Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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r. . Editor.
D ally ( Morning Kditlon ) Including Sunday
Dee. One Year . 110 00
ForSlx Months. . . . . . BOO
ForThrce Months . . . . a WJ
Ito Omaha 8uml y Ile < y mailed to nnjr
address. Ono Ynr . . . 200
Weekly Hen. Ono Year , . . . 200
Omnna onice , Tleo iiulldlnff , N. ' W. Cornet
Btrcntcenth iul Knrnam Streets.
Cnlcajm Oinco. MJ7 Uookery Hnlldlnir.
Now York Oflico , Hooms 11 ana IS Tribune
WMiungUm Office. No. B13 Fourteenth Street ,
AH comtnnnlcMloni relnttna to nsw ; and edl *
torlnl matter should bo addressed to too l.ditor
or the lice
liceUUSINEgg LCrrCtB. |
All business letters and remittances should
toe nddre < sed to Iho lice l'ubllshln Company.
Omnlia Jirnfti. checks and postolllco order * to
be made payable to the order of tfao tompuijr.
Tie BeePolsiiininiSpy , Pronrietors ,
BEE Building Farnnm and Seventeenth Sts.
Sworn HtrUrmeiit of Circulation.
Btato of Nebraska , 1
County "f Douglas. ( "
Georna II. Tzschuclc. secretary of The Iloe
rubllnnliiK Company , docs solemnly swear thtt
tlio aatiftl clrculatlou of TIIK. DAH.Y HKR tor
the week ending August 17. 1839.vns us follows :
Sunday. August 11 . in.lW
Monday. All mist 13 . 18.MM
Tue dnjr , August 13 . IS. Ml !
Wednesday , August 11 . I8.MS
Thursday , Atwm li . IH.S'O
Itlday. AuRUHt 1 . H.17S
Saturday , .August 17 . 18,685
Average . 1H(10B
Bworn to before ma and sutHcrlbed to In ray
prusonca this ITtb day of August , A. I ) 1HW.
L8oal.l N. P. FB1L , Notnry Publh.
Btato of Nebraska , 1
County of Douglas. C B *
OcorRo II. Trschuck , being duly sworn , do-
pnfes mid n\ys thru ho is secretary of The lieu
Publishing company , that the actual average
dally circulation or Tiiu DAILY Unr. for the
month of August. Its ? . 18.1S1 copies ; for Sep
tember. isss. isifi copies : for October Ib8\
18,0bl copies ; for November. 1KW. 18 , bB copies :
for December , 1888 , 1P.SJJ copies ; foi Janunrr.
1889 , 1,574. copies ; for February. 1NJ9 , ] 8 , jtl
copies : forMnrch , 1SC9 , 18.8BI copies ; for April ,
18fc , 18.W.9 copies : forMny , 18W > , 18.8WI copies :
for' Juno. iwu. 18,858 , copies ; for July. 18S9 ,
18.733coples. a no. II. TZSCHUCK.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my
presence this tfa day of August ! iaso.
[ BEAU ] N. P. I KIU Notary Public.
SINCE St. Joe has gravely unnouticocl
itself a candidate for the world's expo
sition of 1892 , the citizens of that burg
spoil its niimo Saint Josoph.
citizens inuko up their minds
to tender the parlc commission suitable
grounds for mrk purposes they should
attach no unreasonable conditions to
the gift.
THIS shystoring barnnclcs who infest
_ the police court nnd prey upon prison
ers have occasioned a great deal ot adverse -
verse criticism upou the force. They
should bo run out.
1 OMAHA'S police judge , in a recent
decision , declared that "Even a king
has no right to invade the sanctity of
his moat humble subject's homo. " Pos
sibly his honor is not aware that install
ment men and policemen are the power
behind the throne.
BOTH Norvin Green and Postmaster
General Wanamakor are at Saratoga.
"When under the influence of Vichy and
congress waters there should bo no dif
ficulty in adjusting the question of gov
ernment rates over the telegraph lines
of the Western Union.
A ST. ' PAUL paper has discovered
that Minneapolis has packed its last
city directory with the names ot a largo
number of dogs. Tlio charge is prop
erly authenticated and gees to prove
the dospcr.ito character of the struggle
between the two cities for numerical
THE third and last series of competi
tive drills in marksmanship at tlio gov-
tprnment range at Bellevue will begin
to-morrow and the contest will include
soldiers nnd officers from all commands
fin the army. These target drills have
attracted attention in army circles in
every section of the United States.
WESTEUN railroad men declare that
the dilllculty with which they will have
to content ! this autumn will bo a scarc
ity of equipment. Whllo the Union
Pacific nnd the Nebraska roads have
boon constantly adding to their rolling
stock , the number is not yet nearly
largo enough to handle the vast pro
ducts of the state With sulllciont dis
NmuusiCA was the first state in the
union to treat prize lighting as a felony
and enforce the criminal code by send
ing ono of the principals in a prize
fight to the penitentiary. Since then
sporting men of the prize ring have
given Nebraska a wldo berth. Missis
sippi has only fallen into the footsteps
of Nebraska in treating John L.- Sulli
van as a law breaker that must share
the ignominy and hardships of the
felon's cell.
K who are afraid that Omaha is
losing ground as a stock martcot had
better examine the records. For the
BOVOII days ending August 7 the re
ceipts were twenty thousand , nine hun
dred and thirty-four , while at Kansas
City they were twenty thousand , eight
hundred and oighty-two. making a bal
ance of fifty-two in Omaha's favor.
From the third packing con tor of the
United States Omaha will soon advuuco
pormuncntly to second placo.
