THE 'OMAHA , DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 20 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No advertisements will bo taken for thoRocolumnsoftcr 12t3O p.m. Torma-Coah In advance. Advertisement * nno > r thin head 10 cents p r line for the nrst Insertion. 7 cents for cnch sub- roqnent insertion , nnd Jl/oper line per month. JNo Rrtvf rlisemems taken fo- less than Si cents Tor first insertion. Seven words will be counted to the lines they must run conaeenllvely and Irilttt bo paid in ADVANCE. All advertise ment * mn t be handrd In before 12 : 0 o'clock p. tn.nnd under no cjmitnitanccs will tlioy betaken taken or discontinued by telephone. Parties advertisingIn these columnflnnd hav- Inetholr answers addressed in caroorTli * HKit will plonnaaok for * cheCK toenahle them to get tholrlctteis. M tiono will be delivered except on presentation of check. All answers tond- Tcrtlrernehli shtnld boonclc ert In envelopes. "All advertisements Inthese columns are pub lished In both morning and evening editions of THK HE * , the circulation of which aggregates more than.lH.OUO papers dally , mid elves thond- Ycrf leers the Ixmelll , not only of the city circu lation of TUB HUE. but nlfo of Council Illtrrf * . Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this section of tha country. BRANCH OFFICES. 1 Advertising forthcse columns will bo tnVcn on the nbovo conditions , nt the following bust- ness houses ; who arc authorized agents for TUB HER special notices , nnd will quote the same rnte a * can bo hud nt the mnlnoOlce. onJnv Street. j /1HA8K A 1'DDY , Stationers nnd Printers. 113 VSoutlilOtU Street. SH. FA11NBWOIITH , Pharmacist , 2115 Cum- . mlng street. J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C24 North Hth Street. rjKO. V/.PARIt. Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mnry'a Avenue. rUGIIKS'PHARMACY. 2208 1'arnain Street. SITUATIONS . WANTED.jai _ ANTKD-Sltuatlon bv a young man. n go XI , as grocery clerk ; well experienced. Address. H. Truman. Postofllco. W ANTKD Situation as salesman , 0 years experience In general merchandise , good references. Address G 4li Hop olllco. U3523 ' MKIUCAN lady desllcsn position ns housekeeper - keeper for good parties. Address O 40 I lea olllro. II3U-11IT , WANTEP--MALE HELP. "IjOllTllAlT copying agents wanted in every JL town. Orders taken rapidly ; every family wants pictures enlarged ; energetic men can easily earn from J60 to tiuu per week. Manager will bo hero In a few days to make personal > ir- ranccmenta with agents. Applicants write im mediately. Illinois Portrait Co. , 151) Was hing- ton st. , Chicago , HI. 1 li ) ANTED A good cook and waiter at 2203 Cumlngflt. UU3OT ANTKD Travailing salesman for an old established houso. Must have experience on road. Apply at onco. Address 0 55 Hoa olllco. Mia-aut ANTKD 2 youne mi-nlluht work , nt $15 W weekly ; room 17. 220 N Itlth. ANTED Registered drug IHWWO. . 1)0X372. ) IHWW - men for dectives In evry community ; paying positions. Ad dress Kansas Uetectlvo Bureau , lock box 23 , Wichita. Kan. 110 2i An experienced youcg man as WANTED hotel ; must understand buying and housekeeping. * 2i ; also experienced vales- manJ.'Oaweek. Mra. JJrega , 314 H I'-th. 112 20t ANTKD-Saltaman to go south , healthy location , good pay , rare opportunity. Ad dress with self addressed stamped envelope box fi80. Van Itaul ) . Uexur Co..Texas. Ill .IT TuCT'ANTKI ) A nractlcal printer , one that can V > set ads and make ut ) acol. ( . quarto. Must loanomplovor K2.1 ; steady work , M a mo. Address - dross U 47. lleo olllco. 975-19 ? retail dry WANTUD-Flrst-class general goods salesman ; must speak llohemlan language nnd come well recommended. The 'r. liith and . in WANTiSD Man oapabla of meetins the pub lic In a business way , to act as county manager ; must furnish good reference and de posit 2 > : salary from Jflo to JiT > per month , wltn commission privileges. Call on or address Tha George 8. Clfne Publishing House , 611 First Na tional bank. Take elevator. WW " 2lt _ WANTKD-Good man In every town. Salary paid weekly. Andreas Sherman , Tangon- her g-at Co. , ICO W. Lake at. . Chicago. titiMlt rPO AG KNTS Wo olfor big Inducements to J. agents on the following household goods , which we nell at 2.'c per week : Hanging lamps , clocks , lace curtains , plush table covers , bibles , albums , wringers , rugs , oil paintings. People's latnlly atlas , Yagpy'B Graphic Hocord , Cabinet of irlnh Lltorature , Our Country. Christ in Ilia Church , silverware , etc. P. A. Gavlu , 2418 Oum- Ing at. WSf-20 100 railroad laborers for U. P. WANTED work lu Wyoming , Monday at Albr ght's Labor Agency , IliM Farnaiii st. U7310 W ANTKD 50 men for work in Wyoming. ' Wages , laborers Jl.lGper day ; rock men f2.00 per liny ; teamsters ii per month. Ship Tuesday morning ; free transportation. Applv at olllco ot Mnllory. dishing V Co. , room 24 and Si Nebraska National bank building. _ 1110-11) ) 173 OUDKR3 In G days : "I average 10 orders In I 12 calls. " Those extracts from agents' let ters ; ngi'iits wanted In Nebraska. Address with itamp. C , B. Oaborne. Hcatrlce. Nob. Illl n 17 * nwo llrst-class salesmen wanted to place ngts. JL and liandlo patent right territory. Must beef of good lulUreiB , temperate , energetic and have had experience. Salary or commission. Give references. P. O. DOS 83. Hebron , Neb. Otjjtejt \S7ANTKD Business manager and local VV writer for small afternoon dally paper , AdilressJ ) . V. Davis , Columbus.Neb. _ KO 10 rolIablocan'vasserB.steaTdy employment GOOD The Slnpor Mfg. Co. , 1R18 Douglas Ht. * KM D lu \\7 ANTED Traveling dalesman for Callfor W nlaqlovoa. lleferonecs reQulrod. Address llayuioud , Bqulres Ic Co. , San Franc ! ; oo. Cal. ANTKD For Washington Territory tle- makcrii , choppers , carpenters , rock men , graders nnd tracklayers , at Albright's Labor Aguncy , 1121) ) Faruam St. - 1 ANTED A good olllc6 man to go east ; must Invest * 2MW ; must be n good buslnesa rhnn. Audress the Geo. S. Cllno Publishing House. 315 to 821 Wabash ave. , ChlcaBO JU. EN to travel for tlir Pontblll Nurseries ol Canada. Wo pay 5V ) to JlOil a mouth and expenses to agents to soil our Canadian growr. block. Ad. Stone i : Wellington. MuUlsou , Wls , f 221) ) " 8 W ANTBD-Acents. Maglo cigar lighter , every xniokvr nuvu , lights In wind or rain , lasts a lifetime. Sample Inc. two forti.V , dozen , 81. by mall. Stamps taken , Austlu ' " " Providence. II. L _ " " " \VANTKI ) * 25 we"ek"ly reirei-ei'tatlve | , or female. In every community , fioodi Btnplo ; houaehold necesalty ; soil at Bight ; nc peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expense * advanced. Tull particulars uml valuable ampl ( case Tree. We moan just what we bay ; addresi nt once , Standard Silverware Co. , Jloston , Mass We wish a ew men to soil oui SALKBMRM sample to the wholesale nnd total truao. largest manufactiirors in our line Kncloee 2-coiic Btarnp. Wages SI per day. Per iiiani-nt imKltlou , Ko postals answered , Monej Advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centon nlal'Manufacturlng Company. Cincinnati. Ohio WANTED--FEMALE HELP. W AKTED-Scamstress Call 213 S2lth st. 121 21 \STANTHD-Glrl for Benuralhouiiowork. No YT sail DougiuiiRt. _ 5IJ"-19J | ! _ "V\7 ANTUU-Nurise girl at 611 South SMtls VV wa " \y\rANTKO Good coot and laundress. Apnlj T at once. Irs. Gray , 20J1 Djualaa. UUI-2t GIRL wanted In family of two , 1714 Daugla sireet , for general housework , lOT-Stf WA.N.T.n.p-GTrl 'for generar bouiework 117-S.t WANTi3head : lauurtreises. 12.5 ; I assist. ants. fS ) ; oantrr girl for Oregon. t-M ; cook for Manning , la. , 3 dttilng morn girls for Nor folk. 2 for Iowa , 2d cook for small hotel , * 18 Kin in Uio suburbs , f 18 ; 2 for Council llluint JJi xpvrlvnaed2d girls , housukeoper for the conn. try und a teed ttlrlu for private families. Mrs llreH 3 S 15th. H32Ut "VVANTKIJ At W ! Park avenue , a compoten > jmr etlrl or woman _ B1117 * _ WANTl'.l ) Flrst-cIa8S cenerarTretaU ilr : Hood * Malraliuly ; mint * p ak llolioini * ] lancuage and rome well recominencled. Th Fair. 13th ana Howard. _ _ Vtt IU " \\7ANTKD ( llrl to do general housewprt T T Kuiinlru ! U2o Lothrop at , Ivountzs I'laco . _ UIWUJ " \\rANTl'.n-lrlfor ) general housework "li 1 Biimll family at 220U Howard at. oos \VANTKO-Uuttoii-holu manors , 1113 Fui _ j > uaiii. _ SU lat % VANTHllerm ( n girl to do cooitluu- anT < ! } ) ' " > f > paW. lnqulr j T , , , . ; ! . . _ HrancleU. 724 a ICth t. 2 1 -Oood girl fort'uuurulhoii7uwor nt IKl N , Itith it. .7W MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. W ANTKD-WMhlm * and Ironlnff ! will no out or tak it homo. Call at once , in the rear 2 30 Davenport st. 11S-SQ1 WAN1ED-TO RENT. W ANTKDlly Sept. 1st , 8-room house , con venient distance , modern peed tenant. Address drawer 6. city. IQiVJtt ANTKD Two nicely furnished rooms with board for man and wlfoj must bo Viell lo cated. Address at once Riving full particulars , room 14 , Chamber Commcnto. 810 Si ANTUD-Purnlsheil cottage , B or 8 rooms , iy family ot 3 , from Sept. 1st. Address OT , Hee office. 77 BOARDING. TpIltST-class Uay board. Inquire 1009 Douglas DRESSMAKING. D11F.8SMAKINQ In families , C278o. 17th. nvo. 819 Slt ! sewlmj In private families jatjhelr homes. Call OOP N 17th st. l'37 ' 2ut " " ENOAGlfM"lN"T3 { to dodroKsmnktnu In faml lies solicited , Miss Sturdy , CIO 8 2ilth St. 811 silt FOR RENT-HOUSES. WE Imye houses and stores for rent In all parts or the city. Security Loan " luvest- ment Co. , Mir , South Hth at. , up stairs. H8 88 T/ioiruiNT : jiV.'a'prptty'7-rooin'hoiiso , Call- JF fornla nnd 23d sts. ; gas and city water. In- qulro Nothcrton Hall , room 423,1st Nat. Hank TT10II RENT Choice 0-room house , furnished JJ for man and wife ; board : Webster , between Oth nnd 21st Bt. Address 0,5 ! , lice ollice. 12U 20 illIt ) UKNT 2-room house , 20J8 Dorcis st. 1 071 17t FOtl HKNT 12-rnom Mouse ; furnace , bam , largo full lot. 1917 COBS st. iWi H OUSKS for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnam. 848 T71OUUBNT A 7 room cottage , Inuulreat 1211 JJN.JOtli st. Mil IP * FOH HKNT 4-room cottage near Fort Oma ha. J.1 per month. Boll for J1.100. 1) . V. Bholcs. 210 First National bank : . . 835 TjlOH UKNT Throe-room cottage , nlooly fur- JL1 nlslied for light hoiisekooplng. ? ! ' ! per month ; soft and city water , at 2931 liocatur st. J H07 m _ _ _ _ "THOU HKNT A nice cottage of live rooms and JI \vash room , TO Vlrglnla'avo 9J'J 111 * FOK HRNT 7-room home , 28th nnd Cnpltol avo. Inquire , asil Dodge. _ 811 3 room house torrent , cheap ; 213 N 31st avo. TO-Ult _ HKNT 7-roomed house , city water. batlu large rellnr , etc. , 2S2n Franklin Bt. Apply room ( * 0 Merchants Nat'l bank bldg. 8702f : TTIOIt KENT Six room house , cor. IRth and JL' Chicago sts. $25 ; four room hoilBe 20th nnd California , $15 , 8. Lehman. 815 NK\V \ live-room cottngo for rent. lltiRsell , I'ratt & Co. . Bin S. IStli st. f.UO F HUNT Two nine room brick houses on u ? Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also nine room frame house on same street , with all conveniences : price $35 to Jir , pcnuonth. 1) . V Bholes. 210 First National Hank. 311 FOH KENT Hesldenco , 210fi Douglas fet. , now house , all modern Improvements ; not u basement hoitse. Knqulro of Jlorltz Meyer , Cor. 18th and 1'arnam. ' ca " OUSE forrent , 19JJ Dodgo. 002 POH HENT 7-room Uat , $ K per mo. nbovo The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire The Fair. XU - - - brick house on 20th st. FOHIlKNT--10-room near Loavenworth. Apply at No. 827 S. 20th 217 \\J 1 MJ lease for ono or morn years a largo 7- TV room house with all modnrn conveniences ; Is nicely painted outside , hard-finished inside , nicely papered , two largo bay windows ; three blocks trum. court house SOI S 20th. 6RB TTIOU HKNT A detached -room house , nil X ? modern conveniences. Knq. 2o2' ' ) Capitol ave. 127 "IT1OK HKNT 10-room house , steam heat , all JJ Improvfinents. cheap rent. Q. K. Thompson , room 214 , Bheely block , 15th and Howard. 611 OR HKNT 5-room cottage , 10 ! ) So. 28th st. J13. Hlngwalt Bros. , HoomU7 , JJarkor block. TjlOK HF.NT Sept. 1st. a5-room cottage , with JL' bath-room and St.M ry's nvo and Leavonwortn. David Jaiuleson , UH S. 15th FOR JIENT Fine largo residence , hard wood llnlslu all conveniences , low rent to private family ; 818 N. l th at. 9S4 T71OR HENT The 6-room Hat occupied by Dr. JL ? Kilmero , 2d lloor. No. 1813 Howard st. In quire ot Geo. Illgglns , 1011 Howard s > t. 1S2 " 1/\OH \ HKNT Six now frroom cottages , ready JL1 on or before September 1. 34th and Half Howard streets , healthy location , near Karnam cars. Item , ouch$13 per month. Suitable tor small tidy families. John II. K. iehmauu. C2i 8.17th st. 441 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. NICEIVY furnished rooms for light honso- keeping. 010 N , 10th st. IIA/O 22J riOELY furnished rooms , front and back I parlor , 3111N 15th. 972 21 * FOR RENT Two furnlshnd rooms , with board , suitable lor four gentlemen , tliroo blocKS from postollico. Apply 101 % Chicago at. UKNT Nicely furnished rooms with board , references. Address G 40 , Hue. ICO B = "C1OR RKNT Furnished sleepinp rooms , 807 -L Howard , 81,60 week npwards , between StU und Uth. U.'l 1W TWO desirable rooms mcoly furnished and centrally located at 213 B 2lth st. UU5 iil TJIOH JIKNT Larso furnished room.KSN.lOth J3 854 DDSIRAIHiK rooms cheap , on car line , 1310 N. IHthjt. "J83-817 TnuilNlSHKD rooms for rent nt 1815 Douglas JU 2 tarnished rooms , convenient to biiHlneis. 75U IDf TTlURFISHl'.l ) rooms with board , n w corner JL1 ibtli and Farnnm sts. U8t > 2jj POR RKNT Klegant rooms in modern brick residence , bo&ra If desired , 1P21 Cass st. Tf OU RENT Furnished rooms , 22U9 Dodge. J- DOfl 235 NICELiY furnished suit of rooms and ono sin gle room. All modern convenience ! , private family. 221 i Furnam Bt. ( i2 G POOD room with batlu Sl'J ' S. 33th st. 220 F UHNIBHKD-rrout room , 1013 Farnam. IV , a 27 * SOUTH front room , moala In the house. 1000 Capitol avenue , &U 171OU HKNT Two tarnished rooms , 313 north JP 17th Bt. HuterencB rcqulrBd. 373-8 1 ST. CLAllt Kuropean notol , cor. 13th and Dodge ; gpuclal rate by week or month. FOH HRNT Two pnrlora front and bacKou llrst lloor , also wlnRlo rooms with board. All iuoilerncovonlence8. _ looa Doiiplus. ( J82 _ FUItNlBIlKDor unfurnished house for rant In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ; all modarn convenience * . Inquire , Ito \-Nlcliol , 2jth and Ixiavenwortb , 23d "ITJOIlTlKNT Two well furnished front rooms , A ! together or separately ; all conveniences ! private family. Win. II. lllrgiHT a 2Jth. 070-2ai TTIUUNISIIKI ) rooms with' all modern con- -L veulences.for gentlemen only , 170'J UodKo st. I71OII HUNT iteiant : furnlxned room fet JL1 Dingle gentleman only , 7 1 B. 19th St. , cor , J-eavonworth. _ MO ] /UU ) ItHNT-Two furnished rooms , on St , . Mary's uvi-nuu. To Kentlemon only. Hli inlnutesBlK of buslnebs center. Ittifurence required , luiiulre at store , 210 and 212 S. 15th st. 7o7 rpwo roomH with or without board for gen X tlemon.prlvuto fnnilly.references. 1812 Dodge FOR F0ll UKNT Two iinfurnUbcd rooms light housekeeping , 17 ; al o one furnished M , 6W Howard. D2020' _ " 171011 UEN1-4 rooms. unfurnlsliAd , suitable JL for housokccplne , with all modern Improve' inentu , 17UI Webster at. Price , IW. KJO FOIl HKNT S or II nnfuruUhed rooma , clos ets und \\ater ; 2d lloor ; 1V23 rarnam. U21 20 ? 1OR HKNT Unfurnished rooms suttaole fet J. housekeeping , Insulted of 3to 4 ; convenient location , Hint's lientlng Agency , 1601).Parnaui. ) r- il FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES Foil HUNT Store room. cor.Mb and N stx. , Hnuth Omaha. Host locution In city foi Keutb * furnUhlux or dry goods More. IniiuUe of J.J. M hoti y , fooin&W I'axtou Ulk. 472-53 rPO HKNT Desirable war hou room dn JL track. Apply to O. W. Keith , 7H Pncino St.i . _ i _ 'OU buslces purposes Sd lloor , GOilU , In Paxton bulldinc , 10th. anil Farnam. cntrnnco on Karnam. pnMoncer and frelcht elevator , north and south Hirlit. Vrlll dtvldo Into two If de sired. Heyman ft IMciies , 1913 Farnam at. Tj'lOIl UKNT Stores and HvliiR roorasonCum- JL' InRst. AlsohousoouCnssst. Harris , room 41 1 , 1st Nat. Hank. 23 ! " _ _ _ _ | 7\01f \ HRNT The 1-atory brick bulldiriB with J-1 or without power , formerly occupied by The Hee PublUhlnc Co. . 91(1 ( Farnara t The build- lnrm * a lire-proof cemented baHomout , com plete steam heating fixture * , water on all the lloors , gas , ew. Apply at the olllco of The Uoe. D15 T7\OK \ HKNT Tno corner room nndor 'tho No- J-1 braskn National bank will soon bo for rent , Mio Kqultablo Trust Co , removlnu to larger uarters. , The space Is nbout double that occupied by beC. , IJ. fcJ. tlCKet olllro. The lloor 1 tiled nu the room can bo made desirable ror n It. It. civet or broker's ollice , 1 For particulars npply at bank , CS2 RENTAL AGENCY. having deslrnble biul- ness property for sale , nro respectfully nrgeil to list It with mo. Am desirous of get- tiiifftoftrthor ns complcln a list ns possible-so as to bo rottiiy. for nny demand that ls llkely > to 'ome. Thu more property nn agent has to oirr , .ho greater nro his ihanccs tor making sales. Address W. H. Alexander , 16 nnd IB Contlncu- ' .nl bldg. KW21 IV yon want houses rented , , If you wnnt your real estate sold , If you want insurance , If you want money on real estate or other ocurltlos call on the Security Loan & Invest- nont Co. . Sl'i 8. Hth St. , upstairs. MB MISCELLANEOUS. ) Proposals to grade and sod lots WANTKI 15 nnd IB , Heed's 2d ndil. Apply on around TUB banjo taught at an art by Goo. F , Oollon boctc. Apply nt lice ollice. OM T710K RKNT-Ono barn ; 11 stalls ; largo yard ; Jt ? clean and convenient ; emiuiro of b'rost * Harris , Irani st. bet. S2d and Sid sts. HS1- rPHAVKLlNO Salesmen Send your address JL nnd reference to Keystone Manufacturing company ( Incorporated ) , Olrard , Krlo Co. , P . , and they will malt you free n full outllt. In cluding model of nn article tnat sells readily to the trudo In every town and city , and upon which thev will pay you n liberal commission. Whole outilt weighs eight ounces. 'Sail ) * AUK you looking fof nn opportunity , to en gage in the mercantile busmessr' It so coma nnd see us. W. H. 10..Se M. K. , lloom H Chamber of Commerce , Tol. 1 HO. 015 , cisterns , privy vaults , etc. , cleaned quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean ly ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless Sanitary Co. , 140ti rarnam street. Tel. 20 ? . Butt sTi LOST. JOST Large whlto parrot ; liberal reward for its return to uw N , luth st. 8i-19' OST Lnrgi * . youngclose-halrail 8t.Herimrd , - - dog. yellow with whlto breast and foot. Jte- tnrn to 1130 Georgia are. , or 001 Danglas and gut reward. " ' 633 OST KnpllflH Mastiff. Ueturnto , 400 Paxton i block and yet reward. . 241- PERSONAL PERSONAL Will young lady In black , wno on Monday morning nbont 10 o'clock started to go In cigar stora and'thon went around corner of Douglas street , call again or send address to C. In store. 1K-20 ( ) ; PKHSONAL Ladles and gentlemen desiring corresponents. address. Corresponding Club , Kansas City. Mo Inclose stamp. 114-2JJ STORAGE. nt low rates at 1121 Farnnm J > t. , STOHAGE Omaha Auction ana Storage Co. 37 V\ ; ANTED Furniture , carpets , Ktovei and * V bousohold goods of all Kinds. Omaha Auction & Ftorrgo Co. , 1121 Farnam , 237 MOKIUSON&ELY-Stornge and forwarding ; special arrangements for coranllssiomncr- chants , 1213 Lcavcnworth ; tel. 411) ) . , Omaha. 133 n2K nnd forwarding. Wo collect and deliver goods of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture nnd baggage at cheapest rates for t > torago for any length of time. Vans and wagons to bo had at shortest notice , wltn care ful men for moving. Packing and shlpnlug from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehoused ! our own tracks. OfHce 217S 14th st. : telephone 114. Howell & Co. 240 ' Guarantee Storage House- YAUOHAN'S Having just bought the large brick store rooms of u > feet on l.'ttli st. with a nice dry basement and : i stories high. I am prepared to store and care for 21 car loads of furnishing goods , agricultural Implements , stoves , etc. , at a very low rate. Will keep tha aamo Insured and guarautoo safe nnd dry keeping ; Call and see our storage blocicon 13th st , near First Na tional bank. Wo have larae ewvators. W. 11. Vaughiin , proprietor ; W. It. Vauehan , jr. . man ager. MAO ( CAGE storage nt lowest rates. W. M. T Ilutmman 1311 Lcavcnworth. < S33 CLAIRVOYANT. MADAMK AVolllngton , world ronOwnea as- trologlst , test medium and destiny reader , just from Kurope. Tells your life from the cradle to the grave , reunites tha separated , causes speedy marriage with the one you lovo. locates rtUeaaea and treats with massage and electric baths. All In trouble "hould not fall to consult this glf ted seeress. PanourO , upstairs. 417 South nth , offlca hours from 10 a. in. to 10 p.m. [ U08-24 * TIlOItTUNB Teller Mrs , Lenornmn can be -C consulted ou all affairs of lira. Satisfac tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th St. C21-S.8 * . NANNIK V. Warren , clalrvoynnt : nifdl DIt. and business medium. Female dUeakea a specialty. 119Nieth st. rooms'JaudS. ! X ) > SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING Shorthand school. Paxton blk. , STANDARD ( successor to Valentino's ) the Iargost"exclu Rive shorthand school In the west. Teachers are verbatim reporters. Particular attention nald to typewriting. Mechanical construction of machmo taught by factory oxpertClrCularjj. ' Shorthand School , llarKor WHITTLKSKY'8 W block , Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer In shorthand free. : 47l-.s3t ( OMAHA lliislneas College , cor 16th and Capi tel ave. Shorthand The l&rgost and most successful chortliand department In the state Standard methods taugdt. Munnon's revised of 'K > n specialty. Call or write for tor'ms' FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS T71OR BALI ; Piano , furniture , stoves , cfcv JU cheap for three dp.vs : partloi leaving city N. W. cor. 13th und Vlnton sts. i U17 1ST ' T710K"8A LK ATa bargain , 2 bedroom sots JC olio parlor stove ; all good as new. Cal Monday , Tuesday or Wednesday on W. W HouL8t n fc W. _ ur.18ihnni _ _ loilgo : U 2aot " 17W5R 8ALK A very nniiclnoinu , hand-carved" JU Holld rosewood , old-fashioned , bedroom sot 2015 LeavenwortU at. U47-2Jt O"NH llro proof safe ; light expfess four liorsos.rnnglngfrom MO tol,3uipounds will be sold very cheap. Neoraska Mortgagi . , room Bid. Paxton block. < r 30 cosh buys top buggy : * S ) cash buys op'ei : ip buggy. 11. li. Cole. It 0. Continental. Bal-li TTIOIt HALK--750 tons of Cryntal Lake ice ol JC the lliieHt quality. Inquire 1410 Farnam St. , Omaha. Neb. _ Kill 21 "IJUK BALK A IVi-horso power Porter engine -IMn good condition , weight f > , IW poundx. < ) ! Inder llxltl. For particulars apply to 'InoJIe ; ollice , VJi SjKWFOlJNDl.AND puppy , 1 weeks , old , foi J-N sale , tttl B. IQthst. ttiv 20r TjlINKSTcarriagetoam Instate , dark browns , 43 rull 10 hands , weight 1.150. Inljulre W. 11 , Mlllard , S. K. cor 16th and Douglas , Omaha. 7li'J B13 IOR BALK Cheap , ono good siiuarubox tor buggy. Inqulro at2015 Ihirt. ' 770 2Ut ' TOOK SA LK Cash or time , 2 good teams , wag X1 ous and harnesses. . J , J. Wilkinson , 111 : Farnam HI , UhO T710H HAI.i : Mirnlturo of largo house , everj JL' room rented. First-class locution. Parties leaving city. A bargain. Address K8 , fioo ollice 553- " 171IVI' hundred shares of f 10 per share Nortl J-1 Western Standard Oil Block. Tnls stock if non-usai'snabloa ail land is being davuiopei now and Is sura to brlug good returns In ueai futurn. Will ecll for casli very cheap , Addreus IS U2 , Hee ollice. Mfl IjlOHHALK-l.aotonaof 15-inch Ice , housec JU on track , Council mulls , la. Gilbert llros. BALK LAW library , 151C Douglas. 917 25t TMIKCanQald M'f'g Co. about to > VWUUV1U * A * VfV/ being * * WV/U V * V/ move .L will sell 1 flrnl-clatis 4-horse-powor engine and boiler at U actual valuo. lixw Douglas at 37 < 1 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. \flDLANO Ouaranteo & Trust Co. . N. V. Lift liJ-bUk' . Complete abatracts furnished and title to real citato xamiued , perfected & guaranteed MONEY TOi LOAN _ MONEY laaned on ciXltfll secnrltles ana Jsw. elrf. lloom 411 , Phijaifr block , Omahn Nc- F. H. Jeromg. 437 gf MONRY to loan ; rashiotUiMid ; no delay. J. W. Snntro , 1219 FurnShKst. , First National bank bnlldlnf. . * ° 2W ITllllST tnoTtgaffo loanirjlt low raU > and no JJ delay. D. V. Bholi .DiHO First National 11HB KLKHORN l " 4 4fl. ftlve money In any JL amount on good iWDftty , furniture In use , lorsca , etc. Ix > w InteresR.Uver ommercltil No- loual Haute , 131 hand Doujlas. K9-a77 MON P. Y to loan on ai3W 'Tl r ' for' short time , rates. Lowest oh personal K propertjrnl- The Henderson Mortgage Investment Compabjr , room 40i > , Paxton blok. . 2SO BUII.D1 NO loans. ' D. " V. Sbblcs , 810 First National bank. 231 MONRVtoloan. O. F. Davis Co. . real estate nnd loan agents , IMii Fatliam at. 277 OANSmndoon-roHl pstnto and inortcnRns L bonght.lxWls S Keed.&co.ll 13Hoard Trudo MON15V to loan on furniture , horses , ivapons , etc. , or on any approved security. .1. W , Itobblus. litU 1'arnntn.ktrcet , Paxton hotel. I QK1C Shoies. room 210 , Klrat Nnt'l bank , before Omalclng your loans. 281 ' MONKV loaned for 30 , HO or IK ) days on any Kind of onattul security ; reasonable Inter est ; conlldentlal. J.J. Wilkinson , 1417 Fnrnata. UB7 17KSIIENCI ! loans OJ4 to 7 per cent no ad JLldltlonnlchnrceHlor.commissions or nttor- : ioys' fees. W , If. Jlclkle , First Nut bnnk bids. * 25i ) ( IjriOO.OOO to loan at 0 per cont. Llnahan & Jla- tDhonoy , room COO Pnxtou block. " 37 11 ml other real ot > tate loana U'.M. 'Harris , loomxt ) , Krcuzor block , opp. P. O. 274 MONRV to loan on real estate security , at lowest , rates , tletoru negotiating loans sue Wnllnco , It. 310 , Ill-own bldg. lOtli & Douglas. X'SJ TJC/'ANTHD First clais.lnsldo loans. Iwcst VV rates. Call and sec us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , It 1. Barker blk. . 15tn ana Farnam. "JiS MONI5Y loaned on furiilttiro. horses nnd ivnpons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 8. Kitli St. , opposite Mlllard liotei. U70 MONKY to loan on horsi'S. - agons , mules , housuhold uoods , ] ) innon , organs , diamonds , lowest rates. The llrst organized loan olllco lu tue city. Jlake loans for thirty to three hun dred and slxty-nvo days , which can bo paid In pnrtor whole , at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Call and see us when you want , money. Wd can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In nmKlne loans. 0. K. llcod & Co. , 310 S. 13th st. over Illngham & Sons. :1S3 : "I'or Cent money It , aufN. ? . Llro ins. oldg IK6S23S TONKY to loan ou City or farm property. LGCO. J. Paul , 10W Farnam st. UK PHIAMortgago * Trust Co. fur- . .cheap eastern monev to borrowers , purchase becurltles , perfect titles , accept loans at their western ollice. Gcorgo W. P. Coates , room 7 , Hoard of Trader 284 DOYOIIwnnt money ? If BO don't borrow before getting my rates , which arc the low est on any sum from $1 up to 310,000. 1 make loans on "houauhold goods , pianos , or gans , hnrscsmuleswag3.warehouse | | receipts , houses , leases , etc.ln any amount at the lowest possible rates , without'publicity ' or removal of property. Loans can be made fqr ono to six months nnd you can pay n part at uny time , reducing hoth principal and IntorestJ.UCyou OHO a balance on your furniture or h ( > rses , or nave a loon on them. J will take It up and carry it for you as Ipng as yon desire. . . „ If you need money1 jbu will flnd It to your advantage to oo me berYrfn borrowing. H. V. SI asters , room 4/\Vlthuelt : building. 15th ami llarney. led ] 289 MONEY to loan on turillttiro , horses , wagons or securities of anyklftd ; commerclrl und mortgage notes bouclitr'nt' fair rates ; all busi ness transacted comldotitial. Collateral Loan Co. , room 321 , llamgo building. 713 TT'EYSTON E Mortga&jCo7 { Loans of $10 to JLvjl.OJU ; got our rate-veforo borrowing and save money ; loan on nohtoa , furnlturo or nuv approved security , wltlihnt publicity : uotea bouuht ; for new loan , Mnawal of old and low est ratescall K-tW.Shi aT blk.1 jtli & Howard st. Ix > ans nenotthted at low > rates with MONUY , und purchase goods , commercial puper and mortgage notes. 3. A. Sloraan , cor. 33th and Farman. , , 273 EBRAS1CA Mort. Loan Co will make you a loan on household goods , horses , wa gons , land contracts. fine Jewelry , or securities of nnv kind without publicity at reasouabie rates. Hoom 7. HoAvlev block. South Omaha , liooms 518-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. 273 BUSINESS CHANCE * ? . LCIOAH and fruit atond , doing good busi ness for sale good reasons selling , 200 S 12th. 1)30 ) 1 - for rent ; the onlv hotel In town. Ad dress lock box H , North Uend. Neb. UI5-30 * T7\OR \ SALE Elevator at Oakdale. Good loca- -C tlon lor grain , live stock , lumber nnd coal. For particulars write A. TruesdiSll , Fremont , Nob. ! )44sm ) T71OR SAI/E Marble shop In good location. -U Terms very reasonable ; catMactorv rea. BOUS for selling ; small capital required. Ad dress U W lleo. 904 23 ? Tl/ANTED A partner m n brewery doing a Vv good business In a prosperous Nebraska town. Enquire nt room U , Chamber of Com- nierce. Tel , 1410. 875 FOR SALE A well built tip bricK yard. 270 feat from side track ; two stationary kilns , two drying sheds , brick machine new , house , stable , wind mill , water tank , lead pining , to gether with Ilva acrest ofland. Price t/,000. Ad- dresa C. F. Kaul. Madison. Neb. 8a3 20n "ITIORSALKorlYnde A good 3-chaIr barber JJ Bliop wltn bath roo.iris , centrally located , at Bouth Omaha. Call or address A. L. Undeland & Co , Omaha Nob. 817 21 MEAT market for xr.lo in peed location , good reasons for soiling. Address ( J 21. llec. 807 20 * _ _ /"lOODpayingrestaurantand chop nouso for vTealo cheap for cash. Established tvndo Cloju lo Union depot. Address. O 20 , Hoc. sas 2ot _ _ _ T710RSALE Or oxchang > , ( Ino drug sto-.oln JL ? country town ; also some cheap lands. Ad dress lock box M Stuart , Neb. O'JJ 25t I OR SAliE Anlco clean stonk hardware In Jj best city In Iowa ; Invoice nbout $5,000 ; will take M In clear real estate , balance cash. Ad dress Itox22tt , Cozard , Neb. C35 FOR SALE or Exchange Fine drug store in country town ; also some cheap lauds ; will rent a roller mill to good man , rout not so much of an object as to have mill run. Address LockHox 20 , Btiiart , Nob. _ ffliiiJt TjlORHALE Cheap Harbor shop rina 4 chairs ; JJ good location ; paylng'buslness. JI.ll. Floiu- Ing. Crete , Nob. (104 ( 37 * _ "TItOR SALE or Trade far Omaha property an JJ e&tabhshed busln.outi/ur loxGlB Omaua , _ f _ _ * . " Q FOREXCMANCE. niOTRADE for acaill lflts : Agoodresldonco JL and busluoin proportn located In one of tne bout towns lu NubrHHl'li ' no encuuibranuu , pays good Interest upon jivostinent. Address ItiU. lleootllco. , , „ ; ' _ 871 18 / 1ASI1 and two good f anus to exchange for \J ptock guueral moiujuindtso. C. JJ. Ilntcs , nandreau , Dak. vtvf Uis-Blt _ _ T7IOR BALK OH KXOHXrW 15-Ou tsldo lots [ for JJ liouue and lot lusUlJWHalt LUKO property. Cottage for milu cheap t-lor cash on leased Kround,242U Franklin , jfiy/ _ aju-2i ; TJ10R EXCHANOE-jWllavB several houses JJ and lots In Orcharrf'Hlft'that ' wo can trudo for land or vacant Iots3 yiriiold & Win tanley , Jloomiir > 3l and to. } I'lixtoalilocK. Nice clean stock of JenUT to trade for good clour land or Omaliu pronraty. Arnold & \Vln- Btanloy. fat nnd Kli Pay y Tiloek. _ 971-20 rpo EXCH ANO U We Imvo a good farm or 120 JL acres laying cloja up to the town of tUoelu City , Jotreraou Co. . Neb. About 70 acres In high utatoof cultivation. This Is river bottom land ; eoll can't bo beat anywhere ; 25 acres good tim ber : balance In peed pasture ; all fenced ; never falling water ; tills is u magnillcont farm , with house , stabling , anil U nice lots in town go with farm If desired ; titles all perfect ; wbwant In exchange , nice , cluan stock of merchandise or hardware. Call on or address W. U. ( Jordan & Co. , ateeleClty , Nub. _ 017 TXT' ANTED To trade for a stock of groceries , TT cunt ! and loti on O. & 0. li , motor line. Lots will be put in at thvlr cash value. W. H. K. &M. K. , Itoom U Chamber of Commerce , ToU H40. _ _ _ _ UWj rpO KXCHA NO U The undivided ono-halr in- JL tercet la U3i > VO-104 acri-u of a good farm , lo cated in J'ulaskl Co. . Mo. : about ode halt In cultivation , the balance good timber ; about tea acrca In orchard ; t\vo other small orchards ; four fair \iouaes ) ahundauco of good spring water , and laying about one mile from good business town on railroad ; full and unlucum- berod title. This farm Is In a good settlement mid healthy locality. We will exchange for general merchandise or hardware. Cull on or address W. I ) . Uordon It Co. , Bteele City , Neb. , T\7nATh , vo yon to offer tn exchange tormy TT Ktou > cqnlty tn my double nonce an l.ivttiron Rt , near l(5tti ( , or ror my f-VOOo ciulty in my Oonble house on Sponoer at. near 'ct. or for my nOoO equity In mj double house on Wlrt st , eastofSlth , all with modern improvements , all encumbrances 6 yours at 7 per cent. No fixrrrts will IHI considered , W. T , Seaman , enot side 10th st , north Ot Nicholas st , OmMin's largoit variety ot wagon and carriages. 781 mo fcXCHANOE-Drafl t am for single drlv. JL Ing horse , C. V. Harrison , Merchants'Nat. bank. BOU 1 TTKJH EXCHANUR-An elegant tract of land JJ containing 120 acres , In Antelope county , Neb. , with ordinary Improvements. A Quartcr-eoctlon In. Hand county , Dakota , partly Imorovud. Eighty acres near Council Ulurfs , la. House nnd lot on South inth st. I irgo amount ot Oil Mountain nnd Petroleum company oil stock. Will exchange for good or the erection ot BOIUO hoii'o * . Ueo Sroporty . 1st National bank building. 374 FOR SALE-RIAL ESTATE | 7 > QH BALIl-Cheap. House of sir rooms to JJ bo inovcd. 1007 H. S2d8t. 932-20 * _ MISCELLANEOUS If you wnnt fi cenulno bargains' In real estate , address John C. Nelson. Chadron. NeD. 9&i-2t _ 'TJIOil 8"A IYK On easy terms , new 6-rooin cot- JJtagn , cot' , lot- near street car lino. Address a wrjoo onico , 900-2:1 : > _ WTNTiJb-60 to 200 fee tin vicinity of inv enport , Fnmam aim nsth sw , corner pro- forrcd. F. 1C. Darling , 43 llarkcr blk. UI8 19 S HOLES to the front again. Last list all sold out. J.W.OOO , $30.000 , $10.000 , 114,031) ) . * 13,000. J11.BD3. ami from this down to a small house for a cent , buys residences In the city for bankers down to > the man who cleans the sewer , Sf.OOo or $7WW buys either 12 or t-room house , barn , lota 78 and (10x121 ( feet cr&und each , on 21th st , , Kountzo plnco , with furnace , gas ami fixtures , hot and cold water , bath , three elegant mntitols cnch , all papered , elegant lawns , 01 grade , street paved , motor by October I. If not cheap , come lu and I'll give them botli to you f reo. ll.wxi biiyj 8-room house , furnace , and every thing even to electric wiroa for llphtlnggas ; lot fiOxlW , ncross street west of Dr. Mercer's nnd I'lilock from motor , tow ) casli , bal. li per 16,000 buys full lot In Hanscom place , T2d nnd Poppleton avenue , with 8-room. house , furnace and everything else. J.t.000 buys ft .loe Dandy east front lot on 32d andParlllc street , Hnnscom place. JH.t 00 and $7OUO residences in ICountze place to trade for smaller hunses and lot near tnero. W.OOa full lot and good house In Hillside ailil. opp. Webster Btropt school to trade for vncant lot. $1.200 buys either 4-room house , full lot , In Centmlpark or Hitchcock's add. , and * l,000 same In Crclghtou heights add. * ,7f > 0 buys line lot on Fnrnam and i2d sts. ffl , 730 buys C.Sx 155 ft , ou Cass at. opp. Cabs school. } 2.l > 00 buys either Of two fi-room houses In Roddick puric. 81,000 buys n line 7-room cottage on 18th and Paul sts. . . with bath , hot and 'cold , water , slag walk , and a corker ror the money. Trades. 3 choice lots ualuo in cash 52 , 00 , In Lincoln , Iseb. , for good house and lot and pay brtlanco InciiKh. bubiiiltollera. Also 1W ) acres cholco land InNurkollsco.-Nub , . and good hard cash for cliolca city lots. Submit. Jf you don't want to buy send list of what you have lo hull. We are hero Tor that purpose and there are lots of them that will buy. There is just as coed barirnhis to-day as one wants. Drop your "cranky" ideas and got to business. For pointer , sooSUolos , 210 First Nat'l bank. , ISJ Wamut Hill and Or- chnrd. Hill , electric motor In operation. CUoloo cheap inside residence property in all parts of the city , on terms that cannot bo equalled. Sea signs. 2 , 5 , 1010 acre tracts. J/ / H Evans. 3JS N. Y. Life bldg. 101 21 SALE f.OOO acres land In Nebraska ; tiOxl4U foot Jotat a Kacrlllclng price. Inquire HI2S11th. ( ! co. H. Pet arson. 10-sl8f : TT'XTHAOHDINAllY chance to buy nn elo- -LUpant home in Omaha's most fashionable anil popular location. A good , modern 12-room houso. with spacious , well kept grounds , with good barn. Property Is on paved street and Is rapidly increasing In value. Easy terras and low prfco to right party.Also Also for .TO days from date the cheapest property ever offered on Fnrnam st. near 2 < itli stroetl I I We will sell 5' ) . KM or ItiO ft. front S3 to 30 per cent cheaper than mljoinlngpropertyl 1 I This is a genuine bargain. Ames , 1C07 larnam. HS.70 . T7 KOC.M cottage within 1 mile of P , O. water , 'gits and bath , paved street , $1,000 cash. Jl.O.U lu trade for llvo stortc or lot. F , K. Darling , 43 Unrker blk. lil'J lu FOR SALE House nnd lot , east front ou 3 , " > tn st. .tour or llvo lots south ot Leavenworth.fnr enough ownv to escape special city taxes on , Leavebworthst. ; grading , paving , gas and sew erage all complete on Leavenwortti ; house Is modern ; splendid grove of trees about the wumlses ; price $5,000 , C. F. Harrison , Jlcr- chants' Nat. Bank. _ b37 SOUTH Omaha , lot OUxloO. lot 10. block 4 < i1 ilUu. ( ) $100 cash , balance 6 years at 7 per cent , N. A. tjpton Company , 18th 4 : Farnam. 80920 OPPLETON avo. cornar of 23tU st. 60. 100 or l.'iO feet fronting on the avenue at $50 per front foot , best bargain In choice residence lots to be bad in Omaha to-day. C. A. Starr , 1205 farnam st. _ SU7 2J TjlOll SALE Houae nnu lot , east front on Vlr- . . , 2jO feat S. of Woolworth avo. , lot BOxlSUf house has ( i good rooms lx > aides large attic ; ' water and sewerage on the street ; price for a short time. t3i > 00 ; when the Motor Line runs to the park the lot alone will be worth the money. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. Ilium. 830 TT.OR SALE fl-room house and 20 feet front- JJ age on Kthneur California st. ; ground abut ting it on 16th worth S500 per foot ; tor a , little lionia und as u speculation It is worth consider ing ; price $ ) , tJJ ) , ' / cash. C. K Harrison , Jler- chiints' Nat. Dank. 838 VERY line cottage in east part of Tuttlo'a sub. ten mlnntes' walk from two depots , 4 blocks from Motor line , six rooms and bath room , I'ronch plato windows , cemented collar , tlltered cistern , good barn , lot ( ! . > feet south and east front , line view of the river ana city , ono of the lluett cottages in the city , owner is a railroad man and gee west the jst of Sept. to take abettor position and will Boll his homo for eS.i-'OO on easy terms. M. A. Upton Compa- ny. liitn and Farnam. 8C02U BDYn homo in the center of the city , on monthly payments. I will sell youu lot in Aldluu square , uullaa hous-eof any kind , worth from 81SW ) up wards , and you can pay for II monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlno square la on.flraco street , between 22d and 23d streets ; it liaa all tho'advantagcs such as paved streets , sewerage , water , gas , and is a ilrst-class local ity. Cairat'lWH Farnam street and see plans of buildings and got Ugures. D. J. O'Doualioe. Btl T7OR SAUJ If yoj are looking for a homo JL'call and let us show you our list ; wo have some great burg ln In residence property anil on any kinil of terms. Arnold \Vliistanloy 634 and KV Paxton block. If you imya anything for sale that la really chcap.'como nnd list It with us. Wo can soil U for you. Arnold it WInstanloy , KU audreiA Pax- tonblock. 971-20 HANSCOM Place lot on Georgia nvo.balow" grade enough for .ceiiar , lot 2J. block 19. } 2W > 5. 52in cash , balance l > years nt 7 per cent , newer and all other taxes paid. SI. A. Uptor. Company , liith and I'ariiani. 8fi9 20 C".MK niI see us.and investigate Bomo"oTtht bargains wo hnvo to olfer. Wo are contln- tially listing now proiertlos nnd "If you don't BOO what vou wuut ask for it. " I'or halo Or 'bxchunge OJM ) ot the finest res taurants In Omaha at t. bargain. We have several fine hotel properties to trade for.landarotho ; good values. An elevator property with large dwelling hcuse , ap.a bargain , lilovator complete , with horse power , scales , olllco furnished , etc. A line oponlng for n practical grain dealer. Houses ami lots In all parts of Umaha for sale and exchange. . For exchange , for Omaha property , 1,0(10 ( acres of school land lease , in one of the best counties in the Mate. ' A tine residence property in Omaha Vlow for Bale at a bargain , I'rom 7" > . < iW to $100,000 worth of llrst-class notes to exchange for Omatm property. For exchange for Omaha proiieity , one of the best farms lu Rock county , Nebraska , together with block and. machinery necessary to carry on the place , Old ago and falling health of the onner Is reason for Belling. A line Wheeler county farm , well developed , good neil , for exchange for Oinubu property. 28. ) acres of flno land In northwestern Iowa to exchange fi > rOmaia | property. For nile ; or exchange for western lands , city property , iii rnhatidl i ) or live stock , a tine hole property in Iowa town of O.oou Inhabitants. Loading hotel ot tlto place and doing a line business. Furninlics meuls for two pausongor train * dally.- snap lorthorluhtmao. W < ) have iinsnrpaaau , facilities for disposing ( if property , havfng some W ) ) agents scattsreO over four or live states. List your property with UK If you wUh u quick 'turn. W. R. K. * M. K. , Room 14 , ChauilMir of Commerce , tale- plione 1J1U. m TjlOR HALE-lly the owner. John C. Nelson , JL Chailron , Nub. , at low llgurus and on easy tenon , the following ; 24 ft on 10th Bt nnd a lot BII Klmball's add , Omaha , two good farms In DaWes county , and JUJ aeies line farm land In Madison county. Good reason ! ) for Helling Willu for partluiilaiB. prices.etc. UjCJ-tar $29,00 > > 1 ( feet front In heart of Omaha , Iflth Bt , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per centnorva. tlow rents ; must have J17.iH eash , balance 0 per ceut ; great oiler ; address KuJ.Hee. 'I710R BALK-Extra good value In the thriving JU1 town of Llnwood , junction of the Northwestern - western , desirable biulnuaa property cheapSor casli. . One frame store bulMlng.SixGO.brlnitlnu good lent , best location ; anil , ulso. one corner lot , 25x120. A good investment for small amount. Frir further particulars , inquire , A. Poller & Co. , North llend. Neb. b25 1 O IX > TSin Orchard Hill for $1,700. only 700 ca U Oreqtilred.balance 6 years at 8 per cent , Wo only offer them three days at tills ilgure. Btriaic- r it Petuiy , DouyUb block , mOMANDFAOTnilRHS : 1 will give ample JL ground , with unlcnUld trackage facilities on the .Fremont , Klkhorn A Missouri Valley railroad .or on the MlnsourU.'iiiltlc. < loltLin ) ) railway in Westlawn , just outside the city limits In West Omaha , conveniently Mttiatod as regards access to tha business center of Omnha and South Oniaha , to parties for the location of nny of the following Industrials Pumltura Factory , llutton Factory , Shoo Factory. Lard llcnnory , Starch fcOlucoso W'ks. Soap Works , I'aperMill , PnrlHer Manufactory I'low Works , Hroom 1'nctory , Harvester Work. % Woolen Mill , tfall Works. Ofttmeal Mill. Knitting Mill * . . , Uox Manufactory , Sash. Door nnd Illlnil wire Works. Manufactory. Munhlno 3noP , Flour nnd Feed Mill , Or any good mamifncttirlnir plant. Westlawn i.s justsxitMde thn city limits nnd Industries planted thnrn will cacapo heavy city taxes. If yon are thinking ot locating in Omahn It will pay vou to investigate this , floo. N Hicks , Now Yors Llfo bulMlng , Omaha. 71W TJ10H 8ALK ll.isy torins , Kountzo placo. JJ T\vo homo.- ) , each 8 rooms. onoh > l,000. Two homes , each 9 rooms , each $ \ < X > j. Two homos , each 15 rooms. Bach $ * , C > Od. All with modern convenience. " All largo value atthe price. All within n square of tlipmotor , lino. Don't loio thosu opportuultloa. For s lo by tbo owner. W T. Seaman , Hast sldo 10th st. . north ot Nicholas st. , Omaha' * largest variety of wagons and car riages. 2V" . . . . , . . , .Ill l\J\rillai fII .VJ Truiiyiji t H" * * * * - * * - P-- paved streets , street curs and \\lthlu wiH&Ing distance of P. 0. Nathan Shelton. 1811 Fariuua. ituTR 8ALK Jotsln Stewart Place , wiYr fur" JL' nlsli money for building house , anil pay ments monthly. Hero Isn ch.anco toHocuro ft homo. Harris , Itoom 411 , 1st Nut. Hank. 573 KUUNT/.K PliAOK 9-room homo , Darn nnd every coiivcnlouco. for ijr.OUJ , easy torins. Address for particulars. K 181. Hee. 25 ? T7IOR 8ALK-4).73 acres. HOC. . tp. U. r. fiw JD Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable , ; K ) acres fuiiccd , living water. Price , $ i,00) ) ) . F. K Atkins , OWIIT , railroad bldjr. , Denver , Col. "V\rK have estate In nil parts of tlio city TT nnd state for Ruin or trade. Security Loan & Investment Co. , 215 8. Hth st , upstairs.H . H Jg2 TTUMl-SAr.K S houses on lot 7 ; xS ! on B e cor. JP llth mid Vlnton. inquire within. 104 O NK of tmTtwo house anil lot bargains 1 have been offering on Georgia nvo..north of now nold and i > ccuiilodbocau o of my very low prlco. The south house ot the two still remains a bargain oticn to somebody. First comes , nrst served. To'be appreciated it needs to bo examined Internally. I positively will not rent it , though several times ottered MO per month. Prlco. on very easy ternm.M.WW , W. T. Seaman , east sldo luth st.north of Nlch- olas st.iiiuUa' ) largest variety o wagone und carriages. ! SB ° | 7UR ) SALli Two of tno Dest located tracKugo JU lots , on the northwest corner of 2l3t mid Izard Mtroets , lze 120x113 feet. For price and terms Inquire of the owner , Edward Speller- berg , 10IS North 2lat strno ; tWJ-sl3t niHU l > est monny's worm ot nouso and lotnow JL for sale In Omaha , la that which 1 am now completing near 24th at. , on paved Wlrt st. . In Kountzo place , tbedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , U water closets , largo laundry , Stationery wash tubs , furnace and coal room nud collar , electrics bulls nnd speaking tube. 12 closets. Price only $7.500 on terms to suit. Likawlsa n dupllcata adjoining at BaiiiB price. W. T. Sonmnn. cast slile Iflth Nt. north of Nicholas Bt. Omaha's largest variety ot wagons and carriages' . 2Jd TJ OR SALK-2J.41 or Mi feet of lof , 0. block 7 JU nt fi5C ; per foot. ThU IS within a quarter of n blocs ot the now P. O. site , and will bo worth 81.1)00 ) insliloofa year. The o M lot 8. block 101 , cor. Tiouglas and 10th sts , 44 feet oi\ Douglas and fiU on 10th , pries J25.000. $10,000 casli , balance In five equal annual payments. The so U nw } J sec 8 , 111. r 13 o. Douglas Co. , price 812oip. $1OJO cash , balance easy. Lot7 , blkSVl , HoutliOmaHa.pr1col,20n.terms easy. W. 1L K.&M. B. loom 14 , Chamber of Commerce telepliono 1410. 727. IHAVK some llrst-class rental property for sale cheap within ona mlle of postolllco , ou paved streets and motor line. Thos. F. Hall , dll Paiton block. 5S8 "lJ < Olt SALK y-room house , barn and lot , JF Hanscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , Room 411,1st Nat. Dank. 573 SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. TJllllST National safety deposit vaults. Safes Ju to rent $3 to 825 a year. 3u. S. 13th. B12sl4 "O NfAH A"HOTELSr HOTHI Newly furnlahed and Bttod up throughout : centrally located ; $2 per day.130131iy312 Douglas 8f. 181 TV/riTllKAY"HOTJ3li / Newest , latest and only iTAflrst-claBS hotel lu Omaha ; 5J to $1 per day U. Sllloway. proprietor. 17 ! ) HOTEL-Cornor ot 10th and WINDSOR streets , 3 blocks from Uulo depot. Ut'gt 82 a aay liouso In tno city. ISO HOTETriJAKK.ER-141 rooma. elegantly fur nished. $2 and SJ.tiO per day. 13th and Jones st , . Omalia. V. A. Ualch , proprietor. T < > Contrnotors. Promsals for furnlstilng materials and con structing n brick buslnos * block , except foun dation are solicited until August 2fi , at 12 in. , at ofllco of American Mortgage Co. . Yankton , Dak. TUo right is reserved to reject any or nil bids. Plans to bo on exhibition August 17 and after , in Ymikton , nnd also at olllco or.l.ll. Coxhead , Architect , Drake's Ulock , Bt. Paul , Minn. Aug. UdHt Notice to ontrnctnr * . nids will bo received nn to 2 o'clock p. m. on Monday , the Will lust. , for the erection ot a Hrick Hotel Jluildlus ( not including the founda tion ) , according to plans auil bpecillcatlons pre pared by .John II. Coxhead , architect. Drake block , St. Pant Minn. The plans will bo on view after the loth day of August , at the olllco of the undersigned. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. THE YANKTON HOTKTj ASSOCIATION. lly J. P. Crennan , Secy. TANKTorf , Dakota. August 0 , 18b . _ [ _ Ang.ldl2t ) JJicird nl Ijqual iz uiou. Notice of the slttini. : of the City Council sa Uoara of Equalization To the owners of lots nnd landB abutting on of adjacent to the streets , nlleyti or avenues , or ultuuted in whole or in part within nny of the districts hereinafter named. You and each ot you are hereby notified that the city council will sit as a boird of equaliza tion at the office of the city clerk of said city in Douglas county court houso. on Friday , the 2ld : day of August. 18SU , from 9 o'clock a. in. to i ; o'clock p. m. , for tiiB jmrpoMj of oqunll/.liig thi ) proposed levy of special taxes nnd asboih- menta. and correcting any oriors therein , nnd of hearing nil complaints that the owners of property i-o to be taxed and aasas-tud , may inaKo ; Huld special taxes andasseBsmeutH being levied according to law to cover the cost and expenses of paving , surblnc , opening nnd widening strouts , and the ouo half cost ot KI ad- ing , as hereinafter stated PAVING , Alley lu alley paving district No. 30. Alloy In alloy pilvlugdlslritt No. 43 , Alluy In alloy paving dlbtilctNo.41. Alley In alloy paving dlstiict No. 47 , Alley In alley paving district No. 61. Alloy In alley paving district No. fi2. Alluy lu alloy paving district No. Mi , Alloy in alloy paving dlstilu Nor , > l. Alley in alloy paving district No M. Eleventh street from Million street to William street In paving dlbtrict No. 115 , CUIIIIINCI. Clark street from Sixteenth street to Twenty- fourth street , lu Pavlm * District , No H. ' . Hurl street from Sixteenth Htreet to Twenty. second Htroet , In Paving District No , in. Webster street from rilxtoonth Htrootto Twen ty-second sticot , lu Paving District .So. 141. Hnrney street from Twenty-sixth stioot to Ttvcuty.iilghth stroBt , in I'nvlug Dlhtrlf t No. IJH. Capitol nvuiiuu from Twenty-fourth ntrvct to Twenty nlxtli ntreut , lu Paving District No r.\ ) Twi'nty-foiirth htrout from Bpuncnr ntroetto Spauldtug street. In Paving District No. 22i. Jzunl Htrout from Sixteenth htrcut to Elgh- tooutli btrptit. In Paving District No. 22- ; . Fiirnam street from Thirty-seventh street to Jiowo avonun , In Pavlnc Dlstrlrt No. lit. Cus utrect from Thlrteouth street to Blx- teentli street , lu Paving District No. 211. llltADINO , Twenty-.socond fctret.t from ( Jraco to Lake Btroei. Bprucostroet from 22dstrcet to 2Uh strnot. ) , ks Btroist from iMh street to 2 < ) th8treot. Hurt street from illth street to 2 th htroot. Twenty-thin ! htioot from Cumltig Btieot to alley north of Wobstur Htroot. Nicholas Htrcot from 'Jith street to 21th street. Hickory Htroet from Ijth street to IGthsttoat. To cover thu full cost of grading Twenty- fourth Htroot from Leiivemvorth street to Mason street. oi'iiNisn AND \niiKNiNn STIIKKTR. Wobitur htreet from ; )2d ) htreot to : wth street. Thirty-Hecond avenue from Kd Crolghton avenno to south city limits. Thirteenth street from Spring street ( o south city limits. Twenty-ninth street from Indiana street to Hamilton street. Von and each of you are notllled to appear betoioHuld Hoard of Equalization lit the time nnd place ubovo specilleil to make any complaint - plaint , statement or objection you may ileMro concerning said proposed lavy and UH'tioswmeut of bpi-clul taxus. J. H. SOUTHAlin , City Clerk. Omaha. Aug. 13. IBM ) . _ _ aict7tl to OontraoioftTi ' Bourn OMAIU , August 13. 18W ) . Sealed proposals received atthe city engineer's olllco , by thu committee on vluductB , Htreetx und alloys , until noon , Saturday , Aiig. 2tth , IKdll , for yradlim' north hull tiilot M Htioet , from 21th cast to alley , und ulley from L to M Htroot. Approximate estimate , U.XX ( ) cublo yurdH at 12cUX ) . Work to be completed with in tlumty ilava after a contract therefor blnqa und takes direct. All bldH must be accompa nied by a certified chuck fur KiU | Bald chuck to be returned on all bids not accepted. The right to reject Riiy and ull bids la reserved. Chairman Coin , on Viaduct * . BtrcVts ft Alley * . 13d7t. II No. 2 5W : pm D No. 1 fl.i5ttnl O No. B 0:50 : am 0 No. n , . .5lflpin : A. No. 1 10:0) : am „ No. B. . , . Cupra ; A No. 14 Osi'tym A No. 13 7:1' ' ) am CHICAGO H NORTHWKBTERN. No , 0 0:10 am No. 7 0:27 : aia No.B : ii5 : ] iiuNo.3 7n am No. 4 0:23 : pm.No. 5 0-15 put All Trams Dally. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL. A No. 2 UIOamA | No. 1 7:03 : am A No. 4 0:40 : pmA. ] Mo. 3 ,6:15 pin KANSAS CITY , BT. JOBUl'lI & COUNCIL. IILUFKS. A No. 2 lUiOTaml A No. a fl:35ant A No. 4 our , j , ml A NO. 1 0:10 : om B10UX CITY & PACIFIC. A No. 10 7:05 : amlA No. 0' . 8:55 : am A No.13 TlNpmA : | No.ll 000pia ; OSlAHA & BT , LOUIS. A No. B 4:3-pmA | No. 7 13:09 : ra A daily ; I ) dahl exeunt Saturday ; 0 except Sunday ; D except Monday ; Test mall. Till- CHICAGO SHORT LIKE OF TDK Milwaukee & Paul ' Chicago , St , R'y , Tbo Itcst Itouto from Omulia and Council UlulTs to ZZZTHE EAST TWO T11AIN8 DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL JJLUKJM Chicago , AND Mllwnukcc , tit. 1'aul , MlnncnpulISj Cellar llock Island , Frepport , llockford , Clinton , DlllllKHIO , Davenport , . Elgin , Mmllson , .Tancsvlllo , Jlcldlt , lYInona , Lu Uro.sso , AnaullotlicrlmporUnt points Ka t , Hortlieatt and Honttiouit , For through llcketi call on the tltkot natal atlWl Farnnm ttreet , lu U rkur lllcclt , or at Uiilu 1'ncitta . 1'ullmnn Sleepers and thn Hnott Dining Cnra la tbi iirlilnro run on tlm nik'iillnu ot tUu Chlcnfo. Mil- wauLaa IL tit. 1'aal llallwuf , and ovorjr attention It t > alil tu immt-iiKeri br ouurtuoui uniplorci of tin cumpuny. ll.MII.I.RU.aHnoul MnnaKcr. J. K. TUCKI'.lc , AiilittiiUJenernl Mnnnuor. A. V. It , C'Altl'KMTJiU , ( Jonural I'j.ueinicr aud 'llckvt Aucnt. OKI ) , li. IliUFroill ) . Aolatant Ceno IKl Ticket Apiwt. T. J. UjyAj Nntioil tit Sealed proposals will bo rocfivnd nt the of. flee of county clerk ot UnuclaK county , Hn ) > ru. - kn. until 2 p. m , of Saturday , August 2ltli , liUi ! ) , to fiirnUh ilruus for Donylun rounty , for tha biilancii of thu year IB. * ) . List of driifra rwmlrud , to ba found on lllo in olllco of rxunty clerk , Ccr * titled chocK for 1100 miiHt accompany each bid. Tha board rc orv tlm rlwlit to rtijfct any i > cd all bids. M. 1) , 1IOC1IK. County Clcik. ulldint. Notion of Hlook Hulscrlptloii8. Notice Is hereby Klvt-n that the books of the Omaha , Lincoln \ UulC Hallway Company will booponiMl for tha purpose of receiving gub- Nebraska. Datud thU 1st ilar of Aujjuiit. 1 8 . UlllllllSM. O. A. WUI.KA | > , .7 , L. 1)E ) 1IHV018B , II. HlMOWAV , M. P.O'llltlKN. ' auc-l-OJOt