Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Revenue collections ycslordny , $3-
Mr. 11. , T. Miller nntl Miss Saran lltt-
tor wuro ycstorday granted llconso to
Frnnk Pcrrv nllcgrcs that Frnnk .Tcn-
nlngu stole n "dray vvjitfon vuluo.l at $20.
The police arc hunting for Mr. Jen
Augusta Nelson lias ( lied a complaint
in the jiollco court against Prod. Nelson ,
charging him with maintaining n nul-
BIUICO by Ucoplng a shanty standing on
Augusta's. prumiBos at No. 8Mt ! south
Twenty-eighth street.
The members of tho'colorod barbers'
union will glvo their llrst entertain
ment and ball ntMusonic hull on Thurs
day of next week. Elaborate prepara
tions are being made , and no pa' tin or
expense will bo spared to iimko it a
grand success.
rnrngrnittiR ,
K. .T. Dlckonsoii , of Atlanta , la nt the Mur
ray.John Snodgrtis's , of Sprlngflolil , Nob. , la at
the Arcade.
Mrs. H. A. Gray and child , of Denver , are
nt Uio Mlllurtl.
I' . L > . Chase nnd wlfo , of Lawrence , Kan. ,
tire nt the Arcade.
A. 11. Elwooil was at the Paxtoa last evening -
ing from Kehnylur.
Wall Koburtson , of Ucutrlcc , was ot the
Murray last ovenlng.
Mrs. .1. fj. Lowfo nad child are at the Mll-
lurd from Jasper , Mo.
Mrs. (3. C. Oolllna , of Fort Culloin , Colo. ,
Is a finest or the Murray ,
Jean Uc La ( Jlmppullo and \V. J. Graham
ore In the oitv frnm OUnvw , 111.
Hon. W. G. Hentluy , of Ashland , Is in the
c.y. Ho called itt Tin : Hue ofllco.
Mrs. 11. U. Huuk , ot Port Monde , Dak. , was
roistered at tlio Paxtoa lust night.
Mr. and Mrs. Clnronco Spooaer are iu the
city. Tlicir homo Is at Newton , Kim.
G. H. lioono. wlfo and child wcro amoni ;
th o guests registered at tlio Millard last even
ing.J. .
J. Bartholomew and wlfo , of Vcrnnn , N.
Y. , were nmoiiR tlio Puxtou's guests last
O. U. Hanson , Mrs. Wilford mid Miss
Shurry , all of Wyuiore , wcro guests of the
I'axton yostcrduy.
J. H. Molugon and wlfo , of Plao Kldgo ,
Dak. , arrlvca In thu city yesterday and reg
istered at the Arcade.
A party of Now York ladles at the Piixton
lust evening were Musilumcs Howard and
While and Misses M. and 13. Howard.
iri > uty AInckcy Iinprovlnir.
It Is reported from Sidney that Mr. V. M.
Mnckoy , deputy county clcrlt of Douglas
county , is much Improved since Monday.
when he was reported dying with consump
tion. If possible ho was to start with his
wife last night for Colorado.
A \Varrnnt lor Him.
Postofllco Inspector Urauch swore out a
warrant In United States Commissioner An
derson's ofllco yesterday for the arrest
of Assistant Postmaster Harry T. Vaughn ,
of 131alr , charging him with destroying six
! - . O. Jones' Uorcuvciiiont.
Mrs. L. O. Jones and friends of the family
nro very much worried because of their ina
bility to got word to Mr. .Toaes that ono of
his two children Is dead and the oilier very
sicK. Mr. Joacs wont west about two weeks
ago on a pleasure trip , and is supposed to be
somewhere in the Itocky mountains , out his
movements for the past few days were not
known. The child dlod .Yesterday , and a
dozen telegrams have been seat but not one
of them reached him.
Fallier Defends Son.
Mr. 1C. 'W. Day , the father of Bonnie Day ,
who was charged in the police court with
'taking improper liberties with little Daisy
- Woolwino , called at Tin : 13eu In his son's
behalf. He says that the .younir man has
always been a good boy , truthful and up
right. That ho has always boon very fond
of children and llKcd to play with them. At
the time referred to the father says his son
bad no thought of any i.npropor acts.
The Minrlff nnd the Commissioner.- ? .
Sheriff Cobuni is preparing to make a do-
fcnso when the county commissioners open
their investigation Into the affairs of his
oOlcn. He has retained General Cowiu and
will bo on hand Friday whoa the
board moots as committee of the whole
to examine a statement prepared by Auditor
vnns. The sheriff scat Commissioner
Mount a communication yesterday , saying
that when any matter pertaining to his ofllco
COIMCH up for consideration , about which
there is any question , he desires to bo heard.
Ono item of dispute between the board and
the sheriff is the mllcago he claims lor
travel. HU llcures flx the amount nt * 3.000
nnd theirs at $1,70U.
For SlcnploN8iiC89.
Use Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
Dr. C. H. Drake , Belleville , 111. , aavs : "I
have found it , and it alone , to ba capable of
producing n sweet and natural sleep in cases
of insomnia from overwork of the" briln ,
which so often occurs in active professional
and business men.
Tlio Smitli-llur Case.
J. Wood Smith him an opportunity to nir
Ills grievance against Julius.Her yesterday
afternoon. The case was called at 4 p. in , ,
and Mr. Smith was kept on the stand until 0
o'clock , when an adjournment was taken
until to-day at S p. in.
The dofcnHO took the ground that the $500
which Smith was trying to gat possession of
was forfeit money deposited by him in ac
cordance with a writtoa contract which had
been signed by him and by licrns agent for
the owners of the Cozzens house property.
The contract provided for the. forfeiture of
certain checks which wore given to Her
as n guarantee of good faith. Smith re
fused to cither deny or afllrm that the checks ,
which be acknowledged having civen to
Her Immediately after the contract wan
signed , wcro posted as forfeit money. Ho
ncltnowledgcd having sold the "St. LOUH" |
property on Thirteenth street to Mrs. Nellie
McUnde , hut said bo had a power of attor
ney from her to transfer the property to the
Cozzons liouflo people in accordance with his
contract with Her.
The case attracted considerable attention
among real estate men , a large number of
them being present.
Pours' is the purest and best soap
over made.
lifstliiKiilHheil ColcstlaN.
Dr. Gee Wo and Me srs. Wing To ! , of San
Francisco , and Ah Ling visited TUB HUE
building yesterday aftcnwoa , and viewed tlio
city from the roof. Dr , . Gee Wo U a Chinese
physician who bus bean practicing among
his countrymen in Denver , lie is an Amor-
lean citizen , has no ijuoui ! , and WOAM Amur-
"lean clothes , even down to russet shoos , Ho
is u clover talker , using the English language
lluontly ami with little accent. Ho proposes
to locate and practlco in Oumha if ho will bo
allowed to do so.
\Vhllo practicing in Denver ho was unfor
tunate enough to lose his wife and child In
the grout Yellow river floods In Fee Chow ,
China. Of tills ho was unaware until he
paid Ills country u visit and found nothing
but wntor where had once been his home.
Tills drove him from his home and he ro-
eolved to spend the rest ot his Ufa In the
United States. The doctor talka very inter
estingly and Intelligently of the difference
between the practice of medicine In his own
country and In this.
Wing Tul will open u Cbhiosa bazaar in
Qimiha in a few days , the goods for which
are now on the way. Ho Is the representa
tive of a wealthy house which handles all
Sprts of Chinese and Japanese fancy goods ,
The visitors wcro nuch pleased with what
they Bay , and think Omaha a very line city.
Stnto fair September 0 , but the publlo
pnlo of Iliiiiiblotoiiian horses at Lincoln
is the dtiv boforo. Why not attend
YlMllcntlon of Bll Clnrk , tlio Knlr
Poslofllco Inspector Uranch , who tins boon
Investigating the alleged Irregularities of
Miss Clark , the postmistress at lilnlr , was in
the city yesterday morning.
"What was the result of your Investigation
nt Ulalr , Mr. IBrnncht" Inquired a HUE re
' The vindication of Miss Clark so for as
the allocations nro concerned. ' She has
enemies down there , nnd they have made
a dastardly attempt to Injure her. "
"What was the nature of this attempt11 !
"Well , among other thing * , a lot of letters
wore burned , nnd the charred fragments
placed where It would strike an Investigator
as highly probable that the postmistrosss
had burned them niter rilling' thain of their
contents. This , however , was discovered to
bo only n part of a plot to hurt her rsputa-
tlon for honesty and to have ho rousted from
the ofilce. Hut 1 do not earn to go into do-
tails. Miss Clark will , in all probability ,
continue as postmistress at Blair on to the
end of her term , I return to-morrow to
complete my investigations. "
An Important. Klcinont
Of the suecoss of Hood's Sarsnparilln Is
the fuel that every purdlmser receives u
fair equivalent for his money. The
familiar headline , " 100 Doses Ono
Dollar , " stolen by imitators , is original
with and true only of Hood's Snrsapar-
illa. Tilts can easily bo proven by tiny
ono who duslros to test the mutter. FoV
real economy , buy only Hood's Snrsu-
pai'illu. Sold by ail druggists.
An Illinois Farmer's Kxtiorlcnco With
Iowa Confidence Men.
Among the 3.000 harvest o\curslomsts who
came in on the various eastern lines ycstorday
morning were John Prouty and wife , who
live on u farm near Elgin , 111.
John thotight when he left homo early Tues
day morning that ho was about the smart
est man In the world , and that his wife was
one of the most innocent women that over
Inhaled the atmosphere of life.
To-day he curses himself as being ono of
the huskiest suckers that ever wore cow
hides and regards the partner of his jovs nnd
sorrows as being ono of the finest specimens
of fomlnlno Immunity that lives.
John became the victim of a confidence
man , nnd hut for Mrs. Prouty's sagacity , the
two would now bo in Omaha stranded with
nothing but a basket of hard boiled eggs mid
a section of cold bum between them nnd the
cold , cruel world.
When the various lines of rend announced
that lor a rate of one faro and a-third for the
round trip , they would ship p.issengors to ail
points in Nebraska , John , who had worked
hard for three or four years , announced to
bis spouse that lie would go. They packed
their lunch baskets and after John hud
boutrlit the tickets and drawn $100 from the
bank they started.
Uoforo leaving the farm Mrs. P. suggested
that it would bo a good tiling to divldo on
the $100 , so that in case John should ioso his
wallet they would have something left.
After some grumbling John acquiesced and
the casli was split in twain.
All through the journey ho cautioned Mrs.
Prouty to look out for confidence men ; ad
vised her to sacredly guard the lunch bas
ket , etc. , and slept with ono eye open.
At some point in Iowa a mco looking gen
tleman got on the train. Ho was very affa
ble nnd gained John's confidence ) . Ho was
from Omaha and was going right homo. At
Pacific junction he expected to met n man to
whom ho was indebted ? 45 worth and was
going to pay him. All of which the unso
phisticated John took in.
When Pacific Junction was reached the
stranger inyHcd John to accompany him to
the platform. Sure enough , there was the
creditor. The debtor was willing to pay and
passed over his check for ? ? 5buttho creditor
had no change. Never mind , the debtor
would pay him the next time ho saw him.
Hut no , that wouldn't do ; the creditor must
go to Chicago nnd needed money.
Ah 1 would John advance and take the
check for security ? Certainly.
Then the" train started ; John caught it all
rlcht , but his friend was not spry enough ,
and Mr. Prouty mourned his misfortune
until yesterday , whoa hi ) arrived in Omaha
and sougnt to cash the checlc. It was bogus.
And now John wishes his wife had carried
the entire hundred. The lunch basket was
Not n. California Hear.
Anybody can catch n cold this kind of
weather. The trouble Is to lot go , like the
man who caught the boar. Wo advise our
roadois to purchase of the Goodman Dtuir
company hottlo of SANTA ABIE , the Cal
ifornia King of Consumption , Asthma , Bron
chitis , Coughs and Croup Cures , nnd kcp it
handy. 'Tis pleasing to the taste and death
to the above complaints. Sold nt Sl.OO a hot
tlo or 3 for S2. ! > 0. CAL7FOUNIA CAT-R
CURE irives immediate relief. The Catarrhal -
rhal virus is soon displaced by its healing
and penetrating nature. Glvo it a trial-
Six ironths treatment § 1.00 , sent by mail
SI. 10.
Mr. Council \Viii4 His Suit Ajjuinst
the Gits Company.
Hon. W. J. Connell won a victory over the
Kas company. Judge WaUeloy gave his de
cision yesterday and granted Mr. Connell
the temporary injunction petitioned for.
After reviewing briefly the case and read
ing extracts from Superintendent Hoywurd's
uflldavit , his honor bunded down the follow
ing :
"A gas company is organized to supply to
tlio puullu ono of the necessities of the ago In
eitios and largo towns. Its use of the streets
is essential to that end ; and it is granted
privileges therein by reason of Its quasi pub
lic functions and duties. For this reason it
is the accepted doctrine of the
courts in this and other states
that such a company enjoying such privileges
for such purposes , is subject to reasonable
regulations and conditions by legislative and
municipal authority.
"For the same reason It is bound to treat
all citizens iiliko nnd without discrimination.
It cannot furnish to one and refuse to an
other , under like circumstances. This is tlio
result of all the authorities.
"Tho right to discontinue the supply of
gas for failure of the person to whom it is
supplied to comply with reasonable regula
tions , as to payment , among other things , Is
not denied in this proceeding , and probably
could not bo successfully disputed. Hut
the gist of the complaint is that
the company , on account of person
al feeling against complainant , and
business uifllcuUics with him has on different
occasions out oft the supply of gas nt his
residence and threatens to continue so to do
arbitrarily and with peed reason under , pretense -
tense of his failure to punctually pay his'gns
bills. That It refuses , for these reasons , to
extend to him the same Indulgence In case of
accidental omission to pay within ton dn9
from the expiration of each month , which it
habitually extends to ether citizens nnd thus
Unjustly discriminates against him.
"It Is undisputed that thoplalntifT has paid
without suit or contest every gas bill of the
company except onoboforo commencing this
suit , and that ono ho paid Immediately
afterward , so it is conceded that
plnlntllT is of abundant personal rdsponsl-
bllity. Hut there had been some contentions
between the parties ns to ono or more previ
ous disturbances , and shutting oft the plain
tiff's supply , nnd some bad feeling had been
engendered by plaintiff's public nnd private
criticism of tlio company's attitude towards
the city and people nnd some of its methods ,
The company disclaims being actuated by
any considerations except of business , but
insists that on nncount of delay in previous
payments and Incidental trouble connected
therewith , it has the rlcht to insist in plain
tiff's case ; upon a liberal compliance with Its
rules by payment within ten days ; nnd m
default thereof to immediately shut of Ills
supply of gas. It has avowed Its purpose ,
nnd in this proceeding reiterates its purpose
of so doing.
"The fact of previous troubles or misun
derstanding with plaintiff docs not entitle It
to thus discriminate against him In the fu
ture. Such action U In the nature of.ouforo-
Ing a forleituro for default of payment.
Courts do not favor forfeiture. An Indis
criminate exorcise of the right claimed , con
ceding that it exists , Is not proposed , nnd It
is safe to say would not long bo 'tolerated.
The city authorities and the people would
find n remedy against it. must bo in-
discrnnlnntoly exercised If at all ; and the
plaintiff may rightfully insist that the same
indulgence bo extended to him as to any ether
and that ho shall have the usual and custo
mary warning , calling his attention to his
delinquency , if any , before resort to the
harsh and summary remedy of shuttingoff
the licht from his residence nnd his house
"The company cannot bo permitted to
judge without as to the sufllcieney of
reasons for refusing to ono citizen n just and
reasonable indulgence , or waiver of forfei
ture , if its forbearance should bo no re
garded , which It extends as a general nnd
well nigh universal custom to other citizens.
"The plaintiff Is entitled to a temporary
injunction against this threatened discrimi
nation. "
The victor said , after hearing the favora
ble decision , tnat even though it cost him
$2.150 n thousand feet to do it , ho proposed to
illuminate his residence in the evening and
thus celebrate the result.
Pilcst Piles ! flics !
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will
cure blind , bleeding and itching piles when
ether ointments have failed. It absorbs the
tumors , allays the itching at oaco , acts as a
poultice , gives instant relief. Dr. Williams'
Indian Pile Ointment is prepared only for
piles and itching of the private parts , and
nothing olso. Every box Is warranted. Sold
by druggists , or sent by mail on receipt of
price , 60c and $1 per box.
WILLIAMS' M'FG CO. , Prop's.
_ Cleveland , O.
Millie Taylor Tcrrttilv Injured By a
Union I'ncillo Train.
Millie Taylor , the daughter of Edward
Taylor , n colored man living nt Twelfth and
Nicholas streets , was run qvor by a Union
Pacific engine at Fifteenth nnd Cuuilng
streets yesterday afternoon about 2 o' clock.
Tlio girl was playing in the yards near the
tracks when a switch engine knocked hoi'
down and ran over her lott arm and leg ,
nearly amputating them from the body. She
lay near the track unnoticed for about mi
hour nnd was then taken to her home , where
her loft log nnd arm wcro amputated. She
suffered irrent pain but bore it bravely , and
last evening was resting quietly.
The olllcers of the road deny all knowledge
of the affair , and the name of the engineer
could not bo learned.
Is now the rate- via the Northern Pa-
eilio railroad from Omaha and Council
BlulTs to all north Pacillc coast points ,
including Portland , Taconm and Seat
tle. Through tickets are on sale via
this route daily. This is the only line
running through the eastern and cen
tral portions of Washington territory.
Stop-overs are given on Northern Pa-
ciflo socoiid-class tickets at all points in
Fritz Hilda's Torrililij StriiKijlo iur-
liifl the IjtiHt Three Yearn.
A history of hardship and misfortune hard
to credit is tlio story of Fritz Hada's life
during the last three years. At the opening
of that period lie was strong-armed , always
able to lind work as a laborer. Ho had
neither tr.tdo nor education , but scorned m a
fair way to better his humble circumstances
materially. Then ill-health fell to the lot of
his wife , and an accident made him almost
entirely blind. Six months ago n babe was
born to them. Within a month the motlicr
lost her reason through her sickness and
trouble. Through it nil Fritz tried hard to
bear up ns best ho could , but such a combi
nation of ills was too much for ono man ,
blind , poor , unublo to earn oven a penny ex
cept by begging on the streets. He , too ,
lost his rcnson , nnd to-day will be taken to
the asylum , where his wife had been taken
weeks before. A charitably inclined gontla-
man in South Omaha , named Huns Lens-
berg , has adopted the child. ,
A Lnrco Contract.
J. S. Stnndofordof the Birkinbino En
gineering and Supply company of Oma
ha , has returned Iroin Sjoux City where
ho spent Monday and Tuesday. During
Ills stay , Mr. Standoford sold COO squares
60,000 square feet of tboBodlno roof
ing for the now engine works nt Sioux
City. General Manager C. M. Gid-
diixrs , of the oiigino works , is well ac
quainted with the Bodirio roofing and
its merits , having como.from where it
is manufactured in Ohio.
Clyde Hollonbcck , the deceased son of
Mrs. W. S. Soavoy , will bo burled this
afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of
Chief Seavoy to Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mrs , Augustus Kutncrowskl , who dlod
yesterday ut the ago of twenty-sovon years ,
will also bo buried at 3 o'clock from the resi
dence nt DIS North Twenty-sixth street.
Slates Government
National Board of Health. Washington , D. C. Bulletin Supplement
No. 6 , page 33 ; '
"I have tested several kinds of baking powders which I have bought
in the open market. The following table gives the commercial name of
the baking powder and the number of cubic centimeters of gas given off : "
"Or. Price's Cream BaklnQ Powder ( docs not contain Alumj Ammonia or Lime ) 380"
"Royal ( contains Ammonia ) . . . . . . . 348"
"K , C. KKDZJE , " ( Public Analyst. )
This investigation was not made for a money consideration , but in
the interest of the Government of the United States. We know that it will
delight the millions of housekeepers who use DR. PRICE'S CREAAf
BAKING POWDER to see it endorsed as the strongest , purest and rcost
healthful , by this highest of authorities ,
DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the only baking pow
der upon which the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT ever made
favorable report.
Absolutely Purea
This powder never varies. A mnrvf 1 ot pur
ly , streiiRth nnd wholcsoineness. Mora eco
nomical than tha ordinary kludn , nnd cannot
bo Hold In competition with the multitudes at
lor or fehortweliiht ilium or phosphate powders.
Bold only In cuns. HoyiU Unking 1'owder Com
pany , lai Wall Street , Now Vorlc.
JiOd FAHNAM Sturm- , OMAHA ,
( Opposite I'axton HotoU
Office hours , 9 a. m , to 8 p. m. Sunday * , 10 a.
in. to 1 p. m.
Specialists In chronic , Nervous Skin and
Blood Diseases. .
S iVCousuUatlon at olllce or by mall fro .
Medicines sent by mall or express , securely
Backed , free from observation. Guarantees to
euro milckly , safely and permanently.
UVDUfllTQ TVDDTT.WV" Spermatorrhoea , s ml-
lUinYUUo DbDlllllI nhl lossns.Nlght Kmls
Ions. I'hystcal D ci y. arising from indlscre
tlon. Kxcess or Indulgence , pioduclnc Sleepless
ness. Despondency , inniples on the face , aver
sion to society , easllyidlscouraged , IftCK of conn
donee , dull , unlit rorstudy or Imslneia , andtlnds
life n burden. Stafcly , pcrmanantly and pri
vately cured. Consult , lira. Delta & Bolts , 1403
Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood and SklOisfases
results , completely eradicated without th * aid
of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas. 1'ever Sores ,
Blotches , ulcers , 1'ntns in the Head and Bonei ,
Bypbllltlc Sore Throat , Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where otheni
have failed.
ITiilnnir TfpinQTO nml Bladder Complnmtn ,
JUuIluY' UlllldlY llatnful , Dltllrult. too frequent -
quont Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine high col
ored or with milky sediment on standing , We .fe
Bai'k , Uonorrhcca , Gleet , Cystitis. eta.
Promptly and Eafcly Cured , Charges Ueasona-
bio.STRICTUISrE ! manenVcuVr" :
moval conipleto. xrllhuut cutting , caustic or
dlllatlou. Cure ! ) olTpctcd at home by patient
without a moments pain or annoyance.
To Yoimff Men and Mide-Ased Men ,
nPT ? PITDr 'Jllo nwrul eirects ol early
A UUnJJ UllUD Vice , which bungs organic both mind and Dody , with
all ith dreaded Ills , permanently cured ,
TID ! TTTT"J' ? Adross those whohavo impaired
UnOi DDllU themselves by Improper Indnl-
eiiios and holltary habits , \\lilch ruin beta
§ ody and mind , unfitting them lor business ,
itudy or inarrmgp.
M AIIUIED MKN. or tliosn entering on that hap
py life , aware of phyblcal debility , quickly a *
Is based upon facts. First Practical Ezp
rlence. Second Every case Is especially studied-
tints starting aright. Third Medicines are pro ,
pared In our labatory exactly to suit each case ,
thus atrcctlnK cures without Injury
l-Cr Send 0 cents posttgo for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous und Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cured , f ? A. friendly letter or call
may save you future guttering and Bliame , and
add golden years to life. 9 No letters an-
iworecl unless accompanied by 4 cents lu stainpi.
Addrass or call on
1403 Farnam Street Omaha. Neb.
iAIL 3
- -
( UKOE 3IZC ) 2
and. receive a 5
* * g
llrooko Hall , for Qlrl and Young
Bliort'.lcluo Media Acudcmy , fur lluya anil VounK Men
Swilhin C ,
Media , Pennsylvania , near I'hiliulolphla.
wall-on-llud ou. Col. 0 , J. Wright. 11. B. ,
A. 51. . Biipt. ; 11 , K Hyatt , Conul tof Cutlets ,
Conducted oythnBUtovaof St. Trancls. Opena
ItaelKhthgcliolustlcryeur Sept 4 , 1WH. TniH III-
Htltutlon otfcru \-errnilviinliigu for luximrlng a
tlioroimli , Clirlstlau.mUicatloti. Kor terms und
particulars mUlie-sn , er M Josepha , bujiur-
vlaoresH. _
HurirnnrnrlinoarCljlcain ( ; . Ilea
rich > l for ( llrli unil Vonnir ! < * i.
cataloiruoaOdreMd. TI1AYKU. l.I/ . II.8"
Morgan rurk.lll. , or 'iTMudlion btruct , Clilcaito. 111.
Conservatory of Music
IVllnnoDpollB , Minn ,
PIANO llest tmchera only In every depart
ini'nt. Unoiiimlieil opportunity for otudy ,
O1U1AN it lossoim for 115 , I' mo advantages
worth price of tuition. All ItiBtiumciiits , Lan-
CUIIBOI , HlHtorv. UtHraturi ) .
VOlO'1-V-Seiiu for culendnr.
ai A uua : n. .MOUSH. Director.
northwestern taifiiary rtoaaamy ,
Txenty-threu talloi north of rhlcacoi bti u lull
corp of expcrlmced liutructorn flvo cour e o (
MudKond uiuurpui. d Utlllllo fnr loiiructluii.
lif.ltu. lioiue ci nlort unit ChrlilUn Innueucu.
eicuil ( or cataluKuu to Highland 1'urk , 111 ,
Continental Clothing House
New Goods in the Men's Ready Made De
We have received this week our first installment of New Goods , and already our stock has
assumed mammoth proportions , consisting of some of the choicest styles , and the first to
come to hand , Early Buyers will find it to thcr advantage to make thc'ir selections now.
The numerous sales of light weight overcoats this week have reminded us that the season
for summer goods is passed. Our light weight overcoat stock is seldom equalled in variety
by any of the large houses in the country.
Merchant Tailoring Department.
We cxpcxt to have our Fall opening on the 2th. Some styles in this department have
been received , but we expect our full line here on the 271 ! ! , which will be shown in our
we oner mem to our trade , me price will DC $3.50 , anci we assert tnat it is not necessary to
pay a fancy price for other makes , when these can bo bought for $3.50. Five shapes have been
received , and will be shown in our windows this week.
The preparations for this department have been on the broadest scale , and we propose to
offer a line of goods which will be all that capital , experience , and good taste can suggest.
We will have more to say about this department in a few clays.
OMAHA BOSTON Freeland , Loomis & Co.
DES MOINES Proprietors
Cor. Douglas and 15th Sts. , Omaha.
This Is the tlmo to replenish summer
Wo shall continue through the month of
August to olfer bpoclal b.irg.tlns In various
lines of llwt-clnss poods. Our Full stock
In already baliiK selected In tlio Kustcru
market , and wo must soon have room for
fresh Invoices. lint the wnrm weather Is
not over yet. nnd our mippiIs still e < iual
to tha demand of a hot any.
Dr. J. E , McGREW
Iu tbo Trcntuient of All Chronic , Ncrruus
and 1'rlvnto Jlncnsc3. )
Bpormatorrhoeu , liupotency and IXJHI of Manhood.
nliBOlntely cured , AcuroKuaranteed In all forma of
I'rlvato Il eti > eii , btrlctun-a , ( ileet , etc. Ciitarrh ,
Tliroat , I.UIIK ll t'u e , l-oururrhueii quickly ami
iiueinancntly cured. lllood and tJUIn Dlncutos
treated mici esitully.
Ijidlco' and Renilomcn waiting rooms tcimrate
and entirely private.
( ) imultuuon fruu. Holiil for boold. The Bncret and
I'rlvatu Il eiiBe ot Mnn.f iiltu Woman and Her IJli-
etui'3 , Uk ) vnch ( ntamps ) , Treatment by correnpond
i nend ttump for reply ,
OHlco K51H and Douglas Sts. , Omnlia
( lieu. .
Catr ol -
BKLT aadBtar aMry CapUt * It.
9 > tD Btl/ iirt llBttirtmoBta * . P
B flundr dc/ttow
* * \ 4 * s * * r _
ifftntly Improved with winyinir thacklra m on *
Ae. EaVoat rlcl I n tdiMt rvirfr.Tha spnnca length.
en end rhJrten Recording to the notjtht put on thorn.
Adtntad fquail wnll to or fine
ut drives WillKivojcm Imut aatiafnotlon.
Epps's Cocoa.
"Hy n thoroiixli knnwIeilKO ot the nnturnl lows
wlileli Kovcrii the oiienillon1 * of dicestlon uiiJ nutri
tionHurt Uya ciirrlul application of the line proper-
lien nl \ M'llclcct'il ( r.icim , Air. Klip' liuiprovlilcil our
lirc-iikfittt tablet with u ilvllciilcly Hii\oiv < l licveraKO
nlilcli inny wive in many liunvy doctors' MIK It H
by t'ie Judicious use ot Hiirh tirtlrles of illut tlntt.ii
constitution may bo craJanlly Imllt nn until utroni ;
resist every tendency to disease , llnn-
ilri'ds of mlulo nmlnillo ? nro tlmitliiK iiroiiml ns ruiuljr
to iittiick wherever tlioro Is n vrmk imliit.uninir
escape iniiny a futiil Mmft by kui'iilnn oiin > i > lvoiell
fortltloil with imro lilooil anil n proiicrly noiirisueJ
friinio. " Civil M.TVlcof.iuelto.
MinIo simply wltli bollliiK M liter or milk , hold only
Inlmir IIOMII.I . tins by ( iroicrs liitH'lod thun :
TAMDCJ rODO 9. PR Homu-opathlc Chemists ,
JMlijU Lfl U 6 ! UUi . l.ONtMlN KNm.ANl ) .
Omaha Steam Dye Works
O. T. PAULSON , Prop.
First Class Cleaning and Dye
ing of All Descriptions.
1521 Howard St. . Omnha. Telephone 017.
A full not of teeth for 15. I'alnlons extraction of
teeth without chloroform , Kiis or ether. Hlllntf at
luilt ratcii.
DAILEY Dentist
DR , , ,
ai'J I'nxlon lllocfc.Utli and Farnnin SU-Opunevcnlnna
( Successors to John 0. Jacobs. )
Undertakers andEmbalmers
At ths Old S.ani , HOT Farnam S tract.
Orders liy telCKrnph Hollclted nnd prompsy
Atteiidud. Ttiluphono to No. 'U ,
Koarnev Nob.
obruted lines of Hoots and tjhoea , iniiriuin-ur-
ed y U. M. HenderBon .V Co. , of dilruuo Kiio-
torleH at flilciigo. lllxon , Illu. , and Kond 1)11 ) IMC ,
WIs. Bhould write HAM. N. WATSON , rosl-
iK'iuo , FltKMONT. NIIII. Truvullng
Hcf.diinrterH | for lluhuerH.
The IIU Stanilutl llcqv ,
UciumlliH fur the cure ,
WEAK prlratu allinc-ntii uro uii'
uriiai > Hfl for imrlty , He.
HalUfurtloii OuuruiiUwl ,
Onlrr Hriiiwly No , 1 for
RrMlatl Hfikurki or Vital
| ( J.M . 1'fK-r Cl IKI.
, ' „ . K fttir Uitl tlkkkowd ur , ) li-ulileMIU > In married
iit uurtho iriittrliiKO"tiii > t humiy llfu. I'rliu , ll.oo.
No 1 for VimiirrliMa fr Kleit In iluifr not. Acomlilnul
treatment for Intinml And local liv ' . Curvt In 1 to 6
da < < . .N'oivrlni/rurInjecllon , WllliiotciiUKHtrlituri ,
iialnornninilnu llaii-iin lliuniri-il orcaji.l'ikcll W.
So , 4 , fetatilt * Kurrinc for men or womiii , 1'ievtuU
Konorrhora , ttc , M > ruUln-r nor Iniwtlou I'MLatru
liuti 30 day ) . Kanlly UK.I. I'rlcc 11.00. Will trrvl a ktolwl
trial falnio | ! of niniil/.S'o. 1 or 2 ml ruilit | al 4iti.lil
taniH | ) for | K > vtAfti. | Any ono of the no rcuudlis pionipt-
ly nnt ( > < aliill I'/ mull on riccl | > t of the prlrv , II 00 ,
. , ,
la > t Ihroucti trrcrn or
KM w v uUrii ui i.fucnai. i.nyu .
M II IV ] I W trfcclly T'fiinrJ l > t the lit *
111 14 111 I - Remed e
Iliili 1 in I K J fir our new ithuliiilnrJ ir
Btilea. Ueveral casea curoil in BBVBH daya. Hold
at 11.50 per bur , all.ilrmr lst , or by mall from
IJoctuJa il't'g Co. ! ! * Wtilttt N. Y. Full Ulroo-
dK.sT , u puarantooJ upocluc for Hysteria , Dlzzl *
joss. C.mvulsions. fits , Nervoui Nt-uralRla ,
Headncho , Nervous 1'roatration caused by the
use ot alcohol or tobacco. Watofulness , .Mental
Deprusslnn , Softening of the llriiln. resulting In
InsanHv and InndlnKto misery , decay and death ,
Piematuro Old Age. Barrenness , Loss of 1'ower
In either sdx , Involuntary Losses and Spermat-
orhicacaused by over-exartlonof thobraln.solf-
abus'o or overindulgence. Kach box contains
cne month's treatment. 11.03 a box , or nix boxes
forW.tti.Bent by moll prepaid on receipt of prlco.
To euro any ease. With each order iccelvodb *
tut for six boxes , accompanied with $5.00 , wo will
Bend the purchaser our written guarautea to ro
tund the money If tlio tinatmeot does not otreot
a cure. OuaranUos Issued only by Goodman
Drug Co. , Urugglito , Solo Ajtenu , lllO Farnam
atrorLOraaha JS U
Tlio largest , litstcut nnd Illicit , In tliu world ,
aaicnuor accommodations unexcelled ,
New VorU to I.lvprnnol vlu IJucoiiKlown.
Tha Celebrated | The Fluent Mi'iim. I Onni IU
Ullv oriC.nue I thlp 111 tlio World. I OUpIi 10
Now York to Glasgow vh Londondoriy
Olrcas la AiiRiiHt l I Fiirmisslii . . . .Sojit , H
Ethiopia . . August Hi I Devonlit , , Hcit."l |
Anchorlti tjeut. 7 I C'lri'iisshi , . . , Hi'pl. ! lo
With regular weekly halllngi thereafter.
SAI.OIIV to < ; iuv > . Urcrpool , Derry , llclfmtof
QiU'Crntonu f. < l 10 fll by < iln < iio < Y Mrtiinor * . fcllitim
upwimls tij "City of Uoino. " Bucond Clan IJU , riUicr-
UKU t.l > . Kirurafoii riiloi reduced uvall'iulu lor either
rjnlc > , tluisttlvliu prlvloo ! of xovlnz In ono trip the
Illver Jlcrsov , I'lciurcaqiiu Clyde , North und foulhof
MIWKHT ruiiMrt. Travelers' Circular Lutturi of Cri'dl
ml Drulti rornny uiuuiiiit lit lowi > sl current rulot
Apply to any of ourlomil ii fiitu or to
JliMKIorrton Ilrotlrorfl , Cliluuuo , 111.
II. H. HAi.r , .
c. H. MA n 1:8. :
V. JU'UOI'HAN ni'.l'AUT.MIINT receives and
lorwnnls nil flumurtiit liuilnuxi by ouch MiillMcumcr
urrlvliiittitor ilcpiirlliiK Iroin Now V'ork ,
Hlilpinrnfi from Kiirniia run ho mailo illrpct lir this
Riiiiipiinv tcnillliiliiiiil I'niti or Hiilry In Ihu Unlti'4
Hlttti'M , IIM ) lo Cnn ulii uud .Miillco , wllli or without
P ! | > IIIUI t ( if iliilU'H lit New \ ( irk.
Ititlosim low us tlioinof liny rciprmplhlncompany.
.Money ( JrUrn liMicd imviililu nt l' , U J places in
United ftliui'n , ( 'ainidii 11111 Kurupu.
Atoncli'H In Kuniiiii t wli'im > lilpnicnt < for llnlti-d
8tuli > n < mn In' ilullvviul , or If Irum Intuimr poinU
rhould tiiiiuniilKiiMl , iiiriiiupuuloit by Illll if Lmllni ;
mid Inroku ccrtlllud bcforo Aiiii'rlcun Conmil ;
'J'HOS. .MKAIXiU K X LO. X > .Milk utrvvl , Chcupslda ,
I.IIMION , I- : . ( i ' 1 WuutrMruut , I.iVKiiroiu. ; r.l I'lccu-
ililly. MAM'III Mil in lu Hiuiori'rxtriol , ( il.AHilllu' ! . ' )
line bcrlln' , 1'AIIIH. K. HICIIAIII ) , 1 Hun Chlloii ,
llAIIVK. N. I.U'lVllTIMi < V CO. , 117 l.nnicii lni BC ,
IIIII : > IINI ; M Diivuiilluolli , llAiiuruu , und 117 Am-
Jlnfi-ii , I
A Perfect Face Powder.
Kluiler'i. 101 Fun. . .HI h | , III.'M'H , 1,101 titli |
BLt On FirnainM.1 O MNI.IIUII | liruicCfe .l.tlo
Bflirol r' .l,6IJI < .Totllll' , J.lll ) . OuN.IHlii
cur. WiUlrr ) > ltii ( ir , ior nilikxv.lieuniX ,
rur wiliuiui ( mil. iMliiilurriiI.3IU n.iiic. . , fci | Con.
tl , ror , ( vlilrrt > lill < l lll tllul I > rllr ] tlllp , torIMfo Tlicli *
k'.cor. r cllr ! | On H. loil.i lull i , 20hiullliHr . e. r , l' cl-
It ) Oil H. llllil C..iii.J' , Jll | Mlliu uCa. car , Duutltli ilia
cur , Iklhinil riiuiluci Un f un i r'il Dr. JiMllIt' * , 1,10IL'IK. |
.j' , nr. I k iml.i > uin.iln ; IUii > ' , l.iit l' roin.o ( ii ,
cor. tlthi ffHlfl 4.Co , lllh in ) l)4veuiMiil | hc\tttir't \ , flbiiirim
Alt. n.tC. > lt.J.fl ik I , IVIU1114 IVuulwvrlli ArtI > r.U nl < rli' < .
I .Ml IlimiJ ; 0 luir , cor eilmuj | UO-.LUI , | ; , \n.
n | Kill bl I W. J , H.'lrl r'i | Hojkor. < 'Co , U. Uul.U.
WliulruU , lllrl. > r'li.ti l > ru < Cn . IH.k. . llrur J. I o.
I'r < 1,11,1 r ii ur Adulfv ,
Wllliuul Injury ( irotifM Illoujj lltlr IU
a | .r ut ul , ' c lul l Jlloii li. ( / ( 11
r uuln * lu mud butiUi flora ritvr
It OOitrl-oUItorfl firli. 'if iiturliractfU titiu'illll will L {
4Dl ( | r .i iftH. KKKHIlNyi liriiut * MTr , f 19/Ii
( II t.liZJbl.Ntw Vtiktr utUC'lu.loii4ll,0 ,
UVOKOHH-.A. uoormiuu ,
' J.A\V , l'l ( Dearborn tit. . Chlciiio ; |
} Sl yosrti' uxtiurltucei"