Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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    OMAHA DAILY BEE : , TUESDAY , AUGUST 27 , 1889 ,
B. RO3BWATER , Editor.
Dally ( Morning Edition ) Including Sunday
Hoc. One Yc r J10 00
rorslx Months . . , , r.oo
Vnr Threes Monthi , , 260
Oho Omiitia Bunday lice , mailed to any
mMrc * " , Ono Ycnr . . , 200
VccKly lice , One Tear 200
Omntm Odlco , Ueo HulMlng. N. W. Corner
Eovc.nteinthnnd Knrnam BtreoW.
Chicago ( mico. Iff ! llookory IlulKllntt.
Niwv York Olllco , ICooina li and 15 Tribune
Washington Omce , No. 5W fourteenth Struct.
Council llluns Office. No. 121'earl Street.
Lincoln oracc , 102U V stioot ,
All commnnlcfttloni relating to news and wll-
torlal matter uhould bo addressed to the Keillor
of tlio Deo.
All bnilncss letters r.nd remittances should
tin nddrrMpd to The lice 1'ubllshlng Company ,
Omaha. DriirK chorks anrtpoMollko orders Co
be made payable tc. the order of thocompany ,
y , Proprietors ;
linn llulldlug I'arnivm nnd Seventeenth Streets.
THE JtMtiTf JJE13.
Eworn Htntoment of Circulation.
Etnto of Nebraska , I , .
County of Douglas , f
OeorRO H. TYeclincfc. secretary of Ths Uoo
l'ntllsnlnn Company , does solemnly swear thit
the actual circulation of THE DAILY DEB for
the v eel : udliiR August 21. imwns ns toiloivs :
tin mlny. August 18 18SiO
Monilny. Auyust 19 . . . . . .lfr > 74
Tuflpilny. August > lHf)7.J
Wednesday , Au U't 21 l , r > 83
Tnwrsilay , August ! JJ. . . . 18,740
1'rldny. August SJ 19rU5
baturdiiy , August 24 18,787
Average 18,001
Sworn to before me nnd sunscrlbed to In niy
presence this 21th day ot August ; A. I ) . 1889.
IKcal. ] N. P. FK1U Notary I'ubils.
Elate of Nebraska , !
„ „
County ot Douglas. fBS-
Ororco U. Tz chucJc , being duly sworn , de-
po eM and naya that he is secretary ot 1'be nee
I'libllshlng company. Hint the actual average
dally circulation of THE DAILY BKK for tno
month ot August , ISSf , copies ; for Sep
tember. llfcX , 1 ,15J copious for October IS&t.
1P.084 copies ; for November. 18H8.18D8t ) copies :
for December , ItSi1 , 18.2J1 copies ; foi January ,
18H9. l.r.7l. . copies ; for February. 16W , 1H.BHII
copies ; for March , I8M ) , IB,8r.4 copies ; for April ,
IWP. 18r/a coplet ; forjlay , 16W. copies ;
for June. I6 'j , 18to8 , copies ; for July. IBS ) ,
18,738 copies. GKO. II. TTSCIIHCK.
Hwoin to before mo and subscribed In my
presence this ad duy ot August. 18'B.
tSBAT ] N.P. VKIU Notary 1'ublla
JAKI3 KiLltAiN is now in Misssissippi.
JudRingfrom his contest with Sullivan
ho ought to bo an export in dodging tlio
strong arm of the law.
IOWA sees in the expansion of her
tanking business fo ? the past two years
the promise of growth and dovolomnont
of all industries in the atato.
CiniA haa established n signal ser
vice , at.d it is to bo hoped that it will
he o moro signal service to her than
our own has boon to the United States.
THK Cass county Tnscott turns out to
ho n stupid fabrication. Our ontorpria-
ing contemporaries are altogether too
anxious to attract attention by sensa
tional fakes.
TJIE fire fighters of the country as
semble at Omaha early next mouth ,
nnd there la little question but that the
chiefs of fire departments will bo most
Losptubly entertained by our citizens.
Tnu'dtstressing death of Louis An
derson by hoing run ever by a motor
train on Sherman avenue demands a
much moro searching investigation into
the cuuho than the coroner's inquest
PnuuitNT people who wish to go
abroad are shunning the "Ocean Grey
hounds , " and are socking passage on
ships in which the perils ol racing are
not added to the ordinary risks and
perils of a sea voyage.
THK old Libby prison building which
was recently removed piecemeal from
Richmond , Va. , to Chicago , is about re
constructed on its now location. Every
thing is there as it used to bo except
the Confod hard tacu and mouldy sow
MOST of the talk about a scarcity of
money just now scorns to como from
bond-holders who wish to unload to the
government at n big price. No danger
ot a panic exists , but if there was the
administration would use every effort
to avert it.
THK burning of Swift's packing
houbo in Kansas City Sunday morning
will at least provo of temporary bonoOt
to South Omaha1 , where Swift has large
intcrobts. Until ho can rebuild at
Kansas City his Omaha house will be
used to fill orders for both places.
