Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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OPI-JC& rvo is rnAitij STUEKT.
felivcrcdbr carrier In Any Part of ho City rt
, 'l n cnty Cents 1'cr Week. . _ _
, W. Tlf.-lON . MANAOEH.
irmr f Orj-wr. No. 41
N. Y. P. Co.
Gleason coal.
C. U. Music Co. , C33 H'way.
D. W. Otis , city nnd form loans.
L'oston store lending hosiery house.
The I. O. Q. T. lodpcs ot Underwood nnd
' Wcston picnic nt the former place to-dny.
i Cnptaln W , A. Hnycs presented cx-JustIco
BIpRs with a(5 meerschaum pipe jcsteadny.
The now Industrial bull nt the Institution
for the deaf nnd dumb Is now ready for thereof
roof ,
Cnptaln Hayes has sold his Broadway
livery barn toV. . C. Utterbnck , who Is now
lu possession.
The proposed repatta of the Council Bluffs
Rowlnc association will take plnco about the
mlddlo of next month.
All parties who attend the labor day cele
bration nt Omaha nro requested to report ut
G. A. H. hall this evening.
A grand musical concert , for the benefit of
the Broadway M. E. church , will bo given
by talent , nt the church Thursday
evening , September 5.
Last Sunday \vus a grand dav for tlio old
section foremen of the Milwaukee railroad ,
the rondmastor tnkltiR them to Coon Itiiplas
on an excursion and picnic.
Culontho nsscmblv No. ! , i'ythlan Sister
hood , will glvo n soclnblo nt their hall to
morrow evening. All knights and their
friends are Invited to attend.
The funeral of Mrs. Annie M. Linden will
take place ut 0 o'clock this morning from St.
Peter's church , instead of St. Francis
Xnvler's , as previously announced.
Coinplnlnt Is made cf a pllo of rnbblsh and
brick between Sixth and Seventh streets on
Willow avenue. Thcro nro no danger signals
nt night , and it Is otherwiseunguarded. .
Martin Hughes ban secured the contract
for the brick work , and Contractor Batten
for the carpenter work on the new Keys
block to be erected on the site ot the old
hcrdlc barn.
Culontho nsscmbly No. 1 , Pythian Sister
hood , will attend the lecture of Justus H.
Hathbone , In Omaha , this evening. They
will take the motor at Younu's drug store at
7 o'clock shurp. All members are requested
to attend.
Tbo funeral of Gcorgo Keating took place
.yesterday' morning nt 0 o'clock from St.
Francis Xavicr'g church. Nearly every
member of U. P. assembly No. laOO , 1C. of
L. , of which deceased was a member , at *
tended the services.
A little boy by the name of Hill came near
bcme drowned In Indian creek Monday
evening. Ho was rescued by a stranger ,
who Jumped twenty feet from the Madison
street brldgn und cuugbt thu little fellow as
he was going down the last time.
Mr. John Schocntgcn , chairman of the
committee on teachers , received a telegram
yesterday from Miss Ncllio R. Hayes , of
Koclt Isluud. Ill , , the newly appointed assist
ant teacher in high school , saying that slio
would not como here until Saturday.
There promises to bo n larger nttcndanco
nt Malvcrn to-morrow than ut any old uct-
tlors reunion held In ycais , The Mulvern
folics say if they can not get them all on the
fair grounds thoj will tear down the fcnco
and turn the crowd loose In tbo odjoinind
Holds and groves.
AH Knights of Pythias are invited to at
tend the lecture of Justus H. Rathbono.
founder of the order , this evening at the hall
of Nebraska Lodge No. 1 , Omaha. The
knights from Council Bluffs'will tuko the
motor at Young's drug store at 7 o'clock
sharp. Members of St. Alban's und Con-
cordla lodges and the Pythian sisterhood
will attend in a body.
Chicago & North-vestcrn car No. 19,133
came in from the cast ycsterdav loaded with
Council Bluffs freight. Its sadly buttered
appearance attracted attention , and upcn
inquiry it was found to have gene through
the Johnstown Hoods. It was pulled out of
thirty feet of mud , cleaned out and sent out
on the roud. It soiled appearance was all
there was against it , for It mudo the trip
without requiring repairs.
Floyd Forgravos had a hearing before
Justice Hendricks yesterday on the charge
of bcini ; a frequenter of houses of prostitu
tion. Ho was found guilty and sentenced
to twenty days in the county jail. Commit
ment was suspended during tbo good bo-
havlor of the defendant , but at the first
wrong act or slip indulged in by him , the
sentence will go into effect , and twenty days
Incarceration will bo the result.
The Electric Light company will begin
wiring Eiscman's now block to-day for elco-
tr'c ' light. U hero will bo sixteen are lights
used in illuminating the building during the
opening. There will be eight on the first
floor , thrco outside , thrro on the second door
and ono euch on the third and fourth floors.
