THE OMAHA DAILY BEBt&TUESDAY , AUGUST 20 , 1889. 1 EFFECT OF LAIRD'S DEATH , It Offaota tbo Domlso of Gay , o : Louisiana. V _ ' . _ _ . ; DEMOCRATS MAY LOSE A VOTE , Gaj's District \VnH Naturally Ropul- llcnn The Trennnry Ocpnrtmont Alnkcn ix Curloim HI null or Ibb Tliroo Anicrlcnn. . nuiiEAU , Tnn OVATIA DEB , ) 618 FouHTRiiNTii STIIBBT. > WASHINGTON , I ) . C. , August 10. | Tho.Star tonight soya : The death of Con gressman Lnlrd leaven iho relutlvo positions of thd Uvd parties in thohouso Just what ll waft after the eleictjon. Tlio democrats wore the llrst to lese a man by the death ot Gay , of Louisiana. * The death of Lnlnl takes ofl n republican , Out of thfs situation the 'cmhnces seem bettor for the republicans tc - Rain a veto. It Is conceded thnt there Is ne hope for the democrats to elect n man to BUO coed Lnlrd , whereas , on the other hand , the district Mr. Gay's death loft racant ia probably - ably naturally republican. It Is generally understood thnt Mr. Gay was cnableel te carry It because of his being n protcc tlonlst , nnd having plenty of uionej which ho was free to spend. To hold thld same Influence In onoratlon Mr. Gray's son * iti-Iaw 1ms boon nominated by the democrats , but whether they can elect him U n quest Ion Miner , the republican nominee , is said to be atrong , nnd all efforts pcmUilo will bo made to elect him. 1 ho republicans claim that all that Is necessary for them to carry iho dis trict Is to have n fair count of the votes. A ctmious m.UNiimt. A curious blunoer was made bv the treas ury dcpnrttnenton Saturday. The wisotnoii of finance who , at least , ought to know the laws of their own country , issued an order which jiracticully prohibited the transmis sion of goods in bond from any point in Mexico ice to nny point In the United States without * examination and appraisal at the borelnr. A gentleman called their attention to section aTOCof the revised statutes of the United States , which provides for this very thing nnd also classes Canada anil British Colum bia In the same category The treasury ofll- cials wilt now have the glorious opportunity of cither bucking down gracefully or enforc ing tbo most stupid blander that has boon made for lo tbcso many years. TUB TllllKl : AM1U10A3 COUrEUUXCB. The coming conference of the representa tives of the various countries on this conti nent for the purpose of establishing closer commercial relations \vill begin operations in October. Some of the elclcgates have ulrcadv arrived and are mailing arrangements for the gathering of information. The hist con gress appropriated $ . * ! 0a,000 to pay the ex- peiiEOS of this conference. After visltlnfi Washington and paylhg their respects to President Harrison the delegates will take a trip cast us far us Uoston. stopping at all the principal cities , From there they will co west through Chica go , Milwaukee. Minneapolis , St. Paul , Oma ha to tlio Paclllo. coast and will visit Mnxico nnet the southern cities before coming to Washington to finish their business In this country. Among the most Important matters which will bo consldereel is the establishment of a silver unit which shall bo current for circulation and receivable for customs autles in all countries on this continent. Complete plans hnvo already been formulated by n syn dicate headed by ox-United States Treasurer Jordan , of Nuw Yorlt , for carrying this scheme into execution ncel which will bo pre sented to the conference for its early action , THE IMI'onTBD OI.A8S HLOWEUS. Secretary Windotn , before leaving for bis vacation to-day , had up for consideration the papers In relation to the employers of the im ported glass blowers who are alleged to have been brought over hero under'contract in Violation of the contract labor law. Accord ing to the report of the district attorney at 'Pittsburg it.Is clearly proved that there was an implied contract between the men and their employers , but the secretary finds the problem a very knotty one , and up to the present time has not boon able to find u proper solution. Tbo law requires that such alien laborers shall bo sent back at the expense ot the steamship company which brought them over , . .within a year from the time of 'landing , wit it scorns that thcro Is some diffi culty involved In the question as to on whom shall the responsibility of raising the funds to return them to iho steamship company bo laid. 'Some of the law officers of the depart ment bellova that hebcas coipus proceedings would be Instituted immediately should any effort bo made to return the glass blowers and that such proceedings would result in interminable delay , and very likely the ul timata release of the uion. The secretary before proceeding further will try to secure further evidence fixing beyond question the violation of the law upon the llrin employing the aliens , ana this is where ono of the great est difficulties will como in. Secretary Rusk will leave hero to-morrow for Deer Park via Cincinnati and Indianapo lis. From IndiananolU ho will go to Mil waukee , whore ho will attend the forthcom ing encampment. AN 1MPOUTANT U12O1S10N. A Dishonorable DUclmrjjo No Bar tea a Pension. WASHINGTON , August 19. Assistant Secretary - rotary Busscy has rondorca an Important decision in the Derision claim , of Daniel U , Kaufman , late of Company A , Fourth regi ment Pennsylvania voluntaors. In his tie cisfon the assistant sccrot.try overrules the opinion of ex-Assistant Secretary Hawkins in the same case ; that n "dishonorable dis charge" from ttio sorvlcn operates as a "bat to a pension. " Ho declares that the charac ter of a soldier's discharge" * can noi affect Ills claim for a pension or account of such disabilities. llo holds that a dishonorable dlscbarpo is t penalty for a specific offense apainsi Borvlco for which a soldier may be punlbhed , but that the penalty can not include * nor re lute to u claim for a pension based upon dis ability. Uussoy hauls that for the depart inent to impose on a soldier the forfeiture ol his right to ever claim a pension because of t dishonorable discharge , which may have been Indicted by a court martini for nn of teimo of which the court haet jurisdiction would bo equivalent to punishing a soldle'i twice for tha same oftonso. In this viuw he ia sustained by n deeision of tbo lute Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt. The opm ion re-establishes the ruling of the depart numt which prevailed throvgh all udnvnis trations , antedating the issuance of rule 135 liy General Uluck. and town Pensions. WASHINGTON , _ August 10. [ Special gram toJ TUB HEE. ] Pensions allowed ftobraskans : Original invalid Kdwari Bates , Increase Henry Van Clove , Williau 1. Uovcrs , Robert Marvel , John Lump. Pensions granted lowaus : Ilestoratloi and re-Issues James Urlcu ( deceased ) . In crease John 13. Cook , Joseph Mitchell. Wil- . .linn II. Itovvo , James It. Livingston , Georgi TIrlpga , OrlaudoM. Smith , George W. Jumua William H. Needles , Henry P. Salmon , no- issUtf John McMillan. Ha-lssuu and in creaso-Sllos Longford. Original widows etc. Mary 1C. , widow of George Meleer Kanoy , widow pf John \V. Given. ' ' * * 'JTIio Olilest OoiiHiil Demi. WASHINGTON , August 10. The state do portmcnt to-day received u cablegram f rou Porto HIco announcing the death last nigh of Consul' Edward Conroy. Ha was th < oldest oTtlio United States consuls , and ii lo'ugth of servfcu was the junior of but om inuii. Ho was appointed consul nt San Juan Porto Hico , iu Ibft ) , and was. fully . eight ) yours old. Plect from Itright'M DlaeiiHf. WASiiiNqTpsr , August 10. The oornner'i Jury in the casq pf General Theodore West who died u few days ago at Asbury Par'n to-day rendered a verdict that the dead mai came to lila death from Hright's disease urn that hU death was not in any wise duo to th assault uiaele by a treasury clerk named Stci line Hunlu. Dinoliinutlana Call on thn Pr.-sUlcnt DEU PAUK. Md. , August 10. The su committee ot the Cincinnati chamber c fijuiuicrco waited on President Harrison U day and promised to'attend the reception t bo given Wednesday at the now chamber ol commerce building nnd to pay o short call at tha builders' exchange , The president will leave hero Tuotuaj night and arrive In Cincinnati at 7 Wednes day morning , and will take n special train about-1 p. m. on the Big-Four for Indlanno oils. Accompanying the- president will tx Secretary Husk , the United States marshal ol the District of Columbia. Mr. Kausiloll ami Private Secretary Halford. IT IS I1 AX 13 A Colored Kdi'tor Bays n Unco Wnr Cannot lie Averted. UinMiNGitAM , Ala , , August 10. An article in an Independent paper at Salem , Ala. , edit eel by a colored preacher named Urynn , has created quite a stir m Alabama. An cdltorl al In tha lost issue abuses the whites for va rious Injustices against tlio colored race , aud concluded as follows : "Wero you ( the whites ) to leave this southland - land , In twenty years it would bo one of the grandest sections ot the globo. W ( would show you inossback croaker ! how to run a country. You would never set convicts depriving honest workmen of at honest living. It Is only a matter of ttmi when throughout this whole state affair : wilt bo changed , ami 1 hope to your sorrow Wo were never destined to always bo ser vants , out like all other races will ami mus' ' havu our day. You now have yours. Yoi have predicted that nt no very distant da ] wo will have a race xvnr and wo hope tha' ' wo will bo stronr enough to wipe yoi out of existence and harelly Icavo enough ol you to tell thei story. It Is bound to come and Just such hot-headed cranks us the cell tors of some of our democratic Journals arc Just the right sot to hasten it. It Is frtto. " The whites in Salem are taklnu steps to prevent the Ilov. Dr. Urynn , who is now absent from the city , from over coming back any more. The executive committee of the White Re publicans' Protective Tariff loagun met hero to-day nnd passed iv resolution denouncing the editorial ns incendiary aud dangerous , and tendering their moral , nnd If necessary their physical aid to stop such utterances. WALKED Otf&inK TRAIN. A Wbmait Fatally Injured Wlillo in a SomniunlmlUtic Stulo. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 19. [ Special Tel egram to TUB UEB.J Mrs. Tillio Parks , forty-six years of ago , arqso from linr seat in ' the Burlington train from'D nvcrwhoa near Elborry , Mo. , and stepped off the train while running nt full speed. She was in a som nambulistic condition at the time. She was not mlssei ] until the conductor received a telegram stating a woman had been found beside the trade and thnt sno was supposed to have fallen from his train. Mr. Parks and live children returned to Elberry on the next train and found his wife nt a hotel suf fering Intensely. Sha laifi there but uiiht without medical attendance nnd was brought to this city this morning. Parus had her placed In the bl-rgagi ) car and was about to iiroceodbn his Journey when the by standers , learning of the facts , insisted that she bo taken ; it once to the city hospital. She died about noon. Her princiDal injuri a were internal. At the inquest her husband testified that she told him that two men had taken her off the train and tried to rob her , but she pleaded so hard that they went away. Her fourtcon-year- old daughter testified that her mother fre quently hud spells iu which she did not know what she was doing. The Jury hum ? fora time , one Juror insisting that owing to the conflicting statements of the husband ho should bo helet forhermurder , but the others refused because the testimony was not suf ficient to warrant it. They finally agreed to bring In a verdict that the dcceasc-d came tv her death by falling or beinc Uirown from a train. The body went out on the evening train with the family , for Madison , Neb. Express Etcprcscniativea In liontlon. ISSy bu Jani3 ( JnnJan tttnn'.t' . ] ON , August' 19. [ Now iTork Herald Cable Special to Tun BEE. ! John Hoey , oi the Adams express , and Colonel O'Brien , ol the Southern express , are in London , ostensibly fcr'pleasure. They go to Paris in n few das's , and will do the continent before they return to London. If they don't organize u baggage express in London before they again sea America it will bo because such a scheme is impossible of accomplish ment. There is aa Immensely profitable fleld hero for such an enterprise if it once gets a foothold and is conducted ou the American plan. _ The idea of * establishing an express on English" railroads does not seem feasible unless a family of Americans should estab- tabllsh It pnd stick at.itthough several gou orations of time is not enough of an object here to convince the railroads taut an express on the American model would pay hand somely. The paicpl that arrives in two ilnys gives Just as much satisfaction as if il came to hand in twenty-four hours. | . An American Hotel. [ Cop/rl/ht 1&13 liu . 'amtii Gordnn PAHIS , August 13. [ New York HcraU Cable Special to THE BEE * ] A number ol Brooklyn capitalists have decided to open a hotel on the Now Yprk plan. They believe it will attract American customers us well as the trade ) of English who have visited the states. If it docs , there Is money in it Newfoundland Won't Come In. OTTAWA , Out. , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to TUB Bnn. | Sir Hobort Thornburn , premicrof Newfoundland , has informed Sir John A. McDonald that ho cannot accept hia proposition to submit the question of that Lolouy entcrinc the Dominion at the polls at the approaching Newfoundland cluction. Sir John for years has been endeavoring tc rope Newfoundland Into the confederation oi British North American provinces , but has failed in every attempt. Sir Uobert says the movement is not popular and that the people of the island arc afraid of. Canada's deb ! which , in proportion to population , or pei capita , is six times us largo us their own. KttlRhts of Sherwood Forest. MINNEAPOLIS , August 10. Ttie supreme conehiAO of the Knights of Sherwood Fores was in session at Kilts Hall to-day. Then are ubout _ fifty delegates present. The principal business was the changing of tin rules to conform to tbo ncxv cotistitutim adopted by the Ancient Order of Foresters , of which the knights are a urunch. Two Girls Drowned. KASTON , Pu. , August 19. Charles Keller of Philadelphia , accompanied by Mamie nnc Winnlo Coltlgan , aged ( seventeen and twenty respectively , went out boat riding lust nigh1 and the boat one ! its occupants were carrice over the falls. The girls were drowned Keller was found a mile below the fall : clinging to the boat , and wasrescued. . g I'oreclost'el on Two TnniiRitit t ICn ST. PRTKJiaiiciio , August 10 , The Credi' ' bank , which thet government established ir 1SSU to advance loans to the nobility on mart gages , mm foreclosed on 2,000 estates , whicl must bo sold at auction at the end of tin year. A Terrible ) Itomb Kxploston. IJoMic , August 10 , During a public con cert to-day a bomb was exploded near the liusslan embassy. Eight , persons were in Jurcd. _ _ A Ctilnost ! Stonmor Blown tin. SIIANGIUI , August 10 , White a steamer was making a trial trip hero to-day the bollci exploded , killing thirty of her craw. For I'romotint ; Socialism , LBMUUUO , August 10 A son of the ropub llcan general , DcGcn , and the editor of a lo cul newspaper have ooen arrested hero foi promoting socialism in Austria. Dim I tip Cmctaa , August 19. 'lliornai filoFarlftnd dealer in hardwood lumber , mada an assign ment to day. His liabilities are placed a t50X'0 , ana his assets at half that amount. \ \ hat Is more attractive than a pretty faci with u frtiiih , bright complexion t For it usi Pozzoni'a Powder. IIA8K Standing of the Clubs. Following w the standing ot the Western association clubs up to nnO including yesterday's ' games : Ployed. Won. Lost. PorCt Omaha 8(1 ( G3 23 . .07.m - St. Paul 80 r > 5 34 .m : Minneapolis,83 45 43 .61 Sioux City 87 45 .48 : Denver 87 41 49 .47 St. Joseph 83 87 40 .441 Milwaukee ) 80 37 49 .431 Dc9Moincs.5 31 .86 : Sioux City , lien .Maine * 2. .Stoux CITY , la. , August 10. Tlio Cori nuskorshammercd Dos Molncs' crack pltcho out of reputation. The fielding' of Maculla nnd Black was the beat feature ot the game Score ! Biouxcirr. i DBS Mo.Nrs. r. h. o.n. o | r. h. o. . c Cllnc , M . 2a,1 3 * 1 t'ntton , rf. . 0 220 ( , _ . . . . ! ) 1 a ol.MMkniy , ir..O 2 3 U IMnpll , 1 ! ) . u 1 IV 1 UCimnull.Jt > . .i..O 0 0 U Totala sngT'O 2 | Total * . . . . 2 7 JOL SlcmxCUy , . . . .U 00100304 DcaMolnca . . . . . . . . .U 1 0 U 0 0 1 0 P- * SUMMARY. Knrncd nms-Slour Cltr 5. Two bmo lilts-fllonn Hrailloy. Uomo runs IJInok. Doiibln plnyn Tnillle to Sliiscnllnr to Smith. Klrst t > nio on bulls Slou City - ' , \m \ Molncs 4. lilt hjpltclipd bnll-l'oirnll Stolonbuoi-aioux Cltj-B , Dos MolncsU. Struck out- IIj UntmKnii V , \ > j llnrt i. I'liffoa bulls ( JoJy i Time 'Iwo liourj. Uiiuilro toc clior. Milwaukee 7 , St. .Insopli n. ST. JOSBWI , Mo. , August 19. St. Joe coulel nothitUavies nt the right time and throe times was retired with the bases full. ICncl was unsteady and poorly supported. Krlog Ardncr and Hotallng batted all the feature ! into the Score : Total 6 12 2t 18 II Totnla 110 U 11V INNIS'IJS. SU.Iosoph SI 04000 100- 0 1 3 0 3 U 1 0 - BUHMAIIV. ' F.anioJ runs St. Joe I , Itlhinnkoo 4. Tiro-baio lilt Krlee. llompmn Shock. Mrstbasa on bulls Ol Knell , I , omuvles4. Hit liy pltchor-'McCiarr. Stnlei buses MtCurr.1. Lowe , Alluirti. btruck out 1'oor man 2 , Siitu > nMori-l'cya , Hurley. Davlc * . Doubl nliiyi Mc'nrr ti > AnlncrU ) CnmrrlRht , DixTlna I Morrlnoy , Davtps to Suttmito Morrl ey , Duvlej ti Hurluy to Mnrrliiey. 1'uiseil ini-rScoiuic Wllil pitches Knell I , Iavlc < 1. Time ot Kama- hour , SU uilnates. Umplru ilollonuott , OTHCH UAULi The National CLKVELAXP , August 10. Result of to-day'i game : Cleveland 0 00010002 : Pittsburc 3 03000000 Hase hits Cleveland 3 , Pittsburg 0. Er rors Cleveland 1 , Pittsburg 1. Uatterles- Cleveland , Unkely nnd Ximmer ; Pittsburg Morris and Carroll. Umuire Lynch. Itosiox , August 10. llesult of to-day's game : IJoston 0 01002001 < Now York 0 00003300 - ; Jjaso hits Boston 5 , Now York 0. Errors IJoston 3 , New York 5. Batteries Boston , CUrkson and Bennett ; New York , Crane and liwing. Umpire McQuaid. RlNDIA.XAFOI.I3 , AugUSt 10. Result of tO- day's amo : Indianapolis . . . .0 00012000 1 Chicago 1 4010810 1 ( Uaso hits Indianapolis 13 , Chicago 14. r rors Indianauolid 3 , Chicago 1. Batteries Indianapolis , lioile and Buckley ; Chicago Gumbert uud Darling. Umpire Powers. PHILADELPHIA , August 10. Result of to day's game : Philadelphia..0 1041530 0-1- Washington 1 000000 00 : Base hits Philadelphia 10 , Washington 3 Errors Philadelphia 3 , Washington 5. Bat teries Pmladolphta , Casey and Schrivor Washington , Ferson and Daly. Uinuira- Curry. The American Association. CIXCIXXA.TI , August 10. Result of to-day'a game : Cincinnati 0 10001001 c Columbus 0 00300030 4 LOUISVILLE , August 10. Result of to-day's game : Louisville 1 06010000 1 Brooklyn 2 0003301 * 1 Aumtenr G nines. BtAiu , Neb. , August 10. | Special to Tni BEE. ] A game of ball was played hen Sunday between the Herman nine and thi Blairs , resulting in favor of the Herman ! bv a score of 23 to 17. They played for i pursa of $10. LJSGlTiaiia A WINNER. Such Is tlio Story of an American Just From Ilaytl. BOSTOX , August 10. [ Special Telegram to THE Btu.J Chief Engineer George B. Plu mer of the corvette Desaallnos , who ha : just returned to Boston on the steamei Andes from Port-au-Prince , gives Legitimo'i side of the story. He says Lexitlmo is now virtually in charge of the catira island , Hippolyto's forces , slnco their uffectlva re pulse , have been in the "bushes" ami an scattered toward the north of the Island. Lo ' men-of-war out pitimo's - - arothoroughlyllttcd and ho is undoubtedly receiving financial assistance sistanco from tha French government , When Engineer Plumor received his lasl salary at Hayti , ho says General Contro ; went aboard a French ram and returned with a bag of gold , and then piid off the am eers. The nriny under General Gourdorro i ! in Port-nu-Prince , well fed and wel clothed. Lcgltimo is livim ? in th < palace with bis family and In : special nrmod body guard , whlcl attends him everywhere. All the Americans hnvu loft the city. Captain Fiscnor , of the Bulize , now called Li Defense , was the last white man to loavo. The day on whlcl ] Engineer Plumber loft Por.t-au-Princo there were two English gunboats about the sizt of the United States steamer Ossipeo , whiol was also there , and two French vessels , t nun and n bark-rigged man-of-war. The present condition of affairs is an entire - tire reversion of what was expected three weeks ago. The only resources which Hip- polyte has are those which ho has secured while occupying St. Marc , When thesi ; shall bo exhausted th < only course loft will bo to surrender. This event , if happening within two or three days , would not surprise Engineer Plumber. His forces are in a de moralized condition , while Legitlme's are the reverse. Impressing men into the lutter'a service is dally kept up , and Lcgitlmo if strengthening his position , Sti-nniHliip Arrivals. At Glasgow The State of Nevada , fron New York , CAt Now York The Eras , from Bremen La Normandle , from Havre ; the Clrcasla from Glasgow. At London Slphtea : The Nodorland , from Philadelphia , for Antwerp. At Southampton The Elbe , from Now York , from Bremen. Jack liftn Shot. EAST LIVKWOOL , O. , August 10. Durini a quarrel tnls morning John Lesley , th' ' proprietor of the floating saloon on tbo Ohli river , fatally shot Jock Leo , a pugilist Tlinre is great indignation and throats o lynching are free freely made. A HiiUaua Spoke Factory Hurna. DRKBUEX , Out. , August 10 , MeVean'i hub and spoke factory burned to-aight ; loss $100,000 ; no Insurance. Four persons wor seriously injured. Aelvioe to Mother * . Mrs , Wlnslovv's Soothing Syrai should always bo useel for ohilelror toothing. It soothes the child , sottutu the guina. alhiys all pains , ouroa wiiu colic , and ia tlio boat romotly for diar rhtua. 25c a bottlo. THE PASTOR CARRIED A GUN , jef j n i ( _ . A ProbabtyOFatal Shootlutf Affolt ,0 j .t Noola , In. j , BULLETSoBXCHANGED FOR EGGS , JJ. _ lid PilmefTttnlccs a Dantnrelly Aa < sanlt nn % y tlio Itor. llolinlck For Shot by n Trencher. NHOLA , la. . August 19. [ Special Tologrnn to TUB BEE.J At about 10:40 : o'clock thi ; evening Eel Palmer , a young man who hat recently married Miss Ella Porter , of this place , was shot In the Vowels by Rev , D M. Helintck , and will probablj die from Iho effects ot thi wound. Tlioro' has been some tronblo between tlieso two gentlemen foi Homo time , orlginatlng-from the opposition o : Rev. Holmlclc to the marriage of younf Palmer. Last Saturday nfghi Rev. Holraiol claimed that ho was attacked In his owi yard by some persons unknown t < him with eggs nnd bricks. Hi also clalrai that the day before yesterday torday a frlond came to h < m , and giving him n revolver , told him that howoult bavo to defend himself. This evening ho waa called to the country to marry a young couplo. On Ills rctun homo ho found a man standing In the ban door , of whom ha inquired what no was doliif there , nnd ordered him to leave Without receiving any answer ho felt some thing strike his breast , whirh afterwards proved to bo an egg , when ho iinmediatelj ( lulled out his revolver , nnd , utmmg to scare and not to kill , shot down at what ho supposce was the man's foot. Ills horse took fright nnd wheeled up the alloy. Ho got off nne ; with some of his neighbors , who had been attracted bv the shot , went to the barn bul could iiml no trace of any ocrson. This Is Rev. Holraiok'a aide of the story , Mr. Palmer claims that ho was not eloinn anything , but that Mr. Helmick rodo'rlghi up and shot him , and .that ho dlt not throw the , , egg. Ho nad some friends , ho says , who were neat who immediately look him homo , where he ia now. Rev. Holmlck Is under arrest , anc further developments will follow the prelim inary hearing. John G. Hutchison. MASON Ci-rr , la. , August 19 , Although this was a Hull stronghold , much satisfac tion is expressed on all sides at the result ol the state convention in the nomination ol Hon. J. Q. Hutchison , of Ottuimvn , for gov > ornor. It Is generally conceded that ho has elements of strength not possessed oy either Hull or Wheeler , and is sure to solidify the different faction [ n the party. Mr. Hutchison Is a Pennsylvania farmer's boy , born in Northumberland county. Ho graduated at Dickinson's seminary , Will- iamsport , iu IS .and a few months later enlisted in defense of his country as n private in the ! One Hundred and Thirty- first Pennsylvania1 volunteers , participated in the hard service and fierce battles of the Army , of the Potomac , served the full term of his enlistment and was hon- orablv discharged , 'bearing the rank of cap tain. After thdArar he entared the union law school at Cleveland , O. , and upon his graduation removed to Iowa , in 18G5 , locating Ing nt Ottumwa. For several years he was apartncrot Hdn. B. H. Stiles , and after re linquishing the Ornctice of his profession , ho engaged in other business pursuits , which have placed himfih moderate but comfortable circumstances As staunch republican , ho early gained 'pVonliri'enco ' in politics in his homo while- his and country , prudent saga cious policies won him many friends among his political opuonents , which afUrwards counted largely in his favor when ho was a candidate for political