Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Witnesses For the Defense Oallod to
Frighten Complainants Away.
Commlsftloncr Ilnrlinnii DcolnresTlml
I'ollocinon Arc Itolnu Ilonril In
Xholr Own Hohnimoforo
Complaint IN BIrulo.
Pollco liiTcatlentlnn.
"It sccmt to mo that \vu nro going nt thi
Investigation wrong cnu to. Wo nro having
our policemen testify In tholr own boliuU be
fore wo Imvo heard tlio complaints agiilnsl
them. "
This was the remark of Mr. Ilartman nl
the IIro and police commissioners mvcstlga
lion ycsterdiy morning.
It looked very much thnt way. When the
commission uiot thorn were nt least flftv
witnesses present. After two or three ol
them had hecn examined tlio nollcc were
called In and occupied the tlmo until noon
telling what they know in their own behalf ,
This was kept up until the witnesses wlic
were summoned got tired and went uwny ,
leaving thn examination a decidedly jug'
handled nffnlr.
Tlio llrit witness was H. M. Mohr , a janltot
In the Hclinroa block on North Sixteenth
street , who was arrested on Aupust < ! , foi
cnlllim n policeman to catch a burglar who
was in the block.
Ho blow ii whistle for a policeman. A mar
wns In the closet. "I wont to him , " said the
Witness , ' 'nnd ho told tno to keep still. A
polipotnan , Murphy No. ! ? ' , catno In anr\nskeil
what I Was doing nnd threatened to nrros !
mo. lie took hold of iny arm nnd pinched
me. They did not rolaaso mo until nfter the
ladles liuil made an explanation In my behalf ,
Murphy told mo it was n line of * .V ) and thir
ty days In jail for blowlt.g a whistlo. I've
been here sixteen years uud was never abused
bofoi-o by a policeman. The odlcer lot the
man go who wns trying to get Into the win
dow. The policeman accused mo of being
full of beer. Murphy then went Into ti
woman's room and told her It was all in hoi
The Mayor As a matter of fact you were
not arrested. The ofllecr was only fooling.
Mr. Mohr I didn't think ho was fooling.
I was in dead earnest about It.
Mr. llartmnn said them was no man on
tlio regular force named Murphy. It must
have buen Murphy , the watchman at the
Webster street depot.
Councilman F , E. Halley was called in
rofoMnco to his knowledge about the facts
In the case of Mr. .lames Hodecs , who wag
arrested for dumping garbage while in the
employ of the park commissioners. Ho was
abused when arrested and thrown on the
floor of the Jail. Mr. Ltailoy said that Mr.
Hoilgcs had lived as his neighbor for Hftcon
years aud ImO known him as u reputable cit
Mr. Hodges was called. Ho told the facts After ho was arrested ho was
taken to the jail. Thu Jailor gave mo a push
and said :
"G d n you , got in tnoro. "
I did not want to give up my pnckctbook.
Ho shoved mo into the Jull nnd called mo n
* 'G ' d d d rat and a dimmed dead beat. "
The case was dismissed at the explanation
of the park commissioners.
Put Hnvey , the jailor who took charge of
Hodges , was called. Ho claimed that Judge
Uerku offered to allow Hodges to ro on big
own recognizance , but Hodges rofuscd to do
BO. Hodges resisted him when ho tried to
search him and he had to throw him on the
Hour nnd tuko his pockctbook from him.
The investigation practically ended heic
and the commissioners proceeded to taku up
In regular police court form the churgo ol
vagrancy against. Hilly Nestlchouso. All ol
the policemen who knew Nestlchouso were
put on the stand and required to say the little -
tlo pieces they have learned bv heart in n
Bcoro of attempts to convict Nestlchouso ol
vagrancy in the police court.
This occupied the time until noon , when
tbo board adjourned until 3 o'clock.
The mayor wants Councilman Kaspar to
nppoar before the commissioners and sub
stantiate the charges ho made in the council
meeting to the effect that bo had boon made
n speriul object of police espionage.
The police commissioners succeeded yes-
torduy afternoon In addintr several chapters
to the volume they are preparing for publi
cation entitled. "Investigations Made Rasy ,
or Every Policeman His Own Host Wit
ness. " An army of witnesses had been
summoned to give evidence in substantiation
of the charges made in tno newspapers
against certain members of the police forco.
Very few of those summoned nppcared to
give evidence , and so the police were given
another opportunity to speak in their own
behalf , and to prepare defenses to he used in
future emergencies.
Dump Olllcor Hrady got tangled up in his
little story about arresting two printers on
the charge of pounding u man. His only ev
idence against thorn was that one man were
a light colored suit and the other dark
clothes , and two men dressed in this style
ere seen on tlio dumpcnrly in the spring.
Charles Wotzol , a saloonkeeper on Thir
teenth street , came in and told how ho had
Ijeen swindled on a bogus check. Ho got a
chonco to got his uionoy bock , hut Chief
Senvoy refused to give up tbo check , nnd
also refused to explain why ho held it. Mr.
Wetzol got his money , however , and so ho
was satisfied.
Alex Green wns given n chance to deny ,
In advance of any charges , that ho hod over
made a mistake In his lltetlme as far as he
In the evening Duff Green came before the
board and entered a wholcsulo and general
denial of all charges published , or to be pub
lished. The men who have made statements
'and affidavits against thu ox-captnin Have not
yet appeared before the board , but Creon is
busy these days , and so was allowed to offer
Ills defense , that It mav bo ready when the
statements against him are made , If they
uvcr nro.
OT. J. Sheridan and W. It. Hunt appeared
before tbo commissioners and gave nvidcncc
concerning tholr arrest by Ofllcer Walker.
