' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE o NINETEENTH YEAll. OMAHA , TUESDAY MORIS&ING & , AUGUST 20 , 1889. NUMBER 62. QUESTIONS BY A LAWYER , Bo Propounds Flfty-Throo of Thorn Regarding the Maybrlok Oaso. NUTS FOR THE JURY TO CRACK. Uyprtthcaes Which Go to Show Thnt the Accused fllny Do Innocent In Splto of Her Immoral Domestic Ijlfc. Queries For Kvorjrho'lr. [ Cnpirfiht883fiy Jamvt Oorrl/m ttsni'.U. ] LONDO.V , August 19. [ Now York- Herald Dablo Special to Tun Bur..1 To the Illght Hon. Matthews , homo secretary , to nil the members of the liouso of lords , to alt the members of the house ot commons , to the editors of the dally newspapers of this coun try , to the editors of all thu periodical pub lications In this country , und to all men whoso public Influence , published letters or public statements have had an inlluoaco great or am all In ono way or tha ether upon the fate of Mrs. May- brick Gentlemen i It Is the purpose of this article to ask you certain questions you ought to answer , and which you must answer to yourselves as men should they fall under your eye. They nro based entirely upon the evidence given at the trial of Mrs. Muytirick. If you have not a sufficient knowledge of the ovldcnco in the case to answer these questions , it will bo well for you to hereby learn thnt fact before you tnko any further action of any Kind In the matter. Tlio questions are as follows : 1. Are you aware that thorn are t.vo diffor- cnt forms o ( poison in this case , both of them clearly established , nml beyond question the first Is arsenic In the form of lly papers , and the second is nrsouiu In the form of white powders ) 2. Mrs. Mayhrlck has been convicted of poisoning her husband with arsenic obtained from fly paper. She made a statement at the llrst opportunity at the trial and Sir Charles Knssell offered two witnesses to prove that she had made the s.uno statement Just after Mr. M ylrlck's death. This state ment was to the effect that she had put n white powder Into the moat Juice. The ques tion Is , which kind of poison , in your belief , caused Mr. Maybrick's duatn 1 3. Do you believe that'she was using both kinds of tlio white powder belonging to him and arsenic in the solution ohlaiaed by her self ! 4. Can you believe In the occurrence of a coincidence so extraordinary and so unheard of as this , thata wlfo should be uaconsclous- ly giving her husband arsenic in ono form and nt the same tiuio bo willfully giving it to him in another ) C. Are you aware that the theory upon which Mrs. Maybrick has been found guilty Is u correct one I 0. Have you over looked ut the question in this light ) 7. Are you-nwuro that her statement con cerning the ( Hjw.ler Is supported by the pre ceding evidence in the case in the fullest de- prees on all points , and , instead of being the most Important evidence against her , very strong evidence of her innocence ? 8. Are you aware that her statement as to why she bought thu lly papers is simple , reasonable and clear and fully supported by facts ? 9. Are you aware that after such a close review of the evidence as your intelligence makes you capable of you will discover that the fly papers cut no real figure in this case at all ! 10. Are you aware that it will bn Impossi ble for you to logically deny this ) 11. Do you believe that u .woman who made up her mind to poison her husband and who was not n lunatic would go to the chemist she usually purchased from to buy the materials of lly pipers and have them sent homo by the shop boy , so loosely wrapped thnt people could und did examine them as they lay on tha table in the h'Ul and I see what they woroi 12. Do you bollcvu that she would put them to soak In an unlock ) d washstaud , where two servants could sno thorn soaking ! 111. Are you aw'iro that Mr. Mavbrlck had been talcing arsonio for twelve yo irsj 14. Are you aware that It is an absolute fact of medical experience that when men are habitually taking uraonlo they must steadily Increase the dose to obtain tbo olfect sought ) 15. Are you aware that whether Mr. May- brick died from gastro enteritis resulting from a chill and his debilitated physio il con dition , or from the direct olfoct of arsenic , there is every mason to believe that ho took this arsenic himself ) 1(1. ( Have you ever looked at this case In this light : 1 , An ursoaio taker of twelve yours standing dies from the effects of ar senic. U. Four pcoplo who do not know that ho was an arsenic eater came to the conclu a Ion that his wife poisoned him because she Is soaking lly papers , u. The lly papers and her iulldollty to her husband , In an expres sion used ID u letter to her lover , imiko n cir cumstantial case against nor so very strong BH to completely overshadow the more impor tant Issue , which is Iho habits , actions ant physical atato of Maybrick himself. 17. Are you aware that Maybrick's physi cal state for several wcoks before his death : hewed un Increasing debility leading straight toward his death ; that sumo dnyi before he took to his bed ho had u slight sou uro In all respects resembling the Illness from which ho died , and tnut ho himself ex plained this seizure to one of the witnesses ir the case us caused by an overdose of medi cine which ho himself hud taken i 18. Have you observed that the actions ol ono of the fuiuule witnesses huvo been some what remarkable I 19. Have you obaorvod that it wus she whc made the first accusation a.-amat Mrs. May- brick ; thnt it was she who found all or nearly all the arsenic ; tliat it , was she win B tin ted the lly paper theory , und that It wu shu who sot in motion another person , win In her turn not in motion the Muybncl brothers , who In their turn deposed Mra Muybrlck and uiude her un object of susplc Ion I 30. Do you know anything about thl womant ' 'I. Da you know whether her devotion t < ' Mrs. Muybricic was greater or Insx than tin average devotion of a servant to u muster 1 13. Do you know whether her devotion t tier mlatresi was greater or loss than th average devotion of u servant to her mis tress I 3. Do you know how all that arsenic go Into that house I SM. Aroyounwaro that It U not easy U buy nrsonlo In Kngland without makmt yourself known I 25 , Has It attracted yoor attention that li pito of the tremendous publicity given U this case thcro is no evidence of Mrs , May- brick's buying or obtaining any arsonio except copt la the form of lly papers I SO. Hun it ever occurred to you that if nn , pernon who know nil the lutiuiute clrcuui stances of Maybrick's way of living doslrcd to cast suspicion on Mrs. Maybrick It was nn easy thing to do ) > 27. Do you ucllove that n woman who desired to poison nor husband with arsonio would scatter It In us many directions ns the ovldcnco dhows It to huvo been scattered ! 26. Have you over considered the enor mous prejudice against Mrs. Mnybrlck with which this case started , how that prejudice naturally grow and how the only thing that could combat It the knowledge thnt May- brisk was un arsenic cater became public at the lust moment ? 29. Do you know why men tnko nreonlcl ! iO. Do ( you know why Maybrick took Ul 31. Do you think It likely ho would tell Ills wife what ho was taking and why he was taking ill B2 , Do .you think that a man using arsenic In a steadily increasing amount , ns shown by the ovldenco , would bo without It In his liouscl U3. How do you think ho would obtain It In the house If he was too lit to rlso from his bed ! 3-1 , Mrii. Mavbrick .said she out the pow der , ut his request , Into the moat juice. Do you know that It was in the evidence thnt Mr. Maybrick preferred and In n private way of taking arsenic In a powdered form In beef teal .15. Mrs. Mnybrlck said she did not know that the powder was arsenic. It Is reasona ble to suppose that sbo did , nnd If you think she did , why do you think sol 30. Are you nwaro that she wrote Michael Maybrick curly In March that her husband was taking white powders which did him harm I 8" . Are you nwaro that in 1833 , either In Juno or September , she tried to got Dr. Hopper to stop her husband from taking some secret medicine , which , she said , was Injuring him , and which , she said , ho was very reticent about ) 31. Are you a ware that Michael Mnybrick spoke to Maybrick nbout the white powder , concerning which , Mrs. Maybriuk had writ ten him , and that Muybrlck angrily told him it was u d d lie ) 39. Did any arsenic eater over tell you of his hublti 40. Would you toll anybody If you were taking arsenicl 41. Would you bo ashamed of it , or other wise ) 4J. Do you know that Maybrick was very secretive about his habit and angry whenever It was referred to ) 4' ! . Do you think that the Investigation of this case has developed the most important sot of facts or the least important ? 44. Do you know where Mr. Maybrick's clothes are ) 43. Do you appreciate the tremendous Im portance of these clothes In this case ) 40. Do you know that ono white powder in the pocket of Mayorick's > waistcoat would have saved Mrs. Maybrick's llfo und reputa tion ) 47. Do you think It strange that they should disappear immediately after his death' 43. Does the strangeness of this fact nat- urully associate itaoU-with any ether strange facts in this case'- ) 49. Do you knoiv-that Edwin Maybrick found a pill box which liad contained arsenic ami that the chemist Irad'written Mr. May- briclc's ' name on the box ? 50. Do you know that this exceedingly im portant piece of ovldenco only reached the counsel for the defense at a very late stage and by n very indirect route ) 51. Do you know tnat there must have been other equally important bits of evi dence in Mrs. Maybrick's favor which never reached them at all ) f > 2. What do you think nbout this case ) 53. What are you going to do about it ) A CKIMINAL LVWIUH. A \valtint ; Further lilotlionl llenorts. LONDON , August 19 , Home Secretary Mathews is awaiting further medical reports before coming to a decision in tlio Maybrick . The xvill bo submitted case. reports to-mor row. The parliamenta rypotltion in behalf of Mrs. Mavbrlck hits been signed by all the members of the house of commons. AVill Sign thn Petition. LONDON , August 19. Ilev. Dr. Spurgeon writes to the newspapers to say that no will sign the petition for the release of Mrs. Maybrick , and will commend to his congre gation tbo advisability of following bis ex ample. Settling Mrs. Mnyhricli'H Affairs. LOUISVIU.B , Ky. , August 19. [ Special Telegram to Tim BBE , ] The attorneys of Florence Maybrick to-duy filed n suit in the federal court hero for the appointment of trustees for tier largo estate of mountain lands In Broathltt , Pike und neighboring counties in this state. The property was left her by her grnndfullier , Darius Blake Holbrook , of Now York. She Is Joined in the suit by her stepfather , Baron Von Hoquc , who nets for her mother. The rights of Mrs. Muybnck's children , both u.idcr ten years , are also reviewed and pro < tection Is sought for them. The suit Is friendly and its object Is to secure relief froth the necessity of giving security ns trustees by W , H. Gardiner and Hamilton Brudshaw , of Now Yore , und Itov , John Ingruhnm. of Missouri , who nro trustees for Mrs. Maybrik's property elsewhere In Amor- lea. They decline to servo for the Kentucky property If required to give security. COUNT KDISON. i Tlio Famous Inventor Honored by K the Klnicol * Itnly. a /SS3 ; < ) / Jninet dunlin ncntittt. ] - LOVDOX , August 19. [ Spo--lal Cablegram to Tnu BEK.J It Is plum Edison no loncor , but Count Edison. The trroat electrician says : "Thoy must never hear of It in Now York. They would never stop laughing at mo. " The King of Italy has conferred on Edison tbo Insignia of Grand O.llcer of the Crown of Italy , and accompanied It with the following letter , signed Hatazzl : "Tho presentation by Cavalier Copel- o to the King , my august sovereign eign , of a phonograph invented by your illustrious self has produced the deepest Impression upon the mind of his majesty , who has recorded upon the machine Itself tils greatest admiration. The king , In consequence , wishing to give you a deserved testimonial of honor for the great scloatlllc discoveries associated with your numo , so universally known , has boon pleased , of his own accord , to confer upon you the rank of Grand Officer ot the Crown of 10 Italy. I am happy to present you herewith , on behalf of his majesty , the _ Inslgiau of this high honor , uud reserve to myself to send you as soon u * possible the royal diploma. " The distinction confers on Bdlson the title of count und on MM. Edison the title of countess. A Dinner to KiiHuell Harrison. ( CopurluMSS9 liy Ja n G'irliit flwm'.l LONDON , August 19. [ Now York Herald Cubic Special to TUB BGI.J Frank Mc- Luughlfn , Publisher of the Philadelphia Times , gave a dinner at the Savoy hotel this evening to Uussell Harrison. Consul Gen eral New was present. Mr , Hanisnn will sail for Kevv York in the City of Paris WeJ < uejday. CONGRESSMAN LAIRD BURIED Improoalvo Ooromonloa nt HIa Funeral - noral In Hastings. PROCESSION TWO MILES LONG. Governor Tlinyor nml Othnr Stnto Officials Attend the Obsequies Klvo Prisoner * I3acnno from Jail at Fremont. At Heat ntllls Old Homo. HASTIXOB , Neb , , August 19. ( Special Tel egram to THU Btirc.l The remain * of Con gressman James Laird were laid In their final resting place in Park Vlow cemetery this uftonionn with the most imposing ceremonies - monies ever witnessed in Hastings. Thou sands of pcoplo p.iid a tribute of respect to the memory of the dead congressman , nnd special trains were run on most of the rail roads loading Into Hastings nnd nearly OTer.y town In the district was represented. Among the well known Ncbrnskans present wcro Governor Tlinyor , Secretary State Treasurer Hill , Auultor Ucnton , At torney General Lceso , Congressmen Connell and Dorsey , Judge Post , of York ; Judge Chancy of Ked Cloud ; Adjutant Genor.il Colo. Mr. Laird's only surviving relatives , Mrs. Isaac Boycu , an itunt , and William Uoyeti , n cousin from GllUnan , 111. , ' were present. The services were held at the First Presbyterian church. Kov. .T. G. Tutu , of Shclton , preached the sermon. The music was impressive and the Ilornl decorations pro fuse. The procession marched to the oomo- tery by three routes. It was very long , and in n single line would have extended over two miles. lull Delivery nt J > 'rnmoiir. Fur.MoxT , Nob. , August 19. [ Special to THE Uiu. | Another jail delivery took plneo In Fremont last night between the hours of eight and nine o'clock , five prisoners escap ing. Accomplices from the outside passed through the north windows with chisels and hammers used by the masons on the now court house adjoining the jail , and with thcso the pnsoners cut a hole through the brick wall in the water closet and crawled through. Their absence was discovered by the Jailor in a few minutes after the delivery. Two of them were uw-.itlng trial before the district court for stealing each u watch worth aoout $20. Tno others were sentenced for only a short time each. It is considered good riddance , tut at the rate prisoners are bro.iK- ing out of jail it will soon bankrupt Dodge county to plug up the holes. A Suicide nt Suotln. SCOTIA. Neb. , August 10. [ Special to TUB BKK.J On Friday morning , the 10th last. , Gcorgo W. Turner w.is found lying dcai in acorn Held about .threo miles souihoast of this village , and on Saturday morning a coroner's Jury w.is empanelled , who , after hearing the evidence and examining the boay , returned u verdict of sflf-ilnstruction. The evidence before the coroner's Jury dis closed the facts that Mr. Turner formerly resided In Fairllold county , Ohio , but had been spending the winter and summer at Mr. Gardner's , In this county ; th.it on Sat urday , the 10th , Mr. Gardner and wife , In the evening , came to Scotia to spend the night nnd next day with relatives here , leaning Mr. Turner nt homo to tafco care of the stock. On their return the discovered that ho w.is absent , but wcro not alarmed , ns he was somewhat of an eccen tric character und had spoken of going to visit a friend in another neighborhood. On inquiry they found that ho hail not been to that friend's house. Search was instituted and his body wan found about half a mile from M. Gardner's house in the corn field. When found his revolver was two feet from him with one chamber empty , the bullet hav ing entered his mouth and passed out b.ick of Ins ear. In tils clothes were found $115 : tic was said to have been a man of a good deal of moans. The people where ho was residing now notice that ho has been acting in a peculiar manner for somu months , but It was thought by them to bo nceentncities of his , No reason is given for his suicide ex cept insanity. Tli * Fro nitiit O'linp Uorjtltiz. FUBMOVT , Neb , , August 19. [ Special to THE Bcn.J The Methodist camp mooting , which has boon in session Here during the past ten days , came to a close this morning , though yesterday was practically the last day of public worship. Tnc tents on the i ground were to-day taken up and the devout Motnodists and their friends who have been enjoying a festival of worship , have for the most part returned to their homes through out the conference. Yesterday was the big gest day of the session , there being more than thrcq thousand persons on the ground during the day , Tlio principal services of the day were conducted as usual by Hovival- ists Potter and Miller , whoso efforts have boon so fruitful of good during the meetings. Two hundred nml ton con versions have been made duriug the ten davs of the meetings. Elder Pottar said ho re garded it as the best camp meeting ho had ever attended , and "Hallelujah" Bowcn , of Chicago , a gray-haired veteran of eighty , . throe , who has attended nearly ono hundred camp meetings , confirmed the testimony of Elder Potter. Those having it in charge are also highly pleased with the results. The cxpcriuicntof charging u small admission fee Is n conceded success. In this way the ex penses arc easily met and none are kupt out who really desire to go. Harry Dale , of Illi nois , and Singer Miller will carry on the good work a few days longer at the Meth odist church in this city , liivcHtfcntint ; tin llliur I'ostollloo. Hi , UK , Nob. , August 19. [ Special to Tim DKI : . | A special agent or postofllco inspector was hero Saturday looking up tno matter of the Hlalr postofllca. Some time ago serious charges weru made against the present post mistress for destroying mull matter. Up to the present time nothing has been done to ferret out the matter. An eastern man by the name of Hraneh eaiuo hero Saturday , In terviewed a few prominent men and loft in the evening. Ho Is expected hero again to H morrow and a thorough overhauling Is ex pectcd. Ho keeps his own counsel , however , und no ono will probably know what his de cision Is until the department notifies the parties nt fault. Everybody is anxious ! } waiting fordovolopmmitinnU several parties intorusto.l seem to be a little bit uneasy. II In hoped the straight of this mutter will be uiadu public soon. JHorrlH Declines. Ciir.TK , Nob. , August 19. [ Special to THE UKK.J In your Issue of Sunday morning if is stated In an Interview with John M. 'Iburaton that Judge W. H. Morris wouk bo a candidate for member of'congress fron the Second district. Your correspondent li In a ix itlon to say uuthortutlvoiy thu1 Judge Morris will not allow hut numo to tx usud In that connection under any circuit stances whatever , A Tekamitli Citizen Pound ltuil. TEKAMUI , Neb. , August 10. [ Special tc TIIU HKK. ) Tlio citizens of Tokanuh wore startled this morning by tlio announcement that Clark Cbllcott , ono of our prouilncnl citizens , had been found dead In hi * barn whore bn baa repaired early In the mornint to atteud to his stock. Having remained longer than usual , tils wife sent their littli girl to see why h < 3 had remained no long when the truth became known. Medical uii was summoned , and heartbroken frleuUt In bored with the energy of despnlr In a vain endeavor to rcstoro him to consolousncsii. Heart disease was the cause. ' During the past flvo years Mr. Chllcott'lias been con nected with the Hurt County bank , nnd his loss will bo deeply regretted by' the business mnn and all cluoses'of people. Ho leaves u wife and two children. . Fell Dcaifftn the Maroh. FOUT HOIIISSOX , , Kob. , August 10 , [ Special Telegram U { Titn HER. ] To-night at 11:15 tin ambnlanco containing the remains - mains of Privnto ClJx.V on , of company E , Second Infantry , of Fort Omaha , reached this post ; It seems thnt the deceassd had fern n long tlmo bean subject to heart disease , and unexpectedly fell dead on the way to the de partment encampment In the vicinity of Honilngford , about sixteen miles from Fort Kobinson. Under General Whcnton's ' orders the remains wcro forwarded by means of an ambulance to this place , where the burla will tuko plaeo unless other information ro gurdlng the wishes of the friends of the de ceased shall bo received , Dod-ro County i'rnhlliltlnnlflts. FIIKMOXT , Neb. , August 19. [ Special to TUB HUB. ] Thu third party prohibitionists of Dodge county mot nt North Bend Satur day nml placed hi the Hold the first political ticket of the year in this county. Beside nominating a full county ticket they selected thirty-one delegates to attend the state con vention , to bo held at Lincoln thla week. This number of delegates Includes nearly the entire number of third party prohibitionists of Dodge county. Kiuklntr AnnliiHt th'n school Dnnrd. DKATHICR , Nob. , August 19. [ Special Tol- cjrrnm to Tin : Uiu. : ] TUo recent action of the city school board In twanging the text books of the public schools is creating a big kick. The change Is regirdod by the city generally as arbitrary nnd unnecessary and Is attributed to the inexperience of the now board , of which two rnombors are India * . A strong effort will bo mddo to hivu the board rescind its action in the matter und permit the old books to b6 usoJ. Tlio Jtounlou nt O'No'.ll. O'Nnit.r , . Nob. , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BIE. ] The opening day of the O'Neill reunion was rather quiet , but the clans are beginning to gather and to-night the grounds present an army-like appear- mice , Camp Slocum is the llrst of the kind in Nebraska. Captain Lozler , of Iowa , the lighting chaplain came In to-night nnd will remain several days. The Oakdalo band also came up and n largo number of the boys in blue. Quito ISnutlHli , YJIII Know. BiTUICI : , Nob. , Augyst 19. [ Special Telegram to THE Bii : : . | 'A young English man undertook to size up the city Saturday night and visited a house or bad repute in the east part of town. While there u sneak thief crawled through the Window and , made off with his vest , contumiug ftJO in money and a line gold wutcli. A search of the house was made by the police and It was finally concluded that the burglary had been committed by outside parties. Troops Arrivlns. FOUT ROIIINSON , Neb.t August , 19 [ Spe cial Telegram to Tun BCB. | This afternoon Companies D and II. o tbo Ninth cavalry , commanded by Captains Loud and Dlmmick , and Company K , Twenty-first infantry , com manded by Captain Hearne , arrived from Douglass. They unmadint'jly went into camp. General Wheutqn , with thp Second inluntry , is about ten miles from the post and will urrivo curly to-nJorrow. -He Plnyecl With ] a Pistol. BEATHICH , Neb. , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bii.J Charles und Albert Heedy , young sons of O. 1C. Reedy , got hold of a couple of pistols this evening nnd Charley accidentally shot Albert through the shoulder , milicting a severe though not dangerous wound. The boll was a 22-calibro and has not yet been extracted , it having taken a downward course into the boy's breast. Graders nt Work. Bnvriuci : , Neb. , Ausustl9. ( Special Tele gram to TUB USE. ] A largo grading outfit went down to the Kansas line this morning to begin work on the Kansas City and Beatrice railroad at Summerlleld. under the Kilpatrick Bros , contracts. The outfit belonged to Morton & Norton. The work will bu pushed with ajl possible vigor in order to complete it under the foity days' promise made by Vice President Erb. Not Whnt llu Claimed to rtc. KF.AIINKY , Nob. , August 19. [ Special Tel egram to THIS BEE. ] A middle-aged man , wearing dark clothing and claiming to bu editor of n Fairliold paper , hired n convoy- unco on Saturday of Cocko Bros. , of this city , to visit u cousin. Ho failed to return the horse and buggy , nnd investigations showed Hint the stranger hail worked a' confidence game and stole the property. Accidental- Ilia Sinter. STANTON , Neb. , Augusll9. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bms.l This morning while Os car Stuckcr was cleaninga supposed unload ed gun tha weapon was. discharged , com pletely decapitating his tivo-year-old sister , spattering fragments uf the head ull about tlio room. The parents are nearly overcome with grief. The gun had boon loaded the night before for the purpose of shooting a cut. Thorn Slav ho i AI.IIIN , Nob. , August J9. | Special Tel egram to TUB BIE , ] Harvey Smith , who has been in Jail hero for several months , was taken to Burtlott , Wheeler county , this morning to bo tried fortho murder of Logan , W. H , Imics , the sheriff 6f Wheeler county , started with the prisoner , iilono to make the drive of forty miles. Foirs arc ontei tallied that Iho prisoner will bo lynched. Tried to Kill , lliir.sclf. NnmiASKA CiTV.Neb. , Augustl9 , ( Special Telegram to TUB Bun < ] Julia Gibbs , a young woman of easy virtue , miulo n desper. oto attempt last nlghtiolcpmuilt nulcldo by shooting herself through ljo ! lelt brnust with a thirty-two-cullbor revolver , missing the heart about an inch. , Iho bullet passed clear th'ough the body , but she will possi bly recover. The sbootiifcj wus the result of u quarrel with her ' 'lovjer , " l ILL M y Arrostcd lor J rihhory. NuiuiASKA Cm , Neb.lJ 'August 10. [ Spe cial Telegram to TUB lieu. ] A young fel low named Fitzgerald , sjjpmgor hero , was arrested to-day on the it argo of being Im plicated in the Into njunerous robberies , und was oound ever Uyljo dlstrict court. Howard Water Bifmli Curry , SinvAiip , Nob. , August 19. ( Special Telegram - gram to Tim HUB. ] Aft the special election to-day the proposition uuthorUIni : the city to isbuo fciO.OOl ) worth nf water bonds wus carried almost unanimously. This is the third time the proposition bus been sub mitted. Cntholio Church Dedicated. FIIHVOUT , Neb. , August 10 , fSpccIal to Tim Jihii.l The new Catholic church nt Ustina , In Saunders county , about seven miles south of Fremont , waa dedicated this moinlug at 9 o'clock. Bishop Bonacum , of Lincoln , otllclutod sslstcd by seven or eight priests of surrounding churches. The churcl U u very nuut little edifice. Money to 1'rovetit A 1'anlo. TUIIIN , August 19. Tno National bank the Milan Savings bank and the Bank o Naples liuve advanced 24,000.000 llro to the two Turin bunks to unvut the panlo caused by the suicide ot Signer Capollo , one of the ieuJlufc bai-hcrs ot Uiis city , ROADS MEETING THE RATE , The Burlington & Northern Not Alone In Its Reduction. A NULLIFICATION IN ADVANCE. The Proposition Prepared For the Consideration of the Western Freight Association Now of No Consequence. Not Alone In tlio Ilrduotlon. CIIICAOO , August 19. [ Special Telegram to TIIK HER. ] The Wisconsin Central nnd Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City to-day mot the Burlington & Northern cut from 00 to 1C cents on the Chlcago-St. Paul proposition of the through rate. The action of these two roads nullifies In advance n proportion which the Northwestern and St. Paul were Intend - Ing to present , nod perhaps still will at to morrow morning's mooting of the Western Freight association. The proposition is that the other St. Paul roads should Ignore the Ificcnt rate , nbollsh the low commodity tariff now In effect between Chicago and St. Paul , nnd lower the present 00-ccnt local basis to n 50 or 45 cent basis. The proposition was formulated by Trafllo Manager "Wicker , of the Northwestern , and stood an excellent chance of being adopted had the Wisconsin Central und Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City not complicated matters by giving no tice that they would meet tlio Burlington & Northern rate. As matters stand , . no Chicago cage shipper or r nil road is satisfied except ttie Burlington & Northern. Cold chills of apprehension are running up and down the backs of railroad ollicials of Missouri river lines , us they sec the imminent danger of the wholesale reduction being carried to Mis souri river points. All the three roads which have made tbo rate say explicitly in their tariffs that the long nnd short haul cliLUse of the tntor-stato commerce act Is Ignored. The Burlington & Northern has , however , recognized the impossibility of carrying out this idea at junction points and has applied the 15-ccnt rate at LuCrosso und Winoua. In like man ner the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City will apply the 15 cent rate to Marshnlltown and threatens to apply It at St. Joseph and Kansas City. In any event , thcro being no foreign or water competition nt Marshall. town , it is manifestly impossible to apply the 15-ccnt rate there , 314 miles from Chicago , and ma.ntain the 75-cent local nnd GO-cont proportional rates to St. Joseph , 533 miles from Chicago on tlio Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City. The Chicago freight bureau , repiesentlng the board of trade and the vast majority of Chicago's business , is the most powerful factor in the west in influencing rates. Com missioner Iglohart , of the bureau , said to day to your correspondent : "Wo don't like the outlook , nnd it must bo changed in some way , probnnly by a reduction in the local basis from GJ to ! > or 40 cents. Under the operation of the 15-cent proportional rate , willed wont Into effect this mcrnintr on the Burlington & Northern , New York , Boston and Philadelphia merchants can take away the whole northwestern trade from us. The commodity tariff doesn't help us much , us it applies only on car lots , and the consequence quence is that seaboard merchants will have the call in the northwest until wo can get the rates rearranged. It is all rot for the roads to claim that Chicago is fairly treated. Wo will probably make our fight on the illegality of the Burlington & Northern 15-ccnt 'rate. How can it bo a proportional rate whoa not ouotod in connection with a through rate ! The Burlington & North ern now has practically three ra.cs In effect the 00 cent local rate , the commodity rate and the 15-cent rate. I Can't ' believe for u minute that the Inter state commerce commission will say the new rate is legal. It is too bad this demorlalba- tion has sprung up just when the roads would beg-in making their biggest earnings. It looks as though it would spread to the Missouri river , and , if It docs , there will bo music In the air. Wo will then have a 15- ccnt open local rate to St. Paul Instead of the present GO-ceut rale. " Chairman Walker , of the Intor-State Hall way association , Is non-committal on the subject , except that ho ventured the opinion that the outlook was not remarkably bright. Ho drew some consolation from thu fact that some heroic treatment sometimes cures , und a settlement of the whole Northwestern complication might come from the reduction. Molntivo Coal Hates. CHICAGO , August 1C. The question of rel ative rates on coal from Chicago and Toledo to Missouri river points has just been de cided by the arbitrators to whom It was sub mitted. The decision establishes a rate from Toledo on coal received by lake at 50 cents per net ton nbovo the rate from Chicago to Missouri river points. This makes the rate from J'oledi ) $ ' ! .7 ( ) pur not ton ; from Chicago nnd Milwaukee , $ J.20 ; from Mlbslppl river points , $ i.T3. These rates become effective August 4. _ The Itlu Ko nr CINCINNATI , August 19. In addition to the low Grand Army rates to Milwaukee and return quoted by the Big Four route , that company now announces round trip tickets to Chicago good going from August 20 to 21 nnd to return ten days from date , from Cincinnati , SO ; Dayton und Springfield , S3 50 ; Columbus and Delaware , ? li.50 ; Belle Fontnne , ? 0. Other points are graded accordingly , so that the cut is general. OmOUMSTAXOHa AhlKlt CASKS. Why the Gorman Government SIIIIUH ( ho lOmiii KnliorOiini ill Urn ; . Uuar.t.v , August 19. The North Gorman Gazette , commenting on the complaint of the Einin relief committee that thu government first encouraged und now discourages tno committee , says the greater Interests of the empire may have diverted the good will of the government and that the fact that Dr. Paters , instead of Captain Wissmann , Is nt the head of the expedition has also lessened thu government's confidence in the success o' the project. Kogardmg the alleged en croachments of thu British , the paper says any grievance of German traders In East Africa will bo duly adjusted und there Is no necessity for indignation , whlcli , on the con trary , will do harm. The extent of German territory In Africa , it suy * . is alroudy out of proportion to the forces disposable for Its protection , Queen Victoria has sent Bismarck a life size portrultof uersolf as a special murk of esteem. Dnulcil llio Application. Niw : YORK , August 19. Judge Ingrain , of the supreme court , denied ttio application of Kecolvor Gray of the North Ulvor Sugar Ke- llnery company , fur an Injunction against the corporations composing the Sugar Ho- linery company or sugar trust , restraining thorn from disposing ot their assets or trans ferring their property , The judge and ui the appeal had been taken from the judge ment In action against the North Hlver Sugar Hellnlng coinuauy no injunction should bo grunted until the determination of the ap peal. A Prominent Politician Dead. CASBOI-OLIS , Mich. , August 19 , Charles W. CllsbuQ , aged llfty-alx , ex-Judge of the Harden and Cuss circuits , died this morning after a lingering illness. Clidbco was necre- tary of the republican national conventions of l&O , IbSl and 1881 Ho also hold the posi tion of reading clerk of the national bouse of representatives for six years. ClOHcd tlio Donuruunnt. WASHINGTON , August lit. Tlio agricul tural department wus closed to-day out of respect to the memory of cx-Congrcssuiun Wults , who died recently uV Carlisle , Pa , THIS SNlSljIj MUUIJI2U. IMnkorton S ys fnsoott Did Not ICtll tlio Mlltlonnlrn. CIIIOAOO , August 19. [ Special Tolor.im to Tun BEE. ] A dispatch from a San Fran cisco corrnspondent of ono of the morning papers has nn interview with W. A. Pinkerton - ton , who Is on the slope. It WAS about Wltllo Tascott , Plnkorlon was quoted ns snylng that ho thought Tascott was hiding In Now York or San Francisco , kept in close con cealment by the men whoso assistant ho had been In thu series of tmrclarlcs which pre ceded the murder of Millionaire Snoll , Ho declared his bcllet that Tasrott never shot Snoll , and did not plan or execute the bur glary of the liouso on Ada street. According to Mr. Plnkorton , Tascott was n sort of pilot. That there wore two men besides Tascott In the house Mr. Pmkerton declared the prus- encoof two bullets at different angles In Snull's ' body proved conclusively. The interview closed with the statement that Mrs. Snail's ' offer of u reward for the arrest of Tascott was evidence that she wanted him only as n means of discovering the real criminal. All this was read to Mr. Stone this morning , "Bosh , all bosh , " said ho. "Mr. Plnkerton can talk at that rate as long ns he wants to , but it won't alter the facts , Why , do you think Mrs. Snell would offer frxj.OUO toward for Tascott if she didn't want him I Wo know what wo want him for and we don't propose to give It to the public until we got ready. " "Have you any detectives working on the casol" "Well , I'm working on the case In con junction with other men , I haven't all the detectives In the United States , that's u fact , but the. " cost so much with their S3 a day and expenses , and a man might spend n for tune and bo none the wiser. A reward of $50,000 ought to bu enough to stimulate their energies. I have all along thought that there W'jro others besides Tascott present when ftlr. Snell was murdered. You re member thnt the bullet in Mr. Snell's ' brain was of 44-callbro , white that In his heart was n 3. > . But we want Tascott. If ho were not guilty of the murder , why does ho keep away so long ! Ho Imust know that in time ho will bo caught. Somobodv will betiay him for the sake of that foO.OCO reward , which will bo kept standing as long as Mrs. Snell Is alive , and possibly for a while after ward. If he had given himself up ten days after the murder ho might have stood n chance of boinir bclievoi1 to bo innocent , but it is too late now. " liOAVUY ANI > TUB SLiUGGERS. Jlctoctlvn Chillis Thlnkhtho Governor Will Ito licnlont. BAWIMOKR , Md. , August 19. [ Special Telegram to TUB BBE.I Dotectlvo Childs , who was sent hero by Governor Lowry to arrest Ktiraln , docs not think Sullivan will be required to servo out his full tlmo. Said ho : "I'm satlsllod Sullivan will uj pardoned by Lowry , as will also Kilrnln if tried and sentenced. In fact , Governor Lowry stated that ho would act leniently with them , und intimated that ho would pardon them. " "Why , then , " ho was asked , "was Gov ernor Lowry so anxious for their arrestP * The men openly violated the law and the governor had to stand considerable abuse , from certain sources. His honesty in the matter was questioned nnd ho was therefore determined to get them. After the law has been suOlcicntly vindicated ho will , In my opinion , act leniently and Impose a flnu. " Kilrain is keeping very shady. Ho spent Sunday very quietly at his homo. Hofcrrlng to the severe punishment uaotud-OuL.tu Sulli van , ho said , to-day : "I told my friends that the affair would re sult more seriously than they imagined , but they still insisted there was too much fool ing over the trial to end In anything. Twelve months is u good deal , but I can stand it ns well as Sullivan , and feel none the worse , either , after the year is up. " What riullivnn Snys. CivciNNm , August 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bui ! . | In an interview at the hotel before leaving for the east , Sullivan said : "Ono thing's sure , I will never fight again , and I think the business is douo for in this country , at least for years. The Mississippians - sippians treated mo royally. I think I'll ' got off , but if I don't I'll ' bo right there nnd do my titno like a man. I don't want any recep tion at homo. 1'vo hud enough advertising for a while. " John Comes Aliirchlnc Homo. Niw tonic , August 19. John L. Sullivan arrived at 8 o'clock to-night In Jersey City. At the depot to meet him wore Charlie John son , Jim Wnkelv. John Brcnnan , and .lack Barnett. A brass bund accompanied Sulli van to the hotel. Kilrain Starts For iMiH lsRippl. BAI/TIMOIIB , August 19. Kilrain has waived all legal points and will leave for Mississippi to-morrow morning with Detec tive Childs. TEXAS MSVKll IN ! sT. LOUIS. An Evening Paper Think * There is a CoiiHpir.ioy to llidiIt. . ST. Louis , August 19. An evening paper says that Texas fever has made its nppoar- anco in St. Louis and there appears to be a conspiracy to prevent the discovery of the fact. Some time ago a number of cattle consigned from Texas became alllictcd in the pens hero and thirty-five died of fever. Since then a number of milcn cows In that vicinity have died fiom fever , and there Is some fear regarding the city milk supply. Health Commissioner Dudley denies the ex istence of fever , nml thu dairy inspector docs not credit it. Cattlemen , however , claim that the disease from which the cattle died wus Texas fever , pure und simple , Yarn n n Ilciit4 the YnlKyrlc. ICnjii/rtii'it ' 1WW liu Jil'H'1 ( Jiirliii fln'iU.l PORTSMOUTH , August 19. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun HiH , ] The Vulkyrio nearly conquered to-day. She led In the Albert yacht club regatta and would nave won the club's magnillcent cup , In the shape of an artistically chased salad bowl , hud she finished the thirty-throe mile course ten seconds sooner. However , slio had to bo contented with the second prize of 40 , Mr. Hallls' cutter , the Yarauu , though com ing in third , taking thu cup. Tha Vulkyrio ul lowed the Yaruna Jlvo minutes. The Wcntlier ForoenBt. For Omaha and vicinity ! Fair weather. For Nebraska ! Showers preceded In east ern portion by fair , cooler winds , shifting to northwesterly. For Iowa : Fair , followed by local shower or Tuesday ; showers Wodncbday ; cooler Wednesday ; southerly , shifting to westerly winds. For Dakota : Showers , cooler , except In extreme northwest portion ; warmer , south erly winds. Ho Won't Do It Any More. BUFFALO , August 19. This morning Nicholas las Mofichhr offered to bet 81UO that ho would kill some one before 0 p. in. Ho inudo an attempt in the afternoon upon Mr , Lung , n contractor , with whom ho had a feud. Lant' crushed Mosuhlcr's skull with an axe ns the latter drew u knife on him , KG mil or < Cut Thro null a Conn-tor.O ST , JOSKI-II , Mo. , August 19. | Special Telegram to TUB Bun , | Street graders in grading on Main street , between Cherry and Linn , cut through un old cemetery , and the bones were thrown Into u prnmiHimouu heap und left lyinu there , The people In the vi cinity uro indignant and trouble may unnuo. Tripl Crlmo of nn ICdltor. LONDON , August 19. Herr Lochmun , edi tor of the Londoner Journal , a weekly news paper printed In German , shot Inn wife and child to-day and lUen committed suicide. HOLOCAUST IN A TENEMENT , Nine Llvos Sacrificed By Flro York Olty. GALLANT SURGEON SCHAEFFER , Ho ItlskH Ilia Ijlfo to Crrr Young Nclllo JMcGcoghnn From the J < 'Iixmes ntitShorcrlfdicd In His Arms , A Coolc nnd Kerosenes Nnw YOIIK , August 19. Karly this morn * Ing llro broke out In the kitchen of n rcntau < rant on the store Iloor ot a big live-story ton * cinciit nt ! t05 Seventh avenue. Nine of tha sixty odd occupants of the liouso lost their lives , mid it is n great wonder that uioro did not porlsh. The dead are : WILLIAM GLUNNUX , aged CO , burned to dcntli. NKLLIIC McGnooiu.v , agol 20 , smothered to death. M tur WHI.LS , aged 31 , smothered. JANK WKI.I.S , aged 4 , smothered. THOMAS WKI.I.S ngod 2 , smothered. UIIITIIA : LASMO , aged 40 , burned to death. WILLIAM MuKie : , aged 40 , burned to death. JANK . | IITIII'.Y , aged tVS , smothered. An unknown woman , aged 45 , smothered. William and John Glonnon are badly burned and Injured. The building was occupied by thirty fami lies , who are made temporarily homeless by the tiro. The pecuniary loss will not amount to more than $10,000. The llro originated In the rear of John Snydor's restaurant at au hour when all the pcoplo In the house wore sleeping soundly. Just the hour the tire started Is a mystery , but ns the restaurant cook Is missing It Is fair to presume that the accident oc curred while making the lire in the big- range. The awful speed with which the flames swept up through Iho building sug gest the use of kerosene by a careless coolc. Two police olllcers wcro a block away when the fire started. They hurried to the scene ana broke In the front door of the building. There was no sign of llfo In the building , and the o Ulcers hurried from ono door to unother to'nrouse the Inmates. Mur- mu.'ings wcro llrst heard , then the buzz of ninny voices , which finally changed Into a wail of teiror nnd acrony from men , women und children struggling for their lives. The flro escapes leading from the burning build ing to the tenement house next door were soon tilled with half-nuked people , frantic to reach the street. In the meantime the fire department had arrived ana had begun work on the ( lames and were assisting in rescuing the fright ened inmates. The llamcs wcro extinguished easily and Iho pcoplo on the flro escapes were all landed Mifely. Not ono person escaped don n the stairway and the names of thu few who tried it are found in the list of the dead. The search for the dead was bccun as soon as possible. The remains of old William Gannon were discovered by the side of the bed In his room on the second Iloor. In the rooms of the Wells family In the middle of the Iloor knelt the mother , Mary Wells , and in her dead embrace were her children , Jnno and Thomas. They hud been smothered , nnd not a burn or blister defaced their counte nances. The nluo dead bodies were taken to the Thirtieth street station and later friends claimed the remains. Snyder , keeper of the restaurant In which the llro broke out , has been arrested on sus picion nf being responsible for Its origin. An Insurance policy for $1,000 on ills stock was. found In his possession , und ono of his em ployes states that he found fat scattered over the Iloor of the restaurant. Snytlor and William Btooks , his colored cook , were arraigned before the coroner thia evening. Snvder was committed to Iho tombs without hail and Brooks was sent to the house of detention as a witness. The police say they have u good case. Ono of the most notable Incidents of the fire was 'ho gallant efforts of Ambulance Surgeon Si'hnofcr , of the Now York hospital. When he arrived on the scene all chance of any ono escaping by the stairway was cut off , as it was burning fiercely nnd thu halls wcro tilled with smoke. On hearing that Nellie McGcoghun nged twenty , had been cut oil from escaping to the top story , ho boldlv mounted u scaling ladder and got into the llfth story by smash ing n window. At last tlio doctor was seen again at u window carrying Nellie Mc- Geoghan's Inanimate form. He bore the rirl to a store on tlio corner , but when ho at tempted to revive her ho found she had per ; } islied In his arms. ' There was some terrible work done by the police at that liro"said Dr.Schuofer when seen subsequently at the hospital. "Why , I was the only doctor on the scene and mine was the only nmbulanco on bund and It was only by luck that I got there at all. Wo only re ceived the common 'hurry call" to the Thir tieth street police station , and when I got thcro I found the body of the old man , Wil liam Glennon. Ho hud been suffocated , and nfter getting his numo I Jumped Into the ambulance to return to the hospital , Not n ward' had been said about any others , nnd out of curiosity alone , I told the driver to drive around to Seventh nvcnuo. When wo got to the house 1 stopped the ambulance nnd got out and stood for a moment talking to the policemen nnd tlrcmon. It was there for the first titno that I learned about the people up stairs. Not one of the dead were burned. All had been suffocated , " TKHKIHM : FOUISST muss. The FlnniRH DcvuHtntlng Timber and Jtanui' * * In Montana. HHLI-NA , Mont. , August 19. The forest ilros which hava boon raging all ever Mon tana for three weeks und huvo destroyed hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of timber , htivo reached moxt , alarming pro portions. A gentleman just In from north * ern Alontaua reports that on the ranges in Choteuu county , which heretofore Imvo escaped , and on which the cat tlemen were depending to keep their Rtoclc this winter , thousands of head of cattle wore burning. The big companies huvo over three hundred men working to extinguish the flro and save their food , but the small streams are all dried up and the ( lames lap over them as quickly as if traveling on the open prairie. Jn two days the lire traveled over a suc tion sixty miles wldo and ono hundred miles In length. In Deer Ledge county the town of Georgetown Is sur rounded by llro , Couriers who arrived at I'hllllpsburg front Georgetown at mid night reported that the utmost consternation prevailed in town , and that n large force of men was organized to go to the rescue. In the YellowBtono the pineries tire covers an area of olirht miles , und ls spreading rapidly. The lunges In that section huvo been almost ontlruly destroyed , the tire extending Dourly four miles from the city of Glundivo. Only ii Acrldont. CHICAGO , Auguitt 10 , The jostofflco Inspector specter here nuy regarding the alleged mail robbery at Terre Hautn Saturday night that thu | x > uoh fell out of the cur accidentally , but wan recovered Intact. An Ocean ELi'iiiA , August 19. Fred Funlr , u wealthy New York passenger , was missing when LaNorinundlo arrived from Hoaton , Ho Is bvllcvod to huvo nulcldud by drowning. AoHditiitnl Dynuiiillo Kxplnulnn. PKSTII , August 10. A dynamite cartridge accidentally exploded to-duy In u coal lulu * at Domun. Five person * > efj killed and & number of others lulurcd.