THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 28. 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , Wheat Has a Weak Opanlngr on Easy Oablos. CORN SHOWS LATE FIRMNESS. A BtroiiR Pccllntt ill Provisions With 1'rlouB at Tlmca IrrcRular Nothing New In Cattle Hogs Active. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKETS. CHICAGO. Ailjnist 27. f Special Telegram to Tun HBB.1 The wheat market had a weak opening. In "oniccs" yesterday afternoon December was bid up to 7Sfc , but the open ing thin morning was weak on easy cantos. Thu European markets did not respond to the bulge on this side , though later Liver pool cables quoted a small Improvement In prices , duo to the unsettled condition of the weather in the United Kingdom. The mark ets over there uro , up to the present , nbt disturbed over the world's crop ilcllclonoy. The Importing countries of Europe have big crops , and the feeling Is easy lot that rea son. Whatever trmy occur latur on there is uo Immediate danger of short supplies. The homo situation presents bullish features , which are by many consid ered of greater Importance than any figures that may emanate ofllclaliy or in any other way from any Austrian seed congress. _ The big Held movement of whiter wheat is on tho. wane and stocks at wcueru points of accu- mulationJo not increase as rapidly as could bo wished. Indoad , at many principal points stocks nra actually decreasing. Last week's supplies of contract wheat in this city nlono wcro reduced more than 800,093 bushels. The farmers continue to pull bark , nnd oven in the spring wheat country they are not rushing forward their grain with the eager ness that was calculated upon. Trading began on n basis of 78a for Decom- tier , na for September and 82o for May. December , In which the most" busi ness is done , settled back to 7Jo and acted very weak. It recovered its tone , however , on increased general buying , and the market slowly worked up to 7ri > fc. That looked like tbo top for awhtlo , but the price , after a little reaction , started up again , reaching 73Jfc , ana then with a whoou crossing 79o and going up to 79) o. The top was a full cent abox'O early anticipations. Opinion strengthened ttiiu the preliminary estimates would turn out approximately correct , and there was no disposition to regard ttioui in a friendly way. Then there was a free cover ing of shorts for local and Now York ac count and rumors of a heavy pur chase in Now York for September shipment Ono rcuort which had bcllovers , though it could not bo definitely authenticated , was that a single order for 1,000,000 bushels hud been worked there. To tills was attributed a coodlv proportion of the later strength in the market. The clos ing of December was 70c , a nbt gain of % on the day. ScDtauibcr opened at Ti $ c , ranged at 70Jf@78c , und closed at Tijfc August opened nt78c. ranged at 77JY ( < 578 io ; , and closed at Ac. There was considerable changing over of August wheat Into Decent bcr during the session. A good business In cash wheat was reported , but it was trans acted quietly and to some extent under cover. The corn market , after a weak opening , became firm , in sympathy with wheat. The conditions wore nil favorable to the bears , but the shorts were nervous und sent prices up. September opened at 85c , declined to 85tf85u , tnun advanced % c , and closed ut 33& < S24c , which Is Jjo Improvement on yes terday's closing figures. Ibooats marKct was narrow , but prices averaged a shade firmer , with irood business noted in May around 83c. Tbo posted re ceipts wore less than anticipated and a mod erate Inquiry existed , while- there was no pressure to sell. For August 20 ( < i20Vo ! was paid , with next month a shade discount There was some do maud for No. 2 white , which is selling at SSJ c , and September at 22a No. 2 oats to eo to store sold at 20c , or H@i ) ° improvement. In provisions the fcelluor was quite strong. Prices were ut times somewhat irregular , yet in general trade the underlying tone was far from discouraging for holders. Trading was also fair , though a good share of the 'fu ture business transacted whs of a scalping character. September , October and January were again tbo iavorito months. Hutcblnson was tbo largest buyer of pork for near dellv cry , and in speculative lines lard appeared to command ( ho most generous support. Cash buyers made very good purchases. As a rule the closing prices all around showed no important change from yesterday's Una quotations. September Doric rested at a do cllno of 2 > ifc , whllo October nnd January per wus advanced 2 > c , and cash and future lard 2) ) @ 5c. Short ribs closed unchanged to 5i higher. CH1OAUU JjlVK CIIIOAOO , August 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE. I CATTLE. There was nothing now worth noting. The run is light and 0,000 loss than this tlmo last week , yet then is DO perceptible improvement on anything but prlmo export stoors. Common to grassy stock Is not wanted , is hard to soil and a vexation to all concerned. There wore abou 3,600 range steers on the market , mostly medium and common , and only one lot tha attracted any attention. The Texans numbered bored about 4,009 , and generally sold from weak to a shade lower. Native butchers1 stock was steady. There were but one or two buyers. Choice to extra beeves , t-l.4U@-t.Trj ; medium to good steers , 1,1150 to 1,500 Ibs , $3.00(3 ( .50 ; 1,200 to 1,350 Ibs , $3.70@4.80 ; 050 to 1.200 Ibs , $3.00 ® ! ! . 80 ; stockers und feeders , $1.00@3.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.2703.00 ; bulk , $1.60@3.10i slop-fed steers , KUO ( < 4.40 ; Texas stoers$2.0l < 33.0 ; cows , tl.252.05 ; western natives urn half-breeds , $3,00 ( < i3.GO ; cows , $3.10(32.40 ( wintered Texnns , $2. 0@3.15. Hoas Uuslncss was fairly active , with a. upturn of 6$10o ( on prime heavy , wtiila pack urs and light sorts sold about the same a yesterday. Hough and common packing sold at { .1XJ2k'@y.60 und heavy packing at KI.SOa ( ) (3.1)5 ) , with selected huavy at $4.00@4,10. Until sorts sold ut * 4.50@4.00. P1NANCIAU NEW YOKK , August 37. JSpooIal Telegram to Tun UKB.J STOCKS The inflation and strength in stocks yesterday started more than the usual amount of gossip up town last night Tlio action was considered most healthful , as there wore few evidences of manipulation. Tbo doings of the day left the impression thatO per cent money Is Ukoly not to staod any longer in the way of tbo natural advance In ilguros , Chicago parties uro buyers of tbo stocks of the corn belt lines. The Villard people are credited with strength tit the Northern Paclilo. The boars were discouraged last night and say they can do little to oppose tbo upward move ment until the trade gets fllltod up with stocks. There was still further discourage * tnent in the bear ranks this morning when the market opened strong with tlrst prices } { to Ji higher tlian the closing llgures last night London was a buyer of a half dozen leading stocks , and grangers ware In good demand. There was a wall distributed busi ness among the leading stocks , with Atcul- OD , Northwestern , Northern PiiclQo uro- forrod , St. Paul und Now England loading followed by Cotton Oil. Several tblug * fav ored the uuward movement in stocks after 13 o'clock. Money dropped from 5 per cone to 4 per cent and the government bought lib erally of bonds , The shorts saw the hand writing on tha wall and uiado an effort to protect themselves by buying , The net gains were not as great as on Monday , but coming to the top of the former advance and closing at about top figures made a good record for the bulls. Chesapeake & Ohio shores gained J on first preferred , J on common hnd 1 on second preferred. 'North * orn Pacific preferred , Atclnson nnd Northwestern - western oaeli closed 9f hltshor , Missouri Pa- ciflc and Union Pacific each % higher , Hock Island higher. Trusts and coal stocks closed small fractions better with Cotton Oil } { up at 52X. The total sales were 215,193 shares. The followlnz were the closing quotations : tJ.B.4s regular. IiM Northern 1'Acino. , 3)'i ) II. 8. Ai coupons . . .123 do preferred W ? * 11.8.44s regular. . . 103V li > . W- ! " . ' < U.8.4H * coupons .IWl.'i rtopreferred 14J 1 Pacldcflsof W 118 N.Y.Uentral U ! i Central Pftcldo .11 1' . I > . * K , SI CnlCftKOfe Alton..123 I lock Island 80S Chicago , HurllnRton O..M.BtP , , . . . . . 7t AOulncv . . . .1C1' { ( loprof rrod. . , . 112i ! tW ? . . .nn 8tJ'aul& Omaha. . .W * llllnolsOncral 11514 tlopreferrcd. . . . " I. , II. , V W. or I'.xeino C2K ' " W..Bt.I > . liV. 17U Ijik 81ior ! .NnK dbpretorrml. . . . . . KU Michigan Coatral. . X7 Western Union. . . . Mi Hli Bourl PaM HA . . . . 73 Moxp.r Easy at 3 ® 5 } per cent Put MB MEnaXSriLB L'jL.i'sn-4iyS } pir cent STBRUXQ E.XOIUXOB Quiet nnd irroju- lar ; sixty-day bills , SI.E3& ! demand , stocks. NBW YortK , AURUstST. fSpactal Telegram to TUB Uan.l Th9 following arj ths min ing stock quotations : Calo.lonift . a H..3IW Ontario. . 310 Color.ulo Con 1 0 Ophlr. . . . , . . .480 Common wealth."OJ Occidental IfO IteuilwooilT. HO Plymouth 2V ) liureka , Con I7ii Unvage " ) " > ut ciisto i"o Sierra Nevada..2.-K ) Ilomouako ro > Standard 1DO HornSllvsr 115 Hnmll Mopes 110 Iron Silver -0 Ward Consolldrt'd..l55 Mutual. HO PKOOUOI3 M.VIUC iTi. Cnicino , August 27. 1:15 : p. rn. close Wheat Higher ; cash , 78 0 ; September , 77Jfc ; Docotnbor , 70c. Corn Firmer ; cash , SSJfo\ \ September , 8315-lOc : October , 34 } o. Oats Firmer ; cash , aud September , SOo ; October , 20J c. Hyo Stoady. Uarlo.v October , I13c. Prime Timothv $ l.83@ln5 Flax Seed Cash and September , $1.30. Whisky fl.08. Pork Finn ; cash nnd September9.73J ; Odtobor , $0.80. Lard Higher ; cash and Soptombor(0.03 } ; October , 80. Flour Qnlot nnd firm ; winter whotit , $3.00 ? 4.50 ; spring wheat , Sl.atHiJo.DO ; rye , f2.00@ .S5 , Dry Salted Meats Moderately active and Irm ; short ribs , ( -1,85. Butler Easy ; creamery , ll@18c ; dairy , aiGc. Cheese Easy : full cream Cheddars , 7J @ Sc ; Hats , % ( < 8c ; YounK Americas , 8S > c. jJitRB Easier ; fresh , 14@14.kiC. Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged ; "No. I solid packol , 34 0 ; cake , 4lfc. Hocalots. Shipments. Flour 10MO ( 18,000 Wheat 170,000 lOi.OCO Corn 594,000 400,0110 Oats 194,000 Now York. August27. Wheat Receipts 223,000 ; exports , 34.000 : spot , flrtn and hignor ; now No. 2 rod , 8. > } < @ ; iU } o in ilevator and store , 85 ( iJSO o ationt , bt } ) @ lOJfo f. o. b. ; ungraded red , 72 ; < $7Jc ; op tions llrm ; August , SiJJi'c. Corn Uuceipts , 33,000 bushels : exports. 07,000 bushels ; spot moderately nctlvo ; No. 2. 43i @ 14c in store and elevator , 43i44c ! ( nlloat ; ungraded mixed , 13S44/ ( / ; options s1 * active and hignnr. Oats Iloceipts , 121,000 bushels ; exports , none ; spot less nctlvo and } a lower ; options luict and irregular ; August. 256 ; Suptcm- ) er , 2.Xc ; spot. No. a white , . " © ' kte ; mixed western , 20J ffl33)/c. Coffee Options tlrm , 15 to 20 points up ; sales , 40.0JO bags ; August , $14.i)5@15.00 ) ; Septombet- , $14.8r @ 15.00 ; spot Hio , quiet ; 'ulr cargoes , $18.50. Petroleum Quiet and steady ; United closed at i)79 ) c for September. ERKS Firm ; western , 17(7l8J ( c. Pork Steady ; inspected moss , $11.00 ® 11.50 Lard Early months stronger ; western steam , W.42.H' ; September , $ J .40. Butter Dull and easy on all but fancy ; western , 0@l8 c. Cheese Quiet und firm ; western , 0@7c. LiiTorponl , August 27. Wheat Quiet , demand poor and holders offer moderately ; California , No. 1 , 7s ld@"s IJ d per cental ; red western spring. 7s ld@7c l fc'd ; red west ern winter. Us 10d@us lid. Corn Easy and demand poor ; now mixed western , 4s % d per cental. K.insaa City , August 27. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 red , cash und August. Ooo : No. 3 red , cash , OOc ; No. 2 soft , cash aud August , G7o. Corn Stronger ; No. 2 , cash , no bids nor offerings ; August , 25c. Oats No. 2 , cash , 17S/c. } St. IJOUIH. August a7. Wheat Higher ; cash , 75j5jjU ; Seitouiber ) , 70 c. Corn Higher ; cisb , bl , ' c ; September , Oats Firm ; canh , 18o ; September , . ' Pork Firm at * 10.2."i. Lard Firmer at $0.73. Whisky Steady at $1.02. Butter Dull ; creamery , 15@l7c ; dairy , 8@ We. Cincinnati , August 27. Wheat Strong ; No. S rod , 75u. Coru Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 35o. Outs Easy ; No.2mlxod , 20 > { a Whisky Steady at $1.03. srouit. Chloocn. August 27. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Koceipts , 8r > 00 : beeves , $4.40 ® 4.75 : steers , $3.0J@4.5U ; stoelcers and feed ers , $1.00@3.M ( ) ; cows , bulls und mixed , 91.25 @ 3.00 ; Texas cutilo , $1.25@3.20 ; natives and half-breeds , $3.00 ( < 53.00. Hob's Hecelpts. 10XK ( ) ; market weak ; mlxod , ; i.80@4.t5 ! ; heavy , $3.UO@i.l5 ; light , f4.00@4.05 ; skips , $3.50@4.40. Sheep Hecolpts , 7,000 ; market steady ; natives , t3.00 ( < $4.r > 0 ; wouerns feeders , $3.40 @ai > 0 : muttons , $3.80@4.10 ; Tcxaus , $3.50(4 4.10 ; iambs , $4.50@5.75. Kanana Oily , August 37. Cattle Re ceipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 4,0 JO ; best native beef steers lOo higher : common to choice corn-fed steers , $3.40ij.25 ( ; stackers and feodmcr steers , $1.00 ® J. 15 ; cowd , $1.50@ 2.00. 2.00.Hogs Receipts , 4,009 ; shipments , 409 ; market hignor ; good to choice light. $4.22 } @ 4.U7K ; heavy and mixed , $3.75@4.17 . National Stoolc * . IJnt St. LiunlH , August 27 , Cattle Receipts , 5,500 ; shipments , 3uO ; inurket llrai ; choice heavy native steers , $4.10@4.50j fair to good , $3.80 ® 4.15 ; stockurs and feedorg , $3 , 10M3.0U ; range steers , $ 'J.JO@3.10. ! Hogs Receipts. 2,000 : shipments , 200 ; markut a shade hlghor ; fair to cholcohcavv , $4.00g)4.'JO ) ; packing , 4.00@4.20 ; light , $ J.25 4.45. _ OMAHA LtlVK SrOOlt Cattle. Tuesday , August 27. To-day's run of cattle was very light und consisted principally of cotnmonUh native nnd western cattle , desirable and fat beeves being extremely scarce. The dressed beef operators wanted a few good cattle and the feeling was stronger on such but there were not enough to make much of a test of the market. A bunch of 1453 pound beeves said at $1.15 and some 129S pound Doovcs ut $1.00 , but aside front that the sale of natives ranged from (3.10 to $3.03. Quito a string of cornfod westerns sold at $ J,50 and some range stonra at $ J,35 , The market on cow Btutt did not present any essentially now .features. Tne supply was not largo and values remained stationery in about yester day's notch. Nallvo cows sold at $1.55@.25 and canners ut $1.00@1.55. There were a good many stock cattle und feeders on .sale , but qulto a considerable proportion of them wcro not especially desirable. There were qulto a good iiany | buyers in the yards and considerable Inquiry for that class of cattle still the trailing was Inclined to bo slow , A few native foodara went at $3.40@3.00 , and quite a good many Colorado feeders at $3.40 @J.05. Taking the market as a whole it was not much different from yesterday excepting the brightening up of the .trade on the best grades of beeves. It would bo impossible to go into detail regarding to-duy'a trade in hogs without re peating imiLli that bus been said of the mar ket ou a good muuy days of late. The ship pers opened ttie market by paying prices that were about So higher for the heavy and mlxod hogs , thnt 1.753.SO for the bulk. The light hogs did not sell materially differ ent from yesterday , but thcro was more sorting nnd consequently moro sole * nt $3.90. The buyers for thn frcsn moat trade also bought n few londt. at the same prices. The heaviest packers kept In the shndti and did not attempt to buy anything. If they tnado nny'bidi they were so far below the shippers that thcro was no danger of their gottinp the hogs. After the shipping orders were tilled the packers hnd It ivll their own way nnd their wav was $3.0 , > @ 3.70 for the full loads and $3.50@3.CO for the pieces , or the heavy ends of sorts. The trade was pro longed through the whole day , salesman being - ing slow to sell hoes at $3.70 Unit were fully as good ns the shippers paid $3.80 for. It Woujd bo oafo to call the market closing lOo lower tbnn the opening , orm other \vordntho packers' market lOo lower than the shippers' market Ilccolpts. Cattle 1,000 'logs 4,500 Prevailing I'rlooi. The foUowlnsjli atibta ot prlon paid In litsmirkot fjr tu ! gfjklas of stoalc men- loncdt Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 lbi.$3.03 @ 1.39 ' Good stoors. 1250 to 14 > 0 Ibs. . . 3.50 ( < pU5 lood steers , 1030 to 1333 Ibl. . . 3.0J Jommon dinners l.OJ ) rdlnnr.v to fair cows 1.53 ' ' 'air to good cows 1.U3 3oodto choice cows 2.00 holco to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.10 ( cJ3.8U 'air ' to coed bulls 1.50 ( ilJ.00 Good to choice bull * 8.03 Q3.J.20 lightstockors and feeders , . . . 2.25 t < $ i.75 Good feeders , 950 to 1103Ibs. . 2.75 fd.l.O1) ) 'air to choice light hoes 8.SO W3.90 ? air to choice ho.wy hogs 8.ii5 C43.80 Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 353 < $ J.JO ( Pair to choice mixed hoes 8.75 Q3.S5 Koprcsonmuvo Silo * . BTEEUS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 10f0$3 75 10 1183 $3 30 1 1010 375 20 11159 803 21 0110 3 10 13 1299 400 49 1224 320 IS 1293 41.0 4 1115 3 23 15 1433 4 15 cows. 1 55 4. . 690 1 80 .1075 1 55 23. .1119 1 00 .1130 1 00 3. .1255 1 00V . 860 1 CO 5. . S04 1 95 .1113 1 00 20. .1019 2 00 . 919 1 75 4. .1273 2 05 .1COO 1 80 2. .10,35 J 23 17 8.0 1 80 FBEDRRS. 0 873 240 31. . . .1043 307K 2 855 2 40 4. . . .1053 3 75 ! 