Gnonait P. BEMIS has offered the
park commissioners a tract of botweor
live and ton acres of land gituatod al
Thirty-fourth and Izard streets for parli
purposes. If some minor difference :
can bo satisfactorily arrnngod botweor
the commissioners and Mr. Bemis , th <
work of Improving the land will b <
commenced immediately. While th (
tract is not largo the location is favora
bio , and the park would make a nlc <
resort for all classes of citizens.
IN a small way , it appears , Nebraska
is represented ut the Paris exposition. .
The stuto board ot agriculture quietly
prepared an exhibit of Nebraska's prod'
net , and the stuto has thei honor of being
ing the only ono in the union which
has a display of corn at Paris under the
auspices of the American agricultural
department. While there may bo some
satisfaction in knowing that Nobraskc
has shown more enterprise than hot
neighbors , it is nevertheless to bo ro
( jrotted that the Btato has boon alto
gather too modest iu its efforts. It certainly
tainly U news to many people in tin
state to learn that Nebraska has a con
show in Paris.
In commenting upnn the killing ot
Judge Terry , Tim BRB Bald that "not
withstanding his infamous character ,
its killing umlor the circumstances was
a crime , " that "thoro was apparently
nothing to justify the deputy marshal
n killing the assailant of another man
who w < ts frco to act for himself , and.
whoso lifo docs not seam to have been
necessarily in jeopardy. " Our local
cohtomporarlos have criticized those
viows. The Wbrld'Jlerald made this
comment :
What would TUB BEB havol Does It
iloslro that a member of the highest legal
tribunal of the Innd bo open to the danger
of assassination at the hands of n bloody-
minded villain , who nlroady has the death of
several human baings to answer for , or
would It Imvon Justice of the supreme court
of the United States go armed Itlco a
desperado to defend himself against dnngor-
ous men who may bo offomlod at his rulings !
The Ttyntblicun commented ns follows :
This Is n uuccr vlmv to take of the case , in
face of the fuel that Terry's previous throat *
to kill Justice Field led to the employment of
the deputy marshal to protect him In the dis
charge of his oftlclal duties. Terry's
record as a bully nnd a murderer
suntccd to justify the doputv marshal
in killing him when ho deliberately
slapped Justice Field's face , and that
the shsotlng was none too quick was proven
by the subsequent discovery that while Ter
ry was provoking the tragedy his amiable
wife was in quoit of a satchel containing n
revolver , of which she was disarmed before
she could llnd opportunity to use It. Thus
far Tin ; HER has boon the only newspaper to
declare the Icltllng ot Terry a crime.
The action of the California authori
ties , and of the judge ot the circuit
court of the United States , ia a
sufficient vindication of tha view
taken by THE BEE as to the
criminal character of the killing
of Torry. The deputy marshal was
promptly arrested and hold In custody
by the state authorities. Justice Field
was arrested on a warrant issued by a
magistrate and indorsed by a judge of
n state court. Both were released from ,
the custody of the state authorities upon
habeas corpus proceedings by Judge
Sawyer , of the United States circuit
court nnd hold under bail. It is
therefore clear that both the state
authorities and the federal judge re
garded the killing of Terry as a crim
inal act , for which the responsible
party or parties should bo hold account
able in the manner proscribed by law.
Wo cannot undertake to say what fur
ther stops California justice will take in
this matter , but the action thus far has
distinctly regarded the killing of Terry
as a crime. The conviction of the dep
uty marshal , if ho is over brought to
trial , is extremely improbable , and
doubtless ho Is already acquitted
at the bar of publio opinion , but
this does not chaugo the character ot
his act from the legal point of view. '
Tim BEE is as solicitous as any of its
contemporaries can be for the security
of public officials whoa in the discharge
of their duties against throats or as
sault. It fully approves of all proper
and lawful means for their protection
when their is reason to bollovo they are
in dangp.r , as there unquestionably was
in the case of Justice Field. The ap
pointment of an olllcor to accompany
Justice Field for the purpose of pro
tecting him was eminently judicious
and proper , though it is quite possible a
more discreet olllcor might have been
solcctod. But it must bo berne in mind
that in this country there is no privi
leged class for whose protection human
lifo may be taken without the justifica
tion which the laws recognise. What
this is every intelligent citizen under
stands , and every such citizen must
confess that it is not to bo found in the
net of Deputy Marshal Naglo. . To ad
mit that the rccora of Terry as a bully
and a murderer justified shooting
him to death under the cir
cumstances would be to make a prece
dent , by which police o ill c hi Is every
where could find justification for killing
some one almost dally. In every city
in tho-country judicial officers are being -
ing constantly menaced , by desperadoes
whom they have punished , but no rea
sonable mun will pratond that a police
officer in Now York , Chicago or else
where , appointed to protect a judge ,
would bo justiliod In shooting down an
assailant , however desperate his char
acter , who had simply slapped the judi
cial face. The duty of an
officer would bo to attempt to prevent a
further assault and to arrest the assail
A justice of tno supreme court of the
United States is the equal before the law
of every other citizen , and that is all.
The protection to t given him in the
performance of his duties is neither
moro nor less than should bo provided
for any public official under like cir
cumstances , and goes no farther than to
restrain anyone attempting to interfere
with him in the discharge of his official
functions. There aro.unquostionably , oc
casions when an officer charged with the
duty of giving protection would bo jus
tified in taking life. No such circum
stances were present In the Terry trag
edy. What might might have occurred
is not to the purpose. The taking of
human lifo can not find justification in
an assumption of possibilities.
