THE OMAHA' ' DAILY BEE NINETEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , , MONDAY MOILING , AUGUST 19 , 1880. NUMBER 61. SARA BERN1IARDT A WIDOW , Buddon Death of Her Husband In a Paris Hotol. CAUSED BY BRAIN CONGESTION. No Decision n Yet In the Mnylirlck Case by the Homo Secretary , Bat CnniiniilAtlon lie- llcvcdtn by Many. Dentil nCtlncQUPH Dnmnln. [ Cnttyrlaht 1SV > l > u Janwt Unnlan nennttt.\ \ I'AUia , August 18. [ Now Yorlc Ilornld | Cable S | > eclal to Tun UIH. I Jacques Da- mala , Sara Uornhiirdt's husband , died sud denly this morning nt avoll known hotel In the Boulevard Porlcro. His health had been very unsatisfactory for several months nnd ho suffered greatly from the effects of the use of morphia , but the news of his death , The direct causa of which wus congestion of the brain , will bo a shock to his friends who have mot him within the last few dnys. Such fume as the deceased had acquired was reflected from his wlfo. Horn at Athens , Mr. Datnala cntorcd upon a career of diplomacy , but the .voting attache showed signs of balng stago-struck , and Rave up diplomacy for nctmg. Ho joined tqo troupe with , which Sara Bernhard - hard t was starring Europe und spoodlly fell head over cars In love with thogoldcn- volced siron. The Incidents of his marriage , which took place on April 4 , 183' ! , ut St. ' Andrew's church , London , are well known , particularly his bride's rapid Journey from Madrid to London nnd back. llio Alnybrlulc Case. ICopi/rlo'it ' tsan / ; ) / Jiinui < Jr.Im RnnM LONDON , August 18. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Hii.J : : No decision was arrived at by the homo secretary to-day Jn regard to the sentence of Mrs. Maybrick , , bet , the tendency of events Is still in the di- , rcctlon I indicated yesterday. Tliero is a great body of scicntlflc opinion which is working in behalf of Mrs. Maybrick to this extent , that there Is fair room for doubt whether she administered the arsenic of which her husband a led. This opinion , pro ceeding from very eminent sources , holds that there is equally grave doubt as to Mrs. Muybrlck's innocence , but the element of uncertainty is such ns to Justify the inter ference of the homo secretary. There would then , nt least , bo time loft for the production of now fuels which might tend to clear up the mystery of Mr Ma.vbrick's death. Those views nro undoubtedly having their influ ence with Mr. Matliows , whoso position throughout has been of a very anxious and unenviable kind. But that the duty of clo dding so dreadful a question should fall up on him is ono of the great drawbacks of nn ofllco which is seldom n bed of roses. Tno abuse which has occn heaped upon him Is wholly undeserved , for ho has civen the most conscientious consideration to all the facts of the case , with the solo desire of sclng that justice is dono. It may safely bo said that the course taken by some of Mrs. Maybriclc's friends was calculated to do her more harm than good. On the other hand , facts and arguments , such us those whicti have been put forward by the Herald , word on titled to QUO weight , and doubtless tlioy have had it unless some now ptmso of the case should occur adverse to Mrs. Maybrick , which 13 scarcely probable. Her lifo is nearly certain to bo spared. At the same time it is felt by very many who have taken no active part in thia ugitation that the institution of a trial bv Jury , supposed to be the "palladium ol British liberties , " will have received another severe clew by n reversal of the verdict found nttho Liverpool trial. Success in this case will inevitably lend to similar agitations whenever a prisoner is convicted of murder who was not actually seen to strike the fatal blow or mix the deadly draught. No ono will bo so anxious to have a court of appeal established as the homo secretary , but not upon the principle advocated by Lord Ksher , which would leave the home secretary the ultimate arbiter after the court of appeals hud pronounced its decision. This would only make confusion worse con founded. The responsibility should bo taken from the homo secretary altogether if a court of appeal is established. The same alteration of the law would scam to bo rendered neces sary Dy this Mnybrick case , whatever the re sult of it may be. Stonmsliip Arrivals. At London bighted : The Franco , from Now York ; the Hritish Princess , from Phil adelphia for Liverpool. At Havre Lu Urotngno , from Now York. At Plymouth The Kugia , from New York , for Hamburg. At Queenstown The Sorvia , from Ke\v York , for Liverpool. At Liverpool The Kossmoro , from Haiti- more. At Brcmerhavon The Allor , from New York. At Now York The Hckla , from Copen hagen ; the Alaska , from Liverpool ; tin Egyptian Monarch , from London ; the lihootlu , from Hamburg : the City of Colum bla , from Havana ; the PoknBsot. from Mod iterrunoan ports ; the Aurunu , from Liver pool. AVIint UoiiliuiiroiAVauts. . LONUO.V , August 18. Five hundred Frencl residents gf London visited General Houlau ger In u body to-day , und presented him will an address of sympathy and confidence. Th < general in his speech said ho nos'or used money belonging to the French people oxeepi xvhcn trying to sccuro her against enemies The French government did not dare aval themselves of the ordinary courts , bu formed n special tribunal , composed of hi political enemies , which had virtually con demned him before it met. In conclusion In eald ho only asked irood fulth from tin French people and thn triumph of the pros out rulers would be it thing of the past. Tlio Hchrlni ; Keu Troubles. OTTAWA , August 18. The report of ttv customs agent nt Victoria In the matter o the ficlzuro by United States erulsors of Can iidinn sealers in Hehring boa has readied th department of customs , Copies will bo for warded to the imperial government in sup port of the representations already made h. thq Dominion ministry to ncruro the Bt-ttlt inent of iho whole claim of the United State to the solo tibo and proprietorship of Hchrin BCU. Alter the Fight. liicnuoxn , Tex. , August 18. The situn tton U quiet hero since the terrible riot li which Sheriff Garray nnd cx-Shcrllt Hlakol ; * lost their lives und several prnmiaont ell ! tens were woundod. As the sheriff has boci killed and the deputy wounded , no arrest huvo bcou uiodo , nor has any Inquest beei hold. U I * thought all will bo loft to thi fraud jury for settlement. ' The Allinmlirn Unlnjiirod. MiDHin , August 18. Tno report that th All.anibru hud been damaged by the hurr cano that vhltoa Grunuoa yesterday is ii < tiled. The gardens in surrounding place werti devastated by the storm , but the bulk tell ! u * < .f ctcupc TUG UNDI2II WOlthO. The Gront Jnpaii Flood Hlotcrs Din- net-sell. SAW FRANCISCO , August IS. The steamer City of Sydney , from Hong ICong nndYoko- liamn , whloh arrived this evening , was ex pected to bring the details of tbo earthquake nt ICumamoto , the first news of which was cabled from Yokohama July 13. Ono cable gram gnvo the loss of lifo nt 3,000. Another stated that almost tha whole town of Kuina- mete , with n population of 33,000 , was de stroyed , Full details had not boon received when the City of Sydney loft Yokohama , > ut n newspaper of that city , a ted 'August 2 , indicates no such OSR as given by tha cablegrams. Several late telegrams to Yokohama gtvo ho loss at twenty to thirty killed. 'Iho apaneso newspapers say , however , that by , great earthquake at ICumamoto on July 28 many hills were rent , houses demolished nnd looplo killed nnd wounded. Another shock ins been felt and the inhabitants uro fearing urtlicr disaster. The people have beau clzed with n superstition on account of the ills being broken open. The Hoods having subsided.m various dis- riots of Japan , a fairly accurate estimate of ho damage done Is obtained. Kino hundred md thirty houses were destroyed by being washed away or broken up by colliding. ? orty-ono persons are known to have lost heir lives. The overland China mail learns in July G that the rioters In Toulon , a pro vince In China , had fled before approaching roops. Uoforo leaving , however , they urnod their boats. The attack on the Chin ! hu villages is confirmed. For the loss of 'our or live of their countrymen last year .ho rioters revenged themselves by sluughtor- g between four ana 11 vo hundred of the In- bitauts of the Chin Ctiu villages , including ivomen nnd children. AKOAOIU'S GROWTH. : V Thriving Nebraska Town Which Is J'liriilnfr to the Front. AiiOADin , Nob. , August 18. [ Special to THIS Hun. ] While this thriving yount ; vil- ngo bus never had a boom , it has never ceased to crow , und there has never been a inio since its start tlmt now houses could not bo found in process of erection. It is : iow api > reaching an era of great prosperity. A. failure of crops has never been kaown in this section , und the outlook now is bettor than over before. Wheat and oats are yielding bettor than was expected , nnd farm ers are wearing broad smiles on their faces. The corn crop bids fair to bo immense. Ar cadia is situated at the terminus of the Lin coln & Black Hills railroad , in ono of tno best districts in this section of the stato. Land ranees in value from $5 to S15 nor aero , according to improvements and location. The country is rapidly settling up with an intelligent , Industrious and thrifty class of people. The county's traveling agent , Mr. O. W. Anderson , is now in Illi nois advertising this section of the county nnd directing the attention of land-seekers to Its many advantaces. This town has now TOO inhabitants and bids fair to double its population in the next year. Hon. M. L. Fries has just completed one of the llucst residences in Valley county. Improvement- Hloomlncton. BI.OOUINOTONNeb. . , August 13. [ Special to TUT. UKK.I Many improvements uro being made , both in the business and residence portion of town. Two largo fires devastated the main business part of town two years URO. The * burned section has been mainly rcolpccd by substantial brick buildings. Messrs. Shcnpard & Black and B. Scbobol , on the corner of Central and Seventh ave nues , nro now erecting a double brick , two- story block , 45x80 feet. Peter Peterson is hnvinc rock hauled for the foiudation of a two-story brick addition to his bakery , mak ing it 22xSO feet. Mr. Truman Carter , of Osborne , Kun. , ono of the owners of Truman & Carter's addition , is in town this week. Ho is contemplating tiic erection of n two- story brick business block on the north sldo of the square. II. O. Sheffield recently submitted n sam ple of granite stoao ho is quarrying to a u.wing contractor at Lincoln , who pro nounced it of superior quality for that pur pose. The U. i M railroad officials have siitnillcd their intention of sending a corps of engineers to lltul a practicable route to the quarries , about two miles southeast of town. If successful , this will open up an industry that will employ forty or fifty men. The Ntickolls County Institute. NELSON , Neb , , August IS. [ Special to Tns HUE. | The Nuckolls county institute , which has been in session hero for the p ist three weeks , closed yestordav. County Superin tendent French had charge. Ono hundred nnd twenty-live teachers have been enrolled. Only two other counties in the state have ns largo an enrollment. The last week Miss May Swanson , of Fairllcld , and Prof. Page , of this place , were the instructors , and have given entire satisfaction. The institute un der tholr instruction has been ono of the most enthusiastic and best working insti tutes ever held hero. Mcrrloic County's Prohibition Tlulc- . CUXTUM , CITV , Neb. , August 18. [ Special to TUB BII : : . ] The prohibition county con vention was held here yesterday with an at tendance of about seventy. Twenty-nine delegates were elected to the state conven tion nnd the following ticket nominated : For treasurer. II. M. Cox ; clerk. O. A. Wiard ; judge , W. W. Ivaser ; sheriff , George A Cljirlt ; surveyor , W. F. Chase ; superin tendent of HHhools , B. W. Uakor ; for corO' nor , E. L. Hoblnson. A Now Hoacl For Franklin. FIUNKUN , Nob. ' , August 18. [ Special to Tim BUB. ! This town has never nnd had brighter prospects than now. The Mis souri and Paoliio lailroad having decided tc build their line from Burr Oak , Kan. , to the coal fields of Wyoming , is now burvoylng n line to cross at Franklin to Haldroge , Sur veyors are now surveying in this town. All crops uro good ao far as harvested , with prospects of an unusually lurjjo corn crop. Mnt'ohing on Fort Robinson. FOUT Konis'sox , Nob. , August 18. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bui : . ] The troops of the several posts of the Department of the Platte ordered to take part in the summer encampment are witlila a day's march ol tills fort , the nearest bolng only seven mile ; uwuy. Some of these commands will arrive io-morrow , but by Tuesday night all wil huvo arrived on the grounds , Only Stntc DnlotiatoB Kcl-otoil. NKIWASKA Cnr , Nob. , August 18. [ Spe cial to TUB BKB.I The prohibitionists o : Otoo county held u convention at Unadlll : yesterday , but adjourned again'to Septomboi 27 alter electing state delegates. Tno count ] ticket will bo nominated ut the adjournce meeting. Hrown County ToiioherH. AiNBWoirni , Nob. , August 18. jSpecia to TUB UCK. ] The tcnehors' Institute with Superintendent Douglas and Prof Van Raton as Instructors , closed yester day ufter a two weoUs' Bession. Tlioro wen forty > eight teachers enrolled and all foe that it lias bcru u very prolitublo und pleas ant term , _ Only HH | I'nrtnrr Was Guilty. CHICAGO , August 18. Congressman Abnoi Taylor , who is n contractor , nnd prominent ! ; concerned In the construction of the Tcxai capital , denies tha recent report that ho ant Gus WilUo hud been lined for Importing con tract labor. T bo facts are tlmt Taylor wai acquitted , whtlo Willed was convicted uni obliged to pay the penalty and costs , Ooimri-Hsmuii Itnmliill 111 , PiiauiuwiiiA , August 18. Congressman Samuel J. Itaudull bus been confined to hli bed for nearly u week by uu utuok of rheu matism. TWENTY THOUSAND KNIGHTS They Will Parndo the Streets Durlnff the Templar Encampment PAVING CONTRACTORS' METHODS Mr. Itnrbcr'a Fine Hand Slmvrn nt the Capltnl Uo Objects Not So Much to the 1'rlco ns to the Contractor. WASHINGTON HUKEHJ , Trtn OMAHA. iBns , ) 618 FOUKTEKNTH STIIKBT. > WASHINGTON , 1) . C. , August 18. : | Tbo Triennial committee of the Knights Templar met last night In their rooms nt the Atlantic building for the purpose ol bearing reports from sub-committees which are making arrangements for the coming grand encampment. The committee on excursions reported that they had hired tbo steamer Columbia for two days and the carriage committee announced the cnngomont of fifty vehicles for the use of the officers of the en campment on the day of the parade. The committee decided that it was advisable to hold a competitive drill , but each division will give nn exhibition. Chairman Parker stated that the parade would bo about two miles and a half in lengti and in view of this fact and the splendid condition of the Wash ington streets none of the marchers wore n danger of being overcome with fatigue. It is the Intention of the local comuiandory to maKe a proposition that all of the future conclaves shall bo held m Washington. Colonel M. W. Parker , chairman of the Trierninl committee says that General Charles Itoom , grand master of the Knights Templar , Is strongly in favor of Washington ns the permanent place for nil future meet ings of the body , and intends to use every ef fort possible to make It so. The Knights Templar nro a law-making body , said Colonel nel Parker , as well as coagress , nnd ho favors Washington because it is the national capital. "How many knights will bo Uvattondacco on the conclave } " 'Between 17,000 nnd 18,000 have already been quartered , and there will probably bo 20,000 in all. Oao ut the most novel features of the occasion will be the presence of twen ty-seven boys from the Masonic homo nt Louisville , Ky. The home is situated a few miles ? out from the city of Louisville , and is ouo of the prettiest places I over saw. The homo contains about the same number of boys as girls and all ura kept until they can be comfortably settled. The boys will all wear Knight Templar uniform , und will receive a lot of attention. I think it would bo an excellent idea myself to have a homo of the same kind in Washington , und letters have boon received from commanders in a number of different states ursing us to hold exhibition drills during the conclave , for the purpose of raising funds to erect tbo same , which will probably bo dono. " A SLBKK PAVING CONTIUCTOK. It ha ; cot to be the custom for municipal reformers to point to the government of the District of Columbia , which means the city of Washington , ns the place above all others on earth which is nearest the form which will bo found prevailing universally when the millenncum strikes us. It is urged inbehalf ) of the commissioners' scheme of govern ment , or government without representa tion , that there can bo no jobbery , no trick ery , or any waste in the distribution of puo- lic moneys for public Improvements. It is clafinect inaltlfo absence of the susceptible board of aldermen and the watchful eye which congress maintains over the affairs of the capital city serves to prevent anything like jobbery. The fact that the improve ments of the streets am paid for out of a fund , and that there is no necessity for buy ing UD committees , or nidormauic bodies for the purpose of socurlng the contract , makes it Impossible for rings to rule ; but Washing ton is just now entering upon an experience which shows that this utopcan theory is not welt founded. Congress at its last session provided for the resurfacing of the asphalt pavement on Pennsylvania avenue , between the capitol and Seventeenth street. The district com- missiouers , who form the municipal govern ment , awarded the whole contract under an old bid of the Cranford Pavement company. Immediately the pioneer of asphalt streets , A. L. Barber , who is reputed to have made millions out of his monopoly of thn product of Trinidad , entered a formal protest against the price proposed to bo paid. Ho insisted that it was altogether too high , and that he was ready to givu bonds to do the work at a much lower figure , which would have resulted - sulted in the saving of many thousands of dollars to the taxpayers of Washington and the country at larire. Mr. Barber appealed to the courts to issue an injunction , restrain ing the commissioners from closing the con tract with the Cranford company. Ho was turned out of court , however , practically on the ground that ho was an interested com petitive bidder , nnd that ho was not acting for the public welfare. Then Mr. Barber in duced some of his friends , who are largely interested in district real estate , to renew the protest which IIP had made. Affidavits were secured as easy as patent medicine certifi cates to the effect that the contract proposed to bo entered into was against the public good , nnd that there was no reason why it it should bo put into effect , inasmuch as the the Barber Asphalt Pavement company stood ready to perform the work for a lower figure. It looked for a while as though the contest between these two corporations would result in delaying the resurfacing of the avenue long enough to prevent its use for the Knights Templar conclave , but nil of u sudden there was u cessation 01 hostility , and now it is announced that A. L. Barber & Co. , will pave about two-fifths of the street , while the Cranfcrd company will do the re mainder. It is also stated that Barber will not be known in the contract , but that ho will simply act for the Crunford company , and that the price which ho will receive will bo just the same as paid to Cranford for the work which ho ( Barber ) will perform. This subject is interesting in that the Barber com pany is a prominent competitor for paving contracts in u number of the larger cities in tbo United States , Till ! SKCltCTAIIIKH' DWIIM-ISQi. The residence on 1C street , leased by Sec retary nnd Mrs. Noble for their next sea son's occupancy , was originally owned by Ben Hall May. Upon his death the property was disposed to Mr. Henry Wlllard , and is one of the most complete and elegant man sions in the city. The secretary has taken it upon a lease of three years and will have for his near neighbor Assistant Secretary Clarkson , who will occupy the dwelling ad joining that of Senator Shormuu , thus form ing a pleasant circle of near neighbors among the now ofllclals , should the secre tary of war decide favorablv in regard to the Stan ton house ns a future home. Secretary Husk is not far off in his house on Mussacnusotts avenue , near Fourteenth street , nnd Secretary Tracy nnd Postmaster General QWanumnkor will bo within one square of eaeh other. Secretary Wiridoui has not us yet uoen able to suit himself wltn u future residence in Washington although numerous hundsomo houses fn the west cm ] 'bavnbccn under consideration. A VAl.UAm.U COUI'II.LATION. The state department has recently sent out to all consuls circulars Instructing them to report to the department the laws of the re spective countries respecting lions , mortgages and the collection ot debts. When the replies < plies to this circular shall have been rccolvtt ] they will be compiled and published in book form. It is expected that the result will boone ono of the most valuable letral compilations ever issued by the government. It will prove especially valuable in commercial cities where business is done with foreign countries , and the department expects that thcrq will bo a great demand for the volume. TUB CANADIAN QUESTION IN COXaitBSS. Congressman R. It , Hilt , of Illinois , and Congressman Buttorworth , of Ohio , will probably bo the lending figures on tbo house sldo In one of the most Important affairs ol legislation to come up at the nest aessiou ol congress. Major ButtcrwArth and Mr. Httt lave , for the pnst three or four years , stood n the front ranks of members of the house idvocatlng closer comtncrcliU relations with Canada. Thn rccotil seizures of Canadian sealers in Bohting Bqa.Rpd the chances of further difficulties on the Atlantic coast upon the expiration of thd modus vlvondi , will give tha subject of our relations with Canada oven more IntorcU In the next house than it had in the last. Mr. Hilt is a strong advocate of commer cial union between the colonies on the north and the United States. While ether mon nave devoted their tltno and talent to secur ing a zollvcrem to embrace the republics of Central nnd South America , or In ether wards , to unite In ono grand commercial body tno Latin races on the south with the Anglo-Saxon on the north , but oxcludlnc the Canadian provinces , Mr. Hltt has looncd upon this schotno ns far less feasible than an arrangement between the United States and Canada , because ol the closer tics which bind the more northern countries. The United States and Canada , speaking as they do ono language , and BJirlnsing from the same general stock , are luted by nature as well ns by location for commercial as well as political unity , while there Is.nothing what ever in the characters or resources of the people of the bpanlsH American countries to make it either probable or desirable that the United States should enter into an a'lianco with them which could only bo fraught with constant misunderstand ings nnd bickerings. Major Hutterworth took the bulls by'the.horns la the fast con gress when ho Introduced bis resolution looking to political alliance with Canada and the United States. While there nro many mon in congress to-day who think that the time will como in the future when British North America will bo absorbed Into the United States , and when the flag with a hundred stars will float over the onttro ter ritory north of the Ulo Grande , thcso men are not ready to believe that this grand scheme for the extension 'of the United States' territory can bo carried out for many yenrs to como , but the idea of com mercial union has made rapid strides for ward since Mr. Hitt first advocated it years ago , and it is the opinion of both parties that the time is rapidly approaching when Can ada and the United States will have so mo definite understanding nnd the Fifty-first congress is expected to make long strides in this direction. TUB UTSTHICT'S FINANCHS. The arbitrary tax rate In the city of Wash ington and District of Columbia has been fixed for some years at 1J per cent. This rate Includes everything , nnd besides serv ing to supply the necessary funds for the maintenance of the institutions of the dis trict and to pay all the charges for special improvements , it has resulted m the accumu lation of a surplus of something moro than $1,000,000. which is plaeol to the credit of the District of Columbia in the national treasury. The system u'non which taxation is based is that congress appropriates money for the police , schools , fire , und all other de partments , and then coo-halt of the total is paid by tha district , while the other half is drawn from the poneral fund of the United States in' the hands of the United States treasurer. Although thoYi per cent tax rote has been amply sufficient to all tho' requirements of the government up to the present time , u great many complaints hUvo been heard because - cause of the fact thatlacgo tracts of land held for speculative purposes have Deon as sessed at a rate lower than they sold tor ton .Years ago. The consequence has btcn that anew now assessment has just ] "been made with a result which is any thing , but satisfactory to the real estatespeculators. In somo'cases outlaying lands which less than live years jago. sold for 8100 an acre arc. by r the next assessment , rated for taxational (300 an here. Building lots within1 the corporate limits of the city of Washlugtd.n , which jvcro rated at S cents per square foqtr last year , are to-day assessed qt " 35 , * * 30 , and even To cents In some cases. Among' the most promini-nt'Toal estate holders , who under the navf assessment will bo required to add many thousands of dollars to the rev enue of the District of' Columbia , is John Sherman. Senator Sherman owns unim proved tracts of land beyond the boundary on Fourteenth street , near Mrs. Logan's res idence , upon which the taxes will bo in creased to such an extent that instead of paying $200 or WOO a year the Ohio senator will bo called upon to contribute moro than a thousand. Ho has prop'erty in almost every section of the city , and among his holdings are two or three hundred small building lots lots in the vicinity of the government print ing oulcc. Hero the assessed rates have been almost quadrupled , und not a single piece of propo'rty hold in the uamo of John Sherman bus escaped with less than 00 per cent increase , and from this it ranges up as as high as Ufalold. - . Mr. Sher man's property Is all valuable , and ho will doubtless be able to pay the taxes'assessed ' against him without mortgaging any of'it ; but it is likely that the action of the assessors in this particular case will have n very beneficial effect upon the taxpayers of the district in general , us Mr. Sherman is likely to provo a powerful advocate for a lower tax rate. Another Ohio member of congress who will bo called upon to contribute more lib erally to the revenues of the district on ac count of the now tax rate is Major Butter- worth. This gentleman owns a lot about 150x200 foot , containing a total area of about thirty thousand square foot , which has bean raised from about $3,000 to $7,500. The now assessments caused a crcat ; deal of growling from all classes , and inasmuch as the 1J4 per cent rate law resulted In an enormous sur plus revenue , It is probable that the people of the District of Columbia will have their tax rate reduced , if congress has.unythlng to ay about it. , MOKE PK/VHli FINDS. Over n Thousand Picked Up Near 1'rulrie ilu Oil I ( Ml. PRAIIHE DO CHICK , Wls. , August 18. The pearl hunters' craze has struck hero , and the largest number of pcaris yet reported in this state has boon gathered during the past day or two. Moro than ono thousand pearls were sent from bore yesterday by two or three parties. Some of the pearls are qulto largo mid very valuable. * While hunting pearls to-day a man bv the name'of Laroquo fished up a largo bombshell that had proba bly laid in the river for a grout many yours , probably from the time of the capture of the old fort by the BriUrh. riofcrroil Dentil to Olscrnco. KANSAS CITV , August 18. A. Mussor , atone ono time u well know a and respected citizen of Brunswick , Mo. , wus arrested yesterday afternoon at the union diipot , charcod with tno theft of numerous satchels. To-day , guarded by two officers , bq was taken nut to find certain papers Lho 'had secreted , and while passing u cable roudlho throw himself in front of u passing train before the oftlcora could restrain him jand imtaiuod fatal in juries. , The Wenthur JForponst. For Nebraska : Shuwer * in western portion tion , fair m eastern portion , followed during afternoon or evening by slwwers ; cooler ex cept In oxtremo.HOUtlioast portion , stationary temperature , southerly winds. For Iowa : Fair , follqwod by local uhow- ers : stationary temperature In southeast , cooler in northwest portion , southerly winds. For Dakota ; Light local showers , cooler in southern , stationary temperature m north ern portion , variable winds. > i Hulllv.ui | n Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , August 18. John L. Sullivan arrived hero to-night. Ho was mot by John Sullivan , of this city , and as soon as the two loft the train they bccamu the head of a rap idly spreading und oncirullnir procession of train men uint.otticrs who had ! Kot within iho train enclosure , itha enthusiastic crowd cheered Sullivan frequently , T I'nttl at Home. LONDON , August 18 , [ Spaolal diblogra m to TUB Hisu.J Mmo. Adoliaa P.atl , who ha * been making a tour of the principal cities in South America , nrrivcd to-day at South ampton und proceeded at once to Craig- y-Noa. COUNTY RECORDERS' ' TURN , They Perfect n State Organization at Dos Moinoa. IOWA BONIFACES IN CONCLAVE. Cniunii.sslonor Dor I'or Governor Snys Ho Wouldn't If Ho Could Ho Poses nt n Philosopher- Scnl Ono Soil. County Koonrdor * Organize. DRS MOINF.S , In. , August 19. [ Special to TiinBr.B.I A largo number of the county recorders of Iowa mot In tills city during the past weak nnd perfected a state organization. Heretofore there have boon state organiza tions of most other county ofllcors and the recorders thought It was their turn now. Tnoro was a fair attendance