THE OMAHA I DAILY BEE , NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY MORN&TO , AUGUST 28 , 1889. NUMBER 70. SPREAD OF THE BIG STRIKE , The Great London Walkout Ho * colvoo a Fresh Impulse. BUSINESS AT A STANDSTILL. of Pcrlnlmlilo Property Kot- In llic Holds of Ships Conl nti < l Mont Prices Jumping Up. Strike ItccclvliiR AcaeBlonn. | .Ou/rlo'iH8S9bi | / ' ; Jiirne * Oonlon Kjnn'W.l LONDON , August. 27. [ Now York Hocald Cable Special to Tun Una.I London'sRreat strllio has received a fresh Impulse , tills time from the ranks of the coal porters und wagon men. Nearly every wharf In North London , \vhcro U located the great center of the coal trndo , Is affected , the men demand ing nn Increase of 1 penny per ton for load ing up , and 0. pence per ton for landing. Many of the firms express a willingness to accede to the demands of the men , but the litt ler refuse to return to work until the wliolo of the employers hnvo given In. London's grcatcartlngagonclcsarn threatened , the van drivers expressing a determination to go out before the end of the week. There appears to bo a universal demand for nn increase of wages and almost every trndo Is seizing the present opportunity to prosunt Its demand. The dock laborers , with whom the strlko originated , still ronmin firm and have re ceived many additions to their ranks , They have also perfected n system of pickets , who arc on duty day and night nt the dock gates , railway stations In the rTver and along the streets , who intercept and generally bIng over the laborois brought from the provinces by the dock authorities to assist In unloading ships. Never before has the business nf the great port of London been in such a paralyzed condition as It Is to day. Cargoes of meat from Australia and fruit and eggs from the continent are rotting in ship holds. Interviews were hold yesterday between the representatives of the men and the em ployers , ' but no satisfactory settlement , was obtained. Bhlp owners having contracts to carry mails ara experiencing great difllculty in getting boats away , and one ship Is being secretly loaded by the ofllcera and crow ot the ship and clerks from the owner's ofllco. The prices of coal and foreign moats have Jumped up 25 to 40 percent. Mother and Dausghtnr Moat. t IComirtglit ISSO bu James ttnrJo'i LlVEiirooL , Augusta ? . I Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Hun. ] Baroness von Roquo.uiothcr of Mrs. Maybnck , visited her mother at the Jail to-day , when an Interview of a very painful character took place. The baroness was conducted by the warden to the grated room whcro the convicts usually see their filends , and after nn interval of a few minutes Mrs. Maybrlck , attended by two females , who remained throughout the interview , was brought In. The convict , who was attired in the ordinary prison garb , had been brought from the hospital. She was , In a very weak anil emaciated condition and the baroness firmly behoves that her daughter will not long sur vive if she is kept. In prison. So overcome was the baroness that she could scarcely sponk. But very little \vas said on cither side. Mrs. Muybrick , whoso conversation foil on her childien , .protested her innocence , end expressed the wish that the public would bohovo it , too , and help her for tbo sake of her children. The baroness suysthatsbo will not leave England 'till her daughter Is free. llio Ynr inn Wins. [ Crtpl/r/ohl / / 1SS9 by Janitx'Onrdin Benntt' . ] TOKO.UAT , August 27. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tins BUB. ] The regatta of the Itoynl Torquay Yacht club was held to-day. There was flno weather , with a veering jvmd from the south southeast to north northwest , which was fiosh from the start In the race for yachts exceeding twenty tons rating , for a prize of 80 , the Valkyrie , Yarana and Deerhound competed. The "Valkyrie led throughout , but the Yarana managed to keep well after her , and utter a race of flvo hours mm a half over a forty-mile course the finishing times were : Valkyrie , 4 hrs. 81 mlns. 45 sees ; Yurann , 4 hrs. 80 mins. 2'l sees. On time allowance the Yaranu won by 28 seconds. City of Now York Arrives. [ Copi/rfpftt 1S83 tin Janti ( trdan Uennttt. ] QoKEKsroivN , August 37. | Now 'York Herald Cable Special to THE HUB. ] The City of Now Yorlc arrived at 13:40 : a. m. after a passage of 0 days , 3 hours and 18 minutes. On the 21st she left Sandy Hook at 3:53 : a. m. Iho daily runs were as follows : 22d , 331 miles , light breeze and fog at intervals ; 23d , 433 , light breeze , line and clear ; 21th , 450 , light breeze , fine ; 2oth , 453 , calm and clear ; 2Mb , 4-14 , moderate , line ; 28th , 225 ; stopped off Roche's point at 11:60 : p. in. The Teutonic has not yet reported. I KtonniHhin Ariivali. At Now York The Egypt and Wyoming , from Liverpool ; the Moravia , from Ham burg ; the State of Pennsylvania , from Glas gow. gow.At London Sighted : The City of Now York , the Queen and the Cufic , from Now York for Liverpool. At Movlllo The Do vo nio , from Now York for Glasgow. At Glasgow The State of Alabama , from New York , _ _ l 'Jho Select Knight * . KANSAS Cur , August 37. The Supreme Legion ot the Select Knight * of North Amouca begun its regular biennial session to-day. Six months ago the Select Knights were a branch of the Ancient Order of United Workmen , but At a special meeting last February It was decided to withdraw from the parent organisation. The Question at the present mooting was whether this action should bo ratified. After considerable ) discussion the action of the special meeting was rescinded nbd the mutter referred to a committee. The Charge AiMinst Field SAN FJIANCUJCO , August 27. The United States circuit court was officially Informed to day that the charge of murder against Jus tice Fluid hadjboou.dlsuilssod by the Stockton court. Judge Sawyer accordingly dismissed tbo habeas corpus proceedings in the case of Justice Field. _ A Postal 'Jhlof Arrrstot. WAJIINOTON , August 27. Qhlof Postoftlco Inspector Itathbono has received a telegram announcing tha arrest of Joseph S. Brcsoo , charged with stealing mail from the Mad ison , Mis. , postoftlco. Tbo urrt'st is re garded t > y officials as an Important one. - - The Wonthcr