preferment , in so close a county as Wapello. His legislative experi ence had its beginning in the Fourteenth general assembly , to which ho was elected in a most triumphant manner. Twice after that he served his county and his state in tbo higher capacity of senator , and was one of the prom inent men of the Nineteenth , Twentieth , Twenty-Hrst and Twenty-second general as semblies. Upon the election of Mr. Larro- bee to the governorship , Mr. Hutchison was the almost unanimous choice of his fellow senators for the chairmanship of the commit tee on ways and moans , tnat most impo unit committee of our state legislature. All the better measures which were placed upon the statute books of Iowa during this long term of service were supported by Senator Hutch ison , while to his knowledge of the needs of the state , Hia skill and energy are directly duo some of our wisest laws and politics , Ho was the author of that most excellent measure , the registry law , not only as originally adopted , but as It stands on the statute books to-day. His skill in finances is admittedly great , and the policy which finds Iowa out of debt to-day , in spite of largo expenditure of funds for needed * tate institutions , can bo credited to Senator Hutchison more thaa to any other man ; thoroughly conversant with our reve nue laws , he has boon quick to scu their in justices , and has Introduced and succeeded in getting through ono or both houses some important legislation on this question ; a friend of temperance nnd early representing an anti-prohibition comity , his votes on all phases of this issue have boon in line with the most advanced thought of the state , nnd the redemption of his own city and county from UIQ rule of the saloon is largely due to the firm and manly stand ho has al ways taken. In public and iu private. In favor of the strictest economy in expen ditures of state , Senator Hutchison has also favored almost every measure which would rcduco the expenses and finan cial burdens of the private citizen , and the text book question and equitable taxation have found la ultn a warm friend and active supporter. Indeed , in the general assem blies In which ho has served It would bo diffi cult to find attv member whoso record has been cleaner and brighter and oftener on the side of right and justice than Senator Hutch ison. Ho is also fortunate in having a record on the transportation question , ft , Is to his credit and highly characteristic of the man that he should hava made a rec ord hero and thnt it is one which will boar the closest scrutiny. Primarily ho be lieved In the state control of corporations , and ho bos lost no opportunity to express this belief and'glye it endorsement by his votes. Ho fqvoretl an elective rail way commission/und ; an enlargement of ita powers , and supported the measures looking toward that entlf wpich were enacted into law. Prom the ntas-j of bills on the transportation - portation question lyhlch came before tlio last general assembly ho selected house flio No. UT3 , gave it hw earnest support and had the pleasure of sjjplnl * Its best features en grafted on the statutes of the stato. Personally Soriitt0r. Hutchison is pure and clean , with n character known to all men as above reproach , His canvass has been con ducted in that mild and manly manner so peculiar to the m'4/i IP all his works. Gen tlemanly and courteous hi hia treatment of other candidates , ha Appears Co have steadily maintained the goi'jd ' will of all , Uud has boon subjected to the attacks of friends of none. His methods have boon honest and fair , oven and good tomporqif..a'ad ' ho appears to neither hold nor arouse personal antagonisms , suuh fruitful sources of weakness. His is a can- diducy to which all republicans of Iowa can turn , and as its foundation find a man highly worthy their support , An interview Witli General Uugsey , DBS MOINCS , la. , August 10. General Cyrus Bussoy , assistant secretary of the In terior , Is in the city visiting relatives for a few days. When asked to-elay about the rela tions between Tanner and Secretary Noble , as ho was reported to have expressed hlra- 'self In a Cbicttsro interview last week , ho said that the statements attributed to him were made out of whole cloth aud entirely utitruo. Continuing , ho sold : "In the pen sion office there are more than three hun dred thousand applications pending. Many of these are for increase ) , thu original pen sion granted having been less than the pen sioner Is entitled to nndor ths law , II is my desire and that of tha secretary that tbo ponuion laws t > e enforced with such fidelity thnt eVery pensioner shall rOcolvo all thnt In Is entitled to , and at the same time wo will receive the approval of congress , to whoir wo must look to to preserve the pension system. " Tlio Northern Iowa Cnllootornlilti. LnMAiis , la. , August 1ft. [ Special Telegram gram tot THB BKR. " ! Congressman StrubU to-day decided to ask the town congrosslona district to unite with him in rccommendlnc J. S. Lathrop , of Sioux City , for collcctoi of Internal revenue for the northern district of Iowa. Colonel J. M. Emery , of this city , who was first endorsed for the office , retiree from the race two month's Ago , and bus gone lo Sioux Falls , Dak. , to take tha agency foi the Now York Life Insurance company , Colonel Lnthrop wan appointed because he Was n soldier , nnd the Sioux ; City postofllco the other best office In the Eleventh district , went to E. It Kirk , a civilian. Injured by n Violoii.s Dull , HuMtiOLDT , la. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE HBR. ] Mr. J. II. Chamberlain a farmer living two miles west of this place was attacked byn vicious bull which hn was ttying to drive. The bull knocked him down7 bunted and tramped on h'lm , breaking his hip and several i-ibs. Mr. Chamber Inlu's little boy , who just escaped n slmllni fate , called the dog , which kept the bull at bay till neighbors could como and rescue the unconscious man. lie was very 'badly in jured. A Ilonrtlcss DBS MOIJJES , la , , August 10. [ Special Tel cgram to TUB BKR.J A German natncel Bllo loft a little girl of two and n half yean old iu the county auditor's oftlco this fore noon mid skipped out. Some of the cotintj officials were instructed by Judge Knv nnaugh to hunt him up , nnd after an liour'i search they returned with Bilzo nnd th < judge administered a lecture to him. Thi child is a daughter of Fred Springer , 01 Omaha , aud has been with Bilzo for seven months , but ho grew tired of keeping liei nnd thought to get rid of her In thnt way , Mayor Carpenter took the matter in hand nnd found a homo for the 11 ttio ono with Mr Charles Mengus , on Second street. 'JChn Bin ? Gr IKS Palace. CUESTOX , la , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Buu.l The blue grass palace is entirely completed nnd rapidly receiving consignments of exhibits from the diffcreu counties of southwestern Towa. The yards and the depot are choked with frolcht , am great activity prevails m getting out goods The illuminations in the city are elaborate and will present a gorgeous appearance , and the city is prepared to entertain unlimited crowds. Tlio exposition will bo formally opened August 33 by Governor Larrabco. Two Roya Smothered to Dentil. Dns Moixns , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel egram to THE Btu.l Bcrtio Miller am ] John Olcott , ten-year-old sons of prominent men atPomoroy , were smothered to deatli this evening in a bin of flax in nn clovatoi at that place. Workmen were engaged in loading u car from the bin where the boys were playing , and they were drawn under the flax and were not discovered till thov were drawn into the spout , stopping the grain. When pulled out both were dead. In tlic Hands of a Receiver. DBS MOINCS , la. , August 10. [ Special Tel egram to Tim BEE.I Owing to differences between Dr. Aborn , the proprietor , and Charles Holmdaio , the lessco of the Aborn house , of this city , an application was urada to the district court for the appointment of a receiver , and the application was granted to day. This is , ho house that was advertised to bo put up at rafllo m Montana and Idaho , but the buyers of tickets all turned out to bo victims , for none of them drew the houso. Off For tlio Garni ) . DBS MOIXES , la. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEB. ] This afternoon a battalion of the National guard , composed of Companies A and H , Third regiment , of this city , started for Newton for n week's camp. Phinnoy's Third { regiment band , of this city , accompanied them. The battalion was un der command of Major Parker. An Knjcinecr Killed. DBS Morar.s , la , , August 10. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEE. ! Mr. James Holloran , an engineer on the Diagonal railroad , was killed while switching cars southwest of this city yesterday. Ho cuimo to this city but a short time ago from St. Joseph , Mo. SPARKS FUOM THB WIUES. Hon. Randolph Tucker is reported to bd very sick. It is understood the Petrol has proved sat isfactory. Dr. Lo Baron Russell , of Boston , died at Plymouth yesterday. Department Commander Martin still in sists on the 1 cent rate. Jim Smith , a Detroit tough , was fatally shot by an officer yesterday. A Grecnsburg , Pa. , dispatch says Texas fever has orokon out in that vicinity. The two mon under arrest nt Lexington , Mo. , for the Wabash train robbery have practically proved nn alibi. In Two Wonks. The Omaha fair commences n week from next Monday , September 2 , and aa no entries will bo received after noon of that day _ it behooves all who desire to nmko entries to elo so at once. Entries may bo m'udo , it any time before that nt the oillco of the secretary , .T. II. Mc- Slmno , 213 South Fourteenth street , Omaha. Every ' .vorthy article not on u- meratod in the premium list may bo entered and placed in its appropriate class and may receive a premium. Muko. your entries at as early a day ag possi ble , as it will materially assist the olll- ccra of the association. AMONG TUB ItAlLjKOADS. Union Paclllc Notice was received nt Union Paclllc headquarters yesterday morning that the branch from Rockford , \Vushingtonterntory , to Spokane , will bo completed within the next thirty days. It has boon decided by the Union Paclllo management to build a Hue into Yellou'stono park. Wliilo rumors to this effect have boon in circulation for some time no definite understanding has been reached until within the last few days. The road will leave the Oregon short line at the Market Lake , nnd will run by way of the Snake crcok vulluy up to Jackson's lake , nnd thence to the upper geyser basin. At this point an eastern syndicate will , by permis sion of the government , erect u largo hotel , which will make this portion of the park ono of the most famous resorts of the country. Work on the now line will begin as soon ns the preliminary survey is finished , which will bo in iv few days. It Is expected tbat the road will bo completed before Decem ber 1. Kallrunii Notcn. Assistant General Freight Agent Cassldy , of the Elkhorn , is In Denver. Train Dispatcher MeCiino , of the Elkhorn at Missouri Valley Is in the city. General Superintendent A. W. Dickinson , of the Missouri Pacific , with headquarters at St. t.oul8 , and Division Superintendent A. W. Hathbouo , of Atchisnn , are In the city. SICK HEADACHE Positively cnred by ' ' these Lfttlc PiMx. 'CARTER'S They also relieve Ma- Item fro/A Djupepsla , Indigestion - 1TTLE digestion and Too Heart ) IVER Eating. A perfect rem edy for DUztaess , tfnusca , PILLS. Drowslneus , Pad Taste la tha Mouth , Coated Ton juo , Fain In the Side. TOKF11) UVKft. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , GENKUAIj UIUCCK. llo Leaven To-ilny Tor Washington Ills Army lloonrd. The genial General Brcok , adjutant gen eral ot this department of the army slnco 18S5 , will leave Oinnhn to-day for Wash ington , where ho wilt go on duty as assistant adjutant general. During his four year's residence In Omaha General Brcck , by his uniform courtesy has won for himself many friend * not only among gontlotnon connected with the nrmy , but with civilians also. General Hrcck Is essentially n soldier nnd a Rontleman and ranks very highly In the estimation of his superiors mid Inferiors In the army , llo bus senrcd Ills country faithfully for thirty-four years , rendering valuable service during the war of the rebellion. Ho was born at Midnlcboroiigh , Massachusetts , in 1&1I. General Brcck was appointed to the mili tary academy Upon thoflrst of July , IMl.nnd after four years diligent study there , gradu ated In Juno , ISM , and was nrndn n brevet second lieutenant of artillery. Soon after Joining nls command , the young officer had n taste of active service , beiag engaged in the expeditions ngnlnst the Somlnolo Indians In Florida , during 18. ' > 5 and ISM. During 18.V ) ho wnt made full , second lieutenant of the first infantry. He was stationed at Fort Moultrlo , South Carolina , during the lost months of ISol ) and the first of 1857 ; at Fort McIIenry , Maryland , from 1857 to 18,7.1. In IWi' ) ho accompanied his command upon n wearisome march from Helena , Ark. , to Fort Clark , Tnxtis. During the last ot 18.10 ho returned to his old station nt Fort Moul- trio , and there remained until the following year , when ho was sent to West Point ns assistant professor of geography , history nnd ethics. Upon the Itth of April , 1801 , ho was promoted meted to a first lieutenant in the First artil lery , nnd nt the same time was made princi pal assistant professor of geography , history and ethics at the academy. Upon the 29th of November , 1801 , ho was made a captain of staff , nnd upou tlio 3d of December of the same year left the academy and served throughout the war. Ho was made assistant adjutant-general of General McDowell's division ot the Army of the Potomac and waa actively engaged in the defense of Washington from December , 18(11 ( , to the JiJth of March , ISO'J , when ho was made assistant ndjutnnt-gcncral of the First array corps , but ho only remained with this division about a month , being transferred to servo in the same oflica with tha Army of the Riippalmnnock in April. Ho was en gaged in the occupation of Fredericksburg , Va. , upon the 18th of April , ISO ! . ' , and took part in tha expedition to thu Sbcnandoah valley to Intercept the retreat of tbo rebel forces uuilor Stonewall Jackson. Upon May 33d , J803 , ho was promoted to bo major of sUfTuml additional aide-de-camp. Upon the 17th of July , of tlio same year , he was ordered to report to the adjuunt-genural at Washington , nud was made assistant in charge of rolls , returns , books , blanks and business pertaining to the enlisted mun of the regular and volunteer forced and of the records of his commands aud the preparation and publication of the Voluutoor Army reg ister. ister.He He was made brevet lieutenant colonel , September 21th , 1804 , for "tneritoiious nud faithful services during the war of the re bellion. " On March 13th , 1SU3 , ho was promoted to bo brevet colonel , the promo tion being made for "diligent , faithful and meritorious services in the adjutant gener al's department during the rebellion. " Near ly Immediately after this he was again promoted meted , being made brevet brigadier general of the army. Ho remained in the adjutant general's office at Washington until Juno 1870 , when ho was transfer red to the depart ment of the Pacific , with headquarters at San Francisco ; also serving as mustering and disbursing olllcer in addition to his du ties as assistant adjutant general. Ho with the recruiting service in the division of the Pacific from September 19 , 1870 to May 10 , 1S77 , mid u member of the retiring board during the sumo period. He was adjutant general of the department of the east , with headquarters at New Yorif , during Novem ber and December 187 , and tlu'n ho was again sent to Washington and served as as sistant adjutant until 18SO , when ho was transferred to the department of Dakota , with headquarters at Fort Snelllng. In l-iS5 he was transferred to the department of the Platto. witn headquarters at Omana , and hero he has oincu remained. Cushman's Menthol inhaler cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay fever. Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents. BUMMER GIRLS , HEAD THIS. Over Ono Hiintlrcel Picnickers Pois oned by lee Cream. ST. PAUI , , MIJTX. , August 19. The mem bers of the Cleveland Grove , U. A. O. D. , went on a picnic to Stolfel's grove in west St. Paul yesterday and while theru partook generously of Ice cream , purchased from iho proprietor of the park. As a result over 100 people were poisoned and some of them are dangerously ill this afternoon. It is not thought , however , that any cases will prove fatal. PAXTON IIOTKn , OMAHA Special at tention to commercial mon. Finest and largest hotel ill the west. Kittrcdgo & Brainard , proprietors. Tha Visible Supply. CHICAGO , August 10. The visible supply for the wcok ending August 17 , as com piled Dy the secretary of the Chicago ooard of trade , is as follows : , Bushels Wheat . , . . . . . . . . H.331.000' . Corn. . . . . 8,0WIX)0 : ) Oats . . . . 4.000.000 Uyo . , . ST.1,000 Barley . 350,000 Williclin at Cu-l8ruir : ! " Biitll ; > r , August 10. Emperor William and Empress Augusta Victoria arrived at Carlsruho to-day from Bayre'uth. They wore received nt the railway station by tlio Grand Duke nnd Grand Duchess of Baden nnd the chief state officials. Entering car riages , the Imperial party proceeded to the castlo. The streets were thronged with people and the Imperial visitors received en thusiastic welcome. 'J ho town was gayly decorated. In the avcumg it state banquet was given. S SB The Antl-TrlaiiHlo Irish Orgcini&o a Chicago Branch ; NO LEADERS , NO DISCUSSIONS. The Olicat ) or tlio Society ! to Btintnln Pnrnoll In Whatever i'ollcy Ho Blny Tnltik In IJcst for- Ireland. * Tlio Plnn'of Crtiiiprtlcm , ' CHICAGO , August 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB Uitn.1 According to the Kvoulug PTows. "Iho younfe and pushing Irish-Ameri cans of Chicago have begun ncUve work to help the cause ot Ireland on the Hues laid down bv Parnolf , and have formed a Ton- ants''bofonso longuo. Profiling by past ex perience , it has been determined that , there shall bo no 'leaders' In the movement , Mr. K. M. LahlfT , a young Irishman , Is one of the promoters of the defense league. Mr. L - bin * this morning explained the objects of the league nnd the events that ( ed to ita formation1. Ho said : "The Irish-Americans of Chicago are * Just beginning to see that the Triangle and its ' adherent * are enemies of Ireland nnd Par- ncll , nnd the desertions from the revolution ary party have already commenced. It U rather Ktrauge that for the first time In thirteen years the Triuugle\ the Flucrty crowd , have invon the proceeds of their an nual demonstrations to help thu Irish cause. This year they did It , nnd the proceeds of the Ogdcn's Grove demonstration will go to the burial fund , whatever that may bo. Now , It Is Just because a great miiuy Irish-Ameri cans believe that those of the Triangle uud Finurty stamp are not true friends of Ire land that the Idea of a 'tenants' Defense league has boon broached In Chicago cage , or in other words , n Icairuo to help Parnoll In any way he may see lit to net In acquiring freedom for Ireland. If Flnerty and the rest of his people are slncora in what they say , why have not leagues to help Purncll been formed by them I At nil places where the Triangle power was domi nant Is the spectacle of u lot ot shouters and no real activity. In Philadelphia the anti- Triangle forces uro on top and there are flfty- three branches ot the Icaguu there , while wo haven't one here. Therefore , recognizing that there is need of Just such a league hero , a numbur of young Irish-Americans have como together and discussed the project. Wo have talked it up considerably ilnd it is very gratifying to note the feivor with which our project has been received , even among the Triangle puoplo , who are fast beginning to tire of bhittior- sklto domination and mere talk Hundreds and hundiods of Irishmen Identified with tlmTrmn le , wo have found , favor our idea of u league , and have proved theiir interest by promising us tlictr support. Wo will have no leaders , no factions and no discus sion of those topics whlcn have caused such ruptures in our ranks heretofore. Most of thu Triangle leaders are olllco holders. W will have none of them. Our aolei object will bo to nsiist Purnell , ami mon with axes to grind needn't apply for membership. Wo will have no leaders , ns I said , and will not elect oOlcers for our organl/ation until wo discover who nre thu sincere and real workers , mid then the olllcurs will bo but temporary. Tims zealously guarding tlio interests of Pnrnell , wo hope ) to keep the league pure from all thu contaminating iullu- ences of ward rustlers nud political workers. A pieliinmary meeting will bu held this week and we hope to soon have an organiza tion where young luslimon , coming to this country , instead of throwing their nioiuiy into camp No. 0 , can join with us ia real work for Pnrnoll , and nut line the pockets of a foxv demagogues. For Slci'lilcssiioso. Use Ilorsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. C. R. Drake , Belleville , 111. , savs : "I have found it , and it alone , to bo capable of producing a sweet and natural sleep In cas a of insomnia frnm overwork of the briin. which so of ton occurs in active provisional and business men. NOT HliADY. Tlio Cronlii Djl'iiim ; Kxnoctcil to Maneuver for Dulny. CHICAGO , August 10. [ Special Telegram to THE UBI : . | It is very probable that there will bu another attempt lo procure a continuance nf tlio Cronin murder trial when tlio case Is called in Judge McConncll's cour t next Monday. Iho dofunsu , it h believed , is not yet i eaily to go on w ith the case , and the probabilities are thai when it Is called up next Monday thu lawyers , fnr the prison ers will begin anew the work for delay. The cause of all this anxiety on the p irt , of the dofe'iiso to have the trial postponed lies in the fact that up to the present , time the pros ecution has refused to show its hand , notwith standing the many e'luve-r but ineffectual attempts made to induce it to do so. There is great unueituiuty among tliu lugal llguts employed to llaht tlio prosecution as to how far , if nt nil , Martin Burlce has committed Himself or implicated his co-dnfciidants. Uut , perhaps , tlio mall whom tliey fear most is Veterinary Surgeon Cass , whoso test- ! mony looks so bad for Dauiul Coughlln , and whoso record and reliability Attorney For rest has been so carefully investigating for several days past , Mr. Cass has proved art cnigm.ito Mr. Forrc.stthUR fur ari'i the lat ter ia very desirous of pushing IIIB inquiries in this direction a little further. An Alse > lut Cure. ThoORlGrNALAUICTINE OINTMENT Is onlv put tip In largo two-ounce tin Doxos , anil Is an absolute cure for old norcs , burns , wounds , chapped handx , and all skin orup , lions. Will positive\r ! euro all kind * of pilo'v- Aslt for tlio ORIGINAL AWEl'INK OINT MENT. Sold by Goodman Drug company at 2f > cents per be > x by mail : to cents. . .1,1 , draw's Hon-in-lvaw Arrives. NEW YOIIK , August 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tim Bin,1 : Among the passengers on board the Btcnmor l.aNormamlio , which arrived ycsteniiiyvero Daniel \Vllnon , son- in-law of ex-President Grevy of Fruiice , anil Madam Wilson. For Bilious and Nenroui Disorders , such no Wind and Pain In the Stomach , Sick Ifendacho , Clddlnctt , Fuf > noii. and Swelling alter Mcali , Dlzunoi * aivl Drowsiness , Cold Chilli , Flushlnrjt ol Heat , Loci ol Appellto , Shortness ol Breath. Costhrencit , Scurvy , Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep , Frightful Ureamtj and all Nervous and Tumbling Sensations , &c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTtS. Tula la no fiction. J'.vury sufferer U onrncmtly Invltoil to try ono IJox of llii'ho I'llli , ami tUuy wilt bo ncjcnowlfl'lcorl to l > < ironilrrfiil Uleilli-liir. UEUQllAM'3 TILLS , taken us illrncteil , will quickly rctlurn fcnuilca to cninplnto health. For a WEAK STOMACH ; IMPAIRED DIGESTION ; DISORDERED LIVER ; they ACT LIKE MAGICw < 7n c will work wandem upon tlio Vltnl Organs ; StrenQthenfii0 tfiu musculitr System ; restoring long-lout Complexion ; bringing bndt ttio keen edge ol appetite , iroufllnK with tlio ROSEBUD OF HEALTH tlm it'liowjilii/tlciil rnrroual Uio iiiuiuni frinno. ' .T nro "facts1' admitted by tlioumniM. In oil cl/i wn.f Bdclotys iiinl oiitiof the bout jtuurantoi'B to tlio Norvoiiu and I > e > > IMtnto4 la that BEECMAM'S PiLLS HAVE THE LAfiGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. Full directions vsllll emeu Vex Frinmrrcl only \ > y THO * , Iir.rriUM , nt , Slelriiu. I.nitrn nir < ! , I'nirlaniJ. Hot < l l > iJ > ruiolft' fifiirriilli/ . F. ALLEN * CO. , 366 anil 3G7 Cunal St. , New York , 0"lo Asenta for tha UiilloJ Btateg , w/iu ( If i/'t'ir UrugKlHt does not haoji llioin. ) WILL HAIL BEECHAM'S PILLS ON RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CENTS A BOX. ETCHINGS , . C5VEMEUSON , ENGRAVINGS , , iJ3 e IIALLHT& ARTIST SUlJPUESjfe tflTKIMHALL , MOULDINGS , b efjmcAMES. PIANOS & ORGANS , m Ktf'SIIKHT MUSIC 1B18 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska , STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING GO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc.