THE OMAHA DAILY 3 $ % : WEDNESDAY , ' ATJGUST 28. 1889. PELTED HIM'WITH CUSHIONS Llncolnltas LOBO their Temper Over the Omaha-St Joe Qamo. WANTED TO MOB THE UMPIRE. Xiio Apoflllos Again Noatlr Talcon Into Camp By the Brewers In tho- Local Flo Id of Sport. Rtnndlnc of the Claim. Following is the standing of the Woitorn Association clubs up to and Including yesterday's ' games : Plnvod. Won. Lo U Per Ct. Omaha 03 Ot 23 .GM ! CO 87 .1110 Minneapolis , . . .83 47 40 .5l ) " > Sioux City HI 40 48 .4S9 Denver 04 41 CO .41W St.Josouh 88 83 49 .443 Milwaukee 93 40 53 .480 r > csMoines..01 81 00 .841 Omnha 13 , Ht. iTo cpl < 7. LINCOLN , Neb , , August 37. Omaha won the game from St. Joe to-day with easy work. The suporlorlly nf the former club over the latter was apparent from the llrst. On the whole , however , the game disap pointed the great crowd that greeted the players. By thj crowd generally It was re garded as n hippodromo. Over half the spec tators loft thn grand stand during the inst half bf the seventh inning because of a rank derision of the umpire In favor of the pennant club. Willis lined a ball over first on n clear hit and It hit t8 the right fully throe feet , making a foul. Ho decided It n fair hit and hold to bis decision. The Jeers nnd hisses and hoots from tlio crowd were merciless. Cushions were hurled Into the prounas by excited spectators nnd for a tlmo it seemed that the game would break up in a row. After tbo major part of ttio crowd had left the grounds the game , was played to a finish. Fully 3,000 people wore on the grounds. Score : OMAHA. I ST. r. h , o. B. o T. h. o. n. a Coon r , cf l 1 1 0 llMca rr.Sb . , . 1T. 6 3 CIOTcl'Jb 1 0 J 3 1 2 0 minims , rf..J 311 oarli'K. c. . . . . . . . U 5 1 Crooks , 21).i.3 3 z 1 1 Anlnor.3l > & p-1 5 1 WIIIHp I..I 1 ! 0 2 OHnrks.M . .I I I Wnisii , M..I a ,1 r 0 0 -Audi-own. Jb..l a IT II 0 ( ) . CormTfltt , If..3 I 1 0 . . 1101 Mcnltt.c J ) 3 0 1 Devlin , P&F..O 0140 ToUla .13172717 Si Totals 71027 11 t flrnalm 2 1111620 0-11 J U 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 7 'SUMMAKV. Karncrt runs Omaha6 , St..loieph 4. Double plsys Mcllnrr to Anlncr to Cnrtnrlglit. Homo runt fUruii. C'rooks. Cnnavnn , Burkx , OnrlnrlRlit. Two- Imso hln Strauss , Crooks , Willis 2. Andrews 1 , Me. tiirr. Struck out Uy Devlin J. Umpire Uouscliur. Milwaukee 1-1 , Hr. Paul a MIIAVAUKKK , Wis. , August iS7. Milwaukee won the first game of the series with St. Paul by pounding Main * hard. Score : tllcli2Alborta3Carrali2lliincsV. ) Hiieeiun i.i > u- > Hiiticn , l.owe , Murpby : , llnwos , Wcrrlck , liroutnton , 'Miller. vltchoil UKll-CarrolI.t Uroupnton. Htruck out-ltr OrlnilU b ; by MulnsS. I'it i > a rmlls- ICarlo 1. Wild | > ltcti09-irimtli ( I. Malm I. Tluio- 3 hours and 5 minutes. Umpire-McUcriuott. < , i n . v j > _ . i' Hlou.x City 10 , Jen Br2. III- v DKNVfiit , Cot , August 27. The inability of - the Denver players to hit Crowell's curves cost thorn the game to the Corn Huskcrs by the very one-aided score which is appended. The homo pitchers were hit hard and often. ' Score : ' I 11Y INKIN'OS. Denver . J ) 00001010-3 BlouxCItT . 3 3000020 HUlIMAIir. ICamod runs-Sioux City 8 , Dourer 1. Two-buso Jilu-llrudley , White , Powell. Uasos stolim-Uonver l.Woiix City 3. Uiisca on bulls-Oil McNibb 2 , on K cnn4. Btruck out Ily McNaub 1 , by tucan 4 , by Crowell 4. 1'iiRsud balls Doluu 1. Crotty none. Tlmu of eame Onobouraiid Bfty llru mlnutos. Umpire Hurst. Wild pltcnos McNubb. lagan , Crowell. Ixilt on buses Deuvor 3 , Sioux City 4. Two Gain ra To-morrow. "Chippey" McQnrr , with his St. Joe me nagerie , will go out to the ball park to day and make a desperate effort to check ) tlio O mail its In tholr triumphal march pon- nntward. There will "bo two games for one price , the first beginning at 2iiO : sharp , nnd tha second immediately after the completion of the first. This Is a'grcat Inducement for ' thti lovers of the great sport , nnd a tremendous deus crowd will assuredly turn out In return for this stroke of liberality on tbo part of the I management. The St. Joes are piittlnir up some fine ball , nnd it will tax tlio White Sox to their utmost to ueep them down. They Will do well if they break even. The following are the positions of the two teams for both games ; Omaha. Position. St. Joo. Clarke . Pitcher . Knell Cnonoy . Catcnor . Schollhasvo 'Andrews. . , . First . Cartrlght Crooks . Second . Ardner Cleveland . . . .Third . MoGarr Walsh . Shore . . . . .Burks Strauss . , . Kight . Mahonuy Mossltt . Middle . Curtis Canavan , . . . , . Loft . Krulg IK BKCOND CIAME. Omaha. Positions. Be. Joo. Coonoy . Cittcli , . . .Mahouoy Nichols . Pitch. . . . Flood Andrews . . . . . .First . Cartwrleht Crooks . Second . . . . .Ardner Cleveland . Thlra . . . . McCiarr Walsh . Short . Buries Strausi . Hlght . Knell Messott . Middle . Cartes Canavan , . . . . .Loft . Kriog OTllfMl G.VMI53. The National f Vun.uiKi.riiu , August 87. Result of to. day's Kama ; l > l > Uuaclphla..3 0210001-0 0 I Uoston . 0 0043141 * 13 llaso hits Philadelphia 11 , Boston 14. Er rors Philadelphia G , Uoston B. liattorics Fhiladolphlu , UuUuton and Gleason tinr Cleinants ; Boston , Hadhourno and Gunzel. Umpires Curry and McQuuid. D , August 37. liosult of to-day's rauio : Cleveland . 0 3100310 4 11 Chicago . 0 0014034 13 Bubo hits Cleveland 11 , Chicago 10. Ur. row Cleveland 0 , ChtcuKO U. UattcrJos Cleveland , O'Urlen ' aul linuior ; Chicago , Dwyer and Darling. Umpire Knight. PITOTUUIIG , August 27. Result of first ijuuio : Plttshurff . 0 00000010 1 Indiauupolia..a ROUOOOO * 5 Uaso hlts-Plttsburcr , IndlapauolU 10. Kr- rors I'lttsburfr'J , ItidlanaiwlU 3. Batteries Pittsbnrg , Sowdors , titaloy and Millar : lu- dlitnapolls. QeUelu and Dally. Uniplro Lynch. Result of second tramo : Plttshurff . 5 03 00001 0 8 Indianapolis. . . .0 10030000 U Dane hits PltUburK 7 , Iudlauai > olis 3. Kr- ror § Piltsburc 8 , Indianapolis 0. Butteries \ Plttsburg1 , Oalvln and Carroll ; Indianap olis , Husio and Sommors. Umnlro Lynch , NEW YonK , August 37 , Result of to-day's pramo ! Now York 0 00910000-ft Washington 0 1350032 13 Base hits Now York , 0 , WnshlnRton 11 , Errors Now York 11 , Washington 1. Bat teries Now York , Kcofo nnd Brown ; Washington , Kccfe and Mack. Umpire Powers , Tlirs Aincrloan Aflioclntlon. CINOINHATI , August27.Uosult of to-day's pnwo : Cincinnati . 0 0-10 Louisvlllo . 0 00003300-4 lUi.TiMonn , August 27. Result of to-day's ' pnmo : IJaltlmoro . 