Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No ndvortloomonta will bo tnkonfor
thoeo columns aftor2:3O ! p.m.
Terms Cash In advance.
. .Advertisements undo * this hcsd 10 cents per
line for the nr t insertion. 7 c nU for each sub-
ffoqucnt insertion , nnd tl//per line jior month.
No advertisements taken to- less tlinn 25 cents
for llrstih'.virllon. Seven word * will be connted
to the line : they must rim rooHecnUvfly and
JBim bo jwld In ADVANCE. All advertise-
rnentH mint bo handed In before 12OT o'clock p.
m.nna under no clrcumttancos will they b
taken or dlhconllnued toy telephone.
PartleMulvcrtlslngln the/ie columnsnnd hay
ing their ntiarrcrs addressed In cnro otTur. Dr.u
vill please'aok for n checic to enable themto got
their IctViit ) . us none will bo delivered except
en prcfcnlatlon ot check. All answern to ad-
Yertiperaonls nhculd b nclcscd In envelopes.
All adTtrttwrntints lathrse columns txre pub
lished In both moraine and eTrnlrg edition * of
TUB HUE. the circulation of which aggregates
More than 1,000 papers rtaliy , nrtd elves the ad-
VcrHscM the benefit. not only of the city circu
lation of I'll r. UKE , but nl. o of Council Hlutfd ,
Lincoln nml other cities and .town * throughout
tlil nfctlbh of the country. _
Advertising forthfso column * will bo taken
on the nboro conditions , nt tbo following biial-
nesH liourc * . who are authorised agentn for THE
QBE special notices , ana will quote the mime
rates ag cru bo had nt the main olllco.
} rSa7i
Street ,
/-I H A 815 A rnnr. Stationers and Printers. 113
V/Bouth Uth Street.
SH. FAIINBWOUTHPharmacist , 2115 Cum-
.mlng Street ,
W.l. HUGIing. Pharmacist. G24 North ICtb
GT.O. W. PAlllt , Pharmacist , IBM St. Wary'i
T50S1TION on form by man and wife with ono
JL child. Aadresa ( ) Oti , llee. V01 21T
WANTED A position by an experienced
stenographer. Address E. Clay , lieu olllce.
Council limits. IDOJ3
vrnntod by man and wife , both
SITUATION , hotnl or restaurant. No. 1
references. Address 0 ID. Hoe olllco. Ifi2 : Ut
WANTED-Ponltton as houoskeopor or com
panion ; apply between and 21 nt 1223 N
Bithst. 141 2&t
WANTED Situation AS salesman. 0 years
experience In general merchandise , good
ofcrunccs. Address U 11 oe onice. ItvisJ
WANTKD-Snlesmanto carry full line Call
forala Oluves on commission for this
territory. Hetercnces required. Haymond ,
Squire & Co. , San .Francisco , Cal. " 18-81 *
ANTED Asalesman to sell a spfclulty to
tne grocery trade through Nebraska ; good
references required. Address Jl 5 , lice.
WANTI3D--Agouts everywhere for stereos-
eoplc'vlows ot the Johnstown ruins. Lib
eral commission. AShlto & Miuckler. hole
agents , Fort Wayne , Ind. 213 27 *
"VS7 ANTED Good printer , sober. Industrious ,
' single. Steady work , * . " * ) a month. Must
loan employer ti't. Address II 3 Heo. 220 .
WANTED A flrst-cluss bill clerk , muiit be
Rood and rapid poninau and accountant.
No otner need apply , lllchardion Drug Co.
WANTED-A baker , third hand , a once ,
14M.bunders at. 207 23 *
WANTKU-A good cook at 2203 Cuniing st.
203 }
'WT'ANTnD Gentleman of ability and capita" ]
T totnko the ( jenernl ngcncy for the United
States ol a good Dulling article- . Address a GO ,
lieu. 354 ZX
WANTKD-2.-J railrond laborers for U. P.
company work , at Albright' * labor agency ,
1120 Fnruam st. Wl
fTIAII.OKS wanted Good coat , vest nnd pants
J-makers luqutro at ouce 1'ur 8.1'rnuk , ilutel
W"ANTED Olllce men to Introduce tuo
MulitnlnK Shirt Ircraer. Salary. $10 tn JiU
per month imd expenses. Jio canvassmcr. Ad
dress , wltn stamp , llrown , lleauoiior .VCo. . En-
Klowood. 111. It0j
GBNEltAL and local agents lor my "Solid
Mucilage Pencil. " Everybody buys It.
One ] > encll outlasts u quart ot mucllace.
XliouHuuds will be Bold at the expositions. _ ' 5c
Cor sample and terms , C. A. Long Jlfr. . 310 and
118 Deaboru at. Culcogo. in. 213
WANTED Bread Dakers : steady work to
good men ; apply at the Jos. tiarnuau
Cracker Co. 188 S3t
TJOHTJIA1T copying agents wanted in every
Jtown. . Orders taken rapidly ; every family
wants -pictures enlargml ; energetic -men can
oMly earn from ff. ' > 0 to f IUU per week , filaonger
vlll bo hero In a few days to IUHICO nersoual ur-
runcemcnta with agents. Applicants write Im
mediately. Illinois Portrait Co. . 15'J Washington -
ton St. . Chicago , 111. ll'.lSiJ
WANTED 3 young men ; lltrht work , ut $15
weekly ; room 17. 22J N ifltli. 1M-ZK .
WANTKD goodreliablomeu for dectlres In
ovrry community : paylui ; positions. At\- \
drnss Kansas Jotoctlvo Ouruau , lock box SW ,
Wlchlic. Kun. 310
WANTKD Oood man In every town. Salary
paid weekly. Andreas Sherman , Tangon-
"berg k Co. . ICOV. . Latest. . Chicago. ina-.IlT
iTSOKDEKSlnOtlays : "I average 10 orders In
12 calls. " These uxtmcts from agents' let
ters ; ngunts wanted In Nebraska. Address with
stamp. C. K.p3borne. HeatrlcoNob. _ ll 8 17'
and handle patent right territory. Munbo
f good address , temperate , energetic nd liavo
luiil experience. Snlnry or ciimnil83lon. Ulvo
reterences. P. O. nox H3. Hebron. Neb. Ofl-
/VDoi > reliable cnnvassers.stBady employment
VX wilhThe Singer Mfg. Co. , lf > 18 Donglas tit.
_ _ _ na a 1:1 :
WANTKD-Tor Washington Territory-tie-
makerx. choppers , carDenters , rock men ,
graders nnd tracklayers , at Albright's Labor
.Agency. H3l > "nrnain st. _ 1
"VX7ANTKD A goodqDlco man to co east ;
T t must Invest J2.riOl ( ; must bo a good business
man. Address the ( loo. H. Cllnu Publishing
House , ; I15 to 1U1 WabuHh ave , , ChlcaRO , 111.
MEN to travel for thr Konthlll .Nurseries of
Canada. Wo pay 8V ) to J IOJ n month nnd
expenses to agents TO M'll our Canadian grown
Ad , Snuo & Wellington , MuUIeon. Wls.
ANTKD-Aconts. Mnijlc cigar lighten
urery mnokur uuvn , llglitn In % \ Ind or rnln ,
louts u lifotlmo. Sample Ific. two for-'io , dozen ,
II. or mall. Stamps taken. Aiuitin & Co. ,
ProvjdenceH. 1. _ , _ 4Ws'
" \ \ ; ANTED J25 weekly roiiresoptatlve , mule
' or female. In every commnutty. Hoods
Btnplo ; liousehold necessity ; sen at Bight : no
peddling : salary paid promptly , nnd exprnnea
ndvanceil. Full particulars mm vamablu sample
cne rru . Wo moan Just what wo say ; address
Htonce , Standard Silverware Co. , Uoaiou , Mass.
ANTED-A good girl , at 10)1 Dodge street ,
between 10th and lltlistreets. Good wages.
S2J 22T
WANTED Oood girl forneneralhoiisawork.
None other need apply. Dr. J. C. Davis ,
SmCuinliiB St. 211-22
\\TANTKD-aood lrl foi general housework.
f T Mra. A.P. Tukey.iail ChluaEOBr.o 11)5 )
\\7'.VNTKD- Woman pastry cook. TO ; 4 laun-
f i dresbe.120tot2.iihoui ! > oucopiirfor widower
with 41ittloboys ; 1 for the country : -'cooks ;
10 ulnlng room glrla , 120. same hotel ; 0 girls ( or
country towns ; SO for general housework. Mrs.
llifga. 1114K B. Utli. 1S1 22t
111 If Tor general housework , 812 S. Ifth St.
L _ 1DH2
WANTED An expeilenccd nurse girl , apply
at Ih23 Fariiata bt. 15'J M
_ "
WANTEU-A girl for
ca M. aitU t. cor Cali m
\VrANTKD-Oood jrirl for houseworlc. Mrs.
1 > W. W. Illugliaui , tilt 8. ICth Bt , _ 17S-SU
XPKUIGNCBD MlNlndlf8 T wanted at Btone
hlU'B. apply at 8 o'clock bhari ) . 178 21
\\7ANTKD A compoteut girl In family ol
T > tuo. ( ienimn preterrud. Mra. D. H.
B'hoeler. C01 8.2oth Bt. 121 2
1 ANTED-Nunse c'rl ' ut 511 South "Jxih T.
WANTKO Girl for housework.
_ taa'i t.'umlui ; . _
WANTr.D-lllrl for cenetul lioiuework In
giuull family at 22JU Howard st. tfU
\ITANTEI > Herman girl to do coo Kin * ami
TY wa hlnc. btst of vruaai paid , luuutro J.
X. . lirandels. 4 S Wth at. aa
QpOt ) t-lr ) Jor general housaworlc ut 1010
I California u
TXTANTKO-Qirl for e ntiral houneworU in
T family of tnree ; Ueraan preferred. Apply
t Cuiiitoi ave. 1 0 si
TJTCI.IAIU.IC Gorman to work In private fam-
XXlly , tniiRt bo hundy about n liousp , t.t ) . 3
good farm bandit , 29 laborers , kitchen mrn , at
MM. Urcga'B , 014K B. 16th. 163 SiT
\\J ANTBt ) ny roipcctablo "and re ipon lble
YY family , to adopt n bright little girl , from 8
to 12 years preferred. Address U 60 , Ueo omco.
WANTBD ? ranll homo or S or 4 rooms on
ground floor , convenient to U. 1 * . depot.
Address , statin ? terms , Ulmes , Booth Omaha.
WANTI0 Ahouso , ( Hold rooms , suitable
for keeping llrst-class roomers , situation ,
Between 1'iurmm ana Webstct nnd inth and
2)th. ) Olvo price , location and number ot
rooms. Address 11. C. , care room" , Iron bank
bnllnlng. _ 210
ANTI'.U Hy an experienced gnrdcner , to
lease for ono or more yearn developed gnr-
don grounds. Address P. O. box ; S3. liest city
references. 1W-S73
WANTKO A furnished House of eight or
nlno rooms with modern conveniences.
within n mile null in of postotllcd ; one with a
nice yard preferred , by n family of three. Ad
dress with terms , O ( ft , lloo oOlce. 1'C ' 23
A NTKI Two or throe rooms with
In a prlvato family by -family ot thrre :
bestorrefHWicni glron nnd roqmroa Will
pay good reasonable rates. Address O SX llee
cilice. 1ST 2J
KKNT Pretty 7-room house , bath ana
gas. 2-ilB Calif ornla st. 9il per month. In
quire Wngwalt llro < . , 8T llarker bloet 131 20
ANTfiD Vumlslicd cottage , I > or C rooms ,
by family or a , from Sept. 1st. Address
G SI ) . Deoolllcc. 77
FIHST-closs day ooard. Inquire 1C09 Douglas
D UEBSMAKINO in families. 02TBo. ITth. nv9. _
o do dressmaking In f ami
Jlillra solicited. Miss St urdy. C1U B 2f > th St.
FOR HRNT New house il rooms , hall , 2 clos
ets and pautry ; city , well nna cistern water ,
f 12 to small family : references required. It , K.
Copsou. cor. Inth und 1'iclllo HIS. 225 "It
F IOR UENT-No. 010 N. 17th St. . cottage six
rooms , centrally located , & ) per mouth.
TT10K KENT Elegant rooms In modern brick
JO residence ; board If desired. 1821 Cuss st.
IjTOU KENT Ono IB-room house with all
JD modern conveniences : this house Is well
adapted for a boarding house nnd In n good lo
cation. Inquire of 1'atrlck Ford. 1004 Daven
port St. 200 23t
FOH KENT 7-room , 2-story house , barn for
i horses If doslrod. For terms for the winter
cull on or address C. 1' ' . Harrison , Moichants'
Nat'l Hank. 1WJ
FOIl U1CNT To responsible family without
children , for terms of yenrs nt low rental ,
a desirable residence , furnished or unfurnished.
21th and CUBS streets , or vrr.aUI Bell at low
pilco. Boggs&HllI , llenl Estate , 1403 Farnam.
CpOK HENT 2 flats , ono 6 rooms , ono Brooms ,
JL ? to parties without children ; modern conven
iences. Also for rent or sale on easy terms , : t
now rroom cottages. N. U. Adams , ji. c. corner
22d and Miami sts. 15327 ;
J71 ° It HENT-4-room house , 610 Williams st.
F IOIt KENT October 1st. large brick house ,
1724 ; Capitol avo. Inquire' , Netherton Hall ,
lloom 423 First * int . > inn - 1 - , "
Foil ItENT Anftw C-room house , nonth 8th
and Center streets ; well and cistern.
12 ! ) 2W
TjlOH HINT Six room house , 8. E , corner ISth
JL1 and Chicago sts. ] 4o
TTIOK ItENT Choice 0-room house , furnished
X ? for man nnd wife : board : Webster , between
Uth and 21st st. Address G , 6t > , Dee olllce.
120 23
HENT12room fiouse ; furnace , barn ,
largo full lot 1917 Cas st. BiU
OUbES lor rent Wilkinson , 1417'Farnam.
"IT1OII KENT 4-room cottage near Fort Oma-
JD na. ( o per month. Self for JlflOO. 1) . V.
Sholes , 210 First National bank. SJJ
T71OU UENT 7-room house , 28th and Capitol
-Cove. Inquire. 2S24 Dodge. 811
I7IOH KENT 7-roomed house , city water.bath.
-L' large cellar , etc. , 252 ! ) Franklin ut. Apply
room M ) M erclmnts Nat'l hank bldg. 870 ir
NEW flve-room cottage for rent. Russell ,
Pratt & Co. , 310 S. ] 6tn St. 690
FOK UENT Two nine room brick houses on
Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with all
conveniences ; price $ .13 to * li per month. I ) . V
Sholes. 210 First National Hank. 311
" 171011 UKNT Kesld ence , 2100 Douglns bt. , now
-L' House , all modern Improvements ; not u
basement house. Enquire of Jlorltz Meyer ,
Cor. llith and 1'o.rnam. B23
ROUSE torrent , 19J3 Dudge.
FOK KENT 7-roora Hat , ti't per mo. above
The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire TheFalr.
F Oil UENT--10-room brick house on 20th st.
nearLeavenworth. Apply nt No K.7 P.SUtn _
WILL loose for ono or more years a largo 7-
room house with all modnrn couvonleuce.s ;
Is nicely painted outsidehardnmshed * usido ,
nicely papored. two large bay windows ; three
blocks from court house Mil 8 2Uth. fcK5
FOH HUNT A detached 9-room house , all
modern conveniences. Unq. 2 23 Capitol ave.
T7IOH UENT 10-room house , steam heat , all
JL' improvements , cheap rent. G. K. Thompson ,
_ room-Ml , Shecly block , luth and Howard.Oil
POIl KENT ii-roam cottage , ion So. 28th st.
$13. Itingwalt llros. , Itoom37 , Darker block *
FOK HENT Sept. 1st. aH-room cottage , with
bath-room nnd cloaut.lHth.bct. St.Mory'ti ave
and Loavvnwortn. David Jamlcson , 311 B. luth
FOK HUNT Fine largo residence , ham wood
Jin lull , all conveniences , low rent toprlvato
fnmily ; 21(1 ( N. luthst. US4
HENT The 0-room Hat occupied by Dr.
J : Ullinoru , 2d lloor. No. IflUI Howard st , In-
qulre ot Oeo. lllgglns. 1011 Howard st. 182
FOK KENT Six new 5-room cottages , ready
on or before beptembor 1 , Jlith and Half
llnuard streets , healthy location , near Farnam
CHID. Kent , each $15 per month. Suitable for
smnll tidy families , JolmJl. F. Lehmaun , (124
S. 17th st. 411
"OOOMB nnd board for 3 gentleman ; a dcslra :
JLible location. 023 S. 2itli live. I'JB 2Jt
rTlOH KENT Front parlor , suitable for doo-
JO tor'w olllco : also 2 sleeping rooms ; IMandtlO
per month. 2UO 1'urnam bt. ' l&o 22 *
ITlIIKNISIlEDrooms and board by the day or
JO week nt the Poitbody house , Geo. Oakley ,
proprietor. IGt 23 *
1IKNT-B front rooms , cor. 0th nnd
J.eiiveiiworth , furntshrd to suit ocrunant ;
modern convouleuces. 122 201
TTUIINISHUD rooms , ens and bath. ini2 Har.
JO ney et. 123 'Mt
FUKN1SH ED I rout room torrent , 421 R. 19 th.
140 iJot
N ICELY furnished rooms for light lionae-
, 010 N. 17vh at. ] OuO 2JJ
TmOK KKNT-.TWO TuroUhnd rooms , with
.L' boiird , sultabln lor four gentlmnen , tiiruo
blocts from pobtolllce. Apply lUFi Chicago bt ,
funitshort rooiH wth
board , references. Address G 40 , Hue.
ic.'o 23 ;
TJMJHFISHliD roomswltU board , n w corner
JL1 Uth and Furuuni stx. Iktj 2. > J
" T. CLA1K Kuropeau notel , cor. 1'Jth and
Dodge ; uptdol rule by week or inontu.
TJ Olt KENT Two parlors front and back on
JL1 llrst lloor , aUo single rooms with board ,
All modern lovenltmcos. too ) Douglas. Uii
FUUNlSHCDor unfurulohed house fortont
lu Park Terrace , opposite Hunucom park ;
all modern conveulonuea. Inqulru.Lce&Nlchal ,
v-th and Leavenxvorth. 22t ]
TjlUKNIBUKD rooms with all modern con-
JO vinlcnctSfor gentlemen only , 17U9 Dodge st.
I7UHI HUNT elegant furuUnod room -for
JC alnplo gentleman only. Ill S. JOtli at. , cor.
l.csvcuwortli. uu )
J OK 3JKNT Two furnished rooms , cm fit.
1 Mary's uvcnuu. To tentjomeu only. Six
rulmitos walk of bu lne a ceutur. Hernreuc.i
required. liuuhre ; at etori21U aud SU S. Uth t.
rpWO rooms with or without boivrd for Ben-
JL tlcmonprlvftte t amllr.ref erencei. 1813 l > o\lift
rPWO desirable rooms nicely furnished and
JL centrally located nt 213 S 24th fit. WX5 1
TIDSIUAllliB rooms choapTon tar Iln , 1319
JLN. . 18th Bt. ' 08J-S17
T OtflTENT-Furnlshed rooms , 2209 Dodgo.
-L1 108 JBr
NICKLY f urnlshed suit ot rooms and one sin-
ulo room. All modern conveniences , private
family. 22141'arnnm sU CM
10OD room with bath. 819 a 2 th Bt.
J iBo.
F UKNlSHED-Frontroom. WlU F rnnm.
OUTH front room , meals In the houso. 1000
§ Capitol avenue. :
FIT HUNT Two furnUnod roornsvfll. > north
"thst. Hcfurence rcntilrud. UTJ-S1
' | 71OHHKNT-2nnfurnMlied room n S.17th
JL1 Ave. between Jackson and l < caven < vonh ,
T710H ItHNl1 Unfurnished rooms sultaolo for
A ; uonsckeeplng. Innulte * of 2 to 4 : convenient
location. Unit's ) llontlnj ; Agency , 1500 F.irnam.
Oil UKNT-Oincoa in Wtthnoll Illock. Enquire -
quire of K. N. Wlthnoll , room 17. 202 SW
TPOK KENT Store room , cor. 23th iinil N sts. ,
JL' South Omaha. Host location lucity for
Rents'furnishing or dry goods store. .Inquire
of J. J. Mahonoy. room i'JJ Paxton blk. 47S-H3
CI1O KENT Desirable war house room on
JL track. Applv to C. W. Kolth , 714 Pacltlo St.
TT'OK business purposes 2d lloor , COxlTJ. in
JL' ' Paxton building , 10th and Karnam , ontrnnco
ou Furnum. passenger nnd freight elevator ,
north nnd south light , will divide Into two It de
sired. Hcyman & Delchcs , 1518 Farnam st.
114 a 23
FOH KENT Stores and living rooms on Cum-
ingst. Also house ou Cosset. Harris , room
411,1st Nat. Hank. 231
_ , _ _ , IlENT-Tho 4-story brick ImlldinK with
JL : or without power , formerly occupied by The
Dec Publishing Co. . UIO Farnura st The build-
in ? has a lire-proof cemented basement , com
plete steam heating fixtures , water on all the
Soon , gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of The Uoo.
TJ1011 KENT Tne corner room under theJJo-
X' braska National bank will soon bo for rent ,
thq Equitable Trust Co. removing to larger
qunrten ) .
The space is about double that occupied by
the C. . B. c Q. tloKet olllco. The floor Is tiled
.nd Uio room can bo made desirable for a It. 11.
ticket or liroker's olllce.
1'or particulars apply nt bank , 082
IF you want houses rented ,
If you want your real cstato sold.
If you want insurance ,
7f you want money on real estate or other
securities call ou the Security Loan At Investment -
ment Co. . 215 S. llth Bt , , upstairs. k'J'Z : H
rpHE banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Ocllen
JLbock. Apply at UeoolDce. UM
TJTOK HENT-OnoTjarn ; 11 stalls ; large yard ;
JI clean and convenient ; enquire of Frosts
Harris , Izurd st , bet. 2i'd and 2Jd sts. U31-
A HE you looKlng for an opportunity to engage -
gage In the mcrcantllo businossir It so come
nnd see us. W. IL E. & : M. K. , llootu 14 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel. 1UO. 015
/CESSPOOLS , cistenis. privy vaults , etc. ,
\Jcleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean
ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless
Sanitary Co. , 1408 Farnam street. Tel. 208.
i)33 sti
T OST on the afternoon of the 20th Inst. on
J-JFarnam st. or ono of the streets nortli. nn oil
painting done UD In wrapping paper. Please
notify J. 1) . Clmmberlin , No. 3JO S. 2 th St. ,
and receive reward. 211 23S
WILL the person who picked up black silk
umbrella with oxidized silver handle nt
dancing lloor , Hamsoom's park , Wednesday ,
please return same to 202 First National [ tank
Uuildlngr. 215-22'
O3T Sultab'lb reward for return to livery
stable , n. w. cor , St. Mary's ave. and 17th St. .
of a largo dark packatbook containing money
andpapoM only of value to owner , 176 23
T 03T At the ' 'Fair , " n purse containing a $10
-t-lblll. a ring with engraving Inside , J. M. to
P. II. , a trunk key and papers. Mnder will re
ceive thn Jill ami an additional reward by re
turning to the "Fair. " 103 SW
TOST Brown nnd white spaniel pup two
Jmonths old. Liberal reward for bis return
to 1321 Capitol ave. , cor. 14th Bt. IVtZK
r OST A deed and abstract of title made by
A thls company ot a lot on Cuming street.
Tuo Under will bo reasonably rewarded by re
turning to the Midland Guarantee & Trust Co , ,
1U14 Farnam at , 163 24
"I OST Largp , young close-haired at. Uernard
JLJ dog , yellow with white breast nnd fact. He-
turn to 1130 Georgia ave. , or SOI Douglas nnd get
reward. G33
T OST English Mastiff. Keturu to 400 Paxton
J-J block and got reward. 241-
P WILLIAM JJeckor , whoso whereabouts has
. been unknown sluco lie was tioeu lust in the
summer of 18:1 , uenr his former homo lu the
city ot St. Louis. Mo. , is hereby informed that
his mother , Marie Hector , died at her late resi
dence. No. 43U1 Cote Ilrilllanto avenue ( late
linca street ) . In said city , leaving a laut will ,
and that It Mill bo tolils Interest to advise the
undersigned , axocuter of suld will , ot his ad
dress if unalilo to come in per/on. St. Louis ,
Mo , , August Utli , Ifc * ' . John A. Uromaer , executor
cuter , No. 41Q3 Gnrlleld avenue , St. Louis , Mo.
210 24t
PEKSONAL Ladles and gentlemen desiring
corrosponouts. address. Corresponding
Club , Kansas City. Mo. Inclose stamp. 1H-2JJ ;
STOHAGE at low rates M 1131 Faniam st , ,
Omaha Auction ana Storage Co. :37 :
\\iTANTIU ) I'urultnre. carpets , stoves and
' household gooda of all Kinds. Omaha
Auction it Btorrgo Co. . ll-'l Farnam. 237
OHltlSONAiKLY--Storage'and forwarding ;
special arrangements for commission mer
chants , 121J Leavenwortli : tcl. I la. , Omaha.
13S a 87 $
STOUAHE and forwarding. Wo collect nnd
deliver goodrf of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture und baggage UT cheapest rates
for storage for any leu th of time. Vans and
wagons to bo liad ut shortest notice , witn care
ful men for moving , racking and shipping
from our own warehoiiKo done on moderate
charge , Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 217 8 14th
ht.j telephone in. Howell & Co. 240
rpttACKAGE storaffeat lowebt rate * . W. M.
JL ilushman 1311 Leavenwortli. S3j
MADAME Wellington , world ronownpa as-
trologlst. teit medium and destiny reader , ,
Just from Kuropo. Tells your life.from too-
cradle U ) the grave , reunites the separated , ,
causes speedy marriage with the one you lovo.
locates dUcases nnd treats with massage nnd
electric baths. All In troublchonld not full to
consult this gifted seeresi. PvrionrO , upstairs.
417 .South llth , olllco hour * from 10 a , m. to l\r \
p. m. ( Ati-24 *
Teller M rs. isnormun can be
consulted on all p. nlrsof life , fintlsfac-
tlon euaranteed. No. am N. 1/ith / st , t2I-S.B
f\\i. \ HANN1B V. Warren , clairvoyant , mdl-
jL cal and business medium. Femul diseases
aBpeclftlty. HUNlCthst. rooms 2 and il. HU >
QTANDAllD Shorthand srtiobl. Paxton blk. ,
Oi ( nccoM or to Valentino's ) the Urgust exclu-
HlvoKlioithand nclmnllii the west. Teachers
nro verbatim rpportcrs. IMrtlcnlnr attention
pnli ! to typewriting. Mnchanlcal constractian
of macluna taught by factor } ' expert , Circulars.
HlTTLKSr.Y'S Bhortliant School , Harder
blork. Send for clrcuUrsj ijord'u nryer
In shortlwud froe. 470-sQt
O > I AHA llujlness Colloe , cor ICth and Cap 1-
tolave. Shortnand Tne hirg'Ut nd moU
jsucceHnfiil Ehortnand dopartuieuc in the Btate.
Standard methods taught. Munsou's rovlsoil
of ' 83 aspeclalty. Call or writs for torms.
_ _ _ _ _ _ iti
fiVK SALE Good t am black carriage horses
A ? nnd B loam males , will sell cheap. It. N ,
Wlthnull , room 17 , Wlthnelt lilocs. 201 2
TJVU BALK fresh Jersey tow and heifer calf ,
V u , N. Wltlmwll , room 17 , Wlthnoil lllock. -
201 28 *
1710R BALU-lAW library. 1319 Douglas.
_ _ gnast
1710U BALK Cheap , oua good square box top
-L baggy , Inquire at Wli linrt , 770 201
TTIOn SALT : At ft bwtff\ln , a nno drlttng
JL1 marr > , miltnbU for Intlropr gentltman ; also
n good linnil-made phaatAniwitn harnesst must
bo sold Immediately i pt tco.wli < Me rig , r.ou. In.
quire W. Jt. Yates , NebrJi National bank.
140 23
_ ? _
FOIl SATiK A ns-horwifawcr Porter engine
In good condition , welbht f > , lM ( pounds , nyl-
liiderMxll. Tor partlcujf a apply to The I too
oUlce. _ ; , tin _ 7 a
T710H BALT2 Very reniVWAljlon ? fine span of
JL1 norsos , n nnd7 years oliliKolglit2.CUO pounds ,
good action and porfocUndOtmd ; can bo used
ns hack , carriage , biisfi-ftr.rworkot any kind ;
nlso new wagon and hainess. Co-oporallvo
l.i\nd & l.ol Co , rO. ' > N Mjggpt. _ 170 SI
FOR 3AI.K A good horse , phaeton and har
ness , f 160 , Jt.cii3li. baUlO n mouth. Address
Q to. Hue. ajK 148 24t
_ _
" | I > on 8ATil5 Two ft-horso power engines , new ,
A ! chcan for cash or on time , 618 and GIB Paxton -
ton block. 13 25
FINEST carriage team Instate , dark browns ,
lull Id hands , weight l.l.Vl. Inquire W.I ) .
Milliard , B. B. cor Ifltti and Douglas , Omaha.
70i ) s 13
_ _
"ITIOIi SALE Cash or lime , 2 good teams , wng-
JU ons and haruesso.s , J , J. Wilkinson , 1417
Tarnam st. UtM )
ONH lire proof safe ; light express j
roar hori < es.ranglngfrom 830 to l,9uu pounds ,
will bn sold very cncap. Nebraska Mortijngo
Loan Co room MB , I'axton block. 83o
"Hire Can n old JlTc Ca being about to move
.L will sell 1 tint-class' 4'horae-power engine
and boiler at W actual value. VMS Douplus at.
_ _ UiU
TITIDLAND Guarantee .t Trust Co. , N. Y. Life
-L'J-bldK , Complete abstracts furnished and titles
to real ctiuo examined , perfected Si guaranteed.
T315FOHE making chattel or collateral loans ,
JDlt will pay you to see The Woatorn Invest
ment Ca , room 413 Uoo blag , lift
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur-
nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers.
purchaFo securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at thclr-westorn nnico. George w. V. Coatcs ,
room 7. Hoard of Trade. _ 284
MONEY laaned on chattel securities and jew
elry. Itoom 411 , Sheoly block , Omaha Ne
braska. V. II. Jerome. 437 s 2 $
MONICT to loan ; casn on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Bnulro. 1218 1'arnam St. , First National
bank building. 2JO
T71IHST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no
J' delay. D. V. Sholes. 210 First National
bank. 331
rTUIB KLRIIOHN Loan Co. giro money m any
JL amount on good security , furniture In use ,
horses , etc. Low Interest. Over otninerclal Na
tional Hank. 13th and Douglas. W-a'J7
MONEY to loan on any security
for short time , at low-
rates. Lowest rates
on personal
The Henderson-Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 40t > , Paxton block. 2Stt
U1LD1 NO loans. D. V. Sholos. 810 First
National bonk. 281
M ONEY to loan. < . F. Davis Co. . real estate
and loan agents , 15U5 Farnnm st. 277
LOANSmadoonreal estate and mortgages
bought.Lowls S Keed.&Co.U 13Hoard Trade
* O > 1
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. , or on any approved security. .1. W ,
Itobblus , H1HJ Faruatn street , Paxton hotel.
QBE Bholcs. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
Omaklug your loans. - 281
MONEY loaned for 30 , ( loW 00 days on uny
kind of cnattel security ; reasonable Inter
est ; confidential. J. J , Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam.
"RESIDENCE loans OJJ-to 7 per cent no ad
JLtdltional charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. iF. Jilciklo. First Nat bank bldg.
_ 208
mnuo.OOO to loan at ( I per cent. Llnalmn & Ma-
tDhoney , room 00 Paxton block. 237
BUILDING und other real estate loan.s W.M.
Harris , room''Q , Frenzer block , opp. P. O.
> 274
ONF.Y to loan on rcai 'estate security , at
lowest rates. Before negotiating loans see
Wallace , U. 310. Drown.bldg.lOth & Douglas. 283
WANTED First class inside loana. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual 1 livest-
ment Co. . It L Darker blk. . IStn and Farnam. 2i8
T\,1 ONEY loaned on furniture , horses and
JJjLwagons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
118 S. 13th Bt. . opposite Allllai-d hotel. 276
n/TONEY / to loan on horses , wagons , mules ,
J-TJuiousehold goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olHce In
tne city. Make loans tor thirty to three hun
dred and sixty-five days , which can be paid in
part or whole , at any time , thvs lowering the
principal and interest. Call and see us when
you want money. We can asalst yon promptly
and to your advantage without removal of
property or publicity , Money always on hand.
No delay in making loans. C. F. Heed & Co. ,
319 S. loth st. over ill ugh am & Sons. 2K3
fi Per Cent money R. 302 , N. X" . Lite Ins. Dldg
M 'ONIJY : to lonn on city or farm property.
Goo. J. Paul , 1003 Farnam st. 102
DO YOU want money ? If so don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on uny sum trom 81 up to $10,000.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , hrvrses.muleswagonswarehouse receipts ,
nouses , leases , etc. , in anyamouutat the lowest
possible rates , without publicity or removal of
Loans can be made for ono to six months and
you can pay a part at nnv time , reducing both
principal and interest. If you owe abaUnca
on your furniture or horses , or nave a loon on
them. I will take it up and carry It for you as
long as you desire.
If you need .money you will flnd It to your
advantage to see me batore borrowing.
11. V. Masters , room \yUhnoll building. 15th
an J Harney. 2d9
MONEY to loan on lurnlturc. horses , wagons
or securities of any kind ; commorclrl and
mortgage notes boucif t at talr rates ; all busi
ness transacted conllllomiiU. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321. Ituinge Tyulldlng. 713
KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of $10 to
Sl.O'X ) ; get our rates bofor borrowing and
Enve money ; loan on horrios , furnttura or any
approved ( security , without ; publicity : notes
boimht ; for uew loan , renewal of old and low-
ebt U20JSheeloy bllc,15tti & Howard st.
MONKV Loans nogoUated at low rates with
ou tdelay. und purchase goods , commercial
paper and mortgage notcu. B. A. Slomun , cor.
ISUiand Farnian. 273
EBUABKA Morr. . Loan Co will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or poeuntloi ot any kind
without publicity , at reasouable rates.
doom 7 , Howiev block. South Omaha.
Dooms 618-51U , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
A SPLENDID chance for an active and good
business man with a capital ot about
in a well < > stabllshod ni\d prospering manufac
turing entururlso ; Will byar the closest Invos.
tlgutlun. Addregs. 112. q-olllce. ) 222 I'll ?
/"iKNEKAlj business man , read estate nnd
JbrokeragB * ixporlenco , city. Good oiror to
party cstabllshoa. UUSUIfeij. 10922 ;
3SX ) drug stock for saleIn central nart of
Oma'hn , sales for last two years between
fVtt ) and Jl , < )0.1. ) Itcnttmly $ .n per month ;
must have halt cash , balance tu secured notes
or clear lots In Omaha : tliti Is a tiiiiip , Stringer
& Penny. OoiiBlas bloci : . , . 20(1 ( 2
A YOUNG man -with il established cash
business with large-profits wanted n part
ner with SHH ) to gUK , U3 it requires two to
Manage trade. Addresa ( m , lleo. 1C9-2IJ
\\7ANTliD-Apart7iorwltli 83.00.1 . to 8 > , ( KVJ to
> T take u half Interest In n wtill established
grain und ued business. Address liox 11 ,
U reenwood , Neu. _ Ib5
\\7ANTED-A partneeta-dolry business. I
T > hnvu a line herd of Jer < toys and want a
partner who bus nuces nry ground near Omaha
to start hu&lnegs at onee , Address M , LOCK
llox Vi. Oinitha. 174 22T
iSTa'l'AUIlANT In good location ; rent f.1 per
JXmonth ; price * 4Vj ) a Imrgiiln If taken soon.
Co-Op , Land and Lot Co. , ) i No. Itlth t.
170 S3
TpOU 8A1-I5 A grocery rtoro ut Florence ,
JNob. . , doing a busldes * of f * J toilOJ u day ,
will * ell building and lot ; look thU up befurv
you buy anywhere else , Cowan & Hull.
_ [ _ m.m *
UOTJUi for rent ; the onlvliotel In town. Ad
dress lock box 11 , North Htnd , Nob.
015- !
_ _
"I710U BALK Elevator ntOnlcdate. Good loca.
JL' tlon for k-ruln , live stuck , lumber nnd coal.
For particular * wrlto A. Trucsdell , iYeinont ,
Nob. H 17t
_ _
TJAOH SAlU--Marblo sTiop In coud location ,
JL' Terms very roahonalile ; bitf fnctorv ruu.
sous for selling ; tin nil capital required. Address -
dross U 09 Hue. . 001 23t
* I710It 8ALK Cneap Harbor nhop and 4 ciialrdj
J-1 good locution ; paying bueinau. .M. H. Flem-
lmr.t7ete.NBU. OJH7 *
WANTKP A p rtn In n tirowery dolnct a
( Cix > d business in a prosperous Nebraska
town , ICnnulreat room u , Ctiamber of Coin *
tnerce. 'Tel. 1410. 878
TnoU8ALti-A wcl < millt up brlcK yard , 270
JO feet front side track ) two stationary kilns ,
two drying sheds , brick machine now , honso.
stable , wind mill , water tank , load piping , to-
cethor with live nrres of land. Price l\W. \ ( Address -
dress C. F. Knul , Madison , Neb , 8S3 2J
"niOltSALl ! Or excliHnge , flno drug store In
JO country town ; nlso some cheap landa. Ad
dress look box 20 Stuart , Nob. ( VK 2ot
FOR SALKor Kxchnnito Fine drug store in
country towu ; also some cheap landi ; will
rent a roller mill to good manrent not so much
ot nil object As tn liavo mill run. Address
I/jck llox 20. Stuart , Neb. KK2it
FOR SALKor Trade for Omaha property an
established business , llox 519 Omaha ,
I tun
mo nXOHANOIltflarrcs near Albion. Nob. ,
JL GO ncres broke ; Bmnll framohouset want 1m-
proved Inside Omaha resldeuio orupvrty. It. U.
Qonapn. cor , loth nnd 1'nclllu sts. 22i "It
WHAT have you to exclianco for an equity
of about } ] , . < 001na lot nnd two houses in
South Omaha ? II1. lloo Olllco. 2M
EXCHANGE equity In lot In Ambler Place
for horse and carriage or span of liorces.
Address H 07. Uee olllce. a)324t
TflOlt'TUAOK-A mairnincent stock farm 710
JO ncros In northern Missouri. 12 miles from
county vent , one and one-halt miles frnui small
town. About 3M acres nmlcr cultivation , has
six miles ot fonclng.twogood farm houses , sheds
fntlt orchard , llvlnir water nmning through
with nhont ( X ) acres of good timber. Will ex
change for Improved city property. Address
Andrew Uosewater. 4HO 1'axtou lllk. iar-2i
WANTKD To for a stock of groceries ,
cash and lots on O. , Sf C. 1) ) . motor lino.
Lots will be put in nt tholrcash value. W. It.
E. Kit. K , , Itooin 14 Chamber ot Commerce ,
Tol. 1410. . 010
T71OII SALE OH KXOIIANGH-Outsl.lo lots for
JL ? house and lot Inside , or Salt LIIKO property.
Cottugo for nalo cheap for cash on leased
ground. 2fM rrunklln. 16U-21 ;
mur.XOHANGE-Draft tejirn for single drlv- , C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat.
bank. UUJ !
rpO KXCHANUH We liavo n good farm of 120
JL acres laying close up to the town of Ptoelo
City , JotrcrsonCo. . Neb. Abont 70 acres In high
state of cultivation. This Is river bottom land ;
soil can't be beat anywhere : 2i acres good tim
ber ; balance In peed pasture ! nil.fenced ; never
falling water ; this is a magnificent farm , with
house , stabling , and 8 nice lots in town go with
farm If desired : titles all perfect : we want la
exchange , nice , clean stock of merchandise or
hardware , dill on or address W. D. ( iordeu &
Co. , Steele City , Nub. 617
fTIO EXCHANGE The undivided one-hair in-
JL terest In : l IIO-IOO ncrrs or a good farm. 1 c
cated in Pulaskl Co. . Mo. ; about oee-hatt In
cultivation , the balance good timber ; about
ten acres lnorchardtwo other email orchards ;
four fair Bouses ; abundance ot good spring
water , and laying about ono mile from good
'business town on railroad : full and uulncum-
bored title. This furin is in a nooil settlement
and healthy locality. Wo will exchange for
general merchandise or hardware. Cull on or
address W. U. Gordon & Co. , Steele City , Neb.
Kii !
W HAThavoyon to offer In excbango torniy
SJ.OOO equity In my double bouse on
Lutnron st , near Ifltn , or lor my $ . "i.UW equity In
my double house on Spencer at. nearf.'d , or for
my tii.ono equity in my double house on Wlrt st ,
east of 21th , all with modern Improvements , nil
encumbrances 5 years at 7 per cent. No f anus
will be considered. W. T. Seam an , east side
loth Et , nortli ot Nicholas st , Omaha's largest
variety of wagons nnd carriages. TUi
TJIOK EXCHANGE-An elegant tract of land
JO containing 120 acres , in Antelope county ,
Neb. , with ordinary Improvements.
A quarter-section in Hand county , Dakota ,
partly improved.
Eighty acres near Council "Bluffs , Ta.
House and lot on South 14th st.
Laree amount ot Oil Mountain apd Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good ,
property or the erection ot some houses. Uoo.
J. Bternsdortr. 1st National bank building. 37U
"tPOll SALE-flW ) aero farm , well stocked with
-L1 cattle and hogs. Will B H cheap tor cash.
It. K. Wlthnoll , It. 17 Wltlincll Ulock. i.0'i 5t !
/7J. G. WALLACE , rooms310 111 Drownbulld- , ltth nnd Douglas. Lot 3 , block 2 , Dol-
lono'H. 60 ft front on State St. . very easy terms
for n few days , 8 < > ) . Lot 18. block II , llrlcg's
place , K00 ! < ; special terms to anyone building.
SMI 4. block 21. Carthage , a line east front on
1'latto street , only $1,001) ) . South front on Far-
nam , In Itrlgg's place , $ I,20U ; tnis is not 00 per
cent ot real value , nnd the cheapest lot on
Parnam to-day. A line east front In Plain-
view , easy terms , ll.iou , wovth $1.500. Lot 4 ,
Mock A. Hertford , east front on State and liri.s-
tel , worth 81.000. only $ | .3'jO. Heautitul lot in
Thornburg. $ ! KX ) : to anyone building on this
lot. no casn payment required , and long time
Moutnouth Park continues to attract more
attention than any property In the track of the
great nortn movement. Lots are steadily sell
ing , the beantltul view , good drainage , easy
accen3 to the city and prospective advantages
of electric line : good grades , city water , etc. ,
together with the very liberal terms , attracting
those who wish comfortable homos on ea&y
payments. Some good cottages for sale In this
audition. Let ns drive yon out to sen bcantif ul
Monmouth Park. G. G. Wallace , Brown bulld'g.
_ _ 17124
TjlonSALE or trade Well improved proper-
JL' ty on corner Ohio and 15th avenue. Address
G ( K , Itee. 160-23J
AltRAL snap Full lot , Wllcox'sid addition
on 2lBt St. , 81.000SKW ; rash ; east trout. W.A.
Spencer. Itushman block. 152 23 ?
TITISCELLANEOUS you want fi genuine
JJ-L bargains In real estate , address Joun C.
Nelson , Chadron , Neo. SlTJ-24
FOH SALE On easy terms , nen'iroom cot-
tago , cor. lot , near street car line. Address
G 60 , Hoe olllco. BOWSt
TT10H SALE 8,000 acres land In Nebraska ;
JL' r > OxI40 toot lot at a sacrltlclmr price. Inquire
1412 B Uth. . Geo. U. Peterson. 10S-slii | :
TTIOlt BALE House and lot , east front on 35tti
JL ? st.lourorflvo lots south of Leaven worth , far
enough away to escape epeclal city taxes on
Leavenwortli st. ; grading , paving , gas and sewerage -
erago all complete on Loavenwortli ; house is
modern : splendid arove of treeu about the
premises ; price ( fo.OiKI. C. F. Harrison , Mer
chants' Nut. Hunk. KIT
T OOIC here Wo have recently added about
-L/one million acres ot laud to our list already
offered for Bale. Wo now have laud for Hale in
every state and territory west nnd south of
Chicago at llgurcn Unit en nno t be bent nnd
landb of best quality. We cull special attention
to lands In Wyoming , Colorado and New Mex
ico. Como nnd join ono ot our excursions. Ex
celsior Land Co. , 310 8. IC.ttl . St. 1 TO 23 .
I HAVE customers for a few lots for building
purposes : will pay J.J to } j cash nnd secure
balance by second mortgage. 0. C. Campbell ,
N. Y. Life Hldfir , room WJ. 155 SS
f7 KOOM cottage within one mile of P.O. paved
4 street , water , gas , bath , II(03 ( cash ; $ lOUu In
trade for live xtuck or lot. A good bargain. F.
K. D arllng. 43 llarker block. lul 23
"IjiOH SAIiK Cheap house to bo moved. 1007 S.
-C JKd Bt. 187 *
TTIOKSALE-lUrgalnsin Wamut Hill and Or-
JO chard Hill , electric motor in operation.
Choice cheap Insldo realtlouco property In all
parU of the city , on terms that cannot bo
equalled. Sue signs. S. n , ] o , 40 ncre tracts. J
1. Kvans. 3.1H. N , Y. Lltu bldg. 10124
1TIOK BALE-House ana lot. cast trout on Yir-
JO nlnla ave. , 2.W foot 8. of Woolworth are. , lot
&nxir > o ; house has 5 good rooms besides large
nttlo ; water and sewerage on the atreet ; prlco
for a short time , 93,500 ; when the Motor Line
runs to the park the lot alone will bo worth the
money. C. F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat. llanic.
TJiOK SALE 0-room house nnd ft ! foot front-
J- ' age on nth near California st. ; ground abut
ting It on worth KM Tier foot ; tor a little
home and aa a speculation it is worth consider
ing ; price 8i,0')0. ' ) / cash. O. F. Harrison , Mer-
chants' Nat. Dank. s
BUY-a homo in the center of the city , on
monthly payments. 1 will Hell you u lot in
Aldlnu fcquuro. milluu hotuoor any kind , worth
from I12JO upwards , and you can pay for It
monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlne square
Is on ( Irace street , between il and 'Mil streets ;
it has all thuadvantages Hucli as paved HtreetH ,
sewvrngo , water , gun , and Is a linn-class local
ity. Call at 1001 Farnam street and MOO plans
of buildings and got llgures. 1) . J , O'Doualioo ,
1710K 8ALB-54l.7ilacrea. 880.5 , t P , I ! , r. flw
JO Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable , yjo
acres fenced , living water. Price , $ , ! . ( ) . F. 1C
Atkins , ownrr , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col.
SIXnow housts , 6 to 8 rooms each , price very
low. Cull upon or address , Neb , Mortgage
Loan Co. , room 518 Paxton bl'lc. I'M
1TKU SA LH Saloon in good location , doing a
JO Drat-class-paylng Inieluosa. will Hell cheap
for cash. U 67. l > ae ollico. _ W 2i _
( & 1,215 for Oroom cx > ttage and lot , city water
PiinJ gas , 1 mile from P. O. , 2 blocks to 3 cnr
lines ; * 'iX ) cash souuros cottage and half lot ,
" 7tU and Douglas ; S.VK ) makrs 1st payment on a
sightly ton roam cottage , turn , etc. full lot in
llunscom place , liutchmson A ; Wead. ICth and
Doaclas. lleadijuartors for Walnut Hill prcm'ty.
WE liavo real estate In nil parts of the city
and stale for sale or trada. Security I.oan
& Investment Co. , 2158. ilthst , upstair *
SALU-Lots In Kte wart 3'lacu , will fur-
V al Ji money for building house , nut pay
ments monthly. Hero Inn chunce to secure a
borne. Harris , Itooin 411 , 1st Nat. llauk.
/"lOMKand aeons and tnvastlgato > ome of the
V hargalns JT hare to offer. Vi'ti are contln *
uiilly listing now properties , find "If you don't
see -what YOU want ask for It , "
For sale or exchnniro one ot the finest res
taurants In Omnha nt a bargain.
We have several flno hotel properties to trndo
for land or other good Tallies.
An elevator property with large dwell ! nit
house , at a bargain. Blovator complete , with
horse power , scales , ofllco furnished , etc , A
fine opening for a practical praln doalor.
Houses and lots in all parts of Omaha for
snle amVxchango.
For exchange , for Omnhapronorty , I.Oiio acres
of school laud lease , in ono of tne best counties
In Uie state.
A tine residence property in Omaha View for
sale at a bargain. ,
From I7WUO to * l i.OOO worth 'of nrst-class
notes to exchange for Utnilia proporty.
For exchange for Omaha property , tine of the
best farms In Hock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on the plnco. Old ago and falling health ot the
owner Is reason for telling.
A line Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omaha proporty.
281 acres ot line laud In northwestern Iowa to
cxcliauKo forOmana property.
Forsnlo or oxchanga for western lands , city
property , inerrhnudlsu or live stock , a line hotel
property In Iowa town ot . ( ) Inhabitants.
Leading hotel nt the place and doing a tlno
business. Furnwlies meals fur two pnsHenger
trains dally. Asnap for Uio right man.
Wrt have unsurpnsso. facilities for disposing
ot property , having some BJ ngentrt ncattircd
over four or live states. List your proferty
with us It you wish a quick turn. W. H. K. &
M. R. , lloom n enamour of Couimercn. telephone -
phone 1410. 568
rnOMANtTFACTUnnita : 1 will give ample
J- ground , with splendid trackage facilities
on the Fremont , l.lkhoru .t Missouri Valley
railroad or on the Missouri Pacific ( Unit Line )
railway In Wcatiawu , just outside the rlty
limits In West Omaha , conveniently situated as
regards access to the Uiuluoss center ot Omaha
nnd South Onmlm , to pirties for the location ot
uny of the following Industries :
Furniture Factory. llutton 1'actory ,
Shoe Factory. Lara Itolliiory ,
Starch .V ( llucosa W'ks. Soap Works.
Paper Mill , Purlllor Manufactory
Plow Works , llroom Fnctory ,
Harvester Works Woolen Mill ,
Null Works. Oatmeal Mill.
Knitting Mills , ] iox Manufactory
Sasb.JJoor nnd llllud Wlro Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Snops , '
Flour and Feed Mill.
Or nny good manufacturing plant. Wostlnwn
Is juit outside the city llmlw nnd industries
planted thnro will escape heavy city taxes.
If you are thinking of locating In Omaha It
will pay vou to Investlgatn this.
Geo. S Hicks , Now Yonc Lit * bulMlng ,
Omaha. 798
TJ10H SALE Easy terms , ICountzo place.
JO Two homos , each U rooms , o&cli * 1,000.
Two homes , each 9 rooms , each t't.fiOJ.
Two homes , each 15 rooias , each 87.KKX
All with modern convonlenco.
Alllarue vulua at the nnce.
AH within a square or the motor lino.
Don't lose ttmso opportunities.
For sale by tbo owner. W. T. Seaman.
East side 10th st. north of Nicholas at. ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car
riages. 2U1
TJIOtl SALE On long time nnd easy payments ,
JO handsome , new , well built houses of P , 'J and
10 rooms. All conveniences , goodiieighborhood ;
paved streets , street cars and within walking
distance of P. O. Nathan Sholton. 1014 Farnanu
TJlOIl SALE 2 houses on lot C7i4xS3 on s o cor.
JO lithnud Vluton. Inquire within. 101
/1IIKAPCST lot lu market tor a cash buyer
WHnnscom place , lot 15 blk7. Address , "I1 , "
1' . O. Box UtC. 121 21
"V ] ICE 0-room cottage , near higti school ; lot : KJ
- LjclS2. . $ J.r.uo ; this Is a bargain. 0. F. Harrison
risen , ilerchants Nut. bank. 127
STHINGEK & PF.NNY , Douglas block. 8. E.
corner ICth and Dodge sts. , ra al cstato
agents. Omaha property to exchange for clear
farms , and clear farms tu exchange tor encum
bered Inside Omaha unimproved propertv. Call
on us : we are sure to have sometnlim that will
suit you. We have 10,0 IU acres of clear farms
for sale or exchange in Nebraska.
Good residence property on aale. Some ot
these are real bargains. Very easy terms on
lots to people who want to build. Come und eeo
us and be convinced. We want NX ) acres of
good improved land in Western Iowa ; will us-
sumo un incumbranco. In exchange for n izooil
residence property , lightly encumbered ; farm
must bo A 1.
Strincer & Penny , Douglas Block , S. E. Corner
ICth and Dodge. HO 20
KOUNTZU PLACE U-rooin house , barn and
every convenience , for 87,000. easy torms.
Address for particulars , E OJ. Hoe. 1WS
/"VNK of the two house nnd lot bargains 1
v/havo been ottering on Georgia nvcunortlvof
Leavenworthis now void and i > ccupledhecauso
ot my very low price. The south house of the
two still remains a bargain ojion to somebody.
llrst comes , lirst served. To be appreciate ! It
needs to be examined Internally. I positively
will not rent it , though several times olfered
IM per month. Price , on very easy terms.8fl.OilO.
W. T. Seaman , east sldo lotli st.north of Nich
olas St.Omaha's largest variety of wagoue und
carriages. 2)3
TTWUSALK Two of tne Deallocated tracKuge
JO lota , on the northwest corner of 21st und
Izard Htroeta , size laJilti feet. For price and
terms Inquire of the owner , Edward Speller-
berg , 1012 North 21st street KUJ-sl3t
'TIHEliest monny's wortnof tiousoandlotnow
JL for sale In Omaha hi that which I am now
completing near 24th ? t. , on paved Wlrt st. . In
Kountze place. H bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water closets ,
largo laundry , stationery wabh tubs , fnrnaco
and coal room and cellar , electric bulls and
speaking tube. 12 closets. Prlco only $ ' .503 on
terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining
at same price. W. T. Seuman , cast side Ittth ht.
north of Nicholas st. Oumba'a largest variety
of wagons and carriages. 2JU
T/OK 8ALK-SJ. 41 or00 feet of lot I ) , blocs 7
JD at $ O > C per foot. ThU H within a quarter of
a blocs ot the now P. O. site , nnd will bo worth
$ l. < ioo Inside of n year.
The e M lot B. block 101 , cor. Douglas and 10th
fits , 41 feet on Douglas and Wl on lotli , price
$25XM. ( 810,000 cash , b.ilunco in flvo equal minimi
The KO ! 4 nw ? < sec fl. t H , r 13 o. Douglas Co. ,
price$12,00 > , 8tOJO cash , balance cusy.
Lot 7. blkilTit ) . Koutli Omatin. price * 1,201. terms
easy. W. K. E. Si M. K. , i oem 14 , Chamber ot
Commerce telephone 1140. 727.
T HAVE pome llrst-class rental property for
J-sale cheap within one mlle of postollico , on
paved streets and motor line. Thog. 17.11
311 Paxton block. 558
FOH SALE -roora houso. barn and lot ,
Hauscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , Boom
411.1st Nat. Hank. 573
TT1IK8T National safety deposit vaults , fiafes
JL1 to rent85 to * Jj u year , 3U7 S. 13tn. B12til4
GLOI1E HOTEL Newly furalshoJ and llttod
up throughout : centrally located ; $2 per
day. i0-3UM312 ; ! Douglas st. 181
Tlf 1IUKAY HOTEfNowest , latest ana only
JJi-llrst-clKsa hotel In Omaha ; W to il per day
It , Sllloway , proprietor , 17V
WINDSOK HOTEL-Corner or JOth and
Jackson streets , 3 blocks from Unto
depot. Heft J'i n day house in tne city. 1BO
HOTEL 11AKKEK-I41 rooms , elegantly fur
nished. ? ' and $ .1.50 per day. 13th aud
Jones bt , , Omaha. F. A. Ualch , pruprlator.
WO-aM" "
Not fun to Coittrnctora.
Sealed proposals will bo rrcelvod at the oHIco
ot the County Clerk. Iou " lua County , Nnliraska ,
until 2 p. m. , Saturday , September Uth , isj'.i ,
for the erwtlon of seven (7) ( ) twenty foot spam
trestle work , over the I'uplo , between Section *
U4aud27 , township 10. range 12.
Plans and suecincutUms to bo foundln County
ClerJCH olllco. All bidh to bo ttcromimljUnl by
cejtliled chock for $ .Vufl. The county rescrruH
the right to reject any or nil bldx
[ BEAI.I il. D , KociiB , County Clerk ,
Nonno ol' Stnulc Hut ) crltloni | ,
Notice is hereby given that the books of the
Omaha , Lincoln , V Gulf Hallway Company will
lie opened for thu purnoso of receiving sub-
scriptlons to the cupltal nu > > ; k of said company
onr.nil after thesiucend day of Bi'ptomber. ISlf
ut No. ) : 5 Farnam struct. In the city ( it Omaha ,
Nebraska. ,
Dated this 1st day ot August ltw > .
0. L. HllOIlKS.
J. L. li : liivoiiK ,
II. Hlt.l.OWAV ,
M.l'.O'llltlUK ,
Notion to ( ojiliMictor .
Sealed proposals wlllberccelvoil at the olllro
of the Couuty ( 'lelk , Dougliis County , Nubr.iskii ,
until" o'clock p. m. , Saturday , tiunfcmbur llth ,
IH.-T. ' , for the erection of Jlvni ( ) twenty toot spans
trestle work , on road known I > H l r. Minor's
Jioa'l , between Beet Ions 1 und 12 , toumhlp lj ,
range 12.
I'JUUB imd specifications to bo fotinl in County
Clerks otllco. All bids must bo nucoinpiuited by
certified check for J-W U' . Tlui Omhty reatrvos
the right to reject any and all bids.
[ 8KAI. ] M. U. ItocilK .County Clerk ,
1'ropnmlj for nulldiiifr a tiatiool
QI'.ALUL ) proposals for the erection of a school
O hontte in DUtrict No. 2U , Union Product.
Dongla * county , will be received by thu DUtrict
Hoard , until a o'clock Saturday. August : il t.
The plans und tpeclliutlou * may bo hud at
tne residence of tlm Director.
lly order of the DUtrict Hoard.
1'HlTZ llr.iKK , Director ,
FJoreuce P. u. , NOD.
rirmrd or Kilnliritinti ,
Notlo of th BlttlnR ot the CUP COnncll ta
Itonm of Equalization
To the owners of loti anil lamia abutttUR on
or adjacent to the streets , alleys or avenues , or
nlttmk-d lu whole or lu part within any ot the
districts hfrclnaf lor tinmod.
You and caeh of you ar hotrby notinrd that
the city council will Hit as u bosnl of etnmllr.v
tionatthoomcoof the city clerk of said clly
In Douglas county court house , on Friday ,
the 2-1(1 < ) ny ot August. 1KW , from l o'clock a. m.
to ft o'clock p. m , , for th purpose of eimnll/.lng
thcproposed levy of special taxes and assosv *
ments. and corrrctinit ixny errors ttiereln , and
of hearing all complaint * that the owners of
property to to be titxcvl and assessed , may
make ; said itpcclitt tiivvs andarscssments beluit
levied acoordlmi to law to cover the erst ana
oxpensps of paving , curblnir , opening and
widening stroets. and the ouo lialt costotgtnd *
lug , us hereinafter statwl
Alloy In alley pixvluK dUtrlct No. O ) .
Allay in allev pi\vlui < dlstrKt No. 43.
Alloy In alloy p-.ivlng district
Alley in alley paving illsti let No. 47 ,
Alley In alloy paring district No , At ,
Alley In alley paving district No. K.
Alley In alley pa viun district No. Ki.
Alloy in alloy paving district No.54 ,
Alley In alloy paving district No. H ,
Eleventh street f mm Mason street to William
street In luvlng dlhtrlctNo. HI.
Clnrk street from Slxtoenth street to Twenty.
fourth street , lu Pavlmi Dlnltlot No W.
Hurt street from Sixteenth utrcol to Twenty-
second street , in Pnvlnit District No. H i.
Webster street from Sixteenth troettoT\vcn-
ty-second street , lu Pavln ? District .No. Ill ,
Hnrney Htroot from 'l'wcntytxlh street to
Tivi-nty-tilghth street , In Panng District No , 1KI.
Capitol iivoitno from Twi-ntv-fourth street to
Twenty slxtlii-troct , In Paving District No ItTi
Twenty-fourth street from Speuror Ktrcct to
Spnuldlngstrvct , In Paving District No. 221.
Izard street from Sixteenth street to Elgn-
tcK-nth Rtreot , In Paving District No. 22 ! .
Fnrnnm street from Thirty-seventh street to
Iiowo avoniio. In I'uvliic District No. 221.
Ciss street from 'Ililrteenth stroi't to Six
teenth street. In Paving District No. 211.
Twenty-second street fiom ( Invco to Lake
Spnicestrcet from ! B t street to2Uh stront.
j.akoHtreiM from Uth si root to 20th street.
Hurt stioet from lUth slreot to 2 < th slrnot.
Tnenty-thlrd street fiom Cumlug street to
alloy uoi th tif WolisU'r street.
Nicholas street from seth utrcot to Clth troot.
Hickory strret from tilth street to intli Rtroot.
To co\er the full cost of grading Twenty-
fourth street from l.cavetiuortli street to
Mason street.
Webster street from 32d street to JWtli ntroet ,
Thlrty-seoond avenue from Kd Crolghton
avemiu to south cltv limits.
Thirteenth street 'from Spring street to south
city limits.
Twenty- ninth street from Indiana street to
Hamilton utrcot ,
You and each of you are notified t ( appear
before nald Hoard of Kquallzatlon at the tliuo
and place above specified to make any com
plaint , statement or objection you may desire
concerning said proposed levy and assessment
of ep < > clal taxes. , ,
J. 11. BOUTHAIID , City Clerk.
Omaha , Aug. 13. Ift-W. alflt7d
NO. 5. L. A. No. HX1. P KO POS A la FO R A HM Y
Supplies Olllco of Purchasing and Depot
Commissary of Subsistence , U. S. Army.
Omaha , Neb , . August 0 , IWBl. Sealed pro-
poials In triplicate , subject to the uxuul condi
tions , will be lecoivod ut this oMco until 14
o'clock in. , central standard time , on Friday ,
the % th day ot September , lia. at which time
nnd placn tliey will be opened in the presence
of bidders for the furnishing and delivery
of the following army supplies , viz :
Pork : bacon : vinegar ; bacon , bruukfast : Hour ,
family ; bams , s c. , and lard. Preference will
be given to articles of domestic uroiluctlftn or
manufacture , conditions of quality and price
( Including In the prlro of foreign productions or
manufactures the duty theruou ) being equal.
The right Is reserved to rnjcct any or all bids.
H lank proposals and specifications showing In
detail the articles nnd quantities ruimlred , and
clvlngfull Information as to condition * of con
tract , will be furnlHliPd on application to tills
olllce J. W. UAKK1GEK. MnJ. and 0. 8. U.S.A.
Tn Contrncturs.
Proposals for furnlshlm ? materials and con
structing n brick business block , except foun-
'datlons , uro solicited until August 20 , at 12 m. ,
at ollico of American Mortgage Co. , Ynnkton.
Dak. The right is reserved to reject any or all
bids. Plans to be ou exhibition August 17 and
after. In Yunkton. mid ulso nt olllco of J. H.
Coxhead , Architect , Drake's llloclr , St , Paul.
Mum. Aug. Udl4t
Motion to Urneuistfl.
Sealed proposals will bo received at the of
fice of county clerk of Douglas county , Nebras
ka , until2 p. m. of Saturday , August 2nh , ] 8 .
to furnish drugs for Douglas county , for the
balance of llm year 1KSD. List ot drugs required ,
to be found on fllu In ollloc ) of county ciurk. Cer-
tilled chccic for ? HX ) must accompany each bid.
The board reserves tlio rlrcht to reject any and
nil bids , M. D , HOCHK. CountyClerfc.
NO. 4 L. A. No. noo. Proposals for Army
Supplies. Hend'iuartera Department of
the Pintle , onicu of Chief Commissary of Sub-
sibtunce. Omaha. Neb. , Auitust JUtb. lhsl. ! Sealed
proposals In triplicate , subject to the usual
conditions , will bo received at this ofllso until
12 o'clock m. , central standard time , und at the
vlRvs ( it tne acting commissaries of supilst-
cncentFcrtsMciCInney and Washaklo , Wyo. .
and 1'ort Douglas , Utnii. until II o'clock u. m. ,
mountain standard time , on Thursday , the inth
day of September , 1N3) ) , nt wnlch tlmo and
places they will be opened In the pressenco ot
bidders , for the turnlohlng and delivery of
Hour , mid at 1'oit Douglas. Halt for inane na
components of the ration Preference will bo
given to articles ot domestic production or
manufacture , conditions ot quality nnd prlco
( Includliii ; In the prlco ot foreign productions
or manufactures tuo duty thereon ) being equal.
The light is reserved to icioct any or all bids.
Illume proposals ami spedllcatious Hhciwhigln
detail this quantities requtrid and giving full
Information a * to the condition of contracts
will bu furnished on application tT any ot tuo
above mentioned olllce. J. W. 11AIIItUJKit ,
MaJ. and C. S. U. 8. A , Clilet C. S. o20d4tslC-17
placed on reaarj during
JL yosterduv.
E K French and wife to R E Hilaud , lot 0 ,
blkJ ) . Everett Place , w d $ COO
Jos Stuvciib and wlte to Ii V Fleming , lot
1 , blk I ) . West Albright' * add. wd 2,000
W L Heard nnd wife to John Klloy , lots 3
fttid4. blk 7. Hillside No 1. w a
Bonth Omiiba Laud Co to UTMaxwoll.lot
IS , blkiCJ. SOmuhii. wd . - . . 891
Jus O'Connor to St Mary Mjigdulun's
chimb , lot 11. blk 107 und 15 ncres in mv
corofhoc K-14-13 , rtred 1
A PTukwy ot ul to 8 J llrown , lntw. : blk
J , and lot IS. blk US , Clifton Hill , w d , . . . J.400
W W Marrfii and wife to O L Van Camp ,
eX of lot n , blk 4" > . Omaha , w d. rcflle. . B.D70
D H Wliooler , sr. und wlfo to D H
Whoelur. jr. lot 16 , blk 1 , Clarendon ,
" " " ' ' * 8.VCO
V JSoiirdtb"d"j"Smyth , 'lot 'fi ,
1'rosnect Place , q o J
HT Maxwell to the public , Manvoll's
nub , plat
O M Olseii to A J Hmlth , loi. 21. bin 2. and
lots H nnd IH. blk 7 ? Hose Hill udd. wd. . J.SCO
A J Smith to O M Olsen , lot 10. blk t * . and
lol y and 21. blk U , Itosu Hill add. w d. . J.sju
3 H Grlllln und wltu to M IS Van Oleson ,
part of lot Hi , blk I ) , KounUo'n 4tb udd ,
w d 2.30) )
Kdw Stringer to 1) M Havorly , lot 19 , lk
7 , Howling Green , w d 2W
O H nnd Nil Macleod to 0 K llurriu. lot
10 , blk in , Ilimticom Place , wd 3,750
CM PcterBon and husband U 1) J Ilors-
mun , ej ; of lot 21. Pulham Place , w d. . . 8,000
J M Cain mid Husband to Wm Strlbilng ,
lot 1 . blk A. Hedfoid. w d 1,000
J H Comstock und hunbaud to W T
Pntei-H , lot 21 , bile 1. Poitlaud. Place ,
w d WK )
A and H Konnt/.o to C W Ilnlletnl , lot 3 ,
nlk II , Plalnvluw add , w d CCO
Omaha Heal ICBtutetTriietCii to F llrown ,
lolH. blk 1 , Saundcro ft Hlmvbuugh'H
Mt Pleasant add , w d. . . . , , . ; , 17C
Twenty transfers MS.SOU
Tha by
Building Inspector Wliltloo'c .voHorJay :
11 W Ward , one and one-half-story frame
dwelling , ShciUau near Military. . . . . . ( 1,000
Anton .Majutrlcv , onu-bUiry and baku-
moat fiamo dwelllug , Cabtellar uud >
T untleth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000
Two minor permits . . . . , . , 410
Four permits , aggregating . S .010