THE OMAHA DAILY BM3 : THURSDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1889 , THE DAILY BEE. _ _ C = B. RO3HWATER , Biltof. PUBLTSHED EVERY MOR NINOK TRHMS OK SUHSC'HIPTION. Dally ( Morning Edition ) including Sunday llco. Ono Y - r . Jlf * drt rorSIx Months . . . . . . Bin , For ThrcB Months . SfiO The Omiilm Sunday lire , mailed to any addrrg * . Uno Vcar . . . i. . . . . . . " M Wd'fcly lice , Ono Year . a ( M omens. Omntm Ofllcp , Dee llullillnir. N.V , Corner Sovenlecnthftnd Karnnm Street * . Chicago Ofllcn , M" llookcry llulldlng. Now York Oinco. llooms 14 ami Tr. Tribune Hulling. WashlnotonOnice , No. B13 Knurteenth Htroet. CouncinilulTR onicn. No. 12 I'earl Btrftct , Lincoln OHlce , ItBn Pdticot , COIlHKSrONDKNCK. All communication * minting to now and nil- torlnl mnttrr should bo nl ( re 3ed to the Udltor of thof loo. ntJSINK83 LRTriUl ? . All bnslncsg letters nnd remittances Rlwulil bn aildre fleil to'lhe lleo rulillflhlng Company. Omnhn. Unxrtn. chocks and postolllco oruurs toTe To mnilo pnyablu to the order of the company , The B3C Pnlilisliin ipaiiy , Proprielor ? , ilKK llulldlng Karanm and tJcvenU-entli SlroutH. TIIK ln\TriV liui5. fiwnrn KditeiiiL-nt of Clroiilntlon. Etnto of Nebraska , I County of Douglas. ( ' Oeorgo It. Tzsclinck , secretary of The lleo Publishing Company , rtnpa nolemnly HWMir tint the actual circulation of THE DAILY lint ; for the wee * ending August 1" , l&iMvas as follows : Sunday. AiiBnstll . IB. I. TO MondnjAuijugr. . IS Tues'ilny. August M Wednosday. Au ust U Tliurailay , AQQIIIC 15 . Krlilny , AiiRUst HI . . . i.lH.i'7- tiaturduy , August I" Average . 1 OKOHflR . TOIHHilv. . Eworn tobcforomu nmltmuscrlbed to In my presence this 17tti ilny of August. A. I ) . 1H. I. IScnl.l N. 1' . FlilU Notary l'ubll- % Btuto of Nebrnska. ) County of Douglas , f 8S' Ocorpo II. Tzschuck. btlun duly sworn , ilc- poseH anil hays tlmt ho is secretary of The lleo Publishing comtmny , that the actual nverauu dally circulation of Tun DAILY Bun for thu month of August , 1P8" , is.lsl copies ; for Sep tember. 1S8C , ] Hli > l copies : for October 1HW , 1C.OS4 copies ; for Novo-.ubiT. ISSS. 1H.OHH copies : for December , IbSS , IC.lill copies ; fol .Inmuiry , 1881 , ItWI. copies ; for Kebmary. IfSU , 1KUM1 copies ! for March , | R i.lHsf,4 , copies ; for April , . . , , for -June. IftCJ , fg.fQcoplon ; for .Inly. , lU.TIia copies. OHo. II. T/sflillifK. Swoin to before me and subscribed In my lre.cnco this lid duyof Auguitt. IBHl. [ SKAU ] N. P. KKIU Notary rnbllo. NKW YORK is biddiup llftcon millions for the world's fair. Ohicu < 7u can not nlTord ttio project to bo Knocked down toGolhiun nt that nbsurd llguro. IK TIIK onUiusinstic sportsmen who intend to go fox-chasing in this vicinity nr'o in dead earnest , they might find inoro elusive gramo in and about Oinuhti'H municipal woodpile. Tnu Bun building has been suggested as a place tolotofT the llro works during . fair week. As the structure is absolute ly lire proof the poblic is welcome to its use for such purpose" . A SOUTH OMAHA baby was born with teeth nnd the circumstance creates considerable siderable- comment in the town. Keep cool , follow citizens , nothing is impossi ble with Nebraska people. . - WITH the council.the hoard of fire niul police commissioners and the county hoard engaged in investigations , the fog surrounding municipal and county affairs ought to ho dispelled. BY the way British sealers are being captured by American revenue cutters in the Bohring sea , the price of seal skin cloaks in Canada this winter will bo considerably higher than usual. THU present strength of the Grand Army of the Republic is four hundred and sixty-throe thousand , two hundred and twenty-eight members. Those uro the individuals who vote as they shot. PBHifAi'S the visiting councilmen of , Wichita , who attended the council pro ceedings in Omaha , will bo much moro odiflod with what they see in this city than with what they heard at the -chamber. Tins ofllcors and directors of the board of trado'havo been invited to at tend the Blue Grass palace at Creston , Iowa. The enterprise of Creston should receive proper encouragement and rec ognition at the hiuidd of our business men. DKNVEII papers are regretting the fact that after the 20th inst their citi- ZOIIB will bo compsllod to drink Eng lish boor. It is feared that the pa triotic tundonoios of the town will bo altogether Insudlciont to overcome its universal fondness .for the beverage. lias boon seeing the elephant - -phant in Africa , but ho has made it a more profitable business than our young American bloods uro in the habit of , doing. The ivory Stanley obtained from his elephants will bring him a small fortune. OK the sixteen thousand postmasters appointed since March 4 lust fully jono half are union soldiers. The pres ent administration strictly enforces tbo best of civil sorvlco rules , which pro vides that those who fought for the gov ernment shall bo given the preference. Tun movement In favor of the world's fair was originally begun in Washing ton about eighteen months ago. It .was intended by the projectors that it should bo hold thoro. But the clamor of Now York and other competing ultlos for the location 1ms placed Washington en tirely out of the rnco. AT AMIOST every mooting of the council orders are given for moro fire hydrants , moro gas lamps , moro streot- Bwopplng. Those orders are piling up the burdens upou the taxpayer rogard- losa of the fact that ho is already groan ing under the load ho has to bear. The question Is where will this reckless in crease of municipal taxes stop ? . Tun council has ordered street swooping on a half dozen moro streets. Those streets uro outside of the busi ness district. ' The question Is , where will the money como from to pay for this swooulng ? If every paved street i's to bo swept it will cost this city ton thousand dollars a month , and perhaps more , under the present contract. Thu cleaning of streets is becoming a bur den that will eat into the vitals of prop erty ownws. Why couldn't the street commissioner bo supplied with proper machinery and a detail of vagrants frou. the city jail to do Ihib work ? TIIK SI01TX Although it has boon ropontodly fctntod by officials of the interior de partment that the agreement entered into between the government nnd the Indian ! ) for the opening of the Sioux reservation muni bo rattllod by con gress , the correctness of the statement Is still questioned. A great many In- tclligont persons mlhoro to tlio opinion tliatall that is necessary to onon the reservation to .settlement is the proclamation of the prcsldont , which ho is authorized to issue upon satisfactory proof that the requirements of the net providing for the negotiations have boon complied with. It is oasv to un derstand how this impression obtained and so firmly rooted as it is in somu quarters , that the Idea of congress hav ing anything further to do with the Sioux agreement is hcllovod to have been inspired by the [ ndian Defense association with a view to postponing the opening of the reservation as long as possible. It is probable the associa tion , or those authorized to act for it , did nil that was possible to defeat the agreement , but there Is no warrant for tills last accusation against it , since congress clearly provided for the sub mission of the agreement to that body for ratiMention. The net to divide n portion of the res ervation of the Sioux nation was ap proved Muri'h - , IMS ! ) . Section twenty- eight rends as follows : That this act shall take effect , only , upon the accnptauco thereof and consunt thereto by the different bauds of the Sioux nation of IndiansIn manner and form prescribed by the twelfth arlli'le of the treaty between the United States and said Sioux Indians con cluded Auril twenty-ninth , eighteen hundred and sixty-eight , which said acceptance and consent shall bo made known by proclama tion by the pro UontoC the United States , upon satisfartory proof presented to him , that the same has been obtained in thr > man ner and form required by said twelfth artlclo of said treaty ; which proof shallbnpresented to him within ono year from tha passage of this act ; and upon failure of such proof and proclamation this act becomes of no effect and null and void. The obvious mumiing of this simply is that thu president shall announce by proclamation that the act has been accepted and consented to by the In dians , in the manner previously pro vided for by treaty , mid it is equally clear that such a declaration was not intended to ell'oct an opening of the reservation. K von if there had been no other legislation on the subject than this act , it would bo impossible to fairly construe it as intending that the procla mation of the president would bo sulll- cient to open the reservation to settle ment. But there was other legislation. An act approved March 2 , 18S9 , provided approbations "for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian de partment , and for fullllling treaty stip ulations with various Indian tribes , for the year ending June 150 , 1890. " Rela tive to the Sioux reservation this act provided : The president of the United States is here by authorized and empowered to appoint three commissioners for the purpose of en tering Into negotiations and agreements with the Sioux Indians occupying the great Sioux Indian reservation in D.iKota for a full and complete cession and rolinquishmcnt to the the United Slates of a portion of their reservation - . vation , and to divide the remainder into separate reservations , and for such other purpose as they may find uecBssary touchIng - Ing said Indiana and said reservation ; and such agreements , when made , to bo by them submitted to the llrct session , congress , for ratification ; and to ciirry oat this provision the sum of twonty-flvo thou sand aollars , or so much thereof as may bo found necessary , to bo expanded under the direction of the secretary of the interior , is hereby appropriated , this amount to bo im mediately available. It is this provision which is the basis of the decision and action of the inte rior department , and it is so plain and explicit , as to dispose of all doubt as to the correctness of the department's .po sition. In this same act provision is made for acquiring lands from the Creole and CheroKee Indians , and as to these lands it is provided that if the agreement proposed by the government shall bo accepted "tho president is authorized , as soon thoroiifter us ho may deem advisable , by proclamation , to open said lands to settlement. " Probably no harm has yet boon done by the misinformation that has been sent out regarding this question of the opening of the Sioux reservation , but it is clearly important that there should bo iv right un do rstandiner of it so that no ono will need to blindly rim into dilliculty and hardship. Undoubtedly congress will not delay ratifying the agreement , which will probably bo laid boToro it immediately after it assembles , and the president's 'proclamation ' may bo ex pected to follow at once. But in any ovontit will bo several months before the reservation will bo opened. There fore intending settlers , as wo have heretofore suggested , need bo in no hurry. SlLVEll MEN IWPKFUL. Various circumstances are contribut- \\\K \ \ \ to malco the friends of silver hope ful. The growing sentiment in Europe in favor of the reinrmoti/.iitlon of silver has had a reassuring effect upon them , while they 11 ml encouragement , also , in the more favorable tendency of public opinion in