0 8 Brooklyn . 0 0 0 3 05000 7 CoMJMnos , AURiist 37. Result of to-day's pnmo : Columbus. . . . . . . .0 30001020 5 Athlutlcs . I 0300052 , - 10 ST. Louis , Aittrust 3r.Reriult of to-day's Kamot SU Louis . 8 0 19 Kansas City . . . ,0 00000001 1 Amrxtour ABHI.AMD , Nob. , August 27. [ Special Telegram to THB BBB. | To-day the Ash land and Platte Bottom nines crossed bats In this city. The score was 23 to 23 In favor of Ashland. _ Tonnls nt Itonnicy. KBAIIHRT , Neb. , August 27. ' [ Special Tole- grnmtoTnu Bun. J Six fjontlomon repre senting tbo Hastings Tennis club arrived In Lho city to-day to play the return game with Ibo Bachelors Protoctlvo Union Tonnls club. They will , remain hero until to-morrow. LOCA.Ii SPOltTINQ GOSSIP. Notes orttloa nt Alusulc , Anility and Skill. Johnny Reagan , of Brooklyn , N. Y. , nnd the doughty middleweight who gave Jack Dempsey ono of the haraest , fights of his life , will arrive in Omaha Saturday evening and remain hero several days , the guest of the Gate City .Athletic club. Reagan will be accompanied by.Blll Dacoy and "Spar row" Aldricb , the trio buliiR on route to 'Frisco ' , where Rcapau Is to tnootyouni ; Mitchell in the California Athletic olub rooms early In October. Reagan and Dacoy will give an exhibition ioe the ctllllcation of tlio members of the Qato City club at their rooms Monday night. A Conpln nfOront niatohes. Charlie W. Build , nf DCS Moincs , and tbo champion wing shot of America , and FranlrS. Parmcleu , of this city , and ono of the best trap shots in tUo country , have both boon challenged by Al. Bandlo. The ciiallonges nro for n ono hundred live bird match for &VOO n side , both shoots to talco " place nt "Cincinnati tlurinir the big tourna ment which comes oft In that city during the lost week in September. Both Budd and Parmclob will accept , and both stand nn excellent chance of beatlncr the Queen city crack. Those matches- will attract wide spread attention on account of the Wonder ful shooting Unndlo has boon doinp ; during the past year , , and the fact that bo has shot and boat most of the notable shots of the country. _ ' _ \Vhnt Joe Walsh Says. "One thing that has helped Omnha to qret and keep the present position , " said Joe Walsh to a reporter , "is the fact that per fect harmony prevails in the team. I have played ball a Rood while , but I never was yet in a team composed of such thoroughly c good follows. The boys all like each other , nnd work well together , and there is nn en- tlro absences of those .little itisldo HUBS andrews rows that liuvo paralyzed the chances of many a team that were just as good ns ours. There isn't another team in the association , or nnv other association , ns free from disson- 'sion as the OtflAhtis } ' 'JInimr fjlntjsny s Condition. Jimmy Lindsay , the Instructor of the Gate Citv club , is undoubtedly ono of the most promising middle weight pugilists of the day , nnd just no\v would be able to make a creditable showing with any man in his class in the country. Ho is in great fettle , and intends to keep himself so. He exer cises dally with the big ball , lighting the bag and talcing long walks. The reusun Jimmy is anxious to keep himself in condi tion is that ho has several Important engage ments on hand this fall , one of which may coma off in no less a place than the Southern California Athletic club rooms , filr. Hnley , of London. J. W. Raloy ; of London , England , Is m the city. Mr. Raloy is" willing to walk , square heel and too , from flvo to twenty-five miles against any nnd all comers. If he cannot make a match of this Kind ho will walk any throe men fifteen miles , they to walk live miles each nnd ho tbo fifteen straightaway. These matches nro proposed for any reason- nblo stako. Mr. Raley can bo addressed through the columns of THE I > EK. The Knees Next " \Vcclc. The races at the fair next week will assur edly bo the flnest and best that have over boon held here. There is aiargo list of notable - blo tjoraca entered , both trotting and pacing , and the management are making prepara tions for a week of great sport. There will bo a number of siao events of an extraordi narily attractive nature , and a match race or two that will moko up a splendid Drogrammo. The Purps Will Fight. The fight between Prof. Ed Miller's fa mous fighting dog , Pilot , and Billy Wells' , Slophouso , jr. , has been fixed for Sept-ember 14 , within twenty-flvo mlles of Council Bluffs. Billy Wells resides in Des Molnos , nnd his dog , a pure white , has a record fully up to Pilot's standard.Tho fight will bo for 5000 a aide. _ The Wrontluri * Gomiric ; Hack. Evan Lewis , the Strunglcr , and D. A. McMillan , the Strong Man , who gava sue Ira clover wrostliu ? exhibition at the Collsoum several weeks ago , will rpturn to Omana the latter part of September , to make good their challenge to throw any man ( n the state seven times an hour toe a purse of $230. * i Hero's a Bcnke , Loon. GnnuNWOOD , Neb. , August 20. Sporting Editor of Tun BBB. Please Insert the jol- lowing in your sporting columns : 1 will run Loon Lozier , of Council Bluffs , from 50 to 200 yards for nny part of $300 , the race to bo run at uiy home , Greenwood , inside of two weeks. C. IY , WBI/ION. THE 8PKEI ) KINO. Ccdnr HupldB Knees. CEDAH RAPIDS , la. , August 27. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBB. | At the first day's ' races of tlio lowu , Trotting Horse Brooders association today , Hazel won easily tbo yearling stake. $450 , half mile , la 1:8 : against seven nominations. Brown Cedar as easily won in thn two-.voar-old trot , stake $300 , with seven nominations , and * Nox 'won the special two-year-old pacing , stake 250 , in 'J'-H.-a , against two candidates Jor honors. Axtoli goes to-morrow to beat his record on u half tnllu track , and there will be , lu addition to the stake races , two purse races , 3:85 : pacing nnd 2'JU : trotting , purse $300. TUo tncutlng in largely attended , Itrpku H\o \ llooord. Rocimsmi , N , Y. , Auguat 27. [ Special Telegram to TUB Br.B.1 The mare , Belle Hamlln , was to-day sent to break her record uf 3:13& : . Th6 great uiaro wont a mile with out u skip in the .folio wing time ; 84 % 1:07 : , ' Rruncl Circuit Kaoo * . lUuTroup , Conn. , August S7.Special [ Telegram to TUB IEK.T-TUO ! ) xnxnd circuit races begun at Charter Oak park thlj after noon. The uudurd staUu WAS captured by gpraguo Golddust after six heats. Star- Lilly should have won , but was pulled. Ed Annan liad a friendly field In M > < > 2:17 : pare , and won easily. After Hie others had got first turoo heats Geneva trotted 6 fast ruco in thu 3:23 class ttud UatLcr former record by six seconds. Tha Charter Oak stake of $10,000 Is the big event for to-morrow. Sum maries ) rtmsr. $3,000 ; 2il" PACK. Ed Annan ( Doblo.n. ) . . - , . . . B B 3 1 1 1 Emma ( Wilson ) . 