THE OMAHA DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA , TUESDAY MORNING , AUGUST 27 , 1889. NUMBER 09. T1IE CRONIN TRIAL BEGINS , LoDRonockor Gota a Oontlnuanoo Till Wednesday. ALL ASK FORSEPARATe TRIALS. That's Wlmt Unttlcd the Stntos At torney 12very Suipoot Profes ses to Fcnr Contamination From Woodruff. Tjonacnnoknr Canirlit Nnppfnc. CHICAGO , August 20. [ Special Telegram to Tim Ben. ] To-day was the date sot for the trial of the alleged murderers of Dr. Cronlm By 9:30 : o'clock this morning Judge Mc- Connell's court room was well filled with spectators , lawyers nnd newspaper men. The entrance to the court room was vigi lantly guarded by deputy sheriffs , nod no ono was allowed to oven pass the first guard at the foot of the stairs unless ho or she puvo n uood reason for wanting to be present at thu trial. Promptly at 10 o'clock the prisoners were brought Into the court room carefully puardud by eight deputies. The six men BUS peeled of being impllc itcd in the murder of Dr. Cronin ninrchod Into court headed by Martin Burke. Woodiuff , Coughlln , Bogus und O'Sulllvan followed , nnd Kunzo , the young Gcnnnn , brought up the rear. Beggs was represented by his atlorney , Mr. For rest ; O'Sulllvan , by Donnhno & David ; Coughltn , by Messrs. Forrest and Wing ; Woodruff , by A. W. Brown ; Kunzo , by Don- ahoo & David. As soon as court was called Attorney Don ahoo ruse to his foot and in ido a formal ap plication for a scpirato trial for hU client , John Kunzo. In n short speech by the attor ney ho said that while tCunze wus confined in the county jail the stales nttoiiicy ciuno to him nnd told him that if ho would toll what ho know about Dan Coughlln nnd P. O'Sul- ivan he would bo given his liberty , but that ho ( Kunzo ) know nothing about the ca e. Mr. Donolioo further said that he had no op portunity to prepare a defense for his client , because Judgp LongouecKor had not given htm a list ot the witnesses who testi fied before the grand jury which fouud tlio indictment against his client. "Until last Saturday I rccelvcd o Informa tion regarding the evidence against this man , " said the attorney. "Is it fair , then , that my client should bo tried before 1 have an opportunity to prepare a defense ) " Attorney Donahue had scarcely finished speaking when Lawyer Wing uruso to his feet and read u lengthy application setting forth reasons why his client , Daniel Cough lln , should have n separate trial. Mr. Wing suid that his client declared tlmt ho could not huvo n fair trial if tried with the other sus pects und that he fouied tlio testimony ol Woodruff , ns confessions had already been very conflicting. At this junction in the proceedings a slic- nlficuiit Incident occui rod. Mr. Forrestj at torney for Coughllu , tooK Mr. Kennedy , the attorney for Mat tin Burke , to ono side , and after a few minutes' conversation led him to Dan Coughlln and introduced the two. After shaking hands the throe men spent several moments in conversation. Mr. Whig briollv reviewed trie evidence against his client , Coughlln , and made tbo formal application , after which ho road un affidavit signed by Coughl in stating th it he had no knowledge of the Cronin murder ex cept what he had gained from the newspa pers. Ho said that ho bud nothing to do with the movements of Martin Burke or with the hiring of any rooms or collage , or wlih the contract between O'Sulllvan and Dr. Cronin , in short Coughlin denied every thing with \yhicli ho was charged. The next motion was for a separate trial for O'Sulllvan , mndo by Mr. Donahoo. Ho said that his client could not Imtfo a fair und impartial trial if tried at the same time as Frank Woodruff , for th t prisoner would civo losilmony which would ba calculated to injure the case of P. O'Sulllvan. Mr. Dona- lioo briefly reviewed the several confessions of Woodruff nnd gave reasons why O'Sulli- van should have a scpai ate ti lal. When Mr , Donolioo bad concluded , his partner , Mr. David , road an affidavit signed by Donahoo , giving his reasons for asking for a separate trial , and declnring that it was not for the purpose of delay that his motion was mndo , but because ho could not believe his client could have a fair and Impartial hearlut ; 11 placed on trial with the olher men suspected of murdoiliig Dr. Cronin , P. O'Sulllvan , in nn affidavit , denied all the charges brought against him and saiil that to the besi of his belief ho could not have a fair and Impartial trial if tried wilh the other defendants. Senator Kennedy did not road his motion for a separate trial for Martin Burke , but In a short speech ho suld : "I will not read the uQldavils of my client und myself , for the simple reason thai I Jwunt to save time , am I want to leave thorn for your honor lo read nt your leisure. " Mr. Kennedy was followed by tlio attorneys tornoys for Beggs uiid Woodruff , who also asked for separate trials. Mr. Amos , attorney for Beggs , said that his client wanted an immediate us well as a separate trial. "Your honor , " said States Attorney Longonccker , rising to bis feet , "I am vori much surprised nt these motions for separate trials. I hud no time to prepare an answer to these applications. I think I should luivo at leust a week to look Into this in order to prepare an answer to thnso motions. I confess foss that I am taken by surprise. " "You havo'bcou talking about being ready for trial , " said Mr. Forrest , "now go ahead Youc honor , continued Mr. Forrest , growing warm , "I demand that this case go on. want no moio delay. No sir , Mr. Longo- ticckur's policy from the first 1ms beou ono o tleluy and now bo wants another delay. Why did be not give mo a list of the 100 witnesses before Saturday ! It was for the purpose o delay. Further , your honor , I want to say that tlio state's attorney has ndvleoJ Martli Hurko to dispense with the sorvicoi of Sana tor Kennedy and thai he has told witnesses that they must not tnlk to me , Mr. Forrest bo attorney for the defense. " Mr. Longonockor replied to Mr. Forrest uy claiming that this was the first time that ho had asked for a continuance. 'Fuithcnnoro , " said ho , "I ara sick , nnd have not boon feeling well for several iluvs. I desire a continuance for one weou If your honor will permit It. " "Your honor , " said Mr. Forrest , "If this Is only a slight Indisposition on the part of Mr. Longeneckor wo had better go on' , He will bo bettor In twenty-four hours. No doubt bo has un ublo corps ot assistants who , with Mr. Mills nnd Mr.illnos.oan carry on the case. I think it is only right that this trial should go on. As I said before , it has been the pol icy of the prosecution to make as much delay as possible. Wo huvo all heunl that the stuto was ready ; If it Is let thu trial go on. " Mr , Brown , Woodruff's attorney , took the floor us soon us Mr. Forrest had finished , and said that ho wanted It distinctly under stood that ho would und did oppose all efforts to have the case continued. "Wo want no ' deluy at all , und nro now ready to go to trial , " he said. "It is for your honor to decide whether this delay t > hall ba granted , " "Your honor , " suld Mr. Longonecker , Dooming to wince under the cutting rouiurks of Mr. Forrest , "I do not usk for u continu- onro merely for the suka of u do- delay , in the first pluce , I am not piopixred to argue the motions for a sep arata trial for ull six of the defendants. I did think one or two of them intent make such u motion , but In order to argue ull six of the motions I would like to have some time to prepare. Not being wel1,1 will not be able to work for u few days , und for this reason , und this only , I uak for a continuance of nt least u wooU. " For a few innmmits all was quiet In the courtroom. Everybody loaned forward to hour what , the Judge had to say , for the ut- tornoys were evidently waiting for hu de cision. "I am not Inclined to oontlnuu this case , " ho laid. "Iher * bas already bccu delay enough , nnd as to the motions for separate trials , I nm in favor of having them argued I mtncdlatoly. Hut , on Ilia other hand , if Mr. Longcncckor la not well , it Is hardly fair to R 6 on with the caso. StlH.'I want to have these motions nrgncd thin week , nnd ns Mr. Uopgs , through his lawyer , demands an Im- modlato trial , his case should also have seine consideration. The motion of Attorney Donahoo to the affect tlmt his client bo given Information regarding the clwrees against him and the Witnesses who will tes tify against him , thus giving him an oppor tunity to prepare n defense , should also bo disposed of ns soon ns possible How would it bo to argue those motions next Wednesday nntl then bo prepared to go on with the trial noxtMondivl" Halt n dozen attorneys were on their foot in n moment , all opposing the proposition. Mr. Forrest was especially strong In his de nunciation of granting a delay. Mr. Longonccker oxprcsicd his satisfac tion with the proposal and said ho meant to get well In n day or so and bo ready to pro ceed with the argument on Wednesday. The opposition on the part of the defend ants' attorneys was so decided , liowovcr , that Judge McConnell finally concluded that ho would not continno the case any later than Wednesday morning. MILITAUV MAllKSMnV. Ninth Cnvnlry Shoot , Department of tlio Missouri. LnAVENWoimi , Knn. , August 20. [ Special to Tun Bun. | THe ninth annual cavalry shoot , department of the Missouri , began at Fort Loavonwortii to-day. The shoot will continue four days , nt the end of which time the revolver praotlco will take placo. To-day the range was 200 , 00 , 503 nnd COO ynrds. To-morrow nnd Wednesday there will bo skirmish firing , nnd on Thursday the rnngo will bo 200 , 800 , 500 and 000 yards. Friday the dismounted revolver match will take place and Saturday the mounted re volver match. Contestants nro present from r.U over the department , and tlio shoot attracts annually many distinguished nrmy olllccra. The fol lowing are the o nicer 3 in charge of the shoot : Ofllcor in charge , Major E. V. Somnor , Fifth ravalry , inspector of small arms prac tice. department of the Missouri ; Captain H. F. Bates , Eighteenth ( n fan try , camp com mander ; Second Lieutenant W. J. Pardoe , Eighteenth infantry , adjutant nnd ordtmnco olllcor ; First Lieutenant J. Oullfoyle , Ninth cavalry , acting assistant quartermaster and nc.tmg commissary of subsistence ; Second Lluutenant VV. U Atkinson , SKlh infantry , statistical and financial ofllcor ; Captain R. F. Butcs , executive range officer. Range officers Second Lieutenants H. J. Gallagher , Sixth cavalry ; So gewlck Rice , Seventh cavalry ; G. W. Martlu , Eighteenth infantry ; G. McIC Williamson , Sixth cavalry ; S. P. Vestal , Fifth cavalry ; C. L. Foster , Fifth cavalry ; A. G. C. Quay , fifth cavalry ; M. C. Bailer , Jr. , Fifth cavalry ; J. M. Sigoworth , Tenth Infnntiy , und P. G. Lowe , Eighteenth in fantry. There are representatives present from the First , Third , Fifth , Sixth , Seventh , Eighth , Ninth and Tenth cavalry regiments. The Second and Fourth nro stationed at such a distance from Fort Loavonworth that no rcpicscntatlvos are present from these regi ments. For the carbine shoot four gold nnd six silver-medals are awarded. For the revolver match there are ono gold , three silver and six bronze medals. The shoot promises to bo better than nny yet hold. The marksmen ire the bcst'tn their regiments. * The following is the score for the cavalry catblno shoot this afternoon. Tlio wind blow at u high rate and interfered with the marksmanship , which was comparatively pooj- . Sergeant E. E. Taylor , E , Tifth regi ment . llH Corporal W. T. Hodges , 1C , Seventh regiment . 101 Lieutenant W. S. Scott , - , First rogl- mont . , . , . 101 Corporal T. M. Anderson , M , Fifth regi ment . 101 Pnvao J. E. Canning , L , Fifth regiment 101 Private E. Hoitmullcr , 13 , Fourth regi ment . 100 Sargeant William Culton , H , Fifth regi ment . 159 Sergeant F. Rankin , F , Seventh regi ment . 159 Lieutenant J. M. Carson , - , Fifth regiment . 153 Private H. Watt , D , Fifth regiment . 153 Corporal J. W. Brown , B , Seventh regi ment . Iri8 Sergeant C. Madson , G , Fifth regiment. . 153 L.OST . AT QOXHYTjLiAND. A Sliuhtly Deranged Old Gentleman Separated From His Nursn. NKW YOIIK , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE.I Chief of Police , of Coney Island , telephoned to the Astor house people this morning that ho had at headquarters a well-dressed , gray-haired gentleman ubout fifty-five years of ago , who said ho was on Astor house truoat , and who had been found astray there , unable to take care of hlms'jlf , and that a largo amount of mouoy and some valuable jewelry bad been found on his person. The As tor liouso people concluded that It was Colonel John A. Willard , of Maulcato , Minn. , who had boon staying there for the past two months. The old gentleman was seen sitting on a bench on Surf Avenue at West Brighton at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon and acting so strangely that u largo crcwd gathered around him. Ho appeared to bo sonar , but now and then would bucst forth Into a torrent of Incoherent words , of which the assembled multitude could only catch "Lost. " The crowd # ot so largo that it attracted tlio attention of an o nicer. Hovalked up to the old man ana the latter seemed glad to BOO him. Ha wont along quietly enough and was soon in the police station. From impels found on him it seemed ho was Colonel John A. Willard. Ho said that ho was fifty-seven years old. Chief McKiuio questioned him closely and soon found out that the man was not In his right mind. "Where do you llvol" asked the chief. "Astor house , " replied Willard. "What nro you doing down horol" "I came down with my uurso. Ho Is MIchael J. Folcy. Ho ran away from mo after wo got down hero. " Colonel Willard bad considerable money in his pocket nnd were several diamonds. It is not thought that Foley ran away , as Colonel Willard stated , for ho came to Coney Island police headquarters yesterday afternoon nnd reported that Willard had been separated from htm. At the Astor house little U known of Colonel Willard except that ho U presumed to bo wealthy and of fair family , Ho came to this city on Juno 20 and has bcci : stopping at the Astor house over since. Ho Is under medical treatment. Tlio London Slrlko Growing. LONDON' , August 20. The dock laborers have bocu Joined In their strike by the Thames iron workers , who number 7,000 men. There is talk of compelling laborers In ull trades to quit work and foroo matters to an issue ut onoo. The shipping business Is completely paralyzed and mail steamers nro leaving without carcoei. Many ilup owners have begun suit against the Commercial Dock company dunning damages for the detention of their vessels. The strike Is gaining moro adherents hourly. Eight thousand sallorj and firemen and 2,500 deck men at tbo Isle of Docks , where several largo docks ara located , have gone out. The coal porters at King'a cross huvo joined the strike. No Announcement Mado. DEEII PA UK , , Md. , August 20 , President Harrison \vus seen this evening at his cot- luge by the Associated press representative. Thq president says ho has made no an nouncement to any ono as to the culling of an extra session of congress. Ho said ho ha * , of course , dlscunsad the pros anil cona of the matter with various persons. How ever , it is understood taut tbo question is not determined , A TALK WITH MRS. LOGAN. Her Interest la Grand Army of the Bopubllo Matters TJnabatod. CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. filio Thinks Tlmt Even Paris Does Not OfTor tlio Accommodations Afforded In tlio'dtjr Uf the Imko. On Her 'Wny to Milwaukee. CHICAGO , August 20. [ Special Tologr.un to TUB BBC. ] Mrs. John. A. Logan was hero to-day on her way to the Milwaukee G. A. H. encampment , where sbo will ba the guest of the department of Illinois. Stio wus ac companied by General and Mrs. Algor. Tea a reporter she said : "I felt that I could not allow a slnglo meeting of the G. A. U. J.O pass without sea- ing it. You know that General Logan WAS BO much of a Grand Army man , was so en grossed with It and everything concerning It , and then I have so miny old tltuo friends and acqualutinco * who n I shall see there that I could not lot n slnglo year go by. The veterans are growing fewer and fewer every year. Doatu carries uway so many from the tltno of ono encampment to the next that I feel It a sort of sacra J duty to sco everyyo&r whom are loftof an organiza tion which possesses so many hallowed asso ciations for mo. " Mrs. Ligan has been an Interested ob server of the struggle between Now York and Chicago to secure the world's ' fair , "I am of course most anxious , " she said , "tosco the world's fair a success , and of course I am entirely in favor of Chicago ns the place to have it. If the promoters want to have it a success they should not have a moment's doubt about the matter. Chicago Is the only city wliero a full and complete measure of success is possible. While I was abroad I visited and gave a good deal of at tention to the Paris exposition and I will say that , although I was impressed with the magnificence of that gro it ontorprlso , nnd while it must bo acknowledged that Purls is a beautiful city , yet I urn firmly "convinced that Chicago oilers more facilities for such an exhibition and is bettor suited for it In every wav than Paris. The hotel accommodations are Infinitely superior hero to these of Paris. Why , they have no idea over there of the inug ilficont scale upon which wo cot up our great hotels In America. But the variety nnd magnificence of the exhibits In that Paris ex position nro absolutely bewildering. Some of these from the cast surpass In magnifi cence any I over dreamed of , but I am sorry to say that our American exhibition Is very small , poor and insignificant. Our people are spending imaicnso sums of money over there and the promoters of the scheme are affording them every opportunity to do so , but they have not much of a repre sentation in the exposition. In fact , I urn sorry to say , I was almost ashamed of the American section. The Edison exhibits and tbo Tiffany jewelry exhibit are good ; in fact , what there Is is very good , but they are so few and are in such a backward location that there is not much attention paid to thorn. " "How Is this state of things accounted for ? " Well , I think Mr. Cleveland was most unfortunate - fortunate in his selcction'for the commission , and General W. U. Franklin , who is in charge , Is wholly unfit for tbo positforr. Ho hasn't th'o breadth of ideas nor the * business training to qualify him for it , and the result is that , so far .as the American section is concerned , the thing Is almost a failure. "Thero Is ono thing I want to point out before I leave this subject , " said Mrs. Logan , ' which may bo of some Interest to the people plo who have the world's .fair project In charge. The Paris exposition was originally gotten up in the shape of a hugo lottery to replenish the treasury of the French govern ment , which was then in n bankrupt con dition. In this it has been a most wonderful success , for the govern ment has cleared ' 83,000,000' francs by the project. Americans should profit by this. Tnoro are a great many rich people in Franca and other European countries , but if they are rich they know bow to hold on to their wealth , They diffqr very much , from Americans in this respect. Your European millionaire spends his money by no moans so lavishly as the American , nnd I thoicforo belle vo that it Is a mistake to look forward to an influx of European capitalists as a great monatury benefit to this country or any section of it. Instead of coming hero to spend their money in v Impression is that they will try to got over hero loaded down with goods and carry our money back with them. THE 13NOAMPMKNT. Iiiimnnsa Crowds Attend Od ! Tccuiii- soli Arrives. MIMVAUKED , August 23 Immense crowds came In to day by every train and there are not less than 100,000 strangers ta the city. About fifty thousand of them are veterans. General Sherman arrived at 8 o'clock to night and was escorted to bis hotel by tbo executive council. When the carriage reached tbo Planklnton uouso the general was saluted with a shower of boquots. To-night the old Iron Brigade hold a re union at the Elks' hall. The chief fcatura was an address by General liragg , its old commander. The Sons of Veterans hold a great oimp flro presided over by Commindor-in-Chlof Warner. The encampment proper opens to-morrow , when the grund parade will take placo. It Is expected that 40.0JO men will bo In lino. On to-morrow evening the chief mooting of the week will tuko pluuo at tlio West Side Turner hall. An address of welcome will bo mudo by Governor Hoard , which will ba re sponded to by Commnndnr-In-Chlof Warner. Mnvor Brown will deliver an address on be- huir of the city and this will bo responded to by Corporal Tan nor , commissioner of pen sions. An east side camp fire will also bo hold in the Light Horse squadron armory which wll | bo presided over by General Fulruhlid , and addresses will bo made by Senator Joun C. Spooner and others. General Sherman will appear at and ad dress both camp fires to-morrow evening. Twenty Oonviution * anil Ono Nolle. Sr.JosBi'ii , Mo. , August 20. fSpoulal Telo- grain to Tim BKB. | Judge WooJson bold a session of the criminal court this morning , disposed of ona case and then adjourned court until the November term. The ease of A. C , Holland , charged with the shooting of Barney Crouch , was called , und after listen ing to too avldonco offered by the prosecution tbo court advised that the COSR bo nolle prosoqulod , which course was adopted by Prosecuting Attorney Sherwood. It will bo remembered that ono night vomo wenks ago Holland and Crouch met -at the Blind Men's ' Kxc'0 nge , on South Sixth street , and en- cagt in a shooting match , in which Crouch wus killed and Holland received a ball through tbo check. Everything in the ovi- dcnco offerou to the judge this morning Indi cated that Crouitu had commenced , the fight by shooting Holland and that the latter hud only acted in self-defense. Tno ending of this case winds up ono ot the most actlvo terms of criminal court in the history ol Buchanan county. Of twenty-one cases pre sented to the jury , convictions were had in every case , Holland being the only tuau to escape. Drowned Wlilln liatlilnir. ZIVIEW , Mass. , August 28. E.fl Bow * man , of Chicago , was drowned while bathing bore to-day. The body has not been re covered. < An Earthquake in Greece. LONDON , August 20. A severe earthquake shock was felt throughout Greece to-day Several townu were duuiugca. UltUTAti AIUKDKK A.THAWKINS. . A Sliooiuakor Nninoil''jfCorl Kicked nnd IJonton to I/Ctttli. IUVJ.INS , Wyo. , 'August ! 20.Spocml [ Tolcgiam to TUB Bnn. ] Th6 most sickening murder In the annals of our city came to ilpht to day. Herman Korl , a shoemaker , was lltorally kicked T.nd beaten to death Saturday night by n brute tinmod Paddy Golden , who In the darkness of the night throw the body of his victim , into the crook just below where the murder was committed and covered It with dirt and rubbish. From conversation withrwItnAsos of the horrlbla aflalr the following pnrtlsulars nro obtained ; Korl had been drinking during Saturday afternoon nnd In the ) evening wont Into the foster house , a low lodging house , where ho found tbo endeavoring to make her mother-in-law , who was drunk , leave the premises. Korl interfered , when Golden struck him , knocking him doxvn. Ho then throw him out , and , following him , kicked htm in the face and head until ho was Insen sible. There wcro a number of witnesses , who carried Korl Into the house , where they loft htm. Ho was never saou allvo again. The witnesses to the affair claim that they did not report tt because they thought ho was in bed and was not seriously Injured. When It was discovered this morulnp that ho was missing search won made and the body was found in the creek , ns ubovo described. The fuco Is terribly mutilated , the nose being broken , the skull oraokod , nnd the body shows numerous other bad bruises and dlscolora- tions. Golden has been placed under arrest nnd will have an examination to-morrow. Threats of lynching hiwcrbeon made , but it Is thought no violence will bo resorted to. Extra guards have been placed on duty at the jail. Golden Rooms to ba uaconcorned at his arrest. Ho mndo no attempt to leave the city , doubtless thinking himself scouro from dotootion. JUU IION'S SI ATE I.