THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1889. "Wheat Improves In Prloo With Very Llttlo Animation. r % A DULLISH TONE TO'CABLES. . Corn Oporu Firm \ a Sllzht < Vl ; vnnoo niul liberal OfT.jrlnRi Vrovlslorm Slow Ontllo Trail- CHICAGO I'UOOUOK MA.UUKT9. CHIOAOO. AuRUstSI. f Special Telegram to THE HRK.I Wheat .was firm at somewhat improved prices to-Uay , thoush. tratlo was far from animate , ] nml fluctuations \vcro narrow. In the local market the tthlppltig demand was less urgent , though tlm scarcity of vessel room may have had something to do with thli. Tlioro was seine tulk of furtlicrlntiulry for wheat hero nnd In Now York for shipment to the Arifontlno Ho- public , hut , although tlm news suotnud to he BtrntKht , no details coulil ho ohtnlnod. Now Yorlc reported llttlo now husine s. Cables , ns n ecncral tlittifr , wuro bullish In totiu. Tito weather In Englnntl Is decidedly tin- settled nntl the market Is feolins ; the effect of meteorologliial conditions. Weather news from the northwoit was In thu in.itn un favorable , hut It la uluarlng up and the near future looks bright through the west nnd northwest. The threatened frost scare did not provo serious. Very light frost nt low points in northern No- brasltn was reporto.l , hut a warm wavn be hind allayed the fo.irs or anything more of the name sort right away. Dry weather abend Is naturally nssoclated In the nuiuls of traders with the Idea of increasing receipts of both winter and sprint ? wheat , and rail road ndvlcos confirm tills theory to a certain extent. This tends to strengthen the grow ing bearish sentiment , though as yet the ab sence of actual pressure of largo recjipts , coupled with the fact that stocks are small und the export movement free , tends to maintain values on u steady basis. Decom- bur opened at i" c , over nlxht , u g.iin of a small fraction. The market advanced to 78c , sold olT to 78t ! , advanced iiRiiln to 78fc } , but reacted to S@7Stc ! ; and closed at 73 Vs. This Is about ? tfc hotter than yes terday. September opened nt 77's'c , ranged at 77 ( < ? 77Mc nnd closed nt 77 ! c. August , which closed at 77 c , started in' at 77JiC , advanced to 78c and left off nt 77 ! o. The cash market was ilrtn at the improvement , more probably on account of the moderate receipts than thu actual urgency of the shipping demand. It will tuKo somethinir moro than "anticipated" receipts to produce serious weakness In the near-by end of the market , judging from the present appearances. Speculation was on a rather restricted scale , though the volume of business was In excess of that of Alonday or yesterday. The lines seem to be forming and the period of uncertainty Is apparently drawing to a close. Much depends on the weather In the near future , both uthomo and abroad. Foreign advices with regard to the Husslnn crop uro still conflicting. There wore reports of low temperature in northern Nebraska , low enough to cuuso some apprehension of frost damage to-night , and this created a firmer feeling at thu open ing of the corn market. The resulting ad vance brought out liberal offerings , and tno slight advance in the cnrly transactions was all lost. The price of September corn settled to y5c and remained at about that figure the greater part of the day. The oponinir yas nt 84J nnd the selling nt 85c. ; ' ( Quietness was once moro the feature of Texas trading , with n narrow rungo of price changes. Export clearances were light and the receipts close to the previous day's estimate. Closing prices were : August 'M35a , September 85c and May U\c. \ Though ( juiet , oats averaged fully steady to firm , especially on near futures , while a moderate business was done in May nt the former rnugu of 2-JJ < @ 2lc. Receipts were only moderate and withdrawals from store were increased to 2Ui20 ( bushels and there was a fair inquiry for round lots for early shipment. Speculative trading was chiefly local , with this und next month around -Wfe No. 2 In store and tn go there sold at SO'st ? 2lc , the outsiilo being paid for round lots. No. 2 white was firmer at 2-lj o for Augus ! . Mid 21tX ° for September. In the provision pit rather a slow day was passed. Fair interest of a general character was shown , hut there was no life or freedom in trading. Armour , it was said , mail 3 Eomo purchases of short ribs , while a stronger undcrtono in the market naturally induced shorts to do a little covering. Oper ations of all kinds , however , vycre on a re strained order nnd without special feature to speak of. Holders were comparatively light sellers , and the trade , as a general thing , presented a moro encouraging nppuaruncc. The changes made in prices were also In fiver | of an advance as a rulo. In pork , the npprcciation established reached 12 > @irio for September and October and " } 4u for January. Short rios for near delivery closet nt an Improvement of ! > c and for January o iKc. ! Lard was regarded with less favor than either short ) ribs or pork , and for Sep tember , declined 2 0. October lard , how ever , was advanced yXci while January was unchanged. ClilGAtiO LilVK ril'OOli. . CmcAflo , August 21. fspeci'il Telegram to run HUB. | CATTLE. Trail o was in anything but a satisfactory condition to-day. Early It soomctl ns if good cuttlo would soil a Unto Itrongcr , but later both eastern nnd export Orders w.-re restricted , nnd n slow , dull weak market resulted , oven usst cattle sell ing DQlOc. lower , while common to medium grades und grassy qualities were not only lOc lower , but without an outlet , nnd Severn thousand had to bo carried over , ui usual ol late. As for "stale" cattle , sellers found It next to Impossible to get anybody to bid 01 them. Uauge cuttle , including Tuxuns and northwestern stock , commanded steady prices , though slow to move , Thu stockur and feeder trudo was domoralizcd. Choice to 'extra beeves , ? 4ii.SV ! ) ( ( medium to goot Htcers , ISM to 1MX ) IDs , $1 SOI.B'I ; lliilU u 1B50 Ibs , ) .4 ( > C44.0 < ) ; U' l to UOU His , 11. W ) ; stackers und feeders , cows , hulls and mixed , Texas steers , W.3. > @ . ' ) .15i cows , ( fl.7fi ( ' l S. 0 : natives und half-breeds , ? : U0 ! ( < M. < ' 0 ; cows , i2.S5ri73.4U ; wintered Tcxuns IlotiB The market opened strong on 1:001 hogs mid nhado higher on shipping sorts , but quickly cased off , closing lOu lower on packing grades and 5IOo lower on shipping lots. l lght hogs started In at barely yesterday's jirtces and finished weak. Sales of shipping heavy norts were largely at $1.15 4 20. Ko- lectcd medium weights wuru nt $4.25 princi pally. 1 'acklng ami shipping droves , ' 4 UU@ 4.05 ; big heavy , fat , pretty good drovui at fU'Ound ' coai-so lots at W.SO&t'J.S.'ii green skippy llchtv t3.75t < CH.S5j j.0oil gnissv light , HIO4.Wj ( corn light , sorted , ft.-tD M R'l. ' with Jnncy "singe. " soloctlou , at NEW VOHK , August 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB Uisu.J STOCKS Opinion is quito general that the temporary stringency in money may delay buV can not prevent a higher range of prices for 'standard railroad shares. Ulio attitude of the Burlington & Northern in Its light with thu "Soo" and other foreign competitors is being better un derstood among operators , and In the event of that lighting line bringing the Canadian lines to tlmo on ruto * tlm whole thing will bo regarded as a bull card. Tlio strength In liurlingtou yesterday was after hours at tributed to buying for western account. In- Bidora claim tliat lUiulJutlcn In industrial etocks Is at an end for the present at least , nnd that the shorts will be an clement of strength. The boar forces contend that com mission houses aru not provided with money at present needs , and claim that the utl- vnnco tnunt bo checked by the closoncsaof uvnllnbto funds. In the regular list Western Union , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chlcigo ft. St. Louis , SU Paul , Union Pacific , Northern Pa- clllc preferred , nnd In the unlisted depart ment Cotton Oil monopolized the dealings. The tone of the market was firm to strong. Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & SU Louis nntl Western Union were marked exceptions , thu former loslnii \ \ per cent to 70. ntid the latter < to 83 tf. Cotton Oil was the great feature of the market , and It developed marked strength , rising to 505 on very largo buMtiesH. Among the grangers LIurllngton and Northwestern were the strongest , each moving ui | % per cent. Later tn the day the features of the stock market were the strength In Northern P.xclflc , caused by the adoption of the blanket mortgage scheme , the advmico In Delaware it Hudson , the uni form strength of grangers In the face of tlia rate troubles In the west , and activity und strength In trusts , The total sales were 120,074 , shares. The folio wins were the closing quotations : U. 8.4s regular. 123 Northern 1'ncllle. . 0 < < U. 8. Is coupom . . .liS 'do ' preferred "Sli U. 8.4',4s ro < O. x N. W 110i ! II. H.44s ! coupons. . ltrtl.i do preferred 141 I'acltlGUsbt 'ill US N.V.l'outral IW1 > { Central t'ncllle ! IH { P. U..VK ! Chlc.iKO.Alton. . . , . ilX ) Hock Inland U' ) Chlcato.llurllmtoii ; U. , M. .V 8U * 7J ! iVOiiitic.v 101 I ilnproterreil..MUS ! J.L.\W UK St.raul&Omnlin. . B4U Illinois Oikrnl | | 0j ? doproferred iw I. , II. AtV. . . . . . utfttTnion 1'aelila < W Ivnims & Toxai . . . lliiW..St. L. & ! 17 .nknSJioro Ml'i1 doproforred. . . . . . H2U Ulchlgan Control . Ml i Western Union. . , . M MiKHOiirll'aclllc . . . 71fl MONKT Easy nt 4 ( < i ( per cent. Pimti : Mr.ituiVTitu i'.U'uu 4 05 ? ' per cent. KTRIIMXD Exoit won Dull but steady ; sixty-day bills , tl.S < < { : donuad , J NR\V Voitit , August2l. f3i)3cial Tologratn to Till ! IJi'.i : , ] The following are t'ao mln- ng r.tock iiuotationsi ASJIBII WO Mexican ai5 Caledonia II. II . .JWU- .Mutual Ill ) Colorado Central..1 ! ) Ontario MX ) 'on. Cnl. iV \ a 7" > 0 Ophlr 410 Jommouwcnlth .JiVl Oi-cUental mi Di-adwood T 125 I'lymouth : wo llnreka CJon llll s.ivagu ' "OO nould J : Cur.y . . .HO Siorru Nevada HiO Hale A ; Nnrcross. . . : ) ) ) Union ConsolUhv'd.'llil UoiiiuaaKa 101 Wurd Consollda'd..ia.1 Horn S Ivor 11.1 Yoslow JacUot. . . . ' "Jo Iron Sliver ai ) I'UODUOIO MYllKSVi. CIUCAOO , August 21. 1:1. : ' , p. m. cl030 Wheat titoudy ; caih , 77iJ c ; Septombor. 77'4'c ; Ueeembor , 7S'jc. Corn Lower ; oisii , ! it 15-16o ; Septem ber. IlSo ; October , : tl l-li\ ( ! Oats Steady ; cash and Septombar , 20 } c ; December. 'Mc. Hyo Steatly. Hurley September , Ola Prime Timothy $1,4'J. Flax Seed Cash , and September , fl.33. Whisky (1.0 ! ! . Pork Lower ; cash and SaDteinb3r. flfi. ) . Lard Steady ; cash and September , | 0.1'J@ 0.15. 0.15.Flour Flour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.00@ U)0sprlni ; _ ; wheat , $ l.)0o.50 ! ) ( ; Kye52.00 Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , S4.02KO 1-75 ; short clear , 55.2j@3.a > tf ; short ribs , S" > .00@ G.OJ. G.OJ.Uuttor Uuttor Finn ; creamery , ll@lSo ; dairy , 0@15c. Cliuese Quiet and easy : full cream ched- dara , 7 } @ 7c ; Hats , 7 > jiSu ( ! ; Young Amer icas , SfrtjaJ.i'c. Eggs Steady ; fresh , 14@15c. Hides Unchanged. Tallow Unchanged : No. I solid packed , 4@4) c ; cake , 4J e. Kocoiuts. Shipments. Flour 2S.OJO 'J.OOO Wheat 171,000 88,000 Corn O'AOOJ ST.O.OOC Oats 315,000 203.0JO .Now York. August 31. Wheat Receipts , 101,030 ; exports , 5(5,000 ( : spot dull , and un settled ; now No. SJ red , 85c In eleva- tor,85@-Gtfealloat : , sij < c f. o. u. ; No. 3 red , Site ; ungraded red , SO ( < ? SOKo ; options dull , nnd 5 ® tfc hisrhcr , closltiK weal : ; August , Com Receipts , 114,000 bushels : exporw , 5,000 bushels ; spot quiet and firmer : No. 'J , 44@4lj c in elevator and store , 4t@ll3u'c afloat ; ungraded mixed , 43 > @ 44l , c ; options moderately active und stronger. Oats Receipts , 'JS.OUO ' ; exports , 25.0JO ; spot , dull and heavy ; options , dull and weaker ; August,27c ; September , 2'c ( ; spot. No. 2 , white , 23'Jc : ! : mixed western , 25 © 2'Jc. Coffee Options closed steady at 15 to 25 points ; sales , 49,25' ) hags ; August , ? 14.-5i ! $ 11,00 ; September , $14.80fi15.0.V spot Rio , firmer ; fair cargoes , ? 1S.50. Petroleum Steady and quiet ; United closed nt HSJ c for September. Eggs Steady ; western , 17(7)lSc. ) Pork Moro active but steady ; Inspected mess , Sll.50@ll.75 Lard-Qulut and llrmor ; western steam. ? ( i.52 > 4 bill ; September , ? ' 5.5'J. Hutter Higher ; western , 9(3)lSc. ) Cheese Firm ; western , ii ( < 7e. Ci v. August 21. Wheat- bid ; August , Gti > ( : bid ; yeptonibcr , 07c. Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash und August , ! 25 } ' obld ; September i ! ; year , 2.J' ' c ; No. 2 w'hito , cash , 2ti ) o askou. Oats No. 2 , cash and August , ISc bid ; September , 18c bid. Sr. hoins , August 21. Wheat Higher ; cash , 74c ; September , 74c. Com Dull ; cish , U2X"i September , S3. Oats I'Mrm ; casli , lS'V ; Scptembur , IS. Pork Dull at ? 10.25. L-ird Dull ntSo.'JO. WhUlty Steady ut Sl.02. Uuttor Unchanged ; creamery , dairy , l-ti$15c. ( Aliiii > i > ii | > i > liu , August21. Sample wheat hlghuf ; receipts S'J can ; sliipmenU 74 cars. Closing : No. I hard , on truck , 7lSo ) ) ; No , 1 northern , August , 7oj ; December , TJJfo ; on track , 7f > XiM7o'o ; No 'A uorthurn , oa irack , Aucust 21. Wheat Quiet ; cash , T.Vfo ; Suptotuuur , TAliiu. Corn Kasior ; No , S , a.'i'.ic. OatH Dull ; No , 2 white , : ! ! < g24J.fc. ! Ryu Htoady ; No.ttu. } . Hurley Quiet ; September , No. 2 , 59o. Provisions Firm ; pork , $ 'J.U ' ( } . Ciiiciunnti , Auguit 21. Wheat Weaker ; No. a rod , 7ii : , ( ( "lc. Corn Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , ! )7c. ) ! . Oats Irregular ; No.2 mixed , 2 ( ) ( ! 'Jle. Whisky .Steuiiy and firm at f 1.02. liivTii | > ol , August 21. Wheat Firm : dciiKiud poor ; holders otter sparingly ; rod western winter. 7s K'l ( ! rs l d per cuutal. Corn Quiet and duuiund p : > r. L/IVIO / Clilcimo , August 21 The Drovcra1 Journal reports as follows : Cuttlo Receipts , K > , OJJ ; maruot steady for best , others dull ; beeves , J150@l,85 ; steers , i3.WQl ( 5'J ' ; stockcrs andfooJors , $1 S' ) ( ifU.lO ; cows , bulU and mixed , fl.OJr a.OU ; Texas cattle , $1.75iJ'J.75 , natives uiid Imlf- brocds. t3.8JjJj.OO. ( HorfH Ueceipts. ID.O'JO ; market opened Btrong but closed lower ; mixed , Uuil.4U ; heavy , S1.70 ( < ( 1,25 ; light , fl.25@l.05 ; skips , W.MCci'l.lO. Sheep Receipts , 0,000 ; market active but weak ; natives , I.50 ; < 1.70 ; woUerns , f I.4U ( Vf4. ' 10 ; TOXUIIB , fJ.OJitl,15 ( ; lambs lower ut t4'.ojGf5.rr > . Oltv , Augmt 21. Cattle Receipts - ceipts , 7 , SIX ) ; shipmuuts , 2UOO ; pnmo natives steady ; common to choice corn-fed steers. @l,25 ; stackers and feeders , ? 1.GO@ ; | 00 ; , il,50 J.t > 5 ; grass rungo slcors , f 1.00 ® 2.75 , Hogs Receipts , 4,60) ; shipments , ( K)0 ) ; market steady ; mixed and light u Hhado higher ; light. * 1.25I.J5 ! ; heavy and mixed , Niitiiinnl rf'-jolc' , 10 nt St. | J IIH | , August21Cattlo Receipts , 3.0JO ; shlptuouts , 4,500 ; marhntstrong ; fholco heavy native Btuurs , f I.40@1.U ( ; fair to seed , W.'JU ( < $1.40 ; stockcra mid feeders , Ji.15Qy.-0 ; range steers , $2.fX > @ . ' ) ,40. Hogs Receipts , 2OUJ ; shipments , 703 ; market higher ; heavy , H.lOQl.aSj packing , i in/-mnii. jight grades , fl.U5QJ.00. Klouic Oity , AucuU'Jl. Cattle itaaoiptj , & 05 ; shipments. 510 ; market 5cjluo ( lower ; fat steers , 52.lKiia. ) 5 ; feeders , $2.25Q 2.05 ; etockors , ? „ > . 15iirJ.'ci3 ( ; cannera und bulls , 7ocW tl.25 ; Veal calves , | > 2.H ( ) 3.55. Hogs Receipts , 045 ; market 2 @ 7 > o lower ; light and mixed , KUO&J.SO ; heavy. Oat tlf. Wednesday , August 21. To-day's ' trnao In cattle was rather peculiar , it was slow and devoid of life , nnd yet a good many cattle ctmniml hands , nnd in good season too. As high as 11.30 was paid for the host cattle , which was perhaps no lower than ycswrday's market , though there were no cattle Just like them here yesterday. It is safe to say , however , that cattln no better brought (4.40 lust week. The market could bo quoted lOis lower on other grades of boot cattle without any danger of gottlng it too low. In one instance cattle of the same lot for which 1.40 was offered yesterday sold to-day at fa".25 , but unllnlshed cattle , such as they were , are feeling the heaviest decline. The native beeves sold largely at $ J.2(3'MC ( > , while sotno corn-fed Tcxnns went ut $1.2. ) nnd a few rangers nt $ .J.l > 0. Butchers' stock was in pretty fair supply , nnd it , too , sold lower. A bunch of choice fancy heifers , averaging SUU Ibs , , sold ut ft. 25 , but the cow stuff went largely at ? 1.S5V(2.15. ( ( Stackers nnd feeders sold nt about the sntno old prtcss , nnd there wan considerable trading. Native feeders brought $ J.'J5@2.SO , nnd west < misA15@2.85. lion * . There wan a big change In the situation In the hog market to-day. Light hogs sold about steady , but there were not so many lights hero , not so much sorUng , and consequently quently not so many $4.00 sales ns yesterday. Sotno light mixed hogs brought $3.1)5. ) The market in heavy hogs opened active , wll It Hoston paying mostly S.S.V$3.Ud ) for hogs suitable for that trade. It would bo snfo to call the market ou this sort lO t'lfo ' higher than yesterday's close , utul fully us' strong , If not n little stronger , than yester day morning. Some good loads that brought $ : ) .UO were the same loads that the packers would offer only $3.70 for at the close yesterday. Anything tliat thu shippers would not Touch did not experience so much advance , but , it sold higher. An early clear ance was effected , and all the hogs , including the eit.'lit loads of holdovers , were sold before the olosc. Hoouipts. Cattle 1,000 Hogs a.HOO Horses 20 Prevailing I'rlosi. The hlb.vltuli atibb of prim i pill In this miricot fjr tu : giMljJ of ! mon- tlouca : Prime steers , 1333 to 10M lbs..f l.lo ( $4.40 Good steers. 1250 to 1450 Ibs. . . : i.75 WJJ.3) Good steers , 1050 to 1IJJ ! Ibs. . . 3.JJ : fiil.OO Common cunncrs 1.25 ( gl.75 Ordinary to fair cows 1.09 ( $1.90 Fair to good coW3 1.9J r > 2.23 Good to choice cows 2.25 @ 15J CholcQ to fancy coW3heifers. . 2.5'J ' ( d > 3.00 Fuirto good bulls 1.50 ( 2.00 Good to cltoico bulls 2.00 < 32.50 ! Ligntstockors and foi.lors , . . . 2,35 ( ig2.75 Good feeders , 950 to llOOibj. . 2.75 fuXt.OO Fair to choice llirht hogs 3.95 ( $4.05 Fair to choice heavy hogs 3.85 ( itS.OO Common to fair heavy hogs. . . 3.70 ( $ : i.32J { Fair to choice mixed heirs 3.85 ( ( 3.95 8TEUH3. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 41. . , , .1083 3 00 21. . .1112 8 35 1. . , . 8110 3 00 25. , .10H3 3 40 3. . . , . 9.10 3 10 19. . .1207 3 05 , . 8'iO 3 15 27. . . 123S 3 95 , .1014 3 25 41. , .1270 4 12 > - , .1120 3 25 37. , .1445 4 25 , .1230 8 5 34. . .1401 4 80 cows. 20 783 1 00 21 027 2 00 8 912 1 05 52 801 2 00 10 1123 1 70 15 1101 2 00 1 940 1 75 3 707 2 00 1 lObO 1 75 . . 005 2 05 2 75 1 75 10. . . 014 3 10 2 1155 1 75 21 . . UU1 2 15 29 850 1 85 4 . .1103 2 40 15. . ' 1073 1 85 8. . .1045 2 45 1 1110 1 b5 2. . . 895 2 50 20 10,53 1 90 2. . .1285 2 50 15 S40 1 00 1. . .1100 2 05 2 1010 1 90 3. . . 910 ' 2 75 5 933 1 90 .1275 200 20. . 008 2 05 IS. .1101 3li . S'Ji 3 70 IS. .1097 2 50 32. . 'JS ' < i 2 75 23. . 877 2 55 13. .1101 2 75 12. . 733 2 00 21. .1140 2 80 8. . 840 2 05 17. 1144 2 85 4. .105 ! 2 05 HULLS. 1. .1420 150 I. . . .1720 2 50 1. .1330 1 00 1. . . .HOT 2 50 1. .1570 1 75 3. . . .1433 2 75 1. . 1490 2 00 00OANNEIIS. OANNEIIS. . 370 1 00 25. . . .1003 1 50 20. . . 811 I 35 1. . . . 770 1 50 10. . . 074 1 50 41. . . .809 1 50 BTOOKEH3. 9. . nee 2 05 21. . . . 777 2 45 o ' 515 225 10. . . . 837 2 55 on' ! 042 2 40CAWCS. CAWCS. 9. . . H09 2 05 4. . . 103 3 25 1. . .310 2 00 11003. No. Av. ShK. Pr. No. Av. Shk , Pr. 0. . f. ! 50 02. . .253 80 $3 90 15 . ! ! : fo9 2b6 3 70 70. . 277 . . 'I 90 9. . , .1151 . . a 70 SO. . .2-2.1 200 3 90 19. . , . : i8 : ! so 3 75 70. . .251 80 3 90 45. . , .421 40 3 75 00. .273 200 3 90 " , . ! Wl 120 3 75 05. . .2 < 5t 130 3 PO 515. . .271 2JO 3 80 07. . .254 80 3 93 51. . " 3 80 50. . .209 100 3 90 57. . 2 5 40 3 SO 51. . .270 . . 3 90 55. . ! ! 5o7 too 3 80 OS. . .270 40 3 90 M. . . .204 120 3 SO 00. . .320 . . 3 90 09. . . .260 120 3 80 04. . .220 240 3 90 04. . . .207 240 3 80 53. . .2l'J ' . . 3 00 51. . , .2HO 100 3 80 20. . .251 . . 8 SO 80. . . .2117 80 3 30. . .250 . . ii 90 8. . ' 3 82 03. . , .201 120 3 90 70. . ! 28'J ' 320 53. . .253 20J 3 90 15. . . .321 . . O'J. . .277 120 3 90 47. . . .311 120 S. . ,240 . . 3 9) 07. . . .273 40 3 85 4 ! ) . . .219 . . 3 92 OS. . . .301 200 3 85 55. . , . : ; ; ! 120 3 95 5-3. . . .275 . . 3 85 63. . , .258 80 3 95 55. . 3 85 09. . , .330 120 3 95 09. . ! ! 352 80 3 85 05. . , .220 40 a 95 5) . . , .2 > 3 SO 3 85 34 . , .271 . . 3 95 59. . . .207 120 3 85 71. . , .203 40 3 95 05. , . .223 80 3 85 50. . .221 40 3 95 02. . . .33 200 3 85 59. . .233 120 397 07. . . .203 120 3 85 00. . .187 4'J 4 00 . .3J'J ' 2SO ! 1 85 40. . , .244 120 4 00 oo ! ! . .3J2 120 387 42. . , .235 . . 4 00 50. , ' 3 87 } CO. . , .214 120 08 . ! ! 22U ll'iO 3 87 90. . , .202 . . 05 69. . . .303 40 3 87X lAve Sloolc Nutca. . T. S. Thorpe , of Stunton , had cattle on the miirkut. 1) . E. Prlcbanl , a largo feeder of HonJor- son , la. , cnino In with bo ; ; * , Cross 13ro3. had a car of bogs here from AVOLM , Iti. II. C , Lollor had cattle here from Spring. Hold. Itoums & Uiloy scut In a car of hoffs from Dalianco , It. Davidson & Mastlclc had a car of cattle here from Ainsworth. J. M. McCowun came In with cattln from Concordla , Kun , H. M. Allan , ( rcneral manager of the Stand ard Cattle company , was a visitor al the yards. Parsons bought to-day fifteen double decks , 1,300 hoi-a , for Sijulrua & Co. , the Uoitoti uacliora. C. P , fisher , of Fisher Bros. , broucht in HX ! cars of corn-fed Toxaun from tbolr fpud lots ut Sheltoii. S. E. Wilson was on the market with n car of hoRs of his own feeding from Western. O. W. Wlrt came In from York with three curs of cattle. Tom Powers brought In two cars of cuttlo from Sutton , OMAHA. WllOLKBALib ; MA. UK UTS 1'rotlitoe , KriiltH , Ktc , Eoas Strictly/rcsh , I'iXQliao. HUTTEU Creamery : Puii.vIG@lOo ! ; choice , 14f < 15B. Dalrys Fuucy , lUr ltu ; clioico , ll ® 12c. Country : Fancy , l'J@J4cj goou to choice , lOftjllc ; fair , U@lOu ; Inferior , Og7c. LIVE PIOEOSS Per uof 1.60. UAMB Thorn is but little doing in this line us yet. Prairie chlokciiH uro still out of sea son und cannot bo exposed for ale buforo September 1. Whatever Jew were received in good order sold at fulr prices , but n rivii- lur market U not quotable. Plovers uro suit , ing readily ut f 1.00 to tl.50 per dozen , and ducks If well irown are wanted. Bo ma Mallards received lately bold readily ut $3.0. per dozen , and wood ducks uud mixed , | 1.7 ! ( it 2.00. MEANS Choice hand picked navy. $1.753 3.00 ; choice haudvlcltcd medium , choice hand pickedcountr.v hh&t.OS ; clean country , fl.50Ql.UO ; Inforlqg untry , J1.0J ( < $ ' V ° BAi/-Cholco SOaitiiO-lb'ilhe. Hums , PKI.TS , TAI.I.OW , Erai-Oreon salted hides. 4KIJi'c ( ' ; dry salted "hides , Be ; dry Hint Jildc * , 7c ; calf hlfleSn 'stgdC ; damaged hides 2e loss ; sheep polls , Krcnii , uach , 2ocC < 3 $1,00 ; sheeppelts , dr.v , pel lit ; fll2c. Tallow , No. 1 , 4C4U'c ; No. 2 , iiXf y.'fc , Grease , white , -IKM-iJMi yellow , 2Uotic. , : . Wool , Fine , average , ' Is jlflc ; rnodlum , nvcrngo , 21@22c ; riimrtcr.Mood , average , 20 ( % 2lai conrso , nvoragc , irxvjl7c ; cotts nnd rough , iworage , I4j6l0c. ( j . . POTATOES 25 ® 300 psr bu. POULTIIV Old hens nmi'cmckons , SJ3.0DC5 3.00 ; spring chicken * , $1 3l@3.oO ; ducks and gcosc , per Ib , Oo ; turkeys9itlOc. ( PJIOVISIOXS Hints , largo , I0 } c : lintns , medium , HK/ci hams , boneless , 9c ; hamn , picnic or California , 7J4o ; sliouldors. Oo ; breakfast bacon , boneless , O c ; breakfast bacon , rib In , ' 9u ; short clear bacon , 7c ; long clear bacon , O o. DitiEO UKIF ; Hams , porlb , OKQIOc ; regu lar , per Ib , 7J c. Ditv SALT MEATS Short clear sides , OJ/c ; long clear sides , Oc ; mess pork , par bbl , $11.00. LAHU Tierces , 0 > o ; 50-lb cans , gross weight , OMo5 10-lb cans , 7o ; 5-lb cans , 7 c ; 3-lb cans , 7c. CiiRcsr. Vountr Americas , full cream , Iflo ; factory twins , 9ifo ; off grades , 0@ c ; Van [ { ussom Edom. * fl.5U per doz ; sap sago , K > o ; jrlck , Ill2o ; HtnburKcr , 6X ® a ; domcstie , Swiss , 14o ; chcoso safes , bronze modal , No , 8 , S2.S5. OitANdKS Los AtiRolcs , $1.50 ; Rodl , O. LKMOXSFancy , * 0,003.f)0 ; choice , * 4,50 , SOUTIIKII.V PnAoin:4 : , { f bu , 75c@81 for cholcu iinu H.'OIOc for poor and common , Ai'PMS * Per hbl , 50o@W. CAI.II-OIINIA PKACIIKS ' . ' 0 Ib boxes , (1.50& 1.75. 1.75.C.M.U'OIINIA C.M.U'OIINIA Gmi'is $ l,50@1.75. CAMFOIINIA PLUMS f I. PUAUS 40 Ib boxes , * l.75@2.2. ' > . WATKIIMSI-ON-S f I0.0i'o | 00 per 100. CANTEI.OUI'KS Per doz , f 1.2Vi)1.50. ) PINEAPPLES Per doz , $ y.25$3.00. ( UAXANAn According to size , per bunch , ? 2.00@3.00. COCOANIJTS Per 100 , $5. EAHIY VECIGTAIII.KS Potatoes , 20@30c per bu ; onions , Culifornnpcr ! Ib , Ijijc ; suulhcni , per bbl , * 1. 00 ; cabbage , per crate , f 1.25 ; tur nips , nor bu box , 50c ; beets , per box , 60c ; wax beuiU' ' , nor bu box , $1.00 ; string beans , per bu box , 76c ; reon peas , per bu box.fl.OO ; tomatoes , pcr bu box , 40l0e ( ! ; caulillowor , SI , 50 ; CKK plant , SI. 1)0 ) ; siiutixh , Boo per doz ; cucumbers , 15c ; lettuce , 15u ; radishes , 15o ; ( jrccn onions , 15@20o ; tiuxv carrots , 20o ; ) iio plant , per Ib , Ic. Al'l'I.E UUTTGIt UO. Cii > Eit-Bbls. $5,00 ; ht bbls , $3.00. MAPLE SDOAIC 12 ( ffil5c per Ib. YUAL Choice , medium size , 5 ( < c ; choice heavy , 4@5c ; sprluR Inmos , $30.0JJ30.00 ( ( per dozen. HOSEV 14@15c per Ib for choioo. I'ltr.siiitvts 9J ( i < ! 10c per Ib. JELLIES 3 > @io nor lu. Hr.KtuvAX No. 1 , 10@19c. HAY-S2.50@5.f > 0. CHOP Fiin : $10.00@12. TAU.OXV No. 1 , 4o : No. 2 , _ GituASB A , 4@4 > c ; yellow , 3n ; dark , 'WOOL Fine , uvcrago , 15@10c ; choice , 18 MUDIUM Avernge , 21@22o ; choice , 2i@ : 24c ; coarse , 15@l8c. SAUMAOC Hologna , 4@4) ) c ; Frankfurt , So ; tongue , Oc ; summer , 23o ; ' Head cheese , 7o. Piob FiRr Pickled , kits , 75c ; pickled pigs' tongues , kits , J-J.35 ; pickled tripe , kits , 05c ; pickled H. C. tripe , kits , 85c ; spiced pigs' hocks , kits-$1.15. . * TONGUES Salt , bbls , $20. Dry GOO ! H. , KATTSStandard , 8c ; Gem , lOc * , Beauty , c ; Uoono , 14c ; 13 , cased.1 $0.50. ULINKETS White , $ l.00@7.50 ; colored , S1.10@8.00. CA.MIIHICS Slater , 5c ; Voods , 5c ; Stand ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. CAKPET WAUP 13ibbvhlto , ISc ; colored , CoMPOHTEits f Cousr.T JEANS Uoston,7JfoAndrosrOKgin ; ! , 7 ; o ; Kearsuge , 7 e ; itockport , CJ c ; Conos- _ _ . x i jt u a i vjvjf y iii * \ , iu ijU | vjvy , NN , 12KoAA ; , 14o ; DD , 15 > o ; TT. YY , I8c ; B1J , 19o ; 20 bleached , 8 0 ; t0 ! , 2Kc ; 80ia \ \ \ \ 50 brown and slate , 9c ; 70 , 2j c ; 90 , lOc. CUASII Stevens' O , 5J c ; Stevens' A , 7o ; bleached , 80 ; Stevens' P , 7J o ; bleached 8c ; Stevens' N , SJ c ; bleached , 9' e ; Stevens' SHI' , llftc. DKNIMS Amoskoag , 9 oz , lOJ o ; Everett oz , ISc ; York , 7oz , 13e ; Haymaker , S Jaffrev , XX , ll o ; Jaflrey , XXX , 12 Beaver Creole , AA. 12c ; Heaver Urcek , UU , lie ; Beaver Creek. CC , lOe. DUCK West Point , 29 in , 8 oz , 9 c ; West Point , 29 in , 10 oz , 12 > c ; West Point , 29 in , 12 oz , ISJ c ; West Point , 40 in. 11 oz , IGXc. PLANNKLS Plaid Knftsmcn , 20o ; Clear Lake , liOKc ; Iron Mountain , 20Xc. PLAN.Nm.s-\Vhito G. H. No. 2 , G. H. No. 1 , % , 20 0 : G. H. No. 2 , G. H. No. 1 , % , 30c ; Quocbee , No. 3 , Quechoo , No. 2 , % , 37 > < o ; Auiiwuu , 32 Windsor , 22 > c. PIANNEI.S Red C , 24 inch , 15Wc ; E , 24 inch , 22Kc ; G G , 24 inch. 20o ; II A F , % , 25c ; J K F , K , 27c ; G , J2i5o. . GINGHAM Piunkett checks. 05Yc ; Whit- ENTUCKY JEANS HtTrcules , 18o ; Leam- ingtnn , 22Kc ; Glonwooa , 20c ; Melville , 25o ; Uang-up , 27 } c ; Memorial , 15o ; Standpoint , 18c ; Durliaui , 27 } c. MISCELLANEOUS Table oil cloth , $2.50 ; table oil cloth , miirble , ? 2.50 ; plain Holland 9 > c ; dado Holland , 12 > o. PniNTs Uross C'hartor Oak , 5J c ; Ramapo , 4c ; Lodl , u'j'c ; Alien , Go ; Richmond mend , ( Ic ; Windsor , 0'rfc ; ' Eddystono , 0c ; PacillcO c. I'UIXTB Pink and Robes Richmond , OJ o ; Allen , Co ; Rlverpolnt , 5Jio ; Steel IllverC > io ; Pacific , OJ c. PUINTS Indlco blue , St. LcRer , 7Jtfc ; Washington. 0o American OJ Arnold } - > o ; , c ; , O' ' o ; Arnold Ccntur.y , 9o ; Windsor Gold Tk't , lOXo ; Arnold U. lOWc ; Arnold A. 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10 > fc ; Yellow Seal , lO o ; Amanaa , 12c. PUINTS Solid Colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slater , Go ; Uorlln oil , O c ; Garner oil , C@7c. SliiKTiNn , CIIKCKS Caledonia X , 9 | c ; Caledonia XX , lO u ; Euonoiny , 9c ; Otis , 9c ; Granite , llc ; Crawford checks , 80 ; Haw River plaids , 5J/fc. SIIKKTI.VO , Hitow.v Atlantic , A , 4-4 , 7Jfo ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4. OJ o ; At lantic P. 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc : Aurora C. 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Crown XXX , 4-4. ( % ; Hoosler LL , 4-4 , 5 Q ; Indian Head , 4-4. 7c ; Law- run co LL , 4-4 , 5o ; Old Dominion , 4-4. 6 } c ; Pepporoll U 4-4 , OJ o ; Popporoll E , 40-Inch , 7o ; Pepperell. 8-4 , 17Kc ; Peppercll ; 9-4 , 20o ; Pujipurell , 10-4 , 22c : Utlca C , 4-4 , 4Jfc ; Wuchusutts , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora U , 4-4 , ( > Ho. SIIEKTINO , Hi. i : ACHED Ellorton , 7'.fo ' ; Hnuscliccpor , 8 ! < o : Now Candidate. 8V.fu ; Uerkeloy cambric , No , 00 : 'tfc ' ; You Hot. 4-4 , ( IJic ; butter cloth , OO , 4tfo ; Cabot , 7 c ; Fnrwoll , half bleached , 8 > Vo ; Fruit of Loom , 8 fc ; Greene G , Oc ; Hopo.'THu ; King Pliil- lip cambric , lc ( ) ; Lonsdulo uambrlo , OJi'u ; Lotisdiilo , 8 > < c ; New York.mills , lOe ; Pen- porcll , 42-ln. lOo ; PcpporeU,40-ln , , llo ; Pop- peroll , ( V4 , 14Ku ; Peppsrell , 8-4 , 2Jo ; Pop- purell , 9-4 , 2''e ; Popporell , 10-J , 24o ; Canton , 4-4 , S'i'o ; Canton , 4-1 , 9'Jb ; Triumph , Oo ; Wumsutta , llo ; Valley , ' ' TICKS Oakland , A , 7ic : ' Intornatlonal , 0 ; Shotuekot , S.8 ; < ft.WurronNo. ! 870 , Uorwick. HA , 18off'Apino ; , 13o ; York. 110-ln , 12 } o ; Yorlc , 82-ln. IH o ; Swift River , 8 c ; Thorndlko , OO , SVjuf . 'I'horndlku , EF , SKi-'i Thorndlko , 120 , 9 Di , fChorndlko , XX , 15o ; Cordis. No. 5 , 9)fo ; yqids ; | , No. 4,10'fo. ' PIIOVISIOXS Hams , No. 1 , 10-lD average , lljfo ; 20 to 23 Ibs , Ho ; 12 to 14 Ibs , 12 > ic ; No. 2 , lOo ; specials , 13 } o ; shouldera. 7o ; breakfast bacon. No. 1 , lOc ; specIuU , I'J c ; picnic , % v\ \ ham sausage , Oo ; dried bco ( hams , lOo ; beef tongues , { 0 per dozen ; dry salt moats , 0@il"/o " per Ib ; boneless ham. 9o Wit\i'i'ixo PAIMU Straw , per Ib , IJfrtg 2 } c ; rag. 2 } < os manlllu , H , 5@'fOo ' ; No , 1 , tic. SALT Dairy. 230 Ib in but , bulk , * J.10 : bit grade , IV ) , ru , f2.30 ; best grade , 100 , 3i , 93.40 ; best grudu , 23. I0i , $3.30 ; rouk suit , uriisliod , tl.80 ; dairy salt , Ashton , 50-11) bags , S5o ; bulk , 22Mb bags , 13.24 ; cjumion , In bbls , CA'NIIV 9K@l2' ' o per Ib , ( 'iiouoi , ITS AND Coco i 21 J10o par Ib , ; German chicory , red , 80. GINOEII Jamaica , ? f pints , ? 3.00 per itoz. FAIIISACEOUU GOODS Harley , 2K@U4'o : ; farina , 4 0 } poas.3e : outmoal,2 Cm.o ; mac aroni , llo ; vermicelli , lie ; rice , UXOJBXoj sago und tapioca , OWTu. Fiau Kail Dried codQah , CVf@3 , ' o ; scaled herring. 24o nor box ; hoi. herring , do tn , 50o : Hamburg spiced hurrinir , J 1.50 ; hoi. herring , 70c(4f 1.10 ; wuukcrul , lurgo faiu- lly , Il0.i % nor 100 lb ; whllollsh , No. , W.BOj fiimlly , t i'S ; trout , $5.55 ; salmon , t3.CO ; nn- chovles , 80c. NUTS Almonds , If > < < 5l7o ; Hrazils , 7c ; fil berts , lie ; pecans , lOo ; walnuts , 12c ; peanut cocks , 80 : roasted , lOc , DIIIKH FIIUITS Currants , 4$5c } ( ; prunes , casks , 1,300 Ibs , 4'.4(31.v ' ( prunes , bbls or lings" , 4 ! ( ( $4Jfc ; citron pools , drums , 20 Uis. 21o ; lemon peel , drums , SO tt > s , lOo ; hard dates , boxes , 12 tbs , lOo ; apricots , choice evaporated , 25-ll > boxes , 15o ; apricots , Jelly , cured. 25-iti boxes , I5o ; apricots , fancy , Mt. Hamilton , 20-lb boxes. 15u ; apricots , choice , bans , 80 Ids , 13c ; apples , cvniioratod , Alden , M-lli boxes , 7' < tf8i ( ; apples , Star , "o ; apples , fancy Alden. 6-tti. Co ; apples , fancy Aldcu , 2-lb , O c ; blackberries , evaporated , 50-tli boxes , 5 > (35fc ( ; chnrrlos , pitted , dry cured , 15u ; pears , .California fancy , V/s boxes , 25 Ids , 2do ; pcnchoii , Cal. fancy , } s unp , boxes , 25 Itis , I3c : poaches , Cnl. No. 1 laucyJtfsunp , 80 his , 13 ! < fu ; Dcache.t , lancy , ovnt ) , unp , fiO-ll ) boxes , 12$14c ; poaches , Salt Lake , now , 0 > f@7o ; nectarines , rod , l o ; nectarines , silver , bug * , 14o ; pitted plums , Cal , 25-lb boxes , lie ; raspberries , ovnp , N. Y , , now , Me ! prunes , Cal. . R O , 90.100 , boxes , 25 Ibs , 80 ; Prunes , Cal , R C , 00-70 , 9c ; orange puol , Ific ; raisins , California Londons , crop 1SSS , $3.40@3.00 ; raisins , Cali fornia loose , muscatels , crop 1839 , tl.OO ® 2.00. 2.00.CANNr.n CANNr.n FISH Urook trout , 3 Ib , $2.40 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; ulniii chowder , 3 Ib , § 2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $2.25 ; dovllud crubs , 2 Ib , $3.50 ; codllsh balls. 2 Ib , f 1.75 ; caviar , X Ib , 53.25 ; eels , 1 Ib , $3.40 ; lobsters , 1 lb.00 ; lobsters , I Ib , $1.90 : lobsters , deviled , X Ib , $3.25 ; mackerel , I lu , $1.00 ; mackerel , mus tard sauce , 3 Ib , $41.10 ; mackerel , tomato sauce , 8 Ib. $3.10 ; oysters , 1 Ib , 95c ; oysters , 2 Ib , $1.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 Ib , $2.00 ; salmon , C. R. , 2 lb.1.K ( ) ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1,85 , salmon , Alaska. 2 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , 1 Ib $2.05. LAHI > Tierces Refined , Oc ; choice , Otfc : pure loaf , OJ ts ; kettle rendered , 7c , Atttl jjo to Jjjo per 11) I'or smaller quantities , OILS Keroseno-P. W. , 9 > e ; W. W. , ! } e ; headlight , 13c ; salad oil , $2.15j9.00 ( ( per dozen. Medium , per bbl , ? 4.50 ; small , 2.50 ; gherkins , $15.50 : C. & H. chow chow , Is. $5.90 ; pts. $ : ) .40. UAOS American A , seamlons , 17c ; Union Square paper , discount35 per cent. CoFrxi : Green Fancy old golden Rio , 22c ; fancy old poaberry , 25c ; Rio , choice to fancy. 21 J c ; Rio , prime , 20K ! Rio. good , lite ; Moctm , 30o ; Java , fancy Mauiloliling , 30o ; Java , good interior , 25c. Comscs Roasted Arlmoklo's ' Ariosa , l c ; McLaughlln's XXXX , 23.fc ! ; German , 23oDilworth ; , ! ; Alaroma , 2 , " ' SAI.SOIIA 1JJM@-1 < ! 'C pur Ib , STVUCH 5@7u ner Ib. STOVE POMSII 2.00@5,87 per cross. SPICKS Whole , per Ib Allsp ce , 9c : Cas sia China , 9c : cloves , /Canzibar , 20c ; nut megs , No. 1 , 75e : peppof , lOe. SUOAHS Cut loaf , ! % o ; cut loaf , cubes , 9 > fc ; Standard powdered , 9 } o ; XXXX powdered , 9J < c ; granuUtcd , Standard. 8c ; confectioners' A. 8c ; white , extra C , Cli- mix : , 8ic ; extra C , Nebraska , SJ c ; Auiber , ) te\ \ California Golden C , 7 > ' c. Lmmbornnd ltuililln < r Aliiturlul. f. o. b. Omaha. STOCK HOAHIIS A 12 inch , s 1 s 14 and 10 feet , $ -10.00 ; U 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 ana 10 feet , $41.00 ; O 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 feet , 30.00 ; D 12 inch , s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 font , $23.00 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s 1 s 13 feel , $18.00 ; No. ICom. 12 in s Is 14 and 10 feet. $17.50 ( 18.50 ; No. 1 Com. 12 in s I s 10. 18 anil 20 feet , $10.50 ; No. 2 Com. 12 in s 1 s 14 anil 10 feet , $ l.0a. ( ! CKII.INO ANII PAUTITION 1st Com. % in. whin pine partition , $32.00 ; 2d Com.Kin. wliito pine partition , $27.00 ; clear % in. yellow pine coiling , $20.03 ; clear % In. Nor way , $14.50 ; 2d Com. ? in. Norway , $13.00. HOAUIIS No. 1 com sis 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $10.00 ; No. 2 corns 1 s 12 , 14 and lit ft , $1(5.50 ( ; No. 3 com s Is 12 , 14 ana 10 ft , $14.50 ; No. 4 com B I s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , ( ship'ff cull ) , $11.00. Add 50 cents per M ft , for rotiKh. HATTENH , WKLI , TUIIINO. PICKETTS O. G. Butts , 2K inch , ( We ; O. G. Baits , J xli. sis , 35c ; 3-in well tubinp , D. & M. and bov$22.00 ; pickets , D. & H. , ilat , $20.00 ; pickets , D.&H. , square , $19.00. DIMENSIONS AND TIMI1EH. 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 2-1 ft 2x4..15 00 1500 15 00'10 00 1000 1800 18 CO 2x0. . . . 15 00 1500 1500 1600 1000 1800 1800 2x8. . . .15 00 15 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 IS 00 IS 00 2x10..1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 IS CO 1800 2x12..15 0,1 1500 1500 1000 1000 1800 1800 4x4-8x810 00 10 00 10 00 17 00 17 00 18 00 19 00 FKXCISO No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 nnd 14 ft , rouih , ? U.00@10.50 ) ; No. 1,4 and 0 inch,10 ft , ? 17.0017.50 ; No. 2,4 and ti inch , 13 and KJff , $1H.50C < < 14.00 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 ft , $15.50 @ 10.UO. $43.00@40.00 ; 3d clear , 1 # and 2 inch , a 2 $13.00 ( < t.4o.OO ; B select , 1 > , IK and 2 inch , H 2 s , $37.00@i3.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s. $45,00 ; 3d clear. 1 inch , s 2 s , $30.00 ; A se lect , 1 inch , s 2 s , $33 ; 13 select , 1 iuch , s 2 B , $29.00. I1 I.OOIIINQ 1st com 0 inch white pine , $34.00 : 2d com 0 inch whitpine. . 11.00 ; 3d com ( i inch white pine , $ ; ' 0.00 ; D com 0 inch white pino. $20.00 ; com 4 and 0 inch yellow pine , $15.00 ; Star 4 inch yellow-pino S17.00 ; 1st and 2d clear yellow Dine , 4 nnd 0 inch , $19.00. Pori.Aii LuMiiKii Clear poplar box bds , % Ins , 2s , $34,00 ; clear poplar. % in panel , P30.00 ; clear poplar , % lu panel , $25.00 : clear poplar , % In panel stock wide , a 2 s , $23.00 ; clear poplar corrugated ceiling , % , $ ; ) O.UO. POSTS White cedar. 0 inch halves , lie ; white cedar , 5J- inch halves mid 8 inch q'rs ' , lie ; white cedur , 4 inch round , lOc ; Tcnes- see red cedar , split , lOc : split oak. ( white ) , 8c ; sawed oak , ISc. , LATH , per M. XX clear , 83.20 ; extra * A , $3.80 ; standard A , $2.00 ; 5 inch clear , ? 1.00@1.70 ; 0 inch clear , $1.75@1.80 ; No. 1 , $1,10@1.15 ; clear red cedar , mixed widths , from Washington tcrritorv , J3.40 ; California red wood , dimension widths , f 1,50 ; cypress , clear lieurt.dimcnsion wiuths , $3.25 ; lath , $2.50. Sun * LAI * No. 1 plain , 8 and IS inch , $17.50 ; No. 2 plain , 8 and 10inch , 515.50 ; No. 1 , O. G. , $18.00. Smixo 1st com. 12 and 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2:1 : com. 12 and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com. 12 and 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence , com. 12 nnd 10 feet , $18.00. LIME , KTC. Qnlncy white lime , ( best ) 85o ; English nnd Gorman Portland cement , $3.45 ; Milwaukee und Louisville , $1.80 ; Mich'gau ' plaster , $3. ' i ; Fort Dodge plaster , $3.10 ; Uluo Rapid plaster. $1.00 ; hair , 20c ; sash , GO per'centdis ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per cent dis ; tarred felt , per cwt , $2.00 ; straw board , $1.05. ami Uhoinionls. Acm Sulphuric , per carboy. 2Jo ; citric , per Ib , 50c ; oxalic , per Ib , 14c ; turturio , powdered , porlb , 41c ; carbolic , 45o. AI.UM Per Ib , 2tfc. ! AMMONIA Carb , per Ib , llj c. AUHOWIIOOT Per Ib , Bermuda , 'llc , BALSAM Copaiba , per Ib , GJc ; tolu , 53@ C5c. C5c.Boiux Boiux Refined , par Ib , lOo. CIIKAM TAitTAU--Puro. per Ib. 32o. E.YTiucT Lo'owoou Bulk , per Ib , 12c. E it OUT 15o. GI.VOKIIINE 33e. GUM Aiuniu 59rffi95o. Lvco PODIUM 4 3c. GI'M Asaafaitida , per Ib , 14o ; camphor , pej Ib , 40o : opium , per ib , (3.35. IODINE Retmbllmated , per oz , $2.C5. LEAVES Biichu , short , per Ib , 13c ; senna , Alex , per Ib , 25@3Sc. Moui'iiiA Sulph , per oz , $2.80. Muncuitr liUc. POTASH Broimdo , per Ib , 40c ; Iodine , per lb$2.85. Qt'i.m Sulph , perlh , 2SJlc. SCEIIS Canary , per Ib , 4 c. SOAPS Castllo , mottled , per Ib , S@10c ; castilc , white , pcrlb , ll(315c. ! ( SPIIIITS NJTIIE Sweet , per Ib , 42c. STIIVCIIXU Crystal * . Jl.OO 1.15. RuLPii CINCIIOXA Per oz. , 5@13a TAPIOCA Per Ib , fie. TONUA BKAX3-$1.75. OILS Boruamont. $3.45 ; wintercreen , $2.15 ; Malaga , 93o ; Unseed , raw , 03c ; boiled. OOo. OOo.WHITE WHITE LEAn-fl,50. CALOMEL Am. , per Ib , 93e. CASTOH OIL $1,2-3. Cuuun BKitmi'.s $1.50. CANTHAUIIIES 750 11.05. CASSIA Buns Per Ib , ISo. CiiLOitopoitM Per ib , 40c. COIIIIOSIVE SuiiLiMATii Per Ib , 75o. CIIEAM TAUTAII 28c. 'J'wlrum ntul Itopn. BINDBIIS' TWINE Sisal , * ICe ; hemp , 15o ; Manilla. 18o. CLonisi.iNEs Cotton , 50-ft , $1,8) ; cotton , 00-ft , $1.40 ; Jute , 50.ft , 9Uo ; Jute , 1.0-ft , JI.OO. COTTON TWINK Fine , 20o ; ir.txliuiu , ICe ; heavy hemp , He ; liKlit hump , IDc. SAIL TWINB-B. null , 20o ; Calcutta , IBo ; inanlllu rope , I5c ; slsul ropo. W j now pro- BI , Oo ; Julo. Sc : cotton , lSi hlJo ropj , Uo. WftSTEKN PAOKINO INTKUHSTS. The Incrjnso Pur the Wpi > k I flvo ThoiiHintl 11 o < < . CINCINNATI , O. , August81 , [ Special Tcjle- gniut to THE Ben , ] The Prlcn Cur rent tn-morrow will sny : The wcolt's pack ing in the west hai been 115,000 IIORS , ngalnst 185X)0 ( ) the prcceditiR week , 90,000 last year nnd 110,000 two years mo. The sonson's otal from March I is 4,910,000 , against 3,930- HX ) n year npo. The increase for the week is 25,000 , and for the cntlro snason 9i * > 0OJ ( ) , compared with lust year. Several western louses have censed opc-ratlons , lliullnp no In- lucomont. at current values. lMju : < \ Jhlcftiro iannas City Imaha , . St. Louts Indlnnnpolls IlndntiaU. . Mllvrmikoo. > diir ItnpUU : iovi'liind. siour City Htntnwa Vobrnsltn City . South SM'nul Lincoln All others SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank. > 5 isoiiili llilli Slruul , - Oiuiilia Till ? CHICAGO SHORT LIKE OP'IKR Chicago , Milwaukee _ & St , Paul R'y ' , Itcst Itoutc from Omulni mid Council liliilfs to SAST B- TWO TUA1NS 1 > .UIY BETWEEN OMAHA AN1 > COL'.NCll. JIl.LW.S Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cellar Knpltls , Ruck Island } I'rc ' [ wrl , HockConl , Clinton , ] ) iihiuiio [ , Davenport , Elgin , Hiullson , JauosTlilo , llcliilt , WiiKiini , L'i Cnissc , AuJ all other Important tlola ! Unst , Northouit am ! For thrmiKh tlcketi call on the Hole' a'rnt nt IIV1I Fnrniiin rcct. In Larkur lilted , or ut llnlurn 1'iiclOc IMIliaan Bluepcra unil Iliu llnett Dlnlnu Cnri In ttio world Ufa runoti thu m 'n llnu ot tliu t lilciin , .Mil. wn'ikcp.vSt ' rani HHIwuy , uiiil UVITJ uttuntlun 19 | , r.lil to imssoiiKcrs uy courtuuui employe ! of tlia It. Mll.l.KH. Qunoral .Muniiper. J , K. TUCKl'Jtt , As Utitil fietu'ral Mnnn cr. . V. . t'Altl'KNruil , ' A. It. ( iunural I'usicnser nml Ticket Aernt , ( iKO. K. UBAFFORH. Asslstnat ( Jcncral 1'asscngcr tirl Ticket Aftunt. T. J. CLA11K. U norul SnpirluKniiuuI. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 FAKNAM STREET. JflUKENDALL , JONES A CO. , KuQicasorsto Heed , Jones & Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Bets : & Stioes Atcats for lUulon Itubbcr Shoo Co. , 1102. 1101 and 11UI lluriioy Street , oiuntin , N'etiraskn. Browors. sronz & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , Kill Norlli BlKlitoonth ttreat , Omaha , Neb. Cornico. EAGLE COUXICE WOJtKS , Maniif-clnrers ofGalyanizeil Iron Cornice Wlndow-ciipHnnd moliillcskjrlliilits. .Inlin ICpuncttr , Iiropnctur. llSiuiil HuSoiilli lOtU ttrcut. Paper Boxos. JOHN L. WJLK1E , Proprielor Omaha Paner Box Factory. Kos. 1.11" uucl 13I'J Douglns itreet , Oranbn , Neb. Sash , Doors , Eto. 3f. A. DISBUOW A CO. , Wholcinlo Tnanufncturcrn of Sasn , Boors , Blinds and Mouldings , Broncli o.'llco , 12IL timd Unnl elreots , Omabn , Ne'j. IIOI1N MANIJFACTUntNO CO. , Manufacturers of Sain , Dors ; , Blinds , Mouldlnim , ainlr-work n I Interior Imnl wooit rJtilaU , 1U5-II North lutli ttrtn't , Onmlia , Noli. Steam FHtlnga , PiirnpQi Eto. ' ' CL'AH'K STEAM IIKATIKO co. , Pumps , Pipes and Engines , EUam , wntnr , rnllwnr anil mining tupiillti , etc. ' /'I ttruet , Ouiulm. M ) , Vfi und'I rarnuui U. S. wiND'EKUINK A WMl * CO. , Sta and Water Supplies , IlalUJay til ml mills , t)13 ) an < l 1RI ) Jonca it , , Ointlm. Li. K Hun , Aotluii .Miinatiur. JUtOWNllLL A CO. , Engines , Boilers and General Macbincry , blieut-lroo tforl , ileniu pumpj , tnw inllli. 12IJ.1215 J.vavcnwrtli ttrvvt , Oiuulm. Iron Wojjta , , PAXTON A V1ERLINQ IRON WORKS , Wrouglit anl Cast Iron Bonding Wort , slnci , l > in work , Knner l tounilry , mncblnuuuj lilackiuiltli work , Otllconnil work ! , U , I' , U } , nuil Kill itruut , Uiualiiu OMAHA winn A utotr wonits , Manufacturers of Wire andiron Rallies Je k iklli , rrlnilow euanti , flower rtaml" , irlm ilua > , olc. 1'ilNorlli lull ttteot , UiiiHlm. OMAHA SAFE A IHOX WO11KS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar I roof Safes , Vaults , ) U wurlc , Iron iliutturs anil tire cBcapei U , Anareou , prup'r , Corner lull and Jauiion IK , OMAHA UNiof STOCK Of South Omaha , Limited , CH.CV r. > m < * s ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS. Iti-il C'rcinH llluiniinil Jlniuil , imetlr till li llll Grille , fario r.d urc , l.udlcfc. ! . Drujjcltt fur 111 * IIU. I niund rrU u > i UUU ! > ii , < Villi'lTluciibMii , Tlik'fuuullirr. Kti > J4r. ( tttuir > > fur iititlcuUri nJ "Itciurrur I Ludlr1 In tilltr , l mull. Jui < I'j r , UUcktttcr CLtuilc l CV , MuilUuu bu. , 1'blUdn , fa. Asrloulturt.1 Implomonta. CHliRCHlTiTPARKER , Dsalorin Agricnllnral Implements , Wagons Carrltgo nnd Imedrn. Jnnr Mrcct. betweenttti n4 tutu. Oin li , Nclirnska. LIN INU Ell A ME'WA7F CO7 Airlcnll'l ' Iwpicicnis , Wagons , Carriages lo.liulc alo. PAltLlN , OltENDOHF A MARTIN C'O. , Wholesale Dcnlrn In AgriMll'l ' Implements , Wagons & finals ll.iai. MunnJ W7 Jonct troot. Oinnlin. CO. , b' en In f airoas , Buggies Rakei , Plows , Etc , Cor. Mh and ractdo strc U , Omaha. Artists' Mntorlols * A. HObPK , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1511 t.ouk'Uis ilicot , Omnha , Ncbraskn. Booto rmd Shoos. II' . V. MOUSE A CO. , Jobte of Boots and Slices , 1101 , 110.1 , llitt llouutnn ( trout , Oninlm. Mnnnfnctorf , fcuiutiitr Blreol , lioMiiii. Conl , eke nntl LI mo. OMA ll'sCcOA L , COIti : A LIMK CO. , Jotters of Hard gni Sift Coal , aWBoutli Mill Hr.ul.Uliinhii , Nebraika , JfEItHASKA M'Kh CO. , Silvers of Coal and Coke , 211 South t , , Uitmhn , Null. LUMBER , ETC , JOHN A.'A \ \ KE FIELD , f liolcsale Lnmlicr , Etc , Imimrlod iiml Jlincrlcuti PoitlnnA "oniont , BUM ngoiiLfor MliWHiiKi'on > iltui : Iccdiioiit imil lulii. ) f whllu Ilinc. CHAS lt LEE , Dsaler in Ha ; dwccfl Lumber , Wood carpets mid | inriiirt | vtli and Douslu Mioi'ts , ( mmlm , .Nib. OMAHA LUMllKH CO. , All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale IflU Htrcut an 1Unlim I'n Illu truck , Uumhit. LOUIS HHADFORD , Daler ; in Lumber , Latli , Lime , Sasli , Douri , Ktc. Ynnln Corner Till mid DotiKlua. Ollloo Corner lull and DOUL-IOI. FlIE J371 1 * : Oil AY. Lumbc1 , Liini ? Cemenl , EtcEtc , , Curncr Ulli u.icl lluuijliis tit. , Omaha. C. N. DIETZ- . Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 1Mb nnil Callliirnlii htrevliOiuuliu , Nebraska. Millinery and Notions L'bllEIIb'ELDER A CO. , Importers & Jobbers in MUiiiery & Notions itMll ) : unil 812 feoutli IKIi Htruit. Notions. "j Roiilx'sON NOTION CO. , V/lile3ae / ] ! Notions anil Furbishing Goofls , 1121 llarney StreetOniulia. Commission one ! Storage. ' niDlELl A Illuh'ELL , and Cjimnission Mercliants , Si | cliUtlL's Mutter , rc.'s. clici'sc. poultry , gain * . 1112 lluurd utrcat , Uuiiilm , Nub. Dry Goods jimd Notions " ' ' M''E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goodi , Furnishing Goad ? and Notions 1103 and 1101 Uougliu , cor. lltli itreet , Omuba , Nob. KiLPATnicK-Kocn Ditv GOODS co. , Importers & Jokers in Dry Goods , Notions , furnishing uDiuK CuriitT lltli nod Ilnrney sit eels , Uiualia , N'ulmislta. I1ELIK , THOMPSON & CO. , Importers und jobbers of Wcolein and Tailors' ' T/mmings , 31TiMHlt.ll U.tll KtlUlt. Furnituro. DEWEY A S'lONE , Wholesale Daers : ! in Fiirnitnre , Kurnam strout , Omaha , Nebraska. ( JU.A11LES SlllVEUlCK , Furniture , OiuHliu , Nobruakn. Groceries. PAXTON , O A LLAQHEll it"cO. , Wliol3sale Groceries and Frontons , TIU , TUT , ' 0 > null 711 SoutU lUtlt l. , Oiuulm , Nob. AlcCOIW , UllADr A CO. , Htb end Lonvonwiirtli utru. t . Oinivlin , Nebrniki. Hardware. w. j. Heiy Hirdware- , Iron and Steel , Eptlnui , wn.-nn stuck , liHrdiraro , lumber , cto , ODJ 1211 lluioer micot , Umulia. w. Hesyy Hirdware , Iron and Steel , Efttnvf. woKen dock , haidwuro , lumbar , cto , 120 * sad 121L Humor Btreat , Oaiatm. LEE , CLAKKE , ANDttEElfEN IIAItD- WA11E COMPANY. Wholesa'c Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Hale , Metali , lilicut Iron , olc. Aeontii for IIowo calei , Mlanfl powder nnd l.yiiinu barbed wlro. UIMEHAUOII A TAYLOR , Builders' ' Hardware and Scale Reuair SIIOD Mechanic * ' tool and HufTnlo icalei. UOi itrcut , Onma : ; , Nob. Toy s i Eto. U. UAIWY A CO. , Jotibc'ri of Tiys , Dolls , Alonms , Fancy Good ? , Iiouro fuiuUliliiu n ' ) d . clilldrcn'i carrlaKCi , huriium itruut , Uiualm , Nob. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Aile tri'iuu , etc. . Otuiilia. A. II. lll liQ | ' , JUnaner , CAltPENTEn PAPER CO , , Wholesale Paper DJ lers. C rrr a nice Hook uf prlntlnnrni.pliiK und nrltla * Iinicr. | Hpcciul utti'iitl'jii Klvcn to curd paper. State Line. TotiliiKgoiv , llolfusl , DiiljlliiniiilMrurp'Jol From New York Every Tuesday , Cubln jiatauiiv fl5 to t./l , nccorlliu to location of it room , Kxrurtluii ttt to f.U. Blccruvu to unil troui Kurupu ill Ixjwont Hatui. Al'bTIN llAl.Divi.v & , Co. , ( ivii'l AirouK , 6,1 llrouilwaf. Now Vdrk. ] UK Ht.KtiCN , lion'l Wcilurn Alicia. 101 ItiiuJuluti Bt. , Cb llAlltir K. MOIIM , Axuilt , Onmlm. U lucudCUblurjtoia nud'fuiiiunl'UHKI'i u kuiret CANCER buolifieo. UD.B BIUigLn.U. , MU.