Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In Anv I'nrt of ho City ft
Twenty Cents I'crWeek. . . . „ , . „
KtTFinrsR OFFICT. No. 43.
KlOtlT EDITOR , N0.23.
ON. y. P. Co.
Glcnson coal.
C. JJ. Muslo Co. , C33 U'wny.
D.V. . Otis , city and farm loans.
Boston store leading hosiery house.
The Rrand Jury will meet to-day nnd begin
their Investigations.
The Omnha Guards appeared nt Dohany'a
F last evening , ana took part In the Klrmcss
I programme.
A larpo delegation from tnls city will un
doubtedly attend the old seUIcrs' reunion at
Mn'ivcrn to-day ,
Amnrrlagollccnso was issued yesterday
toDawsonS. Plonk and Alloo < J. Olnoy ,
both of Macedonia.
The socmblo that'.was to have boon given
by the Pythian sisterhood this evening , 1ms
been postponed ludeflnllcly.
The ladles of Trinity M. E. church will
clvo a social to-morrow evening nt Laoy's
ball , on South Mnln street , nt which < co
cream and peaches will bo served.
All oHlccrs and members of Council DlulTs
lodge , No. 4U , I. O. O. F. , nro retiuestcd to
bo present nt their hall this evening. Work
In the degrees , liy order of N. O.
Kuby Walters , a frail looking crcaturo
who has been occupying n cell In the city
Jail for some time , was released yestei day ou
condition that she would leave the city.
The ladies of the Second Presbyterian
church will entertain a social this evening at
the residence of Judge Curson , ! 105 Franklin
avenue. Everybody is Invited to attend.
All democrats who duslro to accompany
the delegates to the stuto convention at Sioux
City on the 17th of next month , should luavo
their mimes with City Auditor Hammer.
All labor organizations Intending coing to
Omaha oil Labor Day will nlenso send com
mittees to Grand Army hull to-night to innko
final arrangements. Committee K.of L.
The funeral of Mrs. Annlo M. Linden took
place at U o'clock yesterday morning from
tit. Peter's church. The remains \vero In
terred in the Plutnor sottlcninnt cemetery.
An important meeting of the Courslncrclub
will bo held lit tliu Manhattan this evening ,
I and all members arc requested to bo present ,
as business of Importance is to bo con
Omaha lodge , No. 3 , I. O. O. F. , will bo
the guest of Council 13luffs lodge , No. 40 ,
this evening. It is oxpjctcd there will bo
150 visitors and about an equal number of
home btcthren In attendance.
An uttcnint was made to bold up L. Fltz-
patrlclc. u motor man , nt an early hour
yesterday morning , on Avenue A , while on
route home , but the sight of u gun compelled
the two rascals to take to tholr heels.
The Union Pacitlo has just sent out six
now passenger coaches and six now baggugo
and mail cars , and will in u fortnight send
out four more cars. All are built for the
Oregon Railway & Navigation road by thu
Pullman company.
Mrs. Adolph Schmidt died Sunday evening
at her homo ut Hancock , In. Muny In this
citv will remember tier tis Miss Florence
Mothcrel , daughter of Uobert Matlicrol , of
Valley township , and n former teacher in the
public schools of this countv.
Ephraim Walker , an eccentric young man
from Oakland , is now serving u Hoventy-Hvo
days' sentence in thu county ] uil for boot
legging whisky. An unfriendly justice of
the peuco adjusted the matter. The prisoner
was brought In by C. H Converse.
A purtj of eight couples ot liluflltcs are
preparing to spend next week in camp at
Lovcland. They will take tents and entire
campinc outfit , nnd put in u week in genuine
camp Ufa on the prairie and In the woods.
Tliuy will undoubtedly have a very enjoya
ble time.
Wedding Invitations are out announcing
the marriugo of Mr. Jacob Lor ham and Miss
Kosa Glierris. The ceremony la to take place
at tbo Jewish synagogue , No. 87 North Main
street , on Sunday , September 1 , nM5 o'clock
p. m. . and will bo performed by the newly
installed Rabbi Moses Libbcrman , lute of
.St. Louis.
Constable Covalt raided two moro saloons
Tuesday evening. One was kept by Tom
Skinner on Upper Broadway , and the other
at thu corner of Seventeenth uvcnuo and
Tenth street. Four kecs of beer and sev
eral bottles of whisky were taken , and will
be passed upon by 'Squiro Uarnett.
An injection of the Brown-Scquard elixir
has been administered to the dog catching
force , and tbo canine warfare is being prose
cuted with renewed vigor. A similar dose
administered to the uldermen might be pro
ductive of good results , und bring out a
quorum so that the mayor's grading veto
might bo finally disposed of.