Wo might quota from a number ol
leading papers , whoso vlows of this af
fair are exactly in line with those ol
THE BEE , but our position does not re
quire such support. It is fully sus
tained by the judicial proceedings thai
have already boon had in California ,
and by every commoa eoiiso consider
Considerable interest is being shown
throughout the country as to the
form Into which the now arrange'
mont of the stars of the flag will be
made on the entrance of the four now
states into the union. There is no pro
vision of law for the arrangement ol
the stars on the flag. Custom has de
creed that the arrangement shall bo in
a series of rows , but this rule has not
boon absolutely obeyed in the Amoricar
flags of different epochs. If in making
the now flag , which ia to bo studded
with forty-two stars , the accepted plar
bo followed out , thot'3 would bo six row
of seven stars each , making squuro worl
on the blue field. A different ar-
rungomont has boon suggested , however
by P. 1C. Spinner , the vonor-ablc
ex-socrotary of the treasury. It is hli
idea to nrrnngo the atnra of the flag in
such a maunor as to raprosont ono
largo white star , mndo up of forty-two
smaller onos. There is much to com
mend this conception. It comblnos
utility , inasmuch at a distance , espec
ially at sea , the ono star-arranged flag
would make the field of bliy > Tar moro
conspicuous than it is at present. In
an aesthetic point of view the atnr-ar-
rangcd flng is decidedly moro attractive
thau one of stiff , parallel linos. Now
status could bo easily represented on
this flng by placing additional stars in
the con tor of the great star without de
stroying its symmetry and beauty. There
is , finally , moro significance in this lat
ter arrangement , inasmuch ns the
ideality ot the union E Plurlbus
Unum is preserved and brought viv
idly before the mind through the Inn-
gimcro of the oyo. It ia to bo hoped that
Mr. Spinner's beautiful conception will
bo consummated , and that the "Star
Spangled Banner" will bo mauo ono in
reality as it is In ideality.
The announcement ot the death of
Congressman Jnmcs Lnird did not como
unoxpcctodly. Whllohis political friends
have sought to conceal the fact from
the public that his malady was incura
ble and his recovery beyond the roach
of human skill , his ronl condition had
boon an open secret for many months.
As a public man Mr. Laird hud his
ardent admirers and bitter opponents ,
lie was cast in that mold that dUpisos a
fight from behind ambush. His natural
Instincts nnd impulses were those of a
bravo , big-hearted man. But his
political and personal associates ted him
to champion policies not always popular ,
and Into paths not always commendable.
While by instinct a man ot the common
pcoplo with an inborn aversion to mon
opolies , Mr. Laird's ambition made him
the camp-follower and eventually a
loader of that political wing of the re
publican party allied with the rail
It is a sad commentary upon the frail
ties of humanity that a robust man lu
the prime of lifo should fade away men
tally In the midst of a career that was
so full ol promise.
The vacancy created by the death of
James Laird becomes nt once a subject
of interest , not only in the Second con
gressional district , but in the country
at largo , by reason of the closeness be
tween the two parties in the low or
house of the national legislature. The
first question that presents itself is how
the vacancy is to bo filled and when.
The statutes of Nebraska , Section
10S , provide that vacancies in the office
of representatives in congress shall bo
filled at the next general election , un
less a session of congress is hold or to
bo held prior to the ganeral election in
November. In other words the voters
of the Second congressional dislriot
will , among officers to bo voted for at
the general election in Novem
ber , also be required to elect
a member of the Fifty-first congoss
to fill Mr. Laird's unoxpired term.
Should President a special
session of congress for October , us is
now expected , the governor will bo ro-
quireil to call for a special election in
the Second congressional district to fill
the vacancy at the earliest practicable
time , which would bo- within ton days
from the date of the governor's call.
The law has vanquished John L. Sul
livan. The man whoso muscular pow
ers has overcome all antagonists has
been beaten , to use 'tho vernacular of
the prize ring , tj a "stand still" by a
Mississippi governor. The world's
champion slugger will do a year's ser
vice for the state whoao law ho violated.
Such is the sentence of a Mississippi
court , and while an effort wi.ll be made
to secure a change of the just decree ,
there is very little probability that it
will succeed. By n very large
majority the chances are that
the most famous of pugilists
will pass the next twelvemonth in a
suit of stripes doing honest labor for
the commonwealth whoso governor and
laws ho defied. There is great proba
bility that there will bo associated with
him in this useful service others who
were his aiders and abettors in violat
ing the law of Mississippi.
The vindication of the law and of ex
ecutive authority accomplished by the
conviction and suntonco of Sullivan
will bo approved by all who are not
supporters of the brutal business of
prize fighting. Except in a few
states popular sentiment in op
position to this demoralizing sport , so-
called , has been ombodlod in statutes
which make it a penal offense , and
among the laws prohibiting and punish
ing pr.zo fighting , those of Mississippi
nre not the least severe. They pro
scribe both n heavy fine and imprison
ment , nnd Sullivan and his friends had
hoped that only a fine would bo in
flicted , which they would gladly have
paid , but the authorities evidently felt
that this would not have boon a punish
ment at all , would not have vinl-
catod the law , and would have
boon a bad precedent , and the
court therefore sentenced Sullivan to
servo a year In the penitentiary. There
waa leniency in this , the maximum
term under the law being two yonra ,
and the state will lose financially , since
it could have fined the pugilist a thou
sand dollars ; but the example was noo-
ossary , and only Mr. Sullivan and his
friends will find /null with it.
Governor Lowry has boon subjected
to n good deal of'ridicule because ot the
failure to prevent the fight , us well as
for his subsequent efforts to capture
the fighters and thosa responsible
with them for the occurrence , but it is
now his turn to laugh. Ho must bo
given duo orodit for his persistence in
pursuing the violators of the law and
bringing thorn to an accountability ,
and the example ho has sot of fidelity
to duty is to bo heartily commended.
As to Sullivan , it is to be said In his
favor that while ho had an opportunity
to escape prosecution ho did not accept
it , and when arrostou he went to meet
his fate without the least opposition.
That ho would Imvo taken a
different course but for assur
ances that nothing more serious than a
Jioavy fine woulOLbo Innictod may bo
presumed , but fotMch merit as there
was in his coijrloijot him Imvo orodit.
