Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    W * r mt.T m . i , - rv - * ' rv < * - , . -iijiT
They Will Run Iowa Cattle to South
The TrnnaTnrmntlon Tnklntj Plnoe In
tlio Coliseum , the Knnoy Dress
IJnll nml the Other Great
Inwn Oattlo Trixflo.
Through the energetic efforts of Acting
President . N. Hnbcock.ot the Union stock
yards company , the last of the business bar
riers between the Iowa stock trade arid the
South Onmlm markets IIA * boon removed.
Ttiu Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy stock
train No. 13 , the main stock train west on the
"Q. " road coming throuRhlowa. has boon ar
riving at the latter places so Into that the
Town territory along the line of the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qulncy tins hcon practically
shut out from the South Otnnlm markets.
After n voluminous correspondence with
the ofllclnls of that comnnny , Mr. llnbcock
has received assurances from them
that ovcry reasonable effort will ho made to
obvlato the cause of the complaints In the
past and stock trains will bo to scheduled
nnd run that stock will bo delivered In the
stock yurds not later than 7 o'clock m the
morning ,
Hereafter , when stock train No , 13 Is too
late to nmha connections nt Paciilo Junction
with the stock tnitn for South Omaha , a
special stock train will ho started- from Ores-
ton , la. and will bo run through to the
yards , picking up stock all along the route ,
arriving at 7 o'clock a. in.
In the opinion of well-Informed persons ,
this Is ono of the most Important and suc
cessful moves on the part of persons inter
ested In the South Omaha markets over
mado. This , together with the reduction of
the bridge tolls one-third , Is bcllovod , will
nearly if not moro than double the Iowa
trado. _
Five Days to be Given Over to Display
ana Kostlvltv.
The programme for the Merchants1 week
celebration has boon decided upon by the
committee and will bo as follows :
Monday Recaption of visitors.
Tuesday Conducting visitors to various
points of Interest lu the city , including court
house , Coliseum , Now York Life and Bun
Wedne dny Trades parade In the mornIng -
Ing , consisting of floats of various business
V houses and manufactories. Evening , parade
of flumbeau club. FIreworks from Lieu and
Now York Life buildings. Merchants' ball
at Exposition hall.
Thursday Varado of ward organizations
of various characters.
Friday-Band Contest Prizes J600 ; 5300
to first , $200 second , $100 third. Parade of
flambeau club in the evening.
Saturday. "Homo Sweet Homo. "
In addition to thcso tha committee Is mak
ing arrangements for minor amusements of
various kinds which will bo announced lator.
Beyond a doubt this celebration taken in
connection with the fair and Coliseum expo
sition will bo the grcaost event in Omaha's
The arches nro now In course of construc
tion at lentil and Juckson , Thirteenth and
Howard , Fifteenth and Douglas. Sixteenth
and Farnain and Sixteenth and Webster.
To Ito Found In the Exposition at the
CollHOUU ) .
The Coliseum presents a very buttling and
lively scene those days in the midst of the
clang nnd clangor of preparation for the
great exposition which opens up there on
Monday next. The huge building has been
metamorphosed internally to such an extent
that old patrons of the plvce will hardly
recognize it. An electric light plant
has been put in , and hereafter
the commodious structure will bo illu
minated at night by twenty largo
arc lights , which will make it as light as
'noon-aay. But the whole interior Is being
remodeled for this occassion , and when the
hundreds of exhibitors are through with
their work of ornamentation , it will bo u
gorgeous sight indeed. All aay now the
huge building resounds with the music of the
carpenters hammer and saw , and by Satur
day night the great auditorium , with its
winding promenades and corridors , will
present a picture of surpassing love
liness. Some of the designs being
constructed by the enterprising
exhibitors will cost hundred * of dollars , ana
the wonderful works wrought from corn and
seeds and grasses , and tha other products of
the state , will be mot with on all hands.
The Coliseum , indeed , is to bo transformed
into a veritable microcosm , a world within
itself , for the next throe weeks.
Exhibits From ttio Ul.iok Hills.
Messrs. Ed. Mosauor and A. II. Simpson
arrived in the city yesterday with the ex
hibit of Black Hills ores , views , Jewelry nnd
potrlflcntiona from the bad lands of the
Choycnno river for exhibition at the Coli
seum. After the Coliseum closes the various
articles will bo sold.
All I'clntlnjj to the Coming Season of
The fair bureau of information for persons
socking accommodation during the fair week ,
will bo at the ollleo of the fair association ,
21S south Fourteenth street until noon , Sat
urday next. After that time it will bo the
secretary's ofllco on the fair grounds near
the entrance. The down town office , during
fan ; week will bo In the rooms of the suiiro-
tary of the board of trade. 1'ooplo having
accommodations and wishing to lodge or
board visitors during fair week are requested
to leave their names at any of ttio abovu ad
The flambeau club parade promises to boone
ono of the finest sights aver seen in this
quarter of the globe , und will exceed nil an
ticipations , Two thousand two hundred
will bo spent for fireworks.
The fair grounds are already n scene of
bustle and activity. Everything Is undergo-
Imr a complete recovation. New stables are
being built to accommodate ttio unusually
largo display of horsollush expected , the hog
and cheep pens are hclng rebuilt , and the
fence along the cast sidoof the grounds Is
being changed according to the now survny.
It Is expected that the merchants' parudo
on Wednesday morning of fair week will bo
over two miles in length. Instead of the
floats being strung out In single fllo they will
occupy the whole bicadth of the street three
or four abreast.