Forecast. Nebraska Fair , stationary temperature In eastern , slightly cooler In western portion * southwesterly winds ; cooler Thursday , Iowa Fuir , alight changes iu louiperuturo , southerly winds , Dakota Fair , followed by local showers in northern portion , cooler Wednesday and ThuMtiuy , wiuds hutlag to westerly. EX-I3II1TOH WKBT AIUtESTED. Ho Is Cliarecil With nn Over lositn or Times Stock. CniCAOO , August 37. [ Special Telegram to Tun UEB.I As a result ot the recent con troversy over the management of the Chicago Times n Warrant for the arrest of James J , Went , the ox-editor of that paper , was sworn out. shortly after the noon hour to-day by II , J , Hulskamp , ouo ot the proprietors of the paper. West Is charged with nn over issueot ntock of the Chicago Times company to the amount of $100,000 , contrary to the statutes of the state of Illinois. The warrant was sworn out before. Juatlco David J. Lyon , and n constable was sent out at once to , lintMr. ] [ West , who is m the city , having boon soon upon tha street last evening in company with Mr. F. P. Dunn , ox-city editor of the Times , who is a warm personal friend of Mr. West and who was asked to walk the plank with his superior when the Hulskamp- Irvvln syndicate canio Into possession ot the property. The rather radical move of Mr. Hulskamp in deciding to nrrest Mr.Vest was the ro- suit of an all night conference between the present proprietors of the Times , Messrs. Huiskamp , Irwin and Wiogloy , and tbo at- tornovs for the Timed , Luther Laflln Mills and Frank Walker. It was Hinted nt the conference between the above that Mr. West had in the last few days been Industriously circulating the report - port tliat the present management of the Times was doomed , and ihnt ho ( Mr. * West ) owned seven-tenths of the stock in the paper and that at a meeting of wealthy gentlemen yoHtcrday Mr. West had bnnn pledged nil the support llnanclally ho would require. Mr. West , It was said , had laid out the staff ho intended to nuvo on the Times , mnkintr Mr. Dunn edltor-ln-chlof. These reports wcro more or less demoralizing to the employes of the paper and the owners of the Times decided to prove to the public Just what interest Mr. West had in the paper. About 3 o'clock this afternoon Mr. West and Mr. William A. Paten , accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Hnstko , appeared nt the Tunes building and entered the elevator. Some one m chniga tried to eject them , and luring the discussion the elevator was tnrtod carrying the whole party to the top floor , where Mr. Hulskamp. Mr. Dunlopnnd tiior gentlemen wcro m session as directors if the company. Mr. West effected an oti- ranco long enough to produce an Injunction Hsuud by Judge Jamlcson this morning re training Messrs. Hulskamp , Dunlop und ithers from acting as directors. This brought ho meeting to an abrupt close , and at 3:30 : Vclock the situation was about as follows : Messrs. Hulskamp and Dunlopnnd , their rionds wcro in secret conference as to their plan of action , while Messrs. Wist nnd Pnton wcro walking the floor outside and awaiting the outcome. Just at this juncture Constable Lavvler itopped in with his warrant , und with a lulling bow said : "Is this Mr. Wcstl" "Yes , sir , " was the answer. "Arc you /onstablo Lawlorl" "I um , " the polite server of the processes replied with a bow that was Chestorfioldan n Its calm dignity. Mr. West hesitated but a moment and hcn , in 9 very off-handed-way , said , "AH right lot's go over to Justice Lyon's ofllco , " und they went. After Mr. West loft the building in the constable's company Mr. Dunlop reported his version of the affair , ho said : "Tho board of directors were in session when Mr. Paten , a former member of the board , appeared. Mr. Paten had resigned and his resignation bad been ac cepted and ho had no right there , but ns a matter of coui tesy ho was admitted. Once inside the room ho produced the injunction issued by Judge Jamioson. Mr. Graham , the private secretary to Mr. West , then tried to force his way in and was promptly arrcstoj 011 the charge of assisting in the issue of fraudulent stock. You can rest assured that the Tunes will icmnin in charge of its present man agers and that there will bo no change , This whole thing is a rank bluff and It won't work. " West's bail was fixed at $10,000 , which ho furnished. ' The other spectacle was from Tenth street up Grand avenue. In the for-'cround was a solid phalanx of human beings , n sort of at mosphere of bright colors and good nature covering It all. A little further on was the reviewing stand with its drapery and freight of dlaniturios and newspaper men , and then in the distance the yellow plumes of the light horse squadron iroving dowa the hill at the head of tub arcat column between solid walls of cheering humanity , The crowd and the police both kept In food humor , and there- were no serious collisions. Down Grand avenue from Fifth street every win dow und place where ouo could stand or sit was taken. Every window of the Plaukin- tou house blossomed out in fair faces and shapely forms. It was a day of beauty and of joy. 1EXAB FEVEK IIAGINO. Hundreds of Head of Cattle Dying of the Dlsi-osp. KANSAS CITT , August 27. Reliable news comes from southern Kansas and the pasture lands of the Indian territory that the herds of native and Texas cattle which rangein tbo territory are nflllctod with what is thought to bo Texas fever , or' something worse. A man who has Just returned from that part of the country states that hundreds of cattle arc dying iu the pastures south of Arkansas City. Ho says the cattle nro being - ing shipped to mnrliot from the pastures from whore carcasses ara lying in hundreds Uioy being considered good enough for can- tiers' stock. Stiiinplntr the Stnto For Minor. Nuw OIIUUNS , August 27. ( .Special Telegram to THE Uiii : . ] Congressman Burrows , of Michigan , arrived hero his afternoon , do will take- the stump for Minor in the light in the Third district. Peters , of Kansas , and Howell , of Illinois , will follow , Mr. Burrows was interviewed this evening at tha St. Charles hotel by o , Bun reporter and disclaimed anything oxcop an intention to talk protection to the people in Louisiana , "I guess we will try and se cure Minor a fair election this time , " said the speaker , with emphasis on the ' 'this,1 accompanying his words with a twinkle 1 bis eye. "The democrats are soured. They are howling now for more speakers. All the decayed editors In the state are being pressed Into the service. A Prominent Attorney Dying. ST , Jos urn , Mo. , August 27 , jSpocla ! Telegram to TUB Bisn.1 Hon. Samuel B , Green , ono of St. Joseph's leading attorneys , is dying. For several days Mr. Green has shown signs of physical prostration , and his friends urged him to take a rest , but press ing business demanded his attention and ho kept at his desk. Last-night ho was attacked bv paralysis , and no hopes are entertained of his recovery. Philadelphia Damned by Water. PiurADEUMiu , August 27 , Many residents of the Flftoonth ward , this city , were afraid to retire last night because of the caving in of the streets , the breaking of sewers , and the bursting of water pipes , caused by the recent heavy rains. It is estimated that f 100,000 worth of damage was doau. Wniertown U WATEKTOWN , S. D. , August 27.Special [ Telegram to Tun HEE. | The town is alive with excursionists to-night , They carne from Iowa and touthurn Minnesota. They visited Lake Kuuipeseka during the day , They will start on their retura trip to- morrow. i Mormon Immigrants. NEW YOUK , August 27. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.l The steamer Wyoming , of the Gulon lltib , landed 123 Mormons at Castle Garden toiuy , THE REAL GRAND ARMY DAY , Bvory Old Veteran nt His Post With Order Rolgnlnsr. SHERMAN WARMLY WELCOMED. Gnthuilnstlo Comrades Greet Him With I'orvor Mr . Lafn.ii Bs- By AdmlrcN The Great Parade. The Soldiers' Dar. MILWAUKEE , WK , August 27. [ Special Telegram to THE BUB. ] Yostcrdav was the day of hand shutting nnd sociability among the veterans. No ordnr was thought of , and the private was , as great a man as the gen eral and was on familiar terms with him. To-day the conditions nro different. This Is thn real Grand Army day , when the men fall Into line und obey orders , whou the oni cer receives as his right the regulation salute of his subordlnato. The old soldier this morning as ho rolled out nf his bunk of straw or from under the counterpane , as the case might bo , Instinc tively gave himself an extra shulto for uppoar- auce's sake , smoothed out a few wrinkles in his clothes or brushed from them the dust of travel. It was the day ot dtcss parade , and the veteran who was not anxious to look well and desirous that his company or regi ment should make a coed appearance was not worthy of his name. This morning the cities and towns of the state seomoa to have emptied themselves In Milwaukee. In the hotels the crush was terrible. It was all ouo cauld do to force his way through. In the Plankmton house espe cially , whcro General Sherman , General Al- ger , Commissioner Tanner and Mrs. Logan were , crowds wcro standing around wait- ng to got a glltnps'o of the distin guished parties. Mrs. Logan , coming down the st6ps from the largo dining hall about 9 o'clock leaning on the arm of General Algar , was forced to hold nn Impromptu reception , as a crowd of vet erans from ouo direction nnd a bevy of la- die ! , from the opposite direction rushed to greet her. Mrs. Logan had n distinguished appear ance us she stood a stop above the crowd before fore her. her ruddv face sot in a frame of silver white hair wreathed in smiles She seems never to tire of receiving the greet ings of "tho boys , " and certainly the boys never tire of greeting her. She divides the honors with General Sherman. Though the parade was not to start from Twenty-second street until 10 o'elock'psoplo ' began to seek advantageous positions from which to view the line us early ns 8 o'clock. In fact these from the interior towns who came in as early as 7 o'clock hied them at once to suitable positions and there held their ground till the veterans had passed by. The day was perfect , despite the premo nition of rain during the early morning hnurs , and everything favored the success of the grand parade. The parade , while not so largo as some an ticipated , was well managed , n fine spectacle and n complete success. Athingromarkablo in the history of big processions was that it started on time. Tno hcud of the columns began to move at 10 o'clock and reached the reviewing stand on Grand avenue at 10:8l : ) . A conservative estimate of the number of men who passed that point plaios it at 35.0CO. A noticeable incident of the parade was the enthusiasm of the old veterans when ever they caught a glimpse of General Sher man. Ho was greeted with round after round ot cheers while the bands forgot their admonition not to ' ' play 'Marching Through Gcoruia , " and the grizzled old hero of the triumphal march through the south had to listen to the tune that has dinned in his ears ever since the war closed. Occasionally a veteran in the ranks would break out with n sally at his old general , ' 'Oh , you'll live to flcht through another war , " while another shouted , "How about these chickens ? " To the latter's Interrogative General Sherman , wha was as tickled as a school boy , replied : "Oh , I never took the trouble to inquire whcro they cnmo from. " The Pennsylvania delegation made the best appearance of any post in the line , and were conspicuous for their soldierly bearing throughout the entire parade. There were two magnificent spectacles to bo seen about the time the paraao started. Ono was obsorvublo.f rom the intersection of Eighth street on Grand avenue. Looking down the avenue to the bridge , with the gaudily bedecked bridge as a background and all the way up on both sides of the street as sldo lights , the great , seething mass pre sented a panorama which no one- who saw it is likely to forget In a lifetime. It was grand and imposing , und how gay it looked withal. Thcio was breczo enough to keep the banners and floes fluttering aud tbo lively movements of the Individual components of the great mass suggested that the whole was being stirred by pleasing emotions and the flags and the people wcro all dancing to the same Joyous music. Louis Story , a member of a Minneapolis post , fell ill whils inarching through the street last night , and is now in the hospital. Ole Oleson , of East Lake , Mich. , who was coming to the city with the Man is too post on a steamer , while sleeping on the deck , rolled overboard and drowned last night. Overflowing camp flies were bold at var ious poluts In the city. Contrary to general expectation General Sherman failed to put In an appearanceat either of the principal meetings. Prominent speakers were hoard at all the meetings , including Commandor- in-Chlof Warner , Commissioner Tanner , General Fnlrchild and others. A monster war song concert was given In Juneau park. Mrs. John A. Logan was given a reception at the court house and was escorted bv the entire Illinois department of 2,000 veterans. Most of the state delegates met In caucus to-night on the choice of a coinmander-ln-chlof. The New Eng land delegation and Minnesota agreed Informally to support Judge Veazey , of Ver mont. Ohio and Illinois decided to support General Algor , who will also , of course , re ceive Michigan's vote. Now York and Penn sylvania did not commit themselves. The choice for the next place of mooting lies between Washington , Boston aud Sara toga. THE SANTA FE WRECK. All the Injured Out of Dan cor Except Two. CHICAGO , August 27 , Dr , James Burry , surgeon of the Santa Fa railroad , returned from the scone of yesterday's accident near Stroator , on that road , this morning. Ho says there are twelve of the Injured In the hospital ut Sti oator. All of those , ho says , are out of danger except two , Mrs. It R. Tuckorman. of Topeka , and Mrs. George B. Poterf. of Emporla. Kas. These nra in no immediate danger , but the nature of their hurts uro such that pneumonia is liable to develop , There have bceu no deaths. Nebraska and Iowa. Pensions. WAHUINOTO.V , August 27 , [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB. ] Pensions granted No- brasbans : Original invalids Edmund \Va- te-rhouso , Daniel Fox. Increase Ephriam Hudson , Bailer , William A. Vinton. Pensions allowed lowans : Original Inva lids-Silas A. Reynolds , Ullsha W. Slater , Martin Pollu. Increase Perry Hlnzmun , Original widows , etc. Mary II. Graljain , widow of Daniel Cavlu. Italians Hinting. LIMA , O. , August 27. The striking Italians on the now railroad drove off all other em ployes this morning and threatened to kll ! them if they returned to work. Several Italians were arrested and locked up. Others threaten to come to town and liberate tbo prisoners. The tnllitia has been notified to bold themselves io readiness. CHAIRMAN FAlTrtOiN'S TRIP. A Part of the Flgrjt Aicalnit the * Canadian Pacific. CIIIOAOO , August 27. [ Sboetnl Telegram to THE BEE. ! "Tho IfipofCtidjrinan Fallhorn o Now York la his attempt to laduco the Trunk lines to inako pro-ratios nrrnnpo- nonta on business to St. Paul oueht to open tha oycs of the public , " said the gouoral manager of a prominent western -road to-day. f "I don't believe Chdlrman Frtlthorn will bo successful In securing the co-Operation of the Trunk lines , but ha will certainly press the question enough to learn why they rofuso. That Is exactly what wo want to know. All wo nsk Is precisely the same Arrangements Lluiy grant the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk , nud. If they refuse we want to know the reason for the refusal , The Canadian roads are driving- null In Ihcir coffins for every day that they carry freights at the present rates to the ndrthwost. If they pay all thov barely ploy ovVsn with their easy traffic arrangement- * with trunk linos. Wo , in Chicago , are completely cutoff from traffic arrange me tits nnd must , pay full local rates on business destined to the north west. That , in t n nut shell , is the cause of the Whole Northwestern do- moralbatlon which. My the way-is by no moans settled. To make any money the Clilcapo-St. Paul roads must get their share of northwestern through business and at re munerative rates. "And now much do you suppose the St. Paul lines have been , carrying during the summer ! The amount Is laughably small m view ot the disturbance It raised. I don't behove all the roads combined carried five cars n week to St. Paul , whether received by rail . .or loko and mil. The reason is perfectly manifest The 09 cent rata to St. Paul is not exorbitant , but it has to bo cut to ' ' 15 cents to barely meat tha Canadian Pacyio rato. Of course the lf > cent rata was a loping ouo. but it was low ffiukon tiia Canadian Pacific. You see we were simply feeding them some of their own medicine. 'Thoy reduced rates on us and froza us outxif tbo business , and we proposed to nmlto them carry tha traffic at a losing rate If thoy'carried it all , as they have bceu doing. Now you know exactly why the recent wrangle occurred "But , as I started out to say , tbo Canadian roads will not win by .their hogsish policy. Every one , congress included , must see that wo are being deprived of business properly belonging to us und I believe wo will get re lief. Before then , however , wo will learn Lho names of the trunk lines who favor Canadian lines. If tnoy do not inaka equally ibcral arrangements with us the benefit they gained by their Canadian advances will bo short lived. " The Atchtson Reorganization. Cmcvao , August 27. 'Liio reorganization of the Atchissn , Topaka & 'Santa Fo railway compiny to-day assumed definite shape. President W. B. Strong rotiroi and will bo succeeded by Allen Manvllla , now first vlco resident of the St. Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba road. Chairman Magoun , of the committee of re organization , said to a reporter this evening , hat the resignation of President Strong will jo accepted at the mooting of directors in Boston in September and Mr. Manville will issutno his office in this city September 0. tfo ether changes will be decided upon until after that date. "It is stated that ypul have decided to iauidato all indebtedness by assuming a Blanket mortgage to cover the wuolo sys tem ? " said the reporter ; j "No funding Bchemd-lgxs yet boon deter mined upon , " replied MRSMaJoun , "and will lot bo for some tiuio. , N/o' real opportunity bus been presented of dqtonmlningTjust ex actly what the property as an entirety can do , and until such demonstration is made , which will of course bo largely contingent upon the crops to bo moved during the sea son , no policy with regard to the fuuded debt will bo determined upon. " Mr. Magoun preferred not to say anything regarding President Strong's management or the cause of his retirement. It in stated upon good authority that the resignation of A. C. Armstrong , purchasing agent , will also bo nccopted Septoiuber.0. " President Strong was seen at his hotel , and admitted without hesitation that ho had resigned , no declined to discuss the rela tions between himself and tbo new board of directors , and would not state whether -his resignation was voluntary or not. Trans-Mi < $ > ouri Association. CHICAGO , August 27. The meeting of the Trans-Missouri association for the purpose of agreeing upon a basis of through rates be tween Chicago and points in Kansas and Nebraska to correspond with the locals to the Missouri river and beyond , began hereto to day. A COU.NTEUFEITJSIV 'CONFESSES. t A Letter From His \\lfo Gives the Officers fa Clue. LEAVBNWOKTU , Kan. ' , August 27. [ Special Tologiam to THE Bpn. ] David Pee , con fined in the county Jail at this place on the charge of passing counterfeit money , turned state's evidence this evening aud divulged the secrets of a gang of counterfeiters oper ating throughout western Missouri' and eastern Kansas with headquarters at Sugar Lake , a small place near Atchison. The coin made by this cang was made by running mo ulton lead into plaster of paris moulds , It is easily detected as spurious. Pee was the ono who worked oft much of the money In Atchison and was arrested In this city while endeavoring to do the same here. He got a commission of 85 per cent on all ho got rid of. Connected with him was one Robert Rose , from whom Pee leased a house at Sugar Luko. In this bouso all the money was coined. Pee received a letter from his wife yesterday saying she had removed all the "things" from Poo's room. She told him to "pivo nothing and. nobody away until driven to the wall. " This letter coming ints the possession of the authorities , Pee made the concession to insure Judicial leniency. Further developments are expected. A Confederate Eulogizes Grant and Geta'Itctmked. HiaaiNsyiLiat , Mo. Aujtust 27. At the re union of ex-coufqderatoveteransto-dayColo- nel J. T. Crisp In ljig speech eulogized General Grant , whereupon some ono In the audience-called1 , "What's tbo matter - tor with JeffDavlsl" , Cr sp replied that he bad no admlratfqn forJDavis , when General Joseph Shelby 'rebukoQ hltn for speaking lightly of the ex-prosidcnt of the confed eracy , An unlmatedtdialbguo followed aud Shelby and Crisp nQjuy came to blows. Friends interfered , l ojyyycr/ Nebraska nmlflowii I'ntouts. WASUIKQTOK , August ,27. LSpocial Tola- gram to TUB JEB. ] Patent * Issued to No- DrasiTuns : John N. l } urr , assignor of ono- hulf to G. D. BenJamfn Edgar , Nob. , liar- ness loop ; GeorgQ J ubein , Omaha , Nob. , carriage spring ; Jutno Phllpott , Rlsiug City , Neb. , Imltor. Patents allowed lowans : Christian Lootschor , Dubuque , la. , screen nnd storm door ; Alexander McCalluai , Raymond , la. , hay distributor : Bfimts Mcllugu , Malvern , Iu. ; harrow ; John Van Ausdalo and B. A. Dolan , Kookuk. la. , rubber shoe attachments LorcnH. Withrell , assignor of three-fourth ; toE. W. , O , W. lind A. Jl. Brady , Daven port , la. , water motor , ( J ) inoorats Asked to Hcslcn. KicnroiiD , Vt.r ; August 37. G. G. Bene dict , of Burllnglon , the newly appointed col lector of customs for Vermont , has requested the rcaltautionLof | all the democratic officers iu the custom bouso here. Sclsmlo Disturbance In Huxsla. LONDON , August 27. An earthquake was experienced oa the Rutilan frontier yester day , In the village of Kucnorik 120 persona wore buried ullvo. DEMPSEf DOWNED AT LAST , Knocked Out In the Thlrty-Sooond Round. A FAST- AND FURIOUS FIGHT. Fouls AVcro Indulged in on Both Sides'and the Victor Did Not Jjcnvo tin ) llinK Un- sontticd. TJP Illntiotio Ilns Ills Ilovcncc. SAN FHA.NCISCO , August 'J' . f Special Tele gram to Tin : Bee , ] Great Interest was tnkon to-night In the fight between Jack Dompso.V and La Blanche , 'Tho Marino , " which occurred under the auspices of the California Athletic club. Four thousand porsous witnessed the set-to , Hiram Cook acted as referee. The betting for several days has boon in Dcmpsoy's favor. Both men entered the ring in flno condition , Dempsey weighing 107 and La Blanche 101 pounds. Tluio was called at 0:35. : The Marino forced the fighting in the early part of the contest and several sharp blows wuro exchanged , In the fifth round the Marino clinched nnd throw Dempsey to the floor amid a storm of hisses nnd applause. Sharp in lighting fol lowed. In the sixth ho lifted Dempsey on his hip and tried to throw him , following this with several rushes nnd accomplishing little. In the ninth La Blanche clinched and throw Dempsey again amidst cries ot "foul , " During La Blanche's rushes In the tenth Domoaoy struck him two staggering blows on tha JaW , After the gong had rung for the close of the round the Marino struck Dempsey in the face and retired to his corner. Dampsoy walked over to him and landed a hard one on the Marino's neck \\hleli made the latter groggy. In the thirteenth and fourteenth Dempsey got m several had ones on the Marino's * Jaw and chest und the Mat ino seemed unsteady. In the sixteenth LaBlancho resumed his rushing tactics , but after a clinch Dempsey landed with awful force on his nose. Ho repeated some of these staggerers in the seventeenth , eighteenth und nineteenth , iu the latter round gaining the ilrst knock down of the light by a tremendous blow on the Marino's nock. Dempsey continued to pursue his aggressive sive- tactics , nnd in the twenty-third round the Marino was showing the effects of his punishment. During the clinch , however , ho pounded Dempsey hard on the ribs. In the twenty-sixth Dempsey forced his op ponent into his corner and pounded him in the neck. La Blanche slugcrorod like a drunken man. Before the close of .tho round , however , ho recovered astonishingly and caught Dempsey hard.on tbo neck. Dempsey \vas knocked out in the thirty- second rcund. Not 1 heir 1'irst Fight. All day yesterday and up to la to last night tbo ono theme of conversation among the sports wan the Dcmpscy-Marino fight , and , while the majority of the knowing ones ex pressed themselves as confident that Jack would win , there was a goodly number who considered the Marine's chances of victory very good , and some considerable- money at the odds of UVo to ono was laid at the Dia- , mohd last night to this effect. This was not the first meeting of the two men. They fought a most desperate battle a little over three years ago , at Larchmont , on Long Island Sound , Dempsey knocking the Marino out in tha thirteenth round. It was a Quccusbcrry fight , but the bloodiest and hardest over fought in this country. Lo Blanche hold his own m gi eat form for seven or eight lounds , in ono or two of i which ho had much the best of the Nonpareil , but In the tenth round the tide of battle turned in Jack's ' favor. In this round , in breaking away from a Plinch , Dempsey lauded his right ia on Lo Blanche's Jaw , knocking him off his feet and all but knocking htm out. The Marino's seconds ends were loud In their claims of a tout , but this the rcfcrco would not allow , but ordered the men to go on and fight it out , and m the thirteenth round Lo Blanche succumbed , being literally cut to pieces and Jabbed into insensibility. Lo Blanche in this fight was clearly outgoner- allod , for ho was in the very pink of condi tion , and bigger and stronger than ho will ever bo again In his life. By clover ducking and dodging Dempsey won the fight. The Marino went Into It lllto a mad bull and un dertook to rush the wiry Nonpareil oft the face of the earth , but every rush was mot with sallies of rights and lofts that soon knocked the Ufa out of the ferocious Marine. Although Dempsey was whipped , he docs not lose the middleweight championship , as the fight did not take place uudor the requi site conditions. TWO EDITORS HANG CD. The Incendiary Views of Colored Jour nalists Load to Lynching. BiHMiNOUA > r , Ala. , August 27. | Special Telegram to TUB Buii.J Trainmen on the Alabama Great Southern railroad train ar riving hero to-night reported that they saw two dead negroes swinging to the limbs of trees a few miles this sldo of Merldan. They were told In Meridian that two of the inccdlary editors of the Independent , who wcro run out of Selma , Ala , last week , wcro caught there last night , and it is supposed thov were lynched. It is impossible to got particulars. Torrlhle Boiler Explosion. ELMIIIA , N. Y. , August 27 , This after noon a boiler in the nail factory of God- charlca & Co. , at South Towanda , Pa. , ex ploded. Five men were instantly klllc , two others will probably dlo and four others are terribly injured. The killed uro Richard Ackloy , Sanford Smith , John Bootwlqk , Isaao Bnntonford , Guy Herman , J ; Rider , and George S. Goo- brick will orobably dlo. Fprlnuer Doing Dakota. BisMAHCic , N , D. , August 27. ( Special Telegram to TUB BiiK.J Congressman Splnger , of Illinois , will bo hero to-morrow and the democrats are preparing to receive him with open arms. Ho will bo Invited to address a meeting on the isnues to-morrow evening. Ho will return to Furgo Thursday niebt to be present during tbo meeting of the state convention , A Big Prairie Kiro In Montana. HKLENA. Mont. , August 27 , An extensive fire is raging a mile and a half north of the fair grounds. It started from sparks from u locomotive about noon and no.w is sweeping down , gathering strength as it goes. A fierce- forest flro Is also raging In the moun tains west of tbo city , and the town U en veloped in smoke , Stockholders Kunnlnu Things. Nmv YOIIK , August 27. At the meeting fcero of the Kin ? valley stockholders this utternoon\2resolution was passed request ing President Shaw to resign both the presi dency and directorship , and u committee- was empowered also to request the resignations of Directors Shaw , Gotta aud Moss. The re quest to resign was formally presented to 1'rosldout Shaw , but ho refused to accede. Thought to B > Train Robbers. SALT LAKE , August 27 , Four men , sup posed to bo the gant who hold up the Hio Grande train recently , wore captured last night byupossoof Indians under the com mand of Deputy Marshal Bush. They wuro caught once before but got away. AT THIS ItLUH OllASS PAbAOB. Senator Allison Dollvorn the Address on IJUOAR County Day. CnnsTON , In , August 37 , 1 Special Telo- from to Tun Buu.J The wo.ithor to-day lias boon line , and the crowds nt the bjuo grass palace and fair were the largest yet in attendance. Special trains from bath east and west were honvlly loaded , the fopmor bringing an excursion from Illinois. Senator Allison was the orator ot the day , and nt 11 o'clock Hon. J. B. ilarsh , president of the blue crass league , introduced the senator , who was greeted with loud applause as ho stepped t ) the railing ot the balcony , and these testimonials of nppraclatlon and favor were often repeated duilng the course of his somewhat lengthy and thoroughly Interest ing address. At the close of Mr. Allison's nd- drcss Senator Harsh introduced A. O , Bartholomew , of Chariton , vlco president , for Lucas county , to whom the management of the remaining exorcises was delegated. Mr. Bartholomew made a brief address to the assembly , nnd then Introduced loading citlrons and representatives of Lucas county. The exhibits ot Lucas nro In all lines well represented , the most prominent feature of iho dlspluv being the monstrous block of 0,000 pounds of conl that stands at the en trance of the booth. To-morrow Is Cuss county day , nnd larger crowds uro expected from the west. Senator Lafo Young Is orator of the day. llin Mason City Klopnrc. MASOX CITV. In. , August 27. [ Sncclnl Telegram to Tun Bun. | Chief ot Police Dolan , of Duluth , telegraphed odlcors hero to-day that William Nowbowors and Mrs. William Vclthoff , who eloped hero last week nro In Duluth. Orders wcro at onoo tola graphed to arrest thorn nnd await further orders. A dispatch received from olllcors In St. Louis states that Nowbowors Is wanted there. Later developments would indicate that Nowbowors and Mrs. Volthoff have been carrying on their disreputable llason for some tlmo. Ho was u constant visitor at the liouso during tha husband's ab sence , nnd It would nppcar that the cloDcmont had boon long planned. Mrs. Volthoff Is thirty-eight years old , has beou married eighteen years , und is the mother of seven children. The elrlsnow with lier are aged respectively , eight und three years. The Railroad Commissioners. Dns MOINF.S , la , August 27. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEE.I The hearing of the complaint of the citizens of Mount , Ayr against the Chicago , Burlington & Qulnc.v for Insufficient train service is sot for Tues day , Septembers , before the railroad com missioners. They consld ercd the complaint of the Diagonal against the Chicago , Bur lington & Qulncy yesterday. This is in re gard to the refusal of iho Chicago , Burling ton & Qulncy railway company to stop trains atAfton , which they were ordoied to do by the commissioner. The case was returned to the management of the "Q" for answer. The commissioners postponed their trip to Muurico , Sioux county , until to-morrow. The lllvcr Convention. Dna Moixns , la. , August 27. [ Special Tel egram to THE DUE. ] Governor Larraboo lias appointed delegates to the river Im provement convention , to bo held at Cincin nati September 4 and 5 , as follows : Samuel Cohrni , Muscatlno ; James Dunn , Otter Crook ; Hon. S. Oheaebro.Vest Liberty ; Robert Donahue , Burlington ; Hon. G , Mc Gregor , McGrogor ; Hon. J. 1C. Graves , Dubuqun ; Hon. CW. , . Chas9 , Clinton ; Hon. John N.lrwin , Keokuk ; Hon. J" . H.Murphy , Davctiport : Hon. Moses Bloom. Io\va City ; Captain John McCaffrey , LoOUlro : Captain Sam Bryson , Davenport , and George C. Baker , DCS Molucs. The Same Old Htoi-y. DBS Mourns , la. , August 27. [ Special Tel egram to THE Bun. ! Two little boys of B. L. Goodyear , of Garner , Hancock county , wcro playing with the hired man , Fred Ilaiu- harsl. After playing a while ho proposed to stop , but thov wanted to continue , and so in fun ho said bo would got the gun , not know ing it was loaded. Ho did so , and aimed it atone ono of the boys , Intending to scare him. The gun was accidentally discharged , the whole load hitting the little follow in the hip nnd making a frightful wound , from which ho died j esterday. Concluded Not to Ijynch Him. Dna MOINB , Iowa , August 27. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ! The town of Milford - ford , Dickinson county , is greatly oxciied over an assault by a young man named Frank Griffith upon a girl named Dora Guilds. Ho failed of his purpose and took to the "woods. The pcoplo pursued him with rifles and shotguns , but when they captured him they had cooled down and concluded to send him to Jail to await trial in October. Ho was taken to Esthorvlllo. Kx-Troasuror Stoadnmn A rrcstcd. DBS MOIVES , la. , Aug. 27. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. | Ex-Treasurer E. D. Stcodman , of Ponton county , was arrested atVinton last evening on Information ( Hod before Justice L. S. Miller by J. S. Hanluy , n member ol the board ot supervisors. His bonds were placed at 5,000 , which ho has not yet been able to furnish. This arrest is the outcome of the Investigation into his accounts , a shortage having been found of $10,000. The Blow rrovod Fatal. BOONK , la. , August 27. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Last Juno two youngbuslneas men of this place , named Fulling and Rogers , had a quarrel over trade matters In the store In which the former was employed , Words led to blows , and Rogers struck Fulling , it is claimed , with a weight. "Soon after ho began to feel unwell and grow worse , until he died last sight. It Is claimed that the blow caused his death , and a coroner's Jury Is investigating the case to-night. A Stock Train Wrecked. WATERLOO , lav August 27. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] A rpeclal stock train on the Illinois Central , which started from Omaha to break the record oa tlmo to Chicago cage , was badly wrecked In the yards in this city this afternoon. It collided with a number of cars loaded with lumber. Two of the stock cars were smashed up. and nearly all the cattle In those cars disabled and seven killed. Three of the train's crow were considerably injured. „ The Hil | inns Trial. WATEIU.OO , la. , August 27. [ Special Tel egram to THIS BEE. ] The trial of M. E. Bill ings , for the murder of ICIngsloy , will como up at the September term of the district court , which convenes next Monday. Ho will Insist upon having a trial ut ouco , while the attorneys for the prosecution will usk that the case bo postponed to a special term , to be held at tbo close ot the September term , Accidentally Killed. DBS MOINES , la. , August 27. [ SpecialTol- egram to TUB BBE. | Richard Andrews , n farmer living near Cambridge , Story county , loft his homo with a team and shotgun to go bunting last evening. As ho did not return at the appointed hour a search was instituted and ho was found dead near tbo buggy. It is supposed that the gun was accidentally dis charged while ho was getting out. A Pnruohuto Acoiilont. IOWA CITIT , la. , August 27. While de scending In a parachute at the county fair this afternoon' Prof. Charges Slinms , of Peorla , struck against the side of a housu and broke a let' . IN THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA. That's Where the War Ship Toxaa Will Bo. IF SHE GOES INTO THE WATER. A Number of Nnvnl Exports nro Con vinced Thnt the Vessel Never Leant to Mvlm In the Army. WASHINGTON Bouuvtr , Tnn OMVTU " 613 FOUHTBUSTH STURBT. ? ' I WASIII.VOTOX , 1) . c. , Aueujt 27. ! ) When the history ot the United States man-of-war Texas Is written It will bo likely to dim some of tho- luster with which tiia democratic ! organs have surrounded the east administration , and especially that ot Secre tary Whitney. Secretary Whitney began Lho rehabilitation of the American navy because congress first appropriated tha money necessary for this just us Mr. Whit ney began his term , The secretary Imd about him all the sumo _ naval constructors nnd' designer * Lhat had been In the department for years , The saiiio men in ado the plans for the most of the ships for which contracts are now out , who would have made them had It been a republican publican Instead of a democratic