5 8SO 3 50 72. . . .1UU7 2 00- OA.XXEU3. 1 1300 100 5. . . 1 53 B . . . : . . . . 1 25 2 . . 50 1 55 BULLS. 3 1043 1 50 1. . . . . . .12tO 1 03 STOCKBHS. 29 CS9 300 (1. ( . . . . . 775 220 MIXED. 21 1071 335 CALVES. 1 870 3 00 CATTLE. Dwner No. Av. Pr. - 105 steers , corn-fed 1273 $3 50 20 steers , range strays. . , . 1101 2 05 N. G. Pierce 50 feeders , range , Colo. . 984 340 114 feedersrangy , Cole , . 940 2 03 Laramto Ilwor Cattle Co 21 stoors. range , Wyo 1118 2 40 Stephens & Moisnor 21 steers , range , Wyo 1058 3 a > 7 steers , range , Wyo 1171 3 0 } 4 steers , range , Wyo 1113 3 85 iibas. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. 4. . . .250 . . . $3 25 00. . 80 $3 21. . . .2U3 120 3 50 53. . . .2151 40 3 20. . " 200 120 3 55 04. . . .270 40 8 JsO' 21. . 2'J4 120 355 CO ' ' . .223 80 3 80 J'J. ' . . .231 120 3 55 Ol'.23S 120 3 80 40. . . .303 40 3 55 04..27.3 40 8 80 35 . . .278 100 3 55 CJ. , . .25'J ' 120 880 10. . 1'JO 3 01) ) OS. , . .219 120 3 bO 33. , 80 3 00 50. . .874 1130 380 55. , . .237 120 3 05 01 ! . . .213 240 380 03. , . .305 240 03. . .233 40 3 SO ! 00. , . .254 80 o7 01. . .201 80 3 CO. , . .253 40 307 * 43. . .251 40 8 21. , . .330 80 3 70 03. . .243 40 883 > . , . .234 40 3 70 05. . .193 80 885 74. . . .2M 200 3 70 OS , . .211 3 85 09 , . .230 240 3 70 70. . .232 200 3 85 11. , . .218 SO 3 70 74. . .199 ' 3 85 40. , . .333 3 70 74. , . .233 46 387 15. , . .231 20 3 70 oa. . .210 40 387J * 7'J. , . .233 120 3 70 07. . .22J 40 390 43. , . .202 120 3 70 00. . .201 40 3 90 75. , . .251 120 50..203 ' 8 90 5. , 372 71. . . .20U 'so 3 90 75. , 210 $ * 40 . . .183 40 3 90 55. , . .300 80 37 as. . . .210 3 90 03. , . .313 120 8 75 85. . . .818 3 90 53. . . . .285 40 3 75 15. . . .212 8 90 4'J. , . .U32 ' 3 75 23. . . .184 3 90 CO. , . .250 'BO 3 75 27. . . .810 3 90 40. , . 284 240 3 7o 80. . . .233 3 90 J54. , . 3(1 290 3 75 ai . . .190 3 90 51. , . .332 8 75 so. . . .218 8 90 CO. , . .2CU 200 3 75 37. . . .218 8 03 58. , . .257 40 8 75 82. . . .194 40 3 90 09. , . .233 120 3 75 87. . . .200 3 90 50. , . .333 80 3 75 43 . . .213 3 90 01. , . .312 2J..20'J 40 3 90 Iilvu Stock Notes. T. Blssoll was in from Elyrla with cattlo. John Ryan came in from Noola , la. , with cattlo. Joseph Scliultz was in from Sohuylor with cattlo. * J. M. Cole bad hogs in from Wooplug Water. R. V. Churchill was in with cattle from No ola , Iowa. A. C. MoCorklo had six cars of cattle in from Superior. Phlllu Unitt was in from Seward with two cars of cattle. Mr. Ilurlbut came in from Macedonia to visit the yards. D. 1C. Wilson represented Prague and had hogs on the market. Bailey brothers , of Ord , were on market with cattle and hogs. Thomas Martin was on the market from Fairuiount with hogs. D. O. Lawrence came down from Sioux City with two cars of cattlo. A. M. Newburry of Panama , la. , was la with a lot of choice heavy hogs. Thomas Powers was In from Sutton with two curs of cattle and one of hogs. NIoLrara was represented by 13. 3udo , who had two cars.of cattle on tbo market. Secretary A. L. Lott has Issued notlco of tbo mooting of the Live Stoclc exchange. Monday , September 3 , at 3 o'clock. A di rector will bo elected to till the vacancy caused by the resignation of J , M. Doud. The real explanation for the presontcondi tlonof the hog market is : The packers are not willing to pay the present prices for hogs , and are determined to force the mar ket lower , out at the same time the shippers are keeping prices up. Hence , whenever thcro are moro hogs than , the shippers can use , or hoes that they do not happen to want the packers sit down ou them. The ship pers do not ulwnv'B buy the best'hogs , sotliu sometimes us good hogs us there are in the yards have to bo sold ut u mean price. OMAHA WHOLESALE MA.IUCI2TH. Produce , Fruits , Etc. Eoas-Strlctly fresh , 13@13Ku. J3UTTBU Creamery ; Fancy , 15ICo ; choice 1415o. Dairy i Fancy , 18@14o ; choice 1KS120. Country : Fancy , I2@l4oi goot to choice , 10@llu ; fair , 9@10o : inferior , G @ 7c.LIVE LIVE PJOEONS Perdoz , $1.50. GAUC Weather too hot for game and bu little doing. Prulrlo chickens are still ou of scuson und can not be exposed for sale before fore September 1. Whatever few were re ceived in good order sold ut fair prices , but a regular market is not quotable. Plovers are soiling readily ut $1.00 to $1.50 per dozen , and ducks , if well grown , are wanted. Some Mallards received lately sold readily at $3.0i per dozen , and wood ducks and mixed , $1,71 @ 3.00. HEANS Choice hand picked navy , (1.7&t ( 2.00 ; choice hand uicked medium , $1.U5@1.SO choice bund picked country , $ l.UOil.C5 ( clean country , $1.50@1. < JO : ' inferior country $1.00 ® 1.25. HIDUS. PELTS , TALLOW , ETC Green saltoc hides , 4)4@4o ) : dry salted hides , Co ; drv flint hides , 7o ; calf tildes , 4 } @ 5a ; damaged hides , 2o loss ; sheep pelts , uroon , each , 25oti ( $1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per Ib , 9Q12c. TaT ow , No. 1. 4@4 fo ; No. 2 , JU nj c. Qroa o , White , 4 > i(74fc ; yclloW , 3V < A3e. WOOL Flntr. average , IMlOoj medium , iwornifo , Slg22oj ( ouartcrblood , nvcrdgo 20 ( < $ 21o ; coarse , uverngo , X UP'i colt8 nm' rough , avorngo , U@lCc. PoTATons 25Z30c ( ! per Uu,3f' PofLtiiY Old hens nnd chickens , $2,00 ® 8.00 ; spring chIckcnsJ.OO ( < ? 3,50J ducks and gcceo , per' Ib , 9c ; turkfjsj OQlOcj young lucks , per doz , $3.00. CHBCSU Young Americas , full cream , lOc ; factory twins , 9Uo ; off criulcs , 0@7c ; Van Rosscm Edont , $11.50 p3r do ; ! ! ap Bago , 19o ; 3rick , llfi12c ; llmburgor , nj lJJ7e ; .domestic , Swiss , Ho ; cheese safes , bronze fu medal , No. 8,12.85. OnANOKS Los Angoles.iW.fiO Rodi , $000. LKMOXS Fancy , $ (5.00W8.W ) ; Choice , $4.50. SOUTIIBKV Pr.ACiiF.3 Yi bu , 75c@l for choice and n.540 for poornnd * common. ArrLnH Per bbl. &OcQ-.00. CALIFOIINIA PBACIICS 20 Ib boxes , $1.50 ® 1.75. CALironxiA CALIFOHNIA PLUMS $1.00. Piuits 40 Ib boxes , $1.75 ( 2.25. WATBK > tnLO.XS-lO.OO@iO.Od DOr 100. CANTKLocrna Per doz , 50@COc. PlNturruts Per doz , $3.25@3.00.1 LJANANAb According to size , per bunch $3003.00. ' COCOANUTS Per 100 , $3.00. AlTLK UUTTKIl 5(5. CiDKK-Hbls , $5.00 ; hf bbls. $3.00. MAI-LB SUOAU 12K@l8o per Ib. VDAL Choice , medium size , 6f < tOo ; choice heavy , 4@5c ; spring lambs , $30.00330.00 per dozen , HOXET 14i2I5p ( tier Ib for choice. Pnr.SEKVEs < J@lOo per Ib. Jr.Lt.ins 3K@4o per Ib. UKESWAX No. 1 , 10(319c. ( HAT J2.60Q5.50. CHOP FKii-$ HltAX-$9.00(39.25. ( SAVSAOE Uoloenn , 4@4 } c ; Frankfurt , 8c ; tongue , 9c ; summer , 23c : head cheese , 7c. Pins FEKT Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs' tonuucs , kits , $2.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , C5c : [ ilcklcd H. C.Hrlpe , kits , 83o ; spiced pigs' ' ttocks , Kits , $1.15. UBEF Toxaucs Salt , bbls , $20. Groceries. PROVISIONS Hams , No. 1 , l(5-lb ( average , llc ; 2J lo 33 Ibs , lie ; 13 to 14 Ibs , 12c ; No. 2 , lOo ; specials , KIJ c ; shoulders , 7c ; breakfast bacon , No. 1 , lOJfc ; specials , 12&c ; picnic , 7J/c ; ham sausage , 9o ; dried beef tiaras. 9jci beef tongues , $0 per dozen ; dry salt meats , UV$7u ( pur lu ; boneless ham , 1'Ki ' ! . WitAt-riNO PAI-EH Straw , per Ib , \ % @ 2J < fc ; rag. ajfe ; munilln , 13 , 5@06 ; No. 1. Se rf VLT Dairy. 280 Ibs It ) bbl , bulk , $3 10 ; best grade , GO , 5s , $3.iO ; ; best , grade 100 , 3s , $3.40 ; best grade , 23 10s , $3.80 ; rock salt , crushed , $1,80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb bags , 85c ; bulk , 224-lb , bags , $3.40 ; common , in bbls , S1.25. CANDT 9K12Xc per Ib. CHOCOLATE AND COCOA 21@37o per Ib ; German chicory , red , 8c. GINOEU Jumnlco , } { pints , $3.00 per doz. FAIIINACEOCS Goons Barley , 83 > o farina , 4 c ; peas , 3u ; oatmeal , 2 5c ; muc aroul , llo ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , sago and tapioca , UU)7c. ( ) Fisn Salt Dried codflsn , scaled herring , 24o per box ; ho ! , herring , dom. 50c ; Hamburg spiced herring , $1.50 ; hoi. herring , 70c@$1.10 ; mackerel , lurgo fam ily , $10.25 pnr 100 Ibs ; whitelish , No. 1. $0.50 ; family , $3.75 ; trout , $3.25 ; salmon , $8.50 ; un- chovics , SOc. LYE $ l.75@4.50. NUTS Almonds , 15,17c Brazils , 8c ; fil berts lie ; pecans. Ido ; vitlnuts , 12c ; peanut cocks , bj is : roasted , 10)50. ) ' CANMSU Fisu Broolr.trout , 8 Ib. $2.-10 ; salmon trout , 2 IbJ.3J5 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clums , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chqwder , 3 Ib , $ ! .25 ; deviled crabs , 1 ib , S3.25 ; 'deviled crabs , 2 Ib , $3 50 ; codfish balls , 2 lb$1.75 ; cavier ; X Ib , $3.25 ; eels , lib , $3.4QV16bstera , lib , $1.90 ; lobsters , 2 Ib , $2.90 ; lobsters , deviled , Ib , $2.25 ; muukerul. 1 Ib , $ ti5 ( : ' mackcral , mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.10 ; macKcrel , tomato sauce , 3 Ib , $3 40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 93c ; oysters. 2 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon. C. R. , l'lb , S3.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 2 Ib , $2.SU ; salmon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3(55 ( ; shrimps , 1 Ib , $3.05. , , LUID- Tierces Refined , O o ; choice , 0c ; pure leaf , 7u ; kettle 'rendered , 7 > c. Add % c to l-uc Per Ib for smaller quantities. OILS Kerosene P. "W. , 9J/c ; W. W. , I''c ; headlight , 13o ; salUd oil , * 'll59.00 ( per dozen. . . DHIBD Fnuirs Currants , , 4K@5c ; prunes , casks , 1,800 Ibs , 4)4'4 > io ; ' prunes , bbls or bags , 4 > 4f@4o ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs. 21c ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ibs , IGc ; furd dates , boxes. 13 Ibs , 9a ; apricots , choice evaporated. 25-lb boxes , 15c ; apricots , jelly , cured , 25-lD boxes , 15c ; apricots , fancy , Mt. Hamilton , 25-lb boxes , I5c ; apricots , choice , bags , SO Ibs , 13c ; apples , uvaporated , Aldcn , 50-lb boxes , 0c ; aoplos , Star , Uc ; auples , fancy Alden , 5-lb , 8c ; apples , fancy Alden , 2-lb , 8) ) 0 ; blackberries , evaporated , 50-lb boxes , 5 } @ 5J/c ; cherries , pitted , dry cured , 15o ; pears , California fancy , s. boxes , 25 Ibs , 13 } c ; peaches , Cal. fancy , KS unp boxes , 25 Ibs , I8e ; peaches , Cal. No. lfancy , } s unp. bogs , 80 Ibs , 12 > c ; peaches , fancy , ovap. unp. , 50-lb boxes , 12@l4c ; poaches , Salt Lnite now , GX@"C : nectarines , red , 12c ; nectarines , silver bags , 12J c ; Dltted plums , Cal , 25-lb boxes , He ; raspberries , ovap. N. Y. , now , 21c ; prunes Cal. , R. C. , 90-100 boxes , 25 Ibs , 8c ; prunes. Cul. , R. C. , CO-70 , 9c ; orange peel , 15c- raisins , California Loni dons , crop ISSS , $2.40@2.CO ; raisins , CalnJ fornia loose , muscatels , crop ISbS , $1.90@3.00 ; valenclus , 18SS , 7c. PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $4.50 ; small , $2.50 : gherkins. $0.50 ; C. & 13. chow chow , qts , $5.90. pts , $3.40. BAOS American A , seamless , 17c ; Union Square paper , discount 85 per cent. COFFEE Green Fancy old golden Rio , 22o ; fancy old peaberry , 24c ; Rio , choice to funcy , 22u ; Rio , prime , 20 c ; Rio , good , W o ; Mocha , 39e ; Java , funcy Mundohling , 27o ; Java , good interior , 24c. " CorrcE Rousted Arbucklo's Ariosa , 23J c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 23. ' c ; German , 23c ; Dilworth,2U/o : : Alaromu , 2d > c. SAI.SODA IJfftga&o per Ib. STA cii-.57c ( per Ib. STOVE POLISH $3.00@5.87 per gross. SI-ICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , llo ; Cas sia , China , 9j4u ; cloves , Zanzibar , 30c ; nut megs , No. 1. 