Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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fjellvcredby cnrrirr In Any I'art ot ho City a
T * rnty C nt Per Week. . . _ „ . .
TCHNr ) R Omen No. B.
NIOUT KniToit , No.liJ.
N. y. P. Co.
Glcnson coal.
C. B. Music Co. , 533 B'way.
D.V. . Otis , city and fnrm loans.
Boston store lending boo lory house ,
The contract for the iron shutters lias
been awarded to Shultz fe'lllll.
Twelve building permits were issued the
past week , the total cost being $3,385.
A party of about llfty young people will
picnic In Fnlrmount park this afternoon ,
A marriage license has been Issued to A ,
P. Dlngmun and Mary A. Brlce , both of this
The Council Bluffs sprinters returned
empty'handed from the Denver tournament.
They got into too fast a class.
Manager Patterson , of the Western Union ,
will remove some of the old poles now stand *
ing on 1)roadway ) which are not in use.
The foundation for the now hose house on
lower Broadway is completed and tha struc
ture will bo ilnishcd by the 1st of October.
The next regular term of the district court
In und for Pottawattntnlo county opens on
Tuesday next , with Judge Macy on the
bench ,
The contract for bulldlnir the brick base
ment of tbo Fifth avenue Methodist church
Is let to J. P. Weaver , and work was begnn
thcro yostordoy.
At the trl-wcekly shoot of the Council
Bluffs Hlllo club , held Friday afternoon ,
Charles Mutthnl won the club badge , scoring
74 out of n possible 100.
The school board has postponed Its meet-
\na \ until Monday evening , when the teach
ers will bo assigned to their respective posi
tions for the ensuing year.
At a meeting of the local assembly No.
1,300 Knights of Labor it wns decided to at
tend the demonstration and picnic to bo held
on Labor day , Monday , September 2 , in
Al Wells has just recovered a valuable dog
t which ho lost in Omaha last February. The
nntuml was found tied tu the back yard of a
German family on North Sixteenth street in
this city.
Rev , D. C. Oranklln wns called upon Sat
urday evening to tie the knot between D. S.
Pryor und Miss Augusta Prior. The cere
mony took place nt thu bride's homo In the
presence of a few friends.
Chase , the American express clerk who
was arrested about a week ago for embezzle
ment , bus been bound over to the grand
jury in the sum of $1,000. In default of
bonds ho was sent back to jail.
All traveling men uro requested to meet at
the Bcchtolo hotel at 10:80o'clock : this morn-
Ing. Business of Interest and importance -
tanco to the knights of the grip will como
before the meeting , and a largo attendance
Is desired.
The case of State vs. N. Carruthors , In
which the defendant was charged with as
saulting J. W. Payne was called for hearing
in Justice Schurz's court , out as the prose
cuting witness failed to appear the case was
All persons who are members of labor or-
ganlratlons nro requested to meet nt the city
building. Sunday aftcruoon at 3 o'clock , to
make arrangements to attend the Labor day
celebration in Omaha , Monday , September 2.
It is especially urged that members of the
various unions and K. of L. assembles bo
Lloyd Forgravos was before the police
judge yesterday morning charged with dis
turbing the peace. His case was continued
until Monday. Lolllo Clark paid $9.00 for a
similar offense. She was again arrested
later in the day and compelled to deposit the
monthly line of $0 nud casts , amounting to
t8 , rctpulred of the women of till town.
A carpenter by the name of Williams , em
ployed by Contractor Chris Boson , on the
now Eisoman blocic , fell from the lower
floor to the collar yestprday morning , and
8ustalncd\scvcro though not' serious bruises.
Ho was taken to bis homo on Avenue D ,
where a physician examined him , but found
that his injuries wore slight , and ho will bo
at work again in a few days.
The elevated temperature of the past few
days makes life loss comfortable in the city ,
but it is a bonanza for Manawa. The bath
houses nro filled day and night , and the pat
rons nro not. confined to resident ) ) of Council
Bluffs and Omaha. Tno proprietors of the
various places at tbo lake predict a lafo fall ,
as the natural sequence of a late spring , and
expect that the rush of trade will continue
well along into October.
A spring cblclren , a little dog , six women
and'several entire households of children
were the elements of an incipient riot on
Upper Washington avcnuo yesterday after
noon. The little dog killed the hlckon , and
five of the women and about forty of the
children wore bent upon killing the dog.
The other woman and six or eight children
protected the dog. There was lots of Jun ,
but no more blood shod. The dog escaped.
The Council Bluffs oocloty reporter In not
ing the return of ono of the fairest ladles of
tbo city says : "She is looking strong and
rugecd , like the mountains whoso guest she
lias been , " Now her friends are teasing her
with nil sorts of answers to the conundrum ,
"When is a young lady llko a mountain ! "
Some say it's when she is piqued , others
when she sings "Rock mo to sleep , " others
when she's dressed In llr , The society re
porter has about concluded ho will do better
as a "hoss" reporter.
The Inlsfall Philharmonic and Dramatic
society is rehearsing "Tho Dutch Recruit , "
a military drama , very similar to "Tho
Union Spy , " which will bo put upon the
boards at Dolmny's September 24 , for the
benefit of the Gorman Catholio ladies. The
cast includes sixteen people , exclusive of
supernumeraries. In the fourth act the
Dodgn Light Guards will take a conspicuous
part , and wlllt'ivo a fancy drill. The cast Is
a strong one , including many of the best
amateur actors to bo found In the city. It ia
hardly probable that one presentation will
satisfy the public.
, ' *
Dexter , employment.
! Fountain fie cigar , best In the world.
Kerr & Gray , real estate , 50ylrst avenue ,
Fair-mount i'nrk.
The beautiful gem of Council Bluffn sol
mid the romantic bills and shaded by ver
dant boughs of forest trees. Tno most do
llghtful place imaginable for picnics , tennis
parties and mi let rambles ,
Take the elcctrio motor cars bridge line
which lands passengers In the very heart ol
the park. Faro from Ouiaha to the parli
only 10 cent * .
The park Is owned and controlled by the
city authorities and the best of good ordei
is enforced.
J. G. I'lpton , ronl estate , 627 B'dwuy ,
Beldenborg'B 5o Figaro at the Fountain ,
Chautniiqiin AH'ioiubly Sale of laitn !
The management of the Chautuuqua as-
fctnbly ha placed on sale , and will give coot
and BUfllcicnt deeds , to 150 line lots , locatci
on the Cliauiauqua grounds.
Every person interested InthoChautauquii
assembly should now promptly como forwuri
and purchase a lot or lots and no confirm tin
entire enterprise.
Committees will at once enter upon th <
work of solicitation and salo.
Thursday , September 6 , 1SS9. at H o'oloal
. in. , will commence the public sale to tbi
highest bidder for cash of the choice of loti
on the Chuutauquu grounds , near Council
Blurts , la. Kvury person wishing a lot
ihoula bo on hand that day in person or b ;
Every dollar of the proceeds ot this sale
will bo used for the benollt of the assembly
to pay off tbo debts , imiko needed improve
inents pn the grounds , provide a suporlo
programme for 13'JO , and In every way U
keep the assembly ut the front among thi
enterprises of thu coantry ,
For further Information apply to J. K
Horkness , or to the president or secretary
Council Bluffs , la. F. O. GI.EISON ,
President ,
J. M. OUSLKH , Sec.
Council Bluffs , la. , August 24,18b9.
The Qouratnu Club Doing Invltod to
AH Parts of the Country.
Ncoln's Rovorontl Bliootor Justified
Young Folks on the linwit A.
HlnflN Violin In an Artist's
Jlniulh The Cliurohos.
ATtor Thnlr Sonlt > 9.
Judging from the iloirmmls made upon it
by ttm fanners of the county , the Coursing
club is Rolni * to "fill n long foil want. " It Is
rnthor peculiar what ideas aomo of the hon
est soil tllloM hnvo as to the ability of tlio
club ana Its pack of hounds .is wolf ogtorml-
nntors. Many of them fondly cherish the
opinion that each and every chase results in
the death of train flfty to ono hundred
wolves , seemingly thinking thattbo club
members got ravcnqusly hungry for luplno
pore , and that the hounds liuvo nppotltos llko
threshing machines , Some of tliom scum to
think that the hounds uro llltlu less than
Honda itienrmito , that they take in a wolf on
thu Keen run , swallow him at n Btilp , nud
keep on without n stop , taking in ono mutton
thief after another , until tholr capacious
maws nro tilled. This being the case , it is no
wondnr that they hull the advent of the
Coursing club with the wildest demonstra
tions of joy , believing in their Inmost souls
that within a vary fmv months at the out-
nlilo , there will not bo a wolf left In Potta-
wnttnmio county , anil that then their lambs ,
calves and poultry will flourish undisturbed.
