THE OMAHA DAILY : KWEDNESDAY , AUGUST 21 , isso. IT WAS TAME AND ONE SIDED The Collision Between the Dos Moines nnd Omaha Toatns. VERY FEW RELIEVING FEATURES. * Crooks MIstliiKiilslics Himself by Hitting tlio Center Plolil Pence StnntlliiR of the Clubs Other Sporting. Rtmi < llnc of the Clubl. Following is the standing ot the Western Association clubs up to and Including yesterday's games : Plavod. Won. Lost. Per Ct. .078 , ( i23 .511 .489 .400 .440 .425 . CO Omnlm 11 , DCS aiuinnH 8. The Omnha and Dos Molncs teams mot nt association park yesterday nfternoon , and the collision was resultant In a very tame nnd ono-sldcd game or ball. The day was perfect for playing , but not withstanding this fact , the attendance was lighter than a straw hat. The Prohibitionists were licked before they went Into the fight , nnd they pltiycd with about as much vim imd animation as would have boon manifested by so many cigar signs. What the Dos Mollies players nro most In terested In jubt now Is pay day , und if they were p.ild according to their ability as ball players , they would draw about a dollar n day , and found. The White Sox toyed with them ns a cat toys with n mouse. They were too easy , and the boys Just loafed through the gamo. The only notable feature was Jasper Crooks' homo run hit. It wasn gorgeous smash , and nont the sphere bang up against Jolt W. Bod- ford's "Hit Mo for Fifty Dollars" sign , way out against center field fence. This exploit evoked n wild , uncanny whoop from nn Isolated mortal or two dotting the bleaching boards ; then again supreme qulctudo reigned , and on and on to the end of the dreary struggle. As n pointer to the DCS Moines team it might bo mentioned that corn cutting time is drawing apace. To bo sure they don't have to hire out If they don't want to. but they ought to cease pretending to piny ball. Captain Macullar says , however , that they will bout our lambs this afternoon , with Billy Bart In the box. Captain Macullar is laboring under an hallucination of the brain. They couldn't boat a carpet. The score Is appended : OMAHA. SUMMAIIY. Runs earned Omaha G. Two-base hits Cleveland 1 , Andrews 1. Jtloino runs Crooks. , . Double plays Council , Traflloy , Smith , Creoles , Walsh , Andrews , Nichols , Crooks , Andrews. Bases on called balls Nichols 1 , Victor 6. Struck out By Nichols 7 , by Victor 1. Passed balls Cody 1. Wild pitches Victor 3 , Nichols 1. Tima of carao 1 hour ana CO minutes. Umpire Hurst. Elntix City SO , Milwaukee 2. Sioux CITV , August 20. The Corn Husk- era won the game with hands down. They caught on to Mr. Alexander with ease. Sutton - ton was hit In the arm by a pitched ball m the first Inning and badly disabled. KnoufT was substituted. Score : BlauxCltr S 1210300 1-20 Mllwttutco , . . .0 UU 2 00000 t BIHIMAUV. Karncd runs BlouxCity 10 , Mllwnukoo 1. Twobajo bits llroBiiunMlcli.Ucnln * . Tlirt'u Imnulilta-Clcnn , 1'owell , lllnck.Hbock , .Alberts , stolen bust- * Sioux City S , Jlllwuukoo I. Dounla | il ays Cllno to llrosnau to I'owi'll. Klrst bmo on bulb-Sioux CltyS , Mlltvaii- keonoMu. lilt by pitched bull Sutton. Hlruck out HyCrowell 2 , Alexander 2. I'asaecl balls Hurley. \Vlhl iiltcii Aluxuncler. Tlmo i liourtt , & rulnutoa. Umpire IJoeBclior. St. Paul IB , Denver la. DBNVKII , August 20. The St. Paul team arrived in time to-day to defeat the homo club. The visitors played an uplulf game throughout aud won on costly errors by the homo team. Score : UU.MJIAIIV. Karnod runs-nenvorS. St. 1'uulV. Tiro-bssoblts- Klrhy. Dolun , Dnlryinplo. lluwesVnrrtik , Heakln , llvllly. Tlirebu u UlU-'Vhllo , llowu , Meakln. HouHi runs I'urnor. Dulryniplo , Carroll , Wi-rrlck , llunei Hulen Diuirer 2 , M. 1'iiul 4. Double iilnya- 'Mlllor to Werrlck lo llawi-a. liases on balls-Oil DariiDrouiili I , ntr Monkln b. lilt hy Imll-Curroll Blruik out Hr DnrnbrouKli 0 , by Muakln I1'uiuec ] bails I.ohm I , llrouiihtnn 2. Wild iiltclies l > uni < UnniKh 0. Meaklu 2. 111 on ha e Ik'nver 7 , bt , I'uull. Tlmo otiiatno 2 hours and 15inloutos. Uui- plrv Hrlotly. 1'rovuntutl liy llnln. ST. Josi'.t'ii , Mo. , August 20 , The Mlnno- apolls-St , Joseph guuio was postponed b > rain. " oTiircu n < \ ( G.vniiss. The Nntiouui Ijoatruo. CLRVELAND , August 20. Hosult of to-Uay's guino : Cleveland 0 00000001 ] Pittsburui 0 03000400 1 BUBO hits-Cleveland 4 , Plttsburg 0. Er rors Cleveland 0 , Pittsburg 1. Batteries Cleveland , Boutin and Zlmrncr ; Pittsburg , Btaloy and Field * . Umpire Lynch. PIIU.IDKLI-IIU , August 30 , Result of to day's ' giitno : Philadelphia..0 0003000 0- ! \Vashln \ ton 8 I Base hits Phlladolyhla & . Washington 5 Rrron Pblludolphla 3 , Washington 3. Bat terlos Philadelphia , Day ar * > * Schrlver Wiishlugton , Haddock and DulyUmpire ; - Curry , iNDUturoLiJ , August 30. Hojult of to day's rutiio ! Indiauapolls. . . . ! 0051031 0 H Ulileugo . . . . . . . .U Base hilt Indianapolis 14 , Chicago 11. Kr ror Indlnniiiiolls 1 , Chicago U. Battonoi IndlanaMll | . Gotzoln nnd Sommors ; Chicago , Tenor and Farroll. Umnlro Powers. BOSTON , August 20. Result ot to-dny's garno ! Now York . 0 10000100-3 Boston . 0 a 3 8 1 1 0 0 U 12 Bftio lilt Now York 0 , Boston 17. Errors Now York 10 , Boston 3. Butteries Now York , Kccfo nnd Welch , Ewlng ; Boston. Rndbourno and Oanzoll. Umpires McQuaid and Knight. _ Tlio iVntorionn Ai > ialatlni. LouisviLtr , August 20. Result of to-day's panic : Brooklyn . 2 0301043 * 18 Louisville . 0 030 1025 1 U CINCINNATI , AugustSO. Result of to-day's game ; Cincinnati . 0 3 Columbus . 0 00003100-3 KANSAS Cirr , August 20. The Clty-Bnltlmorotrnmo was called nt the end ot the third lulling on noooiint of rain. The ncora then stood I to 0 In favor of the visit- ' ors. _ ST. Louis , August 30. Result. of to-dny's Rnmo * St. Louis . 1 3013511 0 14 Athletics . 0 00000110-2 Amnicur Onnics. Noo. , August 20. iSpoolnl Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] A name of ball between the O'Ncilll nnd Chadron teams rosultud in a score of 14 to 4 in favor of O'Neill. WATEHI.OO , la. , August 20. ISpnclnl Tolo- pratn to TUB Bun. ] A guuio of base ball was played hero to- < lay botwcon the \Vater- lee mill Vlnton club ? , and was won by Wa terloo by iv score of 15 to 7. Gamlnur anilCD in or Mntoliotl. PiTTSimno , August 30. Articles of agree ment have boon sjgnod between Tcemor and Qauduar for a four-mile scull race for 91,000 n side at Mcltecsport , Pa. , September 14. THE 8PKUU KIN a. Grand Circuit Unco * . PooaiiKBBfaiB , N. Y. , August 20. [ Spo clal Telograin to Tits BGB. ] The grand trot- tine circuit race continued hero to-day. The chief event was the Pouqhkeepjlo stake of $5,000 , which was Avon by Sonigua Qolddust after site exciting heats. The other two events we're tame. To-morrow there Is the Ruppcrt stake for 3:31 : trotters , and Thurs day \lohnstou races against his record. Summaries : I'ouniiKKKrsiB STAKES , $5,000 , 2:30 : CLASS. SprnRUo Oolddust ( Green ) . . 1 31931 Miss Alice ( E. C. Walker ) . . 9 33154 Slur Lilly ( Goldsmith ) . 5 S 5 3 1 3 KatherlnoS ( Irwin ) . . . < . . . . ! ! U' 3 U 8 3 Prince Ruaont ( Andrews ) . . 347347 Alino ( Elliott ) . : . ' . . .1 ( > 10 7 5 dr Tariff ( Hills ) . 070080 Ketch ( Ropens ) . , . .13 I 8 4 0 dls VeritasUobloaud.Splan ( ) 3 13 1 3 5 dr Mnrkman Muid ( Howell ) . 454 dr Warren ( Nichols ) . 8 U 0 - dr King Bob ( McDonald ) . . . . 7 0 dr Time 2:19 : # , 3lSf : , 3:20 : , 3:20 : , 8:21 : , runsii $1,500 , 3:32 : CLASS. Globe ( Andrews ) . 1 1 1 Golden Rod ( McDdhald ) . 3 3 3 Sensation rKcuttng ) . 3 5 4 Mulatto ( Splan ) . 5 3 3 Delmonto jUavfs ) . 4 4 5 LynnW ( McCarthy ) . Uis Time 2:20 : > . 2:30 : , 2:31) : ) . PUHSE $8,000 , 2:37 : PAOB. Minnie P ( Rennick ) . 1 1 1 Dallas ( Higglnsi . 3 3 3 Blanche ( Smith ) . 4 3 3 Mnrklund ( Goldsmith ) . 3 5 4 Ednu Medium ( Wright ) . 5 dis :19tf. : AlorrU J'ark HIICRS. NEW Yonic , August 'JO. "Morris nark , " as it wll bo. commonly called Jn _ contradistinc tion with Jerome add MonmoutU parit race tracks , was regularly opened as a race course to-day. It is the property of John Morris , who bos associated with him in its management the Now York Jockey club. The grounds and track nro located In West- Chester county , on the Harlen branch of the Now York , Now Haven & Hartford railroad , and oartly within the city limits. The now course has the finest buildlnss and arrange ments of nny in the world. An idea of its completeness may be gained from the fact that its truckage cost $250,000. Its grand stand is the largest and - most complete of any In the world , and all its appurtenances nro the results of modern improvements. The track has both elliptical and straight away tracks and It is believed It will be , when properly settled und conditioned , the fastest 'n America. Summary : Five-eighths of a mlle Goraldlne won In 1:00 : , which bents the record made by Sam Harper tit Jcromo Park bv n quarter of a 'second , and equals that of Klttlo Pease. The latter record has never boon considered au thentic. Volunteer H. second , Gladstone third. Ono mile Tavjstan won m 1:43 , Miss Cody second , McAuley third , ' Throe-fourths of a tnilo Ruperta won in 1:14 , Magnate second , Ralph Bayard third. Mlle and three-sixteenths Scnorltu won in 2:03 : , Hanover second , Taragon third. Pivo-oighths of a mlle Prontenao won in 01 } , Chesapeake second , Phoebe third. Eleven-sixteenths of a mile- Tattler won in 1:51) } , Judge Morrow second , Elgin third. R.EMOHSU imoVE HIM MAD. A Contractor Takes a Jab too Cheaply nml HncrmiBs Insane. TOLEDO , O. , August 20. Three wools ago Adam Rntnmcrt , a well known building con tractor , disappeared in a mysterious manner. Some months since Rommcrt was awarded the contract for building two new school buildings in this city , but ho took the Job too cheaply , and finding ha would lose money ho loft the city. Diligent soireh was mudo for him , bdt without avail. Yesterday as a hunter was passing through the woods hear Grassy Po'mU threq .miles b'elow the city , ho discovered a man half nude. To his great surprise ho found it was Rominort , whom ho know well. The unfortunate man , himrlnt/ his iiutno called , turned and ran throuch the woods , uttering 'insane imprecations as be ran. The mutter , was reported to the police , who are now searching for him. Liana Hungry Boomers. KANSAS CITT , August 20. The reports from the Cherokee atrip and its vicinity In- dlcato that the opening of Oklahoma has not absorbed all the boomers In the country. When Secretary Speed , of the Choroken commission , returned' hero to-day , his oftlco WHB besieged by a host of boomers anxious to learn what were the prospects for the speedy opening of the strip. They were Informed that the negotiations with the Choyonncs for the purchase of tholrresorva- tlon by the government uro likely to bo brief nnd satisfactory nnd that the country will probably bo open to settlement next spring. The boomurs received tlio Information with satisfaction and uiuuy expressed their do. termination to ciimi ) ou'tho borders waiting for the appointed time. liUolpllnlni ; French Oflloers. PAIUS , August 20. At a meeting of the ministerial council hold at the Elysco to-day , the linn later of War stated that out of 20OOC , ofHcors of the army 500 bavo boon found guilty of partlcioatiug in political agitation ami have boon dealt with according to the gravity ot thulr offenses. Ho also said that twenty-one non-coininlsslouod officers bad been cashiered. AtOlyinpla. OLTMI'IA , Wash. , August 30. The conven tion to-day Indorsed several articles reported by the rovlolou oommlttoo. The report of the committee on tldo lands passed to a thlra reading. The state's sovereignty wa ; continued , but persons who placed Improve ments on the lauds prior to February , 1869 may purchase at the appraised value. It ii very doubtful if this article will pnss , Oklahoma Territorial Con.vontlon. GUTUUIE , Oklahoma , August 20. The tor rltorlal convention assembled to-dayrccolvec the reports of the committees which hav < boon ut worn uurinx recess uud referred tut da mo to the commlltoo ou organization uru adjourned until lo-iuorrow. REV , HELMICK'S VICTIM DIES , The Noola Shootlnff Affair Oulml- iiatcs In a Tragedy. A NEW RAILROAD COMPANY. Now Depot nt Wntorlon A Notvoll Implement Donlrr Short In Ills Accounts The Illuo Gram I'nluoo. The NROI.A , In. , August 20. [ Special Telegram .to Tun BKE.J The Noola shooting affair cul- mlnntod In the death of Mr. Palmer at 5 o'clock ' till * afternoon. Dr. Sommors , Jr. , nnd Dr. Hobor , ol Omaha , wore telephoned for lust night , ami came ever this morning. After nn examination of Mr. Palmer nnd consultation With the local physicians they decided that there wes only ona Ihlnff to do hat would offer any hope of giving him help , vhtch was to open the abdomoa nad close up ho openings In the intestines muda by the lullot , which they proceeded to do , Ilndlng our openings , which they closed up. Hut Mr. Palmer was not nblo to tally from the operation , and died. 03 stated , this ovoninif. llolmlcU is still under nrrcst mm will have his preliminary UoarlnR to-morrow. Waterloo's Noi\ ' . NoiDepot. WATT.IILOO , la. , August 20. [ Special Telo- rram to TUB HUB. ] The Burlington , Cedar tnpids & Northern has bugun work on the low depot buildings In this city. They are o cost 25,000 , nnd It is said that they will bo tha illicit depot buildings at .any point ou this line. Tlio Wnverly Northern. WATEHLOO , la. , August 20. ( Special Tele- Rrmn to Tun BBB. ] A now railroad com- mny called the Waverly Northern has boon irganlzcd. Its object is claimed to bo to > uild a line from Wavorly south through Waterloo to Cedar Rapids and north to the Htato lino. It is said that the projectors nro mured that either tno Chicago , tit. Paul & tausns City or Chicago , Milw.iulteo & SU ? aul will operate tha line when U is con structed. . Short In Htfl'/Vcconnts. Four DODOB , In , , August 20. | Special rclogr.un to THE Bnn.1 James Wood , on extensive agricultural implement dealer of S'owoll , la. , also agent for Warden U. O. & 3o. , of Chicago , was arrested to-day for em- > ezzlumcut. At an investigation of that Irm's accounts , shortages" wdrd discovered to the amount of $1,700. The affair creates u great sensation because of Mr.Vood's hlth- srto high standing. Tlio matter will be investigated - tigatod by thu grand Jury immodlatoly.- County's Contribution. GLF.NWOOD , la. , August 20. [ Special to PHK BiiE.J The Mills county contribution to the Crcston blue crass palace and exposi tion will bo ono of the finest ever rnaao by nny county. It will include over forty vari eties of native woods , apples of many kinds , > earho3 , pears , grapes , grasses , grains and vegetables , superior in size nnd quality. Therd will bo a largo representation from this city in constant attendance at the expo sition. _ Ho Can't Find His Mine. DBS MOINEI , la. , August 30. [ Special Tel egram to THE BEE.J Will Brewster , son of a Fort Madison banker , who has been en gaged in business in Kansas City the past year , was cleverly swindled out of 810,000 mho -ho purchase of an alleged silver miao in Arizona recently. Browstor did not see the mine before purchasing It , nnd has boon unable - able to ilnd it since. It is said that several irominent citizens in Kansas City are mixed ip in the swindler , and .that Brewster has "ample evidence to convlot'thbm.-- ' - Thinks the Purnehute. -Prand. . * DunuQOE , Iu. , August 30. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEB. ] Johnny Simons , a ten- year-old boy , of this city , recently witnessed a parachute descend from a balloon and thought ho would investigate itSo ho irocured an umbrella and going to the top > f the house , spread his umbrella and leaped From the roof. Johnny landed on the ground n much less than a minute with both arms jrokcn , his head badly cut and other injuries. bio thinks the parachute idea is a fraud. Pioneers of Three States. KEOKUK , la , , August 20. | Special Tele gram to THE BEB.I The tri-stuto' old sot- , lers' reunion will bo held in this oity Sep tember 10 , and will bo addressed by a num- jor of distinguished visitors. - Governor David R. Francis will deliver an a'ddress on jehalf of Missouri , Judijo Hubbard. of Cedar Ltnpids , on behalf of Iowa , and Hon. John fl. Hungato on behalf of Illinois. Hon. Edwin Manning will preside. Hon. John E. Craig will deliver an aduross'of welcome. A Vlollm or llonrt DNonsp. WHAT CIIKEII , la. , August 20. | Special Telegram to THE BEE. ] Potor'Smeaton , a day laborer , had just came oufof No. 1 shaft of the What Cheer coal company , and Dan Uced , another day laborer , was ia his buggy ready to start home , ana asked Mr. Smeuton to take a ride with him. Smoaton 'accepted the invitation and had Just got into tbo buggy when ho fell dead , heart disease being the cuuso of his death. ' 4 t A Horrible Dose. BOONK , la. , August 30. [ Special -Telegram to Tun BEK.J The two-year-old son of County Attorney Braokett obtained a bottle of laudanum to-day , and , extracting. Mia corir with his tooth , swallowed quite a'dose of it. Restoratives were promptly applied , and after u hara struggle the . child's ' llie jvas saved. Miintilecl by tboCn'rs. : Ia. , August 30. [ Special Tel egram to Tun BEE. | A man , -horribly mangled , was found ou the ' RookJIsland track nt Eldon this morning'Ttwro was no clue to his identity , but the coroner's ' jury decided that ho was killed by the cars wnilo trying to steal a ride. Will Boycott the ilonds. . ' DUIIOQUB , la. , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.J Tbo Jobpors uild nianu- f actureri passed a resolution boycotting the Kansas City and Burlington roads .on ac count of a refusal to apply the , Cblcago-St. Paul rate to Duburjuo. > AR Unit us Ion Uranm. DUDUQUB , Ia. , August 20. ( .Special Telegram - gram to TUB BBE.J Six guests of Rov. Thomas were poisoned last night from eat ing dried beef. All will survivo. AN IMPORTANT OUOKK. Tlio Itulo HcwnrtliiiK Proof of Orluin ot disability Motilflutl. WASHINGTON , August 20. Pension Com missioner Tanner to-day issued the follow ing important order. To Chiefs of Divisions The rule which has hitherto maintained in this ofllce regard ing proof of the origin of disability , under which the evidence of ono commissioned of- iicerorono orderly sergeant was accepted , whllo In the absouco of that evidence tha testimony of two private soldiers has been required , Is hereby so far modillod that in the ubsonco of the evidence of n commis sioned ofllccr or orderly sergeant , the origin shall be bold to bo proved on the evidence ol the claimant und oae private soldier , provided always that said claimant and said private bo men of character , JAMES TANNEH. Another Indian Outtirenic In Montana MISSOULA , Mont. , August 20. Reliable In formation reaches hera that the Indians are again menacing the lives of tbo whites at Emorsvilla They have brokou into a house and one person has been killed. F. 1) . Dun can , justice of the peace at , Emorsvlllo , has telegraphed Governor White asking for pro tcction nnd say * that the settlers uro guard ing thulr homes. ' OLD J > OM 3 tyCDKO'8 The WoullclnAmivsiln n Wlno * llmtotl Unpuhllonn Vottth. NEW YOHK , AxJRustCO. [ Special Telegram o TUB 13 HI' . ] A letter from Rio Janeiro , Jrazll , referring to the nttompt to nssassl- into Pom Pedro on the IGth of July , says the itmost indignation prevails , It soeias n strange thing that the man who 1ms tacitly abolished Uio p'o'nitlty of death In Ills omniro [ for Pedro uhvuys refused to sign a death vnrrant ) shou $ H'avo been condemned oven by tnalcontonU tq a violent dnath. The gen eral fooling U < one of genuine indignation and sorrow. Apparently the tnnd deed was lone In n moment of drunken bravado , nnd his is Dom Pedro's belief. L > om Pedro , sur rounded by bis family , was Just leaving the theater , where ho had spent the evening , vhon nt the general outlet n young man do Ibcrately , face to fnco with the emperor , raised Iho seditious cry : "Long llvo the ropullo. " Immediately ans wering the cry "Long llvo the emperor , " came thundering from every side of the homo. The confusion that fol- owcd can well bo imagined. At that mo- uent the young man raised his pistol nnd Irod , Dom Pedro , without the least altera tion in voice or feature , quieted his wife and daughter , nnd forbidding his body guard to draw their swords , steeped into his carriage after his family. Putting his horse * at full speed , the Imperial coachman drove down .ho crowded city plnza to the palace without further nnnoynnco. The commotion In the neighborhood of the houio whence the shot was lired was torriblo. Pnoplo rmhod hero nnd there in wild but fruitless search for the xvould-bo assasiin. Favored by the general rush mid confusion , ho had escaped , but two lours afterward ho was captured. lie is a iroung fellow , aljnost a lad , a clerk In a big jusincss establishment , and Is a Portugese jy birth. Ho is evidently laboring under some croat aberration of mind. .Undoubtedly the outrage Is in n measure duo to the juvonllo enthusiasm provoked by the republican festivities In hon or of the centennial of the Froncti revolution. Dom Pedro has not , taken unv notice whatever - ever of the affair and continues to come and ? o from the city without observing any extra precautions. Ihc republican parly in Brazil lias thus given proof of its existence , and a few words about its growth und development will not bo amiss. Tbo government of Brazil lias had Its adversaries smco the foundation of the empire , but the republican party hero has always been a nogatlvo rather than a positive quantity. Lately , however , it has taken another course , and strange to say , the republican eruption has been brought 'about by a decree that has given freedom to 1.000- 300 slaves. Tno disappointed slaveholders liavo to a man declared themselves republi cans , refusing allegiance to the dynasty that has withdrawn from their hands the power of disposing of the persons and lives of their fellow creatures. The youth of the higher schools nro now participating In a general movement and compose perhaps tlio only party of pure minded republicans in the em pire. At any moment a crisis may bo ex pected. Yet Dom Pedro is popular. Ho is loved and respected as a man nnd is admired as a sovereign hymen of nil political creeds , nnd it has boon a generally accepted dogma in the republican , fraternity that no violence whatever shall bo , offered the old monarch , who in his tlftjr , years reign has not commit ted ono single action to disparage him as u gentle-man or'"dharao him us n king. All the republican propaganda is addressed against the future1 empress , the princess Isa bella , who was .Vevor popular. She has , of course , a strong p'arty , composed of liber ated slaves and , their friends , but her re ligious intolerance may in time alienate from her this affection' Her husband , Comto d" Eu , a prince' of 'the house of Orleans , is positively disliked , by the masses. It will bean an ill day for Brazil when Dom Pedro ceases to bo nt the head'of ' the potion. The popu lace is not educated for u republic. The loaders of tho' now party are violent ana passionate men , and the first tntng that may bo expected is a'ciSril war of disastrous con sequences , in wnleh perhaps the fittest will not be the survivors' IIAYJS.SOBRUED UP. 1 o j T " v * i The Hungarian Hlotcrs JJoavInc the Country Terror-Strli-lcen. Gnur.Nsnuito , Pa. , August 20. Only lif- teen of the titty-two Hungarians were hold for participating in the Hocla coke works riot , the balance having boon discharged tills afternoon. The majority of the liber J ated men said they would leave the country In the course of ton days. They are com pletely terrorized and some of them are afraid to go back to Mammoth. Already twenty or thirty have gone east with the in tention of taking passage for their native country. The places of the abseat Hungari ans at Mammoth and other works in that locality uro being filled by negroes. J. VV. Moore is disgusted with tbo foreign element and states it is his intention to got rid of them. SELMA AGITATED. AVnrrants Issued. For Kill tor Bryant and Confreres. SELMA , Ala. , August 20. Selma Is still stirred up on account of rage troubles. War rants of arrest were issued to-day for Editor Bryant , Clark and Jones , of the Independ ent , for inciting race animosities , but they could not bo found in the city. Four colored persons were arrested this evening for ob structing service of processes by the sheriff , and their trial will come off in tbo morning. Tno military is kept in readiness for an emergency. IT WAS A MISTAKE. The Valkyrie Found to flnva Been thu Victor 'Vcstardar. [ CnpurlaM IB&3 ti \ Jama QnrJm llennttt. ' ] PORTSMOUTH , August 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THIS BEK. ] The Valkyrie won the Albert cup yesterday after all. The racing committee made a mistake of a minute against the Valkyrie , and to-day reconsidered the decision , giving the cup to the Vnlkyrio and second prize to the Varan a. Steamship Arrivals. At Stettin The Island , from Now ork. At Hamburg Tlio Huglu , from Now York. At Breraerhaven The Elbe , from Now York. At Glasgow ThoFurnessln , from Now York. At Philadelphia The British Prince , from Liverpool. * At London Sighted. The England , from Now York. The TerryiShootinir Afl'alr. DBRH PAUK , 'Hid ' ? , August 20. The at torney conoral h3sjroclved a detailed account ' ' count of the sho'o'Uog of Judge Terry. Hav ing considered tvo'citolegrams to-uay from California In relation to the same affair ho has sent word tgiJlUirlct Attorney Carey to use his own discretion in aiding the defense of Marshal Naclc , . The Knlfo Hotter Tlmn the Club. PAHUOAII , Ky. , rAugUBt 20. Yesterday , In Marshall county OjUipbell Parker quarrelled with a noinhborJjUipJ ) ! Oscar Brano and hit him with n cmb.j0liraiio cut Parker fatally with a Unite. Sidney Purker , n son , wont to his father's assistance aud was also fatally Injured. A to' ' _ irt An Invltatfoii b the Cattle Show. ' WASHINGTON , 'August 20. The Argentina Republic has addressed a formal invitation to the United States government to take part in the second international cattlu show of the Argentina Agricultural society , to beheld held at Buenos Ayres , next April , under the auspices of ttio national government , t B Four Minor * Killed. Ciuiu.EBTOH , W. Va. , August 30. Frank Morris , John Hill , Jauies O'Brien and Uroillo Morris , minors , were caught beneath a fall of eUto in the mines of the Cannellon Coal company , in Fuyotto county , last night und were Instantly killed. Several others wore wounded. A Prominent Ohio Imwyer Dleg. CINCINNATI , August SO. Judge Henry 0. Whitney , an aged and highly respected mem ber of the Ohio bar , died to-day , A third of a ooutury ago he wus an ussociato of Thomas Uwlug , Henry Stuuberry , Edward M , SUnion , Henry Clav aud othora. LIVELY ROW IN THE COUNCIL , The Entortcxlnmout Furnlahod Tor the Wlohlta Visitors. BLUFFS AND PERSONAL ABUSE. Knonnr llofcru to Scnvoy ns n Santa Barbara I'Vcak ' , nnd Lowrjr Calls City Clerk South- nrd a Drunkard. Tlio Council In an Uproar. * Bluffs , bluster nnd personal nbuso char- nctorlzccl the mooting of the city solons last night. The inud-sllnglng wai so heartily In- dulgcd In that n committee ot the city coun cil of wild and woolly Wlctilta , who were present ut the meeting , became shocked and gracefully bowed themselves out of the council chamber with their hands in their hip pockets. The war wns started by Coun cilman Hascall , who , acting us the mouth- pleco of 0. II. Rathaokor , who had a seat nt hlssido , Introduced the following resolu tion ! Wherons. It Is currently reported that the mayor is threatening that the chief of police will do great bodily harm to or probably kill representatives of the pilbllo press who" com ment unfavorably upon the ofllcial nets of such officers ; and Whorons , it being Iho duty of the mayor , to bo n law abiding citizen nnd not a law breaker ; therefore Resolved , That the council tnko the neces sary steps to investigate the matter , nnd If the reports nro true to remedy the evil. Mr. Huscnll inovod tha adoption of the resolution , Ho stated that the resolution wits offered at the instance of Mr. Hotli- acker , who claimed that such reports were current , nnd asked that they bo Investi gated. Mr. Hiiscall asked that Mr. Rotli- nckor bo allowed to addrosa the council on the subject. Thin broucht Major Wheeler to the floor. "I object , " ho said , "to Mr. Rothacker's ad dressing the council. I don't think bo need got scared BO easily nt rumored throats. It Is not RO long ago that be himself made an as sault upon an editor. His complaint is very ill-timed. " "Mr. Rotbnckcr should not got scared BO easily , " shouted Mr. Kaspnr. "That Santa Barbara freak has threatened pcnplo before. Ho fjnvo orders to have mo arrested on nny pos sible charge , but I can walk the streets of Omaha without any more fear than I have respect for him and tiU Ilk. Mr. Rothackcr should not got scared of him. " Mr. Husc.ill tried to speak again , nnd was being liberally prompted by Mr. Rothackor. Ho was Interrupted by Major Wheeler With "I ask that Rothackcr cither shut up or get out behind the ratline. " "Ho'll get out when the council says so , and not nt the order of ono man , " retorted Hascall. President Lee stated that as Mr. Roth- nckor1 represented n newspaper , ho was entitled to a' seat in the council chamber , but would have to observe ordor. The question then came to a vote , the re sult of which saved Mr. Rothackcr the trouble of making a speech. After some furtncr discussion Mr. Has- call's ' resolution was adopted , and Messrs. Hascall , tiodford and Burnham were ap pointed by the chair as a committee to inves tigate the reports referred to in the resolu tion. tion.After After this war of words Mr. Rothackor took bis departure , and the council pro ceeded with the regular order of business. But the white winged messenger of peace was not allowed to act as a presiding genius very long. Mr. Wheeler introduced a little three line resolution authorizing the side walk , inspector to employ an assistant at $ 2.50 a day. "I suppose , " said Mr. Kaspar , "that Allen wants an assistant to do his work so ho can have more tltno to play high live. " Mr. Lowry , the llre-oatcr from the First , came up snorting with indignation. "Thero are other officials of this city who spend too much of their time playing hign live , " he ex claimed , glaring at City Clerk Southard , "it's n well known fact that the affairs la the city clerk's office , " ho continued , "aro not kept as they should bo. Last week two clerks did all of tha work of the office , whllo ho was out drlnldng and playing high ilvo. The city clerk Is too busy just now with politics to attend to his business. It is known , too , by members of this council , that he Is noth ing more than a drunkard " A rap of the president's gravel called Mr. Lowry to order , und no spout the rest of the evening looicing the words of wrath and scorn ttiat ho was not allowed to utter. After this tilt thu council proceeded with the regular weekly grist of municipal busi ness. Attend the Omaha Pair , September 2 to 0. Railroad rates : One furo for round trip and 60c added from nil Nebraska points. Ono and ono-third faro 250 rnilcs east of Omaha. Afnsworth Items. AINSWOUTII , Nob. , August 20. [ Spoclal to Tni : BEK.J A joint stock company compris ing five of the leadmg.buslncss men of the pluco J. H. Rogers , R , S. Rising , S. G. Chancy , S. Backey and J. W. Scofiold will immediately erect and operate a creamery at this place , The citizens gave a liberal bonus towards this much needed enterprise. Water works in Alnsworth is a foregone conclusion , the city council having Issued u cull for an election to vote _ $ j,000 bonds for this purpose. The citizens urn unanimously in favor of the bonds. An effort will bo inudo to have water protection this full. The citizens also feel tha need of a fiouring mill and will cive a liberal bonus toward a good ono. Notes From Koyn Palm County. MUMT. Neb. , August 20. [ Special to Tnn BEK.J The frequent copious and general rains have placc t tno assurance of a good corn crop In this county beyond cioubt. Cattlemen report stock.looklng better than at this season of the year in many years. Politics are warming up , and "Law and Order" Buems to bo tbo watchword. The big and anti-big movements in this county will have the effect to a great extent of breaking down party linos. The old soldiers and old settlers' reunion , to bo held in this county on the 4th , 5th und Oth of September , promises to bo the biggest thine on record. The Wronjr Blan Arrototl. QUANT , Nob. , August 20. [ Special Tolo- grum to Tun BUB. ] Sheriff Winuholl cap tured a youth Sunday evening answering the description of a man wanted in Lyons. Kan. , for burglary. Tbo young man could furnish no satisfactory account of himself and was confiuod in jail until n dispatch announced that the right man had bean oapturod. Nebraska Cattle Going Hast. WAV.NB , Neb. , August 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun HUB. | Another special train of fat cattle loft hero for Chicago to-night , making the eighth extra of block this joar. Scorntary Traov ut I'ortyniouth , POIITHMOUTII , N. H. , August 20. This morning Secretary of tbo Navy Tracy and Lieutenant AJason catno up to the navy yard in tbo secretary's launch. The secretary was shown about the navy yard by Com mandant Bradford and afterwards lunched with that officer. GonaarincH Wounded by a Bo in I ) . I ton E , August 20. Last evening a bomb was thrown from tbo roar of the chamber of deputies into the Piano colonado during ft concert. The bomb exploded , wounding BO- rlously U gendarmes und a child. A panla ensued which was soon quelled. The In jured persons were removed to the hospital. The lrrla tlou Committee In Utah. SAW LAKE Cur , August BO. The irrlga. tloa oqmuiltteo ot tha United SUtca eouato arrived hero yesterday. Statement * of cltl- zona a * to the need * of Utah in tbo way of irrigation und thu results already attained were listened to by the oomaiuilon. THIO MASONIC AIUDDU2. Win. II , rcoktiam'fl Uonson For Iioav Inethc Scottish Ulto Conilstory. NKW YOIIK , August 20. To-day William II , Pcckham , past grand commander , nnd n thirty-third degree Mason , who for fifty years has been an nctivo member of the Mn- sotilc order , inn loiter addressed to thoMa- fionlo fraternity tlirouchout the world gives Ills reasons for severing his connection with the Scottish Right Masons nnd Cornonu Con sistory No. 12 , of this city. His reasons for BO doing nro bccnuso tlio Grand Orient of Franco , founded In 1725 , did In 1878 chinlnato the natno of God from the constitution nnd ritual , thereby compelling every symbolic grand ledge throughout the world to denounce the act nnd sever all relations of amity nml corres pondence therewith , "And yet , " ho says , "in spite of this well known fact , Brother F. J. S , Gnrgus , present grand commander of thoancion-.unil accepted Scottish Rightthirty third nnd last degree of Free Mnsanrv. during n visit to Paris In 1833 did visit and aioot with a "Council of the Order , " nnd ap point n representative thereto as a guarantee ot amity on behalf of the body ever which ho prcnldes. " In conclu sion Mr. Pockham says the members of n ' 'council ' of this order" uro inorabors of. and ewe allegiance to the Grand Orient , nnd consequently nro under the ban of non- Masonlo intercourse , and no true symbolic Mason can ignore the edict of his trand lodge , which Interdicts Ills doings. A IIUUK1CAN13 K1G11T. Hniilou KnoRkR Out Iiowrcy In Thir teen HnnndH. FiUNKi.tN , Pa. , AuKUst 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Bnn. ] A brutal prlro fight cauio oft on an Island In the Allegheny river , near thli city , lust night between two young men named Hnnlon and Lowroy. The fight was to settle the question of which was tha best man , nnd n wager of $100 was up. A purse was also raised by the spectators for the winner. The fight was of the hurricane order , und after the first few rounds science was thrown away nnd the men went In to BOO which could do the most dnmnRO. Thirteen bloody rounds were fought when Lowroy was forced to give in from sheer exhaustion. Both men were badly hurt. THti WISCONSIN PEAULiS. Chicago Jcwolorn Auviso the Inhab itants to Ki'Hiitin ) Corn ( lonlnt ; . CHICAGO , August 533. That the fresh water pearls which have been sent from Wisconsin to Chicago jewelers for valuation nro not worth a "hooter" all the' trade Is agreed , but whether or not it is possible to find really fresh water pearls is u question which has two sides. Some dealers say they are rarely found , whllo others st > y there Is no such thing as a line pearl from Iresh water , and all agruo that bettor wages can bo inudo at hoeing corn than in hunting for'pcarla in fresh wuter clams. The Purvis Grand Jury Discharged. Pmivis , Miss. , August 20. Thn grnnd Jury mudo its final report and was discharged , after having found twoiity-oicht true bills and examined eighty-five witnesses. This carried out the prediction made seine days ago that neither Charles Rich , Captain Janncsou , Superintendent Tyler nor General Manager Carroll , of the Queen & Crescent , would bo indicted ; District Attorney Novillc says ho will keep up the hunt , und that the grand jury of the regular term will take up the priza fight. Prlvntn Inlz"ll a Candidate. PiTTSiiUKG. August 20. A telegram from Salem , O. , says Private Dalzell is in the field for the position of commandor-in-uhlcf of the G. A. R. , and tils friends will make a vigorous canvass in his behalf. Famine Thrnatcns Blonti-no-rro. LONDON , August 20. A dispatch from Montenegro says a famine is threatened , owinir to the failure of the crops , and that an epidemic of disease is now extensively prevalent. A Staco Hell ! Un. PORTLAND , Ore. , August 20. News has just been received that the stage between Canyon City und Baker City was "held up" yesterday and the entire mail captured and gene through. _ _ _ liiirlitnlnir Strikes the KifTel Tower. PAIUS , August 20. This city was visited by u violent storm to-day. A thunderbolt struck the Eiffel tower. No damage was done. Will Sue For IXvorce. NEW YOIIK , August 20 Sheriff Flack's wife to-day took steps towards divorce pro ceeding against her husuand. Harrison GOUH to I > r Park. OAKLAND , M. D. , Autrust 20. The train bearing President Harrison and party left for Deer Park at 1' :30 p. m. Will Ho Tried Tor Thomas F. W. White was run In by the police yesterday afternoon charged with bainR drunk. In the evening J. C. Gladden , ofi , 218 Nicholas street , appeared at the sta tion and stated that White was the man ho had reported to the police about one year ago for stealing numerous attlclcsof property from his residence. Among the articles were thrco rings not with diamonds , garnets und pearls , u pair of shoes , several tools , currycomb nnd u number of other things Gladden stated that ho would appear in thu morning and prefer charges against White. State fair September I ! , but the pub lic sale of llaiubloluniaii horses at Lin coln ia the day before. Why not at tend both. VlHltorn From Wichita. Messrs. B. H. Downing. H. V. Henley , W. L. Johnson , H. H. Jacknfan and O. 7 . Smith , members of the city council of Wich ita , Kan. , arrived In the city lustjiight and dropped In at the council meotlne. Wichita Is taking on metropolitan ulrs.nud will do u lot of pavini ; this yjiar und next , and thcsu gentlemen uro out oh a Junkotlug tour exam ining tha pavement's in use in Omaha nnd Kansas City. They will bo shown ever tlio city to-day by ttio city engineer and a dele gation of councilmcn , "We * A Good Appotlto 1 * 05 < mUiU to goo.l lionlth : but nt thH season thn blood may bo Im pure , th.U tlrod fooling predominant , nnd the nppcttlto lost. Hooil'tt Sarsnparillu is n wen- dorful medicine , for creating an appetite , tonIng - Ing thu digest Ion. unit giving strength to the nerves and health to the whole system. Do a tire to gotHood'HSiiranpnrllln. Sold by iilldniggUti. Prepared only by 0.1. Hood ft Co. , Apothucarlfs. l.imull. THI W03LO OU3H1 TO SHOW 17 , The worlA otiRht to fcnrm'nlmtS.S.S.liM done forma In tlio euro ofn mnllfjrmnt Cancer , illicit \\m toli.uln.ito bo consldcrul Incuru- lila by tlio | > h ) lchns tti Olilciicolicro I vent iolio trial cil. Ono of my nclr-libora Kent mo n copy of im Jcr \ - IKincnt In ivgard to Sulft'abpccllIcLand 1 relief from lliefirsUcw ( Icscsj Ilio I'iols'onwns gradually furred cut of my 8hluai , B'ul l\\ti noon ciinil ftiund nnd \\fil. It is now ten months Elnco I quit Ink' ln S.S.H. imailmvo hail no flcii of rtturn of the drca3fiil ilWaso. Mm , Au Sable , JIlcli. , Dec. 29 , ' 38. Send for buoUa on lllooil Hl'cnscs anil Cancer * , mailed free THE Swirr brccina Co. Drawer .1. Atlanta. Oa. UNPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION I OVHll A MII.UUN DISTJIIIJDTED. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incnrporatoil liy tlio U'pl'l.lturo , fur Kilucntlnnn unit Clmrltnb o uiiriio , > w , nil I U * frnnclilx * nfolo a | mr ! . < irt'ic ! iir * i > nt Htnlornn tUtttlon , III 137V , tif an ovornliolmliiK | ntn Its MAMMOTH lUA\VINOStakorilace Soml- Amumlly , ( Juiiu nml Uucember ) . ami Its uitAND SINUM : NUMIIUU DUAWimistako place in cnuli of tlio nth or ton months of tha year , nml are nil driuvn In public , at the Acad emy of Jliialc , Now Orleans , Ia. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , Fur Integrity of its Drawling , mid I'r.nnpt I'nyniont of I'rlzps , AttoHeclai follous : "Wo do hereby thiit wu Biu > i > rvl n Iho nrr.ingo- mcnt tor all tliii Mon Hi y nil I to nl Annual lr ir- InxaofTlio nulu I 0:10 : y < omp iny , un I In prrso.l ma into mid control Iho Drnwinu' ihonl- M. lTo'.iu\il tlml tlio BIIIDU ro ion liiclixt with him. csly , falrni > 4 , mil In t-'O'i.l . lulth t iwniil all purlins , and wo a'ttlio.lio tlio comp my til u j t ils ccrlineato , with laolmlii'iuf oitrnUimtures mtnclu'd , In ItaaJ- Yurtlscniunls. " COMMISSIONERS. Wo the iindor lpncn llnnkii nnd Ilankon will pair nil Prize * drawn In thn I oiiMnnn Mtnto Lot ter.o which mny l > opre ontoilntoiir tnntpn ) . Hi M. WA MISIjEV. Pros. Louhlixnn , Nat. Hank. P1KHIIE LANAU.V , Pros. Stuto Nnt'i llanfc. A. liAljDWlN. 1'res. Now Orleans Nnt' ] Hank. CAUL KOHN , Prcs. Union Nntlonul Hank" Grand Monthly Drawing At the Academy of Music , Now Orleans - loans , Tuesday , September 1O , 1889 CAPITAL PRIZE , - $300,000. 1OO.OOO 'Mounts nt Twenty Dollars encli. Halv.-s. SlOj Qrnrtcra , $ B | I o mlis , $2 ; Twentieths , $1. LIST or . 1 1'iuzK or law.wxi is . 1100,00) 1 I'lll/.K OK IIU.MI ll . . . JUUJJUO 1 I'llI/.K < ) ! ' W.U'H ' 19 . ftlJUJ 1 1'UIX.I ! ( ) ! 2..IIO ll . SSilM ) J IMUXKS OP lIMWliro . 3IU ) fi riUXKS OP ft.UJUliro 23 1MIIXCS OP l.Klllire 1IU I'KI/.KS OP ttllnro aw riil/us OP : mJnru HJCJUJ aw I'm/us or arinro 100,000 .MMMIOXIMATIOX I'lll/KH. UK ) I'rlros ' ol fTi'llnro , Ilk ) ilo 'Ml urn : JI.IMI ) 1UO do ajuiiro ; . SJ.VX ) . . . ! l ilo Wl are . WiXH U'J do IttJ uiu . W.UO 3ni I'rt/ci , nmountlim to . Jl.U5l.frtJ Non-TltkelsdriHiiK Cniiltiil 1'rlies are uut on tilled to tormliml 1'rlzo * . A I3.\ys" 'l'Mlii ' HATKH , or any fiutbor Information desired , urlo leulbly to Ihu iiiuluriil'iiuil | , clearly ntuilni ; your n'Milcneo. with titulu , Co inly , Snoot nil Number. Muro r.iplil rotiini mull delivery will bo inMircnl | i\r your uiiolosliu u Knrulooo Uoariuic your full tidJrua . IMPORTANT. Address if. A. UAUPIirN. iS'ow Orleans , La. , orM. A. DAUPHIN , \Viulilnttoii , I ) . U. lly onllnary lollop iDntiilnlnt : MoNnrOlinKitlnjue , ! hy u'l IClii'j.n ( oni : inlus , Now York lixelmnKe , Drafter or I o-til .Nuio. Address fleglslered Utters containing Currency to NEW OUMANH : NATIONAL HANK. Now "HKMKMIIKU , t'mt tha payinont nf I'rlion Is nUAHANl'KKI ) lit' KOIJIt .NATIONAL IIAMvS of Now Orliuim , nml fie UtkrU iiriml ni'ii hy Ihoiircil- dent or un liiKtltuilon , whoio olnirlcrttl rlijUw nru n'eiuntml In thu hlKhont entirtit ; tlu'rofnre. Dowaro ot un Ini.liitlunt oranoiiyiuoiii leliiMiiua. " ONK Did. IjAH U Ihu prloo nf the ( iiuallmt part or ( ru'tlonufn nonet i.-dlliil ) HY US In iiny I ruwlnic. AnytliliiK in our n uno olloro I for leas Hum a Dollar l u nwlinlle. JOSEPH GILLOrts STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PA Nos. 3O3-404-I7O-6O4. . MOST PERFECT OP PENS For sale by M. 11. B1U , Oiruha , Nobr , k , . FOR PAIl Instantly rtons the : noit oxcruclutlntt palm ; never fulls t ) ulvoonsa to the siiireror For PAINB , HHlJIBKa , HAOKAOIIK , LONOUSriONH. INI'i/AMMATIONS. HIII5UM A.Tia.M NKUUAI.01A , BUIATIOAIIKAUACIIH.TO01'HACI1I5 , or aiijr other I'AIN , n few ujipllcat loa * ct like magic , caualag the pulii to injtuutly itop. A CCJ11E FOll ALL BOWEL COMPLAINTS Internally taken In doses of from thirty to sixty drop * In half a tnmblor ot wntar will cum In a ftf\r wliuiUs Cramp Spasms. Sour Htoiuicti. ( kilic , rluutuluncx. Heartburn , Cholera Morous , Dyaentrf , Uiarrbtea. Hick lleatliicho , Naunon , Vnmltlnu , Nurvousno-n. bleoploaauesa , Mulurlu aud all lutvnut palua urlilne from clmnxe of illot or wutor or other cauaos. 6O Uenu a Ilo t tin. Hoia by lrugiU ( ,