The work of stringing the wires will require
about fourdoys. When completed , the light
of tliR building ulono will bo quite an illuuii-
The old frame Jacobs structure nt No. 143
Broadway , was destroyed by fire nt an early
hour yesterday morning. The building was
ono of the old landmarks of tbo city and had
been va.'unt for some time. It is believed
that the flro was of incendiary origin. In
the second story was a library owned by Ed
Baker , which wus the only property of any
value that was destroyed. The loss amounts
to about 200 , on which thoio Is little or no
The Council Bluffs traveling men who nro
to take part In the parade at > Omuha uro re
quested to report to the committee and leave
their names und measure for hats at Motcalf
Bros. It is the intention to have the Bluffs
traveling men go in a body , with an appro
priate banner , etc. There are ever SCO
traveling men who malic Council Bluffs their
headquarters. If a goodly percentage can
be in the parade It will bo a good nhowiuir
for the Bluffs.
Frunk Peterson has been surrendered by
his bondsman , and is now confined in the
county jail. Peterson is under indictment
1 on the charge of grand larceny , and it Is
Btut-1 that ho was prcpuilng to skip out for
Kansas City when his uncle , who is his
bondsman , hcaid of It and turned him over
to the authorities. Peterson has been in
trouble several times , but has always man
aged to pot clear , nnd an attempt will bo
mtido this time to send him across the state.
Captain t ) . B. Clark , president of the Old
Bottlers' association , Is keeping a close watch
on the preparations now being made for the
fourth annual reunion at Malvern to-mor
row. Ho reports everything in the finest
condition and the prospects cooa for the
largest uathoring ever had In Malvern. Sev
eral hundred will go from this city. The
'Wubash train loaves the transfer at 7:40 : a.
m. and the local depot at Si 15 n. in. Tbo "Q"
passenger loaves the local depot at 0:50 : a. in.
Charles Curtit , a well known colored
democratic orator , was fined 15.10 in the
police court yesterday morning. Ho was
ilocing from domestic difficulties and uu irate
Wife , ami hid la u chicken liouso. The wo
man found him and was Indicting sovora
punishment when Justice Houdrlcks Intur-
Icrcd , and Charles was turned over to the
aollco. Ho received n double dose of pun *
ishmcut , and the woman still rules the
roost ,
The following Council Bluffs labor organ
izations have decided to attend the colobra-
tiou of labor day nt Omaha ! Bluffs City
typographical union , clgaraiakerft' union ,
switchmen's union , Union Paolllo assembly
No. 1)00 ! ) , Knights of Labor , local assembly
1G08 , Knights of Labor. It U requested
that all carpenters , barbers and other
trades also attend. The organizations will
leave Grand Army hall , A corcial
Invitation is extended to every worklng-
ziian to attend. Special train * will bo pro
Dexter , employment.
Notice to the Public.
The following blacksmiths have entered
Into an agreement , and will , on and after
beptombcr 1 , charge not less than ft for now
shoes and 3 for resetting old shoos on each
span of horses : A , N , Scrlbner , G. Miller ,
James Hebrew , U. Hcurlckson , J , Peterson ,
Bam Noble , A , Irrosson , O. Jeneon , Lorh-
inun & Smothers , A. ICruuso. O. Gregory , P.
D. Burke.
Kcllcy & Youakormun sell grocerle
Cbaie and Suuboru coffvds a special/ .
The Militia of the Two Cltlos Plan
ning Fraternal GatherlnRB.
Tlio Dnlnirs of tlio Court Tim .Motor
On t'lcrco Bu-cot The litrmnsa
Ojicnlnc I'cr-
Ainotig thu Military.
The friendly fooling existing between the
Omaha nnd Council 131 lifts soldier boys Is
manifesting Itself In various preparations for
happy exchanges of eourtcMes. Tno Omaha
Guards will to-night come over to appear In
the Kirmcss. The Dodge Light Guards moot
Thursday evening to malco preparations for
next Monday night , when there will occur
an event of much public interest. The
Omaha Guards will on Monday evening next
participate with the Dodge Light Guards In
n dress parade in the lattor's armory In the
Masonio tcmplo block. It will bo u pleasing
ceremony. If the crowd is too largo to bo
accommodated another dress parade will
probably bo had on the street. The dross
panulo will bo carried out In nil the details.
Captain SchiirlT will bo the commandant ;
Jesse Lowoor Lieutenant Arrowstnlth , of the
regular urmy. will servo a * adjutant ; Hull
nsBurgoant iniijor ; company orticors Attchl *
son and Dixon , Lieutenants Webster und
Mulford , of the Om iha Guards. Thcro will
bo four companies In the battalion. The
music will be furnished by the Omaha
There will also bo n competitive drill of
the Omnha Guards for the elegant gold
medal offered by thoollleors of that company
to the best drilled member. The Judges will
bo selected hero , nnd the holding of the con
test at this time ia another compliment which
Council Uluffs appreciates On the toilow-
IUR Monday the Dmlpo Light Guards will go
to Omaha to participate in a like dress pa-
rndo there with the Omaha Guards. They
will probably takoD.iloy's bund with them.
The position of commandant will probably
bo given to Captain Altchison , of Council
Blurts , nnd other courtesies shown. Much
interest is being manifesto 1 in inllitla mat
ters on both sides of the river.
Captain Foster has tendered his resigna
tion as captain of the Guards , as was antici
pated when ho was elected several weeks
ago. In fact , ho was elected with the under
standing that ho should do this whenever a
captmn to suit the maJoHty of the company
could bo found. The boys have been very
anxious for so mo time to secure Caitaln
Mount , of Company E , of Shcnandoah , nnd
Is now stated that ho has agreed to accept
the position , and will at once remove to this
city and engage in the jewelry business.
Captain Foster's commission had not been
Issued , as It is understood that notice of his
election had not boon forwarded to head
quarters , us the situation was understood at
regimental headquarters. The indications
arc that th boys will soon have n captain
who will suit them , at least , ono whom they
have been earnestly working to secure for
some tiino.
Fountain Tic cigar , bust m the world.
Kerr & Gray ) real estate. 505 First avenue.
, T. G. Tipton , real estate. 527 B'dway.
Hoard ol" luluc.atlon.
The school board hold another meeting last
evening. _
The resignation of Miss May Chapman ,
one of the recently elected teachers , was re
ceived and accepted.
The salaries of teachers were fixed as fol
lows :
Superintendent , $3,200 , ; substitutes , $20
per mouth ; writing teachers , $ J5 per month :
music teachers , 565.
The contract for the care of Bloomer clock
was given to M. Woolman and his compen
sation was llxcdat $40 per year.
bsvon ballots wore taken for Janitor of the
Hill school without result and the further
consideration of the mutter was postponed.
An effort to elect a Janitor at largo mot with
the same success.
D.W. Smith was allowed 810 for Inspecting
the boiler used for heating purposes.
The salaries of principals was lixed at $60
and $1 additional for each room under bis
Contractor L. Jacobs was allowed $157 bal
ance on contract for building stairs ut Hill
street school.
The following are the newly elected teach
ers :
High School A. Stevens , principal ; H.
Wymann , H. M. Prouty , Nellie R. Hayes.
Superintendent McNuughton submitted
the following assignment of teachers for the
ensuing year , the names being arranged ac
cording to grade , the highest grade being
placed llrst in each list :
Washincton Avenue School Miss Man-
gum , principal ; V. White , ,1. Baldwin , K.
Hattcnlmuur , J. Clausen , M. McMillan. Mrs.
J. J. Stewart. U. Wickliam , M. Hnusen , E.
Moon , S. Hadollck
Uloomcr Building M. Dale , M. Davenport ,
M. Finlcy , 13. McMahon , E Barstow , L.
Glecsoii , I. R Ware , M. Uritton , N. Hnrdin.
Hill school M. Sims , principal ; C.
Meyers , C. Mulgueen. A. Chamberlain , J.
Pile , S. Cattail , J. Howe.
New Pierce Street School M. Curtis. 1C.
Wickham , E. Bovor. 1C. Uuschell , V. Reyn
olds , principal ; E. Stephan , A. Alnswortn ,
1C. Holder.
Third Street School 1C. Blaxsim. princi
pal ; S. Baldwin , C. Alexander , C.
Zurmehlcn , L. Counter , T. Hattcntmuer.
Eighth Street School R B. Armstrong ,
principal ; H. Davis , D. Grass , M. Million.
Eighth Avenue School L. Graves , princi
pal ; M. Currothers , J. Sheo , E. Bolati.
Twentieth Avenue School 1C. Payne , prin
cipal ; L. Crocker , S. Shields , I. Ziff.
East Pierce Street School Licia Young ; .
Avenue U School Ella' Mclntosh , princi
pal ; Anna Mikcsoll.
Fifteenth Struct School R. Anderson ,
principal ; W. White.
Clinic School M. Duncan.
Woodbury Avenue School M. Boardman ,
East Uroadway C. Southwell ,
* *
Seiclcnberg's 60 Figaro at the Fouptaln.
Odoll Bros. & Co. loan money. The most
iberal tertns offered. 10J Pearl street.
The District Court.
The August term of the district court con
vened yesterday morning , with Judge Maey
on the bench. This is Judge Maoy's first
term here , nud ho started out witlt a greater
representation of the bar than , has boon soon
In the Bluffs for many a day. Nearly every
member of the bar for this part of the dis
trict was present , the attorneys being evi
dently desirous of getting acquainted with
his honor before the regular grind of the
term commenced.
' 1 ho forenoon was taken up In calling the
docket , after which court adjourned until 2
o'clock. In the afternoon the divorce euso
of Anderson vs Anderson was called and
disposed of. It was ono of the most disgust
ing cases over tried in this court , and it was
settled as quickly us possible und the doureo
grunted. The hearing of equity cases will
be continued this morning.
Judge Causon was busy in the clerk's of
fice during tbo day attending to probate
The Fountain cigar store for line cigars.
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'way '
Got Fountain 5a cl gar , next Elscman bile.
Tlio Motor on 1'ierco Street.
A majority of the uroperty owners Inter
ested in having the motor line run up Picrco
street , are in favor of allowing the company
to do so without pay in i : for the paving be
tween the rails , A few ara opposing such a
waiving of rights , und insist that the motor
company will run the line there oven if it
does have to pay for the paving between the
rails. Those who are anxious to bavo the
line run tuuro ara urging the concession to
the motor company in order to secure the
line , for they uro Bntlslled that without this
concession the line will not bo laid. Tbo Im
portance of securing this line , U realized by
H the property owner * , fur with a motor lluo
they would bo brought In close con
nection with the business center of both
Council Bluffs and Omnha , nnd without It
they will bo loft out In the cold. The deslro
to Increase the vntuo of their property , nntl
to secure the desired accommodation , is felt
by nil , but the only difference Is as to how
this can bo dono. A few Insist that they can
secure both tbo motor nnd the sftvlng on the
strip of paving , the others fear the motor
line will bo lost entirely. The property
owners on Mudlson street wore anxious
enough to get the line there to wnivo the
question of paving , nnd this precedent In
urged for Plerco street. Plorco street is to
bo pnved nt the expense of the property
owners anyivnv. The simple question la
whether tliov will lot the motor line rui ! over
it nftor it Is thus paved. It Is urged that the
motor line will not wear or tear the street
llko n horse car line , for thcro nro no hoofs
to an electric lino. The wheels run on their
own rails , nnd the only wear comes there ,
none being on the paving itself.
The managers of the Motor company ex
press themselves very stoutly airainst run.
nlng a line up Picrco street , if they have to
pay anything for doing so. They do not np-
near nnxlous to run a line there anyway , as
they do not nuvo nny faith in being able to
pay expenses for some time to come. The
only show for profit Is the opening up of that
part of the city , nnd the increase of popula
tion which will bo brought nbout by ouitlng
the line there. Thcro arc other parts of the
city which offer equal Inducements for the
future , and where no tax will bo charged for
tlio privilege of running over tbo paved
streets , fiction they talk Independently ,
nnd do not seem anxious to nay for any parIng -
Ing In order to run up Plorco street.
If you want clean , fresh Krocorics nnd
fruits , call on Johnson &Olsou,713 Broad way.
Money loannd ivt L , "B. Craft's & Cq.'s
loan olfico on furniture , pianos , liorsos ,
wagons , personal property of nil kinds ,
und nil other articles of vnluo , without
removal. All business strictly confi
- .
City stcum laundry , 34 Main , tcl. 141.
The Initial presentation of the long talkod-
of ICirmnss took place n't Dohany's ' opera
uouso , Council Bluffs , last evening. It will
hold the boards for thrco nights , and on Saturday
urday evening , the 31st , It moves ever to
delight the Om&hans at Boyd'a. The per
formance la given under the auspices of the
ladies of St. Paul's church , nnd the par-
formers have for the past three weeks been
under the instruction of Prof. John A.
Mahler , of St. Louis , who has been emi
nently successful as an instructor in the
Kirmcss , both in St. Louts nnd Kansas City ,
where it has been the rage of the season.
The Kirmcss , or "Kirch velki , " is literally
n church festival , and as presented in
America various nations are represented. .
The stage is artistically decorated with
the Hags , coats of arms and emblems of the
various nations , and the costumes of the
dancers uro correct copies of those of the
different nationalities. In Council Bluffs
and Omaha each performance will open with
atrrand tnblcau , In which will bo grouped
the topes of the nlno nations , together with
the youth nnd beauty representing George
and Martha Washington , the IClrmess
queen , Ferdinand Do Soto , Christopher
Columbus , Quakers and Puritans , which , us
may bo imagined , will bo ono of the prettiest
sights ever witnessed on an Omaha. stage.
Two hundred persons , ranging in ago from
four to forty , beautifully costumed and care
fully trained , taue pirt in the performances.
The first dance is by the Hollanders ,
twenty-two misses between twelve and fif
teen years of ago with wooden shoes , keep
ing time to the refrain 'O , Du Liebcr Au
gustine. " After thescr comes the flower
dance thirty-two little girls In picturesque
costumes with eight black and gold bees flit
ting in and out among them. Next comes
the minuet , danced by six couples In magnifi
cent costumes of the time of Louis XIV. , de
signed by Andrew Fueger , the , famous cos-
turner. Number four is a Spanish dance by
twenty young ladles in alternate colors of red
and yellow satin , all keeping tlmo to the
Spanish colors with castagncts. Twenty-
Hvo little boys In full oriental costume next
perform the comical dance of the heathen
Chinese. The Tyrolean is next represented
by eight couples moving through some com
plicated figures to the sounds of waltz music.
The Italian dance is also performed by o'ght
ccuoles p' sant girls nnd bandits and is
very graceful , ono of the features being the
sash exercises.
The Russian dance by eight couples Is per
haps the great feature of the evening , the
dancers bolnir till dressed , inelaborate mili
tary costumes , and performing somo. very
complicated evolutions. A dance of .Ameri
can Indians with the full compllmentof yells ,
gcsticuations and warwboops brings the very
novel , instructive and enjoyable entertain
ment to a close.
Steam and hot water boating , first-class
plumbing. Work done in both cities. John
Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Swanson Music Co. , 335 Broadway.
Alwujs on Time.
If you wish to purchase a good and reliable
watch 25 per cent Ie s than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and make
your own selection at C. B. Jacquetnln &
Co. , 27 Main street.
The New Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , finest and
largest hotel in western Iowa. Special at
tentions to commercial men.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broadway.
E. H. Sheafo & Co. give special attention
to the collection of rents and care of propt
erty in the city nnd vicinity. Charges mod
erate , Ofilco Broadway and Main streets ,
up stairs.
Got Fountain 5c cigar , next Eiscmanblk.
Fulnnount Park.
The beautiful gem of Council Uluffs sot
amid the romantic hills and shaded by ver
dant boughs of forest trees. The most de
lightful place imaginable for picnics , tennis
parties and quiet rambles , .
TUKO the electric motor cars bridge line
which lands passengers in the very heart of
the park. Faro from Omaha to the park
only 10 cents.
The park is owned and controlled by the
city authorities and the best of good order
is onfoi ced.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices. Cull
and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co.
Desirable dwellings for rent nt mouorato
prices. E. H. Slioafo & Co. . rental agents ,
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway.
Polio. )
The following cases wcro ground flno In
Justicu Hondricks' mill yesterday morning :
W. Winters , for running a disorderly
house , was fined $15.10.
R. A. MoLenn tarried too long at the flowIng -
Ing bowl , for which ho was assessed 110.10.
J. J. Johnson and John Willurd were
found basking in the smiles of two colored
damsels In a diva near the Northwestern
depot. .Tho court allowed them to depart on
payment of $10.10 ouch.
Fine Jewelry , wutuhos and diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing at E. Burhorn.
Wall paper , room moldings and decora
tions , No , 19 North Mala street.
Runaway Accident.
J , D. Johnston had some unpleasant ex
periences yesterday afternoon with a ner
vous horse. Ho had started from tils real
estate oulco to show a lady , Mrs. Martin ,
some property. The horse bo was driving
bocumo frightened at the lady's ' parasol ,
and ran away. Johnston was thrown out of
the buggy near Eighth and Mynsler streets ,
but held to the lines until hu was drugged a
distance of fifty feet , when they slipped
through bis Unuors. The horses continued
to run , and a block or two further made a
quick turn and throw Mrs. Martin from the
carriage. She fell on tl.o paving and es
caped with ( light injuries. Mr , Johnston
suitercd a severe sprain of his right arm
and a contusion of thu hip where the buggy
ran over him. Mrs. Martin was carried
into tbo residence of Mrs. Ueryy on Avenue
- I H m.HIIM ! " I - - - ' - - '
A nnd Dr. Uolllnprc'r culled , and when she
\vii found to bo "Onhurt was sent to hop
homo 011 Tenth nvVnuk
' 1 ho horse was sipped without doing nny
other dumngo.
TTVm 8ATK-Ono Vif 'tho best paying cream-
JU orlos in Iowa , making nowovurl.txupounds
butter dally. Al olarge brick butter , omr
nnd poultry-house.fall complete with Inrgocold
KtornKo elevator , etcViilolng ultf business. 1'rlco
of this untiro plunt complota W.UM : IMUOcnin ,
but. In 6 nnd lu J-enn. ur would take good city
liropertv , or No. I land lor the t4.W ( payment.
Jlnolnoss done last year , (37,000 , will cxccoil thnt
this vcar. und It Is the only plant In the county.
Enquire ot Kerr ft Gray , 5U1 rirst are.
FOH SAM3 Aero lots In Orchard place. Tills
property ia located In the lllce nursery ,
soiunoC the innlii piut of thn city. Hi miles
from courthouse , Oco. Motcalf , lu Penrl si.
TjUIt 8AI.H Qftsollno stove ! three-burners
-L " .lowell" malco : almost uow. 6CI Mynstor
FOHSAfjE Two fine now six-room houses on
Pacific nvo. will bo sold cheap for n small
payment dovrn and balnncii to suit purchaser.
EOIl BALK Improved and vacant property
In all parts of the city. Call nnd see me , 15.
K. Mnyne.
VIl IJXCHANnK-SOflcresndJolnlngtho city ,
for city property. Johnston & Van Patten ,
Kverett bloct , Council lllulfa.
Sr.VEItAI/ in Omaha to exchange for
land and other property. Johnston & Van
17IOU IIKNT Houses in Rll purls of the city.
JD Kcrr & _ ( ! raj % )5 First avo.
cquity"lna farm near the city to exchange -
change for city lots. Johnston & Ynn
NOTinni Notice ! Notlce-Wo have several
choice residence tots that we will build
either RIM nil or large houses to suit purclmier.
and will , if tlrslrcd , sell on easy payments.
Draw your own plans , then call und let us butlrt
you n home. Kcrr * Uray , 605 Flr t nve. Coun
cil Illuirs.
FOIt RENT Eight new 5-room cottngeion
Avenue H. backett's ndd. to city , Hents
very reasonable. Call and let us show you them.
Kerr & Qrny.
FOll ItKNT-Tof thotnost beautiful cottaRes
In Council Itluirs ; ono block from motor
line ; now houses ; city water in the houses ncd
all modern conveniences. Bee Kerr & Gray.
171OU SAIiE liMncrofnrm in Jasper county ,
Jlown , located near coal minus that are in
opeiutlon. There Is a five foot \e\n \ of
under tlio farm. Oeo. Metculf , No. 10 IVarl t.
" 1710K SAF.K Improved nud unimproved property -
* erty in every part ot the cltv. Hare oppor
tunities for invtstors who seek speculation1) ;
nploiidld opportunities for those vho desire
hoinea. Geo. Metcalf , No. 10 Pearl St.
BUSINESS locntlons oc Main and Hroacluav
at great bargains. Geo. Metcalf. No. 10
Pearl fit.
TT < OK SAIjE 80 feet lake frontage located be-
Jtwoen C II. boat house nnd Munawa. beach.
Also a number of choice lots lu Itegattu place.
Oeo. Motcalf , No. 10 Pearl St.
IF you want some genuine sn ps In choice lots
on bottoms cull and see Kcrr A. Urav. They
have some lots that must bo sold regardless of
cost before Nov. 1.
IP you have niiytnltur in the line of real estate
or chattel ? you wail t to exchange or dispose
of , you should call on Kerr & Gray. You can
find them at their ofllcc. Ml First ae. . , Council
FOR SALE 127 acres 1 40 miles north of Chi-
cage adjoining LaUa Villa ( a beautiful sum
mer resort ) , surrounded by mnny oeuutlful
lakes. For further pat ticulars call or address
Kerr At Gray , Council IHnffa.
On monthly payments , very neat
-L new liouso near ( Harmony mission. Cull or
address Kerr & Utny , tJ'J.'i First ave , Council
Illuirs. ,
TOIt EXCHANGE 2 Improved forms 1n csn-
-L tral Kansas for bther property. Johnston
4 , Van Patten.
LOTS for sale on wry'easy ' terms. Bee us > > e-
f ore you bur. Uplinatott & Van Patten ,
"VT INK room house Ja Omaha for trade. What
J.N hao you to oirei 1 Johnston & Van Patten.
O5 feet on Main street for sale cneap. Johnston
ic Van Patten.
F IN E homo on First ave. tor sale. Johnston
& Van Patten ,
FEW houses for sale , $103 casn , balance $12.K )
I per month. Johnston A Van Patten.
rpilKER farms near the city for sale. John-
Jston & Van 1'atten.
TjlOH quick sale list vour property with K E ,
JL' Mayne , nil ) llrondttny.
rpoINVESTORS Don't buy real estate until
JL you bee mo. 1 have som > * tliliig always on
hand that will jnako you money. E. E. Mayne ,
G1U IJroadway.
IHAVi ; for Dale a number of good lots on
payments of $10 down and 83 per montb ; lots
full size und title perfect. E. E. Mayne.
IF you want to buy , soil or exchange leal es
tate call on E. K. Mayne , 019 liroadwuy.
WANTED lluyers of real estate to know I
have a choice list of bargains. Call und
see mo. E. C. Mayne , 019 Oroadway.
MT ANTED Senkers after real estate snaps to
TI call on K. E. Mayne , Ul'J liroadway.
WANTED A peed horse and buggy. Kerr
k Gray.
"VI OTlCE A seven-room house for sale at $333.
J.1 Investigate thin. Johnston & Van Patten
Everett block.
REAI , ESTATE llought aad sold ana ex
changed. Special attention given to exam
ination of titles. W. C. James , No. W i'oavl St. .
Council Bluffs.
niAIILIi boarders wanted at 123 Ilenton street.
JL Good board at reasonable rates. Airs. I. W.
6Tint CKNT loans made on real estate , cash
on hand. V. J. Day.
A BEAUTIFUL , homo on Oakland ave. at a
> bargain. J' . J. Day.
/ OxlSO on Oakland ave. , 13.000. F. J. Day.
09x300 on Park ave , & .000. F. J. Day.
A COltNEUon4thave.l , JJO. r , J. Day.
A CUE property for homos and gardening. F.
H OMES forsalo OB monthly payments. F. J.
to trade a farm for a lotoallroad-
w ay near 11th nt. F. J , Day.
Git A HAM avenue property that v , 111 double
right uway. F. J.Day.
O rs on Hroadwa > , First avenue nnd Ave-
i A and II. cheup. F , J , Uuy ,
IHAVE a snap for an investor for to-day
only. F. J. Hay. i
Ment Wanted.
Sealed proposals vlll bo recuh'ed on or be
fore M m , beptumbtna. ut the ofllcoor tlio
superintendent of the Ion a ln < > tltutlon for the
education ot the deat nud dumb. Council liHilla.
la. fa. furnishing said institution with fresh or
other niu-ita in suUi uuantltles as may be or
dered and at mien tjine as may bo directed for
the term of six mouUis , commencing Septum-
ber l1W. . ' 1 ho bidder muUbtnto In detail the
kinds and cuts of meat * ; also whether with or
without boue , ftlbo.twnan ordered In bulk , fore
or hind quarter , glvlui ; price of each , and so
\\ord proposition us to bo easily understood in
oery particular , l/nlefis above directions are
followed the bid ! ! ! hot be considered.
Illddurs at their option can also oiror prices
for bologna sausAge' link sausage , sugar cured
hums , bacon und luidthe , latter hums not to be
considered In the acuregite ot amount of bid.
All moats subject iftuuy time to inspection and
rejection by the superintendent without re-
course. Itlds filiouW he Indorhod "Pioposuld
Cor Meats. " und addressed to the honorable
board ot trustees of the lowu Institution for
the vducatlon of thediaf and dumb , and de-
lUered lu person or by mall at the tlmo above
namtid. ' 1 ho board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. IllJNUV W. KOlUEIti' ,
Superintendent ,
Con I J'rupoHiils Wanted ,
Sealed proposals will be receh ed on or be-
foie U' in. September S. at the olllce of the
superintendent of the lowu Institution for the
education of the deaf and dumb , Council lilnlls ,
la. , for fumUhlngHald institution with coal lor
the Blx months commencing September 15. Itb'J.
Bald coal to bo delivered In the bins of said 1 -
stltutlon. Didders will give the price of each
together with such recommendation or refer
ences &s to quality as they may elect. A u&m-
jila car loud ot the coal to bo furnished , and a
bond for the faithful carrying outot the terras
ot the bid v.ill be required when the uuarcl Is
made. All coal delivered subject to Inspection
and rejection by the superintendent without
recourse. Illds to bo indorsed "Proposals tor
Coal. " and addressed to the honorable board of
trustees ot the Iowa Institution for the educa
tion of the deaf and dumb , uud delivered in
person or by mull at thu time above specified.
The board renorves the right to reject any or
all bids. UL'NltVT W. UOTUKU'rf
The Great Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Salcl
The only genuine clearance sale is now going on in full force.
No abatement of interest , no lessening in the quality and
quantity of bargains offered. We have the goods and are
bound to sell them before we move into our new store.
07 Foot Front. 175 Foot Deep.
Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway.
Adapted to the public schools. Th only
complete thine ol its kind In existence nnd In-
ilUncnslble In the xchool room. School bonds
clcslrluK the moht perfect help for the teachers
are Invited to examine this. Address
General Agent ,
' ITS Willow Avo. , Council mulls. Iowa ,
No. 1O Pearl St.
Electric Truss ; ; , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
The be t Is generally thu cheapest. If you
would be u first-class book-keeper , teacher ,
penman , or reporter und typewriter In a reason
ably short time attend the
Bend for catalogue Rlvme full oartlulacrs
free. W. B. I'AULSO.V , Council llluC la.s
Glasses Accurately Prescribed ,
Eppcui attention given to chronic neuralgias ,
headaches , epilepsy and other nervous alfec-
tloiiH , a large majority of which are caused by
oculer defects , and are entirely curnblo by
prooer treatment of the eyes Send stamp for
pamphlet. Host of references given on appli
cation. Catarrh treated with success by mall
after first consultation. Ofllce cor. liroadway
and Main street , over Council Blulfs Savings
HunkIIoius J to 12 and - ' to u. Council
JllulTs , Iowa.
Incorporated Nov. J , 1R70.
Eoathwest Corner Broadway and Main Street.
Does a Kugular Ilauklug and Exchange Business
N.P. DOD3E , President ; JOHN ItBRESHEIU ,
Vlcol'rest. ; A. W. IIIBKM AN. Cashier.
Directors N. P. Dodje , J Heroshelm , Geo.
Keoline , J. L. Stewart. W. W. Wallace , G. M.
Dodge ,
In the city Gilt edged opportunltlaj to 1mm
dlata investorj uud ho ntjuaori.
Tnos. OFFICER. W. H. M. 1'tISBY
Corner Main and Tlroadwfxr ,
Dealers in forolgn c.nd domestic axchantfa.
Collection * mads and InUrest paid on Urns de
Council Bluffs , la.
Conducted by tha Sisters of Ch arity
An excellent educational Institution , fur
nished with all modern Improvements for
boarding und day school. The acedurnic jeir :
consists of tuo sessions , beginning ou thu first
Monday in September and February rospuot-
Tliit MS Hoard and tuition , per session { 75.
Tor further particulars address
Bister tiiipurlor , St. FrnnoU Academy ,
Cuunall Jlluffr , lu.
418 ItltOAlWAV ) ,
J. 0. KDMUNDSON. JJ.I * SiiuaAivr
Pr n. Vice Proa.
CIIAB. It. HANNtN , Cashier.
Paid up Capital SI5O.OOO.OO
Surplus 35.OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors. . . . 335.OOO.OO
Uini.CTfiit-I. A. Miller , K.O , Qloason. H. h
Bhugart , K H. Hart , J. D , KdmumUon. Chua. It ,
Ilumuin. Transact gouural baiikmi ; busluess.
Larccbt capital aim sm plus of any bank In
noilluvesUru lowu Interest oil tlmo dopoalts.
Qo to the Merrlara block , taeo the elevator and st op t
I room 210 and consult
Who is a nraduato and a practical and scientific optician. Do nol
venr glasses improperly flitod. Do not neijlcct your jcs when they
show symptoms of abnormal refraction. lo not buy hisses from
peddlers. The finest ulusscs to bo found In the world alnnys lu stock.
Glasses ground so ( It the eye in all Its rrjfractlvo errors. Artificial
eyes supplied atpricestosult. Consultation , free. Hours V to li , K to D
T71 A m
W. A. GIBBS , 615 Broadway.
For Fountain Dishes of Ice Cream that ara lOdeBrojs below zsro. An. ol-
esant fruit ami confectionery parlor , wnoro everything Is cool , da itv
andnlce. No. * ! Pearl street.
Look at the immense stock ot Summer and Fall goods kept by
JOHN PETER , Merchant Tailor
652-Hroadu ay. Opera House lllock.
Kecollcct that in hot wcnther pcoplo should keep temper xto
Don't get excited , although the atul slashing of prices lu summer
footwear at tno
BANKRUPT Boot and Shoe Store
85 Main Street. Is enough to excite any body.
ItlOHTlNTIli : MIDDLE of a red hot summer people should
buy their meats of a butcher who knows how and has the means of
properly IceenlnR them. 'Ihe finest market ; in vhe west is the new
establishment of
J. M. SCANLON , Upper Broadway.
If you want cool , clsan , fresh grooorio ? , go to
N. A. TAYLOR , 10 Main St.
People never get hot when they buy of
They guarantee fair dealing alnays. C09 and fill Main Street.
liven though the \\enther Is hot
Has som * red-hot bargains in real estate and several good houses to
rent , all fitted up with modern improvements. Mo. 'M Pearl at.
W. N. YOUNG , 414 Broadway.
For ill kinds of groceries and provisions.
Neumeyor Hotel Building , Broadway.
1O Dogrooa Below Zero , and the Water
Still Running. *
J. O. BIXBY , Sanitary Plumbing.
Pins In. Tacks lo , Matohos
' - '
. * n Tea
\Vo itlro Omaha p
Bottom pricosl GEO. II. MKSCHENDOHF , ! K7 Broadway. Look at
thes'i ' prices : Ulb stuak , fie ; chuck steak , fie ; boll beef , 4c ; corn beef ,
4u- chuck roast , lie : shoulder roast , tc to 7c ; prime rib standard roust ,
lOc : porterhouse tteak. IDc ; veal steak , 7c to Uc ; mutton chops , Oc to
12e pork chops. Oc ; bait pork , kc ; hams , 12c ; shoulders , Cc ; bacon , ICc
Hero Mill and Power , Badger Sheller , Appleton -
ton Feed Cutter and Wood Saw.
Especially Adapted for
HOUSE POWER Mills and Elevators
Specifications and eutlmuten lurnlshed for completootcam plants , llegulatlon , durability
guaranteed , fan show litteis from users whuia fmlecommiyUefjuul
H itu Corliss Non Condensing. Bend for etttaloguo ,
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffa.
Ilia IJent Equipped Establishment in the West. Does HjeliiK and Cleaning of Garments n4
Oooilu of fiery doscrlptlon and material. liy ) C'leiuiliif ; of I'lnu ( Jurmunts u Bpuclalty ,
Out ot towu ordeu uy mall or expicas. will recolvu prompt attention.
Works on Motor Line , Corner 26tii St , & Ave/A , Council Bluffs