from different parts of the state , anil the following perma nent officers were elected : President , Jo seph E. Noble , of Chlckasaw county ; vlco president , Joe Cunningham , of Jasper county ; secretary , Miss Ellen Scott , of Worth county , and treasurer , George C. Sims , of Polk county. The constitution adopted provides for the membership of all recorders and their deputies , and all ox-re corders and ex-deputy recorders. The object of the association is partly for the promotion of mutual social relations and partly to bo able to sccuro by united action such changes and reforms pertaining to their ofllco as may sooin dosirablo. They will huvo annual meet ings hereafter. Boulraces In Conclave. ' DBS MOINES , la. , August 18. [ Special to THE BBK. ] The hotel keepers of Iowa also hold their annual mooting In thU city during the past week. They elected of llcors for the year ns follows : President , P. G , Ballingall , Ottuinwa ; vice-president , Frank UsolyDesMoines ! ; secretary und treas urer , C. F. Wightmuu. Important committees were named for the ensuing year , among them a committee on national affairs as fol lows : D. Wormloy , Churitou ; J. C. Alan- chcstor , Ottumwa ; A. B. Cox , Marshall- town. It was decided to admit women to membership on the same terms as men , Philosophical Doy. Dns MOINES , la. , August 18. ( Special to THE Ben. | Commissioner Doy had been discussed to some extent as a possible dem ocratic candidate for governor. His election as railroad commissioner last full , the first democrat to bo elected to a state ofllco , had made some democrats thmuthat ho would bean an invincible candidate for governor. Ho has now written a letter positively declining to bo considered in that connection. Ho freely admits that ho was cloctod by a com bination of circumstances that is not likely soon to occur again. Then ho philosophizes on the drawbacks to the office of governor , and gives reasons why he thinks ho shouldn't want to bo governor if ho could. Ho thinks the man who is governor has a great deal of care and anxiety and trouble , nnd when ho is through with that ofllco has an unsatisfied yearning for further political honors. As a bit of philosophy. Colonel Dey's explanation of his refusal to bo a candidate does very well , but it is generally supposed that if there were a very good chances of his being nomi nated and elected , ho would throw his phil osophy to the dogs , The Coming Fair. DBS MOINES , la. , August 18. [ Special to Tun Bcc.l In less than two weeks tuo annual fair will commence in this city. Unusual attractions In the way of exhibits are offered this year , and a great crowd is expected. The business men of Dos Moiucs have arranged for a great night carnival , something after the order of Mardi Gras , to bo hold three evenings of fair week. "Seni OnoSed" is the Arabic name it bears , and the performance and street display will bo very fine. It is an experiment in the way of city entertainments , but it is believed that it will bo u great success. The Republican Ticket , DBS MOINES , la. , August 18. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] Thor cpubiicans tate ticket nomi nated last weak is meeting with a very favorable reception all over the stato. Re publicans generally regard it as a very strong and a satisfactory outcome of the protracted fight ut the state convention. If either Mr. Wheeler or Captain Hull had been nominated there would have been much soreness within the party for some time. Now there U nono. Hutchison is a tovul headed business man , inclined to bo conservative on' most public questions. The nomination of Senator Poy- ncer for lieutenant governor pleases the farmers , as ho is a genuine , and not a fancy farmer. His bands and muscles show the result of personal contact with hard farm work. Ho has been a member of the state senate for eight years , and while there made an ex cellent record as an intelligent and con scientious legislator. The ether ofllcors named were nominated by acclamation. There has not been for years a ticket that ban given such general satisfaction , or that wus followed after the convention by so little soreness nnd bitterness among the defeated. It will have an old time majority this fall. A Mail I'onch Stolon. ST. Louis , August 18. It is claimed that a registered letter pouch , supposed to contain parcels valued nt $10,003 , was stolen from a mail car on tha Vundaliu road while the clerks wore at supper nt Torre- Haute last night. The postmaster said that the only in formation ho had wus thut the pouch hud been stolen and afterwards found near the track , cut and rilled of its contents. Ho could give no idea of the value of the con tents , but said that probably a large portion was checks , which would not bo negotiable. Kevcro Storm * In MlunoHoln. ST. PAUL , Minn. , August 18. Severe storms are reported at Plamviow and St. Villurd lust night. A heavy hall storm , ac companied by a strong wind , struck about six miles north of St. Villard und did great damage to the wheat not yet in shock. Chunks of ice an inch square were found. At Plalnview , during a severe thunder shower. Hartley Costcllo , a stage driverwas struck by lightning and Instantly killed. Thu Dciith Ilecord. INVIANAI'OLIS , Ind. , August 18. Hat. R. D. Hoblnson , 1) . D. , ono of the most prom inent Methodist ministers of the state , dropped dead at bis homo to-night of appo- ploxy. NEW YOIIK , August 18. Slgmund Kauf man , a prominent lawyer and leading Ger man-American cltUon of New York , died in Berlin Saturday. Ho was a Lincoln elector In'ISUO. Ho will bo cremated ut Guinea , Germany. Hold For Itohlilns ; n Tr/iln. KANSAS CITY , Mo. , August 18. Friday aft ernoon James and Howe Pullen , brothers , were arrested in this city charged with rob bing a Wabash train nn August S , They were quietly taken to Liberty und confined in the county jail there , where they have been kept over since. Howe Pullen is u roustabout on a river btcumor , und Jim is the driver of an ice wagon in Uandolph , Mo. Murdi-roiiB , Tonn. , August 18. I'arker Har ris ( colored ) , aged thirty years , killed his wife , Lethe , to-night , by cutting her throat with a pocket-knife. Ho afterwards cut his own throat und inflicted wounds thut in all probability will bo fatal. Jealousy was the cause. C A US 12 OK IiAlllD'S UHATII. The Theory Tlmt Ilia IlrnlnVns Affected Disposed or. HASTINGS , Nob. , August 18. | Special to THIS BKB. ) The theory that James Laird died of softening ot the brain is disposed ot by an examination of his brain , which was found In perfect condition , weighing fifty- three ounces. His face was domowhnt emaciated , though otherwise ho showed no signs of being a sick man. The report of the examiners roads as fol lows : "We , the undersigned , ns n result of a post mortem made upon the body of James Laird , find his brains normal , heart normal , lungs normal , liver normal , stomach normal , kid neys normal , spleen very soft and pliable , parts of small intestines congested , rectum abnormal and in a very unhealthy condition , Wo find thut the exuiso of his death was acute septicaemia. " The report is signed by Ralph .1. Irwln , F. J. Schafelborger , M. V. " B. MclClnnoy nnd T. II. Urquhnrt. The examination was made In the presence of fifteen physicians , under the direction of Coroner Irwin , The examining committee agreed that the septic poison was absorbed in wounds from nn operation for hemorrhoids performed on Wednesday. The skin was found to bo purple over the entire body , The physicians disagreed us to the necessity of the oporatlon. Laird will bo interred in Park Vlow cemo- tor.v , in Hastings , alongside of his father , mother nnd brothers. His colleagues. Sen ators Mundorson and Paddock and Repre sentatives Uorsey and Council , will net as pall bearers. The funeral will take pines on Monday at I o'clock , at the First Presbyte rian church. The Hon. J. G. Tate will con duct the services. Silas A. Strickland post , G. A. R. No. 13 , of this city , will have charge of the funeral. G. A. R. posts from central Nebraska and the Republican valley have wired their in tentions of assisting In iho obsequies. Mr. and Mrs. James Begca , aunt and uncle of Congressman Laird , reached Hastings to day from Oilman , III. , to attend the ob sequies. Governor Tlrayor , accompanied by his staff , state ofllcors und ox-state ofllcors , will arrive to-morrow morning at 0 o'clock in n special train , to attend the funeral. In alt , the party will bo composed of sixteen per sons. The party will have with it l hand some floral ottering. THE CIjEAUANOE KKCO1U ) . Financial Transaction i of tha Coun try For the Past \Veok. BOSTON , August 18. | Spoclul Telegram to THE Bnn.I The following table , compiled from dispatches from the managers of the ? loading clearing houses in the cities named , shows the gross exchanges for the week ended August 17 , 188 ! ) , with rates per cent of increase or decrease as com pared with the amounts for the correspond ing week of 1883 : A FLIGHT TOWAKI > HEAVEN. Xwo-Yenr-Old Sophie Schwab Goes llnl.nonlnc. CIIIOAOO , August 18. Little two-yoar-old Sophia Schwab involuntarily became n balloonist to-day and was wafted high up over the broad bosom of Lalco Michigan. A rifleman's skill saved the child's life. The exciting incident took place nt Shoftleld park , and wus witnessed by 15,000 picnickers. An Italian peddler of toy balloons attempted to servo two purchasers at once , and in doing so lot go his string of bright-colored globes. The cord got twisted about Sophia's loft arm and also in her hair. Tlio buoyant bubbles started heavenward , taking the youthful aeronaut along , Sophie's mother shrieked and fainted. The by standers stood horror-stricken , scarcely breathing , as the balloons swept close to a largo oak tree and the infant grabbed a hand ful of twigs and stopped her flight. A mus cular young German ascended the tree in an Instant nnd ttien crept out on the branch nearest the child. At this moment , Sophie's puny strength gave out and the balloons , suddenly released , wont upward again at least 100 feet , drifting out over the lake. Gust Koch , a sharpshooter who wus attend ! ng the picnic , with his repeating rldo hurriedly Jumped Into a skiff with two companions and pulled out into range. Koch succeeded in piercing several of the balloons , oaoh sue. cossful shot liolping the bunch to descend. Hcfora it finally reached water they were on the spot , and little Sophie did not oven got her feet wet. Himlooornft tuul Irene Hold. SAIUTOOA , N. Y , , Aupust 18. Tlio Investi gation of the turf scandal , which resulted In the expulsion of the Chlckasaw stable on ac count of Hallston's unsatisfactory perform ance in tbo race with Retrieve two weeks neo , will be resumed before the meeting of stewards next Wednesday. Scoggin Bros , huvo sold HindoocruH and It cue to BO mo ono unknown , but who IB said to ho u Now York society man , for 15XX ) . Oirnnt'H A ( I ( Iff UN. DP.AIIIB , August 18. President Curnot de livered nn address at a banquet to-day to 111,000 , mayors and communal tielugates. Ho said the French people , though crushed for a time , had shown their pnvor to recover and make their aovoroign voice hoard by remov ing parties still aiming to undermine the cdlflco raised by the fathers of iho republic. No Hall ut Cincinnati. CINCINNATI , August 18. There was no ball fa mo hero to-day , us the authorities threat ened yesterday that if ono was playoJ they would break it up by urrobtnn , ' the president and all the player * . SULPHUR FROM COAL OIL , Discovery of a Proooss For Itfl Uomploto Extraction. IT WILL STAGGER THE STANDARD. An Invostnicn't of Only n Ko\v Tlioiti sand Xlint Will Ilrltur In Tliroo Millions The Elixir Sen sation Kolinacii. A Gcniiluo Gold.Mlno. . . LIMA , O. , August 18. [ Spodal Tologratn to TUB Hm : . | Tlio ono thing that In talked of now among oil men is the great discovery by the New Paragon Oil company of how ta completely extract sulphur from coal oil. Ta do this has bean the aim of oil mon ovci since oil began to bo used us nn Illuminator. The fact that the Paragon company , and an Independent company ns all that are no\ \ Standard companies are called has rcn'.Uod thu chief dcsiro of the oil world , has created much more of a sensation tnan the discovery of the elixir of lifo , for the discovery moans n spccily acquirement of millions. Tha Paragon Oil company has its head quarters nnd refinery nt Toledo , where tlio rollnory has bcon in operation but a few weeks , nnd It lias not fairly got into the business , HO it had , practically , np good will to bo bought or sold. Imagine , then , the value of the discovery they huvo rnndo when the Standard has offered to buy the Paragon people out for $3,000,00 , > i. The sum is fabulous. I'ho refinery of the Paragon company cost ? WiOi)0 ) , and it has Invested several thousand in oil lease * , but irood authoililcs say it cannot linvo invested $20'J- UOJ in all. The process Is said to bo of the simplest possible character nnd the wonder is that it was not discovered sooner. The Standard people admit that the discovery i the greatest rival they have over had and that if the syndicates owning the JIQXV gas. fields in Kentucky and 'J cnnessco gat Iho pro cess it will bo a heavy blow to them. UANGJSL ) AM ) SHOT. The Fiito of n Bolorud Fiend at Potter - - tor , Un. SAVANNAH , Ga. , August IS. Walter As burg ( colored ) was lynched ut Potter this , morning for nn Bbsault upon Lulu Kissinan , seventeen years old , yesterday. Sno wasu terribly beaten in the struggle with her as sailant , but successfully resisted bun. Hcr- cries attracted n colored man , who rescued , her. Asburg sprang through the door and. escaped , and in the next hour knocked down a woman , seized n double barrel , shotgun nnd fled to the woods. In < another hour the whole town was in pursuit. At midnight the negro was found ut u dance > about a mile from the assault. Ho was takon. back to the girl's house und sno identified him. Ho confessed his crime and begged for mercy. Three hundred masked mon. hurried him to the open Held near the rail road , whore ho was strung up to u trco and- , riddled with bullets. LONG FE FLOW'S in Forty Oases the E.ixir Does Good. -\Vork. , CINCINNATI , Aucust 18. Dr. L ongfollow , who was mentioned in tbo-Assooiatod prosi report yesterday in connection with the * Hrown-Scquard elixir , called at the ofllco- of the Associated press this ovcnlufr and stated that ho treated forty-Uvo patients with the elixir. Of that number f ortv had been , benelltted u good deal und the others less. In but ono case bus any special Inflammation resulted , and that was far from dangerous. The results so fur have been permanent , notwithstanding the newspaper reports to > the contrary. Minn At. u. A CHOPS. Reports of n Splendid Outloolc Still. Coininir In. The following crop reports have been re ceived by the IJun mercantile agency : lien WILLOW. Crops in thU county are bettor than over boforo. The wheat crop has proved excel lent and corn has a magnificent prospect. . Oats will bo a little lighter than last year , but a good crop. The principal crops last , year were wheat and corn. The acreage this year Is about one-fourth greater than last. Prospects for all crops nro good. Farmorti show a tendency to pay their old debts as far as their moans will permit. Tuo mer chants report a fair and increasing trade , sioux. The crop outlook is generally unfavorable in this county , though in some portions it ia. good. Around this town crops uro good but limited m area. They lire alto good along1 tbo northern ediro of this table land , near the base , of the hills. All north of townsulD- 32 has been very dry. Grain is short and hay scarce. Wheat is about one-third of a crop and oats nearly a total failure. Corn ia. better and the copious rains of the lust few days cause it to promise a fair yield if frost holds off. South of the town there are no crops to speak of in the county , as none huvo been planted. The drouth bus been tlio most ) severe along the state line , increasing to tho- north. OAI'.riEI.D. The principal crops are corn , wheat and oats. Corn is us good , if not bovtor , thaai last , year. Wheat is fur butter and oats the- samo. There Is no failure of any crops this year. iiox iiUTTn. Oats was the principal crop last year , with considerable wheat and corn. Tlio acreage- this year Is double that of last , nnd about the same In variety , Prospects this year were < favorable till tlio recent drouth In thl . county , which will make only half a corn , crop Small grain is as good us lust year , which was excellent. Merchants report , trade und collections as good us usual , which. Is fair. Tills is u now county , 1IANNEI1. This county was only organized last spring1. Settlement was begun In 1836 by u few fam ilies and was settled very rapidly by un in dustrious class of people. Tliu unncipal , crops planted are wheat , oats and potatoes. The acreage lias been small until lust spring , when quite a largo crop of all were planted. Tlio crops were very good lust year , consid ering the newness of the soil , The acroago- this year is about double that of last season. In some parts of the county there uro very good prospects for crous. In others drouth , and in others hall has destroyed nil growing crops. Prospects are fair for trndo. Col lections urei fair. Some families , us in all new counties , ure dissatisfied und will inovo elsewhere. 1'IIANKUN. Tlio recent showers renew tha confidence , already Inspired of the largest crop of com over grown in thn Republican valley , Noth ing but hull or n very early frost will pro * vent it. Small grain is all Itarvofttcd , and much of the wheat and oat a Is threshed. Wheat is turning out from 1'J to i3 bushels per aero , oats from 110 to15. . Potatoes will bu plenty and of good quality. The recent i-.iiiiH have u tonilonuy to start a second growth on the into varieties , but it will uot materially ullect the supply. A Uoolor HiiloldoH , DUI.UTII , Minn. , August 18. Dr. A. B. Lyndc , of Milwaukee , who arrived at tha Hotel St. Louis six days ago , committed suicide ut the hotel some time during tbo night. Whoa the chambermaid entered tu room this morning ho was found dead with , ins throat cut. Ho is supposed to huvo Dean well-to-do and ho had a lartro amount of bug * liago nnd seemed well fixed for moiiuy. H . uu opium cater. Ho wan about Ulrtv- llvo ycara old.