Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ntlvortloomonta will bo totxonfor
thoao columns after I2:3O p. m.
Torme-Cnsh In ndvnnoo.
AdvcrtiRcrncnts tinder this head 10 cents per
line for thn tirst Insertion. 7 cents for each flnb-
requont Insertion , nnd 11.60 per linn per month ,
No ndvcrtlsemcnts taken fo- less than 25 cents
for first insertion. Seven word * will bo counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd
must ho paid In ADVANCE. AH advertise
ments must ba handed In before 12-'uO o'clock p.
in. , and under no clrcumstnncM will they be
taken or dlftcontlnucd by telephone.
1'artlos advertising In these columns and hav
ing their answers nudrrs'ed In care ot Tim HER
will plenso ask fora clincK to enable them to got
llielr Icttois. us none will be delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers toad *
vcrtlsemenlrt ahculd l > o enclosed in envelopes.
All Hdvcrtlsements Inthrse columns nrn pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
TIIK HBF , the circulation of which nggrcgatet
tnorothan l .000papeni dally , nddnlves the ad
vertisers the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK Ilr.c , but al < o of Council IllulK
Lincoln hnd other cities nnd towns throughout
thin section of the country.
Advertising forthcso columns v.lll b taken
on the nbqvn condition ! ) , nt the following busi
ness homes , who nro anthorlztd agents for Tun
IIEK special notices , nnd will quote the same
rates nscnn bo had nt the inMnolllce.
/"I HASH & FDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113
V Bolitli ICth Street.
SH. FAltNBWOUTH , Pharmacist , .8115 Cum-
mlug Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , CH North ICth
GEO. W. PAKH , PhnrmnclJt , 1800 Bt. Hary'
S' PHAltMACr.laJa Farnnm Street ,
_ _
' \\t AN'lTiU Ily a yoTnTgnian aged 20 , a pi ace
T touork and go to school. Addru s Ii. ,
Tairbury , Neb. 4b7-28t
WANTiU : Two first-class carpenters to put
up finish ; none but llrst-clrn men need
apply In ulloy back Kstcrlirook blk. ror. 10th
nd Lhlcngo fctr. 432 28t
W ANTED A situation by a young man , npo
II ) ; willing to do anything honest to work
my way up . , John Whltsou , DeWitt , Nob.
WANTED-SHuatlon by a IlrSt-class book
keeper nnd accountant , with tbo bust of
Omaha and C. 11 , references. Address II. H. ,
care OgdonHouse , Council lllulTs , la. 3h 2 *
WANTED Situation as salesman in boot
and shoo store or clothing ; 0 years experi
ence. .Address lock "box 8. Neola , Iowa. ! iul-S8T
Man to drive milk , wagon , must
VV milk SO COWB..I bright boys for lh htwork ,
(5 ; pan washer , J20 ; dish washer , brush-cutters ,
tciunster ? , etc. .Mrs. Drega , 3I4',4Sl' < thj.
WANTED Immediately , pastry
a cooxs 828 , short order. t5latJIO. ! ; no pas
try. Mrs , Mrega. 31155 S.15th. 43 KB
W ANTEDXl tinners , Armonr-Cudahv Packing -
ing Co. , South Omuha , 411 30
WANTED Young man or young lady quick
nt figures anil with some knowledge of
bookkeeping. Address 1130. Doe. 431 23
W ANTKD-At once , two good tailors. John
Wolskeil , David City , Neb. 418 30t
WANTED A good blacksmith who under
stands horseshoeing and \\apon and car
riage repairing , with rofriences. Apply to W.
J. Coftlis. North Phitte , Nob41WWJ
TXTAN'l Ell A special aont for every county
TT in Iowa and Nebraska ; must have one
hundred dollars In cash and ba a hustler ; sal-
nry 810) ) nermonth. Cull or address ' "Iho G o.
B Clint ) 1Mb. HoUHt ! . " Hoom 61L First National
banicbuilding , Omnha. 41U l fl
WANTKD An experienced f nlesman. Apply
immcdiataly.Nicoll the Tailor , 14111 - Douglas
W PANTED A Rood cook , $ 'i per week
M. Jtoores , 017 S. 18th. 427 : it
An experienced elevator boy
' \yitJi flcst-cluss references ; boys under 10
yeara nftod.-iijt ( opplyT between U-and 10 o-'cloce
ouly.TlUrsUa'mornlng'FreelandLoa ) is .V Co.
WANTED A first class shomnnkor wanted.
No others need apply ; 21 > S. 1Mb street ,
a J. Palmqulst. 3'5-2lW '
WANTED Hey with a pony , mornings and
evenings. Inquire Uee Counting Hoom.
WANTED Live men with coed habits nnd
pleasing address can find remunerative
employment by calling at room 120. New York
Llfebulldlng.Omaha. Correspondence solicited ,
- ' *
WANTED Mun to repair furniture anil
make hlmoelt useful around furniture
etoro. C. Wachtel. Wymoro , Neb. 37U-28J :
TA7ANTHD 2 young men at light work , cnl
VV this week , loom 17 , L'iJ N. afllSM
WANTED Laborers at lowering the Odd
fellows hall building. E. F. llusloy , contractor -
tractor , Lincoln. Nob. 37tt
TV ANTED Salesmen everywhere for our ad-
> justnble all meUl door plates. ( Can sell
nnd deliver nt once. ) Mndoot nickel , gold or
solid bronze , new gooda Just out , prolits largo
und sales rapid ; no hoimo canvassing. Write
for particulars. N. Y. Door Plate Co. . Newark ,
N.J. ; i4t3U
W" AlTTEO At the Fall , an oxperlc'ncT'd window -
dow dresser. UJbt
GOOD reliable canvnssors.steady employment
with The Singer Mfg. Co. , lr > lS Douglas t.
822 S 13
ANTED 25 railroad laborers for Ifr'pT
company work , at Albright's labor agency ,
1120 Farnam st. 111 !
W NTF.D Good man In every town. Salary
paid weekly. Andreas Sherman , Tangen-
berg & Co. , 1(0 W. Lukoet. , Chicago. I'M-yiT
ANTHD At the Fair , llrst class salesman
lu clothing department. 3.8.
WANTKD Attho Fair , on or before August
30 , first class. exnrleni'od salesman In
nhoo dopartnient. Must lie ublo to speak lor-
man. i 353
WANTliD-For Washington Territory-tie
Dinkorrt , chopper ! ' , carnentors , rock men ,
graders und tracKlayors , at Albright's Labor
Agency. ll'Jl Farnam st. 231
Salesman to carry full line Call-
fornla Gloves on commission for this
territory. Inferences required. Itavmoud ,
Squire & Co. . San Francisco , Cal. 218-81 *
rruOHDEHS In C days : "I average 10 orders lu
I 12 calls. " Theae extracts from agents'let
ters ; agents wanted lu Nebraska. Address with
tamp , 0. E. Osborne. lleatrlce. Neb. Ull s 17 *
WANTED A peed olllee man to go cast ;
must invest $2,500 ; must l > o a good biulnuss
man. Address the Goo. a CUno Publishing
House. 315 to 321 Wubash nvo. , Chlcago lll.
EN to travel for thr i'ontlilll Numerlei of
Cintda. Wo pay t'iCl to 510) ) a month and
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
ktock. Ail , Etono & Wellington. Madison. Wls.
TXIANTED-Attho Fair , a first class gents'
T Y furnishing goods salesman. MM
WANTED Agents. Maglo cigar lighter ,
every .smoker mivs , llghtx In wind or rain ,
lasts a lifetime. Sample 15u , two for 3c , dozen ,
tl , or mall. Stamps taken , Austin & Co. ,
Providence 11.1 , 4585.W
\VANTED-t25wcekly roiire-eptntlvo , mule
> or female. In every community. Goods
staple ; household necessity ; sell at Bight ; no
peddling ; salary paid promptly , und eiqici'boj
udvanced. Pullpartlruiiirti nnd valuable uanplo
case Cree. Wo inoan Just what we bay ; address
atcnco , Standard bllverwaru Co Ilo tuu , Mass ,
txpcrleucfd wlriilbwdrosserand
Btoro decorator at The 1'ulr , lath and
Howard. 451-2i )
\\rANTED A competent girl tor general
TT houeowork. Good wuges und a good homo
to the right party. Apply 2113 Hpencerbt.
Kountzo placeT 42J-2U
WANTED An experienced cook , wno 1s a
good launOrena ; ( ierman or Irish pre
ferred. Apply at 14 ! Davenport Bt.
WET nurse wanted Call nt room a , Hill's
blk. , cor llith und Douglas. Dr. A. W.
Itlley. 42I-2JJ
WANTKD-3 waitresses Lincoln , 18 ; laun-
( irons fur Wymoro * < ; ultre e for Nor
folk ft , lures nil paid ; 3 cooks pilvato family.
U : housekeeper out city ; uurbOKlrl 12 ; 4 nal-
tresses , l soroud girl , bhlrt polifher 110. tteec
etcudywork ; stenographerfM ; 3Ugirls generta
work. H.B. WhUe . Ill ) N. llith Bt. < 0"-iJ *
WANTED Lady agents for ournowMcIn *
toah waterproof Kasluu. Very stylish ;
cloth outside ; nothing lUo them In stor .
A uuts have big trade , 1'rlcea ou "Daisy" tioso
siipiiorters freiitly reducoa. Wu gtvu agunt *
the i-TOateat cimuc-oever olfernd to make money
this f ll on our full Uua of fi ft belllnit j.'w > dn.
AdilrohN will ) stamp. K. U. Oiuipbell , 4 4. llan-
OnlpU trsot. Chicago. 3.0-7 ;
WANTUDWoman second cook for Color
ado , C5 and pans ; dishwasher for Wyom
ing. fWrpintry girl and waitress for Colorado.
1 for Wyoming. Any amount ot first-class
places In families. Mrs , llrega , 3H4 ! 8. nth.
ANTKD-Two girls nt onto at City hotel ,
one for dining room and for chamber work.
TyANTED-Bhlrt maters ,
\A'-A. NTKIJ-Compotcnt girl In private family
in Kwirnpy , tJj girls ror Wymoro , South
llend , Columbus , Plattsmouth nnd Hoi Oak ;
coed pastry cook.130 ; kitchen girl and waitress
in saiiiu hatnl ; < ook and 2d girl In same family ;
n laumlre g ( < , Fie ; 25 peed Rlrls for private
families. } & rs. llrcRii. ! 4H 8 16th st. 410 3jJ
ITC TANTRI ) Olrl , small faintly , good wages.
V > Apply 11128. lUth St. 09
ANTr.D-OIrl , for general housework In
family ot three , German preferred ; apply
toCfflo Cnpltolavo. _ ifJJ
W A NTln Housekeeper , keep house for man.
and 4 children , iilSM .Maple st. 373 23 *
W ANTI5D A peed Rlrl for home
work at * 09 South Bktli at , 8T.-a >
/"I OOD girl for Konordl house work at 409 N.
VJlinh * t. ; good wages. 3X4 BOt
W U Good gtrl for hnuso work. Mrs.
W , W. Hlngham , 8lt S. Ibth et. 440 .
WANTED A good con patent girl for gen
eral housework , wakhlng nnd ironing. G24
Bout Iilith street. 4
WANTKD-lIxpcrlcnced girl for general
housework. Mrs. L. O. JOIIOB , 718 No. 21st.
WANTEDFourgood looking younp Indies
forllHhtdmploymont during fair woet.
; ooanges to right parties. Address H 23 ,
leo. 344 W
W ANTED A flrl for general housework ,
KM N. 20th st , cor California. 1711
WANTED German girl to do cooitOiK nnd
washing , best of wages paid. InuulreJ.
L. llrandols , 724 S loth st , 1
WANTED -Two rooms nnd board for family
of four In a eooa locality. Vnco must bo
reasonable. Good references f lirnlshed and re
quired. Address "H 31. " Ileo fc-fllco. 37.1-20
WANTED Hoom and board for four young
men north of Clarjc st. near car line. Ad-
Ircss 1135 Hooofllce. 417 gat
ANTED South front-room txnd board for
man and wife only ; In private family
preferred. Dodgo. Chicago. Douglns or Farnam
Bt. prefeired. Will bo permanent It satlsfac-
.ory. Addioss. H. , 82 , this olllco , with rotor-
mces and tcrms/i * 3U8-28 *
W-ANTED To rent by gentleman , room with
modem conveniences , not north of Capitol
tel avn or west of 20th st. Address , stating
prlco. H 23. Ueo office : 3UI 27 *
WANTED To rent about Fopt. 20 hone ot
7 or 8 rooms with modern convonlenccs.
W. S. Ityan , U. a Nat bank building.303TOt
WANTED To rent , a A to 7 room cottage
vlth yard , i hade nnd fence , near Park ave.
nnd Ihth MI. car linn. Host carb of property
guaranteed. Aitdrasi "H JO , " Ueo olllco.
- 37I-C3
WAM'hD Furnished cottage , 5 or 6 rooms ,
by family ot 3 , from Sept. 1st. Address
G 20. llteollice. _ b77 _
TTUHST class day Uoard. Inquire 1C09 Douglas
1 ? 1W
A STVL18H dressmnkor just from Denver
JL\wants sewing by the day in private family.
Call ut 10 : N IHh. 418W
DIIESSMAKINO In families , 027So. 17th. ava.
ENGAGEMEKT8 to do dressmaking in fami
UPS solicited. Miss Sturdy , r.18 S 2Uh St.
8.W sltt
FOll KBNT A , D-room house In rcar.ot lot.
Inquire 1317 fuss st. 433 a > t
neil HENT A fi-room cottage to party who
' will buy furniture ut n bargain' Jll ) S 20th.
,1 420 21ft-
TTOIOIENT B cottnpes , Omahiiview. . $1- per
J3 month. Bo'ggs i : 11111. . ' - 1
F I OK 11ENT Elegant 10 room brlctc , Douglas
St. ; . J. II. Evans , TO N. Y , Lite. 413 30
FOK KENT HotibO of 0 rooms , on " 5th and
Cumings ; price. Clfi ; or 4 rooms $ lu. In
quire , H28 South 18th St. 307-30.
FOH KENT Fine 11 and 13-ioom housasnlth
all modern improvements-Cass street , be
tween 24th and 25th sts. . at tow rates. H. T.
Claike , 2420 Cess St. . 285
FOH KENT Have Hats'single and double
rooms , bherman avenue , , bet. Ohio and
Corby streets. B82-29J
Fi IOH KENT Nice , light room basement.
b27 S. 2.'d St. HUtl-27'
POH HENT 7-room , 2-story house , barn lor
4 horses if tteslred. Tor terms for the winter
cull on or address C. ICHarrison , Merchants'
Nat'l Hank. " ISO
tjlOH KENT T vo nowF-Yoqinhouses ( nobaso-
X ! inent ) , every convenience , less than mile
from P. O. , reached by three lines of streetcars.
Will rent very low to suitable tenant on yr'a
lease. Am > ly. 101 South 2btn bt. or Dan H.
Wheeler , Jr. , Donglasiand lith st. 350
> OH HUNT Ten-room brlch house , nil cou-
Ir vanii'uces ; 02J Farnam , Cor , 27th a\o.
Foil HENT To responsible rurally without
children , for terms of years nt low rental ,
a deblrabli ) rosidence.f urnlshed or unfurnished.
21th and Cuss streets , or would sell at low
price. Hoggs & Hill , Heal Estate , 1403 Farnam.
I7UJH HENT 2 lints. 0110 5 rooms , one n rooms ,
JL1 to parties without children ; modern conven
IcncuH. Also for rout or sate on easy terms , :
now 5-room Votugaa. N. E. Adams , u. o. corner
22d and M lainl sts. 15.127 ?
F OH KDNX 1-room house , 516 Wtlliaras st.
ROUSES for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam
. 848
FOK HUNT room cottage near Port Oma
ha , S.1 per month. Soli foi Jl.iotf. D. V.
Sholes. 210 First National bant. * t-a >
"IJTlOll HENT 7-room Jibnio , 28tli'and C.ipltol
JU nve. 1 ntnllro , a i I IjddgW ' . . 811
S"Txnaw'liousVB , 6'to B rocmfsijach , price verj'
low. Call upon or rtililress ; ' eb. Mortgage
Loan Co. , room ultt I' xton-bl'K. Hi
JjlOK KENT 7-roomeil house , city water.bath.
JL ! liu-ge cellar , etc. . 25211 Franklin ut. Apply
room UP Muiclianta is'ut'l Imnk bldg. 870 'lit
" 17011 HUNT Tno nine room brick houses on
JL'I'urk nvennr , with nil conveniences. Also
nine room frame bouse on name street , with all
conveniences ; price 1-15 to $15 per month. D. V
bholes. 210 First National Hank , 311
FOH HUNT Itesldencp , 210(1 ( Douglas et. , now
house , nil modern Improvements ; not i
basement house.9 Enquire of Morltz Meyer
Cor. Itth and 1'arnani. G23
torrent , 10U Dodge. |
ilENT llat.Wi per rao. above
The Fulr , 13th aud Howard , Inquire TheKair
T7 OH HKNT 10-ioom brick house on atth st
XJ uear Loavcnworth. Apply at No 827 S. 2Utn
FOlt HUNT A detached 9-room house , al
modern conveniences. Knq , 2.523 Capitol ave
T710H HENTV-lOToom house , steam licnt , al
JL1 improvi-monts , cheap rent. G. E. Thompson
room 211 , Bheely block , ICth and Howard.
TOOK HKNT tflne largo ri > aldenco. hard woo <
JL ? finish , nil conveniences , low lent tn pilvato
family ; a HI N.JI'tU ' st. um
'ITI ( ) " HENT Th B-room Hat occupied by Dr : M Moor. No. IfiH Howard st , in
quire ut Goo , lllgnlna. Mil Howard bt. 183
Tfipit"HKNSr Six new .Vrootn cottages , read' '
JL ? on or before September 1. 'litli and Hal
Howard btreets , healthy location , near Fariian
rnrs. llftiit. each JI3 per inoatli , Suitable tor
Mnall tidy tumllttts. John 11 , F. Lehuinuu. C21
S.lithRt. 441
TOOH KENT LarKeTnlcely furnlnhed fron
JL1 rooms with pan , batn mi Jiejxt for winter
None but respectable people need apply. 182
bt. Mnry'5 ave. * 43 30t
FOlt HENT 1'uruishcd rooms , with board
1122 Dodge t , iOl
TO011 KBNT-S nlcely"furnuhed rooms , 2103
JL ? 1'urnam gtroet. 403
ITIOIt HKNT Klegant furnished room to
X' Biuglo geutloman only , 721 S. 18th Bt. , cor.
Levrenwortu. uiiO
17011 m.NT : Kuinlshed room , nt S25 | Doda
J-1 street , gi'J
-OOD room with bath. 61)S.ailh ut.
JjiOK JtKNT Two furnished rooms , on St ,
' Mary'a Avenue. To gentlemen only. Six
minutes wallc of business center , lleference
rt < iulrod. Inquire at storr , 1U aud SK a. ICth nt.
TjUMm A KTLT furnished rooms at 419 N. Iflth ,
JLKPaul block ; all modern Itnurovomcnts.
jgtl a *
T710K KKNT Nicelr fnrmshed room , with
JL ! board , in private family , for two rntina
men , only ( ( blocks from P. O. . on cable ; nil
modern conveniences. Addreia H-"A ! < '
3R" !
r > OO.M Mith or without board.
TJOOM8 with or without board , gas btuh , G01
JU8. 13th. 2d floor. Sal aut
ST. OLAIK European notcl , cor. 13th and
. Dodge ; special rate by week or inonth.
TOK HHNT Two parlors front ( tud Bacb'on
X1 llrst lloor , also single rooms , with board ,
AU modern covenl ncei. lfiQ'J TJdtl las.OS
"T\I)9fKAl7l7lJrobms cheapion cnr ; line ,
JL/.N.IBthst. ; i t K J
KENT-Furnlshed rooms , 2am IJndgo.
268 oO ?
170OMB nnd board for 3 gentleman ; a drslra
J-t ble location. 521 S. 2.Hh live. 108 2St
1T1OH KlJNT-a nicely 'fnVnl8h ( tt rooftis vrtth
JL1 board. Gontlomcn only. soifDpugliw pt ,
, 4 jiu-ffr
UKNlBIIEDor unfutmslieil hol 9\foii < iont
in Park Terrace , opposite Hanstom arlc
nil modern conveniences , JiuiUtfe. Ld
gbth and Loavcnworth. > > " < '
T71UKN1SIIED rooms with alf 'tiiQdd'rn.'con-
V runloncesfor gontumon onljTwlTus iT&ltta'nt.
\nCELY furnished suit of rooms and ono sin-
JLM Rio room. All modern convcnlencc r.prlvat < i
family. 2U Farnain st , - ' > r' OS. )
SOUTH front room , meals in tho' KotTs * . ' 1KM !
Capitol avenue. > I - , t , P. .
C1OH KENT Two furnished rooms , 3ir > north
JL'ntlist. Iteturence rcoulrud. 3TJ-S 1
TT1OK KENT T > vo unfurnished e&nthirii { > 1ns
J ? with bay window and closet , hard and'tjott
wnt-r ; prlcoJIO per month ; 92J 8 qiilUx-W jJ > e-
twoen St. Mary's nvo. and Loiyven rtjrthT' " ' ' "
TT1OK UBNT-a unfurnished"
J- modern conveniences for light housekeep
ing , at 1353 Sherman ava , 3U > 29t
T710K HUNT Two large nnd ono small room
JL. for light housekeeping , 2o ) Douglas st ,
ami 28 ?
TjlOll IIONT Unfurnished rooms suit a Die for
JL1 housekeeping , in suites of 2 to 4jeonventent
location , llutt'u Kenting Agency , luOB Fdrnam.
ITIOH HKNT Good location for 'barfler ' Shop ,
JL1 with bath rooms and hot waur , ' 15.S.13th.-
407 SW
JlOIt HENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
Ing st. Also house on Cass St. Harris , room
411,1st Nat. llauk. . ; 231
TjlOK HENT A large warehonseon Jones st
JL ! bet 13th und 14th , three stories tand baso-
ment. 44 by 100 feet , well llghtud and "very
strongly built , suitable for heavyv machinery'
for manufacturing purposes. wllMease for live
or more years at reasonable renE , " Intftllre ot
Henry A. Homan , 41J S. 13th st ; , > J Ct
T71OK KENT OIHces Wlthnell lllocfc. En-
JU quire ot K. N. Wlthnell. rodrn 17. B.28 , ?
"IT1OK HENT Pine brick store rooms on S 1,8th'
-Cst. . No. 015 , 1U7 , 01U , etc. One f-room cottage
tago , 121Hon Mason ht. . in good order. Inquire
or John Hamllu , 817 S 13th at. ' Oil III1
POlt KENT Store room. cor. 2.-th nhd N sts. ,
South Omaha. Host location In city for
gents'furnishing or dry Roods store. Innulro
of J. J. Muhuiioy , room 50U 1'axtoublk. 47--s3
TO HENT Desirable war house room on
track. Applv to , C. W.Keith,714 Paclllc St
C10R KENT The 4-story brick building with
X' or without power , formerly occupied DyThe
lice Publishing Co. 018 Farnam fit' ThA build-
In ; has a lire-proof comcntod basement , 'com-
pletosteam boating fixtures , water > -on nil the
iloors , gasretc. Apply at the oOlcw ot Tno Dee. .
TTlOll HENT Tno corner room under3 the Ne-
JL ! braska National bank will soon M for rent ,
the Equitable Trust Co , removing to larger
quarter ? .
- The space is about double that occupied by
he C. . B. & Q. ticket ollico. The floor1 .fa. tiled
tnti the room can bo matlo desirable lor a It. 11.
a ctcet or broker's ollico. ,
tl For particulars apply at bank. OS- ,
CHAS. S. Todd does collecting. Barker Jjlk'
J - -
A SELECT school for children. under the
Ecltctlo system us taught by Prof. Illch-
nrds , W. D. C. , will be opvnod Bept. 2 , 18 > > 3.
Homo comforts can be had in bUlldM'g ! 'Fdr1
further particulars address Mrs. W 1U2 Cap
itol ave. 342 3
"tpCONOMlXE in fuel by' covering your steam
JLUpipes with fossil meal nnn-ronducting cov
ering , the most efficient and chonpe&t of all
coverings. D. 0. McEwan , western agent , Itfll
Howard st. 287s2) )
rpHE banjo taught as an art by Geo. F. Gellen
JLbock. Apply allies ollico. 050s-
plESSPOOl-S. cisterns , privy . mult * , * eta ,
v-/cli > aned quietly , qulclcly , cheaply nnd clean
ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co. , 14W1 Farnam street. Tel , 23H.
$1 > .0)IlE\VAKDfortho ) retnrn ot an eyeglass
with a chain attached , which Mas lost on
Saturday evening botwomi Dodge St. and Cass
on 22d St. Kottirn to Nebraska K. lUuK nnd
receive the above reward. Aug.'S. " , 89. 3UI2b *
"I OST Large , young close-haired St. Bernard
JLJ dog , vellow with whlto breast and foot. Ho-
tuni tollJO Georgia ave. , or OLDouglas an'dget
reward. KJUP'
, OST English Mastiff. Keturn to 406 Paxton
t block ami pet reward. 241-
W ANTED To buy a nice bcdTdungcl ; must
be reasonable. Adarcss II37.Bee onlce ,
ANTED Horse , harness and wacon"lC23
M. ZOtn. 12 sot
WANTED to Iluy A piece of acre property
nour Omaha or Council Bluffs inn ) ; ' will
grow iu value. Adoress'wlth descrlbtion'itnd
price II31 Ileo olllco. * * i421' \
WANTED To buy n small harness stock in
Nebraska or western Iowa. Adarosulook
box , Ncola , la.
V\ANTED Furniture , carpow , stoveS 'tfud
> ' houbehold goods of aU.'klndB.Tfipmaha
Auction &Storrgo Co. , ] 121Fai'namt < .j. " a7
STOKAGE at low rates at llZlTarnatn'sC ,
Omulm Auction ana faloruga Co. aff
s TOHAGE : and forwardlnff. 'W < i 'collect anil
'deliver ' goods ot all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture aud baggage at qheapost'raftis
for BtornKo for any length ot timer vaiucand
woKons to be had at Bhortost , notice , wltn care
ful men for moving. I'acklnir and Khljinlus
from our own warehouse < l < ) 'iiu on. inoqerata
charge. Merchandise loaded ana J unloaded.
AVarehousoon our own tracks. Office 217811th
Bt. ; telephone 1H. Howell & Co. 210
rpitAOKAGE storage at lowest rotet * W./M.
-Lllushman 1311 Leavenwortli. . i. . '
CLAIRVOYANT. ' ' * > < < "
M ADA Mi : WelllnRton. world-renowned as-
trolofc-lbt. test medium KUd debtlny'ioailer.
Just from Europe , Telia your life from th
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated ,
causes speedy murilane with t lie one you lore ,
locates disease and treats vrltli lunsnatiu-ttml
electrlo baths. All In trouble should not fall to
consult this uirtod seeruHS. Parlor ilpatuirt ,
4178. llth ; ollicuhourb fromlUa. m.-to 10 p. m.
43iU *
MHS. Eccles , the famous fortimo teller anil
clairvoyant : business , love , marriage aud
changes. OJ7 B Uth ut , next door to Barker hotil
317-3 f
TTlOKTIINK Teller Mrs. Lenormaa can bo
-L1 consulted ou all alfalra'of life. 8aii fac-
tlon guaranteed. No. U10 N. 15th t ( til'3.6 *
Bit. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant.
cnl and business medium. Female d
a specialty , 11 ! ) N 16th st. rooms Uganda ,
QTANDAHDShorthandwchool , Paxton bit'
Oibiicce.isor to Vulentlue'n ) the largem oxcltw
ulve shorthand school in the Teacherj
are verbatim reporters. Particular attention
Dutt ! to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of machine taught by factory expert , Circulars
WIHTTLESuys Shorthand School , Tlar < cer
block. Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer
in shorthand free. 4itt-t tt"
( \ cor 16th and"L'apl7
tel ave. Shorthand The larctst and inoif
successful shorthand department la the stat * .
Standard methods taught. Munson'u revised
of 'Si a specialty. Call or wnU for terms.
A 100 buys mnr , harness , open buggy ,
W lSllI Bhormaa ave. , alter 6 o'clock. Hi
FORBAIiK-A fateow.X53MlamIst.
J 450-30t
_ _
TjlOIl SALE cheap tjfrtntcad with nattresn.
JU' and wiw woven cotp , largn bath tub ; nlso a
lot of pictures ana carpets. Call at 1HIO 8 13tb ,
tp stairs , 3J 4U-23J
_ _
T7IOII SALE-Ohcap 4)lnrRO ) and smnll show
JJ cases , ono smnll safari' also fine norse and
buggy , Ilronch tc Co. , UlMIoward street.
Hi 331 4t
_ _ _ _
T7IOII SALE Cash onttmtj , 2gond tcanis , wag-
-Lonsand harnesses.l , \Vllklnson. . 1417
nrnam st. 1'tnt BW
_ _
ONI ! lire prdof safe ; llelit express wnpcoiMicw ;
four Iinr e4.ranfrniur(0ra | ( KXtolnupoundii ) ) ,
will bo Bold vcrv chcabr- Nebraska Mortgage
NoanCo. _ , room 518. Pnyttm block. _ hsu _
1710K SALE Eucyclifla Ilrlttanlca , 21 vol.
J-1 urac , ninth edition ; Btoddard , halt mo
rocco , now. 115.
24 volumes , halt moroccn ; now Allen edition ,
( Si ; terms easy. .
in vols. , clotli ; now Allen edition , 25.
Chambers , nhoop , tl t.
Johnson's latest edition , cloth , KM. llox 7CC ,
Omaha. 450 a
F OH SALE Hosier safe , outsldo innnsurc-
ment 04x8x2D : ! , good condition. Enqulro
Gotham cigar store , s.o. cor. ICth nud Dodgosts.
171011 SALE Furniture complete1 for house-
JL1 keeping , either by the piece ur all together.
Inquire 7Ujj } N. ICth st , 3x1 floor , room V.
_ _
IjTOK BALE ( Hioap. kindling , 1711 Douglas.
43 228
BALK Good team black carrlngo horses
nndil team mules , will sell cheap. It. N.
Withnoll , room 17 , Withnoll Illock201 M ?
OU SALE Fresh Jersey cow and heifer calf ,
it , N. Wlthnell , room 17 , Wlihneil Illock.
KOJ23 *
TIIOK SALE A itt-horso power Porter engine
JL1 in Rood condition , weight 5,100 pounds , ryl-
ihdor llxlU. Tor particulars apply to 'Iho Iloo
onice. 7U3
1I11NE8T carriage team Instate , dark browns ,
JL1 tull 18 hands , weight 1.150. Inqutro . 11.
Mlllard , B. E. corlGth and Douglas , Omaha.
700 s 13
MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust Co. , N. Y. Llfo
bldg , Completa abstracts furnished and title *
torealoMtate examined , perfected & guaranteed.
M ONE ! to Loan Chattels , collateral real
estate. It C01 , Merchants'Nat'l bankbulldgln.
XU s23J
BBFO11E making chattel or collateral loans.
It will pay you to see The Western Invest
ment Co. , room 412 lice blag. 139
PHILADELPHIA Morgage 4 Trust Co. t ur-
nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ,
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
nt their western nfllco. Gcorgo w. P. Coatcs ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. . 234
" \TONEY laaned on chattel securities ana jow-
-LU-elry. Itoom 411 , Shocly block , Omaha Ne
braska. F. H. Jerome. 437 s St
MONEY to loan ; casn on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , 1210 Farnam St. , First National
bank building. 60
TJUHST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no
J3 delay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National
bank. 2J1
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time , at low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
property. ! "
The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 400 , Paxton bloclc 88(1 (
> UILD1NG loans , bj V. Sholos. 210 First
> National bank. : i 281
\TONEY to loan. O. F.-Davis Co. , real estate
J-U-and loan agents , 1503/amain st. 277
f CANS made on real estate and mortgages
JL < bought.Lowis S IleedStCo.n 13 , Board Trade
,3- 283 .
TV1TONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
J--l-etc. , or on any npjxroved security. J. W ,
Bobbins , Ullji Farnam street , Paxton hotel.
- , . „ 2C9
SEE Sholes. room 210,1'lrst Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. 4wr 281
MONEY loaned for 30 , HO or BO days on any
kind of chattel security ; reasonable- Inter
est ; conlldentlaL J.J. Wilkinson , 3417 Farnnm.
EES1DENGE. loans bKtto.,7 per cent no ad
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , 1J. Melkle , First Wat bank bldg.
' 208
QJ6CO.COO to loan at ( i per cent.Lluahan k Jla-
UJhonoj- , room 600 Paxton block. 287
Y to loan on real estate security , at
lowest rates , lletore negotiating loans see
.Wollace , 11. 310 , Brown bldg.lOth & Douglas. 282
WANTED First class inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Jnvest-
mont Co. . It 1. Darker bib. . ICtn nno. Farnnm. S78
Tl/IONEY / loaned on furniture , horses and
a.TJLwagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. lath st. , opposite Mlllard hotei. 270
11TONEY to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
J-'JLhousehold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest lates. 'lhe llrst organized loan olllee iu
tno city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-five days , which can be paid lu
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal and Interest. Call and see us when
you waut money. Wo can assist you promptlv
und to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay in making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. ,
310 S. 13th st. over Hlngham & Sons. 2H3
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; cominorclrl and
mortgage notes bought at fair rates ; all busi
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321 , Ilamge building. 713
6 Per Cent money 11. 302 , N. Jf. Llfo Ins. oldg
02flS.i3 ;
MONHY to loan on city or farm property.
Geo. J. Paul , 1003 Farnjini st. 102
DO YOU want money ? It so don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on uny sum from Jl-up to $10,000.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , hnrsesmulegwngonswarehouse receipts ,
nouses , leases , etc. . in any amount at the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six mouths nnd
you ran pay n part at any time , reducing tiotli
principal and interest. If you ow e a balance
on your ftinilturo or horses , or mwo a loon ou
them. I will take It up and carry it for you as
long ns you desire.
If you need money you will find It to your
advantage to sea me before borrowing.
B. F. Masters , room 4.Wlthnell building. 15th
andliarney. 2S'J
IMTONEY to loan We make liberal advances
J-on all kinds ot furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses and wagonx , without1 removal , without
publicity , uud at lower rates than can bo had
elsewhere In the city. ' Payments can be raadn
at any time , which reduce both principal nnd
Interest. Long and short time given and lib
eral extensions made. 'All business strjctly
confidential. Heforo .you borrow or renew your
loan cull and got our rates. Hawk yt > Invest
ment Co. , room33. lla floor , Douglas block , s. w.
corner ICtb and Dodge streets , 303 s-2t
TrfiYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of 10 to
JV1XJO ( ; got our rates before borrowing and
save money ; loan on hordes , furniture or any
approved security , without "publicity : notes
boucht ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est 11203,8hoolqgjblkl5tn& Howard st.
MONEY Loans uegottntod at low rates with
ou tdelay , und purcllaso goods , commercial
puprrand mortgage novaiudti , A. Bloman , cor.
13th uud Farmun. dm 272
NEUltASKA Morr. LoaavCo will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts.
flno jewelry , or securities ot any kind
without publlctty.'fttirtasouablQ raU3.
Jiooin 7 , HoHlev blocla Houth Oinahu.
ItoouiK 518-olU , Puxtuniblook , Omaha , Neb.
iKtoll -7J
TTIOH SALE Grorerv Vlf rp nt Florence , sell-
JL1 ing rrom JHO to JiiXi perMay ; will take a few
good teams us part pdyjtieiit ; look this up ,
Cowan ic Hall. Florencg 415 at
HOVISL. furnltnri ) anOxturos in good loca
tion in cltv. all moadvucouvenleacos and 40
regular boarders , 28ro6tn ? , prlco * iju , rent 112.5.
Co-operative Land aud'Lot Co , 205 N. 10th sr.
30321) )
F IOIt SALK-Clgar and fruit stitnd ; good
business ; good reasons for gelling. 21x1 S. IX
408 :
$ 1350 : will huy lease and furniture of IB-room
honne. 117 N 14th ; rantiJJJ. U17-2
flAIHlAlNl lTwTi'drnB stock for cash ;
Hill bell any amount from JOOO up. Addles *
U. E. Coups , UulberUou. Neb. 425-JJ
H KKNThio barn ; 11 stalls ; large yad :
X' clean and convenient ; iniriuire of I'rosti ;
Harris , Izard it , bet , Sd aud 2JU Ala . MlA -
A HE you looKlOK for an opportunity to en
gage in tliamercantile btKinessr It o come
and eee us. W , H. K. & M. E. , Itoom 14 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. 1140. U15
HENT Well furnished hotal lu uool
town. Kent low. J , M. Bell , York , NeU
ATtTANTED-A partner with W.001 to $1.000 to
1 Y take u half Interest in a well eatubllnhed
grain and need bualuoss , AddreM ilex U ,
Greeuwood , Nob. IU
H OTEL for rent ; the onlv hotel In town. Ad
dress locic box it , North Demi. Neb.
T710II BALK Two-cntilr barber shop , Rood lo
JL ! cation. address Crawford , Neb. , for terms
A. O. Tfttro. 865 31'
TTIOKSALE Cnesp Barbershop ana 4 chairs ;
JL ! good locution ; paying businots. it , H , Flem
ing. Crete. Nob. C047 *
T71OKSALE-A well built up brie * yard , 270
JL ! Wet from sldo track ; two stationary kilns ,
two drying slieili , brick mnchlna now. house ,
stnble , wind mill , water tank , leutt piping , to-
cctlit-r with live acres of Intnl. Price ll.tiuo. Ad
dress C. V. Knul. Madison. Nob. 8S3 S3
jfl.WO drug stock ror nlo In control part of
nL M\rs \ for last two years between
udit WOO. Kent only t&'i per month ;
must tin vu halt cash , balance in secured notesi
or clear lots In Omnha : tills Is a snap , Stringer
& Penny. DpiiRlas Ijlock. _ 208 28 _
TJUK ) SALK > -ElBvator at Oakdalo. Good" TocTT
-L' tlon for ( train , live stock , lumber nnd coal.
For particulars xvrlto A. Truesdell , Fremont ,
T- ' '
WAN.THO A partner in n brewery dolne a
good "buslhoss In a prosperous rfobrnska
town. Eiinuiro at room u , Chamber oC Com *
It' t , It 10. 87o
_ _
TU ) It SALNorTraVlo for Omaha property on
J nstabhahcd business , liox 5)8 ) OunUio ,
ii ; . . / . > > „ M i - 340
fl f > ,000 StocfcllftW , clean general merchandise
Pto exchange fcr Nebraska Inud nnd money ;
want one-third onsh. Address box IT. , Klvor-
ton , Nob. 43MCK
EIGHTY acres near Marysvllle , Kansas. Mar
shall county , for vacant lot In Omaha. U.
F. HatrlqotvM.ercliants' Nat , bank. 11SO
4KOOM house nud , lot In Stephens Plaro , fitn-
bio and.bURcy nhods. lot UUx2.Xi , price $1,500 ,
Incinnlirnnco jvfl , to trntln for restaurant , dcnr
rcDof ! farm Inurt : co-operative Land nnd
Lot Co. "M N. 10th at , JEM 88
"BU > K EXCHANGK-fClonrlottnSo. Omaha to
JL' trade forresldencalot in Omahn ; assuma
dllTcronco. C. K. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
Bank. 37U
WANTED To exchange , Isrgo lot ot clears
for real estate , or a stock of merchandise.
Address lock boxo , Marcollno , Mo , 308 SSt
17 ANTED To trade n Rood Jersey cow for
T a sccorid-hand two-seated buggy. Address
B. A. W Mercury office. S94 27 *
WANXJJD To trade for a stock of groceries ,
cash and loU on U. ! c O. II. motor line.
Txits will be put In at their cash value. W. U.
E. > TVr. B , , ' Room 14 Chamber o Commerce ,
Tol. 1410. 010
mo EXCHANOE-Tho undivided one-halr in-
JL terest In OT IKMOO acres ot a Rood farm , lo-
catedIn Fulaskl Co. . Mo. ; about oee-Ualf In
cultivation , tlio balance good timber ; about
t n acres In orchard ; two other small orchards ;
four fair Houses ; abundance of Rood spring
water , and laying about one mile from good
business town on railroad ; full and unlncum-
tiered title. This furm Is in a coed settlement
and healthy , locality. We will exchange for
general merchandise or hardware. Call on or
addrosi W.'B. Gordon & Co. , Bteole City , Nab.
WIIAThave you to ofter In exchange tormy
$ ) , OH ) equity In my double nouse on
Lathrop st , ncur IGtn , or tor uiy 95.000 equity In
my iioiiblo house on bpenoer st near 22d , or for
my000 equity In my double house on Wlrt st ,
e.istof. 2lth , nU.wlthmodern improvements. all
encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent , No farms
considered. W. T. Seaman , east side
Jlith et , nortli of Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages. 7Dt
TTAVE house and lot cleur ot encumbrance
JtJLworth JJ.COO , In exchange for Douglas
county bine stock at par value. Stringer &
Penny , Douglas block. 20.5 DO
mO EXCIIANQ B Wo have a good farm of 120
JL acres luymg close up to the town of Steele
City , Jefferson Co. . Neb. About 70 acres In high
state of cultivation. This Is river bottom land ;
soil can't be beat anywhere ; 2 > acres good tim
ber : balance In peed pasture ; all fenced ; never
falling water ; this ts a magnificent farm , with
house , stabling , and 8 nice lots in town go with
farm if desired ; titles all perfect ; wo want in
exchange , nice , clean stock ot mercnandlsa or
hardware , .Call on.or address W. D. Gordon &
Co. , Steele City.Neb. B17
WM. 8IEDBISTOPP , Heal Estate. Special
attention given to examination nnd cor
rection of title to lands and lots 111 city and
county."No. 8. North Main st.
TJT < OK SALE Splendid 100 aero farm Kearney
-L co. , at it greUt sacrifice , only $1,00J down. I'M
ncres r cultivated. Bogga & I11U , real estate.
noSFarnatn. 4140
HANSCOM'place lot for sale very cheap for
cash , lot 15 block 7. WxlSO. Address I-1 , P.O.
boxStfi. U77
ONE of , the two house and lot bargains 1
have been offering on Georgia avo..nortli of
I.cavenwOrtn.ts now uoid and occupiedhecauau
of iriy very low price. The south house of the
two still remains a bargain ojion to somebody.
First comes , drat served. To bo appreciated It
needs to bo examined Internally. I positively
will not rent it , though several times offered
$ .50 per month. Price , on very easy terms.lB.ttX ) .
W. T. Seaman , east sldo leth St.nortli of Nich
olas st..Omaha's largest variety of wagone und
carriages. 21)3 )
TTIOIt 8ALE-P.OOO acres land in NebrasKa ;
JJ 50x140 toot lot at a bacrlliclug price. Inquire
141281Jtb. . Goo. H. Peterson. lOi-sltJt
"IT10II SALE On long time and easy payments ,
JL' handsome , new , will built houses of 8. 'Jaud
10 rooms. AH conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars und within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Slieltou. 1014 Farmira.
miin motor will goto tlio state mute institute
X-thls fall , consequently whoever buys any of
this property will aouble Ills money right away.
5 acres close to Institute Jl.WWper aero.
Lots in Orchard Hill 8300 each.
Walnut Hill * 1UO each.
Highland Park $150 each.
Clef eidale $ oK ( ) each.
linker Place HV ) each.
Saumlers & IIlmebauKh's $850 each.
fctrincor & Penny , room SI , Douglas block ,
cor. KHli and Dodge. ffl ) HI
TTIUUSALK 'Jjwoof tne Deallocated traeiciige
JJ lots , on the northwest corner of 31st and
Iz&rd ( jtroets , flizo UOxl'U feet For price and
terms Inquire of < the owner , Edward Speller-
berg , JOI2 Nortli Slat street 8J.i-.sllj.
TilOH'BALE Easy terms , Kountzo place.
JO Two homos , each 8 rooms , oich tl.000.
Two homes , each 0 rooms , each * J.iXK .
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each I7.5J3.
All with modern'convenlonco.
A11 larco value at the price.
Alt within a square of the motor lino.
Don't lose these opportunities.
For sale by the owner.V. . T. Seaman ,
East Hide Kith st. . north of Nlchol&s St. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. . Ktfi
TjlOH SALE , real estate Three choice lots in
JU itmiick Parknddltloi. facing SHU ave , Only
81.0JO each. A fine class of residences surround
thlH prJipertyi'iuidi In less than two years thov
will double in value , Uoorgo J. Stt-riiHclorU1 ,
1st Nut. bauic building , U'l
TjlOH 8ALK-G43.W acrfes. sec. 6. tp. 15 , r. 6w
JL1 Hamilton comity-Neb. House , stable. UUO
acres fenced , living water. Prlco. W.OJJ. F. K.
o 'niTjrailroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
TJIOIt.SALB , reulestato 'llin motor cars nro
JLJ'now ruanlna to Wnluut Hill , which makus
that addition u very .desirable location. 1 Imvo
two bilck houses at llyu rooms each thac i an be
bought ! at llguren nnd'tcrms ' to milt. George J.
Btern3dorirjst ; Nat. bank bulldlnK. ii\
TTIOH'SALB-atouses on lot 07MxR3 on a e cor.
JU nth Und Vlntoil. Inquire wltliln. lot .
HANDSOME residence lot. 75 fr , east front In
ouo of tlie bcfat neighborhoods , le s than a
mile southwest of court house. Will tuku an
other building lot In part trade. F. 1C. Darling ,
Barker block. ISM 20
fjlOHSALE , real est no Ilrlitgs Pluco , Itmvu
JL' in llils dt'Hlrublu addition a iiumbor of
choice lots for sale at low llguros and terms to
suit your convenience , if you are looking for
it Hue resklonco locution. .lot mo drive you out
nnd BliowVou thusa beautiful lots which I otrur
for sale. They belong to iioii-re Iclunta and
must bo sold. Don't delay but pull ut oncn on
ficorgo J. Slornsdorff , 1st Nat. bank milldinir.
Telophbue 4dt , 4U
/ 1OM f and HOBU.I , and Investigate some of the
V lmrgnlns wo have to offor.Vo are contin
ually llntlng new properties , aud "If you don's
se wlutt vou want ask for It , "
For bulu or exchange one ot the finest res
taurants in Omaha at a bargain.
Wo have several line hotel properties to trudo
( ( inland or other good valued.
An elevator vpropercy with large dwelllntr
) icut ! < VRttr * bargain. Klevator complete , wltli
liurse power , scales , olllco furninhed , etc , A
flnu opening ror v. practlrul grain dealer.
Housnu and 'loifln | all parts of Omaha for
gale and exchange.
For ejcfchouge , for Omalm property , 1,000 aores
of Bchool ) imrt lease , iu one of the beat counties
in the htato.
A One residence- property in Ornaha View for
sale at.a bargain.
From 75.imo to' $100,003 worth ot first-class
notct to exchange for Omana propertv.
For exclude for ( ) ra lm property , ouo of the
beat forms iu Hock county , Nebraska , together
with block and machinery necotmry to carry
on the place. Old ope nnd fulling health ot the
o uer is reu oa for netting.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good colt , for exchange for Omuha property.
281 acres of line land In northwestern Iowa to
exchan'go forOmana property.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise orllvostock , a Una hotel
property la Iowa town ot O.OUO Inhabit ants.
Loading , hotel ot the place and doing & flno
buslnefeJ. KurniHtieg meals for two passenger
train * dally. Asntip for therluhtman.
Wdhuv unsurpasse , facllttleA for disposing
of property. Imvfng botuu M ) ugenU scattsrod
over four or Ure sttiteri. Mit your property
if you wlih a quick turn. W. U. K. 4
M. K. , Itoom 14. Chamber ot Cuuimerco. telo-
FOR SALK At A liargaln , n nno driving
mure , snttabla for lady or gfrnltmnn ; also
a good hand-mnds phaeton with hurntsst must
DflKold ltnmodlatotyiiilce : , whole rig. 9 00 , In
quire \V. M , Yatcs , Nebraska National bank ,
TTIon SALK-Lots In Stewart Place , will fur-
JL' nl.sli money for building house , and pay
ments monthly. Here tsn chnnr6losecure a
homo , Harris , Hoom 411. 1st Nat. Hank.
Tj OU BALK On easy terms , now 6-rootn cot-
JL' tape , cor. lot , near street car lino. Address
1122 iloo olllco.
1 ICE G-room cottage , near htjjti school ; lot .tl
xl s. tWOOi this is a bargain. 0 , F. Harrison
risen , Merchants Nat. hank. 1J7
TTIOH SALK HXl aero farm , well stocked with
JL ; cattle nnd hogs , will M1 cheap tor cash.
K. N. Withnoll. K , 17 Wlthnell Illock. mS
mOMANUFAOTHUEHS-l will glvo amiilo
JL ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
on the Kiomom , Klkhorn ft-Mlisonrt Vnllev
railroad , or on tlio Missouri Pacific ( Unit Line )
railway in Wesllawn , Just outside the city
limits. In WcstOmnha , conveniently situated as
regards across totnnlmslness center of Omnha
and South Omaha , to parties fortholocation of
any of the following industries :
furniture Factory , Iiutton Factory ,
Shoo Factory , . Lard Itollnoiy ,
BtnrcliiVnincoso Wits , Soati Works.
Paper Mill Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works. Hrooui 1 ar.tory ,
Harvester Works , "Woolen MUL
Nail Works. OiumealMlll.
Knitting Mills. llox Mnmlfuctory ,
Sash. Uoor nnd Dllnd Wire Works ,
Mnnufiictort. . Machluo Shops ,
Flour and Food Mill.
Or any good irmnutuctnrlni ? plant * \Vntinwn
Is Just oiitsldo the city limits , and Industries
planted thcro will escape hoavv city taxes.
Ifyounrj thinking of locating in Omaha It
will pay you to investigate HUM.
Goo. N. Hicks , New York l.iio building ,
Omaha. 7W
IHAV1J sonio tlrst-flasi rental propurty tor
sale cheap wlttilu onu mile ot postotllci\
paved streets nnd motor line. Thos. V. Hall ,
Ull Paxton block. , fiVJ
BUVn homo In tlio center ot the city , on
monthly paymouts. Iwlllsdl you a lot in
Aldliiu square , oulldu hotueot any kind , worth
from fl'iJO upwards , and you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno square
is on Grace street , between Srt ! and 2ld streets ;
it has all thu advantages Mich ns paved utroets.
sewerage , water , gas , nnd Is n first-class local
ity. Call nt 10'H Fivrnam street and sno plans
of buildings and got llguros , D. J. O'Uonahoe.
/T1I1E best inonpy's worm of housoand lot now
JL for sale lu Omnha is that which I uiu now
rompletlngnoar2lih St. , on paved Wlrt St. , in
Kouutze place , bedrooms , y piriors , dining
room , kitchen , 3 bath rooms , U water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wnsh tubs , furnace
ana coal room and collar , electric hulls and
speaking tube. 12 closets. Prlco only jr.MX ) on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at sumo price. W. T. Seaman , east sldo lUth st.
north of Nicholas se. Omaha's largest variety
of wagons nnd carriages. 3JO
TpOR SALE-3. , 41 or CO feet of lot fl. block 7
JL1 at Jfit > C per foot. Thli Is within a quarter ot
n blocs ot the new P. o , site , and will bo worth Inside of a year.
Ths o H lot H. block 101 , cor. Douglas nnd 10th
sts , 44 feet on Douglas and MI on lotli , prlco
) Ki' > ,000,110,000 cash , balance in n\o equal annual
The so y nw y see 0 , t II , r 11 c. Douglas Co. ,
priceI2OJtlKW cash , balance easy.
Lot 7. blk a > 0. South Omaha , prlco f 1,200 , terras
easy. W. IU E. & M. E , i com 14 , Chamber of
Commerce telephone 1UO. " "
FOR SALE 1 room house , birn and lot ,
Hanscom Place , at a bargain Harris , Hoom
411.1st Nat. liank. b l
T71IRST National safety deposit vaults. Safes
JL' to rent S5 to SH a year , IM7 S , 13tn. 812sl4
GLOUE HOTEL Newly furnished and fitted
up throughout : centrally located ; $ ! per
day. I'ios-l liij-ma Douglas sr. 1i > l
MUIIUAV lIOTEry-Nowoat , latest and only
first-class hotel in Omaha ; $ J to It per day
11. Slllowuy , proprietor. 170
WINDSOlt HOTKL-Cornor or lOtii nnd
Jackson streets , 3 blocks from > UnIo
depot , llest $3 a any house lu tuo city. , ISO
1JA11KEH-141 rooms , elegantly fur
HOTEL . $2 and & .50 per day. ! Jth and
Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. Ualcli , proprietor.
IN3TUD.MKNTS placed on rajarJ during
V nerousok and wife to J Wotawa , lot 23 ,
blkO , Deer pnrK , w il..v . $ 2,030
D A Farriill to M .11 McCluskey.dots fi nnd
0 , blk 3 , and lots 5 and t ) , blk , Patter
son's 1st add , w d . 800
M 11 McUlusKOV and ulfe to D A b arro 11 ,
lots 1 to 4 , blk 4 , Patterson's 1st add ,
vvd . SCO
W J Cully and wife to O M & Jonn Cully ,
und 1-5 lot 4. ulK U , Patterson park , q cd 103
Henry St. Felix uud v ifo to John bchroo-
der. pt lotG , Hascall's &dd toOEahomo ,
wd . 203
E Hunyen and husband to W D Thomp
son , lot 1 , blkBS , Florence , qed . 300
John A McShane to M T Dyer , lota 28 to
22 , bllt iu. West Side add. wd . 3,000
J M Swotnam and wife to W It Monlngor.
lots B , 7 and i ? , blk 1 , 1st add to Central
park , wd . . . . . . . 000
it 11 KlmbHll to J Iimingato , lot 8 , blk
342 , Omaha , wd . : . U,2M
R It klmball et nl to J 11 Hungato , und /
lots 7 to 12 ; bik 4 , Paddock Place , und w
J48W nwl-IB-H , wd , . . . . 10,003
F K Mover to W Hurley , lot ! ) In blk 11 , Ed-
ward's suborn OH w2-l 1-13 , wd . BOO
F Hanson to C a Dnlley , lot'J , blk4 , linker
Place , wd . . . . . . 400
Patrick Land Co to H M l-olloy , lots 0 , 7
and 8 , blK JO ! ) , Dundee IMnco. w d . 3.7CO
E U Per/net and wife to M H Comstock ,
lots 12 uua 20 , blk U , Hitchcock' 1st add ,
ncd . , . 1
U O Ilackus nnd wife to J It lteo > o , w 75
ft n Vt tax lotKJInlVlVK ) , wd . 15,030
J P llelrensteln ami wife to It O liackus ,
ii 14 tax Ioti2 ! , 10-15-11 , qcd . UCO
T II Taylor nnu wife to G W Hull. lot f.
CiUalpa's2d add , wd . 3fCO
E U .Merrill et al to H U Miller , lot 1 . blk
H , b'aunrtera & Himobaugh'H add , v d. . 1fi.,0
E G Merrill and wife to H II Miller , lot It ) ,
blk A , Sauuders & Hlmebuugh'H add ,
w d . 2.F/M
CNlneteeu transfers . r-.ffi'.TW
The fjllowmi ? pirnlu > vjrj Isnsl by
Building Inspector \Vliltlook.voitorJay :
M. Farrell , two-story frame- store and
Hats , Twentieth and Lalsu . t I , WO
Guorgo W , Doane , two-story nrlck store
and flat , Farnuuv near Twenty-fourth . 4.9JJ
B. Mortimson , one-story frame tottnge ,
Dorcas , between Twentieth and Twenty-
first . , . v , . , . 800
Three permits aggregating , . . . , . . $7.209
Omaha , Nnb. , August 15 , 1-8J. Senleci pro
posals , in triplicate , will bo recelvcd'horo until
two o'clock v. M. , central time , Beptombur 111 ,
Ibft'J , and then oi > un d , tor cons.truuilgn of onu
brlcic utoieliouso ut Quairorinaster'n Depot , lu
this city , U , S. reserves right to reject imy or
all bids. Full information furnished on appli
cation to this olllcovliero iihin.s uuil hpuciirea-
tlons of the milldlm ; can ba seen. Envelopes
containing proposals snould tie marked "Pro
posals for brick storehouse ) , " mid addressed to
WM. U. HUCllKH , Lieutenant Oolouel und
Deputy Quartermaster General , IT. S. A. , Chlaf
Quarlermubtcr. _ A25d4tllU
Mnncn of Htook NubHcrintfniif ) .
Notice is hereby given thit the hooka of the
Omaha , Lincoln & Gull Hallway Company will
bo opened for the purpose of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital Htockot said company
on and after thu second day of September , 1M ) ,
ut No. \ ' - Farnam atrout , lu the city of Omaha ,
DateU this 1st duv of August , 1S59.
G. L. Hii
G , A , WltWCAl' ,
II. Hlf.MIWAr ,
M. I'.O'llllIK.v ,
aiig-l-d30t _ _ ors.
ha. Noli. . Augustaiss'j / , Will bo sold for
cash ut public auction ut the Quartermaster's
Depot In this city , at eleven o'clock u , in , Sep
tember Ibth , IHS'J , one frame dtorohousu ; the
pun huscr to tuko Immodlatu uteps to remove
the building from the depot croundo and complete -
ploto thu removal vrlthln ton d.yn. ( Kor further
Information apply to the Depot Quart rmnHler ,
or the nnilcnifirnud. WM. It. HUGHES , Lieu
tenant Colonel und Deputy Qnartormaster General -
oral , U. a. A. , Chief Quartermaster.
Notion to ( JnntrACtord.
Sealed proposals will be received at the olllco
ot thu County Cleric , Douglas County , Nebraska ,
until 2 p. m. , Saturday , ' September 14th , isvj.
for the erection of hovou (7) ( ) twenty foot pan
trestle work , over the I'aplo. between Sections
Ulanil 27. township IU. rauge 12.
Plans uud specifications to bu found In County
Claries olllco. All bids to bo accompanied by
certified check for &YJ.OO. The county reuervou
the right to reject any or all bids
[ UK A i/l M , D. ItocilE , County Cleric ,
Notion to Contractors.
Sealed propoHals wilt bo received at the office
ot the County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska ,
until 3 o'clock p. m. , Saturday. September llth ,
Itww , tor the ruction of five fii twenty foot HPUIM
troit'e work , on road known n Dr. Miner's
lload , between sections 1 und 12 , township 14 ,
range 12.
Plans and specltlcatlons tobo found in County
Clerks olllco. All bids must be accompanied by
certl ned check for MOM. Thu County ruservoa
the right to rejvct any und all bids.
LHKAI , ] M , D. lioyiu , Couuty Clerk.
Oniccr. OinnhK , Neb , . AUK 17th , IfW , Scaled
po posnls InduplicHte will bo roiolred at thlt
ofllco until 10 n. in , Thursday , August Svth ,
IBsn , nt which lime aim plare they will no
onnnod In the presence of ntt ending blddcrg for
delivery ot stationery , hardware , wagon inn-
torlnl , lumber , and stovn parts. Ll.its
giving sppcltlcatloiis. quantltlm ntid other In-
fonnatlun will bo furnished upon application to
tills oilier. Preference w III l > e given to articles
ot domestic production Or tuanufn tnrtroiull -
tlon of quality nnd price ( Including In the prlcft
ot foreign production or itmmifivturo the duty
thorooni being iMiual ; nnd further , that no con *
tracts shall bo nwnnloa lor furnishing nrtl
clcs of torclgn proJuctlon or tnnniif Artiiro when
the articles of soltablo ( iimllty ot domestic pro
duction or manufacture can i > e. . obtained. The
Bovornmont ro'nrvos the right to reject any or
nil proposals , lllddcrs should nttnrn n ropy ot
tills ndyorlUoinont to their bids , JOHN 8IM1- .
SON , Captain & As-st. nr , Mr. , U. s. Army.
Knnnlng between Council DIufTs nnd Al
bright , in addition to the statioua mentioned ,
tmlns stop at Twentieth unit Twenty-fourth
streets , and at the Summit in Unnih.u
n No. : ! BYKipm'A ' Non 7lflam ;
U No. 0 ur .ip mil ) No , . . . , , . : m
A No. 4 10:03amO : No. r , r.:15pm :
A No. 14 U:4lpmA : | No. n 0UJain :
No. 8 fl.40am No. 7 0:27 am
No. 8 ill5pm : No. 3 7:15 : a in
Wo. 4 lirliam No. 5 C:15pm
A No.S OsIOamlA No. 1 7:00ftm
A No. t U:4UptnA : | & : < 5pm
A No.13 VWanilA No. 3 fl:25Bm :
A No. * U:4' : > pr.A | No. l OUOpro
A No. 10 7:0'iamA : | No , 0 8Riam : !
A No. 12 7:00 : p in IA No. II. . , . .U:00piu
A No , 8 4:3pmA : | No. 7 , 12:00 : w
A daily ; H daily , nxcent Saturday ; 0 oxcop ,
Sunday ; D rxcopt Mondayj * fust mall.
Tlio Custor Chronicle snyss 'Iho fact that
glnnt powder is a futul diet ( or cows vvaa de
monstrated ut one of the tin locations near
this nluco a few 'luys ugo. where n nunntlty
of this explosive xvus carotossly loft lying on
tlio ground and wus consutnod by cows with
L-itul effect , their dead bodies , four In num
ber , being found on the duy lollowlni ; uear
tin ) pliico wliero they hnd taken the deadly
Mr , Jag. J. MoCalloy , of Monet , Mo. , suys
ho had dyspepsia for olght years , whlcti
inado him a wreck , sick nnd Buffering- during
the whole time. After trying all the reme
dies , including nil the doctors Intrench , ho
discarded everything nnd took Swift's Bpo-
clilo. lie Increased from 111 to IDS pounds ,
and was soon a sound nnd healthy inun.
A yacht luis boon recently launched
on tbo Thames by oloctricn ! npplluncos ,
whicli oimblod all the supports to bo re
moved on the pressing of a button , and
the vessel glided into the wiitor without
the Bli 'liUibt hitch.
Northern Ohiois the host i rupo
PAONI : is made from thorn. Its Iluyor
is unrivalled