THE OMAHA DAILY BEE2C MONDAY , AUGUST 26 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. _ No advertisements will bo token for thoeo columns after I2:3O p. m. Torms-Cnsh In ndvnnco. Advertisements : under thla hcsd 10 ccnti per line ( or the nrst Insertion , 7 cents for each sub- requent Insertion. and per line per month. No advertisements tnkon fa" lc s than Si cents for first insertion. Seven word * will b < i counted tothollne : they must rnn consecutively nhd must bo pMrt in AIIVANCK. All advertise- mentH must bo handed in before 12 : < X ) o'clock p. in , , nnd under no circumstance * will they be taken or discontinued by tolepbnno , Parties advertising in these columns nnd hav ing tlielr nnswers nddreased In cnre otTui : HRB will plense ask for a chccx loanable them to get their letter * . as Tiono will bo delivered except on pwentatlon or check. All answers to ad- voru omonlH should be enclosed ID envelopes. All advortlsomt nts Inthoso columns nro pub- Untied in both morning nnd evening editions of TIIKHKK. the clrculntion of which aggregate * morothnn 18,000 papers dnliy , mid circs the ad vertisers the bcnent , not only of the city circu lation ot Tun ERR , but nl o of Council Hinds , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout this section of the country. _ "BRA"NCH Advertising for tin so columns v.lll be taken on the nbovo condition ? , nt Uie following busi ness holmes , who are authorized agents for TUB DKB special notices , nnd will quote the same .rates as can bo bud. at the main olllco. HI5LL , , U Bti-cet. / 1HA8K & FDDY. Stntlonrrs and Printers. 113 V Bonth Kth Struct. SII. FARNSWOUTH , Pharmacist , 211G Cum- mini ; Street. WJ. 1HJGHE3 , Pharmacist. C24 North 10th . i Street. GEO. W. PAnH , Phurmtirlst , 1B09 St. Mary's Avenne. BC UGIIE8'PHARMACY. 2203 Farnam Street , SITUATIONS WANTED. A YOUNG girl -wishes a situation as house , workorln n small family , best referan ce jNo. l-MUT. . llith ( it , 259 24J " \ITAflTEl ) Situation ns domestic in small TV family , llpcht-noik creferred and willing to work for salary In proportion ; address H 4 , jBca. : 231 24' rr\7ANTKD-Blt ntIon by experienced book- [ TT keeper , will glvo host ot references from Irnnks nud wholesale ilrms. Address J. O , ? 31(1 ( fr.Uthst. SO 24t frjOSlTlON on farm by man nud wlfo with ono UL child. Andrews ( ! Oil , Bee. 201 21t or offlro situation by young man not afraid oC work ; salary no tobject. Address T. , South Omaha. Neb. ' . 2 t WANTEP--WIALE HELP. _ \ \ * AKTKD Salesmen everywhere for our a'd- justvbto all metal door plates , ( Can sell nnd deliver bt once. ) Made of nlckol. gold or pollrt bronze , now goods Just out , profits largo iiud EnleJ rapid ; no homo cnnvusslug. Write for particulars. N. Y. Door Plato Co. . Newark , ? f.J. J _ : UI31T 3 Intelligent , capable man for - factorv work. State age and wages ex pected. Address O 70. this otllce. Jt22 20 * YXrANTED-Severnl good boys , aijes from 10 T T to IB. Address G 71 , this olllco. 3J1 'M * ANTED A gas nnd Rtoam fitter , 'Apply W at once at Atlantic foundry , Atlantic , la. 243 20 GOOD reliable cnnvnssors.steady employment with The Singer Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas nt. OM < D 1(1 ANTCD- & > railroad laborers for U. P. company work , at Albright's labor agency , Farn am st. 181 ANTED A good snoemnkcr nt 2111 Cnm- lagat. S71 21 \ 7"ANTKD Man and wlfo ns cooks In hotel TT > j. Man and wire on rann , no objection to one or t\i o children , M an and iIfa in pri\ ate family , $10. 10 men to cut brush , $18 and noard and loom in nrst-clnss hotol. 2nd bnuer $7. Mrs l'trg ' . 3UVJS. luthet. _ ttSMtt IXTANTKD A salesman to sell n sptclnlty tn i T tno grocery trade through Nebraska ; good rcfercucc * required. Address II 5 , Doe. ' 22J)24t ) NTKD Goodman in every town. Salary aid weekly , Atidreis Shei man , Tnngon- Co. , ICO W. lake St. , Chicago , Wi5-dlt WANTKD goodreliablemen for dectlves in every community ; paying positions. Ad- dre : > s Kansas Uctoctlvo Uureau , lock box -I' ' , Wichita. Kan. _ 110 2flt WANTED Agents ovcrywhero for stereos copic views of the Johnstownruins. . Lib eral commission. White He Minckler. bole agents. Fort Wayne. Ind. _ 213 27 * WANTKD-For Washington Territory-tie- makers , choppers , carpenters , rock men , ( nraders and tracKiayers. at Albright's Labor Agency. 1120 Farnam st. _ Stii WANTKD Salesronrito carry full line Call. fornln Olnves' on commission for thla territory. Ueferonces required. Havmond , Bqulro A Co , Ban l-'rniiclsco , CaU 21S-31 * FT3 ORDIillS In 5 days ; "I nverngo 10 orders in 12 calls. " Theno extracts from ugeuts' let' tera ; agents wanted in Nebraska. Address with stamp , C. K. Oaborne , Beatrice , Nob. Ull s IT " \ATANTKD-AKOodolIlco man to go cast ; , VV must Invest $2f ) ( > ! ) ; must bi a good buslnoss man. Address the Gco. B. Cllnci Publishing House , 315 to 321 Wabash avo. , EN to travel for thr Konthlll Nurseries ol Canada. We p y8 > 0 to$10J a month and expenses to agents TO sell onr Canadian growr fctock. Ad , Stone & Wellington. Madison. Wls. W ANTED A cents. Magla cgar lighter , every smoker uuvs , lights in wind or rain , lasts a etlme. Sample 15c , two for tioo , dozen , ( I. by mall. Stamps taken. Austin' & Co. , Providence 11.1. 453s ! } \ \ / ANTED 25 weekly roi.rej-ortatlve , milh V or female , in every community. Good ! Btapla ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; m peddling ; salary paid promptly , nnd expense ! advanced. FuUpaitlcnlars nnd valtublo sampli case Tree. Wq lucnn just what wo say ; addres < at onciv Standard Silverware Co. , lloston , Mass WANEP FEMALE HELP. WANTLl ) Girl , family of two must bo com potent COOK ; references , luti S.UJth nvo ' 281 27t WANTIJU Vourcood looking young ladles for light employment during full woet Goottagcs to riifht parties. Address II 23 llee. 31428 \\7ANTKU-Olrll2years Of 11KO tO Ti ana care for children , OJ > Georgia ave. ' 31120 \tfANTEp A. flrst girl : must be a good cool T and lannaress , and well recommended wages J18 per month ; liht in famllv. Call n room .10 , Continental bullulu , or address bo : g .gmaha. J. U. Uumoni. _ 312 WA'NTRD-Oood CODE and waiter at 23) , Cninlng Btroet. 318-2UT _ _ A girl for general housework WANTED Bt. cof California. IfJ _ ANTFO Girl for general houRowork li W amull family nt 2200 Howard st.XKS WWANTED WANTED Germnn girl to do cooklmr ant pushing , best of wages paid. Inquire J , L. Braiulels.J24 ; B 10th at. 233 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \Xf AN TED September 1st , two young men ti > > take room and board. Only U biociCH fion p , o. on. cable , AH modern conveniences Prlco < : a > per month. Address H 11 lleo 2.Q WANTED-TO " 1ST ANTED To rent , a uiodlum-fizod stor T > room , suitable for retail purposes ; cen trally located ; beginning ubout bt > pt. 1. Ail dttBH Hey ofttcc. H SI _ S30 iM WANTRD Uy an eiporlnnced gardener , t lease for ono or moro yeara developed gai den grounds. Address P , 0. box 725. lleut lit lCfi-S7J TJ\01l \ HKNT Pretty T-room houne. bath nm X1 gai. tf-'lU California Bt , tx per mouth , li quire Ulngwalt llroa , . 37 Barker blocic. HI WANTED-Furnlshcd cottage , 6oraroouii by family ot UL from ttept. 1st , Addiuj 029 , tleo olllce. _ t77 _ BOARDINO. das * uay board. Inquire 1CU9 Doaglu WANTKD Itoom and board , penuanoutl In private family , between Leaveuwurt and Farnam streets , west of Stub street , by young lady , buta price , must ba rensouabli CJooU references fnrnUhed and required. AC Ureas H IT. lien. aU-2CT _ DRESSN1AKINC. _ DRESSMAKING In families. 027 So. Kth. av : CIDaHt _ CiNQAUEMBNTS to dodmsbiuaktng in fa n JlWt > 4 bollcitea. WUi Bturd- , Mil B 2tth It. Kit slit FOR RENT-HOUSES. TTiolf IlKNT" Fins ll n 13-foonThonses wiui JtJ all modern Improvements. Casn Btre t. bo- tweenZdhand 2T > th 6ts. , at low rates. II. T. Clatkp. 'JiaOj ssat. Sffi FOR HENT New housa 3 rooms , hall , 2clov ets-nnd pnntry ; city , well and cistern water ; I2 to stnnll family ; references required. R. R. Copson. cor. l.Uh and Prtclllo t . KTiglt IJIOR RENT-No. fllO N. Kth st. , cottape six JL rooms , centrally located , t23 per month. ' * Sil'-tfi HALF of a 0-room oottnge. cellar , clstorn and rlty \ \ ater ; on pavement and car line ; nlco trros nnd largo yard. Rent , till. II. II. Mo- ilnhon , cor , of Uth nnd Arbor ats , 274 20 OR RENT-Nico , light room basement. 827 s. 22a Bt. aotKn * T71OH RENT 7-room , 2-itory house , barn for J4 ? horses If desired. For terms for the winter cull on or address C. K Harrison , Merchants' Nnt'l llanfc. IfcO _ T7UR RENT To Vesp'on lblo family without JD children , for terms of yearn nt low rental , a dcsl ruble roslduncp.furnlshed or unfurnished. 21th nnd CnS9 stiecti. or would sell nt low price. Boggs & Hill , Real Estate. 1403 Farnam. 1U7 _ _ _ I71OR RENT 2 flnts , onn 5 rooms , one (1 ( rooms. JL ? to parties without children ; modern conven iences. Also for rent or sale on easy terms , 3 new 5-room cottages. N. E. Adams , u. o. corner E2d and Miami sts. ISia ? ? _ FOR URNT A new 0-room house , south 8th and Center streets : wrll and cistern. 12i ) 2Ct _ TT\OR \ RENT-SIX room house , S. E , corner 1Mb. JL' and Chicago sts. 143 THOR RENT U-room nouse ; furnace , barn , 11 largo full lot. IBUCassst. 083 HOUSES for tent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam. H4S FOR HENT 4-room cottage near Toit Oma ha , jr. per month. Soli for $1,100. D. V. Shales , 210 Flrpt National buntc. 833 [ 7VJR RENT 7-room house , 28th and Capital avo. " E\V live-room cottngo tor rent. Russell , NJ -iA Pratt k Co. , 319 S. 15tn st. 590 SIXnow hoiises , 5 to 8 rooms each , price very low. Call upon or tulclross , T > ou. Moitgage Loan Co. , room f > 18 1'Axton 1)1'K. m I71OU HCNT 7-roomed lionse , city water.bath. Ju laigo c llar , etc , , 2S21I Franklin at. Apply room too Merchants Nat11 hank bldg. 8TO Mr THOU ItENT--Two nine room brick Houseon JU Park avenue , with nil conveniences. Also nine room frame house on same street , with nil conveniences' price IXi to J4fi per month. D. V Bholes. 210Flm National Hank. 311 POU ItKNT Kesldence , 2106 Douglas St. . now Douse , all modern Improvements ; not u msoment bouse. Knnulro of. Jlorltr Aleyer , Cor. 10th and luirnam. C23 OUSE torrent , lOil Dodge. 003 THOU 11ENT 7-room Hat. $2. per mo. above J ? Tim Falr.XJth and Howard. Inquire The Pair. ? OR RENT--10-room brick house on 20th st. J 'near Leavonworth. Apply at No 827 B.JJUtn " 217 VA/ILL lease for ouo or morn yeaian largo 7- T room house with all inoiliiru couvonloiiccs ; Is nicelypainted outside , burd-llnishcd 'nslde , nicely papered , tv. a large baywlni'ons ; three blocks from'court house 601 S 20th. H-5 , FOR KENT A detached 8-rootn house , nil modern convoulrncos. Cnq.2 , > 2.1 Capitol ave. 227. Olt KENT 10-room houso. Btr-am hont. all Improvfiiibnts , cheap rent. O. E. Thompson , room 214. Shccly blncic , 15th and Howard. . 041 f\Oll \ RENT -Vronm cottage. 100 So. 28th st. ! $13. ItiniJVralt Bros. , Rooni37 , Barker block. FOR UEN'lV-Sept. 1st , a/i-room / i-ottage. with bath-room and clospt,1flthbet. St.Mary'H ave and Leuventvoitn. l avld JatuioHon.31i S. 15th 6 4 "IJlOll KENT Flno largo residence , hard wood X llulsh. all conveniences , low rent tn private family ; SKI N. 19th st. 084 FOR 11ENT The C-rooin Uat occupied by Dr. Cilnicru. 2d floor , is'o. IGM Howard st , In quire ot Oco. Illqslf' ? . Mil Howard bt. 1 ! > 3 "I7\OH \ KENT Six now 5 room cottages , ready JD on or before September 1. 3uh and Halt Howard streets , healthy location , neat Farnam ars , lleiir. eaehfl > i > er month. Suitable tor mall tidy falulUas. John II. F. Lehmnuu , C.'i . Kth si. s. ' - - 41) ) FOR RENT ROOMS FUftdlSHED. KENT NIce furnished rooms , very JD reasonable. 417 N 14th St. 270 20t T > OOM with or without board. 1812 Dodco , JK , , 2l TOOMS wither without board , gas bath. WM JLiS. 1,1th. 2d lloor. 2 I 29t TTtOIl HENTi-Niccly furnished front parlor , E U)8 ) N , ITtU St. 289 20 ? FOll KENT Two wall furnished connecting front rooms , together or separately. All conveniences. Private family.vm. . D. Berry , HUNT Two newly furnished front FoloHUNT looms. No. 115 S 26th at. SMI SBt Fou UENT Furnished rooms , 25M ) Dodge. 288 30f "OOOMS and board for3 gontlemau ; a deslra XVblo locution. 5i ( 8.2.Jth avo. 108 2SS T71OR RENT 2 front rooms , cor. 20th and JL ? Leavcnworth , furnished to , suit occupant ; modern conveniences. 132 2flr TTDKNISUUDTooms , gas nnd bath. 1B12 liar JD ney st. la 28 ? F I OH RENT 2 nicely furnished rooms with board. Gentlemen only. 201. > Douglas st. .114-30 * FOR RENT Two largo and ono small room for light housekeeping , 23 0 Douglas st , 30027 ? ST. CLA1R European notel , cor. 13th and Dodge ; special rale by week or month. 228 FOR RRNT T o parlors front and back on nrst Hoar , nUo single -rooms with board , All modern covonluncuJ. 1COJ Douglas. Ci2 FUKNISIIEDor unfurnished house forront in Park Terrace , opposite park ; all modern convonloncui ] nn.uiroLoe& ; Nlchol , ifcth and Leavenworth. 220 TTIUllNISHED rooms with all modern con- X1 Tuulenec3for gentlemen only , 1709 liodgo st. C'Jl ' i ITIOR RRNT Elegant furnished room foi A single gentleman ouly. 721 S. 10th St. , cor. Leavunworth. WO Jj OR ItENT T o furnlsbod rooms , on St , . Mary's avenue. To gentlemen only. StJ minutes walk of business contor. Uererenct required. Inquire at atore , 210 and 212 B. loth sC. "pVDSIHAHI.Erooms cheap , on car line , nil JLN. . Itthht. ll8 sl7 furnished suit of rooms and otiouln NICELY gloroom. All inodLTii convt'iilencoa , prlvati family , 221iF .inain Bt. OJ3 G OOD room wth ) bath. 5133.33th st. F URNlSHED-rrontroom , 1913 1'iunam. H5 n - > 7 * SOI'TII front loom , meals In the house , 1UCK Capitol uvonue , 329 IT10R RENT Two furnisned rooms , 315 nortli Jt ? 17th st. iloferenco rt'oulrud. 3"J-8 I FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED [ 71011 HUNT Unfurnished room , ? ! permonth J3 1.115 California st. 275 24t HfiNl Unfurnlahed rooms sultanle foi JL ? housekeeping , Inauttos of 3 to ,4 ; convemon location , llutt'a Routing Agency , 151)0 Karnani FOR RENT-STOR.'S AND OFFICES "TTIOR I'.ENX-Olllces In Wltlmell Illock. En JJ nure | of R. N. ithnell. room 17. 202 set TjUll ItHNT-Flnu brick atore rooms on 81311 Jt ? st. , No. l n , KIT , W. etc. One f-room cot tage , UlUonMnnon &t. . In good order. Innuln o : John ilumllu , uirs lJtlmt. 311 ; u T7UW RENT-Storo room. cor. 2.Hh and N"st JL1 tjnuih Omaha , lieit location lu city fa : grnttT furnishing or dry goods More , iiionln of J. J , Mahunay. room ai Paxton blfc. 4T2-3 rpo KENT Desirable war houja room 01 JL track. Apply to C , W. Keith , 714 Pacitia Bt ITOR RUNT-Tha 4- tory brick building will : JL1 or wlihuut power , formerly occupied by Tin lleo Publishing Co. UlU Faruian st The build 1112 ha * a tiro-proof cemented basement , com plete steam healing fixtures , water on all tin iloora , gas , ota Apply at the olllco ot Tne Hue PIS TCTOU HUNT Htorcs and Hrlng rooms on Cnm J.1 legal. AlJohoujoonCixsaht , Harris , roon 111. l t Nut. Hank. 834 Ti OU RUNT A Urite warehouse on Jooes b JL ? bet IJth and 14th. three etoriea and bas < ment. 41 by luo fi > t , w ll llghtoit and ver btrongly built , uultablB for heavy machlner , formunnfacturlng purposes , will lease forllv or more yra at maaouubla rent. Inquire c Henry A , I Ionian , 1MB , 13th BU 2W 6t FOIl HENT Tee corner roonl under the No- brasXn National bank will M > on M for rent , the Equitable OVnst Co. removing td i qusTtornu ' J > t ' j . The upace Is about dent > l - . that occiiplon by the C. . fl. tc Q. ticket offlco. The- Hoot 4 - tiled nd tco room can bo tnadtt desirable roT fc 1H. . hcket or broker's olllco. ( , _ _ 11 For particulars apply "at bang - VCSS MISCELLANEOUS. A aUbLUl' school for children , unilnr Iho -cxKcloctlo system ns thnght br Prof , lllcli- nrds. W. D. ( i , will be opened 6 pt. at ISMi. lomo comforts cnn lie hnd in bnlldlalr. For 'urthor particulars addi ess Mrs. W.VII13 Cap- tel ave. _ _ _ yj aifS7 UN of rcfmod testes can bo nuHedwlUi n - choice clgnr Imported 4)J HV. ' K. Hamilton , llarker blocfc ' . 'MM ; qxa will buy lenso nnd furnltu'ro' ot IS-rtxlm p liouso. 117 N. 14th ; rent tu. _ tsir-a ECONOMIZE In fuel by covorijiB your st m pipes with fossil meal non-oqnducUng cov ering , the most efficient and chcppcstyiC hll covorlnsa. 0) . -McUvt an , western Bp iVrUll Uownrd at. * rnilR banotanRht as an nrtT > jrG&oC.FOpllcn | O-lwck. Apply nt lice olllco.Ts * jFaya OlT ENT OnonrnT ll Stallafjarco.yard ! clean nnd convonlont ; enauiro of rr Harris , Iznrd st , bot,22d aud2kl ! sts , ARK ymi loosing for an onpo'rtnnltj' t < 5t6n- gage in thn mercantile businessIt ) so conic and see us. W. R. E. & M. E. , Room U Chamber of Commerce , Tel. 1140. * - UU /CESSPOOLS , clstorns. privy vaults , etc. , V-'cleaned qnletlv , quickly , cheaply and clean ly ; \vorkdono by odorless pump. Odorless Sanitary Co. , 140tl farnnm ntreet. Tel. 103. - . 53T ) 85 LOST. TDOCKETBO01C Lost Small sl7B-tontalnmB ; JL notofori'A payable to my order.-slgnotl'W. VV. Houston , and several dollars currency. Howard for return to Central Loan and' Trust Co. , 1203 Farnam st. D. n. Lyons. 32 ! ) 27 T OST In or near Syndicate park , a lady's J-Jbrown cloth capo , or wrap , lined with llk , on Wednesday , the 21st inst. A liberal rowarp \ullbeglvon , leave at offlco of George I. Gil bert , N Y. Llfo building. 24124 r OST A deed and abstract of tltlo mndo by JL Jthls company ot a lot on Cumlng ntroct. The tinder will ba reosonaMy 10 ardod by ro- turnlng to the Midland Guarantee & Trust Co , . 1(114 ( Farnnm nt , - 103.24 LOST lied setter bitch , nnd red nhd white setter dog , nnswerlng to the names of Gipsy nnd Dick. Liberal reward will bo paid lor re turn of the dogs to LlouU L. K. Webster. * t. Omaha. 251.27 . LOST Suitable reward for return to livery stable , n. w. cor. St. Mary's ave. and 17th at. , of a Inrgo dark pockctbook containing money and papers only of value to owner , 175 2 < 1 "I" OST Lnrgo. youngcloae-hnlrod St. Bcrnnrd JU > dog , yellow with white breast'nnd feot. .Re turn to 11JO Georgia avo. , or 101 Douglas and get Toward. W8 T OST Ennllsb Ma-ititr. Ueturu to 400 Paxton JLJ block and jret i ownrt ! . 341- PERSONAL YOUNG man with means fvoulcf like to A meetn young lady or widow not oxer 4" > with a view to matrimony. Adaress II in Bee olllco. 2t024t FW ILL ! AM Becker , v hose w hereabouts has bcon unknon n since ho was seen last in the sninmor ot 18S1 , near his former home in the city ot St. Louis , Mo. , is hereby informed that his mother , Marie Itocker , died at herlateTesl- denco. No. 4DUI Cote Brlllianto avenue ( late Hare street ) . in said rlty , leaving a last will , and that it will bo to his interest to advise tha undersigned , oxecnter of said will , of his address - dress if unable to como In por.-ton. St. Louis , Mo. , August Uth , ll.t. John A. Bremsor , exe cutor. No. 4100 Garilold avenue , St. Loul ? , Mo , .218 24t " ' " "STORA'CET" s TOUAOE ; at low rates at 1121 Farnam St. , 'Omuhu ' Auction ana btorogo Co. 237 XS'ANTKD Furulturo. carpets , stoves nnd ' household goods of all Kinds. Omahn Auction & Btorrgo Co. , 1121 Fniuam , 237 MOUHISON & ELY Storage nnd forwarding ; special arrangements for commission mer chants , 1213 Loaveunorth ; tot. 419..Omaha. 138 uSt * TOHAOB and forwarding. , We.collect nnd s 'ilellver ' ; goods of all descriptions-merchan dise , turnituro and baggti d at clieftpest rates for btornge for nqy length of tlmo/ vans n'Qd wngons to be had ut shortest notice. Smn care ful men for moving. Packing und EhiprHna fiom our own \\arehouso done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded nud unloaded. \V arohouse on our own tracks. Odico 21,7 S.Uth 8t.toephonoll4. ! Ho\ycll Co. , 240 rni'ACKAGE storage nt lowest rates. W. Si. JL Huslmmn 1311 Lenvenworth. * 33 CLAIRVOYANT. FORTUNE Teller Mrs , Lcnorman can'bc consulted ou all affaire ot llfo. Satisfac tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. lith t. f,021-3-.8' , MADAME Wellington , world renowned .as- trologlst , test medium and destiny reader , just from llurope. Tells your life from tne cradle to the grave , reunites the soparuted , ctuses speed v marriage with the one you love , locates dltensos and treats with massige and electric baths. All In trouble "hould not fail to consult this gifted seeross. PonourO , np stairs , 417 South llth , offlco hours from 10 n. ni. to H p m. iQf27 ) DR. NANNIE V. Wnrran. clairvoypnfc. Jhdl' cal and business medium. Female dlselisos n specialty. 110 N 16th st. rooms 2 and 3. ! )05 ) SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING QTANDARD bhoithanil school , Paxton blk. , Osnccossor ( to Valentino's ) the largest oxclu/ Bie shorthand Bchool in the west. Teachers nro verbatim reporters. Particular attention nald to typewriting. Mechanical construction otmachiuo taught by factory expert , Ciiculars. X"\7lnTTI'nsRy'8 Shorthand School , VV block. Send for circulars ; Lord's pray 01 In shorthand free. 47ff-sJt OMAHA Business College , cor IBth and Capi tel avo. Shortnalid The largest and most successful shortnand donartmouc in the Htato. Standard methods taught. Munson's revised of 'by nspeclalty. Call or MTite for terms. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 1JIOR SALE Iho furnlturoand lease ota six X' room boarding lioiue. 2) class board ors.paying 41 a oek Call on or address G 11. Moore , care of Neb. Furniture A ; Carpet 0 , . WO and OT N. 10. 33a 20 TTIOR SALE rt good horse , plmoton and bar JL ? ness , ! ir < 0 , Ji cash , bul $10 a inontlu A/ldres : G to , lleo. Il8/24t FOltSALE Hosier safe , outside inoiisuro nient ( H-cJSx'J.i , good condition. Enqtiln Gotham cigar store , H. o. cor , 16th and DodgoBts 231-31 TjlOU S ALB Furniture complete for house Ju1 keeping , either by the pleco or all together Inqulro70U } > N , loth st , 3d lloor , room tn FOR SALE Vine young driving mare am rcai1. cart ; also canopy top anrry and oh buggy ; cheap for cash. 2ia ) Douglaaht , , ' 3l0j-7t TI10R SALE A good slnalo driving horse , i JJ years and sound , and a new platfom spring wagon.and single harness ou'oasy terms Apply at 4UO N. 10th. V47 gCT "jpl6"i { 8ALB Cheap , kindling , 1711 Douglas. SALE Good team black carrlajo3Jorse ; and .1 team inulos , will sell cheap. K. N Wlthnell , room U , Wlthnoll IJiock. W > S,2ltt F I OR SA LB Fresh Jersey cow and heifer calf R. N , Wltlmtll , room 17 , Wlihuoll Illock. FOR BALI-- ! Three Thatcher furnaces , nooi as now. Apply 23U Fat naiii at , 2&U 2(1 FOR BALE Cheap , one good square box to ] buggy. Inquire at 2Ulr Hurt. 77ft 2Gt T7IOR BALE A n5-horse power Porter cngin J-1 in good condition , weight D , 100 pounds , oy I inder llxlt ) , 1'or particulars apply to ane lie olllce. rM T carriage team Instate , ( Urt browns lull 18 hands , weight 1.150. Innutre W'.Il Mlllard , S. E. cor 16tn und Douglas , Omaha. T i ) a 1 i _ FOR BALE Cash or lime , 2 good teams , vnc oui and harnesses , J , J. Wilkinson , 111 Farnam st. OH ) ONE lire proof safe ; light express wardnnow { four Horsej. ranging from N > Otol,3C > j pounds will be sold very cucap , NeDraska JJortijag Ixian Co. . room B1H , Paxton blpcit. b80 _ ABSTRACTS OF TITL'E : TVrilf'AND Gunraiiteo &Tnist Co , N. V. Lit JJJLbldK.ConipU > teabdtracts furnished and title to real estate examined , perfected li guarauto9il * iJ MONEY TO LOAN ONES' to rxinn Chattels , collateral estati Itoom COI , Merchants' Nat'l bank bulldlut 2B1 B23J _ _ _ TMtTORE making chattel or collateral loan ; JL > lt wilt pay you to ee Tha Western Invis ment Co. , room 4Hltoo blu . J3'J PHILADELPHIA Mf > ? tff ge A Tntst Co. fur- MONEY laansd on tinattol Rocnrltlea nnd jnw- olry. Room 411. SbfeWy block , Omaha Ne- g.H. , 437 s 2 * ( "ONLY to loanfcnpuIon hand : nodoiay. J. ' st. , First National 280 T7U11ST mortgage Ifwpj at low rates nnd no J3 delay. D. V. BhoWs. 210 First National bank. ' SMI pHE ELKHOHN L i nCo. give money Jn nny X amount on good aoctlrlty , furniture In uio , orsos. etc. IAJW intireat. Over oramorclal Na- lonnl Bank , 13th nnd ixniglas. 02t-a77 ) lu.ONRV to loan on nny security lu. for short time , at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , room 400 , Paxton block. 288 BUILDING loans. D. V , Shbtes , 810 First National bnnfc 281 MONEY to loan. O.T. Davis Co. . real citato and lorfn agents , 1505 rnruam St. 2T7 OAN8 made on real estate and mortgages jbonght.Lowl3 S Ro8d.&Oo..Il 13BoardTrado 283 "IVFONKY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , -L'Aetc. , or > Oil any approved security. J. W , lobblns , HlHi rnrnnm street , Paxton hotel. Sholcs. room 210. First'Nat'l bank , before making your loans. 281 MONEY loaned for 80,00 or 00 days on nny kind of cnnttul security : reasonable intpr- est ; confidential. J.J. Wilkinson. ] 4l7Fnrnatn. .207 RESIDENCE loans-Otf to 7 per Cent no nd dltloual charges for commissions or attor neys' fees. W , If. Melklc , First Nat bank bldg. mBOO.000 to loan at ft par cent. Llnahan & MaiD - iD honey , room 600 Paxtan block. 28.7 BUILDING and other rual estate loan.8 W.M. Harris , roomlX ) , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. MONEY to loan on real estate security , at lowest rates. Uotoru negotiating loans sue Wallace , It. 310 , Brown bldg. idth & Douglas , us ; First class inside loans. Lowest WANTED Call nnd BOO us. Mutual Investment / ment Co. H1. Uarker blk. . Ifitn ana Fnrnam. 218 " loaned on furniture horses nnd MONEY" wagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 1188. Ijth Bt , opposite Mlllard hotei. 270 MCONKY to loan on horsea. wagon ? , mules , MC _ household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds , lonest rates. The llrst organized loan olllco In tno city. Make loans for thirty to three hun dred and slxty-nvo days , which cnn bo paid lu part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the principal nnd Interest. Call nnd see us when you want money. We can assist yon promptly and to your advantage Ithout removal ol property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In making loans. C. F. llcod & Co. , 31 ! ) S. ISth st. over Blnfchain 4. gnna. 23 MONEY to loan on tnrnlture , horses , wagons orsccuiKlosof any kind ; commerclrl and mortgage notes bought nt fair rates ; nil busi ness transacted conlldentlal. Collateral Loan Co. , room 321 , Eningebuilding. 713 G Per Cent money H. 303 , N. T , Llto Ins ; pldg ONEYto-loan on .city or furm property , M : : Goo. J. Paul , 1601 Parnam st. 103 DOYOlTwnnt n bnej5Jf'SO don't borrow Defore getting my rates , which are the low' ( > st on any sum from 41 up to tlO.OOO. 1 make loans on housuhoM goods , pianos , or gans. horso8mules-wa jens , warehouse receipts , houses , leases , etc. , in. nny amount at the lowest possible rates , wlthoutinibliclty or removal ol property. - Loans cnn bo made < br ono to six months and ymi can pay a part atcanv time , reducing both principal nnd Interest : .If you owe n balance on your furniture or thorscs , or have a loon on them. I will nko it up nnd carry it for you as long as you desire. or - , if you need moneyiiyon will find it to youi advnntaRO to see me b fora borrowing. 11. K. Masters , roomX. Withnell building. 15th nnd . liarney. _ _ MONEVtoloanMV nako liberal advance ; on all klnd.s ot furniture , pianos , orguns horses and wagonH , without removal , withoul publicity , nnd nt vor-rates than can ba hat elsewhere in tire city."Payments can bo made nt nny time , which reflbe ; both principal and Interest. Long and sbfltt tlmo/civon and lib eral extensions matie"All "business strlctlj conlUlonthtL B fQrp'MQ.ljatrnvrorrenow youi lon'n call-ami got bur ra tKiiByrlcey Tnyest montCo. , roomJiS. 3d lloor. Douglas bloctH. w corner ISth and Dodge'streets. _ 303-S-24 T7-nybTONE Mortgasfl Co. Loans of $10 tc JXf 1,030 ; get our ratejj .beforo borrowlnct and save money ; loan on hprsos , fnrnlturo or nny approved security , without publicity : notes boucht ; for new loan , renewal of old and low est ratescalUl3MSheoley blk , loth & Howard st. Loan * nejjdtiatod at low rates Witt MONEY , und purcHase goods , commorcla paper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman. cor , 13th nnd Farman , „ 72 XTEMtASKA Hon. I > 3ttn Co will make you 0 JL > loan on household jroods , . horses.- wagons , land contracts ; flno Jewelry , or securities of nnv Kind without publicity , nt reasonable rates. rtoora 7. Itbwler blocfc. South Omaha. Kooms 518-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. BUSINESS CHANCE ? . TJ1OU SALB-A llrst class bonk outllt will JD building , in a growing Nebraska town where 3 per cent per month earnings are guar unteed on investments perfectly secure. Ko : particulars inquire of or address "Hanker , ' .10 feheeley block , Omaha , Net ) , 3J3 SOt TjlOIl SALR A llrst qlnss chop house , the bes JD location In tha city , doing n good business Good reasons for Belling. Time limited. Ad dress H'Jl Bee for farther particulars. ICU-2T * FOIl SALE Clean stocK groceries , cash bus ] ness , halt trade. , Hee. 83V88 * T710K KENT Well furnished hotel in gooi JD town. Kent low. J. M. DaiUYork , , Nob. TJ10II BALK A flrat class bakery aniconfec JD tlon cry\\1tU established trnde.aml good central tral location , onllithbt. ; wilt invoice at losi than real value and soil the whole or half lu terobt , to a good man. _ AddrosA II S , lleo. TTIOH SA LB Saloon in good location , doing t JD first-class paving business , wilt sell choai for cash. (1 BT. Hoe olllce. US K bALli. A llrst-claia stocK of boots an ( shoes in n good llva town , county reason for selling other business ; stock nbou $ Tr)00 , bargain. Address Lock Ilox23. > , Uavli City , Nob. 2f > 0 3i FOU BALK reed store , the best locatloi with a good trade , i Addreas W. II. Urlclge 300 B. lath st. KM 21T A NY lady pt gentleman ot means wishing ti -ii-engago in prpUtable business please ddres A SPLENDID rlmnce for nn active and goo ( J-Vbu-tlnoss man with a capital of ivbout < QUOO- TCTOHBALE A well built up brie * yard. 27 J3 feet from side truCk.'two stationary kilns t\\odrying sheds , brick machine new , house stable , windmill , wutpr.Tank , lead piping , tn Kcthor with live acren'prland. 1'rlce Jf.oxi. Ad dress 0. i' . Kaul. Jladlsfin , ' Nob. H8j Bit S.KO drug stock for-sale In central part o Omaha , bales for IMP two years betweei tf.uuo and Jlfl.WV ) . Ktvni only til i > or month must liavo halt cash , balance in secured note or clear lots In Oinahdr this is a snap , Btrlnge i. Penny , Douglas blocknx * SOfl 2d WANTKD-Apurm Bfvlth W,000to . take a half Interest In a uollestabllKhei grnln and need business. Adclrosa liox } : Greenwood , Neb. itni lbi ! BALK A grocery store at 1'lorencc Neb , doing a bualdosaaf 4) tollOJ a day will sell building and Itotf look this up baton you buy anywhere oluJr Cowan i. Hall. J . 141 a * H OTEL for rent ; tlm onlv hotel in town. Ad drusa locJf box U iNortli Bend. Neb. loie' 015-30 * Neb. M4al7 BUSINESS chanco-ri-aloon , good locattoi cheap rant , will M1 cheap to those ineanln buslueja. Address 1110 , lieu olllce. 299 27t ' { 710 R B A LE-Cheap Bat bor shop and 4 ch airs X' good location ; paying business. M. H , Vlein ing. Crete , Nob. 004 A CIGAR and fruit itand doing good DUS - inous for uale ; good reason ! ) nelllug. DUSi i I 12th. l U-Mt WANTED A partner in a brewery doing good business in a prosperous Nebrask town. Enquire at room U , Chamber at Com merco. Tel. IHO. 875 TfOR SALE or Trade for Omaha property a X' established business , Box 618 Omaha. . 340 FOR EXCHANGE. EXOIIANOK equity In lot in Ambler Plac for horse nnu carriaua or span o2 lioree Addro&3 U U7 , ilto oillcu. 200 Stt BXOUANOrt Cl ar lot In So. Omaha tetrad trad * forre.sidenc lot In Omahnt assume difference 0. V. Harrison , Merchants Nat. Bank. 870 TTIOH8ALROHKXOIIANOn-OntMdolow for X1 house and lot Intildc , or Salt LMKD property. Cottage for , sale cheap for cash on leased ground , 2430 KranUln. VXHHt mcT"EXCHANGE OCOncrei near Albion. Nob. , JL. 60 acres broke ; small frame house : want Im proved Insldo Omnha residence property. R , 1 Copson. cor. ISth.and Pacltlu sts , 234 Sit FOR BALE or Trndo Furnlluro of 10 room hoiKo : house for rant. If sold will take one-half ot purchase prlco In lx > ard nnd room , or w 111 It ado for anything of cash value. H 2 , Bod. H32-26 * WANTED- oxchnnqe , large lot of cigars for real estate , or n stock of merchandise , Addresi , lock , box i , Marcelluo , Mo. 003 aat "tS/ANTliD To trade a good Jersey cow- for TT a second-hand two-seated buggy. Address B. A. W. . Mercury olllco. n > 4 27 * " \717'ANT15D To trade for a stock of groceries , T . eusli nnd lota on O. * C. 11. motor line. Lots will bo.put in at iholr cash value. W. R. E. ft JL E. , Room 14 Chamber of Commerce , Tel. U4V ( T t B18 rpo EXCHANGE-The undivided one-halt in- JL torcst.lnlOTHI-lOO.ncrr.sor a good farm , lo- cntod Jh'Pulas'kf Co. . Mo. ; about oce-halt In cultlvAUon , the balance good timber ; about , ten acres in orchara ; two other small orchards ; four fair Vuscs ; abundance ot wood spring watch and laying about one mlle from good on railroad ; full and unlncum- bored tltlo. This farm Is In n cooil settlement nnd healthy locality.Ve will exchange for gAneraljnorehandlKoor hnrdnaro. Call on or address W , B. Gordon StCo. . , Bteolo Cltyt Nob. " \T7 HAT have you to oxchance ror nn equity T V of about 3).tOO ) In a lot nnd two houses In South Omaha ? H 1 , Boo Olllco. 220 "MTH AT have you to oITerln exchange lor my V # 1,000 equity in my double ouso on Lntnron st , near ICtn , or for my JTi.O'X ) ulty In my double house on Spencer Bt. near 22 < l , or for my tt',000 equity In my double house on Wirt st , east of 21th , all with modern Improvement all encumbrances C jearaat. "percent. No farms will bo considered. W. T. Seaman , east side Ifitll st , north ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest vnrloty ot wngona and carrlagps. TOt house and lot clear ot enctinibianoo HAVE worth , & \VQ3 , lu exchange for Douglas county bam stock ; at parvaluo. Stringers Penny , Douglas block. 285 iiO mo EXCHANGE Wo have n good farm of 120 JL acres laying closa up tn the town of Ptoolu City , Jefferson Co . Neb. About 70 acres lu high state ot cultivation. This is river bottom land ; neil can't be beat anywhere ; 2) acres good tim ber ; balance In peed pasture : all fenced ; never falling water ; this la a maKntllcont farm , with houso. stabling , and 8 nlco lots In town go with farm If desired ; titles all perfect ; no want In exchange , nlco. clean stock of merchandise or hardware. Call on or addrose W. B. Gorden & Co. , Steele City. Neb. 617 TTIOH KXOHANGE-Anelognnt tract of land JD containing 120 acres , In Antelope county. Neb. , with ordinary Improvements. A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota , partly Improved. Eighty acres near Council Blnffs , To. House and lot on South 10th at. Lame amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil stock. Will exchange for good or the erection ot some houses. Goo. Property . 1st National bank building. 378 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TJ'Oir8AtJ ? : 'luo"hIgir o"asrrronTMPfobTlofc JT oniltli , near Lcavenwortn , grand shade trees , only $1,7(10 ( , $8J cash , balance easy. 3Vfo > t uortn fronts , south of M. Roger's Place'most Biehtly Ic-atlon in the city , line shade trees , etc. only 41,000. 24 feet'on S. 10th by 120 deep. J1.100. Good new cottage , easy walk to shops , $1,300. Choice nnd cheap residence property in all localities. See my signs. I have several food lots near cars on which owners will build to suit purchasers , terms easy. Choice lots and improved lots In Hanscoin Plac-\ bargains on eauy terms. J. B. Evans , 30j New York Llfo Building. 28720 THOU SALE Choice property. See sings. J. JL1 B. Evans. 31)8N. ) YLife. 2b820 TTIOR SALE 800 acre farm , well stocked with JiJ cattle nnl hogs. Will h 11 cheap tor cash. R. N. VVlthnejl. R. 17 Wlthnell Block. 20i 3St 'inoU.'SALE Choice property. See signs. J. JDB. Evafts. 308 N. Y. Life. 28820 \ "KINE"qrner fpr StfTOOon Wirt st. . Kountze -iVPIaco ; tno only ono lor sale on tnat street ; bullU' when you got. ready nnd any Value , residcncoreasy terms ; you wllfnevcr getr this chance nsaln ; on the.bestrstreet ; in Omaha. F. K , > Darllng. > Barker block- . 2ff ) 20 " | jtt > R" SALli-iCholeo' .property ; see signs. .J. JD'B. Evans. 'JJS N. VT'LIfo. ' 2& 20 COME excellent bargains on Motor Hy. , $1,000 , p $ 100. ti.500 , cprners.'Thcstf ' lots w ortn dou Die a year fr.omn.ow ; , easy terms. F. K. Darling , Uarker block. , , t ggfi 28 EQR S ALB House and lot , east front on 8.5th .st.tour or.flve lots south otLeavonworthfur enough away to escape special city taxes enl l aveuworth St. ; grading , paving , gas and sew erage all complete on Leavenworth ; house is modern ; splendid grove of trees about the pri-miSBJ ; prlco $5noo. , C. F. Harrison , Mer chants' Nat. Bank. 837 TTIOH SALE -Oholco property ; see signs. J. JP H. Evons-,30HN. Y. Llfo. 28820 TTlon BALE-rrvW.ra acres , sec. 5 , tp. 17 , r. Bw JL ? i-HamlUon county. Nob. < House , stable. 330 acres fenced , living , water. Price. $ ! J,0M. ( F. K Atkinspwnnrrailroad ; bldg. , Denver , Col. HANDSOME residence lot , 75 ft. east front in tyio of the best neighborhoods , less than a mile southwest of courthouse. Wilt take an other building lot in part trado. F. 1C Dai ling. Barker block. 2M 20 "fTtOR SALE At a bargain , a flue driving X1 muro , suitable for lady or gentleman ; also a good hand-made phaeton witu harness ; must bo sold immedlatclypiice , whole rig , JiUJ. In quire W. M. Yates , Nebraska National bank. TT1OR BALE Lots In Stewart Plnco , will fnr- X1 nlsii money for building house , and pay ments monthly. Hero Is a chance to secure a home. Harris-Itoom 411.1st Nat. Bank. 573 T71OR BALE Two of tne oest located tracKage X' 'lots , on the northwest corner of ilst ! and fraid Htreeta , size 120xL13 foot. For price nnd terms Inquire ot the owner , Edward Speller- berg. JOU North 21at stree ; rpOMANUFACTDRERS-1 will give nmplo X ground , with splendid trackage facilities , on the Fremont , Elkhorn & MUsourl Valley railroad , or on the Missouri Pacific ( Holt Line ) railway In Westlawn , Just outside the city limits. In WestOmaha , conveniently situated as regards access to tno business center of Omaha and South Omaha , to parties for the locution of anyo" the following industries ; Furniture Factory , Button Factory , Shoo Factory , Lard Rellacry , Starch & Glucose W'ks , Soon Works , Paper Mill Purlller Manufactory , Plow Works , Broom Factory , Harvester Works , Woolen Mill. Nail Works. Oatmeal Mill , Knitting Mills. Box Manufactory , Sash. Door and Blind Wire Works , .Manufactory. Machine Shops. Flour and Feed Mill. Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn is just outside the city limits , and industries planted there will escape heavv city taxes. Ityouuro thinking of locating in Omaha it wllfpay you to investigate this. r Goo. N.- Hicks , Now York Llfo building , Omaha , 70S jiOR HALK Cheap house to bo moved. 1007 3. ? 22d St. 187 27t TTIOK SALE 2 houses on lot 074x83 ! on B o cor , JD nth und Vinton. inquire within. 101 f NU of the two house and lot bargains 1 vyiiuvobeen olleringon Georgia uve..north of now no id and occupiedbecause of my very low prlco. The south house Of the two still remains a bargain open to somebody. First minus , flrat served. To be appreciated it needs to be examined Internally. 1 positively , will not rent it , though several times ottered IWper month. Price , on very easy terms.RJ.OOO , W , T , boamnn , east side Mth 8t.north ot Nich olas Bt.Omaha's largest variety of wagone and cnrrlngej. 233 /noil 15and see us and investigate gomo of the VJhnrgalus wa have to olfer. Wo nre contin ually listing new properties , and "if you don't see what vou want ask.for it. " For sale or exchange one of the finest res taurants In Oinnha at a bargain. Wo have several linn hotel properties to trade for laud or other good values. An elevator property with large dwelling house , at a bargain , Elevator complete , with borne power , scales , olllce furnished , etc. A line opening for n practical grain dealer. Hpuse : ) nud lots in nil parts ot Omaha for sale and exchange. For exchange , for Omnhaproperty , 1,000acros of school laud lease , in one of tne best counties in the state. A unoresldence property in Omaha Ylow for * gale nt a bargain. From $75,000 to IOO,000 worth of nrat-class notes to exchange tor Omana property. For exchange for Omaha property , one of the best farms in RocK county , Nobraako. together with stock and machinery necessary to carry on the place. Old age and falling health ot the ow ner is reason for selling. A flue U'hoelur county farm , well developed , good soil , for exchange for Omaha property. 28J acres of tine land In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omana property. For tale or exchange for western lands , city property , merchandise or live stock , a line hotel property in Iowa town of O.OUO inhabitants. Loading hotel ot the place and doing a flno bufOueaa , Furnishes meals for two passenger train * dally , A snap for the right man. Wd have unsurpasse. facilities for disposing ot property , having some MO agents scattered over four or Uve btates. List your property with us if you wish a quick turn. W.H.E. 4 M. K. , Rodin II , Chamber of Commerce , telephone - phone 1440. US TjlOlt SALE Easy term j , ltountz pUc . JL ? Two homed , each 8 rooms , each 11,000. Two homos , each 9 rooms , enoh | . ' > ,0iw. Two homes , each IS rooms , each $7,5001 All with , modern convenionc < i. All large vnlna at the prico. All within ftoquaro of the motor lino. Don't losa those opportunities. For sal by the owner. W. T. Seaman , East side I6th st. . north of Nicholas St. , Omaha's largest variety ot wagons and car- riagf . 2M _ _ TJ10R BALE R.OOO acres land in Nobrnsica : JD MIxHO foot lot at a Micrlflclng prlco. Inquire HI381lth. Oeo.ll.Poi 01 son. 10i-al& T71OH SALK On longtime and easy payments. JL ? handsome , new. ncll built houses nt 8 , 'Jand [ 0 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood : naved streets , street cam nnd within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Shelton , 1014 Farnnm. 281 _ THE motor will go to tno state mute Institute this fall , consequently whoever buys nny ot this property will noublu his money right nway. 5 acres close to Institute t lUXiper acre. Lots in Orchard Hill $ .Y6 each. Walnut Hill ftiuo pach. Highland Park 8150 each. Cloerdala J0"0 each. Baker PlncoWiO each. Saunders ft Itlinobtoujh's ST 9 each. itrlnirer * Penny , room 20 , Douglns block , cor , null nnd Podse. _ SW U EOR SALlOn easy terms , now a-room cot tage , cor. lot , near street carltne. Address H 22 Boo olllce. _ NICE 0-room cottage , near high school ; lot SI xlKl M.mia ; tbH 1 * n bargain , C. F. liar- risen , ttorrhnnts Nat , bank. _ 187 STRINGER * PENNY. Douglas block. S. B. corner 10th and Dudgo HIH. . ronloslnto ngents. Omaha property to exchange for clear farms , and clear fanus to exchange for cucum ber ed insldo Omaha unimproved property. CaU onus : wonromiroto havu sometnlm ? that Mill suit you. Wo have 10XU ) acres of clear farms for sale or exchange In Nebraska. Good rcsldenco property on sale. Some ot these nro real bargains. Very easy terms on lots to people who \\ant to build. Cnmonnd sco ns nnd bo conxluccd. Woaut HXJ acres ot good Improved land in Western Iowa ; will as sume un incumbrancc. In oxclmnco for a good resldonce property , lightly encumbered ; farm must be A 1. Strluitcr & Penny , Douglas Block , 9. E Corner lnth and Dodgo. _ Hu 28 KOUNT7E PLACE-0-roora house , barn nnd every convenience , for $7OuO , easy terms. Address for particulars. B ftl. Ueo. _ 8B3 TTIOH SALE House nnrt loU east front on Vlr- JL7 Klnianve. , 2.V ) feut 9. of Wool worth avo. , lot 50xLV ) ; hoMse has 6 good rooms besides largo attic ; wnter nnd sowerngo on tha street ; prlco for a short tlmo. 81,500 : when the Motor Lmu runs to theparfctho lot alone will be worth the inonoy. C. F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat. Banic. IHAVB como nrat-class rental property for sale cheap within ono mlle of nostolllcn. on paved streets nnd motor Una. Thos. F. Hall , 5ll Paxton block. C 8 \TISCELLANEOtrS If. you want n gonutno JJX bargains In real estate , address John C. Nelson , Chadron , NOD. ( XU-24 TOR SALE Bargains in Wninut Hill and Or chard Hill , electric motor In operation. Cliolce cheap insldo residence tlroperiy In all parts of the city , on terms that cannot ba equalled. See signs. 2 , n , 10 , 40 acre tracts. J B Evans. 80S. N. Y. Lite bldg. 101 21 GO. WALLACE , rooms JKKI11 Drown hulld- Ing , lnth nnd Douglas. Ix > t ! I. blocks , Del- lono's. i > 0 ft front on titato St. . vefy oiisy terms for a few Hays , $ i50. Lot 10. block II , llrigg'H place , $ JUOO ; special terms to anyone building. Lot 4 , block 21 , Carthage , a Hue east front on Platte street , only 81,000. South rent on 1'ar- nam. In llrlgg's place , J1.200 ; tnls is not CO per cent of real value , nnd the rhoniiest lot on Farnam to-day. A line east front InTlalu- vlbw. easy terms , I1.1UJ , worth JI.50J. Lot 4 , block A , Bedford , east front on State and lirls- tnl , worth $ l , ( > oo. only SI,3V ) . Heautltul lot In Thornburg. 8')00 ' ) ; to anyone bulldlni : on this lot. no casn payment required , and long tnno given. iloninouth Park continues to attract inoro attention than any pfopeity In the track of the great nortn mo > cment. Lets nro steadily Sell ing , the bcnutltnl view , good drainage , easy access to the city niut prospective advantages of electric line ; good grades , city wnter , etc. , together with the verv liberal terms , attracting these who wish comfortable homes on easy payments. Some good cottages for sale In this audition. Let us drive you out to sco beautiful Monmouth Park. O. Q. Wallace , BrownImHd'g. SALE a-room houscf and 28 feet front- FOR ngeon 17th near California st. ; ground abut- tlnglcon Hith worth $ .iOJ per foot ; tor a little home and as a speculation it Is worth consider ing ; price $ , 1,000icaah O. F. Uurrlsoii , Mer chants' Nut. Hank. SIS BUYa'homo In'tho center'ot the city , on monthly payments. . 1 will sell you a lot in .Aldlnu square , pullau lioiuooC any kind , worth from $12oO upwards , nnd you can pay for It monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlni square Is on Grace street , between 22d and 2 Id streets ; It has air the ad vantages such as paved streets , sewerage , wnter. gas , and is a first-class local ity. Call at 1601 Farnam street and see plans of buildings and get llgurus. , D. J. O'Donahoa. KU fTUlE best inonny's worui of house and lot now JL for sale lu Omaha Is that which I urn now completing near24th it. , on paved , Wirt st. , in Kountzo place , bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 3 bath rooms , 3 water closets , largo laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace and coal room and cellar , electric bulls and epoaklng tube. 13 closets. 1'rico only 87.000 on terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining at same price.V. . T. Seamiin , east slda ICth at. north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. 230 T.1OR SA n-a-J , 44 or 05 feet ot lot 0. block 7 JJ at & ( per foot. Thla is within a quarter of a blocc ot the new P. O. site , and will bo worth 81.000 iiisldo otn year. Tha e M lotB. block 101 , cor. Twuglas and lnth sts , 41 feet on Douglas and CD on 10th , price Jir > , uoj , $10,000 cash , balance in five equal annual payments. The so JS nw M sec 0. 11 , r 11 o , Douglas Co. , prIcoSI2,0) ) > , $1OJJ cash , balance easy. Lot7. blkJV ) , Fouth Omahapiicel,200terms easy. VT. 11. E. &M. E , loom 14 , Chamber of Commerce telephone 1440. 727. TT'OH HALE ! M-ooin Irouse , barn and lot , -L Ilanscom Plnco , at a bargain Harris , Itoom 411.1st Nat. Hank. 67J SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. T7UH8T National safety deposit vaults. Safes Jj to rent (5 to $ i a year , 307 B , liltti. 812sll OMAHA HOTELS. GLOBE HOTEL-Nowly furnished and lilted up throughout ; centrally located ; $ i per day , iaoa-111U-1.1U Pouglas sr. 131 TITOHKAY HUTKL-Nowest , latest and only .I.U.first-class hotoUn Omaha ; & 1 to 21 per duy B. Sllloway , proprietor. 1J WINDSOR HOTEL-Corner ot 10th and Jackson streets. 3 blocks from Unlo depot. Heat 82 a , aay hoaso In tne city. 1BQ UAUICBlt-111 rooms , elegantly fur HOTEL . &J and $ J.50 per day. Mth and Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. Halch , proprietor. OH1EP QUAinKHMABTRIt'S OFFICE- Omaha. Nob. July 23 , ItBJ. Sealed propo sals , in triplicate , will bo received at this olllco until two o'clock p , m , August 20 , lhH > , nt which time and place they will be opened for furnishing ana daUxeringto tha Quartermas ter's Department in this city , or at other points specified by the bidder , thlrty-llvii ( , ir ) cavalry horses U. 8. reserveright to reject the whole or any part of any bid , and to consider bids for a less number of liorusa than tha number nd- vt-rtlsed for , Prufurouco given -to articles of domestic production , condition * * of prlco and quality being equal , and no contract will be awarded for furnishing articles of foreign pio- ductlon when the ankle of suitable quality of domestic nroductlon tan be obtained. Illank forms for bidding und circular giving full In formation and requirements furnlahnii on ap plication to this < > : ite ) , I nvolopea containing proposals should bo marked "i'loposals for cavalry horses , " and addressed to the under- nlgned. WM. n. HUOHES. Donutv Quarter master Geuerat U < B. A. , Chief Quartermaster , Jy30dltaiJ-2i Notion to Sealed proposals will ha received at the of fice of c.onnty clerk ot Douglas county , Nebras ka , until2 p , m , of Baturday , August 2lth , IHh'j , to furnish drugs for Douglas county , for the balance of the year IM ) . Llt of drugs required , to ba found on lllo In offlca of county clerk. Cur. tided chccc for $100 must accompany encli bid. The board reserves tne right to reject any and all bids. II. D , IIOCHU , Countyt'leik. aHdint. Notice of Stock HubsorlptloiiH. Notice is hereby glvnn that the books of the Omaha , Lincoln & Gulf Hallway Company will bo opened for the purpose of rocclviug sub- ecriptlons to the capital stock ot and company on and after the second day of September. IBS ) , at No. 1 HXS Farnam street , In the city of Omaha , Nebraska. Dated this 1st day of August. 1889. t ) . L. Uuooea. O.AVUI.KA1 - , J.L. DU llBVOISE , II. HlM.OWAV , M.P.O'llltlhN. Incorporators. I'rapounU for HulUlliit ; a Holiool QKALED proposals for thoorvctlon of a school O house lu District No. M , Union Precinct. , will be received by the District Hoard , until S o'clock Saturday , August Illst. Uhe plans and bpcclttratlous may bo had at tno residence of the Director. Dy order of the DUtrlct Hoard. iHB , Director , Horen.ce P , u , , Net ) . Not lee to Contractor * . Sealed proposals will ba received at the office of tha County Clf rk , DonRlns County , Nebraska , until 2 p , ni Saturday , September 14th. 15 > 1 > , 'or the erection ot seven (7) ( ) twenty foot apmis trestle work , over the I'nplo. between Sections 34nml27 , township la. rnngo 12. Plans and sneoltlrntlons to bo found In County Clerics olllce. All bids to bo tOiompauled by certified chock for $50.00. The county reserve * ha right to reject nny or nil bids tSKAt , ! M. I ) . Kocnn , County Clerk , n-SO-d-34-t _ Notion to * rmtrnctors , Sealed proposals wlllberrcolvod at thn olllce of the Countv Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska , mill 2 o'clock iv 111. , fM unlay , s ptrmb r 14th , JSW > . for the erection of nvof i twenty foot spans rcstlo work , on rend known n * Dr. Miller's load , bo tvt cou sections 1 nnd 12 , township H , rnngo 1- . Plans and specifications to bo found In County Clerks olllce. All bids must bo acoomptnlpU by crrtllled check for S50 OH The Cotmtj roscrroa the right to reject nny and all bids. [ RKAI , ! M. I ) . KOCIIK .County Clerk. aTJdJlt Jtnnrd or l < iunliz ttinii. Notlco of the sitting of the City Council a lo.inl of Equalization To the n\vnors of lots nnd lands nbuttlug on or adjacent to the streets , alleys or avenues , or xUuiUed in whole or In part within any of the districts hercluattcr unmnd. You and each ot you are hereby notified that ilio cliy cou neil will nit ns a boil d of ooAiAllxa * Jon ntthoumcoottbo city clerk of said city n Douglas coi.uty court huuso. on Friday , he 2U1 : day ot August , IMH. from H o'clock n , in. o 5 o'clock p. m. , tor tun purpose of oqnallxtns thu proposed levy ot special tuxes anil nso > H- monts. nnd correcting nny errors therein , hnd of hearing nil complaint * that the owners ot property no to ho laved nnd asusHdcd. may nnko : nald special taxes nndiisaeMnients being .ovied according to law to tover the rnst anil expenses of paving , curbing , opening nnd widening streets , and the ono half cost ot gi ad- r.g , ns hereinafter stated IMVINCl. Alley In alley paving district No. 3 . Allev In alley pnvlngdlstrut No , 41. Alley In alloy paving district No. 41. Alley In nlleypa\ district No. 17 , Alley lu alley paving district NixM. Alley In alley paving district No. W. Alloy In alley paving district No , r > 3. Alloy In alley pnIng dlsti let No. 54. Alley In alley pax Ing district N'o. no. Eleventh street from Mason street to William street lu paving district No. uy ctnuiiso. Clark street from Sixteenth street to Twenty. fouithstreot.In Paving District No. S' . llurt street from Sixteenth street to Twenty- second street. In Paving District No , 14 ' , Webster street from Sixteenth strccttoTwen- ty-second street , In Paving District P < o. Iv4 , llarnuy street from Twunty-alxth stxoct to Itvonly-ulghth stroot. In Paving District Nol" > . ! , Capitol uvotiue from Twenty-fourth street to Tn-enty sixth street. In Paving District No. IftV Twenty-fourth street from Spcncur street to Spauldlngstreet , In Paving District No. 8J | . Iznrd street from Klxtoouth street to Klgn- tconth street , in Paving District No. 22 , ' . Fnrnaui street from Thirty seventh street to Ijowouventto , in Puvlnc District No. 3J4. C.1SSstreet fioni Thirteenth stioet to Six- Paving District No. 211. Twenty-second street fi-oin Oraco to street. Spruce street from 22dntrcct to ' lth stroet. Lake street from IMh street to 20th street. Hurt street Horn ilith street to 21th ftruot. Tivonty-thlid stioot fiom Cunilug street to nlley mirth of Webster street. . Nicholas stteot from = ) th street to 24th street. Hickory street from 1,1th stieet to 10th stroot. To cotor the full cost ot grading Twenty- fourth street from Loaveuworlh street to Jlnson street. Ol'KMNCIAMl WIDENINd STHEKTS. Webster street fiom iC.'d utreet to Mth street. Thirty-second nvcnuo from Ed Crolghtou aveuuo to south city limits. - Thirteenth street from Spring street to south city limits. Twenty-ninth street from Indiana street to Hamilton street. You and each of you are notified to appear betote said Hoard of Equalization at the Unto and place above snocllied to make any com plaint , statement or objection ion may uoslro concerning said proposed levy nnd assessment of special taxos. J. n. souTHAiin , City Clerk , Omaha , Aug. 13 , IBM ) . iililtTd OUAKTEUMASTEH'S OFFICE CHIEF , Neb. , August 15. ItS'.i. ' Sealed pro posals , In tilpllcate , will bo received hero until tvtoo'clocK r. M , cential tiiuo. September 10 , 18811. and then opened , for construction of ouo bricK storehouse at Qunt formatter's Depot , in this city. u. s. resTvi's right to reject nny or nil bids. 1'uil Information lurnlshed on appli cation to this ollicehuie nlnm nnd ( .pcUtrcn- tlons of the building can bo seen. Envelopes containing proposals should bo marked "I'ro- posals for brick storehouse , " end nddtcssod to WM. H. HUHHES , Lieutenant Colonel' and Deputy Quartermaster Gcniral , U. S. A. , Chlof Quart ormnster. ' nJ. > d4t-sll-U The Two SuniH nnrt Prohibition. ' Sam Jones nud Stim Smull arc pojng to take the &tump for prohibition in South Dakota at so much per speech. The St. Paul Gloho is of opinion that if they cnn bring the temperance otiuso into disrepute with tha same dispatch nnd promptness that nmrlccd their ca reer in the religious Hold they will suc ceed in securing a solid vote against the amendment. Sleepless nights mnilo miserable "by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure in the remedy for you. For sulo by Good man Drug Co. Kxplorutinn of freonlnn l. A Greenland expedition has been planned for next summer. Seven men , under the command of an oflicor of the Danish royal navy , will leave Copenha gen in the spring , taking with them provisions suHlciont for two ajid n half years. Their destination will bo the eaSt coast of Greenland , and they will explore it between the degrees of GO and 73 north latitude , , Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always bo used for children teething. It soothes the child , softens tliogu'i'Sallays ' nil puins , cures wind colic , and is the best remedy for diar rhoea. " 5o a buttle. Int'jrcHllnir Alortunry Hollos. The museum at The Hague has fust boon presented with the tongue of John do Witt and a too of Cronollus do Wift , the two Dutch statesmen who wero'torn to pieces by a raging1 mob in , 1072 , says London Truth. They are the gifts of Mr. Cookhuyt , of Loyden , whoso an cestor obtained these "valuable' ' ro'lica on the day that the Do Witts wore mur dered , and they have since been carefully - > fully preserved in his family. a An AtlHoIiito Cure. ThoOfUGINALAUrEl'IttB OINTMENT is only put up in largo two-nunco tin boxes , and Is un absolute euro for old aoros , burns , wounds , chapped hands , nnd all slcm orup. lions. Will positively euro all kinds of pllos- Ask for thoOIUGINAL AUIEWNC OINi'- MENT. Sold Uy Goodman Drug company at 25 cunts per box by mall 80 cents. An AHtygmntfo Coinnlnlnr. Puck : Mrs. McPho PhiU'u dtho mtvtthor wid yuro man the day. Mrs. O'Hay ? Mrs , O'Hay Ho hild the tlhrill fur two crods-oyed Oltaliiuis ylstorduy , an' dtho doctur suits uervoub uruparatioa ho has. During twonty-fivo years trial , mor tality , whore Dr JolToris' proventlvo and cure for diphtheria and putrid sere throat ( as in malignant scarlet fever ) is used , is 1-10 of 1 per cent , or , ono in a thousand , Under other treatments in Europe and America , 60 to 80 per cent. Address Dr. Thos. Jofforis , box 057 , Omaha ; or Dohavon , druggist , Council Blulfs , In. No physician re quired. Sent by express on receipt ol price , $3. Olinntcd Himself. Puck : Gasket Yes , sir ; I'm ' u oelf- made man. i Smothered volr.o Then you cheated yourself. I'ooplo III Gonornl , People in general should know what'a best to do in case of a sudden attack ot bowel complaint. It is a well estab lished fact that prompt relief may bo hud in any case of colic , cholera inor- bua , dysentery or diarrhuui by giving a few doses of Chuinborlulii's Colic , Chol era and Diarrhoea Itotoedy , It uota quickly , can nlwuya bo depended upon und is pleasant to take.