\ DANG 15 It. l''cars That the ProhlbB .May Capture tlio Convention. YAXKTON , S. D. , August 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun UBC.J Tlio smashing of the machine slate In North Dakota causes some fluttering bore , nnd tao slate made for Huron this we Me Is thought to bo la danger , A very little help from party loaders who have beou loft out , It is thought , will enable the alliance people and the prohibitionists to secure contiol of the convention , and down Gamble nnd McCoy and got up a stnto ticket that will defeat Moody arid Pottlgrow for United States sonators. | The combination of Moody , Pettigrow , Gamble and McCoy having been proclaimed arid ibecn well un derstood , it will rally all the forces of Gifford - ford , Mathews , Pickler , thoj prohibitionists and the alliance people against them , and if they do not develop cnougli strength at first to run the state convention ! tbo whole outfit will be beaten. The central Daknta counties , arostronply prohibition arid strongly alliance , and these , with the dissatisfied odds nnd ends of the machine , will all fusa for ono ob ject the defeat of the "machine gang. " The wtok Is pregnant with big events , and wa shall bo wiser before the sun goes down next Saturday. At all1 dvonts tno news wafted from Fargo has1 caused much un easiness In the syndicate that1 has parcelled out unions themselves the highest offices , and there will bo muslo in the air on Woanesday , when tho'fltito convention moots. Meilotto will renounce the sang It ho finds they nro to bo L.bcntbn and save him self by coalition with'tUe'alllaaoo pcoplo Und the prohibs. j The entire Ynnkton county delegation to the Huron republican , convontloa will leave to-morrow morning , to bo on the ground early for effective work. The ' legation will Insist on the nomination ot John U. Gamble for congress. TAIM'KO MEAT. Wholesale Pononlnli ut a Colored. , Board in K HOIIBC. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , August 20. A wholesale poisoning occurred hero to-day through the use of tainted meat. Lydia Wildinan keeps a colored boarding house and has ten youotf men boarders who work at ono of the f nrnances. An hour after dinner to-day all the boarders , Mrs. Wildinan and her young daughter were taken violently ill and all have been unconscious sinoe. Tbo girl and two of the boarders will die. CONS15IIVA.TIV13 COERCION. William O'Brien nnd Jnino * Gilliouly Go to Jiiil. DUBLIN , August 20. William O'Brien ' and James Uilhooly to day were sentenced to two months' und six weeks' imprisonment , re spectively , for holding meetings which had been proclaimed. On the expiration of their terms they must glvo bonds to Iteop the peace for six months , and in the event of their re fusal will got two months additional impris onment. . A Sweet Morsel For B it o-tr. Dun MM , August 20. The residence of a no- coder from the plan of campaign at Bally- gowan was set on flro to-day and the owner and a servant burned to death. SELLING TUAMP8. Tl.e Whlto Slave tiaw nnd How It Worlcn In Missouri. KANSAS Cm- , August 20. A Moborly , Mo. , special nays ; Four tramps arrested bore for vagrancy wcro put up at public auc tion to-day. Tbo sale hus been duly adver tised according to law and there was a lar o crowd present. The bidding was not very spirited. Two of the tramps went to a fanner for $3a head ilnd another was bid infer for 75 cents. The fourth tramp could find no purchaser and was returned to jail. The three who were sold must servo tnoir pur chaser for four months. A SPEOU1. V1 Ifr'G CAS II I Kit. Ho in Noiv in Canada With the Bank's t undn. MT. GIMUD , O. , AuRUjstl Q. While noth ing definite Is knownof thp extent of Cashier Hulliduy's defalcation In.tu . i First National bunk , which closed Saturday it Is sup posed it will reach $35,000. , ' Hulllday made a confession to the direct6ri Friday. Ho went away Saturday , afadHt is thought bis destination U Canada. Daring the past five years Halllday baa been speculating in wheat and oil , using the bank' * money and supplying Us place by forged , notes when ua examination wus to be made , Two Shlpj , Several yunfnnd a Ware- liniiu ! > IltiiMuid. PonrCobTA , Cola. , Afig ist 20. MoNoar's warehouse and the American wooden ship Armenia and the British ; wooden ship Ho- nauwar burned to-day . < Ttm vessels were valued at about $10,000 each and wora heav ily loaded witli grain. A number of South ern Pacific curs iudcu with grain were also destroyed nnd only hard Work saved several largo warehouses adjoining MoNoar's. The totul loss on all property destroyed will roach $000.000 , with insurance perhaps of KWO.OOO. A Chinese ) cook on board the snip Ilonauwar jumped Into the water and was drowned , j ViinUtnn Voira Itnllrnatl Hand' , YANKTON , S. D. , ( August 20. | Special Telegram to TUB KB.J Yaukton voted a S per cent tux today" secure tbo building of the Norfolk i } ' Yankton railroad , and to secure the extension of the Manitoba road from Sioux Fulls to Vault ton. The vote was 4 ! > 0 for und 4(1 ( ugumst. They Trutt In Glasi. NEW YOIIK , August JO , The manufactur ers of window gluis , v ble glass and crockery have formed u trust. A DESPERATE STAGE ROBBER , Single Haudod Ho Holds Up a Coach. TWO PASSENGERS WOUNDED. Ono Cnntint Live nnd tlio Other Ha * Little Gliiuioo ot Kocovcry Kcslstnnoa Caused the Shunting. A Vindictive Vlllnln. AsmAND , Wls. , Atlgust 20. Black Hart's daring deads in the mountain passes of Cali fornia were outdone to-day by iilono highway man who hold up and robbed the stage that ruus between Gogobio ( on the Milwaukee , Luke Shore & , Eastern railroad Just over the line In Michigan ) and Gogobio lake , a sum mer resort. As the stage was running along at a lively gnlt through the dense forest , about two miles from tlio station , a man jumped out In front of it and pointing two big revolvers nt the driver com manded him to. throw up his bands , at , the sanio time extending the same order to the four passengers Inside the coach , wltli the further provision that they "shell out" their loose valuables and currency. One of the passengers wont down In his pookot , but In stead of bringing up a pockotboolc ho took a pistol out and began firing at the robber. The ilosporado immediately returned tlio flro , nnd although the driver whipped his horses into a gallop his aim was true. D. Maokcr- char , a bookkeeper In tbo First Na tional bank , of Minneapolis , received the first bullet In his cheek , whllo the second wont crashing through his log. Another passou- gen named A. G. Flooschbaln , of Belleville , 111. , was mortally wounded. Ho roio up la the scat as the horses were whipped away , just In time to receive a bullet in the hip. Ho fell forward and pitched over tlio side of the coach into the load way. The horaes continued to run and the wounded man was loft to take his chances with the robbor. The villain threatened nt first to kill him. but finally desisted after securing $37 and bis victim's watch nnd chain. The wounded man lay bleeding in the reid for three hours before any ono courageous enough to go to bis succor was found. The physicians suy ho will not live ever night. Mackorchar was taken to Basic river for treatment and from there to his homo nt Minneapolis. There uro grave doubts us to his recovery also. The two other passengers escaped un hurt. The description of the robber tallies with that of the daring froo-bootor who went through the Northwestern train near Ellis Junction some time ago. A passe has gene in pursuit. AN ARKANSAS RIOT. A Negro Oubilcn Unils iii a Deadly ( Itow. LITTLE ROOK , Ark. , August 20. The Reg ister to-morrow will say a riot occurred Sun day among the negroes at Jordon Brook. For some time the negroes in that county have been spending Saturday nights in jubilee in the woods near town and last Sat- nigbt a great crowd was prqsent und con siderable whisky wan consumed. About 0 o'clock a quarrel-began between Joseph Jor don nnd William Nowcotnb , nnd the latter was fatally shot. A general iicht ensued nnd great confusion prevailed. The men fired at each other in drunken fury without knowing whom they were shooting at. at.It is impossible to secure the names of the wounded , but it Is known that several nro fa tally hurt , while many nro seriously wound ed. Josouh Joidon , Frank Holt and Ander son Noel are known to have beou killed. When a posse of white men arrived fiom Locksburg the combatants bud all fied and little could bo learned. TO BLOW UP\'HI-3 PRISON. A Michigan ( jiV Prisoner Had the Materials Ready. JACKSON , Mich. , August 20. A sensation has bscn unearthed at the state prison. Irving Latirner , recently sentoncoJ to Im prisonment for life for tlio raurdar of his mother , has boon do toe to 1 In a plot ta blow up the prison. For six weeks the warden had suspected that Latlmor was concerned in some scheme , and on Friday u prisoner was detected getting a package near the north wall which had boon thrown over by outsiders during the night. It contained a quantity of hercules powder. Latimer has been cor"ned In the solitary und the warden refuses to talk about the matter. It is un derstood that several old prisoners in ado use of Latimor's money and outside Influunoa to work a schema which , If successful , would have partially destroyed the prison and re leased SOO convicts. HIS liA.SH CHANCE. A Bookkeeper Dying of Consumption Defaults. Nnw Yonir , August 20. Albert McMillan , the trusted bookkeeper of the Cody & Nel son company , limited , tailors , took ull the cask ho could lay hands on last week and flo < 1. The total loss by his dishonesty IB $2,200. A warrant has been Issued for his arrest , but ho cannot bo found , McMillan has only six months moro to live , ns several physicians had deolnred ho must die in that time of consumption , and it is thought ho took the money to go south anddlo. The Flack Divorce On He. New Yomc , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to T E BKB. ] Papers in the Flack divorce case were thrown open to the re porters to-day by an order of Judge Allen , of the court of common pleas , upon an appli cation of James E. Grahuni , of the Now York World. Tnoro Is among the papers what appears to be a complaint and plea for divorce by Mrs. Flack uguinst bar husband on the ground of infidelity , Mrs. Flack has since Insisted that she did not take action for divorce. _ Sweat's Arrest Causes Surprise. NKIIIIARKA City , Nob. , Augua120. | Special to TUB BEB. ] The arrest of Churlos Sweet at Kansas City on the charge of embezzling tlG.OOO . in Greene county , Now York , and his subsequent release on $10,000 ball , caused great surprise hero when it became linown , as he formerly lived hero mid wus very prominent. His father , James Sweet. \vus foimorly revenue collector of Nebraska nnd later woo a banker In this city , whore ho fulled. The cause for young Sweet's arrest la Bald to huvo been the mis- nppioprlatlon of eastern money for which ' 10 wus agent , but his relatives hero assert that it Is merely an attempt to fleece the Sweets. The Wontlier Fori-osr. NoWasKu 'Geueriillv fair , warmer in east ern , utatlqnury , temperature in western , southerly wiiids. Iowa Light local showers In eastern , fair In western portion , stationary temperature In eastern , warmer invuaturu , southerly winds , Dakota Fair , cooler In northwest , sta tionary temperature In southeast portion , cooler Wed n end ay , southerly shifting to westerly winds , lioivaid Union Pacific learnings. Jioarox , Mass. , August 20. The net earn ings of the Union Pacific railway ( whole syntom ) for July show an increase of firo.WK ) over the sum ? month last year , For Buvon months to July ill , the net earnings show an Increases of $7,000. : ) The expenses show u decrease uf $015,000 , loruoveu uouthu. FIFTY I'ASSUNOKKS IN.IUHUD. Disastrous Wreck an the Snuta Fo Rnnd Nrar Rtrrntor. CHICAGO , August l0 ! The Journal's ' Strca- tor , 111. , special says : The vestibule train on the Snntu Fo route running between Kansas City and Chicago mot with n serious accident at Kinsman , a small station about fifteen miles north of here , at 8 o'clock thl& morning. The train was houvllv loaded with Grand Army veterans and their frlomls bound for the Milwaukee encamp ment , nnd consisted of several extra coaches. Throe coaches , two Pullman sleepers and the dining car were thrown from the track and down n stern em bankment a distance ot forty feet. Word was Immediately telegraphed to this city for medical assistance and a special train uus sent nt once with a dozen surgeons on board. A wrocitor was also sent out to clean up the track. These most seriously Injuied were brought to this city ami tukon to St. Mary's _ hospital. where their wounds were properly attended to. In ull there were probably fifty persons hurt , nnd though none wore killed outright , many are In a very Oangcrous condition. The majority , It Is fonroil , will dlo. Throe of the injuiod are reported to have since died , ono of tbo throe being Mrs. Grace Peters , of Emporln. Kan. Exnct Informa tion Is hnrd to obtain , owing to the extreme reticence of the railroad company. The nLcident was caused bv n chair cur , which was third behind thu engine , jumping the track. It was ditched Instantly , turning with tt the three sleepers behind. A mil was found projecting through the bottom cf the chair cur and out of the sldo , about three feet from the bottom. The train was run ning at a high rate of speed. The track where the derailment occurred Is understood to have been in poor condition. It Is believed that if the tram had been ot the ordinary pattern instead uf vcstibulod , the loss of life would have been fifty. STAUDED H13R NURSE GIRL. An Atlantic City Woman Uses u Dnir- tier Vlclnusly. PuiLAiiEi.riiiA , Aucust 20. A special from Atlantic City , N. J. , says : Mrs. Victoria Hamilton , w'lfo of U. H. Hamilton , to-day murderously assaulted Mary O'Donnoll , em ployed by her as wet nurse , with a dagger , Inflicting probably fatalwounds. Mrs. Ham ilton \vas arrested , with her husband , who witnessed the the stabbing , und they are beIng - Ing hel 1 by the authorities who will not them to bo interviewed. Hamilton is said to bo the son of General Sohuyler Hamilton , of Now York , and the gran Ison of Alexander Hamilton. The affair is shioudud In mystery. The Humlltons moved into the cottage where the stabbing took place about five weeks a o and the O'Donnoll woman says they lived in Now York and had just returned trom Cali fornia. The wounded woman raved violently for nu hour or tno rflcr she was stuubod about Mrs. Hamilton saying tun latter wtia u dis reputable character and other things. A story is current to the effect that Ham ilton married without his father's knowledge edge- and that the latter on Investiga tion found that the woman's reputation was snot good. It IB said the servant girl thiow this up to the Hnmiltons to-day and a row ensued , during which t.'io stubbing oc curred. Hamilton's clothes were torn , going to show that there had buou a gencrul Bcufilo. _ _ North Nebraska Pi ess Association. % NOHFOLK , Nob. . August 2rt. [ Special Tel egram to Tiis BKB. 1 1 ho North Nebraska Prcsa association mot at a o'clock this after noon la Odd Fellows' hull. There was a lively interest on the part of these in attend ance. Papers weru presented onJoU Work , " by P. F. Sprockor , of Norfolk ; ' "Subscriptions , " by E. A. Fry , of Nlobrara. nnd "County Work , " by W. E. Duncan , of Madison , nnd ordered published. A letter was received from E. K. Valentine express ing great regret nt being delayed , and it was voted that his address on "Pioneer Newspa per Work" bo- given nt the next meeting , which is to bo held in Norfolk on the fourth. Monday of January , 18JO. At Ciinii ) Groolc. Font ROUINSON , Neb , August 23. | Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] Grand tactics were Inaugurated this morning by the first brigade drill in Camp George Crook , Generals Kautz , Wheaten and Blunt commanding the in- fontry , Colonel Tilford the cavalry , and Captain Kiuzlo the artillery. The drill was the first since the close of the war. It was admirably given , considering this fact and the further ono that only ono reg iment present has bad an oppor tunity to practice the school of battalllon In garrison before coming to camp. Brigade drills will bo continued during the week , and will bo followed by division drill nnd grand strategy , under General Brooke's immediate command. Largo numbers of citizens daily visit the camp. It is expected that excursion trains will bs run to Fort Robinson by the Elkhorn road before the end of the encampment. A largo number of Sioux und Cheycnno Indians are to-day encamped camped on the reservation. The Julesburg Murdorar * Seen. OOAIJ.UA , Neb. , August 20. ( .Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The two tramps who uro supposed to bo the pirtios that mur dered the two section man at Julesburg yesterday wore aeon ubjut ono mile west of this place this evening , but on account of tbo darkness it is almost impossible to find them , ns they started toward the river and must bo hiding In the weeds somewhere. The bhoriff of Sedgwlek county and marslisl of Julcsburg uro In.liot pursuit. hteiunsliip Arrivals. At Now YorK The Fulda , from Bremen , London The disabled British man of war Sultan has boon towed to Malta. At Philadelphia Tlio British King , from Liverpool. At Southampton The Werra , from Now York for Bremen. London Sighted , the steamers Helvetia , from Now York , for London ; O > dutn , from Now York , for Itottoi dam. At Hamburg The Hamuionlo , from Now York. Glasgow The Stuto of Georgia , from Now York. _ _ International Chess ConurcRB Onons. AMSTBIIDAM , August 20 [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEE. ] The international chess congress began hero to day at noon. In the first game Gunsborg beat Forest , Cuakor beut Bauer und Louiau beat Leather. The game between Mason and Burns was drawn , Blackburn wus ab sent. ' J'urniturc Dealers J'nll. ' LIIAVUNUOIITII , Kim , , August 30. [ Spsclul Telegram to TUB HUB. ] Abernathy & Dougherty , furniture dealers , made an as signment this evening in favor of the First National bank , giving a chattel mortgage for 433,000. Paul E. Huvens takes charge to-morrow in bpjmlf ol the bank. The un fortunate firm is one of tlio oldest in the city und has u branch lipusc utjtansa * City. 'Hie Vlslltlo Hnpply. CIIIOAOO , August W. The visible supply for the week ending August 'H , as com piled by the secretary of the Chicago ooard of trade , la as follows ! Bushels Wheat . Hyj5.dO ( ) Corn . , . , . 9,477,000 Oats . 5.012,000 Uyo . ' . , . . , . . . . 870.00J Burley . . . . 8.28,000 General Isaac bhonard FIUNKI.IX , Mass. , August 20. General Isaac I. Slicpurd died in HcUlngbuui bunday aged Buvcnty-turco years. DOUGLASS ISNT ANXIOUS , To Go to Hnytl Doesn't Soora to Bo Hln Ambition. THE POSITION AN IRKSOME ONE , A Story That Admiral Ghornrdl AVaf instructed to Mildly Favor Hip- polylo Moro Extra Ses sion lullc. WASHINGTON BuitiSAtj , TUB O > unv BOB , ! Bin FouiiTnnsTii Srimnr. ! > WASHINGTON , D. C. , Auifu * r.t SO. I Notwithstanding the fact that Assistant Secretary Whnrton donirs emphatically nnd in tote the rumor to the oftcct that Minister Fred Douglass Is not to bo sent to Haytl after all , Mr. Douglass himself does uotitullc in the most sanguine to no about bis futura residence la tlio Island. In fact there so cms to bo an undercurrent of antipathy towards n residence In Huyti In the orator's tilk. Ha is evidently not profoundly impressed with the Idea of giving up his comfortable homo In Washington , where he has everything ha could ask , for a residence In the unhealthy , revolution-ridden republic. There Is , perhaps , no doubt that Mr. Douglass can go to Hayll If be desires to do BO , but the position at present will Involve extremely onerous duties upon the repre sentative of tbo United States. In fact , although ho will without doubt bo the youngest member of the diplomatic corps In Port-nu-Prlnco In point of years of service , ho will bo called upon to do more hnrd work than any of his colleagues , owing to the desirability ot the extension of Amoriciu influences and Amoilcan ideas over the Huytlcti icpuhllu. If Mr. Douglass decides to remain la America rather than to proceed to Port-nu- Prmco ho will bo following simply the dictntes of his own inclination. A man to represent tbo United Status in Havtl at the piescnttimo must bo physically and mentally strong und healthy. oiinitAitiii's oiinnns. It Is understood that the sealed orders of Admiral Gliorardi , ever which so much mystery has baon made in the navy dcpirt- ment , are far more important than at firac appeared. It Is reported that the admiral was Instructed to mildly favor tbo cause of Hlppolyto rather than of Logitimn , and that it was due in part to this that the latter con cluded to abdicate his position as dictator and to quietly leave the republic to Illpo- | lyto and his army from the north. If this report is true , nnd there Is reason to believe that it is not , then the United States will stand in the position toward the black re public of a semi-political sponsor , nud American Ideas and American influences will have greater weight in liuyti than ever before. It was known to have been the oolicy of Mr. Cleveland during the lust administra tion to favor the cause of Hippolyto , but bo bad not proceeded to fully outline bis policy when the administration changed. Thoio are n great many reasons why it is not only desirable , but almost Imperative , that the United States snould beou filendly teims with Havtl , nnd it thp revolution just , brought to : t close results us it is expected to do , in the ascendancy uf a party able and willing to sea the benefits to be derived oy a closer commercial alliance with the United States , th ) ) result will bo that this country will have what It 1ms needed for sn long a time , namely , u coaling station In thu West Indies. j EXTIIA 8KS8ION TAtK. ' Congressman Owen , of Indiana , arrived In Washington this morning. Mr. Owen wa. ; ut. once asked for his views on an extra session of ( xmgretiB As ho is ono o f the three repub licans from Indiana who will occupy seats la the next house , his views carry moro weight than these of members from oilier st itos who are not so Intimate with the president. 11 "I have had no direct assurance from the I president that he intends to call congress to gether before December , " said Mr. Owen , "but the lant time that I was here wo had some talk on the subject which led mo to the- belief that It Is the intention of the president to issue n cull. "What remark of the president gave you this Impression 1" "Wo were talking of the work to bo done and General Harrison nxpiossod the opinion that if congress should not meet until the regular day In December , the result would bo that the house would scarcely be organ ized nnd ready for business until after the middle of January. " ' "In the event of a call , what do you cxoscb nlll be the date fixe.ll" "I believe that It will bo between the 20th of October and the end of the first week of November. It will bo moru likely to be nearer to the former than the latter dote , " "Do you think that the death of Congress man Laird and the consentient weakening of the republican majority will have uuy effect in changing the plans of the president ? " "No. I do not untlclp ito that It will huvo any bearing on the case. The call , If made , will not tuko effect before the result of the elections in the now states are known , nnd there Is every reason to believe the result of thnso elections will increase the republican majority to such un extent as to insure an easy organization of the house oven though tbo democrats should attempt to filibuster , and I have no idea they will do unything of the kind. " MA.NVTT -WASHINGTON. . Ex-Chuncollor Manatt called at Tin : Bus odleo to-night and announced his Intention to sot sail for Athens on the 25th. Mr. Manatt has concluded to accept the consul ate. Ho will bo the only diplomatic o 111 cor ot the government in Greece , as the minister will reside in one of the othc countries under bis charge. GU\Nl'S , 1UOMAINS. The \\nBhlnetnit Test UrgcB Their Kcmnvul to the Nntlonnl Capital. WASHINGTON , August 20 , The Post to morrow will print un article urging tlmt the remains of General .Grant should bo removed to tlio national capital. In the course of tha article it says : "Tho people were reconciled to the burial of General Grant at Klvcrsldo simply becuusa of the distant ussuranco uud pledge of Noxv York that a monument to his nimombranca nnd ol Riirpasslng grandeur should be erect ed there , but the assurance and pledge have come to naught , and the solemnly promised , monument is but nn Imagination of thorcmota and shadowy future. " The Post urges that the Grand Army , at the pi cscnt encampment , should take up the mutter , und says congress could not say nay to such u reasonable request based upon bigit and patriotic motives , Tim remains of tha old commander should bo token from tba neglected grave at Klvcrsldo to the com panionship of the heroiodead ut Washington. I'ort-nu-l'rlnoc. WASHINGTON , August 2 > i. Acting Secre tary Y/'ilKcr to-dny received the following cablegram from the United States consul at Santiago dc Cuba , dutod to-day : "Gliorordl at Port-uu-Prlnco orders mo to cable that Hippolyto's forces , 70,000 men , quietly occu pied the town on the 2 < id. The minister of war of the northern forces assures tlmt ha will permit no rioting , demonstration or destruction of property. The French coiycttos gulled at noon for Santiago da Cuba witli Logltlme , his principal follower * and u number of refugees. The city con- tiiiucs quiet. Hlppolyto , provisional preaU dent , outers to-day. Moved For Floia'H Dismissal. STOCKTON , Cnl. , August 20. Under direc tions from the attorney general of tba state , Dlstilct Attorney Whlto this morning moveft to dinning the warrant against Chief Juttlca Field , charging htm with complicity In tho. killing of Judge Merry , uud swora out by MM. 'JXrry.