: KIE OMAHjA. . DAILY BEE : UESPAY , > TJGUST 27 , 1880. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ncivortlBomonte will bo token for thoeo columns after I2:3O p. m. Torma-Cosh In advance. Advertisement * ondfr this heart 10 cents per line for tba tint Insertion. 7 cents for each snlv requenl Inxonlon , and ll.r > oper line per month , No Ddvertlflcmcnts taken fo- logs than 25 cents for first insertion , Seven word * will be counted to Hie line : they must run ronicoutlvely nnd must bo pnm In ADVANCE. All advertise ments must be handed In before 12no o'clock p. m. , nnd under no clicumstancos will they be taken or discontinued by telephnno , Parties advertising In these columns nnd hav ing thntr unsworn ntldrefttcd In care of Titr. DEB will please ask for a check tponablo thorn to get their Irltors , as none will be delivered except on presentation of check. * All answers to od > YcrtlBemonM shtuld be enclosed In envelopes. . All advertisements Inthcso columns nro pub- llnhml In both morning nnd evening editions ot Tun HKF. the circulation of wnich aggregates tnorothnn 18,000 pnpcrs ilaliy. additives the ad- vortliorn the btneflt , not only of the city rtrcn- intlonotTiinllhK , Iviit also of Council lllunx Lincoln nnd other cities nnd to\nii throughout this hgctlon of the country. - BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising fortheso columns v/lll be taken on the above conditions , nt the following busl- peas houses , who are aulhorlzad agents for TUB JIBE special notices , nnd will quote the snuie rates ns can be hod nt the main olllco. _ Street. /-I HASH k FTDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 VJBoilth 10th Street. SH. FAHNBWOHTH , Pharmacist. 2116 Cum- tnlng Street. J.I lira HES , Pharmacist , 02 * North ICth Street. HO. W.PAKR , Fharmnclst , 1800 St Mary1 * Avenue. " ' , 2203 Farnam Street , SITUATIONS WANTED. TXrANTii-81tuntlon : as salesman In boot VT and shoo store or clothing ; 0 yenra experi ence , AddrcsH lock box H , Nuola , Iowa , < MlI-2tiT ANTKD-SHuatlon of nny kind , h TO had elBntyoarn vxporlonco in hardware busi ness , nml can do any kind of olllco worlc , bestot refeioucos , no objection to country. II Sa Duo. WANTRD Situation In store , ofllco or nny other place , by young man that speaks Kngllsb. Bnedtsh , ( lerniim and Danish , and writes n goo < \ hand. Address D. P. , KWN. S3 Btr. 5iat ) _ WANTBl--Jn store or onire situation by young man not afraid of work ; salary no object. Address T. , South Omaha. Nob. WANTED--N1ALE HELP. " young men at light work , call this week , loom 17. ZM N. l th. 301 33 ; A * 'ANTED | A bright. Intelligent odlco boy , ' apply 14'.2 Douglas Bt , room 2. bo tweou fie and o p. m. , and to u a. m. 38 0 'M * WANTED Laborers at lowering the Odd Kellowi 1ml ) building. E. F. ilnsloy , con- tractor. Lincoln , Nob. 374-Jfrr WANTED Lady agents for ournowMdn- tosh waterproof Kaglau. Very stylish ; cloth outside ; nothing like them in stores. Agentn have big trade. Prices ou "Daisy" hose supporters greatly reduced. Wo glvo agents the greatest chance ever offered to make money this fall on our full line of fust soiling goods. Address with stamp , E. II. Campbell , 41. Han- clolpli struct. Chicago. 3.U-7 * IV ANTED Salesmen everywhere for our ad- T i justublu all metal door plates , ( Can sell and deliver at onco. ) Made of nickel , gold or eolla bronze , now goods Just out , profits large and sales rapid ; no house canvassing. Write for particulars. N. Y. Door Plato Co. , Newark , N.J. .14.1 31t ANTED At the Fall , an experienced wln- dow drcssor. 3 > bt \\TANTED Intelligent , capable man for TT factory work. State ago hnd wages ex- peclod. Addrosa G 70. tula oluce. 323 20 * " \7irANTED Several good boys , ages from 18 Vtola. . Address O 71. this ollleo. 3J1 so * ANTED A gis and steam fitter. Apply atonco at Atlantic foundry , Atlantic , la. 243 20 GOOD reliable cunvasscrs.steady employment withTho Singer Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas st. S22 3 IJ ANTKD-25 railroad laborers for U. P. comp any work , at Albright's labor agency. 11 JO Farnam si. 101 WANTED Goodman In every town. Salary paid weekly. Andress Sherman , Tangeu- t > or g fc Co. . ICO W. Lake St. , Chicago. CC5-J1T ANTED At the i'ftlr , flrst class salesman In clothing department. oCH _ "IVTANTBD good reliable men for dectlves In T T every commuulty ; paying positions. Address - dross Kansas Detective Ouicuu , lock box 239 , \Vicnlia , Kan. 110 26t WANTED Agents everywhere for storeos- coplo view H of the Johnstown ruins. Lib eral commission. hlto & Mlnckler. tale ogents. Fort Wnyno. Intl. 213 27 * WANTED Attho Fair , on or before August 30 , Jlrbt class , experienced sileamtn In shoo department. Must bo ublo to speak Oer- man. , . 3. WANTED For Washington Torrltory-tio- inakorB , choppers , carpenters , rock men , graders and tracklayers , at Albright's Labor Agency , 11JI Farnam st. 221 WANTED-Salesmanto carry full line Call- fornla fJluves on commission for this territory. Hcfcrences required , Havmond , Squire & Co. , San Francisco. Cal. 21Sl * 7.1OKDKH81nBdayHi " 1 average 10 orders In IS calls. " These extracts from agoim' let ters ; ugents wanted In Nebraska. Address with stamp. C. E. Oaborne. lleatrlce , Neb. 1)41 ) g 17' WANTED A good olllco man to no east ; must Invest aa.fiOO ; must bo a good business man. Address the ( Jeo. 8. CUne Publishing House. 315 to 021 Wabasn eye , Chicago , 111. to travel for thr Fonthlll Nurseries ot MRN Canada. Wo pay SiO to $10 ! ) a month and expense * to agents to soil our Canadian grown Stock. Ad , Etono & Wellington , Madison. Wls. twU * * o TANTKIIJ-Attho Fair , a first class gents' furnishing goods salesman. JM ' - . Jlaglo cigar lighter , every smoker uuri. lights In wind or rain , lasts 11 to time. Samplu liu , tw o for2V ; , dozen , II. oy .mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. , Providence It. I , 46'Ja-B ' ! ' /ANTRli 129 weekly ro/rofei | > tatlvt , mule f > or fenml1. in every community. Ooods Btaplei household necrxslty ; sell at sight ; now . salary paid promptly , nnd expeusus ndvanc 0. FtfllpnrtlrularH nud valuable sample cu o Krce. Wo mtan just what wo My ; atldiess at onbo. fcttindtupd miverwuruCo , Iiobton , Mn s. ' * WANTED--FEIV1ALE HELP. " 1X7 ANTED A girl to assist In general house- VV > strrk. IcOi ) Ilurt st. 367 2Ct WANTKD A good girl for I'eiioral house- tfofk nt tu. ' South JJth at. 872-'n G1KL of la for housework ; can go home nights I Oer man preferred. iSJl Capitol ax o. IttlS 27 * WANTED A competent rtrl In small family. Call In morning. UU1 Boutli 28tli t > t , X3 , r ANTED For general housework , a girl who Is neat and can cook. Apply , 1S23 Coiby gt. itlH-81 * 7ANTKD Good xvalst ana skirt makers UJCiHiltol _ ave. 3t& 27J WANTED All axperlencod saleslady with city reference. Address P. O. box G.W , Omahn. 3:2 27 * TTrANTUlK-'lhreo or four girls or'boya to T T w ork u Hhor : time each Uav for t heir board at Metropolitan dining uall.jiui N.Wh Bt. 340 27j \\rANTED-4 cooks for private families In T > clty.Ki exch ; cook for Stantou ; on for Creston , t-SOt URlrlsfor Wymote. ti and flirts nil paid ) stenographer for city , ISO ; hoiisu- kwoper for German , good wages ; i chamber- imiftlB ; J dish wanlien ; IV ) ulrH for geuerul Mprk. Our family places are the best lu rlty. Omaha Bmp. II lire an , 111) N. ICth. 33il 16 \ "VVANTl'.D Utrl , small family , good wages. VV Apply 1112 8. lUth at. iMi \\rANTftD-airl , fainTlyot two , must bo com- IT imtc'utCOOKJ references , ll/JJsUOth ave , . 2M 271 WANTED Four good looking young ladles for light employmmit clurlutf fair wvee. Clooct wages to tight partle * . Address II 23 , W ANTED Girl 12 yearn of ace to uniube and taie for chlldreu. tVli Ueorgla nre. 34180 % VANTKII A nrtt glrll must be a good cook TT and laundress , und well recommended ; wBfs f 11 per month : elcht In famllr. Call at room 10. totitlnental bulltilni ; , or addresu box SSI. Omaha , J. 11. Dumout. WANTED-lood eook and waiter at sau Uutnlug street 3IO-2tjt \\rANTED-A girl for urneral housework ! \ } ( Kl N. aitu st. cor CaliforuUc 1T3 W A NTnn Germ n Rlrl to do cooklmt an4 washing. best ot wages paid. InaulroJ , L. Itrsmlels , .24 B l th st. 233 _ WAHTEP-TO RENT. ANTED-'forcnT about fept. ehouoo of TorH rooms with modern oonvonlcnoos. W. a Hyatt , U * B. Nat bonk bunaing. ANTHD-lly nn pxporinnced gardener , to loasofor olio fir Inorn yeMs developed gar den grounds. Address P. O. box 52J. liest city rcfcrenceit. Ifti-CTj _ AN TED-To rent , ft 5 to 7 room cottage with yard , sliado aud fence , uonr Park ave , nnd IfUh Bt. car lino. Host cnro of property guaranteed. Address "H 30. " lloo olllco. KKNT Pretty ' 7-room house , b nthlaua gas. 2210 California st , . * 1\ per mo nth. In quire Hlngwalt llros. . 37 llarkor blocs. 131 20 KD To" rent , n medlum-flzod store room. Hiiltiblo for retail purposes ; cen trally located ! Doelnnlne about ( Sept. I. Ad dress iioo oiiico , 1121 _ jnn 20 " ' "VfTANTKI ) FirriiUhcd cottngo , r. ofiTroolns' Tt by family of 3 , from Bept. 1st. Address O 29 , Ileo office. 877 BOARDING. TpIItST tUSs day board. Inquire 1GU9 Douglns WANTKDTwo rortmn anil board for family of four In a peed locality. Price must be reasonable , ( lood references fnrnUhod and re- quired. Address " 11 31. " llee onico. : i7.-J ! ) * ANTED-'Ithom nnd board , permanently In private family , between Loavonwnrth and Faruam streas , west of aith street , by a young ladyv btata price , must be reasonable. Hood references furnished and required. Address - dress H 17. Ileo. lll3-3tir DRESSMAKING. D UKSSJIAKING In families , 027 So. Kth. nvs. C19 Bitt T7 < NaAOrMKNTS to dortressninklnK In fnml Jlillps solicited. Miss Sturdy. 51U 8 asth St. FOR RENT HOUSES. THOU KENT Fine 11 and 13-ioom houses with JU all modern Improvements , Cass street , be tween 24th and 2oth sts. , at low rates. H. T. Clarke , 2120 C3S St. 2fS HALF of n 0 room cottage , cellar , cistern and city water : ou pavomcut and car line ; nlco trees and large yard. Kent , 111) . II. H. Mo- Mahon , cor. cf tilth and Arbor sts. 27 * 20 FOIl 11KNT Nlco , light a room basement. 83T 8. ' 2d Bt. llOd-Sr * "C10K KENT 7-room , S-story house , barn for -L ? 4 horses If desired. For forms for the winter cull on or address C. Harrison , Merchants' Nat'l Dank. 180 THOU KENT Two newS-rooranpusos ( nobaso- -L.1 mono , every ooavenlonce less .than mlle from I1. O. , reacheil by three lines of streetcars. Will rent very low to suitable tenant on yr's lease. Apply , 1)01 ) South 2dth st. or Dan II. Whcolpr , Jr..OoUBlasanOlHh st. 3&0 F OH UKN'P Ten-room brlcfc bouse , all con- vonu-noes ; 2ftJ3 Faruam , Cor , 27th ave. Tnon URNT-Td responsible family without JLJ children , for terms "of years at low rental , d destniblu residence , furnished or unfurnished. 21th and Cans1 streets , or Ws > ulil sell at low pi Ice. Hoggs Si IlUCISaal Estate. 1103 Farnnni. OR KENT 2 flats , one 6 rooms , ono 0 rooms , to parties without children ; modern conven iences. Also for rent or sale on easy terms , 3 new 5-room cottages. ' N. K. Adams , u. o. corner 22d and Miami sts. 15.127 ? 'K ' KENT 4-room house , 618 Williams st. HJ7-28J FOK KENT Anew C-room house , south 8th and Center streets ; well and cistern. FOH11ENT Six room house , 8. E , corner Ihth and Chicago sta. IW FOIt KENT 12-ioom. nouso ; furnace , barn , larga full lot. 1917 Casa st. IWJ fOUSES for' rent Wilkinson , 1417 rarunm. TJ1OII KENT 1-room cottngo near FortOma JD ha , ? par month. Self for $1,100. I ) . V. Sholea. 210 Fii > t Nntlonal bane. EJ5 Foil KENT 7-rooin houje , SJth and Canltol nvo. lutulro,2Si Dodge. . 811 "VTEXV flvo-room cottage for lent , lluosell , 1 > ITatt & Co. , 310'S. IBta st. ' - HOfl SIXnow houses , J > to 8 rooms each , price very low. Call upon or address , .Nob. Mortgage Loan Co. , room 018 Pixtoir bl'u. 1 J IT10II KENT 7-roomed house , city waterbath. JL ? large cellar , etc. , 2S2U Franklin ot. Apply room ( XO M erchants Nat'lhank bldg. 870 3Sf Foil KENT Two nine room brick houses on Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also nine room frumo house on amo street , W ith all conveniences ; price V5 to * 45 per mouth , D , V bholes. 210 rirst National liauk. Sil TOIt KENT Itesldence , 2100 Douglas st. . new -I ? hoiibo , all modern improvemunts ; not a basement house. Enquire of Moritz .Mover , Cor. 16th and I'aruam. G2J H IOUSE ( forront , 19J3 Doilgo. TJ1OH KENT 7-room Hat. & ! > per mo. nhova JJ The Fair , Uth and Howard. Innuire ThaKnlr. TT'Olt KENT--10-roora brick house on 20th st. JJ nearLvaVpmvortli. Al > l > lyntNo 837 S. a 217 WILL lease for ouo or more years a largo 7- ruorn house with all modern conveniences ; is jilcoly painted outside , hard-llmshml 'nsule , nicely papered , two large bay windows ; three blocks tiom court house--r 0l SSUth. M TT1011 KENT A detached 0-roora house , all JL ? modern conveniences. Enq.2. > 21 Capitol ave. T71OII KENT 10-room house , stoftm heat , all J. improveuibnts cheap root. O. K. Thompson , room -H , Shoelr block , luth and Howard. 041 F IOIt : HENT 5-room cottage. 10 ! ) Bo. 28th st. " Hlilgxvalt Ilroa. , Koom 37. Darker block. 303 TjlOK KENT Sept. 1st , afi-room cottage , with Jt ? bath-room and closet.inth.bot. Bt.Mary's ax-o aud LeavenworUi. David Jamluson , 314 B. IGth Ml TTlOlt HENT Flue Inrgo rnsidencp , hard wood JU finish , all conveniences , low rent tn private family ; 10 N. 10th st. W84 TTIOK HENT The fl-room Hat occupied by Dr , JLJ Ollmcro , 2d lloor. No. Ifll I Howard st. In quire ot ( lea. Hlg ir < 9 , Hill Howard Ht. 183 THO" HENT Six new fi-room cottages , ready J-1 ou or before BOptember 1 , 3ith and Half Howard stremc , healthy location , n ar I > 'iirna7n cnra. llont. each $15 per month. Editable tor small tidy families. John H. F. Lchmnnu , 62 B. 17th t. 441 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. F OK HENT-Furnished rcoui , at 2215 Dodge street. 3)9 ) TTIOK KENT-Ntcely furnished room , with JL1 board , in prlyaU family , for two vouni men , only A blocks from P. O. . on cable ; al modern conveniences , Address H 22 , Uee.3.W 3.W _ _ T710H KENT Nice furnished rooms , ve'rj J } reasoiiable. 417 N 14th Bf. 27C-2ot OOM with or without board , 1812 Dodgo. TOOM8 with or without board , gas bath. CO JL\S. Uth. 2d lloor. S l 2Ut FOK HUNT Nicely furnlshod front parlor W > 8 N , 11th St. 28U 2Ct T710K KENT Two well f urnUhod connectlni JU front rooms , together or separately. Al conveniences. Private family. Win. 11. Hurry 1178.2ithst. 333-27J 171011 KENT Two nawly furnished fron J.1 rooms , No , 11H B 25th at. _ L20 ! KENOV-VurnUhod rooms , 22 < ip Indge. 17OOMS nildboard for 3 gentleman ; a deslra Xlble locution. 623 P. 2.Hh ave. 11)828 ) * 171011 KENT-r3 front rooms , cor. 20th and X1 Loavenworth. furnished to Suit occupant modern conveniences. 122 20r TTUItNIHHKD rooms , gas ami bath , inUi Har J ? uey st. 123 2ti ; T71OK KENT 2 nicely furnished rooms with JU board , llontlumeu ouly. 2015 Douglas st II14-JU * ST. OLA IK European hotel , cor , 13th ant Dodgu ; special rata by week or month. 228 POIl KENT Two parlors front and back on nrat lloor , ulbo single rooms with board AU modern covvulvnces. llXXI Dou li CSi FUKNlBIIEDor uuturnlshed house forron lu Park Terrace , opposite llunscom park all modern ronvanlencea. luqulre , Lee Si Nlchol th aud Leavenworth. 2SO 17IUIIN16HKD rooms with all modern con X1 vuuleuc sfor gentlemen only , 17W Dodge st. ITIUK HUfiT-Eleuunt furnlsued room fo JUalnglQ gentleman only , 7il 0. l th St. . ror , I.uaveuworth. yoO l OIl KENT Tire furnished room * , on bt J1 Mary's Rveuue. Ta gentlemen only , bu minutes walk of biulneoj center. Keferencd required. luqulre ut stor , 210 and tt3 a , 16th st. P D3mAIirHrooms cheap , on car line , 1119 LN. . 18th St. 98J-S17 tJIOELY furuldhod snlt ofrooms and one sin * sgloroom. All modern conveniences , prlvat umily. Sill Farnam st. C3. " > G OODroomvrlth batli. BloaaitU tt. 229 [ 71URNISHBD Front room , 10l3 Farnain. L ? W. a 27 * 3OI7TI1 front room , monls In the houso. 10X 1 ( > -JCapitol avenue. K8 ! ill KENT-Two furnished rooms , an north a : 7th ! st. Hcfurence required. 371-3 1 FOR RENT-ROOM 8U NIFU R N13HEIX TTtOK HUNT Two largo and one small room X1 for light housekeeping. SUO Donglas st. 171011 KKrJl tTnfurnlshedrooins'suHaolBfor JU housekeeping , insultps of : 2 to 4 ; convenient location. Hull's Kcntlng Agency , IIXXS Far num. ? QR RENT-STORS ANP ffolt HE h T Btores'niunrvlriaTroonTsoT ) Cum- JL' Inast. Also house on Cais * t. llnrfls , room II. IBI Nat. Hank. i l _ [ JUU KENT A largo wrirehousft on Jorie's jit J bet 1 3th und 14th , threa stories and boso- ment. 41 bv iw foot , well lighted ami very tronnly built , suitable fnr he vy ninchlnery 'or ' manufacturing piirjw os. wilrlea e for five or more yearant reasonable rent , liimilra ot lenry : A. Mom tin. 4IJ 8. 13th st. 33.1 fit liflVuTmiil IlUirXJ Ku- tiulro or It. N. Wlthm-ll. room IT. Stt ! I71OK KENT Flue bilck store roomi on 8 l.tth L1 St. . No. Oin. 17 , IU1' ' , otc. , Onn r-room out age , l2lflon Mnson bt. . in good order. ' 'Inmtbre o : John Ilnmlln , 1)17 ) 813th st , nil HI TTIOH nKNT-Storo room , tor. SJth and N nts , , 4- ' South Omaha. Host locution In city for gents' furnishing or dry goods ptore. Inquire of J. J. Mahouoy , room GOu Paxtou lilt. 4T.-sl : HO ItRNT Desirable war hou'fo room on L track. Apply to C. W. Keith , ilVl'noltlc St. A 4il rOH UnNT-Tho 4-Btory brick HulMmR with \\llhuut power , formerly occupied byThe itec Publishing Co. . 913 Fnraum st The build- us hns a lire-proof cemented liasomont , com- iltitostuaiu lieutln ? llxtures. water on all the loora , ens , etc. Apply at the olllco of Tlio Uee. 1115 OU HKM' Tao corner room under the No- lirusVn National bank will noon bo for rent , the Equltablo Trust Co. removing to larger quartan. Tlio npace Is about double thnt occupied by the C. . it. V Q. tlccet olllco. Tne Door la tiled nil tue room can bo made desirable tor a It. li. * .cket or broker's olllce , 11 For particulars apply nt bank. CSJ MISCELLANEOUS. A ISBLF.CT school for children , wider the Kclectlo system at taught byProf. . Hlch- ards.V. . I ) , a , will bo opened Sept. V 18JU. Homo comforts can bu had in builillajt. Tor Further panttulnra address Mrs , W. . ItU Cap itol ave. . SU 3i MEN of rollned taites ciH bo snItoCw1tn K box of choice cl nr * Imported by W. 15. Hamilton. Darker block. . . . - i , BO ) ya will buy lease and furniture ofjff-room $ house , H7 N. nth ; - ECONUMIXK In fuel by coycrinit your-Btnun pipes with fossil meal nou-rouductliiR cov- erliif ; , the moit ollfclcnt and cUrnpest of- nil covcrinss. O. O. McEwan , western agout , Itlll Howard ut. -.liaJl THIS banjo tauRht M an art by Oco. F. Qollcn bflck. Apply at lloo olllce. * 'J-'JJ T7IOH KENT Ono barnj 11 stalls ; largo yard ; J-1 clean and convenient ; cmuiiro of Frost & Harris , Irani st , bat. Sd ! nadt d ata : , 'Jot- A UK you looKlnR for an opportunity to en- -CS-gaco in tha mercantile busmpssr.ltgocomc andseeus. W. H. E.iJI.K.Hoom.H'JChamber of Commerce. Tel. IHO. "t 013 CESSPOOLS , cisterns , privy'xaqlts , etc. , cleaned ijuletlv , quickly , cheaply .and clean ly ; all work done by odorless pump- Odorless Sanitary Co. , 14U > Farnam struut. Tel. ? J\ LO3T. $ " > .0i UENVAKl ) for the return of nucjcelats ultha chain attached , uhlch uin'tosl on Saturday e'v enlnK bctneen Dodye Et.nnd Caa < ou dSt. Itotuin to Nebrasku N. Hank uiul receive the above reward. Aug. 2.'s 'bO. Co. . 1305 fain am st. D. U. Lyons. 32U 27 LOST Ked setter bitch , and red and white setter do . unswerine to the nam S of ( Jlpsy and Dick. Liberal rowan ! will bH puul for re turn of the dogs to Lieut. L. K. \ obsCer. ' Ft. Omaha. -25I.S * " LO3T Sultable reward for-returrf" to llvci-y stable , n. w. cor , St. Mary's nvo. and 17tli St. , of a largo dark pocketbook 'oontninlrnr-inonoy and papers nuly of value to o\vner 172M , | OST Lnrgc. youn-jclosa-lmlretf Si.'Tlenmrd J-J dog , vollow with white breast , anil feet. Jte- turn to 11 JO Georgia are. , or DO I DaugUv ? and got re vnrd. 6JU JUST English Jlastiff. Kcturnto 4W'Piiitton ( ' block and cot reward. . a 241- WANT D-TO BUY. WA NTnnTo buy a snmll harness stock In Nubiaska or western Iowa. AdarusS lock box It , Neola , la. \ \ * ANTED furniture , carpets , stoves nnd ' ' household goodi of alt Kinds. Omaha Auction A , Storrgo Co. , 11J1 Furnam , 17 STORAGE. s iTOKAOE : at loxv ratoa at 1121 Farnam bt , Oinaim Auction ana Stonige Co. a' MOIUIISON SsELY-Storago and forwarding ; special arransemeats for commlsMl6n'"mer- chants , 121J l.oavenwortli ; tel , 41 ! ) . , Omaha. s TOKAOE ; and forwarding. We collect and deliver goodH of all descrlpt'ons ' , merchan dise , furniture and baggage in cheapest rutex for storage for any length of .timo , vaus.aad wagons to be had ut shortest Uotico. wltu rare- ful men for moving. Packing nnd euliiiitu ? from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Olhco 217 8 Htu Bt.toophono ; ! III. HowallKCo.S10 rpilAOKAOK storage ot lowest rates , W.'M JLllushman 1'JII LeavenWorth. - ' KiS CLAIRVOYANT. MHS. Ecclos. the famous fortune teller and clairvoyant ; bunlnoss , love , mnnlage nnd changes , OJ. S 13th st , next door to Iturkor hotel FOHTCJNK Teller Mrs. Lonormun can bo consulted oil all airatrn of life , Hallsfao- tlonguaiantced. No. 310 N. 15th st. icl-S. ' DH. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. mdl- calami business medium. Female diteaseti a specialty. 110 N 16th. st. rooms 3 and 3. liO SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING QTANDAltD Shorthand school , Paxtoa blk. , OWncccssor to Valentino's ) the largest exclu sive uhorthand school tu tbo west. Teachers are verbatim reporterx. Particular attention paii ! to typewriting. Mcclmulcal construction of machine taught by factory expert , Circulars , WHITTLESKY'8 Shorthand School , block. Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer la shorthand free. 470'jr ' /"VMAIIA Husmeas Cuilegr , cor ICth and Capl v/tolave. Shortnaiid-jThe largnst and most BiicceHsful shortnand departmnut In the stats. Standard methods taught. Munnon'n revUetl of 'W a specialty. Call or write for terms. 242 FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS | jlOK 8 ALE A handsome boil room sct.cnaap. -13 Inquire at Olii N lUtu bt. , Home bakery. T710H BALE Two-cnalr barber shop , good lo- J-1 cation , uddresu Crawford. Neb.for terms , A. O.'Jatro. . 3 a3 ; " ( T 171OII BALE-Flrst-clasB Safety bleyrler Call JJ or address It , C4U H 25th t. 3)7-27 * T7IU ( SALE Kitchen and household furnl- J- tare of seven room house , very low. House torrent. MU S. SS'ith bt. VaiosT 1J10H SALE The turnlturoand lease of a six * JJ room boarding bouse. 2J lim class boarders - ers , paying fl a voek. ( "all on or address U , H. Moore , care of Neb. Furniture & Carpet Co. tOfl and ooa N. 11 . Kit 2tl POIl SALE Mosler safe , outside mdasilre ment e4x3 x29 , good condition. Ei ) < iulro Gotham cigar store , a.e , cor , loth niid Dod e8ta. aai-ai 17011 * SALE Furniture complete for house' JC keeping , either by the piece ur all together. Inquire 7W14 N , 10th st , 3d lloor , room u. 1W72KJ Fen BALE Fine young driving ware ami rotulcurti iiUo canopy top nurry and old buggy ; cheap for cosh. BoJO Uouglaubt. POU BALE Cash or time , Sgood teams , wag. onaand haraei 03 , J. J. VVilklnson. HIT" Fniauist. VbO FOIl 8ALK A Rooilfllogto driving hors 8 years and sotind.7 iirt K new platform spring wngoantid Elnglo harness on easy terms. Apply > t4UtlN.30th. L J72ttf TOOK 8ALK Cheap. kiuMlJftj , 1711 Douglas. X "ii. SS SAXT5 Good toaVm/lack carrlag * hornet and 3 team milieu. Will sell cheap. It. N.- iVlthnell , room U , Wlthrfoir niock. sot sst 17IOK 8ALK Fresh Jereoyeow and heifer calt JU K. N. Wlthneli , room IJfWlvhneil lllock , " - 203 28 * TTIOK 8AIE Thro Thatcher furnaces , good Jnsnew. Apply 2313 IVirnam st. gsogj 171011 SA'LB Cheap , omyigooxl square box top" JL : buggy. Inquire ut. iXiia Hurt. 770 8tit pOU SALH A IK-horse-power Porter ongmi U in good condition , wamht J.1W pounds cyU nderllxlil. For particulars npply to Iho Ilc4 onice. 703 l/UNKSr carriage team Instate , ditrk browns JO tulllOhamK weight I.1.V ) . Inqnlro W.I ) . Mlllard , S , K. cor ICtn aud Douglas , Omaha. 7ffl ) s U f NK tireph > of safe ; lightexpr6sswngonncwt Vyrour hornes.ranglngfrom NKtol,3 ) ( ipouniK w 111 bo sold verv cheap. Nebraska Mortgage Loan Co. , room 618 , Paxton block. 88u rABSTRACT3OfL TITLE. . TV riDLAND Guarantee 4 Tnist Co. , N. Y. MM J.'J-bldg , Complete abstracts furnished and titlol to real estate eaatnlned.perfcctoil&guarniitcod , MONEY TO CO AN M ONRVto Loan CliattoK collateral estate. Koom 101 , Morchatita' Nat'l bank bulldlne , 201 s'ilj BUFOHH mutlnp cli.ittel or collateral loans It will pay yon to ee The Western Inrost- mentCo. , 100111 4l2Hee blrtp. loU pIIIIiAIKIjl > HtAMnrAR { & Trust Co. C tir. X nlsh cheap cetera manor to borrowers , nirclmso Hociirltloi. perfect tltlot , accept loans nt their western olllco. QoorijeM' . Coatcs , room 7 , Uoard of Tratlo. 234 MON13V Inmtert on ctiattel securities ana jow'- elry. UoonUll. Hheely block , Omnha No- Lrasku. 1' . II. Jerome. 437 a st _ MONlTY to loan ; casa on hand : no d'oiny. Jj \V. Squire , 1-1U l''arn m St. , First National bank bull PI11ST mortgngo loans at low rates and no delay. 1) . VT Hholes. S10 J'lrat Notional bank. Sil mm : KtKII01lN Loan Co , plvo money In any JL amount on Rood security , furnlturo In use , horses , etc. Low Interest. Over oiumerclnl Na tional Ilanlc , lUttx and Douglas. G'3)-a7 ) fON EV to loan on any security L for abort time , at low rates. J < owesirat ; i on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , room * > , 1'axton block. 2t > u BU1LDI NO loans. D. V. Sholcs. 210 first National Iranfc. -281 M ONRY to loan , o. P. Davis Co. , real estate nnd loan agents , 15U.'i 1'aruam st , 277 estate and mortgages bought.Lewl3 S Heed.&Co.H IJHoard Trade SSI MONEY' to loan on furniture , horses , wapon * . etc. , or ou uuy approved security. .1. W , Uobblns , Hll'iJfarnam street , 1'axton hotel. 2l0 SEE Sholcs. room 310 , First Nat'l bank , before making your loans 281 MONKY ionncd for 30 , W or 03 days on uny kind of cnattel security ; reasonable inter- cut ; conlldentlal. J. J , Wilkinson , 3117 i'nrunm. RRS1DENUK loans < { J5'.to 7 per cent no ad dltlonal charges for Scollimlsslons or attor neys' fees. W , II. ileikle.jfirst Nut bank bldg. Qjroo.COO to loan ut I ) pet tint Llnahan & Ma- QJhoncy. room fiOfl Paxtblt bloak. 287 _ _ BUILDINO imd other rtnl estate loan.sV.M. . Harris , roomM , Frcuker block , opp. P. O. MONKY to loan on real * estate security , at low list i atcs. notortvHBBotlatlnglonus see Wallace , It. ill' ' ) , lirown bflff. luth & Uouglaa. i. 3 WANTED First claftsjluslde loans. J.owe rates. Cull and BC * us } Iutual lurcst- inunt Co , II 1. llirker bltc Jytn ana Farnam. ! ii8 MONEY lonnod on ifShnltuie , her < < a and \\agons : rates rcaaomblo. City Loau Co , 11SS. llth Bt. . opposite Jiniaul hotei. ! i7C MONHY to- loan .on horses , vraspn ? , mules. household voiJQS , plarl8-.YnrKfth ) , diamonds , lowest rates. Vile nm organized tohnollicoln ttie city , ilake loans for thirty to three hun dred and siity-flvo rtayst , which can bft paid in part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call anil see us when you want mdney. We con aFHlsf vou promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money aln ays on hand. No delay In making loans. C. F. Iteed k Co. , illO S. ISth st. oyer Ulngliam & Sons. a MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons or securities of any kind ; commercirl and mortgage notes bought at fair rotes ; all busi ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan Co. , room Kl , Itamge building. _ 713 6 Per Cent money U. 332 , K. 5T. Lire Ins. Dldg 6M M ONEY to loan on cllj' or farm property , Geo. J. Paul. 160J Farmm Bt. H _ TAO YOU want money ? If so don't borrow Jxoeforo getting my rates , wblch tire the low- st on uny sum from 31 up to 8:0.000. : 1 make loans on household Roods , pianos , or gans , hnrsesmule , w.igoiis , warehouse receipts , houses , leases , etc. . In any amount at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. 1.011113 can be made for ono to six months nnd ynu cau pay u part at iitir time , reducing both pilnnpalami Interest. If you owe a balance on 3 our furnlturo or horses , or Iiai e a loon on them. I win take It up and carry it for you as long as you ilrslro. If you need money you will find It to your advantage to see me before borrowlnu. 11. 1' . Masters , room -I , Withnoll building. 15tn ami Hnrncy. 283 MONEY to loan We make liberal advances on all klmls ot furnlturo. pianos , organs , horses and wagonx , without lomoval , without publicity , and at lower rates than can bH had elcowhcro in the city. Payments can be made at any time , which reduce both principal nud Interest. Long and short time givuu and lib eral extensions madu.Ul Luslneen strictly confidential. Iloforo you borroworrenew your loan cull and get our rate * , Hawkeyu Invest ment Co. , room"vl , : lrt lloor. Douglas blocks. w. cornov l th nnd Dodge streets. OJ s-Sl KEYS'JONB Mortfiagn Co. l oans of $10 to 31.0JO ; got our r.xtes before borrow Ing nnd save money ; loan on IioMed , furniture or any approxed security , wlthimt .lubliclty : notes boucht ; for new loan , renexvai of old and lowest - est rates , call K20jSheeloy blk , 15th K Hoxvard at. MONEY Ixians negotiated at loxv ratea with ou tclelay , und purchase goods , commercial paper and mortgage notes S. A. Sloman. cor. lUih and Farman. 2.73 NEBHASICA Morr. I jan To will make you a loan on household goods , horses , wa gous , land contracts , fine jewelry , or Becuntlps of nnv kind without publicity , at reasonable rates , Koom 7. Kowlev block. South Omaha. Hooms C18-519 , Paxtun block , Omaha , Nob. 273 BUSINESS CHANGES. WANTED To meet liln experienced man who ran hold a crowd , to co Into country and asxlst in givingentcjrtaiiimentsasa moneymaking - making Hchomn. Btate.vwore you can be BO en. Address 11 SO. Ileft. Qj 300-2 ; $ V 0 will buy lease anfl Turnltnre of 1R-roora housa , 117 N 14th ; ronrm 317 2Tt TjlOU 8ALK-A Ilrst ciasyiiank outllt with JU bulldlnu. In a gruwltiR Nebraska town , where 3 per cent per month earnings are guar anteed on Invest inents perfectly fcouro. For particulars Inquire of or ntldrcss "Hanker , " 1101 bheeley block. Oinahu. N'ijuf 32i ZJt "fTIOll BALE A llrst cUpnrJiop huimu , the best JU location In the city , -doing a good business , Hood ronxons for selling. " Time limited. Ail- dross H 24 Ileo for furthiij'p.rtlculara. : HJ--7 > FOH BALK Clean t fc frrocerles , cash bnsl- ueas , half trade. Add. 11. 10 , Hoe. 3 3-20 * 171OK KENT Well furnished hotel In good JU town , Kens low. J , U.JJell , York , Neb.Q TJ10K BALE A first class bakury an J confoc- JU tiooery.wlth I'stabllsliixltnido.ainl good cen tral location , on 10th St. : will invoice at less than real value and sell thu whole or halt In * U-rost to a good man.Iddrevs H 8 , Ileo. 17IOK BALE A grocery store nt Florence , JU Neb. , dolnicabusldossof * * ) to 10) a day , will sell building and lot ; look this up before you buy anywhere else. Cowan tc. Hall. nOTEL for rent ; the only hotel In tow n. Ad dress lock box U , Nortli Htmd , Neb. ( BUSINESS chance Saloon , good location. cheap rent , will sell cheap to those meaning butlnejs. Address IU6 , line olllce. 2iM S7T A SPLENDID chance for au active and good tXbusluess man with capital ot about & .UOO In a welt established and prospsrlnK manufac turing enterprise. Will b r the closest inves tigation. Address , 118 , llaa olllco. aa tu ; A OIQAK and fruit stand ( lorng good Dual * -ti-nesa for sale ; teed ruasons uelltn ? . 206 H. Utk , ' EOIl B A JT SMoon tn good location , doing n nm-clnisymTlmr liiHinoss , wlliaoll cheap for cftsh. O 6T. ea oftlco. laa\tst \ _ 17\Oll \ SA LE Cheap Il\rb ( r shop nna 4 chain ! JO good locution : paying business. M. II , Floral lngtTetflNeb. COM7 * EOU8ALB A well built up brick yard. 270 feet from side track ; two stationary kilns , ttro drying sheds , brick machine now. house , stabla.'nlnd mill , water tank , lead piping , to- netherwlth live nrres of land. Trice ll.WU Address - dross a Y. Kaul , Madison , Nob. 8S ! 23 thnnoo drug stotk for sale In central part ot pomnho. sales for last two years bMwrfln llf.KXnDdtlPX ( ( > ] . Jtent only 3-t'i per month ) must have halt cash , balance in secured notes or clear lots in Omntm ; this Is n snap , Stringer & 1'enny , Douglas block. 08 28 SU.OOO to taken hMt Interest In a wall rstnbllshdd ( train and Hoed business. Address lox ! 11 , ( IreetxMOod , Nob. lb.1 FlYlllTALlT Elflvator at Ookdalo. tlan for brain , live stock , lumber and coal , J'or panloulars write A. TruosdelU Fremont , 4 sl7f WANTED A partner m a brewery ilolmt a good Ini lnosS in a prosperous Nebraska town. ] : nqulroat room 14 , Cliainbor ot Com- morco. Tel , 1410 , 675 T7IOK SALE or Trade for Oranhn property JL' established busluosa. Ilex olS Omaluv , FOR EXCHANGE. 17XiU"TXClA"Nlii-tJienrriot tn 60maha ; to JU tfnOft for residence lot In Omahn ; nssumo dlrtorcuco. C , r. Harrison , Merchants Nat. Hank. ! ! 7 T71OII SALE or Trndo-nmilmro of 10 room JU hou e ! house for rent. If sold will take ono-lmlfot purchase price In board androonii or will U tU > fur anything of cash value. H 2 , Hoc. 332-20 * \S7"ANTUD To cxcnanqo , largo lot ot clpars T for real oatotior n stock of merchandise. Address IOCK boxl ) , Marccllne. Mo. 3US2St WANTED To trade n good Jersey cow for n second-hand two-seated buggy. Address 11. A. W Mercury office. 2V4 27 * WANTKD To trade for a stock of groceries , cash and lota ou O. St U. U. motor lino. Lots will bo put In at their cash value. W. K. E. &M. R , , Koom J4 Chamber of Commerce , Tel. 1440. flltt M1O EXCHANGE-Tho undivided ono-holt m- JL tflrost inCRI ; 1 > 100 ncrcg of a good farm , lo cated In Pulaskl Co. . Mo. ; about oec-hatt in cultivation , the balniico good llmbar ; about ten acres in orchard ; two other small orchards ; four fair Houses ; abundance of good spring water , and laying about ono mlle from good business town on railroad ; full and unlncum- bnred title. This farm Is In a good settlement and healthy locality.Vo will exchange for general merchandise or hardware. Call on or address W.B. ( Uordon & Co. , Steele City , Neb. TX7'rAT have you to exchange xor nu wiulty T T.ot about Jl.-flX ) In n lot and two houses In South Omalia ? H 1. Hoe Oltlco , 26 \\J II AT have you to offer In exchange tor my TT $1,0,10 equity In my double house on Lattirop Bt , neur IQtn , or lor my & > .OJO equity In my ilonbio house on Spencer st. near 22d , or for myffX > equity in my double house on Wlrt st , enstofZlth , all wlthmodernimprovements , nil encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent. Do farms will bo considered. W. T. Soanian , east side 1'ith ' st , north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. Tin HAVE house nnd lot clour of encumbrance worth JJ.lOO , In exchange for Douglas county bine stock at par value. Stringer & fenny , Douglas block. ' 265 Mme mo EJ\'CIIANO E Wo have a good farm of 120 JLiicres lay ing close up to the town of Steele City , Jefferson Co , Neb , About 70 acres in high state ot cultivation. This Is river bottom land ; soil can't lie boat anywhere ; 25 acres good tim ber ; balance in good pasture ; all fenced ; never falling water ; this U anrngnlllcent farm , with house , stabling , und 8nice lots in town go with farm if desired ; titles all perfect ; wo want In exchange , nlco , clean stock of morchandlso or hardware. Call on or address W. H. Oorden & Co. , Stcelo City. Neb. 617 EXCHANGE An elegant trace of laud containing 129 acres , in Antelope county , Nob. , with ordinary Improvements. A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota , partly improvod. Eighty acres near Council llluffs , ta. liouse and lot on South Ittth st. Lai so amount ot Oil Mo.unl.iln and Petroleum company oft stock. Will exchange for good or the erection of some houses. Ueo. 5iroperty . l t National bank building. ! ! ? 3 ESTATE R 8A L tf Finn lifgh east trout MFfootTlot on.Uh ) , ilenr' Lcnvenwortn. grand shade trots , only 31J70D , J ) cash , balance easy. ; w -foot north fronts , couth of M. Hogor'a Place , most.sightly legation in the city , tluo uhailo trees , etc. ouly tl.ooo. 24 feet oil S , 10th by 12J deep. J1.100. Good uow cottage , easv walk to shops , JVVX ) . Choice and chca ) > losidenco property In all locnlltlos , SeemyHlgns. I nave several rood lots near cars on which owners will build to suit purchasers , terms easy. Choice lots and improved lots In Hatiscoui 1'Jacn. biirgaina on easy terms. J , B. Evans , 30d New York Lifo nutldlug. . 28728 T7\OK \ SA LE Cliolco property. Bee slnga. J. JU 11. Evans. , 3J8N. Y. Life. 2W 2J Foil R AL R sou aero farm , well stocked w 1th cattle nnd hogs. Will hnll cheap tor cash. It. N. WUhnen. lt/17 Wltlinoll Hlock. ao > 2it JJr'OK 8AL13 Cholco property. "Sue bigns. J ? JJ IJ , Evans. 3 > W N. Y. Life. 288 20 A FINE corner for $ . ! .r,00 on Wlrt St. , ( Count7o Place ; the only one for bale on tnat street ; build when you get ready nnd any value residence ; easy terms : you will never get this chance again ; on thu base street In Omaha. F. K. Dai ling. Ilarker block. 26H 20 JIOH SALE Choice propoityj sue signs. J. U H. Evans. 3JS N. Y. Life. 2s SB SOME excellent batgains on Motor Ky. , Jl.iXX ) , i..lOO. $ J.VdO. comers. Those lots worth don bio a year from now ; easy torms. 1K. . Darling , Ilarker block 2MJ 20 FOK BALE House and lot , cast front on r > th bt. , tour or live lots south ot Leaven worth , fur enough away to escape epeclal city taxes on Loavenworth st , ; grading , paving , gas aud sewerage - orago ail complete on Leavenworth ; house is modern ; splendid grovn of trees about the premises ; price $3noo. O. JJ" , Harrison , Mer chants'I\ . Hank. Kn -l will give aniplo JL ground , with splendid trackage facilities , on the Fiomont , Blkhorii & Mlesourl Valluy rnlhoad , or on the Missouri 1'acine ( Holt Line ) railway In Wontlawn , just outside the city limits. In West Omaha , conveniently situated as rt'Karcls access totnebU ! > lue 3 cuntur of Omaha and South Omaha , to parties for the locution of any of thu following Industries : Fur nituru' ' Factory , llutton Factory , Shoe Factory. Lard Hennery , Btarch&fllucoso W'ks , Hoan Works , Paper Mill Purifier Manufactory , Plow Works. llroom Factory , Harvester Works , AVoolen MilL Nail Works , Oatmeal Mill , Knitting Mills , Itox Manufactory , Sash. Door nnd mind Wire WorLs , Manufactory , MncJUue Shops , Floui and Feed Mill. . Ot any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn is just outside the city limits , and Industries planted there will escape hoavv city taxes. Ityounrd thinking of locating in Omaha it will pay > on to investigate this , ( loo. N. Hicks , New York Life building , Omaha. 71W IjiOK SALE Clieap hotisflto ha moved. 10DJ 8 , L1 82(1 ( Bt. , 187 27 * Ml SALE 2 houses on lot C7'xK2 ' } oil s o cor. , i and Vlnton. inqtitro within. lot ONE of the two house nnd lot bargains 1 have been oilerlngou.Georgla ave.north of LeavenworthIs now weld and occuplmlbecause otmy very low price. The south liouse ot the two htlll remains a bargain oiun to somebody. First comes , Ilrst servi-d. To be appreciate 1 it nooiliuo be examined luternally. 1 positively will not rent it , though several times olfored J.W per month. Price , on very easy terms , Jfl.OtW. W. T. Seaman. < it hide loth st.tiorth of Nlch- olas htinnlm'8 largest variety of wagon * und cu rrl ag us. 2UJ and Investigate homo of the wu hu > e to otter.Vo are contln- ually listing new properties and "If you don't see what vouwant ask for It. " For jiule or exchange ouo of the Uncut res taurants in Omuha at a bargain. Wo have several line hotel properties to trade for land or other good valuox. An elevator property with largo dwelling house , at n bargain , Elavator complete , wltM horse \io\vnr , scales , olllco ftirnlsheil , etc , A dun opening for n practical grain dealer. Houses and lots in ull parta ot Omaha for sale and exchange , 1 or uxchauge , for Omaha property , } , OUU acres of school land Jeaso.'inono of the bust'counties lu the fit ate. A tine residence property In Omolia View for sale at a bargain. From $75.UUU to $100,000 worth of flm-class notes to exchange for Omaha property. For exchange for Omaha property , ono of the best funnHln Hock county , Nebraska , together with mock and machinery necessary to carry ou the place. Old age and failing health of the ow ner It reason for selling : A Hue Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soil , for exchange for oniuba property. 281 acres of fine land in northwestern Iowa to exchange for Oraana property. For tale or exchange for western lands , city property , merchandise or live stock , a tine hotel property In loxva town of O.DUO inhabltiuus. Leading hotel pt the place anil doing a fma business. Furnishes meals for two passenger trains dally. A snap for the right man. Wo have unsurpasse , facilities for dUl'osln ; of property , having some Ml agents scattsrei over lour or live stales. Liu your proper ! with us if you wish a quick turn. W. U.K. i. M. K. , Koom 14 , CuafflLer of Commerce , tele phone Uiu. tM 171011 SALE Choice proportr : sooslirns , J , JUll. Kmnt. UORM. Y. Idfe. ! SS PANDSOME residence lot. 75 ft. enst front in Lone of the best neighborhoods , lefts than n mile southwest ot court honso. willtako another - other building lot tn part trade. F , 1C. Darling , Ilarker block ? 260 SO " | ? OR BALK At a bargain , n fine/ driving JU mare , suitable for lady or gentUmnu ; also n good hnnd-mado phaotcn with harness ; must CM ) sold luimodlately MM Ice. w hole rig , liOJ. In * quire W. M. Yates , Nubratka National bank. 1(9 T7WK BALR-Lots In Stewart Place , will fur- JU nun hionoy for bulldlnx house , aud pay. monts monthly. Hero U n chance to secure a homo. Harris , Koom 411.1st Nat , Hank , 673 Foil 8AMi Two of tno best located traoKitgo lots on the northwoit coruer ot 2l t ami Itnnl troeU , site liixltj toot. For prlco and terms Inquire of the owner , EJwanl Speller , berg , 1013 Nortli 2lat streo : _ aw slu 17IOII BALE llisy tcrin.s , KountiniiTaca. JU Two homes , each 8 room * . n rli ? IOW , Two homes , each n rooms , sach M.flOJ. ave homos , each 11 rooms , each jr.HiW. All with modern convenience. All I area value at the price. All within ix t > quaro of th < < motor Una. Don't lese these opportunities. For sale l > y the owner. W , T. Seaman. Ese side Iflth st , north or Nicholas St. . Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car- rlagea. TlOll SALR-ROOO acres land tn Nebraska ) f.OiHfl toot lot at n Micrlllelng price. Intiulre 1413 S nth. eo. ILPotoison. HN-sl T7IOU SAL15-n ( ) longtime nnd easy payments. JU hatulsome , now. w ell built houses ot 8 , a ami 10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ) paved streets , street cars aud within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shclton , 1014 Farrmm. milF. motor will go to tnu state mute Institute X this fall , consequently whoever buy * any of thlsproportyxTlllaoublo hlmnonay rightavrny , nucrcs close to lustltuto $ Iw > J per acre. Lots tn Orchnnl Hill * .VJO each. Walnut HIIUIUO oarh. Highland ParkilRJoach. rlovonlnlo $ VH ) each. llrvkor Place JIV ) each. Sauivlers .V Hltnobr.ugh's $ fi.W each. fctilncor , v Penny , room 2i\ Douglas block , cor. Ifith and Dodge. 3.W Ul TjlOll SAL1On easy terms , now B-room cot- JU tago , cor. lot , near street car lino. Address HSSUeeollica. T 1CH0-room cottage , near high school ; lot 31 . xl32 , WriOO ; this Is a bargain. C. F. Harrison risen , Merchants Nut. Imuk. 1ST JT1HNGKU & PKNNV. DouKlas block. 8. E. corner 10th nnd Podge sts. , ro ftl estate agents , Omahn property to exchangofcr clear farms , and clear farms to exchange for encum bered InsldoOmAlia unimproved property. Call onus ) wonresureto have sometnlns : that will Biilt you. Wo have 1Q.OJU ncrea ot clonr farms for sale or exchange In Nebraska. Uood resldonco property on sale , Borne of these are real bargains. Very easy terms on lots to people who \\antto bullu. Come and cce ui and bo convinced. Wo want 100 acres of good Improved land In Western Iowa ; will as sume nn Incumbrance , In exchange for a good residence property , lightly encumbered ; farm must be A 1. Strlnircr& Penny. Douglas Illock.S. E. Corner 10th and Hodge. 140 ! . ' | KOUNTZI3 I'DACr. 0-room house , barn nnd ovcry convenience , for Sr.OOJ , easy torms. Address for particulars. K Gi. Uec. S S T71OH SAI.R HouHe ana lot. east front on Vlr- -C ginla nve. , 2W feet 8. of Woolworth avo. . lot MrlM ; house has ti good rooms besides largo aittlu ; water and sewerage on , the street ; prlco for n short time , ? .I , ! > W : when the Motor Line runs to the park the lot alone will be worth the money. C. F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat. llnnic. TjTOIl SArjR-5n.7i : acres , sec. 5 , tp. It. r. 6w JJ Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable , SJO acre ! " fenced , living water. Price , JJ.OJ ) . F. 1C Atkins , ownir , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col. THAVE some llrst-class rental propertr for Xsale cheap xvlthln ono mile ot pastoliicp , on pnvcxl streets and motor line. Tuos. V. Hall , Jll Paxton block. 5b8 FOK SALE 8-room house and 20 feet front age on 17til near California st. ; ground abut ting Icon Itlth worth * VW per foot ; lor a little home and us a speculation It Is woith consider ing ; pricBfj.lui , 'J cash. 0. i' . Harrison , Mer chants' Nat. Ilank. SI3 BOY a homo In the center of the city , on monthly payments. I will sell you a lot in Aldino square , oullau housoof any kind , worth from SIM ) upwards , nnd you can pay for it monthly , quarterly or yenrlv. Aldlne square Is on Craco stieet , betnocn "id and ld streets ; It has oil thu advantages such ns paved streets , sewerage , water , goK , and is a nrst-class local ity. Call at 1G91 Furnnui street nnd see plans of buildings and got llgures. D. J. O'Donahoe. n.11 rpHL best money's north of nonsoandlotnow J. for Kale In Omuhn In that which lam now completing near KUli st , , on paved Wire St. , in Kountro place. S bedrooms , a parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , II water Closets , largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace and coal room nuU cellar , elostric bulls nnd speaking tube. 1" closets. Price only J7.500 on terms to suit , liikowlso a duplicate adjoining at samoprice. W. T. Seaman , east side IHth at. north of Nicholas sf. Omaha's largest ; variety of wagons and carriages. 230 SAE-23. or M feet of lot 0 , blocK 7 at S'j > C per foot. This is \ \ ithla n quarter of n blocc ot the now P. 0. site , and will be worth H.MX ) inside of a year. The e M lot B. block 101. cor. Iwuglas and 10th sts , 41 Beaten Douglas and Cfi on lOtli , price JT : > , ( XX ) . JIOCOO casli , balance In five equal annual payments. Tlio so ' 4 uw > i soc 0. t II , r 1 ! ) o , Douglas co. ( price $12 ( HP. $ ) , ( ) U3 casli. balance easy. Jot.7. blk J'iO , BouthOmana , prlcoJl.200. terms easy. W. K. K. &M. E , loom 14 , Chamber of Commerce telephone 1410. 747. 17011 HAM ! y-room liouse , barn nnd lot , Jllanscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , Room 411,1st Nat. Hank. 67 < J SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. T71IHST National safety deposit vaults. Safes JJ to rent W to 8J5 u year. ! M7 8,13tli. UlJsllSafes OMAHA HOTELS. G1.OUR HOTKI , Newly furnlshod and luted up throughout : centrally located : * ' per day. lUO131iJ13ia Douglas at. 181 MUItUAV HOTEIj Newest , latest and only tlrst-class hotel in Omaha ; $ J to 41 per duy 13. Sllloway. proprietor. 179 WINnsoil HOTEICornor or 10th and Jnck-Hon KtreetR , 3 blocks from Unlo depot , lluct W a uay house In tne city. 180 HOTEIj HAUKRIt-lU rooms , elegantly fur- nlshod. (1 and W.50 per day. llth nnd .Iou.es at , , Omaha , r. A. ilaluh , pruprletor. lUO-na ? CHinF QUAIlTRKMABrnU'S OFFICn- Omaha , Neb. . August 15 , ICbO. Scaled pio- posal . In triplicate , -will bo loct-lvedhero until two o'clock r. M. , Ltmtral time , September in , 1S3D , nnd then opened , for construction ot one brlcK fitoifliouso nt ( junrterinaster'M Depot , In thlHclty. I ) . 8 , rcnervcs right to reject any or ull bids. Pull Information futnlahod on appli cation to this olllce , wlieni pinna nud llli'a- tlons of the building can bo Been. Knvelopes containing proposals should bo rani ked "Pro- poxuH for brick storohonse , " nnd addressed to U'M. It. IHHillEH , Ueutcnant Oilonol and Deputy QmuU'rmustor Oeuerul , IT. 8 , A. , Chlof guiirlcrmuster. ' Norton to Contrnatnrj. Sealed proposals will be received at the ofllco ot thu County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska , until 2 p. m. , Saturday , Septombef Mtli , lav.i , for the erection of seven (7) ( ) twenty foot spans trestle work , over the J'nplo , bottveon Beotloua maml-T. towiiHhln 111. range 1'i Plans und sieclllcntlons to bo found In founty ClerKH ollicc. All bldx to bo accompaulvd by certified check for 8" > J.UO. Tlio county reserves the right to reject any or all bids [ RKAfl M. D. HOCIIE , County filerk , a 'Qdt Notion to Contrnoton * . Sealed proposals will bo received at the odlce of the County rletk , DouglasCounty , Nuhrasku , until > o'UoUc p. m , , haturuny , Huptombur llth , ItH' , for the erection of IIvoCii twenty foot span * trcRtlo nork , on road known UK I Jr. Minor's Itoad , between sections 1 anil2 \ , tonshlp U , range U , PluiiMandspccltlcntionstobe found In County Clerks olllco. All bids must be accompanied by cut-tilled check for * iO Urt. The County reserve * the right to reject nny nud all bids. * IBEAIVI SI. D. ItocilB .County Clerk , n'Wd21t t Nncico of Stock HubscrlntloiiH. Notice ls hereby given that thu hooks of th Omaha , Lincoln A : Uult Hallway Company will bo opened fur the purpose of reovlvlng sul > - ecnpllons to the capital Ntock of aald company on &nd after thooooend day of Bepttmiber. 1831 , at No. 1 > 5 1'arnam street , In the city ot Omaha , N0arteaktahls ! > t day of (1. A. WUt.KAI' , .1 , ti. IR 1IKVOI8K , II. HlM.nWAV , SI. P.O'Illllfcy , Incornorators. 1'ropooals for JltilltlliiK a Soliool S HALED proposals for the roctlon of A school house In District No. a ) . Union Precinct. Dmiirlu4 county , will be received by the District Hoard , until Kn clock Saturday , August lllut. 'Iho pluus anil specltkatloiifi maybe hud at tno resldeuto of the Director. ily o nil rot the DUtrlct Hoard , VMTI lleiHB , Director , I lortuc * 1' . u. , NeD. Important Fncls Mndo Knorrn to the Snioklnp 1'ulillc An Intorrloir Mr. Tnuslll , Of R. W. TnnslH & Co.-Ho Bsplnlns the Origin and J > OToIo monl of Hh Immcnsn Ituslucss. Itclntes the Cni cs of His I'licnometiill StlCCfSS. Denver ( Colo. ) llcpubllcan , Juir 7. So innny CHUBOB luvvo boon nsslpnod for the tmuGcsj of the colobnxlcil "Tun- sill's Punch" clgnr , that a Ko nbllcnn reporter. Icnrnlnp of Mr. Tftusill's eo- journ nt the Albany , called on him to nscortuln for the bcnollt bf smolfors a true oxplunatlun of these causes. Mr. T.mslll oxprosscil n rontltnosa to com- munluuto on this subject , and the ro- portcr nlioit his questions. "Have yon any objootlon , Mr. Tnimlll , to giving the roiulura of tl o Houubllcaii an inahlo vlow of the success you huvo attuinud in your business ? " " \Vcll , no. I can't say that I have , " was the reply. "Slnco I haVe no methods of coiulucting business ami no sucrets to withhold from the inibllc , I am perfectly wllllnp to prallfyyou to the extent of my ability. To connnonco with : After Iho great Chicago Hrn ot ' 71,1 became convinced that thuro wnaa largo and increasing demand , a tidal wave , as It wore , for a flrst-chifis flvo- cent cigar. How to produce such' a cigar and market it profitably \viis the problem to solve. 'I urns a young man at the time and full of ambition. After carefully study ing the condition of the trade , J Bottled upon a plan to accomplish my object. But bo ( ore I glvo it to you , lot mo explain - plain the situation its it existed at that timo. The average retail dealer in these days never thought 11 posdtblo to sell n ilvo-cont cigar at loss" than 100 per cent protlt , while the average wholesale dealer or manufacturer nmclo a profit varying from $10 to $15 per 1,000 on that class of goods. Such five-con t cigars , of course , wore made of very In ferior domestic stock. "Now I concoivnd the idea that by re ducing uoth profit and slightly increas ing the price , and at the same time making a cigar that should contain the choicest Havana filler , and then plac ing it in the hands of prominent retail dealers all over the United States with an exclusive control or agency for the same for their towns or neighborhoods , they , through the superior quality of the cigar , which at once commanded a largely increased trade , could alTord to sell it at a reduced percentage of profit. In other words , I first raised the price of the goods to the retailer , and at the same time I reduced my own profits more than one-half. This dilTcronco enabled mo to furnish an Havana filled cigar that could be retailed for five conts. "Then I personally traveled over the United Stales and established my agen cies , relying chiolly on mail orders , thereby dispensing with double 'drum ming1 and the jobber's profit , thus otTccting a great saving. I uhargod nothing for my services , and eold my goods at less than ono-half the profit mudob5' my competitors. In taking this stop I trusted solely to the intelligence of the smoker and dealer for my recom pense. , .Had I not done so the namo-of the 'Tansill'a Punch' cigar , like the names of my thousand imitators , would have boon obsolete long ago. " "Has your faith in the intelligence of the smoker and dealer been sustained1" } "Yes , far beyond my most sangulho expectations. And us the business has grown from year to year , I liavo appro priated a percentage of iny profits for advertising. I might add in this con nection that I have just placed con tracts for advertising 'Tunsill'a Punch' in nearly 7.000 duil.y and weekly news papers with a combined annual circula tion of over 600.000,000 copies. Prom this it can bo soon that my faith in the merits of my goods and in my methods of Boiling them is stronger than ever before. " ' "Hns your plan of doing business met with the nppioval of the merchant ? " "My success emphatically answers your question in the afllrmatlvo. Could you but road our correspondence you would then rcalizo how our agency and goods arc appreciated by both dealer and smokor. Aa to the value of our agency , I will glvo you an illustration. Nine years ngoV. . M. Dalo. a Chicago druggist , was trying to establish atrauo on a five-cent cigar. To accomplish thib ho was paying $38 per 1,000 for his leading five-cont brand nnd retailing but 200 of them per week. I gave Mr. Dale the agency for 'Tansill's Punch' fnr bis neighborhood , and hit ) trade steadily increased from year to year until it.readied the enormous number of 27,000 'TanBlll's Punch' per month , while his aggregate sales , all at retail , mind you , of that single brand have largely exceeded 2.000,000 cigars. I could cite you similar illustrations in almost ovcry part of the United States. ' ' "Then I understand. Mr. TatuMll , that your plan is to soil a first-class cigar at a small profit and rely upon the lafgb volume of your trade for the results ? " "That is it , exactly. " , THE REALTY MARKET. tHSTlWAUJNTB placed on record J. yesterday. . V A lloiiHon and wife to Joliu T Hopkins , lot in , blic n , llrlgs ' I'lacu , wU..w.j. . ' 2,000 John 1 Kfclltlc to M A Wolf , lot S , blk f , Dale Chatham , w U. , . . , , 1.2iO D U Arch or undulfo to WO Noonan , und U lots 7 to 1bik 1 , Kent's add to south Omulm , vrd 1,500 W K Potter and wife to a T 1'ottor , SIU n in seHoDI-15-l.l , wrt , 10.U24 S .1 1'ort to U 11 .lacobtf , mid JJ iota -1 and 10.U24M 2 ! , lilKt"Hnmmlt " add , wd ; M V ( ! l.antry and wife to K llrudshaw , lot 10 , blk 1 Id , IMoronce. q o d 1 1 pjeaxuiit and , xv tl , , 300 JO Hxorthetal to I * K Dunbar , lot 17 , blk 2 , bnundurs .V Hliiiobaugh'u Mt Pleasant add , xv d 060 G S llunawk and wife to M A F Austin , loto , blk 3 , Crelghton Httlglits. w d , , < . . 300 * K H Koad and wife tn Mm A O I lay \varil , lot 14 , blk 1' ) , Albright's annex , w d. , . , . 000 JonuLoreiiz to Mrs O Deereun , pt lot I , blkij , Elkhorii , xv < ! . . , . . , , K oiloyttolt Llirltt , iotn , blk S3 , Morse & Ilrumitr'smid. xvd aw A W Pierce nnd wife to A B Patrick , lot 10 , blK H. Patrick's "d add , a o d 3,000 J O Hnrtmun to H llnrtmaii , B xl3f , 0 ] tn He HW27-IHJ , xvd , 1 Aug Hurtman ana xvlfo to F Krug , 1188 ft lot I , blKl , lmpr.uxomont Association mid , xvd , 1,728 Sixteen t runs fora , ( I'ornuts. The folio/via * p3rnlt 'VJM Uulldlnu Iii poitor ! Whltlnok yoiterdoy : L. 3 , Ncdd , one-itury frame dwollliiir , Tvreiiljr-second noarllraco . . .I ftKO W. II. Millttrd , ono utul oiie-lmlf-story fr m burn , Twenty-fourth nud How. ' ' ' ' J.OOO Kounue'M'eiiibVVa'l Ex angetlcai 'Lutheran church , two-story brick carriage re- poHltory , filxtoenth aud llnraey , , 5,000 K. H , Lawrenceoue-ntory frame cottage , Thirty-eighth and Ko er . . . . . . . 1,000 Jaiuc'S A. ( Irllllth , ouo and one halt story frame resldoiice , 1'ark avcuuo neur Jack&on . . . , , . , , , . . . . . . . . S.00 petur Colsetn , ono ana one-lmlf-titory frame dwelling , st , Lawrencu near Call- lornia . . , . . . . , . . , . . , . , . . i.cn Tor BO lulnor ptirmltu , . . , . 275 Nlue permits , 'nggreuatlua , . , , . , . . , , , I