The traveling men uro going to mnko a
finer display this year than ttioy did
last. livery drummer in tno west
has been invited tn participate. The
uniform worn will bo n light colored flannel
shlrf , dark pantaloons and vest , black silk
bnt nnd u Juiuneso umbrella , no coat or vest
will bo worn. The bulges , bolts and para-
aols will ho furnished by the llnuiico commit-
Ono of the features of tbo evening parades
will bo the shot gun brigade.
By itio aid of tha fair committee the grad
ing ou North Shuiuian avenue to the fair
grounds has bcon completed and the street
will bo In good condition for driving during
fair weoli. The motor company Is paving all
the space between the two tracks. The lat
ter will ho in nuullness before thn fair com
mences und elghtbun trains will bo run be
tween the fair grounds mid up town , making
the trip ovcry three minutes.
1'eople In General.
People in general should know nhnt'e
host to do in case of a sudden attack ol
bowel complaint. It la n well estab
lished fnct tlmt prompt relief nuiy bo
hud in any case of colic , cholera inor-
bus , dysentery or dinrrluua by Riving a
few doaea of Chamberlain's Colic , Choi-
oru und Dlurrtiu'u Itotnody. It acts
quickly , can always bo depended upon
nnd is pleasant to take.
Tlio Now Carriers.
Postmaster Gallagher has appointed the
five additional carriers allowed by the ue-
lartment. They nro W. Wcslorgnrd , F. P.
Innion , Gcorgo Anderson , D. W. Tlllotson ,
and William Mnhcr. These mon have bcon
substitute carrldrs , nnd their places as sub
stitutes will have to bo flllod. The following
mvo boon recommended for nppolntmont as
substitutes : John H. Hobart , M. a Tracoy ,
Charles II. Bnslor , Alfred Clark , and Wal
ter Victor. The new carriers will go on duty
on the first of the month. The free delivery
system will bo extended to the outlying dis
tricts , nnd no attempt will bo made to Increase -
crease the number of deliveries In the torrl-
.or.v already covered. '
An Important. Element
Of the success of Hood's Snrsapnrilla Is
: ho fact that every purchaser receives a
fair equivalent for his money. The
'nmllliir headline , " 100 Doses Ono
Dollar , " stolen by imitators , is original
with and true only of Hood's Snrsapar-
illn. This can easily bo proven by anyone
ono who desires to test the matter. For
real economy , buy only Hood's Sarsa-
parilla. Sold by all druggists.
Now BiiPlncns In the District nnd
County Courts.
Sophia F. Larson alleges that she Is the
egal owner of lots 11 nnd 12 , block 4 , Kllby
place. J. B. Dickey and James B. Taylor
set up a claim to the property and Mrs. Larson -
son asks the court to remove the cloud which
is thereby cast on her title , by declaring the
claim of the defendants to bo void.
Now cases filed were :
15-01 Baumford vs. Martin ; transcript
from justice court.
15-UJ Sophia F. Larson vs. J. B. Dlckoy
ot nl.
The following now papers wcro fllod :
14-203 Mnhonoy vs. Laucr : transcript.
ISWKO Lnfayctto hank vs. Uuko Brlcss ,
Bounott Sachro ot nl. ; affidavit against
Trial notices were fllod as follows :
1-03 Maor vs. Maurar.
8-171 Lorcnzen vs. Smith.
O--'oa Brooks vs. Plotz.
10-33 Travis vs. Van Court
10 99 Meyers. Osborn it Co. vs. King.
11-22 Ltlja vs. Aegidlus.
11-7 Lil ] vs. BJB Publishing Company.
11-273 Cooper vs. Mills.
11-31(1 ( Hoslnck vs. Volkmcyor.
12-liS Ulorsor vs. Walgo.
13-202 Potter vs. Omaha.
13-341 Rico vc. Itlco.
14-81 Woodward vs. Woodward.
14-133 Robert Price vs. Chailos Fiotz.
14-273 Evans vs. Anderson.
14-275 Robinson vs. Cramer et al.
County Court.
Another gudgeon bobbed up in the county
court yesterday. It was William M. Thomas ,
who sued the Excelsior Publishing company
to recover 530. 'JViniain 8 ° y3 ho was hired
by the "company" to canvass for its publlci-
tlous. Ho was to receive $2.50 a day , and
had to put up a $15 deposit for
an outfit. Ho worked a month ,
and demanding his pay , was told to
ask the birds for it. Ho also aslcod the com
pany to give back tlio 15 deposit , as they
had agreed to do when the outfit was re
turned , nnd this also was refused him.
Wherefore he scons satisfaction in the court.
A suit to recover SoUO on a promlssary note
was begun by the Bunk of Commerce against
G. O. Francisco & Co.
IB Now papers wcro filed as follows :
L-428 American Building and Loan asso
ciation vs Harford Toland ; motion to sot
aside judgment rendered.
L-450 Cox vs Ulmau ct al. j reply to deposit -
posit of A. Haushor.
L-450 Same ; reply to answer of F. Ul-
man.Allen Bros , vs William Asqulth ; motion
to tax cost. _
An Abtjnluto Cure.
is only put up in largo two ounce tin boxes ,
and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns ,
wounds , chapped hands , and all skin orup.
tlons. Will positively cure all kinds of piles-
MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at
25 cents per box bv mail UO cents.
Anent tlio Alleged Out by the Union
I'noiflc Other Horns.