administra tion In control , but Mr. Whitney's backers paid no attention to this. They were deter mined that the first democratic secretary of the navy sluco the war should hnvo the ere Jit of expending Iho money which a democratic congress Had provided and which the sumo democratic- congress had refused to provide for republican administrations. Among the vessels to bo built were the Mnlno nnd the Texas , two enormous battle ships , which it was determined to construct In the navy yufds Instead of permitting them to bo built by contractors. Mr. Whitney offered a largo sum for plans , which sum wna finallyawarded to nn English concern. Tha plans were nccopted and the vessel was named the Texas and work begun Iu tha Norfolk navy yard. Shortly after the keel had been laid exports in naval construction announced that there was some thing wrong , nnd that the Texas would never float If completed under the de sign. Mr. Whitney caused the matter to ho nvestigutod , mid criticism was hushed up ay the statement that the experts had dis covered that the Texas was all right. The worB which had been suspended was begun again and continued until a short time ago , when Secretary Tracy had his attention called to the matter , nnd ho determined to make a now investigation. For SOUIQ weeks the ofllcors of the construction bureau of the navy department iiavo been making a careful estimate upon the displacement of water which will follow the launch of the Texas with her full ui ma- ineut of heavy rifle guns. These calcula tions have been drawn up In a formal report nnd uro awaiting the secretary's return. Willie the navy department pcoplo do not feel warranted in giving out information con cerning the matter , it is known that the experts have convinced thcmsnlvcs that the Texas cannot weather a five-knot breeze if completed under the plans upon which she Is being built. In fact it is said that she would sink with the weight of her gun metal. The Texas was designed to cost $3,000,000. More than $330,000 have already been ex pended upon her and this money is prac tically wasted. It is believed that she will have to bo cut In two and length- sued out a great many foot to bo of quy service , and that it will bo impos sible to'malto her a first-class vessel-in - spite of anything that can bo dono. The chances arc that she will bo abandoned entirely nq'd that the money will bo used In the construc tion of an entirely now ship. 't AU.MY OH ANDES. A circular xvas Issued to-day from the xvar depnitment announcing tha changes In the army during the past week : Appointment Second Lieutenant Charles D. Rhodes , Seventh cavalry , to bo second lieutenant Sixth cavalry , August ID , IBM ) , vice Stotsonburtr , promoted. Promotion Lieutenant Colonel James 8. Brisbiu , Ninth cavuly , to bo colonel of the First cavalry , August 20 , 1889 , vlco Dudley , retired from active service ; Major George B. Sauford , First cavalry , to bo lieutenant colonel of the Ninth cavalry , AugustSO , 1809 , vice Brisbtn , promoted to the First cavalry ; Captain < ; harlos Vielo , cavalry , to bo major First cavalry , August 20 , 18S9 , vlco Sanford , promoted to the Ninth cavalry ; First Lieu tenant Charles D. Nordstrom , regimental quartermaster Tenth cavalry , to bo captain , August 20 , 1889 , vice Vlole , promoted to the First cavalry ; Second end Lieutenant John M. Stolsenhurp , Sixth cavalry , to bo first lieutenant August 19 , 1S39 , vice Blake , resigned ; to bo assistant surgeon , with the rank of captain , after llvo years' survico in accordance with the act of Juno 23,1879 , Assistant Surgeon William D. McCaw , August 20,1839. , NEIIHASKA AND IOWA POSTMASTEItS. Nobuiska Nordon , Koya Puna county , D. W.Evans : Scotia , Gruoloy county , Lewis Herbert. Iowa Fonda , Pocahontns county , George Sanbarn ; Goldllold , Wrlirht county , Captain S. M , Huyak ; Luuna , Clayton county , Al- phous Ernest ; Mcservy , Coiro Gordocounty , J. J. Kelly. THE GOUBB1O ROBBER. Donald Slackurchar Thinks He Wounded Him. MiNNKAroi/is , Minn , , August 37. Donald Macliorchar , the Minneapolis man shot by the robber near Gogobio yesterday , arrived this morning and was tulron to the hospital. MacKcrchar said the robber must have boon wounded , as ho got four shots ut him , and bo is considered a good shot. A telegram bos been received from Bessemer stating that FJeoschbalntho other victim of the highway man's bullet died In the , hospital to-day. Ho has a wife aud two children at Belleville , III. Montana Democrats Nominate. Hi'.i.KyA , Moat. , August 37. The demo * cratlo state convention at Anaconda this morning nominated J. 1C. Toolo , of Holent , for governor ; Howard Conrad , of Billings , for lieutenant governor ; Martin MacGluiiis , of Helena , for congress ; Pcmborton , ot But to , for uttornoy general ; DoWolf , for chief Justice ; Armstrong , of Galhtan , for tbo five year term on the supreme bench ; Uickford , of Missoula , for the seven year term ; Joseph A. Brown , of Beaver Head , for secretary of state ; Perry Collins , of Cas cade , for state treasurer ; Thomas. S. Fitz gerald , of Anaconda , for state auditor ; J , R. O'Russoll , of Untie , for superintendent of public Instiuctlon , National Editorial AsKOOiatli n , DiniioiT , Mich , , August 87.'Die fifth an nual convention of the National Editorial at * sociutlon met to-day. The city Is h undsorne- ly decorated in honor or the visitors. At the opening of the gofwion President Buttes de livered nn address In behalf of the assocla * tlon , responding to the mayor's welcome , nnd routine huslncss was then taken up. Ai 2 o'clock the delegates , their ladles and the committees , numbering In all about six hun dred , took carriucoa for Minister Pulmor' famous stock farm , whore they spent a pleasant afternoon. i American Lcclon of Honor. CHICAGO , August 27 , The eighth an H5 , nual session of the supreme council of th American Legion of Honor , representing about sixty-two thousand members , convened In this city to-day. Little but routmo busi ness was accomplished. UiiiiHiinl liond Purchases. WARUJNOION , August 27. The bond * pur chased by the treasury to-day reached tb unusually large total of t5.005.000. They were all-1 per cent registered bonds and Louirhtall W-