THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi-TUESDAY AUGUST 27 , 1880. IT PAYS TO OWN YOUR OWN Live In It lessens living expenses materially by not haying to move every little while , which is always the case where some one else owns the house you live in. It gives every family a feeling ol much satisfaction to know they can fix tip their place and have the benefit themselves , which they can do if the property is their own. It is one o ± the .pleasures of life to live in your own castle in a- first class neighborhood with the best surround ings , and know that no nuisances will eyer annoy you. It is economy and economy is the source of wealth , to be your own landlord , and thus avoid rent bills every month , which are a cause of great worry at times. . It gives many men a good standing in the community when it is known they own the property they live in , and helps them in business and.many other ways. To select a home you should go where a guarantee is given as to the uses of all adjacent property , and thus in sure yourself from having shanties or saloons on adjoining , lots. . These are the conditions on which all property is sold in DUNDEE PLACE , ( except on one business street ) which will be for a few fine stores : i First The said premises shall be occupied and used for residence purposes exclusively for a period of at least fifteen years from the date hereof , and for no other purpose whatever. Second No residence or dwelling house or other building shall at any time within said period of fifteen years be erected , or kept wholly or partly , on any lot hereby conveyed , within twenty-five feet of any street line bordering on such lot or lots. Third No residence or dwelling house shall be erected or kept on said lot or lots hereby conveyed , at any time within said period of fifteen years , costing less than twenty-five hundred ( $2,500) ) dollars , exclusive of other buildings and improvements on said lot or lots. Fourth The premises hereby conveyed shall never during said period of fifteen years be used for any immoral or illegal business or occupation ; nor shall any spirituous or malt liquors be sold or bartered away on said premises during the said period of fifteen years. ( This clause in all deeds. ) We furnish liberal building loans on the most reasonable terms to parties wanting to build and cannot conve niently spare sufficient money to do so at the start. . , . . . . . . A more pleasant and profitable morning , afternoon or evening could not oe spent by homeseekers , than to drive all through DUNDEE PLAGE and see what has been done by way of improvements , and watch the progress of the wonctertul development going on in that coming city of fine homes. Call on us for any information desired , WQ will cheerfully show the property at any time. THE PATRICK LAND COMPANY , SOLE OWNERS OF DUNDEE PLAGE , Office In Chamber of Commerce Bld'Q. WVH. CRAIG , President. N. D. ALLEN , Vice-President. "W. K. KURTZ , General Manager THE HOLE IN THE GROUND , The Gommisslonora Will Investi gate the Hospital Excavation. GEORGETlMMt'S RESPONSIBILITY Another Attnot on Collar Block by the Board of Public Works Commissioner Auilor- son'a Club. Hospltnl Kxoavntion. The hospital grading steal will be Investi gated. Certain parties claim to know all about It , and will undoubtedly bo called upon to toll their story to an investigation com mit too at the county board. Some members of tbo luttcr , it IB understood , very recently Intimated that they bolleva George Tiuiino to bo responsible ( or the 'blunder , " as O'Kcoffa calls It. Ho was a member of tbo appropriation committee , and , It Is alleged , that among bis last ofllclul acts-was the allow ance , of the bills for that work. Another explanation of the transaction 1& bulii ) ; made. When this matter was brought out by TUB Unit , ono day last week , very Httlo satisfactory Information could bo obtained regarding it from any of tue commissioners. Mr , Mount expressed his inability to understand why Kynn & Walsh had been pild 33 cents a yard for removing over (50,001) ( yards in oxcn- vatlnp for the hospital site , aud Mr. O'Koafle Intimated crooltca dealings on the part of somebody. Mr. Mount took bis pencil ana drew a square like this : N "That " ho said "tho represents , , spot on which this building stands. It is 4(10 ( feotlonp ; on every side. We discovered , after letting the contract , that moro grading than had been anticipated was necessary. The north east corner , you too , wiis zoro. From that point arose quito a hill , so much of a hill , iu fact , that the out made in the southwest cor ner \VUB Bomotblng llko sixteen feat deep , " Then hu stopped. "In and below thin grade , then you dug the collar and wall trenches ) " " 1 Hupposu BO. " "Then the supposition Is that Instead of letting u separata contract for removing this mound and bringing the site down to a level , you simply Included it in the excavation txmtrnct which was lot at M cents u yard i" Hut the query was not answered , and Mr. Mount turned his attention to other business. It Is claimed that In this way the board has been gulled out of nearly * U,000. How ever , otio or two mysteries exist that have not been explained , Una of these is found iu County Surveyor House's figures , Kivlng tbo final estimate of so many yuras at 23 cents , and the other Is nn entry In Ryuti & Walsh's Itemized bill of over 2,000 yards at 23 cents , and nearly 63- 000 at U5 cents. Howo'i tlnal estimate In cludes both the grading and excavation ex cept for trencuos. This loaves the Impression that whoever manipulated the "Job , " woruod it both on the surveyor and board. Messrs. Mount and O'Kooffo Indulged In a very lively and boated controversy over the matter. O'ICooilo said that ho know just as much about the trlanglo as though ho had always boon u member of it , nnd from this time on proposed to lU-ht these who compose the combination every time an occasion U presented. "They will have a hard time , " declared an oOIolal who claimed to possess moro knowl edge than ho cared to divulge , "fastening uny blauio for this robbery on George Tiuiuie. I inado souio memoranda , and I know of ono on the llrat voucher allowed , xvhicn will nhoiv that ho anticipated nn exposure some time. " That .voucher , dated Ootobor 31,18S7 , was examined. It certifies that 47,783 cubic yards of earth had been removed. The memoran dum flcurcs this , llrst at 35 cents a yard , amounting to § 10,711.05. From that sum is deducted § 0,000 , , which , it is presumed , wa intended to indicate the amount paid in excess of what tbo work was worth. During twonty-fivo years trial , mor tality , where De Jofforis' preventive and euro for diphtheria and putrid sore throat ( as in malignant scarlet favor ) is used , IB 1-10 of 1 pur cant , or , one in a thousand. Tlndor other treatments in Europe.and America , 60 to 80 per cent. Addresa Dr , Thoa. Jefforis , box C57 , Omaha ; or Dohiwon , druggist , Council Blulla , la. No physician re quired. Sent by express on receipt of. price , $3. CEDAK BLOOKS AGAIN Hesult In n Meeting of the Board OH Ilnrnoy Street. There Is something delightfully indefinite about the time and place of holding mootlcgs of the board of public works.Vhonovor anil wherever two or three members of the board and a contractor or two are gathered In the inline of paving business there is a meeting. The lust meeting of tbo board , en far as heard from , was hold at tha corner of Twenty sixth and Hnrnoy streets yesterday morning. It grow out of a visit of the memboi-H of the board to the pav- Inr now being laid on Harnoy street , over which there was n lively row at the moating of the board oa Friday. Fred Gray was present and took a hand in the mutter. An hour was snoot in inspect ing tbo material and discussing its inorlts. After a lengthy discussion , Mr. ICiorstcad , who opposed Chairman Uulcombe at the last meeting of the board , introduced the following resolution , which was adopted. Rosolvou , That the contractor bo Instruct ed to thoroughly sort the material that has boon delivered on Harnoy street before pro ceeding'with tbo work , and-that hereafter this class of blocks will not ba allowed In the work on any street in the olty. PMe t I'lies ! I'Uest Dr. Williams' luulan Pile Ointment will euro blind , blooding and itching piles when other ointments have failed. It absorbs tbu tumoia , allays the Itohlng at once , acts ns a noultlco , gives Instant rollof. Dr. Williams' Indian I'ilu Ointment is prepared only for piles and Itclilnu of the private parts , nnd nothing olso. Every box 18 warranted. Sold by druggists , or sent by mall on receipt of price , Ode and $1 per box , WILLIAMS' M'FG ' CO. , Prop's. Cleveland , O. NO FtiOVEIIS l"uil THE UK AD. Kttaot of ttio Arbitrary lliilo of For est Lawn Cowotory. If reports bo true , the management of For- out Lawn cemetery are not treating the friends of tbo dead Interred within the limits of the burying ground with the consideration duo them. Sunday a party of friend : of the Into A. II. Forbes and Thomas Foster drove out to tbo ground to decorate the graves of the two with ( lowers and * omo sea shells. When the work of ornumentlug ouo of the graves was completed the sexton In cbargn of the groinids came around and , after noticing what had boon douo , remarked that It would tto well for these present to romova the shells , supplementing his remark with too statement that ho would rumovo them if they refused. Of course tbo party demurred but their protest were in vain , They fool some what aggrieved at this action ana claim that it is unjust. Tha rules cf the cemetery permit of no raised mounds above the craves and the suina people claim that over tha remains of two people recently burled wagons pas * fro- quontly. Inquiry as to why this was permitted elic ited the reply that the arrangement was only "temporary , " At tbo next mooting of tim Forest Lawn association which takes pluoo oa the llrst Tuesday in September , at the Paxton , tbo matter will bo brought up. IN THliJ COUIITS. are Crowding the Docket for Next T rm. Charles MoMonamy's ' suit against August Muskntotnl. to foreclose on then. w. % of section 24 , township 10 , n. of raugo 13 east , has some interesting features. The now was given at Blair in August , 1837 , for $1,100. The land has increased greatly In value , and a lively flght made for Its possession. This mortgage- antedated by ono bold by Charles Green and J. D. Brainerd , trustees , given to secure a note for $700. Among those who claim an Interest iu tbo promises , and who will defend la this action , ixro S. F. Davis & Co. , Councilman Isaac HascalL and Frank B. Johnson. J. C. Wilcox sets forth that ho owns nearly all tbo land fronting on Boulevard street , In Sherman addition , and that in order to got dirt to make n (111 ( at Twenty-fourth and VIn- ton , the city engineer , wholly without authority from the council , has permitted graders to bopiu to make nn cloven foot cut through Boulevard Direct , and ho asks for nu injunction. Now petitions worolilod as follows : 15r > S Tno E. L. Squlro Company vs Kooort S. Uocslcy ct al. ; suit on promissoiy note , for $ liiO and to foreclose on lots 21 und 32 , block 4 , Monmouth Park addition. 15 59 The E. L. biulro Company va William II. Latov ot al. ; suit on promissory note for $150 nnd to foreclose on lots 'J and 10 , block I , Lowe's addition. 15 00 C. II. Crosses the E. L. Squire Company ot al. : suit on promissory note for $750 and to foreclose on lot 2J , block 1 , ' Mon mouth Park addition. 15 01 John J. Mahoney ot nl vs G. Uau- ther , appellant from court of Justice Morri son ; truuscrlpt on unpoal. 15 03 SUtq va Hugh Burns , transcript from police case ; doluudant accused of burg- 1503 State vs Douglas Hums , alias Al bert Burke , same ; chargu of assault. 15 01 Stuto va Ed Babblueton , same ; cbargo of assault with intent to wound. 15 (55 ( State vs William Blltnor , samoj cbargo of obtaining $150 under false pro- tenses. 15 00 State va William Carter , aame ; charge of burglary. 15-07 State VB Uennlo Iay ; charRO of as sault with Intent to commit rape. 16 OS Kimuall Champ Investment com pany va John F. O'Hunion ; suit on promls- , sory notes , { 400 , and to foreclose on lot 0 , block ! ! , Central park addition , 15 C'J Same company VH David Gowdy ot al. ; suit on promissory notes , $500 , and to foreclose on lot 3 , block it , Central Park ad dition 15 70 J. O. Wllcoic va olty of Omaha ot al. ; prayer for writ of injunction to prevent city employes from grading Uoulovard utreat In Sherman addition. 15 71 Churlos Mo.Monamy v * August Muskat ot al. ; suit on promissory note of $1,100 and to foreclose on northwest quarter of section 24 , township IU north , of range 13 east , Douglas county. 1572Stato vs William W. Ilennols ; transcript from policy court ; charge of burglary. 15-7S-Stato vs Mary Larson ; same : lar ceny of Jewelry of ttio value of SOO from David W. Dodson. The following now papars were Hied ! X 1I3 ! W. J. Conncll vs Ulchnrd Col on ; stipulation to lllo petition In error. In su preme court , on or before Sontcmbar 10. H-lGJ-Cora Sloinan vs J. Woods Smith otal : demurrer. 14-323-Bro\Tnoll & Co , v Elijah Stpd- dord ot al ; demurrer. U 253 Jonn F. Flack v Jomos A. Mur phy otal ; demurrer , 14-3-Mlnol ! Tirroll vs Alfred P. Hop kins ; answer by defendant , asking to bo dis missed with costs. 15-8 Tate vs McGrecr ; stlpulatlqn to con tinue hearing. Trial notice * were filed In the following ; 11 32J Bradford v Woodbrldga. H 37S Hulbert et al vs Dillon. 13 1SJ Helm Manufacturing Co. vs Hugh Clark ot nl. 13 17 Bnyder vs Morrow. 12 125 Oloson vs Hodufor. 13 313 Houiton V Cruuccr. 18 143 Irish vs Anderson. 14-S3-C , F. Hood & Co. vs. Edbplin & Akin. 14 203 Johnson vs. Spots wood. 14 313 Klmball Champ Investment Co. vs. Warner et al. 14 213 Towlo vs. Molo. 14 314 Klmball Champ Investment Co. vs. Hannah Fox ot al. 14 204 Egbert E. Finch va. Temple W. Atkinson et al. 14-205 Same. 14 260 Same. 14 237 Asa P. French vs. Larmon P. Pruyn. 15 03 Kimball Champ Investment Co. vs. O'Hanlon. 15 09 Same va. Gowdy. The Federal Courf. The National Cash Uojlster company , of Dayton , O. , bos filed suit in the United States circuit court against William Noroof Omaha , for infrlnRomout of the patents held by said company. They ask for an injunction and claim damages to the extent of 1,000. The Kirk Soap company , of Chicago , baa begun suit against Reginald Aabel , at al. , of Mlndon , and Kobort Walston , ot nl , , of Rook Island , III. , for infringement on the trade mark , "Whits UusslnnI" used on soap , They pray for an injunction nnd claim $5,000 , damages. County Court. Sardlus H. Browstor notified the court that ho would sue for a larger portion of his deceased mother's eatnto than allowed him la the will S1.0V3.9U and at the Ramo time filed nn appeal bond , , Judge Shield's docket shows the follow ing : L 504 Patterson vs MoLeod ; motion to dismiss attichmcnt overruled : exception by defendant , L 140 Kruso vs Worloy ; suit to recover on rent account ; Judgment far the plaintiff In the sum of ? 14 > .43. 2 31 ( Jlmdion banking Co. vs Clark otal. continued to-day , 1 p. m. An AVHuluto Cure. The ORIGINAL ABIETINB OINTMENT Is onlv put up in largo two ounce tin boxes , and is an absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped hands , and all skin erup. tlons. Will positively euro all kinds of piles- Ask for tbo ORIGINAL ABIETINE OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 25 cents per box by mail 'M cants. SOUTH OMAUA.NEWS. Buiillay Snorts at The Choice , In the dog light Sunday evening at Mho Choice , Sarpy county , the whlto doi ; from Bellevue Inland defeated the brlndlo dog from Council Bluffs , . - . Mullen and Coolcifor a $15 purse , tied on fifteen blue route straight , unu on the shoot off Mullen won , i In a $10 match at HvoMuo reeked Cook de feated Joaso McCarthy .first shoot , and Mc Carthy won second nnd , , third shoot , For a $5 pot Frank Mullen , agoa Hficon , broke sixteen blue routes btralpht , The Arinour-Ciudiiliy Picnic. Complete arraitgom uts were mode yester day for the Arinour-Qudnhy picnic at Waterloo lee next Sunday. The following ofllcors have been elected nndcgmmlttoesappointed : President , PatrlckiT..MoGrath ; treasurer , John U. Irwm ; secretary , Maurice J , Bar. ron. Committee on arranitoments Mossn. John J. Irwln , Robert J. Russell and William R. Orr. Orr.Music Music Messrs. Richard Molior , James O'Neill , James White , Hurry Cllngon , Patrick MoMaban , Albert A. Harder , Wil liam R. Orr and Frank H. Cantllo. Floor Messrx. Walter A. Koenau , Robert J , Russell , Frank II. Cantlie , John Bachman - man , It E. Walker. C. Wllmor , F. A. Huntley - ley , James Pnilllps , John O'ICeefe , Maurice J. Barren , Amusements Messrs. Patrick T. Mo- Grnth , Robert J. Russell , Ber nard Conway , Charles S. Forsyth , J. Sheridan , Mlchaol Daley , Larry Noonan , R. Ralnos , Albert A. Harden , Harry Cllnger , Robert K. Kchlin. William Burnoss , Richard Manor , J. O'Neill , Captain William X Bell , John Murphy and William Wataon. Maurlco J. Barren , J. Dwyor. Charles H. Forsyth , Edward C. Ryan , J. Bhoridun , Michael Daley , F , Smith , Bernard Conway , Richard Smith , Patrick MoMohon , Johu O'Kcofe , Richard Manor , R. Raines , J. White , Richnid E. Echlin , William Burnoss , Captain William A. Bell , Michael Murptiy , Captain John Murphy , John Bachtnnn , Richard A. Walker , C. Wehrer , F. A. Huntlov and Jamoi Phillips. Grounds Messrs. James H. Howe , Ed- \vard Conley , Harry Cringen , Albert A. Harder , J. Dwyer , Larry Noonan , F. Smith , Michael Daley , Richard Swift , John G. Irwin - win , Bernard Conway , William. It Orr and James Phillips. Finance Messrs. John G. Irvvin , Mnurico J. Burron , R. J. Russell , James O'Neill. Pat rick T. McGratn , James Halo , Rnchard Swift , .Tamos O'Koofe , Patrick Sbeahey and Michael Murphy. ' .transportation nnd train Mapsrn. James O'NollI , John G. Irwin , Patrick Shoahoy and Edward Conloy. The A. O. H , cornet band of Omaha , will furnish the music. Tbo public is cordially invited to attend. _ Churoh Dedication. The Methodist Episcopal church at Al bright will bo dedicated Sunday , September 1. Regular services will bo bold at 10 o'clock , at which time the Rev. Mr. William Worloy , of Omaha , will proach. Strangers uro in vited , and the mcmbois of the congregation will serve a free dinner on tha grounds for strangers , At l't ! ) o'clock there will bo a preaching , followed by a presentation of the edifice bv the trustees. Tbo pubho is cordially invited to attend. People ID General. Fcoplo in general should know what's best to do in case of u sudden attack of bowel complaint. It is a well estab lished fact that prompt relief may ho Imtl in any case of colic , cholera mor- bus , dysentery or diarrhoea by giving a few dosus of Clmmborluin's Colic , Chol era and Diuri'luwi Remedy. It acts quicklv , can always ho depended upon und is pleasant to take. KMt'fcOYMRS. The Council to Rn Aulced to Give Thorn Some Attention. Gravious complaints have bean ( lied with tbo board of nubllo works concerning tbo manner in which F. Ruysschaort , u sub-con- tr actor under Ed Pholiin , the grader , has boon defrauding the laborerIn bis employ. On Saturday , Jean Baptist Lambert filed n claim with the board for $10 duo from Huysschaert for wages. A number of other claims similar to that ot Lumber were pi o- scntod and tha latter was advised to got thorn all In shape and present a petition to tbo council asking that the amounts duo ba withhold from Pfioluu's estimate. Ruyasuhacrt got word of the contemplated piouecdln and at onuo took steps to lorcatull Lambert's actions. Lambert boarded with Ruygsclniort on Twenty-sec end , near Cuuiing , and Saturday ovoulng tbo latter hud Lambert urrcntud ou tbo cnargo of having attempted to take liberties with tils daughter. Lambert laid in Jnil until yesterday morn ing. Ruyaschnorl failed to appear against him and the charge was dUuilajed und thai of carrying concealed weapons substituted , On Una count Lambert was lined $3 und costs. Lambeit claims that Ruysschuort is In debted to bis men In the sum of 300 , most of which is duo to some who need every dollar duo them. Ono of the claimants agamst Ruysschacrt Is u widow Who haa a bill of $30 for boarding the con tractor's teams. The claims will bo presented to the council to-night. EHEUMATISM , Toothache , Sprains , HKUIt.lI.aiA , JJItUIBliH , Solallca , Lumbago. Burns and Scalds * At DrucRUtiilia Doateri. THE CHARLIS A. VQCELE8 CO. , BilUmon , M "YOST" WRITING MACHINE. A Typewriter raado to meet the modem want for a niarhlno which prints directly from typo , uses no ribbon , aligns porir au utly at point of printing. Is Ught , Compact. Duiable. mid In it word , is built on hPlentlUo principles , the Invention ot O.v. . N. Yobt. the builder or Doth the Uimilnirton and Caligraph. UachlntH with Uomlngtou or Oallgraph key board us desired. A larcro stock of second hand Typewriters , of all makoi , for bnlo , rent or exclmimo. Wo are ulHOHHlen agents for the "MUUKITT" Type writer , tno finest lovr piiced machine outlia market , I'ricel5. We would bo pleased to receive a call from yon , uhethoryou want to purchasa or not , and we will gladly show you the ' YOit" and tint llnost and Iur o3t stock of Typewriter fcHirn- turo. Supplies , etc. , ever brought to this city. GEO.H. SMITH & CO. , 1605 Farnam St. , Omaha Park Place , Corner 36th and Burt Streets , OMAHA , - - - NEBRASKA. Under the direction of tbo Ladles of the Sacred Heart. Board nnd tuition in English and French , Instrumental Music , use of books , per session of Uvo months : flDO.OO. Paint ing , Drawing , German , Italian , Vooal Music , Harp , Violin , &c , , nro extra charges. For fur- thur Information , apply to the thoBIGHT BIGHT BBV. JAMES O'CONNOR , Or to the LADY SUPERIOR. Studies will bo resumed on Wednesday , Sopt. 4 , 1839. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES , FAIRBANKS , MORSE & CO. 1018 Farnam Street , Omaha , STRAN2 & CLABK STEAM HEATING CO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. ETCHINGS , j 3l KiTKMERSON , ENGHAVINGS , % T & DAVI3 ARTIST SOPPLIESjgji HOSPE MOULDINGS , & & PIANOS & ORG ANS Si ( HTSHEBT MUSIC. 1B13 Doualoa Street , Omaha , Nebraska. DitlllUI 4 tiro1 er r urrLJU oh , ii.l. for Ihli i | > iclD < puriiou CUSS of JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS COLD MRDAt. PARIS EXPOSITION MS. Hoe. 303-4O4-I7OHJO4. TOH MOST PERFECT OP PEN& DIVOUOKH-A. fJOODIKCII , ATTOIINKV.AT- 121 J ) artx > ru St. . Chlcato ; nlvico froei si years' experlencoi busluva * ( juiotly ana legulltrauBKCtea , Steck Piano Romnrlcnblo for powerful sympathotlo tone , pliiiblo action anil iibsoluto dura bility ; ! ! ( ) years' record the boat gunran * too of the oxoollonco of these intrna * mo n Is. WOODBRIDGEBROS. LAKE ICE FOR SALE IN CAB. . LOAD LOTS. NEBRASKA JOB CO. , Kearney Neb.