Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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Oront Oconnlon for Ilnyrru.
Monday morning will witness the
opening ol n sale in all departments ot
our store , such us the buying public hns
not over before boon treated to. In
dross goods vtt will put on sale 100
plocos worsted bolgcs at 74 c , lOo and llo !
formerly sold nt ISJic , 15o and 20c.
Double fold Froncli dross flannels , In nil
the now shades nt 2c ! ) , worth 37lo. 51-
inch dross flannels in light nnd dark
gray , on sale Monday at 48c , usual price
76c. Furnishing goods Gonts' flue
gauze undershirts at 12c } , reduced from
25c. Gonts' sanitary gray shirts nnd
drawers , 35o each , reduced from 7Cc.
Gonts' pure silk handkerchiefs , hom-
Btlchod , full size , 80c , worth 76c. Gouts'
flno cashmere J hose ut 25c , reduced
from 50c. Ladles' fast black hose only
25c , worth 60o. Ladles' line ribbed cot
ton hose , ISc , worth 25c. Ladies' balbriggan -
briggan hose only 12c ! , worth 25c.
Boys' cQtton hose , 8c , lOc and 12jo , just
half prico. Men's heavy blue working
Bhlrts5o } , worth 76c. 50 dozen ladies'
real kid gloves only 76o , worth $1.60.
Ladies' silk mitts lc ) , 16o and 25c , reduced -
ducod from 25o , 50c and 76c. 100 do on
ladies' summer corsets only 50c , worth
A beautiful display of everything that
is desirable in this line now shapes ,
now styles nnd now patterns in hats ;
now and fresh colors in flowers nnd now
novoltics in feathers.
Ladies' solid gold band rings , hnnd-
Eomely chtifscd. 50 und 75 cents , worth
$2. Ladies' rolled plate , patent lover ,
cult buttons , lOc , worth 2oc , Oxydizcd
silver und gold plated hulr ornaments ,
17c , worth 76c. Oxydlzed silver und
gilt side combs , with Rhino stone sots.
76c ouch , jowoloi-'s price , $1.50. Gouts'
flno rolled plate , patent lever
cull buttons , 25c , worth 50c.
Ladies' gold front chain cuff buttons ,
patent lever , 50c , worth 81.25. All
late novelties In gold and plated jewelry
olry arriving daily. Wo are still sell
ing Rogers Bros. ' 1817 knives and forks
nt $1.25 per sot. Special sale of ladies'
gold-filled Elgin or Springfield watches.
warranted for 20 years , $1.50 ! ) , jewelers'
prices $35. Gentlemen's Elgin , Spring-
Held or Wallham watches in dust-m-oof
cases 81.60 , worth 810. In books-
books books \\o are loading the
trade and surprising the people with
low pt ices. i
12 Ibs granulated sugar for 81. II ) Ibs
extra C sugar for $1. Best oat meal ,
8c per Ib. Best sugar cured hams 12Jc.
Best sugar cured picnio hams , 7c. Best
lard , 8 Ib pail for 23c. 8 bars best soap ,
2oc. Very best table butter , 15o to 17c.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Merchants nml Fnlr Wcolc.
Grand trades display , traveling men ,
fire department , police and military
Wednesday morning , Sept. 4 , at 0
Flambeau club , 100 men in uniform ,
Wednesday and Friday nights.
Grand prize of $100 for the best rep
resentation of ward clubs , mounted , in
uniform nnd currying torches. Gen
eral appearance as well ns numbers will
bo taken into consideration in award
ing prize ; not loss than 5 entries ,
Thursday night.
Grand prize -of 8100 for the colored
society , showing the best- Illuminated
float ; all persons participating must bo
in uniform or Costume ; not loss than 8
entries , /Thursday night.
Entries for ward clubs and colored so
cieties must be made in writing to
K Joseph Garneau , jr. , on or b.ofore Aug
ust 25th.
Band contest open to all bands out
f side of Omaha and Council Bluffs
Prizes :
I *
$300 to first.
$200 to second.
8100 to third.
Contest to take place at the Omaha fair
grounds , Friday Sept. 6th at 2 p. in. , a
committee of throe competent judges
will award the prizes. Entries to bo ad
dressed to Mr. Martin Culm , Musical
Director , 14th and E'urnam , Omaha ,
Nob. , on or before Aug. 25 , 18S9. No
band to bo of less than 12 pieces.
All bands entering for prizes must
take part in 8 night nnd 1 day parades
rados as above noted ; otherwise entiies
will bo void. For further particulars
nddross Mr. Martin Culm.
Proposals will bo received by Jos.
Garneau , jr. , Omaha , Nob. , until Aug.
80th , for bands to take Dart in the trade
parades , parade lasting about three
hours ; state best terms and number of
pieces in each band.
MnnHlcout IMnno Only $175.
Standard-make , warranted 10 years.
A great bargain , at Mcinbcrg's , 1514
und 1510 Dodge st.
Artistic display of silver jewelry in
Raymond's corner window Monday.
13 n i truly New.
Look at the display of silver jewelry
in Raymond's window , Monday , Doug
las and 15th st.
Omu 1m Knlr Association llnotlis.
All applications for Booths nnd privi
leges on the fair grounds during the
coming fair , September 2 to 0 inclusive ,
should bo inudo to A. II. Briggs , 210
South Fourteenth street.
