a iw Tgpp THE OMAHA # AILY BEEJL TUESDAY , AUGUST 27 , 1889. THE DAI.LY BEE , COUNOIL BLUFFS. OPF1OK. NO 18 riSAillj STIIKKT. fcllvered by carrier In Any furl ot ho City a Owe nty Cents I'er Week. . . . , . . U.W. T1LTON. . . . . . . . . MANAQKK. TKLKPIIONBSl Hr IKEPB Orrur No. 43. KlOHT I'.DIIOII. NO. L M1NOU M ION i ION. N. Y. P. Co. Glcnson coal. C. li. Music Co. , C33 13'wny. D. W. Oils , city and farm lonns. IJoslon Btoro lending hoolcry house. M..T. Smith will have a hearing to-day for Insulting a lady on tlio street. The ConRrcgntlonnlSundny school will plo- nlo In Fnlnnount park to-uiorrow. Prof. Josef llclno will iurnlsh the muslo for the Ocrman Catholic Indies' fnlr. A beautiful oil painting , the work of Mrs. J , M. Do Emery , la on exhibition ut the Man- hattnn. It will bo disposed of by radio. A now choir for the ConijrcgiUlonnl church Is to bo composed of Mlssns Mcrkol nnd Portorflcld nnd Messrs. Woscott nnd Mo Dormul. NotwlthstixndlnK the fulling oft In build ing permits lust wcoU , the real estate trans fers showed a decided Increase , fooling up $70,140.80. For tlio now Iluehes MOCK J. A. Murphy will do the cnrpentor work , B. Urnhl the galvanized Iron work and U. P. Nllos the painting nnd glnzlutr. General O. M. O'Urlen camp No. 7 , " > , S. of V. U. S. A. , xvlli irlvo the opening ball of the 8cuon at Mnsiilc Temple on Thursday evening1 , September 5. IBulldlng ncrmiti were Issued yeslorday to J. A. MuBsallwhlto fora $1,400 cottngo in f Street's iidillllo n , and M. DaQroat for a $17.1 frame In Howard's addition. Justice HnndrickB has written to the " authorities at Cameron , Mo. , In the hopes of H securing Information In rofcrouuo to Hurry Martin , ngcd fourtoou , who will have u hearing to-day on the oharxo of vagrancy. The press tickets for the Iowa State fair to bo held In DCS Moines , August SO to Sep tember 0 , nro very unique. Thny arc In the form of an car of corn , the kernels embossed in gold und the car surrounded by green Icavos. Atrtiil of speed nt Munnwa Sunday of tor- noon between the yachts Psycho and Coco resulted In u victory for ths fornnr. The owner of the Coco U not dUiiosoJ to give It up , however , and a race for "stuff" will soon bo urrunKRd. The locial employes of the "Q" testified to the esteem In which they Held their compan ion. Mr. William Uudil , by presenting u com- plcto set of household furniture on tlio occa sion of his marrtago with Miss Magelo John son. The newly wedded couple ire to house keeping immediately. Thirteen drunks were ranpcd in line before the police jugo yesterday morning and culled upon to explain unclor what provocation they filled up oifSunday budge. There were but fowwho hud the necessary with which to make peace with his honor , and the others were tired Into the struct gang. "Work on the Sapp block was resumed yes terday. It was stopped onaccount of tbo non-arrival of the terra cottn. but the con tractor conciudnd Unit he could not ulford to lese nny further tituo In wuiling for It. It Is the intention to huvo the building completed and ready for occupancy by the tnlddlo of December. The fourth annual reunion of the Old Sot- tiers' association of Pottawitttninlo nnd Mills cou'itlcs will bo held at Malvorn , Thursday next. The railways will clvo reduced r.itos. Tbo Wabash train will leave the Union depot ut 7:45 : n. m. nnd local freight depot at B:15 : u. m , Tno C. U. & Q. train will leave at O.T.O a. in. The Y. W. C. T. U. mot at the Broadway M. E. church yesterday and finished organ ization. They are arranging' for an enter tainment to bo given next month , ot the na ture of which furtnor notice will bo given. A special moating will be hold at the First Presbyterian church next Saturday at li)0 p. ra. All are cordially Invited. All Saints'Sunduy-school und friends will meet at the chapel Saturday morning ut 10 o'clock to go to Fulrmount park to enjoy a bosket picnic. The friends of this mission will assist in making this an enjoyable holi day. Everybody mudo welcome , whether connected with the school or not. The party will go by tbo motor line to the park. C. G. Snundors returned lust evening from Voldusta , Gi. , in churgo of F. S. Ellis , who is wanted hero for cheating by falsa pro- tenses. Ho is wanted by tlireo dllToront parties. He mortgaged a team that was al ready heavily mortgaged , representing it as frco from all inoumbrances. Ho pat many miles between him nnd his creditors , but was found and brought back. J. Carlcton , hailing from Crcs'on , Is In trouble. Ho Is accused of attempting to rob W. J. Harness , an old man from Glonwood. Harness was considerably under the influ ence ol liquor , und hud a good sized roll of greenbacks , when Carleton enticed him Into an 1 ley. An olllccr was watching , nnd when Carleton attempted to go through his victims pockets tbo copper nulled him. Tno oasu was continued. William Crlssmnn , the shell man arrested by Captnln Anderson ut Lake Mtinawu for running a gambling g.uno at the resort July 14 , had a hearing before Justice llcndricks yesterday afternoon. The prosecution was conducted by County Attorney Ergun and the dcfenso by John Lindu , esq. The ilu- fondunt wus bound over to the grand Jury in the sum of KX ) , which amount ho furnished and was released. The cnso of State vs Virginia Lo Vullo-was tried yostoriluy in Squire Schurz's court. Tno defendant wus accused of assault and battery on the person of Hobocca A. Pontius tius , of Silver Creek township. The case was brought before Justice McElratto , but brought hero on a change of venue. Myn- Bter , Limit & Scaorook prosecuted the case , and Low T. Gcnung looked after the Inter ests of tbe defendant. A jury Is handling tbe case. The Council Liluffs traveling men hnvo do- cldod to join in the drummer's parade In Omuhu during Merchants' week , and are making preparations to have a proper repre sentation therein. Messrs. StorK , Obor- holtzer and Hoffmayr have boon appointed a committee to wait upon those who employ traveling men , to request their co-operation in securing n full representation of the Council BluttH Knights of the grip In the purudo of September 4. Another meeting will bo hold next Saturday evening. At a late hour Saturday night Ofllce.s Kemp , Josolyn und Thomas swoopwl down on the John SanUco building on North Muln atroct und arrested five neii for croiitlnf a row. They had a largo bucket of beer , which had been tilled frequently during the evening , and they became hilarious to an extent - tent which caused complaint to be tiled by a neighbor. In tbe room wus found a fakir's outllt for a fair , Including a swing ball ap paratus , pocket knives , pocket books , etc. Ono of them , munod C. 10. Houry , a ono armed man , claimed to bo the owner of the outtlt. The entire party were locked up uud yesterday uiorniug four of them wore 11 n cd , nnd Henry was discharged on promise to leave the city , Dexter , employment. Fountain 5o cigar , best in the worjd. Kerr & Gray , real estate. 505 First avonu * . For sale Ono Gar-Scott - ton-horso portable englno ; In good repair. Apply to Wolr-Sbu- gurt Co. _ J. G. TJpton , real ostoto , 527 B'dway. Gymnasium The classes In the V. M. O , A. gymnasium Will bo organized this week in the present locution , as the now rooms in the Merriam block will not bo ready for occupancy for two or three weeks. Beginning next Friday nk'ht tbe classes will moot ns follows : Hoys class Tuesday and Thursday , 7:30 : to p BiSO p. ui , b Juniors Tuesday and Thursday , 8:30 : to 0:80 : p. m. Seniors Monday and Saturday , 8:80 : to OiilO n. in. Oilier classes will bo organized an occasion demands utter ontcnui ; tuo now rooms. SoMenberg's 60 Figaro at the Four-lain. Odoll Bros. & Co. loan money. The most Ibcral Icruis olTori'd. 103 Pearl ( trecU Kelley & Younkormau soil grocerlo CliMe and Bauboru coffees a spoclaly. TUB COUNCIL BLUFFS NEWS , Opinions On a Free Brldgo and Bets On the PoatofQoo. THE SUNDAYS DO NOT GO DRY. A Had Gltmpso At Life The Coun cil Appointments of Teachers Xlio County Court Orn * . cr.tl ntul 1'orsonnl. 13 on the PontoOloc. " \ \ bore's the fellow that want * to bet on the postoQlcot 1 wnntto-RCC him. " Ono after another dropped Into TUB BEB office yesterday with this sort ot a query. None of them came together , and as a result there was lots ot talk and no clink of stiver dollars. "If you see any fellow that wants to bet you can just toll him that I will bet $10 to ' $20 that ho cannot nutno the next postmaster. Or , I'll turn about nnd bet $20 to (10 that I can nnmo the next postmaster. " "Who Is It , If you're so sure1 ! * "Never tnmil. When the money Is up , I'll ' nnmo him nil right. " Another came in later and offered to leave the money at TnK lHt : oftlco and offered to give a percentage on the winnings it Tin : HER would ploco the money. Tin : HBP. not being In tbo pool room busi ness , declined. The lightning rods are still up , but none of them seem silver tipped , despite the talk of betting. The Fountain cigar store for flno cigars. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'wuy' ' Got Fountain 5u ci gar , next Elscman blk. Not n. Dry Sunday. Captain Overtoil I don't want to have TUB 13in : , or any other papur , mislead the pooplo. Once In a while I notice some reporter siys : 'The saloons were nil closed list Sunday. " Mow , I know that tlio saloons In Council Bluffs haven't been closed on Sunday for a eng time. Saturday night I mot Mayor llohror mm told him that there were lots of saloons running the Sunday before , and the Sunday before that , and that they would bo running the next Sunday. I told him If ho would go around with mo I'd show him. Ho can got Iho proof if ho w.xnts It. He didn't go with mo yesterday , but I itnow there were several places running. Why , some of thorn don't muko uny bones about it. Tnoy own it right up. Brother Uolong sat lu ono place until 11 o'clock Sunday forenoon , and saw thorn selling right along. There's a grocery itoro I Itnow of which was selling all day Sunday "In the buck end of the storo. There's proof enough of whisky being cold on Sun- luy , if the umyor Wants to have it. He can lind the places as easy ua I cun. Go to M. Keating for drugs , 503 Broadway. Notice to trio Public. The following blacksmiths have entered into an agreement , nnd will , on nnd after September 1 , churgo not less than $4 for now shoos und $3 for resetting old shoes on each span of hnrscs : A , N. Serlbner , G. Miller , James Hebrew , C. Henrieksou , J. Peterson , Sum Noble , A. Irrasion , C. Jensen , Lorh- inun & Smothers , A. Kruuse. C. Gregory , P. D. Burke. The Bail Stdo of Life. A sad case of destitution has boon revealed iy the death of George Keating. The de ceased had been ill for several months , and consequently was ublo to work only nt .ntervals. . Ho was an employe on the Union fauitiu platform at the transfer. Ho owned u box of tools , and being forced to part with thorn to provide the necessaries of lite , asked his companions to rutllo them , which was dor.e by Thomas Cdllaann. A grocer , to whom Keating owed a small bill , heard of this , and promptly garnishced Calluhun , thus depriving the' stricken family of any assist ance from that source. Keating is spoken of as a good workman and very industrious , but liis illness reduced him to want. The bereaved family isactually In need of assist ance. It Is stated that Keating belonged to the Knights Of Labor , in which case that organization will undoubtedly look after the matter. The Now Ogdon. Council Bluffs , finest and largest hotel m western lowu. Special at tentions to commercial men. Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Burhora. City Council Pi1oeiel : ( < ne . President of the Council Lucy presided at the mooting of the city council last evening in thu absence of the mayor. All tlio alder men but Weaver and Everett were present. Ex-Chancellor Hess appeared before the council In support of a petition from Mrs , Eliza Crawford for the reduction of north Eighth street in front of block 7 , Crawford's addition , from eighty to sixty-six foot in width , lief erred to committee on streets and alloys. The plat of John W. Paul's ' addition to the city was presented for approval. Lot eight , block nine , Hull's addition owned by Colonel Cochurau. was ordered filled by the street supervisor , to abate a stagnant water nuisauco. und charged to owner. G. L Jacobs and eighteen 'others com plained about the North waatoru rallroaj making up trains near the Broadway depot , the smoke and noise being detrimantal to health. Uoforred to a committee of the board of health to examine to-day and re port. C. Rookwltz offered $101 for the exclusive scavenger license during the ensuing year. Referred. Trustees of the free public library peti tioned for a continuance of the ono milt tax for its support. Received and placed on fllo. fllo.lb.3 lb.3 city clerk was instructed to advertise for bids fqr consttuctlon of signs on street corners for all streets whore the names were not now posted. The city clerk was Instructed to advertise for bids for a largo amount of curbing. The clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for paving the following streets and av enues : Fletcher , from Oakland to Market ; StuUinun , from Pierce to Plainer ; Grace , froit ) Broadway to Plainer ; Pierce , from Stutsuian to Oak ; Franklin , from Ploroo to Beach : Plainer , from Grace to Franklin ; the bids to iacludo cypress , cedar und hard brick. The common carriers' ordinance was read ns amended and referred. The matter of that disputed grading to Beer's addition did nut'como up , as It re quires n three-fourth * vote , nr five alder men , to pass over the mayor's veto , and thuro were but four aldermen present. Those who were prcsunt wore anxious to pass the resolution , and had Alderman Weaver boon on hand ttiera is llttlu doubt that the vote would have been sent lo that Ion ? and lone some bourne from which no veto over returns. The council will try it aialn later on , E. H , Slicafo fc Co. give special attention to the collection of rents and care uf prop erty In the city and vicinity. Clmrgoa mod erate. Ofllco Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Got Fountain 5a cigar , next Eisoman blk. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lotn at lowest market prices. Cal ! uud examine our list. E , H. BUeafe & Co. lon l ol' 1'J.Incut Ion. | The school board mot in special session last evening , nil the inmnbcru , with tno exception of Mr. Knln , being praspnt. On motion John Schoentgen was allowed fSIO for money advanced to John Hammer on the estimate of the architect , Mr. Maxon , lor the work done on the Elgiith avenue school. Mr. Sohoonlgeii to tlio the estimate with the secretary. The billet S. W. Sunford for repairing bluuk board * , amounting lo 813'J.W ' ) , was ro furred to Prof. McNuughlou. Several small bills were allowed. On motion the matter in reference to Mrs. KalUbuck and Mr * . Kerr , requesting a room n ono of the building * ono evening In ( inch weeK for the teaching of mathematical and fro J hand drawing , was referred to Messrs. Schoonlgon and Lawjon with lower to nut. On motion the resignation of Miss Maria Boll was accoptod. On motion Prof. Steven * , Prof. MoNatmh- an and Mr , Schoontgon were Appointed a committee lo purchase a chouiicil laboratory for the high school , at a cost not to cxcejJ 53 JO. The committee on grounds and buildings wore Instructed .to Imvo the sidewalk In [ rout of the Washington avonua school loiv- orod to n lovcl with thooutsldo curbing , and have tno Insmlo curbing removed , After n lengthy dobnto the salaries of tcacncrs word established as follows ; first year. (40 a month ; second year , $15 a month ; third year , t&U a month ; fourth yonr $55 n month ; llflh year , $ (50 ( u month. Mr. Schoent gen Insisted that the llfth year bo the same as the fourth , the tcactici not lo receive $ < W until the sixth year. Ills idea did not prevail , which fuel ho attri buted to the absence of Mr. Knln , It was also decided that the principals should recelvo (5 per month more than the owcr teachers , and SI In addition for each room under him. The salary question brought out , a great donl of cotnmoat , The principal trouble which the bard desired to obviate ivm that oxDorlcnced for some time , caused by teach ers resigning and accepting positions in Omaha. Especially is this true of the older and moro experienced teachers. Better salaries are paid on the other side of the river , and for this reason teachers ac cept positions thcro whenever possible. To prevent this , the board decide. ! to adopt a graduated schedule of salaries , which would Increase from year to year , offering the teacher an inducement to remain here. Mr. Schoontgcn's Idea was that an increase for six years would bo better than five , mid then have the maximum $00 for regular teachers , IIo uruuud that the other plan would bo too heavy a drain on the treasury. Said he , In discussing the salaries paid on the other sldo of the rlvorj ; "Wo can't expect to pay our teachers as well us they do In Omaha. Over there they have a high liccnso law , and through it they got $230,000 a year in their school fund to start on , where wo haven't a cont. Put a $1,009 , liccnso on our saloons and wo will pay as big salaries as any other city. " Ho was howled down , and his motion was defeated. The committee on teachers was instructed to act In conjunction with the county super intendent , and select parties to examine the high school teachers. It was expected that the work of assign ing teachers to their respective schools would bo disposed of , but the matter had boon ro- fen-v-d to the teacher's committed. The list was prepared , and had been inadvertently loft in Mr. Schoontgen's safe , so the matter was postponed. It transpired that several changes were to be made in it , which will bo attended to this morning. The board then adjourned until this even ing , when the assignment of teachers will bo formally made , the salary of the superin tendent llxed , n Janitor appointed for the Hill school , and such other business trans acted as may conio before the meeting. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouerate prices. E. H. Shoafo & Co. . rental agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. C. B. steam dye works , 1013 Broadway. Always on Time. If you wish to purchase a good and reliable watch 25 per cent less than club rates , and on easy terms , then call at once and nmlto your own selection nt C. B. Jacqucmlut & Co. , 27 Main street. Two Sllitlit Kitihvny Accidents. Two minor accidents on the Northwestern delayed incoming trains several hours yes terday. The first occurred about 8 o'clock yesterday morning , when the engine of the west-bound limited , Eneinonr Phil Picker ing , blow out a cylinder head , while running nearly fifty miles an hour , about a mile west of Grand Junction , causing a delay of nearly three hours. The second was No. 7 , regular accommodation , which was 'derailed at a switch at Carroll. The switrlimaa had his buck to the train and throw thu switch when the middle of the roar car was directly over it , thinking that the train had passed. The track xvas badly torn up and about an hour and a half required to roplaca the sleeper on the rails. No one was injured , but travel was considerably impeded. If you want clean , fresh precedes and fruits , call on Johnson & Olson,712 Broad way. Money loaned at L. B. Craft's to Co.'a loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property ot till kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Resolutions of Respect. At a regular meeting of Omaha Division , No. 1S3 , the following preamble and resolu tion was adopted : "Whereas , It bus pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst our worthy and much esteemed Brother , J , N. Mitchell , who died nt 0 p. m. , August 0,1839 , , from injuries received in the wreck of train No. S3 , on the O. & It. V. railroad , which was caused by the train , * 'a double header , " going into a washout on the morning of August 0. Bro ther Mitchell wont down with his engine , and for over four hours was being slowly burned to death. Resolved , Tnat in the death of Brother Mitchell the urothorhood has lost a true and faithful member , the company a capable and trustworthyengmeeraud bis family a devoted husband and father. Resolved , That while wo regret the loss to ourselves , our hearts go out in sympathy to his sorrow-la'lon family , who alone can fool that hopeless , crushing grief of the hundred tics of the near dear. Resolved , That in respect to the memory of our departed brother our charter bo draped in mourning for the Hpacc of thirty days , and u copy of these resolutions bo sent to his family , spread upon thu min utes of this division and published in the Engineers' Journal and daily papers. E. R. FONDA , CIIAKI.ES E. TAYLOR , J. M. BBYKUS , v Committee. City steam laundry , 34 Main , tel. 141. Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work done In both cities. John Gilbert , CIS Pearl street , Council Bluffs. S. B. Wads worth & Co. loan money. Swan son Music Co , , 335 Broadway. A Hushed Souniliil. A threatened sensation In the southern part of the -ity : has boon quietly hushed up. A fully developed Infant was found in a privy vault and the coroner summoned. Investiga tion revealed the fuel that the mother is a young Gorman girl who has boon in the country about four weeks. She claims that the child was still born , and that the father is in Germany. As the father could not bo reached , and the mother is in a critical con dition , it was decided to refrain from any further investigation , and no post-mortem was hold to establish tno fact as to whether the child over breatbod or not. Tim remains were lakon In charge by Jndortakur Eatep , and Interred in Fuirvlow cetnotery , The mother is now at Hie W , C. A hospital , SPECIAL NOTICES , COUNCIL BLUFFS. i-OR SAUE AND RZNT. THOU SAUI Uasollno stove ; tnrea-burner ; L "Jewell" make : inmost new. GUI Mynstor fell COt. " | JWl BALK Two line iie\v Mix-room houses on -I-1 I'uvltlc avo. will bo gold cheep for a small payment down und ualancii to unit rmrclmuor. Una bU-roum house In 1'lerre'n add. on HIjlith avui one ot tlio best and moat uluboratp lln- ished houses lu mat partof tliaclty will be void right U taken boon. Kerr .V Gray , FOll BALK Improved and vacant property In all parts ot the city. Call and sev mu. C. K. tlnyuv. TRMMl KXUUANUK-iH acres adjalalnfttha'ritr , -L1 for city propel ty. Johnston & Vuu ratten Kverett block , Council lllulla. SliVBHAIj lota lu Umnua to exchange for land and other Property. Johusum i Van T71OU HUNT Houses in Hll parts ot the city. .13 Kerr A Urny , W4 Hrsi ave. rniiR pquuy In HrfkVm near the city to exchange - * . change for"clly lois. Johnston tt , Vnn , I'ntten. i * VTOTIOB ! Notice ! Notice Wo have sovorM AIChoice rosirtcr.W lots that wo will build either small or lar e. houses to ult ntirchmer. and will , If drMrpO , aril on easy pnymentt. Ilraw your own plans , then call nn.l let us build yon u Fioino. Kcrr , * ,0rny , 03 First av < > . Coun cil UltilTs. "Tl Olt ItENT lllclitinow fi-room cottages on. -L1 Avenue 11. SnT'keU'B add. to city , Jtonts very reasonable. Cull and let us show you them. Kcrr A Gray. , " FOU UKNT-7 of Um mo t beautiful collages In Council lllutls : ono block from motor line ; now houses'city : wnler in tlio house * aud nit modern conveniences. Bee Kerr & Gray. I71OII 8AU5 lai aero fnrm In Jasper county , Jlown , located nenr conl mine * that are in operation. There li n the foot vein of coal mulcr the farm , Gee , Metculf , No. 10 IVarl U TTIOllSAt.E Improved and unimproved prop- J-1 erty in every part of the cltv. Kara oppor tunities for Investors who seek ( ( peculations ; Bplemlld opportunities for thosu who doslro homes. Oeo. Mctc.ilf. No. 101'earl St. BUSINRSS locutions on Main nnd llroartway nt ere lit bargains. Uco. Metcalf. No. 10 1'onrt st. FOH BALE to feet lake IrontaRo located be tween C I ) , boat bouse ahd Mannwa beach. Also n number ot choice lots In Regatta place. Oeo. Motcnlf , No. 10 Pearl st. FOIl SAM : Aero lots In Orchard place. This property Is located In the lllco nursery , Bontnof the main part of thn city , IK milea from courthouse * IF you want some genuine itnaps In choice lots on bottoms call and ICQ ICorr & Or ay. They hnvo some lots that must bo sold regardless of cost before Nov. 1. TK you hnvo nnyt.llntr In the line of real estate -Lor chattels you vrant to exchange or dispose of , you Hhoula call on Kerr & dray. You can nml them nt their olllco , (03 First ave. , Council lllnlTs. TpOll flATiK 127 ncres 40 miles north of Chi- JL' cage adjoining Lake Villa ( a beautiful sum mer resort' , surrounded by many ueautltul lakes. 1'ar further particulars call or address Kcrr k Or ay. Council UlutTs. THOU SALE On monthly payment * , very neat JL1 now hnuso near Harmony mission. Cull or address Kerr & Utar , GOj First ave. , Council llluffs. TT1OK BAM ? Some nice dwellings on Harrison X1 and Ueutou sts. Call and Investigate. Kerr &Oray. T7IOH EXCHANGE 3 Improved farms In ccn- JL' tral Kansas for other property. Johnston AVanPntten. FOH SALK Or exchange for city property , bO ncres of improved land near city. Call or addiess Kerr & Gray. MISCELLANEOUS. T OT3 for sale on very easy terms. Bee us beT - JLJ fore you buy. Johnston & Vnn I'ntteu , ' \T INK rpom house In Omnha for trade. What Li have you to offer ? Johnston & Vnn Patten O5 feet on Main street for sale cneap. Johnston is Van I'ntten. FINK homo on First avo. forsnlo. Johnston & Van Patten , NEW houses for sale , $100 casn. balance$12.60 per month. Johnston & Van Patten. rilHUEEfnnnsncnr the city for sale. John- -L cton S : Van Patten. FOR quick said list your property with K. E. Mayne , lil'J Hrou'dway. moiNVESTOHS-Don't buy real estate until -Lyou see me. lhaVe , soranthlmr nlways on nand that will make you money. E. E. Mayua , 018 JJrondwny. ' f * I HAVE for sale a number of good lots on payments of tlU dawn and f "i per montb ; lots full size und title perfect. E. E. Ma/no. IP you want to buy. sell or exchange real es tate .call on E. E , Mayne , (119 ( Broadway. WANTED Iluycra or real ostnto to know I have n chotconllst of bargains ; Call and see mo. E. E. Mayne , 010 llroadway. TX7E hnvoKO acres ot extra tlno farming laud Win South Dakota near railroad to exchange for city property , Kerr i Gray , Council UlntTs. " \XTANTED Seokcri after real cstato snaps to T > call on E. E. Mayne , Ol'J llroadway. WANTED A good horsa auil buggy. Kerr &Grny. ' XI OTlCK A severi-room" house for sale at$225. r > Investigate tnls. .Johnston & Van Patten Everett block. "REAL KSTATK Nought ad sola nna ex- XL change ; ! . Bpnclal attention given to exam ination of titles. W. 0. James , No. 10 I'earl st. . Council Dluffa. TIAI1M' boarders wanted at Vti Oenton street. Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. I. W. Cooper. | 6PEK CENT loans made on real estate , cash on hand , K. J. Day. HE A UTIFUi. homo on Oakland ave. at a A bargain. F. J. Day. rJOxlbO on Oakland ave. , 83,000. F. J. Day. 9 i9x300 on Park ave. , 13,000. F. J. A COUNEll on 4th ave. , 11.340. P , J. Day. A CUB property for homes and gardening. F. HUMES forsalo on monthly payments. F. J. Day. WANT to trade a farm for n lot on Broadway I way near llth st , F. J. Day , GHAHAM avenue property that will double right away. F. J. Day. LOTS on Broadway , First avenue and Ave nues A and 1J. cheap. P. J.Day. a snap for an investor for to-day only. F. J. Day. CAPT. HAYES' ' LIVERY Centrally located , First-class turnouts , fresh horses and new carriages. Not an old rl in the stible. : Special attention Rlvim to funerals , and reduced rates for curi-laces for this pur pose. W. A. JIAYK8. Proprietor. Telephone 77. gM llroadwoy. J. O. lillllUNUSON. .L. I'res. Vice Pros , CIIAS. 1L H ANNAN , Cashier. flTWriTfl PTATI ? DAMT/ CITIZENS SlAlE BANK , OF COUNCIL. Iir.UFKS. Paid up Capital . S5OOOO.OO | Surplus . 35OOO.OO Liability to Ooposltora. . . . 335.OOO.Oo IlilKCroil I. A. Miller , F.O. Gleason , K. It Bhugart , K. K. Hart , J. D. Kdmnudsoii. Chas , It , Hunimn. Transact Kuneral banking buslnesa. Larnvbt capital and surplus of any bunk in misthwcbtern Iowa Interest on time deposits. THE LAST CHANGE 1 FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS THERE WILL RE A GRAND DEMONSTRATION AT THE GREAT SHERIFF'S SALE OF BOOTS AND NOTE THESE PRICES : Infant's Kid Button Shoes 20c , formerly 60c. Gonts' Soomless Congress. $1.00 , worth $2.00. Missed Kid 'and Goat Button , OOo , worth 81.75. Gents' Pine Dross in Button , Lnco und Congress , all ladles' Kid and Goat Button , $1.00 , worth $2.00. shapes and weights , $1.05 , worth $3.00. Ladlos'-Gruln Button , 76c , world $1,60. , Gouts' Hand Sowed Fi-onch Calf Shoos lu all styles , Ladlos''Dongola Kid , Button , $1.75 , worth $3.50. widths and sizes , $ H.f > 0 , worth $7.60. Ladies' Kid , Oxford Ties , Goc , worth 81.60. Men's Kin Boots , 61.60 , worth $3.00. Ladles' Serge Congrctts , " to 8 , 50o worth $1.25. Men's Calf Boots. $11.00 , wo tli $5.60. Ladles' Slippers , 20c , worth 05c. Best Calf Boots , Hand Sowed. $5.00 , worth $7.60. ' Remember the prices quoted above are for two weeks only. You are requested to call early so as to avoid the rush. Do not miss the above bargains , you cannot altord it. Follow the crowd to the bargain seekers headquarters at the great SHERIFF'S SALE OF Boots and Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street MASONIC BLOCK , COUNCIL BLUFFS. LADIES READ THIS ! , I have the larpcst nnd finest stock of bnlr goods west of Chlcaco , and I have determined to close It all out with the Intention of K0in out of the busi ness. Ladles who desire anything In iny line will bo given an opportunity to buy it at less than half the usual prices. The Roods arc first class , and all orna ments , etc. , made up in tbe latest styles. Orders by mail recelvo prompt attention. MRS.C.L , GILLETTE , Nit. 29 Main St. , Council Iliad's. No. 27 Main St.J Over Jacquemln's Jewelry Stor Incorporated Nov. 1,1870. Eoatmvcst Corner llroadway and Main Strcat. CAPITAL , I.50,000. Does a Regular Bonking and Exchange Business OFFICEIIH : N. P. BODQB , President : JOHN nERESHEIM , Vice 1'rest.i A. W. 11IEKMAN. Cashier. Directors N. P. Dodse , J lierosliolm , Geo. Keellne , J.L. Stewart. W. W. Wallace , G. M. Dodge. J. M. PALMER , HAS THE CHOICEST LOT OP SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edged opporttinltlai to 1mm dlua investor. ] anJ THOS. OFFICER. TV. H. M. I'USEY OFFICEft & PliSElf. BANKERS. Corner Main and Uroadway. COUNCIL IlIjUKFS , IOWA. Dealers in foreign c.nd doiuostlo exchange. Collectloni made aud interest paid on tlma do- posits. ST. FRANCIS iCADEM ! OOB. 6TH AVB. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Giiarit y An excellent educational Institution , fur nished with all modern Improvements for boarding and day school. The acedemlc year consists o ( two sessions , beginning on the first Monday in September and February , respect ively. TBltMfi Hoard and tuition , per session. $75. For further particulars address Sister Superior , Hr. Francis Academy , Council Blutfg , In , THE MANHATTAN BILLIARD AND CIGAR STORE PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates H. Spociiicationa. Supervision of Public Work. Brown H.N Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ? ' Justice of the Poaco. Olllco over American Express , No. 41 N Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. „ CTHMIT Ji Q\/Q | | \ / | Attornoys-at-Law. Practice in the State and Fed- O I UllL. ( X OilVIO oral Courts' . Rooms 7 and 8 Shupart-Bono Block , Council BlulTa. Iowa. PITH U CTII I I\/1AM \ / Attornoy-at-Law , Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown UC.U , li , O riLLIVIAIN Block , liePoarlSt. , Council Blurts , la. Will practice in Stale rind Fodonil Courts. _ 1 B n BEAT-ALL , because it never breaks , splits , cracks or curls. Because it is indestructible in the weather , und will' ' undergo no change in n any climato. Because it is inoro durable than nny other roof mudo , iron , tin , slate or wood. Bccuubo it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor nnd is ulioapor than shingles , Uocuuso U has boon proven by the severest trials nnd tins never fulled. For further information apply to BIRKINBINB BNdlNBEJRINO AND SUPPLY CO. , Ropm SOD First National Bauk Building , Omaha. Council Bluffs offloo , 115 Pearl Btroot. KEFITTED AND Connected by Motor with COUNCIL BLUFFS AND OMAHA Located on Lakes Manawa , the finest Watering Placeand Sum mo Resort in the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing. Unparalelled Bathing Beacu. I Special Bates to Parties and Families. Cop * I lospondonco Solicited. Wliat is to Hinder Yon Btwag a Piano ol Ogad Now ? Wo I ave a very large stock ot the celebrated Haidman , Fishei and Everett Pianos Royal and Century Organs , And to reduce it nlll make special discount ! for the next ! 10 da ) s. We have also Ihe aeency for the CELEB HATS JJHKTON UANO INSTllUMENTS. MUSIC AND ilUSlO IJOJKS. Send for cat * 10juc. Address MUELLER MUSIC CO. , 103 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la TISIIE ] SIZES FROM 25 T0300 HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Epecincatlons nnd rstlmatcs turnlshtd for completeuteara jilints , lleeiilallon , durability uuarauleed. Cull show IvtteiH from uti-ra whcro fui-l economy la 0'iual wllU'Corlisa Neil Condeinilmr. fend for cat'ilojnu ' , E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. 81O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. ami lloimopath. Hooin U , Uro.vn PI . huildiiif , ' , 115 Ponrl St. Olllco lioura , U to 12 , a , in. , U to 0 and 7 to 8 , p , in. QTCWCWQ M H Olllco , No 741 Broadway. Hours : 8t HM . Olt.Vt.INO , IVIt U 10 a. in. , mid U to 4 und 7 to 8 p. m. Tol- phone , 287.