Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Fluotxmiions In the Moot Aotlvo
Wheat Future Very' Harrow.
Ontd Kxlitblt Cnnnidcrnblo Activity
I'nlr Interest Mnnlfcotod In Pro
vision Trndlnc No Mfc In
HOR Trannnctlons.
CHICAGO pnonuon
Cinojkoo , AURUStSJ. f Special Tclofrrnm to
Tun HnK.l NothlnK occurred to-tiny ( o lift
the market out of the rut Into which It had
fallen. Fluctuation * In the most active fu
ture tteecmbcr didn't extend beyond the
Units of J c. There worn a fow.flnlcs at7"x' o
and a few at "SJ-ffc. Most of the trading was
done , however , within the extremes of 77
@ 78o low , and 78(378 ( 0 hlah. September
ranged at 77 > @ 77c nnd AuRUst at 77 ®
786. Speculative operations wore on n very
restricted scnlo nnd the market wan desti
tute of exulting f futures. This sort of
Untie can not last long of course , but opin
ion is about equally divided as to whether
the "shako up11 will coino In the form of a
break or n bulge. Cables were quiet as to
prices and unanimous on wo.ithar. There
bavo been violent storms throughout a largo
portion of southern nnd west Europe , but as
yet no effect on values has been produced
thereby. The northwest keeps pultlng the
world with bearish views , but wheat Is not
coming forward as rapidly us could bo de
sired , which Is checking to n limited degree
the development of radical bcarlshncss In
Minneapolis and Duluth. The light move
ment nppcars to bo less duo to rain thnn to
reluctance on the farmer's pirt to accept the
low prices now ruling , The bulls In wheat are
now pursuing aggressive tactics. As a rule
they would not bo adverse to low urlcos for
some time to como , feeling coniident tnat
around currant value ? a great deal of xvhcat
will go out of the country and leave a light
load to carry during the remainder of the
year. On the other hand , the bears , whllo
strong , in their conviction that the market Is
rlpo for a brcult , arc tint disposed to venture
much , except their opinions , until the re
ceipts are so far over the shipments that
stocks will accumulate more rapidly
than they are now doing. Whllo stocks
are light and farmers ulow to snll
wheat , the short sailors feel tlitit Inaction is
the safest plan to pursue , hence the prevail
ing dullness In the speculativeinaHtct. .
The only feature In to-day's trading worthy
of note was the steady but not obtrusive ab
sorption by Baxter nnd a few others at offer
ings of December. This held the market
steady , though the temper of the mass of
operators Buumcd to be quite bearish. Tuo
closing quotations were us follows : August
7Sc , September Tilde , May ttijgc. Those
llgurcs mark no chungo of consequence from
yesterday. In tue cush market a moderato
shipping inquiry was reported.
The corn market was dccldo < lly weak and
it was not until September declined to ! 34c
that any considerable buying took place.
There was. however , more pressure from the
longs unloading than a dcairo evinced
by the shorts to cover , and the price
of September declined to UJj-tfc nnd closed at
84 @lH c. May was conspicuously weak.
mill irom SC gW.Ji'o at the start xvorked
down to ! iCu and closed Anally at the bottom
Jluro ( ; to S'Ic. Cause for the weakness was
another promised spell of warm , dry
weather , and of course the improvement
of corn before frost shall appear to damage
Oats exhibited considerable activity In the
regular market after u half week of dullness ,
The feeling was weaker , but the decline was
unimportant. Kccolpts were largo the
weather favorable nnd with some weakness
in corn ftiir speculative offerings appeared ,
with little buying support except on the part
of shorts. However , there was a coou de
mand for May at the insldo price of 25 ! > f c ,
with sellers generally at a stiado above that.
September touched i.0(324c ( on the decline. .
and u fair business was done In white oats
nt h' @ o lower prices. No. 3 white
for August sold nt Z\2Zc \ , and
No. 3 white , SontcmDer , at 23&f to
Sajjfc , with No. 3 white. October toucir-
ing 28cAVithdrawuls from store were
only inodorato and No. 3 regular sold ut
In provisions a fair Interest was mani
fested. Pork and lard particularly attracted
considerable attention , and In tno llrst
article the little difference lately existing
between near uellvory and January was
widened to quito n premium on the former.
In forcing this change the most actlvo party
was the lending packing companies , though
it was also helped ulong by tno covering of
shorts. Lard was unusually weak , nnd
touched the lowest prices so far this season.
Shot t ribs wore steady , with small changes
and limited fluctuations. Snorts were larger
Individual buyers nil around. Outside spec
ulative orders again inado a poor showing.
Dosed on yesterday's quotations , September
pork closed to-day 7&o higher , September
nnd October lard luo lower , Scptembor and
October short ribs 2 > o lower , October pork
2J o higher , January pork 7 > o lower , Jan
uary lard Oo lower ana January ribs 7Wc
CHICAGO , August 2 . [ Special Telegram to
THE 13B15.1 CA.Tn.E. Included in the
arrivals were about 5,000 rangers and 3,000
distillery-fed cattle. Eastern and European
uUvlcos were unfavorable , end this fact ,
taking into consideration that certain dis
tillerlcs Indicated intended to flood the market -
ket with "stlllers , " demoralized trade.
Buyers were afraid to operate boldly , fearIng -
Ing that sotno rival outfit would inaka butter
terms. Sellers found it dinicult to sort any
ynrd cattle owing to the heavy accumulated
suppllos/and naturally they were only too
glad to let go at any kind of n decent bid
rather than tnko the chances of holding over
end thereby adding to the buyers' advant
ages. Under such circumstances all grades
sold unevenly and lower , but to quota the
average decline would bo Impossible further
ttmn to say that "sliders" took largely the
place of fat cattle for olupmot.t nnd rangers
the place of medium to good native * , As for
common half stock , nobody seemed to have
orders for it , and when buyers finally
were found that could bo Induced to trudo In
such they boughtToxiinu flrstnnd then nmdo
such bids on natives as to nearly parnlyzo
sellers. Cows were nearly down to bedrock
last week , but to-day sold still lower , as will
bo noted by the representative sales. The
range cattle , includlng'fexans and westerns ,
were only 1015o ( lower than ! lust week ,
Stockers nnd feeders were not wanted ap
parently , though holders offered irood stylish
stock 50o lower thuii ten days ugo. Choice to
extra beeves , & .50 < jHBO ; medium to good
btcors. 1850 to 1500 Tb , fa,80Q4.40 ; 1200 to
1860 lb , SJ.WGM.80 ; 05U to 1WO Ibs. nsOuH
8.1W ; slockors and feeders , fl,75 ; i.OO ;
cows , bulls and mixed , fl.OU D.OO ;
Texas cattle were lOo lower ) steers , ts.'W@
U.OOi cows , fl.70Ct2.RO ! western native half-
brceds , iOO@3Sfi { cows , f2.20 ( 2.10.
Hens There was no Ufa In any branch of
trade and sellers found It an all-day fob
peddling out their consignments , whether
light or heavy , though heavy Buffered most ,
owing to the determined nttltuilo of the
packers to force such a decline that sellers
could not In the near future expect to re
cover and thus regulate a decidedly lower
busla of values than those our reader * of
lute hove been accustomed to. A fact which
com.try shippers should note U that the
ncavy supply of broou flows at present com-
in ? to market Is cutting n big Jlguro in the
continuous decline of the pt. t two woeka ,
nii.1 are so bcvoiely discriminated nvalnst
that prices urn demoralizingly between
them and similar weights of narrows enual
m fact. Such also U the case with "green"
liogs , no matter what weight , ns Is evidenced
by the fact Unit the latter kind of heavy sell
round tU 05 ( < it8.7r > , and of liiihtor weights
3.70@3.W for shipping kind nnd J3.UOM4.63
for bctlur dcbrrlpllou. whllo corn pacvklug
; < ? Ki command t3.bOOa.UO uud hlpplng
liRavy.W.OOQl.10 , selected medium weights
suitable for shipments t4i&4.30 ; , and sorted
light of 100 Ibs down to (1.03.