1 15538 Bnlsorn Wllkca ( Grabon- nutter ) . . . 4 01003 Doctor M. C. ( Stuart ) . 8 2 0 8 5 ro Allen Maid ( Trout ) . 3 8 4 4 5 ro Stanley P. ( Buss ) . 0 4 8 3 4 ro Joe Jefferson ( Snrdy ) , . . . , . . .dls. Tlmc-U:17 : , 3:17 ; > / , 3:17Ki : 2:10tf : , 3:17 : , STAXDAnn STAKF. , $3,000 ; 2:30 : CLASS. Sprague Golddust ( Green ) . , ! l Star Lilly ( Goldsmith ) . 1 13583 FcnrnnuBht ( Golden ) . 7 21238 Kllstn ( Doblo ) . . 3 5 7 " 8 O'ro Tariff ( Hills ) . 0 4 B 4 4 ro Mlis Alice ( K. C. Walker ) . , 8 0 0 0 5 ro Aline ( Elliott ) . 4 7 4 dls. ' King Bird McDonald ) , . 5 8 8 dr. Tlmo-3SO : # , 2:20. : 2:19tf : , 2:20 : , 2:23 : , n runsi : $2,000 5 3 : Geneva ( i > oblo ) . Ill Lonford ( Goldsmith ) . . . . i. 8 B 3 W. K.Dodpo ( ) . . > . , . . . „ . 2 8 a Marksman Maid ( Howcll ) . . . . 0 4 ft Golden Rood ( McDonald ) . < . 7 5 4 > Dictator Cnlor ( Woodbury ) . . . 4 , 8. 8 Darkness ( frnzler ) . . - . . . 5 0 10 Mulatto ( Splan ) . , . . 800 Dnlmonto ( Davis ) . , .i . tlO. 10 0 Argentina ( Bownn ) . . , . . , . . . . . . . .9 7 7 Tiino-2U : > J4 , 3i'J : # , B:10 : i , . , Xnriolu NonFOi.K , Neb. , August 37. [ Special Tel egram to Tnc BKB.J The mcos opened today - day with a fair nttcndancc. There was some very fair trotting In the Jlrst r'a'ce , es pecially by Banquet , except in the third heat , In which ho was unable to keep his foot. In the second race Prank I * did some yory pretty work. The pacing was good , Lorono getting nround handsomely. In the running race Billy Bluff got a poor start In the first heat und wentaround rather lazily to uonio in lust , ' but with speed enough to snvo being dlstancc'd. In the second und third ho pot a start .to suit him und ciimo in in good style. Summaries : Trotting race , puisus ? 75. WO $25 Banquet wort first money. Nettle VVilkeS second nnd Summit third. Time 243U. ; , 2123 trotting class Frauk P. won m three' straight boats. Time 3:83. : Elivood came next and Colonel A. third. 3:80 : pacing race , purse $300 Lbrono first , John second , Maggie Blair third. ' imo 2:29. : * k Running rnco , half milo boats , pnrso 1150 Bill v Bluff won llrst mouo.v dud Wahoo Duke second. Time 51 seconds ? Now Orleans took third in two heats. You Bat and mate took a few turns In the way ot exhibition but old not score. The purses tor to-morrow's races aggre gate $010. , ' - r - > " G. A. H. Excursion. Prom Aupust 21 , to August .28 Inclu sive , the "Hock Island Routo" will soil round trip- tickets to Milwaukee , via. Chicago for the G. A. R. eucanpmont at SU'50 , tickets eood. for rothrn until September 5. Unoico of rail or Inke route from Chicago. . , Ticket office 1803 Farnatn street. S. S. STEVENS , \V. A. A UAKOTAN'b VIEWS : _ _ _ _ ! Tlio Kond He t ween Omahn nod Xankton Politics anil 1'otUiclans. lion James H. Teller , ex-secretary of Da kota territory , and a brother of Son.itor Tel ler , of Colorado , was at the Paxton yester day. day.Since Since his retirement. from office about four years ago , Mr. Toiler has bean a resident of Yankton , the metropolis of southoastorntDa- kota , and has devoted nearly all of his time to the improvement of the commercial in terests of the city near the confluence of tbo J nines and Missouri rivers. , , Mr. Toiler Is the president of the Yankton & Norfolk railroad and is now on reuto home from a visit .mado .to , the commercial centers of the past In the Interest of the pro jected lino. , ' . ' , ' "I do not tlilnk , ' * said MrrlTeller , ' 'that the commissioners of Douglas county and tbo board. Of trade of Omiha are fully alive to the importance of a fljroct line of railroad from this city to Yankton , and tbo James riVer valley. If they had 'bqon , they would have taken action at least four .Vcars ago to secure connection with that region. As It is now the haul Is so long preclude our sending our produce to this market or trading with Omana. "It Is the intention of the company which I represent , " continued Mr. Teller , "to build our Hue from Yankton to Norfolk as socu as possible , nnd that will very materi ally change the status of affairs. The con tract , for the grading of , tbo road bed has already been let and If possible the con tractors will begin work this season , but if the work shall not bo commenced this year , It certainly will bo next spring. Wo have nn excellent river crossing at Yankton and for a tlmo shall cross our trains by liibiins of a transfer boat , but-this will only bo temper ary. Wo have a franchise ) to build a bridge at Yankton and It is only a question of time when it will bo built. . . , "You have , doubtless , read of tbo discov ery of cement three mlles from Yankton , A dav or two before I loft homo I was called in by the owners of the quarries to witness a test of the article , and taking the tests made with other cements- found In the United State and comparing it with that of Yankton , there Is no doubt but that ours vastly exceeds all others made in the United , States in strength , and the supply is inex haustible. " _ / Mr , Teller has boon east for so vqral months and consequently has rather lost tbo trend of political nlTalrs in the embryonic states , , but from the information ho 'hud gathered" from tholiowspapars , ho Is nf the opinion that the coming contest will be ia hot -one. The farmers' ' alliance , ihe says , Is wuking. strenuous efforts to carry everything , and it Is jtn open question wheuior they will or not. There is no doubt about the election of Mel- . lotto for governor. | Mr. Mollotto. in his opin ion , is a very ordinary man , and ho accounts for the non-opposition to him only by iho fact thut ho was olucted at a pseudo election in 1833 , and being a man of some plausibility | jo had succeeded ia keanlmria the Bwlua. Unless the tanners' alliance captures things. Moody and Pcttlgrotv will bo olcutcd senators and John H. Gmiibjo will bo sent tn the lower house. JUdge Edgerton is still in the senatorial race , but Mr. Teller I is of the opinion that ho desires more to bo1 elected to a