For this re i9on they liavo encouraged the
club from the incention of its organization.
Up to the present thno at least ono hundred
invitutlons tiavu been received from as many
fanners , requesting the club to como out to
their farmt ) far a grand chase and roundup
of tliclr four-legged enemies. In nil of them
the farmer offers to urovido accommodations ,
some offering to sot up n line dinner for the
entire party , and others suggesting that the
club come out the o\cnlng before and stay
with them all night , to secure an curly start
in the morning.
Of course , some of the farmers have their
expectations based rather high , still , in the
abstract , they nro not so far out of thu way.
Tito ultimatum ulll bo a decrease in the wolf
population of the county , and it will bo but a
very bhorttlmo until the surviving wolves in
thu sections through which the club has had
chases will be far le bold in their depreda
tions than before. Scarcely a day goes
by that some farmer does not report that a
wolf walked boldly up to the door of his
farm house or into his barn yard and seized a
chicken or turkey right before his oyea and
calmly trotted off with it. The muslo of a
lenlttiy pack of hounds occasionally echoing
through these localities will instil a little
more modesty and respect into those bold
thieves. It is certain that thcro are now
plenty of wolves in the county to furnish the
club with sport for many months'to como"
Money lonnod nt L. 1J. Craft's & Co.'a
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and nil other articles of value , without
removal. AH business strictly confi
E. H. Shcafo & Co. give special attention
X } the collection of rents and c.ito ot prop
erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod
erate. Ofilco Broadway and Main streets ,
up stairs.
Get Fountain Sc cigar , next Eisomau blk.
The Snpi ) Hlock.
Contractor Hughes seems to have mot
with his full share of delays and misfortune
n the construction of the now Sanp block.
Ho has experienced delays on account of the
non-arrival of material , and work is now
again stopped from this cause. Aside from
.his , the settling : of the walls of the old Pa
cific house , caused by the excavation for the
foundation of the Sapp block , caused him a
vast deal of delay , inconvenience and other
wise unnecessary outlay , as the probability
of a heavy bill of damages from the occu
pants of that property , as ho gave an in-
lemnlfying bond to tbo owner of the now
ilock as against any claims for damages to
adjoining property caused in the erection of
; ho now building. Ho was further annoyed
ay the water in excavating for the rear wall ,
which is on tbo site of the old bed of Indian
creek and near and below the present beu of
the creek. The building will go up just the
same , and when it Is eventually completed it
will bo ono of the llncst business blocks in
the city , a credit alike to Council Bluffs and
the owner , and a worthy monument to the
energy and perseverance of the builder.
Always on Time.
If you wisb to purchasn a good and reliable
watch 25 per cent le3 than club rates , and
on easy terms , then call at once and make
your own selection at C. B. Jacquominr. &
( Jo. , 27 Main street.
If you want clean , fresh crocories and
fruits , call on Johnson & Olson,712 Broadway.
The Shoot ! 111 ; Pnwon.
Rev. Mr. Holmlck , who shot and killed
young Palmer at Ncola , has boon in the city
for two days post. At the time of the traco-
dy his wife was away from homo. Ho wont
to Rod OuH Friday to meet her , but In tbo
meantime aho had gone to Ncola supposing
ho was there. The two mot hero yesterday.
Mr. Holmlck feels greatly the position in
which circumstances have placed him. While
ho and his friends have no doubt but that he
will bo fully exonerated , and tha killing pro-
nounyetl justitlablo , yet to a man of his sensi
bility the shock has almost unorved him. Ho
regrets the affair deeply , and yet lecls that
ho was fully justimul. and under similar cir
cumstances ho would act the same.
The sentiment of the law and order portion
tion of the community BOOKS to bo almost
unanimous in his favor. The church of
which ho is pastor is anxious for him to con
tinue to occupy tbo pulpit , but this
ho can hardly do , nor is ho
BO advised by bis brother ministers ,
A committee of Methodist clergymen is to
bo appointed by the presiding elder , and thev
will pass upon hi * case irrespective- what
the courts do. The report ot the committee
will determine his standing and action in
the church until the. regular conference
meets next year.
For the present Mr. ana Mrs. Hoi mick will
visit her folks In tbo eastern part of the
Htato. and his folks In Minnesota. Friends
in Neoln have raised a purse to defray hie
present expenses anil promise to sea to il
that it is rulilied when needed.
Desirable dwellings for rent at mouoratc
prices. E. H. Sheafo & Co. . rental agents
Broadway and Main streets , up stairs.
Got Fountain 5c cigar , next Eisoman blk
C. B. steam dyu works , 1013 Broadway.
Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also
building lots at lowest market prices , Cal
and examine our list. E. H. Shcafo & Co.
A Colored Knllr.
Tomorrow evening there will bo n grand
rally of the colored republicans of the citj
and surrouudjng country , An address wll
bo delivered by Colonel Oscar Urowor , the
redoubtable "Pottamus. " who is well known
ntnoug the colored politicians of this section ,
Ho will discuss the tariff , prohibition , the
fisheries and all other points of political dlf
furonco. The arguments advanced will un
doubiedly bo forcible and convincing.
City itcuin laundry , 84 Main , tol. HI.
Go to M. Keating for drugs , 505 Broadway
The Fountain cigar etoro for flue cigars.
Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'wa ;
' '
Happy Younjr Fo'ks.
A very enjoyable affair was the lawn part ;
given last Thursday afternoon by Miss Fn }
Hlodorman at her homo , No. 310 Avenue Fen
on tbo occasion of her twelfth birthday , Tht
afternoon wvs pleasantly passed with muslo
games and dancing , after which the guesti
repaired to the dining room , where a sump
tuous repast was served. They then re
returned to the lawn , wh6ro the evening
wns passed , The little hostess Entertained
charmingly , devoting herself assiduously to
looking after the comfort and pleasure of her
guests. She was made the recipient of many
fine presents , which will bo cherished as
mementoes of a very happy occasion. The
guests departed at 10 o'clock. Those present
were : Miss Gortio Block , Muscatlnc , la. ;
Miss Hosft Berstoln , Omaha , Neb. ; Miss
Knnnio Butler , Moborly , Mo. , and Mlsso *
Dora druotshor , Lou Smith , Carrie Murphy ,
Konn Elscman , Mabel Cook , LllaCrlttcndon ,
Ella Slcdcntopf , Ida Kuokdosholl , Nellie
Lut7 , Corn Keller , Mllho Graham , Wlnnio
Picrson and Hosa Blcdorman , of this city ,
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Swnnson Munlo Co. , 815 Broadway.
A lnmo-Mmlc Violin.
Clinton A. Case , n young violin maker in
this city , has now framed and hanging in his
modest little shop a half sheet of paper
Which money could not buy from him. It is
nn autograph letter of Joseph Hoino the violinist
linist , In prnlso of an instrument made by
Mr. Case. The artist prosouncos it "equal
In power , brilliancy and perfection of tone
to those made by the old masters , and rival
ing the celebrated instrument of Ferdinand
David , now in possession of WllhomJ. "
Hclno has fallen in love with the now Instil
ment that ho uses In preference to his old
one , which wns made thrc.o hundred years
ico. Ills old violin has an Interesting his-
x > ry. "Hut It Is dying now , " remarked the
jllnd violinist as his lingers tenderly tovoi
with his old pot , "Do you know that violins
nro llko ncrsonsl Jt's just hko a human
voice. The longer it Is used , If used right ,
.ho better , but after a whllu though , it haste
to die. The old violin Is dying. It Is u won
derfully sweet Instrument though , yet. " The
now ono has not got its varnish dry enough
to put n luster on yot. It will take six
months to thoroughly dry out. Still the in
strument Is a little musical wonder.
Kollcy & Younkurman sell grocorlo
Chase and Sanboru coitoes a spcclaly.
"Klriness. "
The Holland or Dutch box will bo deco
rated for the klrmcss through the courtesy
of Bono & Co. The Italian box will show
decorations from the Council Bluffs Carpet
company , while the Spanish box will display
the lasto of Henry Elscman & Co. Ameri
can Hags will decoratu , with other national
colors , the other boxes and the balcony.
Four fof the iboxcs uro taken for the
opening night and the ktrnicss promises to bo
a drossy , successful entertainment.
AmotiR the Pious.
No sorvlros In the Presbyterian church to
day. Sabbath school at 13 noon.
Unity Sunday school will meotat Oo'clock ' ,
is usual. Young people will find the school
Pilgrim Congregational Sunday school ,
corner avcnuo A and ninth street , meets at
3 o'clock p. m.
Fourth avcnuo Methodist church , near
Seventeenth street Preaching at 10:80 : a.
m. Sunday-school at 3 p. in.
Beroan Baptist church There will bo the
usual services to-doy and evening. Young
people will be especially welcome.
Owing to the absence of n number of the
C. L S. C. the Chautauqua vesper services
Sunday afternoon have been postponed until
further notice.
All Saints chapel , Eighteenth street and
Third avenue Sunday , school at U p , m.
Evening service and sermon at 8 p. m.
Everybody Invited.
Saint Paul's Church Morning prayer 11
a.m. Sunday school at 12:15. : Young men
and strangers welcome. J , J. H. Iteedy , assistant -
sistant minister , in charge.
Second Presbyterian church Services at
3 o'clock this afternoon. Sabbath-school ut
4. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8
o'clock. All cordially invited.
Christian science services to-day , at 4
o'clock p. m. in the Iowa Business college ,
corner Pearl street ana First avenue , up
stairs. All are cordially invited.
Trinity Methodist church , South Main
street , opposite Eighth a von no Preaching
at 8 p. m. Young people's mooting at 7:15
p.m. Sunday-school at 2:30 : p. m. Social
mooting at 10:30 : a. m. * <
First Baptist Church The pastor will
preach at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. Subject
for morning : ' -The Divine Response m the
Soul. " For evening : "Christ and Modern
Reformers. " Sunday school at 12 m. Young
people's meeting ut 7 p. m. All cordially
Broadway M. E. Church Quarterly
srrvlccs to-day. The presiding elder , Rev.
Dr. W. T. Smith , will preach at 10:80 : u. m.
and administer the sacrament of the Lord's '
Supper. Sunday school , ut , 12 m. Love feast
at 0:80 : p. m. The pastor will preach at 8 p.
in. All cordially invited.
For sale Ono Gar-Scott ten horse portable
engine ; in good repair. Apuly to Wcir-Shu-
gart Co. _ c _
The Motor On Picroo Street.
The property owners who obstructed the
building of the electric motor line on Pierce
street by piling up a formidable barrier of
injunctions , have relented and are not only
willing but anxious to have tbo motor on
that street. For the purpose of notifying
the motor company of their cbungo of heart ,
a petition was circulated among the prop
erty oxvnors , directed to the company , asking
that the work of construction bo recom
menced at once and pushed to completion as
soon as possiolo. In their petition the prop
erty holders practically waive all rigbts. At
4 o'clock yesterday all the persons interested
but eight had signed the petition , and three
of them had agreed to. This action insures
the building of the road and tno extension of
the broad way line and tno completion. The
company is anxious to lialsh the line , and
since nil opposition has boon withdrawn it is
probable the work of bulldlqg will bo begun
again not later than next week , and the
trains will ho running around the loop
within tnirty days ,
The question of xvho is to pay for the pav
ing has also been practically settled , to the
satisfaction of the property owners.
Steam and hot water heating , first-class
plumbing. Work done In both cities. John
Gilbert , CIS Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Testing I'nvlitir isrlclc.
The spectacle of an old citizen chasing an
other for several blocks was ono of the inci
dents of life on upper Washington avcnno
yesterday , The rear man was carrying a
full-grown paving brick and the man ahead
was trying to keep a tree between hlmsolf
and his pursuer , Tlio-ctmso ondcd only at
the doorway of the pursued. ' 'Uncle Blllv"
tons proudly exhibiting * the brick to his
friends and rcnmrklrijr that ho thought there
was "lust a brick's difference between my
ago and Mao's. " Thb it/oublo grow out of n
petition that WAS being circulated for n now
sidewalk on the south side of Washington
avenue between Second nnd First streets.
Democracy on , It * Mcttlo.
About 150 of the young : democrats of the
city assembled at t hotel ty building last evening
ing to floe if arrangements could not bo made
to send about 100 rep&sciitatlvcs to the state
convention at Sioux Qtly'next month. Tno
advisability of the pian Tfas concurred in by
nil present , and a committee , consisting of
Senator William dr6newofr , City Clerk It.
II. Huntlngton , nnd'Ohidf of Flro Depart
ment C. D. Walter * , was appointed
to confer with the railroad to
BOO what rates could bo secured.
The county convention will bo hold Septem
ber 10 and the regular delegates chosen , but
the local democracy wants n stronger repre
sentation at the state convention than just
thu number of delegates allowed by law.
The Coming Court.
A bar docket does not prove very interest
ing reading matter. The stories are short
and disconnected. The now docket just out
for the term opening next Tuesday , is a fat
ono. There nro 531 cases ot which 45 are
criminal , 107 equity , and 310 luw cases. There
arc only 24 divorce cases. The roll of attor
neys numbers even CO.
There area largo number of whisky cases ,
the prohibitory law not being yet so fully
enforced as to do away with litigation.
Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ;
cleaning and repairing nt E. Uurhorn.
Personal I'lirngrapln.
Frank Cook is holno from \Vatortown ,
John N , Baldwin Esq. and family nro ex
pected homo from the east to-morrow ,
Mrs. W. H. Olcmnchor has returned from
a visit to Memphis , Tenn. , und other south
ern cities ,
Mr. ana Mrs. C. Yocum , of Chicago , have
arrived in the city and will make the Bluffs
their future homo.
Miss Minnie Sutler has left for n visit of
sovornl weeks with relatives In Chicago and
Frocport , 111.
Mrs. W. E. Pnttison and children are vis
iting with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Z. T.
Fisher , nt Red Oak.
Mrs. C. B. Koyes Is visiting her old homo
in Itlpon , Wis. , for a few weeks , leaving the
good man disconsolate.
Brooks Reed , wlfo and family , have re
turned homo from a six weeks' visit to Mt.
Vernon , O. , his old homo.
Mrs. Horace Everett will arrive hero this
morning from Western Springs , a sanitarium
near Chicago , whore she has been receiving
electrical treatment. She is greatly im
proved in health , ana conies homo for n short
visit with her sons before tholr return to
school , after which she will return to West
ern Springs.
_ _
_ _
T710KSAM3 Two flno now six-room houses on
JI'aclllc ave. will bd sold tlu-op Tor n small
payment down and biUmicij to suit purchaser.
Ono six-room house In 1'loico's add. on Elahth
nvooneof ; the best and 'most elaborate lln-
Ished houses In tnat part of the city w 111 bo sold
right If tafcon soon. Kerr i ; Uruy.
FOll HA L13 Improved and vacant property
lu all parts or the city. Call and ueo mo. K.
M. Jlaynu.
"VTOTIOKl Notice 1 Notlco We have several
J- > choice residence l6ta that ve will bullet
either email or large bouses to stilt purchaser ,
and AMll. It drstrecl , selb on easy payments.
Draw your own plans , then , call and let us build
you a home. Kerr & , urayG03 Kirst ave. Coun
cil llluira.
T710H KENT Eljtht now B-roora cottages on
A. Avenue H , baokett's wld. to city , Jtents
very reasonable. Cull and let us show you thorn.
Kerr & , Gray. f
THOU IlENT-T of the'most" beautiful cottages
-L In Council HluflH ; < > one block from motor
line ; now houses ; city water in the houses and
all modern conveniences. Sea Kerr & Gray.
TOOK BAIE 120 acre fnrm In Jasper county ,
J- lou a , located near coal minus that are in
operation. There Is a lire foot vein , of coal
under the farm. Gco. SIetc lf , No. 10 Pearl st.
T71OK SALE Improved and unimproved prop-
Jerty in every part of the city. Hare oppor
tunities for Investors who seek speculations ;
uplendtd opportunities for HIOSH who closlro
homes. Geo. Metcalf , No. 10 I'earl st.
BUSINESS locations oc Main and IUoachiav >
at great bargains. Geo. .Motculf , No. 10
Pearl st.
FOR SAF.E SO feet lake frontage located be
tween C II. boat house atiil Munaua beach.
Also a number of choice lots In Kogatta place.
Oeo. Jlotcalf , No. 10 I'earl bt.
FOH SALE Aero lots In Orchard place. This
property Is located In the Jtlco nursery ,
Boutli of the main part of the city. 1H miles
from courthouse.
IF you want some gemimo snaps In choice lots
on bottoms call and see Kerr Ss Gray. They
liavo some lots that must bo sold regardless of
cost before Nov. I.
T P you have anytnlnor In the line of icnl cstato
-Lor chattels you want to exchange or dispose
of , you should call on Keir & . Gray. You can
find them at their olllce , C0. " > first ave. . Council
TT1OH BALK 137 acres 40 miles north ot Chi-
JL cage adjoining Lake Villa ( a beautiful sum
mer resort ) , sftrrouniUd by many oeautlful
lakes. For further particulars call or address
Kerr & Gray , Council lUiilfa.
