6 THE OMAHA DAILY BB fiURSDAY , AUGUST 22. 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFIOK. NO 12 6T1U3KT. rtlivcred by carrier In Anv Purl of he City n , Twenty Cent * Per Week. II , W , T11.TON , . . MANAOK1L TKLKl'HONKS : HrFjNicFfl Orrici ! No. 43. Nionr r.niTon , No.zi. > ilNJil M UN i ION. ' KlrmcM. N. Y. l . Co. Glcnson coal. C. U. Music Co. , 533 13' way. D.V. . Otis , city nntl form loans. Uoston store lending hosiery house. M. O. O'Connor ' Is to build n 11,000 house In WllllamV addition. W. II. Hlchnrdson has begun the erection of n flno rcsldcnco on WnsinnKton nvenun , Unity Guild will hixvo n social nt the resi dence of Mrs. George Iludio to-morrow evening. The now management of the Ogdoa has substituted girls for colored wnlturs in the dining room. The now Pilprlm SunJny school , corner of Ninth mid Avcuuo B , already tins seventy- live members. The Chicago limited on the Northwestern road was four hours Into yesterday morning. The delay was caused at the eastern eiui of the lino. Cnnutaun.ua lots will bo sold on contract until September 5 , nt 11 o'clock , a. m. Then nil purchasers will be given a chance to nclcct their locations. There will bo a meeting of the Dodge Light Guards this evening at the armory. Every member , Including the now ones , Is requested to DO present. About two hundred tickets were sold yes terday to the Crest on blue grass palace. The prospects mo that the special train this morning will bo crowded to its fullest capac ity. Captain D. 13. Clr.rU , as president of the Old Settlers' association , Is busily preparing for the reunion at Mulvern , on the 20th. The aUmidntieo from this county will doubt less bo large. The Light Guards will glvo n. drill ono nlcht of the "Klrmess. " The lot will bo disposed of another night. Change of tab leau and march each night. Uigcrvo your scat at Camp & Kills' . Tlie special train for Crcston start * from the local depot at 7:10 : this moniinir. Yester day afternoon there had been 1I5 ! tickets sold , and this was but. a beginning. Thuro will bo a big crowd go from hero anxious to BCO the Uluo Grass palace. The Innlsfall plillnarmonlo and dramatic Bocioty has oPgnnl/cd by electing K < \ Cugloy , president ; T. H. Hughes , secretary and treasurer ; Charles Paschel , business man ager. They have decided to prepare a play lor the German Catholic fair in September. There are about a dozen members. Charles West had u hearing before 'Squiro Hcmlricks yesterday , on the charge of steal ing three pairs of pants from U. Eshelman about a week airo. The court held that the evidence was siifllclent to warrant holding him , and accordingly bound him over to the grand Jury in tno sum of fliOO. Ho failed to accuro that amount and was taken back to 3 ( ill. ill.A A young girl in the employment of Mrs. Friedman left for her homo the oilier day. and at the same time Mrs. Friedman's pursc , containing $11 , also disappeared. The cir- cumstancCH led to a visit to the girl's ' home , in the western part of the city , and inquiry of her mother. The girl was not at home , but the mother paid the larger portion of the missing amount. Dexter , employment. Kcrr & Gray , real estate. G05 First avenue. Miss C. C. Nichols , modiste , has cone east and will return about September 10 with latent fall styles. For sale Ono Gar-Scott - ten-horse portable engine ; In good repair. Apuly to Weir-Shu- gart Co. Always oii Tlnip. If you wish to purchasn a good and reliable watch 25 pur cent less than club rates , and on easy terms , then call at once and make your own selection at C. 11. Jacquemint , & Co. , 27 Main street. IVrsoirnl I'ari S. T. French left yesterday for Salt Lake City. City.Mrs. Mrs. W. C. James has gone to Chicago for a brief trip. A little daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Spoor. Miss Luuru Fllcklnger has gone to Winter- sot , la. , for a month. Judge H. C. Hluburd and wife left last evening for Buffalo , N. Y. , to visit relatives and friends. Dr. C. C. Harcn left last evening for his old homo at Woodstock , Vt. , and will bo ab sent about thrco wcoks. It is announced that Hov. Canon Scott , of JJeatrico , will bo able to supply St. Paul's church here next Sunday us expected. Kluior E. Stuoy has started on a pleasant trip to Ogden. Ho is accompanied by Gil bert lirooks , of Tabor , formerly connected with the Citl/en's bank of this city. William P. Kimball , president of the West' cm Investment bank , Chicago , was in the city yesterday , stopping oyor for a few hours to BOO his old friend. J. K Ilarkucss , .and then proceeding to Denver. H. A. Green , of the Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass company , and sister , Mrs. FrankJIollis , loft last evening for a two waoks' visit with relatives and friends at their old homo at Fnyettoville , Wis. MIIf you want clean , fresh aroceries and fruits , call on John nan Ac Olson , 713 Broadway. Money loaned nt L. U. Craft's & Co.'a loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wucona , personal property of all kinds , unu all other articles of value , without runoval. ; All business strictly confi dential. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. K. II. Sheafu & Co. * E. H , Shcafo ft , Co. give special attention to ttjo collection of rents and care of prop erty In the city and vicinity. Charges mod erate. Ofllco Broadway and Main streets , up staira. She Dcfunduil Ilor Homo. At 7 o'clock last evening u half drunken follow , who gave the mi mo of J. M. Iliddlo- inau' , forced himself into the domicile of Mrs. Fletcher , a respectable colored woman who resides at 119 East Uroadwny. Ho announced his determination of remaining there all night xvhon ordered to leave , and nindo an insulting proposition. The colored woman picked up a chair and defended her honor and her homo with remarkable vigor. In a second Hiddlcman was lying on the pavo- incut with a gash in ills head about live Inches long. The patrol wagon was oallcd and Illddleniau was taken to the central sta tion for repairs. A charge of intoxication was lodged against him. The fellow was seriously hurt , but not as badly as ho do- deserved. The colored woman was the re cipient of Bomo warm congratulations for the earnest and cflldunt manner in which she defended herself and her liquid , The Now Ogdcn , Council Bluffs , llnestan.l largest lintel In western Iowa , bpeclal at tention to rommLrclul men , C. 13. steam dyu works , 10K1 Broadway. Tlio Woodmen's I'lonlc. Hazel camp , JTo. 171 , and OIUIQU camp , No. 120 , Modern Woodmen of .America , and thur ( invited friends enjoyed a very plouount picnic yestei day In Falrtnount park , About thrco hundred of the noble Woodmen from Omaha were present and an equal number from this city , The day was spent in boclai games , foot ball , croquet and base ball. The ball g < imo between members of the two camps was n leading feature of the day's entertainments , Attention , Woodmen. All Woodmen of Ilnzol camp , No. 171 , are earnestly requested to bo present at their hall to-uluht on business of Importance , liy prder of V. O. J. O. Jonci. IS AND ABOUT TUB BLUFFS. The Ronaona Why the Mayor Op- poaoa the Grading Resolutions. MORE ELIXIR EXPERIMENTS. Troubled By n Blotlicr-lii-Ijfttr Burg lars Who Will Smoke Th3 Ctmu- Ljum The ICIrninaa JL'cificmals. KornliiRl Grmlinir. The action of Mayor Kohror In vetoing the grading resolution recently passed by the council , has awakened much discussion. When It was llrst proposed to order this tilling of streets in Doors' ' addition , the mayor opposed the Idea. The council pro ceeded to order nil the nventies and streets brought up to grade. Now the f punky lltllo mayor , who Is lu Missouri at the bedsldo of n very sick brother , sends by mail a formal veto of the resolution. The reasons assigned by Mayor Kohrcr for thus swinging his veto club are largely bused on his Interest in thu working clnsae ? . The streets which the council orders lllled are In front ot property which is owned mainly by pour men. The costof filling will .ho great , and as It is to bo taxed to the abutting property , it will prove a irroat hard ship to many. It will also tend to hoot ) those lots from being Improved or occupied for sovo ral years to come. In behalf of the unfortunate laboring men and the struggling property owners , ho therefore exercises his veto power. What will bo done with the votol Some are unkind enough to suggest that Mavor Kohror owns a large number of lots In Moors' addition , and that ho has a personal preju dice against the proposed urading , as well as a-sympathetic gusli for the unfortunate working classes. When the matter was llrst , brought up there was quite a gathering of city statesmen about the map on the wall. Thu mayor's .supposed lots we're checked ofE and his opposition thus accounted for. Mayor Kohror has not shown himself to bo thus scl- llshly actuated in previous manauomont of cltv concerns , so the insinuation now may bo iloiW htm it crout injustice. Still it is being used with such effect that It is more than possible that the veto may bo overridden by the council. J. G. Tipton , real estate.5U7 13'dwuy. Seidenbcrg's 5c Figaro nt the Fountain. S. 13. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. Swunson Music Co. , S133 IJroadway. An illHturiu.il llarn. Mrs. Marshal Key has ordered the demoli tion of the old herdick barn on Broadway , and will erect in its stead a two-story TiO- foot brick , which will bo used for living purposes , with the exception of the western portion , whore Mr. Calif ! will locatu another grocery. The old barn is one of the ancient land marks of the city , and was associated wl'h some very gigantic and very breezy business schemes in the early days of Coun cil Bluffs. It was the headquarters for W. K. Vnughan's old herdicic line , that was the prototype of our present electric street ear system. It was the political headquarters for Council Ulults and a good sized slice of Nebraska. It is said its walls inclosed the first little knot of plotters who subsequently got power enough to remove ttio Nebraska capital to Lincoln. And it was hero the llrst scheme was hatched to bridge the Missouri river. It is asserted that the gatherings in the old b.irn had more to do witli the politi cal destiny of Nebraska than any of the legislators in the old tervitorlal capital at Omaha. The barn has been rebuilt aud repaired many times , and has ucen the cause of pri vate suits and suits against the city. Every stick of timber in it is of historical interest , but nobody will regret to see it pulled down to give place to a fine brick Olock , Steam and hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work done in both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. ICelley & Younkerman sell grocerio Chase and Sanborn colTces a specialy. Fine jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at E. Burhorn. the IChxir. A local physician has been Investigating the Brown-Sequard elixir treatment. Ho has already experimented on two patients. Ono is forty-seven .years of ago and has been suffering with paralysis. The patient has been taking other treatment from tlio doctor , but little Improvement w.is noticeable until the elixir was added. TWO or three injec tions have been given , and the patient IB able to use the limb considerably. The other patient was somewhat older , and has boon suffering with general debility. This patient also shows improvement. The physician is not prepared yet to either fully accept or reject the theory. Ho is rather inclined , however , to believe there is some merit in it , hut does not believe that the extravagant claims for it can bo sus tained. City steam laundry , ! )4 ) Main , tol. 141. - Go to M. Keating for druirs,505 Broadway. Tlin KirmrsH AM Ki''lit. Those In charge of the Kirmoss deny em phatically that there is any foundation for the complaints reported. They deny that they agreed to pay any part of thu expense of costumes out of the general fund. All participants wcro given to understand that the cost of the full costume would be i > . Jt is true that somo'havo dropped out , but it was because they learned all they cared to Know , and then din not have honor enough to stand by till the finish. In other cities it is customary to charge for the teaching as well as the costumes , but here the teaching was made froo. Such in brief is the condi tion of the Kir moss as viewed by the man agement. It is not surprising that all who started did not remain through. It would bo almost Im possible to got 200 persons to thus stay by an enterprise. The requisite number is secured , however , and the entertainment promises to bo a great success. Odell Bros. & Co. loan money. The most ibcral terms offered , .103 I'earl street. A I'romlsluir I'inn. The plan adopted in the interest of tbo Chautauqua enterprise isopaning very prom isingly. There are seventy persons who have declared their readiness to buy lots at the prices scheduled on the plat , ranging from (75 tu RJ5Q , The preliminary arrangements are being mada for fitting the plan in active operation , closing up'tlio contracts , etc. it is expected that upwards of 100 lots will bo sold right away. If so , thera will be no trouble in securing the needed financial foundation on which to build up ono of the greatest Chautuuquua In the land. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B'way Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato prices. K. H. Shcafo & Co. , rental agents , Broadway aim Mala streets , up stairs. Too Aluoli .Motnor-ln-ljnw. T. J. Walker was arrcgtcd yesterday morning for disturbing the peace , Mrs , Walker has been in 111 health for somj tlmo and it is said to bo duo largely to Ins Ill- treatment of her. Her mother yesterday sought to look after Mrs. Walker , but the visit of the mottior-In-luw WJH not appreci ated by Walker , who proceeded to throw her out of the door , The family trouble will be aired in court. 1'oiijr liurulart ) . It was discovered yesterday morning that some tlmo during the previous night the candy stand of I. Blank , No. 002 Broadway , hud been burglarized , Entrance was appar ently gained by u skeleton key. A fuw pennies were taken , aud about f 10 worth of tobucco and cigar * . THIS KNOTTX SIOUX QUESTION. It IB Believed the Indian Hltflitn Asto- olntlon Is Mcctittlnsr. Niomuui , Nob. , August 21 , [ Special to Tun BBB. ] It is bollovod here that the re * port sent out by the Interior douarttncnt- that the Sioux bill must llrst go to congress before thu president shall have the right to proclaim It open to settlement , is the inside work of the Indian Defense association. This association is the ono which attempted to defeat tlio bill , and It Is thought the at tempt will bo made to drag It Into congress and prolong Us opening ns much as possible. Section a > of the Sioux bill says , "i'hnt there is hereby apnroprlated out of the money In the treasury not otherwise appropriated , the sum of $ 'J.'i,000 , which sum shall be expended under the direction of the secretary of the Interior for procuring the assent of the Sioux In dians to this act , as provided in section 'JT , which Is for the payment of the Ked Cloud band fcS,000 ! additional. Section 30 repeals all nets Inconsistent with this. It will also bo remembered that President Cleveland signed this bill among the very last : and while It might bo possible that n "rider" slipped through , It Is very strange that such men as Delegate GlfTord , of Da kota , ami Colonel King , who were ns much tlio fathers of the bill as Senator Dawes , have not discovered It ; and It is still stranger that If any subsequent bill is In existence thui some of the enterprising newspapers which have hold that it must first LU to con gress , have not published the bill. There Is a "mix-up" In the Interior department dur ing these dog days , and It needs some Sep tember weather to unmuzzlo the crank who presides over the Indian Defcnto association , I'cnpk lit Gc-nrr.il. People hi poneral should know what's best to do in case of a sudden attack of bowel complaint. It is a well established - lishod fact that prompt relief may be had in any case of colic , oholoru jnor- bua , dysentery or diarrhu-a by giving a few doses of Chamberlain's Uolie , Chol era and Diarrluwi Remedy. It acts quickly , can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. xiui'iii : COLLISION. Two Krcltihts anil a I'asseuiier Collide With DisastroiiM UcMiiltw. EI.MIIU , N. Y. , August 21. On the Erie road at Big Flats last night a Lohigh Valley freight was backing down on a switch across the west bound track when an Erie freight train plunged into it , domolishlug the engine and sover.il cars. Tlio east-bound freight was immediately flagged , and the lineman of that train sent buck to stop the Krio passenger train No. 2. The llagman failed to obey orders , aim the passenger train ran into the rear of the freight. The engine , bacgago and exorcss cursof the nussctirer ( , nnd the caboose and two cars of the freight train , wcro burned. Enclneer Andrew Wallace and Fire man Kimball , of tram No. S , were badly scalded. A drover named Stilton and several passengers were slightly injured. The track was blocked for several hours. The Eric authorities hero assert that hut three persons wore injured. Engineer Wal lace will die. Fireman Kimball is terribly scalded in addition to having u broken arm. Soda water and lemonade * are deli- . , ctous with Mihalovitch'a Hungarian blackberry juice. ADVERTISED FOH HUSBANDS. A Female Swindlitr Takes In Wet- erner * Who Wanted to Mnrry. MIDDLKTOWN' , N. Y. , August 31. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bne.J The matrimonial swindles of Sarah Huggell Hitchcock , now in Jail with her husband nt Meadville , Pa. , have features of uncommon interest. She is the daughter of respectable parents living near Smotbport , Pa. When she was sixteen years old she made a runaway match with a gay young man , who first ill-treated and then deserted her. She did not return to the hum-drum home of lior parents , but cut n dashing figure at the cost of a rich oil operator. After a few years of this hfo , she sought n husband by advertising for ono in a so-called matrimonial newspaper. An idle , weak young man named Seymour Hitchcock , son of Matthew Hitchcock , a well-to-do farmer of Franklin , N. Y. , saw the adver tisement and opened correspondence with the advertiser. The result was that ho mar ried Miss Sarah Huggell , as she styled her- selfand they lived upon thcbountyof the old farmer. But Papa Hitchcock eventually cot tired of the guy and extravagant daughter- in-law and ho cut off the supplies. Then the clever and unscrupulous woman took her husband to Oncontn , and from that point worked her neat swindle. She sent out ad- veitisements to certain newspapers in Chicago cage , Omaha , Kansas City and San Fran cisco as follows ; WANTKD A respectable young widow de sires to correspond with a western gentle man of means anil good social HtundliiK ulth n vlawto matrimony. AdUro s Mrs. Samli llltoh- cock , Oncontn , N. V. The advertisement brought letters by the score from all points in the west. To these replies wern sent , ardent In phrase ami en closing the likeness of a beautiful young woman. Each deluded westerner was prevailed - vailed upon to pay the fnro of his betrothed to some point where they wore to meet and marry. When Mr. and Mrs. Hitchcock had secured from their victim the utmost dollar they could hope to get , they would "paralyze" hir.i bv mailing him a receipt for hm lust remittance , signed ' 'Sarah Hitchcock , per tioymour Hitchcock. " The scheme met with astonishing success. The records of the Oacontu postoflicu t > how that during the two months that the swindle was operated there , Mrs. Hitchcock received $400 In postal money orders , besides nineteen registered letters containing unknown sums , together with packages of jewelry , etc. When the United States postofllco oftluiuls at Washington got after them for uslm ; the mail for purposes of fraud , they fled from Onconrn and repeated the swindle success fully at Olean , N. Y. , Ashtnbula , O. , Erie , Pa. , and other points. At last they were ar rested by a United States ofllclal at Mead- ville. Pa. , and were lodged in jail ready for trial. trial.Tho The artful Mrs. Huggoll-Hitchcock is still fruitful in resources. First she tried to get her fathcr-ln-law to give ball for herself and husband , but ho rofuscj to do so. Next she persuaded her weak and Infatuated husband to make u confession declaring that ho himself was the criminal Jn tlio case ami that his wife was an unwilling accom plice , doing what she did under compulsion. Ask your grocer for Cook's ' Imperial Champagne. Once used no other will suit. Its bouquet is delicious. Don't Think She Will llan . Ni'.w YOHK , August 21. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bm : . ] Lord William Cecil , son of Lord Salisbury , prime minister of England , arrived In town yesUiraay , When ntorviovved regarding the Muybnck case , ho said ; "If , as to-day's dispatches indicate , Mrs Mnybrlck Is u subject for examination by a jury of matrons , that settles the ques tion us regards her Immediate execution. Members of parliament of all parties , by the way , have signed a petition to the queen to pardon Mrs. Mnybrlck. On the , whole , I would say that there will at least ho no exe cution , though I am not sppuklng ofllclally or from any Insldo Information I may pos sess. " I have used S. S. S. for debility resulting from chills and fever , and have lound it to bo the best tonic nnd appetizer that I ever took. It also prevented u return Of the chills. A. J. ANLI.V , Eureka Springs , Artt. I'nrrsls Attacks a Politician. UTIOA , N. Y , , August 21 , [ Special Tele gram to THE Bcu.J Clinrlos J , Everett , for merly deputy attorney ccnorul , ono of the most prominent hW shrewdest politicians that over Minpcd tho-jicstlnlM of the republi can party In thhl | k of the stuto and a noted lawyer , whotlms been In fulling health for some tune past , had to bo taken to the asylum this afternoon for treatment. Dr. Olcott , of the Mlddldtown asylum , and Dr. Palmer pronounced Mr. Evorott'n rase ono of paresis and suv-Mils mind is pretty much gono. Everett \vttf bho of Koscoo Conkllng's ablest lieutenants : ' * ' A Dick HornbookcMs n respected ami well- to-ilo colored citizen of Sprlnpileld , Mo. Ho Hays that ono boMlo'of Swift's ' Spccillccured both himself ami Xrlfo of a troublesome eruption of IhoBkin. " INSl'IItlCI ) BV UBVENGE. The Story That MM. WIlHon , of Mnn- vlllr > , Wyo. T.Vit Poison oil. MANViu.n , Wyo. T. August 10. Editor OMUU IUn : : Dour Sir 1 noticed In an Issue of thu Till of Tun DAII/Y Hni : an article concerning myself nnd my deceased wife , purporting to 00:110 : from n private corre spondent in Mnnvlllo. The statements therln are fnlso. The facts are those : My wife , or MM , Wilson , ha boon troubled with heart disease , or sinking spoils , for some ye. M , and a nutnbor of times wo thought she xvould die and had to send for the nclghoors , as she would say she thought she would smothor. The day be fore her de.ith wo were out to visit a neigh bor , Mr. B. F. Shipley , late of North Bend , Neb. , and in coming through Munville stopped at , T < T. Brown's store and got soma soap , and from there wont directly homo. That night she died in ono ot tluno spells which she so often had , ami my father nnd brothers , having the matter in charge , said she must be burled If possible the following day , as the blood had settled around her heart an J she had begun to mortify. This statement can bo proved by nearly all the citizens that live here , who have known us for years. It was never thoutrht of by my folks that my wife was poisoned , neither was sho. The Idea oriulnntcd In the brain of him who did the writing to Tin : But : , to in jure myscif and others. It Is true that wo were Intimate in the family of Mr. Shorter nnd u dozen other families In Mnnvillo. I thought that we had but ono enemy in the country , and that is W. A. Brown , a son-in- law of the deceased O. B. Selden. The rea son this man , \V. A. Brown , is an enemy of tniuo'I will state here. Before the trial of Mr. Sheffer for the murder of Mr. Selden was had , Mrs. Selden sent for mvsolf and wife to como to the Valley House , as wo were all In Douglas nt that time. Mrs. Sol- den then and there tried to bribe uiy wife to tell what was not true , She said to my w f s : 'If you will toll a atory to suit me in c > urt you shall never want for anything , and when we get home to Manville I have a nlco nres- cnt for you' . " Mv wife told her she would not toll a lie under oath for any person on earth , consequently wo never heard the story she wanted told and my wife never re ceived the present Mrs. Soldon promised. W. A. Brown and Mrs. Selden hold n mort- cage against mo. Ho sent mo word that If I did not tell the story they wanted told in court he would foreclose the mortgnue and tuko the property from me , and in this way thought to compel mo to tell n falsehood , and because I would apt lie for him ho has not spoksn to me sinceUio trial , which was in May , although I BOO him nearly every day. Now , neither myself nor wife ever had the promise of securing 1 cent , nor did wo ever receive anything from Mr. J. A. bhefTcr to testify in his behalf. All ho ever said to us was that ho wanted us to tell the truth. That was all ho wanted. It was remarked by the jury and nearly everybody who heard the trial that my ( wife's evidence was stiaightforward and nearly exactly as Mrs. Selden had given at the coroner's inpuest some time over a year ago. Mrs. Selden did not tell the facts before the jury as she did before the coroner , ' nnd wanted Mrs. Wilson also to tell something else. This Is the only reason that I can see < thut such a slanderous report is published. Nearly every word m the article is a lie''from beginning to end. ALOSXO E. Wn.sos , Manville , .Wyo. * During twenty-five years trial , mor tality , whore Dr JolTcris' preventive and cure for diphtheria and putrid sore throat ( as in malignant scarlet fever ) is used , iH 1-10 of 1 per cent , or , ono in a thousand. Under other treatments in Europe and America , 50 to 80 per cent. Address Dr. Thos. .Tofl'cris , box 037 , Omaha ; or Dohaven. drupgist , Council BlulTs , la. No physician re quired. Sent by express oil receipt of price , $3. Kxpcct Ninety CCIHH on tlic ilollnr. BOSTON , August 21. The creditors ofV. . F. Johnson & Co. , leather dealers , met to day. The report of the assigueo shows the liabilities to bo f39G,000 , of which 5155,000 are contingent. The actual assets are $147,000 , nominal assets $07,000. It is thought the linn will pay 00 cents on the dollar. o For a disodered liver try Beecham's Pills , A Voluntary Petition. DEDHAM , Mass. , August 21. To-day a voluntary petition in bankruptcy was filed in behalf of Edward Stoeso and Amasa Clark , of the firm of Brown , Steeso & Clark , wool dealers , in the insolvency court here. Advice to Motlicri. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinp Syrup should always ho used for children teething. It soothes the childsoltons the gums , allays nil pains , cures wind colic , nnd is the host remedy for diar- rhuea. 2 Q a bottle. Thn Sultnn and the Emperor. CoNbTASTiNoi'i.15 , August 21. The sultan's yacht will convoy u speclul commissionac companied by a large suite , to meet the em peror and empress of Germany , Thov ' are charced with a complimentary mcssage'lrom thu sultan to the Gorman rulsr. It is re ported that a deputation of Cretans are going to solicit Emperor William's protection. Cushman's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh , headache , neur4lgia , asthma , hay lover. Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents. murdered By u D.-unknrd. PITTSIIUUO , August 31. John T. Nutchcr , ono of the largest painting contractors in the city , was fatally shot this afternoon by Ben jamin Lee , u journeyman painter. Leo was mtoxicatej ami asked Natchor for work. The latter told him to como around when ho was sober and he would talk business with him. Lee then pUlJed a revolver and shot him three times , oiioball ; severing the spinal cord. i > An Aosolutit Uurn. The OniGINAC AUIETINE OINTMENT Is only put up inlargo two-ounce tin boxes , and is nn absolute euro for old sores , burns , wounds , chapped Hands , and all skin orup. tions. Will positively euro all kinds of piles- Ask for the OKIQINAL ABIETINE OIN1'- MENI' . Sold by Goodman Drug company at 2S cents per box by mail 30 cents. FOR WATERMEN. Swimmer , > wiiUs : ' / don't ' tee hou i / could get atony " V * without Bl. ontnon , . . - x.- ) Jaeobl Ynohtmon , Zl 0 .n Doatmcn , &o. AT D2CJai3TS AMD SiALEES tE CJIAS. A. YOGELES CO. , BllllDOre , COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. P , J , MONTGOMERY mi .115 Pourl St. Olllco hours VBro-v" , 0 to 12. a. in. , 2 to 0 nnd 7 to S , p , in. QTFWCNQ M H Olllco , No. 711 nroadwuy. Hours : 8 to HM . OlLVLINO , lYI , U. 10 n. m. , iitul 2 to 4 awl 7 to 8 p. m. Tel- phone , 287. ' THE LAST CHANCE I i j 1 FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS THERE WILL BE A GRAND DEMONSTRATION AT THE GREAT SHERIFF'S ' SALE OF BOOTS AND NOTE THESE PRICES ; Infant's Kid Button Sho& 20c , formerly 60c. Gents' Seomlcss Congress. $1.00 , worth $2.00. Misses Kid and CJont Button , lKe ) , worth $1.75. Gouts' flno Dross in Button , Lace and Congress , nil Ladies' Kid aud Goat Button , $1.00 , worth $2.00. shapes and weights , Si.1)5 ) , worth $11.00. Ladies' Grain Button , 7oo , worth $1.50. Gents' Hand Sowed French Calf Shoos in all styles , Ladles' Dongola Kid , Button , $1.76. worth $3.50. widths and sizes , $ X50 , worth $7.50. Ladies' Kid , Oxford Tics , ( We , worth $1.50. Men's Kip Boots , $1.50 , worth $ , ' . ( ) ( ) . Ladles' Serge Congress , 2 to 8 , 60o worth $1.25. Men's Calf Boots. $2.00 , wo th $5.50. Ladies * Slippers , ilOc , worth 05c. Boat Calf Boots , Hand Sowed. $5.00 , worth $7.50. Remember the prices quoted above are for two weeks only. You arc requested to call early so as to avoid the rush. Do not miss the above bargains , you cannot altorcl it. Follow the crowd to the bargain seekers headquarters at the great SHERIFF'S SALE OF oots Corner of Broadway and Fourth Street , MASONIC BLOCK , - - - - - COUNCIL BLUFFS The Great Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Sale ! The only genuine clearance sale is now going on in full force. No abatement of interest , no lessening in the quality and quantity of bargains offered. We have the goods and are bound to sell them before we move into our new store. TWENTY PER CENT On all purchases before we move. Come and do like everybo else does , get your share of the bargains in every line , at the grate removal sale of HENRY Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway. SPECIAL NOTICES , "T OK BALK Hive of Tce , W5 Mnln at. A fist class plumber nt tlio low.i WANTED tor the ileuf mid dumb. Quo who uml-rstuncls steam llulnR preferred. Ap- j > lj-l > r mall or in person to Henry W. Hothcrt , Mipt. _ _ _ _ XT OTlCft A seven-room house for sale atiiO. 1 > Investigate tnls. Johnston & Van 1'ntten. Kverett block. _ Position by nn axpurleuceil WANTED . Address K. Clay , lleeollloe , Council Illullii. _ _ _ _ _ _ UAIj KSTAT1S lloUKht and sold una ox- chanced. Special attention elven to exam ination < if titles. W. C. James , No. 1U I'earl St. . Council UlulTs. mAllMJ boarders wanted at 1U : llonton street. JL Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. 1. Vt. Cooper. CAPT. HAYES' ' LIYERY Centrumlocated. . First-class turnoutx. frrsh horses anil new carriages. Not an old rig in the stable. Special attention glvuu to funerals , unil reduced rates for canlages for this pur pose. W. A. IIAYK8. 1'roprletor. Telephone 77. SW Ilrouilwny ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COB. 6TH AVB. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity. An excellent educational Institution , fur nished with nil modern Improvements for boarding and day school. The acedemlc year consists of two sessions , beginning on thu first Monday In September and February , leapoct- TBKMH Hoard nnd tuition , per aosslon 8',5. For further particulars address Sinter Superior , Si. Franula Academy , Council Hlulfd , In. Incorporated Nov. 1 , Southwest Corner Uroadway and Mnln Stie t. A1 ITAI , , HI 50,000. Does a Hegulur Hanking and Kxchango lluslness N.I' . 1)00(1 ) ( U President : JOHN IIKHKSHKIM , Vice I'-est. ; A.V. . IIIKICMAN. Cashier. Director * N. I' . IoUn ( , .1 lleru.sholm. fieo. Keollne , J.I , . Stewart , W. W. Wallace , 0. M. Dodge , J. M. PALMER -IIARTIIU CHOICEST LOT Of SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city , Qllt edged opport'.inltlai to 1mm dUto In vet tor. ) an 1 homeiueger * . THE MANHATTAN BILLIARD AND CIGAR STORE 418 IIHOAIWAY. JIIAM > M < : V & 0'iminy. TUOS.OKJ'ICBIU Hr.II. M. I'UHBIT OFFICER & PUSEK , BANKERS. Corner MMn and Broadway , COUNCIL IlIjUPFB , IOWA. Dealers In forelun end domestic exchanze. Collections mad * aud launut paid on tlm do- posits. Especially Adapted for SIZES FROM ELECriUC 25 T0300 LIGHTING HORSE POWER Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Specifications nnd ontlmnten furnished for complotCHtpam plants. Humiliation , durability I'.unrnuU'eil , Can chow letters fiom iiftere where fuel ucnnomj' Is eijuiil with ( 'orllas Won-Condutislnu. Hend for eatalo ue. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. O1O Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. SOMETHING DESIRABLE. LADIES' ' CORSET WAISTS' Th(8 ( > f'urniciil8 et'o i jieclally constructed with two wlclu llnely tempered dock fcprmuH. with nuiiow hpriimi tliu full length of Hm ImcJc , this Hivini ; iMinpk'tu mipiiort to uhoiilderR uml Hjilna , 'lliey will prevent and ( tire bnckudiu. round shoulder * , etc. , io llovliiK the miiM'les of the liacic , hruclnu tlio shoulders and lm IfliitliiKHKrucrful form to Ilia umirer wluioui uny dlbtomfort , UK > leaves thu chebt free to expand , tliiin wivlug full action to the liniL8vllh health imil comfort to the body. A TRIAL WILL PROVE ALL WE CLAIM , For Sale lly JAMES & HAVERSTOCK , niiiln , ! 05 I'eiirl HI. , jllarrlam IIIouK , Council IIIuDM , Jowu * A