IF Till ! republicans of the Second dis
trict must nominate a man for congress
* who boars the B. & M. brand , they
ought to find sorao man of brains , ability
nnd physical force enough to assort
himself. An Indian in fi'ont of a to
bacco etoro will hardly satisfy the bal
ance of the state ,
THK running of oloctrlo motor trains
through the streets ol this city at a
speed varying from ton to fifteen miles
an hour Is dangerous and should not be
permitted. The council has full power
to regulate the time and manner of op-
porating such street cars within the city
andnui ordinance to that olToot should
bo passed at once.
THK Atlanta Constitution states that
for the first time since 1850 Georgia
bos this year raised corn enough to
eupply local wants and have a surplus
of about a million bushels. When south-
urn farmers learn the proper econom
ical lessons which constitute the stock
in trudo of the good husbandmen , there
is no reason why the South should no !
bo prosperous.
Tim jute trust which defied congress
to limit its powers , aud was boat ou
equoezlng the southern cotton planter
for all ho was worth , is not likely to re-
pout its tyranny again. The south is
wrought up to a high pitch of indlgna-
tiou against the bagging trust , and the
eouthorn planters have taken vigorous
measures to protect their intoro'sts in
the future. Laws have boon enacted
in many of the southern states for the
purpose of chocking the exactions , and
it Is highly probable that the attention
of congress will bo directed to the ovil.
The Qougrcsslonal committee appointed
to investigate the operations of the
jute trust would fall in its duty if it did
not report the underhand methods
adopted to corner tha jute market.
The representative ot the Omaha
TrorW-I/craltl at Lincoln has interviewed
Secretary of State Laws concerning the
objections raised by Tim BUB to hla
candidacy for the congressional vacancy
in the Second district. When asked
whether ho had anything to say in re
ply , Mr. Laws thought httlo was neces
sary to bo said.
' 'The attitude of Tun HER toward promi
nent republicans , " said Mr. Laws , "is well
known. No public man is safe from its
attacks , and as the public understands its
policy well and is familiar with the plans
and schemes ot the editor , it can do llttlo
harm. " * *
As to the charge of being a railroad tool ho
says that Is sot old and threadbare that no
ono need pay nny attention to It , ICvcry man
Is n railroad man who is not continually
howling about the extortions of corporations
and Is wilting to give even a railroad com
pany justice and n fair show.
This is the same old song which
every corporation politician from
Church Howe down to Vandorvoort bag
boon singing for tlio lost , twolva years.
Will Mr. Laws uamo any public man
who has an honorable record nnd has
not betrayed the people whom Tim Bun
lias wantonly attacked ? Will ho point
out among the mon who have boon
assailed by THK Buu any man who did
not deserve to bo denounced ? What
does ho moan by his reference to the
"well-known policy of Tun BEH" and
"tho plans and schemes of its editor ? "
Does ho want to bo understood to say
that TUB BEE has any policy at vari
ance with the public Inturost , or the
good of the party ? Does ho moan to in
sinuate that the editor of Tun BEE has
any design to profit from tha candidacy
of nny particu'ar aspirant , or
has any scheme by which
TUB BEE is to secure patronage ?
Has Mr. Laws or any other state officer ,
congressman or senator ever been
asked to contribute ono dollar , directly
or'indlroctlyj to the support of THK
Perhaps Mr. Laws believes all the
vile slnndors and exploded fabrications
about the editor of THE BEE that have
boon the stock in trade of railroad poli
ticians. Ho cannot , however , pretend
with any decency that ho is any
thing else politically than the moro
creature of railroad inlluonco. This
charge may be very threadbare , just as
stubborn facts often aro. Has Mr. Laws
forgotten the confidence game ho
played on the people less than twelve
mouths ago ? Is his mind
so feeble that ho docs not remember the
game he played juat before the last state
convention when , as a member of the
railroad commission , ho voted to reduce
freight rates , and after the state con
vention had heartily endorsed his course
tuwiod ever and voted that the reduc
tion bo indefinitely postponed ? A man
need not bo an enemy of railroads to
condemn such duplicity.
But there are none so blind as those
who will not seo. Mr. Laws and those
who , like him. owe their elevation in
political life to their subserviency to
railroad bosses , never will admit that
the republican party of Nebraska haa
been demoralized by the pernicious
interference of corporation politicians.
The condition of the party in Ne
braska in this respect has afforded a
text for unfavorable comment in remote
sections of the country. In proof of
this we only need quote the following
editorial from the Springfield ( Mass. )
Republican :
'There is a vacancy in the Second con
gressional .district of Nebraska , caused by
the douth'of James Laird. Wo refrained in
our obituary notice of him to state his atti
tude toward railroad legislation. For six
years ho virtually sat in congress as the at
torney of the Chlcago.'Burllagton & Qulncy
railroad. The Second district has been for
years considered tha political preserve of
that thoroughly ramified corporation. Now ,
no member of tho- republican party of Ne
braska would seriously enter the canvass for
that district without first being willing to
make himself solid with the Chicago , Bur
lington & Quincy. Unless the advances of
other roads in that district have procured amore
moro healthy situation , the next member
will bo mortgaged upon railroad matters Just
as M'- . Laird was. Will any ono tell us how
statesmen can bo grown in Nebraska under
such limitations ) "
This is plain talk from a source that
cannot bo charged with malice or sel
fish designs. It is not inspired by ou-
mity to railroads , but simply points out
the danger to free institutions by the
corporate control of the national legis
The railroad politicians of the Second
district may resent this sort of talk , but
the people who do not depend upon the
railroads for their existence must
fool keenly the disgrace that attaches
to Nebraska when she is advertised as a
railroad preserve and her congressmen
as moro dummies doing the bidding oi
masters who do not oven live in Ne
When congress resumes considoratiot
of the subject of tariff revision it will
bo confronted by a now complication ,
This will bo found in tha attitude of the
iron manufacturers of Now England ,
No circumstance in the economic his <
tory of recent years has boon more sig
nificant than the movement of those
manufacturers to obtain relief for their
declining and unprofitable industries bi
the abolition of duties on the raw ma
torlal. It is an unqualified confes
sion , by mon who have hltherh
been among the most unoom
promising supoortors of protection , thu
that policy , as applied to raw materials
Is not only no longer helpful to the irot
interests , nt Now England , but that il
continued it must result in the complete
destruction of those interests. The im
portance and force of this movement ii
in the fact that it is not confined to i
few manufacturers and to special locali
ties , but is gonoral. The petition whiot
will acquaint congress with the require
ments and demands of the iron
Industries of Now England ho ;
received the signature ot i
largo majority ot the manutaa
turors ot that section , and there will hi
very few of them not represented whet
it goes to congress.
Tha decline ot the iron industries o
Now England has been going on to
several years , and has boon rapid sine *
tha application of the cheaper fuel sup
piled by natural gas to the similar industries
dustrios of Pennsylvania , while tha
state also on joys other udvautngos. Tin
development of Iron industries In the
south must also have had an affect upon
these ot Now England , as it has upon
other sections. Having to control these
unfavorable conditions to their pros
perity nnd progress , the iron interests
of Now Encland have found the addi
tional burden of high duties on raw ma
terials coal and iron ere to bo un
bearable , and steadily the Industries
have declined , until nt this ttino the
business does not amount to fifty per
cent of what it was ton years ago.
Establishments which a few years ago
were among the largest in the
country have closed altogether ,
while others are doing but ono-
half or ono-Uxlrd bt the business
in the years ot their highest
prosperity. Numerous instances are
given of great works which formerly did
an immense business that are now closed ,
nnd very few of these in operation are
making nny monoy. In a word , every
branch ot the iron industries of Now
England is being unprofltably operated ,
axcopt a few establishments that pro
duce specialties , nnd the chiot reason
which the manufacturers give for this
state ot alTaira Is the tariff on raw mate
What the Now England manufactur
ers propose to ask ol congress is ,
that iron ere , coal and coke
shall bo put upon the free list ,
ns they were before , and that the duty
upon pig iron nnd scrap iron and scrap
stool bo restored to the ante-bellum ruto
of twonty-'four per cent ad valorem.
Governor Amos , of Massachusetts , him
self an extensive manufacturer and in
sympathy with this movement , said re
garding it that "it is not a question ot
politics , it is a question ot life or death. "
The very largo majority of those manu
facturers are republicans , and they are
moving for free raw material , as Gov
ernor Amos explained , because it they
do not secure this relief they
fool that their industries will bs doomed
for the sakoof the prosparlty of Penn
sylvania , or at best can but prolong a
miserable oxistonco. With the iron
manufacturers of Now England solidly
demanding raw materials in order to
save their interests fr6m ruin , and
many of the woolen manufacturers ask-
inir for free wool , the attitude ot the
representatives of that suction in the
next congress on tarilf revision will bo
ot surpassing interest to the country ,
and the question of the possible general
effect of this Now England movement
upon the readjustment of the revenue
policy of the govortfinont becomes ono
of very great , importance.
As now arranged , the tour of the
delegates to the international American
congress will not extend farther.west
than Omaha. It may" bb found expedient -
podiont , however , to ahango this ar
rangement in order to satisfy the de
mands of farther western points which
dcsiro to entertain the distinguished
visitors. Denver , for example , is dis
posed to antagonize the plan of termin
ating the tour at Omaha , the Republic
an of that city observing that "to turn
back at Omaha won II give the
visitors the impression that
west of Omaha there is
nothing to bo seen , " and thnt paper
cUls upon the chamber of commerce to
protest against the adoption of a pro
gramme which would ignore Denver.
San Francisco may bo expected to put
in a demand for recognition , and with
much better claim than the Colorado
capital , while doubtless there are sev
eral other cities which would Hue to bo
honored with a visit. But obviously , if
all the time of the delegates is not to bo
cousumcd in travel thoro" must bo a
reasonable limit to their tour , nnd
it seems to us the proposed
arrangement of the " " representa
tive of the state department is judi
cious. It will keep the visitors jour
neying moro than a month , and the
country to bo traversed will give them
a very thorough impression ot both the
manufacturing and agricultural resources -
sources of the United States , which are
the chief matters of interest to them.
To prolong the tour and delay the
mooting of the congress is not desira
ble , as it is to bo presumed the time ot
some of the delegates is limited , and
besides wo should wear the visitors out
by undertaking to show thorn all the
wonderful things of this great country ,
among which the attractions of Denver
are unquestionably to bo included , Lot
the procession halt in ltd westward
march at Omaha.
There is ; i good deal of method in the
madness which the county commission
ers exhibit at their sessions. While
they are fuming and roaring at each
other hip jobs are pulled through under
cover of the firo. Just now the tax
payers of Douglas county euro very little -
tlo about the feud between Anderson and
O'Kceffo , but they are anxiously wait
ing for the commissioners to take stops
to recover the money fraudulently taken
out of the treasury by the grading con
tractors. If it bo true that there has
boon a forgery committed in the change
of the rate from twonty-flvo to thirty-
five cents a yard , the contractor can bo
made to disgorge the overcharge. If
it bo not true that there has boon a
forgery the commissioners stand sol- (
canviated of aiding and abetting a gi
gantic swindle , This is not all , The
question is , how did it come that the
contractor was allowed pay for seven
teen thousand yards moro than the sur
veyor's estimates called for. Such
transactions cannot bo allowed to pass
by in silence.
The board of education has again
managed to insert a square peg into n
round hole , They have elected Lee
Eatollo to act as the board's attorney
for the coming year at a salary of five
bund red dollars. Mr , Eatollo is a fair
poltco court lawyer , Ho may even bo
above the average in conducting a crim
inal cose in the district court , But
when it comes to the very questions
upon which the board needs advice
Mr. Estollo is not known to have any
experience above the average of law
students. The questions Involved in the
legality of bond propositions and the in
tricate constitutional problems with
which the attorney of , the board has to
deal are beyond Mr. Estolle'a depth.
When thiTbanrd strikes nny legal snnfi
it will have to employ a lawyer. Thh
is known to every member ol
the board. Then why was
Estollo elected ? Simply because
the partisan strikers in the board wnnt
to pay off their political debts ami
expect Estollo to turn in and help to
pack the primaries in their interest
next month. And yet wo have boon
told time nnd again Umt the school
board is not in politics.
TitKlnws against combines and trusts
in the constitutions of the two Dakotas
are said to bo the concentrated essence
of all the best economic philosophy In
the statutes of other states. Trusts are
hit squnroly between the oyos. Fran
chises of corporations mid associations
nro void where the object of such asso
ciations is to control the price of any
commodity or the cost ot oxnhango or
transportation. Railroads nro prohib
ited from owning carnllol or competing
lines , from consolidating their stock ,
property or franchises. The legisla
tures are vested with power to enact
laws regulating aud controlling the
rules of charges for the transportation
of passengers and freight by rail nnd
dispatches by wlro. These nro excel
lent constitutional provisions but they
may remain n dead letter for years. The
question is , will mbn bo elected to the
legislature who will fearlessly enact
laws-to enforce the constitutional pro
visions ?
THK detention of a guest of the Paxton -
ton hotel on the suspicion of having in
his possession counterfeit money while
wholly without foundation has , never
theless , its palliating circJinstancos.
The arrest was made by the police at
the instance of a merchant and it was
certainly their duty to take notice of
the complaint. There was no necessity
however of the police acting in an
arbitrary manner. The gontlomnn
made a straightforward explanation ,
and could have established his-idontity
and business relations through the hotel
clerk without the humiliation of being
dragged to the police station. An ounce
of common scnso would bo worth a
pound of bull-hondcdncss on such occa
sion , nnd the case In question is a fair
illustration of the lack of discretion of
the avorugo policeman.
IN A letter to the British-American
society of Chicago Goldwin Smith looks
forward to uncommercial as well as po
litical union Of'Cohada with the United
States in the near future. It Is hardly
probable , however , that Prof. Smith
represents mtrp than the views of the
advanced element of Canadian society.
Goldwin Smith sees the ultimata bene
fits which woulfl flow from such a union ,
but it is an oilier question to impress
the mass of voters In the provinces with
that idea.
THE bankruptcy convention which
meets nt Minneapolis next week it is
to bo hoped will bo able to formulate a
measure acceptable both to the oust and
west for the consideration of congress.
Ever since- the St. Louis convention a
few months ago a committee has been
at work drafting a huv based on the re
port adopted at St. "Louis. The recom
mendations of the load ing business men
from all sections of the country cannot
fall to inlluonco congreds in forming an
acceptable national bankruptcy bill.
WITH the resignation of W.B. Strong
from the presidency of the AtchisonTo-
poka & Santa Fo railroad comes the
report that the road is about to go into
the hands of a receiver. Stock water
ing and the branch line policy are
chiolly responsible for the financial dis
tress ot the road , which a few years
since was ono of the most prosperous in
the country.
lilko the Sniikos in Ireland.
Sinus Citu Journal.
As to the progress in Arkansas , it is proper
to remark that there is none.
7 ho Suit in Next.
VMeagn Times ,
Another American heiress is to marry a
foreign nobleman. This time it Is a German
prince. The sultan will bo taken into camp
ouo of these days.
" Kdtson'B Iloiiorfl.
Kimsitt Citu Jnufnal.
Franco Is not to bo outdone by Italy. The
king of Italy made Edison n count , and the
Paris Figaro greets him as His Majesty ,
EJison ,
Mnmlorson'H Biinlc Accounts.
St. Louts I'oat-Dttpatdi.
Senator Mandorson has demanded an in <
vcstlgatlon into his physical condition } ty
medical experts to determine whether he
should Imvo had his pension ro-nited or not ,
An examination into his bank account by
financial experts would bo more to the point ,
of Culture.
Chicago llerald ,
Chicago nangod Its four anarchists on t
single * gallows , while two gallows were used
to hang the four men m Now York , The
accumulating proofs of the superiority ol
Chicago over' New York malto the formci
the favorite for the world's fair.
Patrlnt'Biu ' and Jlosulunlsm.
h'lineus City Times ,
"Thanks to a careful life and nn abundant
vitality , I have no expectation of an earlj
death. " Senator Mandorson's ' letter. Bu' '
Senator Mandorson's ' vitality nnd the fap
that ho Is independently rich did not proven !
Tanner from rotating his pension and glvlnt
him f-l.OQO nrrtiaraies , The pension grab
bers ere fast pjAttiHg patriotism on a love
with Hesslanlsm.
, John O.
John O , Wutaon has received the compll
ment of an appointment as United State :
district attorney'for Alaskn. It is a pleasant
reminder ot the fact that ho has a political
pull , but why should bo prefer it to a whack
ing good law practice in Nebraska City and
a promising position in Nebraska politics I
This state contributed Thurston and Mandor-
eon to Alaska as summer attractions. Whj
should eho bo aikeil to donate Watson ( or
four yoarsl Isn't Alaska making a good
deal of trouble for a locality that hasn't ' c
single vote in a national convention and thai
doesn't ralso an ear of corn. Stay at home ,
John 0 ,
Nebraska Jottlnica ,
The new Methodist church at DeBoU will
bo dedicated next Sunday.
The question of electrto HirbU la again DC
Ing ttKltuted nt Fall * City ,
The Holt coutty Sunday school osioolatiot
will h6ld Its annual mooting at Atkinsoi
September 0.
Bancroft is nil stlrrod up orcr a row between
twoon the dm ) ; store and saloon.
Perkins county old soldiers will hold (
reunion nt Madrid September 0.
The Falrbury Masons are furnishing tholi
now hall nnd will occupy it la n short timo.
Tlio Uutlor county Press wants the dem
ocratic state convention hold nt IJavId City ,
The democrats of Furnas county will hold
their convention at Qoavor City , Soptombot
A hammock containing two young ladioi
foil upon n llttlo girl at Leigh and broke hot
firm.Tablo Rock horsemen have made arrange-
menu for holding a colt show about the mld <
dlo of Soptombor.
I3y the fallingofia horse on which ho was
riding , Hey Smith , of Cook , had both bones
of his leg broken.
A two-year-old child of L. Fox , of Stroms-
burp , fell Into a water tank and was drowned
before help arrived.
The Davenport creamery tnado 69,002
pounds of butter in Juno nnd July , and uald
out for cream 13,150.
William Dame , ot Weil Union , cleaned his
shot gun so thoroughly the other day that he
lost n thumb nnd ono finger.
The recent floods in Saunders county will
necessitate the outlay of $15,000 to ropl.ico
the bridges washed nwny.
The Cedar County Republican has made
its appearance at ilartlngton under the edi
torial control of W. II. Kcodhani.
The ten-year-old son of Phil I3onlsol , n
ICnnx county farmer , was fatally bitten by
n rattlesnake , surviving four days In great
Whitehall & Redftald , the Ashland saloon-
koepois who had their license revoked after
the money had been paid , have sued the city
to recover $0 0.
The TalmnRO Tribune gives warning thnt
unless the authorities re move nn objectiona
ble house the respectable residents will take
a baud and drive the Inmates out of town.
The Oakdale Pen and Plow says that the
experiment of washing seed wheat with
vitriol was tried extensively at Mcntorvitlo ,
nnd now all who tried It are bragging ou
what nice wheat they have , and these who
did not are mourning too much'smut.
Coleridge young men took possession of a
deserted Indian camp the other evening nnd
when thn Inhabitants came out to see the
red men dunce the boys opened lire on tha
visitors with blank cartridges , causing a
wild stampRdo and the report that the aoor-
Iglnlcs were on the war path.
A Durham cow belonging to O. H. Bnllou ,
of Plattsmouth , didn't want to bo milked the
other evening , and when nn effort was made
to iorco her to submit she broke awnv from
her stall nnd ran up a winding stairway lute
the hayloft. All efforts to inducn her to
como down have proved unavailing and the
obstinate crcaturo is still domiciled in the
barn loft.
lown Items.
A Diponport man hai patented a harrow.
Muscatine boasts a novel'st ' and nineteen
The Danish Evangelical Lutheran college is
looking for a location in Jowa.
Iowa City merchants are to form a benefit
association for the pensioning ot old tfm-
ploycs. *
Complimentary tickets for the Sioux City
corn palaeo , which opens Ssotombor 23 , have
begun to circulate.
A Crawford county youth believes that ho
swallowed u snake , and complains that It is
growing so as to "fill bun up" inside.
Atlantic alleges that its prospects lor
future growth are bettor than these of nny
other town iu the western turt of the stato.
Wallace Redding , of Grlswold. sold a
forged note on W. H. Brown , of Atlantic , for
870 und wn arrested. Ho had forged the
names of Samuel and William Baughman ,
The twelve-year-old daughter of a widow
named Mavturn , living near Jamison. Clark
county , took a bucket and started Wednes
day to gather wild pluim. Two hours later
she was discovered lying dead in n Held near
the fence. At the coroner's Inquest no evi
dence was found concerninc thu cause of her
Sly * the Iowa Falls Sentinel : Au Iowa
Falls bov , thinking that his brother , who is
absent fiom home , ought to huvo a govern
ment appointment , wrote to President Harri
son asking that his brother bo appointed
postmaster at this place. Ho received a very
courteous rply from the president , stating
that the matter had been referred to the
postmaster general. This is factl
James Gllroy , mine inspector of the What
Cticor district , reports that considerable
tremble is being caused at one of the mines in
What Cheer because of the attempt of the
mine owners to discharge tbo cheek weigh-
man , un individual selected oy the minors to
inspect thn scales of the company and look
after the Interest of the miners generally , nnd
who receives his pay from the miners them
selves. The county attorney lias been asked
to compel compliance on the part of the mine
owners with the law and they have been
bound over to the grand Jury.
' Beyond thu Hookies.
Governor Waterman , of California , par
doned seven convicts last week.
Joshua Brown , an Oregon pioneer , died at
Independence last \veok. He came to O"o-
gen in 1853 and leaves an estate of $330,000.
The people of Ogden , Utah , expect to have
another railroad , it being asserted that the
Denver & Uio Grande Western will build
north from that point to Central Idaho.
Alfred Brazier , the horse wranelor , who
murdered Hurry Brown near Miles City ,
Mont. , has been captured In tbo northwest
territory , having been trailed 180 miles by a
deputy sheriff.
The Glenn ranch in C'olusa county , Cali
fornia , will this .year yield 800,000 sacks of
wheat , or 20,000 tons. This is a pretty good
crop for onu farm , although once before the
yield was 500,030 sucks. Tbo market value
In England , where the wheat will go. is
$800,000. Tha ranch comprises something
ever -10,000 acres.
Tbo largest fig orchard in the United States
Is about to bo sot out in Pomona valley , near
Pomona. It is to be the property of a syndi
cate composed of two wholesale fruit dealers
in Chicago and ono in Philadelphia , nnd the
fruit-growers In Pomona. Tha orchard will
consist of 11,000 white Adriatic fig trees and
fi.OOO Smyrna fig trees , planted eighty to the
acre , on 200 ucr s.
Mrs. George Bonar , Miss Sallie Wlborg
and Mrs. Frank Morgan , of East Portland ,
were lost on Mount Hood n few nights ago
nnd had a thrllllnor adventure. Thuy made
the ascent with u party , and In returning to
camp at the base tboy wandered down the
wrong trail. When their loss was noticed
signal flros were built and fifty men orgnij-
Ized Into a searching party , fires were
built at intervals of a quarter of a inlioulong
the southeast and west base of the mountain ,
and the vast lava fields above the timber line
were scoured without response to shouts or
gunshots. Shortly before midnight on the
eastern elope of the mountain near White
llivor canyon , the lost ones wore found hud-
died together upon a bnrron rock 10,000 feet
ubovo tlio level of the sea , and chilled to the
bono from cold.
Every man his own doctor , by using
MlhalovUch'H Hungarian Blackberry Juice
when suffering wltu bowel troubles.
A Celebrated Divine.
Prof. W. F. Black , of Chicago , one of the
most brilliant preachers and educators in the
country , will lecture to-night at the First
Christian church ou "Tho Church in Ad
vancoof Science. " No admission will be
charged. Mr. Black was on his way to Chicago
cage from Lincoln , where the Christian con
grugatlon has Just dedicated a beautiful
church lioino , and Pastor Martin , of the
First church , induced him to stop over night
and deliver an address. Mr. Black's ' caroei
bus been marked by an unbroken euncis ol
successes. At thirty-five he occupied the
highest position within the gift of thochuroL
pastor of tho. Firat church in Tndtanapolit
and President of Butler university. At lift )
ho Is not confined to any one charge , but be
longs to ' the Christian cause all ever the
Children Cry for Pitchor's Castorla.
When Baby * & & wo BaT"Jlsr OMtort * .
When fihe iru a Child , sbs crtnd { or CutorU ,
When she became ill * * , tha ciuur to Outoria ,
Whn ghehrf Children , * b K TS them Outorl *
Knights From All Over the Stnto
Gather nt Lincoln.
The Story of Dninou and Pythias
Tolil and the Creed of ttio Order
Kcollort , Tlio City
In Brief.
LrNcoi.N Bunuc or THE Ouini Has. )
10W P StnuRr.
LlSCOl.'N. AUltUSt ; 2 ! < U
The flrjt regiment , Knights of Pythias ,
celebrated the anniversary of the uniform
rank of the ordorloday , and the programme
as published In Tnn BKB thli morning was
carried out to the lottor. Visitors com
menced to nrrlvo on thocnrly morning trnins ,
and before noon there were delegations In
glittering uniforms Irom Falls City , Ashland -
land , Geneva , Fremont , Aurora , Kearney ,
anD Omaha. At 10 o'clook the various di
visions mot nt Grunt Memorial hull and enJoyed -
Joyed n season of instruction from Justus II.
Uuthburn , the founder of the order , nnd at
13 in. enjoyed a sumptuous spread. At 3:30 :
p. in. tun school of instruction VIM continued.
The various divisions of the regiment mot
nt the armory nt Oi-io and nrraugod for the
line of march which , following , covered the
principal streets of the city. At 7 o'clock
the regiment formed atthacornarofElovouth
and P streets for dross parade. This was n
very pretty sight nnd was witnessed by a
largo number of people. At Its conclusion
the regiment and reception committee es
corted Mr. Ktithburn , the suoalcer of the
evening , to Funko's opera house , where ho
delivered n most entertaining nnd Instructive
address. Ho carefully traced the history of
the order from Its birth to the present day.
The speaker's version of the story of Damon
and Pythias wus ono of the moit striking
features of his lecture. It was original ,
pretty mid Interesting. Ills splendid audi
ence was thoroughly pleased with his effort.
Ho closed with a recital of what is termed
the Pythlun creed. After the lecture n re
ception was tendered Mr. Kuthburn at thn
armory , nnd hero the largo assemblage was
wholly fraternal.
ICIootrlo Knllwny Company.
Articles Incorporating the South Sioux
City Electric Motor railway company were
filed with the secretary of st.its to-day. The
abject of the company Is to build , equip and
operate a street railway system. For this
purpose a capital stock of SJOO.OJO has been
authorized and subscribed. Incorporntors :
R. M. Howler , Frank Hunt , J. M. Moan ,
William Luther , Allot- Heart and fi. O.
State House Jottings.
Sam Lowe , of the governor's clerical force ,
starts for Ann Arbor , -Mich. , the 1st of Sep
tember to enter the taw department of the
university of that city.
The rooms lately occupied by the state li
brarian and clerk of the supreme court nro
being flttcil up for the state bureau of labor
nnd statistics. Mr. JoiiKins , the deputy of
this department , expects to got moved Into
his permanent quarters this week.
Ths board of public lands nnd buildings
met specially to-day to open bids for the
wont at the Industrial school at Kearney.
The bids to-day were to settle the competi
tive bids received a montn ago , when the
contract was awarded to O. J. King and sub
sequently rescinded , on account of discov
ered irregularities. In all live bids were re
ceived , viz : O. J. King , ol Omaha ; J. F.
Patterson , of Fremont ; W. < f. Scott , of
Kearney ; Gibbs Bros. , of Omaha , and Stew
art & Collins , of Hastings. King's bid of
8TJHO was the same as submitted last
month. Glbbs Bros. , of Omaha , however ,
secured the contract for 829,1180. This saves
the state $2,400 on the contract as flrst
Supreme Court Cases.
The following casoa were lllei for trial In
the supreme court to-day :
.lames Stephen vs Nebraska and lown In
surance company : error from the district
court of Buffalo county.
J. M..Tyler vs C. J , Baxter ; error from
tbo district court of Antelope county.
Henry Hall vs First National bank of
Falrflold ; error from the district court of
Clay couutv.
Paris H. Hlatt vs Moses P. Kmkaid ; error
from the district court of Antelope county.
J. C. Crawford vs W. C. Galloway ; appeal
from the district court of Antelope county.
Chaplain McCabo.
Almost everyone knows Chaplain McCabe ,
the singing parson , who has literally fulfilled
the Injunction of going about nnd doing
good. Whenever a churctt gets Into financial
straits the chaplain is sent for and ho never
fails to help them out. Grace church has
had her troubles nnd was behind sorao $ SOO.
At the request of Chancellor Croighton ,
Chaplain McCabe came to this city and
preached two able sermons , ono yesterday
morning and evening , and the S300 was
raised without any trouble.
Omnhn VB St. 7oo.
The Omaha and St. .loo league ball teams
play at the park to-morrow. If the weather
is fair the attendance will doubtless bo very
Doosehor , formerly of the National
league staff , will umpire the game. It u
given out thnt catrlnRoi will not bo per
mitted to outer the grounds ,
Notice to TrnvclltiR Aton ,
A meeting was hold nt the Capital hotel
pArlorn yesterday afternoon , nt which the
Lincoln traveling men were cordially in
vited to nltond the drummers' pftrado in
Oninlin , on Wednesday , Soutombor 4. The
meeting was very enthusiastic , and the boys
will no doubt somt a lariro delegation. Mr.
Lee Graham nnd II. if. Myor wcro ap
pointed a committee to call n mooting. After
conference the commlttcemon appointed
decided to call n mooting for Saturday ovoti-
Ins. August 01 , for further conference. It
will bo hold nt the same plnco. It la under
stood thnt the Lincoln traveling men will
join the p.Trailers nt Omaha , September-1.
City ft own and No ten.
Bon Cowdry , deputy nccrotary of state ,
was n visitor nt Fremont to-day.
Dan Loob , the sconlo artist , was
robbed of 510 last night. Two or thrco
parties are under suspicion , nnd tha pohoa
are on the look-out for them ,
Managing Editor Smith , of the JCoarnov
Kntorprlso , was in the city to-day. Mr.
Green , tha business manager of the paper ,
accompanied him. Those goiillomon were
uloaiant callers at Tun BKE headquarters.
Marshal Carder has boon requoUod to see
that piano ? , organs , nnd othcu- musical
instruments arc abolished In saloons ,
wine rooms and houses of 111 fnmo. It is
said that ho proposes to make u move lu that
Thn rumor reached Lincoln to-day that
English & Hodges , dry goods , grocers nnd
general merchants , of Enjrle , a village seven
teen mlles oust of the city , had failed nnd
made an assignment. Failure to innko collections -
lections is alleged to have boon the cause.
The widow of N. P. Willis , the poet , is
living in Washington. She Is a pleasant , at
tractive woman of sixty-five.
HosaJlonhour still vlgorlotmly wields tho.
brush , at nearly seventy years.
A Woman's Fruit Preserving union is
carried on by Misses Hiuuiau and Ataos nt
Pasadena , Cal ,
A full-blooded negro mrl is about to bo
sent to Africa as a missionaryby the Georgia
W. O. T. U.
Twenty-nine women are studying inodU
_ cine , fourteen philosophy nnd two political
economy , at the University of Zurich.
Mrs. Spurgeon , wlfo of the celebrated
London preacher , sends hoois to poor coun
try clergymen nnd bonnets to their wives.
Two girls , sisters , in Now Orleans , have
gonoJnto tno dairy business. They have
largo stables , milk many cows , and appear
to be doing well , The business is a paying
Mrs. Harriet Hosinor , the sculptress , at a
reception given her by the Chicago women's
club , wore flva medals , four of gold and ono
of silver , which had been awarded her lu
Miss Emily Balch has gained the European
scholarship at Brvn Alnwr college , which
Kivca nor SoOO towards a year's study and
residence nt sorao university , English or
A short time ago , n ladv , the first of her
sex , graduated in medicine in Mexico. As
an appropriate compliment , her fellow stu
dents of the other sex gut up an amateur
bull fight in honor of the occasion.
Twenty Baltimore girls who have plenty
of money and are good Gorman nnd French
scholars , pronoso to travel through Europe
this summer , nnd to write' book of their
adventures. There will bo twentyjphapters ,
ono by each girl.
Susan 13. Anthony was asked nt a recep
tion if it did not fatigue her to stand so long
nnd shako so many hands. "Yes , it does
tire me , " said she , ' 'but not half so much as
did thirty years ntro to stand all alone with
no hands to shako at all. "
Mrs. Ann Pearsall Smith , an American , Is
said to have made the best woman's speech
of tlio uvcning at the mooting of the Wo
man's Liberal association in London , re
cently , when Mrs. Gludsono was presented
with u bracelet by the association in honor of
her golden wedding.
Frederick Mlddlorood , of .Rhode. Island ,
writes to the Now York Sun to say that the
generally received idea that the wife of the
great artist Millet Is poverty stricken Is in
correct. Mr. Mlddlerood says that while at
tiarblzon ho constantly met Mine. Millet , and
she appeared to be in comfortable clrcuin
stances. He goes on to say that "tho Millet
home , Instead of being a dilapidated
hovel , a many would imvo it , is
ono of the most substantial in the
village , and has about it uvcry appearance of
comfort and cheer. The fact that1 Mmo.
Millet retains in her possession a number of
the drawings nnd sketches of the painter of
tbo 'Angelus , ' which would doubtless realize
a small fortune if offered for sale , Is sufficient
protf that her needs are not very prcsslng.'i '
n lo restore painted walls and wood-work to their original freshness ,
J , if you will take a pailful of tepid water , two sponges , and a cake
of IVORY SOAP , Apply the soap with one sponge , and remove the
soap and dirt with the other , rinse the latter frequently , and change
the water often , Ordinary soap is apt to be too highly chemicalcd
to use on paint. The IVORV SOAP is mild but very effective.
There are many white $ oapj , each represented to be" just ai good as the 'Ivory1 ' j"
Miey ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarltablo qualities of
the genuine , Ask for " Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting it ,
18M. by Procter A OuinbU.