J. H. McSiiANU , Secy.
Export piano tuner ut Moinbcrg's.
Dr. Gllmore's ollico removed to 10th
and Dodge. Tel. 680. lies. Tel. 178.
Con I 1'rico Ijiflt.
Chestnut and range $0 per ton.
Egg und grate $8.76.
Walnut block $3.75.
Screened nut W.60.
Orders ulroauy talcon will bo llllcd ut
the ubovo nricos.
Tel. 262. Oillco 200 S. 18th st.
It IB AlwayH Cool
In the cars of the Chicago & North
western. Their two dully fast tralns-
stlll leave at 2:45 : p. m. from the Union
Puolllo depot , Omaha , arriving at Chicago
cage 7 o'clock next morning. That is
faster time than other lines muko. In
addition to the "llyors" there nro two
other eastern trains dully. Free chair
cars. Newest and best sleepers. Yes-
tibulod trains. No change of cars at
Council Bluffs , Everything right up
to the times. Low rates now to the
oast.City ticket office , 1401 Farnam st.
K. R. HITCUII : , General Agent.
Expert plnntf tuner ut Moinborg's ,
G. A. It. Kxour.lon.
From August 21 , to August 28 inclu-
elvo , the "llock Island Routo" will sell
round trip tickets to Milwaukee via.
Chicago for the G. A. R. encunpment
at $14-50 , tickets good for return until
September 5. Choice of rail or hike
route from Chicago ,
Ticket oillco 1305 Furnam street.
S. S. STJiYUNS , W. A.
Until further notice wo will deliver
Nut und Steve 80 , Egg und Grate $8.76.
Quality and prlco guaranteed.
Commencing Monilny MornliiR Wo
Will Mnko Another SIORO on
IjctlltiK Down Prices.
All the summer goods must go to
raako room for our now fall stock. Ro-
motnbor , wo shall not fool any time
awny in disposing of these goods. You
will find moro gonnlnobargalns at Iluy-
don Bros. Monduy morning than all
other stores combined. In this sale wo
will Include a manufacturers' samples of
cult goods , which wo will close out nt
60o on the dollar. Gents' line gauso under
shirts only 121o onch , reduced from 25c.
3ont's bnlbrlggan undorwour shirts
only worth 60c , reduced to 25c. Gout's
sanitary gray shirts and drawers only
35o each , reduced from 75c. Gout's
fine imported balbrlggan underwear
only 85o each , worth 75c. Gent's pure
silk hdkfs , hemstitched , full size , only
59c , worth 76c. All our 60c black lisle
1 hose for gents , reduced to 25o. Gent's
Ino cashmere i hose only 25c , reduced
from 50c. Two lines of gent's heavy
winter underwear to bo closed out at
about I prico.
Lot 1 50 doz. gent's heavy gray
shirts and drawers only 2-5o , onoh worth
Lot 2 Fifty dozen gonts' Scotch gray
shirts and drawer only 87jo each ; worth
Ono hundred dozen boys' shirt waists ,
'ancy patterns , only 12Jc each ; worth
! 5c. See the line of gohts' suspenders
we put on sale Monday morning nt lOc.
Gents' line hair-lino strlpod half-hoso
only lOo ; worth double. All our 75o
jo nts' unlaundrlcd shirts to bo closed
out at 55c. Gents' heavy blue working
shirts only 45e : worth 75o. Ladles' fast
jlaok hose only 2oo ; worth 50c. Ladies'
Ino ribbed cotton hoSoonly 15 ; worth 25c.
Ladies' balbriggan hose only 12io ,
worth 25c. Boys' cotton hose 80 , lOo
and 12Jc , just half price. Best quality
Saxony yarn only lOo. Ladies' kid
jloves , broken sizes , only 50c , reduced
rom $1.60. 60 doz. ladles' real kid
lloves only 75c , worth 81.50. All our
ioc silk mitts reduced to Uc. All our 50 o
silk mitts reduced to 15c. All our 76q
silk mitts reduced to2oc. 100 doz. ladies'
summer corsets only 60c , worth $1.
Our opening shoo sale is proving to
jo a grand success. Wo find the people
want the latest styles at the lowest lig-
ircs , and our counters are lull of good
loncst shoos ut living prices. Ladies ,
sec our $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.60 und 82.00 kid
shoes , they boat the world , und our ludios
Ino .hand turned kid button shoes nt
S2.50 , $3.00 and $3.60 cannot bo excelled.
Svory pair guaranteed to give satisfac-
, ion. Wo still have a lot of little kid
baby slices at 2oc.HAYDEN
Dry Goods and Shoos , 16th Street.
Tlio Grand Army Kncainpmont nt
It is estimated that fully 120,000 people
ple will pass through Chicago on route
; o Milwaukee to attend the Grand Army
Encampment. As there are but two
railway lines between the two cities.
ind this immense number of people will
hnvo to bo transported in two or three
days , it is apparent that the resources
will bo taxed to the utmost.
Parties desiring to attend from points
In Nebraska , will , by taking the Chicago
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
from Council BlulTs ( which. Is the only
direct line to Milwaukee from Council
BlulTsJ , avoid the great crowd and rush
at Chicago , and bo sure of the best ac
commodations in the way of free Chair
Cars , Slboping and Dining Cars through
to destination , ana will have the privi
lege of returning via Steamboat from
Milwaukee to Chicago if they so desire.
Half fair has been made for the round
trip. Children between five and twelve
vcars of ago , half of the excursion rate ,
ITor further information apply to F. A.
Nash , General Agent C. , M. & St. P.
R'y. , 1601 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob.
Fast Time to the East ,
The Burlington No. 2 , fast vestibule
express , leaves Omaha dally nt 3:15 : p.
m. and arrives ut Chicago at 7:00 : the
next morning , in time to connect with
all morning trains out of Chicago for
the east. . The famous fu&t mail , now car
rying passengers , loavesOnmha daily at
0:00 : p. in. und Council BlulTsat 9:2-3 : p. m. ,
arriving at Chicago at 12:00 : noon the fol
lowing day , the fahtest time over made
between the Missouri river and Chicago
cage on a regular schedule. Pullman
palace sleeping cars and free reclining
chair cars on all through trains.
Sumptuous dining cars on .vestibule ex
press trains both to Chicago and Don-
vor. City ticket oflico , 1223 Farnam st.
Telephone 250.
Great JJnr.aiiiH In I'lnnos
At Moinborg's , 1514 nnd 1517 Dodgo.
Salt Ijnko City nnd Koturn Tor $ .1t > .
On Tuesday , August 20tlithe Burling
ton Route will sell round trip tickets to
Salt Lake City and Ogden ut the low
rate of $30 , and to Huiley , Idaho , at
835 , good for thirty days. Choice of
route eroing nnd returning. Ticket
oillco , 1223 Farnam street. Telephone
llnrd Goul.
We offer for CASH , and August de
livery , the following prices on best
quality anthracite coal :
"Grate" und "Egg , " $8.76 per ton.
"Stovo" nnd "Nut. " $ ! ) .00 per ton.
Telephone 431. 214 South 13th st.
I'lnnoH Suitable Per n Beginner.
840 , n great bargain , 85 monthly , at
Melnborg'fi , 1514 and 1617 Dodge st.
First National' Safety Deposit Vaults.
Safes to rent$5to$25uyoar,807S , 13th st.
Merchants' and Manufacturers' Ex
position ,
All parties wishing hnaco to make ex
hibits in the Coliseum building during
the exposition to bo held next Septem
ber should apuly soon as possible to
John S. Prince at the building or by
No charge for bpaco. All correspond
ence answered promptly.
JOHN S. PJIINCK , Manager.
Hnrvcftt Uxourslou nt Half Untos.
On August 20th , September 10th and
24th , and October 8th , the Burlington
Route will soil tickets at ono faro for the
round trip from Missouri river points to
points on Its own nnd connecting lines
in Nebraska , Kansas , Colorado , Wyom
ing , Utah , Idaho and Montana. Tick
ets good thirty days. Ticket ollico , 1223
Farnam at.
_ _
Hcxpnnsililn Tunnnt Wnntcil
For a now 7-room cottage , 20th and
Hamilton streets. Contains gus , buth ,
hot nnd cold water , otc. $30 per mo.
Jno. W. Paul , 1U09 Farnam fit.
Our latest importation , silver goods ;
beautiful designs. O. S. Raymond , ( sil
versmith , Douglas und 15th sts.
Half Untos ( n Milwaukee Ilouml
Trip Tickets
to Milwaukee , on account of National
Encampment , G. A. R , , will bo bold via
the Burlington Route , August 21st to
23lh , good to return until September
5th , with privilege of extension of time
until September iiOth , Rates open to
all. Ticket olllce , 1223 Farnam st. , and
depot , 10th uud Musousts.Omahu , Nub ,
81 dagos of Now Dro93 Goods Bo-
oolvod nt The Fair Saturday.
Go. id i Are Some Very
Fortunate lurolincs : Slntlo II ;
Mr. A. D. ftrnndloa in
Now lork.
The quantity of some of. this purohaso
is vor.v largo , as wo were compelled to
close out en tire lots to got thorn nt our
800 plouoa-lO-inoh Imported Bilk
finished Ilonrlottas , In black acd nil tlio
newest colors. This Is a regular $1
quality , for to-morrow only at 60o a
yard. Only ono dross pattern sold to
each lady none bold to men or chil
dren ,
01 plocos nil wool imported Fro noli
cnuhtnaro , regular 76o quality tomorrow
row ! Ji2c.
40-inoh flno quality wool Henrietta In
all colors , 85c ,
Our entire stock of now English
broadcloth , 50 inches wltlo , in black
and all now colors , OSc , worth fully
120 plocos entirely now silk finished -
ishod Henrietta invisible stripes and
plaids , 42 inches wide , , 40c.
5 cases best American indipo blue
prints 5c a yard.
Extra wide and heavy Gorman indigo
prints , all now standard calicos 41o.
Fine bio tic lied muslin 6c a yard.
Largo colored bordered crochet whl to
bed spreads 47c , worth 81.
Very line whlto crochet spreads C2c ,
worth fully 81.25.
Extra large Marseilles bed spreads
OSc , worth $1.75.
Our entire stock of Indies' flno Im
ported Jerseys in black , white , cream ,
pink and nil stupid colors. These Jer
seys have been selling up to $2,60. For
to-morrow only OSc.
