Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1889, Part I, Image 1

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PAST I. . 1-8.
The Wlndup of the Present Session
a Dull Ono.
9 *
Many of the Members Rollovo the
Monotony By Sloop ;
Smooth Salllnff For the Present
Ohlof Soorotary For Ireland.
Mr. Matthowo Koundly Abused No
Mailer What Position Ho Talecs
Gladstone Htlll a Tower
ol' t-tronRtti.
A Dull Winditp.
\CnpurlgM \ 1883 / ) / Jama Oortlin tltnntlt. ]
LONDON , August 34. [ Now York Hor-
old Cable Special to THE BEE.I Making
oil duo allowance for the exuberance of Tim
Hcalny and the sarcasms of Mr. Sexton ,
the session Is flickering out In rather n hum
drum manner. There hnvo been very few
members In the house of late and those few
might frequently have been observed enjoy
ing funtlvo snatches of sleep. There nro
some misguided individuals who novcr leave
the precincts of the bouso from the tlmo it
till ' of "Who homo"
opens tho'cry goes ro-
through the lobbies. .
Sir Richard Temple is ono of this occon-
trlc band. Ho has been in every division
but ono , which means that ho has novcr
been out to dinner or spent an evening at
homo or taken part in any festivities of the
season except on Wednesdays" and Satur
All through the year to vote in every
division is surely the most modest ambition
Which & member of parliament can sot before
himself , nnd whatever credit n man may ro-
celvo for It ho ought to receive , but It is by
no means a proof that ho is of inucn value ,
cither to the bouse or the country , that ho
has boon regular In his attendance in the
house. He may spend bis time muddling his
torpid brains ever books in the library or
linoringinono of tbo quiet corridors upstairs.
When the division boll rings bo walks in ,
not knowing a tiling about the discussion
which has taken place , nnd coring nothing
whatever about the question nt 'Issue. His
Hole object is to keep up his score nnd secure
the smites of the whip by voting straight
each time. Something may conic of It when
parliament Is dissolved and the .dis
tribution of prizes takes place. If
not , It makes a very good
paragraph foi- the newspapers : "So and so
stands nt the bend of the division list again. "
It looks well and establishes a certain in
definite claim upon the party. Apart from
that it is , as knowing ones are aware , r.ll hum
bug. In making up the accounts of tbo ses
sion one cf the things which people ask Is ,
who has roado a reputation , or who has spoilt
The answer this year must bo that nothing
wonderful has been accomplished by any
body. Of course , Mr. Balfour still occupies
no most prominent position and everybody
A'dmlts that ho has douo well. It is difficult
for a man not to do well when ho has tbo
greater part of the press at his
pack , to say nothlpg of a power
ful parliamentary majority and the
organization of n great party. Tnus sup
ported , why should not a man acquit him
self with credit ! Every morning ho wakes
up to road encomiums on his courage or
genius , coupled very likely with a speech
from some ardent supporter , setting forth
that be is the greatest statesman of the ugc.
The only newspapers whoso opinions ho
cares for , praise and magnify him forovor.
Parliament has placed a rigid law in his
hands , and the army , nt his orders , is well
drilled aud well armed to enable him to
carry It out. Ho has only to IOAVO every
thing alone as much as possible und to allow
the police and officials in Ireland to go to
work iu their own ways. In addition ho
must stand the lire from the Irish members
in the house of commons , but the reward of
all is simply immense , and therefore it must
again be said that there is no reason why a
man should not do well under those circum
Poor Mr. Forstor had u large section of
bis own party against him. Ho had to en
counter no end of newspapers liberal und
tory and ho wus not cordially supported ,
MOI even by the prime minister hlmelf. How
different is the position of Mr. Balfour. Ho
has had nothing PO Imrd to face over since ho
lias been in the office as the terrible struggle
which Mr. Forstor wont through at the tune
of the Kllmainham treaty , and yet no ono
had called Mr. Forstor a hero , although his
life was hourly iu danger , nnd ho know it ,
but lie wont about his worlc all the same.
Lot us do justice to the dead us well as to the
living. Mr. Balfour's ' reputation remains
about tbo same , for roulk It could not very
well bo forced up much lugher.
Other members of the ministry are about
whore they stood when the season opened.
Mr. Smith has no enemy. Ho sometimes
miscalculates the time which certain work
will require , and announces a programme
which can not bo carried out. but that may
not bo entirely his fault , Some disadvan
tages must inevitably arise from having the
prime minister In the house of lords.
It can not bo denied that a good deal of
time bus boon wasted In measures whicn
never had u ghost of a chance of passing
through the house of commons , and dozens
of money votes have Ucon rushed through
the house at the last moment without five
minutes' consideration. This Is not exactly
n model way of doing business. It would bo
very bard , however , to condemn Mr. Smith
for It. Ho has the good-will of the entire
house of commons , and this be could not
have gained If ho blundered continually In
the management of public business. Thcro
are the usual rumors of his retirement at tbo
closeof the session , but you may safely take
It for frnmtod that nobody knows anything
positive on that subject ono way or the oth
er. Perhaps Mr , Smith himself may be In
that stnto of durkness.
A minister of whom the people hour most ,
especially In time1 ; llko those wo huvo re
cently pnbsed through , Is the homo secre
tary. It nlwaysod seem to mo the most unpleasant -
pleasant and undesirable post in the whole
administration. If a mob of roughs takes
possession of Trafalgar square , or march
through the streets smashing windows , as
happened throe years ago , the homo eecrc-
tiry gets all the blutne. If he ntuuds
by the police ho Is furiously ussullcd
if ho does not ho U coudoruuoc
by the peaceable portion of the public. If on
Innocent young woman Is arrested In the
streets ho has to bear the opprobrium. Ho
can not do right , do what ho may. It a
Judge and jury find a prisoner guilty after a
pntiont trial , In which the accused lias boon
defended by the greatest advocate In the
country , the homo secretary Is denounced as
n murderer and flond for not reversing their
vcrnlct In twenty-four hours. The adminis
tration of Justice In this country Is supposed
to rest upon tho.lnstltutlon of trial by jury.
Nothing of the kind. It turns upon public
opinion , which is formed without examina
tion of witnesses and on the principle of re
ceiving every statement , especially affecting
n dead mnn , without challenge. The hotna
secretary Is expected to bo down before
this tribunal nt the first summons ,
nnd yet , If ho docs so , the great
body of sensible people throughout the
country desplso him , and In the end it is the
class of opinion which carries the day. Up
on the whole , Mr. Mnthows has passed suc
cessfully through this ordeal. Ho is emi
nently a just mnn and docs what ho believes
to bo right in the Maybrick case. Ho
thought the ends of justice would bo attain
ed by commuting the death sentence and ho
gave orders to that effect. People who
wrote by almost every post , threatening to
kill him If ho did not commute the sentence ,
will doubtless feel convinced that they got
Mrs. Mnybrick off. The fact is , they were
very nicely sealing her fate.
What about all the others ! Well , there is
not much to bo said. Of course Mr. Glad
stone ) remains the first member of parlia
ment. Even'those who most dislike him ad
mit that ho towers above everybody else In
Lord Hartington has well maintained his
high reputation.
Mr. Morley ha'i not advanced. It may
oven bo said that ho has fallen back in har
mony with the cause of home rule , which
clearly makes no progress.
Mr. Chamberlain is stuck fast in a very
deep rut nnd it is not easy to see how he is
ever to get out of it. A great gulf exists
between him und tha liberal party. He has
made no really good speech this season , his
remarks on Mr. Unght's death being a dead
failure , his more recent attacks on "dema
gogues , these who appeal to. the passions of
the people , " placed him in an utterly ridicu
lous light.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt continues to
bo a brawny fighter , and as a party must
hnvo at least ono bruiser in its ranks of the
Sullivan typo , Sir William Is approved by
many of the Gladstonlans.
Nobody else on the front of the opposition
bench has done anything worthy of mention ,
although Mr. Henry Fowler always proves
himself a good man of business and crows
steadily in the estimation of the houso.
Lord Randolph Churchill has been regular
in his attendance and has mudo but ono
speech all through the session. That on tbo
royal grants was n model house of commons
speech , and greatly pleased all sections of
the members , especially in the conservative
party. Once nioro they were ready to ac
knowledge that they had nobody to bear
comparison with him. Unfortunately the
good effect of this speech was
soon destroyed by some incautious
utterances at Walsall and Birmingham. The
main principles advocated on those occasions
were sound , but the means ho recommended
to carry them out were destined to sot largo
sections of tlio conservative party against
the speaker. This is naturally highly satis
factory to these who manoeuvred to elbow
him out of the ministry. Still , it remains a
fact that Lord Randolph has no equal in the
ranks of his party as a debater , nnd his great
abilities in administration tvero signally at
tested during the. time ho was at the India
office aud in the treasury. His eclipse can
not bo permanent.
Among the private members some , no
doubt , have done very well , but the opuor-
tunitlcs are few , especially if they sit on the
ministerial side of the house , The ministers
want their followers , as a rule , to bo silent.
The opposition have more chance , but I 6an-
not recall just now anyone who has espec
ially distinguished himself. It only remains
to bo said that the permanent bores of the
house have been rather more virulent than
ever , nnd that very liberal subscriptions
would bo made up for any enterprising par
son who would guarantee to bring tbcso
members under the operation of the muz
zling order. It might bo deemed unkind to
give their names. Let us hope that they
may turn ever a now loaf before the time for
the next meeting comes round.
IllppolyteV Terms Agreed to and tlio
President ticnvrn.
BAi.TiMOiii ! , August 31. A special to the
Sun from Port-au-Prlnco ( via Mole , Haytl )
says : Lgltimo abdicated Thursday and
embarked on a French gunboat. A tempo
rary government has boon formed. The
northern or Hippolyto's army , was to enter
Port-au-Prince yesterday ( Friday ) . Peace
is probable. The United States steamer
Kcarsargo , bus moved nearer the city. Ad
miral Ghcrurdl is muster of the situation.
The NOXVH Confirmed.
WASHINGTON , August 21. Acting Secre
tary Walker to-day received the following
dispatch from Roar Admiral Ghcrardl , dated
nt St , Nicholas Mole to-day : "Logltlmo ac
cepted the terms offered and embarked
Thursday afternoon on board a French cor-
volte. It is not known where ho will go.
Hippolyto's forces occupied the town Friday
morning. Wo fear a riot. I have notified
the diplomatic corps that I will do all I can
to prevent a riot. The French and English
captains will act under my ardors. H U very
important that a new minister should bo
sent immediately. "
The United States Steamer Galena has
been ordered to sail from New York tomorrow
row morning for Hnytl. She will take at
least a week to make the trip. Act
ing Secretary Walker says it appears from
Admiral Gherard's telegram that the worst
of the trouble is over now , still it will bo
prudent and necessary perhaps to keep a
United States man-of-war In Haytlor. waters
for BOino time to come to provldn against
contingencies which may endanger American
interests. The department of state has not
yet communicated with Minister Douglo. on
the subject of his Immediate departure for
Hayti , as suggested by Admiral Ghorurdi. It
Is stated as a reason for delay in sending
Douglas to his post that this government U
In grave doubt as to the proper authority to
whom ho should bo accredited , und while
this was something of a problem in Lcgi-
time's administration , It has become oven
more complicated since his departure , as the
stuto department Is In entire official' Ignor
ance of the terms of capitulation und of the
tenure by which Hippolyte governs.
A it Expert With tlio Gun.
[ Capyrltiht 1S& ) tij Ja-na < 7onl- lltnnat. ]
LONDON , August 31. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEE. ] The Comtesso
de-Paris is an expert with the gun , On the
inoor at Moncss , near Aberdeen , she shot
forty brace of grouse from hp"- gun on
A Funny Kplsodo in Connection With
the Maylirlck Case.
| Co ; > yrf0M ISS3 lilJdmts Oonlonlcmi'tt.1
LONDON , August 24. fNow York Herald
Cablo-Spoclnl to TUB BnB.1-Tho Mnybrick
case was not without its humor. Amid all
the harrowed feelings excited nnd the com
bative differences of opinions , the shrinking
dislike that the convicted should bo put to
death , and the suspense which was harder
than all else to boar , there came on Thursday
last In Liverpool ono gleam of pure , un
adulterated humor , which the pathos which
lay close to it was not able to spoil. This
was the advent of the tilted lady frequently
referred to , who took such nn eccentric aud
remarkable interest in the fate of Mrs. May-
brick. The tilted lady Is the Honorable Miss
Blank. . She Is quite well known nnd promises
to bo oven more eloquently hoard from In
the future , boc.iuso a purer nnd warmer
exponent of human sympathy docs not live.
She wrote Baroness Von Roquo that she was
coming down on Thursday. The baroness
sent a messenger to meet her at Edgohlll
station , and when the tram ciimo in the
Honorable Miss Blank appeared also. She
descended with some difficulty from the first
class compartment. The difilculty was duo
to n largo number of parcels , more or less
artistically enveloped m various soft nnd
alluring shades of brown paper , which
formed her traveling adjuncts. Four major
parcels were discovered to contain , through
the indiscretion of the wrappers , a loaf of
broad , a mackintosh , a brochure on the May-
brick case and something else. The smaller
parcels were material conundrums whoso
mystery has not .vet been penetrated. She
began to explain the origin nnd
purpose of the loaf of brcud , but quickly
abandoned It to state the object of her com
ing. Once started upon this topic , she rat
tled away ceaselessly like n woodland brook
flashing under the sunshine. She was llko a
woodland brook rippling away under the sun
shine because her eyes wcro bright , her
voice was musical and her flow of conversa
tion was as far ahead of that of a brook as
the delivery of a burstod street main exceeds
Umt of n soda bottle with the stopper Inter
fering. She said a number of things In a few
moments , all difficult to understand. She
said she haa written the homo secretary a
largo number of letters nnd received so small
n return in answers that figures , Roman or
Arabic , would overdo the mat'.or if they tried
to represent the number. She had called
on the homo secretary three times , but
that court of appeal had entirely failed to
appreciate the honor because the elegantly-
bound flunky who guarded the door had de
clined to inform him. She also said she had
received many communications from Mr.
Maybrick , in all of which ho had took the
trouble to state that arsenic was his regular
food und invariable tipple ; that ho never ate
or drank anything else , and would not if he
could j in fact that ho was for ursonlo first ,
last and all the time , and id a , period subse
quent to that she said that she know Mr.
Maybrick well aud had met him often , all of
which statements were instantly evident to
the messenger ns baseless fragments of rest
less fancy. She was so earnest , however ,
and so lovingly Interested in Mrs. Maybrick
that she commanded all respect. She is a
plump little lady of fair complexion and a
face that wus far from being not pretty.
Sno were a green hat with
dead bud and outriggers , 'a
white lace scarf in several folds , and her
openca blue mackentosh displayed that su
perfluity of devotion ttmt is common to these
who are female und fanciful. She desired
and proposed to see Mrs. Maybrick at once.
The suggestion that tlig lawald not permit ,
and that the jail governor would not let her ,
.could make no impression upon the steely
surface of her resolution. She was invited ,
however , to Mr. Clover's ' office for a time.
During the interview wifh the baroness und
others she expressed her firm Intention to
storm the jail. Upon leaving the oulco she
declared that she was going back to London ,
but instead of taking tbo train she offered
her arm to her parcels and escorted them ,
first through the Northwestern and then
through several other hotels. Whether or
not she stopped in Liverpool all night was
not Known , but she did not co near tbo jail.
An Interesting point with reference to the
home secretary's decision is the fact that the
first suggestion of the position adopted came
from Mr. Lawrence Mac , who wrote the sec
retary ten days ago a letter , in which ho put
briefly and explicitly the point that while
Mrs. Maybrick had evidently administered
arsenic , Muybrlck's douth from arsenic was
far from certain. Lawrence is an old friend
of the homo secretary , their intimacy dating
back to the days when , they traveled to
Another interesting point not yet made
public is Mrs. Maybrick'fl own petition. It
came from the Walton jail , and was in her
own writing. According to law the governor
of the jail and the chief officer
of every penitentiary is compelled
to furnish any prisoner a printed
form on blue paper , on which ho can write a
petition to the homo secretary. Mrs , May-
brick took advantage of this privilege , but
her petition , ' as it is now filed , docs not
touch upon the main merits of tbo cuso. It
is rambling and consists of a general discus
sion of the fact that , while she was guilty of
infidelity , she was not guilty of anthing else ,
and that her infraction of ono moral law
should not bo used to prejudice her cuso
when charged with a fur more serious
offense. It concluues with the declaration
of her innocence of the crime of murder.
Evidently Eiijoylric Himself.
[ CnvvrtuM 1S13l > u Jama ( Jordan Jlennttt.i
LONDON , August 24. [ Now York Herald ,
Cable Special to TUB BEB. I District Attorney -
tornoy Ridgoway , of Ktng4 county , arrived
from Paris yesterday. Ho never looked so
big or so well in his life. He left home on
July 12 , und will sail for homo on September
13 , and got there In tlmo for the fall term.
Ho has had a delightful time , and can say so
in English , German and French. On this
side of the Atlantic he does not talk United
States. Ho followed the Mnybrlok case , and
thinks she should huvo been acquitted or
An Ann-rloim Newspupar Writer Balls ,
[ Copi/r'u'it ' ' lS83l > uJainvi Gnriltn Jlcnncit. ]
LONDON , August 34 , [ New York Herald
Cable Special to TUB Bun. ] Julian Ralph ,
known as a brilliant newspaper writer from
California to Maine , having visited every
watering place of note in Europe and the
principal capitals , in company with two
artlsti who will illustrate his forthcoming
book for Harper's , sailed on the Arizona to
day for New York.
A Gront Find ,
LEAV'ENWOKTII , Kan , , August 34. About
six hundred and fifty bottles of beer were
found by the pollco this evening in a disused
stable and destroyed. Nobody will claim It ,
and the suspected owners are temporary
Turks and Cretan * Fighting ,
LONDON , August M. A dispatch from
Crete , which , has been officially confirmed ,
ays tbero ha * been a sharp eklrinlsu be
tween the Turks and the Cretan Insurgents.
AlBaoa-Lorralno Fat Becoming
Bscouollod to Qormany.
The Cathedral City Gtvos the Prus
sian an Ovation.
Its EJjo { IB Ever Kept Keen , Says
The Bavarian Societies Have In
creased Their Membership Over
Fifty Thousand In Three Years
English Isolations.
The Conquest of Aliaon-Tjorralno.
( Copyright 1S83 fjj ; A'cic YorH AtMitatctl 1V . )
BRIUIN , August 34. Compared with the
visit of the Into Emperor William to Alsace-
Lorraine in 187r , the present emperor's visit
was a phenomenal success and Indicates the
remarkable progress made in Germanizing
the provinces during tho. past decade ,
The emperor made brlof replies to the va
rious toasts , etc. , but said not a word at
which the French could bo offended. The
only incident that can possibly cause anxiety
arose from the passport question. The pres
ident of the Strasbourg chamber of
commerce in being presented to the
emperor petitioned him to abolish the present
rltrorous regulations. The emperor briefly
expressed regret nt bis Inability to do any
thing in this direction.
By order of Prince von Hobonlohonn imper
ial decree was published inStrasbourg to-night
expressing the thanks of their majostys for
the brilliant receptions accorded them , which
the decree says strengthen the conviction
that these originally' Gorman territories ,
inhabited as they are by an honest , intelli
gent population will become still more closely
attached to tbo fatherland. The oinporor
has sent a life-size portrait of himself to
Prince von Hohcnlohe.
At a gala dinner iu Minister castle to-night
Iho emperor , replying tea ; fanstto nishealth ,
dwelt upon the energy and endurance of the
Wcstphalians , whoso principles , ho said , ho
imbibed in his youth , { its tutor having
been a Wcstphallan. Westphalia has always
shown Itself loyal to the Prussian houso.
Ho hoped that \Vestphallau sword , which
had always kept Its cdgojwoald in the future
turo , as in the past , give evidence of its
keenness if it should again be necessary to
unshcath it in the defence of the newly
united fatherland. .Hodrauk "prosperity to
Westphalia. " ,
Copenhagen telegrams announce that the
czar and czarina boarded , the imperial yacht
ntPeterhof yesterday anil."wore'expected in
Copenhagen Tuesday , but ! at the lost mo
ment the sailing was postponed , Tne belief
now is that the czar will' disembark at Stet
tin en route to Copenhagen and have a brief ,
quiet meeting with the emperor at Potsdam.
An Inspired article in the Cologne Gazette
on tbo results of the emperor's visit to Os-
berne , says the relations petwoe n England
and Germany are beginning to bo much more
friendly. Owing to the opposition of the
radicals in parliament , the English govern
ment is compelled to proceed cautiously
toward rapprochement with Germany.
The Gazette adds : "Whether the czar
comes or not there is small hope that the
relations between Russia and Germany will
improve. "
The Novoo Vromya nnd other loading
Russian papers are making open bids lor
Turkish support as a counto'r balance to the
powerful combination of the central
European powers.
The ministerial council has decided to re
assemble the roicnstug iu the middle of Oc
tober for the purpose of submitting to it sev
eral important measures.
Prince Bismarck and Herr Oslschaeger
had a Ions conforcnco to-daj on the subject
of the negotiations between the various Ger
man governments regarding the new
repressive socialist laws. The po
lice have prohibited the circulation of a
pamphlet which the socialists have just pub
lished , with a view to enlisting public sym
pathy. The Silosian Gazette publishes sta
tistics showing an uninterrupted growth of
socialism. The city of Berlin in 18S2 con
tained twenty-four socialist secret societies ,
now it contains over 100. Bavaria in 18SO
had 1,031 societies with 53,030 members. She
now has 3,300 societies with 132,000 members.
Referring to the report that a deputation
of Cretans were going to solicit Emperor
William's protection , the Post says that such
a stop will bo in vain , as the emperor has en
tered into no obligations for the protection
of subjects under Turkish rule.
It is reported that TJppo Tib's son has sr-
rived In Zanzibar , and that he will mediate
between Captain Whs man and Bussiros to
restore peace.
The recent rise In the price of diamonds
has attracted the attention of German opera
tors who had made extensive purchases of
Dobours shares In the London market and
Intend to have them quoted on the Berlin
bourse. The Dobeers mine practically con
trols the market. The Idea is to limit the
production and thus maintain prices.
Tlio Dlahler Waiiou Company of 81.
Paul GOOB 10 thhWalI.
ST. PAW , , Minn. , August . | Special Tel
egram to THE BKK. ] ThejJ. H.Mahler com
pany , of this city , ono of tle { largest carnage
and wagon houses In the . \vost , mada a vol
untary assignment to-day jfor tbo benefit of
its creditors to exrCongrcssman John L.
McDonald. The statement of assets und lia
bilities has not ff t been tiled , but from the
magnitude of the compony'ta operations , the
liabilities will not fall short of halt a million
The failure caused a sensation In commer
cial circles , us the company has been doing a
business through the west second onlv in im-
portan co to that of Studebaker Bros. U is
learned that the company has been in finan-
clal straits for several months , but the ofll-
cers mortgaged their properly and expected to
wea thor the storm until to-day. A lane
amount of paper fell duo und wus allowed to
go to protest. The ofllcera of the company
uro J. H. Mahler , present and treasurer ;
L. 13. Clark , vice president , and II , M-
Miller , secretary. The company has been in
business twenty years.
Plerrcj's Bohnnl Hoard innotlnii.
PjKimE , Dak. , Ausust 21. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB HEI : , ] ! The city election " 'today
to vote bonds of 810,003 to build wird school
houses carried by a Hrjo majority , bairn ;
practically unanimous. Kcnlc-statodeals are
growing lively , and tlio > lj full of excur
The Titled Ynuhtmcit Writes Con
cerning Vnlkyrlc.
lOopl/rfflfit / ISX > ' ) ) / JrtmM Qnntnn flennitt. ]
LOKOON , August 24. [ Now York Herald
Unblo Special to Tim UKE.J The following
communication baa been received :
To the Editor of the Now York Herald : I
llnd that an erroneous impression as to my
action with respect to the America cup
challenge prevails In soiuo quarters , and as
It Is duo to confusion to cablegrams that re
cently passed between the Iloynl Yacht
squadron and Now York Yacht club , I wish
to explain the true position of affairs. Re
ferring to the Royal Yacht squadron's cable
gram on the 4th lusttho New York Herald's
London edition said that the reply received"
from the New York Yacht club was that the
"Valkyrlo may prepare , " and this mistake
was repeated In many other journals. As n
matter of fact , tlioso words formed Iho con
cluding paragraph of the Royal Yacht squad
ron cablegram , which ran ns follows :
"Your Interpretation of the deed and the
suggestion that the objection In our Icttor of
Juno 27 can bo overcome , niters the case.
The challenge holds good , provided the cup
can bo hold subject to n challenge under the
Volunteer-Thistle conditions , and provided
the necessary extension of time bo granted ,
tbo Valkyrie may prepare. "
The reply from the secretary of the Now
York Yacht club , dated August 0 , was :
"Cablegram to Smith received. When
you withdrew your challenge for Urn Ameri
ca cup the committee was dlsclurgod. A
meeting of the club cannot now bo called un
til its return from the squadron's crulso. "
The trnnbposltlon of words , though no
doubt unintentional , may have an effect , Im
portant to mo as It may seem , to cast the
responsibility for not sailing on my should
ers. Had the Royal Yacht squad
ron received n message saying that
the Vulkyrlo might prepare , I should
hnvo considered such reply as indicating
that the terms mentioned in the Royal Yacht
squadron cablegram would bo agreed to , IUH !
i would have at once prepared my vessel to
cross the Atlantic. It is obvious however ,
that the Now York Y.icht club's mcssugo
convoyed nothing that could justify mo in
assuming that the match could tuko place
and In getting ready for sen , as the season
was getting fur advanced , and , as making
duo allowance for the tlnio neces
sary to prepare the Valkyrie
for sea , run her ncross and
get her In trim for racing ! on the other
aide , it hud become evident that I could not
possibly rano In America thisyear , oven if I
laid the vessel up there for the winter. I sent
the following cablegram to J. V. S. Oddsc ,
secretary of the New York Yacht club , on
the lOtn lust. :
"Havo anxiously awaited n definite reply
to'the squadron's last cable. Even if a satis
factory answer bo now received there is no
time to prepare , cross and race the Valkyrie.
Cannot sail. Have written. "
This cablegram I confirmed in the follow
ing letter : $
August 10 , 1SS9. Dear Sir : I have this date
sent you the following cablegram : 'Hnve
anxiously awaited a definite reply to the
squadron's lust cable. Even if satisfactory
answer bo received , no tlmo to prepare cross.
and race the Ynlkynp : Therefore can't sail
this year. Havo'wrlt'ton. ' It would take mo
at least a fortnight to prepare my ship for
the voyage and two or three weeks
on your side to got ready to [ race , and it is
the advanced season of the year when a
quick run across cannot bo anticipated. It
Is obvious that if any answer satisfactory to
the Royal Yacht squadron is returned to
their cable of the 4th instjl could not bo in
time to race. I ain therefore reluctantly
compelled to recognize that owing to circum
stances beyond my control a match is ou.t of
the question this year. You will pardon
my pointing out that if , the committee of
the Now York Yacht club had agreed to
either of the propositions made in my letter
of Maj 4 and June 21 , the result would have
been different. In my letter to you in May
I begged that a match might bo sailed , aud
any difference between the two clubs as to
the terms upon which the cup was to be held
in the future settled afterwards , and in my
letter to Mr. Smith , of Juno 24 , I said if the
Now York Yacht club found themselves un-
nblo to offer the America cup as a prize
I was anxious to sail against
whatever yacht would have boon selected to
defend it , either for a prize of equal value or
for nothing at all. I cannot but express my
great regret that neither of the propositions
were accepted. Had they been so , and
assuming , as is suggested in your letter of
July 10 , that the difficulty about the now
deed of gift could bo overcome , matches
would have taker place. I am sorry that the
Now York Yacht club looked unon the letter
of the Royal Yacht squadron , dated Juno 27 ,
as a withdrawal of my challenge. The
Royal Yacht squadron refused to con
firm the challenge , subject to certain
conditions , affecting future challenges , to
which it took exception. Such a conditional
refusal to ratify might , I should have
thought , boon looked upon as a definite with
drawal. Notwithstanding the impossibility
of racing this year , I bopo the Now York
Yacht club will reconsider the cablegram of
the Royal Yacht squadron of the 4th insf. ,
and , If a satisfactory answer Is returned , I
trust that my challenge may bo considered as
merely postponed , as in that event tbo Val
kyrie will bo ready early next
season to meet any vessel that could
have sailed acrainst her had the match taken
place at the tlmo originally proposed , I have
the honor to bo yours very faithfully ,
This letter , I ttilnk , covers the whole case
with the exception , perhaps , of ono point.
ThoNew York Yuctit club notified mo in
their letter of July 18 , that the following
resolution was passed at the fourth general
meeting of the club :
"Resolved , That the Now York Yacht club
do not put up u special cup for competition
In the match with tlio Vulkyrlo , as suggested
in the earl of Dunraven's Icttor of
Juno 34 , 1SS9 , to the chairman
of the America cup committee , but that all
club events bo open to him and that the
earl of Dunravon bo notified by the secre
tary. "
The Now York Yacht club appears to huvo
misunderstood my letter of Juno 21. I made
no point of the special cup. Neither did I
suggest that the New York Yacht club
ebould put up any prl/o whatever. What I
said was , "I attach no importance to the na
ture of the prlzo. All I care for Is the inter
est belonging to a fair competition between
tbo two vessels. If the Now York Yacht
club find themselves unableto , offer the
America cup as u prlzo , I shall
bo ready on my part to sail
against whaUvcr yacht Is selected to defend
it , either for a prlzo or equal value or for
nothlny ut all. " The italics I huvo added ,
and If there was any doubt about my mean
ing , it was farther elucidated in
a letter of the same date to General
Paine , In which I said ; "Icannot , however ,
afford to race for a largo sum , but should bo
glad if the sum , If any , that wo sail for bo
such as to enable the victor to buy something
commemorating the event , " I may add
that no further Intelligence hnsbeen received
by the Royal Yacht squadron up to ilato.
gust SW.
The Dentil of His \Vlfo DrlvoH n Chi-
CHKO Mart to.fitiloidc.
CiiioAno , August 31. [ Special Telegram
to Tnr. BKK. ] Thousands of traveling men
throughout the states will bo surprised to
learn that Samuel Koionb\ , who has boon
on the road over since ho was big enough to
crawl into n railroad car , has taken his own
Ho has boon despondent for n number of
weeks on nccount of the death of his wife
who dlod two months ngo , and shortly before
noon to-day ho went to his residence nt
Twenty-ninth street nnd Fmr nvonuo , nnd
going to the bed room in which his wife died ,
ho tired n bullet into his brain und expired
almost Instantly.
Mr. Rosonbaum , who for the last eight
yours had been the head salesman for James
II. Wnlkcr & Co. , came down to the now
shoo store of tbo firm nttho corner of MarKct
and Adams streets , at 8 a , in. to-day , nnd
chatted pleasantly with- his assistant for
about an hour. Suddenly he became morose
nnd commenced to talk to himself.
"What Is the trouble with you , Sam ! "
asked n member of the firm , who nolicod the
sudden change that came over Mr. Rosen-
baurn ,
Mr. Hosenbuum nt first did not take any
nottco of what was said , but when tbo ques
tion was repeated ho remarked sadly :
"Oh , I cannot get over it. " Ho then went
homo , and upon arriving there killed himsclt.
Mr. Rosonbaum was fifty-five years old ,
nnd leaves quite n largo estate. Ills sales
during the tlmo that ho has been with James
II. Walker & Co. have averaged $1,000,000 a
Rosenbaum was n wholesale salesman al
most all his life. Ho worked In Milwaukee
before ho cnmo to Chicago , and In this city
was with Carson , Porio & Scott , and then
with A. T. Stowttrt & Co. Upon Mr.
Stewart's death the branch
Chicago was re
moved to Now York. James H. Walker ,
formerly Chicago manager for Stowurt , or
ganized the firm of James H. Walker & Co. .
and took Roscubaum in us one of his sales
Botli Sides Exiirens Themselves ns
Heady For Trial.
CHICAGO , August 34. [ Special Telegram
to THE Buc.l Both the prosecution and
the defendants in the celebrated Cronm case
aver to-day that they are ready for the trial
next Monday. At least all the attorneys for
the defense have expressed themselves ns
being ready und willing to go on with the
trial , with tlio exception of Attorney Forest ,
who says he can't toll and will not know
until court opens to-morrow.
There are VOKUO suggestions offered by
those who are in position to know that
this eagerness to go on Is merely
a bluff .on the part of both the
prosecution and defense for the purpose of
prompting the other slao _ to ask for a con-
tlnunnce. However MrTEongoneckor states
' '
in'vo'ry emphatic term ? that the stato'Wants
rib further delay , nhd'wlll ask for no con
tinuance under any circumstance. There U
much speculation as to what course the de
fendants will pursue. Some of the suspects
may demand a separate trial , and thus draw
out the state before the main conspiracy case
is tried. Another possibility is that some of
the defendants may ask for a continuance ,
while others of the accused may demand an.
Immediate trial. Judge Longonccker ex
presses little four of this , however.
Will Move For Separate Trials.
CHICAGO , August 24. 'rho attorney for
O'Sullivan , Martin Bunco and ex-Detective
Coughlin notified the states attorney that
when the Cronln case comes to trial , they
will move for separate trials for their clients.
The states nttorncy will resist the motion.
A Wyoming .Ranchman Shot and
Then Burnctl.
LAIUMIE , Wyo. , August . [ Special Telegram -
gram to THE BCK.J The mystery surround
ing the murder of Roburt Burnett , the
eccentric Polo Mountain ranchman , has at
lust been solved. Dwlght Rockwell , who
was arrested as an accessory , to-day made n
statement to the effect that Burnett was
shot down in his cabin by George Black ,
uftcr which Black und himself took the body
to a gully and cremated it. Some of the
bones wcro afterward concealed in a gopher
hole , nnd Rockwell conducted the officers to
the place this afternoon. All the testimony
at the Inquest confirms the Rockwell story ,
Tlio murder wus the result of land troubles ,
both Black und Burnett claiming the right
to the ranch the latter occupied on the Fort
Sanders wood reservation.
Wind Wracks u Circus Tout.
TOLEDO , August 24. This afternoon a
heavy ram nnd hail storm passed over the
city. It struck a circus tent , lifting the can
vas nnd throwing the tent over on ono side ,
crushing down the seats. A wild scone of
terror resulted. In the panic women fainted
and children screamed. It is a miracle that
there wcro so few casualties , The most se
rious case was the breaking of the log of u
young girl , but over 100 people suffered
bruises and contusions.
Cruiser IJItlH Wantrd.
WASHINGTON , August 21. Advertisements
were reissued to-day from the stnto depart
ment for bids for the construction of the
three 2,030 , ton cruisers , for which excessive
proposals were opened Thursday , The now
advertisements have certain important dif
ferences that are expected to Induce contrac
tors to offer bids that will full within the ap
propriation. _
Mt the Flro Witli KCI-OHCIIO.
Dnevmi , August 24. Durlntr the present
month twelve persons Imvolost their lives in
this city and vicinity by using kerosene to
start the lire. To-day's record shows two
more added to the list. Mrs. Dulmadgo , the
mother of the assistant fire chief of the city ,
und Mrs. Jeff Orr , of Durango , wore fatally
burned while pouring oil from a can into the
A MiH tssl | > i > l Election Foaturn ,
JACKSOX , Miss , , August 24. At Newman's
grove yesterday a general shooting match
occurred at u primary election , which re
sulted In tho'dcath of W , H. Brads ton and the
fatal wounding of W , l'Bradstou. . Three
others , Hawkins , Jim Lamer und a man
named Toud wcro badly wounded.
Tlio Weather
Nebraska Generally fair , cooler , winds
shifting to northerly ,
Dakota Fair , generally cooler , northerly
Iowa Fair , stationary temperature except
in western portion , slightly cooler Monday ,
southerly shitting to westerly winds.
Natives From the Troploa Complain
of the Cold Woathor.
Phonannts nnd Sparrows Will Have
to Keep Shady.
Bornhardt Exhibits Gront Nerve
at Her Husband's Fuaoral.
Superb ItonibrandtR Purchased Jly
an AdmlrorVliltclav Held En-
tcrtnl'na Representative Work *
li\K Men nnd Women.
at tin ; French Cnplt O.
1SSO 1)JmiiM | fJoixton Itcmietf.l
PAIMS , August 24. iNow York Herald.
Cable Special to TUB lui ) : . | The weather
continues cold and windy nnd wo have find
showers of rain every ton minutes. Slnco
noon the tnormoinotcr has registered M de
grees Fahrenheit. The Egyptians , Algerians
and nil the dark-skinned inmates of. the ex
hibition nro in despair nt what they call
winter weather. Tholr tooth chatter nnd
they look as If they would llko to go south
again ,
To-morrow the shooting season opens in
most of the departments near Paris. All
day hundreds of chasseurs , In highly
theatrical costumes , russet leather leggings
nnd mcdimvul caps with feathers , have been
driving to and fro m cabs with guns slung
ever theirs ho uldt-rs. Hundreds of setters
nnd pointers nro whisking about ever the
asphalt , and , altogether , Paris 1ms a very
sportsman-like appearance. Every Parisian
who owns or can borrow a gun and dog will
bo out early to-morrow banging away nt nil
sorts of gnuio , from pheasant down to little
Sarah Bernhardt , who has so wonder
fully impersonated death in all its phases ,
bus just had a painful experience of its dread
reality on the occasion oC the funeral of her
husband , Damnla. A report was spread by
the Rappel to the effect that when the body/
was carried down to the ground lloor of the
house the coffin was found to bo too small ,
and It took nn hour to make It largo enough.
"During the operation , " said the report ,
' the body wus placed in an arm chair , and
Hcrnhnrdt had the courage to support the
head on her shoulder for sorno tlmo. The
sight was blood-curdlingand created sadness
among those present. " w ,
In consequence of this statement Dr.
Gaunul , the physician who superintended
the ombalmont of the body , baa wrltten'tho
following Icttor to the editor of Rappel :
"Bonding an article in Rnppol relating to
the sad incident said to have taken place at
the funeral of M. Damnlu , I beg * "correct
involuntary errors. The coffin was of tha
ordinary size , but on account of the difilculty
of lowering it from the first to the ground
lloor I proposed to tiavah Bernhardt to leuye
it down stairs nnd bring down the body in an
arm chair. The body was not immediately
placed In the coffin simply because , according
to the Greek rite , the latter had to bo blessed
by a priest before hand. It was then that
Sarah Bernhardt held her husband's head.
This ceremony over , the body having boon
placed in the coffin with the visage
uncovered , touching religious chant *
were cntoned , which caused Bornhardt to
shed abundant tears. Mine. Sarah Born-
hardt's courage was oven greater than wa
stated In your paper , for sne was present
during tbo whole process of embalming ,
which was most trying on account of the ad
vanced state of decomposition of the body ,
and she Insisted upon herself arranging her
husband's ' hair and board as ho used to wear
them during his life. "
That westward is the irresistible destiny
of pictures , ancient and modern , collected in
Paris , has again been exemplified by the fact
that Princess de Sagan has sold to an Amer
ican three superb Rcmbmndta that formed
part of her cullery.
Minister Whltclaw Reid and Mrs. Reid en
tertained at breakfast to-day Scripps Lcaguo
of Worklngmcn's expedition. Mrs. Lenora
M. Barry him the scat of honor on the right
of Mrs. Reid , and Miss Emma Durschlog oc
cupied tbo right of Chuuncoy Depow , Among
those present were Norman J. Coleman ,
Julian Hawthorne , General Franic Summer-
villo Tucir , Prof. Riley nnd Napoleon Noy.
Mr. Reid , Mr. Depow and Mr , Napoleon
Noy honored the occasion by appropriate
Tlio Jollot PrlHoner's Story Corrobor
ated Ity 1IU Mother.
CHICAGO , August 24. To-day developed
another installment of the real life "ro
mance of a poor young man. " The actual
name of the young fellow who , under tbo
name of George Dunning , is serving a four-
year term iu Jollot prison ns the result of his
love for H millionaire's daughter , is Ernest
Dunnlvant. His father , nn old Chicago
printer , died four years ago , leaving a
widow , seven daughters and two sons. Upon
the earnings of Ernest thd tuinlly were de
pendent after the death of his father until
the boy went to prteon. Since then the
family existence has been maintained by a
severe struggle.
The mother was seen by a reporter to-day
und corroborated the story told In these dis
patches yesterday about her son , giving the
story in detail , She said that the million
aire's ' daughter cama baok to the city last
year after a Ions absence and called on her
( Mrs. Dunnlvant ) and spoke indignantly of
Ernest being In prison and wanted the moth *
or to wrlto to him how much she thought of
him and how much she would help him when
ho got out. The girl said aha herself had
been practically In prison during her absence
from Chicago. Mrs , Dunnlvant added that
HO in o time last year nn attorney
wus recommended as a man who could not
bo bought off. J went to him nnd ho said he
Would assist mo. He wanted some letter *
from the girl. The attorney said hu had
made this same millionaire settle for two
Hcrupo.s ho hud got Into , and by showing tha
letters to him would get Erncit pardoned
out. I cava him the letters , and that was
the last I ever heard of them. "
Stuuinshlp Arrivals
At London Sighted i LaCampugno , from
Npw York for Havre ; the Ohio , from Phila
delphia for Liverpool ; the Hamuionla , from
New York tor Hamburg ,
At Now York The Servia nnd City of
Belfast , fro i" Hamburg ; the Umbria , from