There was a lively runaway on South SovJ
onth street last evening. A large gray horse
attached to a road wagon started to run
when opposite the Bloomer school , and
dashed up Seventh street to Mynster , east
on Mynstcr to Scott and south on Scott to
Broadway , where ho was stopped by Wm.
Malony. The wagon was bottom side up ,
and decidedly the worse for wear , but no
other damugo was done.
The Union Pacific passenger train from
the west , which IB duo nt the transfer at 9
o'clock In the evening , did not arrive until
2:80 : this morning , and the fast ma < l over the
"Q , Which had to wait for It , loft hero five
hours lut , The latter , However , will not bo
over two hours late Into Chicago. The
cause of the delay was a wreck west of
Grand Island and numerous frolght trains
obstructing the lino.
Tom Bucknor declared war against a bull
dog belonging to Oscur Dlxon. The dog got
first blood and a luscious mouthful out of the
calf of Tom's log , and a truce wus hastily
patched up. Too Kentloman with the mutil
ated underpinning 1 * now kicking furiously
for an Increase In the dog catching force ,
and tbo full and complete extermination of
the barking population of the city.
Numerous complaints are belntr made
against the practice of driving the herd of
city cows up and down Broadway every
morning and evening. This Is ono of the
features that gives to the Bluffs the appear-
onceof | un overgrown country town , and one
that could bo dispensed with to the entlro
satisfaction of Broadway business men and
tbo citizens generally. The "mild-eyed
kino" are all right when not suffering from
ophthalmia , but they add nothing to tbo at
tractiveness of Broadway and should bo
relegated to thu back streets and alleys.
Noah Lolghton and Mary J , Alexander ,
both of Macedonia , were married Tuesday
evening by Hev. A. Ovorton , at the resi
dence of Andrew Alexander , on Third street.
The groom wus sevonty-sovpn years of uire ,
and the brldo lllty-lvo. ! When the pros
pective ) bridegroom sought his license at the
clork's ofilco und asked for a document that
was Bulled to u youngftur of hlsslzo and com
plexion , the oQIciul prepared to umko out an
order for a tombstone , and wus astonished
when ho was Informed that u marriage
license was what wat > wanted.
Dexter , employment.
Notice to Dm I'ubllo ,
The following blacksmiths have entered
into an agreement , and will , ou und after
fc'optcuibcr 1 , chnrgo not less than fi for now
abacs and f3 for resetting old shoos on each
span of horses : A , N , Scrlbnor , G. Miller ,
Jutucs Hebrew , C. Hcnrlukson , J , Peterson ,
Sam Noble , A. Irrosson , O. Jensen , Lorn-
mun & Smothurx. A. Kruuso , C. Gregory , P.
Kollcy & Younkorman soil grooorlo
Chase and Sunboru colTuos a epocialy.
Fountain 60 cigar , best In the world.
Kerr & Gray , real estate. 505 First avenue.
J , G. Tipton , roul oatuto , 527 B'dway.
Fair-mount Park.
The banuUful gem of Council Bluffs sot
amid the romuntlu hills and shaded by Ver
dant bough * of forest trees. The most de
lightful place Imaginable for picnics , tennis
parties and quito rambles ,
'Jake the olectrio motor cars brldgo line
7lilch lands passengers lu the vary heart of
the park. Furo from Omaha to the purlt
only 10 cents.
Tbo park Is owned and controlled by tbc
city authorities and the best of Rood order
U enforced.
A Strange Rattlesnake Oaro Bohiff
Trlod In Plaoo of Elixir.
Tlio Oti.trils Wntlltiit for a Captain
Coming Jurists Tlio Schools
Open Monday General
nud Personal.
" , V Rnttlcnnnko Cure "
"Do you see that mun passing so care
fully through the crowd there ? " said a police
ofllcor to TUB Ben yesterday afternoon. A
heavy sot , red faced man was pointed out.
Ills hands were clasped and hold carefully
in front of his ponderous stomach , as If con
sciously guarding It from assault.
' \Voll , ho's ' Investigating euro that boats
the elixir for novelty , at least , altnough It
will never bo as popular as that craze. He's
got a live rattlosnnKa celled up under his
llaimel shirt. I just saw it a moment ago ,
thrusting Us ugly bond out of its hiding
ilacc. It's a vicious looking reutilo eighteen
inches long , nnd has ono rattle and a button.
The fellow is carrying it foru purpose that t
should think would surely bo accomplished
to correct a tendency to obesity. Ho has
been getting excessively fleshy for the pnit
few months , and un old Gypsy recommended
the rattlesnake euro. For u consideration
she guaranteed him absolute relief If ho fol
lowed her instructions , and her mandate waste
to carry that venomous serpent under his
shirt next to the skin during warm weather.
'Carrying n live rattlosnnko In a fellow's
bosom during dog days would raakn n skele
ton of Jumbo , and 1 utn not surprised when
ho Informs mo that ho has lost fourteen
pounds in the lust wool : . No , its not a fake.
I saw the stiiilto twice within the last twenty
minutes once when ho tenderly took It out
of his bosom und laid It on u table , and but a
moment ago when It protruded its head from
the folds of his snlrt. Ho pots it and handles
it very tcndorl.v , and It sooins to bo very
well contented with its home. When belaid
it on the tabln it scorned anxious to return to
its hiding plnco and started to get there ,
by crawling up his sleeve. Ho claims Its
funga are not drawn , but I believe they
nro. "
The man Is a well known character about
town and has recently figured in cases in the
district court. AH faltish ns the story ap
peals , Tin ; BSD reporter verified It , and
found that the mun has actually be < m carry
ing the venomous reutilo in his bosom for
several weeks as a Gypsy fottien against a
corpulent tendency. The only danger ho
fears is some ono rudely rubbing against the
reptile and making it bite him while angry.
C. B. steam dyu works , 1013 Broadway.
Fmo jewelry , watches und diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing at E. Hurhorn.
Wall paper , room .moldings and decora
tions , No. 13 North Main street.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Call
and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co.
Wanton , n Captain.
The indications ore that the captaincy of
the Dodge Light Guards will bo vacant for
some time to como. "I gunss we' will have
to have the position held vacant , for several
months , " said ono of the members yestoi >
. " Mount ho can't
day. "Captain says come
up from Snonandoah before April or May.
nnd I rather think wo will make arrange
ments to wait until then. We can have the
place kept vacant If wo want it , and the boys
all sucm to favor that plan. The company
can get along all right with the officers now
in command , and there is no use In electing
a cautaln unless wo get ono who suits. Wo
had hoped tnat Mount would como sooner ,
but wo are vary aoxlous to get him , and for
this reason wo are raady to wait for him. In
the meantime wo will keep on drilling , nnd
wo will soon show you the finest company in
the state. "
Always on Time.
If you wish to purchase a good and reliable
watch 25 per cent less than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and make
your own selection at C. B. Jacquomin &
Co. , 27 Main street.
The Now Ogden , Council Bluffs , finest and
largest hotel m western Iowa. Special at
tentions to commercial men.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broadway.
E. H , Sheafo & Co. give special attention
to the collection of rents and euro of prop
erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod
erate. Ofilco Broadway and Main streets ,
up stairs.
Got Fountain t > u cigar , ext Eiscman bile.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato
prices. E. H. Sheafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Dull In Court.
The business transacted In the district
court yesterday was uninteresting. Ssvoral
cases wore allowed to go by default , and
judgments were rendered accordingly. In
the afternoon the case of Ovcrton vs Wag
ner wus heard , nnd arguments In other cases
in equity submitted. The first assignment of
cases was made for the first part of the term.
The following are the oases " in to-day's as
signment : Nos. fi"49 , 0530 , 0531 , 05J2 , 053J ,
6581 , t53'J ! , 0540 und 0540.
A decrco of divorce was granted in the
case of Moomnw vs Moomaw. To-morrow
will bo devoted to the hearing of motions and
demurrers. Tbo calendar is a largo one , and
the full term will bo occupied in clearing
It up.
Tlio t'ubllo Schools.
The city schools will open Monday next ,
Septem bor 2.
Teachers' meeting will be bold on Satur
day , the 31st , as follows ;
Primary teachers' meeting at 9 a. m.
Grammar school teachers' mooting at
10:30 : a. m.
High Bchoul teachers' mooting at 1:80 : p. m.
The secretary of the board of education
will bo present at these meetings to give the
teachers LU opportunity to sign their con
tracts. All teachers are expected to present
their certificates to the secretary for inspec
tion before signing tnolr contracts.
Money leaned at L. U. Craft's & Co.'a
loan ofllco on furniture , pmnns , horses ,
wnpons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value , without
removal. All business strictly conli-
City steam uuudry , 34 Main , tol. 141.
Steam and hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , 018 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money ,
Swauson Muslo Co. , U35 Broadway.
DolncH In 1'ollco Court. '
fn police court yesterday morning Henry
Kins was lined f5 nnd costs for assaulting a
man named , Smothers. It was a case In
which the provocation was great , consequently
quently the fine was a small ono.
A drunk was cinched for $9.00 , nnd W.
Winter * put up * 15 10 for running a disor
derly hou o.
A case in which John Ro'gors is defendant
on a charge of disturbing the peace was con
tinued until Soptomb'or 10.
W"ntor & Monroe , sign pointers , 410 B'wny
Get Fountain. 5o cigar , next Etsouian blk.
If you want clean , fresh groceries nnd
f rult8call on Johnson & Ol3on,713 Broadway.
Knstcrn Pottnwnttnnilo Jurors.
The following have been drawn as petit
Jurors for the September term of the Ay-o
ca branch of the district court , la aad for
Pottawuttamlo county :
8. P. McCandloss , Pleasant township ;
Fetor Thompson , Laytouj Fred WcUo
Knox ; J. M. Long , Knox : J. O. Nelson ,
Knox ; Gco. H. Whcolor , Knox ; W. J. Cole
man , Carson ; Crawford Carey , CrovdJ H.
Davis , Knox ; Atmust Kolschon , KnoxPctor ;
Smitn , Lincoln ; G. E. Sellers , Layton ; Wm.
Bunker. Layton ; J. F. Jackson , Knox ; A.
A. Kamlnll , Knox ? C. C. Nooloy. Wuvoland ;
Fred Johnuk. W. H. Coon , John Owens ,
Knox ; t. N. Gardener , Valley ; James Dun
can , valley ; S , D. Lane , Macedonia : A.
Kennedy , Center ; W. L. Cooklln , Wavomod.
Soldenborg's Co Figaro nt the Fountain.
Odell Bros , fi Co. loan money. The most
Ibcral terms offered. 103 Pearl street.
The Fountain cigar store for fine cigars.
Colonel Swan and J , F. Evans are In
Mrs. George F. Wright , Is homo from
Iowa City.
C. W. Bryant , of Odoll & Bryant , Is visit
ing relatives In Porclvol.
Mrs. A. Fcugcr , ot St. Louis , costumcr for
the Klrmcss , Is In the city.
J. W. Bell , operator | at the Northwestern
depot , Is enjoying a three weeks' vacation In
Mrs. Chris Boson and sons are visiting
friends at Sidney. They will bo absent
about ten days.
Eddlo nnd Hoddle Langendorfor have re
turned from Florence , Nob. , where they hnvo
boon visiting an uuut.
Mrs. John Bishop , of Nebraska , Is visiting
hnr daughter , Mrs. C. S. Lnwson , who has
boon ill for some time past.
Judge Carson goes to Had Onk to-day to
open the Scptetnbor term of district court In
and for Montgomery county.
W. H. Wm o has returned from St. Jbscph ,
wheiu ho purchased half u dozen line fox
hounds for the Coursing club.
Mr. E. F. Stuhl is homo from Texas , where
ho has been for several yonrs , and is visiting
relatives ou South First street ,
Mrs. J. C. Large and children returned
home last evening from a visit to St. Joseph.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Cheudio
und faintly.
United States Senator W. B. Allison was
in the city yesterday. Ho wus accompanied
by Mr J. S. Morgan , his private secretary.
' 1 hey departed lust , evening for the cast over
the Hock Island & Pacific.
Colonel \V. B. Tomuto who presented "Tho
Union tjpy" in this city two years ugo. un
der tlm auspices of thu Dodge Light Guards ,
wus in the U luffs this weo'.c. lie is prepar
ing to give tiio same pro.luctioa ut Hastings ,
Neb. , \Vedno3dny night.
Father Clotld.of Devil's Lake. Dak. , is vis
iting friends in this city. Ho has Just re
turned from a European trip and will stop
hero a short time before returning to his
duties In Dakota.
Miss Fay Towns arrived in the city last
evening , having traveled all thu way from
Osltaloosa , la. , alone. She comes to visit
with her undo and aunt , Dr. und Mrs. A. ,1.
Cook , and altonJ school during the fall and
winter. Miss Fay U a bright , churmtng little
girl , only llvo years old. She thuuks the
conductor and other * who were so kind to
her on the train.
The young ladles of Mr. Saundors' nnd
Mr. Allan's Sunday school classes will give
a sociable at Broadway Mctlio.lljt , church
to-morrow evening. Everybody cordiullv
K fill -fi .
The lot will bo disposed of on Thursday ,
29th , at the klrmcss , and u surprise not ad
vertised will bo given. '
Fine jewelry , winches and diamonds ;
cleaning und repairing at E. Burhorii.
Wall paper , room moldings and decora
tions , No. 13 North Main street.
A Street Car Conductor Frees Hii
Mind on the s-ul-Jeor of living.
"Have you over noticed , " said a con
ductor on a West End street car to a
writer in the Boston' Globe , ' 'how
women eye women as they got on the
carsi1 They seem to take notice of
every pai-ticle of dress , the shape of the
bonnet and the style of the hair , in one
aharp fjlance. I've seen it constantly
on my car. Tho.v all do it , youiif , ' and
old , and its done in such a supercilious
manner , ns if envy was the cause. Now
I think it's a very olfctibivo manifesta
tion of bad breeding , and I don't think
any kind-hearted woman would indulge
it it. "
"Well , does the 'eyeing , ' as you call
it , continue long ? "
"Oh , no ; it's none in an instant. The
car stops and a .lady gets on or off , and
immediately every woman's eye is
turned in that direction , and at ono
sweep every detail is taken in , often
with a derisive smile or a curl of the
lip. I am sure few people who travel ,
and are observing' , can have failed to
notice this paeuliar feature of women's
treatment of.women. . . It is especially
seen when the now comer
happens to bo stylishly dressed ,
or ia remarkable for any
beauty of face or ugliness of form , anil
it is done in n very marked manner
when a shahbily dressed woman is in
question. Then you will &eo a grim
smile and a shrug of the shoulders ns
the eyeing is done. "
"Don't you imagine it's ddno else
where than on the cars1"
"Lord , yes. I am told it's done by
women as they pass each other in the
street , and by all conditions of wotnon ,
who cover each other from head-gear to
shoestring. "
"Haven't you seen it in men ? "
"Well , not so much. At least , I
think it is a peculiarly feminine weak
ness. " .
Pears' is the purest and best soap
over made.
A Grand CoiTun Pnlaco.
The Australians are a go-ahoad people
ple , and Melbourne is no moan city ,
eays a correspondent of the Now York
Mail and Express. A grand colTco pal
ace has recently been erected in Mel
bourne. The promises were originally
licensed for the sale of intoxicants but
the license was bought un with the
building , and extinguished by
the purchasers. The nominal cap
ital of the company by which
Jho house IB owned is $1-250.IOU ( , of
which $300,000 is paid up. There are
359 bedrooms in the house , capable ol
accommodating 500 people , suites ol
apartments for families , mm till the ap
pliances for a first-class hotel , and it is
a building of this description in .every
respect except that it does not trade in
intoxicating liquors. The now portion
of the pahiRo , which has been added
since IbH-l , contains 280 bedrooms , a nil
the whole odillco cqst the company a
sum of not loss than $376,000 It is
lighted by the olectrio light , elegantly
fitted , while elevators give communica
tion with every lloor.
I-I O 33. S E M : E 1S
Vor Bale by Uru glsti and Dealer * .
In the city. Qllt edged opportunities to ( mm
dlat aai UoJiOJ9 K ri.
m olt SALH-OnoaotV the best paying cream-
I ? erics In Iowa , making nowoverlXMf pounds
butter dally. AlsolIiUlarRO brlcte butter , eec
nnd poultry house , all complete with largo cold
torapo elovMor , etc. . tlolntt blR ImilnMs. 1'rlce
of this entire ulaiitcompleto ft'.noo ' ; lWJcniti. (
bfti. In R and in yenrs. ur would take Rood city
iropcrty , or No. I latvl lor tlio ? 4.WJ ( paymimt.
lunliiost done last year , tST.OTO. will exceed that
tils vcnr , und It Isihe'omy ' plant in the county
inquire ot Kerr & Orftjr , BOS First nye.
FOR 8 A liK Acre .lot * In Orchard placts This
propartvr is located In the HIco nursery ,
outaof the rnnln pnrt of th city. Ui miles
rom court houss , Oco. Metealf , lu Pearl at ;
I710K dAtiB Uasollne stove : throe-burner :
JL1 "Jewell" make : almost new. 613 Mynster
I71O H 8AI.E Two fine new six-room hotifes on
JL1 Tactile ave. will bo sold chop ( or a small
laytnent down and balance to suit purchaser.
FOR BALE Improved and vacant property
In all parts ot the city. Call and see me. E.
15. Mayne.
\4\Oll \ r.XOHANOK-30 acres artjolnlngtho rlty ,
JLJ for city property. Johnston & Van fatten ,
Kverott bloc * , Council Illuirs.
S I'.VUItAflots in Umalia to exclmriKO for
1 innil and other property. Johnston & Van
F OU ItnNT Houses In nil parts of the city.
Kerr .V Orny. MT. 1'lrst avo.
TIM ? equity lu a farm near the eltr to ex-
clinngo for city lotn. Johiruou Si Vi\n
"at ten.
VfOTIOKl Notlcol Notice Wo hnvo sovrral
-1\ choice residence lots Uiate will Imllit
either smoil orlnrgo houses to milt purchaser ,
nnilill , If dtHired , sell on oany payment * .
Draw your own } > l'iny , then cull un.t lot us bullil
yon 11 homo. Kerr & Gray , M)3 ) Kim avo. Coun
cil lIliUTs.
1JUll KENT r.lnht now " ( -room cnttaReion
JAvemio 11. Niokott's atld. tt city , llciit *
very re iRonablo. Call anil lot us show jou them.
KerrA Gray.
FOIt URNT-7of thutnntt beautiful cottapes
In Council llhiirs : one block Irom muter
line ; new houses ; city witter in UIP houses nnd
all modern conveniences. Sco Kerr fc Grav.
17"U SAfjK l'i ) aero fnrm In .Tanner county.
-i : 1o.\i. : located nt-nr roul minus that art ) in
opriatlon. There IS a live foot vein of ccwl
under thu farm. Gco. MeUalf , No. 10 1'oiirl st.
FOUSAI.K Improved nint unimproved prop
erty in every prt , ot ine citv. llnro oppor
tunities for Investors who ssek HpoiiilBtlonp ;
splendid opportunities for tliosti who Utvslro
homes. Gco. Mutcnlf. No. 10 Pearl at.
BUSINESS lor.-itlons or I.rntn and Itiouduay
at ere at bargains. Gco. Mctcilf : , No. 10
1'eurl at.
FllH BAtiE HI leet hike frontage located be
tween U 1J. boiabou u nud Miumvia. beach.
Also a number of cliolru lots In Hu attu n.ixce.
Geo. Mutculf , No. 1(11'enrl ( at.
IF you wunt some Kenumo snnps in choice lots
on bottoms call and sew ICerr .V Gnvy. Tliev
nave Homo lots that must bo sold
cost before Nov. 1.
IP you have anvlnlne in the line of real estate
or chattels you want to cxcliHue or dUpoxo
of , you tihouln call on Kerr & Gray. You can
Und them at their olllc ? . MTl First live. , Council
TTOK SAIi-127 : acres 40 miles > noi th otfht-
JL' cr.RO adjoining I.aK Villa "iv bFiintllnl sum
HUT re'-ort1 , Miuoimdtd by m.iny ncuutiful
hike ? . 1'or further call 'or address
Kerr .V ( ! rny. Council ; Ul.itlH.
"ITKHlSAljE On monthly pnymonti. very nent
JL new house ueir M nnony inU" ! > n. ( u'l CT
address Kerr jc Uniy. 0)1 Vint : ivo , Council
E OUI2XCII ANOC-improved fur.ns n ccn-
trnl Knusaj for other property. Joimstoa
A. Vnti Patten. r
JOTS for s ilo on fery " easy terms. See us I
fore yol buy. 3o instoa 4 Van Patron ,
IN R room house In dni'iha for trade. What
have you to orer ! ? .lohr.hton .t Vim Patten.
O" ) feet on Main street for sale cneap. Johnston
Ji Van Patten.
FINK lionm ou PirstJmo. for sale. Johnston
& Van Patttn , ' '
N CW houses for sale , $19.1 casn. balance * l-
per month. Johnston & Vau I'atten.
rpintUR farms near the city for Hale. Johii-
JL hton It Van I'atten.
"IT10H rmlck sale list your property with 15.
X1 Mayne , Bio.ulway.
TOlNVKSIOltS-Dou't buy real estate until
you hfo mo. 1 have 8orii"'t'ilnp always on
Hand that will make you money. 1 : . n. Mtiyne ,
tilil llroadway.
IHAVI2 for -ittla a number of good lots mi
payments of $1J down and i"i per montn ; lots
full Blzo und title perfect. K. K. Jlayne.
IK yon want to buy. iel ! or cxclinnio leales-
trie call on E. E. Mayne. H19 Ilrna.lw.iy.
" \A7ANTED Ilu > ITS of real estate to Untnv I
T > nave a chat , u Us : of bargains. Call und
see me. n. K. Mayne. ( ll'l llroadway.
IV'ANTED Pickers after ion ! estate Knaps to
V1 call on K. L' . Mnyne. LI i Itrotidwav.
\\7ANTED-A rood horse and Iniftgy. Kort
' &Oray.
NOTlCIl A seven-voom house for sa'.OHtf. 2" .
] nv-t ! tlato tul.s. Johnston A : Van 1'atton
hverett bloci ,
RTAMSTATB-Miiuit ! : in I n ill ant ox-
ch.inRel. Spncl tl.nttentlon ftlve'i to exam
ination of tltl 3. W. C. J. linos. No. U I'earl fit. .
Council UluiTi.
boarders wanta I at I' " Ueiiton Ntreet.
Uooil uoaidat reusoitat'lu r.itos. Mrs. l.W.
Cooper. _ _
Gl'Kll CRNT loans made on r.'al rotate , c.ish
on hand. F. J Day.
A llKAUTIFUL. homo on Oakland ave. nt a
bargain. ! ' . J. D.iy.
r'txlhO on Oakland ave. , ? ,3,03fl. F. J. Day.
n'Jx lO on Park ave. , $ . ' , OW. F. J. Day.
A CUUMKlt on h nvc. . 81.310. F , J. Day.
CUR property for homos and gardoulng. F.
4 ? Day.
HOMl'.S for sale on monthly payments. V. 3.
Day ,
I WANT to trade a furm for a lot on Llroad
I way near 1 Ith st. F. J , Day.
GltAlIAM avenue moptrty that will double
right away. F. J. Day.
LOTS on llroadway , First aenue and Avo-
uues A and II. cheap. F , J. Duy.
iJAlMVAYTrlcyc.e For salu cheap. Excei
JTV leiitcondldon. One man' an handle easily.
Will carry t o persouj aud loud. Address liee ,
Council Alutls
ANTKO Competent cirl for general liotue-
vv nork. Mrs. ( juo. Champ , Fletcher tor nice.
"Ij\OUMT \ > A baby's afgban ; owuer call at
JU lieu oll.ce.
I II AVE a snap for an investor for to-day
only. F. J. Day.
Fro-tli , ? lpnt Wanted.
Pealed propofals-.wlll bo rccolvcil onorbo-
fore K m. , huptembi-r , at the oitlcti of the
superintendent of the Iowa institution for the
education of the deataud dumb. Council lilulls ,
la. fo. furnlslum ! Mild Institution with fresh or
nthur meats In uch quunlltlea as may be or-
dcre > l and ntBticli-time us may bo directed for
the term of tix mouths , coniinunclng Beptom-
ber K1 1'I ho bidder must btnto lu detail the
kinds undents ofmeits [ : also whether with or
without bone , abe , when ordered In buli , fora
or hind quarter , Blvln price of each , and so
- - bo understood in
\\ord proposltlon-as-to easily
every particular. Unless above directions are
rollonod the bid \\tll not bo consulerod.-
Illdders at tlielr , option can also oiler prices
for bologna Bausigp. link sausaRe. siiBar cured
liumH.bucon and luni , the latter Items not to be
consluored in the agKregote or amnuntot bid.
All moats subject at liny time to inspection and
rejection by the , .superintendent without re
course , lllds shop4 ! be Indorsed " 1'iopoaals
for Meats , " and addressed to the honorable
board of trustees or the low a inttltutlon for
the education of tlio deaf and dumb , nnd de
livered in person or by mall at the time above
named. 'Jho board reserves the rlKht to reject
any or all bids. HKN U V W. HOTIIBUV ,
Infant's Kid Button Shocn 20c , formerly GOc. Gents' S'eotnless Congress. $1.00 , worth $2.00.
MisscB Kid and Goat Button , 90c , worth $1.75. Gontn' Fine Dross in Button , Lncn and Congress , all
Ladles' Kid and Goat Button , $1.00 , worth $2.00. shapes and weights , $1.95. worth 911.00.
Ladies'-Grain Button , 75o , worth 31.60. Gents' Hand Sowed French Calf Shoos in all styles ,
Lndios % > Dongola Kid , Button , 81.76 , worth $3.50. widths and sizes , $3.50 , worth $7.50.
Ladies' Kid , Oxford Tics , 65c , worth 91.50. Men's Kip Boots , $1.60 , worth $3.00.
Ladies' Serge Congress , 2 to 8 , 60c worth $1.25. Men's Calf Boots , $2.00. wo-th 85.60.
Ladies' Slippers , ilOc , worth Ooc. Best Calf Boots , Hand Sowed. $3.00 , worth $7.50.
Remember the prices quoted above are for two weeks only. You arc requested to call early
s oas to avoid the rush. Do not miss the above bargains , you cannot aftord it. Follow the
crowd to the bargain seekers headquarters at the great
ots and Shoes
Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street ,
I have tbo larpcst and
finest stock of hair goods
west of Chlcnco , mui I
have determined to close It
all out with the intention
of PO\DZ \ out of the busi
ness. Ladles who desire
anything in my line will bo
pivon an opportunity to
buy it at less than half the
usual priocs. The Roods
are llrst class , and all orna
ments , etc. , muilo up In tbo
latest styles.
Orders by mail receive
prompt attention.
.So. 21) Main St. , inn oil niufT.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc , ,
Incorporated Nov. I ,
Eoatnwast Corner Jlroadwuy and Main Street.
CAPITAL , § 150,000.
Docs a Regular Banking and F.xcliarjge Huslness
ofricin :
N.P. DODO ) : . ereldoi.t : JOHN UEUESHEIM.
VlcePrest. ; A.V. . HIItlCMAN , Cashier.
Direetois N. P. 1 odsie , .1 llerflsholm. Geo.
Keellne.I. L. Stewart. W. W. Wallace , G. M.
QffKtA & PliSEK ,
Corner Main and Broadway ,
co u Mm , utiiinrs , IOWA.
Dcaleis in foreign c.nd domestlo excU-xnze.
Collections made uud iutaroat paid on time de
Council Bluffs , la.
Conducted by thellsters of Charity
An excellent educational lns.titutlon , fur-
ulshed with all modern Improvements for
lioardlns and day school. The acedumlc year
consists of two sessions , beginning on the flrst
Monday In September and February , respect-
TEUM8 Hoard and tuition , per session. $75.
For further particulars address
Sister Superior , St. Krnncia Academy ,
Council Bluff ! ) , lu.
I're-J. Vlco 1'ros.
CHAS. U. HANNAH , Cashier.
Paid up Capita ] . S5OOOO.OO |
Surplus . 35OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors. . . . 335.OOO.OO
DiltKCTOit'-l. A. Miller , F.O. Olc-iBon. K. It
Blnifurt , i : . i : . Hart , J. D. KdmiimUon. Chas. It.
Ilauuiin. Transact ienonil banking business.
Luiuest capital anu surplus of any bunk in
nobtlnvestum Iowa Interest on time deposits.
Coal I'ropnsuU AVunteil.
Sealed proposals will be received on or be
fore 1" m. . tieptember 'J. at tiie otllco of thu
superintendent uftliu Iowa Institution for the
education of the deat and dumb. Council Illuirs ,
la. , for lurnlshlDU said Institution with coal for
thn HX months commencing Huptember 15 , Ittt'J.
Knld coal to be delivered In the bins of siitd 1 -
faUtutlon , IHdtltTH will give the price of each
tojjetaer with such recommendation or refer.
enccs an to quality as they may elect. A sam
ple car load of the coil to bo furnished , and a
bond for the faithful carrying out of the terms
of the bid will be required when the award Is
made. All coal delivered subject to Inspection
and rejection by the superintendent wltliout
recourse , lllds to be Indorsed "Proposals for
Coal. " and addressed to ths honorable board of
trustees of the Iowa Institution for the educa
tion of the deaf and dumb , ami delivered Ju
person or liy mall at the time above specified ;
The board reserves the rliht to n-Ject any or
all bids. I1EN11Y W. HOTIIKKT.
HDID \ I M Dl M C Hydraulic nnd Sanitary Engineer. Plan1 ? , Estimates
i DlniMllDlllL. Spooillcatlona. SuperviBlon of Public Work. Brown
Building , Council BlulTu , Iowa.
Justice of the Pence. Ofilco over American Express , No. 41
N i Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Attorneys-aKLaw. Practice In the State nnd Fed-
OIIVIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugart-Beno Block ,
Council Bluff u. Iowa.
I MA M Attornoyat-Law , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown
HQTII I LI VI All Block , 116 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , la. Will
practice in State and Federal Courts.
Wtal is to Hinder Yen Buying a Piano op
Organ Now ?
Wo have a very largo stock of the celebrated
Hafdman , Fisher and Everett Pianos
Royal and Century Organs ,
And to reduce it will make special discount *
Tor tlio next 30 tlnjs.
\Vo have also the agency for the CBLUHHATa
loguc. Address
103 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la
1 B a BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls.
Because it is indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change m
n any climate , ,
Because it is more durable than any other roof made , iron , tin , slate or wooa.
Because it cnn bo tytickly put on without skilled labor and is cheaper tha
Ijeca'uso it hits boon proven by the severest trials and has never falloa.
For further information apply to
Room 609 First National Bank Building , Omaha ,
Council Bluffs offloo , 116 Pearl Stroot.
Especially Adapted for
n'M ? !
HOUSE POWER Mills and Elevators
Bpeclflcatlons nnd estimates furnished for completostcam plants , llegulatloii , . durability
guaranteed. Can show letteru from users wliero fuel economy l eiiu.vl
with Corliss Non-Condonslng. Fend for eatnlo uo.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.
H/inMTPniWHTDV / Surffcon and Hotnoupiith. lloom U , Brown
PI J. lYIUIN I UUlYltnY bulldlnp , HSI'onrlSt. Olllco lioura,0 to 12.
a. in. , 2 to 0 and 7 to 8 , p , m.
/ Olllco , No. 741 Broadway. Hours ; 8 t
HK/i 10 a. in. , and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. ui.
phone , 287.