Our entire stoolc of ladies' flno flan
nel blouses $1.75.
602 , 604 , 600 , 603 510 S. 13th St.
A Veritable Antique ; Relic.
There is hardly n parson who has had
a fair English education wno has not
road of ' 'the wonderful Ono-Horso
Shay , which ran for a hundred years
and a day , " and when it llnally brolco
up , was immortalized by Doctor Oliver
"VVondu.ll Holmes.
Adam Forepaugh in h : . , greatest show
in the universe gives the public an on-
poitunity to see anda inspect a vehicle
constructed on equally sound princfplos ,
and with urecord , not founded on myth ,
but as authentic ns the doctor's own
pedigree. It is a wagon made of the
native wood of Pennsylvania , and was
in the possession of the grandfather of
the late ox-Prosidont-Jaraos Buchanan ,
and has survived the storms of moro
than ono hundred and forty winters. It
carried food for the . .federal troops at
the battle of Gorman town and served as
the lodging for officers of the highest
rank during the darkest hours of the
bitter winter at Valley Forgo. At the
close of the struggle for independence
It became a possession of the Buchanan
family , by whom it and its trappings ,
together with the harness of the horses
who last drew it in tbo federal service ,
were hold as sacred relics. When the
last of his race , James Buchanan , died ,
it became the property of Adam Fore
paugh and can bo soon in the street parade -
ado as well as in the greatest show on
oarth. Some poet yet-unborn will have
to write of its downfall and decay , for it
bids fair to outlive all those whoso
names are now on the "scroll of Fame. "
Export piano tuner at MoSnborg's.
Twenty-third National G. A. It. Eu-
ciinipniciit ut Milwaukee , \Vls.
Special excursion. The Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway will run a
special excursion train of free chair
cars , Bleeping and dining cars , through
without change , leaving Omaha at 7:30 :
p. m. , Saturday , Aug. 24 , reaching Mil
waukee early the next morning.
Department Commander J. B. Davis ,
has named this ns the oilicial train
which will bo in command of Senior
Vice Department Commander S. H.
Morrison , accompanied by his otlicial
stall and dclobatcs.
Mrs. Mary R. Morgan , president
Nebraska Woman's Relief Corps , has
also selected this route and train ,
special train No. 2 , will leave Omaha at
1) p. m. , August 24 : ample accommoda
tions will bo supplied for all wishing to
avail themselves of this opportunity fpr
a cheap trip to Milwaukee and Chicago.
Ono faro for the round trip. Children
one-half of the excursioi rate. Remem
ber those trains will start from the
Omaha depot thus avoiding transfer
and delay at Council Bluffs.
For tickets and further information
apply to ticket agents on line of Union
Pacific railway and Union ticket oillco ,
1501 Farnum street , Barker block ,
Sleeping car berths now on sale.
F. A. NASII. General Agent.
J. E. McCLUllic , Western Pass. Agt.
The Sacred Heart academy , for day
pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue
und Twenty-seventh streets , is an insti
tution devoted to the moral and intel
lectual education of young girls. The
course includes everything from a pre
paratory department to a finished
classical education. Besides the ordi
nary academical course , musio , paint
ing , drawing and the languages nro
taught. Froncli is included in the or
dinary courso.
Dllloronco of religion is no obstacle
to the receiving of pupils , provided
they conform to the general regulation
of the school. The scholastic term begins -
gins the first Tuesday of September.
Classes commence ut 0 a. m. , and are
dismissed at 30 : ! ! p. m. , an hour for
recreation being allowed at noon.
Chioimn , Blllwnukco He St. Pul H'y
Via Onmliu and Council lilun'u.
Short line to Chicago and the oust.
Finest dining cars in the world.
Through sleeping cnra to Chicago. Ele
gant free clmir cars. Only direct route
to the G. A. R , omcumpmont at Milwau
kee. Everything llrst-class. Fast trains
to Chicago and all points juat.
For further information enquire at
Ticket Oillco , 1501 Farnum st. , in Bar
ker block. F. A. NAfW ,
General Agent.
Now I'inno , 9250.
A flno instrument , fully warranted for
five yearn , for cash or easy payments ,
A. Uospo , Jr. , 1613 Douglas street.
Samuel Burns is making reductions
on china and fancy goods all along the
line , and is getting ready for his semi
annual "vuso faiilp , " which takes place
September 1st to 16th , when 800 vases
will bo bold ut one-half former prices.
Hoiifoy&IJoafoyundertakers & Catho
lic church supplies , 218 51 tth. Tel 205.
Do not fall to see the now CARPETS ,
IES shown ut Chas , Shivorick & Co's.
Now OomU Arriving JDnlly.
Wo nro showing the host assortment
of dolls in this cUv from lOc apiece up
to 85.00. Our 25c20o " , 85c and 60c dolls
nro extra good value , Doll hammocks ,
'thing ' to make thorn fool comfortable.
Dolls' sofas just received , children's '
laundry sots , boys'iten pins , children's
desks und extension tables , building
blocks , 60 , lOo , Ific , 25o and 50o a sot ,
Rubber dolls of , every description ,
Ladles' sowing tables , rood and rattan
rookors , children's high chairs ,
photograph and autograph nlbums
of ovorv description. Boys tool chests
19o , 2-3o , 60o , 75o , $1. SI.25 , $1.50 up to $3
each. Plush toilet sots at wholesale
prices , The best assortment of lunch
baskets In Omaha. Compare our prices
and you will look no further. Boys'
two wheel carts , lOo each. This week
wo will give you another chnnco to buy
iron axle wagons at 69c each. They nro
going fust and you can fool assured If
our wagons nro all sold there is no other
house in Omaha where you can buy
them for loss than $1. Velocipedes at
wholesale prices. Just opened and will
bo on sale Monday , 2,001) doll heads of
every size and description and prices.
Wo shall continue , as wo have
boon in the past only on
u lurgor scale , to bo the lending
house in Omaha in the doll business.
Just opened now carpets , now linole
ums , now rugs , now oil cloths , now door
mats , now lace curtains , now window
shades , now blankets , now ilnnnols , now
table linens , now prints , now ginghams ,
now sheetings , now canton flannels , now
window shades. Wo manufacture
shades to order at the lowest prices for
first-class work. Special to close straw
mattings at prices lower than over on
Monday. Just received another carload
of chairs and rockers , children's high
chairs , etc. On sale Monday.
. Dry Goods and Carpets.
New Orcnns for $ OO.
We offer a flno lirst-clnss instrument
nt SCO , for cash or on easy payments.
A. Hospo , Jr. , 1613 Douglas street.
Export piano tuner nt Moinborg's.
Abstracts of title to Wyoming oil
lands furnished. Assessment workaono
and verified to by affidavit and certi
ficate of recorder. Claims located. J.
J. Corbott , Casper , Wyoming.
Don't drown when you can learn to
swim for $5 at the now natatoriutn.
Clnrk & Anderson's Luck.
"There is luck in odd numbers , " said
Rory O'Mooro , and Rory might have
added that occasionally an even number
strikes it rich. Clark & Anderson ,
proprietors of the Monitor restaurant ,
004 South Thirteenth street , think so at
least , for they hold one-fourth of ticket
16,1GO in the July drawing of the Louis
iana lottery , and when the wheel
stopped it was found that 15,106 had
drawn 850,000 , hence their share was
"It happened this way , " said Mr. An
derson to n reporter , "Clark and I were
not very well fixed , and I remarked ono
evening lot us invest 55 in the Louis
iana. He agreed , and wo started to the
office to buy the ticket. I was in
favor of taking five twentieths , but
he said : 'No , lot us buy a
fourth , and , if wo win wo
will got something. So wo purchased.
I looked anxiously for tlio list and when
it came and I found wo had won I was
actually [ paralyzed. Wo collected the
money through tlio Pacific express , and
it came to band as promptly as if It had
boon ono of Jay Gould's checks wo were
getting cashed. No , wo are not going
to Europe ; wo will stay right hero , put
a Uttlo moro raonpy in our business and
see if wo can not increase our gains. As
a matter of fact the cash will help us
out amazingly.
Mrs. J. Hen ton
Will continue her discount until Fri
day , August 23d.
The now nutatorium can bo engaged
for private parties of ladies and gentle
men any evening after 9:45 : o'clock.
Attention I'lumbers ,
Sealed bids will bo received at the
office of the board of education until 4
o'clock p. m. Monday , August 19 , 1889 ,
for making certain changes and addi
tions to the water closets at Walnut
Hill school building , according to plans
and specifications of the superintendent
of school buildings to bo soon at the
office of the board.
Millions In It.
Special sale of ostrich goods ono day
only. Don't miss the opportunity. R.
II. Davies , successor to Alma E. Keith. _
The cable depot , 20th and Lake sts. ,
is always supplied with the best of ice
cream , cigars , tobacco , eto. James
Timmins , proprietor.
Insurance Is uasli.
In view of the fact that all insurance
agents are required to remit to their
respective companies , on or before the
5th day of each month , for the pre
miums of the precsding month , the un
dersigned Insurance agents have agreed
to enforce cash collections on and after
August 1. 18SO. Signed Juno 23 , 1889 :
Aloxnndor & Brigham , Murphy &
Lovott , Nichols Bros. & Hall , Omaha
Fire Ins. Co. , Ringwalt Bros. , Potter ,
Wobbler & Co.\Croigb , Daniels & Co. ,
Remington & Fr.vo , Martin & Perfect ,
Ohas. Kaufman , M. R. Risdon , H. B ,
Palmer & Son , Nebraska & Iowa Ins.
Co. , L. B. Williams & Co. . Wheeler &
Whcolor , Doud Bros. , Goo. J. Fox ,
Bonowa & Co. , Home Fire Ins. Co. , E.
L. Squlro , Edward E , Howell , L. Drake ,
Sholes& Hamilton. Thos. P. Tuttle ,
Noiherton Hall , Green & Williams ,
Barton & Brown * , H. E. Cole , Gustav
Boneko , S. A , Sloraan , John Dale , D.
F. Hutchison , Ayoi-st & Tnfllndor , II.
Jacobson , H. S. Macloon & Co. , Bos-
worth & Joplln.
Don't drown whan you can learn to
swim for $ f at the now imtatsrium.
