Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Revenue collections yostordny , 812-
Gcorgo Holntz. hond clerk at Milton
Rogers ft Sono , hardware house is re
joicing over the arrival nt his liomo of
n eon.
Mrs. Brixndols , wife of Justice Bran-
dels , who Bubmittcd to an operation for
cancer a few days ago is improving
slightly and It is thought will recover.
Atone Umo liorjlfo was despaired of.
The Aurora society of the South
Tenth street church will hold a lawn
social Tuesday eve at the residence of
E. K. Long , 1800 South Seventh avunuo.
Ice cream and other dainties will bo
j. 0. Wilcox lin.8 made application
for an injunction against the city
to stop the grading of the boulevard in
front of his premises. A temporary re
straining order \vna granted him until
next Saturday , when the matter will bo
Mr. Ed , Murphy , of the custom ofilco ,
returned from Sioux City yesterday ,
whore ho had boon to clear a largo lot
of tea and measure a river boat prepar
atory to the issuance of a license , otc.
To-day ho will RO to Lincoln to clear a
consignment of solontlllo instruments
imported for the state university , The
Instruments are valued at $300.
A bright-cheeked young girl named
Jennie Juliua , was arrested Sunday
charged with having stolen some prop
erly trom the residence of C. U. Mc-
Brido. The property turned out to bo
Eomo advertising cards which the girl
took but afterwards returned. McBride -
Bride failed to appear to wrosocuto his
case and the girl was dismissed after
spending the night in the jail with two
negro prostitutes.
At a picnic Sunday , at Pries' lake ,
while several parties wore out rowing ,
a young gentleman jumped from ono
boat to another containing two young
ladies. The latter sklfT capsized , the
young ladies wore thrown out and sank
beneath the surface , but wore rescued
before they suffered any serious incon
venience. With BoaKing elothes they
repaired to the boat house and spent
the remainder of the day recovering
from the effects of the unceremonious
immersion. _
Personal / I'liraar.ipJis.
D. T. Council , of Holdrogo , is at tbo Mur
Adolph Carpi and wife , of Cincinnati , are
at tlio i'lixlon.
R. S. A. Smith , of Craig , Mo. , wus In the
city yesterday.
H. T. Forfiuson was at the Paxton yester
day from Orleans.
Eugene Moore was at thn Millard yestOr-
day from West Point.
G. M. Chapman , of Pluttsmouth , was at
the Paxton yesterday.
Miss Minnie Huwlto , of Nebraska City ,
visited in the city yesterday.
J. W. Troup and wife , of Portland , Ore. ,
wore Murray pucsts last nipht.
Cleveland men at the Murray last niftht
were W. C. Spauldlnf ? and C. U. Hoffman.
Falrfleld's only roproscntatlvo In the
metropolis yesterday was W. M. Manpin ,
registered at the Arcado.
Stockton Hoth , of the local rovcnuo col-
color's ofllce , returned yesterday from a ten
days ) trip to Lexington , Kv.
p.T. A. Hershey , of Broken Bow ; A. L.
Field and faulty , of Alliance ; Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Austin , of Lincoln , \vcro among the
Nebruskans at the Arcudc yesterday.
Among the guests of the Millurd yester
day were William H. Uurnhum , Batavia ,
111. ; J. F. Barnard , Lincoln ; Frank Stiai'po ,
Uattlo Crook , Nob. ; Mra. QoorKO McQuonn ,
Denver , Col. ; D. Ray , Grand Island , Nob.
Marriage licenses wore issued yesterday to
the following pnrtlos :
Name and resilience. Aec.
( Charles C. Nomoss , South Omaha . 2J"
( AnnloF. Lundin , South Omaha . S3
1 William A. Moobins , Omaha . 34
( Livydoll Felkor , Omaha . 18
Mcrclnmts" I' n ratio.
Major Clarkson left on Saturday for the
national encampment G. A. R. , at Milwau
kee. Ho will return on Saturday next. Ho
will then receive reports from the assistant
marshals of the great drummers' and mer
chants' parade. There
are forty-two mar
shals , all of whom the major claims are
working with enthusiasm. Major CIurk.Hon
holds that the parade will bo the finest which
has over been held iu this part of the country -
try >
Boll I ml in Ills ContrnotH.
Hugh Murphy has'a contract for laying 40-
000 foot of stone paving on Pine street. Up
to date , ho has laid but 1,200 and if ho should
hereafter lay ( iOO foot per day it would tuko
him about 70 days to complete his contract ,
but his men are all laid off awaiting stouo
from bis quarry , and it is nut probable that
bo will complete his contract this season.
Chairman Ualcombo severely arraigned
Mr. Murphy ut a recent meeting between the
two for his negligence.
USB noiiSFoitn's ACID i-ii
Dr. C. R. Dako , Belleville , 111. , says"I
bcivo found it , and it alone , to be capable of
producing a sweet and natural sleep in cases
of insomnia from overwork of the brain ,
which so oftoa occurs la active professional
mid business men. "
Oinnliu'H Honda.
At noon ycstorduyCity Treasurer Rush sold
tl87r > 00 worth of short tnno , district paving
bonds.-nt$1.05 CO-100. S. A. Kean &Co. , of
Now York , were the successful bidders.