IIo will doubtless b'ti an obodicmt nnd
dutiful prisoner , ilnd a year passed
apart from temptations and corrupting
associates will uo him no harm. The
oxpcrionco wlll f qty likely put an end
to hla career as tTpuRiliat for champion-
shlo glory , though ho may bo expected
to again nppoar a an exponent of the
"nmnly art of sb t defense. " , with its varied mineral
resources , promises Jo make an inter
esting axhihit nt the approaching fall
exposition ntGhLKvro , which opens Sep
tember 4 nnd continues six waoks.
Would it not bo an excellent opportu
nity for the Nnbrnskn state develop
ment board to secure suitable snaco In
the Chicago exposition b'ulldtng and
present to the host possible advantage
the products ot this statoV Thousands
of visitors from Illinois , Indlanal\Vis-
consln nnd Michigan attend the Chicago
cage exposition. They are just the
class ot people who would bo inlorastad
in Nobraska'd resources. An exhibit ,
consequently , would advertise the state
and would attract their attention , with
the result of inducing the Immigration
of n thrifty population to our borders.
ADMIUKHS of Davy Crockett , the fa
mous pioneeraro going tocolobrato the
ono hundred nnd third anniversary of
his birth at Nashville , Tonnossoo. Ho
was the man for whom the coon always
canio down out of the tree without
being shot at. If Davy wcro alive to
day ho would bo disgusted with the
present generation of clay pigeon
Two Sura Winners.
Chtraoo Tribune.
Iowa republicans are enthusiastically la
favor of Hutchison for governor and Chicago
cage for the world's fair.
Its a StniiU-Oir.
Chicago New * .
Opinion Is divided on to whether Peoria ,
St. Louis or Bloornington should have the
world's ' fair in case it don't go to Chicago or
Now York.
Enoucli of .Tpff.
St. Louis GIobc-Dcmocrrtt.
Another letter from Jeff Davis , reiterating
his confcdorato sentiments , suggests thohopo
that In his case , nt least , the Urown-tiequard
ollxer will not prove successful.
A Pacific Const Illustration.
San Francltcn Alia.
The Canadian papers which nro jumping
up aud down ever the Uohring sea niattor
appear to Know as much ubout international
law us un angle worm docs nbout making
npple butter. * I , ' f
A Hundrml 'Years May Tell.
Chicaan Herald.
Dr. Hammond BJi.ysjthat it will takoTa hundred
dred yearn of experimenting to proVo the
value of the elixir of life. Probably taw of
us Will live to Bop the result of those experi
ments if wo talfo the olixlr.
The Ulftuionti Corner. %
Chicago Time. ? .
Poor pc-oplo must economize on diamonds
during the coming winter. Prices have ad
vanced t)0 ) por'conL whjlo the entire European
and African output is m thq hands of n New
York und Philadelphia syndicate. Thus are
the necessaries of lifo. controlled by a fortu
nate few. M/V / . ! .
A Linlt-Ilitruler Kor Grndy.
JVeif Forfc JForW.
Wo observe with pleasure thnt those south
ern newspapers which are edited by men
who proved their courngo as soldiers during
the war denounce these two follows ( the
duelists ) ns miscrennts nnd urge their pun
ishment. But editors who , like the partici
pants in this duel , were born too Into to face
batteries at Gettysburg or Spottsvlvania nro
rapturously applauding the ' 'heroism" which
does not shrink from the pistol practice of
ono excited man ia the dark.
Just the Judge For Sullivan.
liitllanavolti Journal.
Is there nnything significant in the remark
of the Associated press reporter at Purvis ,
Miss. , thnt Judge Terrell , who is trying slug
ger Sullivan's case , is "a splendid specimen
of physical manhood. " Ordinarily , the phys-
loal attributes of a presiding Judge are not a
matter of moment to tha publio ; but in this
case it looks as if the possibility of n personal
encounter between that ofllcial and the dis
tinguished accused in case the latter is not
pleased with the rulings had suggested itself
to the writer of the dispatch.
Uocuiulnu Koally Civilized.
iioiituninery ( Ala. ) Mr fi liner.
It is evidence of a marked change in pub
lie opinion with respect to dueling thnt the
duel in Cherokee county Saturday last be
tween two Georgians has excited so much
comment throughout the state , and it is
gratifying to know that this comment is so
emphatic in denunciation of that barbarous
custom. There can bo no mistaking the
strength of popular opinion on this subject ,
and the statute aimed at the practice is well
supported in a widespread sentiment against
the so called code of honor.
Mr. James Morgan , pf Morgan county , In
diana , offer. ! $5,000 for a wife , who must bo
both yountr nnd protty. Ho has had many
applications , but the multiplicity of charms
displayed by the different candidates con
fuses the old gentleman , nud ho cannot make
UD hla mind which maiden to tike. It might
bo well for him to call iu u jury of young
men , who uro entirely competent to decide
on all questions touching fcmalo loveliness ,
nud auldo by their decision.
The recent uprising of the Sandwich
Islanders against ICalakaua Booms to have
scared nil thoEnglUh education out of the
sovorolgn ofiuat l ingJoui , judging'from an
ofllcial message wfltton by him shortly after
the rebels hud boon captured nud led away
to prison. The king said : "Hon. S. M.
Damon , Sir : The fooling or rumor ex
pressed by Mr.p - that I ntn In league
with tha movumo'nt of , Mr. Wllcax , I make
tills solemn declaration that these reports
or rumors are not true ) nor the somblanea of
which ia connected with the matter bofora
the cabinet yostordny.1 KAIAKAIU. "
Tlio&o Omaha la los who danced with his
majesty nt the rocoptlon given him in this
city several yuan ) n/o.lwlll undoubtedly fool
grieved that tim'o and u steady pursuit of
Gambrlnus lias dealt so unkindly with his
mental powers.
A ypuug mun in the south has Invented a
device which will do away with the umplro
nnd Ills dopotlsm. Tbo Inventor figure * that
the culling of balls and utrllcoi allows him to
give the gauio to either club ho ploasca.
The patent will do away with the objection
able feature. The Invention consists of a
propolllnfr uiuchino which will allow the man
who stands In the box to throw every ball
over tha plate. Ho can olovatu orlovvorlt
so as to throw the ball auywhora between
the knee and the waist. The velocity of tba
ball can bo regulated , aud the team with tna
best catcher can throw tbo swiftest ball.
Only turoo balla will bo thrown over tha
pinto and tbo batter must strike or run. Tha
entno will not then go to the nlno whosa
pitcher can most befuddle the umplro.
The popularity of the russet leather shoo
scorns to bo on the decline m Omaha. The
cost Is considerable , nnd rainy weather ap
pears to not hnrshly with thorn , None but
bankers' sons can wear the russet with nny
degree of permanency , ns nn nverngo salary
would molt nwny before n shoemaker's demands -
mands like dow before n summer sun.
A abort time alnco the hearts of Uoston
spinsters were sot Into n flutter by nn an
nouncement thnt Tncomn contained n largo
number of marriageable bachelors nnxlous
to wed. The feminine plurality of Doston la
BO largo , nnd offers of innmngo are so few ,
that immediately stops were tnkon for n vast
hcgirn ot spectacled maidens to the west.
Local booksellers declare that Hub girls
hnvo abandoned science , nna that books con
taining Information nbout the west , nnd par
ticularly Washington territory , nro the only
one ? tailed for.
One on XJucln Jimmy.
atntvaffconl. .
Last Wednesday morning Uncle Jimmy
I bghry milked Ills cow as usual , nnd inside
of an hour she dropped ono of the best calves
of the ROIISOU. Thin la fnlrly ono on the old
gentleman , nnd ho bus been setting up the
cigars to nil -who applied In consequence.
Editor liiirr'n Apology.
7YnnUfiidrmiMfemi. .
This Is how Editor Uurr , of the Enterprise ,
pots out of a bad. predicament : "Wo nro ns-
surcd by the mother nnd grandmother of the
Shopordson baby that wo made u mistake In
designating It as rod-hoadcd. The Brand-
mother declares that the hair U auburn ,
while- the mother thinks it may bo described
as golden. Wo at and cor reeled. , The hair is
any color they nlonsa. Wo nro not aueh a
fool n4 to dispute with a mother or grand
mother nbout the color of n baby's hair ; wo
only know thnt it Is a pretty baby. "
The Tim es Mount Well.
Hula Times.
The Times has lost a subscriber I It was
all on account of trying to cot these woods
cut down for the bannfit ot the ladles. Ho
was nn old and valued subscriber , too. Ouo
of the kind that grow dourer year after year
by the value of unpaid subscriptions invested
In him. In the "paid till when" column of
our subscription book opposite hla name nro
the characters , Yol. I , No fcX It was the
honust , endeavor of the Times to atlr up n
little moro pride nmontr our townspeople ,
but , like n gentleman who received n cake of
n choice brand of soup from his lady love , ho
draw nn unkind Inference from it , and or
dered us to stop his pipor. But , bless his
RhIIlnlnhlwo can't do that until ho goes
through tno ceremony of counting out turoo
nud n hnlf stnndard units of U. S. legnl tender -
dor nud squnring up for past fnvora thank
fully received. That's law nnd gospel on
that point. _ _
Tliroujrli Ocnlous Eyes.
The prominence which Omnlta nnd Kansas
City nro givincr the Missouri river as a
waterway demonstrates that their prestige
as railway tcrii&aU is gone , and gone for
What Oninlui Air Will Do.
' "
, "Chicago Tribune.
Explorer Stanley was once the Omaha cor-
Vespondent of several eastern capers , and a
man wtio was a chum of bis at that time says
that Henry M. was the readiest and most ac
complished liar ho ever know.
Knock Out the Snalcoa.
Denver Republican.
The sea serpent nnd auako stories incident
to this season of the year have their monoto
ny somewhat relieved by the reports ot the
finding of diamonds in Kobraskn , pearls In
Wisconsin und paying gold mines in Ohio.
Ho ProllU'd ly tlio Example.
iroa7iiioon ( ( fast.
Nobrask-a had no sooner uncarted a giant
with his petrified fist full of diamonds than
Wisconsin comes to too front with u wonder
ful tale of pearls found in the Sugar river
clamshells. The Wisconsin romancer , in his
description of the slzo , number nnd purity ot
the uoarls found7 , has quite tnlcon the wind
out of the sails of the Nebraska liar ,
Mr. IJoyd and the Mayoralty.
Sioux Clt u Journal. ,
James E. lioyd , of Omaha , is as great a
man ns Denton J. Hall , now of Chicago , or
Peter A. Doy , still of lown. Mr. Boyd does
not want to bo mayor of Omaha uny moro.
It is not but what Mr. 13oyd might bo elected ,
but that it is getting to bo a moro unsatis
factory thing to bo mayor Til Omnha than
Mr. Doy pictures to his democratic frlnda it
is to bo governor of Iowa.
Fertile NohrnHka Intellects.
CMeaao Times.
Nebraska people nro fertile In the matter
of expedients. A man out there hud his wlfo
arrested on n chanjo of faithlessness , nud
when it didn't stick ho found she wouldn't
hvo with him. This called out his talent.
Ho remembered thut back east there was an
Indictment ngninst himself nnd wife for rob
bery , nud ho hud the olllcors como on nnd nr-
rcst them both. Ho said ho thought a term
of Imprisonment would do thorn both good.
Such n man ought to bo in congress at the
very least.
I'm Still n l-rleml to You.