this country toward a re moval of the restriction upon the coin age of "silver. The recent democratic convention of Virginia duclared in favor of unlimited c inngu , which will commit the representatives of the party from that state to this policy , and It is well understood that the repre sentatives from the southorir1 status gen erally can bo counted upon to favor in creasing the coinage. In the now states , particularly in Washington and Montana , this question is of supreme Importance , and it is highly probable that every man elected to congress from all of thuso stutca will bo favorable to moro silver. The silver moii are said to expect the biipport of the president and secretary of the treasury , but thin can not bo re garded as by any moans assured. At any rate , so far as the secretary of thu treasury is concerned his past posltion'rospuotlng silver does not war rant the ballot that ho can bo rolled upon to favor any radical departure from the present policy. Hocuntly ro- ported observations of his' on the sub ject showed that ho Is not friendly to increasing the coinage , and while un doubtedly ho would not Intorposa to de feat legislation to that end. it Is hardly to bo expected that ho would use his influence to promote It. As to the views of the president , nothing can bo afllrmod with any degree of certainty. Ho is of course favorable to sllvnr as a part of the cur rency , but whether ho would have moro of it or merely maintain the present rale of coinage la unknown except to himself. The question will undoubt edly receive his attention when ho ad dresses congress. After the tariff , the next congress will have no moro important , matter to consldor than this , and the probability is that it will bo among the earliest questions presented for its considera tion. Meanwhile the Paris monetary conference will have completed its de liberations , the result of which may have a very considerable inlluonca in determining the action of congress. TO CALL A HALT. Sornu people never know when they are well treated , moro especially when such people are granted 'valuable fran chises. This id strikingly illustrated by the hoggishncss of our struct car companies. Under the city charters of 1885 nnd 1887 street railway companies wore re quired to pay their proportion of street paving between the rails , but the street railway company managed some how to keep most of its tracks on unpaved streets. As soon as tbo streets had been paved and the assessments made against thcabuttlng property , the street railways wcro planted without contrib uting a dollar to the cost of paving. Thus It was with the cable rend on Tenth street , which was paved at a cost of four dollars a yard to property own ers , and the same is true of the horse car and motor railways on Douglas , b'oui'luonth , Twelfth , Howard and a do/.en other streets. On some of these streets the paving blocks wcro carried away by the street railway companies and appropriated to their own use without paying a dollar of paving tax. When the legislature last winter in serted a provision into the charter re quiring street railways to pay for the pavement bol.woon their tracks , a protest was entered by the street car managers and the lobby finally suc ceeded in staving elf for two years the requirement to pay for the paved space between outside rails and simply retained th'o provision to compel them to pay for paving botwoou tbo rails. This provision applies to streets paved before tracks are laid , as well as these on which paving is done nftor the tracks are laid. Under this provision property owners who had paid for paving the on lire street before the tracks wore hi'd ' , have a right to expect that the money paid in by the street car com panies would bo refunded in pro portion to thu front foot , or whore only part payment hud boon f made , the owners of abutting property would be credited to then on their next installment of paving tax. For a few weeks the street railway companies complied witli the charter provision and paid some forty thou sand dollars into the paving fund. To cover their designs upon the city treas ury they paid this tax under protest. Then they followed it up , by another raid upon the council by and with the useful assistance of the city attorney , who is also the regularly employed at torney of the consolidated street rail way. way.Tho upshot was another concession by the council in the shape of an ordi nance which relieves the street railway companies from the paving tax and allows them what the charter never contemplated , the right to ropavo by their own employes streets that they have torn up and occupied. Emboldened by their success the rival street car lines have pooled issues for the most high-handed raid upon the city treasury that has over boon at tempted in Omaha since the Holly job , AH ordinance is being framed by which they are to bo permuted to take out of the city treasury the forty thousand and odd dollars they have paid into the paving fund. This of course is to bo done by and with the uil- vice of the city attorney , who is also the attorney of the consolidated. Tuic BUK has boon disposed to accord liberal treatment of the street car com panies in order to oncourajro the exten sion of their linos. But thcsq people do not hcoiu to know where to atop in their selfish efforts to get the upper hand of the city. They do not appear to realize that they have boon given fran chises without cost which they thorn- solves advertise as worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. They have tampered with our counoilmen , BO otou nnd so audaciously , that they have be come emboldened to attempt almost any thing. The time has como Jiow for call ing a halt. _ BKSIDHS the information obtained re garding the necessity and feasibility of irrigation , the semite investigating cOmmittee has learned something ro- Bpucting the necessity of protecting and preserving the timber which IB now the prey of ruthless thieves , as well us for making some provision for reforesting in localities that have boon denuded. The annual loss to the government from the depredations of timber thieves is so great as to warrant liberal provision for prevention , to say nothing of the injury to thu region alTuctcd by the destruction of the forests , aud the information ob tained by the committee may servo to remove the imlilToronco to this matter hitherto shown by congress. Tin : v igllant commander of the American cruiser Rush has captured two more Canadian sealers in Bohring sea , upon ono of which there wore oiglit hundred seal skins. The brief dispHtoh does not state what disposition ho iiiado of thorn , but in any event the capture Is pretty sure to reawaken Can adian wrath and reopen thu flood-gates of bluster In that quarter. There has , however , been BO little coming from the Dominion recently regarding the first Boi/.ure that it is possi ble the authorities there have settled dowu to the convic tion thilF * " attempts to talk this government into an abandonment of its policy- protecting the seal fish eries from'\ho depredations of Cana dian fishermen Is a waste of energy. Certainly li , they hnvo .not already reached thjs , > , pncluslon they will do BO , ior the administration will firmly up hold the poliay adopted until congress , under whosdi Authority it is acting , shall order a clmng'cJ , If wo may judge from the spirit fnn'hifostod by the last con gress thor 'MS' ' a very remote chance of its successoi'JdTroctlng n different policy. recently made n , contract by which she subsidizes a steamship line from Vancouver to China and Japan in the sum of three hundred thousand dollars lars n year for ton years. The purpose was ostensibly for postal service , but really to injure American commerce. If a free trade country can afford to as sist its shipping interest , why should not a protection country do the sumo thing'/ England , since 1810 , has sys tematically pursued the policy of break ing down pur shipping interests , and has spent ns much as six million dollars in a single year to further her purpose in this direction , , IT is well to learn that the members of the Missouri river commission in their report lo the chief engineer recommend that the primary object of the appropriation for internal im provement is for the purpose of bono- 11 111 n g navigation and not for the pro tection of private property from the ravages of nrosion. That rule , how ever , has boon repeatedly violated in this vicinity , and it is reassuring that the commissioners at least co.idemn the abuso. POSTMASTER GUNHUAIWANA - MAKKII does not propose to stand any nousoiiso from southern towns where throats of boycotting are made if ne groes are appointed to ollico. The de partment has an effective remedy at hand to bring1 Huch communities to terms by discontinuing the postolllco service in these places. Such an anti dote is suHleiontly strong" to euro negro proscription. Tnii total stocks of grain in thoChicago elevators last week wore 7,4tO,959 ; bush els of all klnJs of grain. This is about n quarter of the total visible supply in the United States and CTnuda. Thu move ment of grain from Chicago to the Al lan tie seaboard is said to bo slow , which makes it rather unfortunate for the owners of now crops in the west. The demand , however , will increase with cooler weather. Tim rpal osta'io of all Illinois towns , including Chicago , is assessed at only ono hundred and ninoty-ono million dollars , whilii Boston is assessed at five hundred and'ninety-three million eight hundred and top thousand four hundred dollars. AsChicago : claims to bo over twice as largo'aa ' Boston it will bo well for her to looK\ovor her assessment rolls and swell thorn up a little. THE United * States geological survey is devising ways and moans to reclaim thousands of acres in Nevada for agri cultural purposes by proposing to build storage reservoirs in the arid regions of the stato. With the possibilities of introducing irrigation Nevada may bo able to raise sutlioioiit farm products to support her population nnd infuse vital ity into her drooping industries. TIIK prohibitionists made a light last year in both Kansas and Iowa , and they will make a canvass again in Iowa this year. Their sole aim and purpose seems to bo to break down the repub lican party. The prohibition bosses are making u business of it , nnd their la bors are remunerated by the democratic free whisky and-corruption fund. ENGLISH capitalists arc said to bo again buying uo tin claims in thn Black IIllls. Local papers contain a number of accounts of options being se cured by ugonts of British syndicates. It would bo moro to the purpose if some one would put up a smelter and demon strate that Black Hills tin deposits wore commercially valuable. Till ! now Minnesota law making drunkenness a crime has now boon in operation for two months , and in consequence quence tharo has boon a material re duction in the number of arrests. The"o is , however , no proof that the liquor Habit , which , with most drunk ards , is tin inherited disease , has lost its grip. ST. Loins failed to take the necessary precautions in protecting her stockyards - , yards from Texas cattle , and the result is that Texas fever has made alarming inroads among the native cattle in the pens. With St. Louis and Kansas City under a cloud , the South Omaha stockyards - yards nlona eujoy a clean bill of health. SKKATOH Puou , of Alabama , who has just roturnfd to Washington from u trip thro'itgh the northwest , gives up all hope ot 'tho democrats carrying Montana. Sbnator Pugh is evidently that kind of a man who does not look at things t\irqugh \ rose-colored spec tacles , f . Tim electric motor is now in success ful operation.In ono hundred and two towns and citiod in this country. It is u matter of locnlpYido that Omaha is said to have uboijt tljo best system of electric tramways imth'd country. No Iteilijjitlnn In Policies , tUlca'ja Inler-Octan. Strange to say , ' the llfo insurance com panies have not reduced premiums to patrons of the elixir of youth. Duty Now. Ctttcaao 'ftmtt. Mr. Edison ought to bo happy. The Icing of Italy having just made blin a count ho will probably reciprocate by Inventing an electric peanut. Karaii Altlina an a Star. Mrs. Sarah Althoa-Hlll-Tcrry la rapidly approaching a climax. Another Pucltiu slope tragedy bisod upon her Influence will Insure her an offer from BOUIO enterprising dime museum manager , Tlio Gonulno Arriolo Mothers Them. r/iiltiiitijj'ita / ' I'rttt. Our democratic brethren do not lllto the republican brand ot civil service reform , principally because It Is reform. However , It Is remembered that the republicans did netlike like the democratic brand , solely bccauso It was not reform. Aihainoil of Tliolr Vcnornblu l rent , St. IMIittpiiMte. \ . Now hero Is an East St. Louis nawnpapor indignantly denying that East Sf Louis Is a part ot St , Louis. It this rebellion of our progeny Is not crushed Bulhortown will bo repudiating us next. Till ! AKTKHNOON TKA. Paterfamilias "Well , we'll take a European tour. " Daughter ( aged 80) ) "O , that's nlco. Lot's bo sure to go to the Isle of Man , " Mrs. Althea Hill Terry is an attractive young widow , but oven that celebrated biga mist , General Word , Worthington , etc. , would probably hesitate before marrying her. Oscar \Vlldo Is about to rotlro from the editorship of tbo Woman's World. The owners , perhaps , want a man for the placo. She were a mannish little coat With knowing little pockets ; She's cast nsldo her necklaces , Her bangles , and her lockets ; Her dickey , collar and cravat Exactly match her brother's ; Her round straw hat is so hko his You can't ' toll ono from father's ; She ventures on a llttlo slang That sounds quite brusnuo , and mannish ; Uut show her once n mouse or worm And sco the dUgulso vanish 1 Tbo newest occupation for woman is said to bo that of superintendent of wcddiugs. The superintendent , who is usually A young ish woman , Is Installed in the house of the brldo-to-bo some llttlo tlmo before the cere mony. She selects the trousseau , tells the bride's mother and sisters what to wear , dic tates to the brldcinalds , thlnki of every thing , and lots the engaged couple enjoy themselves with unanxlous minds. Have you over watched the warfare Ot two women over car faro ? Ench aflame with generous feeling , Depth of heart and purao revealing ; Each inspired with gentle horror Lest the other should pay for hor. Hut lake note thu moro Insistent Of the combatants persistent , She whoso hand most promptly snatches At her pockotbook's still catches , She who uiunnors : "Don't bo strange , dear 1 It's all right. I've got the change , dear. " She though 1 am sad to say It Always lots the other pay it I Ulanca ( examining a picture of bathers painted by her betrothed , who Is putting on the finishing touches ) Mow do you manngo to paint them so natural , Urban ? Urban By painting them from nature , dearest. Ulanca You don't moan to say you painted them from life , do you I Urban from a llvo model , certainly. Hiunca Just taka back this engagement ring tlico. That Is all I want to know about you you mean thlny. Mrs. Jenness Miller says that moro than ono hundred thousand women have become interested in her dress reform and adopted her divided skirts. Duluth sends a rumor to the effect that George N. Loomis , recently press agent of Emma Abbott , will marry the lady on her re turn from Europe. A woman's proper figure on the niodorn plan is said by the English authorities to beef of twouty-throo inches about , the waist and thirty-six about the bust. There is a Mrs McDonald in England , though , who has n waist of eighteen and a bust of thirty-eight. The princess of Wales has boon very stern and particular in the education of her daugh ters. She has had good material to work upon , as her girls are clover by nature. The princess has taken great pride in their ac complishments and fools that her discipline has been extremely beneficial. The prince of Wales has sometimes pleaded with her in vain to give her daughters a holiday. She has often answered that as they were to hold high social positions they had no time to waste while acquiring social graces. I. LAST VICAIl. They strolled on the beach by the bright summer sen , Ho and nho ; And they uovor paid any attention to mo , Ho and she. His hair was superb , and all that ho said She modestly listened aad hung dowu her head , Whllo with swift-flying.blushes her fair face grow red Dear mo ! II. THIS YEAR. Again they are soon on the beach by the sea , She and ho ; That they're married this year you will -quickly agree , She and ho. In silence ho stalks while she lays down the law ; A man moro submissive the world never saw j Ho's learned that u kitten has claws in her paw- Dear mol PJ3M\ljK I'ltlSONHUS IlEVOI/T. ImiuitCH ol' n Kentucky Workhouse Strike mill Show Fight. COVIKOTO.V , Ky. , August 21 , [ Special Telegram to Tun IJni ! . ] There is serious trouble at the city workhouse. A few wcoks ago the mon went on a strike and for two days hold the authorities at bav. Yesterday thirty women in the _ lnstitution struck , refusing - fusing to do any moro work. Thu guards ordered the women into dungeons , but they huddled into a corner and declared that only lorco would uiako thorn movo. When tha guards undertook to put tbo women Into culls they fought llko tigora , scratching the ofll- cors furiously. At last the hose was turned on them and they retreated. Once in their cells 'they ' rosorletl to songs , abuse and all sorts of oaths and obscenity. They were kept In all night , getting nnl.v broad and wutw. This morning nil refused to count out. Somu had stripped themselves of all clothing and even destroyed some of it. They remained dollaiH and were again locked In They Bald they wanted less work and bettor food , and declared they would not return - turn to work until their domandt ) were ac ceded to. The authorities aio puzzled as to what to do. A IMaiMiilloeiit BOSTON , August 31. [ Special Telegram to TIIK URK.J Mrs. Frances H. Hllllor , of Wil mington , whoso eccentric and enormously wealthy husband , Dr. Henry Illlliur , died last year , proposes to orocj , over his remains - mains a nmsaivo mausoleum of gran 1 to , mar- bio and bronze , which Minll receive the $3U- UOO casket In which his remains uro enclosed , The structure U to have an imposing vestibule - bulo and it will bo surrounded by an Iron dome , which will In turn bear u beroiu flguru of thu ant'ol of hope , The mausoleum will bo forty foot square , forty foot from the ground to thu feet of the ungul , the vostlbulo thirty feet nqtmre , and it will ho carved both outside and iimido in tlio most elaborate manner. The doors will bo of hronr.o. 'Ililrtvllvc-eeiit t'onrln. HEM-IDBIIK , III. . August 21. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK Bin : . ] The craze for pearl Jlsh- lug bus reached Helvidoro. Inspired by the Wisconsin discoveries , several people here began examining thu clams which abound in the Tzldnhwnukee rlvor , and It was mudo known to-day that Charles Ulchardson , a baker , had found upward of three hundred pearls , for which ho hod been offered In Chicago cage uu nvorago of U.1 cents each. The news ftproad rapidly , with the result that parties will bo organized and the river bottom drugged for clams. REFORMERS IN CONVENTION , Third Party iTOhlbltlonleta Moot to Nomlnnto State OIQooro. CHANGE IN THE ELECTION LAW Touching the Choosing of Supervisors In Counties Untlcr ' 1'owinlilp Organisation Now * nt the Stnto House. LINCOLN BUREAU orTncUMiit * . U in , I 1029 l STIIKIIT , LINCOLN. AUKU S1. I Tbo stnto convention of the third pirt\ ; prohibitionists Bnict this afternoon nt 3JH : o'clock In Bohnnuii's hall , The convotitlon numbers about two hundred and fifty or three hundred persons , and the following counties wore represented : Adams , liutlor , IJuffnlo , Casg , Clay , Dodge , Dixon , Douglas , Fillmore , Gage , Hall , Harlau , Jefferson , Tolinsoii , ICnox , Lancaster , Morrlclc , Nanco , Nucholla , Notnaha , Otoo. Pintle , Hod Wil low , Sahno , Sauudcra , Valley , Wabator anil York. At ! } i.lO p. in. the convention was call ml to order by Uoorgo Scott , of Button , chairman of the stnto central committee , who made one of his characteristic speeches of about five minutes duration. Just before ho commenced to speak the choir , composed of I'rof. HueklnsV. . A. Howard and Q. M. Plumb , tool : seats on the platform. They wcro fol lowed by A. (3. ( Wolfcnborgor , Hcv. Albert Pitch sr. , II. A. Hnwtoy , Loin. J. Smith , of Hloomington , III. , Mrs. Xara A. Wilson , Mrs. D. O. King , H. C. Blttunbondcr and Miss Hawloy. On motion George II. Reynolds , of Dutto county , was elected chairman , and J. E. Herald , of Polk county , secretary. Kov. Hltchlo , of Central City , was called upon at the close of t.liu remarks of the tem porary chairman and pronounced a fervent invocation. Andy Hcnkins , assisted by a tenor anil basso.fcllowed with a popular campaign song. The committee on credentials ivoru : M. Tower , of Lancaster ; A. K. Olrard , of Platte ; L. 1) . Palmer , of Adams ; ( ; . K. Hentloy , of Uutler , anil O. S. Hanna , of Valley. With thu iiunounccmcnt of the committee on credentials came a cry for Kcv.Vnodby , of Omaha , to tuico the platform. Judge Mnrtin I. Urowcr , of Nance , was elected permanent chairman. George H. Gibson , of Douglas , Bvcrctury , anil J. C. Ho aid. Polk county , assistant secretary. A committee on finance , composed of one mom- bur from each county , was appointed with instructions to report ways ami moans for conducting the campaign. The afternoon and evening sessions were devoted to oratory nnd campaign singing. At the avonmir ses sion the main address \vas delivered by A. G. Wolfonbargcr , The Ijlncoln Humane Hoclotv. Thcro was quite a good attendance at the parlors of the Masonic tcmplo last night of those Interested in thu organization of a so ciety which shall enforce the laws relative to cruelty to animals and children. Such a society has long boon talked of in this city and two or three attempts huvo been made to perfect such an organization , but for some cause they have heretofore boon failures. Last nighi thu meeting waa called to order by the ttov. E. H. Uhapin , wtio stated the objects of the mooting. Mr. Cbapin was elected chairman and Dr. Garten secretary. A constitution and by-laws that had been carefully prepared beforehand was read and after some discussion was adopted. The or ganization will bo known as the Lincoln Hu mane society , and its avowed object is the ureveation of cruelty to children and mil- mals.QTho meuibcrshii ) fee is $1 annually. Gujtllemou may become llfo members by paying $25 ; ladles and children by paying $10. Kugular meetings will bo held on the 11 rat Tuesday in each month. The business of the society Is given over to a board of twelve managers of which the mayor is an cx-oflicio member. The organization con templates the appointment of a prosecuting attorney and special agents who will bo vested with police powers. Th-j following are the ofllcers- elected last evening ; President , Hov. K. H. Ghapiii ; vice presidents , Judge C. M. Parker , Miss Phoebe Elliott , A. J. Sawyer , Miss T. H. Leavitt ; secretary , Mrs. W. S. Smith ; treas urer , Dr. Garten ; executive committee , J. H. Mockctt , G. G. Uullock , Elder P. W. Howe ; board of managers , Hov. John Hew itt , Dr. H. L. Paine. H. H. Oakley , Mrs. L. C. Hicliards , Mrs. A. S. Haymond , E. Lo Fever , A. It. Talbot , Mrs. T. M. Marijuotle , C. A. Atkinson , Mrs. J. H. Mockott , J. H. McClay , C. C. Munson. JKccnminir Interesting. The Brocklemoycr-Koborts controversy over the death of Emma Liudhoff , the young girl who suicided the other day by tatting' Hough on Hats , is becoming decidedly inter esting. For the nast two or three days the parties have boon engaged in making affi davits and counter-affidavits , first onu is on top and then the other. But it is announced to-day that the matter has reached a climax , and that Hrocklomoyer will commence suit for libel against every newspaper that pah- lishcd the statmciil that the cause of Emma's death was due primarily , or in any other way. to ridlculu or aspersions cast upon her by his children. Hut it is said that Hoborts is assiduously at work getting affidavits to prove that what , the newspapers published is not only true , but that they did not publish the half of it. Law Chnii OH. A number of communications have been received by the attorney general asking his opinion touching the election of supervisors in counties under township organization , as provided in the act of 1SS9 , amending section 7 of ttio election law. The law provides that at the first general election in each township , after the adoption of township organization , ono supervisor shall bo elected in each town ship , and thereafter one In cachodd num bered year in the odd numbered townships , and cacu oven numbered year in the oven numl/ercd townships. Thu act also provides thai the townships must bo numbered by the county board at their first regular meeting after the passage of the act. The attorney general holds that the effect of the law will bo to hold the supervisors who live In thn even numbered townships in oftlco until 18'JO , and at the election this fall the super visors will bo elected from the odd num bered townships ; that the object of the law was to have one-halt of the number of the supervisors who wcro familiar with thu needs of the county always in office. In this connection , in answer to queries , thu attorney general also took occasion to sny that ho would file an opinion in a da.v or two touching the constitutionality of thu act in creasing the pay of supervisors from f i to gi : per day. It In understood that this opinion will apply only to the increased pay of super visors in ollico July 1 , to thu close of their terms. _ GOIIO t ( ) MnHHIIUhtlSIIttH. Governor Thayer loft to-day for Hllllng- ham , In eastern Massachusetts , to join his wife and return with her us soon as shu Is able to travel. Ho will stop to-night en route at Crcston , la. , to tnku part in the exercises opening the blue grass palace at that place to-morrow , llo stops by apodal Invitation and will meet Governor Larrabuo nnd other distinguished statesmen. The governor was accompanied to Crcslon by his military utafT , viz : General Coin , Dr. Stonn , H. E. Palmer , H , II. Hotchklss , E. M. Corviill , E. Slzorund J. C. Watson. At the conclusion of the opening exorcises the governor's staff will return homo , but the governor will bo gene ten days or two weeks. Htnto HDIIHD The case of the School District of Ohadron vs Charles E. Pinter , on error from the dis trict court of Dawcs county , was fllod for trial in thu supreme court to-day. Secretary of State Lawa Is out of town. It is whispered that ho Is somewhere in the ' Hig Second" looking up his concessional fences. It Is said that the light will wax warm out that way within a few ( lays. The board of uccrotarlos and the board of bank oxuuiinors are recreating. Only the cinrks of the two ( lopnrtmcnlS can Ixi found at their post * . Unrbor it in northwestern Kansas on a hunting oxooditlou , Ollohrlst Is at his homo In Uox Itutto county and Ullkor- son Is ftomcwhoro In Iowa. Lieutenant Governor Melklelohn will bo at tin state hoiiHo a portion of his tlmo during thn next two weeks. The governor has noli- lied him of his Intended absence , nnd ha * nsVcd him to bo on the lookout for emer gencies. Jt scorn * that the governor biv Doves tlmt in peace It Is necessary to bo prepared - pared for war. Tim Now llollilav. Monday , September 3 , Is Labor day ana a legal holiday , nindo such by an act of law passed nt thu last silting of the Nebraska IcRlslaturo. It Is said that this Rives this stnto move legal holidays thnn nny other state of the union. The day , It Is under stood , will ho fittingly celebrated hi Lin- coin , but what the order of exorcises will ho has not been determined upon. Labor day mnitos the eighth legal holiday for the utato , via : ChrNtmav Now Years , Washington's birthday. Arbor day , Memorial day , Fourth of July , Labor ilny aim Thanksgiving day. Oily News and Notes. Frank Tucker , the painter who foil from the scaffolding nt the now Christian church yesterday , dlod this morning. Aside from concussion of the brain , it was found , on ex amination , that ho had sustained Internal la- juries. The funeral will occur to-morrow. Edwnrd P. Cone , general manager for the Christian at Work , a Now Ycnt rolliilous Journal , was a visitor at Tin ; UKK headi'iimr- tors to-dnv. Matt Miller , of David City , was In the city to-day. Ho took particular pains to state that the prohibition state convention bad nothing to do with his visit. Dr. Black , of ChliMgo , will preach the dedicatory sermon at the now Christian church next Sunday morning. The Wednes day following the " " "state meeting" com- uieucet. STATH AND THimiTOllY. .lotting. There is a prospect UmtHortrand will have a hank. Eagle Methodists uro raising fuuds to build a now church. The loilgoa of Odd Fellows nt Imllunolu nnti Hartley hnvo consolidated , Thu Custor county old settlers will hold their annual reunion September I. Tbo Nanco county republican convention will ho hold at Fulton , September The Gospcr county tu-iolu-rs' institute is in session at Klwood with mi attendance of forty. The ICnox county republican convention has been called for Soptombcr SI , nt Nio- brara. Hbv. W. H. II. PHlshury , of Oskaloosn , In. , has been elected president of thu college at Central City. A driving nark association has been formed at Clarlis and mecllngH will bo hold every other Saturday. Grand Islanders are di.scusslng tbo ad visability of voting Sl.'iO.OtK ) in bonds to pave four of the principal streets of the city. The work of repair at Fort Kidney is well under way during the nbxunco of tbo sol diers. new foundations and new roofs being put in. The Colfax county agricultural society bus offered a puree of $ ; .1l ) to bo competed for by four has" ball clubs at the fair at Schuyler this fall. A soldiers' reunion has been arranged for September 4 and 5 at Wilson'H grove , on the Koya P.ilia river , and preparations madu to make thu occasion interesting and success ful. ful.Tho The people of Franklin are jubilant over the prospect of securing another railroad , an extension of the Missouri Pacitlo from Hurr Oak , iCau. , to run west and north to Hold- rego and Lexington. The twelve-year-old son of John Matsoncr , living near Grosltam , while playing around a threshing machine , was caught by thu tumbling rod , his clothing torn entirely off and his body tornbly Imitsod , but ho will recover. The Cedar Haplds lumublican. suggests that , tu rid the surrounding country of thu wolves which niv tormenting the farmers. the residents of Benne nnd ad Joining coun ties devote a wool ; to the purpose , put out poison , and tie up the dogs until every last liowlor in tlio country is killed. A clever gentleman who announced himself as advance uncut for a circus , swindled sev eral Falls City merchants out of small sums of money by making contracts with them for supplies at a higher nriee than they charged for the goods and then having them advance lilm a sliaro of the extra profits. Charles Cioi-c and Dora Muchmore , who liold down claims in Dundy county , near Nccl , were arrested the other day for living together without having taken the precaution to have a marriage ceremony performed. They wen * lodged in jail at Benltolman , hut the county judge affected their release by joining them together in wedlock. Iowa Tim new flour mills at Snnborn have com menced operations. The Lyon county fair will bo held at Rock Ltapids September 18 and 19. The Swedish people of the river counties will celebrate September 14 as Forefather day. day.Hy the 1st of September the homo for tal on women at Davenport will bo ready for imsincsH A live-year old son of Marman Haddlntr , a ICeokiik county fanner , had both feet cut on in a mower. John H. Cauthors. a Warren county farmer , verifies the statement that , ho threshed 110 buabols of outs from ono aero this season. About three hundred fakirs nro busy erect ing quarters along Dos Molnu.s directs in order to secure the shekels of the countrymen - men who nt.tciiii the stuto fair. A couple of samples of liquor for analysis were received by Prof. Heal , of Toledo.from Cherokee. They were marked "Happiness , " aim were found to contain OX P r tent alcohol. A double-headed adder was captured by F. Itopard , of Miiscatino , while plowing in his strawbiirr.v Hold , and was presented by him M thu academy of scloncu of that city. Both heads are perfectly formed , t Miss Allio CauB , aged sixteen , living ono mlli ! cast of Plymouth , tired of lifo because : mr father objcoted to her receiving the at tention of a certain young man , attempted suicide by the poison route. She failed on account of the t'uioly ' intcrforonco of friends and a physician. The Two DultotnN. Watortown has granted a gas company a franchise. Plans have boon drawn for a now Prosby- M-liw church at Hapld City. A number of Canton young ladles have formed a physical ctilturo society. W. L. Minor , of Hitchcock , Is In trouble iccauso ho sold whisky without a license. Lead City grocers uro trying to form a iombiimtion to close their stores at 'J o'clock n the evening. Another bank is to bo opunml at Hodlleld. The contract has been lot for a f M.OOO Methodist , church at Gettysburg. William Muultan , of Dcadwooil. has com- iloted his eight months' sentence in the lonitonliury for Illegal voting and has boon reloaded Coal hai boon discovered at Hapht City at a depth of " ( to feet. It Is of the same char acter as the coal found on the west side of thu Hills. On account of a conflict In dates with the Hapid City fair , the Dead wood fulr uBsoclu- ion has postponed Us exhibition to Septom- bur ala 29. H. F. Sago , a Castlowood harness doalar. mcked up the boat of his mortgaged mock mil hauled it away during thn nlL'lit , leaving ils creditors to hold the bag. A proposition looking to the removal of the packing house from Oolrlchs to Hapld Jily bus been niado to the cltlzeiig of that city by thu Anglo-American company. William Forger , of DoSmot , has invented an attachment for harvcsterx which taken the place of n reel. It U a cylinder with otary faiiH InsiUo which blow the grain against the alckiu. The Lead City Herald says that a sign on ippor main street shows curious disnigard of English orthography and in Its own lu ll vicinal ulyle ml rms the passer-by tlmt Kamll , Tempi-rams Dryuk and cun boobUtInd inside