judgeshlp and fiat haisonlyi making the fight for senator to effect sucn n compromise as to obtain His desired objoct. As to the selection of u capital city , Mr. Teller thinks that WutorUnvn is entirely out of the race and that tbo fight is now but ween Sioux Fulls , Mitchell. Huron und Plorro. There bus been tome ill-fcollng manifested by thp people of too territory ugamat Huron , begotten by that city's greediness. Huron wonts everything. Mr , Teller thinks that the question us to whether prohibition will carry in South Dakota is a question to bo decided only by the election. Ho thinlcs that there dro but little odds either way. Cushman's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , ostuuia. fever , Trial free ut your druggist. Prieo 50 cents. Prof. Bluok'H fjooture. Prof. W.P.Blnck , of Cltlcapro.a well known theologian and scientific ssholar , fprmoply president of Butler university , and now president of ISureka college , entertained a largo audience ut the First Christian church last night with an eloquent and able ad dress. IIo took for his subject : "Tho Bible In/iYilvunee of Sclenco , " aad showed , in a mast cntertuiniatr wav , which bowed , n re markable familiarity with tticiiUlo , tlmt-lbo sacred book was full of expressions and statements wbioi had been looked upon as blgu ilowu metaphor by tbo ancient pbilpso- phera , but which bavo been shown bv recant Hoicntlno .Investigations to bo true in every rcsuect. The speaker closed his remarks by a stir ring appeal to the unconverted to accept tbo tibia as their rule and guide and to keep it in their hearts. Sticking By PAIUS , August 27 , At tUo ' Boulanglst meeting to-night LaUant and 'Laguorro con demned the verdict of the sonata court. .The meeting unanimously declared in favor of Boulanger. The inob outside of the hall stoned the police. A large number Of per sons v.'ors arrested. MANOEtTOS AT GAMP CROOK > i RemarkatiFoSEfllotorioy- Displayed In tlio.tBriff.ndo Drill. Id > . THECOLOREDTROOPS DID NOBLY Colonel T.'Afrd's ' Coinmnntl DIs- tlnjtilBlictt. Ily tlio Spirit and Skill at Its MWcmcnts Visits 11/ i Jtlio Indiana. tfj I " The Ml m lory ot Wnr. CAMP Gnourtc CKOOK , ( via Fort Kolilnson , Nob. , ) August 27. [ Special to TiiR3r.n. | A brigade drill , the first which many of the of ficers nroscnt have witnessed alnco tbo days of the wartook place .1 cstordny morning. Tlio sound of ' 'first otll" in flvo camps , a hurrying of mounted aides and , grouping of Rcnorul oQlcors on thd brigade Ijnp marked Its comuioticomont. ' 'A few mtnutos later 2,500 men swung * into line and marched Into the open field nnd the manmuvrcs began. Colonels KuutzVhoaton nnd lUunt com manded the Infantry , Colonel Tilford the cavalry nnd CaptahY ' Klnziq tlio artillery. To the bystander' evolutions dtffeiod little , cxqopt _ in tbo masses of troops engaged ' gaged , from'fhoso of battalion drill. There were the snmo qulclc changes of alignment nnd front the metamorphosis of small squares of blue coats , Into larger ones , of columns Into skirmish line , of skirmishers Into flankers , bugle culls shrilly sounding , followed by simultaneous or successive movements of both/ legs , arms nnd rifles , positions secured ami rolo'nBo'd guidons ad vancing and retreating and color lines kaloidcsooploftlly mingling amid the compo nent parts of a .machine , all apparently di rected from a little groUp of man on horse back. ; To the educated soldier , however , It meant much more. It was the Inception ot grand tactics and the flro commands mn- nocuvrolng in the little valley were putting Into execution precisely the movements , wnlcti they might bo called upon to execute * for the ilofoaso of the country and in the faeo of an enemy.They were performing exactly the tactics which the veteran Colonels directing the manoouvres had had occasion to use twenty-five .years ago , when tholr heads were pot so gray as they are at present , and when promotion on the field took the place of flies gained by the opera tion of the sixty-four year law. The Ninth cavalry , forming n separata command under Colonel Tilford. operated in the north western nart of the valley. Those Who doubt the ability of the colored troopers to drill should havo'witnessed the excellent work done by the Colored cavalrymen. It evidenced a familiarity with tactics on the part of ofllcora and man and u discipline and vigor which would surprise any and all doubters. The dash and ucrvo and good horsemanship displayed were no ticca bio. As the present encampment is the llrst op portunity afforded the regiment lor united drill since its organization , the fewness of mistakes made and the general precision of the movements , speaks volumes for its morale - ale and reflects grfcat credit upon the fidelity of its officers nnd the hard work of Its men. Colonel Ed ward--Hatch , recently deceased , was the colonel oftho ; Ninth horse from its organization until his death last sprint ; , and took during Ills ( shfiro connection with it , crcnt pride in maintaining its hleh standard. His successor , Cplonel Tilford , lately of the Seventh cavnlry-has also taken up the work of sustaining ttibprpof that the colored man can soldier in garrison nnd camp and on the field , sldo by sldb' with the other twenty- eight regiments'of. whlto cavalry "and in fantry. ; Sr" The artillery command Is a small one , con sisting of a Bingjo.battery of guns from Fort Douglas commanded"by Captain David Kinzlo , of the J fth 'artillery , but it is ns automatic in ( ho precision of its movements as a Jurgen8on'jWj > ch and as rapid in its evolutions as n 'tr'odp ofcavalry on the obargo. It adds .life , and color to the mlmio engagement "tatting plaeo in { .ho valley of Soldlor crook and'complutestho command of General Brooke by giving him nil arms of the service for use in the campaigns. With brigade manajilvros commences the instruction in grand tactics , to which last week's work has led up. Many of iho old veterans who command companies still , instead of regiments as they xvould under any other government , find little of novelty in the evolutions. They went through them years ago on the Tennessee'tho Mississippi , the Cumberland and the Potomac. They took part in such exorcises then with regiments - monts three times ttio size of the present commands and with brigades , any ono of which if nrmdd with the present breech loading Springfield , could have wiped Camp Crook out like a chalk mark on a billiard table. But few of the first and second lieu tenants have over manoeuvred with such largo commands or tented on such an ex tended field. There is to such a feature of novelty which docs not obtain in the cases of others , and which increases the interest in the hard worn in which all arc called upon to participate. The now arrival from West Point may compare unfavorably the drill of some com panies with that of the corps of cadets. Ho may laugh in his alcoves at the occasional mistakes of company or troop commanders , or criticise the evolutions of the battalion , but he knows , after nil , that Camp George Crook , like its , namesake , has little pf the chroma spectacular ana a poJd deal of business concealed around its surroundings. Tramping over dusty hummacks , climbing up butte slopes , swinging into column of fours wltn the rigat resting In a ravine and the left on u knoll , is very different from , marching on the smooth level of "a parade ground. Ef ficiency , not grace , is the object to bo at tained and which is being attained under General Uruoko's orders in the tamp of mili tary Instruction which ho is. commanding. It would he unfair not to say thut he is bping most cheerfully supported by every brigade , regimental , company and troop commanders , and that there js every where manifested an earnest desire to make tbo'Jlrst great sum mer camp of the army such an unquestioned success that it may .have many successors In tbo department of the Platte In the years to come. There is not a regiment on tlio field hereto to day which has not soon long and active campaigning among the Indians slnca the war , Several huvo fought over tbo very ground where , camp is situated. The visit yesterday of a largo D/ind / of Qgallula Sioux 'under Youiii-Man-Afrald-oMIls- Horses , later tbo arrival ot a uuinuor of lodiros of Chovonncs under Yel low Hair was noV devoid of interest. Scarcely n milo //om the whlto tents of Camp Crook the coffee-colored teepees of the Indians arc strung alppg the Whlto river , on soil where twenty years ago the Sioux and Clibyonnos held undispu ted possession. d j.Groups pf miser able looking squaws are gathering firewood on the knoll * where a Sioux chief , American Horse , boldly cut down the flag staff of an Indian ngetfey. Old nnd wrinkled bucks nrp DcggmfniivitliiQ pistol shot of the camp where the Fgurtlt cavalry pickets ex changed daily snots with skulking rcdaklns and in sight of the 'Valley of Sorrow , where more than a hundred 'desperate Choyennes escaped from thofruarjl tiouso and fought to the death in the snow of the winter of 1870. Oaocan almost Imaplng himself back among tbo stlrrluir well remembered by many an Infantfy' tllcor present , when a larger gathering OL.uiuf-'cd troops assem bled among-thoso yer.V'buttes : , spread along this lovely yoUey , jam ) Iho Hosobud and Cus- campaign * toolw / : > i place of the summer manoeuvres of tnii''year of grace 18S9. Young.Man-Afrald remembers 'it well , so does Old Tom and tlia score of bucks now squatting and begging on the ground where lied Cloud's ponies wore seized by General Crook , preventing the OgalltUu bloux from joining their warrior brethren in the north. If the silent buttes und flowing rivers , alike silent , could speak to-day to the en campment which n on ties at their base and spreads along Its banks , they could toll stories of wild adventure , of martial warfare - faro and of valorous deeds performed by the whlto occupants of and tlio rod visitors to Camp Crook which would rival in interest tbo most exciting pages of yellow-covered Hctlon and put to ridicule the pigmy plsys of Carver una Cody , which are now amusing Europe. A. Trloky I'rciioher , GIUND ISLAND , Nob. , August 27. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Hee.j An EnnUslitnan giving his utttno as W. H. Phare , chiming to bo ( V preacher but not belonging to nny chi'i-ch , played It sharp on n drayman and a colored nian hero this evening , It seems ho tnndo nn appointment with a drayman to meet him nt the depot nt 7:30 : , but through some misunderstanding wont to the wrong "depot. Hothon employed a colored man and n white man to carry his tent and fixtures about six blocks and put thorn aboard n car tor Kearney , where ho Is going to try nntl tench the people some now kind of relig ion. After nil was loaded ho thanked them very politely for tholr trounlo , nnd , handing them u couple of trauts , bid thorn good live. The coon said : "boss , wo nro not civilized enough to live on this kind of stuff nnd would like something more substantial , " but the would-bo preacher kept on moving. A Dnd Man Whan Drunk. PiATTSMotJTii , Nob. , August 27. [ Special to Tun HBB. ] Jotin Leach , a carriage and sign painter of this city , became Inebriated yesterday , nnd In the ovontuir grew desperate nnd threatened to kill his family. The screams from the mother and children ould bo plainly heard several blocks away , nnd n Dolicomnn soon arrived nt the scone of notion nnd escorted Loach to jail. This morning Mrs. Leach npponrod In pollco court nnd filed a complaint against him for having threatened her llfo. His bond was fixed nt 1400 to keep the poaca mm Insure his nppoarnnco nt the next term nf court. Being untiblo to furnish the required bond , ho was committed to JniU Whan under the influence of liquor Loach Is a aosporato man and is feared by everybody , . Pcrklnn Conntv Polltloi. VBKANQO , Neb , August 27. [ Special to , Tnn BKE.J The political oxcitomunt caused by the premature mooting of the republican central commtttoo , Ignoring Chairman Hill , has nproad to all parts of the county. The factions have on their "war paint" and every part of the county is now bolng canvassed by those opposed to the movo. Some of the precinct oommlttcomon are preparing to "crawfish" and the move Intended to benefit co'rtuin officials is likely to bo & boomerang. 4 Tbo thunders of Mount Sinai are but feeble In comparison with the rumblings of the political dictators of Porklns county nt the .present time , that mav likely end In a split in the party. The democrats are laughing Intheir-sleeves and "independent candidates , nro-being talked of. Arrested For the Jiilcslmrc : Murder. Nonxn PLATTB , Nob. , August 27. [ Spo- cialtoTnEBEB.1 Two men were arrested hero this morning supposed to bn the mur derers of the two section foremen at Jules- burg yesterday. GRANT , Neb , , August 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tnc BEE.A ] man answering the description of the man wanted in JuIosburR for the murder of the two section hands , reported in THE BBE'S Sunday dispatches , was captured In Grant this morning by Marshal Harnoy. The follow can not give an account of him self. The sherilt at Julcsburg arrived this evening and will hold the prisoner until a requisition can bo had from the governor of Colorado. Ijlkcs O r Industrial Hotiool. KEAHNEY. Neb. , August 27. | Special Tol- ecram'to TUB Unu.j Robert Devlin , presi dent of the prison directors of California , visited the industrial school last night and to day to study to study the system of man agement. Ho was considerably surprised at the freedom allowed the inmates at the in dustrial school , and expressed himself as bolng htgbly pleased with the entire system of management. Mr. Mallaliou's methods of conducting this institution has won favor from all who have visited the school with a view to learning something to their advan tage. Mr. Dovjin will visit institutions of the kind in other states nnd make bis report upon returning this fall to Sacramento. Four Burctlnrics at Oakland. OAKLAND , Nob. , August 27. [ Special to THIS USE. ] Last night the residences of C. L. Stockman , W , J. Huchlnson , J. A. Lin- doll and'V. Schafefor were burglarized. The burglars secured two silver watches nnd a small sum of money. TLoy entered all the houses the same way , by taking out the wiudovv screen where the window was up , and a singular thing about it was that all the houses had a lamp burning at the time , maKing It the more easy for them to got in. Horse Thieves at North Pintle. NOIITH PLATTE , Nob. , Augusts ? . [ Special to TUB BEE.J Last nighf nt 11 o'clock Mr. Slack , of this city , thought he heard a noise around his barn , and upon going out found his line horse all harnessed. The nlcht was very dark and ho could not see the mlscro- ents , but ho fired four shots at them as ho heard them malting off. This city is over run with tramps and thieves who are so bold as to bo a terror to people who live In the quieter parts A Blnzo at Sterling. , STBIIUNO , Nob. , August 27. | Special to THE DEE. ] About 7:30 : o'clock yesterday morning the barn belonging to Dr. McGee was burned. There were two lioisos , a sad dle and bridle And a small quantity of hay and cram in the barn at the time The horsob were rescued , but the other property was consumed. Dr. MoGeo's loss will prob ably reach $250 , but wns partially covered by insurance. Cause of Uro not known. aim Fairmont District Fair. FAIIIMONT , Neo. . August 27. [ Special Tel egram to THE BEE. | The Fairmont district fair opened to-dny. The principal attractions wore the lad las' race and pony race and two games of base ball. The first between Fair mont and Drunmg resulted in a score of 33 to 8 in favor of Fairmont , and the other be tween Exeter and Uoavcr Crossing was won by the latter by a score of 20 to 5. Kcar/ioy Typoi Will Parade. KiiAKNEr , Nob. , Augusta/ . [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Bee. ] Preparations were made hero to-day by the Kearney Typo graphical union to parade on Labor day. It was decided that members of tlib union will wear badgps and uniforms consisting of a linen duster , straw hat and cuno. All of the various labor unions in tbo city will tatto part-in the day's exorcises. A Kami Laborer Poisoned. STANTOK , Neb. , August 27. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE J3).a.--A ) ) farm laborer on the farm of G , N > Carpenter , of Pllger , was found lying in the barn Monday nidrning in convulsions. He had } cen out supposedly amopg fncnds on Sunday and it is supposed that poison was administered to him , It Is thought that bo will recover. Nebraska City Dnrbara Auciultted , NKDKASKA CITV , Nob. , August27. [ Speolal to TiiEj3EBl E. IteU , Tim Thomas and M. Easthain , the b.irbers who wore arrested yesterday for working on Sunday , had a trial before Judiro Foster and 'a jury and were found not guilty. Harbor shops can hereafter run ut full blast on Sundays. " i Will you eutTor with dyspepsia and liver coinplninti1 Bhiloh's Vitaljzop is guaranteed to euro you. 3 IS CAimUS W13RK1CK ? Mysterious Disappearance From fl\o Oily ofnn Omaha Girl , Carrie M. Merrlclt , ogou sixteen , lias mys teriously disappeared from her homo on Jackson between Eleventh und Twelfth. She is u blonde of pretty face and good form , und .when she loft ho [ no ono week ago last Friday bed on a black sateen dross. About 2 o'clock on ( hat Friday afternoon the missing girl left her mother to purchase some groceries at a store near by , and never returned. The mother , who is almost crazed with grief and worry , believes that her daughter loft the city in company with Mrs. J , W. Wright and her Husband , a painter , who alrp disappeared on that day. The Wrights are supposed to bnva gene to Kansas City , though a neighbor lady states positively that only the husband went to Kansas City ; that Mrs. Wright and the missing girl went to New York. Oau chapter In the girl's history , related by the mother wlt& great show of roluat- follow * . Her personal onurin * won for her many ndmjrors. Among them the favorlU ) wns n dashing , dissolute young follow named Hoed. Ho pressed his suit ardently , nnd only a couple of months ngo they wore ongngcd , The girl lonrncd of her lover's habit of gambling nnd promised her mother to forsake him. And she looms to luWo done so. Itood dropped out of sight nbout n month nen and It wni gtvon out that ho had gdno to Denver. For two weeks before his departure ho hounded the girl with threats to kill her It shn gave him up or accepted the attentions of any other man. Iho girl was frightened nnd ild all in her power , the mother inys , to avoid him. Ono night ho came up to her nn the street nnd , catching her by the throat , Would have plunpod the long blade of nn open dirk knlfo Into her bosom but for the Interference of two ladles whn chnncod to bo passing. They suronmod for hcln and ho fled. Slnco that ho has not boon soon hero , nnd Is supposed to bo In Den ver. ver.After this encounter the girl told her mother that If it bccnmo noco inrv she would go away and hide somowhcro any. whern to escape Itocd. And on thin ground certain of those who nro acquainted with the facts in the cuso think that the girl has gene away of her own accord. I like my wife to usoPozzoul's Complexion Powder bccnuto It Improves her looks and Is as fragrant as violets. O'KICBFFE IS I'UKKljlSD. Figuring Out Democratic Ousttub or the Praoo DimrlotH. Commissioner O'lCeoffo Is puloa. Ho was puzzled yesterday ut tcrnoon. Under the now law Abolishing the present system of .1. P.'s the city will bo divided into tlirco districts. Mr. O'ICoofo wondered how ho might fix It so that at least two of those districts would bo safely democratic. And It puzzled him. Hut not for long. Ho llgurod It out that If the First , Third nnd Fifth wards were made the First district , wards Second , Seventh nnd Fourth apportioned for the Second , and Sixth , Eighth and Ninth for the Third dis trict , ho would gain his point. "I want to put in two democratic districts , and the democrats can Uo it if they want to , " said Mr. O'KeciTc. ' "This is a democratic board ; isn't Ut" rather defiantly. Only u few momenta later , however , Mr. O'Keoffo as heartily as any of his colleagues donounced-tho danger and duplicity Involved In gerrymandering. Ho wanted to give each party ono district , and so apportion the third ono that it would be fair , fluhling ground. Ho only wanted what was fair. So , to begin with , ho would have district No. 1 composed as given above. This should bo ttio dnuotful ground , In which the average democratic majority has boon thirty-six votes. "Six hundred majority if it's one , dead sure , " whispered CorriRan , and added ad miringly : "That p'Kooffo is a schemer. " "No. ! 3 , " the schemer continued , "is demo cratic by a safe majority of 300 to100 , nnd the third ono , wards six , eight and nine , is republican by about the samb majority. " O'Keoflo , as might nave been expected , hinted that Anderson was playing into the hands of the republicans by voting to con struct district No , I out of wards ono , two and throe , which would give democratic majority of over a thousand , nnd leave the other two districts at tlio murcy of the republicans. The remaining districts , as Anderson proposed to have them , would In- elude tlio fourth , fifth and sixth wards in No. 2 , with u republican majority of from 300 to 700 , as variously computed by O'ICoeflo and Corrignn. No. U , composed of wards soven. nine and six , the outlying wards , would pivo u rousing republican majority , about 800 or 900 , Corrisan thought. Corriiran voted for an apportionment sim ilar in all respects to O'KeelTo's. ' Mount nnd Turner agreed that ono , two and three would have to b < ! the first district because they llo right together. For No. 2 they proposed four , seven nnd nine , which they claimed were by nny means a certainty for the re publicans ; und five , eight and six , which \voro for No. 3. Two ballots were cast , but as no ono changed , nnd the hour wns late , it was decided - cided to conclude the work at the next , Sat urday meeting. Louis Helmrod asked the board , for tbo Merchants' week committee , to agree to licrht and decorate the court house- during tbo Merchants' week. O'Kcoilo crumbled about the expense and the matter was referred to the committee of the whole , which will not act until next Saturday , Catarrh cured. * health and sweat breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 60 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Goodman Drug Co . - . Shot at a Masher. Charlie Fry , a young tough , tried to force his attentions on a young lady in the neigh borhood of California and Thirty-fourth streets last night. His company was not desired by the younti lady or her friends. and they fired Mr. Fry out , sending a piece of lead from u revolver nf tor htnyis a gentle reminder not to call again. The bullet gnued his arm but did no Injury. o 1 hey Did Up the Ilarkonpcr. Three or four toughs entered the saloon at Thirteenth and Chicago last night and asked the bartender for a pail of beer. Their re quest was refused and they proceeded to do the barkeeper up in the most approved style. When they wore satisfied they withdrew. Bier Fire at Columbus , Ohio. COLUMIIUS , O. . August 37 , Ihe factorv building occupied by the Columbus Chair company , the building occupied by the Col umbus Bolt works and a largo warehouse in the Ohio penitentiary burned this evening : loss. 100,000. On account of the lack of' ' water and the high wind , it seemed for n time thut the iUmes would devastate the space Inside the prison walls which is crowded with factory buildings. Train Hobber * J3 cnpr. SALT LAKE , Utah , August 27. Thron robbers - bers who hold up a llio Grande Western train three weeks ago near Thompson's Springs were taken by the sheriff on the Nuvujo reservation a few day * ago , but es caped soon after. The sheriff is in pursuit. , Knur Killed Uy Lightning. MVTAMOIUS , Mox. , August 27. During the shower , yesterday , Carlos Koisendez and three othur boys took refuge from the rain in a stack of porn ptnlks. The stack was struck by lightning and all the four instantly killed. . < A Sharp JSartiiqualca Rhoqk. Los. ANOKbKS , Cal. , August ; 27.A sharp shook of earthquake was felt heio at 0:18 : this evening , Tlio clocks stopped and the coillncs cracked. No _ other damage was done , but the shock was "tho most severe ex perienced hero in many years. AtlTlred Out from the depressing effect oto the changing season , or by liard work mil worry-ygu need the tonln& building up , nerve- etreugthunlng effect of llool'tf ear aparllU give you ft feeling of heallli and strengtli oRulu It purifies the blood , cutcs bUllousnea * , dyapep. uia , Bl ts. J'rODArea by C. 1. llood & Co , Masti CLOSE GALL FOR THE COLONEL ? ! The Proprietor of the Diamond Nearly Passes In His Ohooks. ATTACKED BY HIS IRATE WIFE. SIio Mnkoi Bovarnl Vlclimi Jnt)4 ) With n Die Uiuciicr Kttlfto ami Draws Bio oil Hvofy Time. Mrs. Flov < l's Murki of AffMotlnn. Colonel E. O. Floyd , of the Diamond pool room , camq noir passing In hn ohoulta last night. IIo went homo about half-past 7 o'clook. Shortly afterwards ho started down town again , when Mr * . Floyd asked him where hovas going. Ho rcpltod that lie wns uolng down town. Mrn. Floyd exclaimed , "If you pj you will go dead , " and nude , ft lunge at him with n hugo butcher knlfo , out- tlnp him on the right arm , severing nn artery Just below the olbow. She mndo ixjiothor vicious Jab nt him , cutting hlnuon the right log abova the Itnoo. Floyd stmok nt her with hlscano , hitting her In the fuca nntl raising n Uirgo welt along the cheek and forohoad. Ho grnbbiO for the Itnlfo aad caught hold of the blndo , but Mrs. Floyd pulled It from his hand , nearly savoring hlji fingers. The polloo were attracted to the sconn and nrrostcd Colonel Floyd on the charge of lighting. Uolh parties wore talcon to the station , where the colonel's wounds wore dressed. Immediately nftdr ho was cut ho hud the presence of mind to tie handkerchiefs about hU arm above and below ttio cut , and this probably saved his life. life.Tho The colonel wai rolonscd on $ T bond * and Mrs. Floyd WOT taken oack to their homo ut 610North Sixteenth stroot. A Ban reporter called at the above number mill asltod to sea Mrs , Floyd to obtain her statement and con dition. Dr. Carter was In attend anco und very officiously volunteered the Information that Mrs. Floyd could not bo BOOH , as 'sho was ndt able to tnlk to any onn. At the sanio tlmo Mrs. Floyd heard the conversation and kept calling out and asking wluxt was wanted , but the doctor persisted in his state ment thAt aha was not able to BOO any one. Ho refused , flut-footod , to state whether tha lady was injured or in a dangerous condition , ana said it was not necessary to glvo out any information. Ho finally condescended testate state that neither the colonel nor Mrs. Floyd wore In a dantrorous condition. When asked as to the truth of the report that Mrs. Floyd was intoxicated when olio attacked the colonel , ho laughed and said shu was sober now , with a peculiar accent on the "now1 ' wnioh led the reporter to bollovo that the rumor was not unfounded. About 12 o'elocK last night Mra , Floyd , sent a messenger boy to the police station , requesting the captain to send an ofllccr up to the house. She said she was nfraid her husband would como back and kill her , and announced her determination of shooting him if ho attempted to interfere with her nnv more , 'iho request wns not jrrnntod , however , as Floyd said hovould stay dffwn town until his wife was in u inoro uuilablo mood , a Thrown Three Hundred AIcii Our. HOFKINTO , Mass. , August 27. The shoo factory of A. Coburn , Son & Co , , burned this morning msa about $110.000 ; fully la- surcn. Over three hundred men nro thrown out of employment. U MPBEOEDBNTED ATTRACTION ! ovnit A MILLION DISTIUDUTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Inrnrponitnd Ijy tile lci.lsliitnro , for Kducatlonh anu Clinrltnble nurptKos , nmrin frftno/ildo iniiloa imrtolJtliupr 3oiit&tHtocou9tltutloulu U7V , liy tut ovonrliclmlim [ op ilnroto. . Its MAMMOTH DHA WINGS takaulaco SemiAnnually - Annually , ( June nnd Deceiubor ) . nnd Its GRAND SINGM : NUMIIUU imAwmas take place In carh of tha other ten months ot tlio 3ear , and aru nil tlriuvn in public , at the Academy - omy of Music , New Orlo.-ius , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , For Integrity of its Drnwlnvs , nnd. Prompt Payment of Prizes , Attested ns follows : "Wo do hereby tliat wu Bui > e-rvUu the arrniiRO- m nts for nil tlio Munlh y anil eetil Annuul Draw- IriBanfJlo Loiiltlaim t ito lo-.tory Comptiiy. and In person ina 111,0 und e-onirol the irawlng8 iliom- Bolres.'und tlnit the siiinu nro tonJiicli'cl wllli lion- iBtlalrncs , ! indiii peed Inlth tjwnidall parllcn , nnd wuautno.Uo Hie tompiny to i ajfill cortliioato , with laulmliitH at our bUii.iturcs attacht-d , la IK ad- vcrtlseiuouls. " COMMISSIONERS. Wo tlio iiiidonlffiied llnnVs nnd Ilanknrn will pay nil I'rltri drawn In tbo I oulMiinn hlnto Lot ( urlo vrhlclunny l > o preroiileil iHonr i-ounter . 11. JI. WA LMtiLKV. I'res , Loulslima Nat. Hank. I'JKUIti : IMNAUX , Pro1 ? . State Nut'i Jlnnk , A. liAIjDWlN , Pros. Now Orleans Nat'l IJnnk. CAUL KOIIN , I'res. Univn National Ilanlt. Graeid Konffily Drawing At the Academy of Music , Now Or leans , Tueada\ > , September IO , 1889 , CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000' . 10OOOO 'Iloucta at Twenty Uollara ri'icli. JlnlvcB , $1O ; Qnnrtors , $0) ) lontlH , $ ' * , Iwcntlotlis , jjii. MST Of l'lt/ES. | i riu/.R or I-IWMI u . , . , . , . , . . ciao.nn i i'iti/.i : OH' luuojii is . . . . . . . . wiftu 1 l'lll/.H OK Will ! ) 13. . , . . . . . . , . , . , KJUI ) i I'III/.K OK avails . , . . . . , . . . . . , , , 'Ainu i I' ll/.ICH tW HMIIIiiro. . . , , . , , , , . ai.llM & I'HI/KS OK ftOKlliro. , . , , . , . , , . . , . . . . . „ , . , M.WI ( > Pltl/KH UK limaio . . . , , . . Mi7 l 1(11 ( I'HI/K-t OK ( iillaru , , . . „ , , . , . , . , . MOM an IMII/.KS OKiiiiiitci : ; : ! . ; ! ; ! ! . . . , : . . ; : ; : ; nnui Ml I'Hl/.US Ob' ailnru . 1UO.UXJ Wl Prlics of fUU nro ; Wfni Id ) tilt .in ntu , , , , : > \ > w 100 do SOU nro. Ti.llMI TAI. ( lode JUI are. . . . . IW ) do lOUuro . . . W.'W sl I'rUos.nmountlnis to . , . , .tl.USHU ) NoTK , 'jicliL nilnnvlMii 1'ihei are uotua- titled lo turmlniil 1'iltei. Mrn lUrrn , or ny further Inforinallon detlrcd , nrte le-ulbly lo tliu iinilcriluned. clearly ntiillnit your ri'.l.k'iicu . , wltli Btu'u , Coiinly , miant nd Nuiubi-r. Miru rupl'l return mull ilUlvory will bu iis'iiri'l lir > nur eiiclojliu a ISuralouo Uuarlnic your full ud d/cm. IMPORTANT. AddltssM. A. DAUPHIN , Now Orleans , Ui , orM. A. PAUIMIIN , Washington , I ) . 0. Ily orrtlnnry letter , contalnlnn MOVF v Onm n Usiiod by all ICi | > i' a < oiu | > anle . Wow Vork ISxclianvu , UtuH or 1 o UI Noltt. _ WJress Registered Lellen conlalolng Currency lo NKVV OUU5ANS NATIONAL IIANlC. New Orleans , I.a. "ItliMKMIIKIt , ilmt the nujrmont of I'rltoj , l UAllANl'KKltnV fOIIll NA'JJO.VAI. 1IANKH Of J ow OrleaiD.iindCliallikut * nruilxni-ci ; > y iliui' ' ilentuf an Inntltullon , ulioio cbarlurid rl lu rrciiunUcdlnllio hliiliuit courfn ! iliurufuro , bowuro ul ill ) lMi'tuttoi ] uf uiionynioiiii ulieiun. ' ' ON'i ; IUIlAlt li the I'tloa of the muulloit cnrtor /r ' lion nt -riokct IrrillKI ) IIV IW In miy Drawliifr. orleM Ihuu H Dollur EEUiEEABLS For two year * I hail rlicumntltrn to bad tliut ItdlrabUd mo for work anil cor.flnul mo to JJiy bed for o wliolu year , ilutlng wlilcti Jlino lianda ( o my In ad , ana forSluoDllmcould not movofjiytdflubcd.uiui reduced In fluli froxa liatoMlhf. Wutrett. id by ben pliyelclans , only to crow vrorte. Hn . lly I took Bwin1 * BptclOeand noon bfjanto Improio. Aflcrauhllo at my work , and forth * iw ' . fl\o mnntlK u-uo hecu an will BI I ever wn all hum too effect * of SvvUr gpcclQc. ' JOIIK JUr , Jim. B , IB3 . pf. Wayne , Ind- lKXi ou plood aqd W.ln placoec * ; ntllcxl free.