THE OMAHA DAILY Bljgjj : THURSDAY , AUGUST 22. 1880 BEATEN WORSE THAN EVER , Prohibitionists Make a Very Sorry . Showing1. THE GAME A DECIDED BORE. JUnnt Year's Vnnnnnt WlnnuM Throat- curd Wltli Utter Annihilation Hufore the Benson Clones Oilier Sporting Notes. fit n ml In ir of the ClulM. VoUowlng is the standing of the Woilofn association clubs up to and Including yesterday's ' games ! Per Ct. .083 . (120 ( .r > oo .491 .401 .4..2 .420 .8.10 Oinnha 1H , Dos MolncH 7. The White Sox were out dallying with the prohibitionists again yonurday afternoon , running away with them by n score of 18 to 7. They will go out and do It some more this afternoon , It was ladles'day , and as a consequence the ntlondanco was good. The game , however , was a boro. Hurt was In the box for the visitors , nnd ho received a fearful lambasting. The boys hit him Just when nnd where they pleased. Sixteen hits with a total uf twenty-seven bases , and eight bases on balls , Is Iho size of his afternoon's achievement. And Caplatn Mnciilhir said ho would beat us. But Captain Mucullnr is a prevaricator of the deepest dyo. Willis opened up as Omaha's delivery end of Iho ballory , nnd did fairly well , barring his wlldnoss. Ho allowed the children from Iowa's capital but four hits and struck out Boven , Ho gave seven uf them bases ou balls , however , und in the fifth Daddy Clnrko relieved him. But ono run was scored of Dad n nucs- tionnbln hotuor over the right field fence by the descendant of the man who discovered Virginia , It xvas foul by n liulf foot , but Umpire Hurst didn't think so. This nmdo Clarke hot , and ho told 'iim that ho was evincing- the primary symptoms of decomposition. Tim smiled blandly nnd cautioned Dad lo Veep busy or the grand staud might fall on him. him.Then Then the game went on , Dnd knocking them out as fast as they toed Iho scratch. But the acoro will toll the story : OMAHA. SDMMA11Y. iRuns earned Omaha 13 , DCS Moines 3. Two-base hits Canavan 1 , Pulton 1. Threo-haso hits Coonoy 1 , Andrews 3. Homo runa Canavan 1. Smith 1. Double nnd triple plays Crooks , Wnlsh to Andrews , Mossilt to Andrews , Andrews to Messltt. Bases on-culled balls Off Willis 0 , off Clarke 1 , off Hart 8. Slruckout-By Willis 7 , by Clarke 1 , by Hart 5. vVild pitches Willis 1. Tlmo of game 3 hours. Umpire Hurst. Sioux City O , Milwaukee 6. Sioux CITV , AiigustSl. The Corn Huskcrs outplayed Iho Crcaincity boys in Holding and wore more fortunalein bunching nils. Score : Totals U 11 27 4 1 Touli 2 ft K 11 C 11V IN.VINOS. filouiCHT U U 1 1 1 S D 0 I II MllwaiUce , u OUU1 103 2U BIMIMAltr. Karnod runs-BlonxClty S , MllnrnukooiS. Two-biiso Iiitu-Cllnu. lllonn. Illnck. Ktiouif | 2. Threu Imsu lilts Cllno , Ilriidittjr. llmno Huns Ionu. Dc.nljlii limyK AlruTtH to .MorrlKscy. Minrli to .Mnrrlssur , Ktntttmso cm Imlls-Hlimx City li , Milwaukee 1. flit by pltclioa I alU-Uluck. hhocli. Btulun Imara1'mir - niun. htniclcoiit-lly llurcllck W , by Knoiiiri. Wild PIlcliM-ICnouir. Tlmv-1 liourtt ) mlnutos. Uuiiilro IJuOJCticr. Or. Joseph O , Minneapolis 1. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 21. St. Joseph played without a ilcldlng error and the only mlsplays made were the hitting of Jovno and Miller , who.had Iho Millers at his mercy from start to finish. The visitors played no game in the Held and Mitchell was hit hard. Score : AT. JOSKI'II. MINNEAPOLIS. r. li. o. fi. ol . r. li , n. a. o i ) : i 1 l 2 u Drlscliof.rf. u I u u u . 1 2 I 10 D u u aiit Kril'g , If . 2 3 U 0 1 I 'J U 3 " " HP'-- ' * K , . : : : . : : S ? 8 8 - - " 11V I.VKINflS. fit. Joseph . 4 : i 0 1 0 0 1 0 0-9 Mlnni'iipollJ . . .0 UUUUUUU1 I Karncil runa St. Joseph 3 , Minneapolis 1. 'l'ni > - ba o liHs-CurUn 2. Atihutr , ( nrlnrlKlit. Thruubuio -Mliiiiohnu. . First un lmllOir Devlin I. oir Mitchell 6. Jllttijr iillclioi Joviie , I Miller. Htruclcuut Uy Devlin. . , by Mitchell. 'I. hlolen biuoa-MeUurri , Krlra. Knell , Foster 2. Double iilnyt Anlnor to rartwrlght. llunrHlinn to llonuft ) to Mlniiulinn , Itontoil Imlls-Crossloy I , Tlm of immo-1 Uuur , forty-live mlnutui. Umplru-McDcrmutt. St. Pnul ll > . Denver 11. DKNVIIH. Colo. , August 21. It took the Apostles ten Innings lo defeat the Denver team lo-duy , which Ihey did by playing ono of the prettiest ball guinea of the season. The errors of Denver's lullold lost thorn the game. Score : sr. r. It o. B. ' ° ' ' nalryinplo..Hb.u U & u U Murphy , cf . / 4' l''ueii Trailwayrl..U 3 U U U I'urroll , rf , , . , .2 U 2 U I WUItu. u a 1 2 & 2 lluwtii. lb . U 1 11 U U Turner , lb I . U Weirlek.2b.S 2242 Darnbruuiili , cfO 1 U Itclllr.Jb . 1 2 I i. I u i u a Duly , ir 3 : < I U U IKl ) llo. . . . . . .a 3 T 3 Kuriiifr. o U I 1U U a Fuunn , p . 3 1 0 3 au TiicL riimiip..U 2 Bliurc , Ir. . . .3 300 u Mlllvr , H..1 1 4 ToUili . 1123 It ) C TuUli 12 III UU 12 U Winning run njtulonltli ono man out. _ lir ixx i N u H , l > nTer . . . t 3 a 031000 0-Tl bt. I'uiii . . . . . . . .u u u i a u a a ou | Kamo.t run -I > enTor3t-t. I'nulU. Ttrn-bnia hll } Kliii , Murpliy. 'Jlirue-btiMe ) m . Wvrrlck. Furiuor. Homo ruinMiori't 3. lli ea itolinUutmr 6 , ht. 111111 4. Doubtu plnyi-H lilio lo Klrby to Turner , TeraHl. I'aulS. Tlmo-3 liour. mul Kiiulnului. Urn Ht. JO.I'H Cluh In liar I ST. JoBuni , Ma , Augustr 21. | Special Tclegrum to Tim Umc.l Thu committee up. Dolntod to solicit money to help out the base ball club commcnbad work yosterdiy , and nfter constidnrnblo hard labor secured f 100. Another attempt will bo made , when , unless much nioro encouragement Is mot with. SU Joseph will probably lese Its club. Xotcn On the O.-inip. Nngle took n morltod rostyoslordny. Billy Hart Is no lonror n lorror to the Wlto Sox. Omaha only earned thirteen of her eighteen runs .Yesterday. Ten mare games nnd the jig la up on the home grounds for this season. Llttto Cony , Do * Moines' plucky bacicstop , throws down to second In beautiful fashion. DCS Moines once more for the clears thU afternoon , nnd then comes the Corn Husk- era. Cleveland , owinR to n laino foot , did not piny yesterday. Ho will be around all right this afternoon , however. Ted Sullivan watched tfio gnmo from the directors' box yesiordny. Ho has his eye on several of Omaha's best men. Cnnavnn had his eye with him yesterday. Hn made thrco lilU with a total of scvon boscft. His four-sackcr was n regular stiolll- goatcrl , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OTHKIl B.YMi GAMU3. The National BOSTON , August 21. Hesult of lo-day's game : Bosiou . 2 2 10 Now Yoric . 1 4 Bnso hits Hoston 11. Now York 10. Errors Boston 4 , Now York 2. Batteries Bos ton , Clurkson nnd Bennett ; New York , Crane and Ewlng. Umpires McQutud und Knight. _ INIIIANATOMS , August 21. Result of to day's t'uino : Indianapolis. . . .0 a 002100 0 0 Chicago . 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 - 12 Basu hfts Indianapolis 111 , Chicago 1C. Kr- rors IndlanauolU 1 , Chicago 2. Butteries Indianapolis , Uuslo , Dally aud Sominors ; Chicago cage , Dwyur and Farroll. Umpire Powers. PHILADELPHIA , August 21. Ilesult of to day's gamu : Philadelphia. . . .4 1200001 8-11 Washington . 1 8 Bnso hits Philadelphia 13 , Washington 12. Errors Philadelphia ( ! , Washington 0. Bat- torles Philadelphia , Sanders and Clements : Wnahlnglon , Forron and Mack. Umplro - Curry. CuvmANi > , August 21. Result of to-day'a gnmo : Cleveland . 2 02100000 5 PlUsburtr . 0 4010001 * C Base hits Cleveland 7 , Pittsburg 9. Er rors Cleveland 0 , Pitlsburg8. Batteries Cleveland , Urnbor and Zimmer ; Pittsburg , Gulvin and Carroll. Umnire Lynch. 1'ho Aniorlo.xn .Vi4 tolnttiii. . , , ICijSAS CITV , August 21. Ilesult of to day's 'game : KunsasCity . . . .2 00001000 3 Bnltimoro . 2 310 0 0 0 0 - 0 CINCINNATI , August21. Ilesult of to-dny's game : Cincinnati . 5 * 0 Columbus . 0 3 Amateur Oanici. AUBUKN , Nob. , August 21. ( Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] A gume between the Johnson nnd Hiawatha teams was played nt the bull park hero to-day , resulting in a score of 10 to 5 In favor of lliuW.ithu. 0'Neii.L , Nob. . August 21. [ Special Telegram - gram lo TUB BUB. ] The game of ball bo- twncn and O'Neill clubs re sulted iu a score of 10 to 7 in favor of O'Neill. TUB SPI3131) niMQ. Grand Circuit Kaco ? . PouoiiKEGi'siE , N. Y. , August 21 , [ Special - cial Telegram to THE BEK. ] Thcro was some good racing for the second day of the grand circuit races. Graylight , the favorite in tho2SO'class : , was defeated by Mocking Bird in straight heats. The Huppert stake was won by Alcyron , also in straight heats , and the 2:17 pnco was finally captured by Ed Annan. Johnson paces lo beat his rec ord to-morrow. i-uiisn 51,000 , 2:20 : CLASS. Mocking Bird ( Andrews ) . 1 1 1 Geneva S ( McCarthy ) . 2 2 2 Graylicht ( Goldsmith ) . 3 3 5 Pennant ( Gors ) . , . . .4 5 3 Grauby ( D-wic ) . 5 4 4 Tltno-2:17H : , 2l'J : ) < f , 2:17-tf. : iiuri'CKT STAICK. $5,000 , 2:24 : CLASS. Alcyron ( Kobins ) . 1 I 1 Aublae ( Wood bury ) . 222 Yorktown Belle ( Phillips ) . 4 3 4 Geneva ( l-'oblo ' ) . 3 4 5 Justinn ( Andrews ) . 10 1(1 ( U Hendrix ( Hula ) . 7 S 7 Edith H ( Arnold ) . 5 8 0 Colvh.a Sprague ( Ayers ) . U 0 0 Pcrsica ( Coulton ) . 0 7 8 Elastic Starch ( Smith ) . 8 9 dr Franks ( McDonald ) . dls Time 2IOi : , 2:17. : 2:17K- : I'Oiisu $1,000. 2:17 : l-ACR. Ed Annan ( Doble ) . 4 William M. Singorly ( Davis ) . 1 02442 Dr. M. ( S.tunrt ) . 3 34313 Joe Jefferson ( Snrdy ) . 3 4 3 3 8ro Wlckopcu ( Moulton ) . dist Time-2:16 : > , 2:17 : # , 2:18 : % . 2:1SJ : 2:10tf , 2:20. : Washington 1'arlc Knees. CmCAdO , August 21 , To-day was the third day of the Northwoslcrn Brooders' association trotting meeting at Washington park. The wcalhcr was perfect , the track fast , and the attondunco 0,000. The ovout of the day was the attempt of the sousa- llonnl young Jowa slalllon , Axtell , lo bent his own record of 2:14 : i. After several wnrming-up heats between the second and third heals of .the 2:21) : ) class race , ho was given his trial , but fulled of the coveted honor , making the inilo in 2:15' : . The quar ters were us follows : First quarter , 32 , half l:05jf : , three-quarters 1.40. Between the heats of regular events the pacing mare , Lady Elgin , was sent to beat 2:21 : , and ut the first attempt paced a mile In 2:2U : } { . Then she paced another milo to that time , and turned thu track In Crawford \Vlltei-n Won. FUAXKLIN , Pa. , August 21. The match pacing race between the stallions Arctic and Crawford Wilkes , for it purse of $1,000 , was won by the latter. The race created intense interest throughout northwestern Pennsyl vania , and was witnessed by 10,000 people. The betting was about even , and from $20 , 000 lo $30,000 changed bunds on tbu result ; best time , 24 : . Thn KngllHh Turf. LONDON , August 21. At the Stockton mooting the race for the great northern Legcr was won by Plnzon , A HOMO IN T11J3 1,1'A'MR MAY. A Ilayilon aiun-of-Wnr Collide i With un American Bchnonor , Nuw YOIIK , August 21. The British atoamer Alone , from West Indian ports , re ports that on August 0 the American schoon er Llzzlu Muv , while ut anchor ut Jerome , was run Into by Iho Huytltm man-of-war Toubsuini 1'Ouverturo uud hud n large hole H'XJVO ' In her starboard bow above thu water lino. The uiau-of-war loft the Ramo night without ascertaining what damage had been done to the schooner , Thu schooner's cup- titln made n protest through the American consul , . The Illlnolx Mining Trnnhlns. STKEATOII , III. , August 21. Many of the coul minors who have been working at the smaller shafts have refused to go to work to-day uud obeyed the order of the executive board to strike. Some of the Coal Hun com pany's men also decided to Join thu move ment uguinat the operators , but tno niujor- ity uf Iho mluers employed by Hits company remained ut work to-duy , An Old Organist JCH | , BOSTON , August 21 , Samuel Dexter Had. ley , ouo of the few remaining organists of the old school , and a contemporary of Low ell Lason , A. N. Johnson , J. H. Woodbury , Goat-go Webb und others , died In Somurvlllu to-day of Brighl'a dumaso in his sovcuiy- third ycur , CONCRhSSiOiNAL ASPIRANTS , Politicians Fixing Tholr Fonoaa In the Sooond Nobraoka District. A LIST OF THE CANDIDATES. Nmctocn Mouthers ( if. ihc Sntvntlon Army Arrostctl nnd .Inlleitl nt - Covlnjtton Slnny llurp- larlcs In thn State. The Ctocnml District Vncnnov. llAsriNflsJ Nob. , August 21 , [ Special to TUB JJKB.1 The remains ot Congressman James Lnird Imvo been resting Initbelr llnnl depository but forty-eight hours ; out tbo contest for his vacant sfent In congress IMS already commcncod , Nu.uly oyory county In the Second congressional district 1ms Its own favoroa son , nnd the wires for the approaching preaching campaign nro beinghitd thick nnd fast. The list oT candidates embraces the names of N. V. llurlnn , John M. Franco and Judga Post , of York county ; J. W Danes , Judge Morris nnd Go.irgo II. Hastings , of Siillna county ; Judge Norviil , o'f Seward ; Senator John H , Dlnsmoro , of Clay ; John Jnnscn , of Flllmoro { Secretary of Stuto Laws , of Kcd Willow ; G. K. Chancy , of Webster ; Smith Caldwull , of Nuckolls ; Judgu Gnslm , of Uarlan ; J. W. MeNinny , tf ) Wpbstor. Tea mimes of some of the men 'above- men tioned inny bo disposed of In a brief sen tence. Unless the courao of political events takes n sudden nnd altogether unexpected turn , the names of Franco , Post , Duwcs , Morris , Juiisun , Caldwell , Dlnsuiore , Clinnoy , Gaslin nnd McNinny tnay bo wiped from the slate nt onco. The real contest will In nil probability bo a triangular ono , between Ilnrlun , of York , Hastings , of S.i- llno , nnd Laws , of Feed Willow. All thrco of these gontlotnen Imvo strong claims upon the consideration of the pconlo of the dis trict. For six years York" county has had a c.iuilldnto for the congressional nominntlon. In 1SS1 Franco was pushed to the front and kept there until the Laird men demon strated their strength. In 1SSO' Post was selected to carry thn banner of York Into the convention nnd ho , too , sue- cuuibod to the inevitable. In 1SS8 , nothing daunted by thn defeats of fernier campaigns , York entered the lists with another candi date In the person of Judge Harlan ; but Harlan withdrew on the eve of. the con vention. Now that Laird is out of the way Yori : county sees an opportunity and will do her best to seize it. Hnrlan will undoubtedly bo the first cholci ) . with Post as a conven ient second. Llctwccn George il. Hastings , of Saline county , nnd the late Congressman Laird , the warmest friendship existed. In the con vention of ISbil Mr. Hustings was selected by Mr. Luird as tomuorary chairman , nnd in 1S88 , to Hastings was entrusted the letter of acceptation prepared by Mr. Laird in lieu of the customary speech. There has long been a tacit understanding between the friends of the two men that when Mr. Laird was content to decline further congressional honors , Mr. Hastings was to bo the heir of lil political estate. Now that death has In tervened It remains to bo scon how strong this bond of friendship was. Another point whicti will bo urged in favor of Hastings is the fact thill lust fall ho ueromptorily de clined to bo a candidate for attorney general and throw his entire strength to Lceso , the people's favorite. This action of Mr. Hast ings made him many friends over the dis trict. The western counties feel that they are entitled to recognition , nnd they will come into convention for Laws. At present writing the situation Is rather chaotic. H. Hostwiclr , chairman of the con gressional central committee , has been in Now York for sevot'al months and has not yet returned. J. W. Stark , secretary of the committee , will hardly call that body to gether until ho hears from Mr. Bostwlck , who is expected homo every day. A great deal depends , too , upon the decision of Pres ident rosard to a special session of congress. If congress is called in October a special election will bo called. If not , the .successor to Mr. Laird will undoubtedly be chosen at the general election lu November. Treatment. DAKOTA Cur , Nob. , August 21. ( .Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Ono of the greatest outrages which bos been perpe trated as yet by the Covington authorities nnd they are noted for the lack of Justice with which they enforce law oven as they interpret it was committed nt that place lost evening by the incarceration in their calaboose of sixteen men and thrco women , members of the Salvation Army , who were on their way to their hall in South Sioux City to hold n meeting1. As they were pass ing through Covington they were arrested by order of several of the members of the board of trustees and placed in jail , consixt- ing'of a steel cage with thrco cells. In ono of the cells was a thief and : i drunken bum , the women were placed in another , while the sixteen men were placed in u cell 12 by 1C feet and there remained until 10 o'clock to-day. There was nothing between the cell occupied by the woman and that occupied by the men but Oars , which divided the apart ments of the cuee. When the news of the arrest was carried to South Sloax City sev eral of the citizens of that place went to Cov ington and ottered to glvo bond which was good for $15.000 If required for their appear ance , and asked for their release , and were not only refused but were abused even to blows and driven from the town. The ofli- cers who arrested them and put them In the cnlnbooao used language which men would not be called upon to listen to. They were tried this morning upon the churgo of a breech of the peace In Covington. They were all acquitted. Even Covinglrin people , who uun stand a great dual , condemn this outrage. A lively time is expected. She Yi.-nrnod For the Old I ovo. KEAHNIV , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to TUB BEE.1 An Enoch Ardcn ciiso has hap pened here within the east few days , the facts of which have Just been developed. Last winter ICinma Nash and Joe Nash , man nnd wife , were divorced , the woman bring ing the suit , charging her husband with ill treatment , and u number of shortcomings. The day f olio wing the granting of the divorce Joe Nnsh married u woman In this city , nnd they have been living together until Inst Sat urday night. The first Mrs. Nnsh married n carpenter , Hay Mnthows , of Trinidad , Colo. , lust spring , where they went to housokeop- Ing. Her only child , by formpr marriage , remained in this city , where It Is bolng cared for by relatives. Lnbt week Mrs. Mathews returned to visit her parents , and while here she had a meeting with Nush. She told her parents that Joe wanted her to elope with him , and that she was afraid ho would kill her If shu refused to go along with him , nnd feared lo llnish her visit hero , She started for her Colorado home on thu early Friday morning train , slnco which tlmo she hus not been heard from. .Too Nash disappeared the evening preceding , uud it is supposed that ho stopped somewhere west of here nnd bourdi'd the name train olio took , man aged to go unnoticed with his 11 rat lovo. It 1ms recently developed that Mrs. Mathews had been carrying on a tender correspond ence with her llr t husband , and that the elopement was nil planned to deceive her parents , who are heartbrofcon over the af fair. Nor nlk'n Coiimiir Hncn NoitniLK , Nob. , August 21. [ Special to THE HUB. ] Kvory day adds to the Hold of homes coming In for the races , which open hero on Tuesday , tho27lh , and It promises to bo a linn otio , The track Is In us good con dition ns any to bo found In thu state , and accommodations are nmplu and excellent , The association Is a member of the Aiuoricuri Trotting nssnomtion , uud the western circuit bog inn hero. Vou Hot and running mate will be on thu truck ou thu first and third days , and will try to boat their records. In.Jmiutlon AuuiiiKl llopu.unil ArroHls , NKIIIIASKA Crrv.Ncb. , August 20. [ Special to Tun HUE. I The vlllugo board of Hyra- cuso , Otoo ejunty , ana ox-Councilman Eiser , of this city , have been playing tit for tat for Bjiiio time , which has boon brought to an end by Mr. Elser socurlug from Judge Cbuu- man nn Injunrtlpn ngnlnst the villain re straining tho'iMteora from arresting him again , Mr. EfsaFowns i business houto In .Syracuse which Is located on the street , nnd has often bofrh nOMHcd to move it , which ho has stubborn ! * rUfusvd , nnd the result wns that ho nan hou'i arrested no loss than half n dozen times , irf } was about in bo pulled again when thVlftlunction proceedings were brought mid atgnypd matters for the present. A Frnwl lfht JUono Collector. Ai.u.VNcn , NP ! > . August 31. ( Special to TUB Unit. ] 'AJjsU-flngor calling himself A. Shoilds , claiming to represent the George F. HruiiDor Manufacturing company , of St. Louis , Mo. , hufi.beon trying to work n sharp game In this wiclnity in the last few days. Ho offered high prices for bones In car lots to local shippers'hnd tried to Induce thorn to ship thorn In his name , clnlmlnfr that by the use of his uamo oti the mil of lading n cut In the freight rnto could bo obtained. It Is thought ho succeeded in entrapping ono Alll ancn shipper , nnd the bones' ore this have probably been reblllcd by him to some other city nnd sold for his exclusive benefit. Will I'rolmbly Kiioovor. NcmiASKA Crrv.Nob. , AUgust21. | Special Telegram to THE BEE. ) Julia Gibbs , the young girl who nmdo such n desperate ef fort to commit sulcidoSunday night , has bou removed to the hospital and is In n fair wuy towards recovery , although she is not yet out of danger. She was formerly a highly respected young lady nnd Is well connected. Her father bad boon nt ono tlmo United States marshal of Utah , Under President Buchanan , nnd is now a practicing lawyer at Washington , D. C. The younir woman traces her downfall to a well known but not much respected citizen of this plnco. An Ann Ctir Off FRBMOKT , Nob. , August 21. [ Special to TUB Bm : . | Nieholl Clausou , u twelve-year- old boy who was working on the farm of J. C. Flor , adjoining the city , suffered n torrl- bio mishap yesterday afternoon. Ho was driving u mowing machine , nnd In some manner was thrown from his scat to the ground In iront of the siekol bar. The kocn- cdgod slukel clipped his right unii off near the shoulder. Ho was brought to town Im mediately , when his wounds were dressed. Ho Is still nlivo and It Is thought ho will sur vive the accident. Heavy Harvest Kxcurslons. FHBMONT , Neb. , August 21. [ Special to THE BUB. ] The harvest excursion train which wont west over thn Elkborn road to-daj caino into Fremont in two sections , being two or thrco hours behind tlmo on ac count of thu heavy load of passengers. Hun dreds of people nro taking ndvantago of these cheap rates to Inspect the country in north Nebraska , and there is every reason to bcllcvo a largo influx of settlers will bo the result , ns the crops in that part of the state were never so good ns now uud pros pects so encouraging. Arrestetl For R , Nob. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun UBB.J Tuto Wilson nnd Charley Sheldon were arrested last evening charged with burglarizing un east end bawdy house last > Saturday night. A gold t watch answering * the description of the ouo stolen nnd a considerable sum of money wore found in the possession of the boys , nnd there seems to bo but llttlo doubt that they are the guilty parties. As most of the boodle is recovered , it , iso not likely that the boys will bo prosecuted on account of their hltli- orto good character. An K | > ( | iniu of NEIWA.SKA CITYV Neb. , August 21. [ Spe cial to THE BIE. : ] The nightly burglaries in this city still continue and with not the slightest clue tOithp thievos. Last night the residence of Mrs. Kothnun was entered nnd a lot of old wines curried off , and about the sumo titiio the hOVP of Mrs. John Steinhnrt was broken into.andsomo e.uli and valu ables taken while the lady was a helpless witness to the logrodutlons. The homos of Dr. Huskoy , . Ma Kohu and Mrs. J. L. Mitchell were also visited by burglars. A Knllerton Stoiv itobh < ! . Fuu.niiTox , Neb.- August 21. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The store of Penney & Son , of this place , was entered by burglars lust night and the safe rilled of between $300 and 83CO. No trace of the burglars has bean > discovered , but it is evi dently thu work of professionals , and Is thought to bo the same gang that have re cently operated at St. Edwards , Central City nnd Newmans Grovo. The ofllcos of Reed & Morgan nnd John Harwood wore also entered , but nothing found. Ilun Over nnil Killed. BEATUICE , Nob. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Ttrn BEE. ] A telegram was re ceived here this afternoon stating that A. C. Staker. n former citizen of this place , nnd son of Joseph Staker , proprietor of the Hock Island houdo in this city , was killed by the cars at Abilene , Kan. , to-day. Staker was n brnkcnmn on the Kansas Pacific. His re mains will bo brought here for interment. CrookH nc Columbus COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Telegram to THE BSE. ] This morning Carl Sherbert , upon opening the door of his hardware store , \vat surprised to find that his store had been entered by sneak thieves , who had succeeded in getting away with al most his entire stock of revolvers , pocket luiUos. razors , etc. , valued at over $40U. No clue to tbo burglars has yet been found. A Sin u 11 Strike. NEMUSKA. CITV , Nob. , August 21. [ Spe cial to THU Bin.l : The boyrf employed nt the Nebraska City Canning factory , to the number of about twenty-five , struck yester day for higher wages. Their places were immediately filled with "cheap help" and now the strikers nro making it interesting for the "scabs" by waylaying them ns they go to and from their work. I'olsotioil With I'ly Paper. FKEMOXT , Neb. , August 21. ( Special to THE Bm : . ] Mr. nnd Mrs. Hccdmullcr , of Fontnnollo , Washington county , burled n two-year-old child whoso death resulted from tlv poison , which it got hold of nnd drank. It lingered several days after swal lowing the fatal decoction , but died Mon day. CrnclCHiiion 1-ono Tholr STASTON' , Nob. , August 21 [ Special Tele gram to THE BRB. j Burglars entered Kron- zino's blacksmlthjshop last night. They were supplied with ailrio , kit of tools , which were loft behind , Every.thing indicates that they were alarmed wlillp nt work , as they had only commenccdi < jnlHug on the safe. A Huruliir Caught In thn Act , NUIIUASKA 6rEV. ; Nob. , August 21. | Special Tolegj-amuo Tim HBB. ] William Straw was arro'st while trying to ourg- lurizo the rosjiTctmo , of City Attorney War- rou lust niyht. .JIW , partner escaped. There have been from oim to four burglaries every night for a week. ' _ AiiiHWOPilfSyAnts Water AVoi-Us. AINHWOIITII , JT § l | . , August 21. [ Special Telegram to TUB tyEB.--Tho ] city council , ut its session last Might , called n special elec tion for Scptiim'Uc'r It to vote on a proposi tion to issue $ SWOwater , ( works bonds. If they carry tlio-'t'dwn will take a boom this full. _ _ _ Kimrnny'H I'oiiiiuiHtor HcniinH. KIIAKXKV , Nob. , August21 , ( Special Tele gram to THU IJci : , ] P. Fred Wlloy , post master hero , has sent In his resignation , to takd effect October U Kleo II. Eaton , an old soldier nnd newspaper man of this city , will bo hU successor. Coiiilnt ; ( I. tIf. . KiMiiilnn. GUAXT , Nob. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tut : Bnu.l Thu various Q. A. U. posts in this county will hold a reunion ut Madison September U. U Is expected to Imvu the Btuto department co nun under and other oniccrs present. I'cll Kroinn houn'iilcl. Auni'iix , Neb. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to THU HBB. ] W. W. Harmon , n laborer , fell from a sixteen-foot scaffold to day uud the Joists below struck him in thu small of the back. Ho Is In u verjM'rocarioub condition. FROM THE HAWKIM STATE , Hon. Iiymnn Wlanor Accidentally Shot by His Son. A REUNION OF THE SIXTH IOWA. Iemoorat.i of Kcoknk Doolnro In Favor of Lnunl Option The lip worth Iioniriio Crimea nnd Casualties. Shot Uy Hi * Son. DOT Mot.vcs , la. , August 21. [ Special Tel- csrnm Iv.Tiia BIE. | Hon. Lyiuan F. WIs- ncr , the wealthiest nnd ono of the most prominent ; citizens of Hnrdln county , was accidentally .shol ami killed by his only son th js. afternoon. The father nnd son were out huntlug'n ' few miles northwest of Kdorn , where they reside.- The boy was In the buggy nnd thu father was on the ground tryIng - Ing to put the dog In the carriage. The son In tryltiit to assist him moved his gun , when the hummer caught nud the tull elmrgo of the CUM wrnck Mr. Wlsncr in the forehead. Ho- throw up his liiindH anil fell backward , dcnd. The boy thotl put the body of his father In the buggy and drove two miles with It to the liousu of nn acquaintance. 'I he Hl.xth Iowa's Reunion. DCS MOINKS , In. , August 21. [ Special Tol- cgrnm to'l'jin Bcn.l The survivors of the Sixth Iowa infantry held a reunion here to-day with a rousing cmup lire this wenlng. This was the regiment commanded by Colonel W. T. Shaw , of Anamosu , and it took n very prominent part In the bnttlo Of Parkcrsburg Landing and other bullion in the west. Fifty members from different parts of the county responded to the roll call. Speeches woru nmdo this evening by Hon. K. U. Hulchlns , Captain W. T. Wilkinson , nnd others , nnd nnd tliero were many reunions of comrades long separated. They Want Ijooal Option. KKOKUK , In. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BUB. ] The Modoo club , u prominent democratic organization o * this city , adopted a resolution to-day requesting the approaching democratic state convention to declare In its platform In favor of local option by counties Instead of prohibition , It also requested Congressman Gear , the mem ber from this district , to work and vote for Chicago for the world's ' fair in 1S93. The Kjiworth IJPIUJUR. DCS MOINIS : , In. , August 21. [ Special Tel- cgruni to TUB Bcu.l The ninth general convention of the Kinvorth league , an auxil iary of the Methodist Episcopal church , was hold in this city to-day. Permanent oniccrs were elected ns follow * : President , L. . M. Shaw ; vice president , I ) . C. Pianette ; HOC- end vlco president , J. H. Johnson ; recording secretary , Miss Gay Dolliver ; corresponding secretary , H. C. Jennings ; treasurer , John Mnhln , A board of control or directors was also chosen. President Shaw delivered a short address on the objects of tno loacuo and the duties devolving upon its members , and other talus were mndo by delegates on the plans of organization. The district rep resented in this meeting included six Metho dist conferences. The session was devoted to discussion of plans for carrying on the htorury and religious work of the league. Tne next meeting will be held at Minne apolis. . . . . . i i i i . * A Foul hard v Act. LESMJIS , In. , August 21. - [ Special Tele gram to Tun BBB. Frank Hinc , an eighteen- year-old Gorman boy , was run into by un Il linois Central land excursion train thrco miles cast of hero this morning and fatally injured. Ho was driving a load of oats and farm implements , nnd had slopped to wait for the train until it was within ono hundred feet of him , when ho whipped up to get across. The engine struck his wagon amid ships , and PO.V , plows and wagon went into the air together. Coming down ho was struck on the head by a plow. His skull was crushed , nnd ho will not live over night. His father and mother came on a train two hours before the accident from Ida county to do full plowing on n rented farm. The father has tried twice to commit suicide to-day. Death of a WATEIILOO , la. , August 21 ] Special Telegram - gram to Tun Bnn. ] Mrs. Nathan Poyner , widow of the pioneer Baptist minister in this section , died at her residence in this count } ' lust night , aged nearly ninety years. They came here in 1852 , and Mr. Poynor held ser vices in the woods. Poynor township , this county , was named after him. Smothered In a-Scwcr. DAVENTOIIT , la. , August 21. [ Special Telegram - gram lo THE BEE. ! William Berry , u slrect laborer , was killed here this afternoon by being smothered In a sewer trench. A few hundred pounds of sand caved in on him seas as to cover his head and held him down until ho was dead. Ho leaves a wife and three young children. "Tlio Newton Knuniiipmcnt. * la. 21. Telegram NEWTON , , August [ Special gram to Tun Bcu.j The Third regiment , Iowa National Guards , are now in camp hero , and Companies A nnd G , from Fort Omaha , are encamped with them. This was Governor's day and there was an immense throng of visitors to see the review In the presence of Governor Larrabeo and staff. The troops mudo a line showing and the camp is pronounced a great success. to a .Icily. DUIUIQUB , fa. , August 21. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bin. : ] Fred Tagnoy , aged slx- leen , was Jolted off a Burlington gravel train in East 0ubiiuo ( this morning , smashing his head to n jelly. THE FATAlj TKN13MKNT Flit IS. An Important WlinoHH In the Person fl' ) n Mtlli ) Hoy. NEW Youit , August 21. The pollco Imvo found an important witness to thu origin of Monday's fatal tenement , housu fire in the person of a thirteen-year-old boy named ,10- Hcph Popa , who swears that lu the morning ho saw a man throw a number of sticks of burning wood upon the floor of the restnurant kitchen and then cast a pan of fluid of some Itlnd upon the burnini ; mass , which cuusod it to blaze up brightly. Snyder , the owner of the restaurant , and his cook nro under nrrest. Another llaytiuii Kcporl. Nuw YOIIK , August 21. A cuulo dispatch from Santiago do Cuua to Banker II. H. Kunhardt , Jr. , of ICunhardt & Co. , of this city , announces that a crisis In Huytiun af fairs is rapidly approaching , Advices re ceived uy Kunhardt yesterday by mail from Huyllcn merchants brought news that thu responsible Immness men of Havti nro of the opinion that Logitime's downfall is only u question of a few weens. The TinieH-Dumournt Bold , Ninv OIIMUNH , La. , August 21. | Special Telegram to Tun HBB. I Clio Times- Democrat lias boon sold to Albert Baldwin , ot this city , and will under the now manago- inuntcouio out an a republican sheet. It has the largest oirculalion in the south , and is accounted the beat gotten up paper south of the Ohio"river. A Colored I'runolmr In Trouhlo. ST. JosKi'ii , Mo. , August 21. [ Speslal Tel egram to TUB HKB.J An atlempt was nmdo this morning to Ht-curo a warrant for Iho arrest of SV. W Stoivart , colored , on Iho churce of Improor conduct xvlth Mary Jones , also colored , but owing to the absence of the prosecuting attorney it could not be obtained. Thn Dork Hiriko Hprnadlnc. LONDON , August 21 , The strike of the dock laborers Is spreading ! Ono thousand men employed on the Commercial docks Imvo Joined the strikers. The socialists nro trying to loid the movement. Thirty thousand dock men marched through thu city ' They were ijuiot and orderly. A NI3\V MI3TII01) . The Manner i > r Appointing Treasury AKCIIIH Chnnicrd , WASIIINOTON , Au'nusl 31. Secrelnry Win dow has decided to make n olinngo in Iho present method of appointing special ugur.U of the treasury , lloroaftor they will ha designated for appointment ht u stated com- pcnsnllon and must then appear before Iho board of oxnnilnors for the purpose of testIng - Ing their Illness. The examination will bo non-competitive and not technical. Assist ant Secretary Tlchonor has boon named ns president of the "board Itl Washington to carry out Secretary1 AVlmlom'n views , The following circular has boon Issued i "No person shall bo appointed ns n special agent until his Illness hns'boon ascertained by suitable tests. A special ngont should Imvo n good character , good habits , good health , n courteous bearing mid address , and should not bo Incapacitated by ngo or other cause for uctlvo work. Ho should possess fair nbilltv nnd Intelligence , nnd bo nblo to wrilo his own reixirln In clear , concise nnd correct language , litaliuuld have sufficient knowledge of bookkeeping and accounts-to comprehend ntid oxumlnu lulolligonllv Iho system of accounts used In custom houses. Those who apply for thu positions \yltl there fora bo subjected to such examina tion us may bo necessary to nscortaln whether they are possessed of Vheso requisite qualifications. Appointments will bo con sidered probationary for six montns , perma nency of lunuro lo bo dependent upon the npiitudc shown by the applicant for the work assigned to him. " Crawftml'tt Ten PIT Cent Fee. WASIIINOTON , D. C. , August 21. Ex-Gov ernor Samuel J. Crawford , nguinst whom It was proposed to hisliluto proceedings for having , ns'tho attorney for the Crook In dians , received 10 per cent of the proceeds of the sale of about two million four hundred thousand acres of their lands in Oklahoma , to-day filed with the secretary of the interior a sworn statement. When the Creeks in December , 1SSI , learned that n bill was pending ing in congress to vest In tbo United .Slates ihu litle to the Oklahoma lands ihoy em ployed him ellb'-r to defeat the legislation or to secure compensation , agreeing to pay him 10 per cent on whatever amount ho might secure. Ho obtained Si,2SUfj57 , for their Interest. The secretary of Iho interior approved Crawford's contract - tract after amending it to make the compen sation 0tJ per cent. In December , 1SS8 , Iho new dclcgalcs of Iho Creeks uslced Unit u now contract fixing | the compensation nt 1U per cent bo entered lo bo full payment for all past nnd future services. This now con- contract was opposed by the Creek national council. In September , 18SO , Secre tary Vllas informed Governor Craw ford thut ho would defeat the measure which was then pending in congress , to pay the Creeks for their lands unless he ( Crawford ) surrendered thu conlraet and looked to the Indians for whatever com- ponsnlion they deemed Just. Governor Crawford says lie iitfi oed under protest to this arrangement , nnd sinca then has had no control over what compensation thu Creoles should give , nnd they llxed the fee tlioui- bclves and wllhout his interference. NehrnHlca anil Iowa 1'oiinloiis. WAIIIIXOTON , D. C. , August 21. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BEI : . ] Pensions granted Nobrasknns : Original invalid Wnlton Cam oron. Increase Wm. G. Coon. Original widows , etc. Minor of Joseph Harper. Pensions allowed lowans : Original inva lid George T. McAllister , Wm. Hico , Lewis D. Brnwn , John Ganger , S. Cnbb , Joseph A. Cumuutms. Increase Frank Forbes , Noah Nunemukor , Jacob T. Burnett , Uiclmrd B. Hemstreet , Win. Bixlor , Flnlvy M. Smock , Kiclmrd M. Anthony , Jacob Soober , Chus. A. Turucaure , Win. Pophum , Kuggloswood , Henry C. Windsor , George Schumacher , Morriman Cox , O. Mooro. licissucd Daniel Uyan. Don't Nond to Know Orummnr. WASIIINOTON , D. C. , August > 2I. The president , upon recommendation of the civil service commission has approved the amend ment to the rules govorning-tliornlhvay mail service exempting from examination clerks employed in that service exclusively as porters ters in handling mail matters in bulk , in BUCKS or pouches , uud not otherwise , mid clerks employed exclusively on slcam boats. The Now CruiHcr Philadelphia. WASIIINOTON , D. C. , August 21. Informa tion has reached the navy department to the effect that thn new cruiser Philadelphia will probably bo launched ut Cramp's works , Philadelphia Saturday. Hicby'n Appointment WASHINGTON , August 21. Beecnor Higby has been appointed ganger for the revenue department for Nebraska. SPAUKS FUOM THU WIHKS. Several hail storms nro reported through out Austria. A disastrous fire is reported to bo racing ut Colfax , 111. Several bloody affrays are said to have taken place on the Island of Crete. The ICoystono Furnace company , of Head ing , Pa. , made an assignment yesterday , There is a rumor that a citizens' committee has settled the minors' troubles in northern Illinois. The fourth annual encampment of the Union Veterans , un organization com posed exclusively of men who were engaged in active service in the late war , opened in Detroit yesterday. A memorial was introduced In the Okla homa territorial convention yesterday , to be presented to congress , representing thai tlmt territory Is as thickly populated as the average slale , nnd praying for similar pro- lection. Two Bionin Y'achtH ( Toll life- . SVUACU8B , N. Y. , August 21. Two steam yachts , tlm Wide AwaKe , of Brewerston' aud the Jessie Lund , of Pbusnlx. colllde'l this afternoon. The Land sank , and about twenty-live persons went into the water. All were rescued by the Wide Awake except Miss Clara Von Wonnor , of Phoenix , who was drowned. An Unprecedented Tnlmooo Halo. LOUISVIU.B , August 21. The largest sale of tobacco over made at aurtion in ono duy In the United States , und probably la the world , was mndo hero today. . The total number of hogsheads sold was 1,002. This amounts to about n million and n half pounds , worth in the hogsnuad over § 103,001) ) . A ItritlHh Jiui'k PiilLAiiBM'HiA , August 21. The British bark Onaway , which sailed from this port Juno 5 for Bilbao with a crow of fifteen men and a cargo of crude petroleum , is believed to Imvo been lost ns nothing has boon hoard of her since shu passed out of Dulawuni bay. The captain's wife nnd child uccom- panlcd him , Foil Uonil In Deflate. HOME , Ga. , August 21 During the session of the grand lodge of the Indopemlonl Order of Odd Follows hero to-day , Colonel Adolph Brandt , while opposing a resolution , fell dead in tliotiall from un attack of apoplexy. Ilnd Iteiinnd on Trial. Puims , Miss , August 21 Bud Konaud went to trial to-day. Ho pleaded not guilty , and the examination of witnesses was began. So far thu uvldonco fails lo connect Honuud with the prize light in Mississippi. ryolono In Mil I no. WINTHUOIMo. . , August 21. A cyclone of thirty minutes' duration passed over this place yesterday afternoon. Crops and or chards were seriously injured. Hold Up In the Burnt District. While G , F. Kosonbnck was wandering around through the "burnt district" late last nltrht ho was knocked down ut the corner of Ninth and Capllol nvonuo by one of two men , who held him while his companion , John Slratnborg , wfint through Uosenback's pockets and took his pockotbook. A woman named Koliy ran out of u hou o near by und choked Stramborg until ho gave up the pockctbook. Thu man who had knocked Uosunback down skipped oul , Officer i'ooiu came up at this Juncture und arrested bolh meu , COOCIILIN BREAKING DOWil The Bx-Dotootlvo Thought to Bo On the Vorffo of a Confession. SHOWS SYMPTOMS OF INSANITY. The Doubt nnd Anxiety ot Ills I'ro- oarloim Position I'rovtiic Too Much For KVOII Ilia Norvo. Allot lirr Con ( Vision fOxpcntrd. CuiOAdo , August 21. Ibpcclnl Telegram to Tun Hii.lThere : : Is considerable ground for the belief that Uati Uouvhlln , who lm all along been regarded ns the man with thu most backbone nmotig the rroiilu suspects , la ou the verge of confession. In addition to the fact tlmt , the Uniirlsonmont tins told BO severely on CouRhln'thnt ho is dully losing llcsh , the mental strain upon the man has bo * canio so obvious that those who have dally Intercourse with him bollovo that ho is bor dering on Insanity. He Is nightly the victim of terrible dreams that couso him to start up from his sleep with oaths and sometimes With Hhrioks upon his lips. In the daytlmo ho Is moody and tacllurh , nnd spends most of the tlmo alone In lilt cell. But oven nioro Important mid slgulllcuutthan thl ? Is the fact that on no loss thnn throe occasions did he suddenly call his warden to his cell door and toll him lo inform Stntos At torney Longonechor that ho wanted to BOO him. On nil these occ.iitious , however , Coughlln dimmed his mind and counter manded hH order before the warder hud tlmo to convey U to Mr. Lonireneckor. "There Is no doubt thut Coughlln Is on I ho point of inulung n clean breast of everything and throwing himself upon the mercy of the state , " said n gentleman who has been prom inently identified with the prosecution. " 1 lie doubt and juixioty of his precarious condition Is proving too much lor him , and the nttitudo of the states attorney , who has loft him nlonu over smco his Imprisonment , and of whoso plans neither ho nor his coun sel have been able to learn anything , has put him In a condition of almost unbearable ap prehension. " But there is u nioro potent influence than the sweat-box , or solitude , or mental agony , or even limit fear of tim scaffold ut work upon Ooughlin's iron nerve and stony heart , nnd thut is the Influence of his wife. It Is stated upon excellent authority th.vt Mrs. Coughlin has for Homo tlmu been pleading with her husbmd to make u full confession go upon the stand ns u witness for the stnto and thus'savo his neck from the noose. It-Is said that tliu woman has told Couuhlln that It is necuss.iry in oruer to HIIVO her life , as well as his. that ho should take this course , and this , more than anything else , has con tributed to break down thu clansman's nerve nnd bring him within a measurable distance of confession. Whether the stuto'H attorney told Mrs. Coughlin to use her influence with her husband , under a promise that If she succeeded ho would bo given immunity , could not be as certained to-day , for Mr. Loiiguueckrrofuse/d to speak m regard to this point. It is btlll believed that , whnn the case Is called by the state on Monday next the do- fmiso will appeal for n postponement until next term on the ground of msulllciont prepa ration. It Is also said that efforts are being made to secure the services of prominent eastern lawyers in behalf of some of the ac cused men. Among those mentioned in this connection are General Ben Butler , Senator Brady , of New York , \V. Howe , of llowo & Hummell . Kullurton nnd . , ex-.ludgo cx-.ludgo Curtis , nil of New York. Should any of these , practitioners bo induced to accept n retainer in the case nt this late day , the appeal for n postponement would bo based on valid grounds , and would probably bo granted. The authorities nro making every effort to ascertain to what point Martin Burku shipped the tin box which ho had sealed two days after Conin's murder. Herman Ida here , the tin smith , has positively Identified Burke as thu man who brought him the box. SloU-n GondH llccnvrrcd. The police last night recovered nearly all of the clothing and other articles stolen from the house of H. C. Wnylnnd. of SoulhOmalm , yesterday morning. The thieves had evi dently como up town to dlsposo of their booty , as it , was found in several pawnshops on South Tenth strict. The articles were pawned between 11 and 1 o'clock , and were well scattered. The CnrrlerH Mimt Walk. The Consolidated street railway company has issued an order urohlbiting letter car ; ricrs from riding frco on horsn and cable cars after September 1. The letter carriers feel very sere over the order , claiming that it will uelny them considerably in making their deliveries in the outside districts. A Teachers' Itiiiitiion. A very pleasant reunion of the Douglas county teachers atteifding the institute , and including also city members of the profes sion pcdngogiu , was held in the Crounee block last night. A supper , speeches and other incidents that usually occur on such occasions , served to make the occasion pleas autly memorable. A Tondorfoot'H Outfit Stolen. A disconsolnblo young man westward bound reported to the pollco at South Omaha yesterday that his grips were stolen by u yonntr man wearing a bland , confiding smile , and a partner. The contents of the valises were : One light pair of pains , ono cow boy hat , one stiff hat , ono pair of Hhocs , and onu , ' 12-callbro revolver. HOUTII OMAHA NUWB. An Omaha Mini Injiirnd. At 8 o'clock Wednesday evening a union stock yards locomotive left the track while switching Just opposite the Union Pacific depot. Engineer Frank PerislnH , of Omaha , Jumped from his engine nnd broke his right anklo. A Burgeon was summoned , who reduced the fracture. The unfortunate man was Hunt homo. Hold IIoiiHo Itohhnry. Burglars yesterday entered H. O. Way- land's house , Twenty-eighth and .1 streets , and carried awav a largo amount of wearing apparel and other valuables , consisting of two grips , ono marked "H. C. W. , " u milt of black clothes , a pair of light trousers , four hats , onu a linn $7 white onu , a pair of sowed shin's , a light overcoat , underwear and a 33- caliber ruvolvur. No trneo of the perpe trator Is had by thu police. I'inlonoil With a Wnuon Yesterday Martin Sherwood , residing on Thirtieth street , Third ward , was caught by u w.igon tongue and jammed up against the guto , almost caving in his breast. A suireon was summoned , who found ou ex amination , no bones broken , Mr. Sherwood received painful bruises on thu chest , buck and right sido. Child Madly Honldoil. A young BOD , aged four yonrj , of Mr. and Mrs. J. W , Grumllch , of Albright , Tuesday evening pulled n largo boiler of HcaldiiiK hot water over on him , and then HI his frenzy fell In the puddle. Ho wa scalded all down the right sldu from thu top of his head to his feet. A physician was at once summoned and thu sufferers pain eased , SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by ' thcso 1'Ulo IMfl * . GARTER'S They also relieve Dis tress fro-ft Dyspepsia , In- ITTLE dlje ; llon nud'foo Hearty IVEi * Katliij ; . A perfect rem edy for Dlizlncsn , Nausea , PILLS. I > roMHlnc&i , Dad Taste la thu Woulh , Coated Tiiigue , I'atn lu the Htdo. TOUCH ) U\KU , They rc UluU ) the Dowels. 1'urely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE ,