom seen except on a buso bull park street car. His feet were luxuri ously poised oh the top of thu desk before him , while for occupation the squire was de liberately engaged In extracting coolness and comtort from the depths of an Immense mccrchaum pipe. "I suppose you fellows can do business such a day as this , " interjected the smoker , between the long drawn whiff * , "but I can't , and I don't propose to try it. When folks get into court they ought to tell the truth , hut they can't do It a day like this , and for that reason I don't want to bo bothered with "em. When it's too hot for u man to toll the truth , it's too hot to hold court , but I am putting in my time in the ofHco for waut of a better placo. " Money loaned at L. U. Craft's & Co.'s loan ottlco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential , City steam laundry , 31 Main , tel. HI. ' o Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work done In both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Uluffs. S. B. Wadewortb & Co. loan money. Swanson Muslo Co. , 335 Uroadway. Tbo young ladles of Mr. Saundors' and Mr. Allen's Sunday school classes will glvo a sociable at Uroadway Methodist church this evening. Everybody cordially Invited. Tlio Old Ketil r ' Ucunlon. At 8:15 : yesterday morning the Wabash special pulled out with nearly one hundred Indies and gentlemen as passengers to attend the old settlers' reunion at Malvorn. The party was accompanied by Dalboy's band , and among the excursionists wcro HOD. W. II. M. Pusoy , John N. Baldwin , John Plumor , Captain D. U. Clarke , Frank Guit- tar , Walter I , Smith , M. D. Hardin , Squire Stone , Woostor Fay , Judga A. V. Larimer , Thomas Uowman and many others. It was ( a merry party of the early residents of Pottawattamlo county , and all were confi dent that the fourth annual reunion would bo the most successful one over bold. They returned homo on a late evening train , and reported that their anticipations were moro than equalled. The Now Ogden , Council Uluffs , finest and largest hotel in western Iowa. Special at tentions to commercial men. Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broadway. E. II , Shoafo Ic , Co. give special attention to tbo collection of rents and care of prop erty In tha city and vicinity. Charges mod erate , Ofllco Uroadway and Main streets , up stairs. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato prices. K H , Shoafo & Co. . rental agents. U roadway and Mala ( treats , up stairs , A. New fclnteriirlne , L , Uloderman , tha Uroadway clothier , has decided to start u factory here for the manu facture of lugpendort , sleeve holders , gar- tun , eta Ho wlluso ! _ the upper part of the DulldloB where he U now located and also the basement. Ho oxpccli to omoloy quite n number of hands. 'J ho now factory will bo started up in the course of thirty days. A lllitHnmsll Up. PoTravuta , O. , August10. ! fSoeclnl Tele gram. ] A car load of beautiful polntoJ llower pot * , something ontlrolyjijOW and very handsome , left hero a week ago. consigned to Lund Bros. , Council Uluffs. with shippers' orders to smash the fancy prices hitherto chiirgod for decorated work. The goods wcro the first of the kind ever sent west , The above carco has boon received and will bo sold at special sale , commencing Monday. Thesn beautiful painted pots will bo sold from Co up. Kalrtnoiitrt t'nrk. The beautiful gem of Council Uluffs sot amid the romantic hills and shaded by ver dant boughs of forest tree * . The most de lightful place Imaginable for picnics , tennis parties ana quite rambles. lalco the electric motor cars brldgo line which lands passengers In the very heart of the park. Pure from Omaha to the park only 10 cents. The park is owned nr.d controlled by the city authorities and the best of good order Is enforced , C. U. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway. Fine Jowclr.v , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Uurhorn. The Klrmcm. These having the Klrmcss In charge dcilro to thank the Omaha Guards for their ex cellent drill given on Wednesday night. Tickets on sale at Uoyd's box ofllco for the iilst. The children will bo .taken euro of when they arrlvo from Omaha , If the parents do not meet them. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint'Shlloh's / Vltallzor is guaranteed to euro you. Auot'icr Weir Clinso. A meeting of the rourslng club was held at the Manhattan last evening. It was de cided to have a run at D o'clock this morning , just east of Fulrmount park , and It Is stated that there will be n chase there .without full , ns several members of the club are certain that a wolf can bo started there with very I'.ttlo dlfllculiy. The run Is expected to last for two hours or more , and everybody is In vited to participate. - . , , n If j'ou are sufforiner with weak or in flamed eyes , or grnnulnlod byolids , you can bo cured by usingr Dr. J. : H * Mc Lean's Strengthening oyosUlvo. , Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. E. H. Shcafo & Co. Always on Tlinp. If you wish to purchase a good and reliable watch 25 per cent lejs than club rates , and on easy terms , then call at once and make your own selection at C. B. Jacqucmln & Co. , 27 Main street. Mnntnna'8 Mineral Woilth. E. Murray Johnston , mining engi neer and metallurgist , of Miles City , Mont. , is an enthusiast over the pros pects of the far northwest. Ho has been in the city some weeks looking after business interests , says the Now York Star , and to his friends makes some strong statements about the un developed wealth of the incoming state. "Tho American people don't oven begin to appreciate the wonderful wealth of Montana , " ho said to mo the other night. "Its mountains are cov ered with the finest of timbers. Its valleys , fed by the Yellowstone and its branches , are among thu most fertile spots in the union. But , with all these , its greatest wealth lies beneath the soil. "Upward of twenty deposits of tin , which rival in richness the Swansea mines of Great Britain , have been zpcncd. Load in the form of galena ; oinc in the form of white and red zineito ; antimony , iron , copper , gold , silver and platinum nil exist in Montana in rich deposits. Wo found our platinum when Edison , the electrician , offered.his . prize for the most perfect platinum deposit in America. That olter brought out the discovery of our platinum mines , and also the discovery of osmium and iridi- ura. used for pointing gold pens und other purposes requiring a peculiar hardness. Besides all these , we have coal in every stage , from pcat'and bog oak to lignite and black lead , including the finest Borts of both anthracite and bituminous. "You must remember , " ho continued , "that Montana is not a small state , but is really larger than all Now Ei.glnnd , and is rapidly filling up with as ener getic and industrious a class of people as exist in America to-day , and in n very few years I predict that it will bo onoof the wealthiest states on the continent. " Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's .Soothing Syrup should always ho used for children toothing. It soothes the child' ' , pollens the gums , allays all pnins , cures wind colie , and is tbo best remedy for diar rhoea. 25c a bottle. The Bible In Literature. Rev. Dr. Van Dyke , in an nrtfclo in the August. Century , on "Tho Bible in " "It issufo that Tennyson , says : tosuy there is no other hook which has so great an influence on the literature of the. world as the Bible. And it is almost as safe at least with no greater danger than that of starting an instructive dis cussion to say that there is no other literature which has felt this influence so deeply or shown it so clearly as the English. "Tho cause of this latter fact is not far to seek. It may ho as a discontented French critic sugp-ostSj that it is partly duo to the inborn and incorrigible ten dency of the Anglo-Saxton mind to drag religion and morality into everything , But certainly this tendency would never have taken such a distinctly biblical form had it not boon for the beauty and vigor of our common English version of the scriptures. Thcso qualities were felt by the people oven before they were praised by the critics. Apart from all religious possessions , men and women and children wore fascinated by the na tive power and grace of tlio book. Tlio English bible was popular , in the broad est sense , long before it was recognized ns it was recognized as ono of our noblest classics. It has colored the talk of the household and the street , as well as molded the language of the scholars. It has boon something moro than a "well of English undeflled ; " it has become - como a part of the spiritual atmosphere. We hear the echoes of its speech every where , und the music of its familiar phrases haunts all the Holds and groves of our line literature. "It is not only to the theologian and the sermon makers thatwu look for bib lical allusions und quotations. Wo often find the best and mobt vivid of them in writers professedly secular. Poet like Shukospero , Milton and Wordsworth ; novelists like Scott , and romancers like Hawthorne ; essayists like Bacon , Steele and Ail dl son ; critics of life , unsystematic philosophers , like Curlylo and Ruskiu all draw upon the bible as n treasury of illustration , and use it us a book equally familiar' to themselves and to their readers. It is impossible to put too high u valuo. upon such H universal volume , oven as a purely literary possession" ' " \Vhon \ tatccn for a few days , potash , mix turca impair the digestion , take away thu ap petite , and dry up the gastrio juices which should assist In digesting and assimilating the food. Swift's Sooclho has JUst the oppo site effect ; It Improves digestion , brings ap petite , ami builds up tbo general health. CONSUMPTION , IN Us flrst stages , can bo successfully clicckcil by < fie prompt tiso of Aycr's Clicrry 1'cctoriili Kvon In tlio later periods of than ( Jlsoaso , tlio cough Is wonderfully relieved by this medicine , "I liavo nscdDyer's Cherry I'cclornl with the bust 'Viltuct In my practice. Tills wondcifiijjprbparntlon oneosavod niy llfo. I luut a constant cough , night sweats , was gtunUy reduced in llrsh , nml given up liY my physician. Onn bottle nntl ft half of the I'cclornl ' rurcd inc. " A. J. Ellison , M. V Middle-ton , Tennessee. " Several ycnrs ngo I was severely 111. The doctors salt ! I uas in consumption , and tliat tlioy could do nothing for me , but advised mo. as n last resort , to try Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. After taking this medicine two or three months I was cured , and my health remains good to the present day. " James Vlrcharil , Darlcn , Conn. " Severn ! years ago , on a passage homo from California , by water , I contracted eo severe n cold that for some days I. was confined to my stute-room , nnd A physician on board considered my lifo In danger. Happening to have a bottle of Ayor'a Cherry Pectoral , I used It freely , and > ny lungs \\ero woon restored to n healthy condition. Since then X liavo Invariably re-commended this prep aration. " J. 13. Chandler , Junction , Va. Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral , rnErantD nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Masi , Bold bj nil Druggliti. 1'rlcoSl ; libottlc , t5. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. FOR SALE Ar4D PINT. WBI. SIEDENTOl'F , lloal Estate. Special attention given to examination ana cor rection of title to lands and lots in city aud county. No. 8. North Main at. T71OU SALE Two ( Ino now six-room houses on Ju Pacific avo. will bo sold cheap for a small payment down hd balance to suit purchaser. Kcrr & Gray. 5Ui ! First nve. T710H HUNT 3 unfurnished rooms , 001 Third -L' avenue. "CVU SALE One of the best paying cream- JL erics In Iowa , making now over I.OUO pounds butter dally. AUo a larco ; brick butter , OCR and poultry house , all complete with largo cold stornco elevator , etc. . doln ; : big business. Price ot this entire plant complete Jn.KK ( ) ; gl.oudcasn , ba < . In 5 anil 10 years. Or would toke Rood city property , or No. I land tor the J4XK ( ) payment. lliiMiiess done last year , fST.ODO. will exceed that this year , und It is the only plant In the county. Emmlru ot Kerr St Gray , TOj First ave. "ITOU SALE Acre lots In Orchard place. Tills J-1 property It located in the lllco nursery , soutnof the main part ot tlin city. Hi mlloa from courthouse , ( \eo. Motcalf , U Pearl st. FOH BALK Improved and vacant property In nil parts of the dry. Cull and see me. K. E. BInyne. j , TTiolt IIXOIIANCJE-SOacresadjoinlnj-tho city , Jfor city property. ' 'Johnston ' 4 : Van Patten , Everett bloclc , Council Hlulls. SiViilAL ; lots in Oniahn to exchange for land aud other property. Johnston & Van FOR ItnNT Houses 'in all parts of the city. Kcrr . .VGray. . iXVFlr8t ) nvo. Tun equity In a farm near the city to ex change for city lots. Johnston & Van Fatten. EOH BENT Eljsht now B-room cottaguson Avenue II. fjackett's add. to city , items very reasonable. Call and let us show you them. Kcrr & Gray. ' TTOU HiNT-7 ; of the most beautiful cottages J-1 in Council Uluirs ; one block from motor line ; new houses ; city .water in the houses aud all modern conveniences. Bea Kcrr & Gray. I71OU SALE 120 aero farm In Jasper county , -L' lo'.vn , located near coal minus that are in operation. There la a live foot 'X pin ot coal under the farm. Gco. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl at. TTIOH a ALE Improved and unimproved prop- JU1 erty in every p-m of tno city. Itaro oppor tunities for investors v ho seek speculations : bplendld opportunities for those who desire homes. Gco. Metcalf , No. 10 Pearl st. BUSINESS locations oc Main and Uroadway at great bargain * . Geo. Mctcalf. No. 10 Pearl st. FOll SALE SO feet lake frontage located be tween O II. boat IIOU.MO and Jlanawa beach. Also a number of choice lots In liegattu place. ( Jeo. ilotcalf , No. 10 Pearl st. TF you want some genuine snaps In chqlce lots J-on bottoms call-and see Keir & Gray. They have some lots that must be sold regardless of cost before Nov. 1. TP you have anytnlne In the line of real estate J-or chattels you want to exchange or dispose of , you should call on Kerr & Gray. You can flnd them at their olllce , 503 First avo. , Council Illuffs. TjlbltSALE On monthly payments , very neat -L' now house near Harmony mission. Call or mldress Kerr A : Giay. 5U5 Firs. ! ave. , Council Illuirs. FOIt EXCI1ANOE-3 Improved farms In cen tral Kansas for other property. Johnston & Van Patten. MISCELLANEOUS. T , OTS for sale on very easy terms. Bee us to- J-J f ore you buy. Johnston & Van Patten , "VTINE room house In Omaha for trade. What Li liru a you to oirer ? Johnston & Van Patten. O5 feet on Main street for sale cnoap. Johnston FINK home on First ave , for salo. Johnston & Van Patten. NEW houses for sale , 100 cnsn , balance til'.DO per month. Johnston & Van Patten. miKE farms near the city for salo. John- - fcton & Van Patten. TJ1OU quick sale list your property with fc. E , JL Mayne , iir.Mlroadv.ay. moiNVKSTOUS-Don't buy real estate until X yon nee mo. 1 have something always on hand that will make you money , tt. K. Mayne , BID Ilroadway. I HAVE for sale a number ot good | lota on payments ot $1U down and if.'i per month i ; lots lull size and title perfect. E. K. Mayne. IF you want to buy , sell or oxctinnco real OB- mo call on E. E. Mayne , PIP lirondwuy. WANTED Iluycrs of real estate to know I have u choirs list of bargains. Call and see mo. E. IX Mayne , 010 Uroadway. T ANTED Seekers after real estate snaps to 1 tail on K. E. Wayne , ai ! Uroadway. Acopjljorso aucl buggy. Kerr NOTICE A seven-room house tor sale at $225. Investigate this. , J6hnston & Van Patten Everett block , ( RHAIj KSTATH-lloujjht and sold ana ex changed. Special Attention given to exam ination or titles. W , . C. , James , No. 10 i'earl st. , Council mugs. boarders wanted at 123 Uenton street. X Good board at reHsoimblo rates. Mrs. I. W. Cooper. _ OPEHOENT loans made on real estate , cash on hand. ! ' . J. Uayv A ' . AUTIl'lIl. home on Oakland ave. at a . bargain , F. J , Day , GOxlbO on Oakland avei , 10,000. V. J. Day. 1 OUx.TOO on Park ave. , t OOO. V. J , Day 1.1 A COHNUIl on 4th ave. , tl.ittO , F , J. flay. "VcitK property for houiei and gardening. P7 OMiis for sale on monthly payments. V , J , pay. [ WANT to trade u farm for a lot on Ilroad way near llth bt , 1' . J , Day. GHAHAM avenue property that , will double right away. F. J.Day , T , OTB OR Ilroadwuy , Flrnt avenue and Avo- LJnues A and II , cheap , F. J , Day. KAILWAYTrlcycle-Forsale cheap. Exce lent condition. One man can handle easily. Will carry two pcrsoua and load , Address live , Council Illuiru W ANTKD Competent girl for general house work. Mrs. Quo. Champ , Fletcher terrace. A baby's afghan ; owner call at Iteti olllce. I HAVE map for nn Inrestor for to-day ouly. F. J. Day. THE LAST CHANCE. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , * FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS THERE WILL BE A GRAND DEMONSTRATION AT THE GREAT SHERIFF'S ' SALE OF BOOTS NOTE THESE-PRICES : Infant's Kid Button Shoes 20c , formerly 60c. Gents' Scentless Congress. 81.00 , worth $2.00. Misses Kid and Goat Button , OOc , worth $1.76. Gents' Pine Dross in Button , Lnco and Congress , all JUulles1 Kid and Goat Button , $1.00 , worth $2.00. shapes and weights , $1.05. worth 1.00. Ladies' Grain Button , 7/io / , worth 81.60. Gents' Hand Sowed French Calf Shoos In all styles , Cadios'-Dongola Kid , Button , $1.76. worth $3.60. widths and sizes , 93.60 , worth $7,60. Ladies' Kid , Oxford Ties , ( I5c , worth $1.60. Men's Kip Boots , $1.60 , worth $3.00. Ladies' Serge Congress , 2 to 8 , 60o worth $1.25. Men's Calf Boots , $2.00 , wo'th $5.60. Ladies' Slippers , 20c , worth 05c. Best Calf Boots , Hand Sowed. $5.00 , worth $7.50. Remember the prices quoted above are for two weeks only. You arc requested to call early seas to avoid the rush. Do not miss the above bargains , you cannot altord it. Follow the crowd to the bargain seekers headquarters at the great * SHERIFFS SALE OF Boots and Shoes Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street , MASONIC BLOCK , COUNCIL BLUFFS TTlOtt SALE or Exchange A line brlcs hotel -L' v Itli f ramn addition , situated In Central Iowa la. a thriving town of M.MW inhabitants : tuo railroads. This hotel has 4U guest rooms , saiunlo rooms , a line olllco with plate glass front : Blzo ot brick tuxu : , : i stories. Thu fr.imo part is used for dlumg room , kitchen , laundry , \VllltrartBforeastern Nebraska or Kan- sad laud , nil In one body , part of it Improved und clear of innumbrance. Price of hotel aud furniture ? ! 0ooo. A good chance for some ono. Good'reasons for selling , Enquire of Kerr & Gray. 603 First nve. Froth Jlrnt Wanted. Sealed proposals will bo received on or be fore I'A ni. , September U , nt the oHlcc ot the superintendent of the Ion a Institution for the education of the deaf and dumb. Council lilnlln , la , fo. furnishing bald Institution with fresh or other meats in such quantities as mny be or dered and at sucli time as may.bo directed for the term ot six months , commencing Septem ber ir18H" . The bidder must state in detail the kinds and cuts ot meats ; also whether with or without bone , alto , when ordered in bulk , fore or hind quarter , giving price of each , and so word proposition as to bo easily understood in every particular. Unless above directions are folloueil thu 1)1(1 w 111 not be considered. Didders at their option can also offer prices for bologna sausago. link sausage , sugar cured hatus.bacoil and lard , the latter ItcniH not to bo considered lu the aggregate ot amount of bid. All meats subject at any time to Inspection and rejection by thu superintendent without re course. Illfla should bo Indorsed "Pioposals for Meats. " and addressed to the honorable board of trustees of the lovwi Institution for the uclucatlou of the deaf and dumb , und dc- Ihercd In parson or by mail at the time above named. ' 1 ho board reserv rs the right to reiect any or all bids. HEN It V W. HOTHEIU' , Superintendent. Cnnl Proposnls Wanted. Seali'd proposals will bo received on or be fore 12 m. . September 2. at the olllco of the superintendent of tlio Iowa Institution for the education of the deaf aud dumb , Couucll Ululls. In. , for furnishing said liiHtltmion with coal for tha six months commencing September 15 , IbS'J. Bald coal to bo delivered In the bins of said In stitution. Bidders will glvo the prluo of each together with such recommendation or refer ences us to quality as they may elect. A Hani- plo car load of the coal to be furnished , and a bond lor the faithful carrying out of the terms of the bid will be required when the award la made. All coal delivered subject to inspection and rejection by the superintendent without recourse. Itlds to be Indorsed "Proposals for Coal. " and addressed to the honorable board ot trustees of the Iowa Institution for the educa tion of the deaf and dumb , and delivered in person or by mall at the time above specified. The board reserves the right to ri'Joct any or all bids. HENUV . HOTHEKT. Superintendent. No. 27 Main St. , Over Jacquemln's Jewelry Stor PttOF. WHITE'S Adapted to the public schools. Thn only complete thing of Its kind In existence and In- dlRpenslbli ) In the school room. School boards desiring the most perfect help for the teachers are Invited to oxnmlno thlu. Address II. A. BALiLilNRKIT. General Agent , 173 Willow Avo. , Council Illuirs. Iowa , Incorporated NOT. 1 , 1H70. Soatbwdbt Corner Ilroadway and Main Street. CAPITAL , $ I50OOO. Docs a Itegulur Hanking and Exchange liuslness N. P. DODOE , President : JOHN IIEHK8HBI1I , Vlcel'rest. ; A. W. UIEICMAN. Cashier. Directors N. P. Dodge , J Ilpreshelm , Geo. Keollne , J.L. Stewart. W. W. Wallace , G. M. Dodge. COR. 6TH AVE. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by tlia Sisters of Charity An excellent educational Institution , fur nished with all modern Improvements for boarding and day school. The acedomlo yezr consists of two sessions , beginning ou tliotlr.it Monday in September and February , respect- TBUM8 Hoard and tuition , per session. $73. 1'or further particulars address Sister Superior , M. KranuU Aundotny , Council ilium , In , J. D. EDJIUNDSOS. E.I * SIIIHIAHT Pros. Vice Pros. CIIAS. . HANNAN , Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , or COUNCIL iir.urra. Paid up Capital SI5OOOO.OO Surplus 35OOOOO Liability to Depositors. . , . 335.OOO.OO UniEOTOU" I. A. Miller , F.O. Gleason. K. li Shugart , KE , Hart , J , U. Kdmundson , Chua. It , llannau. Transact general banking business. Largest , capital ana surplus of any bank In nosthwestern Iowa Interest on time do posits. H , M. CHAMBERLAIN , M , D , EYE ! EAR AND THROAT SURGEON. Glasses Accurately Prescribed , Special attention slven to chronic ncuralglan , hsadnchus. eptlopby and other nervous uiroo tloni. a largo majority of which ura caused by oculer defects , und are entirely curable by prouer treatment of thu nyts , Bend stamp for pamphlet. Host of leforeiicea given on appli cation. Catarrh treated with buccebsby mull after nret consultation. Olllce cor. llroudwuy aud Main Btreot , over Council lllu r Saving * Hunk. llonrs-'J to U aud Si to 6. Council lllull , Iowa. -AND Go to the Merrlam block , take the elevator ami st op at room " 1C and consult DR. W. A. S. MURPHY , Who Is a graduate and a practical and scientific optician. Da not wear glasses Improperly fitted. Do not neglect your eyes when they show symptoms of abnormal refraction. Io not buy glasses Irom ped.llcrs. The flnest glasses to be found in the world always In stoci. Glnsses ground so flt the eye In all Us rnfractivo errors. Artificial eyes supplied at prices to suit. Consultation free. Hours U to 12 , U to I -BAT- FINE FRUITS FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WOULD. W. A. GIBBS , CIS Broadway. J. V. BENSON , For Fountain Dlshe * of Ice Cream that nra 11 derj ji below zoro. An el egant fruit and confectionery parlor , wnaro everything is cool , clam and nice. Ho. ! B Pearl street. Look at the Immense stock'of Summer and Fall goods kept by JOHN PETER , Merchant Tailor , K2 Ilioadway , Opera House lllock. Iteco'.loct that in hot weather people should Keep tampornto Don't get excited , although the a\vfulsluthing of prices In summer footwear at tno BANKRUPT Boot and Shoe Store - T 25 Main Street. Is enough to excite any body. RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of a red hot summer people should buy their meats of a butcher wto knows how and has the menus of properly keonlng them. The flnest market in iho west Is the new establishment of J. M. SCANLON , Upper Broadway. If you want cool , clean , froh grooorio ? , go to N. A. TAYLOR , 10 Main St. People never get hot when they buy of F. W. SPETMAN & BRO. They guarantee fair dealing always. COS and fill Mala Street. Even though the weather is hut W. W. BILGBB Has some red-hot bargains la real estate and several Rood houses to rent , all titled up with modern improvements. No. Ml Pearl St. GOLF AX WATBR BY BOTTLE OB CASE. W. N. YOUNG , 414 Broadway , ZERO PRICES ! For ill kinds of groceries and provisions. STEINKOPF & SGOFIELiD , Keumeyor Hotel lluildlng , Ilroadway. 1O Degrees Below Zero , and the Water Still Running ; J. O. BIXBY , Sanitary Plumbing. rrc-cio out prices nt the "Famous. " 2)3 ) Uroa-Jway : rips lp , Tuckile , MiUoliin Be , Clotlicn I'lnslc. x Ib can 1'eiidien ! 'c ' , i nriiliios &c , choice lUcn To III , boil rolloJ Oat * 4a Ib. " 1770" Wo Hi , Kirk's Wulto llusslim hony li tmn i > c , Oliolco J | inn Ton io Hi , RoasU-iI Hlo CJfTuuUo , licit Kiel Coiroo'JIo. Coal Oil Ilk ' , , Orlo 1 A | > | iU > V.lli ) f I Uoocl flour tl ai ncfr. 11111 every thing o ! o In proportion. Wu Klyo O.nalia I'rlcoi. Hottom prlcoa 1 OEO. II. ME80HENDOUF. M7 Ilroadway. Look at thes'i prices : Hlb steat , fioj chuclc stoakt6c ; boll beef , 4c ; corn beef , 4c ; chuclc roast , r.c . : shoulder roast , to to "c ; prlmorlb standard roast , lOc ; porterhouse ftoulc. IDc ; veal stcalc , 7o to IJJc ; muMon chops , Oc to lie ; pork chops. He ; salt pork , be ; hams , lite ; shoulders , Gc ; bacon , Itc , TIHIIE ] IRTJSSIEILjILi. Kspeclally Adapted for SIZES FROM 25.T0300 LIGHTING HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications and estimates furnished for completed team plants , llcgnlatlon , durability tLunrnntc-ed , can show letters from users whore fuel Hconomy in en.ua ! with Corliss Non Condensing. H nd for faUloguo. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. TWIN CITY STEAM DYE WORKS , The licit Equipped Kstabllshment In the West. Boos Dyeing and Cleaning of Garment * and floods of o\ cry description and material. Dry Cluunlugof 1'lno Garments u Specialty. Out ot town orders by mall or oxpruns , will receive prompt attention. Works on Motor Line , Corner 26tti St , & Ave , A , Council Bluffs OMAHA OFFICE , IS2I FARNAM STREET G. A. SUIJOEDSAOK. GEORGE METOALF , JtKALKSTATU. No. 1O Pearl St THE MANHATTAN BILLIARD AND CIGAR STORE 418 UNO AI > WAV , UAL.OM2Y & O'JUKIISJJ , luos. w , II. .M. rosier OFFICER & PUSEf. BANKERS. Corner Main and Broadway , IIMJKI H , IOWA. Dealers In foreign end domestic xchanz * Collectloni mada uud iutor it paid on tlinod * posit * . - II AH TUB CHOICEST MT OK" - SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city , ( Jilt edged opportunities to I urn dUt * lavojtoH and liaat 4 K r -