AU1 years have come nnd gone , dear Tom ,
( The past scorns like a dream ) ,
Since you uud I together mot
Down by the winding stream ;
When , hand in hand , wo promised , Tom ,
To each wo would bo truo.
Old time has made no change in mo ;
I'm atlll n friend to you.
How often have I wept , ilenr Tom ,
When thinking o'er the joys ,
The happy scones of long ngo ,
When you and I were ooya I
But now , I'm told , you'ro very poor ,
And your duya of life nro fow.
It gives mo Joy to meet you , Tom ;
I'm ' still n frlond to you.
Old friendship often withers , Tom ;
Whene'er a mnti grows poor
The rich and proud forget "old friends , "
And know them then no moro.
Dut keep that honest heart of yours ,
Wo'll make old friendship now ;
I care not what the world may say ,
I'm still a friend to you.
In the Colt a in Ity thn Sea.
Childhood ( lays now pass before me ,
Forms nnd scenes of long ugo ,
Like n dream they hover o'er mo ,
Culm nnd bright ns evening glow.
Days that know no shade of sorrow ,
There my young heart pure and free ,
Joyful hulled each coming morrow ,
In the cottage by tbo son.
Fancy sees the rose tree twining ,
Hound tlio old nnd rustic door ,
And below the white beach ginning ,
Where I gathered shells of yore.
Hero's my mother's geutlo warning ,
As eho took mo on her knee , ,
And I feel again life's morning ,
Iu tlio cottage by the sea. j *
Whatl though yenra have rolled above rlo ,
And. mid fairer scenes I roam ,
Yet I no'cr shall ceuso to love theo , , /
Childhood's deur and happy homo'
And when Ufa's long day U closing
Oh , how pleasant it would bo , /
On some faithful heart ropotioj ; ,
In the cottage by the tea. J
"Some years ago when the suftrngo agi
tation going on In the old court houso.
where the Paxton block now stands , " snld n
local raconteur , "Dr. Colliding took n grout
Interest In the matter , nnd did nil ho could
to help the Indies. Ho would go nround town
and toll his friends that they ought to go to
the court house and do what they could for
the Indies , and actually succeeded In steerIng -
Ing n good ninny of them In. "
"At noon tlio ladies spread n nlco little
lunch of sandwiches and hot coftoo , which
wni exactly what the doctor wanted. Ho
devoured everything In sight , and laid for
now supplies. "
"When the sandwiches nnd coffee were nil
gone , tie said : "Now , ladles , you know how
deeply Interested I rm In this great cause ,
nnd that I think it should prevail. And I
ntn doing all I can to further it. My wife is
down In the First ward working hard , the
servant girl Is lu tlio Third ward doing all
she can , so , ladies , you will please excuse mo
for I must go homo and got dinner. "
"Thoy llred tlio doc. bodily , " ho concluded ,
"and wouldn't ' let him como back that after
noon. Ho acquired n largo able-bodied dose
of dyspepsia , nnd declares ho hasn't got ever
it to this day. "
- .
"I saw a 'Buzzing' in last Sunday's HRB. "
said an Omaha business mun , "that touched
ino strangely. "
"It was in regard to 'cowboylng' In the
Nlobrnra country In early days. I was out
there iu the winter of 1373 nnd 'TO ' , nt the
tlmo when the Cheyenne Indians wcro on tha
wnrpath. There was danger everywhere. "
"Ranches hud boon devastated , ranchmen
murdered and stock run off. "
"At last the pntienco of the ranchmen became -
came exhausted and a party of irood men ,
and true , were organized to go nftor the ma
rauders , regain the stock and punish the
guilty , If caught"
"Tho party consisted of fifty well termed
men , who started out on a frosty January
day to vanquish the foo. "
"Wo hnd traveled nil dny , nnd towards
night saddle-worn nnd weary , cama to camp
in n deserted log cabin In n rnvino. "
"Wo made ourselves ci comfortable ns
possiolo. A lira wns lighted In the nmplo
lire place , and the boys stretched themselves
out on tbo floor for the rest they had earned.
Some of the timid ones curled themselves
up in the corner to sleep , with tupir rifles'
ncnr at band , and started up at the slightest
noise. "
"It had passed midnight when we hoard n
noise Inthosnovvoutsido , ns of something approaching
preaching the door. Then something rubbed
utrainstit , nnd wo started to our foot. Every
ouo wns on the nlort iu an instant. "
"It could bo nothing but nu Indian raid.
With blanched faces wo laid our plnn of de
fense , nnd resolved to sell our lives dearly. "
"The noise at the door continued , and we
knew that wo must act quickly. It wns de
cided that ono of us must open the door , the
others to stand , in tha background with every
rifle leveled ut the door , nnd when it was
opened pour a volley in the foo. "
"No ono wanted to open the donr , for It
meant almost certain death. Moso Howard.
Cnp. Caufman nnd Bill Sharp wcro in the
party , but none of thorn scorned anxious for
the job. "
"Finally an Englishman named Allsop ,
who wns absolutely fearless , said ho would
open the door. "With determined faces the
men aimed their rifles at the door , and stood
ready for the critical moment. "
"Allsop threw the door open and. sprang
aside. Fifty rilles rung out , nnd a fine
young steer fell into the room completely
riddled with rlflo balls. "
"He had been engaged in the peaceful oc-
cupjtiou of scratching himself against the
door , and met nn undeserved fnte. "
"Our relief was intense , and many bravo
men actually trembled. "
"Wo took up the hunt ogam next morning ,
but never found our Indians. "
* * .
A man who will figure quite prominently
in the forthcoming county election , said last
evening , "THE BKI : editorially struck the
key-note the other day in the coroner busi
ness. In my opinion a coflln shop is no place
for the coroner. That ofllcial should bo a
physician in ' good standing and fully
equipped for the work. He should bo inde
pendent and should choose his juries from
the best class of citirons. This coroner
business in Omaha has boon wrong for
years , and THE BEE'S editorial 'Nobody to
Ulumo , ' has found many endorsers. As long
as an undertaker holds the ofllco ot coroner
ho is looking for the main chance In the cof
fin trade. An accident mny happen on the
( J. P. , or 15 , & M. , or any other road any
where within n rudius of llfty miles of
Omaha and of' course the railroad company
will buy Its coQlns from the coroner and
when the bill is presented will ask i o ques
tions. The same applies to ether largo
corporations who lira liable to have accidents
happen to tuelr employes. They iulluenco a
coroner very readily as long as he has a cof
fin shop. His bills are uaid cheerfully because -
cause they Iciiow it is much cheaper to buy
co 111 n 3 t'mu to pay widows and orphans for
the live } of their husbands and fathers , For
myself I hope wo will have u now departure
this lall and put a stop to these coroner and
undertaker combines. The whole thing is
wrong from the ground up , and should bo
changed ut the llrst olectiou. I say this w 1th
no unkindly feeling to Mr. Drexel , or hla
partner Mr. Maul. They are both fiuo young
men , but human nature in huuiau nature ,
nud Duslncss is business. "
* #
Mr. Charles Dewey , the great American
traveler , Is in receipt of an Interesting letter
from J. W. Love from Cologne , Germany.
Mr. Love IB a wealthy citizen of Fremont ,
Neb. , who has boon doing the continent.
Ho says : "Thero are a great many Amer
icans iu Paris this your. Huffulo Bill is doing
very well , and has n bolter snow than over.
"Tho national show is n good ono , but the
United States exhibit is very poor for such n
nation. Many a smaller country makes n bol
ter showing , and some of the so-called heath
ens beat ua nil hollow iu every department.
Wo can learn many lessons from some of the
countries wo consider the most benighted.
"Tho Elflol tower U a magnificent struc
ture , and is n marvelous monument to skill ,
money und labor.
"The Hhino Dautchiand Is something like
Franco , but hardly as good. This pcoplo will
1083038 the earth If they keep on being BO
prolific. About nil you see are babies and
soldiers. I found many deformed people
there , especially women ,
"Tlio Bohlluis are everywhere , and they are
good ones , too. Germany will bo rondy for
wur , without doubt , if called upon to protect
her claims ,
"Tho cities of Germany nro vary fine und
Improving wonderfully , "
Mr. Love wishes to bo remembered to his
Oumlia friends ,
* *
"I was interested in the methods of .run
ning saloons in Now Orleans , " aald u saloon
bai tender- who lias traveled ,
"Down there they do not keep their goods
on icebut hoop the bottles ranged behind the
bar before the mirror , "
"Thoy have no work bench under the bur ,
the space being Ailed by an inimenso box
filled with Bliaved ico. An ice box it * always
handy In which to keep bottled beer aud
goods of that description. "
"A bartender ban A pretty soft thltiKthero ,
as ho Is not supposed to wash a glass , having
colored porters to do that for him. "
"Mint juleps , nnd all the fancy mixed
drluus nro m great dcmund by the southern
ers ; the mmC julep being the favorlto.
When n man does tnko n atrnlght drink thor
hand him n Inrgo tumbler of water on tha
side , instead ot the s in all gloss nvxvo do. "
"In Sun Francisco the Ice Is nil innnufnc-
turod artificially nnd comes In thin sheets ,
which nro then ruled oft In small squares ,
nnd Is n mighty precious commodity. Tha
cubes that nro used in mixing drinks nro
thrown Into n box , washed nnd used ngnln
until they molt , "
"Tho Snn Francisco dude Is very fond ot
n well mixed drink , nnd there nro tunny of
thorn. The drink called the 'place punch1 Is
ono or the smoothest drinks Imaginable. You
could onslly Imagine you were drinking n do-
llghtfully flnvorod lemonade , but It Is the
most Insidious of nil drinks , nnd three ot
them will make n man rob hta own trunk.
Eastern tourists who nro Introduced to 'plsco
punch' ' nnd dnlly with it , never forget tha
oxponenco. "
"Another drink In San FrnncNca which
you can cot in many saloons , but oftener m
chop houses nnd the California market
booths , the 'oyster cocktail. ' This Is made
by filling n tumbler three quarters full
of the small nntlvo oysters. Into
this Is Injected popper sauce , tomato
catsup , cnyenno popor nnd salt. It ia drank
from the glass nnd It a vcrylippotlzlng mix
ture , I nssuro you. It is n grcnt bracer
when n mnn has boon out la to and has what
Is known a& his "jag" with him. "
"Tho latest thing in drmlcs hero is what wo
call the "Urown-Scok-hnrd. " It it nn elixir
of grout potency , and is composed ns follows :
You tnko hnlf n jigger of sulphuric ncld , a
modicum of cayenne popper , n dash or two of
electricity , nnd what , going } Well , so
long. "
" .
II. D. ICoosertho popular traveling freight
agent of the Missouri Pacific has gone east
for n two week's vnoatlon. Ho gnvo It out
before leaving that ho was only going to
visit Uis old home , nnd review the scones of
his early triumphs In the railway business ,
but It is darkly hinted in railway circles that
no will bring back one ot Pennsylvania' * fair
est daughters ns nn exceedingly bettor half.
Howeverthis Is n mooted poiut.and can only
bo decided upon his return. If ho returns
douolod up , so to speak , the railroad boys in-
tona to turn out with the flambeau club and
make things warm for him.
'Koos , " as no is called , toll * a story about
an absent minded man who is not unknown'1
in Omaha.
Says ho : "I was stopping nt nn hotel In
Wabash , nnd nbout bed time was standing nt
the desk chatting with the night clork. I
noticed n man sitting In ono of the rockers
looking rather absent-minded nnd troubled.
"Presently ho came up to the desk ana said
to the clerk , ' ! wish to remain.1 'All right , '
answered the clerk , 'just register , please. '
'I bnvo registered , ' answered the absentminded -
minded ono. 'Then that's all that Is neces
sary , ' replied the clerk.
"I looked on the register , " says Koos ,
"and saw the nnrao of an Omaha man ot
whom I had heard a great deal but did not
know personally. The dork and 1 continued
our chat , but after n few minutes the gen
tleman again stepped up to the dealt and said
'I'd like to remain , please. ' 'All right,1
said the clerk , 'just register.1 'But I have
rotfistorod , ' ho replied. 'Then that's nil
that's necessary , ' again replied the clerk.
"This struck mo ns being-rather rumarkablo
and I looked nt the gentleman , who had en-
sconscd himself In n chair In a corner , and
sat there with n thoughtful , troubled face.
" There must be something wrong about
thnt man , ' eaid the clerk , 'that's the fourth
or fifth tlmo this evening bo's como up to the
desk and said ho wanted to remain. '
"Ho came to the desk again , and Blood
around aimlessly for a few minutes , in tbo
meantime I wanted to go to bed , nnd said to
the clerk. 'Well , I think I'll rotiro. ' '
"Tho face of the absent-minded man lit
up , n bin den seemed to bo lifted from his
soul , nnd , with a happy laugh , ho said ,
Why , datnino , that's ' the word I've boon
trying to think of all oveninc. That's what
I want to do retire. I know It commenced
with 're , ' but couldn't think of the rest of It.
The only word I could think of wns 'remain. '
Young man , lot's have n cigar. ' And it cost
him about four dollars for cigaw and things
before ho 'retired.1"
A. Novel Entertainment Soon to Bo
Given nt Rn/il'n. ,
What Is the ICirmoss ? Two hundred or
more of the young folks are rapidly finding ;
out , by their f oquent rehearsals , and will
soon give a satisfactory nns wur to the publio.
The Klrmcss is , in brief , an entertainment
made up almost entirely of the various na
tional dances , with the appropriate cos
tumes. This gives , bowovor , n very feeble
idea of what the Kirmtm really is. Nothing
short of a cciug it upon the stage , with nil Its
brilliancy of coloring and jraco of move
ment , can give ono a true idea of the IClr-
Every nation on earth is represented uy
tlioir most picturesque costumes und most
graceful dances. Piof. John A. Mahler , of
fat. Louis , who has already prepared nnd
managed successfully similar cntortnlninnnts
in St. Louis , Kansas City and elsewhere , is
in charge of the rehearsals , There are
about two hundred participants , bora and
girls , young men nnd maidens. The re
hearsals are being held In Council Hluffa.
These ilnncos ore uniquo. Each ii on-
tlroly dilTeient from every other , and the
costumes nro strikinirly varied. Not only so ,
but thuro is a great varfoty of movements in
each dunuo.
Ttio costumes for tlio gentlemen nro to bo
imported from St. Louts. Tbo ladles will
hnvo their costumes made to order , nnd they
will naturally Indulge in much individuality
of form and ornament. The costumes for
the Husnlan dance are of course entirely dif
ferent from that of the Tyrolean band. The
former Is a lu milltairo , decidedly , tha latter
airy and romantic. Then there nro the Dutoli
with their wooden shoes , the Italians wltli
their Roman scarfs , the Spaniards with their
black lace mantilla , tint Mowers and tlio bees ,
and thus on through all the immbois , a bo
wiidoring kaleidoscopic showing of gracu
and beauty ,
Mrs. Lymnn is really in charge of the en
tertainment. It was by her planning that
Prof. MatilcrMIS secured und the classes
furmed. No local oiitortalnineiit mis ever
been started on so extensive and expensive-
plnn , Mrs , Lyninn l an ludofutlulble , san-
gumo worker , with much nmnngorinl ability.
Hlie tins boon wonderfully successful in rais
in L' money for St. Paul's Episcopal church ,
but this is n little the lurgcst enterprlso aha
lias taken hold of. No oua doubts but that
It will prove very successful under her man
The Kirmcsa will bo given In the opera
liouso in Council Hluffa , August J7 , 23,29 and
! U , and at Iloyd's opera bouse , in Ooiubu , on
the aiat.
Tlio Marul03.
The Lyceum Theatre company closed Its
engagement nt ISo.vd's ' opura house last night
with presentation , for tlio first tlmo Iu Oma-
uu , of "Tho Marqulfio , " ono of Snrdou'a
thoroughly French plnya. It Is strong and
affords this excellent company fcopo In
which to do Bomo very euperU acting. The
work of Herbert Kolcciry , Henry Miller ,
Nelson Whoatcroft und Georgia Cayvun was
especially flue , und the larga audlotico en-
lovad it immensely. Miss Cayvan wns seen
lo bettor advantage ns an artist of versatility
und power than lu any play in which she has
Heretofore appeared hero. AH it is Mr ,
l < Yohinun'a intention to send this company
abroad next noason , Omaha will not l.avo
the pleasure of seeing thorn ugaiu soon.
The next attraction nt the Hoyd will bs
[ ttchurd Golden , the well known comedian ,
in the YauKcu play , "Old Jed Prouty. "
riircu performances will bo given on Monday ,
Tuesday und Wednesday uvoiiinga , August
, , 'ft and 24. The play deals with the amo
elements as "The Old Homestead" and "A
MidulKtitUoll , " and Is un ongrcsalng pluturo
of Now England rural lifo. It comus witb
, bu cuclorsemuntof successful runs ut the
Union fcjquuro theater , Nuw York , uud nt
the uew California theater , Sau FriinclRco.