Bids were received from the folio win gilrms :
Lamb'rct Bros. & Co. . Cleveland.$1 O.t
C. H. Vcnuor & Co. , Now York. . 1 03 3-25
Brewster.Cobb & Estubrook.Now
York" . . ! 1 00 2'J-IOO '
Northwestern Mutual Life Insur
ance company , Milwaukee 105 1-10
niticUBroe. . & Co. , Boston 1 03 1-8
U , H. Wl\ltO \ & Co. , Now York , . . 1 05 0-L'O
Mr. Rush says that taking into considera
tion the fact of this being n very bad tluio of
the year to sell bauds ; also that there was a
collapse In the money market only last Frl-
, day. thcso figures indicate the great favor in
which any kind of Ouiuhu bonds are con
i Bidered ,
National Ciiiiiril Chan iron.
Several changes la the ofliclal roster of the
Nebraska National Guard are announced
' from the adjutant general's nnico at Lincoln ,
Captain L. F. Brltt , having tendered his
* , rcslguutiou as chuplaln of the First regiment
Nebraska National Guard , and the same
having been approved , ho is honorably dis
charged from tnu service.
, Upon the recommendation of Colonel O.
H , Phillips , commanding First regiment ,
licv. U. S , Davlx , of York , 1ms been ap
pointed chaplain of bald regiment , to rank us
cantata *
First Lieutenant F , P. Lundcon , quarter
master First regiment , having been commls-
, slonod captain of Company A , First regi
ment , the colonel commanding mild regiment
\ylll recommend the nunm of a llrst liouten-
uut of his regiment for ttio position of quar
' Lieutenant Colonel Hurry S. Hotchklss ,
Inspector general Nobiuska National Guard ,
is ordered to proceed to Omaha an or before
the 1st day of September , 18S9 , for the pur
pose of mustering out of the Btato service
the military organization Ituowu us the Ed
ward Croighton Guards.
Captain U. J , Smyth , commanding the Ed
ward Crolghton Guards. Is ordered to turn
over to Colonel Hotuhkius all ordnance ,
ordnance stores ana quartermaster stores
Issued to his company by the state.
Colonel Hoichkiss will receive and slim to
the state headquarters the supplies referred
to. namely : Fifty Sprlngtleld rillcs (50- (
caliber ) , complete , unit equipments ; fifty
futlguu uniforms , complete , coat , puuts and
cap. _
Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil
lands furiiUhod. Assessment work uono
mid -vorillod to by utlldavlt and certl-
llcato of recorder. Claims located. J.
J. Corbott , Cuspor , Wyoming ,
An lown Yotith Aoctiiod of Stealing n
8nloiiikcojor's Itnll.
Ucrton Love , o verdant looking youth
from Iowa , was arrested yesterday charged
with grand larceny. The complaining Wit
nesses are Graves & Miller , who keep n
saloon near the fair grounds. They state
that Love has been boarding at their place
tor the lint three weeks. Last night about
) o'clock ho came to the house and wont up
te his room. About half tin hour afterwards
sonio ono was hoard in the lower part of the
houso. The landlady wont to the door to see
who H wai , and saw Love Just leaving the
house with his satchel. As soon as Love
saw her he started and ran until ho was out
of sight. Mr. Miller , ono of the proprietors
of the saloon , tind hidden n roll containing
? 105 under the bur on Saturday night , nnd
his suspicion * wcro aroused by the man's
ntrango actions. Ho at once wont to see If
Ills hidden treasure was safe , * but , llko old
Mother Hubbard , "when he pot there the
cupboard was bare. " Ho sallied forth to the
iwllco court yesterday morning and llloU an
Information against Lovo.
Love stated yesterday that ho wont to the
liouso Sunday night to got his clothes , as ho
was going to change boarding houses. Ho
lias boon working nt Swift's Ice house for
about a week nnd concluded to niovo further
down town. Ho remained at the house
about half an hour and then loft. Ho says
he knows nothing about the money , but only
wont after his clothes and took nothing olsc.
After leaving the house ho started down
Lown , but being weary ho wont Into an un
finished IIOUEO and Blent there all night.
The case is sot for hearing next Monday
at 10 a. m.
The O. II. & N.'B Hack Down nnd How
It Cainn About Notus.
General Manager Hurt , Assistant Freight
Agent Cassldy , of the Elkhorn. General
Frcplit Agent Miller of the B. & M. and
Division Agent Warruck , of the Union Pa-
clllc , loft yesterday for Chicago ,
where they will attend u mooting of the
Trails-Missouri Freight association to-day.
At this meeting the Cblcugo , Burlington &
Northern will formally announce a with
drawal of the recent 75 per cent cut In rates.
The recent uoclslou of Judge Cooley , of the
Inter-State Commerce commission Is what
prompted this action. A well known rail
road ofllcial , Wuo was in attendance nt
tlio meeting in Chlcugo when the Burling
ton announced the cut and the St. Paul &
Kansas City two it out that they uould
meet It says :
"We , of the Missouri river lines were
sick ut heart because when the St. Paul &
Kansas City made their declaration wo saw
nothing but ruin staring us In the face. Wo
did not want to cut rates. Chairman Fnlth-
orn pondered a few moments and remarked.