75c ; popper , 18c. SuoAiia Cut loaf , 9c ; cut loaf , cubes , 9 > o ; Standard , powdered , 9Kc ; XXXX powdered , UJtfc ; granulated. Standard , 8Ko ; confectioners' A , S c ; white , extra C , Cli max , 8jic-oxtra C , Nebraska , SJtfoj Amber , ; California Golden C. Twni-ri an i itiipo. BINDERS' TWINE Sisal , ICc ; hemp , 15c ; munilla , 18c. CLOTIISUNES Cotton , 50-ft , $1.20 ; cotton , 00-ft , $1.40 ; Jute , 50-ft , 90o ; Jute , CO-ft , $1.00- CorTON TWISE Fine. 22c ; medium , 19c ; heavy hemp , lOo ; light hemp , 15c. SAILTWINB B. sail , 30oCalcutta ; , 15c ; Manilla rope , lii e ; sisal rope , HKc ; now products , 8c ; jute , 80 ; cotton , 12c ; hide rope , 17c. KOUTil OMAUANBWS. IMcot nnd On Thursday of merchants' ween , September ' ' ber 5 , the visitors to Om'ub'u will bo brought to visit the Magio City.Let us receive them In a manner as flattering to thorn as it will bo creditable to us ? ' To do this we nocd most careful pfcp ru'iign and unlimited funds , THE BEE auK.K0t3 that Mayor bloano call a public meeting to make suitable preparations for the rdcoptloif and enter tainment of visitors on that day. For the good of tbo town too 'ranch cunuot bo dono. Almost every visitor hero on that duy is a person directly IntofisKJiJ In and shipping his product to t ifs market und con tributing to our 4bQlty , business and prosperity. Every i qlUir expended on this occasion will bo plan1 ccl-tu fruitful soil. Lot us meet soon , so that" time may bo had for ample and suitable preparation , Lot us re ceive und ontertuln tlm Visitors so that ovcry one will say on dopari'mp , "Truly , South Ouiuhu is the Mugiu City. " Proceeding of the City Council. The committee reported that the contract to pave N street could not bo legally changed and that the property-holders were satisfied with the present contract. The committee on gas und public lights reported that more lights cannot bo put np , as the levy of $3,490 Is now ull appropriated , The health com mittee want moro time to Und a dumping place. Ordinances No. 103 , fixing the curb line on N street ; No. 103 , providing for viaduct - duct watchmen , and No. 104 , requiring a sidewalk on the north side of M street , from Twenty-seventh street to Railroad - road avenue were Introduced , Charles Slngrer'B request to have the earth removed from the street on Twenty-fourth , south of N street , so that ho can build , was referred to the committee on viaducts , streets and alloys. James P. Ryan's request for compensation for bU horse killed in full- ng over the bank into Twenty-fifth &lrect va < referred to the council ns n committee of the whole. The petition to widen the N street curb line to twelve foot xvas referred. City Engineer Morris' communication ex pressing the opposition of citizens to the ihanpo of grade of streets between Twenty- fourth and Twentieth and G nnd N streets vns referred. The protest against S. W. Oonnls taking sand from Sixteenth street between N and Q streets was referred to the mnrshal. The South Omaha Ice Co. refused the ofTcr of $500 for flood damages and filed n bill for $0,500. This was referred to the council ia co mm lit eo of the wholo. The Motor railway company's injunction was read. .Inrslml Maloncy's report for July showed 43 arrests , 83 for drunkenness , 25 vugs , 18 tisturbmg the peace , and 7 for larceny. City Engineer J. B. Morris reported that ho N street paving would cost ns follows : 13,050 square yards at $ J.CO. equal $30.270 : 5.795 lineal foot ot curbing at 94 cents , cauftl > ! > ,447.80 , nnd 5,195 feat of frontage , making a otnl of $11.717.30 ; was accepted. John F. ilchhnrt's offer to act as Inspector of .ho N street paving Job. wus ro- 'orrcd. Thomas Ryan's deed of thirty three feet along Thirteenth street in con sideration of the city's paying Mr. Ryan',8 special grading tax , was accepted nnd 'tho .rcasuror was authorized to cancel Mr. Ryan's special grading tax. C. II. Prich- elt's claim of $3,090.81 , for grading Twenty- fourth street from A to Wyman street was presented by E. H. Do > ld. Mr. McMillan leulcd that thcro was aver a contract ba- Avccn the city and Mr. I'rluhett ' und stated that the mayor hnd notified Mr. Prltchott's men not to do ttio work as there wus no con tract for the samo. After a long discussion n which Councilman McMillan and Mr. I'rlcholt indulged in personalities , the mat ter was rofcrrco to the finance committee which was directed to Investigate It. The matter of ordering maps , from tha National Publishing company , of the city und Doug las and Sarpy comities , was re ferred to the finance committee with power to net. Bids for grading M street east of Twenty-fourth street were opened as follows : H. D. Fitch , 11 / cents nnd 1 cent per yard for moru than 1,000 feet overhaul. The contract was awarded to II. D. Fitch. Daniel Harmon 13 cents. Ordi nance 1C2 was passed. The printing com- mltteo was Instructed to advertise for bids for tbo city printing for the fiscal year. The Inanco committee was directed to mlvortiso for laying sidewalks. The city engineer Is directed to ostlm'uto the grading to bo douo on Twenty fourth street from N to Q streets. Bills to the amount of $0,591.29 were road and referred. The claims of John Gloason and James P. Ryan for losses by horses full- ng over banks , were referred. The ioo com pany's bill of $0,500 , was rejected ind the city jnginoor was directed to make an accurate survey of tbo buildings and grounds of the co company , tno foundations and supports of the houses. Adjourned. The Armoiir-Cuilnhy Picnic. Complete arrangements have been made day for the Armour-Cudahy picnic at Wator- oo next Sunday. The following oOlcors lave boon elected and committees appointed : President , Patrick T. McGrath ; treasurer , John U.Jrwm ; secretary , Maurice J. Bar ren. ren.Committos on arrangements Messrs. John J. Irivln , Robert J , Russell and William R. Orr. Orr.Music Music Messrs. Richard Moher , James O'Neill , James White , Harry Cllngcn , Patrick McMuhan. Albert A. Harder , Wil liam R. Orr and Frank H. Cuntlie. Floor Messrs. Walter A. Kocimn , Robert J. Russell , Frank H. Cnntho , John bachman - man , R. E. Walker. C. Wilmor , F. A. Huntley - ley , .lames Pnilllps , John O'Keofu ' , Maurice J. Burron. Amusements Messrs. Patrick T. Mo- Grath , Robert J. Russell , Ber- iard Conway , Charles S. Forsyth , , J , Sheridan , Michael Daley , Larry Noonan , R. llnines , Albert A. Harden , Harry Clingcr. Robert E. Echlin. William Burness , Richard Maher , J. O'Neill , Captain William A. Bell , John Murphy and William Watson. Maurice J. Barren , J. Dwyer , Charles S. Forsyth , Edward C. Ryan , J. Sheridan , Michael Daley , F. Smith , Bernard Conway , Richard Smith , Patrick McMnhon , John O'Keofe , Richard Maher , R. R lines , J. White , Rlchaid E. Echlin , William Buruess. Captain William A. Bell , Michael Murpny , Captain John Murphy , John Buchman , Richard A. Walker , C. Wehror , F. A. Huntlo.v und James Phillips. Grounds Messrs. James H. Howe , Ed ward Conloy , Hurry Clingen , Albert A. Harder , J. Dwyer , Larry Noonan , F. Smith , Michael Dilo.v , Richard Swift , John G. Irwin - win , Bernard Conway , William R. Orr and James.Phillips. Finance Messrs. John G. Irwin , Maurice J. Barren. R. J. Russell , James O'Neill. Pat rick T. McGrath , James Hale , Richard Swift , James O'Keofo , Patrich Sheahey and Michael Murphy. .transportation and train Messrs. James O'Nolll , John G. Irwin , Patrick Sheahoy and Edward Conloy. The A. O. H. cornet band of Omaha , will furnish the music. The public is cordially Invited to attend. _ Hilton tiy a Uotr. Master Robert Whinnery , aged seven years , son of Dr. C. E. Whinner.v , Monday wandered too near William R. Lumbcrtson's leashed dog warn the animal caught him by the wrist , the dog'a to < jth penetrating fully hulf an Inch und then toro out , causing a very painful wound. The wound was burned with caustic and dressed. An Abmiluto Ctiro. ThoORIGINALABIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up in large two ounce tin boxes , and Is an absolute cure for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped bunds , and all skin orup. tions. Will positively cure all kinds of piles- Ask for the ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box bv mall 30 cents. The European \VIioatCrnp. , August 37. The department of agriculture's cablegram from its European agent in London states that tha international grain market , in pcslon at Vienna , estimates the wheat crop of Europe lower than was expected. _ _ Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always bo used for children teething ; . It soothes the child , soltons the gums , allays all pains , cures wind colic , and is the host remedy for diar- rliocu. 25c a bottle. The Montana Democrats. HELENA , Mont. , August 27. The dem ocratic state convention met at Anaconda yesterday. After making A. Clitrk , ot Butte , permanent chairman , and the trans action of other proUmlnnry business , adjourn * men ! was taken until to-tiny. Flrn In M Itnislnn Town , ST. Pr.Tnnsnuna , Auuust 27. Half of the town of Dubno was destroyed byflrojos- tordny. The loss Is enormous. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , 505 feoullilfttli Street , - Oinalia COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK. Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 4OOOO Officers and Dlrcctors-IS. SI , Morsomnn. O. M. HiU'licock. Jos. ( Urncau , Jr. , A. Henry , II. M. Andcrgon. Wm. O. Maul , v.prcs. ; U 11. will- Inms , A.I' . Hopkinspros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ; F , II. llrynnt , luslstiintcnshlcr. Boots nnd Shoos. KlltKtiXDALL , JOKES Jfc CO. , Successors to Heed , Jonci A Co , Wholesale Manufacturers of Biots & Shoes r Uoslon Kubber Shoe Co. , 1102.1101 and HOC lltrnoj Street , OniUm , NcbrsiLn. Browora. STORZ & ILEIt , Lager Beer Breviers , 1531 North Eighteenth atrcot.Omnhii , Neb. Cornloo. EAOLE COHXICE WORKS , Mannfecters of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window-caps nnil rartalnkrlUhu. ) .lolm Uponcter , proprietor. 1U ) and 110 buu'.h ICtb street. Paper Boxes. JOHN L , WILK1E , Proprietor Omana Papr Box Factory , Not. HIT nod 1919 Douf las street , Omaha , N b. Sash , Doorgt Eto. 31. A. D1SBHOW & CO. , Wholcsnlo mcaufaeturors of , Doors , EliMs and Mouldings , Branch oSce , 12tli aail Uard street * , Oranha. Neb' . DOtlN MANUFACTURINO CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Dors : , Bliiifls , MouldlDis , itnlr-vork nnl Interior Jinnl wood finish. 13&-U North loth street , Omaha , Nob. Steam Fittings , Pumps , Eto. STItAKG A CLARK ST&AM HEATIKQ C0n Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Bt m , water , railway and mining supplies , etc. W ) , va imd IK4 I'arnam su-eut , Oinnlia. IT. S. W1KD EXOIffE A PtTMP CO. , Steam anfl Water Snpplies , UallUaj wind mills. SIS and 920 Jones it. , Omaha. U. K. Host , Aotlug Manager. ' , BROWNELL & CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BheeUroa wori , steam pumps , sair mills. 1213-121J ietit , Omaha. Iron Works. PAXTON & VIERLIKQ IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cart Iron Building Wort Entities , brass work , general foundry , machine and blacksmith work. Otllce and works , U. 1 * . Ky. and 17th street , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE & IRON WORKS , Mannfacters of Wire andiron Railings Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wire slgms , te. 123 North lUhBtroot.Ouinha. OMAHA SAFE & IRON WORKS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Bnrglar I roof Safes , Vaults , Jail work. Iron shutters and tire escapes. O. Andreen. prop'r. Corner Kth and Jackion sts. SOUTH OMAHA VNioN srodK YARDs"caZ OfSoutii Omaha , Limited. - TUB CHICAGO SHORT LINE OP THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Route from Omaha and Council Dluffe to HHTHE EAST TWO TBAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL , HUJFi'8 Chicago , AND Milwaukee. St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids , Bock Island , Fiecport ? Kochford , Clinton , Dnbuque , Davenport , Elgin , Madison , JancsTlllc , Bclolt , WInona , La Crossc , And nil other Important points Kast , Northeait and Huutheast. For through tickets call on the tlsket , aeent at 1WI Farnam street , lu llarkur Jllock , or at Unloa I'sciflc l > epot. I'ullinan Sleepers and the flnest Dining Cars In tht world are run on the mainline ot the Chicago , Mil' wauk e & Bt. I'aul llallwur. and oierj attention ti paid to pauenners UT courteous employes of tht company. It. ltllIEU. General Munaner. j. K.TUCKKII , As l tintjenornl Manager. A. V. II. CAlll'BNTiSlt , Ueneral 1'assunger and . . OKO. K. 1IKAFFOHI ) . Anlitnat Qoneral Passenger nd Ticket Agent. T. J. GLJUIK. Ueneral Bupirlotenicnt. For the euro of all DISORDERS OP THE STOMACH , LIVER. BOWELS .KID NEYS , BLADDER , NERVOUS DISEASES , HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION COSTIVENESS , COMPLAINTS PECULIAR TO FEMALES. PAINS IN THE BACK , DRAGGING FEELINGS , &c. , INDIGESTION , BILLIOUSNESS , FEVER , INFLAMATION OF THE BOWELS , PILES , und all doraujforaont of the Intor- nnl Viscera. RADWAY'S ' PILLS nro a euro for this complaint. They tone up the internal EccrettoiiH to healthy action , restore strength to the stomach und cnablo It to perform Ha functions. Price 25o nor box. Sold by nil druggists. RADVVAY & CO. , Now York , For B lo br M. H. Blwi , Omaha , Nebraska , , AgrlouUurM Implomqnte. ' ' Dcalorin Agiicnllaral Implcnicnts , Wajoni Carriages and buentos , Jnnm * trrcl , between tth nut lUtl ) , Om aim , Nebraska. .P CO. , Asilcnlt'l ' Implements , Wagons , Carriage ! ningles , tto. Wholt < a'e. Omaha. Nebraska. ' 1 KL/A' , OHKNDOHF A MAHT1X CO.\ \ Wholesale Dcstcis In i Agricalt'l ' Ininlomcnh , Wagons & Emgto nil , ( W , tWJ and On Jonts strret , Omaha. MOL1NE , MII.OVnK A STODUARD CO. , Mnnnfacinrera and Job" art In Wagons , Boggles Mei , Plows , Etc , Cor. Vth nnd Pnclflo streets , Omaha. . Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1613 Uouglns street , Omstia , Nebraska. Boots encl Shoos , W. V , MORSE * CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Slices , 1101,110,1,110& Douglas street , Omnha. Mtnnf .ctorr . Bummer ilrctt , lioston. Cool , Coke , Eto. JAMES llr. THATCHER COAL CO. , Miners aud Snippers of C-jal enl Coke , . llooin al. U. 8. National Hank llulldliu , Omaha. Jobbers of ford eni Soft Coal , . South 13tli ctrcet , Ouiahn , Nebraska. KEUUASKA FUEL CO. , Snippers of Coal and Coke , ill South 13tli it.Oniali . Nob. . LUMBER * ETC , JOHN A. WAKEF1ELD , Wholesale Lnniher , Etc , mportcd nnd American Portland "cment , Btat agent ( or Mllirnukro lirdrau Ic t ment anil if wliltoiiue. UIIAS K. LEE , Dealer in Hardwccd Lunte Wood carpet * ami parquet Doorlne. Stli and lou lM stiects , I ) ui a 1m , Neb. OMAHA LUMUE'R co. , All Kinds of BniUing Material at Wholesale ; ISth street and Union I'aclllc track , Omalia. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dialer in Lnnioer , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Etc. YnrJs Corner Tth andDouglas. . Offlor Corner 10th and L'oualai. FRED. W. U RAY. : ' Lnmtie1 Lime Cement Etc Etc * , , , , , , , Comer OIL aud Douvlas its , Oiuaba. C. N. DIETS , Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California streets , Omaba , Nebraska. . - I. OUKRFELDER & CO. , iDorlcrs & Johoers in Millinery & No'.te 'Ji ) , aiu mul 812 South llth street. _ J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wntele Notions and Famishing Goods , 1171 llarnej Street , Omaha. Commission and Storage. ItlDDELL & RIDDELL , Stone and'C'Jininissioa Merchant , Specialties Butter , tgtf. cheese , puultrr , gainfe 1112 Howard street , UuiuliH. Neb. Dry Copds and NotlpnB. M. E. SMITH A CO. , Dry Good ? , Fttrnishing Goods and Notions 1103 and 1101 Uoufflas , cor. llth street , Oraulm , Nob. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY.GOODS CO. , Importers & Jobbers in Dry Gaods , Notiu Ueat's iurotshlni ; Rood * . Corni'r llth nnd' Ilarnoy streets , Umaba , Noiirnsku. HELIN , THOMPSON & CO. , Importers nnd Job'oera of Woolen ? and Tailors'T ' m\w \ li Uilislrcit Furniture. DEWEY Jc S'WNE , WMesals Dialers in Furniture , Knrnnm street , Omaha , Ncbruaka. CHARLES S11IVERWK , Fnmiturs , Omaha , Nebraska. Groceries. PAXTON , OALLAQHER A CO. , Wholesale Groceries and Proylsioas , 705 , TOT , 70J and 7y BoutU 10th St. , Omalia , Nob. McCORD , BRADY .t CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Iltb andL avenworth streets. Oiunlin , Nebraska. Hardware. IK. J. BROA'J OH , Heayy Hirdware , Iron and Steel , EprlDKi , wagoa stock , bardirara , lumber , cto. 13W and 1711 llinor Mtvel. omabn. W. J. DROA1 OH , He'aiy Hardware , Iron and Steel , eio > " * LEE , Wholesale Hardware , Gallery , Tin Plae ! , Uttals , sheet Iron. etc. Agents for llnwn scales , Ulaml powder and l.ynian barbed wlra. UIMEBAUQH & TAYLOR , Bnilflers' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop llochaulc * ' tool and Uutfalo scolcs. ItOS UouglU street , Umaba , Neb. ToySf Eto. H. HARDY & CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goefls , Doat furnlihlnu goods , children's carrlanes , riiriium strvot.Ouiaba , Neb , rl Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ails grease , etc. . Omaha. A. U. Bishop , llanag fr Papor. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nice itock of printing , itrnrpli'K snd apor , Bpuclul attention Klvvn lo card paper. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DErOSITOBY , OUAHA , NEB. Capital $100,00(1 ( Surplus , .Inn. 1st , 188 ! ) 52,000 OKKICKH8 AND niltUOTOUBl W. VATBS , I'resiaent. LuwibH. HIED. Vice 1'iesidcnt. A. K. TOUZAI.IN , W. V. MoitsB. JOIIKH. UOI.MNB , H. 0. CumiiNo , J. N. 11. I'ATIIICK , W. II. H. HuaiiES. Cashier. THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th aud Karutvm Btn , A General Hanking Uualuess aVftU ct a.