Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No advortlaomonts will bo taken for
those columns after I2:3O p. m.
Torms-CnBh fn ndvnnco.
AilVertlncmonts under this hosd 10 cents p < r
line for tlio nrst Insertion , 7 cents for each wib-
sequent lni > ortlon. nnd II.M ) JUT line per month.
No ndvrrtlsemtntft taken to' less tlma 25 edits
for first insertion. Pevuti word * will bo counted
to tlio line : tlioy mtist nm consecutively and
must bo pnlrt In ADVANCK. All advertisement -
ment must bo handed In Iwforo 12-ro o'clock p.
m. , nnd under no circumstances will they betaken
taken or ill < cent Inucil by telephone.
Turtle * advertlslnnin these columnsnnd hav-
Inn tliolr answers addressed In enroot Tun HKR
will plense ask fern check toonahlo Ihom to get
tlielr letters , us none will bo delivered except
on prcnentRtlon of check. All nnswera to d-
vcrtlfpmenls nIicuM bo widened ID envelopes.
All advertisements InthfFO colttmni nro pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
Tin : Ilr.i : . the olrciilnUoit of which aggregates
tnorotlinn IH.OOO papers dnlly. add ulves tlio ad-
rcrtltcM the benefit , not only of the city rlrru-
intlonof TilEllKK , but alto of Council llluu > ,
Lincoln nnd other cltlts and towns throughout
thin Bcctlon of ttio country. _
AdvertlfdnR forthtgo columns will bo token
on the nbovo condition * , at tbo following busi
ness hoiif p * , w ho nro authorized agents for Tim
HRK special notices , nnd will quota the same
rntsBivs can bo Imd
TOIirw. lrrrPhaTmnlst820 ) South Tenth
U Btrcet.
/ 1 II ASK & TODY. Stationers and Printers. 113
V South 10th Street.
H. rAHNBWOMII , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum-
. .tnlng . Street.
W.1 , Ituaiira , Pharmacist. C24 North ICth
. Street.
i:0. : W. PAIlIi , Plmmnclst , 1C09 St. Mary's
tTnGHES'PnAUMACy.S2H ( I'arnnin Street ,
YOUNO man who understands the piano
A nnd pipe organ wishes employment in n
music Htoro . Inquire i : Farnam. l 21
who has had 10
PIltST-tTiASS book-keeper ,
A years experlnnco In Omaha nnd who cnu
give the btst references , desires a situation.
Enquire l3l8Fnrnam. IK ! 21
\\MNTKD-A position by an experienced
V > stenographer. Address K. Clay , Ileo oillce ,
Council lllulls. 110 23
wanted by man aud wife , both
SITUATION , hotel or restaurant , No. I
references. Address ( ! U3 , HBO olllco. 1(13 23
\\7ArJTlTfI Situation , than with'gooiTloamT
TT for delivering goods. Address K. H. , 411
8. IBth st. 130 21 *
"ANTHD 1'or.ltloii as hounskcupor or com
pnnlon ; pply botwoun and 21 at 1222 N
r. - 2."jt
WANTCU-situutlon bvn young man , ago
2.1 , us mocory clerk ; well experienced.
Address , H. Triimnn , ro-itolllco. 1IH-'AI *
ANTBU Situation nw salrsmnnTo years
experience in general merchandise , good
references.ddrnsn ( i 4'i lloo olllco. 'J.i'i " 3
EXl'llltlnNDnirdr/goo'dSsulcsmnn wanted.
StonchlU'H. 17H 21
boy wanted for light olllco work and
to attend telephone , apply by letter. liox
250 , Omaha. 100 SI *
W ANTI3D 3 moro men" with "good roicr-
etices , to soil gijods on installments ; pnv
part vnlary and part commission. Metropolitan
Mfg Co. , 1718 St. Mary's uvo. JVf S3 * _
WANTBD Gentleman oTixblllty nnd capital
to take the genornl agency for the t'nitod '
States or a good selling article. Addro s ( I B3 ,
Hoe. 151 23 * _
' ) - - rnllro'id laborers for U. P ,
company work , at Albright's labor agoucy ,
1120 Furnam Ht. J31
rpAII.OHS wanted -Ooodcont , vest and pants
J-makirs inquire ut ouco fur S. Frunk , Hotel
Darker. U'1231- '
"M7ANTI3D OMIci ) mull to Introduce the
Ll.'htnlng Shirt Ironer. Salary $ UtoSHJ )
per mouth and expenses. No cunvassmg. Address -
dross , wltn stump. Urowu , Iteutonor , V Co. . Ku-
glewooil. 111. Ui ) g-t
W ANTBD Hread bakers : steady work to
good iiiun ; apply at the Jos. Uarneau
CraijKer Co. IbBBIt
\S7ANTED-A big boy at Samuel Motz's Jlsh
T r marKet , 414 S. 13th st. 179 21
WANTKD A salesman in n general store ,
must bo & thorough dry goods man. Cull
ou or address with rolerolice , Hlotcky Hros. &
Co , , Onawa , la. 130 21 *
WANTED S good farm hands , O. steady
work ; teamster , $20 ; man nud lf in
private family , $10. Mrs. Hrega , 314 4 S. loth.
TpOHTitAtT copying agents wnnted in every
X town. Order * taken ranldly ; every family
wants pictures enlarged ; euorgwtlo men can
easily eum from # 50 to jUX ) per week. Manager
will be hero in a few days to makn personal ur-
rauuementH w 1th ngonts. Applicants write Im
mediately. Illinois Portrait Co. , 15'J Washing
ton St. , Chicago , 111. 11 li 23 *
younir men : Ilirlit work. ttl.
VV weekly ; room 17. 831 N llith. 100 23t
' \ATANTED good rtilinblo moil lor ductives Ir
VV every community ; paying positions. Ad
dress Kansas Detective Bureau , lock box 2 :
Wichita. Kan. _ 110 20t
w ANTKD-.Salcsmun to go south , houithj
location , good pay , rare opportunity. Ad-
with heif addressed stamped envelope
boif.61' ' . Van Haiib. Haxiir Co. . Toitas. Ill git
WANTED Man cup.iblo of meeting the pub
lie in a business way , to act us count )
manager ; vnuut furnish good reference ami deposit
posit (2 i : salary from fi < f > to $75 per month , will
coiunilsslon privileges. Call on or address The
George 8. Cllue Publishing House , 611 First Na
tlonut bank. Take elevator. _ UOO 21t
WANTKO Good man In every town. Salary
paid weekly. Address 8honunnTungon.
ber s Co. , ICO W. Lake St. . Clucngo. HiMllt
' "
rr.1 OltDRRSlnli'dayH ; " [ nvorugo 10 orders in
I 13 calls. " These uxtrarts from ngontsi1 let
ters ; ngehts Wanted In Nebraska. Address with
el ami ) . C. K. Osborne. lloatrlce. Neb. Hll s ! " _
pWOHret'lass6nlesmin wanted toplacoagts
L and handle patent right territory. Must beef
of good address , temperate , onurcrutiouiul have
linn exporltmce. Salary or eommlmlon. lilvo
reforoncos. P. O. tiox M. llobron. Nob. UtJ-gg ;
" 1OOD rellablo canvafasorn.staady employmou'
J withTho Singer Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas nt.
K.-2 H 11 !
" f ANTUD Travflllng salesman for Callfor
"Wi cloves. Uofvivnces required. Address
llaymoud , Squires V Co. , Sun Frauclco ; , Cal ,
748 2o *
WANTED-For Washington Terrltoty-tlc-
nmkers , oiiopners , carpenters , i-ock men
graders and tracklujN-rs , at Albright's Labor
Agunov. 112H Farnam st. 2sI
\AfANTKO A goodolllco man to go cast ;
T > must Invest t2.r > 00 ; must bo n good l business i
man. Address the ( Ico. S. Cllno Publishing
Jlouoo. ills , to ! )31 ) Wubash nvo. , Chlcago.Jll.
MKN to travel for thr Tunthlll Nurseries o
Canada. Wo pay * > o toifioo a month am
expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown
Hock. Ad , Stone & Wellington , Madison. Wig
WANTKD-Agents. Maglo cigar lighter ,
every smoker ouvg , lights In wind or rain ,
l.ibts a lifetime. Sample 15c , two for&V , dozen ,
tl , Dy mull. Stamps talcvu. Austin & Co. ,
Providence. It , ] , _ _ 45Us'B
JJ'a weekly roire | ei > tnttvc' , iiiaT
or femalo. In every community. Oood
ntaplot household necessity ; sell at sight ; no
IH-iIdllng ; salary p < ilil promptly , and expense
udvanctxl. VullpartU'iilais und valuable sample
CUHO rri'u. We mean Juitt what we ay ; addles
ntoncc , Standard Silverware Co. , Iloston , Mans
SALhSMI ! } ' Wo wish u ow men to soil om
goods by sample to the wholusala und letal
Undo. Lnvgust maiiufucturvni in our line
Kncloee 2-cout btamp. Wugos tl per day. Per
in uncut position , No po-itals nnsworcd. Money
ndvanred for wanes , lulvertlslnir , etc , Centon
vial MunufHCturlugCumpauy , Cincinnati. Ohio
" \\7ANT15D Woman pastry cook , l O ; 4 laun
' dresses , i(3ii ( to f3jhousukcopur ; for wldowc
vlth 4 llttlo bo.\s ; 1 for the country : 2 cooks
10 ( lining room girls , (20. uamo hotel ; U ulrlH fo
country towns ; & 0 for gunoral hoiibework. Mrs
Drcga , ; H4ii 8. Uth , 1st 22
jor7nBn ; to woWliTprlvatii fum"
-Vlly. must bo handy about u house , ( X ) .
peed farm hands , 3D laborers , kltohen mi > n , n
itr.s. Hrtffc-u'6. UHK B. ISth , _ 'J ' L.
G lit L for general housework , 813 S.fili \ St
15S 21 *
WANTRD An experlonced nurse girl , appl
ot Ifai i'urnum bt. 163 Ji
WANTHO A girl for general housework
623 N. 20th tt. cor Cnlirornla. _ ITjl
\irANTFD-lood Blrl for housework. Mr7
1 > W , W. Illnghnm , till a luth st. 172-31 ;
EXPEHIKNCKD unleblndics wonted at Stouo
hlU'A. apply nt a o'clock sharp. 17H 21
"W"ANTI5I-A cometeiit girl In family o
IT two , ( ] rmnn preferred , Mrs. D. H
Wheeler , C01 B. ifth at. _ in S3
" \\rANTKn-Ulrl for general houstiwork IT
T fmnlly otthroo ; German pioforrei ! . Applj
Capitol ave. 12031
YyANTRD-Scamstresa Call 213 821th st.
I ANTKb-Nursa girl at rli Eoiith sth"iitl ;
Girl for general housework.
WftCumins. 117-23 *
WANTKD-Jlrl for Roncrnl hontework In
smull family at 2200 Howard st. 9U3
V\rANTiD : 7iormau girl to do coofilnii and
VT washing , best of wages paid , Inquire J ,
L. Hrnndels./.24aintligt. 2S )
\VA.NTl'.D-nnod girl for general house work
> \ at 1331 N. 18tli st. 7
girl for general housework nt 1010
California st. 1.1C-21 *
Ilrst cla is conksfor prlvnto
families or ' > , M nnd $4,50 week : no Irish.
loom 4 , Crounso block , loth nnd Cnpltol ave.
l'i 2 It
_ _
- rospeetnblo nnd responsible
fiiinlljto adopt n bright llttlo tlri. ? fiom s
to IS yo.\ta prcterroil. Address O 68 , llco olliro.
I.I ) 22 *
iy-lfy nn experienced gairtcner. to
lease for ono or inbro years developed gar-
len grounds. Address P. O. box I" ) , llestclty
references. lti27j
_ _
T\7 AN TED A furnished nouso of ulght or
> ulno rooms with modern convenience * .
within am lie radlm of pui > tolllce ; ono with a
nice ynnt profuired. by n inmily of tlire . Ad-
Iress with tiirinc , ( ! f > ' , lieu olllco. _ 1 < 7 23
Tw < 7"or"thTo rooms wTtti hour' ]
In n private family by a family of three
bestot rnfi'rencm islvon nnd require' ! \Vlil
pay Rood ronsoiublo ratoa. Address ( ! r > l , llco
o leo. _ "i 23 _
TTlOll HUNT Pretty 7-ronm house , bath nun
JLJ uaa. 2219 Cullf ornlh St. . $2 > per month. In
quire Ulngwult Hros. , : ir llnrker block. till 'M
WANTBD-Hy Sept. 1st. fl-room liouso , ron-
vcnlcnt distance , modern
good tenant , Address drawer
"VV7ANTICD runilshcd cottngp. A or it looms ,
bv family ot 3 , fiom Sept. 1st. Address
C ! 21) . Hee olllce. H77
OOMEHS nnd boarders wunted at 1010 N.
116th st. IfO 31 *
TfMHST-class any board. Inquire 1CUU Douglas
In families , C27 So. 17th. ava.
( ( , : . to do dressmaking In fault
lies solicited. Miss Sturdy , 510 8 Silth St.
8Jt s4t !
Foil HKNT 7-room , 2-story liouso , barn for
1 horses If desirod. For terms for the winter
call on or addrcbS C. F. Harrison , Merchants'
Nat'l Hank. lfc < >
l/lUlt HUNT .lints , ono 6 rooms , ono Brooms ,
-I ? topnrtlcswithout childrenmodorn ; conven
iences Also for rent or sale on easy terms , 3
new fi-room eottngos. N. E. Adams , n. o. corner
23d and Miami Bts 15327 *
TfiToit HUNT 4-room liouso , 610 Williams st.
Jj Hi7-2 J
OH HUNT October 1st , largo brick liouso ,
1721 Capitol nvo. Inquire. Nothortou Hall ,
Itoom 42nhi-t ( Nat. banK U 2J
UKNT Anew A-room house , south Sth
Center streets ; well aud cistern.
T71OH HUNT-Six room house , 8 , K , corner ISth
JP and Chicago sts. 145
Foil HUNT A "roonTcoItagc , Inquire at 1211
N. mh ht. M14 gl _
have houses aim stores for rent in all
parts or the city. Security Loan & Invest
ment Co . 215 South 14th St. , up stalls. b'tt 23
"jjlOll HKNT $ - . " > , u pretty T-iooin liouso. Call-
J-1 foruln and 2.1d sts ; and city w uti-r. lu-
nulru Nothurton Hall , loom IJ3 , 1st Nut. llnnk
FOK KRNT Choice R-toom house , furnlshod
for man und wife : board : Webster , between
Oth and 21st st. Address 0 , uS , Hco olllce.
120 23
IJtOIt HF.NT 12-room House ; furnace , barn ,
Jj largo full lot. 1917 Cuss st. dS'i
OUhF.S for lent Wilkinson , 1417 Furnam.
TTtOH"unNT4room cottage "near Fott Oma-
JJ ha. K , per month. Sell for * 1,100. D. ' V.
Sholes , 210 First National bang. RJo
TJIOIt HI3NT 7-room house , 28th nnd T .initol
-I ! avo. Inquire.Us3l Dodge. til
O room house tor rent , cheap ; 210 N 3lstave. _
IllOIt KENT 7-roomed house , city water.batlu
JL ? largo ci-llar , etc. . 2S2n Franklin ut. Apply
room U)9 ) Merchants Nat'l hank bldg. 870 23f
N EW five-room cottage for rent. II
Trait & Co. , 310 S. 15th st. G'JO
"ClOU linNT T vo mne room brick houses enC
-C Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also
nine room frame house on same street , with all
conveniences : price f.V to $ lr > per mouth. D. V
Sholes. 210 Fiist National Hank. 311
TTtOU UKNT Itesldenco , 2100 Douglas st. , new
-t1 lioiise , all modem Improvements ; not a
luisoment Iiouse. r.nqulro ot Morltz Meyer ,
Cor. Illtli anil larnarn. C23
"OOL'SK torrent , I0a Dodge.
IJlOIt HKNT 7-room Hut , 42.1 par mo. above
J2 The Fair , 13th nnd Howard. Inquire TheFair.
ltlNT--in-ioom brick hotiso on 20th st.
nearLcavenworth. Apply ut No E27S.jJOtn
WILL lease for ono or morn years a largo 7-
room houxo with all inodnrn convenionccs ;
is nicely painted outside , bard-tlmshed inside ,
nicely papered , two large bay windows ; three
blocks from.court IIOUSM 501 3 20th. VH >
"IjlOH HKNT A detached 0-room house , all
JJ modern conveniences. Enq.SW ) Capitol avo.
TjlOH HUNT 10-room house , Bteam heat , all
JL- Improvements , cheap rent. 0. D. Thompson.
loom 214 , Sheely block , 15th and Howard.
_ _ 041 _
iJIOIt HUNT o-room cottage. 101 Bo. 2Sth st.
JD 413. Hingwalt Hros. , Hooin37 , Harker block.
_ _ _
EOK IIENT Sept. 1st , n5-rooin cottage , with
batli-i oem and clos , tlithbet. ! St.Mnry'n ave
nud Loavenworth. David . lamleson , 31 1 8. luth
FOlt KENT Fine largo resldenco , hard wood
tlnlHli. all conveniences , lOwrent to private
family ; am N. 1'Jth ' st. _ US4
: "
C1 ( K"HENT TJie C-room llaf occupied by Dr.
JL ? ( iilnicre , 'M lloor. No. inii : Howard st , In-
qnlre ot ( ieo. lllgglnx. liill Howard st , ItO
TRiOlt HENT yixnowiVrooni cottages , .ready
JL ? on or before Septumbur 1 , Illtli and Half
Howard streets , healthy location , near Farnnm
rorrt. Hniit. each tlj per montlu hultublu for
tidy families , John 11. V , Lehmunn , 624
fl.17th.Bt. 441
IT1OH HKNT Front parlor , dultuble for doc-
JL tor's otllcp : also 2 sleeping rooms ; < fO nnd iflO
per mouth. 21tu I'arnam t. 150 23 *
"ini'UNIPHI'.Diooms nnd boanl'by the day or
JL1 week at the Pvubody house , ( Jeo. Oakley ,
proprietor. 104 23 *
TJIOlfllUNT 3 front rooms , cor. 2Uth and
-L'.Jjoavcnworth , furnished to suit occupant ;
modern conveniences. 123 .or
TT'TriiNTs 11 * Kb rooms , gas and bath liii2 Har-
JP noy sr. 13120 *
'iTIUHNISHKD front lOoTu for rouZ 43)S. ) IflthT
JU 140 a *
N ICIRLV' furni8hcd rooms for light home-
keeping. ; 010 N. 17th Bt. lOuO 2JJ
N1 . furnished IOOIIIF , fiont and buck
parlor , U10 N. 15th. _ t722lt *
NT Two" furiilahnd rooms , wltii
board , Miltablo tor lour geutlumcn , three
blocKH fiom potolllce , Apply 10 Ti Chicago st.
JL1 board , references. Address U 40 , Hee.
rn\VO flesirablo rooms nicely furnlihod and
X centrally locutail at'III s 24th at. liOjM
rooms with board , n w corner
uth und rarunm ts , _ W\i 2. . )
ST. OI/Alit Knropoiin notel , ror , 13th and
Dodge ; special rate by week or month.
T Two paiors front and buciTon
llrnt lloor , uUo uinglo rooms with board.
All modurn i-p % enluncea. low Douglas. W3
FUltNISIIKDor Unfurnished house for rent
In Park Terrnco , opposite Hanscom paik ;
all modern convaulonrns. IimuireLte&Nlrhol ,
3th uud LeuVDlWorUi. _ 230
TTIlJltNlSIlHD ixwms with all modern con-
-L1 v nlunceifor , t'uiitiuinen ouly , 17W Dodge st.
_ _ _ . . . . ' _ 6. * I
IT\Oll \ irKNT-l'.legant 'furulslied room for
X Btiigla gvntloman only. 731 ti. luth St. , < x > r.
LoaveiiH orih. wo
HKNT Two furnlshod rooms , on St.
Mary's .avouue. Tp gt-ntlemon only. Six
minutes walk ot builnens center. Hefereuco
required , luqulre at store , 210 and 212 B. 15th st ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 75T
fpwo7oomi > with or without board for gen.
-L tluuiea.privuit ) faiully.refureiictM. 1812 Dodge
DnSI cheap , on car line ,
_ N.
' Furnished room ? , 22u Dodge.
J < V KB
W'ICKliV famished unit of rooms nnd onesln-
Inlo room , All modern conveniences , prlvalo
family. 2311 Karnam Bt. n3.y
" "
ODD room w Ith bath. 619 S. BOth st ,
FUKNJSHBD Front room , 1913 rarnnm.
145a27 *
Trontl-ooin , meoTsTif tiio house , TttW
SOUTH avenue. iT.'O
I710U UKNT Two furnlshod rooms , nn north
JL' 17th st. Reference rouulrud. 37 > S 1
rpwo rooms to lent for IfousotooplnK. 1018 NT
1 IBth st. l l 21t
1K ( HINT : T/nf urnlslied rooms sultaolo for
-U liousekeeplnR , Insultcs otato 4 : convenient
location , llntt'a ncntliic Agency , 1504 Farnam.
TJ10H UKNT Storeroom. cor.SSth and f sts. ,
JJ South Omaha. Host location In city for
Kcnts'furnishing or dry goods' tor . Inquire
ot.l ; .1. Muhuuoy , room iM Pnxtonblk. 4r2-s : |
rpo ItKNT beslfahle wur house rooni on
JL track. Apply to C. W. Koltb7U PacinoSt.
" | IOK business purposes 2d lloor , 50xM. , in
JU I'axton building , IQth and Fnrnam , outranco
on Farnnm. passenger and freight elevator ,
north and south llaht. will divide Into two If do-
sited. Heymnn & Delches , 1518 Farnam. fit.
1J1OU HUNT Stores and HvitlR rooms on Cum-
J-'Ins st. Also house on Cussat , Hiirrls , room
411,1st Nat Hnuk. 831 _
I7O11 ItKNT The 4-Htory brick butidinR with
Jor without power , formally occupied by The-
Ilee I'ubll'lilnit Co. tllll Knrnnm st Tho. build-
ins has a lire-proof cemented bisomont , com
plete steam hontinR fixtures , water on nil the
Hoers , ROS , etc. Apply at the olllco oC Tlici Ileo.
> A 915
T71OH HUNT Tno corner rooui under the No-
JL1 biaska National bank will Roon bo for rent ,
the ttmltnblo Trust Co. icmovina to larger
The space Is about double that occupied by
the C. . II. If Q. tlrKot onico. Tin-lloor Is tiled
niui the room can bo made desirable for n It. It.
ticket or broker's olllco ,
For particulars apply at bank. Ct2
"V\7"ANTED 1'crsons having desirable busl-
IT ness proportv for snlo , nro respncttully
urged to " 1st it with mo. Am desirous of get-
tins tORcther as complete a Hst as possible seas
as to bo ready for nny demand that la likely to
come. The more property an agent to offer ,
thn greater are his clmnrcs tor making sales.
Address W. H. Alexander , 16 nnd 18 Continen-
tul bldg. TOO 21
IF you want houses rented ,
1C 7011 want your real estate sold ,
If you want insurance ,
If you wnnt .money on real estate or other
securities call on the Security Loan A Investment -
ment Co. . 215 fi. 14th St. , upstairs. b93 2J
THK banjo taught ns nil art by Goo. V. Ocllen
_ beck Apply at I ice olllce. , i)0 ) ) _
T7UmItlNT-Onebarn ; stalls ; largo yard :
JL1 clean .and convenient : ewiuiru ot Fiost.V ;
Harris , Iznrd st , bot. 22d and 2.d ) fcta. _ i > l _
A HH you looiclnK for an opportunity to en-
Xigaio in the mercantile business ? It socomo
nndseaus.V. . H. H. A.M. K. , Itoom 11 Chamber
of Commerce. Tel , 1140. _ til 5 _
CESSl'OOl.S. ctstcrns , prl\-y vaults , etc. ,
cleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply nud clenn-
ly ; nil work done by odorless pump. Odorless
isanitary Co. , 14ut > Fnrnam street. Tel. 21) ) .
KB & 5
LOST Suitable rownrd for return to livery
stable , n. w. cor , Ht. Mary's nvc. nnd 17th St. .
of a largo dark pockctbook contntnluc money
nnd papers only of value to owner , 175 2J
T OST At the 'Talr , " a purse containing a S10
JLJblll , n ring with engraving inMdc , J. M. to
F. II. , a trunk key and papers. Hnder will re
ceive tlio $10 and an additional reward by re
turning to the "Fair. " 1UJ2K
I OST Brown and \\hlto spanlol pup two
Jmonths old. Liberal reward for his return
to lOJI Capitol nve. , cor. lltli st. 103 22 *
JOST A deed nnd abstract of tltlo mndo by
Jthis company ot n lot on Cumlng street.
Tlio tinder will bo reasoiiaVly lenardud by re
turning to the Midland Quurantoo & Triibt Co , ,
IBUl'arnamsn " 30321
'I OST Largp. young closo-hairod St rternard
J-J dog , yellow with white breast and foot , Ue-
turn to 11JO Georgia ave. , or 001 Douglas nnd get
reward . KI3
ObT Kngllsb Mastiff. Keturn to 400 1'azton
block nnd get reward. 241-
PKlfsbNAr LadtesTiTd g > ntlolii9n deslrlng
corrcsponents , address. Corresponding
Club , Kansas City , Mo lucloao stamp. 114-23 }
TOIIAOK at low rates at 1121 Farnam St. ,
Omaha Auction ami Storage Co. yit
\ \ ' ANTl'D Fiirnlture. carpotsl stoves nnd
' household goods of all Kinds. Omaha
Auction A ; Storrgu Co. , 3121 Furnam. 237
OIUUbONA : KIJY Storage and forwarding ;
SDecial arrangements for commission mer
chants , 1213 Leavcnworth ; tel. 411) . , Omaha.
TO HA O B an d forward ing. We collect nnd
deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan
dise , furniture and baggage at chcapent rates
for htornge for any length of tlmo. vnus nnd
wngons to bo had nt shortest notice , wltu care
ful men for moving. Packing and shinning
from our own warehouse done on moderate
charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded.
nrehousfl on our own trucks. Oflico 217 S 14th
St. ; telephone 114. Howell & Co. _ 210
rpHACKAUK storage nt lowest rates. W. SI.
JL llushinan 1311 Leavcnworth. 233
MADAME Wellington , world ronownea as-
troioglst , test medium and destiny reader ,
just from iuropo. : Tells your llfo from the
cradle to the grave , reunites the separated.
causes speedy marriage with the ono you love ,
locates dlfceosos and treats with massage and
eloutrlc baths. All In trouble "hould not fall to
consnlt this gifted seeross. I'lmourn , upstalrx ,
417 South Uth , oflka hours from 1U a. m. to 10
p.m. _ uoa-24 *
Teller -Mrs. Leiiorman can"bo
consulted on nil allalmof life. Batisfac-
tion guaranteed. No. : I10 N. IRth st. ii' *
rvli. NAN'NIK V. Warren , clairvoyant , nifdl-
J-'cal and business medium. Feinnlo diseases
n specialty. 11 ! ) N ICth st , rooms 2 and ! ) . IJ05
OTANDAIII ) HhorthandHChool , PaitoiiWt ,
OiHUCces or to Vuli'iitlne'H ) the largest oxclu-
Hive shorthand school In the west. Teachers
orovoibatlm reporters. Particular 'attention
nalij to typewriting. Mechanical construction
of mnchino tanglit by factory export , Circulars ,
\VH1TTM5SKY'8 Shorthand Hchool , Harder
V > block. Send for circulars ; J.ord' * prayer
In shorthand free. , 4itf-s3t
OMAHA Huslnoss ColloKo , cor ICth and Capi
tel ave. Shortnund The largest nnd moit
successful shorthand itepartmont in the state.
Standard methods taught. Munson's revised
of 'SU nspocialty. Call or writ ? fur terms.
TTlOll BALB Very reasonable : a line span of
JD norses , o and7yoars old.wolght2.000pounds ,
good action and perfectly sound ; can bo usud
us hack , carriage , buss or work ot unyklnd ;
ulso now wagon nnd harness , Coopuiutlve
I and & Lot Co , 20.1 N 10th ht. . 17JJ M
BALK New nlckol-platrd 11 lint comet ,
U cheap fur cash , at 4U ri luth St. , 2nd lloor ,
_ _
U BALK A good phaeton and bar-
-1 ness , $150 , ! J cash , bal 110 ft monthi Address
U 10. Hee. U8 24 ?
"CIO It HALK Two B-horso power engines , new ,
J3 cheap for posh or on time. 6lfl and lilUJ'ax.
tonblock. _ . t 134 ffi
TOH HALK At a bargain , a llnu driving
J-1 mare , snltalile for lady or gonilemuii ; iilKo
a good Imnd-made phnoton with harness ; must
tionold lminedluiclypilc ( > , whole rig , } -'D' ' . In-
( itilru W , M. Yates , Nobrnska National .bank.
, 14'J-aJ
O N13 Hro proof hafo ; light uxprcbsvanonnew ;
four horties.rauglugfrom h.'jO to 1,3110 pounds ,
w ill be sold verv cheap. Neuraska Mortgage
Loan Co. , room tlH. 1'ajtton block. DOJ
Tmo'll HALK-751 tons of UrrDtul Lake ice of
J- ? the quality , Iiicjulro 1410 Farnnm at. ,
OmahaJfeb y > l 21
TOTOH 87\LK A itt-uorse power'l'ortwr ougliia
J ? In good condition , weight G.IU ) pounds , cyl
inder HxIU. For particulars apply to Mae Hey
onice wa
TlilNKST carrlaga loam In state , dark browns ,
J.1 tull IB hands , weight I.U ) . Inimlro VV. H ,
Milliird , S. K , cor 16th and Douglas , Omaha.
7liU a 13
TTtOK BALK Cheap , ouo goo < l squftrx box top
i-1 buggy. Inquire at 2U15 Hurt. 770 Zflt
FOR BAI.K Cash or time , 3good teams , wag
ons and harnesses , J , J , Wilkinson. 1417
1'arnain sU bk >
ITWUSALK-l.UOUtonaof U-lnch Ice , hoiued
-L oil truck , Council lllutra. In. Otlbett Hroo.
FOB SALTJ-Uwllbrnrr. 1510 Dousing
V fr472.-.t
T lIK Canneld M'f K Ca being about to move
.1. will sell 1 Orst-tU'H'M'horsB-power onglno
and boiler at M actu&liTftlnc. law Douglas st.
tiI \ < B
MIDLAND OuarntUOA-Trust , Co. N. Y. Llfo
blilg , Complete abstract * furnlshod nnd tltlei
to real c tate oxamiued , pef fectod A guaranteed.
BHFOHK making chftUnl or rolloternl loans ,
It will pay you to oa The Western Invest-
inont Co. , room 4 12 llco ujg. / . _ 130
pltlLADriLPIIIA Mortgage A Trust Co. fttr-
X nlsh clioap eastern1 Jraonev to borrowers.
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
ut their western olllco. George \V. 1' . Coiites ,
room 7 , Hoard of Trade. 281
MONKY liiuned onctinttel securities ntm jew
elry. Itoom 411 , Sheoly block , Omaha No-
brnska. P. H. Jerome. _ < 3LH : : * _
MONKY to loan ; cnsn on hand : no demy. ,1.
W. Smilro , 1210 ) rurnnm st. , First National
bank building.
7JMH8T mortgngo lo.itis nt low rates and no
J } delay. D. V. Sholos , 210 First National
bank. 231
mill' IILICHOUN Lonii Co. give money ( n any
JL amount on good security , furntturo In use ,
horses , etc. Low Interest. Over ommorclal Na
tional Haul : , 13th and Douglas. ( BK-n37 )
MONKY to lonn on nny security
for short llmo , nt low
rates. Lowest rates
on personal .
Tlio Henderson Mortgage Investment Company ,
room 4tw , Pnxton block. r L.
B J1LDING loans. D. V. Sholes , 210 First
National bank. 281
MONKY to loan. ( . F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , l.VKi Farnum .st , 277
made on real estate nnd i
LOANS S lteod..VCo.U M. Hoard Tradu
MONKY to lonn on funiHnre , horsonvnpons ,
etc. . or on nny npproveil Hucurlty. . ) . W ,
Itoublns. Hllli 1'nrunin stioot , 1'uxton hotel ,
20' )
Sholos. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before
making your loans. _ 2)1 ! )
MONKY loaned for W , HO or W days on nny
kind of chattel socurlty ; reasonable Inter
est ; coulldontlal. J. J. Wilkinson , 3117 Farnam.
loans ny to 7 per cent no ad
-Lidltional chnrpos for commissions or attor
neys' foes. Vf , H. Molkle , First Nat bank bldg.
_ _ 2bS _
< nr > UO.COa to loan at H per cent , r.lnahanMa -
( Dhonoy , room MJO I'axton block. 237
BUIliDlNG and other real estate loan.sV.M. .
Harris , room20 , Frenzer block , opp. 1' . O.
MONKY to loan on real cstnto security , at
lo\\ est rates. Hetoro negotiating loans aa
Wnilaco , It. JI1U , llrown bldt ; . liltli & Douelaa. 2SJ
"YX7"ANTED First class Inside loans. Lowest
i rates. Call und SPC us. Mutual Invi-st-
inontCo. , It 1. Ilarkur blk. . Ifitn nna Farnnm. 2i8
MONKY loaned on furnituio. liorses nnd
w neons : lates reasonable. City Loan Co. ,
11S8. l.ith ht. , oppobltu Alillnrd hotci. 270
MONIJY to loan ou horses , wngons , mules ,
household goods , pianos , organs , diamonds ,
lowest rates , 'l ho tlrst organized loan olllce In
the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun
dred und sixty-five duyH , which can bo paid in
part or whole , nt nny time , thus lowering the
principal nnd Interest , i.all nnd see us when
you want money. We can assist jou promptly
nnd to your advantage without removal ot
property or publicity. Money nlnnys on hand.
No delay In matting lopns. C. F. Heed i : Co. ,
319 S. ll'.th st. over Dlngham & Sons. 2X1
( Fl'er CenTmbney ll , " : 2 , N. 3T. Llfo Ins. uldg
MONITV to loan oncity or farm property ,
Geo. J. Paul , l&Ul Farnfrni st. 103
DO YOU want money ? 'If so don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est ou nny sum from Jt up to $10,000.
1 make loans ou household goods , pianos , fir-
pans. lnrsesmuleswagonswareliouse receipts ,
houses , leases , etc. , in any amount ut the lowest ,
possible rates , without publicity or removal ot
property , '
Loans can be mndo foroim to six months nnd
you run nny u part at nnv time , reducing both
principal mid interest.-if you o e a balance
on your furniture or liorses , or nave a loon on
them. I will take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you need money you will nud it to your
advantage to aeo me bofoni borrowing.
11. V , Masters , room 4. Wlthnoll building. 15th
and Hnrney. 2 3
MONEY to loan on furniture , liorses , wngons
or securities of any kind ; commorclrl nnd
mortgage notes bought ut fair rates ; all busl
ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan
Co. , room 321. Hamge building. 713
TT-KYSTONK Mortgngo Co. Loans of S10 to
JLVll.ouo ; get our rates before borrowing and
navemonoy ; loan on horses , furniture or any
approved security , without publicity : notes
bought ; for new loan , renewal of old and low
est U20jShecloy blk.ljtli & Howard st.
MONEY Loans negotiated ut low rates with
ou tdolny , and purchase goods , commercial
jiappr nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloiuan. cor.
JUth and Farman. 272
NEUHASICA Morr. Loan Co will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wa gons ,
land contracts ,
flno jnwelry , or securities of nnv kind
without publicity , at reasonable rntos.
iloom 7. Howlov block. South Omaha.
Itooms 518-ultt , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb.
man with an established cash
business with large profits wanted n part
ner with VMQ to 8I.HH ( , us it requires two to
manage trade. Address O Bl , Bee. K8-2JJ
ANTIID-A partner with $ J,000 to J1.000 to
take u half interest In a well established
grain und seed business. Address .llox U ,
Greenwood , Nob. IBS
WANTED A partner In dalry.buslnoss. I
lm\o a Hue herd of Jerseys and want a
partner who has necessary ground near Omuha
to start , business at onco. Address M , LOCK
llox B55 , Omuha. 174 22 *
r > TSTA : UiFANT in good location ; rontJVi per
JLtninnth ; prlco $4 > 0 ; u bargain If taken soon.
Co-Op , Laud and Lot Co. , 205 No. 10th st.
170 33
TJIOH SALB A grocery store nt Florence ,
JJ Nob. , doing u busidoss of $ * 0 to if 100 n day ,
will soil building and lot ; look this up before
you buy anywhere clbo. Cowan & Hall ,
OTUL for rent ; the only hotel TiiTown. Ad
dress lock box U , North Dend. Nob.
T71OH SALB Klovator nt Oakdnle. Good loca-
JL' tlon for grain , live stock , lumber nnd coal.
For particulars write A. Truesdell , Fremont ,
Neb. 'JjlslTt
SALi ; Marble shop in good location.
' Terms very reasonable ; satfsfaclorv reu.
sons for soiling i small capital roaulrod. Ad
dress G 3D Hee. 1)01 ) 83 *
" \\rANTKD-A partner in n brewery doing a
T T good business in n prosperous Nebraska
town. Umiuirout room 14 , Chamber ot Coin-
merco. Tel. 1410. * > 875
TTlOHBAliK A well mi'titup / brlcK yard. 270
JJ feut from sldo truck-"two ; stationary kilns ,
two drying sheds , brick machine new , house ,
stable , wind mill , water tank , lead piping , to
gether with live acres ot ) land , Prlco J ! , ( . Atl-
drosn C. F. ICotil. Madl8 < in. ob. 8 3 2Jn
FOHSALKorTrade-'A.Tgood 3-clmlr barber
shop wltn bath roorn ; centrally located , at
South Omaha. Call or addrjas A. L. Undeland
& Co , Omaha .Nub. , fVI 817 21 *
TfOlt 8A J7l5 Or exchKn'iJp , line drug store In
J2 country town ; also HIIIIIO cheap lauds. Ad
dress lock box 20 Stuart , , Nob. Kli git
FOK 8ALIor ; KxchunRO Fine drug store in
country town ; alaosoina cheap lands ; will
lent a roller mill to good-loanrent not i > o much
of nn object us to hin > mill run. Address
Lock llox 20. Stuart.Noj > r KUZit _
T7roitBALi-Cheap-IIarber8hopnnd4cnnlr.s ;
JL1 good location ; paylnkTSjlstnoBs. M. H. FlemIng -
Ing , Crete , Nob. cut s7
EOH 8AL15 or Trade > JWJ Omaha property an
established business , llox CIS Omana ,
„ i 340
FOU TltAUli A mnirnlllcoiit stock farm 710
acroEln northern Mbsourl , 13 milus from
county seat , one and one-half miles from small
town. A bout 350 acres nndor cultivation , hat
nix miles uf fonclngtwogood farm houses , sheds
fruit orchard , living water running through
w Ith about m acres of good timber. Will ox-
ihango for Improved city property. Address
Alldiow Kosewaler. 410 I'axton Hlk. 137-23 i
OAHH and two good farms to exchange for
ftock general morchandlue , C , K. Hates ,
Flaudreau , Dak , C42-2U
\\rANTKD-To trade for u stock of groceries ,
T > caBh and lots on O. & C. 11. motor line.
Lots will bo put In at tholr fash value. W. It.
I ! . A ; M. G. , Itoom 14 Chamber of Commerce ,
TIVJH BALK Oil KXCIIANdl'-Oiltsldolots for
JL ? house und lot Inside , or Suit LUKU propetty.
Cottage tor unit ) cheup for cash on leaied
ground , -MAI FrunKlln. O.X-liU
rp03'.XCIIANfii-Dr : ft tram for single drlw
-Ling horse , C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat.
bank. wa !
rno rJCCIIANO n-We have n good farm of 120
JL acres laying close up to the town ot ftoeto
City , JotforsonCo. . Neb , About 70 acres In high
Rtnteot cultivation. Tills la river bottom laud ;
neil can't bo beat anywhere ; 2) ncro.s good tim
ber ; balance In peed pasture : all fenced ; novnr
falling water ; this Is n magiiltlaoiit farm , with
house , RtMillnjr , nnd 8 nice lots In town ( to with
farm If doslrod : titles all perfect : wo want In
exchange , nlcr , clean stock of merchandise or
hardware. Call on or nddross W. 11. Uordon &
Co. . Steele City. Noli. _ _ _ _ 817 "
mo KXt'HANOK-The undivided ono-hnlt in"-
JLtertstln : nv-l ) acri'aof a good farm , lo-
cntcd In Pulnskl Co. , Mo. : about oeo-halt In
cultivation , the balance uood timber ; about
ton acres inorchardUwo other small orchards ;
four fair \ouses } abundance of gooa spring
wntor , and laying about onn mile from good
bnsluess town on railroad ; full tint ! unlncum-
bored tltlo. Thin farm Is in n good settlement
nnd healthy locality. Wo will exchange for
general merchandise or hardware. Call on or
nddross W , D. U onion * Co. , Steele citylfNnb.
'VVT'l fAT have you to offer In exchange tonny
V > SI.OJO equity In my double nouso ou
Ltitnropst , near I0tn'or for my JB.OK ) equity In
my ilouulo house on Spencer st , near 22d , or for
my $ i.WK ) equity In my double house on Wlrt st.
cast of 21th , all with modern Improvement * , all
oilcit In hrrtiicosfi joarsat 7 per cent. No farms
will bo constd red. W. T. Seaman , oavt sldo
llith st , north ot Nicholas st , OmMiu'.s largest
variety ot wagons pud carriages. viit
lj10ll"RXClTASfri5-AneTesnnt tract of land
JU containing 120 acres , In Antelope county ,
Neb , , with ordinary Improvements.
.A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota ,
partly Improved. , .
F.lghty ncres near Council UtiilTs , to.
House and lot on South loth st.
I iriro nmount ot Oil Mountain nnd Petroleum
company oil stock. Will exchange for good
property or the erection ot uomo liousos. Ueo.
J. Sternsdorir. 1st National bank building. 3nl
7T"Tn WAMiATK , rooms SKRUf llrown b'ulld-
O.Inn , loth und Douglas. Lot 3 , block 2. Del-
louo's. fiU ft front on Stnto St. . very easy terms
for a few days' , 5 < .7J. Lot Id. block II. llrlug's
place , fcuuo : ; special terms to anyone building ,
hot 4 , block 21. Carthage , n line east front on
Plntto btreot. only ifl.OJU. South front on Far-
num. In Hrlgg's place , } 1,200 ; tills IsnotCUper
cent of real value , nnd the cheapest lot ou
Furnam to-dny. A Hue cast iront In Plain-
view , o.vsy term" , tl , 10 > , worth Jl.fiUJ. Lot 4 ,
block A , Hertford , east front on State and HrLv
tel , worth Jl.iun , only JI.3MI. Honutllul lot Iu
'Ihornburc. MOO : tounyono building ou this
lot. no cash payment required , nnd long tuna
Monmouth Park continues to attract moro
attention than any property In the track of the north movement , l.ats are steadily sell
ing , the bonutltul view , good drainage , onsy
accens to the city nnd prospective advantages
of electric line : good grades , city water , etc. ,
together with the very liberal terms , attracting
those who wish comfoitablo homes on easy
payments. . Some good lottnges for sale In this
addition. Lot us drive you out to nee beautiful
Monmouth Park. O. Q. Wallace , Urownbulld'p.
171 24
T/UH18ALH or trndo Well improved proper-
Jty ! on corner Ohio und 15th nvonuo. Address
Q G5 , Ueo. IfiO-IilJ _
AHKAL snap-Full lot. Wllcot'sSil addition
on 21st at. , Jl.OOO ; SIOU cash ; east trout. W.A ,
Spencer. Hushmnn block. 153 23t
MISCET.LANKOrs If you want n genulno
bargains in real estate , address John C.
Nelsou. Chadron. Neo. S24 S
l/HJU SALi : oVensy terms , new j-room rot-
.1 ? tagp , cor. lot , near street car line , Address
0 50 , Hee olllco. : nW-2it : _
' " " "
"I" . . SALB ft)00 ) acres land "in NebnisKn ;
! rUxl40 foot lot at a bacrltlclng prleo. lniiilre |
1412 8 ] .IUi. Ceo. 11. Pi-Jel-son _ 10slh ?
"TTIOIl SAL'U House and"lot , east front on Xitli
JL1 st..tour or live lots south of Leuveiiworth.far
enough nwav to escape special city taxes on
Leavenworllist. : grading , pavliig , gas nnd sew-
orngo all complete on loavenwortli : house is
modern : splendid grove of tiees about the
premises ; prleo f5WO. ( C. F. Harrison , Mer-
chunts Nnt.llank. _ t > 37
hero Wo have recently added about
LOOK million ncres ot land to our list aho.idy
otrerod lor sala. Wo now \\n\ \ n lund for sale In
e\ery state and territory west and south of
Chicago at figures that cnnnot bu bent anil
lands of boat quality. Wo cull special attention
to lands In Wyoming , Colorado and Now Mex
ico. Come nnd join one of our excursions. Kx-
celslor Land Co. , 310 S. 11th st. J0 ? 23
IIIAVB customers for a few lots for building
purposes : will pay H to 'j cash nnd secure
balance by second mortgage. C. C. Campbell.
N. Y , Life Hlili ? , room 3Q- . ' . l.V > 23
IT 1IOOM cottage within ono mile of P.O. paved
t street , water , gas. bath , Sl.iOJ cash ; SI.UJu In
trade for live block or lot. A good bargain. F.
K. D ailing , 43 Darker block. Ibl 3 : )
TjiOlt SALB Cliuap housmo bo moved. 1007 B.
JPJ2d st. 1&7 27 *
- Wninut Hill uud Orchard
chard Hill , electric motor in operation.
Choice cheap inside residence properly in all
parts of the city , on terms that cannot be
equalled. Sue signs. 2,5,10 , 40 aero tracts. J
li Kvans. 33H. N. Y. Lite bldg. 101 24
1T1OU SALE House ana lot , cast fn.nt on Vir-
JJ glnla ave. , 250 feet S. of Woolworth ave. , lot
50x150 : house has fi good rooms besides large
attic ; water and s-ewerugo on the street ; price
for a short tlmo , * .i,5')0 ' ) : when the Motor Line
runs to tlio park the lot nlono will bo worth the
money. C. P. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. Dane.
FOll SALK 0-room house and 3D feet front
age on Kthncar California st. ; ground abut-
tlnglt on llith worth itoOU per foot ; tor a little
homo and ns a speculation it Is woith consider
ing ; price Wt 0. ' 5 cash , O. i' . Harrison , Mer
chants' Nat. Hank. KI3
BUYn home in the center of the city , on
monthly payments. I will sell you a lot m
Aldlnu sqnare , oulluu hoiifoof any kind , worth
from * 13oO upwards , nnd you can pay for it
monthly , quarterly or yenrlv. Aldlne square
is on fJrace street , between 23d and 23d streets ;
it has all the ad vantages such as paved streets ,
beworago , water , gas nnd is a llrst-cluss local
ity. Call at 11X11 Farnam street nnd see plans
of buildings nnd get llgures. D. J. O'Donahoa.
Hand sco us anil investigate some of the
V hargnlus wu hnvo to oiler. Wo nro contin
ually listing new properties and "if you don't
see what vou wuut ask for It. "
1'or sale or exchange ono ot the finest res-
tamants in Oinnlin nt n bargain.
Wo hnvo several line hotel properties to trade
for laud or other good values.
An elevator property with large dwelling
house , ns a bargain. Klovator complete , with
horse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc. A
llnu opening for n practical grain dealer.
Houses and. lots in all parts of Omaha for
sale and exchange.
For exchange , for Omaha property , i.OuUncros
of school land lease , in one of the best counties
In the Htate.
A line residence property in Omaha View for
salt nt n bargain.
From i75.JlO ( ( to 1100,000 worth of llrst-clnss
notes to exchange for Oinana property.
For exchange for Omaha propel ty , ono of the
best farms In Hock county , Nebraska , together
with stock and machinery necessary to carry
on tlio place. Old ago and fulling health of the
owner Is reason for selling. *
A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed ,
good soil , for exchange for Omuha property .
2SI acres of line land In northwestern Iowa to
excliango for Omana property.
For sale or exchange for western lands , city
property , merchandise orllvostock , n Hue hotel
property In low/i town of 0.000 Inhabitants.
Leading hotel ot the place and doing a flno
buslno'-s. Ftirnmlics menls for two passenger
trains dally. A snap for the rlghtman.
We have unsurpasao facllltiei for disposing
of property , having souio 5011 ugents scattsri'd
ever four or live stales. List your property
with us if you wish a quick turn. w. It. K. ft
M. K. , Itoom H , Chamber of Commerce , tolo-
phonol4lU. _ 60S
1T10H BALI ! 54.1.7:1 : acres. BOO.O , tp. U , r. fiw
JL ? Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable. 3.W
acres fenced , living wuter. Prico. ftl.OOj , F. K
Atkliw , owner , railroad bldg , , Denver , Col.
_ HljJ
TmOKHAliK y the owner. John C. Nulson ,
JL' Chadron , Neb. , at low figures und on I'ftsy
terms , the following : 24 ft on 10th t and a lot
HII ICImbull's add , Omaha , two good farms In
Duwes county , and iu I acres line farm land In
Madison county. Good reasons for soiling.
Wilto for particulars , prices , etc. _ ' .Kij-aj
rPO MANUFACl'UHHKS : 1 will give ample
Ju ground , with splondld trackage facilities
on the Frumont , Klkhorn & Missouri Vnlloy
railroad or on thu MlsnnurlPaclllo ( Kelt Line )
railway in Wostlawn , Just outside the city
limits in W at Omnha , conveniently situated as
regard * acc sti to the mislnesd center of Omaha
and Bontli Omuha , to parties for the location of
nny of the follow ing Industries ;
Furniture Factory , llutton Factory ,
Shoo Factory , Lara Hollnory ,
Starcli & 0)ucos ) W'ks , Soap Works ,
Paper M.I11 , Purifier Munttfactor ?
Plow Works , Broom Factory ,
Harvester Works Woolen Mill ,
Null Workg. Mill ,
Knitting .Mills , Hex Manufactory
Sash , Door nnd Hllud Wire Works ,
Manufactory. Machine Snaps ,
Flour und Feed Mill. , . .
Or any good manufacturing plant , Westlawn
Is Ju t ouUlde the city limits and Industries
planted thnra will escitpo heavy city taxos.
If you are thinking of locating In Omaha It
will pay vou to Investlgato this.
Oeo. N Hicks , New Vo Llf bull'llng ,
Omaha. _ 7K1 !
SlXiiew housbs , 6 to 8 rooms each , price very
low. Call upon or address , Neb , Mortgage
Loan Co. , room 618 Paxtou bl't. Ui
ITlOUHAIjIJ Saloon In good location , doing n
JL ? first-class paying business , will null cheap
for cash.O67.Jleejonico. _ IMJJtt _
( hi,2I& for C-room cottage and lot , city water
ipandgax. 1 mile from P. O. , 2 blocks to 3 car
lines ; JX ) cash tiecurea cottage and half lot ,
27tli nnd Douglas ; ftVX ) makes 1st payment on a
sightly ten room cottage , barn , utc. full lot In
Hantcom pluco. Hutchinsoii & Wood , 10th and
Doiu-laa , Headquarters for Walnut Hill Jirop'ty.
W IS have real estate In all parts oftho city
and atato for nalu or trado. Bocurlty
& Inve.itmont Co. , 315 8. llth fit , upstairs.
_ _ _
iriuit HAI.K--2 houses on lot 07 xKJ on B e cor ,
JL3 llth and Vlntou. Inquire wltula. lUi
1J10H 8AL15 Rasy terms. Kountr.e pine * .
JJ Two homes , each 8 rooms , enoh * l.0i ,
Two homes , each n rooms , * nch live i.
Two homes , each lf > rooms , each 47,600.
All with modern convenience.
All largo value nttho tinco.
AH within a square of tlui motor lino.
Don't lese thesu opportunities.
Vor sale by the ownor. W. T. Seaman ,
, Kvst nlde Kith At. , north ot Nicholas .st ,
Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car-
ingei. 2lil
_ _ _
TilOU SATiB-On long tlmo and easy payments ,
JL ? hnndsonio , new , well built housas of 8 , 'Jniui
10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ;
paved streets , street cnrs and within walking
dlstancoof P. O. Nathan Sholton. 181 i Kiuimm.
IjlDTTSALK - Ix > ts In'Stew'aTtTIace. wllf fur"
JL1 nlh money for building housis anil niy-
mnnts monthly. Hero Inn chance to secure n
homo. Harris , Itoom 411 , 1st Not. Hank.
. _ _ _ 673
CHKAPKST lot iu nmtkot tor n cash buypr
Hnn com placilot 15 blk 7. Address , "F , "
P. O. llox WO ] 121 31
_ _
Sj 1CH iT-reibm cottage , near hltcii school ; lot JJ
J-X xVK. J.I.MKI ; this is n bargain. C. F. Harrison
risen , Merchants Nut , bank. 137
Vjffi 1 Nil icTTAtl' IWNYriToTiglns block , S. K.
Ororncr inth nnd Dodge Hts. , roul cslato
agents. Omaha property to exchange for clear
fiirms , nnd cleat firms to exchange for encum-
boiod Insldn Omnha unlmpro\edptopertv. Cnll
onus ! \\earosuroto ha\asomctnliig that will
suit you Wo have 10,0)0 ) acres of clear farms
tor snlo or exchange In Nebraska.
Oood lesldenco property on s lo. Homo of
these are real bnrgnlns. Very easy terms on
lots to iipoplo who want to build , Comunnd ken
us and bo convinced. Wt want 101 acres of
good Improved land lit W ist > 'in lown : will UR-
sum an Incumbranrc , In oxchnnuo for n uood
residence projierty , lightly encumbered ; farm
must bo A I.
Strlmrpr & Penny , Douglas Illock , S. R Corner
ICth and Dodge. liu 2rt
KOUNT/.I ! PLACH U-rouiu house , Darn mid
every convenience , for $7OjJ , easy terms.
Address for pnrtlculnrs , K C.1. lieu. NM
ONI ! of Tim tw-o hmiso niut lot birgatns 1
huvobeen oiroringon ( looi-gln n\e..noith of IIOWHOU ! and occupiedbocnuso
of my very low prlco. The south house of the
two still romnins n bargain onoii to somebody.
First comes , llrst served. To bo appreciate I It
needs to bo examined Internnllv. I positively
will not rent it , though several times oil oral
J.VJ per month. Prlco , on very easy terms. JiUloo.
W T. Seaman , east sldo luth nt.north of Nich
olas nt.Onmha's largest vnilcty of wngonc und
cart japes. V
"iriOUSALH Two of tno best located traoKHgo
JL1 lots , ou thi northwest corner of 21st nnd
Iznrcl streets , size laixllj feut. For prlco nnd
terms Imiulro of the owner , lCil\v.ini Speller-
borg. 1012 North Mtiuet
IHKliest moni > y's wortn of nouso nnd lot now
- lor snlo Iu Omaha Is that which I am now
completing near 24th n. , oupavod Wlitst. , In
Kotmtzoplace. Hbodroom.s , 2 parlors , dining
room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , U wntor closets
largo laundry , stationery wnsh tubs , furnace
and coal room nud cellar , electric bulls and
speaking tube. 12 closets. Price only S7.r,00 on
terms to suit. Likewise n duplicate adjoining
nt same prlco. W. T. Boamnn , enst sldo 10th .st.
north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety
of wngonsjuid arrlniteji. ! t0 !
T OU SAlTij 27. 41 or IX ) fcot ot lot II , block 7
JL' at $ W. per foot. This is within u quarter ot
n block ot the new P. O. site , nnd will bo worth
$ | , IK > O inside otn year.
Tha o ' i lot . block 101 , cor. Douglas and 10th
sts , 44 Vctou Douglas nnd Ml ou 10th , prlco
fci'i.W' ' . JlitOi ) ) cash , balance in fl\oequal annual
The su 'i nw ' 4 senfi , t II. r 13 t , Douglas Co. ,
prlni JI2rn ( , J1.0JO onsh. balance easy.
Lot 7. blk , r > n , South Omana , prlco tl.200. terms
easy. W. K. 15. & M. II , loom 14 , Chamber ot
Commerce tele-phone 144 . 727.
IllAVTrsolnnirstrlaiH rent'il property for
sale cheap within onu mlle of po olllcn. on
paved streets uud motor lino. Tims. V. Hall ,
.111 PuMoullouW. flSS
SATiil 'J-room house , barn and lot ,
Haiusoom Plnco , at u bargain. Hurrls , Hoom
411. Nat. Hank. ft73
"I71IHS'r"NatioiiaTsufely deposit vaults. Sates
-1 ? to rent K to 8 5 a ye.xr.JM7S. Kltli. MJsU
l.OIli : HOTEL Newly furnlshciTand tilted
up throughout : CL-ntrally located ; $5 pur
day. 1Wi-13UI-IJ12 Dougas ) Ht. 1S1
1IOTKL Newest , latest aim only
ilrst-cluss hotel In Omaha ; $ .1 to $1 per day
H. SJlloway. proprietor. 17 ! )
\A/rINDSOU HOTKL-Cornor or 10th nnd
VV / Jackson streets. 3 blocks from Unio
depot. Heet $2 u any hoiiso In tno city. ISO
TTOHSii HAltICF.ll-14) rooms , elegantly fur-
IJLnlshed. tl and ii.50 per day. nth nnd
Jones st , , Omuha , F. A. Hulch , proprlotor.
IN3TRU.MKNT8 placjJ on raaorJ during
Henry Ilolln. treasurer , to D A Vaughn.
lots 1 and 5 , blk 45 > , Urnndvlew , tax
deed $
II It Scliultz pud wife to W H Gates , lot fl ,
blk A , Sanndurs & Hiuiobuugh'a add.
wd C0l <
W H Gates und wlfo to H Mullln , lot H ,
blk A , Sounder' i ; Hlmebaiigh's add ,
wd tOO
llelmdu Curtis to various perions. will
O M Hitchcock ami wife to P W Wolu-rg.
lot 11 , blk 10. llltchcock'b 1st uud , w d . 530
Jos Darker and wife to F Hoenhter , lot
13 , Parker's Mlbd. w d 275
J W Gannett , and wlfo to K W Onnnott.
e2.ifeetof lot 2 , blk 124 , Omana , wd . . nW
South OmrUiA Land Cole M A L'pton , lot
10. blk 4'i. S Omaha , w d 450
I'nc Qabnelson und wlfo to M A Upton ,
lot 32 , biK 111. Ilanscom Place , w d . . ! . ' ,700
J .1 CummlngB to A , T Howe , Jr. lot. 111 , blk
1. Cotnorte Archer's add. w a . . . . iCO
Miles iV'lhompson to Itobt J Saxo , lot 2 ,
blk : ) . Walnut Hill , wd 603
Hyiou Iteed et nl to .Inmes Larson , lot I ,
blk 2 , Campbell's add. w d BOO
Twelve transfers ? 12,2I5
x 1'crmitq.
The follo.vm ? pirnlti < VJTJ Uiuod b/
Building Inspector Whitloclc yesterday :
H J Lntey , two-story frame dwoiling.
Mnyiio near Fortieth street $ 1,600
J L Gideon , two-story frame and veneer
stores , 272S Lake 2.500
( li-orgo I ) Wright .ono-story fiamo cottage
tago , Grant iienrMUItniy 1,003
L II Mlckul , two-slory frame residence.
Thirtieth and Half Howard . . . . . 1J.UOU
rtertioos , two story and nttic frame
residence , Thirty-first and Goos. . 8,003
B J Wren , two-story fiiune losldL-nce ,
Tlilrty-llist uud Mason 2"OD
Gustavo Johnson , ono-stoiy frumo cot-
tngo , Wobiter nud Thirty-Unit . . l.UCO
W C Noouiinthrto-htory brick stores nnd
lints , TniMity-fourth and Kariiam , . 2U.WW
Anton lleriiPOKer , two-story frame Htoro
aud dw oiling. 'I w enty-elglith near Oak. . 1,000
Two minor permits 450
r.leven permits , aggregating
Notion to Contractors.
Sealed proposals will ho rocelvnd ut the olTiee
ottho ( ounty Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska ,
until 2 p. m , , Saturday. September 14th , ijvi ,
for the election of suvou (7) ( ) twenty foot rfpuns
trestle work , over the I'aplo , between Sections
34nnd27. township III , range 13 ,
Plans uml auecllic-itlons to bo found In rounty
ClnrKH olllco. All bld.s to bo accompanied by
rei lined check for KWUKl The couuty reaorves
the i Ight to rojeut any or all bids
( .hKAi.l M . D. Itociii ; , County Clerk ,
u-20-d-24.t !
_ _ _ _
Notice of Btook Hiilsorltlonn.
Notice is howby glvc-n that the hooks of the
Omahu , Lincoln .V Ciulf Hallway Company will
bo opened for the purpose of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital -stock of Bald company
on r.tid nfier the locond day of S'iptombor. IKSI ,
nt No. rs < Farnam ntrcut , in the city ot OimUui ,
Dated this 1st day of August , IsS'j.
( J. A. WIII.KAI * ,
J. L. UK HKVOl-'B ' ,
II. SlI.I.OrtAV ,
M. P.U'llltlKN ,
A Fi'cnchiiiun Who Ijlnxernd Too
Ijoiitf in ill n Huff.
NEW YOHIC , AuijiiRt SI , TSiiociul Tola-
gram to TDK ) iii.I : Unitecl Slates Commis
sioner Osbornn to-ilay hold for oxainination
on Saturday Paul Hiiiinout , who cumo to this
country from Franco u few weeks ago in
company with Henri Null uml his wlfo and u
largo amount of stolen mcnoy. Nell , wlillo
acting as cashier for Joumcl & Co. , of 1'urls ,
got 1M.OOO francs Into his possession , it is
bald , and loft Franco with his wlfo , Paul
Halmont and Alexander l'o\u. After arriv
ing in this country tliu Nolls took u oottago
at Far Uockaway and were there arrostotl.
The Nolls consented to go back to I'urls
without the procuring of a requisition , but
Hiiimont demanded an examination aud was
discharged ns tlieru no ovldonco to show
that ho had any connection with stealing the
money ,
Mr. and Mrs. Nell were put on trial In
Purls , anil Mrs. Nell declared that Iialinnnt
hud been to bluino for the theft in fact , that
ho stele the mo noy and had retained posses
sion of it , Monday Marshal Hurnlmrilt re
ceived a cablegram from the French govern
ment uniting him to arrest Ilalmout. The
marshal nt once started for Coney Islaml.
Hiamont disporting In the wild waves.
At last , wuen Haimont loft the water. Mar
shal Hortihardt tapped him on tliu shoulder
and took him Into custody. He is now locked
up In IvUdlow street ] ull , a much eurprlsuil
Froiichmun and ills uBted at tlio turn liU af
fairs have taken , Pcau , who u nuid to have
about 'MOW francs , lias not yet been found.
or ICunll7.itinn.
Notice of thn sitting of the City Council BIX
lloaraof Kqunllzntlon .
To tlio owners of lots nnd tnnds abuttlut on
or adjacent to the stri'ota. nlley.s or avi'nueji , or
Fttimiisl Iu whole or In PArt within any Uf the
districts hfrdnattor iirtmi > d.
Vou and oaoh of vou nro htiroby notlllrd that ;
thn cliy council will nit am boird of e < nuill7n-
tlon at tlmonVo of the city clerk ot said city
In Douglas county court house , on Friday ,
thoilld dity of Anuust. is i , from li o'clock a , m ,
to i ) o'clock p.m. , tor tun of oiiunll7liut
the proposed levy of special taxoa and ao < s-
menu , nnd coirectini ; any rrrors tlicroln , nnd
ot hearing all complaint * that the owners ot
proppity no to tie iixol nnd assessed , may
muko ; said 5j > , 'clnl taxes and ussi'ssmonts biliitf
levied ncroruIng to law to cover the cr t and
oxponsnH of paving , curbing , opviilni ; nnd
wldonlng striH-is , and the ono halt ion of giad-
lug , as hereinafter stated
Alloy In alley paving district No. 33.
Alley In alley pavlngdlstrtLt No. 4t. ;
Alley In alleyp.ivine dlstrlctNo.41.
Alley In alley paving district No. 47 ,
Alley In alley piu lug dlstria No.r.l.
Alley in nllcy paving district No , K ! ,
Alloy in alley pavlnn district No. ro.
Alloy in alley paving dlstrlLl No.M ,
Alley In alley pnvlugdistrict No. WJ.
Klovi-nth street from Mason street to William
street in paving district No. IU.
( lark stioct from Sixteenth street to Twenty-
fourth streetIn Paving Dimrlct No K' ' .
Hurt street from sixteenth Bticet to Twenty-
soooLil utroot. In Paving District No. H' .
Webster street from tilxtonnth struottoTwon-
ty-Heodiul sttcel , In Paving District No. 1H ,
Hurnoy street from Twenty-sixth utroet to
T voilty.iilghlh Htreet. in I'avlug District No. If , ! ) .
Cnpltol iiViJiiuo from Twiutv-foiirlh street to
Twontj-Hlvth.street. In Paving District No lt'\ '
Twenty-fourth stioct fiom Spencnr Mrcct to
Spauldlugstreet. In Paving District No. 231.
Innril ntroot from si.Mecnth stu-ot to Klgh-
toi'iith strcot. In Paving District No.22 ! .
I'n r mi m utroot from Thlrty-noxonth street to
liowo iivutuin , In PuvlncDIstrlrt N" . 224.
O.iss Btrei't fiom 'J hlrlvouih strwot to Six
teenth street , In Paving District No. fill.
Twenty-second struct from Grnco to Lnko
Sprupo.stteiit from 22dstri-pt togJthstroct.
l.nki ) street from isth street to SJthistreet.
Hint slrcot from llith stieot U > 2'th ' street.
Tnonly-third stioot fiom Cumlng struct to
alloy 1101 th of Webster Hlreet.
Nicholas street from with Htrcot , to 21th street.
Hickory Htreet from 1,1th street to 10th stroot.
To cover the full cost of grading Twenty-
fourth Ktieet from Luuvonworth street to
Mnson street ,
Webster s-treet froni ; f-M street toIMlh street.
Thlrty-sccund nvonuo from Kd Crcluhlou
nvoniio to south city limits.
Thtrtefiith street'from Spring stieit to south
city limits ,
Twenty-ninth street from Indiana street to
Hamilton street.
Vou and each of you are not Hied to appear
befoio said Hoard of KqunlUatlon ut thutlmo
and place nbovo perilled to make nuy com
plaint , statement or objection you uiny doilro
concerning said proposed levy und ixs'.soJMuent
of special taxes.
J. H. SoUTttAlil ) , City Clerk.
Omaha , Aug. V.t. 18bl ) . nintTd
HOU7E.1 Leave Arrive
Depot 10th & Mnwon sis. Omaha. Omaha
Banning between Council Bluffs and Al
bright. In addition to the stitlons mentioned ,
trams atop at Twentieth and Twenty-fourtU
streets , and at tno bumuiit In Omaha.