'Gentlemen , I think your action is Illegal. 1
will consult Judge Cooloy. '
"Ho retired und in flvo minutes returned
with thn judge's decision. It came like a
thunderbolt and fairly paralyzed the people
who waritcd to cut the rates. They sat still
for about u minute and lltmlly one moved to
adjourn. The motion was carried. "
"Tho reason that prompted the Burlington
& Northern to cut rates is apparent. The
lake lines and the Canadian Pauillouroruin
ing its business which is all through trafllc.
The eastern lines send by rail to Buffalo and
thence by wutor. In consequence the Burl
ington froin , Chicago to St. Paul is shut out.
All merchandise goes , to Duluth. Notwith
standing that the eastern lines once declared
to pro rilto , the Chicago , Burlington &
Northern now bus agents In the east trying
to make such nn arraogement. But it won't
work. The eastern roads und the Canadian
Pncliloare hauling freight fora eong , and the
Burlington & Northern with no intermediate
trallc is iu u bad tix. The road has played
the part of the cat to the St. Paul & Omaha's
monkey and got its lingers burned , and what
they can or .will do is a problem. I think
they will bo forced out of business. Tnc.v
nro trying to make an arrangement with the
Milwaukee & St. Paul , but that road is now
going back on them. Cooley is watching
them closely and all the little schemes they
put up will be frustrated. At the meeting
to-morrow they will withdraw their rate
and airuiu fight against u ruinous disastrous
competition. "
They Cut thn Kate.
The passenger department ol the Union
Pacific Is in a peck of trouble over G A. R.
rates to Vltlwaukeo. The rate from Denver
was fixed nt ? 32 (15 ( but the Union Pacific sold
at $33.15 , a cut of 50 cents.In consequence
the other roaus are making a mighty war
and are contending that the Union Pacific
for each ticket so sold must forfeit $100 to
the "gentlemen's iigroemcnt" association.
The Union Pacific , however , sets up the
claim that the first rate advertised was ? 83.15
and that under the law they could not raise
thu price without ten days' notice , lietico
their action. The matter will bo laid before
tbe interstate association for udjusticution.
Railroad Notes.
Tbo passenger department of the union
Pacific has issued a hundsoinu illuminated
circular giving the dates of every fair held
in Nebraska this fall. .Tlio first page is de
voted to the Omaha merchants' week cele
Assistant General Manager Dickinson , of
the Union Pacific , has returned from Chi
Car-Accountant Buckingham , of the Union
Pacific , who has been in Denver chasing the
friskj box earlias returned.
David Lee , superintendent of construction
of the Baltimore & Ohio , accompanied by
his wife und duughtorpassed thiough Omaha
iu u special car going eastward. They have
been spending a few weeks in the west. Mr.
Lee is the. fatherjof Assistant General Pas
senger Agent Lee of the Union Pnciflc.
The Wabash office in this city is In receipt
of a circular announcing that m future sisters -
tors of chuiity will bo given halt rates overall
all the lines of the road , the suuio as mem
bers of the clergy.
The Missouri Pacific announces that , from
September 10 a rate of ono faro for the
round trip for points in Arkansas , Toxus ,
Kansas' nnd Nebraska- will be given from
each of the states mentioned to the other.
Tickets will bo good for thirty days.
tention to commercial men. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittredgo &
Brainurd , proprietors.
Son nml HtiNhuiiil ,
Mrs. liorndon , of Dallas , Tex. , wants to
find her son William , who wus formerly em
ployed as a night switchman Iu the Union
Pacific yards.
Mrs. L. M. Dlltlnor , of' Kansas City , also
wants the police to assist In locating her
husband , who loft Kansas City thrco wonks
ago , leaving hit wife In destitute circum
The Club With Which Commlfi loncr
Anderson Threatens Them.
Commissioner Anderson met a democratic
county official yesterday morning nnd. to him
said :
"Woll , I suppose you are supporting Sheriff
Coburn In his defense against our Investiga
tion 1"
"No , I'm not , " replied the gentleman.
Why should It It's no affair of mlnot"
"I supposed you wer o , " repeated Ander
son , "because If ho wins none of you will bo
compelled to turn any fees over to the
county. "
After having this conversation told to him
by a friend wno had overheard It , Coburn
said ! "You can just bet your jottom dollar
I'm going to win. "
There are no now developments in the
investigation. It wilt bo resumed this
morning. County Attorney Mahoney gave
nn opinion on the matters under dispute last
spring , which ho has not as yet boon con
vinced should be changed. That opinion
was more favorabto to the sheriff than It
was to the commissioners.
Thcro scorns to bo n prevailing belief that
the matter must bo taken Into coi/rt before
it is finally sottlcd.
Makes tlio lives of many people miser
able , and often leads to self-destruction.
Wo know of no remedy for dyspepsia
successful than Hood's
moro Sarsapa-
rilla. It acts gently , yet surely and
ofllciontly , tones the stomach and other
organs , removes the faint feeling , cre
ates a good appetite , cures headache ,
and refreshes the but-cloned mind.
Give Hood's Sarsaparllla a faittrial. .
It will do you good.
The Founder of the Orilor of Knights
of I'ytli'nu Will Jj-cuiro Thorn.
The Knights of Pythias of this city have
arranged fora big time on next WoJnestlny
evening , when Mr. J. A. Hathbono , .founder
of the order will deliver n free lecture to thn
members nnd their ladies nt tlio hall of Ne
braska Ledge No. 1 , Central hall , Fourteenth
street between Douulas and DoJgo.
Thcro ono thousand throe hundred knights
in the city of Omaha , nnd an olTort is being
made among them to give Mr. Rathbono
such u reception as ho never before received.
A very prominent feature of the recc | > -
tion will bo the attendance of the ladies , who
are expected to bo there In great number.
Married members are especially urged to
take their wives , anil untimrrieo members
are exported to escort their uot girls. The
evening will bo most profitably spout.
G. A. II. KxctirHion.
From August ill , to August 28 inclu
sive , the "Hook Island Route" will sell
round trip tickets to Milwaukee via.
Chicago for the G. A. R. encanpmont
at $14'50 , tickets good for retnrn until
September 6. ( Jhoieo' of rail or lake
route from Chicago. *
Ticket olllco 1305 Parnam , street.
WoHfern Citsktt Company Failure.
In the Sunday Issun of this.panor appeared
nn account of the failure of the Western Cas
ket company.
Mr. Lewis Reed oajs that ho navor had
anything to do wltti raising subscriptions
from the business men of Omaha for this
company , but did like a hundred others , sign
his name to the list wheu presented and paid
the same when asked for. It'is also learned
than tnoy never received n bonuV of & 5.500 ,
the Kubscriution list being on'y ' $1,500. , Mr.
Andrew F. Ross and J3 , W. Dickson did not
become stockholders till last January , having
been in the concern only twenty-eight days
at'tliu time of the failure.- . * . .
Mr. Pottis savs ho is not a brother-in-law
Of Mr. Wood row mid that thU gentleman
novcr Induced him to take sjtock in the com
pany. Mr. Woodrow is not manager of the
Bradstrcet agency and states that ho novcr
had anything to do with sulllne stock for
this company , but bullovcd , us others still do ,
that with good financial management the
business may be m xdu u urolitablo one.
Tno Omaha National bank , say they have
never had u chattel mortgage on the plant
until within four days , tbo same being filed
on Saturday morning Iu4t'heiici ( tbo com
pany bus not hau the privilege ( wcro it oven
possible after giving such u mortgage ) to
purchase as largo u stock of goods as repre
A uiortgago on thn real estate of this com
pany for J5.5UO and n chattel mortgage for
§ 14,500 on the stock , fixtures , accounts , etc. ,
both in favor of the Omaha National bank ,
wcro filed yesterday , and in addition numer
ous attachments liavo boon plucod , so that
tbe assets of the company are fully covered.
Mr. Boll , manager of Dun's ngoucy , in
conversation with a BBC man in reference to
the failure , said :
"In view of the fact that there has boon
some discussion in commercial and banking
circles as to how a company organized and
floated as this ono has boun should have suc
ceeded la securing so liberal a' credit , it is
deemed just to all uurties Interested to say
that Bradstrcot & Co. , In their published
reference book for July , 18S9 , rate the < Wcst-
tcrn Casket Company as having $ JS,500 ( cap
ital paid in ) , and in fair credit , and Dun &
Co. rate them blank , and Dun's special re
ports advisecuqtion in all deals-with them ,
and especially us to purchases of tbo'stock of
the company. "
Cushman's Menthol inhaler euros catarrh ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
Walnut Hill Motor Service.
Said a well-known citizen ; "There is an
amusing contradiction In the reports regard
ing the impediments in the motor cars
reaching Walnut Hill. One story is that
unless the grade ut Twenty-sixth und Burt
streets is reduced the motor company will in
tlio winter bo obliged to abandon Its service
west of Thirty-sixth.
"Last night's paper state ! that tliOi motor
would not bo likely to run north on Lowe
nvenuo unless the change of grade on that
thoroughfare which was asked for should bo
"I'licBO two propositions amount to this :
Wo cannot run past , Twenty-sixth because-
of the steep gradu , and wo cannot run north
on Lowe avenue because It is level nt the
present grudCj und wo want a change that
will uiako the street uneven by filling four
feet at ono point , und cutting two feet at
another point. The truth of the matter ib
there Is no real impediment at Thirty-sixth
street or Lowe avenue. "
Ilsexl l > y th * United States Oovernment. indorsed hy ( lie heads of the Oreat Unlvf rMUcs
and 1-ublic Hood Analysts , as the btronectt. Viirett nnil most HeaUliful. Dr. Trice' * Clean
Uaking Vunrder dot-n not contain Ammonia , I.lmeor Alum. Dr. Vrice's Delicious 1'lavorJnK 3-
Uacts , \ puitla , If4uoLi. Oiauge , Altuoud , Kosc , etc. , do not couUlu 1'olsouous Oils or Chemlculc
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . NewYorK. Chlcogo , 6t ,
This powder never varies. A marvel of p r -
ty , ftrenntU nnd vholesomoneBS. Moro eco < than tbe ordluarr kind ! ) , and cnnnot
pany , 120 WaU Street. Now York.
( Opposite i'uxtoii Hotel. )
Offlco hours , 0 a. m , to B p. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p. m.
Hpi-clvllsts In Chronic , Nervous Skin ami
Blood Disease's.
S3T"ConsuHation nt olllco or by mall freo.
Sli'Ulclnes snut by mail or express , securely
packed , free from obsarvatlon. Guarantees to
rnro nnirUly. safel } * and permanently.
slons. 1'liyslcal Ufcay. allying from Imllncro
tlon. Kxcess or Indulgence. pioducliiK&leeplcss
ness. Despondency. Dlii.p'ej on tlio face , aver
sion to society , easily ; dlscournired. lacK of conn
dence , dull , unlit rorstiiilv or business , nml Ilmls
Hfo n burden , fcnfely , prrrani ontly and prl-
vntoiy enroll. Consult lira , llctts & lletts , 11US
Karuam bt. , O inn hi. Nab.
Blood and SHnJiseaEB ?
results , coinplutelv praillcntcil without the tilil
of Mercury. Scrnfulo , Kryilpnlns. Fever Sores ,
lilotclics. Ulcers , 1'mnsln the Head nml Ilonos.
SjjihllltlcEoro'JIiront , Mouth nml 'longui' . Ca
tarrh. cti\ . permanently cured uhero others
linve fnlh'd.
Firhinu Tpinorw ( nml Hlmlilcr Complaints ,
JUllIlGy > Ufind'Y Painful , Ullllcult. too rro-
qiionl IluvnliiB or flloody Urine , Urlno high col-
01 eel or with milky sediment on btnndlns , WraK
Back. Gonorrhi'tt.i Olrpt , CystltH. etc. ,
Promptly nnd Surely ! Cured , Cbnrgcs KeaEon.-
moval complete * , without cuttinir. caustic or
dlllntlon. Cureu ctticteil. nt homo by pntlont
without a moments puiuor nnnoynmo.
To Yoniiff Men and MiMfe-Aieil Men ,
AQITDT ? PITDD Tne awnil effects of enrly
OUHJj UUnD Vice , which brings organic
weukness destroying both mind nnd body , with
nil Its dieniled lllx , penuniientlv cured ,
Adt s3 thojalio have impaired
Mpplpmn themselves by Improper indul
gences mid tolltnry hablta. which ruin both
body nnd mind , unllttlnc them tor business ,
stuily or nutrrmgp.
M Aituicu MK.V. or these ontcrlns on that Imp
py life , nwuro ol physical debility , quickly as
Is based upon facts , 1'r.ictlcnl Expo
ilcnce. Socoml i\orycAiBls : especially studied-
thus starting nright. Third JloJIo lies nre pro ,
puioil In our lubntory exactly 1o suit each case ,
tliuti nflectlns cures without Injury
ftfSentl 0 cents postage for celehrateJ works
on Chronic , Nervous und Delicate Diseases.
Tnousandb cmotl. fcsfA filendly letter or call
limy save yon future sullorlni ; ixnd xhnmo , nnd
ndd golden jenrs to llff. C No letters nn-
swoipil unlcMs accompanied by I cents In stamps.
Address or call on
1103 Furnnm Street , Unman. Neb.
iMAlL $
G-ouo §
A Perfect Face Powder.
ailtlbltf * IJoa ft ruvoo * .Avid b/Ijruilklj.
Klu.l r'i , 901 Firii.inkliMIJII'I , 1.H1 .llll
BUI On K rn iuhl.i i : utik ii | iru Co ,1.110
Hcliroltr' , l/.ll ! ( | TortJUX l.lll , on N.ltlli ]
WIIIUlilI OD H. lSU lllafflk , , llrli ,
cxir > > 1,1,140 : J Co IUt u >
til. cor. Criilrrl l ilr l Inallula Drat felon , tor. Unrifi.Tiir. .
tkV. ror. ruclHrj On Hiwlij Urll , t0 { hitiltU iiro . r , I'MCU *
IclOnS. lnhiConi 4lll | Knlm j. Co. , cor , Doujln , alia
cor.UllnnJ Cunilnc , On ttaim Irr'il Dr. Havllli'l , l.loiidlc
; ' , cor , Uk > | Oa Lwvrawuilhi UirV. 1,111 IVrlon j. Owen ,
cor , Jlli | 8wini.Cn , SilX.i , , | D.Ytii | .rt | * rli r r' , Bl.rrm.n
AVf. n4 Ciib ; < 1 ik > , l > iiit Wool worth JlTHlr , Otnliclri ,
'iv.rj | f > Ju.l'c . r. Slh.u.l l'l.rc | llo > il IOilU.I Are.
h bl I W , J. Brkmlrr' ! ) K.jkor. * Co. , H. Uttnlia.
, u. l * , Itlclurdiou llrvx Ho . IlUkr. llrur J , Co.
* * r Children > r Adult * .
FREEMAN'S DLONDINE Injury pre < rr UlonU lUIr Hi
* i l color. Ktnderi lU.rolauy rdor
* altful , lulural ltlond . u | | l ,
t uulu | u Male * UUU from ycur
UiVKttt. n < w > r cf II.U | > 1 brtlK
fbrccucr llf cM , tiMilllDtf Hit liftlr.
II OOprrliotll orB Arts. lf > > mr lirnrtUtliMiu'lllIl will ! >
a'ntii | < reu | ll. IJ1KHUN "hliri'Man MTr.LaboralarlM
H > K.1HJ61. . ew Vwk , tnucljUuOoLill.O ,
SHOE DEALERS to Doslrln examine tlio
_ . _ . Justly rel-
ebruteil lines of Ilnotn und Hlioes , inuiiufurtiii- .
eduyo. M. llendeison A ; I'o. , of Clilt KO-Ffto-
tories at Clilr.igo. Dlxon , Ilia. , und 1'ond Mil l.uc ,
WlB.-sUoiild wrilo BAM. N. WATPON , real-
rtenrc , K1CRMONT. NKH , Trftvcllng aifent.
Jiff dciiiurtera for Itubbera.
tlroiM Illiiiiutnil Itninil.
Tbl enlj rtll bl tll , | fur III' . Sufi' u < !
sure. I.Bdlva , u U IfruirttUt tor low l > lit *
mund llrauUln rttl lutUllloljWkM , Klrtl
Uti bluvrluboo 1'iiLtUttvllii r. Kco < 14c.
( lauipi ) fur | iaillcbltr ul 'Jtcllrr lor
l idlia.1 * In.Her. / . l y mall. AdM Jdi > r.
UUehcstcr Cliemlcal Co. , JIuilUou f.q. , I'blbtdn , I'n.
aaa-ruuiunruitKHiuo unite ,
txwkfreo. ui.K "
And we will be thinking and talking of fall goods. They are coming in thick and fast and keep
an army of clerks busy unpacking and marking them. We will have our Fall Stock complete
in a week or so and will show you a stock you have not yet seen in Omaha. We make im
provements from season to season , but never were the improvements so radical and far-reach- *
ing as in the stock we are preparing for this fall. For every novelty we had last winter we will
show you four this coming season.
The remaining few clays until the opening of the new stock we will continue to close out in
all Departments without reserve everything in the way of summer goods.
Parents who have boys to prepare for school will find in our Boys' Department suits appro
priate for school v/ear at VERY LOW PRICES. We make it a point to sell Hoys' Clothing at
the closest margin possible , and in this last week of our clearing sale we will offer extraordinary
inducements in Boys' Suits and Pants.
In our Hat Department fall tradeahas already opened and is quite brisk. We arc showing
an immense line of new shapes in stiff'and soft hats. Our new 950 Derby for the season of
'SQ-'QO is the grandest hat you have ever seen. It is far ahead of anything we have ever offered
and is positively of as good a quality as any hat for which you pay elsewhere $2.00. We have
them in three of the latest shapes. The very finest Derby at $2.00 , $2.50 and $2.75. The latter
are in every respect equal to any $5.00 Derby. In Soft Hats we have numberless shapes and
We have received our first installment or Men's and Boys' Shoes for the fall. They are now
on sale at our usual low prices. We shall make this one of the leading departments in our
Please Note ; Uiiill September 1st our store clones nt G:3O : ; > . m. 8ntur < tity8 at IO p. m ,
Corner Fourteenth and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
foUTB UJTeSIf Chicago , Ills. 1 ClarkSt ,
Xhe Regular Old-Established
It ( till Treating with the Greatest
Cftronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
9-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood ,
Felling Memory , Exhnustine Drains , Terrible
Dreama , Head and Back Ache and all the cfTecu
leading to early deciiy end perlup Consumption or
Inaactty , treated scientibcally by n / methods with
ncver-fallinc succrti.
SYPHILIS and ell bad Blood and Skin Ola *
saaea permnarntly cured.
* S-KlDNEYand URlNARYcompWnU.Qlcet ,
Oonorrho a , Strlctu re , Varicocele and all diuaiu
of the Qenlto-Unnary Organ * cured prompUy without
injury toS'.ocnich , Kfdncyi or other Organs.
aS-No experlmsnta. Age and experience Imi
portant. Ccnaullrtion free and aacred.
as-Stud 4 cents postage far Celebrated Worlis on
Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Dlttaics.
43-Thoje > ctnlemplatinB Mairitge nend for Dr.
Clarke'a celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 ccoU , both 3 } cents ( ( lamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallmay save future sutler.
ing nnd shame , and add golden years to life. SSTVOOX
"frle'a ( Secret ) Errori , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicina
and writings sent every whrre , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 In la. Address
F. D. CLARKE. M. Q > * .a.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The Best Itouto from Oinnbii and Council
Bluffs to
Chicago. AND Mlhrnukce ,
8L Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Fiecport , Itockford ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , .lancsTlllo ,
Ilcltlt , Wlnonn , La Crosse ,
And all other importnnt point' Kast , Northeast and
For tbrough tickets call on tlio tltVet aucnt at IMI
Farnain street , In barker lllock , or nt Uiikm 1'uciOc
Pullman Sleepers and tbo finest Dining Cars In th
world are run on the main line ot tuoihlcuiro , Mil
waukee & Bt. I'ftul llallwuy. und evurr attention Is
paid to pumnKeri by courteous omplo/es of the
It. MII.I.KH. OonerM Mnnniier.
j , K. TDCKBH , Asilitinl General MnimKor.
A. V. It. OAltPKNTKlt , Ucneral I'asjer.uer and
Ticket Client.
OKO. K. 11BAFKOUD. Assistant Oeoeral 1'asscngcr
tint 'nckct Aeont.
T. J. OLA UK , Ueneral 6npirlntadent.
Epps's Cocoa.
"flru tliorou ti knowluiluo of tbe natural laws
wlik'li KOTuru Itio opuratloiu of ( liuHitliiu anlnalrl-
tlon.nii'l liy caruful uppiltullun ut tliu nno pruper-
ll ui well * eluclml Uotua , Mr. Klips bas prorliluJ our
tm'iikfttit tables with it iliillcHlely rtavoru I keri'raiiu
whloli runr tavo in nmnr liujvr doctur * ' lillU HI *
by tliu Jjclklouj usu ol > ucl > intlclui of rtlof lliutu
< uii tllullou limy bj truluiilly built m > u itll struiu
vnuuKlilo rtl l t over- tendency to dlni-ato. lliu-
ilruu * of mbilu lualuUlut nr lluut nx uruuu J us rcurt/
wlierovur tliHioli a wt-nk point , \tuiimr
< nuva uinrir u fatal ulinft br k epliiK oiirsi'lros ell
furttnoil wlOi puru Lloo.1 and a properly uuurisbo.1
frame 4'lvlf n-rvloaOaielte.
In Mainly with bolllnn nator or milk. Bold on/ )
ill bUlf pound tins l > f tirucerit labjlod thust
: inDO P. nn IComuopntUlo ChemlHt
un'l"lluriuary ' troubles easily , ciulcic
lyuuabufely cured byUUOTUKAOAp .
vulos. Bevvral caaes cured m BUVOU Uayo. Sola
ultimo par lioi. all drutfuUw , or br mall from
Uoctuia M'VU > , UWUttos N. Y.
This Is tlio llmo to roplonlsh. summer
Wu ahull continue through < ho month of
August to oiler upoclal b irKiiliia in various
llnmof llr.t-class goods. Our Pull stocfe
is already bolnc solectol In the llastarn
iiuirket , und we inust soon have room for
fresh Invoices. Hut the warm wonthor Is
not over yet , nml our supply la Btlll oqua.1
to tlio demand of a hot day.
Dr. J. E , McGRE W
In the Treatment of All Chronic , NOI-TOUS
nuil Prlvnto Diseases.
Bperm torrlioea , luipotency and Ix > Ht of Mnnlioo 1.
absolute/cured ! , A euro Kimruntcod In ull for us ut
I'rlvnto DlaeuscK , HIrlcturcs , llleet , etc. Ciitarrb ,
Tbroat , Limit Dlscusus , Ixiucorrbooii iiulckly and
peoiiianeritly cured. lllood und tikln Ulsouaos
treated succcHBlnlly.
Indies' nnd Rentlomcn's waiting roams separata
and entirely private ,
( 'onxultatlon freo. Ren 1 for books. Tbo flocret and
1'rlvutu DlaeateMOf Jluni alMii Wouiiiii nnd Her Dis
eases , lUa each ( ituinps ) . Treatment by correspond
cnrof send ntttmp for reply ,
Ufllce KKIi and Douglas Stfl. , Oniilia
Omaha Steam Dye Works
O. T. PAULSON , Prop.
First Class Cleaning and Dye
ing of .All Descriptions.
IK. ! Howard St. . Omaha , Telephone 017.
A full ret of tectb for li. rainless extraction of
lectb wilbout chloroform , uaa or ether. Filling at
half rutvs ,
DR. DAILEY , Dentist ,
3131'uiton Illock.lbtb und Kurnauibts.Openoveiilnus
Uavn. NoiyrliiKeorlnJKllon. ,
IKlnoroniarlliiK Han iirixllamdriiliof cam 1 'rice II 00.
S'o. < . lii.illie 8urclnc for nun or ivoiiirn. 1'riTinls
gonorrhoea , etc. iio nililier nur Injurllon I'luLaxo
la > t 80 days. Hully used 1'rlro II OU. Will mini a tulix !
trial sinpl of reuiwly No. I or I on r rlpt ol t els. In
tamps fur | K > UK . API omtof lla f rrim.llo | > imn.l- |
ly nut ( triOi'l ) b/ man on rvrtlpt of the pil > , II W.
lBUrr llnsHo hir either tux , luurrlrij or kin trie , konil" " * .
Tor 80 d y. ONLY wo will seiid lor the
jor l > ltca * * and Xieukneuca ofMeu , 1'rriuatura
1'edlne. I < o s of ilcur , Urulna. I v ae * . > rrti > u >
Ucl.llllr , Ao. It Is perfect Illlfa inarxl and U-U.t
Bpp Ira loeall 1 cell quickly and surely. ClrcuUr f'rie.
C OEJJICUCCIUO W. , m Wltt'B SU Csta. Mm.
mm KtffltiflLsfWitiKtta ,
N. W. OCR. 13rH & DODGE STS , O M AH A. N E B.
. .
Be tr
or .
Beards Attendance. Beit Accommodations In West.
Kf WRITE TOR OIROUlARSonDcformltlei ani
Bracei.Truiiee , Club Feet , Curvature * otEPlne.Plleft
Tuinori , Canoe r , Catarrh , Broncbltli , Inhalation.
wo Ei nuRiMicoimFUKvr. ( STBICTIY PHIVATF. )
Only Reliable Medloul Institute making a Specialty of
All llload Ulicaiei tueertifalltreated. . HjrliMllla Polion
rtraoreil frou the ijiitrn without mcrcurf. N.w Itriloritlt *
Truluitnt Mr Luii of VITAL 1 OU1 U. l'artle linitilt la vlill
HI mij b < tr to J > t homttij eorrerpondcncc. All community
llonicontUruUil. W.Jklnriorlnflriininu.cntbrrjallortl.
X > re iBeeurclT | > aekcdnomirki .oludleate content , or leader.
One i cr.on ( lmeril prewired. Call 0 < 1 eoniult ci or cni
13th and Dodge Streets , OBAIla , NEB.
Healtii is Weal !
UK.ST , aguarantoa 1 spocldo for Hystorla. UUzN
3033. Convulsions , fits , Nurroui Neuralgia ,
Hondncho , Nerrou3 I'rostratlon caused by th *
aso of alcohol or tobacco , Watofulness , Mental
Iepreii3lon , Sofinnlna of the ilrutn , resulting in
tnsuult V and Ipivdliik to misery , decay anil death ,
Piomature Old Ago , narrenui'sn , Loss of Power
In either sex. Involuntary Losaai anil Hpermat *
orhceacauBod by over-exertion of the brain.Belt- ,
abuin or overindulgence. Encu box- contain !
ene month'a treatment. 11.00 n box , or six bores
for jr.i ) , nen t by mall prepaid on receipt of nrlce ,
To cure any casu. With each order received by
u for six boxes , accompanied with } J.W , woriu
lead the purchaser ourwrlttaaguarautuo to rft-
( und the money If the treatment ilooa not erreot
eruro. Quaranteoa Issued only by Uoodnmn
Drug Co. , DruggUta , Bolt Axealt , UU > Fornam
tieft. OmaU * flibj , _
KIJUOl'KAN llil'Alt'OIHN'.Trecolvoa nml
forwnnls ull cla o of busliiixn byoncb Mullbtoamer
urrlvliiK ut or dopiirtliiK from Nuvr York.
Hblpmanta from Kuroiiu ottn bo niaUa direct br Ibis
Company to nil Inland I'oiti of Knliv In tlio Ifnltca
hiatus , nlKO loCntnrtn nnil Mexico , with or nltboul
paruiunt of ilutlci lit Nutr York.
Halo * us low us tlioioof uny responsible company ,
SluTioy Orlcrs Issueil payable at 15,000 places Iq
Uullul blulm , Cunnclu nml Kuropo.
AvaiicliiH In Kurope to wbom shipment for Unltol
Hnic mil bu delivviol , or If from Interior points
tbould bucomiliinoil , utrompanlutl by Hill tit \Mi\\ua \
unit Inroloo urt tli'il ' before American Consul ;
TIIOH.MKAIHinB&.lO. , 85-Milk street , Chuiipildo ,
Ixisnii.v , K. U.I U Water Urcet , JiVEiii-oui , ; 6i ricca >
dilly. MANC'llfHTEIII IU lliHiovurotrcot , OlMfUCivvta
Hue Hcrlliv , 1'AIIIH. K. HK'llAltl ) , 1 Hue CblloU ,
IUUVK. N. I.IH'I'HTINO A CO. , 117 I.anuanitraxe ,
IliaIL.N ! l Doventleutb , llAHUUUO , and 117 Ami
llafun , l'
'Ibo largest , fasten und tliieit In tlio world ,
I'nssonzer accommodations unexcelled ,
New Yin It ta r.lvrriiool Tin ijuci-ntloivn-
Ilia Celebrated I'1 ha bluest meuin.I Cnnf IQ
Ut t vofKomo 1 sniujn tbo World.l cGpli 10
Hew York to QlatgoTr via Londoniony
Kthlopln . . . . August III I Dovonla Bcpt.Zl
Anchorlit Tvi > t , 7 I ClrcHHblu , , . . , Bept. 1
J'urnesslii , , . , Hojit. 11 j i'.tliloplii Oct. &
With regular weekly tallltit'3 thereafter ,
HAIXIOV to ( ilaiiroir , I.lvoriiool , Hurry , llolfastor
Oui'frutiiwn M to fill by ( lla Kotr HuHiiior . i < Uanit
uinmn'r ' by "City of Homo. " Koooml cia K.IU. Hlucr.
auo ( /.icursfon rates roil in ud arallatilo for ultbef
rjiilo. tiiuinlvlnK I'rtvlletto of kocliiK In onu triiitb *
Itlvcr Slorn-t , l'lciur s < iuu Clyde , North and auulUut
i\iiiii : \ . . 'HTO rAiundiiOo.sTINe.VTALToiilisoil
IxiwK-ir mum. 'Jravolors' Circular l tturj of ( 'rodI
and Drafts for any amount at lowest current ratal.
A | > ply to any of our local agents or to
llfiiilorMoii Urollturi ) , CilluaKU , 111 *
II. B. HAM , .
II , V , MooiiEd.
0. H. MAHE3.