A few days ago the Denver papers an
nounced that the Union Pacilic was violatiog
the rules of the InterState Commerce asso
ciation , by selling tickets to the Grand Army
of the Rcpublio reunion at fifty cents loss
than the regular rate , which was fixed at
The report is a canard , as far as selling
tickets Is concerned , because all the other
lines worn engaged in the same business.
The original raw promulgated was $33.05 ,
as has been stated. Later , it was reduced
to $32.15 , and subsequently advanced to
SU.05 , as at first decided upon. The Union
Paciilo agents were the first to notice that
an advance in rates could not bo made with
out the usual ton days' notice , and thereupon
put their tickets on sale at $32.15 , the re
duced rato.
The Burlington followed suit , and put
tickets on sale at the same figures. Hence ,
no trouulo will follow , as the action ol the
Union Paciilo was perfectly legitimate.
Advertising Uninlin.
The passenger department of the Fremont ,
Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad hnvo
purchased 20,000 folders containing advertis
ing matter for Merchants' Week celebration
which will bo distributed by mail.
These folders contain , nmongothcr matter ,
n complete programmes of the events during
the week , including tno merchants' week ,
the exposition and fair ground display. It is
n very elaborate programme.
Railroad Notes.
John Francis , general passenger agent of
the B. & M. , is la Denver.
F. B. Sample , division passenger agent of
the Union Pacific at Denver , is in the city.
Paul Haiding , local passenger agent of the
Missouri Paclflo at Frodonla , Kansas , is in
William Griffiths , formerly assistant gen
eral freight agent of the Union Pucifio ana
commissioner of demurrage for Omaha , who
bos been in Orauha for u few days , loft for
Chicago on the Burlington fast
mall. Mr. Griffiths now occupies a posltioa
with the C. , B. & Q.
Advlco to Mothers ,
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup
should always ho used for children
toothing. It soothes the child , soltona
tlio gums. allays all puins , cures wind
colic , und is thn host roinudy for diar-
rhcua. lioc u bottlo.
Settled With Holfoiisicln.
O. Backus , ono of the Omaha parties fight
ing tno claims of tlulfenstoin , tbo St. Louis
millionaire , upon North Omaha real estate ,
gave up the battle yesterday , and bought a
quit claim deed from HclfotiUoin. The
property In question was the north one-half
of tax lot 2 J , suction 15 , township 15 , ran BO
13 , It Is on North Shurmun uvonuo. Hoi-
fonstola got JGOO for his claim , and ho got
what was worth a great many times us much
to him the first recognition that ho had a
Backus wanted to get a II ttio ready monov.
The banks wouldn't take a mortgage on his
lot while the title was clouded by Helton-
stein's claim. It has been so for years , and
no ouo can yet sue through to the end ; so ho
gave it UD to secura a certainty.
Dr. O. R. Dako , Belleville , III. , says * "I
bavo found It , and it alone , to bu capable of
producing u sweet and natural sleep in cases
of insomnia from overwork of the brain.
which so often occurs lu active professional
and business men. "
A 1'iecu nl' Onrnlessnrss.
The Sixteenth street crossing of the Mis
souri Pacific tracks is being repaired. A
fence has boon extended across the street at
Nicholas and Izard street * , with an opening
for street cars to puss through. . Last night
tbero were no lights on these fences and
teams were running Into theia all evening.
Some teams went through on the car tracks
und the horses were stumbling or falling
down at tbo risk of breaking their Ices.
Two Interesting Conventions to Ho
Held To-dnr.
To-night at flnnscom Park M , E. church a
convention of Methodists will bo hold. It
will represent the Epworth league Interests
of this district. Delegates about forty nro
expected will bo present from Nebraska ,
the Dakotns and Colorado. The principal
iddress ot the evening will bo delivered by
M. D. Carroll , Hold secretary of the National
Epworth league. Ministers from local pul
pits nnd others will also spoak.
The convention was called by Mr. Carroll ,
and the date sot so short a time ago that
elaborate preparations for entertainment
were rendered Impossible. However , the
people ot the church will provide generous
entertainment for the visitors.
Mr. Carroll Is , nnd for some tlmohas been ,
engaged la organizing the young people of
the various conference districts into branches
of the Epworth League. The organization
of the Tenth district , composed of Nebraska ,
the Dakntas nnd Colorado , will bo completed
on Friday morning.
Another interesting convention will beheld
held in this church to-dav. Beginning nt
10:30 : o'clock the Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Omaha district , Including
this city an J the territory within n radius of
eighty miles , will spend the day In planning
nnd working for the promotion of their
work. At least seventy-live delegates will
bo present.
Mrs , G. Mi Brown , w fo of the pastor of
Ilanscom Park church , is president of the
society , and Mrs. T. B. Hilton , of Fremont ,
secretary. The feature of tie | convention
will bo an address by Mrs. Shelley , .of Wy-
moro , a noted worker in ttio cause of foreign
Suicldo of.thoVIfo of Quartermaster
Sergeant Koroenky.
The second sulctdo within a week-occurred
nt Fort Omaha yesterday. Mrs. Koroonky ,
wife of Quartermaster Sergeant Koroonky ,
was the victim.
Mrs. Koroonky prepared dinner yesterday
at the usual hour , and after her husband had
left the house to go to his work she called In
n neighbor. Mrs. Loveland , to dispel the
loneliness. About 11 o'clock Mrs. Lovcland
stopped Into the back yard. A few minutes
later she was startled by a shrill scream
within the house and hurried in. Mrs.
Koroenky mot her halfway , und exclaimed :
"I have poisoned myself. "
Help was summoned at once , and the
woman laid upon a bed , but death ensued an
hour later.
It Is "ot long since Sergeant Koroenky
came to Fort Omaha , ho relieving Sergeant
Tuttlo. His wlfo did not llko the place , nnd
after a stay of two days returned to her old
homo nt Paterson , N. J. Strange to snv , only
a single day passed before she telegraphed
her husband that she had started to return
to him.
The neighbors say that'slnco her return
she has seemed dissatisfied , unhappy , und
held aloof from society , but urge that her
husband has been more than kind to her.
Mr. Koroonky professes acep grief , nnd
says their homo lifo has been as happy as
that of most other people. She leaves ono
llttlo child , it boy. Her relatives at Paterson
son have telegraphed to have her remains
sent cast.
Cushman's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
A Stolen Horse Recovered.
Last Monday M. P. Cannon reported that
a horse had been stolen from his stable at
Twentieth and Miami streets. Ho described
the animal as being a light iron gray mare ,
about five years old , with a long tall and
short mane , and weighing about 850 pounds.
A leather-colored saddle was on the horse at
the time , but was found tbo same evening.
Yesterday C. N. Gcppner , of 813 bouth
Eleventh street , reported to the police tlmt
some young man had left the mare with him
last Monday , saving ho wanted to get his
saddle fixed. Ho has not been seen since.
The delicious fragrance , refreshing cool
ness , and soft beauty imparted to the skin
by Pozzoni's Powder , commends it to all
ladles. _
To Receive Merchant * * Week Visitors.
A citizens meeting will bo held at the
oOlco of the board of trade , Thursday aftor-
"noou , August 29 , at 230 ; o'clock , sharp , to
make suitable arrangements to receive and
entertain the "Merchants' Wcolc" visitors ,
and to set aside a morning devoted to show
ing our visitors the city and its business in
terests. JOHN A. DOE ,
President of the Board of Trado.
matter * Uduoational.
The fall term of the city schools will com
mence Monday , September 9.
Tha board of education has appointed
Messrs. E. T. Farnswortb , the Rev. Mr.
L. H. Eddlobluto and Dr.V , H
Slabauch' a board of examiners to
act with superintendent Munroo In examin
ing teachers. The examining board will
meet at the high school buildluir Monday ,
September 3 , at 0 o'clock in tlia forenoon to
hold examinations. All teachers who desire
to bo examined for a teacher's certificate
should attend. The time of the teachers'
meeting and assignments of teachers will bo
announced hereafter.
They Caught Her at. Home.
A score of warm-hearted well-wishers
planned a surprise on Mrs. Francis Boyle
and Tuesday evening ran In on her pleasant
homo and danced and sang , and ute and en
joyed themselves as well us she could desire
them to do und fully as well as their good
wishes warranted. The surprise on Mrs.
Boyle was quite as complete as was it accept
able to her and enjoyed by all present.
Notes About tin ) City.
Charles C. Nerness and Miss Annie F.
Linden , both ot this city , have taken out a
marriage license.
William MoAualloy , fireman of Union
stockyards engine No. U , got the third linger
of Ins right hand cnught between the deadwood -
wood of cars Tuesday und had the member
maahod. ,
Messrs. W. Rccd Dunroy , Eyerfttt.R. Ly-
man , E. L. Daniels and Charles Rousli , the
quartette spent Tuesday evening at the homo
of Frank I. Leo and his sisters , Twenty-
sixth and K streets , entertaining friends
with music.
S. M. Press nnd B. Goldberg , bavo dis
solved partnership , Mr. Ooldbarg , retiring ,
who will migrate to Kansas.
Building permits have been issued to ll.
W. Brockott for u residence , Twenty-third
and 1 streets und to Robert T , Maxwell for
a barn , Twenty-eighth und B streets.
The Odd Number Pleasure club , with the
friends of its members , will picnic at Surpy
Mills , Sunday , September 15.
All members of South Omaha lodge , No.
00 , A. O. U. W. , are requested to meet at the
depot Thursday evening in tlmo to take the
7:55 : dummy train for Omaha to attend the
entertainment to bo glvou by Omaha lodge ,
No. 18 , A. O. U. W.
These best Informed about the Albright
domestic troubles are tlrmly of the belief
that tuero is a different tenor to affairs than
is generally given out , and that there Is
moro grounds for charity and pity than censure -
sure or abuse.
John Flyun ot Carthage , 111. , 1s In the city
looking for u business location.
Secretary J. C. Sharp , of the stockyards ,
has returned from Utah.
Louis H. Wood , of tbo National bank force ,
Children Cry for Pitcher's C&storia.
When Daby ws * alcic , we gare her Caatoria ,
When &lie ITU a Child , cho crlnd for CulorU ,
tV .cn aba became Mln , sba cluof to CootorU ,
tVl > ; aabehal Children , abe gare thoin Cut orl
after n fortnlfiht's vlAit&t hl.i homo , Charles
City , la , has returned ,
J. A. GramHch ot.St. I > ouls , Mo. , an ex
tensive hntcloalor , Will .tho cttv the guest of
John H. Qrnmllch , of tno exchange , nnd Is
looking for n business location In the Magic
Swift's Spccino haa"'s .vcd tno years of un
told misery by rollovlug , n partial paralysis In
iny left side. This was nftor I had boon
treated by best phynlotitris In SU Louis nnd
Chicago. Tbo troublo'was ' caused by some
dcrrriKemont of uiy blood , which has been
corrected hy S. S. S. ,
T. A. Susi'I'-jCiit , Sherman , Texas.
How Nnto Hnlsbury Bxplodod nu In-
dlnn'f ) 1'ntliotlo Ynrn.
Nnto Snllhbury , of the BufTnlo Bill
show writes from Pnris to the Clipper
follows "Tho of ' '
ns : story 'hardships'
told to the Now York nowspnpors bv the
Indinn , Black Elk , was a fublo. There
nro good Indians and there nro bad In-
ditvns. Black Elk Is a roprcsontatlvo ot
the latter class. The truth is this : The
said Bind : Elk wont with us to England
two .yours ago , and while wo were in
Manchester ho was lured away by a
speculator. All traces of him were lost
until , after our return to the states ,
wo hoard ho had joined Mexican Joe.
"A few weeks ago ho suddenly made
his appearance in our camp hero in a
destitute condition. As ho is a disturber
woof course did not hire him again ,
but arranged for his passage to America
and the agency. My order to Mr. Craig ,
of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , about
advancing no inonoy wns correct , and
wns made to prevent the wily gentle-
from imposing upon any ono , as ho had
ample funds for eating und incidental
expenses on his parson when ho left
"If an Indian or an employe of ours
gpts hurt wo make it n point to care for
him. This Indian was not injurea in
Paris , and , ns a matter of fact , has not
been In our employ or ridden a horse
with us slnco one year ago last April. "
For a dtsodcrcd liver try Becchara's Pills.
The Greatest of Train p I'rlntors.
John G. Gantt , the celebrated train ] )
printer , has bcon in this city during the
past three days _ , says n Columbus special
to the Indianapolis Journal. This re
markable man , who is known in almost
every printing establishment in the
central and southern states , is seventy
years of ngo and has boon constantly on
the tramp since the close of- the civil
war. The longest tramp ho over made
was in 1884 , when ho loft this city and
traveled through all ot the states be
tween hero and 'Florida , and returned
by the same route , reaching Cussopolis ,
Mich. , just six months from the time he
loft hero. Ho kept n careful record of
the number of miles walked and the
entire length of the journey was 2,800
miles. For a niauj then sixty-five voars
of ago this certainly was a remarkable
feat. This veteran printer has a great
failing for drimc , _ but his constant indulgence
dulgence does not'sc'em to have weak
ened his mental faculties , nnd ho pos
sesses a remarknblpfundof information ,
picked up by reading and experience.
Ho recently started a very unique news
paper called Grtntt's Typographical
Tourist. It is published "on the road , "
nnd gives interesting items concerning
the craft. , _
How Komulus W'hlto Was Deceived.
New York Sun : "Human natur' is
powerful dccoptivd'ain't ' she ? " queried
the old man , after hb had been silent
for some time ,
"Sometimes. " , 7
"You bet she sl 'l'maliving ' in the
village of R - fory ( ; miles down the
road. I've pot a gal named Mollio.
She's about as dandy a country gal as
you'll ' find in the state. Last winter a
stranger struck the town , and fell in
love with Mollie. I didn't like his looks ,
and I said to the gal :
" 'Mollio , beware of that chap. I kin
road him like a book , and I toll you ho
hain't honest nor honorable. I'll bet a
wheat stack to a pumpkin that ho 'a a
sharper. ' "
"Tlio gal differed with mo , nnd about
a month ago they waz married. "
"And howdid the husband turn out ? "
"Mighty honorable sort o man. I
was clearly mistaken in him. They
had boon married three days when
along came a woman from Dunkirk and
claimed him and showed a certificate.
I expect ho would deny her , but he
didn't. Owned right up like a little
man. She was still there when a second
end ono came on from Oswogo. Looked
billlous for my now son-in-law , and I
looked to see him flunk , but ho didn't.
Jist acknowledged the corn and said ho
was willing to do the fair thing. "
"And how did it end ? "
"They had him arrested for bigamy.
They wanted us to go agin him , too , but
when T mentioned ittohim , hesni'd
' "Father , don't do it. Hero's my
watch and $00 , and they are yours f !
you don't. ' "
"And you didn't ? "
"No. Ho wns a-tryin' to do the squnr'
thing , and when a man trios to do the
sciunr' thing by "Romulus "White , I can't
go back on him. I gin the gal the
inonoy and kept the watch , and I guess
wo couldn't have done bettor. "
IN its first stages , can the Bucccssfully
chocked hy tlio prompt uao of Ayer's
Cherry 1'octoral. Kvcn in the later
periods of that disease , the cou h la
wonderfully relieved by this incdlclno.
" I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
with the lictit ertect in my practice.
This ATOiiderful projiaratlon once auved
my life. I had n constant cough , night
s\\eatn , was gicutly i educed in llcali ,
and given nj ) hy < iny iiliyslcliui. Ono
bottle and a hull o ( tlio 1'eutural ciucd
nio. " A. J. Eldson , M. B. , Jllddluton ,
" Several years nso1 ! wns severely ill.
The doctors said I wan in consumption ,
und that they coulil do nothing for me ,
hut advised mo , asOilaat rcsoit , to try
Ayer's Cherry 1'et.toral. After tnlclnjj
this inedlelno two or thrra niontlis I
\\ox cured , and niy health leinitins ( ; oed
to the present day , " James Ulrchard ,
Darien , Conn.
" Several yearn ago , on n passage homo
from California , by water , I contracted
so severe a cold that for snmo days I
was confined to luy"atataroom , and
physician ou lioardjijuiildercd my llfo
in danger. Iluppeiini } ; to have a liottla
of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral , I used it
freely , and my liuiRS'ivcro HOOII restored
to a healthy condj lpii. Since then I
liavo invariably rcconnncnded this prep.
oration. " J. 1) . Chandler , Junction , Ya.
Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral ,
Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mas- ,
Sold by mil DruKBlMl. l'rk l ; l tK > UUl5. :
( Buccessora to John O , Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At th9 Old Stani , HOT Farnam Street.
Orilerg by toleeraph BollcltoJ uud promuSy
Attended. Telephone toNo.2j.
IVOllCKS- . "aoooitiOII , ATTOUNKV-AT-
Lw , lit Dearborn St. , Chicago ; advice
free : l yearn' experleace : bustuoss auietty and
leeally trausuctod.
And we will be thinking and talking- fall goods. They are coining in thick and fast and keep
an army of clerks busy unpacking and marking them , We will have our Fall Stock complete
in a week or so and will show you a stock you have not yet seen in Omaha. We make im
provements from season to season , but never were the improvements so radical and far-reach
ing as in the stock we arc preparing for this fall. For every novelty we had last winter we will
show you four this coining season.
The regaining few days until the opening of the new stock we will continue to close out in
allDcpartmcnts without reserve everything in the way of summer goods.
Parents who have boys to prepare for school will find in our I3bys * Dcpartmcnt.suits appro
priate , for school wear at VERY LOW PRICES. We make it a point to sell Boys' Clothing at
the closest margin possible , and in this last week of our clearing sale we will offer extraordinary
inducements in Boys' Suits and Pants.
In our Hat Department fall trade has already opened and is quite brisk. We arc showing
an immense line of new shapes in stiff and soft hats. Our new 950 Derby for the season of
'Sp-'po ' is the grandest hat you have ever seen. It is far ahead of anything we have ever offered
and is positively of as good a quality as any hat for which you pay elsewhere $2.00. We have
them in three of the latest shapes. The very finest Derby at $2.00 , $2.50 and $2.75. The latter
are in every respect equal to any $5.00 Derby. In Soft Hats we have numberless shapes and
We have received our first installment or Men's and Boys' Shoes for the fall. They are now
on sale at our usual low prices. We shall make this one of the leading departments in our
Please Note : Until September 1st our store clones nt 0:30 : p. in. Suturditys at in p. in.
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
( Upposltu L'uxtou Hotel. )
Office hours , 0 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. in.
fapccUllsta In Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blond Diseases.
5J7 Consiiltatlon at office or by mail free.
Mritlclnes sent by mail or express , securely
packed , fieo from obsen fttlon . Uuaiantecs to
euro oulrkly. safely and
slous , I'hjslcal Decay. urlahiK from InJlscro
tlon. Excess or Indulgence. prochiclnKSleepless
ness. Despondency. l'lmp'e ' on the face , aver
sion to society , easily cilscouiacecl , lacK of court
donee , dull , unlit forHtudy or business , and Hnds
lite a Tiurden. Safely , permanently nnd pri
vately cured. Consult las. lletts & Belts , ltU3
Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood ant SKin Diseases
results , completely eradicated without the uld
of Mercury. Scrofula. Erysipelas. Fever Sores ,
Blotches. ulcer , I'ainsln the Head and IloneB ,
Syphilitic Sore Uhront , Mouth nnd Tongue. Cn-
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured vhore others
have failed.
TT'iflnmr Tfmnnmr and Bladder Complaints ,
MluuYi UllUdiy I'alnful. OltHruIt. too fre
quent Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , Wcafc
Back. Gonorrhoea , Gleet ; Cystitis. etc. ,
Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Iteasona-
l > le.
STRICTURE ! n cuVr" :
jnovo.1 complete , without cutting , caustic or
dillatlnn. Cures effected at homa by patient
without a momenta pain or annoyance.
To Yoniiff Men and MiMle-Aseil Men ,
ArJTintj flllDDfl'0 ' awtul etrectd of early
oUtlJJ UUnb Vice , which Ijiinfrs organic
wenknesH. destroying both mind and body , w 1th
all Its ( headed 11 In , permanently cured ,
Adross those \ \ ho have unpaired
DDllU themselves by Impioper
pences and polltary habits , which mill both
body and mind , unUttlmr them lor business ,
study or marriage.
M AitniKn MKN. or those enterlnc on that hap
py life , aware of physical debility , quickly as
fs haied upon facts. First 1'rnctlcal Expo
rlence. Second livery case 1s especially studied-
thus htartlng aright. Third Me llcines are pre ,
pared In our lubatory exactly to suit each case ,
thiiH aflecting cures without Injury
Cff Hcnd u cents postttre for celebrates works
on Chronic , Nervous and Dullcato Diseases.
TliousnndH cured. MA. . friendly letter or call
may save you future sutrerlng and ahamo , nnd
add golden yauva to life. iff f\o letters an-
ewercd unless accompanied by 4 cents In stamps ,
Address or call on
HOurainam Street , Omaha. Heb.
For BO dur ONLY we'will itu'ii Tor 8 tlio
? ? r ! " . " " ! WeuluwMcy orMcii , Prtuinture
Herltiie , ! . < > , , r Mnor , llrulni , J.otum , > rr.u
" ' "jlUIr , .to , U li 11 P rfect little innrrfl anil Mug
app'IriilwallytriiriulcUyuniiiuichr. cimiUi Frio.
M OBOOr ELZCI2IO CO..C55Wtja'S Et. . Kitaa. U l.
euu 10 Anunoo uinoj < n n 2i | ciw pvivpy
iJ | crj VupiuMv | u ciJ pun o
' '
XX unlDrslinid , hnvo just been gr.xnti'd Let
ters r.itent for u lUguolder. Tlfld in a > ury
liiiudy thluK , as onu man cull till up
uMug thta holder , an wiill us two men CUM. us It
Is constructed In u manner salt ran be f listened
iinywhero. or to anything. It holds the L >
open to the full extent of Us mouth : U also tun
bu nltbred to tit any nlzn ImijJ. and nas pivoted
hooks which can bo let loosu to turn , to let the
bagcomooff nsy ; and It Is us elinplo as it is
eirtctlve. audit will sell at hlpht. Now , ! offer
this putout for sale , either all tha States imd
TerrltorleH vast of tlio Hocky iloimtiilim , to one
purty or parties , or by htatoa or Counties. He-
member. you will iet the oxcludvo right' to
manufacture and sdl this device , Ht your own
price , for the turn ! or beventfeii years. On re-
ctlnt of i-.UJTwo ) doll.irs , 1 will send any ono
who wishes to buy rights , a sample , together
\\Hli a copy ot my Bpuilllcatlons and Drawings ,
JOHN I'lfl'SH , Patentee , Stockton , Ban Joutmln
County , California ,
ESTABLISHED 1851 ( 186 So.
Ch0ng0f | m8. \ ciarkst.
IIis Regular Old-Established
h ttlll Treating with the Greatest
and SUCC
IClironic , Nervoas anfl Mate Diseases ,
US' NERVOUS DBU1L1TY , Lett Manhood ,
Falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect *
leading to early ducuy ind perhap * Consumption ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new Methods with
ncver-Kmintr luccrM. _ .
T SYPHILIS and nil bad Blood and Skin Oil *
eases permanrntly cured.
* a-KlDNKYnnd URINARY complalnU.Qleet ,
Oonorrhoea , Stricture , Vnricocelo and all disease *
of the QeoitO'Urinary Organs cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
ir No experiments. AHO and experwnce lm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
S3- Send 4 cents poit te , for Celebrated Work * on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
OyTticio coatemplfttlng MainiKe end for Lir.
Clarke'a celebrated guide Male anil Female , each
15 cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay savefuturesuucr-
InB and shame , and add golden years to life. Off-Boole
"Lift's ( Secret ) Errors , " s ° nts ( jtamps ) . Median *
Kid writings sent everywhrre , secure from exposure.
ours , 6 to 8. Sundays 9 to n. Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. O.
Stack Piano
Remarkable for powerful sympathetic
tone , pliable action and absolute dura
bility ; 30 years' record the best puaran-
tco of tlio excellence of thcso intrns-
. .
- - -
thli p IBe nurpo. , CUBI ! or
iKATIMCfKAKNESa , gltlnt
T I O. ( o.ll.uom brnnlio :
lirougU.II v.ak . ,
cj reitor-
Ins H n > rCJlI' Uc'llli uid Tltoroui Blrrnilb. Vlcclrla
Current "iv V > ! LTlicntKTl.Tiirw > r < irrell45u01 > | Dculu
BKLT > mdllairriiiii7linpl l ( t. i.d up. w oril cum perT -
T eur.J In ltre unnlbi. St.lel inml-hlcto.itunp.
I'rrnt tutornnd collegiate COD men , lite raturc.lmiBuaia *
tniulc. art. K. V. lluuaiiu. J'rlnclwil , JacluonTlUo. llt
Northwestern Military Academy ,
Twenty-three iulle north of Cblcairoj lia n lull
corps of experienced InitructorBi Uvo cour es of
mudr. and uniurpnxpd fucllltlei. for Initructlon ,
henltb. bnmo comforts nnd Christian Intluonce.
bend for cuUlonuo to UUblaod 1'ark , 111.
Conservatory of Music
Minneapolis , Minn.
PIANO Heat ibachers only In every depart
ment. Unequalled opportunity for study.
OHO AN & > luHSonu for JI5. Free adviintnces
worth price of tuition. All Instruments , Lau-
Ciiuges , HlHtory. Mti'rature.
VUIl/K-SeiKl / for tulundur.
CIIAHbKS If. MOUSE. Director.
Conducted oy the Sisters of St. Francis. Opens
Its ulKhth Bcholantlo year 8 pc 4. DW. THIS lu.
stluitlon oireM evury advuiitngu for acquiring u
thorough , Christian oducatlnn. Fur turms and
particulars address , Sister M Joseptm , bunor-
llrooko Hull , forUlrli and Youux f. Jlc
Buort'lJi'u lludla Academy , for Uojri und YOUIIK MOD
Bwiiuitt C , Sliortli 26 , A , M , JS5 ,
Media , PoniisylvanU , near Philadelphia.
nrsiitiPurknearriilcaffO ( ) . Hoarding I
UBI for Olrl and Younv I > tlcs Korl
calulocue addreta U. Til A YB1L Mi. 1) . , '
Jlor n I'urk.lll , or7TUaill onHtreetChicago.111.
wall on-IIudaon. Col. o. J. Wright , 11. d. ,
U. , Bupt , ; U , 1' . Hyatt , Coiud tor Cadeti ,
Dr. J. E , McGREW
lu the Treatment of All Chronic , Nervous
u-.ul I'rirnlo Diseases.
