Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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A Great Upheaval Takes Ploco In
the Wheat Pit.
TVenkncHs Shown Itself at the Opon-
InjtofCorn Trailing Pair Actlv- .
Hjr I > rovnlt3 In I'rovlMoiiH
Goncrnl Quotations.
CHIOAOO. AujrustSO. [ Special Tclojnxm to
Tun UnE.l Thcro was a great upheaval In
the wheat inrnkot toilny , occasioned by the
receipt of whnt wai claimed to bo no author *
Itutlvo forecast of the estimate of.tlio Vienna
grain congress on the European wheat crop.
The rosulla were so astounding that they
wcro accepted with extreme doubt when
first ascertained. Uut the i averages were
gene over again carefully and no error found.
That there should liavo been a European
ehortnRO of over .22o,000OOU bushels was not
looked for , and , under the circumstances , It is
small wonder that the "forecast" was ac
cepted with doubt. However great the
doubt might have been , that fact did not prevent -
vent general and big buying. Logan & Co. ,
Jones , Ken no It , Norton , Worthlngton ,
and Dunlmm & Co. , started the
bail rolling and gave the
murxct Its turn up. The buying was from
all sources and the orders poured forward
from a thousand points. The market opened
dull mid wo.ik , with December quoted at 77c.
Not much wiw doing in August or Soptoin-
bor. which started nominally atTOo. Dc-coin-
bcr fluctuated feebly , with T7o as the highest
point. For n tlmo the market looked us
though about to settle , but 70J < c was thabut-
toin. Those who were lucky enough to got
"onto" Vienna news began buying from the
Jump , but not In a way to oxclto the markot.
It was not long , however , until the crowd
learned that tlioro was n big plcco of news
In circulation and values rose up rathftr moro
sharply , It was after It o'clock before u
start was fairly made , though the market
paused for quite n whllo at Tttfc , then
climbed to "lfJ , whuro another halt was
mudo. The next spurt carried the price to
77J e. At this point the visible supply
statement was found , showing tin Increase
of 74.7U4 bushuls. This was a most extra
ordinary exhibit considering the tlmo of the
year. Hud tbora been no other news of
iiiotnont ahead of it , It would have created n
sensation Itsolf. As It was , roubwcd buying
on n largo scale resulted , and the price
climbed to 78c , n pain ofytc \ from the
inside quotation of the dav and la from
Saturday's closing quotations. Tiio close
WHS 78 c , with August resting at 78 > fo ,
September ut 77J uand May at83&o. August
fluctuated 2c and September IJ c. In the
cash market a fair degree of activity was re
ported. Very heavy speculative business
was done in the pit , and the excitement
generated has communicated itself to the
Other markets , and a general revival of trade
mny bo Chronicled.
Flue weather and heavy receipts caused a
very weak opening in the corn market.
Every one appeared to have selling orders ut
the stnrt , and September , after opening at
ffJjfd or J o"lower thau it closed on Satur
day , quickly lost another 1-1'Jo before buying
orders to any considerable amount came in
to check thu decline. The strength in wheat
communicated itself for a short tlmo to this
market and caused a recovery to 83 0 , but
wben an Increase of l,45'tUOO bushels was
shown to have taken pluco in the visible
supply weakness again predominated and
held possession to the close. The magnili-
cent corn weather now prevailing continued
to bo the chief factor influencing speculation.
The expert demand at thu sea board was
good , and a fair demand existed here for
shipment. September closed at
and May S : > } f@3oc , being respectively
under Saturday's ' closing figures.
( Jats wcro nctlvo and easy and
lower' early , with a late recovery. Receipts
wcro large and there was a general desire to
sell May , with that month ouo time touching
22K@22)fc and llnnlly Improving a point or
two. No. 3 regular sold chlolly at l'Jc ' and
No. ! ! wbito for both August and September
Tlioro was a fairly active trade In pro-
v'sions ' to-day , the principal interest being in
pork and short ribs , and the final closing
scored an ndvanco of 15@l7Kc for September
and October deliveries and 7J c for the Jan
uary delivery of pork , : i > { @flo for September
and October short ribs , Do for January short
ribs aua to iu lard for all options traded in.
CtnoAoo , August 25. fSpacl il Telegram to
THE HUB. | CATTLE. The run was divided
between 0,003 natives aad 4,000 Texuns.
Prime native steers and expert stock were
extremely scarce , with an upturn of 10 ( < ? 15c ,
and all sold Out quick. Medium and com
mon native steers were plentiful , slow and
not quotably higher , in fact lower grade na
tives that had to compete with Texans were
bard to sell at any price. Native butchers'
stock was steady. Texans were In good
demand and easier to sell , with an occasional
pen or so.mnldtiK a shade moro money over
thu extremely low .prices of last week.
Range cnttlo were steady. Choice to extra
bcoves , f-MO@-l.75 : medium to good
Btoors , 1,85(1 ( to l.SOO Ibs , $3.80@4.50 ; 1,200 to
1850 Ibs , K.00@4.0 ) ! } ; 030 to lUaO Ibs , M.00 < u >
3.75 ; stackers and feeders , $1.8.j@'i.OO ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , fl.20 ( ; i.00j uulu , $1SO@3.15 ;
slop-fed steers , f4.v5Texas : stuurs , J.iJ5@ !
2.00 ; cows , ? 1.(50 ( J.OO ; western natives and
half-breeds , ty.QO@-f.G5 ; cows. 3.40(32.60. (
Hogs Tlio demand was fair , with an up
turn of 5@10c on packing sort and little or no
chan&o on neloctod heavy or assorted light.
The bulk of packing sorts sold around about
(0.70 ( 3.80. a few rough and common at $3.60
( all.lUi. and heavy ai ) .lK4.00. ) A few fancy
old at $4.05 and light sorts fi.GO.
YOHIC , August 28. [ Special Telegram
to TUB HUB. ] STOCKS Two striking fea
tures of the stock market at the opining
were dullness uud strength. During the llrst
balf hour trading was limited to less than a
dozen securities. First prices were M'@K
pof cent ever the oloso on Saturday and
London sent prices a good fraction higher.
Outside of Burlington , Reading , Northern
Puclllo preferred and St. Paul tlioro was
llttlo'uf Interest In the market , howiwor , and
late iu the hour tlioro appeared a reactionary
toadnnoy and prices stndod off slightly from
tbobcst figures. During the hour to 13
o'clock the market broadened and the
strength improved , resulting In a general
upward movement. Tbo advances over Sat
urday's closing prices extended to 1 per center
or more In many railroad otooks , Jersey
Central gained } { to IHJf , His Four } { to
75 # , Loulsvlllu ) , and Now England and
Northern Pixclllo preferred ; f per cent each.
Coal stocks wcro slightly improved and
trusts were dull and llttlo changed. Bur
lington & Qulnoy led the Qrangors In the
advance , moving up 1 per cent to 101 , fol
lowed by gains of X@Jf l)0r ) cent In others.
The stock market wan of gradual growth In
activity and vtrcuirth. The liberal buying of
bonds oy the government and offerings of
Canadian banks put a sudden end to the 0
per cent rate on money and the rate was 3
per cunt at tbo close. There were besides
iouio bull features In tbo earnings , a
shortage In the world's wheat crop , eta
Tbo advance which set In before noon was
continued and last prices were the beat of
the day , and the gains In railroad shares ex
tending from % to iijf par cent. Not gains
in some pf the most active stocks were Road-
iufr , Rock Island , Atohison and Wabash pro-
terrod $ ( per cent each , Laokawauna 1 , St.
Paul , Northwestern and Chosnpoako 1 # per
cent each , Hurllngton JJf , Louisville 1 %
Northern Paelilo preferred 1 % Missouri
Paclflo 1 % , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago &
BL Louiu 3'tf to 71 % and Jersey Coutrul 3 #
per cent to llSJf. The total sales for the day
were 170,200 shores.
The following were tbo closing quotation * :
IJ. 8. 4 regular. 12S ( Northern I'ncluo. . mjf
IT. 8. 4s coupons . . .IIS 'do ' preferred . " 9J4
lT.8.4Ksreffuii\ : > ! K a x M. w . IO'
II. 8. 4M * coupons. ,10 V do preferred .
racllUCoof M ) 11H N.V.tontral
Central Paclflo .11 p.B | . . . . . . 80
( TMcfigofc Alton. . .123 Hock Island
hlcAzn.IIurllngton C. , M. Ac St.1' . . . . . .
iVTnlnr.v. , . , . , , , .10. ' ) % ( loprefcrroti . . . . .
. . 145 %
Illinois Con tral . lir.V tlnpreforrml .
I. , II. A W. ll.ilon Pacific O2's
13 \V..8t. L. Ic V. 17' '
l. ko Shorn do preferred. . . . . . JUS
Mtclilcan Ceatral. . Western Union. . . . 81S
Mo.vnr Easy at 2
PniwB MB OXMTIIU I'AP R 0 8" par
RTBRttxa ExcttixoB Actlvo but weak ;
sixty-day bills , * I.S3 } { ; demand ,
NBW YoriK , AuRU t20.--f3DOclal Tolosrnm
to TH n UBB.I The following uro tbo min
ing stock quotations :
Amador 10) florae tnke. , Ml
CalMcmift . H..3UU Horn Silver 115
Chollar 190 Iron Silver 20) )
Crown Point nw Muttml 140
Colorado Con liO OnUrlo M 340
Con , Cnl. .1 ! V 7(11 ( M Plymouth TOO
Dead wood T. .140 Suvngo 150
Eureka Con..L'tt SUnilrtnl ino
III Citato HO Union Consolllrt' < l.H
( loultl * Curry..aoo U'nnl ConsolIcl'd..l.Vi
Halo & NorcrD33..30J Yellow Jacket SS >
CniciAoo , August 20. 1:15 : p. m. oloso
Whcut Strong ; higher ; cash , 78o ; Sep
tember. 77Jic ; Uccombor , 73 ! o.
Corn Firmer : cash , fllt c ; September ,
33 18-lGo : December , 335-KJC.
Oats Firm ; cash , lOXo ; September ,
10 ; < o ; October. 20c.
Kyo Cash. 42) ) < o.
Barley October , 03o.
PrimoTimothy Not quoted ,
Flux Seed Cash nnd September , $1.23.
Whisky 11.02.
Pork Firm ; cash nnd September , $9.75 ;
January , $ rJ.17 > { .
Lard Easy ; cash nnd September , t5.97 >
@ 5.05 ; December , $5.75.
Flour Quiet , neglected , fcollnjr caster on
spring patents , and prices about lOo lower ;
winter wheat , unchnngea , $3.00@4.50 ;
sprine whont , tl.JO : ( 5.50 : Kyo , $3.0ii@i.S. ) .
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $4.03K@ .75 ;
short clear , $3.12 > @ 5.S5 ; short ribs , fb.7o@
Uuttor Unchanged ; creamery , HQlOo ;
dairy , 9 @ 15o.
Cheese Unchanged ; lull cream Cheddars ,
" r@So ; flats , 7 ( < 8cj Young Americas ,
Ei ; 8 UnclianRod ; fresh ,
Hides Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. I solid packed ,
-I ® Wo ; cake , 4 c.
Kocctota. Shipments.
Flour . -13,000 17,000
Wheat . 120,000 109.000
Corn . 412,000 375.00C
Oats . 323,000 1175.000
Now York. AuguM,20. Wheat Receipts ,
88,000 ; exports , 40,000 : spot opened' lower
and closed steadier ; now No. 2 red , 84c in
elevator , 83 @S5 } o nlloat ; No. 3 red , 82c ;
ungraded rcil , 7iC : 6Xc < options opened
lowor.'but advanced IM'Cr lK0 ° n the report
that the Vienna congress made the wheat
crop of Europe 15 per cent less than It was
last year ; No. U rod , August , closed at
Corn Hocolpts , 60,000 bushels ; exports ,
9.030 bushels ; spot # c lower ; No. 2 ,
4i@ ; 13)40 ) in store and elevator ; ungraded
mixed , 42/44c ; options active and lower ,
closing steady ; August closing at 42o.
O.xts Receipts , 40.0UO bushels ; spot lower ;
options lower ; August , closing at 26c ;
spot. No. 2 white , 27 % < $2Sc ; mixed west
ern , 2(5 ( (823. ( 0.
UofTeo Lower for options ; sales , 33,000
bags ; August , $ H.OO@15,00 ; spot Rio , quiet ;
fair cargoes , 1 13.50.
Pctroluiflii United closed at 08c for Sep
Eggs Firm ; western , I'd lS o.
Pork Steady ; inspected mess , 511.003
Lard Stronger sales ; western steam ,
Butter Quiet ; western dairy , 0@12. } c ;
creamery , ll@18c.
Cheese Stronger ; western , U@7c.
Mll\vnuko ! , Aueust 20. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 75)uj ) August. 75 ; '
Corn Eusicr ; No. 3 ,
Oats-Lower ; No. 2
Rye Steady ; No. 1.
Barley Easy ; No. 2 ,
Provlblons Lower ; pork , cash , $9.75.
ni'tiim-iuinlit , August 20. Sample wheat
about steady ; receipts , 179 cars ; shipment ! ) .
83 cars. Closing : No. 1 hard , August , 7Sc ,
December , 73c , on track , 75@7tic ; No. 1
northern , on truck , 75@70c ; No. 2 northern ,
on truck , 72@73cs.
Giiv , August 20. Wheat-
Higher ; No. 3 red , casn , and August , 03 ;
No. 2 soft , cash , no bids nor offers ; SOD-
tonibor , 0'3e. '
Corn Lower ; No. 2 , cash , 2IJ c.
Oats Nomnal.
St. Louis. ; August 20. Wheat Higher ;
cash , 74J c ; September , 78@78j c.I
Corn Lower ; oish , ale ; Septembor.
Uats I'Mnn ; CA ! I and September , 18c.
J'ork Quiet tit J10.00.
Lard Nominal at $7,75.
Whisky Steady at $1.03. .
Uutter Unchanged ; creamery , 12@l7c ;
dairy , 12@llc.
[ jlviirpoul , August 2i5. Wheat Dull ;
holders offer moderately : California , No. 1 ,
7s ld@7s IJjJil per cental.
Corn Quiet and lower ; now mixed west
ern , 4s Id per cental.
Clnciiiniit' ' , August 2d. Wheat
In fair demand ; No. 3 rod. TAa. .
Corn Lower ; No. 2 mixed , a53Go.
Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed ,
Whisky-Steady at $1.03.
. August 20. Tha Drovers'
Journal reports as follows :
Cattle Uecelpts , 11,000 ; market high
er for choice , others steady : beeves ,
ti,50@4.75 ; steers , (3.00@4.00 ; cows ,
bulln and mixed , $1.20 3.00 ; Texas cattlo.
$1.00(32.00 ( ; natives and naif breeds , $3.01"
U.OO.Hogs Receipts , 19,090 ; market strong ,
Cohigtior ; mlxod , J.80@1.30 ; heavy , M.IK )
@ 4.0S ; light , | 4.00@t.(53 ( ; skips , f3.50@4 , 0.
Sheep Hccoluts , 7,000 ; market steady ;
natives , ) .40@4.CO ; westerns , $3.50@4.10 ;
Texans , * 3.40c ( l,00 ; lambs , 4.50@5.75.
The Drovers' Journal special cablegram
from London quotes moderate supplies of
cattle from all quarters. Medium to choice
American ll } ( < $13oper pound estimated dead
linnans Oity , August 30. Cattle Uo-
celpts , 7,000 ; shipments , 3,000 , ; steers ,
C@10o higher ; common to choice corn-fed
Btoors , .S5@4.10 ; stockcrs and feeders ,
* 1.UO@3.10 ; cows , t2.S5@3.00 ; grass range
slcors , $1.UO@3.5.
Hogs Uocoints , 3,003 ; shipments , 700.
good to choice light , $4.00@4.10 ; heavy and
mixed , M.60u3.UO. ( ;
Bloux Oity. AugustSO. Cattle Receipts ,
16u ; shipments , market steady ; fat
steers , f3.90@3.85 ; stackers and f cedars ,
Hogs Receipts , 800 ; market higher ; light
and ulxod , f3.07 @ii.7 > K ; hcitv.Vi tJ.75.
Mondtiy , August CO.
To-day's trade In cattlo. was not essentially
different from the close of last week. The
market was very quiet all the morning and
not enough business , was transacted during
the forenoon to establish prices. Some 1207
pound beeves sold at $1.00 in the morning ,
but the trading was limited mostly to west
erns. In the afternoon sotno cattle changed
bunds , but ttio market does not scorn to have
recovered from last wee It's stagnation ,
Some range steers sold at $3.GO@2.05 und a
few Texuns at $2.00. Butchers' stool : did
not show any essential chungo from Satur
day , but sold slowly at about former prices.
Nutlvo cows sold at $1.70 < & 2.40. botno west
ern cows sold ut $1.80iJl.lH ( ) . .The yards were
full of little stackers , a good many of thorn
not very desirable , and there was also a largo
showing of feeders. The trade was rather
slow uud the buyers backward about taking
hold. Some mitivo feeders sold at$2.00@
3.70 , und a few stackers at $ J.5U < 33.65.
IlO H.
The market showed some strength , espe
cially on the light weights on account of the
very meager offerings. The buyers wanted
e. few hogs and they bought them up In short
order , A few very choice light weights old
nt M.PO , but the bulk of the hogs wont at
$3.70(33.80. ( _
Cattle . 1,8 < K >
Hogs . . > . > . 1,800
Prevailing I'rloci.
The fallowing U ntibb of prlowpall la
this rturkot for the gr.ilsj of teak men
tlonod :
Prime stoors. 1309 to 1000 Un . . $3.00 MM
Good stoors. 12.V ) to 14W Ibi. . . .GO Wt.15
Good stoors. 10W to 1303 Ibs. . . n.0,1 ril.03
Common canners . l.OJ ® 1.75
Ordinary to fair cows . 1.50 ( JSt.oo
Fair to good cow * . l.'J3 W'J.00
Good to cholco cows . 2.00 03. 4U
Cholco to fancy cows , holfors. . 2.40 W2.80
Falrto eood bulls . 1.50 ( A3.00
Good to cholcobulls . 3.00 < jriA20
Light stockers nnd feeders . . . . 2.35 ( ( ? 3.75
Good feeder * . 030 to HOOlbs. . 3.75 CTOO
Fair to choice light heirs . 3.75 W3.00
Fair to ctioico heavy hos. . . . . . 3.70 03. 16
Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 3.40 W'1-OJ
Fair to choice mlxod hofs . 8.70 (33.85 (
noproiontativo Baloi.
No. Av. l r. No. Av. Pr.
7 . 1154 $3 00
Owner No. Av. Pr.
1 steer , range stray . 1030 $3 00
1 steer , range stray . 12SO 200
1 stuor , range stray . 1250 3 00
C. N. Cox
03 cows , range . 1069 2 40
70 steers , ron o . 1050 $2 00
Frontier L. and C. Co.
19 steers , tailings , rango. 1253 2 00
Milwaukee nnd Wyoming I. Co.
24cowsrango . 838 180
Tcschcuiachor & Do tJillor Cattle Co.
CO steers , range , Wyo..llH 265
5 steers , range . 1338 305
7 cows , range . 1000 180
23 cows , range , Wyo. . . , 9H 1 90
A. Dunham
52 steers , Toxnns . 110(5 ( 300
82 cows , Texans . U05 1 05
Llvu Stock NoteH.
M. Button , of Randolph , la. , was a vis
itor at the yards.
Tom Powell came In with cattle from Sut-
ton.S. . W. Rowley had a shipment of cattle
hero from Wood Lako.
H. C. Camp came in with six cars of cattle
from Greeloy , Col.
K. M. Leo had stock hero from Indianolo.
Charles Hlbbard had two cars of hogs hero
from York.
J. B. Smiley has returned from an extended
trip through the southwestern part of the
state. Ho reports some cholera among the
hogs In Clay and Salt no counties.
Charley Hunter , a regular Inavoleshippor ,
had a car of butchers' stuff on the marKot.
J. D. Meyers , a prominent Odell stockman ,
was on the market looking for feeders.
H. E. Toschemacher , of the flrmof Tescho-
mucher & DeBlller , brought in eleven cars
of Wyoming rangers.
Fred Gasman has returned from n two
weeks' hunting expedition and reports hav
ing had a splendid tlmo aad rare sport.
Produce , Frulrs , Etc.
Eacs-Strictly fresh , 13@13) ) c.
BUTTCII Creamery ; Fancy,15@lCc ; cholco ,
14@15c. Dairy : Fancy , 13@14c ; choice ,
ll@12c. Country : Fancy , 12@14c ; good
to cholco , 10@llo ; fair , 9@10c ; inferior , 0
@ 7c.
7c.Livn Pianoxs Pordoz , $1.50.
GAMU Weather too hot for game and but
little doing. Pralrio chickens are still out
of season and can not ba exposed for sale be
fore September 1. Whatever few were re
ceived in good order sold ut fair prices , but a
regular market is not quotable. Plovers nro
selling readily at $1.00 to $1.50 per dozen , and
ducks , if well grown , nro wanted. Some
Mallards received lately sold readily nt S3.QO
per dozen , and wood ducks and mixed , $1.75
@ 2.00.
BBANB Cholco hand picked navy , $1.7.r ) @
2.00 ; choice band picked medium , S1.05@1.8U ;
choice hand picked country , $1.00(31.05 ( ;
clean country , $ l.50@1.00 ; inferior country ;
hides , 4X@4o : dry salted hides , 5o ; dry
flint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 45c ; damaged
hides , 2o less ; sheep pelts , irruon. each. ! ioc { < §
$1.00 : sheep pelts , dry , per Ib. 9@l2c. Tal
low , No. I , 4@4tfo ; No. 2 , ! iy@3c. Grease ,
white , 4K < $4c ; yellow , 2 > * @ 3c.
WOOL Fine , average , 15@10o ; medium ,
average , 2122o ; Quarter blood , averacro 20@
21u ; coarse , uvorago , 15@l7o ; cotts and
rough , average , 14@10c.
POTATOES 25@30c per bu.
PouLTitY Old hens and chickens , (2,00@
8.00 ; spring chlckens$3.00@2.50 ; ducks and
goose , per Ib , 9c ; turkeys , 0@10c ; young
ducks , per doz , $3.00.
CIIBESE Young Americas , full cream , lOc ;
factory twins , 0 > { o ; off grades , 0@7o ; Van
Rosscin Edom , $11.50 psr doz ; sap sago , 19c ;
brick. ll(312o ( ! ; llmburger , 01 @ 7e ; domestic ,
Swisi , 14o ; chcoso safes , bronze modal. No.
8 , $2 85.
OIUSOES Los Angeles. $4.50 ; Rodi , $0.00.
LBMONS Fancy , $ (5.00@8.50 ( ; choice. $4.50.
SOUTIIEUN PEACHES % bu , 75c@ll for
choice and 35@40u for poor and common.
APPLES Per bbl , 50c@.00.
CALIFORNIA. PJSAOUES 20 Ib boxes , $ t.50@
1.75.CAT.IPOUNU GiurE3-l.59@1.75.
PEAKS 40 Ib boxes , $1.7fi@2.25.
WATEHMnLONB-$10.00@30.oo per 100 ,
CANTELOurua Per doz , 50@JOc.
PlNKAlTLES-Por doz , $3.25(33.00. (
BANANAS According to sUc , per bunch.
COCOANOTB Per 100 , $5.00.
Ciouit-Bbls , $5.(10 ( ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MATLK SUUAK 12K@15o per Ib.
VEAL Cholco , medium size , 5C < ? On ; choice
heavy , 4@5o ; spring lambs , $30.0D@30.00 per
dozen ,
HONBT 14(3)150 ( ) per Ib for cholco.
PKUSEUVES lX@10o ) per Ib.
JELLIES 3K@4o per Ib.
HAY S3.50Q5.W ) .
CHOP FEEII J10.00@13.00.
BIIAN $9.00@ ,25.
SAUSAOB Bologna , 4@i } o ; Frankfurt , 80 ;
tongue , Oc ; summer , 23c : head cheese , la.
PJQI FKBT Pickled , kits , 75opickled pi's'
tongues , kits , $3.85 ; Pickled trlpo , kits. 05u :
pickled H. U. trlpo , kits , 85o ; splcod pig <
hocks , Kits , $1,15.
USBV TONGUES Salt , bbls , $30.
Drug * and CIienilonl4.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy , 2) ) c ; citric ,
par lb,51o : oxalic , uorlb. He ; tartanc , pow
dered , per Ib , 43a ; carbolic ,
ALUM Per lo , 2 0.
AMMONIA Curb , per Ib ,
AIIIIOWIIOOT Per Ib , lllo ,
BALSAM Copabia , per Ib. 05@G7c ; tolu 62@
BOIIAX Rollnod.jpor Ib , O o.
CHKAM TAUTAH Pure , per Ib , 29 < v
EXTIUOT Loawoou Bulk , per Ib , 12 } a.
EitaoT lOc.
GUM Aiuiiia-59(3'J5o ( ,
LvcorouiUM 41o.
GUM Assafiotlda , per Ib , He ; camphor ,
perlb , 37o ; opium , per Ib , $3.85.
IODINE Ucsublimatcd , per or , t9.40@3.GO.
LEAVES Buchu , shortovji r Ib , 10@21c ;
scnnn , Alex , nor Ib , 87a " "
MORPHIA Sulph , per <
Mnitctwr 77e ,
POTASS Bromide , per luj ao@4lo ; Iodine ,
perlb , $1.80. " 4
QUINIA Sulph , perez , CsgHc.
Snnns Canary , per Ib , 4J &
So.\rs Castllo , mottled } ' | > or Ib , SQlOoJ
cnstllo , white , per Ib , l19a : ) ?
Srmtrs NITIIK Sweet , per Ib , 42o.
STRYCHNIA Crystals , ( noOMl.15. CINCHONA I'or d ! ! , CQpUa
TAPIOCA Per Ib , Ca ' '
OILS Borgamont , (3.45I" wlntorgroon ,
P2.15 ; Malaga , OOc ; linseed , rn'\v , Ole ; boiled ,
04o. ' ' '
WIIITB LEAD (0.50. '
CALOMRLAm. . , per Ib , BSa.
CASTOII Oil. 11.23.
Cunsn HF.IIUIE9 (1.7fi.
CANTHAiiinr.8 Sl.fiOQt.GO.
CASSIA Buns Per Ib , 10a
CHLOROFORM Per Ib , 85c ,
COHHOSIVB SUDMMAin Per Ib , 73 < j.
Lumber nnd Build InicMaterial ,
f. o. b. Omaha.
Stock BoAiir > B A , | 13 Inch , s 1 s 14 nnd 10
feet , (4(1.00 ; 13 13 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10
foot , $11.00 ; O 12 Inch , si a 12 , 14 and 18
feet , $36.00 ; D 12 inch , sis 12 , 14 and 10
feet , (23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 In s 1 s 13 foot
118.00 ; No. Coin. 12 m a 1 s 14 und 10 foot ,
$17.50(318 ( 50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 In s 1 s 10 , 18
nnd 20 feet , (10.50 ; No. 3 Com. 12 In sla 14
nnd 10 feet , (10.00.
whlto pine partition , (32.00 ; 2d Com. Jf In ,
whlto plno partition , (27.00 ; clear % In ,
yellow nine celling , (30.00 ; clonrpfi In , Nor-
wav , (14.50 ; 2d Com. % In , Norway , $13.00.
BOA. IIDS No. 1 com R 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft ,
$10.00 ; No. 2 com s 1 s 12.14 uud 10 ft , (10.50 ;
No. 3 com s 1 a 12,14 and 10 ft , (14.50 ; No. 4
com B 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft ( ship'g cull ) , (11.00.
Add CO cents per M ft for rough.
Halts , 2X Inch , OOc ; O. G. 13atts. Xx8 , sis ,
85o ; 8-ln well tubing , D. & M. und bov , (22.00 ;
pickets , D. & H. , flat , $20.00 ; pickets , U. & H , ,
square , (19,00.
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 ft 24 ft
2x4. . . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 18 00
3x0 . . .1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x8. . . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 18 00 1800
2x10. . . 15 00 15.00 1500 1000 1000 13 00 18 00
2x13..1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
4x-48xS10 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 m 19 OQ
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 14 ft ,
rough. $10.IK@t0.60 ) ; No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch. 10ft ,
(17.00(317.50 ( ; No. 2 , 4 und O.iuch , 12 and 10 ft ,
$18.50@14.00 ; No. 2,4 , and 0 Inch , 10 ft. (15.00
@ 10.00.
FINISHING 1st nnd 2d clear , \\f Inch , R 2
s , (40.00@31.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , IX and 2
Inch , s 2 s , (47.00@50.00 ; 8d clear , 1J/ inch , s
2s , (43.00@10.00 ; B select. Itf , IXand 3 inch ,
s 2 s , $37.00@33.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , I inch , s
2 t , . (45.00 ; 8d clear , 1 inch , s2s , (30.00 ; A
select , 1 inch , s 2 s , (43.00 ; U select , 1 inch ,
s 2 a , sf.i3.00.
FLOORING 1st com 0 Inch white plno ,
(34.00 ; 2d com 0 Inch whlto plno. (31.00 ; 3d
coin 0 Inch wMte pine , (20.00 ; D com 0 Inch
white pino. ( .20.00 ; com 4 and 6 Inch yellow
pine , (15.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow nine , $17,00 ;
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 and 6 inch ,
PorijAR LUMIIER Clear popular box bdsX
ins , 2 s , (34.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
( 'W.OO ; clear no phi r , % in panel , (25.00 ; clear
poplar , % panel stock viJe , s 2 H , (23.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated celling , % , (30.00.
POSTS White cedar , 0 , iuch halves , llu ;
whlto ccder , 5X inch halves nnd 8 inch q'rs ,
lie ; whitoccdar , 4 inch round , Kic ; Tcncssco
red cedar , split , lOc ; sullt oak ( white ) 8u ;
sawed onk , ISc. i
ItSniNQi.ES , LATIF , per M. XX clear , ? 320 ;
extra * A , (2.SO ; standard A , (2.00 : 5 inch
clear , $ I.GO@1.70 ; 0 Inch clear , S1.75@l.80 ;
No. 1 , 51.1ljl.l5 ) ( ; clear rod cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington , territory , 31.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $1.50 ;
cypress , clear heart , dlincnsldn widths , (3.25 ;
lath , (2.50.
Sun- LAP No. 1 plain , 8and 18 inch , 517.50 ;
No. 2 plain , 8 and 10 inch$15.50 ; No. 1 , O. G.
SUHNO 1st com 12 and 10 feet , (22.00 ; 2d
com 12 and 10 feet , (19.00 ; 3d com 12 ana 10
feet , § 15.00 ; fence , com 13nnil 10 feet , $18.00.
LIMB , I.TC. Quincy white llmo ( best ) SOo ;
English nnd Gorman Portland cement , $3.45 ;
Milwaukee and Louisvilloj ' $1.80 ; Michigan
plaster , (2.25 ; Fort Dodge piaster , $2.10 ;
Blue Rapid plaster , (1.90 ; hair , 20c ; sash. 00
per cent dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings. 50 per
cent dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.10 ; straw
board , (1.00.
Twines nnd Hope.
BINDERS' TWINE Sisal , lOc ; hemp , 15o :
manilla , ISc.
CLOTIISLINES Cotton , 50-ft , (1.20 ; cotton ,
60-ft , (1.40 ; Jute , 50-ft , OOu ; Jute , CO-ft , (1.00-
COTTON TWINE Fine. 22c ; medium , 19c ;
heavy hemp , lOc ; light hemp. 15c.
SAIL TWINE B , sail , 20cCalcutta ; , 15c ;
Manilla rope , 18 o ; sisal rope , HXc ; now
products , 8c ; jute , 80 ; cotton , 12c ; hide rope ,
Dry Goods.
BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , 80 ; Beauty ,
12Xo ; Boone , 14c ; 13 , cased , $0.50.
BLANKETS White , (1.00@(7.50 ; colored ,
(1.10gtS.OO. (
CAMIIUICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand-
aad , Co ; Peacock , 5c. .
CARI-ET WAIUBibb , white , 18Xc ; col
ored , 2lXc-
Co5tFOKTEHS $ C. 50(3(35.00. (
CORBET JEANS Boston , 7 c ; Androscog-
gln , 7 fc ; Kearsage , 7c ; Hocknort , OJ/o ;
Concsloga , OXc.
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dls. ;
EE , 8J o ; GO. 0oXX ; , lOVfc ; OO , ll 'o ;
unblcacecd , LL , GKc ; CO , OJ/o ; SS , 7ifc ;
NN , 12Xo ; A A , 14s ; DD , 15 0 ; TT , lOMo ;
YY , 18c ; BB , 19c ; 20 bleached , S n ; 00 ,
12Uo ; 80 , lilXo ; 50 brown and slate , Oe ; 70 ,
12Xo : 90 , l c.
( JRASH Stevens' B , 5Xc ; Stevens' A , 7o ;
bleached , 80 ; Stovons" i' , 7o ; blcucnod ,
8c ; Stevens' N , 8Xc ; bleached , 9Xo ;
Stevens' SKT , llXo.
DENIMS Ainoskcag , Ooz , lOXo ; Everett , 7
O7. , 12c ; York , 7oz , 18c ; HaymaUor , 8l o ;
Jaffroy , XX , ll o ; Jaffroy , XXX , 13X :
BoavorCrcuk , AA , 12o ; Heaver Creek , HB.
lie ; Beaver Crook , CO , lOo.
DUCK West Point. 29 In , 8 oz , OXc ; West
Point , 29 In , 10 oz , 13Xc ; West Point , 29 In ,
.12 oz , 15Xo ; West Point , 40 In , 11 oz , ICc.
FLANNELS Plaid Raftsmen. 20c ; Clear
Lake , 80Xc ; Iron Mountain , 2 < 1X ° .
FLANNKL3-Whlto-G. H. No. 2 , 5f , 22Xe ;
G. H. No. 1 , X. ' - ° X ° ; GH. . No. 2 , % , 22o ! ;
G. H. No. 1. % , SOo ; Quechoo.No. 8 , % , 33Xo ;
Quecheo , No. 2 , , U7Xo ? Anawan , 33Xc ;
Windsor , 22X < 5-
FLANNELS Red C , 24 Inch. 15Xo ; E , 2-1
Inch , 21XcGG ; , 2t inch. 20o ; HAP , % ,
25o ; J R F , } ( , 27c G. % . 25c.
GINOIIAM Plunkott , checks , 0o ; Whlt-
tenton , 0c ; York , 7X ° > Normundl dress ,
7X" ! Calcutta dress , 7Xo ; Wbittcutou dress ,
7X"i Renfrew dress,8 } < ( S12Xc. |
KENTUCKY JBANS Horculcs , 18c ; Lenin-
Ington , 2-2Xo ; Glenwood , 20c ; Mclvillo , 2Sc ;
Bang-up , 27X < > : Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint ,
18u ; Durham , 27X& t
MiBCBLLANBOUH Tublo loll cloth. (2.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , (3.501 plain Holland ,
9X ° i tlQ'lo Holland , 12Xc.
i'ltiNTS Dross Charter Oalc , 6Jfo ;
Ramupo , 4u : LodI , 5 it ; Allen , Oc ; Richmond
mend , Oo ; Windsor , GXc ; J ddystonc , ( i'/o ' ;
Paciflc , OXo. / ,
PRINTS Plnlt and Robaa-t-Rlchmond , OXn ;
Allen , Oo ; Rlverpolnt , BXoySteel Rlvcr.OXo ;
PiiiNTS Indigo Blue St. Logor , 7X ° i
Washington , OXo ; American , OKo ; Arnold.
OXo't Arnold Century , ' Oojl Windsor Gold
Tk't , lOXc ; Arnold B , lOXo ; Arnold A , 12o ;
Arnold Gold Seal , lOXc ; Yellow Seal , lOXo ;
Amana , 12c.
PniNTS Solid Colors Atlantlc.0o ; Slutor ,
Oo ; Berlin oil , OXo ; Garnoi'ioll. ' 0@7o.
Caledonia XX , lOXo ? Efor.omy , Oc ; Otis , Oc ;
Granite , 6o : Crawford I chocks. 8c ; Haw
River plaids , 5Xe.
SHEETINO , BKOWN Atfantlo , A. 4-4 , 7o ;
Atlantic II. 4-4 , 7c ; AtlantloD , 4-4. O o ; At'
lantlo P. 4-4 , 6c ; Aurora LL , 4-4. Oo ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4Jf"i Crown XXX , 4-4. 0 > fo ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4. 5Xo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7o : Lawrence -
ronco , LL , 4-4 , 6 > fo ; Old Dominion. 4-4. r > Xo ;
Popperoll R , 4-1 , OJio ; Peperell | 12 , 40-lnoh ,
7J o ; Popperoll , 8-4 , 17Xo.i PepBerell , 9-4 ,
20c ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 22o ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4fo ;
Wachusotts , 4-4 , 7o ; Aurora R , 4-4. 7o ; Au
rora B , 4-4 , OX" .
SHEETINO , BLEACHED Ellcrton , 7ifo ;
Housekeeper , 8X0 ; Now Candldato , 8fo ;
Berkeley cambric. No. 00 , 9o ; You Hot , 4-4 ,
< jj/o ; but tor cloth , OO , 4 o : Cabot. 7Xo ;
Farwoll , half bleached , bX"i Fruit of Louui ,
8o ; Green G , ( So ; Hope , 7Xo ; Kmit Phillip -
lip cambric , lOc : Lonsdalo cambric , lOo ;
Lonsdalo , 8X s : New York nulls. lOc ; Pep
peroll , 43 In , lOo ; Pepperell , 4U in , Ho ; POD-
pcrell , 0-4 , 14Xo ; Popporoil , 8-4. 20o ; Pep-
peroll , 9-4 , 2Jo ; Pepperoll , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton ,
4-4 , Blfo ; Canton , 4-4 , OXo } Triumph. 60 ;
Wumsutta. llo ; Valley , 5 } o.
TICKS Oakland , A , 1oIntornatlonnV \
YY , 8c ; flhclucket , S , 8Xo ( Wnrron , No. 870 ,
Oaj Berwick , HA , 18o : Acme , ISo ; York ,
80-jn , 12X05 York , 82-th , IflXc ? Swift River ,
8Xc ; Thorndlko , OO , SX i Thorndlko , EF ,
8X ! Thorndikc. 120. 9Xo' Thorndlko , XX ,
5c ; Cordls , No. 5 , Xc ; Cordla , No. 4 ,
Piiovisioss Hams , No. 1 , 10 > lb average ,
llfc ; 20 to 23 Ibs , He ; 12 to 14 Ibs , W'jo ;
o , 3 , 10s ; upcclals , IMWc ; shoulders , < c ;
breakfast bacon , No. 1 , lOJjc ; apcclals , VJ c ;
ncnlc , 7x'ot hnm itausiigo , i'c ; dried lu-ct
inms , 9X ° ! "c ° f tongues , iOpor ilozons dry
salt menu , 6 < i$7c per Iu ; boneless ham , t > Xc.
WHAMMNO PAPEU Straw , per Ib , \ % ®
2Xc ! rft | ? , 2Xc { nminlla , B.GMWc : No. 1 , 8c-
SALT Dairy , 2SO Ib3lnbbllulk$2 10 ! best
; rndo , 03 , 6s , $2.30 ; best grade 100 , 8s , ( 2.40 ;
> cst grade , 23 10s , $3.30 ; rock salt , crushed ,
> l.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-1 b bacs , 85o ;
liulk , 22-l-lb , bags , $3.40 ; common , in bbls ,
OANDIOX@l2Xo Per Ib.
CHOCOLATE AND Cocoi 21@37o per Ib ;
German chicory , rod , 8c.
GINOEII Jamaica , } f pints , $3.00 per doz.
FAIIINACEOUS GOODS Barley , 83Xo ( ! } ;
'arlna , 4X < > : pens , 3u ; oatmeal , 2 ; 5o ; mac
aroni , lie ; vermicelli , llo ; rico ,
sago and tapioca , 0 ( < i > 7o.
FISH Salt Dried codflsn , ,
scaled herring , 24o per box ; ho ) , herring ,
dom. 50o : Hamburg apiccd herring , $1.50 ;
hoi. herring , 70c@l.lO : mackerel , largo fam
ily , $10.25 per 100 Ibs : whltctlsh , No. 1. $0.50 ;
family , $3.75 ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; an
chovies , 80o.
Livn $1.75(91.50. (
NUTS Almonds , 15 ( < ? 17c ; Brazils , 80 ; fll-
borts lie ; pecans , KIC ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut
cocks , X" : roasted , luUc.
CANNED FISH Brook trout , 0 Ib. $3.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $ J.35 ; clams , I Ib , $1.25 ;
clvins , 3 Ib , $3.00 ; clam chowder , 3 Ib , $ J.25 ;
deviled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.25 : deviled crabs , 3
Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; cavler : X
Ib. $3.25 ; eels , 1 Ib. $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.1X1 ;
obstcrs ' , 2 Ib , $3.90 : lobsters , deviled , X lb.
Ei.25 ; 'miickorul , 1 Ib , $1.05 ; mackcral , mus
tard sauce , 8 Ib , $3.10 ; mncitcrol , tomato
sauce , 3 Ib , $3 40 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 95o ; oysters ,
2 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $3.00 ; salmon ,
C. K. , 2 Ib , $2.80 ; saltnon. Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.00 ;
salmon , Alaska , 2 Ib , $3 05 ; shrimps , 1 Ib ,
L\UD Tierces Refined , Gc ; cholco , OJ e ;
mro leaf , 7o ; kettle reuUered , } { c , Ada
to Jfc per Ib for smnllor quantities.
OILS Kerosene P. W. , OJfc ; W. w. ,
I''c ' ; headlight , 13o ; salad oil , ( J.15@9.00 per
DRIED FRUITS Currants , 4X@5c ; prunes ,
casks , 1,800 Ibs , 4) ' @ 4XU prunes , bbln or
bags , 4J. @ 4Jie ; citron peels , drums , 20 Ibs.
21c ; lemon peel , drum * , 20 Ibs , lOo ; fard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , Oo ; apricots , cholco
evaporated , * 25-lb boxes , lee ; apricots , Jelly ,
cured , 25-lD boxes , lee ; apricots , fancy , Mt.
Hamilton , 25-lb boxes , 15c ; apricots , choice ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 13u ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lb boxes , 0c ; apples , Star , ( Jo ; apples ,
fancy Aldcn. 5-lb , So ; apples , fancy AUli'n ,
2-lb , SXc * blnckborrics , evaporated , 50-lb
30X03 , BX@ " > Jfc ; cherries , pitted , dry cured ,
I5o ; pours , California fancy , XB boxes , 25
bs , 12 } < c ; peaches , Cal. fancy , Xs unp boxes ,
J5 Ibs , 18.paachos , Cat. No. lruncyX9 unp.
bags , 80 Ibs , 12Xo ; ponciics , fancy , ovup.
inp. , 50-lb boxes , I2@14c ; poaches , Salt
LiOko now , GX@"c ; nectarines. roJ , 13c ;
nectarines , silver , bagd , 12Xui Dlttcd plums ,
3al , 35-lb boxes , llo ; raspuerrles , ova p. N.
Y. , now , 31 c ; prune j. Col. , R. C. , 'Jv'-luo
boxes , 25 Ibs , 8c ; prunes. Cnl. , U. C. , 00-10 ,
Oc ; orange peel , 15c ; raisins , California Lonj
dons , crop 18SS , $3.40@2.00 ; raisins , Cil
fornlu loose , muscatels , crop 1S8S , Sl.OOQSOO ;
valenclits , 18SS , 7c.
PiCKLEs-'Mcdium , per bbl , $ -1.50 ; small ,
$2.50 : gherkins. JO.fiO ; O. & B. chow chow ,
qts , $5.99. ( its , $3.40.
BAGS American A , seamless , 17c ; Union
Square paper , discount 85 per cent.
Cori'EEGreen Fancy old golden Rio ,
22c ; fancy old peaberry , 24u ; Rio , choice to
fancy , 23c ; Rio , prime , 20i c ; Rio , good ,
I'.iXc : Mocha , 20u ; Java , fancy Mundchllng ,
27c ; Java , gootl Interior. 24 c.
COVFUB Roasted Arbuckle's Ariosu.
23 c ; McLuughlln's XXXX , 23Jtfo ; German ,
23c ; Dll worth. 31Jfo ; Alaroma , 2J > c.
SALSODA ! % ( § 2 c perlb.
STAUCH 5@7c per Ib.
STOVC POLISH $ J.OO@5.87 cor gross.
SPICES Whole , per Ib Allspice , llo ; Cas
sia , China , fljiO ; cloves , Zanzibar , 20c ; nut
megs , No. 1. 75o ; popper , 18c.
SUGAHS Cut loaf , 9 go ; cut loaf , cubes ,
9Xo ; Standard , powdered , 9X ; XXXX
| ) owdored. O c ; granulated. Standard , 8Xc ;
confectioners' A , 8 0 ; white , extra C , Cli
max , S c- extra C , Nebraska , Sj < c ; Amber ,
7c ; California Golden C , % c.
The Oocnn Ilnccrs.
New 'Yoiiic , August20. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The steamship Umbrla
brought here yesterday news of ono of the
racing leviathans , the Whlto Star steam
ship Teutonic , which Indicates that she Is
probably astern of the Inman liner , Oity of
New York. On Friday morning last , at
10:20 : o'clock , by the Umbria's time , the
Teutonic pussod the Umbrla in latitude 42 .
degrees , 4 minutes , longitude C3 degrees , 50
minute ! > . The Umbrla was then GS3 miles
from Sandy Hook. The Teutonic had made
this distance in about 10 < l knots an hour.
This was Just about four hours better than
the Umbrla did coming in. The City of
New York had boon getting along nearly a
itnot an hour faster than the Teutonic when
she was spoken to by the Bothnia at 1:50 :
o'clock on Thursday afternoon , 373 miles
from Sandy Hoolc.
Advice to Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothinpr Syrup
should always bo used for children
toothing' . It soothes the child , soltons
the gums , allays all pains , cures wind
colic , and is tlio best comedy for diar
rhoea. lioo u bottle.
Killed nt a Flro.
RocKronn , 111. , August 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] The Union furniture
' destroyed flro Sunday
company's plant was by
day night , entailing n loss of $100,000 , with
$40,000 Insurance. Ralpn Emerson , jr. , only
son of President Emerson , of the Emerson
& Salcott manufacturing company , was on
his father's building with hose , protecting
the property. Ho slipped and fell to the
ground and was killed.
Judua Vllns Dead.
MADISON , Wls. , August 20. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J Judge Lovl M. Vilas , of
St. Paul , brother of ex-Secretary Vilas , died
yesterday after a short Illness. He gradu
ated from Wisconsin university in 1603 und
from Aloany law school in 18i3. !
HufTocntcd by Red fire.
DES MOINES , la. , August 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tint BEE. ] Last night there
was au explosion of red flro In an upper room
ever Harlan Bros , drug store. A clerk
named Phllcman Gobriet , sleeping In an
adjoining room , was awakened by
the noise , and rushing in
where the red flro was burning was over
come by the gas. The firemen reached him
very soon afterwards , but ho was dead ,
having been suffocated by the noxious
fumes. Tbo flro was extinguished without
serious loss , The red flro hud been taken
out of the vaultwhcro it Is usually kept , und
spread on the floor to dry , It is thought
that spontaneous combustion was the cause
of the explosion.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
8O5 feouHilitth Stroot. - Oiimlm
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
Odlcnrs nnd Directors G. M. Morscrnan , a.
M Hitchcock , .los. Gnrnonu , Jr. , A. llonry. K.
M , Anderson. Wtn , O , Mnul. v.pros. ; U U , Will-
lams , A.I' . Hopkins , prcs. : A. Mlllard , cashier ;
y.ll. Ilry nt , nsslstnntcnMilcr.
Booto and Shooo.
Eucceston to need , Jonci , VIo.
Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Bols : & Shoes
Aiiculi forlloilon UubbrrBbno To. . 11(15. ( 1101 and 1101
Harncjr Street , om l"i. Ncbraikn.
sronz &
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IMt Norlh lClnlitc nth alrcot , Om h . Nob.
_ _ _ _ _
of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wlndow-rnpsnnrt motnllo kjllBlHs. Jolm lt > onet r ,
prupnetor. U6 and 111) ) buulli ICtli strcoU
_ Popor Boxga.
J011N L. W1LKIE ,
Proprlotop Omaha Paper Box Faclory ,
Ko > . 111T nnil 1319 Dounlas street , Omnhn , Keb.
Sash , DoorSf Etc.
M. A. DISUllOW A'CO. ,
Wliolcinlo iraufnolurcr of
Sash , Boars , Bids and
Branch office , l.Mli nmU linnl ttreou , Omnha. Neti.
Mannfacttirers of Sai'h , Dors : , Blinds ,
Uouldlnzs , ttnlMTiirk nn < l Inlflor bnrd wood Dnlsh.
Nortll lotb it ot , Oumbt , Neb.
f Etc. _
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Btt m. water , nnd mlnlnu euppllts , etc.
93) ) , 'ja nnd VU Karnani atreut. Oninlia.
u. s. ii'iA'u EXOIKE A / Jrp co. ,
Steam and Water Supplies ,
' 'J' ' ° ltOn"'b >
Enpes , Boilers aid General Machinery ,
BUeut-lron tfiri , steam pumpi , saw mlll . 12U-1215
hcaxunwortb st rvot , Uiuuua.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Gait Iron Biiilfliug fort ,
Knclncs , brass work , general foundry , macbluo and
blackamltb work. Ufllce n < i warm , U. 1 * . llj.
and 17th itrcet , Omaba.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Railing
Dctk talli , wlniloir Rtianls , flower tann > , wlro > | KBS ,
ate. 12J Nurib lotb ctroet ,
ManPrs of Fire and Bnrglar Iroof Safes ,
Vaults , Jail work , Iron iliutteri and flro cuapei.
U. Anilrceu. prou'r. Corner lltb and Juckion iu.
Of South Omaha. Liiuilci
( Successors to John O. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmers
At tbs Cld Sani ; , 1107 Farnam Straet.
Orders ly telegraph solicited nnd prompSy
AttcnduU. Telophouu to No.t. .
ta KMaSirSr " "l5
Pert'.Pit. TUBUUR CAR CUSHIOHSM"r' | ' , J
, . .
Wlilipen.C.mfr > atIon n < lHuilclitard. Cem
whtreafl oilier rpmcitipi * i . BOL
F. IlldCOX , Hri Flrniicvrny. ( or.lllh , > vT..rll.
A Dnkota Political Scheme.
YANKTOK , S. D. , August 20. ( Special Tol-
cgram to Tin : J3isc.l Prof. Bartlctt , of the
Yunkton college , and V. V. Uarnns , law
partner of Huga J. Campbell , loft for Huron
tlilb morning to.altond a meeting of the ex
ecutive committee of the South Dakota Pro
hibition association to-morrow , at which
meeting a prohibition resolution will bo pre
pared to bo proposed to the republican state
committee , to assemble Wednesday , for
adoption. Hugh .I.Campbcllisonthoground
working with the prohibiton and alliance
forces , and u determined ilgjit will ho mailo
to capture the convention uud defeat the
whole Moody-Pettlgrow combination.
Thomas A. Edison has been honored
by the board of city trust , Philadelphia ,
which conferred upon him the John
Scott legacy modal , offered by.tho
Franklin instltuo for meritorious in
ventions. The medal is given to Mr.
Edison for his recently patented mime
ograph , u device for copying writings ,
drawings and other pen and pencil
work ,
Pours' Is the purest and best soap
| ever made. _
It is reported that n Dr. Eisonmann ,
of Berlin , has .invented a piano which
by the aid of electro-magnetism can
subtain , increase and diminish Bound.
This has been attempted by other experts -
ports , notably Boohin , the inventor of
the metal lluto. Another novelty will
bo that by moving the electro-magnets
the timbre of the tone is changed ; for
example , from that of a violoncello to a
piccolo. If true , wo shall probably hear
moro about this novelty itnon.
For Weak Slomacli Impaired Digestion .Dlsordored Liver ,
prepared only by THOS.BEECH A3I , StHoIons.Inujcasliiro.Eiiglana.
E , M ALLJEN & CO. , Sole Agents
row u > n 1:0 : STA-I-KS , aos & aoy CAivAi , ST. , WKW YORK ,
Who ( if your druggist does not keep them ) will mail Beecham's
Pills on receipt of price but inquire first. ( Please mention this paper. )
Agricultural Irnplomonlo.
Dealer in Agricnltnral Implements , Wapni
C&rrlogci nnd tiiocK-n. Jones itroct , between OtU n <
1U1 li. Qrn li , NcbrmHt. _
Aarlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wazons , Carriagei :
llutclta.cto.Vholnalo. . Omnh .
Wliotcsnlo Drtlco In
Agriciilt'l ' Iinplenieats , Wagons & En rt
Ml. roiKB ndtP7 Jonci itrcct , Omnht.
Mnnnfnclurersnnd Job' on In
Wairons , Buggies Rakei , Plows , Etc.
Cor. Mh and I'aclHo ttrrti. Omaha.
, Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
JM3 llouglan iltoot. Onnba , X btMka.
Boots and Shoos.
IF. V. MORSE it CO. ,
Johhers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101,1103,1106 Douplni street , Omnha. Manufnctorr
Hummer > troet , llvilon.
Cool , Coke , Eto.
Miners and Snippers of Oal iii Coke ,
lluoin 21 , U.J ? . Nntliiiml Hunk ItulltllnOnia'm. .
Jolite'islf Hrrd ani Sift Coal ,
JOT Bouth 13th ttrjot. Uuiftlia. Nobraaka.
Snippers of Coal ad ; : CoKe ,
ill South IStb it..Omaliu. Nob.
Wliolosals Lnmlier , Etc ,
Imported nnd American rorllnnJ rcmpnt. Stat-
egont for ill.\TnuKi-o liTdinu loniueuiand
Quln.y wultu iimo.
( 'HAS 11. LEE ,
Dialer in Barflwcod Lnmber ,
Wood cnrpcts nni ! pnniui-t tloorlnf. nth and Douglai'
tltouts , Omnlitt , Ni-b.
" OMAlI rLUMBBtt CO. ,
All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale
16th itreetnnd Union 1'nclllc Irack.Omalitt.
Dealer iu Lnmlier , Lain , Lime , Sasn ,
Ooori , Etc. Vanl I'oruor Tth nd l.'ouglai. OCU
Corner ICtli and Douelai.
FRED.r. r. GRAY.
Lnmlie' Liffl1 ! Cement EtcEtc
, , , , , ,
Comer Otu and Duunlns sis , Omalia.
(7. A" . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
13th nuil California ktrcct > , Oni liiiNbniika.
Millinery and Notions.
Importers & Jolte in Mi'linery ' & Mm
S03,210 ami 21 Boutli lltU Dtruet.
Whslcsale Notions and Fnrdisliiiig Goods ,
1121 llnruoj Street , Omab * .
- -
Stone and CJinmissian Merclianls
Specialties Iluttt r. CKS , cliccie. noultrgtm * . .
1112 llownrd strcut , Onmlin , Neb.
D ry Co o d a a n d Not I on a.
3I. E. SMITH A CO. ,
iFarnisliriii03u5 , ! ( and Notions-
1103 nnd 1101 Douglni , cor. llth ilrcot , Umalia , Neb.
Importers &Jolite in Bry Goods.Notms .
Qoat'B ( urnliblni ; coed > . Corner llth and llnrn jr
Btri tBUmaua , Nebraska.
Iraportcn nnd job' ori of
Wcolens and Tailors' ' T minings ,
317b'JlltU UtlltllfU.
f liolesals Dealers in Furniture ,
Karnarn itioct , Umnha , Nebraska.
Furniture ,
Omnlin , NobnitikA.
WliobsalG Groceries and Pf&yislois & ,
TOO , 707 , TO ) niul 711 SoutU lOtli St. , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale firccors ,
lltb nd Lonvenwortli Directs , Omnhn , Ntbroiti.
toy Hirdware , Iron anfl Steel ,
Brrlnui , iragnn dock , hurrtiruro , lumber , eto. la *
ad mi llainar tc t. Omahm
Hesry HirWare , Iron anil Steel ,
eto < l ! *
WMcsa'e Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Pla'e ,
MeUli. ilieet Iron , tc. Aeenti for Ilowo
Ulaml powder nnJ Lymaii tarbcC wlro.
Bnilflcrs' ' Hardware and Scale ReDairShou
Moclianlc ' tool and DutTnlo icaloi. HOe Douglu
( trvut , Omalia , Neb.
Toys , Eto. .
VwV-7 *
Jobber ! of
toys , Dolls , Aim , Fancy Good * ,
Doui * furnl hlnK oodi , clilMren'a ctrrlu ci , 1
tnriinru clrvvt , Omnba , Neb.
Wholesale Rcfiied and Lubricating Oils ,
AxU grcata , etc. , Ooinhtt. A. U. Uliliop. Mto n ff
Wliolesale Paper De lers ,
tfcrrr nice ilock ot prlntlntr. wrapplnianil
piper. Bpectul atteutton ulven to card paper.
Capital $400,00(1 (
Surplus , Jan. Ibt , 188 ! ) 52,000
OI'i'lCBUa AND DlltlJC'rOltS :
UENIIV W. YATKS , I'resliloiU.
LKVVJSH. HEKU , Vlco I'rtaldent.
W. V. MuiirtB.
W. II. S , HuntiBH , Casliler.
Cor. l-'tli and 1'arnam Sta.
A General Duiiklug lluslutus TrtnuacUJ.