E On monthly payment * , very neat
now house near Harmony mission. Call or
address Kerr & Uiuy , 503 First uvo , Council
T710H SALU Some nlco duellings on Harrison
-L and Ilcnton ata. Call nud investigate. Kerr
4 : Gray ,
FOR HENT Houses in ill parts of the city.
Kerr to Gray. f05 Hrst ave. _ _
T7 OH SALE Or exchange for city property ,
13 fcO acres of improved Und city , dull or
addioss Kerr & Gray.
T71OU EXCHANGE Several farms to exchange
J- for houses and lots.
Btock of stationery to trade for land.
Sluo-ucrn farm In Iowa to exchange for city
Fine farm In Pennsylvania , clour , with Im
provements costing & \uOO , to exchange for west
ern property.
It you liavo anything to exchange call and
see us. Jonnstou & Van Patten , Ilv erett blocK.
Infant's Kill Button Shoos 20c , formerly 60c. Gents' Soomlcss Congress. 81.00 , worth $2.00.
Misses Kid ixnil Goat Button , OOc , worth 81.75 , Gonta' Fine Dross in Button , Lneo nrnl Congress , all
Ladles' Kid nnil Goat Button , $1.00 , worth $2.00. shapes and weights , $1.03 , worth $11.00.
Ladies' Grain Button , 75o , worth $1.50. Gouts' Hand Sowed French Calf Shoos in nil stylos.
Ladies' Dongola Kid , Button , $1.75 , worth $3.50. widths and sixes , $ . ' 1.50 , worth S7.CO.
Ladles' Kid , Oxford Tics , 05e , worth $1.60. Men's ' Kip Boots , $1,60 , worth $3.00.
Ladies' Serge Conprcas , 2 to 8 , 50c worth 81.25. Men's Cnlf Boots. S2.00 , wo th $5.50.
Ladies' ' Slippers , 20c , worth 05c. Best Calf Boots , Hand Sowed. ? 5.00 , worth $7.50.
Remember the prices quoted above are for two weeks only. You arc requested to call early
so as to avoid the rush. Do not miss the above bargains , you cannot afford it. Follow the
crowd to the bargain seekers headquarters at the great
Boots and
Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street ,
T710H BAT.K Two now 5-room hoiiHOS 3I00
J-1 each. 8 0) ) ilown , unluiii-o M2.5U per month.
New 7-room houvo on Av A , Jl.TiW.
Nowfi-room house on Ave , A , 81,100 , Very
easy paj inonts.
Goodc-room hon. o on Ave. n , J 1,200. Easy
terms. '
Mno resilience on First RVO , f 10.000.
Bovoral line lots on Ave. A. * IJ ( ) each.
Lot In Curtis & ttumsey's addition. $ . ' > 50.
Good rosldonces for nnlo on Fourth mid ItlufT
streets , on Oakland and Pnrx avcmtoi nt low
prices and c sv terms by Johnston Is Van 1'at-
en , Everett blocic.
T71OH quick sale list your property with K. E ,
* ? Mnyno , lllu llroadmiy.
mo INVESTOHS-Don't buy real estate until
JLyou see mo. I have something always on
hand that will make you money. K , K. Mayno ,
flli ) II roadway.
T IIAV15 for sale & number of good lots on
J-paymonta of 810 down and JT per inontn ; lots
fullslzohnd title perfect. It. G. May no.
IP yon n ant to buy. soil or exchange real es
tate call on E. E. Mayno , (110 ( Broadway.
WANTED litiycrs ot real estate to know I
have a cholro list of bargains. Call and
see mo , K. E. Maynp , OJO llroadway.
have .T-M acres of extra line farming land
In South Dakota near railroad to exchange
for city property , Kerr i ; Gray , Council llliilts.
\ [ 7A NTBP Seekers after real estate snaps to
T t call on F. E. Mayno. 019 Uroadway.
WANTED A peed horse and buggy. Kerr
.V Gray.
WANTED A first clas'j plumber at the low.i
institution for the deaf and dumb. Ono
\vhoundurstundaBteatn lit tint ? preferred. Ap
ply by mall or lu person to Henry W. Kothert ,
A seven-room house for saloat&J25.
Investigate tnls. Johnston & Van I'atton ,
Kverett block.
REAL KSTATrX-llought and solil ana ex
changed. Special attention given to exam
ination of titles.V. . C. James , No. 1U 1'oarl st. .
Council Oluffa.
fpABLR boarders wanted atiS Oonton street.
-L Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. I. W.
ft PEll CENT loans made on real estate , cash
won hand. F. J. Day.
BEAUTIFUL homo on Oakland ave. at a
A bargain , r. J. Day.
/20xl80 on Oakland ave.,13,000. , V. .1. Bay.
9 OxSOO on Pork ave. , ti.OOO. F. J. Day.
A COHNKIl on 4th ave. , 11,350. F , J. Day.
jt\ .
A CUE property for homes and gardening. F.
HOMES forsalo on monthly payments. F. 3.
Day. _
TWANT to trade a farm for a lot on liroad-
-1-way near llth ht. r. J. Day. _
avenue property that will double
GHAHAM ay. I' . J . lny. _
on Broadway , First avenue and Ave
nues A and 1) . chtap. F. J.Day.
HAVE a snap for an Investor for to-day
I only , r. J. Day.
I have the Inrpcst and
finest stock of hulr goods
west of Chtcaeo , and I
hnvo determined to close It
'nil ' out with the intention
of going out of the busi
ness. Ladies who desire
nnythlng in my Hue will bo
given an opportunity to
buy it nt less than hnlf the
UMial prices. The goods
nro first class , and all orna
ments , etc. , made up In the
latest styles.
_ I Orders by mail receive
prompt attention ,
Ni . 21) MaliiSt. , C'ounoit BIuflfc.
I'res. Vice 1'ros.
CIIAS. It. H ANNAN , Cashier.
Paid up Capital . SI5O.OOO.OO
surplus . 35.OOO.OO
Liability to Depositors. . . . 335OOO.OO
DlilKCTOll"- . Miller , RO , aieasou. K. fj
Bhugart , E. E. Hart , J. D. Kdinundsoii. Chan. IL ,
Illinium. Transact general banking business ,
Largest capital anil surplus of any bunk in
uobtlmostorn lo\\a Intore-tf on time deposits.
ft O'lUUHy.
Council Bluffs , la.
Conducted by thFsisters of Charity ,
An excellent educational Institution , fur-
nUhod with all modern Improvements for
lioai ding and day school. Tlio acodumlo year
consists of t o sessions , beginning on the first
Monday In September mid February , respect
TEU&I8 Hoard and tuition , per Bosnian. J73.
1'or further particular ! ) address
HIsUu- Superior , Ht. Francis Academy ,
Council Illiifl'H , lii.
Centrally located , Flrtit-clnss turnouts , fresh
horses ana now carriages , Not an old rig In
the utablo , BpecliU attention ylven to funerals ,
und reduced rates for can-lopes for this pur
pose. \f , A. JIAVU8. Proprietor.
Telephone 77 , iu Dread way.
Newly Furnished
Connected by Motor
Located on Lake Manawa , the finest Watering Place and Sum me
Resort m the west , Beautiful Boating and Fishing.
Unparalelled Bathing Beacn.
CO D AW Hy if I Special Ratoa to Parties and Families. Gor-
OIK. r er uay solicited.
Hero Mill and Power , Badgsr Shelter , Apple
ton Feed Gutter and Wood Saw.
Vfa ! is to Hinder You Buying a Piano OP
Organ Now ?
Wo hnvo a very largo stock of the celebrated
Hardman , Fisher and Everett Pianos
Royal and Century Organs ,
And to reduce It will make special discounts
fortlionc\tJOlu)8. ! (
Wallace also the ajiency for tlio Cl'LnilllATE
MUfcIO AND JIUblO HOOKS. Bend tot cat *
lognc. AiWreM r r
103 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la
"it Is a BEAT-ALL. . , because it never breaks , splits , crnclcs or curls.
Because it is indestructible in the weather , and will undergo no change m
n any climate.
Because it is more durable than any other roof made , iron , tin , slate or wood.
Because it can bo quickly put on without skilled labor und is cheaper than
Because it has boon proven by the severest trials and lias never failed.
For further information apply to
Boom 6OO First National Bank Building , Omaha.
Council Bluffs ofilco , 116 Pearl Stroot.
Kspeclally Adapted for
25 T0300
HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators
BpeclQcatlons and estlmutoH turnUhtdfoi complete utcam plants. lleKulivtlon , durability
( guaranteed. Can HIO\V letturx from users wluiru fuel economy Is oquul
\tltli Corliss Non Condensing. Hend for entulo uo.
E. C. HARRIS , Agent.
. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs.