Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1889, Part II, Page 14, Image 14

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    - * * B. * * %
jwMvrfius . .
_ _
No advortlacmonts wilt bo token for
those columns nftor I213O p. in.
Terms-Cash In ndvnnoo.
Advertisements tinder this head 10 cents per
line for the r.rsl Insertion , 7 emits for each sub-
requcnt Insertion , nnd ll.6 ( ) per line per month.
No ndvrrtlftiimentft taken fo- less than - > cents
for lltMt insertion. Brven words will be counted
to the line : they must run consecutively nnd
must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise
ments must bo handed In before 12:30 o'clock p.
m. , ami under no circumstances will they be
taken or dl contlnucd by telephone.
Parlies advertising In these columns and hav
ing tlielr answers nddretsed In care of Tun UKE
will plenno ask for a check to enable ISiein to Ret
their Icltms. as none will bo delivered except
on presentation of check. All answers to ad
vertisement * nhculd bo rnclosert In envelopes.
AH advertisements In thcsa columns nro pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
TIIK DEE. thn circulation of which nRgregntei
more thnn 1P.OW ) pnperi ( Ully , additives the ad-
TertlscrMthobenelH. not only of the city circu
lation of TIIK lint , hut also ot Council Hindu ,
Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towni throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising forthrae columns will be taken
on the above conditions , at the following busi
ness house * , who nro authorized agents for Tun
HKE special notice * , nnd will quote the same
rates as con bo hnd nt tha icaln olllce.
tl Btrcet.
_ _ _
fill ABE It FDIY. Stationers nnd Printers , 113
V Bouth ICth Street.
_ _ _ _
S II. FAItNBWOIVTH , Pharmacist , 2115 Gum
, ming Street. _
WJ. 11UCIIIES , Pharmacist , G24 North Ktb
i Street.
Grp. W. PAIUl. Pharmacist , 1COO St. Mnry'B
H UaHnS'l'llAIlMAOV. 2203 Fnrmun Btroet ,
Situation as wel nuwo by n
WANTED young woman ( baby 0 weeks old. ) :
Mrs. Hregn , 311't 8.1. ) . 8TKKT
A YOUNG married man In reduced clrcum-
-O. stances desires n position. Am willing lode
do anything and will servo employer fnlth-
fully. Address 11 18 Ileo. i L.
ANTED -In store or ollloe situation by
young man not nfrnld of work ; salary no
object. Address T. , South Omnha. Neb.
2U1 2ilt
NO. 1 active experienced business man wants
n position on the road Sept. 1 , ns collector
or salesman. 11 IJJlee. Sr2 *
bread and case baker wants sftuntion
GOOD town. Charles WolllnKlon.Soulh
Oniaha Neb , 248 2M
\\7ANTED-Blluatlon wllh wholesale house
T T have had seven Yimrs * experience ns ship
ping clerk. Address Will L. Jenkins. 1KB
Howard Bt. 2JI7 2uT
WANTED Position as houoskeepcr or com
panion ; apply between und 24 nl 1222 N
ZUhsi. 141 26t
\\7A NTED Young man to assist booc ,
IT keeper Must be accurate accountant-
rapid penman , good correspondent. Enquire
between o nnd 10 u. m , ouly In tha olllce nt The
Fair. 32i-2.- ; >
\X7"ANTED I cooks for private families In
T > city , $5 : cook for Btanton ; one for
Crcston , J.O ; y girls tor Wymore , W nnd fares
all paid ; stenographer for city , SC'I ' ; house
keeper for Gorman. good wages ; 2 chamber
maids ; y dish washer * ; CO glrU for
woric. Our family places are the bout in city.
Omaha Emp. Hiirenu , 11 ! ) N. ICth. 330 23t
\i ; ANTED Salesmen everywhere for our adV -
V > Justnblu nil metal door ulates ( Can sell
nnd deliver at onco. ) Mndo of ulcUel , gold or
solid bronze , new goods just out , protlts large
and sales rapid ; no house canvassing. Write
for particulars. N. Y. Door Plate Co. . Newark ,
N.J. 341 3U
WANTED Intelligent , capable man for
factory work. State ago hnd wages ex-
peeled. Address Q 70. thla ofllce. 522 20 *
WANTED At the Fall , an experienced win
dow dresser. 1112 2jt
D Several good boys , ages from 16
tolH. Address O 71. this olllce. 3J1 SB *
WANTED Attho Fair , on orboforb August
HO , first class , experlonnod salesman In
shoe department. Must be able to speak Ger
man. 323 25
WANTED At the Fair , Urst class salesman
.In clothing department. 3U 2u
\\rANTED-AtthoFalr. a llrst class gents'
TT furnishing goods salesman. 323 2o
< hil5 weekly soliciting life , accident nnd sick
u > benefit insurance. Members accepted up to
75 years. Limited reserve S5'i.OOO' Live ngents
wanted. Mutual Union , Rochester , N. Y.
VV ANTED A first class Jeweler to take a
TT window In drug store. Rint cheap ; lient
and light furnished. Rest of references re
quired. Apply lo C. D.Gumey , cor. 24lh and
bewnrdsls. M 25 *
WANTKD An assistant drugglbt. Address
H 1 > . Ileo olllce. 240 25 *
W ANTED A gas and steam filler. Apniy
at once at Atlantic foundry , Atlantic , la.
243 20
"VyANTED Canvassers to sell hout-ehold artl-
TT cles tnat are sellers. 1'rollts largo. Address
with stamp for catalogue. R. T. 1'ugh , M)8 ) Main
St. . itaclne , W18. 245 2ot
rnilK Missouri wnsner atfords agents protlta-
JL bio business. U washes dirtiest clothes clean
in hot steam without rubbing. Arguments In
Its favor are numerous nnd convincing. Easily
Eold. Sent on two weeks' trial to bo returned
nt my expense If not satisfactory. Write for
Illustrated nrculnr and terms. J. Worth , St
Louis , Mo ,
WANTED-Live men wllh good habits and
pleasing address can Unit remunerative
employment bv nailing at Room 421 , Now York
Life bulldlng.Omaha. Correspondence solicited.
231 25t
GOOD reliable cnnvnssers.stendy employment
with The Slugor Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas nt.
Kst s in
WANTED-2JI railroad laborers for U. P.
company work , at Albright's labor agency ,
1120 Fnrnam st. 11)1 )
WANTED Good man In every town. Salary
paid weekly. Andress Sherman , Taugen-
\ > er B i Co. , 110 W. Lake st. , Chicago , WlMlt
ANTED good reliable men for dectlves In
every community ; paying positions. Ad
dress Kansas Detective Bureau , lock box 2W ,
Wichita. Kan. 110 gat
WANTED Agents everywhere for stereos
copic views of the Johnstown ruins. Lib
eral commission. NVhlte & Miuckler. fole
agents , Fort Wayne. Ind. 21 ! ) 27 *
WANTED For Washington Territory tlo-
makerx. choppers , carpenters , rock men ,
graders und tracKlayttrs , at Albright's Labor
Agency , 1120 Farnam at. ffil
WANTED-Salesmanto carry full line Cali
fornia Gloves on commission for this
territory. References rouired. Havmond ,
Bqulro & Co. , San Francisco , Cal. glB-Si *
tT3 ORDERS In 8 days : "I average 10 orders In
I 12 calls. " These extracts from iigeuts' let
ters : agents wanted In Nebraska. Address with
stamp , C. E. Osborne , llentrlco. Nob. 1141 a 17 *
ANTED A good olllco man to go east :
must Invest 12.500 ; must bo a good business
man. Address the Geo. B. Cllne Publishing
House. HID to 321 Wabash ave. , ChlcagoJII.
EN to travel for thr Fonthlll Nurseries of
Canada. Wo pay 50 totioo a month and
expenses to agents to soil our Canadian grown
fctock. Ad , Stone & Wellington , Madison , Wls.
ANTED Agents. Magic clear lighter ,
every smoker mirs , lljjhts In wind or rain ,
lasts a lifetime. Sample Me , two for2.r > , dozen ,
tl , br mall. Stamps taKeii , Austin & Co. ,
1'rovfdenco 11.1. -
\\7ANTED-$25 weekly roprei-oi'tatlve , mule
or female. In every community. Goods
staple ; houeehold necebblty ; sell at sight : no
peddling ; salary paid prcmptly , nnd expenses
advanced , 1'ullpurtlfulura und valuable sample
case Free. Wo mean just what wo xay ; nddrons
at once , Standard Blherwaro Co. , lloston , Mass.
WANTKD Head laundress and Z assistants
for Utah : womantmstry cook. $ .H ) ; cook
for small liolel In 8. Omaha , $25 ; 1 lu city. $23) )
kitchen elrl , $15 ; 25 for eoneral housework.
Mrs. liregtt.UHHB. lit. 278 ait
LADY ngcuta wanted to sell tha Maduino
Wllllauuon corset. Largest sale of any patent
cortet lu the maritct. Good territory , Apply
Ker lIt 8. Cth St. . Sju Louis. Mo.
-Girl. family of two , mutt be com-
patent coot ; references , lutl B.UUth ave ,
| 281 27T
_ _ _ _ _ _
ANTED Four good looking young ladles
for light employment during fair woee ,
Good wages to rlglit parties. Address H 23 ,
Hep. U44-M
_ _
ANTED Girl 12 years of auo to umuso
unu care for children. 635 Georgia live.
811 2d
WANTED- tu small grown family.
N lev place f or coodclrl. UU5 Williams bt.
BID > 6t
W ANTF.n Olrl to do general house work.
Call at 21158 , llth St. 207 Sl
WANTED Olrl , small family , good iragcs.
Apply 1112 S. lUth St. 289 8i
WANTED A first girl : must be a good cook
nnd laundruM , nnd well recommended :
wngcs 118 per month ; eight In family. Cnll ni
room in. Continents ) building , or address box
221. Omnha. J , II. Dumont.Bl.T-20
-Oood COOK and waiter at 220J
filming Btrcet. 810-SOt
ANTElT-Good girl , 3 m family. 1034
Saundars. iffg-25 *
ANTED-A girl for general housework ,
faiN.ailh st. cor California. 173
WAIBTnnd skirt matters wanted. Mrs. Pco-
lleld , 1MB Douglas. 23a 25
'W7"-ANTED Girl for general housework In
> T BiiiHll family nt gain Howard st.ta
\\TANTKD German girl to do cooMnit and
TT washing , bent of wages paid. Inquire J.
L. llrandels. .24 B l th st. g
WANfHD Uscomi'lirtud turn t.ire for
AddrrstJ. W. L-igin 07 So. 10th st. State
where can bo see. 29 { 25 *
Itnllroad contracts on land * for
lots , houses , etc , Paul , 1WJ Farnam.
VV ANTED September 1st , two young men lo
TT take room nnd board. Only tlb'.ocKH from
p. o. on , cnhlo. All modern conveniences ,
Prlco f,0 : per mouth. Address H 11 Ileo 2.0
W ) il rooms for IlKnt hoiiRoKcenlng ,
on second Door preferred , or part of IIOUHO ,
11 12. iieo oiiiin. _ a 2 as
WANTKD To rent , a mudtum-rlzed store
room , MUltnbla for retail purposes ; cell-
trnlly locnted ; beLdmiliiR nuout Sopt. I. Address -
dress llou olllcu , 1121 Sl'J 23
_ _
WANTKD lly nn exporlimcod gnrrtennr. to
lease for one or more yoiirs dovolopud gar
den ground ! ! . Address P , O. box 'i2 , " > . lent ) cltj'
references. lKi-27j
TjlOJl UKNT I'rotty 7-room house , bath nna
JJ Kis. ! IUCalirornlii st , . 32.1 pvr month. In
quire Ulngwalt IJros. , 37 Barker blocK. _ 111II
WANTKD Furnlshi-d cottage , A or 6 rooms ,
by family of . ' ! , from Sept. 1st. Address
( li.1i , Ileo olllce. . _ h77 _
FIHST class any ooard. Inquire 1CUU Douglas
_ 16 * _
WANTED Hoom nnd board , permanently
In private family , between Lcnvenworth
nnd Fnrnnm streets , west of 3 th > iti-coc , by a
young lady. Btato price , must , bn reasonable. ,
( teed references furnished and required. Address -
dress 11 17. lice. UlJ-gOt
HE8SMAKING In families , C27So. Kth. nvo.
019 b > t
to dodressmnkiiiK In fa ml
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 61'J S aith St.
FOR KENT FIna 11 nnd UMoom houses with
all modern Improvements , Cass struct , bu-
tween24ihand sts. , at low rates. U. T.
Clarke , 2120 Citss st. 2t&
HAIiFof a fl-room cottage.cellar , cistern and
city water ; on pavement nnd car line ; nlco
trees and large yard. Kent , SIU. II. II. McMahon -
Mahon , cor. of lith : and Arbor sts , 274 23
FOR URNT 0-room Hat , ail outside rooms ,
over IbOl llowanl at. 311 23
FOR RUNT NlceTUght 7oom baseme"nT.
S.T S. 'ir-'d st. IiOM-
AFUVV residences In the W. J. Paul block yet
vacant. Most attractive , modern and
cheapest , t-eo thorn cor I''th ' and Chic mo. 1'or
good tenants only. Paul , 11XW Farnam. 318-2. >
tTIOR UENT A desirable 0 room house for J25
-L' per month , 3U N. 2Uth tit. , between D.ivon-
portand Chicago. 270.6t
"IT'OIl HRNT Klegnnt rooms in modern brlcK
-L residence ; board If desired. lt l Cuss st.
] M 2'it
TTIOH HUNT 7-room , 2-story house , barn for
J-1 4 horses If desired. For terms for the winter
call on or address C. F. Ilarrlhon , Merchants'
Nat'l Hank. 10
"CWK HUNT To responsible family without
X ? children , for terms of yenrs at low rental ,
a deslrahloresldence.furnlshed or unfurnished ,
21th-and Cass streets , or wruld sell at low
price. UogcH & Hill , Iteal Estate , UOS Farnnm.
I7\OK \ KENT 2 tints , one B rooms , one Grooms ,
-L to parties without children ; modern conven
iences. Also for rent or sale on easy terms. 3
new fi-roora cottages. N. E. Adams , u. e. corner
22d and Miami ats. IWJtt
TT.Oll RENT 4-roora house , 51li Williams st.
FOR UENT A new 0-room house , south 8th
and Center streets ; well nnd cistern.
12920 ?
TfOK HENT-81x room house , 8. E , corner Ihth
JL1 and Chicago sts. 145
FOR KENT 12-room nouse ; furnace , barn ,
large full lot. 1917 Cuss st. K85
OU6E9 for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnnm.
"CWR UENT 4-room cottage near Fort Omn--
-D ha. IA per month. Sell for tl.100. 1) . V.
Sholes , 210 Flrft Katlonal bunlc. KIT )
FOR URNT T-ffo cottages. Inquira llios.
SwJft , 405 N 16th st , SIS 2S
T71OR RENT 7-room home , 28th nnd Capitol
-Cave. Inquire,2S21 Dodgo. 811
NEW live-room cottage for rent. Kussoll ,
Pratt & Co. , : < 10 8. IGth St. 500
SIXnow houses , 6 to 8 rooms each , prlco very
low. Call upon or address , Nob. Mortgage
Loan Co. , room 518 P.mon bl'ic. I'M
I710R RENT 7-roomed house , city water.bath.
JL ? largo cellar , etc. , 2S2i ! Franklin ut. Apply
room too Merchants Nat'l bank bldg. 870 28r
TfOR RENT Two nine room brick houses on
JL1 Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on name street , with all
conveniences ; price f.ij to Kr , per month. D. V
Bholes. 210 First National Hank. 311
TOOK RENT Residence , 2100 Douglas St. . now
JL' bouse , all modern Improvements ; not u
basement house. Enquire of Morltz Meyer ,
Cor. Kllh nnd 1' arimm. ( J23
"O OUSE forront , 1023 Dodge. j
T71OR RENT 7-room Hot , f i per mo. above
JL1 The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire TheFatr.
OR IENT--10-room brick house on 20th st.
nearLeavenworth. Apply at No 8278.2utn
WILL lenae for ono or morn years a large 7-
room house with all modern conveniences ;
Is nicely painted outside , hard-finished 'nside ,
nicely papered , two large bay windows ; three
blocks trom court house. Wl 8 20th. ! > H5
TTtOR RENT A detached 0-room house , all
JL' modern conveniences. F.nq. SKfl Capitol ave.
; 227
TT1OR RENT 10-room house , steam heat , all
JL' Improvements , cheap rent. G. E. Thompson ,
room 214 , Bheely block , . 15th and Howard.
" 171OR RENT It-room cottage. 103 80 , 28th st.
JL1 (13. Klugwalt Hro9. , Room 117 , Darker block.
TilOR RENT-Sept. 1st. n5-room collage , wllh
JL' bath-room nud closetluthbet. St.Mary s nvo
and Leavenwortn. David Jnmlesonil4 : 8. 15th
T71OR RENT Fine largo residence , hard-wood
JL. llnlsh , all convonlenceB , low rent to private
family ; 21(1 ( N. Itfth st. m <
TT10R RENT The C-room Hat occupied by Dr.
JO Gilmcre. 2d lloor. No. loci Howard st , inquire -
quire ot Geo. Higgles , Mil Howard bt , 182
T71OR RENT Six new.Vroom cottages , ready
JL1 on or before September 1. Ulth and Halt
Howard strectn , healthy location , near Farnam
cum. Kent , each 115 per month , Miltable for
small tidy famlllus , John H. F. Lehmann , 024
B. 17th 81. 441
pI.KABANTroom wltn all conveniences with
JL board If desired , liefeieucea required. No ,
SU1U California st. U24-25 *
FOH RENT-Nlce furnished rooms , very
reasonable , 417 N 14th Bt. 27C-SOt
OOM with or without board , 1612 Dodge.
ITKHi RENT Furnished Bleeping rooms , (1,50
JL' and t2 week , to ? nnd KM Howard. 8711 25t
ROOMS with or without board , eas bath , COt
H. Uth. 2d lloor. & > } 2i > t
FOR RENT-Nicely furnished front parlor.
_ 108 N , 17th St. 283 20 ;
FR RENT IVo well furuUhed cottnectinc
front rooms , togelher or bopuratoly. All
conveniences. 1'rlvnto family. Wm , H. llcrry ,
117 8. ath st. U3i-'J7t
TTtOR RUNT Nicely fnrnUhed front loom for
X' one or tuo gentlemen\\lth or without board.
JjmilNlBHKD front room fur rout , 4218. loth.
FOR ltI5NT Two newly furnished front
rooms. No. 115 a 28th st. B01 got
EOOM8 nnd board forn'gontlemanj a dcslrn }
bio location. KS3 e. 2.Uh nve. 108 28t
T71OR RENT Z front rooms , cor. Htth and
JL ? Ix > avonworth. furnished to suit occupant !
modern conveniences. 122 got
n'UHNiailEI ) rooms , gas nnd linth , 1(112 ( Hnr-
TOR llBNT-2 nicely furnished rooms with
JL1 board. Gentlemen only , 016 Douglas st.
T71OR RENT Two large nnd ono smnll room
JL' tor light housekeeping , 2o20 Douglai si ,
000 ! C7J
T71OR RENT Two furnished rooms , with
.U bonrd , suit able tor four gentlemen , three
MOCKS from poslolllco. Apply 101\ Chicago st ,
FURFlSHhl ) roomiwllh bonrd , n w corner
ItJlhnndFarnamstg. 08 J g , " > J
ST. CLA1R Kuropoan hotel , cor. 1.1th nnd
Dodgoj special rate by week or month.
FOR RENT Two parlors front nnd back on
first lloor , alio single rooms with bonrd ,
All modern coven ! ncei. \ fa.Douglas. \ . CK :
URNISllEDor unfurnlBhod house for rent
In Park Terrace , oupoMto Hanscom park ;
nil modern conveniences. InqiilreLea&Nlrhol ,
2tlh and Lcavcnworlh. 220
TTUJRNISIIEO rooms with nil modern con-
JL' venlenci'Sfor gentlemen only , 17JJ lloilgo st.
FOR RUNT Eieg.xnt furnlstiod room for
single genllomnu only. 7J1 S. IDth si. , ror.
Loavonworth. WO
RENT Two furnished rooms , on St.
JInry's nrcmio. To gcntlonuin onlv. lx
minutes WOIK of business center. Reference
required. Inquire nt store , 210 nud 212 8. Ifith st.
DDSIRAHLE rooms cheap , on car line , iili : )
N. Uth t. IKsl7 :
NICELY furnished suit of rooms nnd o-io sin
gle room. All modem convenience * , private
family. 2211 Fumam st. GSJ
GOOD room with bath. 613 8 , 20th st.
FURNISHED Front room , ion Fnrnnm.
14. , q 27'
SOUTH front room , meals In the house , l : 00
Cnpitol avenue. _ $ m
C10R RENT Tttofurnlstiel rooms , 311 north
JP 17th st. Reference rcniilrod. 3T.1 8 1
- . " - * j _ _ _
O ROOM Sal 3105 N "isih stfor light houso-
heat. 201 2h
O DESIRAHLE room * . ? term neat , 1-nih.eto
chenp. It an. HonrdTrndu 8fO 6fiT
FOR UKNT Two unturnlshfd rooms for
Itghl hoiifekcoplng. Another furnished. W7
Howard st. 2722M
FTItOOM second t'oor for light houscKeeplng.
-Tor man nnd wlfo wlthoul thlldren H. K
Cor. N. 22nd mid Hurl sts. : ) 21
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms suitable for
housekeeping , In suites ot8 to 4 ; convenient
location. Hull's Renting Agency , 1WO Farnam.
171OR KENT-Olllces lu "withnoll lllock. Iln-
JL' quire ot R. N. \ \ Ithuvll. room 17. 2 2 2x't
FOR RENT-pinTbrlcfc htore rooms ou S inth
bt. , No. DIP , Iil7. ) Ui , etc. Ono f-room cot-
Inge , 12HI on Mason St. . in good order. Inquire
o : John Ilumllu , ui7 s 13th ti. 311 : ii
OR RENT Store room"corTftUlTiiml N stZ ,
South Omahx Ic- ! location In city for
gouts' furnishing or dry good-i hfjre. Inquire
ot J. J. Mahuuey. room i > U Paxton blk. 4:2-hU :
TO RENT Desirable war hou-io room on
track. Apply to C. W. Keith , 714 lUelno St.
FOR business purposes 2d floor , rOxI'K , in
Paxton building , IBth and Knrnnm. entrance
on Farnnm. passenger nnd fi eight elevator ,
north nnd south lli-lit. will divide into two If de
sired. Ileyman it Delclies , 1518 Farnam st.
WI4 a 2i
I7IOR RENT The 4-story brick butlaing with
JL1 or without power , formerly occupied byTho
llee Publishing Co. . U13 Farna.m st Thj tmlld-
injhas a lire-proof cemented basement , com
plete Htenra healing llxturss , wntor on nil the
floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of Tile Uee.
_ _
TJpOR RENT-Slores and living rooms on'cunv
J- leg st. AlsohouseonCassst. Harris , room
411 , IbfNat. Hank. Vst *
FOR RENT A large warehouse on Jones st ,
bet 13th nnd 14tb , three stones nnd base
ment. 44 by KM feet , well llghtud nml very
strongly built , sulta'ile for heavy machinery
for manufaiturnig purposes , will len e for tlvo
or more yearn nt reasonable rent. Inquire of
Henry A. I Ionian. 413 8. 13th Bt. _ 2JM fit
FOR RENT Tne corner room under the Ne-
braska National bank will FOOII bo for rent ,
the Equitable Trust Co. removing to larger
The npace Is about doutle that occupied by
fheC. . H. .VQ. ticicet o'lk-o. ' The Hour Is tiled
vmi me room cnn bo made desirable tor n R. R.
n cKet or broker's olllce.
"For particulars npply ntbnuk. Gt2
A SELECT school for children , tinder the
Eclectic system ns taught by Prof. Rica-
nrds. W. D. C. , will bo opened Sept. . ' , ISO.
Home comforts can bo had In building. For
further particulars address Mrs. W. . 1112 Cap
itol ave. ; J42 2 ;
A OVERTIMING , book nnd directory ngents
-cX wrile us nt onco. Uupnrnliwlled opportu
nity. The Union Co. , pub'rs. and advurvortls-
era. Chicago , 111. U'0-2' ) ?
HUN of refined tastes can bo f > iltea"with n
box of choice cigar ? Imported by W. B.
Hamilton , Darker block. SUJ
3.W will buy lease and furniture ot 18-room
house , 117 N. 14th : rent JJi1. 317 20T
ECONOMISE In fuel by covcnng your stsam ;
pipes with fossil meal nnn-nondiictlm ; cov
ering , the most elllclcnt and chenpent of nil
coverings. D. O. McEwan , western ngent. It'll
Howard st. 8U7 2l
THE banjo tnughc ns nn nrt by Geo. F. Gcllen
beck. Apply at llee olllce. u.'iO
T710R RENT-Ono barn ; 11 stalls ; large yard ;
JL1 clean and convenient ; otidtiire of FrosvA ;
Harris , Izard'st. bet. 22d and Ski sts. U61-
ARE you looiclng for an opporlunlty to en-
gage in the mercantile business. It no come
and see us. W. H. E. it M. E. , Room 14 Chamber
of Commerce , Tel. 1140 , uir ,
/ 1EB8POOLa cltf iw ] privy vaults , eic. ,
V cleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply nnd clean
ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co. , 1406 Farnnm street. Tel. 2S8.
tar , &r
Co. . 1205 Farnam Ht. I ) . H. Lyons. ic.'J 27
LOST On the afternoon of the 2)th ) Ins I. , on
Farnam ht. or ono of the streets north , nu
oil painting done u p In wrapping paper. 1'ltaso
uotltyJ. D. Chamberlain , No , U)0 ) ti , 2flth nt. ,
nnd receive reward. ; uu 25 *
f OST Churn engraved on back , Father to
JLJ am , liberal reward , 1303 Douglas st ,
J 81M 5
_ _ _
LOST Red seller bilch. nnd rod nnd while
setter dog , answering toiho names of Gipsy
and Dick. Liberal rewurd will bo paid for return -
turn of the dogs lo Lieut , 1 * 1C. Webster. Ft.
Omaha. 261.27
T OsT Suitable reward for return to Ilvcry
JU.table , n. w. cor , St. Mary's avo. nnd 17th st * .
of a large dark pocketbook containing money
and papers ouly of value tu owner , 176 'M
"I OST Larg < . young close-hatred St. llernanl
JJ dog , yellow with while breast nnd tout. Re
turn to 1130 Georgia are , , or UOt Douglas and get
rewurd. 634
LOST English Mastiff. Kelurn to 400 Paxton
block and net reward. 241-
Don't ruin your eye-sight by
reading or working by the light of nn old
, btyle lump or by poor gaslight when for t',60
you can buy the nickel-plated Connecticut
lamp , complete with chimney nud 10-Inch dome
shade. It gives n light equal to the Incandes
cent electric light. It Is easy to wick , free from
odor nud perfectly safe , wrlto for Illustra
tion ) or cull and see it ut MooUy's China utoro ,
3j2 North ICth et. 3J7 25
1 > KHSONAL Ladles , cut this out. The Mrs.
E. Von Rex bust developer is cheap , harm
less , and siirt ) . Satisfaction guaranteed It
given a fair trial. Price $1 per box. Sample
tlze2.r)0. Addrem Mrs. B. Von Rex , room 2U ,
MoVlcker's theater building , Chicago , 111.
VJ EATbrunetlo widow24 years old with $3.300
Ll wishes to correspond with u respectable
gentleman , photos exchanged ; will answer 'or
reluru all toilers. Address H 7 , llee , 240 26t
I BRSONAL-Wtllthe two youns ladleaVho
met gentleman on cable Sunday eve nnd
made engagement for Wednesday evu pleuuo
Bend addim to H 10 , Ileo oulcu ? KJ'J net
TOR AGE nt low rates nt 1131 Farnam K
Omnha Auctlonftntv Storngo Co. _ ti37
VV ANTED Furultu'fle. carpets , stoves nnd
' hoiifiehnld goqd of nil Kinds. Omaha
Auction St Btorrge Co7(1121 Fnrnnm , _ SS17
MORRIHONA ELY-fltorngfl anil forwarding }
fr > eclnl nrrancomonts for commission mer
chants , 1213 lavenw rth ; lol. 41l . , Oinaha. _
RTORAGi : nnd forwnrdlng. AVe collect nnd
deliver goods ofirtll descrlpt'on ' , morclmn-
disc , furniture nn bapgaRe nt cheapest rates
for storage for any loligth of time. Vnns nnd
wagons to bo had nt shortest notice , wltn onro-
ful men for moving , racking nnd shinning
from our own witraJtouso done on modernto
charge. Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded.
Warehouse on our own trncks. Olllce 217 S 14th
Bt. ; telephone 114. llowell & Co. 240
mitAOKAGK lornffont lowest rates. W. M.
JL Hushmnn 1311 Lenvenworth. 233
FORTUNE Teller -Mrs. Lonormnn ran ba
consulted ou nil nITalwof Ufo. Patlsfao-
tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st. uai-a.8'
MAD A irWcirinaEton world renowned as-
trologlst. test medium aud do.stlny roailor ,
Jusl from IHirope , Tells your life from the
cradle lo the grave , routines ihe separated.
CMISCS spcftdy marriaga with the ono you love.
locates dlfcease * nnd treats with massage nnd
electric baths. All In trouble houll , not fall to
consult this gifted seeros * . Psr.ourO , upstairs.
417 South llth. ollice hours from 10 a. in. to 10
p. m. " _ l'L l
r\"ll. NANNIE V. Warren , clatrvoynnl. mull-
JL/eal nud business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. 110 N ICt'.i st. rooms a mid 3. WJ >
QTA N 1) AiTirshorth and scllooC I'nstoii iilte7
lk.JlHllccoH or to Vuleiitlno'H ) llio largest cxclu-
slve shorthand school lu the west. Tearhors
provorbaUm reporters I'lirtlctilar attention
tmli ! to lypcwrltliie. Mechanical construction
ofmnchmn taught by factory expert , Circulars.
WIllTTLnSEY'S Shottlnnl School. Harxor
block. Send for circulars ; Lord's pr.ivor
In shorthand fioe. ITO-slt
OMAHA Huslnots'O\llo7e. ) nnr ICth and Cnpl-
tolave. Shortnaiiil I'lio largest nud most
successful shorlliand doi ; irtuienc In Ihu stu't- :
Stan'inrd methods taughl. Munsoii's rovl > ia.l
of 'b9 nspecluliy. Call or wmo for tarms.
FOR SAI E-FnTilly cm-Ingonov. phnoton
Eoarlynow. iie.visoc h.inuss , faml y horso.
Call nt 'ia ) N nth st. 2 i ) 6
WATER spaniels I h-wo n few extra
lluo Wuter SpanHls for hulc. 1 03 Hurt.
305-2.- . . ;
1710 R SALE The furniture and lease of a six-
JL1 room boarding liouso. _ ' ) llr t class board-
ert" . paying Jl a week I nil ou or a ml less G ,
it. Moorr. cnrj of Nob. Furniture it Carpet Co. ,
( HOiind ( KW N. HI. 3jH 20
_ _
FOR SALE Moslor safe , outvldo mnusuic-
meut t x ifx j. good condition. Enquire
Gotham cigar store , s.e. cor. ICth nnd Ioib ) : < : Ms.
J , ' 1 1t 1 1
FOR SALE Furnlturo complete for house ,
keeping , cither by the pk-ce tr nil together.
lniiIro7iMi ( ; ! N. IGth tt. 3d llojr , room ' > .
J ! ) ; i72M
_ _ _ _ _ _
FOR SALE Vine yomicr driving mare nud
loni1 cart ; also c.mopy top .uirry nud old
buggy ; cheap for cash. 2.V.D Doujjlns st.
PUG I'U ] pies Uii'o t ( > r sale aline lot of
stnndnrd bred pucs. Address 11. H. Lyons.
Glithlte Center , la. f * 2' > 1 2Ti
FOR 8ALK Cheip klndlhv , ' , 1711 Douglas"
' { BALE Good team blncS carriage liorics
JL and : i tenm mules , will sell cheap. R. N.
Wltliccll , room 17 , Wljhncll Hlou * . 201 2'T
FOR 8A LK Fresh Jersey cow and ho.fer cnlf.
R. N. Withnell , rbo'm 17. Wlilmoll Itlock.
' 201U >
FOR SAliE Law library. 1510 Douglas.
U17 25
IOR SALE 'llifeo Thatcher furnaces , good
as now. Apply 8313 Fiiiunm at. ' , ' 020
T7\OR \ SALE Chenp.'ono go'od square box top
JL' Lugpy. Inquire nt 201. > iiurt. 770 201'
FOR SALE A .Ti-horse power Porter engine
in good condition , weight eii > J pounds , cyl
inder llxltl. For particular. ! apply to Une Heo
olllce. ' , U3
TT.OR SALE 1 wo Miorso power engines , new.
-I- cheat ) for cash or on time , 618 and 511) 1'iix-
tou block. 134 2.- )
"IjllNKST carriage team instate , dark browns
JL1 mil 10 bands , weight 1.1V ) . Inquire W. 11.
Mlllard , S. K. cor lUtn and Douglas , Omaha.
70J a U
TTtOlt SA LE Cnsli or llme.Sgood teams , wng-
JL1 ons and harnesses , J. \VllHinsou. . 1417
Farnam fat. utO
ONB fireproof hnfe ; light express ;
four honeH.rhngingJrom ro to l.Aki pounds.
will be i-old verv cheap. Nebraska Mortgngo
Loan Co. , room J11H , 1'nxton blocK. f8j
"n nDLANO"Tilarnutee ( Jc Trust Co. . N. Y. Life
JTl-bldg , Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real estate examined , pcrffccted & guaranteed.
I ONKY to I onn Chattels , collateral estate.
I-Room (01 , Merchants Nat'l baiiK building.
M ! h-JIJ
BEFORE mnklng chattel or collateral loans ,
it will pay you to * ee The Western Invest
ment Co. , loom 4Ti lice blag. ] L'J '
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fnr-
JL nlsh cheap o.istorn mojov to borrowers.
purchase .securities , perfect Utles , accept loans
nt their western otllco. George W. I' . Coates ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trado. 281
MONEY loaned on chattel securities nna jew
elry. Rooni41I , S'leely ' block , Omaha Ne
braska. F. H. Jerome. 427 s2f
MONEY to loan ; casu'bh'lmnd : no delay. J !
W. Squire , luia Farnnm st. , First National
bank building. 280
THIRST mortgngo loans nt low rates and no
JO delay. D. V. SholoJ , 213 First National
bank. 2:1
miin ELKHORrJ Loan Co. give money In nny
JL amount on good security , furniture In use ,
horses , etc. Low Interest. Over ommerclal Na
tional Hani : , 13th and Douglas. t)2J-a7 )
TVf ONEY to loan on any security
J.TJL tor sfcort time , at low
rales. Ixiwrst rates
on personal
The Hcnderton Mort gaga Investment Company ,
room 40ii , I'axton block , 2t u
Ui M)7aToMis ! D. V. Bholes , 210 First
National bank. 281
M ONKY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , VM 1'arnam Ht. 277
made on real estalo and mortgnges
bought.Lewls lteed..VCo.U iilloard ; Trade
MONEY lo lonil on furniture , homos , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. J. W.
Ilobblns. HHi ! Kariiajn street , 1'nxton hotel.
QEE Bholes. room 210 , First Nut'l bank , before
kjranking your ioana , 2bl
MONEY Jonned.for,30ilOor to days on uiiy
kind of cnnltql security ; reasonable Inter
est ; conlldemlal. J.'J , Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
TJESIDENCE lonns-Mlvi to 7 per cent no nd
JUdltloiml chnrppK far commissions or attor
neys' fees. W , It. Melkle , First Nut bank bldg ,
( D500.00) to loan at'll per cent Liuahan & Jln-
tDhonuy , room COO'1'Axton block. 2a7
iTTLDlNG anii'oth'er ' ' rcaTestnte loan.s W.M.
Harris , room > , 1'renzor block , opp , 1 * . O.
J 274
MONEY to loan on real estate security , at
lowest ratee. lletore necctlatlng loans see
Wallace , It. 310 , llrowu hlilB.luth & Douglas. 282
First class Inside loans , lowest
WANTED Call and see us. Mutual Investment -
ment Co. , R1. Darker blk. . IMn and Farnain , 23 ;
TV10NKY loaned on furniture , hortes and
iTLwacons ; rales reasonable. City Loan Co , ,
lie H. mil ht. . opposite Mlllard hotei. 270
MONEY to loan on horses , wagong. mules ,
household goods , pianos , nrgau * , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllce lu
the city. Mate loamifor thirty to three hun
dred and sixty > nvo daya , which can be paid in
part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the
principal und Interest. Call and see us when
you want money. Wo can assist you promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity. Money always on hand.
No delay In makingr loam , 0. F. Reed & Co. ,
310 B. 13th st. over tilneliam & Sons. 2H3
MONEY to loan on furniture , Horses , waeoos
or securities ot any kind ; commerclrl und
mortgage notes bought at fair rate.- all busi
ness transacted conildeutlal. Collateral Loan
CO. , room U21 , Itainge building. 713
6 Per Cent money It , 802 , N. V. Lite Ins.
MONBVto loan on city or farm property ,
dec. J. I'ftul , 1M Famum Bt. 102
DO YOU want money ? If no don't borrow
before Retting tny rates , which are the low
est on any sum from II up to UO.WJQ.
] mnke loans on household Roods , pianos , or
gans , hrtr8onmulc , waion4wareliousc receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , tn nnynmotmtnt tholowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can bo made for one to six months and
you can pay a purtnt any time , reducing both
principal and interest. If you ewe n balance
on your furniture or hon e , or nnvo n loon on
them. IMI1I tnko It up nnd cnrry It for you us
lone tit you tic sire.
If you nocil money you will flnd It to your
BdvnutRgo to sea me Vioforo borrowing.
II. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building. 15tli
nn l Mnrney. 2H9
MONEY to loan We mnke liberal advances
on nil kinds of furniture , pianos , organs ,
horses nnd wagons , without removal , wltlioilt
publicity , iiml at lower rales than cnn bn hnd
clsowluT'iln the city. I'nynients can bo innuo
at any tlmo , which reduce both principal mul
Interest , Long nnd ahort time given nr.d lib-
ernl extensions mnde. All business strictly
confidential , llcforo you borrow or renew your
loan call nnd get our rates , llaurkeyn Invest
ment Co , room Kt , id ) floor , Douglns block , H. w.
corner Kith nnd Dodge Htroels. 803-8-21
K EYSTONi : Mortgage Co. Loans of JIO to
IliffK ) ! get our rates boforu borrowing nnd
nave money ! loan on homos , furniture or nny
approved security , without , ubllclty : notes
bought : for now loan , renewal of old ami low
est R ! 3Sheeloy blk.Uth& Howardst ,
' . '
MONEY loans negotiated nt low rat ° s with
ou tdeluy , mid purclmHo goods , commercial
paper nnd mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman. nor.
llitli nnd Farman. 272
NEHRASICA Mort. Lonn Co will make you a
loan 0:1 household goods ,
horso.s , wn pous ,
land contracts.
Una Jewelry , or f-ocuritlei of any felml
without publicity , nt reasonable rates.
Jloom 7. Howlnv block. South Omaha.
Hooms 518-lilff.Pnxton block , Omnua. Nob.
F RAIiic-A llrst class bank outllt with
' Imllulug , In a uniwlug - < kitoun ,
where ; i per cunt per month uarnlngs are guar-
auteed on investments psrfectlv tacuro , 1'or
pnrt'.cul ' ir. < liuiiilru of or nddrcss "Hanker , " 301
theeli-y block , OmnJii. Not ) .
T71OR SALE A llr t nlasi cho,1 hou < e. the bett
L. location In tlu city , iloluu a good IiUHlucss.
( Jo6d rcasbns for sailing. Tlmo llmltud. Ad
dress HK4 Ileo tor further partlculatrt. VCU-M
FOR SAIiH P'ean stoclc groceries , cash busl- , half trade. Add. II. I. ' , lluo. iU.--ai--
OIOAK store in city for JI50. rent $ : ! . 2cou-
V ffctlonurles nt renhouablo rates. Also good
rcstuuraut for $ r.C. Footl store for * TU > , In good
location. Co-Op. Land A : Lot Co. , 'Jtt N. Iftli st.
! K2 s
6 iT KENT WoH furnish7'cl hotel In gooa
town. Kent low. J. M. Hell , York , Neb.
FOR BAM ! A llrst claB' ! bakery and confes-
tlooery.\\UU cstnlillslied tradf.nml good con-
trnl location , oult.thst. . ; will invoice nt lo < s
tl-.nn n-nl vnltio and sell UIB whole or half In
terest to n good man. Address II f , Heo.
T41 2
_ _
TTIORSAMJ Saloon In goa.l lontlon. dolnz ; a
-t1 hrst class paving builiie . will acll cheap
for cash. O 57. ice ollica. _ 12 < 2
A SPI.KNDIO chance for nn active and good
XJLbuvlimss man v 1th a capital of about. M.IHK )
In n well established nnd prospering manufac
turing otiteiurlM * . Will bear the closest Inves-
tlgiitlun. Atldrass , H 2 , Hue olllcu. 222 2IB
" 1T1OR8ALK A well built up brlCK yard. 270
i ? feet from sldu track ; two statloimiy kilns ,
two drying wheds , brick mncliinu njw. house ,
utiibL * . v.-lm'l mill , wittvr tank , lead piping , to-
eettier with tlvo acres of land. Price $ IU ( ) . Ad-
diess C. lKttUl , Mutlliion. Nob. SM 2,1
( Tjll.ncd drug htoik-for sila In central pan of
tpotnuhn , hairs for hist two years between
Si-MtyianaillVIK ) . Rent only Jli per month ;
must hnvo halt cash , b.ihmci ! In secured notes
or clear lots In Omnlin ; this la a snap. Stringer
ii Penny , Ifouglns block. ace 28
W.NTKDA pmner with $1,001 to Ji. ! ) * ! to
takviilialf Interest In n well established
gmln nnd t > oed business. Address liox 11.
lirei'nwnod , Nob. ] ( i5
FOR SALE A grocery btoro nt Florence ,
Neb. , doing a busliluss oC SW to ? 10 ) u day.
will i-oll building and lot ; look this up before
you buy unywhero else. Cov an & llall.
141 21
HOTEL for rent ; the only hotel In town. Ad
dress lock box H , Nort.1 llend. Neb.
FOR SALE Elevator at Oakdnlo. Good loca
tion ! or uraln , llvu stock , lumber nml coal.
For particulars wrlto A. Truesdell , Fremont.
USINESS chnnce Fnloon , good location ,
cheap rout , will sell cheap to tnose meaning
Address II 1C. llee ollice. 2SIS 27t
IJUHSALE Cnoap Harbor shop ana 4clinirs ;
JL1 good locution ; paying buslnoi.i. M. H. Flom-
lilL' . Crete , Nob. 604 s7 *
A CI ( ! AH niiil fruit stand doing good oust-
ness for sale ; good reasons selling. 210 H.
12th. asi-ifit
\\7 , ANTED A partner in a brewery doing n
T > good buslntisM In n prosperous Nebraska
town. Enquire at room 11 , Cunmbar of Com
merce. Tel. 1410. b75
FOR SALE Or exchange , line drug store In
conntrv town ; nlso scmln cheap lands. Ad
dress lock box 'M Stuart , Neb. GJi 2'it
FOR SAfiE or Trade for Omaha property an
established business. DoxMti Omaha ,
FOR BXCHANQii Clear lot In So. Onmhu to
t'-ndo for ronlduncu lot In Omaha ; nssumo
dllffrCnco. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat.
Hank. : > 70
FOR SALE or Trndo-Furnlltire of 10 room
house ; liouso for rent. If sold will take
one-Half of purchase price In board ami room ,
or will ti ado for any thing of cash valuo. II 2 ,
Uee. 12-20 $
W ANTUD-Lnnds for lots , etc , Send list W.
J. Paul , 1WIJ Farnam.
\X7ANTED-Tooxcnauue , largo lot of cigars
for real ostute , or a btock of merchandise.
Address iocs boxll , Marculluo , Mo. 303 2jt
WANTKJV To exc'mnga ' for town property
or will sull cheap on long tlrno. liu acres
smooth rich fur nlng land mcludlnc Iiii-nl-ned
house ; ronson , chronic HMiDiilth. For fun her
p'Uticuliirs liKjulrout lioomH , C.olghton b o.k ,
Monday fon-noon , 2itli lust. Later , ndlrcsu
Agent , Stnntou , St. Oi'otx Co. , Wls. 2J5 2J ?
WANTED To trade a good Jersey cow for
u second hand two-boated buggy. Address
11. A. W. , Mercury olllco. 2S'4 ' 27 *
WANTED To trndt ) for a stock of groceries ,
cash nnd lots on O. & C. II. motor line.
Lots will ba put In nt tholr cash value. AV. II.
K. .vM. K , , Room 14 Chamber of Commerce ,
Tel. 1440. 010
mo EXCHANGE-ThiMindlvldod onn-hali in-
JL turost In JCI'MIJ-IOO acres of a good farm , lo
cated In I'ulaski Co. , Mo. ; about oeo-halt in
cultivation , the balance good timber ; about
ten acres in orchard ; two ether small orchards ;
four fair 'jousesj abundance of good spring
water , and laying about ono mlle from good
business town on lallroad ; full nnd unlnciim-
bared tltlo. This farm Is in a good settlement
nud healthy locality. Wo will uxchungu for
grnernl merclintidUo or hardware. Call on or
uddress W. H. Gordon & Co. , Steele city. Neb.
WHAT have you to exchange ror an equity
of about 11/00 lu n lot and two houses lii
South Oiiiahn ? 111. Ileo Olllco. 220
\\7"H AThnve you to olfor In exchange ror my
T T dJ.UjcJ equity lu my double liouso on
I.atlmm bt , near IBtn , or for my $5.0)0 ) otjulty in
my iloublu house on bpunocr ht , near 2'd , or for
my * ' , U.U . ! eiiulty in my double hoiiho on Wlrt st.
eastof2lth , all with modern ImprovomontH. nil
encumbrances ft years at 7 per cunt Mo farms
will bo conaldnrcd. W. T. Seam an , east side
Kith st , north ot .Nicholas bt , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons and carriages. 7U (
HAVE house and lot clear ot encumbrance
worth HfOJ , lu exchange for Douglas
county binic btock at par value. Btrlngur& ;
I'enny , Douglas block. 2M i)0 )
H O UXC1IAKG H Wo have n good farm of 131
-L ucres laying close up to the town of Steele
City , Jellerson Co. . Neb. About TO acres In high
Btnto of cultivation. ThU Is river bottom land ;
soil can't bu beat anywJioro ; 25 acrus good lim
ber : balance In good pasture : all fenced ; uovor
falling water ; this Is u macnillctmt farm , with
house , stabllnir. and 8 nlco lots in town go with
farm if du.ilrod ; titles all perfect ; wo want In
exchange , nice , clean stock of merchandise or
hardware. Call on or address W. 11. Garden &
Co. . Hlcelo City. Nub. 617
L1VKUV stock , Htablo nnd fixtures In city for
clear land or city property. Grocery store
for land and cash. Kun.lture of a lo-room
house to trade for cottage lu Omaha : price of
furniture tl.OUii ; will pay cash tilttereiicc , U
any. Co-Op. Land * Lot Co. , 303 N. ItJth st.
EXCHANGK-Anelegnnt tract oTTalid
containing 120 acres. In Antelope county ,
Nob. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly improved.
Eighty ucres near Council lllulfg , la.
HOUBB and lot ou South 10th st.
Jjirge amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum
company oil Block. Will exchange fur good
or the erection of some houst-s. Geo.
. b'temiUorjr. lit utlouul liauic building. U7 i
_ _ _ u
FOir5A1R Fine high 'eiuit'f foul M- foot lot
on 84th , near t.cftvenworth , grand nhado
trees , only $ l,7 ( > , ISJ cash , bnUnco easy ,
3-M-foot north fronts , douth of M. Roger's
I'lace. most sluhtly Ic-atlon la the city , lluo
shade trees etc. , only * koot ) .
JM feet on S. Kith liy 120 deep , $1,1(10 ( ,
Hood now cottage , easy walk to shops , Jlano.
Choice nnd cheap residence property in Ml
localities. Scomyslgni.
I have several rood lots near cars on which
owners will build to wilt purchaser * , terms
eny.Uiolco loti nud Improved tots In Hnniront
l'lnc . bargains on easy terms.
J , H. Evans , ! Wj Now Vork Llfo llmldlnir.
T710U It hundred and eighty ncros In Klngmnn
-L county , Kansas , well Improved , nml inu
nrrcs verv well Improved In Ixignu county.
Kansas , only Ji mile from station. Will trndo
olthsr for fnrm nnd nay cnsh for vncant Inside
lots. C. W. W. , luon Fnrnam st. ,118-a >
TTIOII BA fiK Cliolco property. See Rings. J.
JL1 II. Kvnns. ; H3N. Y. Life.
AFINKIiY built B-room residence 1 mlle
west of 1 * . O. : all conveniences , full enst
front lot. Cnn sell nt n bargain. F. K. Darling ,
Hnrkor block. _ 258 ar
TTIOR 8AM5-W Ucro form , well stockoTwlth
J. cattle nnd hogs. Will Nell chenp tor cnsh.
u > yi'10 ' ! ! " I" Wlthnell lllock. 20 > 2
" | TliR SALE ChnTco property. Boo Blgns. J.
J-A 11. Evnns. 9'JS N , Y. Life. Z& ai
AFINKcorner for MM ) on Wlrt7t , Koimtr.o
T'lnco : the only ono for sale on tnnt street :
hullil when you get ready nnd nny vnluo
residence ; easy terms ; you will never got this
chnnco ngnln : on thn bast street In Oiunlin. F.
K. Darling , llarkor block. 201 20
FOR 8ALE-,001 ! acres land In Nobrnsita :
TiOxMotoot lot nt u sacrltlclni ; prlco. Inquire
1412811th. Geo. ILl'utoisou. 10slKP '
IjlOR SAI.E ( Iholco property ; suesigns. . J.
JPjI. Evnns. 3W N. Y. Ufo. 8 2tl
CJOME excellent bnigatnson Motor Ry. , Jl.fWO ,
Jfc'.loo. } . ' , 1(10. ( corners. Those lots worth double
ayunrfromnow ; easy torms. F. K. Darling ,
llniker block SCO 20
FOR SALT House nnd lot , east fronton IITith
kt. , four or llva lots southof Lcavenworth.fnr
enough awny to ubcapo epcclnl city taxes on
Lenvenworthst. : grading , paving , gas and sewerage -
erago nil complete on Loavenworth : house Is
modern : Hplondm grove of trocs iibout the
premises ; prl : , IK . 0. F. .JliirrlBon . , Mer
chants Knt. Hiiuk. K17
"TJ10R SALE Choice property ; scojlgns. J.
J n. Evans. ; KISN. y. i.ifo. 28820
171OU SALE M-ITSI acres. BOO. 5 , tp. U. r. llw
J.1 Hamilton county. Nob. llougo. stable , IKK )
ncres fenced , livlmt witor. Price. JI.OJ ) . F. K
Atkln ? , OWUT , bldg. , lienvor. Col.
"ETANnsOMB residence lot. 75 ft , east front In
J-J-Oiio of the best neighborhoods , ICBS thnn n
milo southwest ot court house. Will take nn-
ether butldlns lot In part trtide. F. 1C. Darling ,
Itniker block. Si0 20
FOR SALE At n bargain , a line driving
mure , suitable for lady or gomlemnn ; also
a good hand-mndo phaeton witn harness ; must
bo sold immediately : pilco , whole rig , $ ! 0' . In-
Uiilra W. M. Vales , Nebraska National bank.
FOR SALE-Iots In Stewart Place , will fur
nish money for building house , and payments -
monts monthly. Hero Is a chance to secure-
homo. Harris , Room 411. 1st Nat. Hank.
, se x oo. or prco an
terms inquire of the owner , Edward Speller-
berg , 1012 North 2lHtbtreo ; _ SM-slu _
-pOM ANtJFAOTtREUS-l will giro amiilo
JL ground , with splendid trackage facilities ,
on the Fiemont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley
i ullroad , or ou thu Missouri Pnclllu ( Holt Line )
railway lu WoUlnwn , Just outsldo the c-lty
limits. In WestOmahn. conveniently situated as
regards access to the business center of Omaha
and South Omaha , to parties for the location of
any of tlio following Industries :
Furniture Fiictory , llutton Factory ,
Slioo Factory , Lard Itulluery ,
StiircliVluco30 ! W'Ks , Scan Works ,
Paper Mill Purifier Manufactory ,
Plow Works. Hroom l-actory ,
Harvester Works , Woolen Mill ,
Nail Works , Oatmeal Mill ,
Knitting Mills , Hex Manufactory ,
Sash. Door nnd Hlind Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Shops ,
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlnwn
Is just outside the city limits , and Industries
planted there will escape heavy city taxes.
If yon are thinking of locating In Omaha U
will pay you to investigate this.
Goo. N. Hicks , New York Life building ,
Omaha. 700
II 'OK SALE Cheap housnto bo moved. 10378.
'Sid ' St. _ , _ 187 27t
FOR SALE--2 houses on lot 07J4xS2 on 8 e cor.
llth and Vlnton. Inquire within. 104
ONE of the two house and lot bargains 1
have been offering on Georgia ave. . north of now sold and occupled.hecniise
of my very low price. The south house of the
two btlll remains a bargain open to somebody.
First comes , first served. To be appreciated It
needs to be examined Internally. I positively
will noi rent it. though several times ollerod
J.V ) per month. Price , on very easy ( (
W T. Seaman , fait sldo Kith st.north ot Nich
olas st..Omaha's largest variety of wagons und
cnrri.u.'os. 2U1
/"lOMEaud see us nnd Investigate some of the
V-/linrgnliis wo have to olfer. Wo are contln-
unlly listing now properties and "If you don't
see what vou want nsk for It. "
For mile or exchange ono ot the finest res
taurants in Omaha at a bargain.
We have several line hotel properties to trade
for lain ! or other good valuer.
An vlevntor property with largo dwelling
house , at a bargain , lilavator complete , with
horse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc. A
flue opening for n practical grain dealer.
Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha for
snlo and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,000 acres
of school land lease , in ono of the best counties
in the btnto.
A tine residence property In Omaha View for
sale nt a bargain.
From S7r > , ( HX ) to $10J,000 worth of llrst-class
notes to exchnngo for Omnua property.
For exchange for Omnha property , ono of the
best farms in Hock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to curry
on the place. Old nge and falling health of the
owner Is reafon for uelllag.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omwha property.
2.S1 times of Hue laud In northwestern Iowa to
exchange forOmnna prouerty.
b'or sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise orllvo stock , a line hotel
property In Iowa town of t'.OUO ' Inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place and doing a One
bUBluo.sH. Furnishes meals for two passenger
trains dully. A simp for the rli > ht man.
Wo have uiiHiirpasso , facilities for disposing
of property , having some fiOl agents scattsred
over four or live states. List your property
with us if you wish a quick turn. W. II. E. x
M. E. , Room H , Chamhur of Commercn. tele
phone H40. ] V )
BALK Easy terms , Konntzoplaea.
Two home ! ) , each 8 rooms , each tl.O'JO.
Two homes , each U rooms , each ( . " > , ( J.
Two homes , each 15 rooms , each $7.030.
All with modern ronvenlonco.
All large vnluo attho price.
All within H .square of the motor line.
Don't lose thostt opportunities.
For sale by the owner. W , T. Seaman ,
East Hide lUth st. , north of Nicholas st. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. 2lrt
" | 7HR ) SALE On longtime and easy payments.
JL' handsome , nuw. well liullt houses of H , .land
10 rooms. Allconvuniencos , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cats and within walking
distance of 1 > . O. Nathan Bhulton , 1014 Farnam.
rnilE motor will go to the state mute Institute.
JU this fall , consequently whoever buys any ot
this property will iioublo his money rlghtawuy.
( i acres close to institute Jl.uooner acre ,
Lots in Orchard Hill ( .7)0 each.
Walnut Hill t4UO eacli.
Highland Park tl5t ) each.
Clovordnlo JJH ) eac.h.
Raker Place f-lVJ eacli.
Haiwiers > V Hlmobaugh's } < iV ) each ,
fctrlimor .t Penny , room 20 , Douglas block ,
cor. llith and Dodgo. _ U33 31
"IJHJIt BALE On easy terras , nwv il-ruom cot-
JJ tuuo , cor. lot , near street car line , Aildrcss
11 22 Ituo olllce. WJ-2BT
"VI 1CK n-room cottage , near high school ; lot IH
IN xl.2. ! f'JW ) ; thU Is a biru'iiln. C. F. Harrison
risen , Merchants Nat. bank. 127
TRINGER & PENNY. Douglas block , B. E.
S corner loth mid Dodge ta. , real ostatn
agents. Omaha property to oxchangofcr clear
farms , und clear farms to exchange for encum
bered lualdoOmulia unimproved property. Call
onus ; we are sure to nave sometnlng that will
suit you. Wo have 10,0)0 ) acres of clear fauns
for sale or exchange In NemNUku.
Good residence property ou sale. Homo of
tlusu nro real barg Ins. Very a y terms on
lots to people vtho wunt to build. Come and ten
us anil be convinced , Weant \U \ ( acres of
goou Improved laud In Western Iowa ; will us-
sumti an Incumbrunfo , In uxchange for u good
residence property , lightly encumbered ; farm
must bo A L
Stringer to Penny. Douglas lllock , 8 , li. Corner
Kth and Dodge. _ 110 2fl _
KOUNT/H "l'LACU-0-room homo , barn and
every convenience , for * fWJ. ( easy terms ,
Address for inrtlculnri ( , K 03. j | e. _ _ _ MM
1J10R SALU-ltouw aim lot. casffront on Vir-
J : ginla nve. , 2V ) feet B. ot Woolworth nvo. , lot
60x160 ; house has & good rooms besides Itrge
attic ; water anil xeweruge on thu street ; price
for a bhort tlmo , KI.5XJ ; when the Motor Line
runs to the part the lot alone will be worth the
money. C. F , Harrison , Merchants' Nat. llanic.
T HAVK borne Ural-class rental property for
JLbale cheap within ono mlle of pobtolllcn , on
paved streets and motor Una. Thoa. V. Hall ,
311 1'axtoa block. G
FOR 8AI.Kroom house nnd M fc t ttdnt-
ngeon nthnenrCailfornlMtt.tcround ubiit-
tlmtUon Kith worth ( .XU per foot : torn littl
homo nnd as n speculation It is worth consider *
Ing : price M.ttM. } i c o. a F. lUrrlson , Mer-
chants' Nnt. Hank , KM
BUY * homo In the renter ot the city , on
monthly payments , 1 will sell you a lot in
Aldlno square , tnilldnhoiua of any Kind , wortli
from $12oO upwards , nnd you cnn pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlne sqtiara
Is on Grace street , between 22d and 2Id streets ;
It has all the advantages such as paved street * .
Rowerago , water , gas , nnd Is a first-claw local
ity. Cnll nt inn Farnam street nnd see plans
of buildings nnd get tlsuros , D. J , O'Dounhoe.
rpllK liest money's worth of house nnd lot now
-L for sale lu Omnhn la that which I urn now
completing near 2ith it. , onpnvod Wlrtnt. , In
Komiueplace , hbcdrooms , a parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 3 bnth rooms , : i water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wash titlm. furnace
nnd coal room nnd cellar , uloctrlo bolls and
speaking tube. 12 cloiota. Prlco only $7.MM on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
nt finme price. W.T. Bonmnn.cnM ilila 10th st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's Urgc t vnrletr
ot wagons nna carriages , 8JO
T/UR"8ALK-3i,44ortinfoetof lot ft. blocc 7
JU nt $ < itiC per foot. ThU Is within a quarter oC
n talooR ot the now I1. O. site , and wlllbo worth
$ Un)0 ) Inside of a year.
Th o Mlot H. block 101 , cor. DotiRlnn and 10th
sts , 44 feet on Douglas nnd Ml on 10th , prlca
$ ,000 , th\W ) cnsh , balance In nve equal annual
The so ' < nw U sec ( L 114. r 13 e. Itouglns Co. ,
prlco $ I2 , < KM. IOJJ cash , balance easy.
Lot 7. lilkavi. South Omntm , iirlco $1,204 , tormi
easy. W. It. It * M. K , loom 14 , Chnmbcr oC
Commerce tolepbono 1440. 717.
I7UR SALE U-room liouso , barn anil lot ,
JL1 HniiscomPlnco , at n bargain. Harris , Room
411,1st Nat. Hank. 573
TTURST National safety deposit vaults. Hafoa
JL ! to rent $ : to ( a year. ; )7 ) 8.13tli. 812sl4
GLO1IE HOTEL Newly furnlshoa nnd Mttort
up throughout : centrally located : $ ! pec
day. iM8.13HMllg ; ! Douglas St. 181
MURRAY HOTEL-Nowost , latest nml only
tlrst-class hotel In Omaha ; $ J to { I per day
U. Sllloway. proprietor. 179
1NDSOR HOTBL-Cornor ot 10th nna
Jackson streets , 3 blocks from Unto
dopot. llet IS n nay liouso lu the city. 180
HOTEL HARK.EH-141 rooms , elegantly fur
nished , fi nnd $ J.50 per day. Mth nuU
Jones st , , Omaha , F. A. ilaloli , proprietor.
INSTIIUMUNTS pluood oa rjoorJ during
JL yosterdav.
Gee H Ogde to I , W Uenton , lot I. blk ] , n
e. Cowies 1st add to Valley , wd t 800
Wm R Crott to W N Williams , lot 12 , blk a ,
Hawthorne , w d 200
J 1 * Mvgeath and wife to Win Slodontolf ,
lot 1 and accretions In sees 2 , 10 , It ) , q
cd 23
John McOlvern and wlfo toChasCorbott ,
lot 5. blk 12 , Orchard Hill , wd EDO
A U Koltlu and \\lfo to A S Cowies. H ! {
and s 22 ft of u ) { lotr..ulk H , Omaha ,
wd 8.000
Onto City Lnnd Co to C U Illbbs , lots 20
to 24 , Howling Green , w a LCOO
Loulo Llttleltuld to S H Young , lot IK , blk
1. Tlpton place , w d 600
Ira Van Camp nnd wife to Y Uandlower ,
lot , blk O , Van Camp add , w d 400
Dupuls T ! ' aua wife to H 1C KIIborn , lots
1 and-I , blk54 , Florence , wd 1,000
Mary Hocky to Mary Fries , lots I. " and 3 ,
blk 0. Arbor Place , w d 5,500
R V Hrowster ami wife to Irvlngton Loan
association , 4 act us at no cor of tax lot
1 , lnSi-M-12 , o. c d 1
South Omaha Land Co to J J U or man , lot
IH.blK 111 , SOmnhB , w d 403
E D Mo.ullmbcr and wife to V H Colf-
mnn , lots 4 and n. hlK-1Cleveland I'lace.
w d 1,500
South Omnha Land Co to A M Miller , lot
7 , blklH , Somalia , wd 340
L 1) Holmes nnd wlfo to Calvary Hnptlst
Church , lot 11 , llarkor's ndd , w d (00
R Hnckncy nnd wife to S S Lutton , so se
and part of nose. 8-1MO , wd 2,000
C II Sloman and husband to T J Willows ,
lot 4 , Hui dotte Court , q cd 1
CI F Ringer und wife to Gee Hornusgrnve ,
Iot20. blkJI. Donman I'lact ) . w d 2,000
South Omaha Laud Co to Jos Crawford ,
13 , blk 10l ! , Boulh Omaha , w d SOO
CW Hamilton nnd wife to O H Parsell ,
lot 11 and pt lot 10 , blk 10 , Bhlun's add ,
qcd , 1
8 D Wlnn and wife to OS Rlnker. lot 23 ,
blK 12 , Hodrord Place , wd 8CO
E H Edson to I G KdHon. pt lot 4 , bile 78 ,
and n trnct ndj same , Omaha , W d 1
E 8 Rood and wife to Amle Mares , lot If ,
blk 2. Albright's annex , wd MM
M Morrison nud vtlfo toCCnrlstensen , lot
16 , blk < 7t' . Grnndvlow , wd . 600
II A Truman to E E Raymond , lots U to 6 ,
blk 1 , Jerome park , ( i c d 15
G S Hcnewd to Ann Blowers , lot 10 , Shlioh
add. wd l.COO
August Nelson and wlfo to 0 A Cochran ,
lot r , blk f > , Meyers , Richards & Field-
cn'smld.wd 1.300
August Nelson and wife to C A Cochrnn ,
lot 7 , blk 5 , Meyers , Richards & Fluid-
en'aadd.wd 1,303
Evangelical Ass'n of N A toIon church ,
n ! H feet of lot 0 , blk 13 , Bhlnn's odd ,
w d 1
Twenty-nine tiansfers t4t30
Iliilldiiif ; I'eriiuti.
The fallivtar pjr nlu 'vjrj Isiul by
Building Inspector Wliltloc'.c ' yoUorduv :
William Sievors. thrco-siory brl sfc slore
nnd bank building , Sixteenth and Cali
fornia ( ' . ' 0,050
Peter Wlndholm. ono additional story to
brick store , Jones m > arThlrt"Ohth 3.0X )
I ) . Ittloy , tvio Iwo-storyfrnmo resldencos ,
Fnrnam and Thirty second streets . . . . 7,000
H. Rlluy , ivto-story frame rosldoncu.
Twenty-ninth avenue nnd Fnruam 3,500
II. RHey , two-story frame residence ,
Tweuty-ninlli avenue nnd Faruatn . . . . .
li. Rlloy , two-story frame residence.
Twenty-ninth avenue near Farnam 3,500
11. Rlley , two-story frame residence ,
Twenty-ninth avonir near Fnrmim ? ,500
A. Anderson , additional story frame
kitchen. Twenty-eighth Douglas. . . OX )
M. Donolly. two-story frame residence ,
Thirty-ninth and Fmnam .1,000
M. Uonclly , two one-story frame cottages ,
St Hurt nnd Thirtieth 2,000
Ton permits , nggregallng. . , . - . (50,100
Nonce or Htoulc Hubscrlptlono.
Notice is hereby given that the hooka of the
Omaha , Lincoln & Gulf Railway Company will
bo opened for the purpose of rucelvlng sub
scriptions to the capital slock of silil company
on r.ud after thu second day of September , 1S3J ,
at No. iKi.1 : Farnam street. In the city of Omaha ,
Dated this 1st day of August. IBH'J.
G , A. WUI.KAI- .
J. li. 1)K llKVOIiB ,
H , Hllf.O\VAV ,
M. I'.O'lliiliitr ,
aug-l-d30t Incorporaton.
1'rnpoHnlB Tor CnlldliiK a Soliool
Ilonsi * .
SEA LEI ) proposals for tbo erection of a school
house In District No. & > , Union 1'roclncc.
Doughid county , will bo received by the District
Hoard , until 2 o clock Haturday , August illtit.
' 1 ho plans and sceclflatlons may bo had at
tna residence ot the Director ,
lly order of the District Hoard.
1'lUTZllKiPli , Director ,
Florence P. O. , Neo.
Notion to Contractor * ) .
Sealed proposals will be received at the ofllco
ot tile rounty Clerk , Douglas Counly , NohrasUn ,
until 2 p. m. , Saturday , Hoplombcr Mtli , liwy.
fortho eroclionof hovon (7) ( ) twenty foot spans
trestle work , over the I'nplo , belween Bectlons
34und27 , township ID , range 12 ,
Plans nnd sm-cltlcatlons to bo found lu County
Cloi'Ks olllco. All bids to bo accompanied by
certified chock for &V.00. The county rescrvon
the right to reject any or all bids
[ HIAI/ : | M. D , ItociiK , County Clerk ,
' Notlou to < ontrnator * .
Healed proposals will bo received at the olllco
ot the County Cloik , Douglas County , Nebraska ,
until 2 o'clock p. m. , Haturday , riupfumhrr Hill ,
1B.M' ' , for thu erection of llvu { twenty foal spanu
trestle work , ou road known im Dr. MIIler'8
Road , between suctions 1 irnd lii , township H ,
Plaus'and speclllcatlons tobu found In Count/
Clerks olllco , All bids must ba accompanied by
rertllled clieck for WO ( W. The County reserves
the right to reject any nnd all bldH.
IHKAI , ] M. D. ROCIIB .County Clerk.
fnrminli nil clamu of hu bie l > y mieli Mullblumncr
urrlrlntf nt or ilcimrtlnu from Nuw York.
Hlilmnont * frura Kuruiionui lie mailu direct IIT this
Cain puny toull liiluiiil i'oit * ot Kntry In llio Uiilltd
Hlati' , ul lo t'unmlii uiiil Moslco , wltli or wltliuuc
purmvnlofitutlutatNuw York ,
llitlot n Ion t thoiu of any rvipontlblo cnrapnny.
Sloney Orlcra lutuoil | Juyi Llu u ( 1SUJO | > lucc > In
Unlluil Mulen , C'unuda anti Huriipu ,
/lioiirlon In IliirJi'u ' to whom ililpnirntu for t'nltud
Ftaun tan Un clehvciol , or If fniin Ic.tuniir p-miH
rhuultl l > u lotiiluniiij , uuoiuimnluil by IHU of 1/u'liuie
unit InTulcuciTllHoil before Ainfrlcun C'oimuli
TIIU8. M I'AIJOWH ti CO. , Milk ( truel , Cl
llufUU ,