Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MO&jpAY , AUGUST 26. 1889.
lAlVJUlA !
How Ell PorkloB Arranpcod a MootIng -
Ing Between Thorn.
Xhn I'onmnHtrr Gcnsrnl'fi Ilelionrsnl
oT Sonioof Dr. luxou' Ileautlfitl
BlmlllcR llrltiKH Tcnm to tlia
Western Union'sKycs.
Ull Got Them There.
"It ull Imppaned BO thai I vviis finally
the 0110 to brlnp Joy Gould nnd John
Wnunmaker together , " says Ell Per
kins , writing from Surntogn to the .Now
York World. "They hud never mot.
\Vnnutntikor hail said , 'IshouldHUo
to meet Mr. Gould nnd Imvo a pleasant
talk ; the BO newspaper discussions uro
BO tedioUB. ' When I tola this to Mr.
Gould as ho tumbled into the States
from Paul Smith's buckboard , ho smiled
almost audibly. Ills piercing eyes
Beamed to Hash electricity and laughter.
'And I shall bo very glad to moot Mr.
\Vanamalcor , ' ho bald. So yesterday
morning I accompanied Mr. Gould from
his cottage , No. 1(2 ( , to Mr. Wanamakor's
cottngo , No. 15 , and introduced them.
It was a pleasant scone to look upon. It
YWB the wolf and the lamb , and the wolf
was in the lamb's dun. It wnsthoMount
of Olives and Wall street ; theology and
finance , the antlpode the sweet Sun
day-School talker and the railroad
wrecker. Judge IJencdlct and W. If ,
Ritchie , of Princeton , were present ; so
I said , I will stay and bee the opening ,
nnd then withdraw with the judge and
leave the lion and lamb together.
It was curious to see how quick the
secretary and Ilnanolor found a common
ground of conversation. It was Dr.
Puxton. Dr. Pax ton is Mr. Gould's
clergyman , who baptised his favorite
daughter , und he is.Mr. Wanumakor'd
friend. So both , with Western Union
rankling in their souls , commenced
talking sweetly about Dr. Pnxtou and
religion. As Mr. Wanamakor described
some of Dr. Paxton's beautiful ideas ,
Air. Gould's eyes lost that dazzling
Western Union look and assumed a re
ligious glow. Mr. Gould Is no match
for Mr. Wanamakor In theology. Ho
was simple clay in the hands of the
moulder. In a moment I could see that
the shrewd secretary , without intending
it , was reaching out for one grout lost
soul ,
"That was a beautiful picture of Dr.
Paxton's , " said Mr. Wanamaker ; "that
picture of John loaning on our Sa
viour. "
Mr. Gould didn't recollect it. Ills
mind hau not quite freed itself from
Western Union yet.
"Yes , " continued Mr. Wnnnmaker ,
"I can see Pnxton In the pulpit there ,
describing John leaning on Christ's oo-
som. 'Lean on mo , ' says our Saviour.
'Yes , loan on Him , John lean on Him.
Loan a little farther. ' snys the clergy-
nmn , tenderly , as ho leans over the
pulpit 'move along a little , John , and
lot mo loan with you ; there , wo will
both lean on Christ ; now our burden is
light ; happy rest blessed ChristI * "
Wo all looked straight at Wana
maker. Wo couldn't help it , und then
a thin film , a shadow of a tear , floated
over Mr. Gould's ' eyes.
"That was a sweet passage , " said Mr.
Gould , as ho wiped a linger over Ins eye
as if to keep back a tear.
"I remember another illustration of
Paxton's that is always in my mind. It
illustrates the status ot the inlidel.
"Dr. Paxton was in the war , you
know ; " said Mr. Gould , "and his war
experiences often illustrate his knot
tiest theological points. It seems that
nt Meade'ti headquarters at Gettysburg
was a little barking dog ; Jlp they
called him. Well , Jip was always
barking at imaginary foes. Wo wore
ull bivouacked before * the rebels and
wanted to bo quiet till the light opened.
But every time a corps or division
moved , Jip would run out and bark.
When Hancock's corps changed posi
tion Jip barked violently.
" 'No , don't bark so , Jip , ' said the
chaplain , "i'liopo are not the enemies ;
these are our friends. ' But Jip contin
ued to bark at every friend that cumo
near. When Sickles moved Jip barked
us if the whole rebel army was upon us.
' " ' the 'wait
"Stop , Jip'said chaplain ,
till the enemy comes before you bark. '
" 'But Jlp was Uko the intidol , ' said
Paxton. 'Ho barked at his friends , but
still his friends wont right along und
won the battle. The inlidel , like Jip ,
cries out when there is no danger. '
"Yes , " continued Gould , thoughtfully ,
"tho Inlldcl swings a red light when
Ihoro is no danger. "
The theology of Gould and Wuna-
roaknr was interesting , and it made mo
sad to see Judire Benedict drift the
train of thought onto worldly roads.