New YonKAugust23. ( Special Telegram
to TUB HER. ] STOCKS Thn whole talk last
night In stock quarters was about the action
of the Northern Pacific directors in approv
ing the 8100,000,000 blanket mortgage scheme.
It Is bcllovcd tliat the stockholders will also
approve. Doubt about how the now secur
ities will bo floated was given as reason why
other shares did not respond more freely
with the ndvanco in Northern Pacific. Whllo
the bears rely on tight money to stop any
material advance , the attitude of the bull
'dealers does not change. S. V. White has
sold sotno Wubasn and goes so far as to urge
caution In buying until there U a better
money supply. The latest about Load trusts
1 } that the national trust Is about to absorb
the linseed oil trust of St. Louis , and that a
statement of the matter will bo made In a
few days. The market opened this morning
with the boars on top , very materially aldod
by the recent business failures. Lower
prlrcs ruled throughout the list , the declines
extending to } { per cent. Further declines
during the forenoon put gomo shares , l { to 1
par cent under last night , whllo ihero was
a good recovery Iti canal stocks and grangers.
Chicago , Cincinnati , Columbus & St. Louts
lost , Jersey Central lost u full point ,
Northwsslorn lost J to lit ) and Sugar trust
Jf to 103J6 , Northera Pacific llrst losses to
nst nlgnt's llgure for both common nnd pre
ferred. Hurllngton held well and other
Grangers partly recovered. The market was
firm and steady at noon , with prices still
under the closn of last night. The stock
market after 10 o'clock was the most" actlvo
for weeks. The recess was bearish In
the extreme. Money loans ranged from 4 }
to 7 per cent. The treasury indicated that
no chnngo In prices paid for bonds will bo
made at present. Business failures , state
ments of money In the west nnd south , and
the fresh rate cut west of Chicago all helped
the bears to send prices down. The decline
was sharp and general , and extended from 2
to 8 per cent In the most actlvo railroad
shares. The net losses for the day were :
Transcontinental IJf , Jersey Central 1 } , Ulg
Pour 2 , Chcsnpcako common 1 % , flrst pre
ferred 2 , Louinvlllo 1 } , Lake Shore Itf ,
Now England 1J , Northern Pacific common
1 , preferred 1) , Wabash preferred 1J/ ,
Lacknwnnna 1 , Chicago Uas 2/ } , Sugar trusts
3. Grangers lost ns follows : Uurllnglou 1 ,
Northwestern IHi Hock Island 2J . The
total sales were 222,417 shares.
The following wora the closing quotations :
H. S.4s regular. 123 Northern 1'aclflc. . 2JX
U.S.4scoupons . . .113 ! do preferred "I7i " !
U. : ' ' " 0. & M. W lO'J.'i
doprorerred ] < 3
Paclnttisot ' 'to.'Ills N.Y.Ccntral IMJ *
Central I'actQc IHtf I * . 11.&B Ul5 !
CMcnucKt Alton. . . . i "J Hocklsl.ind tti'i
Chicago , llurUuyton C..M. & 8t.P 70JS
fcQnlncv JOi'i da preferred Ill
D..L.&W 11174 St.PauKtOmaha. . ! KJ !
Illinois Central 111 ! do preferred OSjj
I. , H. & W. . ' , { Union 1'iClHo 01i !
Kansas& Texas. . . . ll'i \V..St. Ii. & ! IflX
I.nkoShoro . lOJ'j doproforrBU DiJJJ
JJIchlcan Coutral. . K' ' Western Union. . . . K ) ;
MlesourlPaclllo. . . . OH'/ '
MOSUT Easy nt3@0pcr cent , last loan nt
3 per cent.
STEIIMNO fisciuvaB Ball but steady ;
sixty-day bills , gi.SiJl : demand ,
NEW Yoitic , AuRUSt3i fSiJachil Telegram
to THE BiiE.l Tha following arj the mia-
: k quotations :
UolcUor 313 Iron Silver 201
Caledonia . H.)00 ! ) Mexican 1)75 )
Chollnr UO Ontario ! ili
Crottu I'oltit 'fiO Ophlr 470
Colorado Con 125 Occidental IN )
Con. Cul , , V \ n . . . ,750 Plymouth IKO
Commonwealth. . .SW Savage 11,0
Kureka Con KiO Sierra Nevada ! U , " >
CJoiilU & Curry..ISi Standard HIO
Hale i : Norcross.8f ) Union Consollda'dJiOJ
llomostuko 10) ) Ward Consollda'd..ICO
Horn Silver U'O Vollow Jacket 2SO
CiilCAfio , August . llft p. in. close-
Wheat Easier ; cnsh , 7So ; September.
TTKc ; December , 78 c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 34 > c ; September ,
34 U-lOo ; December , Jllo.
Oats About steady ; cash and September ,
2U , ' c ; December , 20 c- .
Hye Cash , 43c.
Hurley September , Olc.
Prime I'lmothv $1.42.
Flnx SooJ Cash , $1.23' ; September ,
Whisky _ ? 1.02.
1'orlc Steiuly ; cash and Sectembcrf0.72U ;
October , $9.lWX-
Lnrd Lower ; cash uud September. S0.02K ;
October , $ r)7 ! ) } < .
Flour Stcndy , unchanged ; \vinter wheat ,
f2.00@4.50 ; sprint ; wheat , il.aO(25.50 ( : Hyo ,
Dry Salt Meats Shoiildors , fl. 3K@5j '
short clear , fo.y7 @G.50 ; short ribs , 4.03 ®
liuttor Stoiidy ; creamery , Il@l8o ; dairy ,
Clioose Steady ; full orcnm chedtlara ,
" } @TKc ; Jlats , TkTiiiSc : Young Americas ,
Steady ; fresh , 14@15c.
Hides Unchanged.
Tnllow Unchanged ; No. I solid packed.
4@4 o ; cake , 4' c.
Hcceints. Shipments.
Klour . 15.0JO 10,000
Wheat . 92,000 212,000
Corn . 342,001) ) 48.-.OOC
Oats . 201,000 105.0JO
Now York , August 22. Wheat Receipts.
230,000 ; exports , 72.000 : spot irregular nnd
easier ; new No. 2 red , 8r > Wr@S5" c In eleva
tor , 8.1K@ * < yifo afloat , SiiKu f. o. b. ; No. 3
red , 83o ; options slow and lower ; August ,
Corn Receipts , 103,000 bushels ; exports ,
102,000 bushels ; bpot weaker : No. 2 , 43J @
4U fo In elevator nnd store , 4l(314J ( o nlloat ;
ungraded mixed , 43J ( 44 0 ; options quiet
nnd lower.
Oats Receipts , 50,000 ; exports. 2,000 ;
Coffee Options closed steady nt 10 to 15
points up ; sales , 27,250 baps ; September ,
I4.95@15.10 ; October ? 15. 10 ; spot Itio , llrin ;
fair cargoes , $18.50.
I'olroleum Steady nnd ijulet ; United
closed at USJjfu for Soptomber.
EigLuss active but steady ; western , 17
( T18o.
I'ork Stoacly aud nulot ; Inspected incss ,
Lard Dull nnd lower ; western steum ,
J < 5. IT'i ; September , fu.43 asked.
Hutter Quiet ; western , 0@18c.
Cheese Unsettled ; western , i7o. )
Aliniicutli | < 4 , AuRUst2i. Sample wheat
steady ; better feeling ; receipts 15 cars ; ship
ments 70 cars. Closing : No , 1 hard , August ,
7'Jo ; Doccmbor.iiO c ; No , 1 northern , August ,
75o ; on track , 75J < fQ7U } oj No 2 northern ,
ou track , 72@74o.
JMIlxviiitlcoc , August 22. Wheat Easy ;
cash , 75 > o ; Soptoinuor. 75V c ,
Corn Steady ; No , 8 , S3ko.
Oats-No , a white , 2lo.
Uyo EasyjNo. 1 , 42 } < c.
liarloy Finn ; Sopteiubor , No. 3 , COo.
Pro vibions Firm ; pork , $ 'J.J > ,
KUIIHIIH Cllv August 2'3. Wheat-
Lower ; No. 2 red , cash , ( UJ o ; August , Olc ;
Sontumbor , 0100l'/o ; No. 3rcd , cash , 50a ;
August , CUu ; tjoptombur , &Uo bid ; No. 2
soft , cash , 07c ; August , OTcj September ,
Corn Steady ; No. 3 , cash , 25Uu ; Sep
tember , iMtfii bid ; year , 23e bid ; No. ii white ,
cash , 27 0 uskod.
Oats No. 2 , cash and August , 18o hid ,
8r , 1/oiils , August 23. Wheat Steady ;
cash , 745/c ; September , 74 c.
Corn Lower ; cash , 82 > Yoi September.
' .
Oau Lower ; canh. 18c ; Soiitoinbor , 18Vo. ,
Pork-Dull at 110.25.
Lard-Dull at $5,65.
Whisky Steady nt f 1.03.
Hutter Quiet ; creamery , 12@l7o : dairy.
Liverpool , August 23. Wheat Steady ,
demand poor ; holders oilur moderately ; red
wcstcru spring , 7a 3d@7s 4d per cental ; red
western winter. 7u ( < 7a 1U.
Clcioiituati , August 23.Vaqat
In fair demand ; No. 3 red , 74c.
Corn Dull ; No. 3 mixed , 37' < o.
Oats-Dull ; No.2 mixed , 20Q30XC ,
"Whisky Actlvo at tl.03.
Ghlongo , Aupxut 23. The Drovers'
Journal reports us follows t '
Cattle Kccolpts , 15,030 ; market slow ,
lOc lower ; beeves , $4 60@t,80 ; steers , $2.50(3 (
4.40 ; stockers and feeders.SI 75(83.00 ( ; cows ,
bull * nnd mixed , $1.0033.00 ; Texas cattle ,
$1.70@3,00 , natives nud half-broods , 93.00 ®
8.80 ,
How Ilecolpts , 13,000 ; market slow ,
fito lOo lower ; inlxod , fct.00@4.40 ; heavy ,
$3.70@UB ; light , $1.00 ® 1.05 { skips , $ J.40J (
Sheep Hceelpts. 0,000 ; market 10 to 15c
lower ; natives , $ 'J.40JI.OOvetterns ; , $ -1.50
34.15 ; Texans , $3.0Ji ( l.lOj lambs $1.50 ®
Knnqnn Oltv , August 23. Cattle He-
cclpts , 4,000 ; shipments , ; strong ; shade
steadier on natives and Texas stcorn ; com
mon to choice corn-fed steers , $3.0u$4.2 ( t
stockers nnd feeders. $ l.GO@.10 ; ) ; cows weak , '
So lower at $1,3532.00 ; grass range steers ,
$ l.GO@3.70.
Hogs Hocelpts , 3,700 ; shipments , 1,100 ;
light nnd mixed stronct to Co higher , others
steady ; light , $4,204.80 ; heavy aud mixed ,
National Btnak l'.T.rl > , Ka t St.
bouls , August33 Cattle Heoolpts , 3.3JO ;
shipments , 1,000 ; choice heavy native steers ,
$4.20@5.00 ; fair to tjood , $3.M@I.25 : stack
ers and feeders , $3.20@3.13 ; range steers ,
$3.nO@3.40. -
Hogs Uccclpts. 3,003 ; shipments , 400 ;
market easier ; hcavv , $ l.00@4.2o ; packing ,
$1.00(34.20 ( ; light grades , $ ! .IW@1.50.
Sioux City. AuKustS ) . Citttlo Hocolpts ,
420 ; shipment' ) , 233 ; market steady ; fat
steers , $3.W3.35 ; feeders , $3.35@3.75 ;
stackers. $3.15 ( 3.45 ; canners and bulls , 75c@
$1.35 ; veal calves , iOO3.50.
Hogs Receipts , 475 ; market steady ;
light and mixed , $3.7rK@3.85 ; heavy , $3.80@
y.DOt WVE srooiL.
Thursday , August S3.
To day's trade in cattle was extremely
slow and yet the cattle were nearly nil sold
before the close. The native beef nnd ship-
pint steers sold nt $3.05@4.35 for 1001 to 1403
Ib averages. Some corn-fed Texuns went at
$3.35 and n string of 1317 Ib westerns nt
JJ.25. How much lower the market was
than yesterday would bo dlOlcull to say , but
It would not bo fur out of the way to call it
40c lower than lost Thursday on the common
and medium weight grades of beef cattle.
'I ho bettor grades have suffered a material
decline , but not so much. The cattle that
brought $1.35 were fully as Rood , if not bet
ter , than these which sold a week ago at
$1.40. Butchers' stock was scarce again to
day. The cows sold at S1.503.05 and a few
canncrs nt $1.00@1.35. The trcdo in feeders
and stackers continues In n very satisfactory
condition. So mo natives soli at $3.4r > @ 2.70 ,
ana westerns nt : " "
The hog market was Be lower nnd fairly
nctivo at the decline , an early clearance ho-
intr effected. The prices for luil loads ranged
from 8 ' .80@4.00 , the light hogs selling at $3.90
(34.00. (
Thnro were a few sheep hero and one load
of lambs changed hands.
Cattle . 050
Hogs . 3,000
Horses . 500
Prevailing Prlcca.
The following U a t'iblo of prices paid la
this market for the gr.iloj of sto ik men -
tloncd :
Prime steers , 1300 to 1000 Ibs.$4.03 @ 4.35
Good steers. 1330 to 14' > U lb $ . . . 3.75
Good steers. Ill JO to 13 JJ luj. . . 3.0 J
Common cunnors ; l.OJ ( dl.75
Ordinary to fair cowa 1.00 ( ! § 1.90
Fair to good cows 1.113 01)3.25 )
Good to choice cows 2.25 © 3.5J
Choice to fancy cows , heifers. . 2.50 W3.00
Fuirto good bulls , 1.50
Good to choicobulls 2.03
Lightstockers and feailoM. . . . 2.115
Good feeders. 950 to 1100 Ito. . 2.75
Fair to choice Hirht heirs 8.90 ( 4.00
Fair to choice heavy hogs 3.60 @ 3.00
Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 370 ©
Fair to choice mixed liosrs 3.SO Q3.05
Kortre < 3untacivo
Ower No. Av. Pr.
20 feeders 10b7 52 40
75foedcrs b52 2 35
72slockors C20 240
35 heifers , yearlings 533 1 ( i5
4 steers , range strays 1125 2 25
, 2 itcors , range strays 13'J'J 235
2 steers , range strays 1210 2 40
1 canuer , range stray 120J 1 85
Fisher Uros
37 steers , corn-fed Tcxans 1157 8 35
8 cows , corn-fed Toxuns 1000 2 15
Swan Land and Cattle Co
24 canners , range 037 1 03
21 tailings , range 1253 250
47 cows , range lOJW 3 15
189steers , range. . . . , 1217 825
1 stjip , rang' ) 1070 270
Istag , range 1500 270
Al Howie
& 0 steers , range 11G9 345
No. Av.'Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
11..315 40 $3 70 50. , .259 80 3 85
8.2$5 70 73. . .249 100 8 85
10..373 60 370 00. . 3 85
5'J. . . 200 JOO 3 80 03. . .243 120 U 85
53. . .812 200 8 80 70. . .aw 3 85
03. . .259 80 3 80 43. . .203 3 85
73 , . .203 .20 8 SO 60. . 255 80
71. . .255 bO 8 SO C3. . .209 40 3 bj
59. . .270 40 U SO 55. . .279 337
711 , , . ,23'J 80 8 SO ( XI. . .200 80 3 87'
IB. , . .201 40 S SO 03. . .237 60 a 87 >
55 , , . .217 100 8 SO 01. . .2119 80 U87K
69. , 130 3 80 7. , .240 100
01 , , . .21)5 ) 8 60 07. . .23(1 ( 60 3 87 } < ?
ICO 8 bO 64. . .2fi4 60
Oil ! . .271 100 8 60 04. . .235 60 3 DO
71. , . .2J7 80 3 60 01. , .259 40 3 00
51 , . .810 80 3 bO 70. . .237 3 00
oa. , , .313 200 3 bO 05. . .237 120 3 W
58. , . 2 > 1 40 3 bO or. . .210
.10. , . .251 210 3 8'iK 51. . .218 S US
03. , . 251 120 382 $ 3. . .130 4 00
, .240 8 63)5 05. . .217 40 4 00
57 ! ; , .2U5 80 3 & 2 M .100 bO i 00
72..244 80 385
No. Av. Pr
129 lambs , blackfaces . 7J ( fl 80
Live Stuuk Not I'M.
1C. Krause , ono of Cedar Bluff's big feed
ers , had u car of hogs on the market.
D. Hall had hogs hero from Persia.
A. F , Adams , of Uradshaw , had hogs
J , H. Uunkholder caina In with hogs from
J. T. Deacon sent In hogi from Heaver
P. J , Uoonoy , a regular Hray'ton shipper ,
was among the arrivals with cattle.
Henry llamuur , of Mlncolu , la. , bad a car
of bogs hero.
Mr. Perkins , of Jensen & Perkins , O-'ta-
vla , was on the market with a car of cattle.
1. M , Bennett , representing Hodges &
Hyde , had cattle hero from Flundroau. Dak , ,
aud Kd'orton , Minn.
J , L. Hitter , of Morse , Rogers & Co. . was
on the market this morning with a cur of
Produce , * 'rnl , Kto.
Eaos Strictly frcsh,12iflaiBo.
HUTTER Creamery : FdrieVvi5lCo ; choice ,
14@15c. Dairy : Fancy , 13 < vj o ; choice , 11 ®
12c. Country ! Fancy , 'ia@14e ' ; good to
choice , 10@llc ; fair , OCglOc ; Inferior , 0@7c.
Livr. PIOKONS Per clozv 1.50.
GAME Thorn is but llUIo 'doing In this line
as yet. Prairie chlokcua > itra still out of son-
son nnd cannot bo oxijoned for snlo before
September 1. Whatever tow wore received
in good order sold at fair prices , but n rcsa-
lar rnarkot U not quotable. , Plovers are soil
ing readily nt $1.00 to $1.50 jior dozen , and
ducka If well grown are wanted. Sotno
Mallards received lately sold readily nt $3.00
per dozen , and wood ducki and mixed , $1.75
(23.00. (
UHANS Choice hand picked navy , $1.75 ©
2.00 ; choice hand picked medium , $1.05@ltSO ;
choice hand picked country , Sl.COQ 1,03 ; clean
country , $ l.50@1.00 ; Inferior country , $1.00 $ }
VEAi/-Cholco S0@l30-lb , 5@0c ,
HIDES , PKLTS , TAI.IOW , ETC. Ureon suited
hides. 4Vf@IJ c ; dry salted hides , 5c ; dry
flint hides , 7c ; calf hides , 4J @ 5o ; damaged
hides 2o loss ; sheep pelts , green , each , 23c@
$1.00 ; sheoppolta , dry.pei Ib , ( KftlSc , Tallow ,
No. 1 , 4@4c ; No. 3 , 3)4@3&a ) Grease ,
white , 4JfM4Jfc ; yellow , 2Xc < C3c.
Wool/ Fine , average , 15@ino ; medium.
average , 21@22o ; quarter blood , average , 20
@ 21ot coarse , average , 15Ql7o ; ootts and
rough , average , 14@lOc.
POTATOES 2530o per bu.
POULTRY Old hens and chickens , $3.00@
3.00 ; spring chickens , $1 50(32.00 ( ; ducks nnd
geese , per Ib , Oc ; turkeys , 9 ( 10c.
PitovisioNS Hams , largo , 10 } c ; hams ,
medium , HKc ; tinins , boneless , 9c ; hams ,
plcnlo or California , 7 ' 40 ; shoulders , Oa ;
breakfast bacon , boneless , ( IVa ; breakfast
bacon , rib In , 0 } u ; short clear bacon , 7o ;
long clear bacon , 0 ? c.
DitiKD UBKF Hams , perlb , OK@10c ; regu
lar , per Ib , 7J o.
Ditr SALT MKATS Short clear sides , O' c ;
long clear sides , Co ; mess pork , per bbl , f ll.OO.
Lum Tierces. 0) o ; 5-lb ! cans , gross
weight , O e ; 10-lb cans , 7c ; 5-lb cans , 7 c ;
8-lb cans , 7 > o.
CHCESE Young Americas , full cream , lOo ;
factory txvms , 9i c ; off grades , 0@7o ; Vnn
Uossom Eiloin , $11.50 per doz ; sap nago , 19o ;
brick , ll@12o ; limburgcr , 0 @ 7o ; domestic ,
Swiss , 14c ; cheese safes , bronze modal , No.
8 , $2.85.
OitANOES Los Angeles , $4.50 ; Rod ! , $0.
Li5Moxs-Fancy$3,00 ( 3.50 ; choico. $4.50 ,
SouTiiKitx PRAGUE * & bu , 75c@l for
choice nna 3. > @ 40c far poor and common. .
Al'1'I.Ks Per bbl , 50c@$2.
CALIFOIINIA PEACHUS 20 Ib boxes , $1.50 J
CAUFonxiA Gn.iPES 81.50@1.75.
PKAIIS 40 Ib boxes , $1.7u@3.25.
WATEHMKI.ONS $10.0'000 ) per 100.
CANTCLOUI-ES Per doz , $ l.25QB1.50.
Pi.VEAi-pi.K8 Per doz , $2.25t.OO.
BANANAS According to size , per bunch ,
COCOANUTS Per 100 , $3.
EAIII.Y VKOETAIILKS Potntoes , 20@30 < - per
bu ; onions , Callfornin.per Ib , l > fc ; southern ,
ixrbbl1.00 ; cabbage , perorate , $1.23 ; tur-
nipa , per bu box , 50e ; beets , per box , 50c ;
wax beann , per bu box , $1,00 ; string beans ,
per bu box , 75c ; green peas , per bu box. $1.00 ;
tomatoes , per bu box , 40j00c ; cauliflower ,
$1.50 ; egg plnnt , $1.00 ; squash , 25c per doz ;
cucumbers , ifie ; lettuce , 15c ; radishes. 15o ;
green onions , 15@30o ; now' carrots , 20c ; pie
plant , per Ib , Ic. * '
AITLK BuTTun 5e. J '
CiiEU-13hls. $5.00 ; hf bbls , $3.00.
MAI-LK SUOAU 12 > ( ljjc per Ib.
VEAL Choice , medium Isize. SftOo ; choice
heavy , 4@5o ; spring lainos , $30.00@30.00 per
dozen. ,
HOXET 14@15c per Ib 'for choico.
PKCSEKVCS 9U ( lOo per Ib.
.ICULTES 3j@4o nor 10. "
BEESWAX No. 1 , 10@19c. '
HAT $3 50@5.r)0. )
ClIOIFnuu $10.00@13. , a .
UIIAN $ 'J.OJ@'J,25. ' . S.- .
TALLOW No. 1. 4c : No" . 3 , 8@3J c ,
GitnASE A , 4@l c ; yellow , 3n ; dark ,
OOL Fine , average , i5@10o ; choice , 18
MEDIUM Average , 21@22c ; choice , 23 ®
24c ; co.irse , 15@l3e , , .
\nn-Uologna , 4@4 } o ; Frankfurt , So ;
tongue , 9c : summer-23o ; , cheese , 7o.
Pias FEIST Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs'
tongues , kits , $2,35 ; pickled tripe , kits , ( ! 5c ;
pickled II. C. tripe , kits , 83c ; spiced pigs'
hocks , kits , $1.15.
13iip TONGUES Salt , bblc , $ iO.
Dry Onoda ,
BATTSStandard , So ; Com. 10s ; Beauty ,
12Kc ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased. $0.50.
.BLANKETS White , $1.00@7.50 ; colored ,
$1.10@8.K ( ) .
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 5o ; Woods , Co ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c.
CAIU-CT WAIUBibb , white , ISc ; colored ,
twlJ'TjC *
CO.MFOIITEHS $0.00(235.00. (
COUSET JKANS Boston,7JiCAndrosr ; > oggln ,
7c ; Kearsage , 7J5 c ; Hockport , C c ; Conestoga -
toga , OKc.
COTTON FUNNELS 10 per cent trade dis. ;
A111 , iM7)U , J.lItU , LJU. ItJ ftU , J. A , 1UMU ,
YY , 18o ; l3B , 19c ; 20 bleached , S c ; DO ,
ISJ c ; 80 , 13c ; 50 brown and slato" , 9c ; 70.
CiiASH Stevens' B , 5 > o ; Slovens' A , 7c ;
blenched , Sc ; Stevens' 1' , 7J/c ; bleaoned
8c ; Stevens' N , 8 > fc ; bleached ,
Stevens' SHT , lli c.
DENIMS Amoskong , 0 oz , l ( ) ) o : Everett
oz , 18o ; York , 7oz , 13o ; Haymaker , S
.TiilTroy , XX. ll c ; Jaffrey , XXX , 12
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creek , BO ,
lie ; Beaver Creek. CC , lOc. t
DUCK West Point , 39 in , 8 oz , 9J c ; West
Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12 0 ; West Point , 29 in ,
12 oz , 15J < c ; West Point , 40 in. 11 oz , 10) < fc.
FLANNELS Plaid Uaftsmen , 20c ; Clea
Quecheo , No. 3 ,
\ \ Indsor , 321rfc.
FLANNKLS-Ued-C , 34 Inch , ISJ c ; E , 24
inch , 23tfo } ; G G , 24 Inch , 20c ; H A F , J ,
35c ; J 1C F , } ( . 27c ; O , / , 3Jo.
GINOIIAM Plunkott checks. OJic ; Whit-
tonton , OJi'c ; York , 7 ! c ; Normandl dress ,
7J c ; Calcutta dress. tytoWhlttenton \ dress ;
7Kc ; Konfrowdross , 8 @ 12 > ic.
KENTUCKY JEANS Hercules , 18c ; Leam
ington , 23Jc ; Glenwood , 20c ; Melville , 25o ;
Bang-up , 27K ° ! Memorial , 15c ; Standpoint ,
18o ; Durham , 27 c.
MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $3.50 ;
table oil cloth , marble , $3.50 ; plain Holland
0 > fo ; dado Holland , 13kc.
PIIINTS Dross t'hartor Oak , fij c ;
Katnapo , 4c : Lodl , SJ o ; Allen , Oc ; Uicli-
mend , Oo ; Windsor , OUc ; Eddystone ,
1'aclilo OJfu.
1'itiNTS Pink nnd Robes Richmond ,
Allen , Co ; Riverpolnt , 5 0 ; Steel Hlver.0 > o ;
Paclllc , 0 } o.
PitiNTS fndigo blue , St. Legor , 7J o ;
Washington. 0 | < c ; Amercin ! , 0 } o ; Arnold ,
Ainnnaa , 12o. .
PHINTH Solid Colors-f'AtlUntlo.Oo ; Slater ,
Oo ; Berlin oil , O o ; Garner 9 ! ! , ( ) @ 7c.
SiiiuTiNo , Cui'.uKa Caledonia X 0 > o ;
Caledonia XX , lOJju ; Economy , Oo ; Otis. 9o ;
Gramto , OJ4'o ; Crawford Ohocks , So ; Haw
Hiver plaids , 5Jfc , i i
SHEETINO , Uuow.v Atlantic , A , 4-4 , 7 } o ;
Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7u ; Atlantlfi-D. 4-4. Ojjfo ; At
lantic P. 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LU 4-4. Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Crown XXX. 4-4. ( ! J o ; Hoosler
LL , 4-4 , ftjfo ; Indian Heutl , 4-4 , 7c ; Law-
rouco LL , 4-4 , 6o ; Old 'Dominion ' , 4-4. 0 > < o ;
Poppcroll K 4 4. tij/c ; Popporell E , 40-inch ,
ZClPPI'ar9.'k ? ' ' 84. I7 9A I'Pl > ? rell , 9-4 ,
2 < ) o ; Popporoll. 10-1 , 22c < Utfca C , 4-4 ,
Wochusotts , 4-4 , 7o ; Au'raru II , 4-4 , 7o ;
AuroraB , 4-4 , OJic.
SHEETING , BLEACHED ' lEIIerton , 7 o ;
Hnusekcepor , 8V < o : Ndw'"Candidate , 8o ;
Berkeley cambric , No. GO , 9o ; Vou Bet. 4-4 ,
1 ( | ) cambric , lOc ; I onsdalo cauibrin.
Lonsdale , 8 0 ; Now York mills , lOo ; Pup-
poroll , 42-in. lOo ; Pepperdll , 4U-in , llo ; Pop-
poroll , 0-4. HW'o ; Popparell , 8-4. 3'Jo ; Pop-
poroll , 9-4 , 2/o ; Popporell , 10-4 , Slo ; Canton ,
4- , 8 0 ; Canton , 4-4 , 9'tfo ' ; Triumph , Oo ;
Wamsutta , Ho ; Valley , 514-c ,
TicKS-Oakland , A , 7i < o ; International ,
YY , 80 ; Shetuckot , S,8 } < o ; Warren , No. 870 ,
l o ; Horwlclr. HA , iBo ; Acme , 13o ; York
80-ln , 12 c ; York , 32.n. | 13 | c ; Swift Ulver ,
8 0 ; Thorndlko , OO , 8 0 ; Thorndiko , EF
8Ho ; Thorndlko , 120 , 9 o ; Thorndiko. XX
15o ; Cordis , No. 6,9 > < o ; Cordls , No.
PnovisioNs Hums , No. 1 , 10-lD average ,
IWo ; 30 to 23 Jbs , Ho ; 13 to Hlhs , 13 > fo ;
No , 3 , lOc ; specials , 13Wfo ; shoulders. 7oj
breakfast bacon. No. 1 , lOc ; special * , la o ;
picnic , 7c ; ham Bausago , Oo ; dried beoC
hums , lOoj beef tonguca , $4 per doztm ; dry
g nit meats , C > ® Alc ) per Ib ; boneless hum , Oo
WnirNNO PAPRR Straw , per Ib , 1& @
3c ; ra 3 , ' o ; mnnllln , H , C@/Oo ( ; No. 1 , 80.
SALT Dairy. 2SO Ib In bol , bulk. $3.10 ; bfist
grade , GO , 5s , $3.30 ; best grade , 100 , 8s , $3.40 ;
best grade , 33 , 10.4 , $3,1)0 ) ; rock salt , crashed ,
$1.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-lb bags , STic ;
bulk , 234-1 b bags , (3.34 ; common , In bbls ,
C3ormnn chicory , red , 60.
OiHorn Jamaica , If pints , $ .100 per rtoz.
FAIUNACEOUS GOODS B.xrloy , 2) ) @ 3 ! < c ;
fnrlno , 4' < fo ; peas ,8c : oatmeal , 2 6 < " > o ; nine-
aront , llo ; vermicelli , llo ;
sago and tapioca , ( * o ,
Fisn Salt Dried codfish ,
scaled herring. 34o t > cr box ; hoi. herring ,
dom , 50o : Hamburg spiced herring , $1.50 ;
hoi. herring , 70c ( Sl. 10 : mackerel , Inrgi' fam
ily , $10.25 per 100 lb ; whitctlsh , No. , $0.50 ;
family , $3.75 ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $3.50 ; an
chovies , 80c.
Lrr. $1.754.50.
NUTS Almonds , 15@l7c ; Hrazih , 7o ; (11- (
berts , llo ; pecans , lOo ; wuluuts , 12o ; peanut
cocks , 8a ; roasted , lOc.
Dum > FHUITS Currants , 4M@5o ; prunes ,
casks , l.HOO Ibs , 4'f@l4 ; ; prunes , bbls or
bags , UfQtJfo ; citron iKiels , drums , 20 Ibs ,
Sic ; lemon peel , drums , 20 Ids , IGo ; hard
dates , boxes , 12 Ibs , lOo ; apricots , choice
evaporated , 25-lb boxes , 15o ; apricots , Jelly ,
cured. 25-It > boxes , 15c ; nprlcotH , fancy , Alt ,
Hamilton , 20-lb boxes , l&c ; aprlcoti , choice ,
bag , 80 Ibs , 13c ; apples , evaporated , Alden ,
50-lb boxes , 7J WSc ; apples , Star , 7c ; apples ,
fancy Alden , 5-u > . Do ; apples , fancy Alden ,
3-lb , 9Ko ? blnokberrios , ovnK | > rated , 60-lb
boxes , 0 @ 5fc ; chnrries , pitted , dry cured ,
IRe ; pears , California fancy , } /s boxes , 25
ll > s , 20c ; poachet , Cal. ftiucy , KS unp , boxes ,
2o Ibs , 13c : leaches , Cnl. No. 1 lancy. sunp ,
bags , 80 Ibs , 13X0 ! Henehcs , fancy , ovat > ,
unp , 50-lU boxes. 12c < ? 14c ; poaches , Salt
Lake , now , OX@7o ; nectarines , red , 13u ;
nectarines , silver , bags , I4o ; pitted plums ,
Cal , 25-lb boxes , He ; raspberries , ovap , N.
Y. , now , 23u ; uruncs , Cal. . II C , 90.100 ,
boxes , 25 Ibs , 80 ; Prunes , Cal , 11 C , ( iO-70 ,
UXe ; orange peel , 15c ; raisins , California
Londons , crop 1SSS , $3.40@2.00 ; rnisltu. Cali
fornia loose , tnuscutcls , crop 13S3 , fl,90@
2.00.UANNKD FISH Broote trout , 8 lb.J.40 ;
salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.85 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ;
clunis , 3 Ib , $3,00 ; clam chowder , 8 Ib , 2.25 :
devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; deviled crabs , 2
Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls. 3 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , X
Ib. $2.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $8.10 ; lobsters , 1 lb3.0U ;
lobsters , 1 Ib , 91.90 : lobsters , deviled , J < Ib ,
$3.25 ; mackerel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus
tard sauce , 3 Ib , $ . ) .10 ; mackerel , tomato
sauce , 3 HA $3.10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 05c ; oysters ,
2 Ib. $1.00 ; salmon , 0. U. , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; salmon ,
C. K. , 2 lb$3.00 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , Sl.bS ,
salmon , Alaska. 2 Ib , $3.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib
LAUD Tierces Refined , Co ; choice , OJ/c :
pure leaf , ( ij o ; kettle rendered , 7c. Add } c
to > KU per Ib for smaller quantities.
OiLS-Keroseno P. W. , 9 > c ; W. W. ,
12 > < c ; headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $2.15@9.00
per dozen ,
PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $4.50 ; small ,
2.SO ; gherkins. $ < 5.50 ; C. & B. chow chow ,
ts. $5.90 ; pis5.40. .
BAGS American A , scamteas , 17c ; Union
Square paper , discount 35 per cent.
CorfEK Green Fancy old golden Ulo ,
22c ; fancy old puaberr.v , 25c ; Ulo , choice to
fancy. 31X i Hio , prime , 20 > < c ; Kio. good ,
19c ; Mocna , 30c : Java , fancy Mandchling ,
! JOc ; Java , good Intorlor , 25c.
COFFEES Koasted Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
2 ; c ; McLnughlin's XXXX 23 > c ; Qeruion ,
23c ; Dilworth , 23tfo : Alarnina , 2JJ > c.
SALSODA iT@2 ( } < c pur Ib.
STCII 67a per Ib.
STOVE POLISH 2.00@nS7 per gross.
SriCES Whole , per Ib Allsp ce , 9c : Cas
sia Chinn , 9c : cloves , Zanzibar , 20u ; nut
megs , No. 1 , 75c ; pcppoi * , 1'Jc.
SUOAUS Cut loaf , 9u ; cut loaf , cubes.
9 > c ; Standard powdered , O' ' e ; XXXX
powdered , 9 ; c ; granulated , Standard , Sc\
confectioners' A , SJi'o ; white , extra C , Cli
max , SJ c ; extrn C , Nebraska , 8 , ' c ; Amber ,
7Xc ; California Golden C. % c.
Drugs ami Clninloals.
ACID Sulphuric , per carboy. 2fc | ; citric ,
per Ib , 60c ; oxalic , per Ib , 14c ; tartaric ,
powdered , per Ib , 41c ; carbolic , 43c.
ALUM Pur Ib , 3 ! c.
AMMONIA Garb , per Ib , llfc.
AituowitooT Per Ib , Bermuda , Sic.
BALSAM Copaiba , par Ib , 03o ; tolu , 52@
55c.Boiux Kollncd , per Ib , 10o.
CKGAM TAUTAII Pure , par Ib. 82c.
EXTKACT LOUWOOD Bulk , per Ib , 12c.
ERGOT 45c.
GUM Auvnio 59ffi95o. (
GI'.M Assafootida , per Ib , 14o ; camphor ,
pea Ib. 4Uc : opium , ) > cr ib , $3.35.
IODINE Kesublimated , per oz , $2.05.
LEAVES Buchu , short , per Ib , 13o ; senna ,
Alex , per Ib , 25@33c.
Moni-iiu Sulph , per oz , $2.80.
POTASH Bromide , per Ib. 40c ; iodine , per
Ib , $3.85.
QUINIA Sulph , perlb , 28 ® He ,
SEEDS Cuniiry , per Ib. 4 > c.
SoAi-s Castile , mottled , per Ib , SQlOc ;
castile , white , per Ib , 18@15c.
Sriitrrs NITKIJ Sweet , per Ib , 42c.
STIITCII si A Crystals , $1.1)0 ) 1.15.
SuLi-ii CINCHONA Poroz. , 5@13c.
TAPIOCA Per Ib , Oc.
OILS Bergamont. $2.45 ; wintcrgrcen ,
S3. 15 ; Malaga , 05c ; linseed , raw , C3c ; boiled ,
CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , 98c.
Cuiii'.n BEHHIES $1.50.
CANTII UIIPES 75c.'i$1.05.
CIILOIIOFOHM Per ib , 40c.
CoititosiVE SUIILIMATE Per Ib , 75o.
T \vln ns and Kopo.
BiNDEits' TWINE Sisal , lOc ; hemp , 15c ;
Manilla. ISc.
CLOTIISLINES Cotton , 50-ft , $1.20 ; cotton ,
00Tft , $1.40 ; Jute , 50-ft , 9Uc : Jute , (50-ft ( , $1.00.
COTTON TWINE Fine , 20c ; medium , lOc ;
heavy hemp , 1 Ic ; light homu , 15c.
SAIL TWINE B. sail , 20o ; Calcutta , 15o ;
manilla rope , 15c ; sisal rope , 13u ; new pro-
SB , 9u ; Juto. 8c : cqtton , 18e ; nido reps , 13o.
Ijiiniber anil liiiililinMaterial. .
f. o. b. Omaha.
STOPK BoAitDS A 12 inch , s 1 s 14 and 10
feet , $40.00 ; B 13 inch , s 1 H 13 , 14 ana 10
feet , $41.00 ; O 13 inch , sis 13 , 14 and 10
feet , $30 00 ; D 13 Inch , s 1 s 13 , 14 und 10
foot , $33.00 : No. 1 Com. 13 in s 1 8 13 feet ,
$18.00 ; No. ICom. 13 in s Is 14 nnd 10 feet.
$17.50@18.59 ; No. 1 Com. 13 in s 1 B 10 , 18
umiarteet , $19.50 ; No. 3 Com. 12 In s 1 s 11
nnd 10 feet , $10.00.
whio pine partition , $32.00 ; 2d Com. Win.
white pine partition , $37.00 ; clear % in.
yellow pine coiling , $ iO.OJ ; clear % In. Nor
way , $14.50 ; 3d Com. % in. Norway , $18.00.
BOAIIDS No. 1 com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft ,
$19.00 ; No. 2 com s 1 s 13 , 14 and 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No. 8 com s Is 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4
com s I B 13 , 1 i nnd 10 ft , ( shlp'g cull ) , $11.00.
Add 50 cents per M ft , for rough.
Baits , 2H Inch , OOo ; O. G. Baits , Hx3 , B i s ,
35o ; 8-m well tubing , D. & M. and bov$2'J.OO ;
pickets , D. & H. , flat , $30.00 ; picKets , D.&H. ,
square , $19,00 ,
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 32 ft 24 ft
2x4 , . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 18 00 18 00
2xS..150l ( ( 1500 1500 1C 00 1(1 ( 00 1800 1800
2x8. . , . 15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x10. . .15 00 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
2x12. . .IfiO. . ) 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800
4x4-8x81000 11)00 ) 1000 1700 1704 1800 1909
FENCINO No. 1 , 4 and inuh , 13 nnd 14 ft ,
rough , $ lit,00@10.50 ; Nn. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , II ) ft ,
$17.00(317.50 ; Nu. 2,4 and 0 Inch , 12 and 10ft ,
818.50Ca > U.OO ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch. 10 ft , $15.50
@ 10.00.
FINISHING 1st nnd 2d clear , IJf Inch , s2 s ,
$49.K51.00 ( ) ; 1st and 3d clear , 1 % and 3 inch ,
s 2 B. $47.0U@50.00 ; 3d clear , Itf Inch , H 3 B ,
? CUX4.00 ) ( ) ; 3d clear , IK and 2 inch , B 3 s ,
l 3.0dC'44fi.OO ; B select , ! # , IK and 3
3 B. $37.003S.OJ ; 1st and 3d clear , 1 Inch , s 3
B , $15,00 ; 3J clear , 1 Inch , a 2 s , f.'M.Oty A se
lect , 1 Inch , s 3 a , $33 : B select , 1 inch , a 2
s , S&.OO ,
fc LOOKING 1st com 0 Inch white pine ,
$31.00 ; 3d com U Inch white pine. $31.00 ; 3d
com 0 inch white plno , $ ? 0.00 : I ) com 0 Inch
white plno. $20.00 ; coin 4 and 0 Inch yellow
pine , $15.00 ; tittir'4 inch yellow pluu $17.00 ;
1st aud 3d clear yellow pine , 4 und 0 inch ,
* 10.00 ,
Por-LAit LUMIIEK Clear poplar box lids , Jf
ins , 3s , $34.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel ,
i30.00 ; clear poplar , } In panel , 125.00 ; clear
poplar , K I" panel stock wide , s 3 B , $28,00 ;
clear poplar corrugated coiling , K , $30.00.
Pom Whlto cedar , 0 Inch halves , llo ;
white cedar , t > M Inch halves and S inch < i'r ,
lie ; .vhlto cedar , 4 inch round , lOo ; Tones-
see red cedar , split , IDc : split ouk ( white ) ,
80 ; sawed oak , ISc. .
SIIIKULUS , LATH , per M. XX clear , $3.30 ;
oxvrtiA3.bO ; utaudard A , $2.00 ; & inch
clcir , $ I.CO@1.70 ; Q Inch clear , $ I.7C1.0 ;
No. 1 , $1,1U@1.1A ; clear red cedar , mixed
widths , from Washington torrltorv , f.40 ;
California red wood , dimension widths , $ t.r.O ;
cypress , clear hoarUdlmcnslon widths , $3.33 ;
Inth , $3.50.
Snip LAP Js'o. 1 plain , 8 and 13 Incb ,
117.50 ; No. 3 plain , 8 and 10 Inch , $15.50 ; No.
1 , O. G. , $18.00.
SIDING 1st com , 13 nnd 10 foot , $33.00 ; 3d
com. 13 nnd 10 feet , $10.00 ; 3d com , 13 nnd
10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , com , 13 and 10 feet ,
LIMB , ETC. Qulncy white llmo , ( boat ) 85o ; "
English and Gorman Portland cement.1.45 , ;
Milwaukee und Louisville , $1,30 ; Michigan
plaster , $3.33 ; Fort Doilgo plaster , $3.10 ;
Uluoltapld plaster , ' $1,90 ; hair , 30o ; sash ,
CO per cant dis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50
per cent dis ; tnrrod felt , per cwt , $ J.OO ;
straw board , $1.55.
An Unf'oiiii Intl Itutnor.
PnovinsNCR , K , I , , August S3. The rumor
ycsterdiiy that the British hosiery company
nt Thornton Is likely to bo embarrassed Is
unfounded. President Cooper stated that
the Uivorsldo and Brown , & , Olurk
troubles In no way involves his concern. Thn
Thornton worsted mill uhlch Is embarrassed
Is u small concern. The Riverside company
gave it its backing.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
505 SouUiltfih Street , - Oumlm
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
OHlccrs and Directors E. M. Morspinnn. O.
M. lliu-hcock , .los. Unrneau , Jr. , A. Henry. K.
M. Anderson , Win. 0. Miuil. v.prca. ; U. II. Will-
lams , A.r. Hopkins , pros. ; A. Mlllard , cashier ;
F. II , Bryant , assistant cashier.
Canilnl . - $100,000
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 52,000
HE.TIIY W. YATKS , Preslilent.
LEWIS S. KEKD. Vlco 1'resldunt.
A. K. Tauz.MiiN ,
It. O. CMsiiiNO ,
W. M.S. liming , Cashier.
Cnr. 12th and I'arnam Sts.
A General Hanking Iluslucss Irunsacted.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' ,
The llcst Itouto from Omnlia aud Council
niulTs to
Chicago , AND Milwaukee ,
St. I'uiil , Mliincnp-jlls , Cedar Uuplds ,
Rock Islnud ) Fiexport , Kocliford ,
Clinton , ] ) iiliuiue , Davenport ,
Elglu , Muillsun , JancsYillc ,
Uol ( It , AYinonn , La Orossc ,
And all other Importnnt iiolntn Kast , NortUenit and
ForthrniiKh tickets cull on tlio Hake' ' acnl at l.VIl
Fsrnam ttroet , la Marker HlocS , or at tliilua I'aciflc
l > opnt.
I'ullmnn Sleepers and the finest Dining Can in the
world nrd run on the in&'n ' line ot thu Uik'Miro , Mil'
wkukee A St. raul Itallwuy , und every attention li
paid to passengers \ cuurtvoua employes of the
company. Mnnnper.
J. F.TUCKI51I , AssUtintUonoral Mnnnscr.
A. V. It. CAHPENTiit , General I'nsicnKCr and
Ticket Aecnt.
(1ICO. K. IIKAFFOUI ) . A slstnat Ccnural I'ancngcr
knd llcket Aevnt.
T. J.CI/AUK , U nuralSnpjrlnt nclcut.
Boots and Shoos.
Successors to llccd , Jones .t Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Bets : & Sboes
Agouti for Demon Rubber Shoo Co. , 11(13. ( not and 110J
llarnoy btrect , omahu ,
O rowers.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1511 North Eighteenth street , Oaialm , Kcli.
_ Cornloo. _
Mannf'ctiirers ofGalyanizefl Iron Cornice
\Yliilow-cip : nncl nintnllcskyllphts , .lolin Kpenotcr ,
Iiropriotor , Hi and III ) bouth lUli Btruot.
Paper Boxoa.
Proprielor Omalia Paper Box Factory ,
Kos. mi and 1319 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb.
Sash , Doors , Eto.
Wliolrsalo manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds 2nd Mouldings. .
Ilranch oOlcO , Uth a > d Ua'nl ttreats , Oinuba , Ku'j.
Manufacturers of Saita , Diors , Blinfls ,
Uouldluvs , atnlr-irork an I Intorlor linrd wood finish.
Morth lOlti street , Omnlia , Nob.
" PnniDs , Pipes and Engines ,
Btsam , water , railway ami mining upil | | s , etc.
VM , 'Jtft and ' / ' < raruam street , Ouiotiu-
Steam and Water Supplies ,
wlml mills , 019 and 920 Jones ( t. , Omaha.
U , K. Hess , Anting Alnnugor.
A CO. ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BUeut-lron work , steam pumps , saw mills. Uli-1215
l.eaveiiwertu street , Uaiaha ,
Iron Works ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building WorK ,
Engines , brass work , general foundry , marhlno aud
blacksmith work. Olllceaiul nurVs , U , 1 * . Ity.
_ and nth street , Omaha. _
Manufacturers of We andiron Railinis
Del * jails , wlnilow guard , . Honor stands , wl
otc. 1Z1 North lotlistruot , Omutitt.
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar rroof Safes ,
Vaults , jail work , Iron shutters and tire escapes.
U. Audreon , l > rup'r , Corner llth and Jscksou its ,
orsoutbOiDaba , Limitei
Agricultural Implement
Dcalerin Agricnltel Implements , Vazonr.
C rrlatei nj Inicalfn. Jnnci Ktrtrt , bctvetnfth n4i
Hun , era b , Ncbntikn.
Aorlcnlt'l ' Implements , Wasous , Carriage- ?
llinrg | s. ctnVholono. . Ornnhit. Kcbr li > .
WholtuMo Dctlcu In
AgriMlt'l ' InplsEnti , Wagons & Bu ut
TOl. roifll6 ndtnn Jdhcl tlrcot , Omatn.
Jlsnufnotnrern Mid job' era In
Wagons , Bnggjes Rate , Plows , Etc ,
Cor. fthnntUncino itrtoti , Om h .
Artlsto' Nlntorlnla.
A. HObPE , Jr. ,
Arlisls1 Malerials , Pianos and Organs ,
1513 1'ouglmHnK't. Omntia , Ktbrntlm.
Boots and Shoooi
IP. v. MOUSE A co. ,
Jobbers of Boots and Slices ,
1101,1103,1101 Unuclna street , Onmhu. Munnfnclorr , .
glimmer tlrvul , Ituatun.
Coal , Coke nnd Lima.
Jotters of Hsra eni Sjfl Coal ,
a South 13th , Ouialin. .Nobrast * .
Shippers of Coal Bed Cote ,
311 Smith l.Uh t. , OroMiii , Nob.
Wholesale Lumber , Eta
Imported nnil American rori'fin-l "umcnt , RliU-
ngent lor Mlittuukiv lidiuu lu lament uud
( Jnliii i irhltu ituio.
T'UAS it. LIE ,
Dsaler ill Ha.dv/ccfl / Lumber ,
Wood carpets nnil imrqui't Ith ami UouslM.
ttioi-ta , Otnulm , J\ol > .
All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale :
IStb street unit Union I'actllc truck , Omaha.
Daler : in Lnrabsr , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doors , Kt - Yur.ln I'onicr Tth And Douglas. Offlct-
Corner Hull ai > d Doiwla * .
Lnnilr Lime Cement Etc. Etc
, , , . , ,
Comer OlU and Douultts sts , Ouinha.
' "
r. A' . DIETZ ,
Dealer in All Kinds of Lninber ,
13th aud California slreeti.Uiiinlin , Nebraska ,
1 ' -
Wlllllnory nnd Notions. _
Importers & Jobbers in Hi liiicry & Mm
ID ) . 211) ) nn I 21 ; boulli lllli atioc t.
Wholesale Nations and Furjisliing Goods , ,
11:4 Hnrncy Street , Oumlm.
Commission end Storage.
Str : ge anil fomiissian M3rcW.s ,
Specialties Butler , ruif , clierau. poultry , Bam * . .
1118Howard street. UJUUIM. Nub.
Dry Coodsjjnd tlptl one.
5 > rE. 'sMiraTA co. .
Dry Goofy Feislnis Good ? and Notions ;
1102 and 1101 Douglas , cor. lltli street , UmnlmNob.
Importers & Jo'Jte 'iiDry Goote.Notlii .
Goat's furnUtiln , ; pond * . Corner llth nnd Uarnoy
streets , Omaha , Nobraile.l.
Importers nnd job" ers of
Wcolem and Tailors' ' T minings
317 SoutU Uth iliui-t.
Wnolesals D alers in Fnrnitnre ,
Fnrnurn stiect , Omaha , Nebraska.
Fnrnitnre ,
Omaha , Nobfuska.
Wliobsile Groceries and Prcyisiois ,
70S , 707 , 7ttl nnd 711 South 10th et. , Omaha , Neb.
Whotaale Grocers ,
lith and LoaTOnwiirtli Ptre.ta. Qnnilia , Nebraska.
IF. J. DROA'lCir ,
He:7y : Hirdware , lion anfl Steel ,
Eprlnus , wagon stock , hardwnra , lumber , cto. 1201
an J nil llainor Bluet , Omnha.
Heyy : Hirdware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnss , waiton stock , ImidwnM , lunibor , cto. 120 *
and ml llnrney sir.'Qt , Omaha. .
Wholesa'e Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Pla'e ,
Metals , sheet Iran , otc. AgonU for Hnwa scalol ,
Mluinl puwilcrunrt barbed wire.
Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' tool and HulTnlo scales. 1105 Douglas
street , Onmlia , Noli ,
Toys , Eto.
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Good ? ,
House fumlihliiK Koods. children's catrlsxtn , 120t
m street , Uiitalm , Nob.
Wholesale Refir.ed'and Lubricating Oils ,
Axle grcaso , etc. . Oumba. A. H. UUhop , Mutiaji f >
Wholesale Paper Ds'lers ,
C rry a nice Mock of prlntln ? , nrapplnif snd nrltlif
paper , tipeclul attention Klvun to canl paper ,
for BO dayi ONLY wo will eml lor U Ilia
r j : " , ; s'i\i ; \ ; ; ; : fB r'u7.v. ; ' ; } i ; ; ;
l' , % lr , ? r. s.'iWyV' ' lur.ite
CB QS99X L CT 10 CO. , 655 Wtli'n St. . Bjiten. Ulu.
1 iMinwvrii M4 M o i. . MTIIW . IJ.y U
MANLY trilnn | { if ( lit utv