Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Hovonuo collections yoslordny. $0-
The cnso against Councilman Ed
O'Connor , clmrgud with flghthip with
Ed Dunn , 1ms boon dismissed.
A nmrrlngo llcoinso was Issued ycBtor-
dny nftornoon to Willlnm Johnson and
Bophio Peterson , both of Omnlm.
Mrs. Dolpha Teresa hns boon placed
under $100 bonds to ntiswor in the dis
trict court to the olmrgo of Btenllnff
eotno jewelry from Josophtno Bullnru.
The Douglas County bnnk took pos-
ecssion of tlio Imrdvvnro Btoclc of "VVIt-
mnn & Scovol , at 10 North Sixteenth
street , Inst evening , on a chattel niort-
Knrjo for 53,730.
A warrant has boon Issued for the ar
rest of Wllllnm 12. Klliotton acomplaint
sworn out by S. J. Howell , who charges
Elliott with oinbozillntr $25 from the
Red Tunic Line company , for which ho
is a driver.
The Omaha Street Railway company
has applied to the board of public works
for permission to lay a double truck on
Seventeenth street from Capitol avenue
to Cnss street.
Fred , the little nine-year-old son of
Ohnilos Darling , of Twenty-eighth and
Spruce streets , fell out of a stable loft
yesterday morning mid sustained a com
pound frncluro of the loft arm.
William II. Druckor , the Union Pa
cific foreman who was burned In the
Weston wreck n few days ago , is im
proving and will recover. IIo will
doubtless bo promoted when ho re
Joseph Standovon , the city bollor inspector
specter , loaves to-day for Now York
to attend the national convention of
bollor inspectors that convenes on Fri
day and continues for ono week. Mr.
Standovon has the honor of being vice
president of the organisation.
The Knights of Honor will picnic at
Rusor's pane to-morrow. Prominent
olllcors of thu order will bo present
from abroad and deliver addresses. A
good programme of games , dancing ,
etc. , has been prepared and a most en
joyable tlmo is anticipated. The train
will leave the Webster street depot in
the morning. Round trip 50 cents.
Miss Ant , io Man tor , a blooming ; young
cmplovo in a , millinery store , called at
THU 13ii : : olllce last evening to explain
that all the published stories about her
mysterious dibapticarunco on Monday
night of last wooic were without found
ation in fact. She claims she snout the
day and the night with a friend at
Eleventh and Hickory.
Anna Munzoledcr has begun suit in
Justice Kroegor's court against Theo
dore Festnor for the recovery of $15.
Anna alleges that shn gave 'Theodora
$15 to purchase a couple of lots in Okla
homa lor her. Theodore > vas going to
that now Eldorado and Anna thought
ho could strike a banrain by being on
the spot , but the gay and festive Theo
dore failed to inveit the money accord
ing to Anna's instructions , and she
seeks to recover her hard earned lucre.
Samuel Wilkinson , a bright lad of
thirteen years , was given ttansportion
to his home in Now York yesterday af-
noon by the county commissioners.
Thesti same gentlemen , with a number
of bystanders , made up a little purse for
the lad. Ho was sent out by the Chil
dren's. Aid society of Now York , but
preferred to take his chances with his
father at home. The lad was an excep
tion to the usual run of those boys , pos
sessing both rollnemcnt and keen wit ,
and using liingnago singularly free
from slung. Ho turncir away , his
whole face shining with joy , blessing
his benefactors.
Personal I'nraernphs.
Miss L. Coles is at the Mlllard from Den
Mr. C. M. Huytics bus returned from the
west ,
E. G. Carter , of Plattstnouth , is at the
J. D. Fahrquar , of Davenport , Is at the
Mr. Fiunk EDerlo has returned f torn the
Black Hills
Willlum Fulton , of Nebraska City , is at
thu Pnxtoii.
B. Reynolds and lady , of Denver , are at
the Murray.
Miss Walker , of Washington , D. C. , is at
the Mlllard. '
M. Davis and wife are at the Mlllard from
Beaver City , Nob.
Mr. Kd A. Fry , editor of the Niobrara Pioneer
neer , is In the city ,
W. P. Saunders and C. G. Call , of Beat
rice , aio guests of the Millnrd.
Mr , E H. Ilinshaw , a prominent attorney
of Fan bury , Neb. , is In the city ,
C. H. Wlllard. David Canpshill , M. Tru-
long and J. C. Uoonslluld , of Auburn , ware
guests of the Paxton.
Mrs. T. E.'Jonos ant ] MM. William Kaw-
Itzcr loft yesterday for Chicago and Wis
consin for two wcolcs.
Hon. ( G. M. Laws , secretary of state ,
called at TUB BKK ofllco vcstcrdny and was
shown through the building.
E. A. Stevens , of Grand Island , 'president
, of the state Sunday school association , is in
4 the city with a view to securing u Y. M. C.
A. association for Ills city.
Hon. Geo. D , Puffer and wife , of Wiscon
sin ; C. M. Pugor , ot Valley , Nob. ; Miss J.
C. Whltmoro , of Massachusetts , and W. G.
Whltmoro , of Volley , dined together at the
Murray yesterday.
Prof. Caldwell , associate tcachorof history
In the Btato university , is In t'uo city. Ho is
propailng statistics of ttio early history of
Omaha's schools , to bo furnished to the edu
cational bureau at Washington. *
* m . _ . .
Another Gasoline Stove.
The alarm of flro at B10 ; yesterday after
noon was occasioned by the explosion of a
gasoline steve In John Mason'sjbutcher shop ,
near 'Iwenty-fourth and Cuming streets.
High School OiuiillitatcH.
Pupils holding the following numbers at
' the late examination for the high school
i were suicess.ful and will bo admitted at the
opening of the school next woolt : 3 , 3. 4 , 13 ! ,
14. 15 , 17 , IB , 10 , 20. 31 , 23. Only twenty-one
took the examination.
Ilia Opinion on Corn.
Major Balcombo was out In the country
yesterday ana reports Unit , the corn crop Is
unsurpassed. "All wo need now , " said ho ,
IB tf little of this warm , dry weather to mature -
, turo tint crop , anil then you will sen such a
yield of corn lu tnls county as to niako the
farmers , for once , entirely huppy. "
Dev rim- Wood man.
* Mlsa Marian Woodman , ono of Omaha's
charming young ladies , was married at"fi p.
in. ' yesterday to Dr. Dovrlos , of Fr cmont.
'iho ceremony occurred nt Trinity cathe
dral in the presence of u number of friends ,
. Doan Gardner tlud the nuptial Irnot , A
brief reception was held nt the homo of the
brido'a father , after which the twain took
the evening train fur the east on their wedding -
ding tour.
Tlio qia Nail Concern.
Thp Union Nail works' property at Six
teenth and Pierce streets , wae bold .yesterday
morning to satisfy a judgment of f,500 ) ob
tained against the concern by JOUIIK Scho-
routt. for the loss of a hand while working
in the place. General Cowln bid tbo pio-
peityluut $ J,600 subject to a inoitfrago of
NOUOO. It Is iipprujsod nt 1,200. .
For Employees' Benefit.
Mcutlon has been frequently inado In the
columns of TUB HUB regarding the Volunteer
Buncllt Association of the lines of the Chica
go llurllhgtou & Qulncy which wai organ-
Uod for the benefit of the employees ot the
road , The progress the association Is making
is worthy of note. Over 3,400 having taken
snouiborshlD , of which nuiuoor l.bOO are on
UioU. &M.
Frco Iirattira Tills Krcnlna by ttio
I'oiunlor ol'thi ) Order.
Justus II. Hathbono , the founder of the
order of the Knights of Pythias , it In the
city. Mr. Ilathbono Is justly popular among
the knights , and Iho great clamor to BOO and
tear him hai Induced him to glvo up u lucra-
; lvo poiltlon , that ho might go about among
ills many friends and followers In the Pyth
ian ranks to see and know them ,
Monday evening ho lectured to the Knights
at Lincoln , Intending to so from there to
Uoblnson , 111 , but falling to make the train
connections ho was compelled to cancel that
engagement , whereupon ho klndlv consented
to meet with the Knights nt Omaha this
evening , and will remain ever for that pur
In addition to bolng the founder of the
order , his lecture Is said by these who know
to bo u beautiful and instructive ono ,
anil to the Knights this Is an op
portunity of n lifetime. Mr. Itathbono
Is now making a complete tour of
the country , spcaklnc to the knights every
where , and this solely for the good
of the order. IIo makes no charge ,
bis only condition being that the knights como
mid hear him , and bring their ladles.
Central hall , on Fourteenth street , bo-
Uu'cn Douglas mul Dodge , hns been ton-
Ocrcd for tno occasion by Nebraska lodge.
No. 1 , nnd In view of this honor conferred
upon the ouU > r In this city it is expected
n goodly nudlonco will bo present to testily
tholr esteem for thn dlitinRUlshed guest.
Delegations nro expected from Council
Bluffi , especially from the Pythian sisters
of that city : also from South Omaha , PutII-
lion , Blair , Fremont , Schuylcr and Colum
bus. Mr. Kithbono ficoly expressed
his admiration of our city and , llko many
who como hoi o from the cast for the first
time , Is surprised at Omaha's substantial
growth and the energy and enterprise of her
people. _
Got rid of that tired feeling as quick
as possible. Take Hood's Sarsaparllla ,
which gives strength , a good appetite ,
and health. _
It Will bo Appraised When the Board
Yesterday the notice of thirty days to
all the people supposed to bo Interested la the
proposed sight of the now postnfllco , umpired.
The notttlcation required them to show why
the properly in which thov nro interested
should not bo condemned at the appraisement
of thu board appointed for that purpose by
ludge Dutidy. Tins notilloatlon was tnido
joth by letter and advertisements in
the newspapers. There are in the
neighborhood of flfty people interested
in the property. Of those forty-soven
or forty-eight have acknowledged service.
Three , however , have failed to respond.
These are Mrs. Cleveland , wife of the ex-
president ; Bon Folsom , her cousin , who is
now in Europe , and Niles It. Folsom. It is
surmised that these nave received their noti
fication , hut have concluded to lot thu matter
gp by default.
There is nothing left .now for the apprais
ers to do except to moot , condemn the pro
perty nt an equitable rate , and forward a
showing of the sauio to Washington. In re
turn , cnecks for thu several appraisements
will bo forwarded to the city and then
dostributcd among ttio owners of
the property. If the appraisement
should prove unsatisfactory to any of the
property owners , they must have recourse to
the courts for settlement.
The appraisers aio P.V. . Birkhausor , An
drew Hosowatcr , J. E. Kiloy , Ulchard Ber
lin , Henry Estnbrook and W. F. Bechol. Of
these Messrs. Bechol , Estubrook and Birk-
bausor are out of town.
The appraisers met at 10 o'clock ,
and adjourned until the same time to day.
No action was taken , although an m-
torinal appraisement made by some of the
gentlemen aggregated moro than the appro
For sick headache , female troubles ,
neuralgic pains in the head'tako Dr. J.
H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney
Fillets. 25 cents a vial.
Bo Disclaims All Knowledge of the
County Hole Job.
Gcorgo W , Timme , ex county commis
sioner , on whom some members uf the pres
ent board would like , It is said , to saddle the
responsibility for the $0,000 excavation jot ) ,
was seen by a BEE man and was quite furi
ous over the use of his name in that connec
Said ho : "If there ever was any croolcod-
nci > s in anv of the hospital work , before my
term of-ofllco expired , 1 never know any
thing about it. I always understood , how
ever , that the contract for grading was let
at 25 cents a yard. I never saw the contract
after it was first drawn up nnd ar
gued upon. If anybody1 has boon in
collusion with tbo contractor and.ordercd
vouchers paid in excess of the county sur
veyor's estimates , they must not attempt to
cast reflections on mo because I know nothing
about It. "
Mr. Timmlo also declared that O'Keoffo
and Mount bad charge of the
hospital work and looked after
it. Because of the fact that ho lives
twelve miles out in the country , very little
attention was given by htm'to such work as
they who were always on the ground could
attend to it.
Second-Class Tickets
Via the Northern Pacific R. R. , allow
the holders the privilege of stopping
ever at Spokane Fulls , Wash. , and all
points west of thnro. The Northern
Pacific is the only line traversing
Washington Territory from east to west
and north to south. Uutosfrom Omaha
and Council Bluffs to all points on the
North Pacific coast areas low via the
Northern Pacific as any other line.
The Defendant's Attorney Thinks It
Una Gonn to Washington.
J , L. Webster , who acted as counsel for
Colonel Fletcher in the locont court-martial
at Fort Omaha , said that ho had telegraphed
to Washington to ascertain If tbo verdict In
the case , after having been passed on by
General Brooke , had been forwarded to tbo
secretary of war or the president.
The answer received was that the verdict
and rerord had not yet arrived at that place.
Mr. Webster stated , however , that ho bo-
llovcd both bad been sent to the capltol , but
had , in the transmission by express , been
Absolutely Pure0
This POM der never varies. A man rl of pur <
ty , ren and wholesomeneis. More eco
al than the ordinary Kinds , and cannot
be sold in competition with the multitudes ot
lor or ihortwefcht alum or phosphate powders.
Bold only In cans , lloyal lUklug i'UtfUfr Uom l
Iti first stnRM , cnn . ! MJ succcsshilly
IN checked liy tlio prompt use of Ajor's
Cherry I'ccfornl. K\on In tlio Inter
periods ot tlmt diicnso , the coiifili b
\vondtrfully rollot cd by tills medicine.
"I Imvo usclA > cr's Clicrry Pcctornl
\\ltli tlio In t iircct In my practice.
This ontlurful iircpnrntiou oncosnvcd
my life. I hnd n umitnnt rotiehi UlRlit
sweats , vns Ricittly itduced in 'lesli ' ,
nnd given up by my liliyslclnii. Ono
Lottie find n linll of tlio cured
mo. " A. J. Ulilsou , M. I ) . , MUlilleton ,
" Sovernl yenrs nrjo Iwni sovcroly 111.
Tlio doctors aiild I \ \ as in coimmniillon ,
nnd tlmt tlioy could do nothliiK foriuo ,
but ml vised 1110 , ns n last jcsoit , to try
Ajer's Cherry rcctornl. . Aflcr taking
tills inodlclno two or tlirco mouths I
was cured , nnd my henltlt romnlns Rood
to the vrcsent tiny. " James Uhchnrd ,
Dailen , Conn.
" Scvoml j rnrs ngo , on n iwrnpo liomo
fiom Ciillfornln , by wntcr , I coutinLlcd
so sovoio n cold tlmt for some dnjs Itt
\\t\t coulliicd to my stiito-rooin , and ti
plijslcliui on board considered my llfo
in dimgur. HnpiionliiR to linvo a bottle
of Ayei's Chuiiy 1'ectoml , I tisod It
ftccly , nud my ItuiRH were soon restored
to a health v condition. Sliuo then I
Imvo lnarlnbly recommended this prcp-
nrutlon. " J. 1J. Chandler , Junction , Va.
Ayer's ' Cherry Pectoral ,
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mas ? >
Bold by all Druggliti. 1'rlco * 1 ; elibottlca , J5.
Dnx rcteivc a
( Upposlto 1'nxtou llotcl.j
Ofllco hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p , m. Sundays , 10 a.
m to 1 p. m.
Speclillsts in Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Hlsea'Oi.
(37 * Consultation at office or by mail free.
Medicines sent by mull or oxpres" , securely
packed , free fiom obseivntlon Guarantees to
cum niilckly. safely und permanently.
NERVOUS DEBILITY : . : : : . : . . .
slons. 1'hyslcal Decay , arlslnc from Indiscre
tion , I'xcess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless
ness. Despondency. I'linp e on the fuco. aver
sion to socletv. easily discouraged , lacs of conll
donee , dull , unlit rot study or business , nndllnds
life a burden Safely , pennarontly and pri
vately cured. Consult Drs. lictts A , Belts , HIM
Kunmm fat. , Omnha , Nob.
Blood and Skin Disease ? W R.1 , ? ?
results , completelv eradicated without the aid
of Mercury. Scrofuln , rryslpeluH. 1'over Sores ,
Blotches. Ulccrc , 1'amaln the Head und nones ,
SjphllltlcSoro'lhToat. Mouth and 'longue. Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanoiitly cured where otlieis
have fulled.
tTiilnQlT Tfrinanr nn < 1 Bladder Complaints ,
lulUIuV' UllUdiy Painful , Dllllcult , too fro-
queiit Burning or Bloody Urine , Urliio high col-
nied or with milky sediment on branding , Weak
Back , Uonorrhi > a , Gleet , Cj stills. etc ; ,
Promptly and Eafely Cured , Charges Itensoui-
STRICTURE ! mZ c e. :
moval complete , without cutting ; , caustic or
dilution. Lures effected at homo by patlout
without a moments pain or unnoyanio.
To YonD ? Men and MiMls-Ased Men ,
AOIIDD PflDP Tll ° awful elfects of early
UUllEl uUllu Vlco. which biincs organic
' , destinylng both mind and body , with
all Its diended UK permanentv ! cured ,
Tina PpipnUJ Ailross these who have impaired
ilUOi JDDllO thomsohes by Improper indul
gences and solitary habits , which ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them lor business ,
Btiuly or marriagr.
M Aititiru Mi.v. : or these entering on that hap
py life , aware of ph ) steal Uublllty , quickly us
Histed ,
la based upon facts , rirst Practical Kxpe
rlcnce. Second Kvory cassis especially studied-
thus starthiK aright , ' 1 lilrd Mo llcmus are pro ,
pared lu our lubatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus affecting cures without Injury
t2 r-8end 0cents Do& for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous end Uellcato IJlsoases.
Thousands cured , r * " A friendly letter or call
may sa/uyou future suirorliiK and nhnnie , and
add golden years to life. ftTNo letters an
swered unless accompanied by 4 cents In B tames.
Address or cull on
BETTS & isjrrrs ,
HOSrurnum Street , Omaha. Neb.
_ _
XX underblifiied , have just been crautrd Let
ters Patent for u llugholdor. This is a very
handy thing , as onu man can till up bags by
UBlng this holder , us vwll as two men can , as It
is constructed in u manner so It can Iw fastened
anywhere , or to anything. It holds thu bag
opt.ii to thu full exUnt of its mouth ; U also can
bo altered tu tic any Hlze tiag , and has pivoted
hooku.v hich can bo let loose to turn , to lut the
bag come off easy : and it is as simple as It is
ullvctlvf. and It will sell at Bight. Now. 1 olfir
this patent for sale , cither all the Btatos nnd
Torrltorlen east or the Itocky Mountains , to onu
party or parties , or by States or Counties. Ho-
member , jou ulll get the exclusive right to
manufacture and sell this device , ut your own
price , for the t rm of seventeen yturs. On re
ceipt ot ( l-.OOl Two ilolUrs. J will aoud any one
who \\Unes to buy rlghu , a sample , together
M 1th a copy of my Speotocatlons and Drawing * ,
JOHN FKKS9 , Patentee , Btycktou , 6 u Jo auli }
Counvy , CtOUgrul * .
This li the tlmo to replenish summer
Wo sliall continue through ( lie month ot
AuRiifttto oirer spuclal birgalns In various
lines of llrU-UiMs poods. Our Full stocfc
In already bohiR aoloctol in the Knat3rn
innrkct. nnd wo mint soon have room tor
fresh Invoices , Hut tha worm \\onthorls
not ever yet , nnd our supply Is still
to thu demand ot a hot any.
iSTABLISUEI : ) 18)10 ) ,
Max Meyer & Bro ,
Great reduction of prlco on second hnnd
Pianos and Organs. A KOOC ! chance to got a
good I'lano for a small amount of mouor.
PIANOS. Cush Per
1 Knnbo Sqxiaru. line tone , PerM
cost now , tfriW $1M ( K ) > on Jio 01
1 Hallot , In\la ) A : Co. , IK5 ( XI 1ft 01 1000
1 Weber , square ITo (0 ( 15 10 riou
IKntbe , Bqunra irr , io r , 01 111 00
IBtolnuay , sqtiaro OJ n o ) 1000
1 llrtidbutv , Hquar I-XJOO 10 a ) 8 01
1 W. W. Klmbnll , t-quaro. . 1(1 ( ( N ) 8 U )
1 Nentou ! t Co. square no ito 10 01) H Oil
I good square 1'iuno < 40 ( XI 8 OJ G OJ
1 Kstoy Organ , used 8 month *
cost new , Jl.l" > PO 00 io m 000
1 SchonlUKur Oritau. 10 stop , Uo OJ 8 UO QUO
1 Sunday School Org.iu , cose
new , * U , no oo ; 800 n eon
1 W. W. Klrabull Organ IK 00 8 IIO n 01
] l'i Incu Oritau TM 00 0(10 ( r > 01
1 Taj lor i Kiirley Oman 10 0) ) S CO n o )
1 Taylor X Kiirloy UrKan. . . . Si 00 7 00 c 01
Uaiiilln Orgnn. . . . 2i OJ n 4 0)
'iho above prices are 10 per cent less thnn over
on ered bef 01 e n nil as w o must have room tor our
largo stock ot New Pianos \\o\\lllgl\onnu\tra
10 per cent discount from above prices to any
ono that UII > B im instrument before August 1st
Kvery InstrumentHuarantood to be Just as re
1'iiiiios for rent ftir $2.50 mid upwards
per month.
Organs for rcntjfor $1.50 nuJ upwards
per inoiitli.
If you buy nny o the ubovo Inmnnonts and
you lire not t > atistled , u o u 111 allou j on as
you paid for it toward any now Piano jou may
select. Call e xilyjinil get a burgaln.
Cor. 16th aiid Farnain Sts.
Tor 80 < JnyfflNT.Y wo'will nei.'it for * 8 tto
For IMieawi ftnil WtoUnewcf or Urn , 1'rcnjfitijrc
11 fVTCf | jOM "r , lKor , | lrnln , Ii.r/f . , firrtt *
lcl ) . Iliv , * o. It la n perfect little rnnrvel niul Ldnrt
oppU.illnmllyAclJiquietly imUcuicly. < Irrntar Free.
IE OEOOr ELECTRO CO. . CCS Wdi'i a Cl. Coti. Uun
All dennrtnicnta of MusloM Instruction , JloOern Lnij
aaacs. line Arm eta. L. r. IIIILLAOV , Jackionvlllo. Ill
I ! rook o Hall , for Girls and Voung
SUorUldeo MeJIii Acndomy , tar Ilojs nnd Younf Men
SwitMn C , Siiortlidis. A , M , Graduate Harvard ,
Media , Pennsylvania , near Philadelphia.
. l
Bcliool for Girls ami Voiinir Ladle *
calnloKiio nddreea (1. ' 1IIAVJCH. I.r , I > ,
MorKUui'ork.lll , or "Madison bircct , Cmcago , 111.
Conservatory of Music
Mlnnnapolls , Minn.
PIANO Host teachers only In overv rtooirt
went. Unequalled opportunity for study.
OIIQAN M lessons for Slii. 1'reo itdvantaRos
worth prlco of tuition. All lusttuments , Lan-
( muges. History , Literature.
VOKJE-BL-JK ! for calendar.
CHAKUib II. MOIIBE. Director.
MANJ.1U8 , N. Y.
Civil Englni erliur Classics. Iluslness.
lit. Hf.V. F.'l.TlUJNTINaaON , Presldont ,
la. W.WEH1IUOK , Huperlntendcnt.
wall on-lludMm ; Col. C , J. Wrlglit , li. S , ,
A. it. , tjupt. ; II. Klll att , Comd tof Cadets.
Cor.uwiiiiH , Ptarre , COUMINKIIUASKA. .
Conducted DytmfHfetersof St. Pranclu. Opens
Its eighth scholastlnlyear Kept 4 , 1)UU. ) Tnis in
stitution plferit emryiadvanuige for acquiring a
thorough , Chrlstlaiueducatlon. 1'or terms and
particulars uddrosw bister II Josepho , jjupcr-
( Kordicrlr Mi e n 1'ork llllltarr Acadcmr. )
Superior locution ! excellent facilities. Tborouxb
preparation for Colleve , cl nilllo fctiool or bu > U
ntn. tall term beulni Hspt. iblli , llKNitr J ,
BTKVKNH , A. II , t'rlii. Morgan 1'iirlt. Cook Uo. 111.
HOB. 303-404-170- .
Hour Trmel Wtlirnl n Uoxof
JLJ LAW , IH Dearborn St. . Chlcsuoj advice
free : lil j ears' experience ; business quietly and
legally transuded. rag
" . .
A M m. m B * fjnrtTii > niir ftlltVTlt tin IrntrMt
Health is Wealth !
HINT , a guaranteed spoclQo for Hysteria. , Oirzt-
jess. Convulsions , fits , Norvoui Neuralgia ,
Headache , Nervous Prostration cnused by the
n B of alcohol or tobacco , Wake-fulness. Montnl
Depression , sot tuning of tlie llrnln. resulting in
Insanity and Icadlait to misery. d c y and death.
I'lornntureOld ARO. llarrunnosi. toss ot I'ovrer
In either n x , Inioluntary Losses and Spermat-
orhrea caused by urer-exerttnn ot the brntn.self-
abuse or overindulgence. Bach box contains
cne month's trontrarnt. II W n box , or nix boxen
for JH OM , * nt by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To euro any rasu. With each order roculvoil 1 >
tu for nix boms , accompanied with $ J 00 , wo vrlli
lend the purchaser our written Kimnvnteo to ro
tund the money It tno troitment does not otreot
ft cure. Quaramtoea Issued only by ( jooilmatt
DniftCo , , DrugpliU , Bol JgeuU , UlO Farnam
ttrofi. Omaha flan.
Chicago , Ills , ( Clark Ot.
llio Regular Old-Established
li ttlll Troatlrg with the Greatest
'Chronic ' , Keryons anfl Private Diseases ,
/9 NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Fdiilng Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Drcama , H ad and Buck Ache and all the effect !
leading to enrlydccuyt.ii I pcihjp Consumption or
Insanity , treated tcicntltiially by new method ! with
never'fiHincr MICCCBS.
OS3YPHIL13 nnd . " .11 bad Blood and Skin Din-
: QSCB permnnQtly cured.
JK3- KIDNEY and URINARY campltlnts.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vnrlcocelo and all dUcaseg
of the Genlto-Urln.try Organs cured promptly without
injury to Siom-ich , KUnejt or o'.her Oivar.l.
war No experlmtnts. Age and experience lrn
portent. Conivltotlon free end sacred.
O9- bend 4 writ * po tate , for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
BS-Thw coilemplatipe Maltiaite send fo Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Mole and Female , each
15 cents , bolh 35 cents ( t mjw ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or calf may savefutun-suffcr.
ing and flume , and add golden J curs to life , ffipllook
"Lite's ( Secret ) Errors , " so cents ( stamps ) . Medicina
and writings sent everywhrre , secure from cxpoture.
Hours , B to 8. Sundays 9 to n Address
F. D. CLARKE , ftfl. D .
iso eo *
Paris Doiyersal Exposition
Iff now open , rnrtton doMclng too : J nccommodatlons
onthu nuw luixo uxpruss steamers of tlio Himous
Which nro noted for Iholr rOKiilnrltjr , onunl to mil-
road tia ni , In innklng tliu trl [ to llm re I'urU In ono
week , uruudvltietl to
MnKc EntljAiiplicatlon for Berths.
Thl * Is also necfH'nry on nccoi-nt of tlio lie.ivy
nf tlio fjirinB nnd tmmmer months.
McCAGUEBROS. , 105 South 15th St. ,
HARRY E. MOOKES , 1602 FitrniimSt. ,
H.X. HALL , 12i { Farnam St. ,
J. H. GREEN , 1501 Pnrniiin St. ,
ACOIIIH , Ouinlin , Neb.
State Line.
ToGlnsgoiv , lid fast , Dublin imilLhcrpx ) ]
From New York Every Tuesday.
Cubln'imssiigo.RSto ffO , accorlliu tolocallolofjti
room , rxcurslon Ko to WO.
Stccrigc to unl from Hurupa at I.o cat K.-vtoJ.
AL'bTI.N 11AL1IU IN & Co , Gen 1 AROItS ,
U Jlrouilwuy. Now Vorlc.
J HKIlLEOns , Gcnl Western A ent.
1C1 It in-lolph St. , Chlcizo.
llAUitY K. MOKES. AKCiit Omiiiui.
r.xlilbltl > a.
{ UUIH'JJAN DlU'AltrMnNT receives and
lorwiinls nil clussus of Linlnoas by eucli Mull btunmcr
arriving nt orilt'imrtlnt'lroia Ixowork. .
BhliiincnU from lluiojio can l > o nmito direct by till *
Company to nil liilnnd I' itJ of Kntrr In llioUnllid
BtatL'S , lilso toCnmila ti I Mpxlco , wltU or without
payment ofilutlos nt Now ) ork.
Italos us low MS tlio o of nny rcsponslblo compiiny.
Money Cr.Icrs Issued ptinblo ut 15XIO ( places In
United Mutes , Canada an I Durojic.
Aconolcn In nuropu to whom Blilpmonls for United
Ftntoi can bo dcllveiol , or If Iroin Interior polnin
KlioulilliotontlKtiol , accompanied l > y Hill " ' 'JiJInu '
and liiTOUu cert flu I beforu American Consul
THOb MKAIMW8 A. ( O , , ! 5 Vllk street , Clirnnjldc.
I OMION , 13 O ! Ji Water street , Mvuiii-ooL ; Ul I'ltta-
tlilly. MANcmsiHi ! U Hiinoverptriet , ( ! l.AMio i3
Ituo sorlbo , 1'AIII" K HU'MAIII ) , 1 Uuu Uillou ,
] 1AHV > . N I.IU'lKTINCi A CO. 117 LaiiKenBtrasso ,
HiifMi's ; u > Duvcnllcotli , UAMHUltQ , and 117 Am-
llafLII , H EMlJ > JIA > 'tV.
Remnrkable for powerful sympathotio
tone , pliublo action nnd absolute dura
bility ; 80 years' record tlio boat guaran
tee of the excellence of these intrns-
Sauce. io.
to exam
ine the
justly cel
ebrated llnoH of Moots and Hfioes , nmnufuctur-
edoyC. M. Henderson * Co. , of Chicago I-uc-
torles at Chicago , IHxou , Ills. , and 1'ond Du l < uc ,
Wl8 , should write BAM. N , WATSON , resi
dence. KHKMONT. NKIJ. Traveling atent. ;
lletdiiuiirfors for llubberu.
Omaha Steam Dye Works
O. T. PAULSON , Prop.
First-lass Cleaning and Dye
ing of A'11-pescriptions.
1521 Howard St. . Oiuahu. Telephone01T.
Afulltctof tcctla for tJ. 1'alulois extraction of
toctli without cliloroform , eas or tibtr. Hlllnu at
Imlf ratci.
DR. DAI LEY , Dentist ,
8131'axtou lllock.lUU and Karnuui bit OpcoevcnluEi
Ji rU l 11WL OcncrU and HEBVOOB DIBILIT7.
f TT Y ? T1 W kn ii of Oodytnd Mlcdi Effictl
\J vl Av JJ of EironerZsceixiln Older Youcj.
B > ti l. luU * B SUOOU fullr UtiUrrd. II Io " ' HT * "
> .iiii "XA"-mi " > injiu > _ > .ii.uom . * rm ( UM.
iUoluitl ; r lliu lloaK TKli7 HJT-II.o. U li
M l ur fr 41 UKtM , TfrHUrlw , " < r > nl ( > f.i
fM eu uriU Ib.n. link , full tipl..ill. > , > * i > r. l ,
( H\ll4l fr . Iddr.l , tCIt | ] ; Cie l CO.EUIFAtn.1
finUCVundall unuury troubles oaaily. riulcfc
M UN CTly and safely cured byDOOTI/llX Cap.
buloe. tkjvvral case $ cured m seven aaya. Sold
utlUO per box , all .drugalats , or brinall from
Itoctuju U'l'u Co , 11 * WUito 8 fit * uU ( Ur o *
Was climbed the ladder of success , and is now looking down from ! t
apex upon its disappointed imitators , while proudly saying.
" Such is the reward of superiority. " Ask your grocer for a
© = : pRE3E3 : : : sj&.wc&tt : : ©
ancTbe convinced of its excellent qualities
Nadoonlyby N. K. FABRBAftK
T. S. For a beautiful complexion , use Fail-bank's " Fairy " Soap.
If you do not possess a thoiotigh knowledge of SIIORTAND and TYPE-WRIT
ING. Complete it tit the largest mid best school in the West.
HORTHAND \ - Opposite Public Library ,
Circulars Froo. NIGHT SCHOOL commences Monday , Sopt. 2d.
1018 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1B13 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
20to6O DAYS.
This is u disease which baa boretofora
Baflled all Medical Seicnco.
When Mercury , Iodide of Potassium , Sarsap *
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure.
We have a Hemedy. unknown to anyone in tli
World outside of our Company , and ono that has
u > cure the most obstinate cases. Ten days In
recent cases deus tlio work. It Is the old ihronlo
deep seated cases that we solicit. Wo have
cared hundreds who hart been abandoned by
1'uynlciuns , and pronounced Incurable , and w
challenge the world to bring us a case that wu
Will not cure in loss than sixty dayx.
Since the history of raaalctao a true specific
for SyphllU has been sought for but never
found until our
wa discovered , and we are justified In laylnj
U li tha only llenieay m the World tnat 111 pos
itively cure , bacuuso the latest Medical Worka ,
published by the bu t Known authorities , say
tnere wainevera true specific before. Our rim-
edy will euro wnen uverythlng else has failed.
Way waits you time und money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians thai cannot cnro you , you that Imva
tried everything else should come to us now und
gtt permanent relief , you never can get It elao-
where. Mark whit we say. In the eud you
must take our remedy or NKVRK recover and
you that have been afflicted but a short time
ihould by all means come to ua now. not one In
lenof now cases over get permanently cured ,
Many et help and think they are frao from tha
disease , but In one , two or three years after It
appears again in a more horrible form.
This la n blood Purifier und will Cura
any Skin or Blood Dluouso wbon
Every thine Klao Palls.
NOTICE We de-dro to caution patients In ra-
gard to parties claiming to use the itook llsra-
edy. Uur formula Is not and CANNOT b
Known to anyone but ourselves.
os 418 ail 419 , Failoi Block , _
* Ittrllleorterttlie < l < itn < iuln/n- (
Tor M.a Httltb rniirvlDr , form
IuvUor tln ( , nd -
m tor Ml. BMt Bum-
< iici W r-
r ct > d Btrletlr Tart s < Voter.
autedi Aa EOclint 8 < a < df
for CUrrliMi , Chi > l n IJortiBi ,
Dfitntirr , tnl ill Dliordiri of
tbt ft 11 til ,
Dear81r j I JIM e tried Hie
IluniorUn niackuerry Julco
you u kindly nut me. It I *
tbt ) no i > Iu ultra of summer
drlnkn JtU free from alco-
liol. alia } * HilMl , tone , tlie
dlveatlvo organs , lift * a line
arurnfitlp flavor , and U jUHt
le In tlin licutfdI ttrra. A
s fcrsp iyvaKft
lectfull )
for le by PruKKliti.
Uc le aud
But Facilities , Appirnttu ndleniedlf sforSucceiiful
Treatment of every form of l ) ' eaia requiring
Board & Attendance , Be t AccomnodaUoni la Wcit.
CC7-WH1TE FOIl OIUCULARSon Doformltlei n4
racei.Truiiei , Club Feet , Curvitureiof BfHiPII ,
Oanoer , Oatarrh , BroDibltii , ZnbiUtlon.
WOBIX Diuiiucoiiii ! t < rT. ( STRICTLY JfilVATI , )
Only OtUabla Medical laitltuU maklnf a Bpctialty f
' ifollf . . . IrtiUO. S tpMMlla folio *
til. ra'uni ilbout
ranMT 4 from wi * fj. iiw KtaUr.llfi
TraalBfalftraVui.rTmLHmica. fartl
1 atrcaladftl honabcorMipoodanca
> VM hvBcuvMtiBii M tjui iui or JilltfdBlCDIf tCOlbf ii > illtr .
fr , inc r lr.ckdtioia.tkiolLalctUeonleDliori | Dair ,
un nnoii riBtril * ptr ir4l. oiuudeomiilliitriiij
Klatorr of Tour cue , ko4 via tend la plain wrapptr , Air
ftnnkf tn u ivi ep'ciai.
pUUaV nCHl fc.Vtoui Dliauaa.lupttocr.S/flx
Ilia ! 01..1 and Varlooc.U. | tljtluO Hit. jkdtrlil
Uth and 01X1(0 8Ue.U , OBAHA , HKB.
* Ilie I.lquor Habit , I'atll Cured
l r Adoilnlnicrlnc Dr.
Ualdeu Mpeclflo.
It can bu mron In a cup of oitree or lea wllliout tb
knowlo.Uu lit tlio | iur > onukliJKlt | l ab oluu.lyli rmi
U > , uiiU will untct u iptedy nnd imrnmuunt euro ,
wlietliur tliu uiitlont I u inoJcrntu ( lilnkurorii ul-
coliul wreck , 'lliuutand * ut UruukunU liave tocu
inuito tuiui > erutu men wliu Imvo Ukin ( lolileabpccltta
In tlielruilloo wlllioultliulr knuwluiliiu mid lounr > " > -
Move llior "JuItilrlnklriK of tlulr own frit ) will. IT'
f < vvrttll > . Tlio lyttviu once IniproiiiialoO with tliu
peclllo , It IM > CIIUIV an utter linuo lblllly for tha.
liquor aupctlto to e l t. I-or tnlo by KuliniCo ,
Druunliu , 1Mb anil Douiflat m < , HUd letU and Cum- .
luKits .Oiuuuu. A. 1) . cotter A tiro. . Council l > luU >
btlid Jur i u , , . ,
, Health. " AUo.uU wcrcr. VurlCO-
Bsle curedwttu&utptta prcptfitloa Aaarm . _ \