Mr. Sheridan is an attorney who was ar
rested on the charge of vagrancy while sit
ting in front of his boattiing house reading n
paper. Mr. Hunt is a young man who has
been In Omaha all his life and was looking
at a building which ho had rented for a
store when ha was arrested. Hoth men
Were discharged without u hearing.
A largo number of witnesses have been
f , subpoenaed to appear before the co-amis ,
loners thin morning at 0 o'clock. '
A Iturly Policeman Assault * a Wit-
iioHHln Presence of the CommUnion.
The police commissioners had an ocular
aomonstiatlon nt their meeting yesterday
of the hot houdedncss , to say thu least , of u
member of thn force.
During the examination of witnesses in
the jwlico examination Jesse Newman , a
coloiud policeman , mudo un assault upon Ed
Crowell , who was present OB u witness before -
fore thoboaul , Crowell and Newman hud
some conversation in the hull boforb enterIng -
Ing Urn room. Crowell then wont Into the
commissioners' room nnd was standing with
tils arms folded talking to Ulchard VVlido
when Newman approached him , called him u
liar and various foul mimes and struck ut
him."Sergeant , " crlod Crowoll to Sergeant
Moatyn , "this onicer is assaulting mo.11
With this Newman seized Crowoll by tun
thro'it ' and pushed him through the door and
started toward the jail with him , Crowoll
broke away and returned to the commission
ers' room. Newman followed and again soUcd
him by tlio throut , ami thu pair struggled
into tha h ill and ulinohod.
Sergeant Mostyn reached them and bus.
tied Newman into the chief's ofllco , but not
until he had made several passes .at Crow-
nil's faro.
The deliberations of the commissioners
were cut short by the disturbance. When
quiet was restored the oommUsonorn |
invited Ofllcer Newman to nppoar bo.
fore thorn nnd tell why ho
bud engaged In tno row , The
orator stated that Crowoll had called him n
vile name that he would not stand from any
man mid ho resented It. "If I Imd not had
my star on , " said the onlcor tupping hluisnll
on the breast , "I would have pounded bis
bead off , "
Mr. Newman was bowed out and tbo mat
ter dropped.
The score of spectators who witnessed the
assault wuro not called upon tor a statement
and Mr. Crowell wa not given u chunco to
Jo beard.
Jmljro DoanaOrnnts the South Omnlu
Injunction , t
While waiting for Uio judga to put In ni
appearance yesterday morning and dccld
the motor street railway injunction suit fo
South Omaha , Congressman Connell mv
General Cowin consumed half .in hour dls
cussing the wonderful changes of sontlmon
which have taken placet in a romnruftbl ,
short period of tlmo.
"Less than six months aero , " laid Mr. Con
neil , " , vo were engaged right bore In a bltte
fight to provo that electricity as a motlv
power was practicable , nnd the iitrcot rail
way company , which opposed us , Is to-da ;
stringing miles of what it then designated n
unsightly poles nnd dangerous wires , with i
view to ultimately supplanting all Us hors
cars with motor trains. "
' Yes , " replied Cowin , "wo wcro runnlni
all over this country searching for affidavit
to convince our court that the application o
electricity as n moans of operating strco
cars was not only successful six months ago
but would take tlio plnca of ovcrythini
olsc. "
After the gas controversy had been sot
tied , .ludgo Donno proceeded to dispose of th
street car case. His ruling was quite length ;
nnd touched upon questions raised m noarl'
all the contests that have occurred withn
the past seven or eight months between tbos
two corporations. The facts huvn hereto
fore beun published in these columns , nnt
nro already familiar to everyone Interested
The motor company xvas granted an uijunc
tlon mainly on the ground that Its prior rlgh
to possession of tho' streets In South Oinulu
had not been successfully disputed. Whlli
the street railway company hni
a counter application for an in
junction , nnd based Its claim :
upon the result of an olcction granting 1
franchises , tlio court held this to bo of m
consequence. Thnt olcction , he said , extended
tended these privileges' simply to the cabli
tramway company , and wns not bold unti
after this company had boon consolidate !
with the horse car comnany , consequent ! ;
the Omaha street railway coiporation is not
entitled to the franchise. On the otho :
band , the motor people had securoi
n permit from the board of publli
works to occupy nnd lay thali
tracks on Twenty-fourth street to the soutl
line of tliis city , and by so doing noi , onlj
manifested n good , but n most sincere intcn
lion of going through South Omaha on the
sutno street. The company was ordered ti
put up n bond of $10,000 as an evidence o
good faith and Its purpose to carry on tin
extensions and improvements proposed.
Now business was light in thu dlstrlc
court yesterdayafternoon.
James Callahan averred In his pctltioi
that Edward Caisldy hud accepted the post
tlou of stakeholder in u horse race , nnd hut
then dropped out of sight with thu $200 stain
money , of which $100 wi\s deposited by Cal
luhnn , who wants a Judgment in that amouu
ugamst Cassidy.
Now petitions were as follows :
14 2 0 James Calluhan vs Edward Gas-
sidy : ' appeal.
15 15 George II. McCoy vs John A. Erck
New papers wore filed as follows :
14 25 John F. Flack vs Robert Kerr e
nl ; separate nnswer of Joseph W. Bishop.
18 U9J Pruyn vs Urown ot nl ; summons
15 8 Tate vs Casoustillcation of surety
14 300 Festncr ol al vs Omaha Brick ant
Terra Cotta company ; dismissal.
13 239-C. K. Palmer ct al vs G. F. Hurl
burl ct nl ; voluntary appearance.
14 1U7 John McDonald vs Stephen Me
Donald , Eli7abcth A. Tobault ot al ; stipulu
7 70 Disbro vs Hanp ot al ; motion.
7 70 Disbro vs Itnpp ot al ; notice.
11 (54 ( International Building , Loan nnc
Investment union vs William and Estelh
Gibson ; depositions on behalf of the plain
Trial notices were filed In those cases :
Y 2153 Alb-irt E. Touznliu vs City ol
Oinahu ot al.
4 D5 William F. Sweezy vs City of Omahi
et al.
5 U22 Patrick J. Croedon vs City ol
5 B42 W. F. Sweezy , appellant , vs City
of Omaha.
r 3S7 Mary H. lluport vs Peter Ponncr
0 15U Samuel Forgy vs Sarah O'Patncli
7 20 John C. Jones vs Kitchen Bros.
1093 - John Keid vs Samuel McCIono.
10-111 N. J. Burnhum , plaintiff in error ,
vs Riclmid Tiznrd.
10 214-Frank E. Gillet vs S. N. Waito.
1. 1C D73-D. G. Doano , appellant , vs Pat
rick J. Ureedon.
11 2311 Adolph Anderson vs F. A. Speth-
man ot al.
12 72 Adoloh Anderson , appellant , vs
George Wuddell.
12-73-G. Michael Whalen
- - D. Wyatt vs
ct al.
12 100 L. McGreer vs George Waddoll.
13 ! JtM West Point National bank vs Ezr.
P. Savage et al.
13-257 Mary P. Griffin vs Joel A. Griffin
ot ul.
14 74 Rasmus P. Jensen ct nl. vs Lowls
Investment company.
14 187 Alex E. Wallace vs Palmer E
lieldon et al.
14 192 Patrick J. Crcedou vs City o
Omaha et al.
15 12 James M. Swetnam va Do Forros' '
W. Saxo.
County Court.
Suits to evict settlers from the river bet
torn lauds were begun in the county court
yesterday by the Omaha & Southwostorr
railway company , a corporation which Is
part and parcel of the Union Pacific com
pany. The defendants wore August Povvlio ,
real name unknown , and Frederick Al
A trio of actions were begun by Mlllari
F. Sears nnd J. W. West against Ada B ,
Toft ct al. , to recover on thrco promissory
notes , each of the face value of ? . ° > 70.f,9 , ant
all drawn on the 27th day. of May , 1887.
Another suit to recover on promissory
notes was brought by M. L. Uoodor npainsi
Evelyn Booth. The amount at stake is $505
with interest.
An unpaid insurance claim caused a suit.
James Cullahnu nctitioned for judguicn' '
against the Phounix Insurance company ii
the .sum of fCOO.
Judgment for $034.03 was asked by Silas
D. Pike against tba Union Stock Yaids coin
pany. Pine alleged that tha defendant hac
damaged him to that amount by breach 6 :
The Paxton Viorllug Iron works sued tht
Nobrahlta Tile and Pottery company to recover
cover $339.07 duo on account.
It was all over a dotr , the last quarrel ro.
forrod to the court. George Canllufd ownet
a vicious dog. The animal bit Alfred Swn
bury severely , inflicting $1,000 worth o :
mental and physical injury , which oinoun
the plaintiff asks Judgment for.
iK to ttuiiioinbur.
If you nro going otirit remember the
"Rock Island Kouto" run the Bloopon
and chair civrs of their solid vostlhuh
train to nnd from the Omaha depot
leaving Omaha nt8:45 : p. in. , thus avoid
Inp the transfer at Council Blurt's
Three solid trains dally. All chair can
are free. Dining cars on all througl
trains. Our trains inuko close conncu
tion with all eastern limited trains con
ncctiii in union depot at Chicago
avoiding n transfer across the city U
parties onrouto to Now York , Boa tot
nnd other eastern cltloH , "and every <
thinir a little bettor than ether line :
can offer. " S. S. STKVKN8 ,
Ticket olllco 1305 Farnain. Gon'l W. A
A $1 liltlUGK 1OLU
lleiliioiion or Stook lluto Iictwcci
South Oinahu anil Council HI nit's.
The cnorgotlo ofTorts of Acting Presides
W. N. Uabcoclc , of the Union Stockyards
liavo boon rewarded by a reduction of thi
bridge tolls between Council Bluffs am
Omaha to II per car. This re
suit is of Importance to tin
stockyards company , commission moi
nnd null-pars , The oruur for the rate 1
unqualified nnd pees into effect at once.
Acting President Babcock has issued tin
following notices and requests :
SOUTH OMAHA , August 21. To Uvo Btocl
Commission Merchants , South Ouiaha , Neb.
Gentlemen I am just In receipt of the fol
lowing telegram :
W. N. Babcock , South Omaha Wo wil
base our rates on live stock from points ii
Iowa to South Omaha on oasis of H bridgi
toll , to talto effect at onco.
( signed ) PAUL MOUTON ,
O. F. A. , C. B. & Q. Ry.
i would request that you will urge low :
htppors by the nbovo line to load live stool
on Chicago. Burlington & Quinoy train No
IB , that arrives hero In the morning.
Yours respectfully ,
W. N. BABCOOK , Acting President.
SOUTH OMAHA , Nob. . Auoust 20. Messrs
Live Stook Commission Merchants , Soutl
Omaha. Nob. Gontlamon : Tbo bridge rate
Council I31uffs to South Omaha , of four dollars
lars ( $4.00) ) per car on hvo stqck from lowi
points , \vbon way-billed through from point !
cast of Council Bluffs to South Omaha a
authorized by the Union Pacific rnilwa :
company , is now In effect on shipments fron
the following railways.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul roll
way.The Chicago & Northwestern railway.
Tbo Chicago , HOCK Island & Pacific rail
way.Tho Omaha & St. Louis ( Wabasb ) roll
In advising stock shippers of the abovi
rate , will you f\jnso urge them to load foi
this market as follows :
Via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pau
railway on train No. 13.
Via the Chicago & Northwestern rnllwaj
ou train No. 89.
Via the Chicago. Kock Island & Pacific
rnllvvfty on train No. 19.
' 1 hose trains uro scheduled to arrive n
Union Pacific transfer , Council Bluffs , nboul
0 o'clock p. m. , aud if the shipments arrive
ut about the same time , the Union Pnuitlc
company will undertake to forward thorn to
those yat da without delay.
The Omaha & St. Louis railway prefers tc
handle live slock on its train No. 97 , thnt nr
rlvos at Council Bluffs transfer about J
o'clock n. m. Shippers on that road shoulc
bo advised to load for that train.
Very respectfully yours ,
Acting President.
Skeleton 'JlclcotH No Good
The passenger department of the Southern
orn Pacific yesterday announced that In
future skeleton tlcKcts to points alongtin
line will not bo accepted , and that passen
gers presenting them may expect to have
them taken up and faro collected , and ir
case of refusal to pay bo ejected from the
train. This course on the part of the South
ern Pacific is regarded as unwarranted b\
tbo passenger agents in this city , who con
tend that many persons will bo greatly in
convonlonced thereby. A skeleton ticket ie
ono in which the destination is
written by the agent , selling the ticket
in lieu .of n form having every station
along the line printed thereon. They won
designed as a convenience and adopted bj
every road in the country , The Southeri
Pacific , which is , by the way , n very urbi
trury line , is tlio first to repudiate them.
Washout on the Union Pacific.
Train No. 2 , on the Union Pacific , wns
four hours and a half Into yesturday and canu
in ns second section of No. 4 owing to c
washout ou the Wyoming division ntDovU'f
Gate , cast of Green River , which occurrcc
yesterday. No official report of the cause o ]
tlio washout has been received at hcadquar
tcrs , but It is understood that n heavy storu
prevailed in that locality Tuesday.
oTTImpon rho Union Pacific ,
Trainmaster Baxter , of the Union Pacific ,
is engaged in making a now time schcduh
for the Union Pacific , which will go into of
feet September 1. The now tlmo card is c
result of putting on dining cars on the road
nnd will shorten the time of passrngei
trains , which formerly stopped twenty inin
utes at meal stations. What the change ;
will bo have not yet benn fixed upon , bu' '
will bo announced n few days later.
Free Sight Secinsr.
On and after September 1 the Union Pa
ciflc will issue free side trio tickets to Shoshone -
shone Falls nnd Hailey , Idaho , to througl
passengers bound either cast or west.
Itnitrond Norcs.
The location of tbo Union Pacific shops al
Denver has boon decided upon. They will
bo built at a point near the Swanson Smalt-
ing works , in the northeast 'part of the city.
George McNutt , traveling passenger agent
of the Missouri , Kansas & Texas , Is in the
Matt Glair , traveling passenger agent ol
the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific , loft for
the west yesterday morning.
The Alliance branch of the 13. & M. will
be completed October 10. About two hun
dred laborers have boon shipped from Omaha
within the past thrco days. Sixty loft yes.
tondny morning.
General Manngar Burt , of the Elkhorn ,
returned yesterday from his boar hunt in
Wyominsr. He brought the carcass of one
big gri/zly with him.
G. iK. . K.\uurRinn.
From August 21 , to August 28 inclu
sive , the "Hock Island Route" will sell
round trip tickets to Milwaukee via.
Chicago for the G. A. R. oncanpmonl
nt$14'50 , tickets good for rotnrn until
September 6. Choice of rail or lake
route from Chicago.
Ticket olllco 1805 Farnam street.
They Are Given an Invitation to Visit
Council HI .m.
Lieutenant Aitchison and LioutenantDixor
of the Dodpo Liht Guards , of Counci
Bluffs , were present nt last Monday's drill
of the Omaha Guards at tholr armory , and
extended un invitation to the Omaha Guard !
to participate in their dress parade on MOP ,
day evening , Scptcmber'2. After the parade
there will bo music and a hop at Music hall
The Omaha Guards will entertain the
Dodge Light Guards about October 1 , at the
The competitive prize drill for the ofllcars' '
prbo will take place at the Omaha Guards' '
armory , the first week in September ,
Corporal George C. Fubynn , of the Omaha
Guards , will for the first time appear as u
full sci'gcanton SoptouiDer" ,
The Omahu Guards will not go into train ,
ing for the Kansas Citv fair , as they have
Just received a uotlco from the commission
ers , stating that the military portion of the
program mo had boon postponed this year.
Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment work aone
and verilied to by atlldavit and cortl-
flcnto of recorder. Claims located. J ,
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
IhlnkH He'N n Juryman.
The fame of Douglas county as a good
spot for a healthy , industrious Juryman ha :
at last been thoroughly established. Tuua
day Commissioner Mount received a letter
from a man named Flack , in Bellamy , la. ,
Flack asserted that bo is out of a Job , wants
something to do , and would accept u position
as a Douglas county Juryman at the rogulai
rate and find himself , But Mr. Flack's letter -
tor will not bo unswnrod.
tention to commercial in on. Finest and
largest hotel in the west. Kittredgo ii
Uralnurd , proprietors.
JlnH .Joined the \Vilb Boater's Club
A warrant to keep the peace was sworn
out by Josephine Miller , yesterday morning
against her husband , Edward Millor. Sonu
time slnco Miller was placed under ponci
bonds on a similar charge. Tuesday hi
threatened violence to his wife , nnd , having
been arrestedpaid atlvo dollar flnoyestorda )
morning and wns released. A coupla 01
bourn passed und Mrs. Miller , a neat little
blonde lady , reappeared in court , accompa
nicd by her ten-year-old daughter , und sale
they were afraid to have the husbtmd nnc
father return homo , that ha had beaten thoin
shamefully several wuuks ago.and might re
peat the action at any time.
Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castorla ,
( Tlioa Bab/ was nlei , wo gore ter Cutortx
When the wu * , Child , elio crird tor CaitorU ,
\V , en Uo beoatna UU ] , she cluctr to Catitoria ,
Wl' : a she hiuf Clilldrcai , oho gave them Coatorfo
AVIillo Slilc > vn1k0 | Itispcctlon Oooa
The clmrgo raado In tlio city council Tues
day night that Sldowallnnspector Allen has
been spondtn-f too inula8iltrio of late playlnR
hif-Vi flvo , may have sdi6 ! foundation. It is
a fact that Allen bus tloioboon In hla ofllco
but oncejn the past v ODl o ton days , and
thnt his work Is boinB > ijfilcctod.
Sidewalk contractor , ? , . embers of tbo city
council and the choir ui iv. of the board ot
public works hnvo boon clmsliiR around tba
city for the past wookW n vain endeavor to
cot Allen's orders nnffnTTistructlons for work
that has been ordered by the city council ,
Visits hnvo been ma-lo to hla
house to tnduco him to attend to such mut
ters ni nro pressing. Tuesday Allen wns
found and expressed his disgust at being
thus "hounded , " nt ho termed It , by city
oniolali , and llnully declared his Intention of
reslgninR his position.
Ho Is reported to bav-o prepared his resig
nation for presentation to the city council nt
Tuesday night's meeting , but for some reason
failed to do RO.
" .The trouble with Allen , , ' said a city oul-
clnl , "Is that ho is toi busy Innpi-ctliiK hli
chances for the nomination as county clerk
to pay uny nitctitlim to the Inspection of
sidewalks. "
The sott glow of the tea rose 1 * ncqulrod
by ladles who use Pozzonl's Complexion
Powder. Try It.
Tlys Dulto , No. 051 , son of Here ol
Chester , No. 10 , to bo sold nt auction In
Lincoln , September 5. Also u cliolco
lot of mares and colts , drivers mid dr.ift
horses. _
llco NCVVH Stands.
The mornlnp , ovonlng and Sunday Hr.n
can bo found regularly ut the following
places :
Pnxton Hotel News Stand.
Millard Hotel Now * ) Stand.
l Iurray Hotel News Stand.
Arcade Hotel News Stand.
Metropolitan Hotel Ninva Stand.
Windsor Hotel Nmvs Stand.
Canllold Ilouso qws Stand.
Cozzcns Hotel News Stand.
Barker Hotel News Stand.
Jonlm & Co. , UUijNortli Sixtconth.
Dick Custello , r Ui ) North Sixteenth.
J. Rich. 1509 North Slxtoouth.
Christ Wilrod * , 8U North Sixteenth
J. II. Read , 10'JO North Twenlv-fourth.
.1. P. Hoy. ilir. North Twenty-fourth.
Hubln Bros. , 514 South Tenth.
1-Y.uik IColblo , r 18 South Tenth.
G. W. Shanntilinn , "JOi South 'J'hlrtoenth ,
I' . N. Mellhedc , 5IS Soutti Thlrtrcntb.
.1. 1. Fruelmnf , 414 South Fiftocnth.
E. Wyinnn , Hit South Fiftrenth.
John Lemly , TilU South Sixlconth ,
C. A. Croau , riO Soitth Slxtoonth.
J. A. Dodce , 104 ! ) South Twentieth.
J. S. C.'ulfleld , KiOt Furnuin.
A. Anderson , t31l ! ! Cuuiin1 ; .
S. E. Hanson , .MiS Cuminfr.
\V. H. Picard , l i St. Jlary's avonuo.
J W. Martin , t'23'J Park nvetiuo.
S. M. Mnrttnovitch , ! ) US South Thirteenth.
Jos. Tiinmons , iiUth and Lake , r.iblo dopot.
U. Kitchingman , lottrand Capitol nvc.
F. F. Chandler , corner Lcavouworth
nud South Twenty-ninth.
S. S. Lanyon , lisOO'n'atn.
C. S. Torbltt , 'JUU Ricna'n.
I'oytou & Owen , ! i4aiJLer veuworth.
C. M. Crissoy , 211i2ith. !
Caledonian Drug StorO , ! JTtli and Lake.
Geo. Cooper , Hercanta ? U.inlt building.
H. Huberman , GiMnjto block.
Clyde RatoKin , Haiu o , lilook.
J. S. Stott , Postofllcb.a
G. Rcuthor , at newsstand and on street.
Patrons of THE HcKjWill notice the above
now t.gencirs nt drug stores and elevators ,
which have boon placed for the further ac-
commoilotion nnd convenience of UEE
Persons who f.iil to procure TUB HIK
when wanted , will Confer favor by reporting
facts to the Use ofllce.
Public Works.
The worlc of paving the streets ordered
done this year , and for which contracts have
been let , is progressing- slowly , owing to
the numerous r.ilns during the two
months. Juno nnd July are generally dry
months in this section , but this year they
were the opposite Notwithstanding the
fact that the work is backward , Major Hal-
corn ho is of the opinion that all the work
will bo done before the season closes , pro
viding the weather during the next two
months is favorable.
The work that is farthest behind is the
contract- J. H. Smith & Co. , on Cauitol
avenue and on Nineteenth street , to b3 paved
with cypress block on concrete. It is under
stood that the block nas not yet boon or
dered for the work. The people upon these
are growinir very imnatient at the dulay.
Permission bus been granted tlie Omaha
Street railway company bv the board of
public works to lay an additional street car
track ou Sixteenth street from the north
Hue of Ciss to the north line of Webster ,
and to extend its line on Sixteenth fromCaas
to Davenport.
Major Ualcombo has ordered Contractor
Pritchett to replace the sidewalks torn up by
him on Wnolworth avenue at the corner of
Twenty-eighth street. Contractors in the
past have been in the habit of tearing up
walks to giado streets and leaving them , but
the major s.iys sucli work must cease.
St > Ronfl-Clnri4 Ticjki'ts
Via the Northern Pacilic H. K. , nllow
the holders the privilojro of btop | > iii
over nt Spoluuie Fulls , Wash. , und all
points west of tlioro. The Northern
Pauiflo is the only line triivorainjj
\Yjishington Torritoi'yfrom ' east to west
and north to houth. Rntcsfroin Oinahu
and Council Bin Its to ull points on the
North Paei lie coast uro us low via the
Northern Puoilic as uny other line.
Foutrhr With n * > cr
Gust Nelson gave bond yesterday for
his appearance in police court to bo tried for
assault on a bartender named Green at
Twentieth nud Cumini : . Nelson drank in
tbo placoTuesday night with uompunions. A
quarrel arose and G icon struck Nelson sev
eral tlst blows. Nelson responded by break
ing a beer glass to Hinders over the barUecp's
head , inflicting an ugly wound.
Save Your Hair
BV a timely use of Aycr's Hnlr Vigor.
This preparationhas no equal as a
dressing , It keeps the bcalp clean , cool ,
r.nd healthy , and jirc'aorviis the color ,
fullness , nnd beauty'flAhe hair.
" I was rapidly becoming bald and
pray ; but after twins two or thrco
bottles of Ayor's JJalr , Vigor iny hair
, grew thick and glossy nnd the original
color was restored. " MiHvin Alduch ,
Canaan Cuntre , N. Wi
"Some time ago \ Ir/pt all iny hair In
consequence of measles. After duo
waiting , no new grrivHh appeared , I
then used Ayer'a llalr Vigor und iny
hair grew . _ _ *
Thick a
It bos apparently como to stay , The
Vigor in ovidcntly a crt'at aid to nature. "
J. B. Williams , Kloioivilli * , Texas.
"I have used Ayei'ri Hair Vigor ( or
tbo pafit four or flvo yrars and find it a
most satisfactory dressing for tbo hair ,
It in all 1 could ile-ilrc , lirinL' harmless.
eausiiiK the hair to retain I In natural
color , and reqnliiiiK but nrimall quantity
to render the hair eaiy to arrange. "
Mm , M. A. lialloy , i ) Charles street ,
Haverlilll , Mass.
" I hnyo boon tisiiiK Ayor's Hair Vicor
for several years , and believe that it has
caused my hair to retain its natural
color. " Mrs. II. J. Klnc , Dealer in
Diy Goods , &o. , DIshoi'ViHe , Mil.
Ayer's Hair Vigor ,
Dr. J , O. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
Bold by Vrucglitiaud rctfumcri.
This week will positively close out the balance of our summer suits. Fall goods arc coming in
and room must be made for them. We have a few extra fine light weight suits for dress
and business wear which we are ready to sacrifice * They arc made 'of the choicest fancy
worsteds and gotten up in A No. i style. No custom garment can beat them. They are suits
for which merchant tailors would charge from $40 to $50. We have reduced them to less
than the material in them is worth. It will be money in your pocket if you will avail your
self of this opportunity. These reductions hold good also in our boys' department. We are
offering a lot of extremely fine boys' and children's * suits at prices you could not buy
them a month ago for double the money.
In our furnishing department we have every day one thing or the other to close out. To
day its a little line of underwear , tomorrow a small lot of flannel shirts , of which the sizes
are broken , etc. On all such goods we make prices which will tempt you into buying
whether you need the goods or not.
"Wo call particular attention in this department to several lots of Night Shirts which \vo arc olVering extremely
ow. Ono lot very good Shirts , plain and also fancy fronts and collars , nt 50c. Another very fine Shirt , with
Jpgant embroidered front und collar , at SOe.
hi onr Hat Department wo are now opening our new Fall shapes. Wo have during the past few days mad"
alterations which give ns more room , and our lint Department holds now tlio stock oE two good sized hut
stores. We have a bewildering variety of Derhys and Soft Hats , and in prices the hat stores full far behind ns
No fictitious values on our lints. Yon don't pay anything for a "swell" name in the lining. Wo sell you good
dependable ( nudities , fashionable shapes and colors , ut about one-half : the prices luit storey clmrgo you or like
Please Note : Until September the first our store closes at 6:30 :
p , m. Saturday at 10 p. m.
Corner Doug-las and Fourteenth streets , Omaha.
Park Place , Corner 36th and Burt Streets ,
Under the direction of the Ludios at the Sucrod Heurt. nnd tuition In English
and Fruiu'h , Instrumental Mu-lc. use of booUs , per si'sslou of live months : $150.M. ( PaintIng -
Ing , Druwluir , Uurmuu , Italiau , Vouul Music , Harp , Violin , &c. , iiro oxtru cluirKCS. For fur-
thur Information , apply to the
Studies will bo resumed on Wednesday , Sopt. 4 , ISb'J.
inn SCALES ,
1018 Farnam Street , Omaha ,
1813 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska.
Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating
Apparatus and Supplies.
Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. Li.A. PltorOHALS tOH AKMV
Supplies Olllco or I'ui'cHaslng and Depot
Comiuissiiry of bubilsteuce , O. S. Army.
Omahiu Null . August -.0 , lbi . Sealed pio-
posalsin trlpllcalo , mibjeut to tlio usunl condi
tions , \\111 no rooulvod ut this olllco until I !
o'clock in. , contra ! ututitlutd time , ou FHilay.
thu "Ait1 ! clay ot September. W. ut which time
nutl pluce tnoy \ \ 111 bo opened iii thu presunca
of blddcia for the furnishing and ilullvury
of the following nrmy supplies , vix :
1'ork ; bacon ; vlnoaar ; bacon , brmikfist : Hour.
family : hams , s c. . and Inrd. Preference -will
bo given to articles of domestic iirodnction or
iminnr.ieture , condition * , ot cwalfty mid prtra
( including In tlio nrlcn of foreign productions or
nmnufnrtnres the duty tliereoni lielnc equal.
The rlRht Ii reiervad to reject any or all bids.
11 lank proposals and xpeclllcattons Bhou'hit ; tn
detail tile nrtlclM and I'liiintltlci ro pilrud , uiiil
KivliiKfUll Information as to conditions of con
tract , will bo fuinlshed on application to thH
olllce. J.W. BAHHianit , Wuj. andO. S. U.S.A.
- '
- -
Tu Coniructor ! .
Proposals for fiirnlstilnji materials and con-
structmgu brick bUHluos * block , except fouu-
dnUotiM , are. solicited until August a ; , lit 1in. . ,
at olllce of American MoitBa ( ? Co , Vnnkton ,
lak. The right Is reserved to reject' any or nil
bids. Plans to bo on exhibition AiiRiist IT and
after , In Yunlctoa. nnd also at olllce of J. II ,
Coxhend , Archltuct , Drake's lllock , Ht. Paul ,
Mum. Aug. Udlit
Nation to
Sealed proposals nil ! bo received at the of
fice of touuty clcrlfof Uoualas county , Nebras
ka , until 2p.m. . of Saturday , August 21th , Ibtw ,
to furnish drugs for Douglns county , for the
balance of the year IKMi. I.Kt of drug * required ,
to be found on file In olllce ot county cleric. Cer
tified checc for $100 must accompany each bid.
The board reserves the right to reject any and
all bids. M. 1) , HOCHE , County Uork.
aMdint. _ _
. 4 TJ. A. No. AN ) . Proposals for Army
supplies. IlHidijunrtcra Dup.irtinunt of
the Plntto. Olllco of Chit f Commlhsaiy of Sub
sistence , Omahn , NoV. , August 1'Jtli , ] fw . Scaled
pioposau in triplicate , subject to the iisunl
conditions , will be received at this olllco until
1" o'clock m. , central standard time , and at the
oIll'TH of tno acting commissaries of supslst-
unceat KcrUi JlolClnuey and Washable , Wyo , ,
and 1'ort Douglas. Utah , until 11 o'clock u , in , ,
mountain standard time , on Thursday , thu 1'Jth
clay of September , IbMi , at which lime and
pluceu they will be opened in the presbenco of
hldduih , for the turnlshlng aud delivery of
Hour , nnd at 1'ort Douglas , salt for issue as
components of the ration. Preference will bs
Klven to articles of domestic piodixtlon or
manufaclnre , conclUlons of quality nnd price
( Including ( n the prlco of foreign productions
or mumifUPtuit H tin- duty thereon ) being equal ,
The rltfht IH reserved to reject nny or all bids
JIlanK inoposals and spec illcnt'ons HhowliiKln
detail the quantities required and ulvlnR full
Information its to the condition nf contracts
will hu f urnlxhud on application to any of the
nbovo mentlnucfl olllctx. J.V. . IIAIUtlCKU.
Maj. and 0. H. , U. S. A. . Chief a B. aaVlUslf-17
Notion to < ontrnotors ,
Sealed proposals will be received at the olllce
of the County Cleik , Douchis County , Nebraska ,
until" oVIuck p. m. , Saturday , Hiptumber lull ,
Hfcy , for tlio erection of live. ( i ) tw enty foot spans
trestle mjitt , on lotd known us Dr. Miller's
Itoad , between sections 1 and 12 , township 11 ,
ratiKe ) - '
I'liuwanilfcpeclflcat'.ons lobe found In County
Clerks olllco. All bids must b accompanied by
rortltled check for Mil ua The Onuity reserves
the rlcht to reject any and all bids.
[ HKAi.l i I , D , KovilE .County Cleric ,
l'rnoinli for nulltlnt { n Sohuol
Ilonsi * .
Qr.AM'.I ) proposals for tlio erection of & school
O house in District No. , Union Pieclnct.
Douglad county , will bo lecolved brthe District
Hoard , until 80 clock Baturday , Auuiitt illbt.
'Ihu plans and EDeoltl atlous maybe had. at
the residence of the Director.
lly order of the DUtrlet Hoard.
liUT/IlEiHK , Director ,
ft31dU-3 < l Klureuc * i , 0. ,
Capital . $100,01)0 )
Surplus .Imi. Isl , 188 ! ) . 52,000
IlKNtiY W. VtTKS President.
LB win S. llr.Bi ) . Vice President.
A. K.'l'OU/AIiN ! ,
W. V. MoilM' .
it. C. ClJHIUNO ,
J.N. 11. 1'AriiiOK ,
W. 11. S. HiHHins , Cashier.
Cor. lith and Kurnui
A General Itunklng lluslncas iransactod.
BLAKE , , ,
London , Dii luiul.
Transact a itcncral bnnklnit bunlnois. Hacurltlai
buuRht nnd uld un commission. Foreign ciclunaos.
Commercial nnrt ttavolor'a li-ttors of credit.
Orders for boml anil mucka executed un coinmls
nlon in Londuu anil on all Coutlniiutiil lluunaa o
NeKutlntloni of Hall-ray , State , OUT and Corpora
tion I nns a tpeclaltr
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - 4OOOO
Olllc rs and Directors E. M. Morneiiinn. fl.
M , Hitchcock , Jos. ( jarnuau , Jr. , A. Henry , K.
M. Anderson. Win. n. Maul , v , ] irea , ; It. II , Will.
lams , A.I' , liop'xlna , prea. ; A. Mlllaid , cashier j
F , U , Ilrjunt , a&slatant cannier.
for 80 dnji ONLY we will no ml lor * the
. Noa. 303-404-1 70-C04.
H.p r. I. . ml HL.ll.fll. . * lX.moIUAl .
ESTABLISHED 1351 < 186 So.
Chicago , Illo. ( Clark at.
IboBcgular Old-Established
Is ill ! ) Treating ; with tlio Greatest
tonic , Neryons and Mate Diseases ,
A3-NERVOUS DS11ILITY , Loll Manhood ,
failing Memory , Cxheimlng Drains , Tcrriblo
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and all the effect !
leadmu to curly decuy andiitlui | * Coniutnptionot
Insanity , treated nooiHihi.all ) ' by new methods with
never-faninir > uccni.
33- SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Oll <
sates permanently cured.
KIDNEY and U KIN ARYcompUlnti , Gleet ,
Uonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varicocele and all due ei
of the Genlto-Urmary Organs cured promptly without ;
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
W No cxperlmsnta. Age and experience Imi
portant. CcnsuUrtton free and sacred.
S-Send 4 cvnU postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Ncrvouo jmd Delicate Distasts.
Sfir-Thoic coitcmplatmc MBITIBRC send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
, both as cents ( ttampO , Consult the old
Bcenu . .
octor , A friendly letter or CAM may save future .tiffer.
ins and shame , and add golden years to life. Olluok
tile's ( Secret ) Errors , " ; occnuttamps ( ) . Medlcina
and writings sent everywncie , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays y to 12 Address
F. D. CLARKE , . D . .
689 So Ca-arft iu
Dect&rlltlHApparattuandRemedleiforSuceeufa. ! '
Treatment of every form of D'leaaa ' requiring
Bcai-d & Attendance , Be t Accomcsodataoiu in Went.
KT WRITE FOR OIKOULARB on Deformltlei and
Brace > , Trutse > , Club Feet , Curraturu of epino.l-ilai ,
Tumon , Dancer , Outturn , Bronchltli , Inhalation.
Electricity , raralytlo , Epilepiy , Kidney. Bladder ,
2ye , Ear , Skin and Ulood and all Surgical Of erationa ,
Only Reliable Hedical IniUtute maklog a Specialty o (
Jill llloml DliMio ! lureruruIlT trr > t d. Biphlllclc mlion
rtmin il rromltieijilrin without mtrenrr. if. " BMt r tl
Trillin. . ! fur Lo.i or TITil. I-UWKU. I'.rll.i citl < to Tlill
gim ) > bglrc * eilitliouebeorrri-ona | < ile. Allconmunlu.
. .
frei itcurcliiaek | dnom rk , olD(1U te < MinlrDUor tender ,
UntperiourinKrtlfW preferred. C M Dd touiultui or iDd
klilorr of roar cue , * ai w. will it 04 In pl lovniiper , our
BOOK TO MEN EREE : V " " ? ' " e > t"L' ' i'
UUWI\ U muni *
, , n. tlon Hit. Jld4rei/
13tb and Sadga RtrtgU , OHAHA , NKB.
It will turret ! Iheilinixtfilny In *
" fluenceofJteonthektomaeh ,
For M a HeiUh Prenriliir , for
c"1lrtl ( > Invl jor tlng , mnl Itn.
fr ililns tar All , It * but Bum.
mtr Be vtr g In Zxlitinct.
rmt d Utrlctly 1-ureicd Cnf r.
miBted. An EUclint Eemed/
( or Dlarrhat , Cholera JJcrtui.
Pyient.rr , n4 til Clierdtri ot
tt Bowoli.
NAfiiivil.J.K.TKNN.fJunoO , ' 37.
DpftrHIm ; I Imve tried tlia
HuiiK rl ii Illackljerry Julrt
you BU kindly sent me , It In
Ihu lie tilua ultra of tuiiunrr
ilrlnkn Itl frco from uli-o-
luil , ellnya tldr't , tonm tlio
dlKentlvo uruuiib , I la * a jlnu
nroiniitlo llnvor. nnil l Jiifit ,
Hint lit UK for dlHrriiu'nl truulj.
lea In tun lirated term. A
' = 'r-Af ;
g _ J rormtlrlur
- - l > riiifri
Steck Piano
HotnnrUublo for powui'ftil sympathetic *
tone , jliablo nction and iibsoluto duru-
hillty ; ! ! 0 yoiira' ro'xml the host { futimi4
too of tlio oxcollonws of these Intrtia-
monta ,