THE OMAHA' ' DAILY BEE , NINETEENTH YEAE. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNfrte , AUGUST 20 , 1889. NUMBER 68. DOCK LABORERS ON PARADE. Procosolon. of London Wharfmou and Tholr Sympathizers. HUNDRED THOUSAND IN LINE. Great Inconvenience Rclng Experi enced By the Shipping Inter * cst * an n Result of the Strike. A Rcrnnrknblo I > imonstrntlon. \Cn \ vrlohttSfO b\i \ Jama Gordon HtnntU. ] LONDON ; August 23. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB Bnn. ] Omi of the most remarkable demonstrations hold slnco the franchise movement was made in Hyde park yesterday and to-day beneath and nround the historic Reformer's trco. It was known thut the dock laborers now on n atrlko had arranged to hold it mcotlngln the park , but few parsons had any idea of the atnuzlng proportions which trio procession would assume. Start ing from tno West India d.ocks , they proceeded by way of Commorclnl road and down by Victoria strcot to the Thames em bankment , where thousands of sympathizers nwnltod them. From the start tholr ranks had bcon swelled In a most unusual manner. Stevedores , car men , coal lifters , wharf men , liKhtor men , water men , ana , in tact , almost nil classes of workers Interested in docks and shipping , helped to swell the procession , Bomoidcaof tno proportion of which maybe bo Imagined"from the fact thut It took nearly DO hour to puss a Lcadcnhall strcot corner. Arrived at the otnbankuiont , the men pushed on rapidly to the p.irk , { joins ? by wuv of Constitution hill , mid such expedition was used that the vast body reached Hyde park corner within half uc hour of the appointed tlmo. The sccno at the corner of Apsloy IIouso was remarkable. Thousands of persona hud gathered In anticipation of u demonstration , but the pollco wore conspicuous by their ab sence. Doubtless the moderation exhibited by the men during the last twelve davs was the reason for their absence. About 3 o'clock the head of the procession cumo In sight , headed by a band playing the "Marseillaise. " the French national nlr , which wus evidently popular with the pro- ccBsionistH , for six bands marched through the gates to the stirring strains. There were banners galore , boarlnir such mottoes tis "Wo Only Want Our Rights , " "Justice to the Workers , " and llko expressions , whilst flags wcio carried in admirable order. The vast throng , which at this tlmo could ot have numbered less than 100,000 pen-sons , passed up to tbo Reformers' trco , where five platforms wore arranged. Apart from the stations taken up by the socialists and some religious enthusiasts , the principal platform was presided over by Tom Carter , who commenced - menced apologizing for the absence of Mr. Thorno , who , ho said , was busy negotiating with the gas workers. It had yet to bo de cided if they would not put London in dark ness unless the demand of the dock works were conceded. At this .suggestion thora was a storm of aoplauso. The meeting pledged itself to support the strikers. Speeches were made by Eon Sll- let , organizer of the strike , County Coun seller Burns and others , Burns promised to parade In the East End to-morrow with bands , which are to play the "Dead March in Saul" and other hilarious airs , and said he would keep it up tilt all the black legs had loft the dock. The ctrilto is causing immense inconveni ence to shippers and many vessels are seek ing other ports , both to load and unload. WILLECLH'SU THE London Preparing to Construct a. Tower Two Thousand Foot Illeh lCop r7'it / < ' t8X ) tiy JH tin Ronlui 7Iemiit.l LONDON , August 23. Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEG. ] If Now York wants the tallest tower In the world it will bo necessary to enlarge such plans as have boon discussed , as London is pretty certain to have n tower 2,000 feet high. The uro- posed London tower Is assuming definite shape and form in the minds of the pro moters. Perks , solicitor to the company , scus It an accomplished fact. So enthusiastic and confident is hoover ever tbo enterprise that be anticipates no difficulty that will not bo overcome by nego tiations , and as a financial speculation ho thinks it will bo a successful venture. "Sir Edward Wntkln , " ho said , "must have tha polo credit of the Inception of the idea of the tower. The idea of constructing a tower of 2,000 foot , that shall eclipse every other tower , first occurred to him. As a guarantee of the soundness of any project of Sir Edward's you have only to look at the brilliant enterprises ho bus originated this year. Hismojoct for coupling the great Manchester and ShofUold 'Bystoms of the south with the Metropolitan railway systems of the north ho bus brought ft the verge of completion. Ho carries through a parent project for joining to gether Into one united concern about thirty disjointed and broken up Welsh railways. Ho has bridged the Dee at Chester and brought North Wales for the 11 rat tlmo ip direct communication with the Lancashire district. The wliolo schema has bcon recolvod , registered and completed in less than ten days. Sir Edward suggests the necessity of its being a shareholders' tower , and not a contractors' tower. His right-hand man on tha Metropolitan railway , II. D. Pocbln , is associated wltll him In this HChomo. Pochln i ona of tha greatest Iron and coal prospectors In England , and tha roar whom Sir Edward has just appointed as director of his Manchester & Shoniuld railway. Then there Is \Vllllam Minvburn , who is tlie largest holder of southeastern railway stocks , Tim fourth name Is Thomas Andrew Walker , the greatest contractor in tha world , and at present carrying out soina of tha greatest enterprises of the ago. Tha Man- chcbt ship can ill Is ono and the IJuonos Ayrcs harbor works for the government Is another. Walker Is the man whom tha Great Western railway selected to con struct the Severn tunnel , and ho made the underground railways through London. The fifth Is E. II. Corbutt. Ho Jwas a meuib.r of parliament tor Newport. Ho Is a well known mechanical engineer and has been prcildent of tha mechanical onglueerc. A1 present ho Is ono of the representatives o : the British section ot the Purls exhibition The next is Francis Puvoy , well known In financial circles In Hilly and especially in connection with American railway stocks Then I am the solicitor. 1 am a partner of tha IU. Hon. II. H. Fowler , M. P. I uu Sir Edward Watkln1 private solicitor , utit law advisor for the uudargrounu railways in London , for the uhaunol tunuel and inuny * other enterprises with which Sir Edward is identified. Wo contemplate , first of all , put ting up a tower with all the publlo ucces sorics you fllnd In connection with the Effo ! 4jwer and luiyroveaieuU which have becu suggested in its construction. The tower will bo made by English or Scotch contract ors and of English or Scotch stect. No firm has yet bcon selected , though the number who can accept a contract of such size is lltnj Itcd. Throe or four of the leading Eng lish Iron contractors will no doubt bo tendered the contract. The tower will not bo far from the Metropolitan railway , which carries ever it upwards of 00,000,003of people per annum. No doubt the best sight the promoters could obtain and the ono they will naturally probably first look nt would bo the pluca where the great Coloneal nnd other exhibition's have been hold in South Kensington , but this must depend unon the view which the exhibition commissioners , , vho uro the owners of the South Conslnpton estate , take of this enterprise- . Nothing could ndd moro to the popularity of the imperial Instl- , ute and the vary scientific institutions cen tered in South Kensington than a tower such as it Is proposed to erect In tholr proximity , nnd probably this would bg the most con venient center for Londoners. It would bo almost Impossible to calculate approximately how many persons would ascend the tower : > orday. Tnoro nro 6,000,000 ot people In London. Wo have u tlxcd population llvo tunes the slzo of Paris to work upon. Wo have 8oODO,000 traveling on Lho underground railways , which uulto at tf-0 Kensington. This would give our tower an tmmsasurably superior chance over the Eiffel tower. Passengers would bo taken up by ono lift from the bottom to the top with no charge , as In the Eiffel to war , though the passengers could alight at different stages. Wo have no designs or plans ns'yet , nor have wo decided upon anything with regard to style or architecture. Wo should require an area of six acres for the base. The capital is JE2JO.OOO in 1 shares. That will bo amply sufficient to build a tower of the slza wo contemplate , and of course wo shall build for cash. Tboro will bo no such thing as watering of the com pany's stock and no founders' shares or any of the modern financial devioos for putting the risk on ouo man nnd the protlts In seine body else's pockets. Each of the subscribers has taken 1,000 shares at present nnd wo nl- re idy huvo inquiries for shares which would swallow up evnry ono wo have to allot , Ono never knows what view parliament may take or the publlo authorities may take , but ono can not conceive it possible thut a build ing of this sort would receive any opposition from either the municipal authorities or from parliament. No such scheme has boon at tempted in London before , nor , so far as I am awure , in England. " "Arc you acquainted with Mr. Edison's scheme for a lower in Now Yorkl" "Mr. Edison's proposals wore not known until the company was registered. This com pany was registered oa the loth of this month and the interview with Mr. Edison did not appear until later. Mr. Edison dis creetly kept his Ideas to himself. " TO TUNNELi THUJ CHANNEL. ICngllsh Capitalists Still Quietly at Work on the Mohcinc. [ Coj > i/r/tfM / 1SA3 b/ | lama Gfo rdnn Dennett , ' ] LONDON , August 23. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEU. ] Americans have heard once or twice , perhaps thrice , that It was in contemplation hero to con struct a tunnel under the English channel that should connect England and Franco. To perform such work a company , with Sir Edward Walker at the head , was formed. Time and again its efforts were dofeatoJ. It may bo Imagined that this company Is de funct. It is nllvo and has no thought of dy ing. It is a difficult Job to tire an Eng'llsh - man when ho has a good thing. The channel company is quietly work ing to gain its end. It had a bill in parliament this session , but It was not pushed to dqbato because there was not suf ficient time to do it justice. Tno company apparently is in no hurry. It will bide its time , but meanwhile it is gaining friends , and where they will do the most good. The solicitor of the company told a reporter to day that the company fells certain of gaining its end In a few years and showed how 11 was gaining friends. Its implacable enemy has been tiio board of trade , which Is a gov ernment department here , but even this body it proposes to bring around in time , and as it is going about its work In English fashion it is molifying many. The solicitor said that the nation would eventually tire of spending millions for ships that wcro soon out of date , and of supporting the families of admirals , comodorcs and captains , and would Insist on a fair chance for the arts of peace. As an Illustration of the plg-hoadednois of many who uro opposed to the scheme , the commis sioner told a story of the Duke of Wellington's opposition to tha construction of n railroad between Portsmouth and London , His ob jection was that In case of on invasion the movements of the invaders would bo greatly facilitated Dy the roud. VACATING THIS VATICAN. EvcntB Which Show Tlint the Pope Will Eventually Lisnvo Rome. [ Cooyr/o/il / twin Jama Uonlnn llcniictt.\ \ ROME , August 25. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim BISK. I The decision of tbo pontlflcial major Oorno to refuse to the oftlcors of the Vatican guards their usua leaves of absence points to the oventua departure of the pope from Rome The committee of cardinals charged to mnko detailed arrangements for his possible departure propose that his holiness shall go by carriage , accompanied by unibns sadors , as far as Cirltn Veeclilu und thence travel by sea to Spain. A small number o : cardinal prelates will follow the pope , who wi'l ' delegate extraordinary powers to the chiefs of congregations remaining hero. A DOUBM ; MURIIEK. Two Section Sin n f'oiiiul Daud Near Juli'Htmrj ! . Colo. JULESiiuito , Colo. , August 25. ISpoola Telegram to THIS BKK.Wheu | train No , 1(07 ( came down from Denver this afternoon the bodies of two men lying by the side of the track six miles nest of hero wcro found Upon the arrival of the coronqr an oxumlnu lion was made and it was found that they had been shot by sonio uuknoun party , probably from two to four hours before being noticed lying there. There were two bullet hulcs in ono body and ono li th i other. Ono of the men was shot In the head and tha ether lit the abdomen. Thov were sccctlon hands working at Crook , am were going to their homes nine teen miles north of Julesburg Some money was found lying at the nld i of ona of the victims. They wcra iden- till id as men living oil farms north of hero 'alu supposition is thut they were killed by tramps. Uoth nro men of family. Thn Wonther Koroumt. ' For Nebraska ; Local showers , precedei by fa > r weather in the eastern portioncooler in western , stationary temperature in east ern portion , southeasterly winds , Forlowu : Fair , followed by showers in northern portion , stationary temperature In southeast , slightly cooler in per lion , southerly winds. For Dakota : Light local showers , nro coded by fair weather in northern portion warmer except In southeast portion , station nry temperature , variable winds. BIG PACKING HOUSE BLAZE , Fart of Swift & Go's. Kansas City Plant Destroyed. ONE MAN INSTANTLY KILLED. rho Hmoko HOUND ana Rendering Department Diirncd Out Loss Ono Hundred and Flltjr Thousand Dollar * . A Moo niah For the Demon. * KANSAS Crrr , Mo , , August 25. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ben. ] The smoke house and Iho building occupied by the rendering department of Swift & Co.'s packing bouse , n Armourdnle , burned to the ground this morning , involving a loss of tl50OJO. The other buildings of Swift's $1,000,000 plant wcro saved with difficulty. L. L. Tatc , master mechanic of the ro- frlgorator car department , was almost In stnntly killed by falling from the fourth story of the building occupied by the rondcr- ng department. The flro broke out at 0 o'clock in the smoke house , which Is a two-story corru gated Iron building , situated near the north east corner of the rendering building and connected with It nt the second story by a viaduct. To this viaduct most of loss is duo , as the flames rapidly spread through it to the rendering department , which occupies two- thirds of a four-story building 200 by 80 loot in stzo. This portion of. the building was totally destroyed , and tbo nouth. one-third , which is occupied by the fertilizing depart ment , was only saved by the heavy brick wall which separated it from the rendering room. The flro burned fiercely for two hours nnd was enabled to gain considerable headway because of lacic of efficient flro pressure at the start. The Kansa's City , Kan. , flro de partment was supplemented by the Kansas City , Mo. , department and the Missouri Pa cific and Union Pacific departments , as wall as by that of Swift & Co. Superintendent Young estimates the loss at $150,000. This includes the buildings , ma- oblnury and stocks on band. Included in the machinery are four oleo presses , thirty-five jacket kettles , cloven coolung tanks , four sausage machines und the usual shafting ami pulleys. The stock consisted of olco tanks and 1,200 barrels of olco and other oils , besides - sides a lot of hams. Swift i Co. have been carrying Insurance ) on the buildings and stock to the extent of 80 per cent of its vuluo. This would place the insurance on tha property destroyed nt $12JOU3 , leaving a not loss to the owners of f.10,000. Tbo entire plant of Swift & Co. , in this city , is insured for between SUOO.OUO and ? TOO,000. Until recently the policies wcro all written in Chicago , but a recent law enacted by the Kansas legislature compelled policies to DO taken out in com panies doing business in that state , and since the law went Into effect tbo policies on the Kansas City packing house ) have boon written by local companies. The result is that within the last three or four months $ J40- 000 in insurance has been placed with Kansas underwriters , representing over filly different companies. The balance Is with Gcorgo Harvey & Co. , of Chicago , and is supposed to bo largely In companies not doing business in this city. A careful search of the insurance rccoras this afternoon shows that forty-one policies have been written in Kansas City on the property destroyed , aggregating $87,710 , and it is supposed that half as much moro is writ ten In Chicago. Tha local insurance is dis tributed us follows : Sun , of Londo-i 8,4,097 80 Southern , of New Orleans 1.75(5 ( 0 Granite State , of New Hampshire. 535 40 Newark , of New Jersey 2,341 00 State Investment , of California. . . . 1,170 SO California , of California. . . . . 2i41 ! CO \Vestern Homo , of Iowa 2U1 ! 00 Union , of California 1,17080 Insurance Co. of North America. . . 1,170 80 Franklin , of Philadelphia 2a41 ( H ) Pennsylvania , of Philadelphia 1,170 80 Norwich Union 1.170 80 National , of Hartford 2,341 OJ Khodo Island , of Khodo Island 2,311 OJ Western , of Toronto 2,341 CO Connecticut , of Hartford 1,170 80 Liborty.of Now York 2,341 CO Anglo-Nevada 2,341 CO London und Lancashire 2,311 ( X ) German American 2,341 00 Amazon , ot Canada 2,34100 Lion , of London 585 SO Scottish Union National 5,854 00 Southern , of Cullfornia 1,170 80 Gorman , of Buffalo ] ,170 80 California 1,17(180 ( Traders' , of Chicago 2,311 00 Standard , of Kansas City 3,612 40 London Assurance 1,760 20 Pennsylvania . " . . . . . 6S5 40 U'Jion , of California 2,341 00 London Assurance 2,34100 , North British und Mcrcantiio 1,170 80 Mechanics , of Milwaukee 3,512 40 British American 1,75020 Fire Association 1,75020 Phoanlx , of London 2,341 00 American , of ftow York 4,033 20 American , of Philadelphia 2'J41 00 Commercial Union 4,683 20 Imperial , of London lno 80 Total $37,710 00 The flro originated from the lire in the smolto bouse , which has sot nro to the build ing on two or three other occasions recently , but hud alwuyb until to-day bcon discovered in time to prevent serious damago. As the slaughtering house , the power nnd main Btorngo house escaped injury , work will bo resumed by Swift & Co. this morning. While L. F. Tate , master mechanic of the car department , who had boon directing the work of tha Swift flro department on the fourth story of the burning building , was at- tamptlng to let himself down to the third floor by means of a ropo. tha rope broke and ho fell to the ground. In his descent his head struck un iron ubutter projecting from the tliild story and his sKull was fractured. Ho died in twenty minutes. He leaves u family in Kansas City , Kan. Columbus Snfftrti a IJOHS. COI.UMUUS , O , August 25. Thora was a big tire in the Chlttenden block this morning. Several flrius suffered losses , utrgrogatiiii ; S100.000. TIIE ENOAMl'MUNT. Most of the State Department * K\- pt'Otcd To-Day. MlLWACKUi ; , August 25. Most of the stoto departments of the Grand Armv and the bulk of the posts will arrlvo to-morrow. HusBondunbol post , of St. Louis , came in this morning with u flag to ba presented to the first post of Indian veterans over orgunlzed , who uro coming from the northern Part ol Wisconsin. Purt of the Dakota nnd Minnesota seta contingent arrived to-night. General Algur , of Michigan , accompanied by Mrs. John A. Logan and Judge Vccsoy , of tbo Vermont vuproma court , loading candidate for coininander-iii-cliief , uro expected to-mor row. Warner IJOUV.-H For Milwaukee , KANSAS Cur , August 25. Couimander-ln- Chlof Warner loft for Milwaukee to-day , es corted by a largo rotlnuo. Jake Goes Pawn 10 Get I/iinlslunont. PUIIVIS , Miss. , August 23. Stato'-Agcnt Cldlds arrived this morning , having in charge Kllraln , the pugilist. Kilraln's bond has been fixed at $3,000 , und ho will bo re leased to-morrow , when the bond is signed by two citizens , who will bo iudcmuilied by Kilraln. A UNION Seine Insldo History Concerning the Irrlaatlon rrYtfebt- PoiNTOpHocK , Wyo. , August S3. [ Spo- clal Telegram to T"HB BEE. ] It Is reported on good authority that'tbo movement toward irrigation In Wyoming nnd Idaho Is n schema of tno Union "Pacific , ' nnd that this company hopes to turn Its nrfIand , othbrwlso worth less lands Into farming property nt the ex pense of the government , nnd witb but lltllo or no expense to the Union Pacific ringstors. Your correspondent-mot ono ot the prlmo movers In the matter , who , by the way , Is an employe of tha Union Pnctflo , and ho confi dently unfolded a story in which ho guarded his fences somewhat , but lifted the curtain sufficiently to display the glgantlo conspiracy. Ho said : , "This vast country ts comparatively worth less now , but it can bo rdndo almost equal to the ferttlo fields of Nebraska. In Idaho wo have devised n plan of Irrigation , which , If successfully carried on , 'will convert several millions of acrqs of lands into a grain pro ducing center. " "But will It not cost big tfioneyl" "Yes , it will cost considerable money , but wo have an cxtcnstvo"reserve to draw from. Wo bavo the government interested in the undertaking , you know. " "You say 'wo.1 To whom do you rofort" "Tho Union Pacific company. While I de vote most of my time In furtherance of Irri gation , individually I nm "but carrying out instructlops. The senatorial co'itimitlco fully understands the situation. .If I am not mis- taiccn President Adams hud a long consulta tion with tbo committee.several days ago , nnd I subsequently learned tbat our plans weft ] considered good , and that the commit tee favorably to congress. " "What are your plans ? " "Well , wo have organized an association * hero In Idaho. Wo agree tomnko It a crea ture of the state or territory. Wo also ngrco to Irrigate at iirst 2,000,030 , acres of land at the oxpcnso of the territory , provided the government will cede to the territory 50 per cent of the land-thus improved. Wo propose to bond the territory in order to raise a suffi cient amount with which to carry on the work , using the land thus derived as a basis upon which to rest the bonds. It is a grand undertaking and means a great deal as regards the future of the west. The Union Pacific will bo benoflttod by the non-pro ducing country being converted into a pro ducing one , the product of Which will add materially to the trufllu ot the company , as well as enhance the valuiof its holdings in lands. " The individual also stated that the Union Pacific would labor unce&sngry | iu bringing ubout tbo support of congrc&s in the matter. A RUSGKVOlIt BURSTS. Three Persons Drowned Property Damage flight. PBOVIDESCE , K.l.Aucuat25. The Spring Lake reservoir near FishviUc , in the south west corner of Cranston , about fifteen miles from the city , which supplies n whole row of mill villages along the 'Pawtucket river , burst this afternoon. ' Down In thu valley Mrs. Green Tew , aged sixty years ; Mrs , Hawkins , aged ninety , and Mrs. Tow's son , seven years old , word walking : through a strip of wood and were- overtaken by the flood nnd drowned" The bodies wore found in the ivood through which the water quickly ran until it dmptiod into the Pawtucket river , The river rose rapidly and caused- considerable alarm among the people ulong its banks , who thought the Ponogansett reservoir , the big gest in the state , had burstod. Many of them left their houses nnd fled , but thu flood sub dued as rapidly as it had come. Tbo path of the water from the reservoir was through a thickly settled country , and the only dam age to property was the wrecking of a stable und the demolishing of fbrCo road biidgcs. I1ENH1' SHAW IS OKA I ) . Missouri Is Heir to His FanioiiR Bo tanical Gur.len. ST. Louis , August 25 , Henry Shaw , the venerable philanthropist , died this morning aged ninety. Henry Shaw was nn English ; man by birth. Ho cumo to America and locat ed in St. Louis in 1818 , amassed u fortune and retired from business at the ago of forty. Ho then went abroad und visited nearly every part of tbo globo. On his return be com menced the study nnd cultivation of plants and flowers , and it was in the prosecution of these studies that the now world-famous Shaw botanical gardens had their origin. Ho made the gardens and the beautiful estate free to the public. With bis death the fa mous botanical garden becomes the property of the state of Missouri. Another , and per haps moro valuable munificence , wus his gift to the city of Tower Grpve park , u resort of peculiar bcuuty. His estate was valued at $3,5'JO,000. < WHY SOLDlErtS DK iEIVT. A Reporter Knll.ts anil Publishes Ills Experience. ST. Louis , Angust 25. Iho Post-Dispatch prints a page urticlo giving the experience of u reporter who enlisted as a soldier and in vestigated the causes of so many desertions. The story alleges that tbo enlisted mou in tha United States army ore treated worse than slaves , many of them worsj oven than dogs. The reporter claims the officers , and especially the non-commissioned oflloars. are needlessly cruel and offensively tyrannical ; that the food furnished is unfit to cat ; that vermin make the soldier's couch unlit to sleep upon ; that the recruit's money is ab sorbed by tbo sutler , and ho charges that private soldiers have boon murdered by non-commissioned officers without us much as un investigation. THROUGH TUB WHIRIJI'OOI/ / . Graham's Darrnl Carries Hint Across the Rcctltinir-"WnttW. NIAOAIU FALLS , -N. Y.i , August 25 Car lisle D. Graham made } ff successful trip through the whirlpool rapids this afternoon In a barrel shaped boaw ivt 4:53 : o'clock it entered the whirlpool , nd instead of being ught in , the muln current and car ried across the pool , as is usually the case , it hugged the American side and was carried InUxtho ijulot water In front of the outlet and forced slowly over nearly tp the Canadian tids. For a minute it was a question of whatlter it was to go around the "Pool" ' or dowittue river , buttht outwurd current was too strong und ut4:5i : Graham pasbcd out of ) tile pool und down through the fearful wn&er opposite Foster's ' fiats. All those dangers Graham passed safely , and ut 6:05 : p. uu was picked up near the old Lowistou brldgo on the Canadian side. _ _ iTenlotiuy WHS the Canto. lM > UN.U'GLis , August 25. At a Into hour last night Edward lAgmann , of Cincinnati , cut tbo throat of Bertha El ft , a young woman living in this .city , and then milking a few stops away bo attempted suicide In the same way. Aginann was taken to the hospital and to-duy the physicians announce he will prob ably recover. Jealousy was the cause. The two wuro old lovers , although both were married. Mrs. Elftjhaa not lived with her husband for some years. Ho is thought to bo Iu Alton , III. / Editor DatiH Will Visit Spain , lOwi fo'il ' 1833 tu Jama ( Ionian llinnM. ) LONOO.V , August 25. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim BEB. | Mr , Charles A. Dana , of the Now York Sun , will sail from Now York In thu latter pirt of September to spend a mouth in Spain. NOT PLAYING' SOLDIERS , Boldlora of the Plntto Training For Future Wars. THE HEROES , OF THE MARCH. How the Army Under General Brooke Is I'rciiarlnjc For Fu ture Active Service Other Interesting Features. A Wock nt Roblnmm. FORT UomssoN , Nob. , August 21. fSpo- cinl to TUB I3BU.1 Amid the sweet discord of seven bands playing martial inusio down the long line of touts , which for n mile's length enclose the parndo ground of Camp Ocorgo Crook , the first week's manoeuvres of the largest military encampment of regu lars hold for twenty years in this country comes to n close. Colors flutter In tbobreezo , groups of straight , tightly bloused officers nro gathering in front of "A" tents ; the rows of canvas in the company strcots running nt right angles to the parade line are alive with squads of men , thankful that rest time Is ap proaching. Slowly nlong the avenues divid ing tbo commands tbo sentry paces , antici pating his relieving comrade. Northward the three groups of olUoara' tents , marking tht ) brigade headquarters , giant with the sheen of sunlight on swords and gleam with the bright colors of the pretty powns and becoming sashes of visiting ladles. A half u milo still northward , with its whlto tents silhouttod ngalnst the glowering buttcs , nt thobasoof which It stands , the headquarters. of the commanding general and his staff looks down across this lovely valley upon tbo mlle square of streets and avenues of snow whlto canvas which comprises the great camp. It is at onoo a lovely and an inspiring sight , even at the approach of evening , and ono calculated to awaken suggestive reflec tions In the mind of the visiting civilian. There is beauty ot natural sconary unsur passed between the Alleghonlos and the Uooiclcs ; there Is in addition an object lesson In the color , shade and harmonious working of grand military tactics. Thorn is finally n complete answer to the question as regards the army , "What is all this worthl" in the success which has already attended the gathering und inception of field exorcises of the department of the Platto. "In what respects ? " . In the first place , nearly ono-olghthof [ the entire army of the United States has been concentrated from ten posts scattered ever nearly 200,000 square miles of territory. Their movements wuro made in exact ue- cordanco with the programme , on lines of communication laid down , with omplo quar termaster and commissary facilities , without loss of life or property , all commands reach ing their destination on the hours appointed nnd deploying into their positions in camp with as much viper and precision as If they hadnot , marched hundreds of miles , climbed hills' , made and received attacks en route or pushed their way across nrulrio and butte under a burning sun and scorching ground at tno rate of from fifteen to twenty-six miles u day. There is something in that , gentlemen , you who do your daily constitutional of four miles along shad } roads and call it hard xvork. * Thomo'O fact of the perfect carrying out of all details of concentration evidenced a level head and experienced military dircct- injrmind , a soldierly , intelligent and skilled body of subordinate officers , fine commands of disciplined troops physically competent for hard work when such was required of them. Are not those three of the most important qualifications of an army establishment ! Think of It for a uiinutol The average civilian is rather fond of con sidering himself the tax-ridden provider of funds to maintain the army. Hia knowledge of the uses to which an army is put is limited chiefly to an occasional sight of a detach ment of recruits , a hurried visit to u dross- parade or guard-mounting or u glimpse of a passing company or battalion in civil pro cession. Ho rarely stops to consider to what end the never-ending routine of drill and target practice , and the tiresome atten tion to tha rjgid details of omnipresent dis cipline tends. If ho will coma to Camp George Cook during the next two weeks ho will understand moro clearly than ho will otherwise bo able to do what the motto , "In time of peace prepare for war , " really means. Ho will sea u re markable development of energy heretofore present but Intent. Ho will bo given an oppor tunity to witness what a portion and ono of the very best portions of our little army could do for the protection of his life and property promptly and efficiently when called uuou. And ho would dually discover under rusty , slouch hats gray heads which once directed divisions , brigades , corps , regi ments and companies in the grout war for the preservation of the union now gathered once more on the tented plain , ably supported by younger men with less actual experience , but no less ardour and intelligence , nil working together to increase the field efficiency of our neuclous of a regular army As stated In a previous dispatch , Genera. Brooke's idea In inaugurating field exercises In the department which ho commands wus not for dress parade , display or recreation. It was for the Instruction of olUcers and man In the art of war. for hard woric , very little incidental piny , a largo amount of dust and u small proportion ot dross und dancing. Ho is carrying out his programme rigidly. Tuesday and Wednesday of tbo week were spent in pitching camp and the usual routine of garrison llfo. On Thursday all commands bngan field exorcises by battalion und regi mental drills. Tbcso continued for three hours daily until Saturday when afternoon inspection toolc the place of tliu usual hour's exercise. From 7 to U every morning und from 4 to 5 In the afternoon the valiov of Soldier Crojk looked llko the mimic buttle lleid of an army defending Its camp. Three battalions of cavalry covered the hills or rolled up volumes of dust on tha plain. The culls of ttio trumpets followed by the rapidly changing evolutions , the wheeling of steads , the massing and deploy ing of troops , the swift rush of horses and the sharp command of oftlcors made u scene bewildering to the uninitiated on-lookur. Hero , a troop of greys , deployed by the flank into skirmish line , wheeling swiftly to the right , ivltn beautiful alignment ; there , a battalion of handsome bays in close order dusbcdUvlth drawn sabers on their flanks. To the right the red-lodged artillery in rapid gallop wcro swinging Into position on-aknoll , where their rilled guns could huvo played inoiry havoo with the camp equipage of the cavalry command , North uud east from the cavalry and artillery camp the seven regi ments of infantry spread ever the valiov. Ono command on the butte slopes looks JIUo black pegs on u field of green. They ura skirmishing. The trumpet call sounds faintly from tha dlstuncn und is followed by the rapid full of the pegs into the grass , then by their rise us a dark , thin crescent of man sweeps in open order over tha slope toward the suspected enemy , Farther eastward the Seventh Infantry , under Colonel Merriam , is chancing from column fours into line , and the order , "Fours loft ; rear companies left front into line. March I" marks the progress of the movement which changes a solid muss , looking at tbo distance llko a mottled blanket , into n rigid line of blue-coated riflemen. Tbo field for two miles around seems nllve with moving commands , with galloping troopers , compan ies advancing und retreating , officers and aides riding rapidly , military precision in the garb of military chaos , martial tactics garbed in the panoply of child's play. And yet a little blue book of only 445 uages will teach airy civilian just how easy it is to compre hend perfectly what It is all about. To such as care to investigate moro thoroughly bat talion and brigade drill , I commend its study. It is full of diagrams and italics "and other things" and will uffoiU Interesting winter reading. Ou Monday brigade exercises will begin nnd grand tactics will bo the order of the coming week. Gonernl nrtabln's Daughter Married. FonT UontNsoN , Nob. , August 35. [ Spe cial to tun BBC. ] Miss. Ulnncho Uutlor Brtshin was married to Lieutenant Joseph C. IJoardsIoy , of the Eighth Infantry , at 3 o'clock p. ra. yesterday. The wedding was a quiet ono , only General Kaulz , Dr. Admr , Colonel Tllford , W. E. Annln. cscj. , and a few personal friends ot the family being present. The brldo and groom left for Fort Loavonworth on the afternoon train , nnd will stop In Omiha for h couple of days. Champion's Onuilnu ; Fair , CIUMIMON , Nob. , August 23. | Special to TUB BBB.J As the time , September 21 to 2J , inclusive , for holding Ohaso county's fair and the soldiers' reunion nnd camp flro approaches preaches , letters are pouring In from the ad jacent counties In Nebraska and from across the borders it Colorado and Ivans is , tailing of largo delegations coming to honor the dis tinguished poiitlotnon Governor John M. Thayor. ox-Governor Robert W. Furnas nnd Secretary of State Gilbert L. Laws by their presence. Never has there boon such un outpouring of people In southwestern Ne braska as is expected on this occasion , mid the reception tendered the honored guests will bo in keeping with tha progressive movements of the citizens of this great young country. Among the in my nttraotlvo foit- urcs of tha fair will bo n band contest , which will bo participated In by tha leading bands of southwestern Nebraska and a few f rum across the borders of Kansas and Colorado. And from the adjoining counties the old vet- oraiiR are fast signifying their Intentions to bo present and tulte part m the reunion and camp lire. Chnso couuty has been highly favored with soasonabln rmns , the crops nro good and farm animals in line condition , so that wo have nothing to fear of the line ex hibit which wo shall be enabled to niako at our county fair. When wo tuko into con sideration the fact that this county has been organized only three years and look about us and sea its rapid development nnd increase of population , wo look with amazement upon it. No such thing as failure of crop has ever boon our portion. Our farmers have plenty and to spare and are just drawing about thorn all tha comforts enjoyed by those of their profession in the older slates of the union. lion. Charles E. McPherson , at present county clerk of Phillips county , Col. , who served during the Into war as a member of the First Nebraska roirlmeut , has boon selected to introduce his old com mander , Governor Thuyor , at the reunion nnd camp lira to bo held at this placj. When but thirteen years of ago younif MjPho" son enlisted in G enornl Thayor's First Nebraska regiment and followed the old veteran through the wiiK His Introductory roui irks will bo good nnd call to the memory of Gov ernor Ttiayer reminiscences of the bloody days of the rebellion. Not KV-MI nn Excuse horn Pake. PIATTSMOUTII , Nob. , August 25. ( .Special to TUB Um ! . ] Excitement has boon Intense hero all day caused by the report in an Omaha paper that Tascott , the supposed murderer of Millionaire Snell , was arrested yesterday in Weeping Water by Sheriff Elkcnbarv and lodged in jail in this city. It gnvu full particulars of where ho had bcon and how ho had spent his time since ho loft Chicago after the murder. Great crowds have thronged the corridors of the jail since the report was circulated upon the streets for the purpose oC gottint ; just ono glimpse of Tascott , but all had to suffer the same dis appointment of not seeing1 him , for ho "Is not and has not been in jail in this oity. Your correspondent visited Sheriff Etkenbary and ho spoke as fallows' : "It is all a canard. I did not know anything about it until this morning , as I was going to the postoflice , when I mnt two young ladies , who usked mute to take them to the jnll to see Tascott. I had not seen the paper and know nothing of the report. The ladies explained what they had read in the paper and I then told thorn that I know nothing of it and that it was merely a false report. " Many people refuse to discredit the report and say that Tascott Is secreted in some private house awaiting the arrival of the Chicago authorities. Sher iff Eikenbary made no arrests yesterday and the report seems to have been a prolific pro duction from the fertile brain of a corre spondent who wishes to create a great excite ment. Gospcr County Nominee * . EMVOOD , Nob. , August 25 [ Special to TUB BEU. ] The republican couuty conven tion was hold here yesterday. There was the usual wrangle at first , but soon all settled to genuine business. The tleltot put in the field gives entire satisfaction , it is regarded by all as a strong ticket , the nomi nees residing in no ono section of the coun try , but justly distributed to suit the differ ent factions , thereby binding tbo voters more closely to the party. The names of the lucky ones are as follows : For clerk , 13. L. Cham bers ; treasurer , Charles Fuller ; sheriff , Mr. Benson ; county superintendent , J.V. \ . Thomas ; county Judge , O. W. MIddloton ; coroner , Dr. J. G. Pace ; county commissioner , F. Ford. Among the delegates to tlio state convention uro J. L. Trobeo , Wiley Ward und E. Munspoakor , of Elwood. Stele a hpan or Horaoa. Nowri : PLATTB , Nob. , August 25. [ Spec ial to TIIE Buc.l Last evening while County Superintendent Langford was attending n meeting of the Oxford League at the Metho dist church some thief drove off with his span of horses , which were tied in front of the church. Ho was seen by Mr. Baker gutting into the buggy , but Mr Baker supposed it was the superintendent. Search wus com menced as soon as the theft was discovered , but up to the present tlmo no clue whatever his baan disiworaJ. This Is n great loss to Mr. Langford , us ho is obliged to drive ever our entire county in the performance of his duties. A Colored Blur.lorqr's Trlnl Sot. BAUTU.TT , Nob. , August 23. ( Special to TUB BKIS. ] The special term of court in Wheeler county , which was o alloJ for Au gust 10 , was hold by Judge Ha rrlson. Hurvoy Smith , the colored murderer , was brought before the court and plead not guilty , and his case was sot for trial September 23. The evidence for the prosecution Is very strong , and sentiment among his neighborsespecially the colored ones , is ugainst him. A mob was organized among the colored people to take him from tha sheriff nnd hang him Thursday night , buLho wus taicon to Albion during the day. niouriilnir for a Commitndnr. FoitTHOIIINSO.V , Nob.August 25. [ Special to TUB BKI : . I At a meeting of Robinson post , G. A. It , held yesterday , the following was adopted i Itctolvcd , That wo have heard with pro found regret of tbo death of our beloved de partment commander. Major J , B , Davis , und wo send our loyal love und sympathy to his bereaved family. .Nebraska City Itiirliora Arrested. NBUIUCKA. CiTr , Nob. , Aug. 25. [ Special Telegram to Tire BEK. ] The proprietors and employes of three burbor shops were to-day arrested for working on Sunday. The war rants wcra sworn out by other barbers who want to rest on Sunday. Tholr trial will occur to-morrow morning , A Kmnl Family Kovv. DANVII.LK , O. , August 23 , Postmaster K , C. Lybargor , at Millwood , to-day shot at ul duughtoi durlng a family ultorcutiou. The ball missal the daughter , but fatally wounded his wife. Lybargor then suicided , HtcniM hl [ > ArrivnlH. At Now York The Canada , from London ; La Gas coy ne , from Havre : the Alvouu , As * pcuwall , GOV , MAKER MAY GET LEFT The Shormnu MOD Are Muttorlutf i Throata or Vongonuoo. A GREAT LABOR SAVING SCHEME. Sixth Auditor Coulter's Plan to Fix * clllt.ito the Settling or i'ost- miistors' Account * Ijlkcly to 11.3 Adopted. WASHINGTON Huniuu , TUB OMAHA unE | Blfl ITOUItTEKXTitSTIlSSr , WASHINGTON. D. C. , Aucust 25. It Is believed hero by many republicans that Forakor's chances for re-election to Iho governorship of Ohio will depend entirely upon the manner In which ho Is supported by the friends of Senator Sherman. , The latter have not forgotten the conduct of Governor Foraker at Chicago , and while they could not prevent his nomination they will bo likely to do what they can to complete his political career by dafuatlng him for the governorship. Some of them talk openly la this spirit and declare their intention to vote for Campbell , the democratic nominee , but others are moro crafty , and while they pretend tend to bo supporting Farakcr will do what they can to encompass his defeat. Senator Sherman is expected ut Now York on Sep tember 12 from Kui'opo , where he has been spending the summer , and will nt once cuter thu campaign , but ho