BpcrniHtorrhucu , Impotcucr uiul l/os of Manhood ,
nbtolutuly cured. AuuroKimrnitiooJ liuill forms of
Vrlvuli ) IHirnsrt , Htrlcturoi , ( ili'et , etc. I'nturrli ,
Throat , IiiiiiK Dlfousus , Ixiururrliuuu quickly anil
iiucinnnvntly curuil. Ulood und Skin Discuses
treated HuctoMttilly.
JjiilloV anil Rcntlomcn'3 nailing roams nopnrnta
and entirely private.
Convultntlunlroo. 8clU for book < , Tlio Socrotanl
I'rlYUtn ll. eaiH or Sinn , ; also Womiin and Her Din-
canes. Hlo oncli ( stumpt ) . 'I'rcutruurl lij currunpouU
once ; oend stamp lor reply.
Ollloc Kith nnd Mouglits Sts. , Om.ilia
The largest , fastest mul linen In the world ,
assoneur accommodations unexcelled.
New YorU to Liverpool Tin Qurenitoxvn.
Tha Celohrntoil I Tlio Maest , Rtcnm-l On rt ID
UllvorUutiieJBlilD In tbo World. ! 00 | lli 10
New York to Glasgow via Londondeny
Ethiopia . . . . Angust 811 Deronla Sept.21
Anchorla Sent. 7 I Clrcassla , . . . . Bent. 28
I''urncs3ln . . . . Sept. 14 j Ethiopia Oct. 6
With regular weekly sailings thereafter.
HAIXIOV to ( lla'KonI.lvorpool , Darrr. Belfast or
OuottnstownI.VIto 01) ujr Cluiiioir ntcnmorn , ( iilnna
npwnrds lir "City of Itomo. " Boconil Clan HU. htccr *
aeo ( Jl. JCxcuraion rates roilucud nvnllnulo for clthur
rjtito , thusBlrlnRiirlrt'eKo of cocInK In ono trip Ilia
UlviT Mersov , I'lcturesquu Clyde , NorlU and Soutli of
( xinpiTirium. TrBTclors1 ClrculnrKottorJ of Crodl
and Urafti foranr amount nt lowest current ratal
Apply to any of our iizauts or to
llcnncrfion Itrotliors , CUicagn , III.
II. B. HAM , .
KUH01M5AN ma'AimiCNT receives and
forwiirdH nil classes ot liuslnoss byeiicli Mall Steamer
urrlvlnx at or ilrpnrtlnK Iroin New YorK.
Shipments from Kurojio can no made direct lir this
Company to nil Inland 1'oiti nt Knlrr In tlio United
btatct , idsn toCnnada anil Mexico , with or wlthuut
purment ot duties nt how lork.
Hiitoi as lotr us tlioio of any rcsponilblo company.
Money Orient Issued piiyulilo at U.OOU places In
United Mute , CanaOn und Knropu.
ARCnclc9n | Kuropo to whom itilpments for llnltoil I
States can be iluliverol , or If from Interior point *
should lie con jlKned , iiuompnnled by HIM of l < adnU !
and Inrolce cer tilled bolero Aincrloiin Consul :
TIIOS. MKADOW8 A CO. , aj Milk Btreut , CUonpildn.
IXINDO.V , K. U s 2J Winer ntreot. J.ivi.iii'cjin. ; i > l I'iccii-
lilly. MAVCiirNrrni 1U Ilnnoverntrcot , ( ! | , A ( HV | 3
Jtuo Hcrlbo , I'AlllH. K. UICMAItl ) . I Hue Clillou ,
llAUVK. N.l.U'U'llTINIj A CO , 117 I-iiUKenstrn so
1I11I-MKV ; : l Do\onni'Ctli , llAMnuitQ , uud 117 Am-
Uafeu , HllKBIKNII AM..V ,
Epps's Cocoa.
"ly n thorough knowloiUu of the natural luvri
wlilUinover/i / tno operations of tliin > tlon nulnutrl-
llnn.nnil bra taretul appllLMllon of the llnu proper
ties o ( well teloeleil Cucuii. Mr. ISiipn lins priirldoil our
brcakfutt tabk'i vrlth n ( lullraluly Muvored bareraita
wlileli nuiy mivo in tuuny hottry < loetors' tllli. Itli
by tbu jndlcluu u e ul nucli mtlolei of diet Hint a
conitUutlun nuiy be Kradnally built ui > until strunii
enonuli to re Ht iirory tenilfnty to dl euso. Hun
dred a of nubtlu maladies are lloutlim around ui roiuly
to nttuclt wlierovor Ihcro | a wculc point. Wo mar
iisdipo iiiniir H filial urmft by keeplnu onrjelros null
fortlllo'l ' with niiro blood nnd a properly nourished
friiuio. " ( Ivlf bcrvlcalliuolte.
SI udo simply wit'i bulllnx water or milk. Sold only
lu half pound tins by ( Irocuri Inbolud thus ;
maha Steam Dye forks
O. T. PAULSON , Prop.
First Class Cleaning and Dye
ing of All Descriptions.
1521 Howard St. . Omaha. Telephone BIT.
A fall net of teeth for li. l' lnlo § attraction ol
teeth witifout tulorororm , ta or ether. Killing B |
hulf rnt .
DR , DAI LEY , Dentist ,
8)2 ) 1'uiton llluck.lUU and I'arnum tjU.Ojioaorep'oKi '
Hop. 3O3-4O4-I70- .