Speaking of nis olllcial duties , Mr.
Wanamaker said ho left the details of
his ofllco to Mr. Clarkhon.
I ask and expect my assistants to bo
business-like and conscientious. Some
of the BO olllco changes alTocting families
are very painful. It is a great relief
to mo not to have to do it personally. "
"Your turning this work over to
Clnrkson , " said Judge Benedict , smil
ing , "Is like the case of a young woman ,
years ago , in our church. She wus a
good young lady , but would always
wear very snowy toilet3 , attracting the
attention of the whole church. One
day some good sisters expostulated with
her about her worldly ways.
' "Thelovo of these bright bonnets,1
they said'will draw your soul down to
perdition. '
"Still the somewhat worldly sister
continued to wear a bright bonnet. But
finally one night , " said the judge ,
"cnmo repentance. The young lady
came to prayer mooting in a plain hat.
She arose nnd said :
' 'I fear , brothers ana sisters , that I
have done wrong. I know that my love
for bright bonnets was ruining my future -
turo life. I knew It was endangering
my soul and that It would draw me down
to perdition. But I will never wear that
lint again. Never ! It shall not destroy
my noul , I'm through with it. I've
given it to my sister. " "
At this point wo ull withdrew nnd
left Mr. Gould and Mr. Wanamukor tu
each other's mercy.
* * *
P. S.--Of course no one can ever give
the two hours' earnest talk Mr. Gould
nnd Mr. Wanamaker had in regard tc
Western Union. It would occupy nine
columns of the World. I do know ,
though , from talks with the gentlemen
since , that each thinks differently. The
government business with the Yebto l
Union amounts to only &i50,000 ! a year ,
The postmaster-general sees now thai
one mill tv word is too low a tarilT , All
the weather reports deliver themselves
and this is the bulk of government tolo'
graphing. So it has been decided thai
the Western Union will bo allowed t
living rate , Mr. Wanamaker will dine
no harm unjustly to any American in
Btltutiou. Wo may say the tclogrupl ;
imbroglio is settled utter mutual coiv
eeut on a basis of the greatest good tc
nil ,
Translated from the French of Albert
Delplt , by E. C. Waggoner : She do-
scondnd from the fiacre , paid In ad
vance , opened the door of a small roz-
Ic-chnusso , entered quickly and leant
against the N\nil , slowly 0rawing from
lier face the voll that concealed It. For
a minute she remained there , racked by
shivers , with closed eyes and ready to
sink ; then she passed into an Inner
chamber und looked about her. A re
pository of love , this little nest In the
midst of feverish Paris. Flowers blos
somed about hoi , cushions were piled at
random upon the. heavy carpcct ; to the
t a piano , at the end of it a columned
bed , broad , luxurious , silk hung nnd
covered with lace and satin ; outsldo
, ho twilight silence ot the Avenue Klo-
oer.Tho Coratesso Fernando do Rynnt
still remained erect , her sombre gaze
wandering over these familiar things ,
in each of which lived a memory ; and
Lheso memories , ono by one , sank into
lior hourt. The woman tall , supple , a
brunette , with eyes of a Btnvngo lurid
ijrcen was living nn Incarnate anguish.
Without stirring , still upright , still
with that fixed , unswerving gaze , she
murmured half nloud :
' 'And hcV What will ho respond tome
mo ? What answer when 1 toll him ? "
Five minutes , perhaps , pussml thus ,
ilrngging heavy1 then akoy grated in the
lock. She started. An instantaneous
ehnngc swept over her features women
uro marvelous comediennes and when
Henri Sorvan , a second later , entered
our room and clasped her In his arms
she was happily smiling.
Ono'would have said that these two
boincs had forgotten the world in ] the
ardor of this caress. Forgottun the
world ? Oh no ; this woman suffered
Lee much to forgot ; she sutTorod , and
liad forgotten nothing , evan as she seat
ed herself upon the divan und ho knelt
nt her feet.
' 'It has been a century , Henri , " she
said to him tenderly , "a century since
I saw you , and yet I saw you but yester
day. Tell mo that you love mo ; toll mo
' 'I adore youl"
"More than a year ago ? "
"Far morol"
"A year already ! Twelve months
only and I urn joalousl But you have so
many temptations about you , Henri ,
there is so many others to whom your
music speaks us passionately as it ( lees
to me , so many others to jrivo you homage
age it may take you from me ! "
Ho did not sou or fool the bitterness
in face or volcoho ; did not suspect it
ho repeated simply : "I adore you ! "
"And without counting , " she re
sumed , "tho theaters where you are
forced to go. Apropos of that , your
opera , the rehearsal of it , has it gene
well today ? "
"Very well. "
She bognn to laugh a little.
'You do not know it , " said she , "but
Jeanne has boon to see mo again ; she
ells mo that she who sings the premier
ole how do you call her your young
debutante ' '
"Louise Plantler. "
"Yes , Louise Plantior. Eh , bienl
Jeanne tolls me that she is in love with
you and that vou found it very well.
Yes , very well. She wished to make
me suffer , you see , and naturally , for
Joanne is my best friendl"
Henri turned away his eyes now ; this
handsome man. with frank and open
gaze , was averse to lying.
"I am sure that you have never de
ceived mo , " continued Fernando ,
"nevertheless , Henri , I repeat it , I
am always afraid ; tell m $ , you liavo
not paid attention to this bingorV"
"But no. "
"Truly ? "
"Truly. "
"And you know that I love you for the
nobility of your character as well as for
your talent. G.lvo me then your word
of honor , or that you do not ho and I
will believe you ! "
' 'I give you my word of honor ! "
"You give mo that , your word of
honor ! " and she sprang to her feet with
a gesture ot scorn , a furious and jeal
ous woman now. Her mask of tnndor-
ncbs thrown aside , but still superbly
beautiful In her pain and shame. "Cow-
ardP she cried , "coward , coward ! You
are or have been the lever of this girl ,
and have written to her here , see you
the letter ! Had you told me the truth ,
I loved you so well I'd ' have pardoned
you a surprise of the senses ! But you
you have sworn this to me on your
honor us a man ! You have lied like a
lackey taken in a fault ! And I have
I ever lied to you ? Have you not known
every thine ? My miserable , enforced
marriage ; my temptations vanquished ,
until the day I encountered you ? You
, for whom I have cast aside my false
and worldly life ; for whom 1 have
risicod everything ! I am compromised ,
you know it ; all Paris suspncts my love
for you my husband , my friends , in
short , all the world ! It was inevitable ;
it wus natural ; you loved mo , and I I
loved you ; what muttered the world to
me to mo stooped In this love ? "
Henri checked her with u fierce ,
brusque gesture.
"Eh bion ! yes ! " cried ho , "I have Hod
to you like a coward and a lackey , as
you say ! I was afraid of losing you ; but
I love you , I love you , I cannot .live
without youl"
"Whether you can or not , you will
find you must ; for I love you no longer ,
I scorn you adieu ! "
Ho threw himself down before the
door , his arms crossed , his face inllexl-
"Hoar me ! " ho cried , "and you know
mo if you do not pardon mo I will kill
She laughed alouu a laughter cruel
und scornful.
"Kill yourself ? Allans done ! Ono
does these things , but ono docs uot an
nounce them ! "
Henri drew aside , coldly.
"Pass you , " ho said , "tho way is
clear ! "
At his customary hour that is , to
ward 7 o'clock M. do Rynnt returned
to his homo.
"Tho comtogso " told him. "
, they . was
suffering from headache and wished to
see no one.1' '
Ho was vexed , nnd very much vexed.
Mine , llyant did not admit the huad-
ache , that too complaisant malady. The
bilious , you Icnow , ran never under
stand the nervousness of another. More
than this , and something extraordinary ,
this king of llnanco , celebrated for his
wines , his millions , his racing studs ,
anil his three wall-paying papers , wan
entirely alone this evening. His habit
ual court had fulkd him. Ho wont to
Ulne nt the club.
Uut the next day r.t breakfast , and
the same at dinner , the response was
still unchanged.
"Mine , la Comtcsso continued ill nnd
desired to see no ono. "
Briefly , Fernando did not consent to
appear until the third day , then she was
pale , with circled eyes ana broken by
forty-eight hours of mortal and , mental
"I trust that you will pardon mo , " she
said to her husband , "but I huvo boon
ill-I am still ill. "
M. do Ilyunt touched her hand with
out rcHpousa , proffered his arm und they
piisbod to the BullO'U-manger. Through
the window , across the tree-tops fellas
ray of sunlight the wan siinllght ot
February , which resembles n sad smilo.
The comto ate with nppotlto , llko n
man who works hard a substantial but
short breakfast with only now nnd
then n brief word exchanged with the
comtosso before the correct footman.
Ordinarily , at 11 precisely , ho rose
from the table , took leave of his wife
and retired to his private ofllco to remain -
main there attending to his many du
ties till H In the afternoon. To-day ,
however , ho stopped negligently.
"I must speak with you n moment , my
dear,1' said ho. "Will you permit mete
to accompany you to your private
boudoir ? "
Fernando raised her eyes with n
movement of astonishment. In ten
years of married life M. do llyant do-
nnrted for the llrst time from his regu
lar habits.
"For but a moment , " he added , "and ,
by the way , nnd flo not forget -that to
night is the llrst night of Fancillon.
You recover In good time. "
Meanwhile , arrived at her little
salon. Fernando seated herself nnd ro-
gnrdod her husbanu , a tall man and
thin , cold and impassively calm , the
gleam of his blue eyes like the sheen
of tempered metal.
* 'Yes , % ' ho began , "mydearFernando ,
to speak with you. as I suit ! , briefly , in
order to pluco before you our reciprocal
situation. When I married you you
were poor. T did not demand your love
but your friendship ; I have received
from you what' I had tv right to expect ,
being uoublo your own ago.
You brought mo superb beauty , in
comparable wit , and iv finished educa
tion. So mucti ot ull three did you
bring me that my salon is ono of the
half dozen or so that still exist in this
city. Upon my side I believe that I
have faithfully observed the tacit con
tract between us. Your life is entirely
free. You have your relations the
same as I have mine. I have tiskcd of
you but ono thing simply that should
it plcuso you to have friends more in
timate than others , those friends , then ,
should please me. Until at present !
have had nothing with which , to reproach
preach you. The mon and women you
receive hero have nil bean charming ,
people of wit and of letters , like Rtmv-
ruy , for Instance , and artists like Henri
So'rvain , I see no hnrm In It.
Fornundc trembled. The comto re
sumed steadily , calmly , emphasizing no
special word.
"Very amusing this Rouvray ; toler
ably intelligent and with great tact , and
paid you assiduous court , did ho not ? not blush ; I am not jealous ; und
then I have been him less during the
past twelve months ! Poor Rouvr.iyl
Unfortunately bo has no our fur music ,
of which , for a fact , there has boon n ,
great deal in our house. Honri Sor-
vain has doubtodless wearied him.
Churmlng also this friend of yours , and
talented , but unhappily a httlo too
haughty and touchy. You should coun
sel him to soften his charactoa ; ho af
fects too great a scorn for money ; you see
this , ol course , my poor millions ! Rouv
ray perpetually talked of his horses ;
Servain porpo'tually of his music , and
I well , I admit it , I am sensitive to the
manuers of people. If Servain were as
amiable as Uouvray , I assure jou that
ho would not displease mo. ' "
Fernando comprehended. She was
cold to the soul , but forcing herself to
outward calmness was going to respond ,
when suddenly her , until then
in front of her , seated himself at her
"Dear child , " he resumed , "now that
I have engaged you to give counsel to
your friend Sorvain , listen to a counsel
that I have still to give you. Do you
know what it is that I hate most in life ?
No ? Then I will tell you it is a draimv ;
behind drama there is always scandal.
Well , the world pardons every thing
but scandal. Opinion , public opinion ,
that is , respect it always it is the bocrot
of life. So far , so good ; now , I tlnd you
nervous , you say ill , and I say you must
calm yourself ; that you must cure your
self immediately. Wo are invulner
able , remember , ono and all t > f us , so
long us wo _ escape a public uproar.
Public opinion is a formidable force ,
my dearest. "
Fernando made a gesture of revolt ,
her womanly modesty cut to the quick.
As well might her husband have said :
"Tho new lover does not please me ; I
prefer the other ! " for evidently ho bo-
llovcd that such hud been the relation
to her of that stupidly smiling M. do
Rouvray. M. do Ryant saw the move
ment , but without u word or look that
betrayed the fiiftt rose to his foot , pressed
a kiss upon his wife's cold lingers , und
with a brief ' 'until evening , Fernando , "
turned and loft the upartniont.
The face of this man had resumed the
mask of impassibility. Ho crossed the
two salons and the long gallery crowded
with pictures and groups of marble , as
if ho did not see them. Upon the
threshold of his private olllco his con
fidential vulctuwaited him.
"Tho mail of M. lo Comto , " said ho ,
"is ready for him on the table. "
Fifty or sixty personal letters , for
which'in his own house M. dc Ryant
required no secretary. Two thirds of
them were speedily disposed of in the
waste basket , the rest of them piled at
his elbow for immediate attention. The
last of this pile , as ho tore it open , began
gan with the phrase , "My dearest. "
My dearest ? M. do Rvant reversed
it hastily. Ah-hl as ho hud supposed ,
the letter was intended for his wifo.
Ho hesitated u socondt then reversed it
again and ruad it slowiy :
' MY DUAIIKST : You will receive
thisby 1U o'clock , when , as 1 know , you
are alone. I shall await you in the
Avenue Klobor until U o'clock ; if you
do not come , if you do not pardon me , I
shall beep my word und kill myself.
"HKN1U. "
Once more a strange flash darted
from the oycs of the Comto do Rvnnt.
Something like a grimace curled his
lips. Ho simply , however , glided the
letter into his pockot. rang for his
valet do chumbro and ordered his
Fernando , the Comtessc do Ryanthad
just completed her toilet to go out. It
was 5 o'clock , the hour when she usually
wont to throw herself into
Since breakfast , cruel thoughts had
haunted tier boul , und little by little
suffering consumed her jealousy.
Love had begun to revive in that heart
so cruelly wounded. How empty the
world would seem to her If Henri would
Ull it no more. All at once there was a
rap at the door ; it opened und M. do
Rynnt appeared.
"Pardon my Kick of ceremony , " said
he , ' 'but I nm in hubte , Fernando , to re
pair a forgetfulnetis. They brought mo
this letter by mistake. I opened It
without noticing it is yours. " And ho
watched her intently as he handed her
Sorvuin's letter.
Ho lii'd road it , her husband ? Did ho
know nil ? A thousand thoughts crowd
ed the brain of Fernando. She felt In
stinctively the drama that was closing
about hor. No matter , she would meet
it moot it bravely oven though it was
a trap into which her husband was
hunting her , She also regarded him
intently and then she read. At the last
line she uttered n cry. A cry ? No ; a
ferocious interrogation , one single and
laconic word :
"Ilonri ? "
"Dead. "
"Dead ! " she staggered llko a wounded
bird , but instantly recovering herself
turned about , and slowly , mechanically ,
without uttering a word , without shed
ding n tear , traversed tlio ounmbornnd
the salons , nnd on and on , Pike ono who
walked in a trance , to the threshold of
the porto-cochoro. A flami was passing
at the moment : she hii'.lca U nnd en
tered , still without a trwto of emotion ,
and with the brief command :
"To the Samarltnlnol"
She saw and hoard nothing , she felt
nothing , lut descended with the same
automatic calmness when the flacro
stopped at last upon thdivptay , crossed
the little brldvo that led , to the boat ,
and contemplated the hospitable Seine.
A great brazier seemed to uumo in her
heart ; it would need all that water to
extinguish It.
Ton minutes later Fernando , wrapped
in blatikots nnd in chnrgo nt two of the
Samaritaliio women , lay white nnd in
sensible upon the bed of the patron no of
the establishment ,
"Sho had boon seized immediately , "
cried the crowd congregated upon the
quay : "Sho had not had time oven to
takn n cold.
M. do Rynnt , who had followed his
wife nnd entered the chamber almost as
soon tis Fernando herself had boon car
ried to it , hud only to place discreetly a
bill tor l,000f. upon the chlmnoy-picce ,
and then to transport her , us speedily
ns the horses could go , back again to
her own hotel. Lights were burning in
her apartment , and her husband sat
beside her when once again she awak
ened to the cruel lifo from which bho
believed she hud Iliiiilly escaped. She
looked about her vaguely.
"Have you not forgotten , my doar-
cst ? " her husband said to her in n clour ,
firm voice ; "havo you not forgotten that
In two hours' time begins the prctmuro
of 'Francillon ? ' All Paris must sue you
there. It is jimo that you were makln g
ready ! "
Fright seized her , but M. do Ryant
continued in u tone that mastered her :
"Mako no mistake , Fornnnde. I will
not bo mud o ridiculous. Your women
are here. They will dress you ! "
And those woinoii/wlth'thu eye of the
master upon thorn , took that living
corpse and begun to clothe It , and slid ,
that despairing ono , permitted them to
do it , having neither strength to resist
the cruelty nor voice to protest against
it. Her eyes were tourlobs , her face
white as clay , her body racked with
convulsive shivers ; but' her dccplloto
robe spread out Us longtr.vln of shining
satin , diamonds sparkled upon her neck
and arms , an odor of .violets exhaled
from her garments , and that tortured
creature felt hcrsolf burno along like
the helpless victim of a hideous night-
Drop by drop llfo seemed to bo going
from her , nnd she asked herself if the
sufferings she endured were not in
feality death , but death without forget-
rulness , and with thought !
The bccond act was well under way
when M. and Mine , dc Ryant entered
their logo. No. U" , and well to the front.
A stir ran through the hall as they were
recognizud.for already the death of Ser
vain. the composer , wasitho gossip of
the coulisses and the corridors.
Was the comtosbo , then , ' ignorant of
her lover's death. No. certainly not ;
she was bound to have Known it. Then ,
had they deceived themselves ? Had
Henri Sorvuin not , been the comtcbso's
lover ? They talked so much in Paris ,
the truth of these things could never bo
known ! '
All the same , therq wcro still many in
that crowded house who suspected the
The frightful tragedy ! Passing above
them in that velvet hung box , M. do
Ryant saw and felt this , and the whisper
with which ho leant J toward his wifa
was no less , throatorHig ( than the anx
ious curiosity of the crowd.
' Courage , Fernando ! Public opinion ,
Fernando ! They regard us. "
Indeed they did , und in a corner
three Paribiun ialors discussed the
question with careless frankness.
"Bah ! " said ono of them at labt , with
smothered laughter , with cold und
cruel laughter ; "bah , I'll settle the
matter in five minutes time. I am
going to her box , there to recount the
story. If she has not been told ah ,
well , keep your eye upon her and see
how she keeps her head ! "
Keeps her head ! Oh , yo hearts of
stone in this mud world ot ours !
Knlthful Unto Death.
Phiiattolphltv. Press : A church or
ganist at Aratoff , near Kief , had mur
dered a farmer. The murder was pre
meditated , and the murderer to throw
oil suspicion from himself had stolen
nnd used the pistol belonging to the
priest of the church. Ho replaced the
weapon In the sacristy. To make sure
of the priest ho confessed the crime to
him , and then publicly denounced him
ns the culprit.
All evidence , of course , was against
the priest , and In vain he protested his
innocence. The only wny open for him
to extricate himself was to reveal the
confession , Too world then would bo
rid of ono more murderer. But had ho
not sworn before heaven to keep the
secrecy of the confessional ? Could ho
lie to heaven ?
He wus exiled and sentenced to hard
labor for lifo. At last came the organ
ist's donta-bod confession , nnd then the
liberation of the priest was applied for ,
The answer came : "Ho died several
months ngo , faithful unto death. * '
Pimples , bolls and other humors nro
liable to appear when the blood gets
heated. To cure them , take Hood's
Siirsaparilla. _ _
A Snake In llcntnurnnt.
There wnb a grand stampede ot pas
sengers from the restaurant in the sta
tion'of the Central railroad , of Now
Jersey , at Communlpaw the other day.
A negro waiter saw u rattlesnake glld-
liig under the scats , nnd gave the
alarm in such wild and thrilling tones
that the snake was ns much frightened
ns the darkey was. Two men cornered
the roptilcund hold it with their canos.
It was seventeen inches long , and was
secured alive. It was put in a glass jar
and taken away as a curiosity.
A Holler SkiU'T'Waiter. .
A Dutchman has started from Am
sterdam for Paris on roller skates on a
wager that ho can cover the distance in
seven days. Unless ho is exceptionally
fortunate in "headers' ' ho will often
cover parts of the distance with loss than
that many feet.
That hacking cough can bo soquickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee
it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co.
The French Ariuy'H Maneuvers.
Thirty-four thousand men will take
part in the autumn maneuvers of the
French army , which will bo hold in the
eastern provinces. The grand review
will take place September 10. Olllccrs
from the armies of all nations will bo
Have You Cnti rrhV There is one
remedy you can try without clangor of hum
bug. Soud to A. U. ColeuniM , chemist , ICiilu-
: nii70o , Mich. , for trial puckujro of his catarrh
cum His only mode of advertising is by K'V- '
ing it awi.v. POSIUKO 2c. Judge for your
self. Mention this p.ipur.
Tblx Unitilro as Prepared.
An umpire for a ball gumo at L'Anso ,
Mich. , paralyzed a crowd of people by
uppcaringon thn Hold armed with a cut
lass , an ax and n spyglass. On his
back was painted u big sign : "You will
please bide with mo. "
Cushman's Menthol inhnlor cures cntar'h ,
headache , neuralgia , asthma , liny lovor.
Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents.
Niit Flttrcl ! < oraP < t.
Officer Schroedcr , of Cincinnati ,
found a pretty little animal about the
si/e of u kitten on u street in the su
burbs. He picked it up and wag about
to carry it homo , when ho suddenly be
came aware of the "nature of the boast. "
It u skunk.
The I'Mcnro'ri Itrc.-piinn lo Kdtsum.
The Paris Figaro's reception to Mr.
Edison will bring together more than a
thousand electricians , as well as all the
other celebrities of the Parisian sci-
ontilic world.
Have you used
Instantly t tons the most excutclit tine pains : nuvur falls t > irl/oeaso to the stifforar
NEUUAhUIA , SCIATICA , HKAUACII1TOOI'lIACHE : , or any other PAl.i' , n few upiillout Ion
act like magic , causing the puin to instantly atop. ,
Internally taken la iloaen nf from thirty ta sl < ct/dr.ip la ) nlf a tumbler of water will euro Inn few
minutes Cr.imp Spasms , Sour Stomach. Cell ; , nautiiK'nco. Heartburn. Choler.v Morous , Dysuntry.
Dlarihira , Sick lle.ulache , NuiiHea , Vnniltlns , Nurvousnoia. Sleeplussuuss , Malarl.i anil all luteruul
nit Iroiu dm i e of diet or wutor or other causes.
no Cents a Bottle. Siild by
For/ale by M. U..Blm , Oauha ,
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.
1813 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Save Your Hair
BY a timely moot Aycr's Hair Vigor.
This preparation Ims no cqtml us n
dreeing. It Keeps the scnlpclcnn , cool ,
nnd licnlthy , nnd preserves the color ,
fullncsi , and lionuty ot the Imlr.
" 1 win rnpldly becoming bnli ) nnd
prny ; but nftor tulng two or tlirco
bottle ! * ot Aycr's Hnlr Vigor my Imlr
prow thick and gltmy nnd the original
color WM rostoieil , " Melvhi Ahlrlch ,
Cannau Contra , N , H.
"SomotlmojxRo I lost nil my Imlr In
consequence m measles. Alter duo
waiting , no now growth iippeiued. I
tlion used Ayer's Hnlr Vigor ami my
hair grew
Thick and Strong.
It has apparently como to stay. Tim
Vlcor ! nvlilcntly n nrcnt nlil to finturo. "
J. II. Williams , Klorosvlllo , Texas.
"I Imvo used Aycr's Itnlr Vigor for
the past four or tlvn years and find It n
most Htxtlstuctory dressing for the Imlr.
It is nil I could desire , being Imnnlcs.s.
cruising the Imlr to retain Its nntiinii
color , nnd requiring but n small quantity
to rcmlor the Imlr easy to nrrntiRo. "
Mrs. H. A. Dalloy , 0 Clmrlca street ,
llavorhlll , Mass.
" I Imvo bup'n nslnp Ayor'fl ITnlr Vlcor
for several ycnis , nnd bulluvu that It has
caused mv Imlr to retain its natural
color. " Mrs. H. J. Klnc , Dealer In
Dry Goods , &c. , UishopUllo , Md.
Ayer's Hair Vigor ,
Or , ) . C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by Urueulil * mid I'crfumert.
State Line.
To ( Jl sgo\v , Belfast , Dublin nnd Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cnbln pas BBO K5 to f.X > , nccoMInz tolocMlonoflU
room. Kxciir lon Ji > 3 totJO.
Steerage to nnd from Kuropo at Loneit llatoi.
At'STIN DAI.IMUN & Co. , Gcn'l.\Kont3 ,
M llrouilwny. No < r York.
3 UN 1ILEOEX , Uen'l Western Auent.
11,1 UunJolpb St. , Cblctgo.
II uiuv R. MOKES , Agent. Omabu.
HolucedOiibiuMtoito Olujjr . % xilbUln. :
Never Tnuel Wlllrnt a llux-
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
COS koutliiatli Struct. - Oamlia
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4O.OOO
Onicers nnd Directors E. M. Morsernnn. O.
M. Hitchcock , .los. tinrneuu. Jr. , A. Henry. R.
M. Anderson.Vm. . O. Maul. v.pros. ; U IJ. Will-
lams/A.P. Hopkins , pros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ;
F.It. Bryant , nsslstnntcashler.
Capital $100,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 52,000
HENIIV . YATKS , President.
Lewis S. HEKD. Vice I'icaldcnc.
A. K. TOU/.AJ.IN ,
W. V. Mo USB.
II. C. CustiiNn ,
J. N. 11. P.ATIUCK.
W. II. 8. HUGHES , Cashier.
Cor. 12th und Karnum Sts.
AOeneial ( tanking lluilnesu I'mnsacted ,
Boots and Shoos.
Eucc9io to Heed , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bets : & Shoes
Aueuti for Iloaton Kubbor bboo Co. , lire. 1101 and 1100
Humor StructOmaha , N9lr.uLa.
S10RZ & 1LER ,
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1M1 North Ulitlitcenth lreotOmnbn , Neb.
Mannfcturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Wluclow-cupB nnil mctallokTllKht * . .Tolin l.poneltr ,
proprietor. lUSand lllifcou'.h 10th ttrcuU
Proprielor Omalja Paper Box Factory ,
ti'us. 1)17 ) nn.11SI9 Uouiilai itreet , Otnnba , Neb.
Saali , Doorsi Eto.
M. A. DUBltO\Y \ & CO. ,
WbolciMa manufacturers of
, Boors , Bliiitls mi Mouldings ,
Brnncli o.r.oe , IZtU aad ilreeti , Omnhi. No ! ) .
Manufacturers of Safl , Doors , Blinds ,
nai.Bid'.r-irork nnJ Intirlor bard uoodtlnlih.
1.165 'j Kortb lulb itreet , Umaba , Neb.
Stoarn Fittings , Pumps , Eto.
' "
Pumps , Pices and Engines ,
Bt m , water , r llw y aaJ milling eupplUf , cto.
VM , Wiand V.'t I ariiuui incut , Omulia.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Uallldar nlnd rnllli , 918 nnd 020 Jnnct it , , Omaba.
U , K. Koti , Acting Manager ,
Engines , Boilers aid General Machinery ,
6be t-lrou work , iteam pumpi , taw rollli , 12I.M21S
fnwcrlu Ureet , Ora&ba.
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Gait Iron Building Wort ,
Knulnci. trail work , j/enerarfoundry , mactlnoand
bliiktuiUU norfc. Otilce anil works , U , I' . It/ ,
und 17th ilrc'tt , Umaba.
Manufacturers of Wire andiron Hainan
Ucik ialli , wlnilotr Kiiardi , donor itandi , vrlrailyai.
etc. mKuftulUUatreat.Otnulia.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar I roof Safes ,
Vaultf , Jail work , Iron ihutteri and' flre eirapti.
U. Ansrteu , prop'r. Corner Ktb and J cHoiiu ,
Of Soutb Oniaba , Limitei
Agrloulturhl Implomonta.
Dsalcrin Agricultural Implements , Wapi
Carriage * nod liuRtlpi. Jnnco Mrm , bctnecn t'th ' n <
ll'lh. om * tia , Nolireita. _
Asricnlt'l ' implements , Waaons , Carriages
, cto. Omnhn. Nobr > .
PAHL1X , OIllHfDOItl ? A MAltTIN CO. ,
\Vliolcinlo DrRlrti In
Agriciilt'l ' Implements , Wagons & Bnzjrft
101. tOI , TOana tc ; Jonci itri'Ct , Omnht. _
HanufRCtnrers nnd job' era In
Wagons , Buggies Rakci , Flows , Etc ,
Cor. Oth nn J Pnclflo tit ti , Omabk.
Artlsto' Mntorlnla.
A. IWbPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 t'ouglas ittaet. Omaha , Nebraska.
Booto end Shoos.
ir. v. MonsE A co. ,
JoDoors of Boots and Shoes.
1101 , lift ) , 1103 DouKin * afreet , Omnlia. Manntactorr ,
buinmor tirvet , lluslon. _
Opal , Coke , Etc.
Miners and Shippers of Coal aui Cote ,
llooin 21 , U. a Niitlotml Hank nutlilhu , ( Inmha.
Jotters of Hsrd cni Sjft Coal ,
tlr.t. . Oiaalm. Nobraika ,
Snippers of Coal and Cote ,
ill boulh mil it. , Omahn. Nob.
. .TOn.iV A. WAKEPIELT ) ,
Wholesale Lumber , Eta
Imparted nnd American 1'onlnnlemout , BtaM
acoiilfor Mlivrjulu e hrdrnu Icicmeut and
_ < julmr wliUolime. _
an AS n. LEE ,
Dsaler in Haidwccd Lumber , .
Wood carpets nml parquet tloorinir. Vlli and Dougtu
trecu , Umaba , rsob *
OMAHA LUMnrM co. ,
All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISth atrect and Union Tactile track. Omaha. '
Dealer in Lnmoer , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , Ktc. y rd < Corner * th and Rouglaa , Offlo *
Corner 1Mb and Douctai.
, FRED. W. ( Jit AY.
Lnmlr Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner lltb and Doutflas ti , Oranh * .
C , N. DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lnmoer ,
1Mb nnd California itrctti.On
Millinery and Notions.
/ . OBERFELDIin & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Nolions
M ) . -HO nnd 212 Soulli lltli street.
Wailesale Notions and Furaisliing Goods ,
1121 llarner Street , Omaha.
C o rn m I s 8 lo n q nid 8 to r a go. . .
Storage andOmission , Merdiants ,
Specialties Butter , rngi , chovsa. poultry , gamfc
lliailovrnrdatrcot , Omalin. Neb.
Dry Poods and Notions.
3E. . SMITH & CO. .
Dry Good ? , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1103 and 1101 Douglaa. cor , llth Ureet. Omaha , Neb.
Importers & Jote ! in Dry Goods , Notions
Qent'u furntslilnit uo < > d . Coriur lltb and llarner
itrcuta , Omnlia , Nelirusltiu
Importers nnd Job' era ot
Wcolenund Tailors' ' T'inininzs
SITBoutli ISiliatictt
Wholesale Dialers in Furniture ,
Farnum alreot , Omaha , Nobruska.
Furniture ,
Omabu , Nebraska.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisiois ,
TO5.707 , 70i ) and 711 Boutb IQIU n .Omaha. Nob.
AlcCOIW , 11UADY A CO. ,
Whotoale Grocers ,
Ittb andLoaTHnwortli streets. Omahn , NcbrMka.
toy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnua , wnzun atnck , bardWHre , lumber , cto. 1201
and nil limner xtrtet. ( imaba.
leiiy Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Wholesa'e Bardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
ilotali , ibcet lion , etc. Agfnta tot Ilnwo ecaloi.
_ Miami powder and l.yinan barbed fflro.
Bnilflers1 Hardware and Scale Repair Snou
Mechanic * ' tool and IlurTnlo icalei. UOJ Douglu
trect , Otuuba , NoU.
Joy a , Eto.
Jobber ! ol I
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , !
bout * lurnliblnx goodi , children's tarrlnxct , 1201 i
Karnum itrout , Omaha , Nob.
Wholesale Reflced and LuMcating Oils ,
Aila grcaio , etc. . Ociabn. A. U. Ulihop , il
Wholesale Paper D3 lers ,
Carry a nice itook ot i > rlutln. ' , wrapping nii'l ' wrlUufl
l > l > or. tipoclul attention Klvcn to card |
for SO dara'uNIjY we Rill aciid fur * 9 tbo
IS OEOOT ELICIE10 CO. . C95 WlJi'a Dt. . Bjitti. lUM.
and'ruruurtClTItUDitio kultoi
CANCER booklree. UI > .BtUUUitLI.U
ISO Wabuliav. . Cuiciuu , Itl *