la not likely to say much for the cnndidntofor , governor. . A LAIIOK SAVING SUGOHSTION. Sixth Auditor of the Treasury Coulter has recently proposed an important change in the business methods of the postollloo de partment. The accounts of 00,000 postnus- tors nro kept by the third assistant post master general , nnd they nro audited by the sixth auditor The contemplated alteration in tha system of keeping thesu account * would be radical und fur reaching In their results. Colonel Coulter has addressed a let ter to the postmaster general , calling ills at tention to thu delay which obtains In receiv ing and bundling certificates of deposits made by postmasters In settlement of tamr quarterly accounts. It has boon the custom to have certificates , original and duplicate , returned to the depositor , who thereafter sends the original to the dupaitment and keeps the duplicate as his own voucher. The present system causes delays at the most important times. In thut when u postmaster mukes his deposit the depository Bonds both the eertilicatus to the postm islur , whereas , In tha Judgment of the sixth auditor , the original certificate should bo sent direct to the postmaster general , und only a duplicate sent to the depositing postmaster. This rhanga may bu better appreciated when It is remembered that about thirty thousand of thu postofllces ura small ones , having inferior mail services , m my of them being supplied with muil only once or twice a week. All of these offices now receive thotio certificates and cannot forward them to the department until the next mall day. Frequently it hap pens that ignorance und carelessness on the part of postmasters necessitate the writing of letters from the department calling for the ccrtiflcutos. Meantime the accounts are held up In third assistant postmaster gen eral's office and the clerks of the sixth aud itor's office are unable to proceed with their work. Colonel Coulter proposes tbat tbls delay und extra work shall bo dispensed wij-h by the sensible and simple method of causing the depositories to send the orfglnal certifi cates to the third assistant postmaster general directly ; thus the great bulk of tb certificates will reach the department during the first week of oaoh quarter nnd bo disposed of so tbat the clerks in the auditor's office may proceed with their business. Un der the present system there are , quarterly , thousands of accounts suspended ; and this work of suspension consumes more tlmo than would ordinarily bo required to mike a settlement. It will also facilitate the work : of both departmentsby putting the settlement of accounts forward ut least fifteen days. Moreover it will save the wont of writing- and addressing about fifty thousand letters each quarter , nnd us each postmaster is re quired now to send His certificate in a loltar , and separate from all other communication , thcro will bo a decrease of ubout two buuj- died thousand letters annually. The uvorag * reader with business knowledge or procllvl tics will sea what an iminciiso saving of labor will bo in this item alone , but the sixth auditor looks upon tha us a small item when compared with the time saved in each quar ter. It will revolutionize the business msth- ods of the po&toftlco doparment if this schema shall be adopted , and us It seems feasible und just the postmaster general will no doubt adopt it. The letter ot Sixth Auditor Coulter is lengthy and fullv explains the proposed sys tem which is outlined above. It affects tho" business of thu whole people through tholr CU.OJO postmasters , and if adopted the status of any postmaster's account can bo ascer tained by a glance nt the register. It Is ona of the most important changes over prot posed In the department , and redacts credit upon the business ability and sagacity of Colonel Coulter. MIBCr.M.ANEOl'S. Secretary Wiudom" has rented the now residence recently erected by Captain Gcorgo 10. Lemon , on Massachusetts avenue , near Thomas circle It Is ono of the most beautiful houses in the city and well adapted for entertaining , The lease is for four years , with the privilege of purchasing it at a price that has not been given to tbo publlo. THIS QRUAT OlllMSSU FLOODS. Widespread Destruction and Fearful 1 1I lAIHH of LlfO. I SAN FJUNCISCO , August 25. The steamer Oceanic arrive 1 today from Hong Koni ? nod Yokohama. Further details of the bursting of the Yellow river embankments in the province nf Shantung , July 32 , atato the destruction is widespread. Ttio broach la the liver is over 2,000 feet In length , A dis patch from Chofoo states the number o ( per sons drowned is too great to bo counted. Ik Is feared many more districts In the low lying 1 country south will suffer u similar fate , The latest advices concerning the earth quake at Kuinumota slate that llfty-tbrco shocks have been experienced and continuo to bo felt. The inhabitants uro sleeping in tbo 3 open utr. utr.DIDN'T DIDN'T IjOSU ANY TIME ; . A Recently Ruluasud Convict Tries to ROD n Pullman , LANOASTKH , Pa. , August 25. Charles D. 1 Chambers , Just released from the eastern penitentiary , came to this city last evening 4 and when the Pucillo express on tha Penn sylvania railroad pulled out of tha station at 1:25 : this morning , boarded u Pullman cur and endouvorud to rob the passengers. Cliurlo * Muric , the porter of the Jersey City , strug gled with him and wus shot t.vico. Cham bers wus then overpowered by thu trainmen. Murk will recover. Chambers suyj ho wus Bteallng a rldu and the porter began tiring at him. Ho grasped the pistol und it went off. Tha porter says Chambers wus la u berth and when discovered drew u revolver and com menced firing. A I'romlnnnt Farmer Huioldoo. HIAWATHA , Kun. , August 25. | SpeoIal Telegram to Tim BEK. ] W. H. Von Hook , a prominent farmer living near here , com mitted suicide lust night by bunging. Heavy losses on a lot of stock ho bad been feeding caused his derangement. Ho had been ad judged insane , but was not received at tba usylum on account of luck of room , Thrown Down an Knibaiikinont. CIIAIII.ISION , W. Vu. , August 25. Whlla Governor W llson and his futher-In-law , Dr. Cotton , v/oro out driving la t evening , the liorsu ran away und throw the occupants down u thirty-live foot embankment. BotU gentlemen wuro badly lojurcd.