THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , AUGUST 26 , 1889. THE COMMERCIAL TRAVELER , INowa and Notoo of the Tourists of the West. THE HOOSIER SAW THE GEESE DClio I'nrmlo The Drntmnar Ahroiul Uncertainties of CofTcc IMokcd Up In the Hotel Hotundns Omaha's Stuitlny Guests. Tlio Parade , Tlio parade movement is now well under vay ami there Is no longer nny doubt that there wilt bo fully ns largo a turn out as there was last year , ThocominlUoa aupoint- cd to visit the merchants report natisfactofy progress , nnd with the cordial co-operation of the boys the affair will bo n grant success. All travelers who can by nrfy possibility nmlto Omahn on tlmtday are earnestly urged to do HO. The uniform adopted is tha sumo as last year light ncpllgn shirt , black pants ana bolt , nllU ant and Japanese parasol. How lib Got lOvon , D , Y. Wlieolor , the western representative of Moycr & Co. , wholesale druggists , St. Louis , was a Sunday guest at the Mlllnrd. 13clng handsome , fat , jolty and a good story teller , Mr , Wheeler enjoys great popularity among his kind of people , "I can give you nn occurrence , " said bo to a 13 BB reporter , "that lins never beau In print. It has the novotty of being true nnd implicates Clmrloy Adams , who is welt known to all the boys. Somu years ago Max Hazitio & Co. , of Phila delphia , commenced manufacturing n newly concocted perfume , xvhicli in tlmo grew into great drmnnd and they soon made n big for tune. Adams happened to bo one of the first traveling salesmen sent out by the firm. Then ho was youtur. inexperienced and naturally timid.Vbllo ntMllwuukoo. among others , ho visited the well known drug hou a of Buttons , presented his card and quietly waited to bo welcomed. Much to his surprise , however , old man liuUons tonk the little piece of paste-board , and without turning tils eyes from a steady , se vere guzo into Adams' face , tore it into small pieces , throw them on tlio floor and said : There , young follow , wo never buy goods P from drummers. ' You can imagine how completely Adams was knocked out. He wrote to his employers and told them what t" Buttons had done. With that the mutter dropped and Uazlno went on manufacturing bis perfume just the same. It became so much in demand that no drug store could i get along without it. Finally Buttons sent an order direct to the manufactory. Instead of tilling it , however , Hiizlnn tore the paper into shreds nnd mailed them back to him with nn accompanying note , saying : 'If you want any of our goods , buy them from other parties , wo can't ' deal with you. ' That , I consider , wns a very delightful way of ( retting even for insulting a drummer. " Iln Saw the Gcoso. Wo wore standing , ono day , in front of a small country store in a ono-horso town in southwestern Indiana. Wo had made the rounds and wore waiting for a train. The conversation turned in some way to the sub ject of eyesight. An old Hoosler farmer who had been listening to our conversation lounged up and , said : "I reckou yew foliar s air right smart chaps a-gallavatin * roun' through the kontry like I've hoorn toll yow dow. but I'll 'low , b1 gosh , 'at I kin sea furder an.1 draw a bead floor nor any ono o' yo. Jos' las' week I wus huntin' , mo an' my gal wuz , daown on the ma'su over yon , an' I tuk up my gun tew shute. 'Wot fl'yo see , dnd7'my gal sez , sez she. 'Sool' BCZ I ; 'Itnin't yo see thot squirrel daown tharl' 'No , ' sez she , > 'I kain't see no squirrel. I kin ace a ol' stump daown tliar 'bout forty rod , ' BOV she. 'Thoyso a squirrel on thot stuuiD , ' sez I. An' I pulled my ol' gun up to my shoulder an1 let 'or go. Well , w'ea wo got daowu thar , sure 'nuff , stranger , tbar warn't ' no squirrel thar. 'T won't nuthin' 'cent a tarnal little chipmunk 'bout half's ' big" my hnn' . But ho wuz dcdstranger. . There kaln't'nuthin' git away frum mo w'en I shuto. " ' 'Very acute eyesight , " I remarked. "Cutol" the old Hoosier answered. "Wai , Idunnb's thar war nuthin' so very outc 'bout it , but I reckon it war right smart eeeln' . " All through this wonderful recital George B. , who dearly loved a practical joke and never missed an opportunity to perpetrate ono , had stood gazing fixedly off toward the northern horizon. When the Hooalor had finished , ho remarked , "Yes , uncle , that was raighty'good 'seein' . ' no doubt , but I'll gc you a big round uollnr that you can't tell me the number of geese in that flock up there , " pointing in the direction in which ho had been cuziug. Wo all looked , but could sec nothing. George winked. The old mac Bhodcd his eyes with his hand and raid , "Wai , I reckon I kin sco the geosooasy 'nuff. I hain't right smart on countin' nohow , stranger , but I ca'lato thoyso 'bout thirteen in thot uir flock , 'z I kin sco 'em now. " W ( nil strained our eyes , and presently a flocli kovo in sight. They came uearcr and nearer Wo counted just thirteen. "Thunder ! " salt George , as he handed over a dollar , "when in blazes did those gocso come from ? I didn' ee them beforo. " They had come upon th ( pceno just lu time to win a dollar for tin Jlocsior. Tim Drummer Abroad. I'll tell you what I saw in Manchester England , " said a gentleman who lately returned turned from a trip abroad. "On the hate ! register ' I found the name of 'C. Sidney Smith' , U. S. A , , ambassador to England and Franca and S. P. D , to the czar of Russia. ' It was n puzzle to ma and I smalt a mouse but I waited to see him before giving auy thing uway. After a fovv hours ho called ni my room. Than I found him to bo an ex drummer for a Chicago crockery houso. Hi bad saved up a fovv hundred and was uiaklni the tour. " 'What induced .YOU to register ns you did I asked utter a bit. ' ' { jltnply to receive the rcspoct and con' Ideratlou due me,1 bo mulled. " 'Does it cheapen your bills ! ' ' "No , not to nny extent ; but tt gives mi the beat for ray money , and I have free car riaga rides and many-invitations out to dine Man who registers over here 'as plain Sinitl or Brown gets only unumon. I'm off fo France next