Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 29, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    aa > ii nr.AftgMiaaKB yk [ pi | 1Y V
Wheat Rules Moro Aotlvo and Prlcoo
Average Higbor.
VrovMons Attract Unusual Attention ,
With n DrolUcU Stir in fork-
Too .Many Unttlo on Sale
General Quotations.
CHICAGO , August 23. f Spoclnl Tclcprnm to
fan llP.B.1 Whcnt was active nml averaged
higher to-day , though the sharp break in tlio
lust half hour brought prices back to tbo
lowest point of the session. The market bad
n weak and nervous opening , with 79o as tllo
first official quotation for December , though
7Sa would probably bo nearer right. The
price wont to 73Jfo Imrocdlatoly and seemed
vrrnk. Cables came In cosier and operators
were filled with distrust. Thoyjjtud Ijccn
carried off their feet In a Rood many in
stances by tlio bull wave that bus been
sweeping through the pit for the Inst couple
of days , and wcro In a mood to turn and run
on the slightest provocation. The failure of
the old world markets to respond furnished
the cause and a radical reaction in values
was threatened. Outside buying orders
came forward in great numbers , however ,
and the grand army of shorts , or such of
them ns ( ailed to cover yesterday , became
ambitious bidders for property. The result
was a substantial upturn to the market. On
tbo first scara December went to TOj c , and
September , which had depreciated from
77c to 77o , recovered } { o or such a mat-
tor. Realizing sales carried values back to
the bottom again , but the second start was
productive ol bettor results. December ad
vanced without serious reaction to SOJj'c ,
September to 76o and May from S2Jjo , to
8 < c. Oil the advance thcro was very heavy
trading for local , Now York nnd general
outside nccount. Uahcr was credited with
the purchase of about 1,000,000 bushels
ana S. V. White was also n
big buyer , presumably to 1111 previous sales.
Baker was also active in the cash market ,
and worked 120,000 bushels for direct export.
Commission houses generally reported good
business , nnd trade was on the whole of a
very satisfactory volume. The Improvement
did not hold. Indeed , there was a sharp re
action , more than 1 cent of the advance be-
inir lost. December got back to 79'tfc , Sep
tember to 77o and May to 83 u. Toward
tbo last the market rallied fractionally , but
right at the end weakness was the feature
nnd the last prices wcro on the bottom. The
closing quotations wore 77J o for September ,
? 8.7flc for Decomoer , nnd 83c for May.
The domestic and foreign demand continues
to llok up wheat as fast as It comes forward
from the country. It is true tnat public
cables indicate indifference if not actual
weakness on the part of foreigners , but
clearances do not confirm the advertised
state of affair * , aud , furthermore , It was
stated by one of the heaviest shippers in the
west that the foreign buying limits had been
J' advanced 1 @H c a bushel since the advance
act in on this aide.
Tno demand for cash corn was active at a
shade better prices than on tbo day before ,
but in the future deliveries business was
Black and prices lower. The receipts again
over ran the estimates made on the previous
day. The outward movement from the At
lantic seaboard was slight , nnd the weather
conditions , upon which future values chiefly
depended , wore all that could bo desired
by speculators for lower prices ,
3 ho Hurry in the wheat market
caused traders to co slow on tbo possibility
of Rome such change occurring to alter the
present outlook for corn. There was a good
Inquiry n nd considerable purchases for ex
port reported from Now York and the move
ment from hence is heavy , but does not
equal the volume of receipts which uro confi
dently expected to still further increase.
September opened at 33 0 , sold to 833
in sympathy with the strength in wheat , but
later the situation assorted itsol ! and the
price declined to 83ib and closed at that.
' Oats wcro active and somewhat unsettled.
Near futures wore weak under large offerIngs -
Ings na littly buying support , while a fair
demand existed for Muv , with increased
trading on outside account and that month
was relatively steadier , though the early
firmness was not fully sustained. May sold
around 23c. Tbo posted receipts were
slightly above the estimate , though smaller
thun the recent average. No. 2 white for
September sold at 22o and No. 2 regular
sold } @ # o lower nt 10 > i@19c.
The provision trade attracted unusual at
tention , in pork particularly there was a
decided stir , though more than ordinary
business was also transacted in short
ribs nnd lard. Pork for near
delivery opened with atraddlers par
ties who had lately sold September and
October and bought January in an uneasy
frame of mind. Wright and several smaller
lights showed a marked disposition to cover
their short contracts und under their pur
chases the deliveries first mentioned ad
vanced sharply. Before the reaction oc
curred pork for September appreciated 17Jc
and for October 20o above the first price
quoted. Later the market eased off , though
a nervous feeling was maintained through
out the day. January pork failed to sympa
thize with the movement In near months
and ruled raster almost from the start.
Hutchiuson , It was said , furnished tliostrail-
dlora with a coed share of the pork bought.
Short ribs about hold their own and closed
pfactlcully at the sumo prices as yesterday.
Lard suffered an actual decline of % c
though early sales showed a small improve
ment. In September and October pork the
day's quotable advance was l'J > fc , while Jan
uary prices declined lOo.
CHICAGO , August 33. r , Special Telegram to
THK BEB. I CATTI.B. The run was divided
at 0,000 to 10,000 Texatis , 2,500'rangers aud
the remainder natives. Salesmen barely
waited to be asked to make a reduction , as
the smart ones could see without spectacles
that a big down turn was in order with
20,000 on the market , so salesman that
could "nail" a buyer never lot him
out of sight If ho cuuld got any
thing like a decent offer , hence uio
dium and grassy steers that on Monday
sold for (3.70@4.SO wore a strong 25o lower
and dilllcult to bell. Best export und shipping
steers wore more plentiful und wont 10@15o
lower in many Instances. Steer * that ship
pers wrote in were worth , according to their
notions , 14.75 , went out at $4.50jj4.55. ( Taxuus
wcro quoted lOo lower. Native butchers
Bloolc und rangers were ulso quoted lOo lower
followed the downturn of the class mimec
above. Stock catllo wore in fair demand
und steady , Choice to extra beeves
$4.4l'4SO ; medium to good steers
1,850 to 1,500 Ibs. $ J.SO4.80 ( ; 1,200 to
l,350lb , | 3.50t.00t ( 050 to 1.200 Ibs. SJ.UOQ
3.30 : stackers and feeders , $1.90(33 ( 00 ; cows
bulls and mixed , ? 1.00 ( < ? ; ) .00 ; bulk , ( l.SOQ'J.OO
Blop-fed steers , * 3.80 < # 4.80 ; Texas cattle were
lOGJ'JSo lowers steers , fJ.KKjJi.83j ( ! cows , fl,25
@ 2,00 ; western rangers , natives und half
breeds , $260 ( < r8,50 ; cows , $ J.OO@3.05 ; win
tcrcd Toxuns , f3. : J@3.00.
Hods Business was active with down
turns of a strong So on all heavy that gradei
below fancy heavy , which would include
good heavy and packers. Fancy heavy am
ussortcd light wore about the sanio ns yrs
torday. Hough und common packers , * A50(7 (
8.05 , fair to good t3.70Q3.80 , nnd best heavy
I3.UOO4.00 , a few lots nt $4,10 nnd one u
14.05. Light sorts were extremely scarce
and as nlgn as at any time , making 14.50 ®
NEW VOIIK , August S3. ( Special Telegram
to TUB UBB.J STOCKS Action In stocks for
two days past loft no doubt of tlio fact Urn
o-cQllcd tight money would no longer bo an
obstacle to an advance. The bears at ro
orU last night wore lying low and declared
their opportunity will coiuo when tbo trade
pets overloaded with stocks. Thcro Is no
mistaking the temper ot the trade And ot the
coir-try. Th6 bulls talk ot aid tram the
public , such us usually comes In after the
advance is well under way. There was but
one opinion ubout the market to-day. Broad
and strong , li nothing unforscon Interferes ,
was the verdict In advanca. There was no
urprlso therefore this morntn ? when the
market opened with moro nnlmntlon than on
any dny for a long llmo. Hock Island , Atchl-
son , Darlington & Quincy , Northern Pt -
clflo preferred and St. Paul and n few others
monopolized thb business done , \vhllo the
ROncrul list was dull nnd uninteresting. As
isual , first prices were generally small frac
tions higher aud under the brisk demand a
further Improvement extending to K P ° r
cunt was inudo In the early trading. Ten *
nessco coal was exceptional with n gum ot %
> er cent to 42. Freer offerings were met nt
.ho higher pi-Ices , however , and the market
malted and .yielded sllRhtlyrouialnIng steady ,
Becoming dull toward the end of the hour.
Uock Island crossed par , Burlington touched
and Jersey Central reached 110. Now
England la tor developed marked strength
and moved Up nearly 1 per cent to 51K , but
seemed to have no effect on the remainder
of the list. The principal strength In stocks
was shown during the morning. Atchlson
was regarded favorably with its nnvv head
and after soiling1 at OS closed at 37 % . Jersey
Central went up to 110 and Oregon Trans
continental to 04 % . lilg Four broke to 74 }
and regained to 73 . Northern Pacific was
a leader and sold up to 31 % for common and
preferred. There was soiling of the
Grangers before the close , which loft prices
close to last night's iK'ures. The total sales
wore 047,000 shares.
The followlnz worn the closing quotations :
U.8.4s regular. 127ft Northern Pacific. . 82i
U.S. 4s coupons..1K7. * < do preferred 'i"li
N. W
U. H. 4H * coupons..100 ? { do preferred 143U
I'aclUclWot Mi 118 N.Y.Central 10fl
Central 1'aclnc 34'4 P.iK 87M
Chicago ! ! Alton. . f.l3 ! Hocktlsland 16
Chicago , llurllnyton C..M. il M' 717 *
AQuinoy IDS do preferred 113
Tli. ) & W 147 SU'auKIcOmaha. . U4
Illinois Central 11C'/ dopreferred P
I. . ! ) . & W ' . . . . Ui ! UiUon 1'aclllo KJS
Kansas Ac Texas. . . . 12 W..8t. L. Si 1 > . W.'i
I.RkoShors Jlfl ; doproforrdd.M 32H
Michigan Ceutral. , M ) Western Uulun. . . . HS-i
Missouri 1'Rclllo. . . . ? JJ
MOSBT Easy at U4J per cent ; closed
oiTurcd at ! ) per cent.
STBIIMNO EXCHASOE Quiet ; sixty-day
bills , * 4.:3 ( : # ; demand , ft.SO .
New YOIIK , August 33. [ Special Telegram
to TUB 13EE.1 The following uro the min
ing stock quotations :
Caledonia It. It..800 Iron Silver SOS
CUollar a > H ) Mexican 41
Crown Point IIJO Ontario 31(0 (
Con. Cal. ic Ya 770 Opulr 400
Commonweulth."W Occidental 17R
Dead wood T. 1B ! Savage 205
Kurelca Con & 0 Morm Nevada ! 5sO
Kt Cilsto ire Standard 100
( Jould at Curry..200 Union ConsoUda'd.UtC )
Hale & Norcro . . , " Ward ' . "
s. ! * ) ConsolUUi'd. . ! ,
Homos take Yellow Jacket uOO
Horn Silver . l
CHIOAOO , Augustus. litb p. m. close-
Wheat Lower ; cash , 78c ; September ,
77J cj ; December , 73 15-lOc.
corn Lower ; cash , 33 } c ; September ,
Oats Lower ; cash , aud September ,
October , 80p.
Rye November , 43J
Barley September ,
Prime Timothy $ I.H. ;
Flax Seed September , $1.20.
Whisky ? ! . ( .
Pork Steady ; cash and September , $9.83 ;
January , fO.10.
Lard Steady ; cash and September , fG.OO ;
October , fo.07 > . .
Flour Firm ; winter wheat , $3.00
@ 4.50 ; sprint : wheat , $1.30@5.50 ; rye , * 3.CO ®
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $4. - , „ „
4.75 ; short clear , $5.12 > ( ui5.25 ; short rios ,
Butter Steady ; creamery , ll@18o ; dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 7 ,
80 ; flats , 7 % ( < 482iO } Younc Americas ,
ERRS Easy ; fresh , 1414J c.
H Ides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I solid packed ,
4@4) c ; cake , 4J a
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour 24,000 27,000
Wheat 103,000 203.0CO
Corn 745,000 445,000
Oats 319,000 187.00J
Now York. August 28. Wheat Receipts ,
113,000 ; exports , 274,000 : spot unsettled ;
new No. 2 red , 80@SOJ o in store and elevator ,
85 } @ ! > 0 } c afloat ; ungraded rod , 7iJ ! < ? 3Sc ; op
tions closed @Ko under yesterday ; No , 8
red , September closed at 8i $ c.
Corn Receipts , 43,000 bushels : exports ,
70,000 bushels ; spot stronger ; No. 2 , 43) ) c in
store and elevator ; ungraded mixed , 4 % @
; options weak ; September closed ut
ats Receipts , 84,000 bushels ; exports ,
14,000 ; spot weaker ; options moderately nc-
tlvo ; September closed at 25cspot ; , No. 2
white , 27 @ 27XC ? mixed western , 23(3230. (
Coffee Closed firm nnd30 | to 25 points up ;
sales , 50,000 bags ; September , S15.15@15.25 ;
spot Rio , Arm ; fair cargoes , $18.50.
Petroleum United closed utUS c for Sep
tember ,
ERRS Western , 17 < & 18c.
Pork Strong ; Inspected moss , $11.00 ®
Lard Sates ; western steam , f0.42J @ 0.45 ;
closing. $ < i.43 > jf bid.
Butter Choice steady , others weak ; west
ern dairy , 9@l3c ; creamery , 11 ( < 518 } .
Cheese Buroly steady ; western , 6&7o.
KaiisaH City , August 23. Wheat
Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 03X@05o ; August ,
65cNo. ; 2 soft , cash and August , 07 } e.
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , no bids nor
offerings : August , 23o bid ; No. 2 white ,
cash , 23Jio bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash ,
St. tiouiu.August 23. Wheat Unsettled ;
cash , 70) c ; September. 70c. .
Corn Lower ; cash , Ulc ; September ,
Oats Quiet ; caub , 18o ; May , 325 (332J/c (
1'ork ( Julot at $10.25.
Lard Nominal at f5.75.
Whisky Unchanged ; steady at (1.03.
Butter Unchanged ; dull ; creamery , 15(3 (
17c ; dairy , 8@14c.
MIHvnultoi- , August 23. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 75 c.
Corn-Quiet ; No. 3 , 83 @ 34a
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white , . ' 3 ; ( i23c.
Rye Steady ; No. 1 , 439fc.
Harley Unsettled ; September , 591 0.
ProvUlons Firm ; pork , cash , $9.87J < ,
Minncui li4 , August28. Sample wheat
lilgncr ; receipts , 119curs ; shipments , 79cars.
Closing : No. 1 hard , track , 81o ; No. 1 north
ern , August , 81c ; September , 75o ; on track ,
77@78ij ; No. 3 northern , August , 72c ; on
track , 73@75o.
I ivurpool , August 23 , Wheat Firm ;
demand poor and holders offer moderately ;
California , No , 1 , 7s ld@7s l | d per cental.
Corn Steady ; demand poor ; now mixed
western , 4sd per cental.
( Jinciiinuf , August 23. Wheat
Good Uoiuund ; No , 'J rod , 75u.
Corn In llgut dumaud ; No. 2 mixed ,
@ 20c. .
Oats-Firm ; No.2mlxea ,
Whisky Steady at 11.03.
Cliloaiio. August 23. The Drovers'
Journal reports us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 19,500 ; market weak
and lower ; beeves , M.40@l SO ; steers ,
fJ.Ua@t.30 ; stockora and feeders , tl.W
© 3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , (1.00
(43.00 ( ; Texas cattle , $1.25@3.85j nutivci und
half-breeds , (3.40jjJ.50. (
Hogs Receipts , 10.000 ; market 6@10o low
er : mixed , | 3.30ai.25 ; heavy , $3.5534.15 ;
light , ,00@4.05 ; skips , ( J5o 4. 35.
Sheep Receipts. 10,000 ; slow and steady ;
natives , $3.40044.50 ; westerns feeders. $ .1.41
© 3.90 ; ToxauB , | J.25ia ,10i latuba ,
Oily , August 23. Guttle Ra
ce In ts , 3,000 ; shipments , 4,000 ; choice cows
and steers steady , others 5@10o lower ; com-
mou to choice corn-fed ulcers , $3.0031.20 ;
stockcrs and feediutr steers , $ l.tX > @ 3.15i
cows , tl.35@3.CO ' ; grass range steers , il.XK ( < i
3.U5.liogs Receipts , 4,000 ; hlpmeati , 400
good to choice light , $4.20@4.80l heavy ndd
mixed , $3.65(34.15. (
Sioux Oltr. Augu t2S. Cattle UocoIpU ,
70o ; shipments. ; market steady ;
steers , fJ.lK > 33,40 ; stockers nnd feeders ,
Hogs Receipts , 700 ; market lower ; light
nnd mixed , ? 3.-IOQ3.05henvy ; , (3.70@3.75.
Nntlonnl HKiilc Y.inU. Ka t . 8t.
Ijoiils , August 23 Cattle Receipts , fi.OOO ;
shipments. 2tKX ) ; miirkct lower ; choice heavy
natlvostccrs , $ ( ,10@4.20 ; fair to good , $3-00(3 (
4.10 ; stockcrs and feeders , fJ.OOM3.00 ; range
Bteere , $2.20@3.0J.
Hogs Receipts , 2,400 ; shipments , COOj
market steady ; fair to choice licnvv ,
$ .004.20 ; packing , $3.00@4.15 ; light , $1.25
4.40. _
' Wednesday , August 23.
The little ray of light which appeared In
the cattle market yesterday disappeared en
tirely to-day. With Chicago reporting about
20,000 cnttlo received and the market lOo
lower prices have dropped down as low as
they have been any tlmo yet. It was not
only lower on beef cattle but lower on every
thing. No ono scorned to want any cattle or
rather no one appeared to have the courage
to buy any. The forenoon pnssod without
business enough being transacted to really
establish values. A small bunch of 1,309-lb.
beeves sold ut $3.00 and that was ubout the
only sale of any Importance made during the
forenoon , Quito n string of ranucrft changed
huudsbut the terms were private. Uutchers'
stock was not very plenty , but cows sold way
down. A few pretty good cows sold at $1.85
@ 2.10. The fresh receipts of stock cattle
were small , but the yards wcro full of hold
overs , some of them not of very good qual
ity. The trade was on other grades ,
nnd the buyers scorned determined to buy
them lower. Llttlo stock cattle wcro almost
unsalable , A few feeders brougnt $2.GO@
2.70 and some stackers $3.00@2.40.
linn * .
Hogs sold n little lower than yesterday ,
running , perhaps , 5o lower on light weights ,
and n little stronger than ycstorday'a closo.
As the shipping-demand was fair and the re
ceipts light the bulk of the hogs changed
hands in good season. The packers , however ,
wcro just ns bearish ns yesterday and they
wanted the hogs at about yesterday's closing
prices. A load of grassy stuff sold nt $3.35
and pieces and throwouts sold down as low
us $3.25.
Sli > op.
There was ono double deck of westerns ,
largely owes , which sold at $3.70.
Cattle 1,000
Hogs 3,300
Sheep 200
Horses 53
Prevailing I'rlcog.
The following ts atible ot prlosj paid In
this tn.irkot for tlio grades of stock .men
tloned :
Primestoers. 1300to 1030Ibs.$3.90 @ 4.30
Good stfiors. 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . 3.59 ( $4.15
Good steers. 1050 to 1303 Ibs. . . 8.0J r < ? 3.93
Common cunncrs 1,03 ( j$1.75
Ordinary to fair cows 1.50 ® 1.85
Fair to good cows 1.00 W2.00
Good to choice cows B.OO ( J$3.4U
Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.40 i2.80
Fuirto coed bulls , 1.50 02.00
Good to clioico bulls 3.00 C . ' 3.-0
Ligntstockors and feeders. . . . 2.25.75
Good feeders , 950 to 1100 Ibs. . 2.75 M',1.00
Fair to choice lieht hogs 8.75 ( S3.85
Fair to choice neavy hogs 3.05 03.80
Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 325 ( $3.55
Fair to choice mixed tiosrs 3.75 @ 3.85
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
tl 1040 $325 14 1140 $3 50
2 1305 883 87 1809 390
10 1033 340
3 1010 $1 60 12 1012 $1 90
1 1200 150 12 834 190
7 1077 185 15 1034 210
11 993 1 90
1 700'$3 85 9 1027 $3 05
1 770 S40 2 1175 270
13 707 a CO
1 200 $1 00 2 930$140
0 070 1 85
34 577 300 18 850 $2 40
3 850 2 40
1 1540(140 1 1260(150
2 ' . 880 $3 50
Owner No. Av. Pr.
34steers , range strays..1,181 $3 05
10 steers , range tailings..1,090 2 25
SCfeeders , Wyo 1,138 2 20
No. Av. Shlc. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
3..200 . . $325 63..201 120 S3 70
0..323 80 8-10 03..273 . . 870
2..420 . . 340 68..320 . . 3 72J <
5..400 40 845 49..203 80 8 72l
13. . .297 . .350 65..223 120 375
18 , .290 40 350 49..241 40 8 75
14. , .209 120 850 CO..233 120 375
10. , .E40 . . 850 07..2'IS 100 375
10. , .308 40 850 53..277 . . 875
17. , .828 120 3 55 70..247 40 3 75
0. . .312 . . 353 50. 213 83 8 75
57. . . .20.ICO 355 01. . .213 . . 3 73
10. . .802 100 3 55 CO. , .234 . . 8 75
15. . .373 . .300 40. .231 . . 8
10. 327 . .SCO 42. , .310 40 8
03. .205 SIO 3 05 70. , .225 80 8 77K
110 .3.25 4SO 8 07tf 05. , .Ml . . 8 77 ; ' '
51 , , .ZM . . 807 50 .214 . . 3 80
50 , , ,281 . . 370 43. .209 . . 8 82
, ,270 80 3 70 63. .2 0 80 S 82'
57..377 130 3 70 81 .184 . . 8
50..803 120 370 40. .223 40 8 85'
OJ..275 200 3 70 50. .204 200 3 85
69..290 230 8 70 59. .217 80 8 85
67..200 40 8 70 51. , .22J . . 8 85
63.'WJ 80 3 70 48. 34 . . 8 85
65..358 200 8 70 67. . .229 40 8 85
60..250 100 8 70 74. . .210 80 885
60..273 120 8 70 49. . .2JO . . 8 8ft
48.270 120 370 81..204 100 3
03..810 1150 8 70
63..210 80 385
No. Av. Pr.
93 westerns , Wyoming lia $ JJ 70
104 westerns , Wyoming 118 3 70
L/lvo / Btock Notes.
fight bogs easier.
Moderate receipts.
Cattle demoralized.
A few good beeves bore ,
All grades of cattle lower.
Blair & Co. , of Linwood , marketed a car of
James lirown was in from Fullcrton with
L. G. Todd came in from Union with cattle
and hogs.
Henderson , In. , sent C. W. Lumra in with
two cars of cattle.
William Smith , of Genoa , was on the mar
ket with' three cars ot c'ittlo.
Robert McDonald , of Tildon , was on tbo
market with three cars of hogs.
Ono year ago to-day a bunch of S3 bead of
1243 pound native steers sold at $5.20.
Fremont was represented by J. F. J
drlck , who bad cattle on thu market.
Fred Uoyd came In from Cokovillo , Wyo. ,
with three cars of cattle belonging to J. W.
The "country" seems to have a mistaken
idea recording "grass" nnd "corn" Dojrs.
For instance , to-day 180-pound grasscrs sold
at $3.75. while corn-fed hogs of tno same
weight sold at f4.00 ; but it is bard for the
salesmen to explain it to the shippers , sorao
of whom tliuiK they buvoboon robbpd. Than ,
again , country shippers buy so-called cholera
bogs , whloh they always expect a big price
tor. Last Saturday some 140 pound cholera
pigs sold at $3.50 , while selected corn-fed pigs
of tbo same woluht sold at $4.60. Some 250-
pound hoga sold at $3.40 , aud prime hogs of
the same weight at $1.00 , Chicago Drovers' '
I'rotiuoc , Fruits , Eto.
Eaci-Strictly fresh , 18@18Xu.
HUTTBII Creamery ; Fancyl5@16o ; choice.
14@15o. Dairy : Funoy , 18@14o ; choice ,
llQl2o. Country i Fancy , 12@14o ; good
to choice , ICOtlo ; falrfgfocj inferior , < J
PordoZj'rl'DO. '
GAME Weather too hot fok- game nnd but
little doing. Pralrlo chlratrs arc still out
of season and can not bo exposed for sale be
fore September 1. WhatbWir few were re
ceived In good order sold nt fnlr prices , but n
regular market Is not quoUblo. Plovers are
soiling readily at $1.09 to $1.59 per dozen , nnd
ducks , it 'veil grown , nro1 iwantnd. Some
Mallards received lately sold readily at $ .1.00
per dozen , nnd wood ducks nnd mixed , $1.75
(32.00. ( ,
HmNS Choice hand nicked nnvy , $1,75 ®
2.00 ; choice hand picked medium , $1.05(31.80 ( ;
choice hand picked country , $1.00 ( 1.05 ;
clean country , $ l.50@1.00 ; inferior country ;
HIDES , PRI.TS , TALLOW. ETO Green salted
hides. 4 > 4@4 fc ! dry salted hides , 5o ; dry
flint hides , 7o ; calf tildes , 4X@5c ; damaged
hides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , creep , each , ioc@ !
$1,00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib. 9S12o. ( Tnl-
low , No. 1 , 4@4 > { o ; No. 2 , 8 @ 3Jia Grease ,
white , 4X ( < ? 4C5 yellow , 2K 3c.
WOOL Fine , average , in@16o ; medium ,
nvnrago , 21@22o ; ounrtor blood , avornpo 20JB (
21u ; coarse , uvorngc , ] 5@l7o ; cotts and
rough , average , 14@16c.
POTATOES' 25ft30c ( per bu.
POULTHT Old hens and chickens , $3,00 ®
3.00 ; spring chlckonsiOOf J3.50 ; ducks and
, per Ib. 9e ; turkeys , 9@10o ; young
Seoso , per doz , $3.00.
CHEESE Young Americas , full cream , lOa ;
factory twins , l'fo ' ; off grades , 0@7o ; Van
Rossem Eilom , $11.50 p3r doz ; nap sago , 19c ;
brick , Il ( ! l2c ; limburger , 0 $ < @ 7o ; domestic ,
Swiss , 14c ; cheese safes , bronze modal , No.
8 , $2.85.
OHASOKS Los Aneoles. $4.60 ; Rodi , $0.00.
LEMONS Fancy. $ o.OO@8.M ) ; choice , $ -1.50.
SOUTIIEIIN PEACHES , ' bu. 75c@l for
choice nnd 85@40o for poor nnd common.
AI'PLKS Per bbU 60c@t-.00.
CALIFORNIA PEACHES 20 Ib boxes , (1.50 ®
CAi.ironNiA GRAPES $1.50(31.75. (
PEAKS 40 Ib boxes. $1.75@2.25.
WATBttMF.LONS-lO.OO@20.X ( ) DOr 100.
CANTELourES Per doz , & 0@COc.
PINEAPPLES Per doz , $3.25@3.00.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOANUTB Per 100 , $3.00.
CiDKit Ubls , $5.00 ; hf bbls , $ .1.00.
MAVLTS SUOAII 12K@loo per Ib.
VEAL Clioico , medium size , 6iCo ( ; chotco
heavy , 4@5o ; spring lambs , $30.00 ( < J30.00 per
HONEY 14 ( < 215c | per Ib for choico.
PitESBiiVES 9J @ 10c per Ib.
JHLI IF.S 3J @ 4o per Ib.
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19o.
HAY $2.50@5.50.
CHOP FF.BIJ $10.0J@12.00. >
BitAN-$9.00@9 23.
SAUSAGE Bologna , 4@IJ o ; Frankfurt , 80 ;
tongue , 9c ; summer , 23c : bead cheese , 7c.
Pies FEET Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pics1
tongues , kits , ? 2.S5 ; pickled tripe , kits , 03o ;
pickled H. C. trlpc , kits , 85e ; spiced pigs'
'hocks ' , Kits , $1.15.
BEEF TONGUES Salt , bbls , $20.
Pnovisioxs Hams , No. 1. 10-lb average ,
% c ; 20 to 23 Ibs , lie ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 12 > fc ;
No. 2 , lOo ; specials , Ul c ; shoulders , < c ;
breakfast bacon , No. 1 , 10J ! e ; specials , 12V c ;
picnic , 7J/c ; ham sausage , ic ) ; dried beef
hams. 9 } c ; beef tongues , JO per dozen ; dry
salt meats , 0@7c per lu ; boneless ham , 9 c.
WiiArriNO PAi-nit Straw , per Ib , 1 % @
2' c ; rag , 2J c ; tnanillu , B , 5@0'ii : ; No. 1 , Sc-
SALT Dairy. 2SO Ibsiiibbl , bulk$3 10 ; bust
grade , 00 , 5s , $2.30 ; best grade 100 , 8s , $3.40 ;
best grade , 23 10s , $3.30 ; > rock salt , crushed ,
$1.80 ; dairy suit , Ashton , 50-lb bags , S5c ;
bulk , 224-lb , bugs , $3.40 ; .common , In bbls ,
81.25. , .
German clncory , red. So ,
GiNann Jamaica , } { pints. $3.00 per doz.
FAWNACEOUS GOODS JJarley , 8C3 } o :
farina , 4) ) c ; peas , 3u ; oattnoal , 2 ou muc.
aronl , llo ; vermicelli , llo : rice ,
sago nnd tapioca , 0 ( < i > 7c ,
Fisit Salt Dried codflso ,
scaled herring , 24c per bOx ; hoi. herring ,
dom.50c ; Hamburg spiocd herring , 81.50 ;
hoi. herring , 70c@$1.10'mackerel , largo fam
ily , (10.23 pnr 100 Ibs ; whlteflHh , No. 1 , $0.50 ;
family , $3.75 ; trout , $3.25 ; ' salmon , $8.50 ; an
chovies , 80c.
LYE $1.75 ( < ? 4.50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@l7c ; Brazils , 80 ; fil
berts lie : pecans , lOc ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , bJic : roasted , lOl c.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , 3 Ib. $3.40 ;
salmon trout , 3 Ib , $3.35 ; .clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
cloms , 3 Ib , $3.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $3.25 ;
deviled crabs , 1 Ib , $3.25 : deviled crabs , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; cavler : %
Ib , (2.25 ; eels , lib. $3.40 ; lobsters , lib , $1.90 ;
lobsters , 2 Ib , $3.90 : lobsters , deviled , J Ib ,
$3.25 ; muckerul , 1 Ib , $1.03 ; mackcral , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; macKcrul , tomato
sauce , 8 Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 95c ; oysters ,
3 Ib , $1.60 ; salmon. C. It , 1 Ib , $3.00 ; salmon ,
C. R. , 3 Ib , $3.80 ; salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.60 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , (305 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
LAUD Tierces Refined , 0c ; choico,6J o ;
pure leaf , 7c ; kettle rendered , 7ifc. Ada
% c to % c per Ib for smaller quantities.
OILS Kerosene P. W. , OJ/c ; W. W. ,
Wo ; headlight , 13o ; salad oil , f3.15@9.00 per
Diiinn'FnusTS Currants , 4K@5 ° ? prunes ,
casks , 1,800 Ibs , # @ } { ; prunes , bbls or
bags , 4i'4'c | ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs.
21c ; lemon peel , drume , 20 Ibs , lOc ; fard
dates , boxes. 12 Ibs , 9o ; apricots , choice
evaporated. 25-lb boxes , IG-s : apricots , Jelly ,
cured , 25-lD boxes , 15c ; apiicots , fancy , Mt.
Hamilton , 25-lb boxes , 15o ; apricots , choice ,
bags , SO IDs , 13c ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lb boxes , 0c ; apples , Star , Oc ; ai > plcs ,
fancy Aldon. 5-lb , 80 ; apples , fancy Alden ,
2-lb , 8J c ; blacubcrrles , evaporated , 60-lb
boxes , 5 @ 5 c ; cherries , pitted , dr.v cured ,
15o ; pears , California fancy , } 4B boxes , 25
Ibs , 12Kpouchcs.Cal. ! . fancy , % a unp boxes ,
25 Ibs , I3c ; poaches , Cal. No. llancyXs unp.
bags , 80 Ibs , 12 } o ; peaches , fancy , ovup.
unp. , 50-lb boxes , 12@l4o ; peaches , Salt
Lalto now , OK@ " ° - nucturines , rod , 12c ;
nectarines , silver , bags , l a\ \ pitted plums ,
Cal , 25-lb boxes , llo ; raspberries , ovup. N.
Y. , new , 2Ic ; prunes Cal , R. C. , 90-100
boxes , 25 Ibs , 8c ; prunes , Cal. , R. C. , 60-70.
9c ; orange peel , 15c ; raisins , California Loni
dons , crop 1838 , $2.40@3.60 ; raisins , Cain ;
fornlu loose , muscatelscrop 1SSS , (1.90@3.00 ;
valenclua , 1888 , 7c.
PlCKLE3--Medium , per bbl , $4.60 ; small ,
$3.50 : gherkins. $0.60 ; C. & 13. chow chow ,
qts , $5.90. pts , $3.40.
BAGS American A , seamless , 17o ; Union
Square paper , discount 33 per cent.
COFFEB Green Fancy old golden Rio ,
23o ; fancy old pcaberry , 24o ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 23o ; Rio , prime , 20 o ; Rio , good ,
19 } < o ; Mocha , 29u ; Java , fancy Mandohllng ,
27o ; Javu , good interior , 24c.
COFFEE Roasted Arbuokl&'s Arlosa ,
23J c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 23 , ' o ; Gorman ,
23c ; Dllworth , 23J o ; Aluroma , 2U c.
SALSOOA n < ; @ 3o per Ib ,
STAIICII n@7o per Ib.
STOVE POLISH $3.00@5,87 per gross.
SricEa Whole , per Ib AllsDlco , llo ; Cas
sia , China , O e ; cloves ; Zanzibar , 30o ; nut
megs , No , 1. 75c ; popiier.18c. .
SUOAUS Cut loaf , 9 e ; cut loaf , cubes ,
o ; Standard , powdered , OK ! XXXX
Dry ( iotxlH.
BATTS Standard. 80 ; Gum , 8c : Beauty ,
2Ku ; Boone , 14o ; B , cased , $0.50.
HLANKKTS White , j$1.00@i7.50 : colored ,
. . . ,
CAMIIIIICS Sinter , 5c ; Woods , 60 ; Stand-
uud , 60 ; Peacock , 5o. * " -v
CAIII-ET WA'KIBibb ; 'White ' , IS o ; col
ored , 21 0. I' i
CoMFOitTUiis-$0.50n5.00. { : {
7J o ; Androscog-
gin , 7c ; Kearsuge , 7io ; Uockport , Cc :
Concstoga. UJ c.
COTTON FI.AX.VF.LS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
EE.8oGG.ioXX ; ) , 10 o ; OO. ll } < e ;
unbleacoed , LL , SWo : CO , O&o ; SB , 7 o ;
NN , 12Xo ; AA , 14o ; DD , 15 > o ; TT. I0o ;
YY , 18oBB ; , 19o : 20 bleached , B o ; W ,
12 | < o : 80 , 18Xej 60 brown and slate , 'Jo ; 70 ,
12Ko00 ; , lOo.
Stevens' SKT ,
DENIMS Arnoskeag , 9 or , 10 0 ! Everett , 7
oz , 12o ; York , 7 oz , I3o ; Haymaker , 8Ko ;
Jeffrey , XX , ll o : Jeffrey , XXX. 12K < > ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12o ; Beaver Creek , BB ,
He ; Beaver Creek , OC. lOo.
DUCK West Point , S9 in. 8or,0)o ; Wosi
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12 o : West Point , 29 in
12 oz , J5J o ; West Point , 40 lu , 11 oz , lOo.
FLANNELS-Plaid Raftsmen. 20o : Clear
Lake , liO > < u ; Iron Mountain , 20 } o.
FLASNELS-Whlto-U. H. No. 2 , , 22Xc ;
G. H. No. 1 , # , 20 > o ; G. H. No. 2 , Jf. ' ' o\ \
Q. IL No. 1. fCOoi Queoheo.No. 8 , & 82 05
Ouccbco , No. 3 , W , 8fKo { Anawnn ,
Windsor , 23 } < o ;
FiANNRi.s-Rcd-0 , 3J . inch , U > Ko ; E ,
Inch , Slifo } Q O , 34 Inch , 20o ;
C3o ; JHF , W. 370)0 ) , , 25c.
GINGHAM Plttnkott , checks , O o : Whll-
tonton. OJfoi York , 7Uc ; Normandl dress ,
7kc ; Calcutta dress , 7 > < c ; Whittontou dross ,
7kc ; Renfrew dress,8K ( < il2Ko ) ,
KENTUCKY JRANS Hercules , 18o ; Loam-
ington , 22)o ; Glenwooil. 20o ; Melville , 25o ;
Bang-up. 271 0 : Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint ,
18c ; Durham ,
MtscEMAXnous Tublo oil cloth.
table oil cloth , marble , $3.50 ; plain Holland ,
9c ; dndo Holland , latfo.
I'lit.NTB Dress Charter Oak , 5fc ;
Ramnpo , 4oLodl \ , 5tftt ; Allen , Co ; Richmond -
mend , Go ; Windsor , O&o ; Eddystono , Glfc ;
Pacific , 0 > { c.
PIIINTS Pink nnd Robes Richmond , OWc ;
Allen , Oat Rlverpoltit , 6X0 ; Steel RivorOXo ;
Pnclllc , Gtfc.
I'KISTS Indigo Blue St. Logor ,
Washington , GJ o : American , OKu ; Arnold
6)a ) ; Arnold Century , 9ot Windsor Gold
Tk't , lUVe ; Arnold B , lO o ; Arnold A , 12ot
Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > fo ; Yellow Seal ,
Amana , l"c.
PRINTS Solid Colors Atlnntlc.Oc ; Slater ,
Co : Berlin nil. 0 } < c ; Garner oil. 0@7e ,
SimiTiNO CIIKCKS Caledonia X , OJ c ;
Caledonia XX , 10) < c ; Economy , Oc ; Otis , c ;
Grnnito , OJfo : Crawford chcckr , So ; Haw
River plaids , cWc.
SHRRTI.NO , BHOWN Atlantic , A , 4-4 ,
u , i- , * yi < ! , urown.v. . \ , * -i , " > * < > ; iiuusior
LL , 4-4. 5Jfo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o ; Law
rence , LL , 4-4 , 6c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , f > Xc ;
Pcpperell U , 4-4 , O' o ; Popperoll E , 40-Inch ,
7Jfc ; PoDiwroll , 8-4 , 17X" ? Pepucrell , 0-4 ,
20c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 22o ; "Utlca C , 4-1 , 4 fo :
Wachutctts , 4 4 , 7o ; Aurora It , 4-4 , 7o ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , O ifo.
SHRETINO , BLUAcnnn Ellorton , 7J c ;
Housekeeper , 8 c ; New Candidate , 8 ( < u ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 60 , 9o ; You Hot , 4-4 ,
0 c ; butter cloth , OO , 4c ; Cabot. 7 > 4c * ;
Farwoll , half bleached , 8K ! Fruit of Loom ,
85fo : Green G , 60 ; Hope , 7Ko ; King 'Phil
lip cambric , AV/Vij Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ;
Lonsdnlo , B cf New York mills , lOe ; Pep-
porell , 42 in , lOo ; Popporoil , 40 in , llo ; Pau-
perell , 0-4,14) 0 ; Popporell , 8-4. 20o ; Pop
poroil , 9-4 , 2ao ; Popporoil , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton ,
4-4 , SJi'c ; Canton , 4-4 , lXci ) Triumph , Oc ;
Wnmsuttii , llo ; Valley , 5.fc.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 o ; international ,
YY , 8e ; Shctucket , S , 8 } < c ; Warren , No. 870 ,
lOo ; Borwick. BA , 18o : Acme , 18o ; York ,
80-iu , 12 > c ; York , 33-ln , 13tfc ; Swift River ,
8J o ; Thorndlkc , OO , SVo ; Thorndlko , EF ,
8Ho ; Thorndlkc. 120 , 9 o ; ThorndilcrXX ,
15c ; Cordis , No. 5 , 9Xo ; Conlls , No. 40c
Ijiiinber and Bulldlne Material.
f. o. b. Omaha.
STOCK BOAUDS A112 inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
feet , (4U.OO ; B 12 inch , s 1 B 12 , 14 and 10
feet , 811.00 ; C 12 Inch , sis 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $30.03 ; D 12 inch , Bis 12 , 14 and 10
feet , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 13 feet
818.00 : No. Com. 12 in B 1 s 14 und 10 feat ,
? 17.50@18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in a 1 s 10 , 18
nnd20'fcet , $10.50 ; No. 3 Com. 12 in si s 14
nnd 10 feet , 510.00.
CEIUNU AND P.uiTiTio.v 1st Com. itf in
white pine partition , $32.00 ; 3d Com. % In ,
white pine partition , $27.00 ; clear % In.
yellow nine coiling , $20.00 ; clear % in. Nor-
wav. $14.50 ; 2d Com. ? / in , Norway , $13.00.
Btuims No. 1 com sis 12 , 14 aud 10 ft ,
19.00 ; No. 2 com s 1 s 12,14 uud 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No. 8 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $14.50jNo. 4
com a 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship's eull ) , $11.00.
Add 50 cents per M ft for rough.
Balls , 2J < inch , GOc ; O. G. Balls. J x3. s 1 a ,
85c ; 3-ln well tubing , D. & M. und bov , $22.00 ;
pickets , D. & H. , flat , $20.00 ; pickets , D. & H. ,
square , flO.OO.
12 ft 14 ft 1C ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft
2x4 . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x0 . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 00
2x8..15 CO 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x10..1500 1C 00 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x12. . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 18 ( X )
4x-48xS10 ( K ) 10 00 10 00 17 OCl 17 00 18 00 19 Oo
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough. $10.tlO@10.50 ; No. 1 , 4 und 0 inch. 10ft ,
$17.1)0(317.50 ) ( ; No. 2 , 4 und G inch , 12 nnd 10 ft ,
$18.50@14.00 ; No. 2,4 and 0 inch , 10 ft. $15.00
@ 10.00.
FIKIBIIING 1st and 2d clear , lf Inch , s i
s , fi9.00@51.00 ; 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 > and )
Inch , s2 s , $47.00@50.03 ; 3d clear , 1J inch , i
2 a , $43.00@10.00 ; B select. 1 , IJ and 2 inch ,
s 3 s , $37.0U@33.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s
2 s. $45.00 ; 3d clear , 1 inch , s2s , $38.00 ; i.
select , 1 Inch , s 3 s , $33.00 ; B select , 1 inch ,
s 2 s , S29.00.
FLOORING 1st com 0 inch white pine ,
$34.00 ; 3d com 0 inch white pine. $31.00 ; 3d
com 0 Inch white pine , $20.00 ; D coin 0 inch
white pine , $30.00 ; com 4 und G inch yellow
pine , $15.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow olno. 817,00 ;
iatand2d clear yellow pine , 4 und 0 inch ,
Poi'LAH LUMBKU Clear popular box bds ,
IBS , 2 E , $31.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , $25.00 ; clear
poplar , } 4 panel stock wide , B 2 H , $25.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated celling , % , $30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 inch halves , lie ;
white ccdcr , 5 inch halves and 8 inch q'rs ,
He ; white cedar , 4 inch round , lOc ; Tencssco
red cedar , split , ICc ; split oak ( white ) 8c ;
sawed oak , lite.
Smxni.ns. LATH , per M. XX clear , $3,20 ;
extra "A * . $2.bO ; standard A , $2.00 : 5 inch
clear , $ l. < ! 0@1.70 ; 0 inch clear , $1.75@1.80 ;
No. 1 , $ l.Kl.lli ) ( ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington territory , $ ( .40 ;
California red wood , dimenaion widths , $4,50 ;
Rvprcss , clear heart , dimension widths , $3.25 ;
lath , $3.50.
Suit' LAP No. 1 plain , Sand 18 inch , $17.50 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No. 1 , O. Q.
SIDING 1st com 12 nid 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2d
com 12 and 10 fcot , $10.00 ; 3d com 12 and 10
feet , $15.00 ; fence , com 13 and 10 feet , $13.00.
LIME , I.TO. Quincy white llmo ( best ) SOo ;
English and Gorman Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee und Louisville , $1.80 ; Michigan
plaster , $3.25 ; Fort Dodge piaster , $2.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster , $1.00 ; hair , 20c ; sash. GO
per cent dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per
cent dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw
board , $1.00.
Twines and Hope.
BINDEHS' TWINE Sisal. lOo ; hemp , 15c ;
manllla , 18c.
CI.OTIISI.INES Cotton , 50-ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
60-ft , $1.40 ; jute , 60-ft , OOo ; jute , 00-ft , $1.00-
COTTON TWINK Pine , 22o ; medium , lOc ;
heavy hemp , IGo ; light hemp , 15c.
SAIL TWINE B , sail , 20oCalcutta ; , 15c ;
Manilla rope , 13 a ; sisal rope , HKo ; now
products , tic ; jute , 8c ; cotton , 12o ; hide rope ,
English Alotal Market.
A London cable to the American metal
market dated Friday , August 23 , reports as
follows :
Moderate dealings and steady prices on
the whole have characterized tbo entlro
market during tbo week.
TIN Varied rather moro in price than
other metals , but has been dealt in to a
smaller extent than last week. Opening un
changed on Monday nt f'M and 00 10s , for
cash and three months , it worked down 10s
for the day , und was even a trilla easier on
Tuesday. Cash got back to 00 the next
forenoon , and forward advanced to 00 10s
by the close : and yesterday these values
wore maintained or oven slightly improved
upon. The upward tendency continuing to
day , closing prices weie tlrm ut 00 5s and
00,17s , Gd.
Coi'i'Bii The firmness noted last week has
been less marked , cash bars going rather
easier ut 43 10d on Monday , while forward
delivery advanced 5s to 42 15s for three
mouths uromut , On the two following days
ttio weaker tendency became moro apparent ,
a loss of 5s to 10s being recorded on Tues
day , and n further decline of about 10s at
ouch 'Change on Wednesday , when closing
figures were 42 5s nnd 4110s. From this
point prices improved 10@15s yesterday fore
noon , dropping back slightly later in the day ,
and to-day held about steady to a close at
1217s Gd cash and 12 forward.
ANTIMONV Has again boon held In some
quarters for higher figures , but in the ab
sence of an active trade for wuutof supply it
is fair to repeat the quotation of 00 for
Si'BLTHit Again advanced from 21 last
Friday to 21 17s Od buyers , 21103 sellers
Liun Differed from other metals by turn
ing a fraction easier on Tuesday , and now
bus ruled ut 12 12s Gd for several days.
ENdueu Pia IIION In strong contrast to
its recent activity has stood unaltered since
last Friday at48s Od for No. S.
BnssusiKii Pia Gained another Gd , and is
now worth 554 Gd at Worklugtou.
STISKL RAILS Hold by some makers at 5
2s Gd for heavy sections , with a demand at
2s Od to 5s less per ton.
OLD RAILS More wanted from the states ,
but other sources of demand unchanged. T's
still quoted 70 , D. II. ? 5s , C.U. , N. Y.
SCIIAI * IKON Moderately dealt in at last
week's prices of 40s(142s ( Gd f.o.b.
Qnsaow , Friday 23,18S9. SOOTCU
JUNTS Although looking firmer nt the boelti-
nlng of the week , hnvo since reacted without
complete recovery. The first sales on Mon
day wcro several pence higher at 4fh Od$1fi.i (
8J , but the market was down to 40i nt the
close , which flguro was again broken by n
penny or two both Tuesday nnd Wednesday.
Rallying to 10s yesterday morning , the price
worked up threepence moro for that dny , and
this afternoon gained fourpnnco additional ,
4f > s 7d being the closing prico.
Makers' quotations nro for Coltncss , along *
Bide , Glnegow , OOi nd ; Gnrtshorrlo , along-
Ride , Glasgow. 5Ss OJSuinmorloe ; , alongside ,
Glasgow , 5Ss Od ; Lnnglonn. alongside , Glas
gow , 60s Od ; Cnrnbroo,1 alongside , Glasgow ,
50s Od ; Glongnrnook , alongside , Ardrossnn ,
65 .Id ; Eghnton , alongside , Ardrossan. 47s
Od ; Dalmolllnglon , Ardrossan , 40 * Od. Light-
crngo , Ardrossan to Glasgow , Is ton.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
505 fcouthltUli Slroot. - OiuiUm
.London , Kiitflumlt
Amsterdam , Holland.
rrnntnct a ccnernl bunking builnoo. Seciirltloi
bought nml oM on comnilu'lon. Furclfin cxchauuoi.
Commercial nml tmvoler's letters ot credit.
Onler for bond anil stocks oxocuto.1 on comral *
Klon In London und on all Continental lloursai o
Negotiations of Hnllwnjguto , CUT anJ Corporl-
tlon Lonns a tpcclnltr
Capital . $400,000
Sitrnhis , Jan. 1st , 1889 . 52,000
s AND omucmxits :
UKNUV W. YVTES , President.
LKvnsH. ItcEU , Vice President.
It. 0. CtfSIIINO.
j. N. II. PA-THICK ,
W. II. B. HUOIIES , Cashier.
Cor. 12th nnd Karnam Sts.
A General Dunking lluslncsi Transacted.
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
OHlcnrs and Directors E. M. Mornemnn. G ,
M. Hitchcock , .los. O'nrncnu. Jr. , A. Henry. B.
M. AndcrHon. Wm. 0. Maul , v.prcs. ; U II. Will.
lams , A. ] ' . Hop'.clna , pros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ;
F. II. Uryaut , asslstantcnshler.
Boots and Shoos.
8uceuors to Reed , Jonci & Co.
Wholesale Manufacuirers of Bets : & SDOBS
Ascuti for IlJ'ton Hubbcr Bboo Co. , 11C2. 1101 nd 1101
llumer Btrcct , On > m. Nebraska.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IMlNorlli Eighteenth streetOmaha , Neb.
MannMnrers ofGalyanizei Iron Cornice
Window-caps and netalloskTllghts. .loliu Uponeler ,
proprietor. ! l and llu buulb 10th street.
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Oinalia Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 and 1319 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Doors * Etc.
v M. A. DIsnHOW A CO. ,
Wholesale manufacturers of
Sasn , Doors , Blinds ant Mouldings ,
Branch office , 12th amd Itard streets , Omnha.Net ) .
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Uouldlnas , stair-work and Interior hard wood DnleU.
North ICth struct , Omaha , K b.
8toajTTFUt1riBS Pump8 , Etc.
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Bteam. water , rallwar and mlnlnif auppllei , ate.
920 , V23 and U2 < Karnam street , Oinnlia-
Steam and Water Supplies ,
UallUtT wind mills , 918 and 920 Jones it. , Omaha.
U. V. Itoss , Aotliif Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BheeMron work , steam pumps , saw rnUls. 1213-I2U
Ixiaven wertU st ruet , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Gait Iron Baling f orfc
XnKlncs , biass work , eeneral foundry , machine and
blacksmith work. OlUce r.ii.l works , U. 1' . llr.
and 17th itrect , Omuba.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Minis
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Bnrglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jnll work. Iron shutters and lire escapes
CJ. Audrcen. prop'r. Corner nth and Jackson its.
Of South. Omaha , IMtGi
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
Tlio Vest Itouto from Omaha and Council
HI to to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee.
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Baplds ,
Rock Island , Fie eport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Jubu ) < iuc , Uarcnport ,
Elgin , Madlsou , Jaticsrllle ,
lleldlt , Wlnona , La Cronsc ,
And all otber Important points East , Nortbitit and
boutuemt ,
Fortlirough tlckuti call on tbo tl ket itpt ; atlUll
Fnrnatu jtrect , In Hsrkor Uluek , or at Umm I'ociB.
1'ullms.n Sleepsrs and ( no flneit Dlnlnz Can la tbs
world ra run on the ma'tillnu of tbeCblcano , Mll <
waukco A BL 1'nul llallwur. and orvrj attention Is
paid to pain-oxers \ courteous ciuployts of tUe
It.illl'l.Kll. OoncrJl Manager.
3. K.l'UCKKU. Astlttint Ueueral Manager.
A. V. It. OAltPlC.YiKll , Ueueral 1'auenger and
Ticket Antnt.
U ico. 1C. UKAtTOIiU. Asslstaat General 1'ustnf el
nil Ticket Agont.
V. J. ULAllR. Qsocrs.1 BapirlDtfndeot.
AgrlotilturhMmplomontB. _ "
Dsalerin Agrlcnltnral Implements , Wapu
Carriages aoj bUKulrs. Jnnrs itrrrt , between Dili an4
lltb. Oionhn , Nctrttktt ,
AT iVOJJ/it M mCALr CO. ,
Amlcnll'l ' IinpICiiienls , f azons , Carrlanci
lluggloi , tto.Mioloia'a. . Onuha. Nebraska.
\Vliolomlo Dcaleis In
Agrlcnll'l ' Imploiiicnts , Wagons & Enzgicj
Ml. rCI , IQi and W ! Jones sttftt. Omaha.
Mannraeturer * nnd Job' on In
Wafoas , Boggles Rake ] , Plows , Etc.
Cor. fth and I'acina slrc U. Oniaba.
Artists' Mntorlola.
A. UObPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
H13 Douglss str et , Oinivha. Ndbrmta.
Boots and Shoos.
W. V , MOUSE & CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slices.
1101 , lift ) , 110& Douglas street , Omntm. Manufactory *
Hummer street , lloslun.
Conl , Coke , Eto.
Miners and Shippers of Coal aud Coke.
Itoom 31 , U , B. National Hunk llutlillnt , Ornn'ia.
Joliters of Hard EUi Sin Coal ,
SO ) South 13tli strcat , UninUa , Nebraska.
Shippers of Coal arl Coke ,
III Soulu 13th st , , Ouiahn , Nub.
Wholesale Lninber , Eta
Imported nnd American 1'ortlanJ TrnruU Slat *
BKSutfor MIlirHtikioliTdrau Ic cement and
y wlAto liuie.
Dsaler in Haidwcod Lumber ,
Wood carpets nnd parquet lloorinc. I > tb and Douglas )
stiecta , Dmalia , Ntb. '
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesato
IStb street and Union I'sclllc track , Omaba.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Etc. Ynrdu Corner Tth And Houglas , Offie *
Corner lutli and Douulai. _
FRED. } \ \ GRAY.
Lumlie1 Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner ! Hu and Douiilaa its , Omaba.
f ? . N. DIET'/ ! ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th and California streetOmalmNebraska.
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Nolim
M , 210and 212 bomb lltli street.
Wholesale Notions and Punishing Goods ,
1171 Haruey Street , Omaha
Commission and Storage.
Stooge and CJinmission Mcrclianls ,
Specialties Ilutter , rces , cheese , punltrr , sameV
1112 Howard street , Omaha , Neb.
M. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goois , Famishing ; Goods anft Notions
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. lltU street , OomU , S'eb.
Importers & Jolite in Dry G30flsKotions ,
Cell's furnlshlnK ( roods. Corner lltb and llarner
streets , Umali a , Nebraska.
Irjporlers and Jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' T. mniinzs ,
317 South IClhutrc-it.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnam street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Piwisiois ,
TOO , 707. TKI aud 711 South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
llth andLeaTenworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Heayy Hirflware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprimtl , waKen stock , hardnnre , lumber , cto. IZOI
and iil llainer stu-et , Umalia.
Wholesa'B Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Pla'e ' ,
UeUls , sheet Iron , etc. Agents ror Howe seals * ,
Miami powder and l.yinan bat bed wire.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic * ' tool and Ilutralo scales. It05 Uouglal
street , OnialiaJ < eb.
Toys , Eto.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Good ? ,
Dome furnltlilnK goods , children's carrlsxcs , 1S
Karnam stieot , Oinnba , Neb. j
Wholesale Rcfmei ana Lubricating Oils ,
Axl grease , etc. , Omaha. A. H. BUliop , M n g fj
Wholesale Pacer Mm.
Carry a nice nook ol printing , nrapplnv n1
, tJpeclal Attoutlon lvca to card paper