Ono of the finest lots on the market
in Omaha to-day is lotO , block 70 , which
is on Cauitol avenue , near the nowpost-
ofllco site. Souiioiischolii & Valentino ,
nt room 14 , chamber of commerce , are
solo agents.
Mr * . J. llensnn
Will continue 'Her ' discount until Fri
day , August 23d.
Now IN tlio Tlina n Go Enst.
August 21 to 28inclusive , the Chicago
& Northwestern will sell round trip
tickets to Milwaukee , Wis. , for half
faro , good returning until September
80 , with choice of routes. The Chicago
& Northwestern owns its own lines ,
Chicago to Milwaukee , and is the only
direct line running vostibulod trains ,
Three trains daily , free chair cars , ele
gant modern sleepers , dining car sorr
vice , and everything a llttlo bolter than
other lines can offer.
R. R : Rrrciili : , Gon'l Agent.
City ollico 1401 Fiirnam st.
There will bo no service nt Plymouth
Congregational church , Kountzo Place ,
Sunday , August 18.
Stock Taking1 Finished Saturday
at Faloouor's.
Odd Iiols Thrown Out From 12vcry
UupiirtinoiitTlmt Mint
Uc Sold Como
To-morrow and Tuesday will bo clear
ing up day in uvory department. Our
friends can rest assured that wo will
offer some proat bargains. Bo on hand
early. *
Odd lots of silks.
Odd lots of dross goods.
Odd lots of velvets.
Odd lots of ribbons ,
Odd lots of gloves.
Odd lots of notions.
Odd lots of domestics.
Odd lots of hosiery.
Odd lots of underwear.
Odd lots of gonts' furnishings.
Odd lots of whlto goods.
Odd lots of luco.
Oddlots of trimmings.
Odd lots of paruxols.
Odd lots of llannols.
Odd lots of linens. .
Od < ] lots of towels.
Odd lots of embroideries.
Odd lots of btnclc goods.
Odd lots ot curtains.
Odd lots of muslin underwear.
On Wednesday morning wo will
place on our shelves over $100,000 worth
of beautiful now fall goods of every
description and assure our friends that
this will bo the handsomest line wo have
over attempted to oiler and the prices
will bo the very lowest.
Shoes t Shoot t
. Monday wo commence our great re
ducing stock sale , which moans u revo
lution in prices of shoos and slippers
and a great saving of money to those
taking advantage of this great salo. No
matter what prices our would-bo com
petitors quote you , our price will always
bo still lower. Branch houses in the
east , a member of our firm continually
in the eastern market supplying us with
rnro bargains , many of which wo are
enabled to odor to our customers for loss
money than other dealers can purohaso
thorn for , thus giving us unequalled , fa
cilities. It will bo a mistake to pur
chase anything in the line of footwear
before inspecting our goods and getting
our prices. Store open every evening
until 9 o'clock , Saturdays until 10.
1520 Douglas Street ,
, . Bushman Block.
Omaha's lowest price square-dealing
shoo store. >
Mrs. J. Bunaon
Will continue her discount until Fri
day , August 23d.
Iliimllctnnlnn Blood.
Rys Duke No. 051 will bo sold at auc
tion September 5 at Frank Rawlings'
stable , Lincoln. Also 40 mares , colts ,
drivers and draft horses. Mainly Rys
Duke , Standard Bearer. Compass and
Cluy blood. Some extra young stallions
by Rys Duke and some as peed Clydes
dale marcs as in the country.
Tlio Attractions are on tha Grand
Order Rend Ttium.
Whilst the loading features of the
fair will bo the exhibits of agricultural
products , the association will offer in
the speed ring a series of races that can
not bo excelled.
The annualjcolt stakes offered by this
association have every year attracted
more and more attention until this year ,
judging from the great number of en
tries , they have become of general in
terest to the horse breeders of the
The association has already con
tracted for daily balloon ascensions from
the grounds , accompanied by the new
and thrillincr parachute drop from the
balloon when at its greatest height.
This will bo well worth witnessing , and
attracts largo numbers of people wherever -
ever advertised in the east.
Another interesting feature will bo
the great long distance races by lady
riders on thoroughbred horses , chang
ing horses at the end of every mile in
front of the grand stand. As an oxnm-
plo of female endurance and oquostri-
anship this must prove of great inter
est , especially to the hundreds of west
ern ladies who are always interested in
this useful , health-promoting exorcise.
There are many special features that
will attract thousands to Omaha the
first week of Soptombor. There is the
lecture by the Rev. T. DeWitt Tal-
mage , which alone is worth the trip.
Down in the city , during the forenoon ,
will bo the trades' display , and the parade -
rado of the "Merchants' Week , " as
sisted by the commercial travelers.
At the immense Collisoum building ,
with a capacity for holding ten thou
sand people , wilibo ; holO'tlio merchants ,
and manufacturers' 'exposition every
evening during the fair , commencing
at 5 o'clock p. m. und holding open un
til 12 o'clock.
The Coliseum is situated on the di
rect line about midway between the
postofllco and fulr grounds.
In addition to all the above , the citi
zens of Omaha , in order that nothing
may bo lacking to interest und nmuso
the visitors , have arranged a series of
evening parades , which will also add
greatly to the attractions.
Every hour of your stay in Omaha ,
even if you remain the whole week , can
bo spent profitably and pleasantly , so
that whan you return to your homes you
can conscientiously say that you have
boon on u pleasure excursion and the
time and money was well oxponded.
Export piano tuner at Moinborg's ,
The regular monthly mooting of the
board of managers of the Women's
Christian association will bo hold at 10
n. m. Thosday August 20th , ut 1010
Dodge St. By order of
Mus. P. L. PKKINU , Pros.
Every morning and Monday evening
for ladies only at the now nntatorium.
Mr. E. T , Howard , formerly with M.
D. Wells & Co. , of Wupuri , Wis. , arrived
in the city Saturday morning to take
charge of the solo leather department
in W. V. Morse & Co. , boot und shoo
factory. _
Can Not JJo Found Klsowlioro.
The styles of silver jewelry that Raymond
mend , the silversmith will dinplny in
the corner window Monday. Douglas
and 15th streets.
The now nututorium can bo engaged
for private parties of ladles and gentle
men uny ovoulng a'tor ' 9:45 : o clock ,
The greatest out In prlcosovor known
In Omaha. Ladies' flno imported fancy
hose , choice ot our entire slock. 98o
pair , worth up to $4. Hero Is another
ono. 100 dozen ladles' pin stripe hose ,
full , regular made and cheap nt35c.
They nro on ealo Monday at lOo pair. 0
pair is the limit on this lot. 75 dozen
boys fast black ribbed IIOMJ , every pair
warranted fast black , Monday 125ornr ,
worth 60c. Do you need luces ? If BO
hero Is u stunner. Monday 200 plccoa
flno Oriental lucos , In creams , ecru nml
whlto , 10 to 20 inches wide , none worthless
loss than 2oo , nml up to 05c. Your
choice Monday Oo yard. Come early
mid got good selection. This is the
greatest bargain over ofTorod in
Incos. Mall orders filled if received
Monday. Fancy parasols and plain par-
nsols nil go at ? 2.GO each , real value $5
to $12 each. 20 dozen ladles' Jersey
ribbed vests Monday nt 35c , each worth
76o. A bltr lot of ladles' gaux.o vests nt
lOo onch , worth 40 to OSc. Wo still have
n good usjortmont ot boys' knee pants
at 25o , 40c. 48c und up. Choice of all
ages. Boys' ' waists 2-3o and 85o each ,
Ladles'und misses' ' flannel blouse waists
Monday $1.1)8 ) each , worth up to $5.
1 case Indigo blue prints , 60 a yard ;
100 plocos heavy unbloach cotton flan
nels , 4Jo u yard. The best Canton
flannel in Omaha nt lOc a yard. All
French satlnes nt Hoe a yard. Ladles'
llnon collars 60 oacn. Now wall paper ,
just arrived , at lowest prices in town.
Wo tire still cutting prices on carpets.
Rys Dnko No. 051 , the strongest
blooded Uamblotonian stallion living ,
to bo sold ut auction September 5 in
Only ono marrlnno llconso was issued yes
terday. Uobort S. Havoratick and Loulso
H. Uonder , both of Pitts'jur , ? , IM. , were tlio
happy couple.
Uovcnuo collections yesterday , f.OI-1.02. !
Bank clonrlngs yesterday , $70,110.80. ; !
The Knights of Honor will give n grand
picnic at Uusor's p.irlc next Thursday.
Preparations are bolnp mudu for u largo
crowd. A promlnont ofllcor of the order
from Fremont will bo present and will deliver -
liver an itiBtructlvo address on the ourposos
and beauties of the order.
Patrick A. Gavin reported to the police
yesterday that Labon J. Hume , who hud
been acting as canvasser for the Lovoll
Manufacturing company , had converted cer
tain luco curtains , books und clothes
wringers In his possoision to his own uso.
The goods were valued at $183.
Mrs. Ida Shropshire accuses one , Mrs.
Miller , of stealing a largo lot of drcssas und
wearing apparel from her house ut Eleventh
and Jackson streets.
William Carter Is ehnrged with burglar
izing the small clgnr store at the corner of
Fifteenth and Webster streets. Iho place Is
owned by Mrs. Magglo Greun. Carter was
bound over to the district court in $1,000.
The Thompson-Houston Electric Light
company has appointed'Frank Wnrren man
ager in this city , to succeed Minot Terrell ,
who resigned August 1.
Elected an Advisory Hoard.
A meeting of the Omaha members of the
National Building , Loan and Protective
union of Minneapolis was hold in tbo onlce
of C. H. Wcston last night. In accordance
with n provision of their charter they elected
an advisory board for local business. It
consists at present of Mr. Mursh , Chris
Hurtman , W. G. Shriver. 0. H. Western ,
John O'Connell , S. H. Anderson , John W.
Rodufor , II. L. Chamberlain. W. M. Gillon ,
Charles Marsh and L. C. Warner. This
board met ucaln nnd elected the local ofllcers
for the year us follows : President , W.V. .
Marsh ; vice president , Chris Hurttnan ; sec
retary , C. II. Western ; treasurer , Charles
Marsh , and appraisers , W. G. Shriver and
H. L. Chamberlain.
Citizens of Milwaukee who drink Wau-
kcsha water and citizens of Waulcesha who
drink Milwaukee beer furnish a good Illus
tration of mail's strong inclination to find
fault with his surroundings.
Correct presentation of tlio Comlo Popular
Opera ,
By the Chicago Church Choir Opera Company.
Grand Operatic Orchestra. New Curiosities ,
NewActi. Now Features.
Owing to tlio oxtiMoidlnary length of the
operatic productions , only six full ami complete
performances will bo given dally at the follow-
IiiR hours : 2:15 : , : i:30,4:15afternoons : : ; H , U and 10.
One Dime Admits to All
8. I' . Morse Ai C6.
On Monday , August 10 , wo will offatf
at our llnon com tor
200 Bed Spreads
At 00 cents ouch full sizes , peed
value , nt $1,00 each. 50 do/.on extra
fiuo quality HUCK towels
25o each.
To close out the lines wo offer dross
gtnghums nt Co. Jamestown dress
goods , stripes , checks at 2oc , H7jc and
50c. All wool dress goods , now shades ,
10 to GO pieces , -10 and -12 inches wide ,
to ho cleaned out Monday regardless of
Seal leather , oxidized mountings ,
chatclulno bags ut 79o. Wo have Just
received u lot of now styles und designs
in Indies' hand bags , satchels and
For Monday : Kmbroldorod chomla-
sotto collars reduced from ! l5o nnd 60o
to 25c ; H. Loob & Co.'s best trlplo extract -
tract perfumes , 25o per ounce ; Ameri
can book pins , Ic ; PoKioiil's modicutod
powder , 3oc ; Pear's Fuller's Oarth , 15o ;
genuine oilvur thimble , lOo ; bon-ton
electric curling comb , 125c ; n French
plate mirror , 5lc. )
Our carpet and upholstering depart
ments are daily lidding to their al
ready immense stock of new designs ,
fabrics , etc. , and wo solicit an Inspec
tion thereof. S. P. MOUSE & CO.
Evorv morning und Monday evening
for ladies only at the now nutatorium.
All Who AVmit tlio Knrlh Onn Now
Got luirun Hlloo oi'ltH I < Y > ur
Quarters !
With ovcrytlilnx notr. nml brilliant nml protracted
( cusoiis In nil dm lo-ullnv cUlcsottho Kant , on
Thursday ,
Will bo exhibited Afternoon nnd Evening tt
OMAHA , at2an
20th St. , Adjoining Coliseum
And now on Its Mth anmml tour , llio Orcnl an 1 Onlr
Combined with which Is the National nnd Thrilling
Kxlilbltlo i nnd the I'ocrlcaa
Its First Senson In Amcrlcii , nn h'n ( glossal
AM Most StiincMo s Menagerie
Times the Grentmt Show on ICiirthl
1OO Marvelous ICdnouiod Animals.
JJO I'cr'forinliii ; Klophants.
15O DIstlnculsMRil Artists.
1.-1OO aiun anil Horses.
l.OOO Rare Anlmnls anil Birds
SIOO Scouts and SiivntlfS.
llcnlUtlc Wild West Scsnui-Omtor's JaM . Ilnllr
Mountain Mni.low MiissucruKxcltlni
nd IMilne ArenloTrl-
Illniiodroino Uncoi-Uiuli "K
uiuiiiii i UiiltaU Wild West , Ureus undlllpimUromo.
Will move irom the lniw Kruimds at nl.oi. . .
Infk mi thn monil'iu ol llxhtltlllon Duir. H will uo
bo , io v ? . t > umrli show I'uitcimt over
of American Cl r. .Ulmlsj
rrun 111)011 tnBreuls mi
to i " I XI cents ; Uilldtcn under 23
011 . .
f-ci u. ll"ierroh olialrs on thu urnnil ntunil un.lod.
lui TsUm UkclH ut thn ; i uiil Might ndyanco will la
for uilo ilurtiiK tlio : xhib oniij , Kl.NHI.15ll a DUUU
Tw'SWoSiiMiSSi ' rt1" ma's P. m. Of on , ono
ro"ou".Courteous nttpmiimc-ciiml
hoinM > .Courteous mhori in
thoi. inotiralul attention to rcr |
I Hint M
or visitors osiieclully liidUM nd o ron
thin oxlilW Ion
thu itlntliiKUlalilni ! li-uturu ol
H will bo the only Kront tented Exhibition
Will 1)3 ) Held at Spring Valley Stock Farm ,
Adjoining City Limits , Solomon's Addition , OMAHA , NEB.
I Wednesday , September 16,1889 , ,
Consisting of Brood Mares , Colts and Fillies , Hoi-
I5 stein Cattle , Implements and Stock of
* Merchandise.
To close out the estate of the Into N. I. D. SOLOMON.
Terms Casli or Six Months with Bankable Paper ,
COL. F. M. WOODS , Lincoln , Nob. , Auctioneer.
0 MRS. M. V. SOLOMON , Administratrix.
E. G. SOLOMON , Manager.
Snlo begins nt 10 n. m. Sharp. Wito for cattiloguo. '
© ffnHHg ° U
Proprietors o ! Omaha Commercial Coiep !
. _ , . . , . .
u. 4. .1.0 c3 ljut > lniSu briineli nj liim beat llturur Biiislfl : jve
, ,
of punmutiiililji to nny liy uuiu tiwrn iiuiti nuiiu t tvctju
' . ,
WriteKqiUUIOl'lilt HUOS. , uumbn