week , nnd I shall register ther ns "Special envoy of the American congrosi ana Jim-dandy representative of 70,000,00 Americana. I'll ' got quull on toast whoa yoi follows have only bacon , Well , BO long. 1'n off to dinner with u big manufacturer , am to-morrow I'm to rltlo out xvlttt an M. P. am aduko. Take my advice and hitch on ; title. ' " The Uncertainties of Coffee. J. L. Allwortu , representing Winslovt Hand & Watson , Importers of teas am coffees , Boston , was In Millara , Kan , a tov day * UKO. Ho bus Just returned from a trl | to the coast und reports having found buol ness unusually promising. "Wo are havlnj a hard time , " said Mr. Allworth , "In ou trade , becau&a of the coffuo market , whlol lias .boon very unsteady , " Flu produced a letter from Mr. Watson wboMrritca : "Now , In regard to the market , wbllo w can not BUO uny [ xnieiH to us In having It g Jughor , yet wo feel that the crop condition uro such that coftca Is liable to bo a groa dual higher for many months to ooinu ; you need not bo afraid to sell your good cus iomers large bills of coffee , as. in our ludg ment , there will ba no chance for its golm down , but a great chance for 1U going up. "Oa the Btreacth of this. " said Jtmaiy , " old ono man 0,000 pounds , nnd in lew than week the market weal ilowu. The result i that wo will buvo to miiko him goodcousa ; queutly the trade under auch circumitiioce is hard to handle. " I ) . U. Puller. D. U , Fuller , oneof tba boat , if not th best known traveling men doing Nobraskt Was born at Jackson , Mich. , in 1837 , and , a be puts it , is almost tlurty-tvTQ year * of age Ho represents the Britton , Ilichardson t Co. dry geode house , o ( St. Joseph , Mo. , am Lag teou connected with U for about tw years. Prior to this , however ( ho made Ne braska territory twelve years for Tootlo , Maul & Co. , of Omaha , and visited almost every town tn the stato. Dan quit the last named company to cngago In the real estate business In this city , nnd ho is said to have garnered nil the way from W.OOO to tlO.OOO In cold cash. But the grip proved to bo too strong an attraction for him and nfter a Reason oft ho commenced the weary pilgrimage for tao company with which ho Is now cmrasrcd. Dan is great on fakes , nnd ti.oro isn't a bald head restorer on north that ho hasn't tried. And moreover ho has a penchant for poetry , nnd ho entertains "il friends by the hour reciting extracts from Ilia Wheeler Wilcor , nnd so'tno of the boys blnk of making a data for him on the stage. Drummers' Dny. Although nctlvo work was not commenced n Drummers' day until late , they have , irofitiu by last year's experience , nccom lishcdn great deal In the past week , nnd now everything is in readiness nnd n grand parade Is Injured. At the meeting Saturday ight the executive committee stated they had secured over 600 nntiios nnd would be gin collecting the $1.50 assessment Wednes day of this weeIc und that th y received an jnthusiustlo welcome from all the wholesale louses. Five hundred bolts , badges nnd .larnsols have been ordered and will bo fur nished all who join In the parade. The Omaha 'air ' association offers to issue compliment ary tickets to each salesman admitting him- elf mid lady to the fair on Wednesday after noon , September 4. These tickets will bo handed out with the badges to all in uniform * iit the headquarters In the board of trudo building Wednesday morning before the [ nirado. Committees wore appointed to meet ivith the traveling men of Council Bluffs nnd Lincoln on Sunday afternoon and.extend to .hem a cordial invitation to join In the urano. Meetings were called ut Fremont lastlngnGrand Island Norfolk and Beatrice 'or Sunday afternoon , nnd a good report s expected from each place early this week. An ample supply of silk huts hai been pro vided for ut tin ; sair.o price ns last year. Traveling men's headquarters will bo estab lished nt the fair grounds , whore refresh ments will bo served to alt of their friends who call. W. S. Hclphry has been appointed chali-mnn of the committees on refreshments , and that doe * settle it. There will surely bo 'plenty for nil. An excellent band has been secured by the committed ou music nnd will bo established at headquarters. This will certainly bo an enjoyable feature of the afternoon. The following vice presidents , appointed Saturday evening , uro expected to do their best to assist in securing a largo attendance from their respective towns , as well as ulso- where : Grand Island , F. O. Lockwood ; Hastings , W. B. Sheldon ; Lincoln , H. Sim- inonds ; Fremont , Ed. Lord ; Norfolk , Jay Holphrov : Chadron , J. C. Carson ; Council BlutTs , John Storlt ; Sioux City , Lyman " 'aero ' ; Beatrice , II. F. Bacon ; Columbuo , Varies Martin ; Kearney , Alt Nye ; Rod louil , E , T. Brown ; Nebraska City , Etiuono Bradley ; OgUou , Utah , J. Bentty. Each onois requested to notlty the secre tary , M. W. Rycrson. care of Richardson Drug company , of their accept ance at once , that the executive committee may'know who to depend on. The president has appointed as marshal of the day , W. L. Eastman ; assistants , Tom Harvey , C. W. Close , AuKUstMcyes , JackGarrctt , The secretary also wishes to state that a notice has been mailed to ouch and every Omaha salesman , but realizing how uncer tain the _ mnils. are , requests all * to consider that a personal invitation has been oxtendcd , whether a card wus received or not ; and it Is hoped that every traveler will not ouly be ou hand , but will consider himself a committee - too of ono to see that the rest of the boys are there , too. This is not worked up in the in terest of nny particular ones but for all traveling man , and they as a class can not afford to see it anything but the grandest feature of the cntiro weak. COMMITTEE. At the Murray. Promptly at 10:30 : yesterday morning In ac- cordanca with the tlmo honored custom , Chief Clerk Ira Hlgby , of the Murry , began counting the noses of his proteges among the knights of the grip who were stopping with him. Ho found these present : From New York F. H. Morris , \V. T , Paruer , A. C. Lordly , T. H. S. Hvdo , James Arthur Smith , E. R. Fuller , L. Schllsby , H. L. Terrell , Thomas Long , William A. Biako , T. A. Hodklnson , John D. Rupolgo , A. H. Wills , T. F. Gladwin , T. S. Wood , George T. White , E. Cohen , M. L. Holton , M. G. Flynn , E , Bayard. From Cnicago George Smith , U. V. Simms. J. H. Scott , F. H. Dayton , A. Iclnor , G. A. Vanops , U. G. Leicrhardt , George R. Coyell , A. LenaUl , B. Kingsbury , U. N , Guriey , A. P. Richardson , W. G. McPherson - son , C. A , Nandcn , Goorou B. Holcombo. J. L. Goldsmith , H. M. Rood , W. A. Pichard , David Barry. S. T. Altman , U. S. Hunger- ford , A. L. Gross , E. Belts. A. B. CIme , W J. Shells , A. L. Eastman , W. H. Hubbarc and wifo. From St. Louts E. G. Anderson , D. Drei fuss , E. H. A. Vanslttort , H. B. Matthews. Everywhere F. Connor , Charles C. Lin- ingcr , Cleveland ; F. S. Rood , Kansas City ; Q. A Weston. Boston ; J. B. Clmso , Aurora ; A. J. Taylor , Rock Island ; C. W Hare , Philadelphia ; D. B. Lyons , Dei Moines ; C. J. Grundbach , St. Louis ; W. H Simpson , ChicagoGeorRO ; H. B.irr , Ashland E. H. Kelly , Springfield , 111. ; James V HotcnHss , Pcoria ; Al Decker. Sheboygan Wis. ; A. H. Simons , Charles Riggleman Dos Moincs ; E. S. Stattacke , Minneapolis C. L. Cargo , Pitlsburg ; J. J. A. Webb SprinKliold. O. After making the boys account for them selves during the past night , Father High' ' gave them a short dissertation upon tin sanctity of the Sabbath , and dismissed then : with his blessing and a command for then all to attend divlno service at least once dur ing the day , At the Mil I aril. "Tho boys came in great numuors to sponc Sunday with us this time , " said Chief Clorl Huhtt , and hero are a few of thorn : Geo. H. Vedboth , Boston ; C. H. Walker Boston : J. W. Fried , St. Louis ; C. W Woodward , Now York ; A. M. Spangler Philadelphia : E. E. Hill , Chicago ; H. Lowe NowYoritV. . H. Wray. Chicago ; C. E Burnett. Chicago ; Kobt. WeiOensald , Chicago cage ; Thos. Baldwin , Qulncy , 111. ; Lutho Hyde. New York ; C. L. Nelson. Chicago S. L. BarUclt , Slow Yorli ; Sam1 Mofflt , St. Louis ; J. C. Asherman JMow York ; J. Cole , Chicago : John Huveon Chicago ; Samuel G. Goss , Chicago ; E. H Way. Cleveland : M. Vanderpool , Chicago O. O. Gregg , Minneapolis ; E. Valentino Minneapolis ; Warren Smith , Chicago ; It. M Alien , Chicago ; Eli Aldrlce , Boston ; A. J Moffett , St. Louis ; W. B. Buck Cincinnati : 'P. W. White , Boston ; W B. MoKinnoy , Troy ; S. L. Kittlo Now York ; E. K. Fassott , Chicago E. II. Mead , Detroit ; Lee Horn , Chicago ; A VVynian , St. Louis ; D. H. Ralph , Phlla .delphla ; II. W. Robinson , Now York ; S. 11 Hathaway , Now York ; C. A. a'onscn , ( jhl cngo ; R. M. Taylor , Mobile : T. L. Mulono Mobile ; J. T. Pee , St. Louis ; TtioumsV \ Johnson , Poorla ; C. J. Cooper , St. Joseph : 0. L. Horov , Chicago ; James Kirkby , Now York ; A. E. Hall. Cnl cage ; L. II. Long , Chfcatro : P , H. Simmon , Chicago ; Hans Hanson , Cm clunati ; C. E. Lotstmw. St. Louis ; H. G Hart , Now Yorit ; W. F , Hynes , Chicasi ) 1. K. Phillips , Now York ; G. H. Jantz , Cin clnnati ; Daniel G. Wheeler , St. Louis ; R H. Glllott , Chtcaro ; a M. Wonbergor , Nov York : F. W. Smith , Now York ; C. E. Hull Cleveland ; GuorgoM. Lee , Dayton ; Wllliau W. Page , Boston ; R. H. Uro , Chicaco Harry M. Gould , Rochester ; William Hoford Chicago ; A. W. Byer , Boston. ' At tlio Pnxlon. Day Ctorlr Connell , of tbe'Paxton , say that tbo old friends ot the now proprietor ; aru rallying1 around them by the score , am yesterday the rotunda of the old standby resounded sounded to the laughter and jokes of a smal array of the drummers. Among them wer noted : Joseph G. S. Best , Chicago ; P. Mortol Chicago ; O.V. . Poasello. Dubuque ; D. F , Kemp , Uuffalo ; I. Swartz , Chloajjo ; G. D Davis , Covlngton , ICy. ; H. N. Carpenter . _ . . 1 - .n j * * * a iuwwt U41UUC aiwlis ; W. II. Churchill , Now York ; Isadon Jacobs , Now Yorlt ; P. K. Ilnpsoou. Chicago O. L. Kennedy , New York ; N. Corinth , Ir , Chicaso ; K L ) . Howe , Omaha : A. May Kunvw City ; U. C. UoRera , Cincinnati ; A tt. Coltou , OaleiUurtf , III. ; A. B. Ualinot Chicaso ; W. G. llrower. New York ; U. T , Laoy , Now York ; W. Budgott , Now York Arthur Achcson , Now YorkjD. Morgan , Cincinnati ; Paul F. Zoltlow , " Now York ; J. M. Ivcs , Chlcfteo ; M. T. MccchChicago ; B. F. Freeman , Dot roll ; D. F. Harrington , Now'york ; H. HafTorkorp , St. Loui ; T. J. Barnard. Atlanta , Go. ; R J. Anderson , St , Louis ; Chas. Llugoafoltor , Phllndolphin , Pa. ; W. A. Rcmlck , St Paul ; A. O. Da- vldls , Chlcnpo ; A. H. Castle , Chicago ; Qco. J. Goto , St. Louis ; J. C. Whlto , Lincoln ; K. -1. Voorhls , Trcntort , N. .1. ; E. J. Hart , Jhlcaco ; L. M. Westlnke , Pittsbnrg ; K. M. Ulrdsall , Onlcaijo ; W. H. Uenton , New Yorlt ; Oco. D. HowarJ , Memphis , Tonn. ; T. M. Davidson , Now York ; O. ! ) . Grcono , tfow York ; W. D. Uradshaw , Chlcairo ; rnmos Grant , Chicago ; C. J. O. Taylpr , Now York ; A. Manhlmraor , Now York ; Phil Leon , Now York ; Charles P. Goto , St. Louis ; C , H. Kraft Now York ; H. S. larko , Now York ; \V. 0. Hrowno , Boston ; .Vnllixco Sherman , Now York ; Chnrlos A. Qulcloy , South Bond ; T. S. Micks , Syracuse - cuso , N. Y. ; Gcorco H. Mars , Chicago ; E. " . ' . Unonlhort BufTttlo , N. Y. ; R. F. Ual- itun , Hock Ulonu. Do Merciful to Yourself , And heed the appeals for assistance put forth by your liver , when the organ Is out ot order. Among thcso nrc distress in the right nido nnd through the right shoulder blade , yellowness ot the slcln and ovoualls , furred tongue , sour breath , slolr headache , nnd ultovo all , irrcguliirity of the bowels. The mercy you extend to the nflllctcd orfinn Is wisely shown by u prompt course of medi cation with Hostellers Stomnch Hitters , most genial of alteratives , und the hepatlo gland early reciprocates the dnservcd niton- lion by resuming Its secretive functions nc- tlvely nnd regularly. Among the nccomna- nying coed results nro renewed dlgeitlon , frecilom from headaches and a resumption of activity of the bowels. All bilious sym | > - toms disappear , and nppotito and sleep 1m- provo. Beni-flVent nro the effects of the lilt- tors In diseases , kidney disorder , rheumatic nllu > onts ana nnrvousncss. TRY IT. Mosquito Can't Let Go Whllo You Hold Your Itrcntli , Three or four mon were sltttncron the pinzzn ot n sonsido cottage smoking , says the Washington Star. It was ovon- ing. The slurs were as thick In the sky aa freckles on a rod hemlod girl's "tico. The waves came in on the beach with u swish-swash-BWosh juat as they have donp ovoi- since the souond day of the creation. Moro piercing than the song of the waves were the notes , and more multi tudinous than tlio stars in heaven the number of the mosquitoes that haunted that piazza , and every ono of them was "looicing for blood. ' ' The raon had ceased smoking for fun. They now pulled their cigars to keep the mos- quiloos away. "Something funny about mosquitoes , " said ono rather absent mindodly. "Yes , rather , " was the drawling re ply. "Funny how much blood it takes to fill ono of them up. " "No , but honest , now ; do you know that if a mosquito'd get his bfll down into your hand ho can't pull it out while you hold your breath ? " "Don't believe it. " "It is true , however , for I have tried it. " 'Dot you the cigars that n mosquito can take his bill out at any time ho wants to do it , and wo will try it right hero. , la it a go ? " "It is , and I'll lot them try. " A lamp was lighted , the cierars put out , and all waited. In less tluiu a min ute a mosquito had placed himself on Tom's baud and began operations. "Now , " said Tom , and placed Ihe fore finger of his other hand down close lethe the mosquito. It did not budge. Ho placed his nail aurainst the abdomen of the insect and whirled it around. Still it remained fixed. "You can do it every time , " said Tom as ho killed the mosquito and draw a long breath. It is a fact. Go and try it. Something to Ttcmcmbor. If you are going east remember the "Rock Island Rolito" run the sleepers and chair cars of their solid vestibule train to and from the Omaha depot , leaving Omaha at 8:45 : p. m.thus avoid ing the transfer at Council BlutTs. Three solid trains daily. , All chair cars are free. Dining cars on all through trains. Our trains make close connec tion with all eastern limited trains con necting in union depot ut Chicago , avoiding a transfer across the city to parties enrouto to Now York , Boston and other eastern cities , "and every thing a little bettor than other lines can offer. " S. S. STEVEN'S , Ticket office 1305 Parnam. Gon'l W. A. "When Bitten by a Hnttlo Snuko. DivS. "Weir Mitchell contributes to the August Century a profusely illus tratcd article on "Tho Poison of Ser pents , " in which ho says : ' 'I am often uskod what I would do if bitten while fur from holu. If the wound bo at the tip of a linger , I should like to got rid of the part by some such prompt auto- surgiual moans as a knife or a possible hot iron affords. Failing these , or while seeking hulp , it is wise to quarantine the poison by two ligatures drawn tichl enough to stop all circulation. The heart weakness is made worse by emo tion , and at this time a man may need stimulus to walk homo. Assoon as possible siblo some ono should thoioughly infiltrate trato the seat of the bite with permnga- nato or other of the agents above men tioned. By working and kneading the tissues the venom nnd the antidote maj bo made to come into contact , and the former bo so far destroyed. At this tlmo it becomes needful to relax the ligatures to escape gangrene. This re laxation of course lets some venom into the blood-round , but in a few moments it is possible to ugain tighten the liga tures , and ngain to inject the local an tidote. If the dose of venom bo largo and the distance from help great , except - copt the knife or cautery little is to bo done that is of value. But it is well to boar in mind that in this country a bite in the extremities rarely causes death I have known of nine dogs having boon bitlon by as many snakes , and of those dogs but two diod. In India there would probably have boon nine dcat dogs. _ The four H's health , happy homos and hospitality fostered by Angostura Bitters. Solo manufaa'mrors Dr. J. G. B. Siogcrt & Sons. At all druggists. > Mmlo n Dynamo of Him. Mr. H. M. Stevens , of Boston , says the Now York World , is another "ox- port" who does not believe that elec tricity can execute a criminal. Mr. Slovens informed a correspondent on Saturday that ho once slipped , inspect ing an ejoctrio light plant , throw out his hands , accidentally grabbed the positive and uogativo brushes of u dynamo exuding a current of 1,600 volts , was prostrated , dropped off by his own woighthad two doctors at work on Ilia cold , a tiff and pulseless body , anil for three hours declined to become con scious. Why ? Because ho was "full of electricity nnd insulated. " An at tendant suggested putting him on the damp ground BO that "tho electricity could run out. " Tills was douo. The electricity ' -ran out" and Mr. Stevens rapidly recovered and grew fat , but re mained a sort of dynamo , and still is very sensitive when thunderstorms are approaching. DukoNn. O5-t. The Hambletoniun stallion owned by J. E. MontroBO. nnd to bo Bold at auction in Lin win September 5 , is an excellent ropreeo ntativo ol the mightost race ol trottera the world has over produced. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH , The Flno Ediflco ; Dedicated at Lin coln Yditorday. AN ARCHITEC tlR/U. TRIUMPH. Scientifically DcSluhcd and Comfort- nblo na It Is Ilc'ittitllut Iho WnR- nor-Kcllcy $ ajso A I'ythlaa lied Ijctcr , lnj. LINCOLN lumBMJ Buii , } 1029 I' STUKKT , } IjiNcot.x , August 25. I The event of to-day wns the dedication of .ho Central Christian church uttho corner of Fourteenth nnd K streets. This rollplous tcmplo , just completed , Is ono of Lincoln's mnsnlucont church structures , raRnrded oy many as the llnost In the city. It Is built of whtto Mllwuukoo brick , corniced with the red sand stones of Colorado mid Wisconsin , luroly modern In architectural design and Inish , nnd possesses an exterior both strlk- ug nnd pleasing. The interior is cleverly designed nnd fashioned , and possesses all of the modern conveniences. Tlioro is mani festly nothing lacking m its arrange in outs. This scntcnco includes ovorythlnc from Ititchcn to vestry. The nudlonco room Is spacious , the corridors and Rallorlos pro portionate , the inclines "Just thu'tliing" and the furnishings In perfect keeping with an edifice built at an expanse of over $50,000. IU dimensions uro immaterial. It is enough to state that tbo church will comfortably seat from 1,500 to 2,000 peopio. Sliding doors separata the audience and Sunduy school rooms , nnd they can bo throxvn into ono by means of uoisalcst * pulleys. The , pul- lllt is so arranged that speakers in position can bo seen from any part of the interior fashioned for audiences. The choir gallery is at the right of the pulpit and the baptistry at the rear , facing the west. At the entrance door to the baptistry , a birds-oyo view of the city of Jerusalem can bo seen. This is hand- painted and a very creditable piece of art. The proovo in which the baptistry Is set shows a deep blue sky ovorheud , and etch ings of the stately palm and other dlgitato trees on the sides. But the wood work and plastered walls of the building are beauti fully frescoed , and but few. if nny , liner buildings hnvo been dedicated to the wor ship of God in this part of the country. 1 ho day was pleasant anil the church was crowded to the utmost. Every pow and chair was occupied nnd a largo number wore compelled to stand throughout the exorcises. At lenstUvcnty-two hundred people crowded into the church. The decorations wore sim ple but very prott.v. A beautiful wreath adorned n stand in front of the pulpit. Choice greenhouse plants were at the right loft und roar. Deft hands and good taste , arranged them , mid the room presented a very inviting appearance. At the turn of fiio appointed hour the chorus broke forth with the sweet notes , "Old Hundred , " and followed wltn "Woi'ttro Hearing , wo are Dwelling , " to the familiar tune of Essex. Charles 13. Newman , pastor of the church then read the twenty-third psalm. Pres ident Aylswortn , late 'of Fairfleld college , followed with an r 'impressive invocation , after which the hymn "Coronation" was announced and the vast nudlcuco joined in singing it. Elder Newman then. Introduced Prof. W. P. Black , of Chicago ] who preached the dedi catory sermon. The spcaKer was listened to with marked attention. At the close of the sermon the choir sang an appropriate hymn , when J. Z. Briscoe , chairman of the builUing committee , re ported upon the condition of the building finances. The debt , Jio announced , though reaching into , the thousands , wui met then and there. Th'o necoss'ary funds to pay it ofl were pledged and promptly subscribed. P. Rl. Ranis , of ffpueka , Kan. , delivered the closing address of , ' the morning's exer cises. It was also timely and appropriate. At the close of the song service following Hvv. Newman pronounced the benediction. Praise service was held at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Prof. Black : occupied the pulpit this evening. The service was largely at tended. _ The Wncncr-Kelloy t/nao. A well known attorney , who is thoroughly familiar with all the facts in the case , said to THE BUB reporter : ' 'I see that some of the papers , in discussing the Wagner-Kelley case , do so upon the hypothesis that Miss Wagner is guilty of the crime of being a pro curess and that the only reason that the case was dismissed was that there is no statute covering the case unless the Kclluy girl had been actually debauched as the result of her machinations , This Is wrong and does the accused an injustice. The genius of our in stitutions recognize everyone as Innocent until their guilt has boon firmly established. Miss Wognor is entitled to this considera tion. There 1 nothing In support'of the ac cusation except the Kelley girl's own unsup ported statements , and those who have seen both ara much more inclined to believe Miss \Vagner than her. The impression created on ma was that the Kollcy girl had seen ton times as much of the world , and know tea times as much of its vices , as did the other , and I lind that the sauio Impression was made on others. In fact I simply don't bo llovo ono word of the story i > ut up by Annie Kclley. Shu had started to run uway , prot > ably to ire to Denver to enter on a Jifo ol shiuno , and Blio was put off at Culbcrtsau without money. She mot some sympathetic peopio from Lincoln and she gulled them with her story. Does It look reu ° , unable that a purely innocent girl could bo persuaded by another to muka suuh a trip as that and foi that pui uosoi Well , hardly. "I sco also that imaginative reports toll ol how Miss Wagner lured a son of a prominent family in this city to Salt I.ako City whore she lived with him in cr.cut splendor foi some tlmo as his wife , and thtit thin happy state of affairs was broken up by her demand through an attorney for $3.fiuO , If all this be true , why don't ' they give thonauio of the young muni Is ho to bo protected that he may deceive other young , innocent , und con fiding girls whiio she Is to bo drivmi into tlio Harlot's last ditch ) These snmo reports describe scribe her as not only handsome , but very beautiful , with sweet , soft , seductive , sy- ren-lilce way , that could capture even an old timer and load him from tha paths ol rectitude. Those who talk this rot have not seen the girl. She Is hot beautiful. She is not handsome. She is hardly commonplace , Her lily white- hands about which they rave , ara largo uud course- and brown , showing that she works for a living , ' 1 am sorry that it/is1 o , but things have arrived at such u statc/Jm this city that it is only necessary to acd'usb a girl to send hoi with railroad speed down thu road of perdi tion , and it is tlmo to1 put a stop to It. A poor orphaned , washing girl'is ' as much entitled to the protection and considerations of out laws , as the rich andjtha powerful , and I Iiom you will print what I/say in TUB BEE , as It seems to a defender of the poor. " Damon anj Pythias. Monday , August- , will long be ro momborcd by the Pythians of Lincoln aa o red letter uay In the exiitouco of the order ii this city. It Is the aiinfvoraary of the found Ing of the uniforniod a k , and will bo cele brated with great oclat Uoducod rates havi been secured over ull tip.roads , and a large attendance ia oxpectedifrom outsldo the city A chief attraction Will bo the presence o. Justus II. Uathburn , the founder of tbo order who will lecture at the opera homo in the evening , The conduct of tha celebration of tbb anniversary is in the hands of the followlnf general committee : Ed. IL SlzerUkharc O'Neill. Uobert S. Brown , H. W , Johnson. The reception committee Is composed of th < following well-known knights : John Jen kins , W. H. Bcrger , Charles M. Kcofor ami A. A. Lascb. IJrother Hathburn , whllo in the city , wil bo In the hands of the following committee ; Grand Chancellor Will H. Love , llrlgadlei General W. L. Dayton , Judge A. W. Pield , Colonel H. P. Doran , Colonel E. R. Slzer ant P ist Grand Chancellors John Morrison nnc KiclmrdO'NoiIl. The day will be spent In drills and instruc tions. Grant Memorial hall , on the unircr Ity campus will be used , The secret wort will bo exemplified at Castle hall. The following is the ofllclal programme : Headquarters First Uegimeut , Nebraska Brigade , Uniform K n1e of Knights of PythiasTho ofllclal programme of the Uni form Hank , KnlauU of Pythias , will bo as follows for the celebration ot their anniver sary : At 7l.r n. m. the committed will moot ar- rlvlnc divisions. 10 o'clock , school for instruction at Memo rial hall. 12 m. , dinner. 3:30 : p. in. , school for Instruction. A p. in. , supper. 0:45 : p. m. , sharp , assemble at armory for parade ( Tenth ana O streets ) . 7 sharp , line of march will bo taken no and is na follows ! From P street south on. Tenth to O street , cast on O to Eleventh street , south on Eleventh - onth to M street , countermarch on Eleventh to N street , east on N to Twelfth street , north on Twelfth to O street , north on Elev enth to I1 stroot. The regiment will there 'form for dross parade , After dross purndo the regiment will escort cert Brother Hathburn nnd the reception committee- the opera house. After the lecture at tlio opera house tha regiment will march to Memorial hull for one hour's Instruction In formations. It is understood that Brother Unthburn will ulso bo present. After the school at Memorial hall the regi ment will mnrch to the armory and take part in the reception to Brother Uathburn and break ranks. Harry F. Down , colonel commanding. John Jenkins , ilrst lieutenant und adju tant. _ Compliision Powder Is an absolute neces sity of the rcllncd toilet in this clinmto. Pozroni'a combines every element of beauty nnd purity. _ FATHER DAMIEN. Ills Career ns n IJCJKT Apostle the Re sult of n Brother' * llliic . The brother of tlio late Father Da mien , whoso iinmo is Augusto PamphUo do Voustor and whoso homo ia in Lou- vitln , FrancoBonds to the London Times an interesting account of the circum stances in which the celebrated priest Ilrst wont to Honolulu. In tlio year 1803 the writer says that ho himself re ceived orders from his superior to start for Honolulu in the month ot October. Ho was already n. priest. At that tinio' his brother , Jof Damien Jot is the fa miliar contract for Joseph , and was the iiiiiuo ho always bore in the family circle who wag his junior by two years , had still to complete his studies and receive the priesthood , , nnd no ono droamcd of hip departure. But it so happened that aa the time for sailing drew near the older brother , who writes of the events as "by God's design , " foil slek of typhus fever in the very house in which ho still lives , and in which , all unconscious ol the future , ho had prepared his brother for his sac erdotal studies by teaching him Latin , a language of which ho knew nothing till ho was close on twenty years of.ago. The doctors declared that the elder brother's going was out of the question. His passage raonoy on a Gorman sailing ship from Bromprhavor to Honolulu had already been paid. Jcf Damien , with out saying a word to any one , wrote di rect to the stiperion general in Paris , asking for the place. The return post brought the reply during the din ner hour. The superior was so surprised and indeed annoyed at its contents that ho throw the letter down on the table before the brother , saying : "You are very young and green , Damien , to start before receiving the priesthood. " The young brother thereupon snatched up the letter and raced uwny to the bed side , where ho kept waiving it , crying out in a transport of delight , "I am go ing in your place. " Then , without waiting for dinner , ho sot oil to say j good-by to the family. This'was the first and most important stop in his missionary career , but the brother adds : "I had later on another striking illustration of the simple earn estness and humility of my dear broth er's character. Some time after he had. settled down at Molokai ho wrote , mo a long letter , describing his life among the lepers. At the request of many hero I publiseed it in the French missionary journal.- Some months af terward. I received a sharp rebuke from Damien for having done so. Ho added : 'I want to live and work hero unknown to the world. ' But death has now re leased mo from the obligation of silence and Father Damien's English admirers will perhaps be glad to learn that his loiters , translated from the French and Flemish , many of thorn dating.back to his childhood , and carefully treasured for years by our mother , who adored Jof anil who died of a broken heart whqn she hoard ho had taken the lep rosy , will appear in an English period ical , the .Month , for July. Yoi'r read ers may also bo interested in the pro jected Belgian memorial of my broth er's life and work. Committees have al ready been formed here and in other places to collect funds for a Damien in stitute , the object ot which will bo to insure a continuation of my brother' * wont at Molokai lUolf. Burses are to be founded in a college that shall bo called by my brother's name and the ut most care exorcised in the choice ot proper subjects for the glorious but most difficult task of ministering to and nurs ing the lepers. Wo naturally hope that the country which sent out Joseph Damien - mien do Voustor to his leper apostulato will continue to provide not unworthy successors of his labors , who , like him , will address the stricken charges not with the formal 'My brethren , ' but as ho always loved to say : 'Nous untroa leproux' 'Wo lepers. ' Long before ho contracted the malady ho wrote to mo : 'That is a title 1 jealous ly claim for myself and am proud to bearit , " _ O. A.'R. Exuuruion. From August 21 , to August 28 inclu sive , the "Hock Island Route" will sell round trip tickets to Milwaukee via , Chicago for the G. A. R. oncanpmant at $14-50 , tickets good for rotnrn until September 6. Choice of Vail or lake route from Chicago. Ticket office 1805 Farimm stroot. S. S , STKVICNS , W. A. Unknown Ilorjoos Texas Sittings : The world is full ol here worship , and many are the fortu nate ones wo honor and revere. Some won by knightly deeds on battlefield , some by splendid prowess in saving life when periled by ( ire or ilood by every form of daring bravery or noble effort the list Is swelled. And a quick and generous appreciation Is awarded all such deeds of exceptional heroism. All heroic acts , however , do not come to the light of public approval. There are unknown nnd unnoticed heroes und heroines in private life whoso names are not destined to bo ' 'sung in num bers ; " whose quiet lives How on in un eventful stillness. But the young man who voluntarily resigns the ambitious plans of youth , with all their vaguely splendid possi bilities , to care for his aged parents , is an obligatlan , perhaps , distasteful tt him , seeing his"hioro fortunate brothers and comrades winning fortune and renown - nown that might ba his , is a here of no humble typo. The , girl who , putting aside her own happy dreams of the future , dedicatee her life to the care of an invalid mother or crippled sister , maklnjr their HVOB bright with the light she denies her own , ia a heroine , though not always recognized as sueti. In many an obscure homo the frail mother ia the heroic spirit , who moots the blows of adversity with'tho shield of cheerful Industry. Bravo and never despairing , thankful and hopeful tc othera , she might have poems written of her heroism if bor station had boon higher ia the Ojotot the world. TRUE TO HER PROMISE. A DylnRVoinnn Recovers Jnnt to Spite Her Httfttinml , The chuckling and other symptoms ot satisfaction led the Oxford county man to toll another story , says the Lowbton ( Mo. ) Journal. "A woman upoiir way was verv stck , " sntd he. "She grow worse and worse , and the doctor finally gave her up. She had fought n good light for life , but at last made up bor mind that she was going to die , aivl saitl her parting words to her friends. Lnst of all she had a talk witn her husband. 11 'John,1 said she , 'I'm going to leave you fore vor. ' ' 'Yes , Mirandy , ' srvld ho , dropping a tear. ' 'I ain't like some women , John. I want you to bo happy and huvoa com panion through mo , " " 'Yes Minutely. ' " 'Yes. I want you to marry again , nnd I've boon thinking that ono of Mr. Smith's girls would make you an excel lent wife. ' 'i 'Yes , Mlramly , I've boon thinking of that name thing myself. ' ' 'You have. ohV you bi-utol You bol ter wait till I'm ' gone before you pick out another wife ! Oh , you wrotcn ! Fixing your heart on another woman before your lirot wife's under groundl But you shan't have horl I'm going to got well just to spite you and Ann Smith. ' "The woman wns true to her promise To everybody's astonishment she recov ered und lived to attend her husband's funeral. " TtolcotH Via the Northern Pacific R. R. , nllow the holders the privilege of stopping over nt Spokane Falls , Wash. , and all points \vesl , of there. The Northern Pacific is tho' only line traversing Washington Territory from cast to west and. north to south. Ratcsfrom Omaha and Council Bluffs to all points on the North Pacific coast areas low via the Northern Paclllo as any other line. A null Flclilcr'a Mother. The funeral ot the mother ot the famous Spanish bull-lighter , Frascuolo , which took place a clay or two ago , has been qulto one of the sights of Madrid , says the Pall Mall Gazette. The old lady , who passed her lifo in constant anxiety about her daring son , died while ho was killing six bulls in the arena. Frascuolo worshipped her and had her buried in princely stato. Tlio lead coffin , richly decorated with ornaments - monts of gold , was carried to the hearse by four ot his comrades , eight black horses drew the char funooro , and behind - hind it , together with Frascuolo , walked all the most famous bull-lighters of the town ; 1GO carriages followed , and alargo crowd ot persons belonging to all classes joined the procession. Hnmbletnninn. September 5 at auction in Lincoln , Rys Duke and forty marcs , colts , drivers and draft horses. Two Million Artificial Members. It is a curious fact that there are 200- 000 peopio in the United States who have artificial legs or hands. This num ber does not include the veterans of the union or the confederate army. In New York city and vicinity there are about five thousand men and women and women who have supplied -the place of lost limbs with the manufac tured article. Jly littJo boy , C years olil , was t Ick ( I with a disease for \ \ lilch doctors h.Kl I I no > : .ime. The nails conic oil hU fine1 ; 1 I era , nnd the flayers came oft to the I lialihllojuint. For 3 ycnrs ho Buffered ! | dreadfully ; Is now ( rcttliig well. und 1 1 lam satlslicd Sniffa Sprcil'.c Is tlio I I chief cause ot hit Improvement. Joux DCIUL , . Jan. 12 , 1889. Torn , Ind. I .POISON ED BY A CALF-My _ _ I llttla boy broUo out with sores nndl _ nlccrn , thu result of tlio enllva of a calf coming In con tact \\ith n cut fliisir. Tlio ulcers v ere deep nnd pain ful and shon-ed no Inclination to heal. I gave him Swift's Specific , nnd ho Is now well. Feb. 15 , ' 89. JOUK P. IlEAitn , Auturn , Ala. 8em } for books on Blood Poisons & Skin Diseases , free. _ Hwirr Krccino Co. , Atlanta. Ua. FOR MEN ONLY ! A PnSITIVP rorLOSTorFAIlIHO MAHUOODl H FUJI I lie I General and HBHVOUB DIBIIITYi Wcakneu of Bodjnd Hind : Effscti . notml , Hoble tXIIOOn f.llr lU.l.rrd. Ho * lo Kolirrn d SlrfirUHmnEiX.CNDrtELOtEDnitGIMJbriUTSDfnonT. Abioluulr n f.lll.i IIOBE TBUTXKNT-HriitBU < < > * r. B If illfj rron 47 8Ut , Trrritorlw , mil Forrlpi ConntrUi. Son HI-IK Ihm. Boot , mil ipl all.n , > nj priwir. x J ! 4 l 4\l ) t tnt. iililmi ( Rl ! UIOlrAl n..RU"Ain H * PRINCPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 PARNAM STREKT. Brooke Ilnll , for Qlrla and Young Ladles ShortMdgu Media Academy , for lloya and Vouns lien Swiiuin C , Suortlp , A , M , Media , Pennsylvania , near Plilladolphia. JACKSONVILLE 1 I'repartor ) anil collftfUt coutuallteraturel nKuaB jnuale. nrt. K. y. IIUUJBP. l'rinetp -tacfciKinflll * . IIL uIui-knearChlc ( ire ) JMtira for Ulrla and Younir Ladlm. > 'or { catalogue nddreMU. TIIAYUItl.J. . It. , * - ftlorgitu J'nrk , 1IL , or 7T MuJHon btreot , ClilcaKO. 111. NOIITI1VKBTI3UN Conservatory of Music Minneapolis , Minn. PIANO liest teachers only In every . . ment. Unaniiiihc'il opportuiilty forBturtyt OllOAN y ) lossoua for $15. Free uilvtiutages worth price nt tuition , All Instiuuieuta.' Eiuigos , Mlntory. Literature. VUIUE Seal for ralendar. 311. MOIISB. Director. O M A HA BU8t _ IE81 QfTToIiirSlf ! LTiMiTr' " " " ' * " ' "iiir"HKYt"v' II NT IN HTON"l'reKl3'ont , I.T.COI , W.VKUIIKOK.aupaflntondent. NKWY01UC MIMTAKY AOAKMY , COllN wall-on-Hna on. Col. 0 , J. Wright. U. 8. A. M. . Supt. j , K Hyatt , Comd tot Cadets. TTRAIWS"ACADEl/rv / CowJviiiim , 1'i.ATi'i : , COUNTY , ] Conducted nytheSlswnofBt.lTancia. Opem its Bl htliBoholu tlo year H pt < , ! * . Turn In ntltutlou oUt-r * every aclvuntagu for URU.mrlng i thorough. Chrtatlau education. Forteriua uml partlcuhira uddreiu , BUter M Jocepho , tiupor Tlsoroas , ESTABLISHED issi ( IBO so. Chicago , Ilia , IciarkSt. Tbo Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ii ttlll Treating with ISo Grsatttt SKILL and SUCCESS Chronic , Nervons and Private Diseases , NERVOUS DSntMTV , Loit Manhood , Fftlllna Memory , Exh u tlnff Dtilni , Tertibla Promt , Head and Dack Acha > nd all tha cffrcta Ictdlnu to eirly decuy knd perhaps Conaumptlon 01 InnDlty , treated ncicntlhcaUjr by oevr method * with nevtr-fiilmi ; nucctti. Kf SYPHILIS and rllbad Blood and Skid Dll < ca t > prrmni ntly cured. JiV KIDNKY.nd URINARYeomptalntt.dUet , Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vartcoceli and nil dlseaiM or the Qenlto.Urinary Organs cured promptly without Irgury to Stomtch , Kidneys or oiher Orgaiu. a&-No cKperlmtnU. Age nJexperlencelm portant. Ccnaultntlon free and aacred. for CelebrMtd Work * on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Dutatts , S-Tho c coilempUtlnE MsirUee send for Dr. Clarke' ! celebrated guUlo Mole and Female , each it cents , both 05 cent * ( it rnn ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or cult may save future suffer. Inu and sname , and add golden 1 ears to lite. 4VUOOK "Lite's ( Secret ) liners , " 50 c nls ( stamp * ) . Medlcln * Kid writings sent everywhrre , sictire Iron exposure. ours , 0 to 8. Sundiyi 9 to l Address F. D. CLARKE , ( VI. D. . . . . eoo se. ciarh 8i OHiOAGKk MJU THE RIIILWH TIME TABLES , OMAHA. VI simuun/vN TRAINS. Wcatwnril. Running between. Council DlulTs and Al- brlKht. In nddUlon to the stations mentioned , trains stop at Twentieth ana Tvrtnty-fourth streets , anil at the Summit in Omaha. Ka8t\vard. CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Best Itoute frum Omalm and Council Dluffs to HZ THE AST = = Er TWO TllAINB DAILY BBTVVKEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL Clilcngo , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cediir Rapids , Bock Island , Frecpori , Itockford , Clinton , Diibuqiie , Darcuport , Elgin , Madison , Jancsrille , Belolt , Wlnoiia , La Crosse , And ull other Important iiolnt * Kant , NortUeait and . BouiUeait. For through ticket ! call on tha ticket aeent at 1MI Farimm itrtvt , lu lintkiT Jlloclt , or ut Uulo 1'uciBo Do pot. 1'ullman Sloeiiemnil tlio flneitDlnlnz Can In th * worMnro run on the rakln llnu of tliu fnlciu-o. Mil. waukee A HU I'aul Kalmur , and erury atUntlau U paid to pauuiitfen uy courtuout Dinuloret vf tin cola pan y. lt..Mllr.ll.floneral [ Maia r , j. F. TIIL'KKII. Aiilttint ( ieneral Manager. A. V. it. DAltl'K.NTKH , uoueral I'Mienjn and 71ckt > t Aueot. OtO. ] 7. UKArTOUn.AialitaatOeaeral I'MienKar uil 'J'leket Affont. T.J.CLAllE , Ucniral l BopirlDUadent. OIUNKENNESS " I bo lAaanr Habit. 1'o.lilTelr Car l by AJminUtarln * Or , Ilu Ualden Hptclflo. It can bj Kivenlua cup of cutfeeoitoa wllliouttai knowleil o til the periuii taking It 1 It obioluttlx lurm Ima , anil will eitact n tjiuuiif and purnianeot cure , nliollier tliu patlant Ii inodurRta drlnkvrur an al- cobol wreck. 'Jlioutaiid * uf Urunknrdi liuvo buun mudutuiupomtumrii who liavctakrn ( lulJou MiietlUo In thelruuffou vrltlumttholr IcnovrlodKU und lo/ar bo- llore ttipjrqultilrlnklny of their own frun will. IT Never r alii , Tlio imtem onto linprujnniuil nlth tlia prcltlo , It become an ut r - for tlio nuoruiipctltu to o lst. , lor ale \ > r I . mufKlnn , litu ana DuuijIiiM bti.iiuJ l lh unu Cuiu- ln u. , Ornnhu. A. J ) . I7usl r IlKi. . Council l.liUU. hut Ihrou i em > n or B 1 H K I Mil pracltctf. myt9 Ml II HI I I l" ( tl/ rc lntd by tilt r llltlllL.1 b oslpn-DuBre RomoUlefc B -aa M our IIKW Illtuiulira iic * : u , Atnoiutt Kcrccy , Vorlco * ole . . cimd _ . without . . . p . ln . eroperillon. . . . "i.-- / .n.itu Tv * t BU