Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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That DrlVo Away Dull Through
the Summer Hours.
IVIicrcnuotitR of Our Lioonl Vcro deVotes -
Votes Plcnsurca of Tlioso Wlio
Arc Mnklnn Oinnlm Their
Summer Ilcsort ,
Imperial Club nt Pries
The members ot the Imperial Social club ,
with n number of invited friends , ranking
forty couples altogether , passed a delightful
afternoon nnd ovonlnff nt Pries lake on
Thursday. Moating ana other outdoor sports
were the attraction during the afternoon ,
but the evening was devoted to dancing.
The Musical Union orchestra discoursed their
usual melodious strains for the occasion , and
the dancing was kept up with only brief iu-
tormlsslonsmtll midnight
Among tlioso present were the following :
Mr. and Mr . Chapman , Mr. atut Mrs. Page ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Heiishaw , Mr. and Mrs. Son-
sontor , Misses Suslo Emory , Haltlo Ingor-
sol , Kmma Cameron , Anna Honohor , Mnza
Mart Is , Nclllo Ingram , Ethel Laho , Nclllo
Ncdmnn , Mllllo Jones. Abio Thompson , Jon-
nlo Dorsoy , Magelo McKay , Nottto McKay ,
Jcesio King , Ad.llo . Hoch , Ella IIocli , tbo
Misses Meredith , Maud Stonoy. Sofotti llob-
orts , Efflo Grant. Messrs. West , Walters ,
Kern , Truman , Jones , Golden , Gould , Itooh ,
13. A. Littlolloul , Louis Llttlclleld , McKay ,
Monroe , Thompson , Solby , Craig , Clark ,
Morcdltb , Weber , NeDonald , Hoberts , Argo ,
Josotli , Forbes , Debols , I'row und uiuny
others. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'rpHuyterliui I'lonlc.
The mombcra of the Southwestern Pres
byterian Sunday school enjoyed a basket
picnic at Hanscom purl ; on Thursday. The
members of tha mission school started by
this church in the sctiool huuso on JncUson ,
near Thirteenth , were also participants In
the pleasures of the day. The gathering
was a largo otio , the day was auspicious nnd
a happier appearing abrogation of young
people Is rarely BOOH. Cake and ice cream
were served in abundance. The day was
passed in sports of various kinds , among
which was tin exciting game of baseball , with
the pastor of the church doing good service
ns ilrst baseman. The following were the
victors In the other sports :
Race bv girls under ten years Mary
Green Ilrst , Sudlo Alexander second , Ida
Vaughn third ,
Unco by boys under ten Willis Kerr
first ; Theodore Wilson , second ; Wutsoa
Webster , third.
Girls' running Jump I vn Clark , first ; Ida
Vnugban , second ; Sadie Alexander , third.
Boys' running Jump Prank Benhnni ,
first : Willis Kerr , second : Harry Crauipton ,
Girls' race , over twelve years old Ella
Nichols , first ; Iva Clark , second ; IJlnnda
Sundbcrg , third.
Boy's ' race Will Vnughan , first ; Natt.
Field and Ed. Vnughan , tie.
Apple race -Fastest titno made by Ed.
Swanson , twenty seconds ; Gcorgo Forgan ,
tweuty-ono ccconds.
Borrows- tzpnt rick.
Omaha society wns surprised and pleased
on Tuesday to hear of the marriage of Mr.
Bon .II. Barrow and Mrs. Gertrude Fitzpnt-
nck , both shin ing lights of this city. The
engagement had been kept a profound secret
until the day it should occur , and only three
or four intimnto friends were nwaro of it ,
prorious to that happy time. The wedding
occurred in the afternoon , at the homo of the
bride's parents , on Fnlrviow street , and the
happy couple left Immediately for a wedding
trip through the west. Mr. und Mrs. Bar
rows have each resided in Omnhn for u num
ber of years , and uro held in the highest esti
mation by all who know them. As is well
known Mr. Burrows was formerly United
States consul to Dublin , and is at present
chief of } lw literary bureau of the Union Pa
cific railway company ; The bride is a most
charming lady , and Omaha society people
will be glad to know that she will remain in
social circles hero.
At 4 p. m. Wednesday Mr. Edwin Opdyke ,
of the Union Pacific headquarters , was mar
ried to Miss Sophie Hum. The nuptials oc
curred nt the bride's residence , GOT South
Twenty-third street , and was witnessed by a
number of intimate friends. In the evening
the happy young couple loft for the west on
their wedding tour. Both bndo nnd bride
groom hnvo been In the employ of the Union
Pacific , the former as a stenographer to Su
perintendent Ressogulc , nnd the latter ns a
clerk In tbo auditor's ofllco. Mrs. Opdyko
Is a charmlmr young woman with splendid
qualities of heud and heart that have won
her a host of friends , and the younir couple
start In life with u multitude of good wishes
following them.
Anfi\vorH to Questions
Society Editor of Tun BEG : Will you
please advise a gentleman who is not thor
oughly posted on city etiquette what is
proper to do under the following circum
stances : A lady nnd gentleman uro walking
on a sidewalk which Is Just wide enough for
two , the lady on the inside ; another lady
comes along who wishes to pass them by.
Now , tho.lady who Is unaccompanied wishes
to pass on the inside. Is she or is f > ho not
entitled to nass tboroi By answering the
above in Sunday's ' BEK you will confer a
favor on a subscriber. D.
Ans. In such an instance the proper thing
Is to turn to the right. The unaccompanied
lady has no nioro claim to the Inside than the
lady who accompanies you.
Society Editor of Tun Bur. : Whf.t is the
proper uttlro for a groom to wear at u mornIng -
Ing wedding ? H.
Answer The regulation outfit according
to the best usages of society for nil weddings
before 0 p. m. , is a Prlnco Albert coat , gray
pantaloons , light four-in-hund tlu and standup -
up collar. Cutaway coats are becoming per-
missablo of late Instead of Prince Alberts ,
Whuo gloves are worn or not at the bride
groom's discretion ,
Mr. A. M. Lesser nnd Miss Bertha Klein
wore Joined in the holy bands of wedlocli
last Sunday ovonlng at Gcrmnnia hall hi the
presence of a very largo concourse of friendf
and relatives. The ceremony wan performed
in the old Hebrew orthodox fashion , one
wns very interesting. After the ceremony
all proceeded to the supper rooms , where u
banquet was spread , which was followed bj
a dunce In tbo ball room.
The beautiful lawn of Mr. G. W. Hoi
brook , on the corner of Fourteenth anil
Mndlbon avenue , was the BCCDU of a lively
social gathering on Tuesday evening , tlu
event being an entertainment by tha mom
bcra of the church of the Good Shepherd
The lawn wan prettily illuminated with Chi
nese lanterns and over ono hundred porsoui
wore In attendance. The guests were enter
taincd with gamps nnd music and dainty re
frcshmouts were served.
Surprised Tliolr 1'antor.
The ladles of the Presbyterian church o
Ambler Place surprised their minister am
Ills family on last Saturday afternoon. The ;
oamo loaded with baskets of provisions , tool
poBsesslon of his house , nnd spread such :
table as Is not often seen in any homo. Ii
the early evening their husbands and othe
gentlemen cauio In , and Uio rich repast uni
social good tlmo was enjoyed by all. At ;
seasonable hour all departed with kmi
words , nnd leaving behind them happlo
Kuit fin11 III ! Children ,
A special car containing about twouty-flvi
lads und lueses clnd n tbclr best uttlro lef
for Culboun Thursday morning , with five 01
six mammas going along as chnparoncs. I
was a picnio party given by Gmtchou an
Marie Crouuso , and Judga Crounso'
beautiful homo in Calhouu was th
objective point. In an hou
the young excursionist s reached Calhou
und a Jollier crowd never Invaded that quit
little town. The day was spent in all man
ner of fun , but the favorlto pa Umo was
romping over the hill * and lawns nnd
among the ticcs. Most palatable re
freshments were nerved on Judge Crounso's
lawn. The little pcoplo returned at 4:30 :
p. in. , pretty welt tired out with their
outing. The following were children enter-
tamed : Misses Allcu Andrccson , Bella Ail-
lor , Dovlo Hoagland , Alice Chase , Alice
Drake , Cnrrlo Crawford , Nolllo Burchard ,
Hnttio Cndy , Lulu Hobble , Helen Millard.
Mnbol Taylor , Boulnh Shaip , Margaret
Hitchcock , Emma Sherwood , Masusrs Gor
don Clnrko , Dick Gray , Fred Lake , Llndsoy
Sherwood , Cash nnd Will Burnham , Howard
Tildon , Hoiman Homlrlx , Warren Chase ,
James Wallace and Hess Towlo.
Imun I'nrty.
Ono of the plcasantcst lawn parties of the
season was given Saturday , August 10 , by
Messrs. Chris Butler and Oscar Bulndorft at
the rcsldonco of Mrs. Bolndorff , 2321 Chicago
cage street. About fifty couples made merry
with music , singing and rollicking games
and were served with refreshments on the
brilliantly Illuminated lawn. The guests
were loud In their prnlso of Mrs. Belndorft's '
hospitality , and voted Messrs. Butler nnd
Bclndorff ns being royal entertainers.
Among thoio present were Messrs. .1. Dahl *
strom , W. Counsman , Henry Blath , Dick
Cawkins , Sam Johnson , Lcillo Hosteller ,
Thomas Brenncumn. Wallace Johnson ,
Charles Vortices , Fred French , Frank
Jonas , Harry Porter , Will Moran ,
Patrick Gannon. .1. Olsh , James Sams ,
George Fish. Charles Savldeo , H. Murray ,
Will Ellis , Howard Wilson , George Mc-
Caguo , Louis Leader , George Klimoy ,
"Itirolu Aihenhurst , Frank Martin , Chestnr
Jetty , Gils. Selfkon , Bob Wilson , Dick
'onas. The Misses Matnio Davis , Inn Ken-
icdy , Maud Wilson , Maggie Moldrifm , Delia
MfDcririott , Sudio Bean. Maggie MoDor-
mott , Halllo Hurdln. Nellie French , Mamio
lull , Mvra Austin , Lulu Omo , Annlo
Miristy , Emma Stutlor , Markwood , Blanche
Miller , Mary Wilson , Helen Buckingham ,
Mary Graham , Darling and Buckingham.
Close nt the Tennis Tournav.
The tennis tournament that has lasted for
.wo . weeks ended last evening. The usual
irowil of visitors wns present but the event
, vas hardly ns exciting us the projectors of
ho tourney had hoped. It wns nevertheless
'ull of Interest. The llnal struggle
'or the championship of tha singles
ivas between Purdan , of the Y. M.
1 A. , and Doauo , of the Chicago
treot club. Donne had a comparative wnlk-
iway , defeating his opponent two consecu-
, lvo times , with the scores standing 0 land
1 2. Doano was therefore proclaimed tUo
champion single player of Omaha.
The last battle between doubles wns that
fLathrop and Purdon against Doano and
Guiou. la which the latter were defeated
ivith the scores of 6 4 and 0 1. Lalhrop
ind Purdon are therefore the champion
doubles of Omaha. They hall from the V.
M. C. A. club.
Miss Lydia A. Collins became Mrs. Ernest
W. Walters on Thursday evening at the
homo of her parents. 1824 Corby street ,
iov. Charles W. Savage , a warm friend of
.ho contracting parties , pronounced the
words that made them ono , and the cere
mony was witnessed by a small cpm-
! > any of relatives and intimate -
mate friends. After the union
was effected , a delightful wedding supper
was served , which , bo it to the great credit
of the bride , was prepared by herself Many
handsome and useful presents were received
by the tiuwly wo.ldod couple. The bride is
only sister of Mr. Hernort Collins , ono of
Nebraska's leading artists. She is an ac
complished young lady , nnd is of thoroughly
domestic tastes ns well. Mr. Walters Is a
most estimable young man who is deserving
of his good fortune in securing such a part
ner for life. Mr. and Mrs. Walters will
make their homo In Omnhn.
Kcturneit From Europe.
Mr. A. D. Morse has returned from an ex
tended pleasure trip through England , Ire
land , Scotland , Wales nnd Franco. Ho Is
very enthusiastic in his descriptions of what
ho saw , but after all prefers living in tbo
now world. His admiration for Omaha Is
wurmer than ever , and ho says that In his en
tire trip he did not see a business building
that compares with that of Tun BEE. He
liked Pnris the best of any city ho visited , ns
it is the prettiest nnd gayest. However , ho
says , it does not trouble itself with any
mock modesty. He saw everything in the
line of painthig and sculpture that is to bo
seen In the French metropolis and was do-
lightcd with it. Mr , Moore appears greatly
recruited by his trip abroad. ,
Messrs. rt < Mluiul Kins us Ilostn.
Mr. William Boll and D. King gave a so
cial dance to a number ot their friends at
Hanscoui park on Wednesday evening.
Some fortv-fivo couples wore present and all
thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Good
music , without which a dance is very tame
Indeed , was in attendance , and the evening
wus a favorable ono In every way for Ter-
pslchoroan rites. At the conclusion of tbo
lust waltz the dancers refreshed themselves
with an elegant luncheon.
Dcittsclicr Club.
The Deutscher club held au election at
their rooms in the Germaniu hall building
Wednesday evening and elected the follow
ing ofllcers : L. Itaapko , president ; C. E.
Burmester , vice president ; J. P. Lurd. second
end vice president ; Julius Poycko , secretary
of the club ; Otto Siomsson , secretary of the
board ; Henry Meyer , treasurer.
The above ofllcers , together with George
Hclmrod , Edward Woblers and Houry Sues-
scnbach , constitute a board of managers.
A number of minor standing committees on
house , refreshments und entertainments
was also appointed.
Mr. W. J. Dennis , a former Omaha boy ,
but now located nt Lincoln , was married
Wednesday to Miss Magglo Mclloberts , ono
of the beauties of the state capital. The
newly wedded pair left the next morning for
a six weeks' wedding trip in Cumuli ; , and
passed through Omaha on route.
On Tuesday last Mr. M. II. McGrath , of
the freight ofllro of tbo ElKborn , was united
In wedlock with Miss Nettle E. Puffer , a
charming little lady at Fulton , 111. The nup
tials occurred ut the bride's homo and were
witnessed by n largo number of friends. The
sairio evening the happy couple loft on u brief
wedding trip. At present they nro at homo
to their friends at 2008 Ohio street.
A 111111111 'J liroiiKli DID Ij-ilcos ,
Mr. W. 1C. Swcesy und H. A. Clark re
turned the Ilrst of the week from a delight
ful six weeks' trip among the treat lakes
and eastern cities. They took a staamoc
at Chicago and went through all the
great , lakes except Superior , and
landed at Kingston at tbo head
ol the St. Lawrence. Tuoy next went cruis
ing 350 miles among the Thousand isles und
stopped at Ogdonsburgh , at the fever heat ol
the excltomont over tha Barton Bridges so
ciety sensation. Ac the boys were from
Omaha they were considerably lionized. The
other places visited by thorn wore lakes
Champluln und George , Saratoga , New York
and Couuy island. Thuy traveled upwards
of 0,000 miles on this Jaunt.
Tno BtiriiH dull.
Two motor cars tilled with bonnlo lasses
and merry Scotch laddies left at 8 : 'M yester
day morning , to spend the day in the woods
near Council Bluffs. The Jolly party waf
composed of members of the Burns club ,
and they did honor to the memory of the
immortal Itobbla und enjoyed themselves ut
the sumo tlmo. Memories of the old country
woru revived la Scottish song * and sports ,
and the day passed pleasantly ,
Woodman Will Wud.
Invitations are out for the marriage of Dr ,
J , S. Do Yrles , of Fremont , to Miss Mlrlan
Woodman , a prominent young society lad :
of this city , on Tuesday afternoon , August 27
Tha nuptials occur at Trinity cathedral ii
this city , and will bo a brilliant oven
OfT For lliti Ai
Mr , Judge Clinton Brings uud son , Colonel
onol Clinton II , Brlggs , leave Tuesday foi
the Adrlondack mountains vvhcro they w 11
pass the next two months , Next April Mrs.
Brltrgs will take a rent from her travels nnd
bullu a bountiful mansion on West Farnam
street whore she will make her homo.
Houlal Gosilp.
Miss Parrotto is at Kearney.
Mrs. Wallace has arrived in Paris.
Mr. MatN. Brlghum is at Salt Lake City.
Mr. J. It , Manchester , Is at Butte , Mont.
Mrs. J. Benson left for Now York Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Dunmlro is visiting at Lyons ,
Mrs. Sadie Nash is visiting friends at Salt
Mr * . H , L. Hall and daughter are at Du-
E. S. Dundy , Jr. , and wlfo are at Spirit
Miss Maria DoWltt Is visiting friends in
Sam Borgtrom has boon in Chicago the
past week.
II. Frank McCoy has returned from Hapld
City , Dak.
Mrs. J. W. Cotton has returned from
Spirit Lako.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Wlthnoll nro at Atlan
tic City , N. J.
Mr. Ed. E. Carey Is spending his vacation
nt Capo May.
Dr. Flogonbaum has been In Dillon , Colo. ,
the past wook.
Mrs. James Brady Is visiting at her old
homo in Illinois.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Klcrman loft Tues
day for Chicago.
Miss Sadie Nash is enjoying the pleasures
f Gurfiold beach.
H. N. Hicks , of Unlonvillo , la. , is tno guest
f William McCloud.
Mrs. W. G. Clark has returned from her
utingat Spirit Lako.
Mrs. J. H. Dantols has returned from
Okochobol lake , Iowa.
Mrs. D. E. Klmball and daughter are at
Spokane Falls , Idaho.
Iloss W. Bailey has been visiting nt On-
awn , la. , the past week ,
Mrs. T. P. Woodworth loft Tuesday to
Isit irlonds In St. LouK
Mrs. E. M. Moraonmn returned from Soda
Springs , Idaho , Thursday.
Judge Graft returned Thursday from his
call on President Hurrlson.
Miss Gruco Heflley returned Thursday
rein her trip cast and south.
Stockton Heth loft Wednesday for a ton
days' outing at Richmond , Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. J. 13. Uuum have gone to
Spirit Lake for a brief outing.
Mrs. A. Windheim has been called to Chicago
cage by the illness of a niece.
Mr. nnd Mrs. UL W. Donelly left for a
.rip . through the kst Tuesday.
J. W. Kaapmnn leaves to-morrow for a
two weeks' vacation in the oast.
George P. Windheim 1ms been called to
Chicago oy the death of a uelce.
Hon. W. F. Bechel and family have loft
'or a month's outing In California.
Mrs. Fred W. Gray entertained a number
of her lady friends Friday afternoon.
Mrs. M. Hughes and children loft Thurs
day to visit friends in Burlington , la.
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lee nnd children loft
'oro.istorn points Wednesday evening.
The C. M. B. A. will cive a picnic at Hnns-
com park next Wednesday afteinoon.
Miss Jennie Hurkins , of Denver , is the
guest of her sister , Mrs. L. R. Seinmes.
Miss May Clark , formerly of Omaha but
now ot Chicago , is the guest of Mrs. Paxton.
Miss Amy L. Hughes nns returned after a
[ ileasaut summer visit with friends in Iowa.
Mrs. S. N. Bell and daughter loft Filday
evening for Pierre , Dak. , on a two weeks'
W. F. Allen has returned from six weeks'
enjoyment of the sea breeze ou the Atlantic
coast. '
Hurry Haskcll is enjoying a two weeks'
vocation with his family at Bed Rnplds ,
Rev. Charles Witherspoou loaves for the
east to-uiorrow on a two weeks' visit with
Hon. W. F. Bechel loft Wednesday with
his family for a few weeks' outing 'on the
Mr. W. A. Webster returned Thursday
from a weeks' outing at points in Iowa and
George I. Gilbert and family returned ,
Thursday , from a three weeks' outing ut
Spirit Lake.
W. A. Paxton Jr. , and J. C. Sharp have
been at Salt Lake City and Garfleld Beach
the past week.
Mrs. S. S. Curtis and daughter leave Mau-
Itou this week to visit other points of inter
est in Colorado.
H. W. Welkner , of Hastings , who has
been in the city for two weeks visiting
f rieuds , loft yesterday.
Mrs. Williams and daughter , of Wahoo ,
are spending a few days with friends ut 013
North Nineteenth street.
Miss Daisy Lamoreau , of Galcsburg , 111. ,
nnd a student of Knox college , is the guest of
Mrs. A. Philleo , of this city.
Mr. Silas Cobb , assistant city attornoyIoft
Fnda3 for a well-earned vacation with his
parents at Richmond , Ky. Ho returns in a
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tucker are taking an
outing In Colorado , and will visit Denver ,
Colorado Spriugs , Munuou and other places
of interest.
Mr. Charles M. Haynes , of the freight
auditor's olllce , Union Paeitlc railway , left
Thursday on a two weeks' outing in the
Mr. and Mrs. Moritz Kretschlnor have
sent out invitations tor their silver wedding
which will bo celebrated at Metz hall Au
gust 20.
Miss Kate Bachnor nnd Miss Emma
Wulctitor , of St. Joe. are the guests of their
sister , Mrs. John Laffcrty , Twenty-ninth
und Oak streets.
Hon. R. S. Berlin , Mr. and Mrs. Will S.
Rector , Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen T. Rector and
Miss Minnie Hawko loft yesterday for Colorado
rado to bo gene tun days.
General Brock will leave for Washington
Tuesday. Lieutnnunt Roe will hold the posi
tion ho has vacated until November 1 , when
Colonel Sheridan , Brcck's successor , ar
The Misses Mary Fitch , Mattie Tibbetts
nnd Minnie Wood reached New York Thurs
day on board the H to inner Uolgenland. After
probably u week's visit in New York they
will return to Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. John Withnoll have loft for
Atlantic City , N. J. , uud Long Branch ,
where they will remuin for a month , after
which they will visit a number of eastern
cities before returning homo.
HAMlIj AM ) 011KB
High Old Tlmo Which Led to tbo
Marlon Scmndnl.
OoDKNsntwo , N. Y. , August 14. [ Special
to Tun BKU.J It has been reported hero for
a few days past that Mrs. K. C. Burton ,
erstwhile Miss Funnio Bridges , is making
preparations fora brief sojourn In thosouth.
The young lady has remained close at homo
since lirr Ignominious return from what waste
to hnvo been her bridal trip , and has re
ceived but few Intimate friends. Her condi
tion , however , is known to a few , and in
order to avoid further publicity and disgrace
her mint , Mrs. Smith , decided to tuko her
uway. Young riamll still remains at. bis
father's homo in Utlca.
There have been so many conflicting re
ports Concerning this affair that your cor
respondent deems it proper to present a resume
sumo of the mutter as It uctuully happened.
George ilamll , It appears , urrivcd in Og-
dcnsburi ; about two months prior to MUs
Bridges' return from Omaha last winter , am
established himself In the laundry business
Soon uftorwards ho was * taken sick , am
being related to Mrs. Smith , applied to her
for u room and that care and attention necessary
sary during an illness. Mrs. Smith kindly
accorded the required assistance , and upoi
the return of Miss Bridges from the wcs
the young man had tukon up his abode ut the
house. About this tlmo Mrs. Smltn wa
called to Now York , and during nor absence
Hau.'il's nurse was dismissed and Mis
Bridges took upon herself tbo functions o
that position. It was during this period tlui
the familiarity which led to Miss Bridges
disgrace occurred. In the words of youiif ,
Humll to a friend , they had "a high old time'
until Mrs. Smith's return.
Among Huiml's acquaintances wasayouug
For OnST. Week , we will Give 20 Per Cent off the Plain
i' Marked Price for Every Pair of Shoes
We hope it will be as great a success as our 20
per cent discount sale last winter.
Our prices have always been low. With 20c off
every dollar , make them remarkable.
You can afford to buy shoes now whether you
need them right away or not.
20c returned to you for every dollar you
spend with us for one week.
lawyer named Stone , nnd the two soon be-
cnmo fast friends. In a burst of confideuco
Hum 11 related his adventures with tno cirl
and also told of her engagement to young
Barton. The lawyer suggested they might
make a lot of money out of it , and utter con
ferring with the girl the plan to get away
with liarton was agreed upon , it was ar
ranged to satisfy Miss Bridges , who was in
love with Hnmll , that they were to marry
after procuring the divorce from Hurtou.
The young man has since boasted that ho
never intended to marry her and that ho
cared nothing for her.
The plot and. its failure have been re
counted. When the time came for tno three
conspirators to meet ut Montreal to lead Hnr-
ton astray Stone was on hand to do his part ,
but Humll weakened nnd staved at home.
When Stone saw the turn things had taken ho
loft the youngcouple and returned to Ogdens-
burg. Concluding to make some money out
of it any wuy. ho went baak on his friends
und sold the letters from Miss Bridges to her
lover , and which hud bosu confided to his
care , to the older Barton's lawyer , a Mr.
Thomas Smatt. The whole busiucss wus
thereupon given away , tl.rpugh the perfidy
of Stone.
Stone bus a bad' record hero , having boon
convicted of complicity in n large opium
smuggling transaction1 which occurred
some time ago. A1 * * year' or so URO
a young lady of "this place bo-
catno infatuated with him and wanted to
marry him. She had recently been left 530,000
by a relative , and it is said that Stone ,
through his influence over her , has possessed
himself of at least half of this sum , and Is in
a fair wuy to get the balance if some ono
does not post the foolish young lady on his
character. It is declared ho does not in tend
to rnarr.v her.
Mrs. Smith , who by the way Is the widow
of Colonel Simon Smltti. late paymaster of
the regular army and who was stationed for
a long time nt Omaha , mortgaged her homo
here , In order to supply Miss Bridges with a
suitable wedding outllt. When the young
ludy received the 81,000 from Barton for the
return of the diamond necklace presented by
the parents of the groom , she wus good
onouBli to turn the money over to her aunt ,
who at once lifted the mortgage.
When the ilrst report wns receive i 'tore of
the nffuir a party of young men ir.ul Mid resolved -
solved to tar and feather young Haiml. The
latter , however , got wind of the mutter and
sought a safe retreat at the home of his father
iu Utlca , _
Republican State Convention.
The republican oleetos : of the state of
Nebraska are requested to send delegates
from the several counties to meet in conven
tion at the opera house in the city of Hust
ings , Tuesday , October 8 , 18SO , at 8 o'clock
p. m. , for the purpose of placing In nomina
tion candidates for ono associate justice of
the supreme court , nnd for two members of
the board of regents of the stuto university ,
nnd to transact such other busidess astmay
bo presented to the convention.
The several counties nre entitled to repre
sentation as follows , being based upon the
vota cast for Hon. George H. Hustings ,
presidential elector In 1SS3 , giving one dele-
guto at largo to each county , and ono for
each 150 votes and the major fraction thereof ;
Counties ! ioiTColintle < j. JJL-I.
It is recommended" that no proxies bu ad
mitted to the convention except such ns uro
hold by persons residing In the counties from
which proxies uro given.
L. L ) . HIOIUHDS , Chairman.
WALT. M. SEBI V , Secretary ,
Tore Ilia Arm Off.
HAMIIUKO , la. , August 17. [ Special Tele
gram to THU BEK. ] Bamuol Egbert , while
threshing on the farm of Ike Martin , nour
Linden , Mo. , fell uud caught his arm in the
gearing of the horse-power , which tore It
literally from his body , taking the ttkln with
It from u space six Inches iu diameter around
the shoulder and armpit. While waiting for
the surgeon the men llgatcd the artery with
binding twlno. Ho Is tn a precarious condi
tion , with clianccb uguiiut him for recovery.
Cavalrymen Furnish Mosb Exhilar
ating Diversion at Bellovtto.
Revolvers Cracked ami Hoofi ? Tliun-
tlcratl , While Fair Ladies Fjookcil
on and Applauded the Bold
Jjnst Day of tlio Cavnlry Shoot.
Tu-ra , ta-ra , ta-ro , ta-rn , ta-ta-rn ta tn !
It was nearly ten o'clock yesterday morn
ing1 , and the bugles at the rifle range nt
Bellevue called the trooperu competing for
inarltmnnshlp medals nnd places upon the
department team , to ' 'boots and saddles. "
It was the last day of the cavalry competi
tion , nnd the shooting was to bo with re
volvers , the competitors being mounted. A
more beautiful dn.v for the competition could
not bo desired. A gentle , but cooling breeze
blew directly from the east , so slight as to
barely stir the grasses and not nearly strong
enough to interfere with the accuracy of
aim. The uleasnut weather and the novelty
of the competition hud proven sufficient In
ducements to draw a number of ladles and
gentlemen from the city to the range , and
these witnessed the sport from beneath tent
dies , pitched ut n convenient , distance iu the
It was the lir st time In the history of the
army that this inodo of competition had
been. put in practice , and the officers were
generally interested in the result. On the
previous day the competitors had tried re
volver practice dismounted , nnd the scores
made were so highly creditable that it was
expected that the men would acquit them
selves meritoriously at this competition.
Across the range , n few yards from the
buttes , live silhouette targets , representing
soldiers In the act of llring , were ranged
twenty yards apart. The competitors , from
u position about seventy five yards to
the front of these , were expected
first to ride to the right of
the targets and then across the raupo nt a
gallop , live yards in trent of the targets , and
to lira ono shot at o.ich ollhouetto as they
passed. After all competitors had done this
the same run was made , only from the left ,
the troopers then bmg compelled to flro
across their bodies , Tha shoot being over ,
the men again asscmblo in front for the
most difficult run of the competition. Four
' of the silhouettes uro moved to within about
{ live yards of each other and the men retire
to a clistanco of 109 yards In advance. The
competitors then , ns their numbers nro
culled , gallop straight to the front. When
eighty yards from the target the trooper
must lire his ilrst shot nnd must empty nil
live chambers of his revolver before reaching
a point live yards from the target , und re
peat. In nil the shoots u hit scores 5 and a
miss zero.
Shooting from horseback with a Colt re
volver that pulls like a yoUo of oxen nnd
kicks like a Texas steer Is no child's play.
It isn't llko shooting prnlrio chickens at nn
eighteen yards' rlso with u double-barrolod
shotgun , and before the compatltion began
the rangonlllcora figured thata man would do
well to score twelve hits out of twenty snots ,
In riding to the right It was thought that the
host shots should score live hits , und four
hits In riding to the left , ml in the run to the
front It wns thought that the best of
them jould get in moro than thrao hits out
of ten shots.
The bugles rang out again nnd the first
troop , consisting of sixteen men , mounted
upon trained cavalry horses 4from Fort Nio-
brara , formed upon the range under com-
mnndof Colonel Henry. In order to try their
hor.ies.tho men were Ilrst given an opportunity
to flro ton blank cartridges , and at the xvord of
command they trallopad madly out across the
range In single tile and then ulonu the row of
silhouettes , firing us they wont.
The sccno presented was most thrilling ,
and reminded ono of the mad cavalry charg
es known to history , The dashing troopers
sat their horses like Centaurs , but it was u
noticeable feature that the colored troops
rode the better.
After this preliminary practice the revolv
ers were loaded with ba'l ' cartridges , and the
competitors of thu llrsl troop rude und shot
ilrst to the right und then to the loft and
then from the front.
Twenty-two seconds are allowed under the
manual for making the run , but many of the
men made them yesterday In twelve , show
ing that the norml&sahlo time It too great.
While thu hoofs thundered and the revolv
ers cracked nnd the smoke nroso In clouds ,
It required scarcely any play of tlio imagina
tion to fancy that ono was witnessing an ac
tual engagement. Thn spectator could utmost
bellevo that ho was standing upon one of the
hills that surrounds the "Valley of the'
Shadow" near the Big Horn ana wus looking
upon that fatal charge of the gallant Custor ,
iu the summer of ' 70.
Hut this was only the fancy of a reporter
as ho luy under the tent of the statistical
officer , To return to tha real , us soon as the
first troop had Mulshed , they retired and iho
second troop took its place. Hy the tlmo
they had finished It was dinner tlmo , and the
firing was discontinued until 2 o'clock. At
that hour tlio third und lust troop mudo its
runs and the competition wa over.
As u result of the revolver competition the
following ton men have been placed upon the
department team , and In addition the llrut
tnau receives a gold medal , the next thrco
Owing to the nbsonco of Gcnornl Brooks
nnd the regiment band , and of the medals
themselves , there wus no formal presenta
tion of these trophies , but nfter the compe
tition Colonel Houry summoned the four
best carbine shots and four best revolver
shtts , amoui ; the enlisted men , to his tent
and presented them with $3 each , given to
him for that purpose by the citizens of Oma
ha. Ho also took occasion to compliment
ttio men npon the good work they hud ac
Many of tbo officers nnd mon left the catnp
after the competition , and ut suusot the
raugo was nearly deserted.
Stray Shots.
Lieutenant Wright , ono of the best shots
in the department , was stricken with "buck
fever , " Friday nnd by ono clear miss lost his
place In the team.
Lieutenant Holbrook's revolver worked
very unsatisfactorily yesterday nnd bo bnd
to make runs over , losing ten points thereby.
The officers who have been doing duty as
camp officers will remain during the dis-
'inguished marksman's competition.
Lieutenant Micho came 33d , Lieutenant
Wright 20th. Lieutenant Byron 18th nnd
Lieutenant Byram 44th.
Colouol Honr.v suys that the revolvers now
used nro of too largo a bore for the purpose
and a change will have to bo uiado sooner
or later.
The competitors received their last month's
pay after yesterdav's shoot.
The distinguished marksman's competition
will begin next Thursday.
They Oauso Another AVranjilo Among
the Commissioners.
"Como on hero , Pete , If you're ready , and
we'll get to wont , " shouted Chairman
Mount In a mandatory sort ot way.
"I want to go und pco Anderson , " replied
"Pete" Corrlgnn , bulling near the open
"Huh ! Let Anderson run after you , "
angrily snorted the pugnacious little chair-
And llko an obedient child "Peto" shuffled
back to his sent.
Mr. Mount ordered the clerk to go out and
look up enough material for a quorum , then
la.jsed into silence.
Presently the portly Anderson lumoorod
in. followed by Superintendent Coots.
So much having been accomplished the
county commissioners begrn business.
A smglo bid on running n grader wns rend
and duly referred , und the reading of min
utes wns begun.
Mr , O'ICcolIo objected to the manner In
which f-1,000 had been appropriated to pay
for grading L street in South Omaha. "Wo
have no prollto , no nothing to go on , " ho
Raid , and wo should know In udvunco just
what wo are going to got for our ruonoy. "
So the resolution was referred back to the
committee with an order for a profile of thu
County Attorney Mnhoney reported that
State sticot , in Florence , could not bu graded
to a width eighty-two undone-half fuutunder
existing circumstances.
As time were slowly on , the drowsy man
ner of the members excited the ire of the
chairman. "Well look-u-hcro " ho
, - - , replied.
"If you ulnt ready for business , why , we'll
wait until you uro. "
"I wasn't ready for bu3tno s , bncause I just
oamo In , " was Mr. O'KeonVs defense.
"Well , there's some excuse for you , but
there nln't for the rest of this gang hero. "
An exciting time had been promised by
Commissioner Anderson , and the reality
fully equalled thu expectation when
O'Kceffu and the whiie-bcardud prophet
locked horns over a finance cainmtuoo re
port. It wan ull about assessors' bills. Four
weeks ago these officials sent In bills for
their work. They were considered in com
mittee of the whole und wuro regarded ns
oxcesslvo. Accordingly u part of each was
rejected und the matter finally settled , it
wus thought. But ut tlio last mooting tlioso
sumo rejected bills were nguln filed , and
were referred to the finance committee.
This committee reported yesterday. Mr.
O'lCcetto was ungrv because the mutter hud
been recalled , nnd assaulted Anderson in
language that bristled with adjectives of
doubtful import. Finally the mutter was
recommitted to the committee of the wholo.
Another row uroso over a second bill or
the s. nio character , Last February the
com m it too on charity reported against al
lowing a bill of some $200 from parties ut
Millard , It was offered again at a recent
meeting and referred to the finance com
mittee , which yesterday reported that the
matter nboutd bo referred to the charity
committee. O'ICceilo said It was evident
that au Injustice hud been done , und it was
only fair to let the committee of thu whole
Bhouldcr tha blame. So to this committee It
was referred ,
Mr , O'lfeeHo apparently suspected eomo
hidden crookedness In tuo matter of appro
priations for road work. Ho said there wa
nothing to particularize upon , but ho just
wanted a bit moro time to look things up.
So ho ottered a resolution that all business
pertaining to roads , dating from August 10 ,
should lie over until next Saturduy. It was
A number of reports from the finance com
mittee wus referred to the committee of the
wholo. The Important fact contained in
them was that County Cleric Hocho had paid
out. SI,024.93 for salaries during the Inst
quarter and bnd returned no vouchers there
Appropriation sheets ns follows were
passed : From the general fund , $1,017.07 ;
road , $1,8. " > 8.S.V bridge , $ VW.'JO.
When there wus nothing moro to quarrel
nbout the body adjourned to meet In commit
ted of the whole at 2 o'clock next Friday aft
ernoon to consider nil tuo unsettled business
of that committee.
Personal I'nrniirapln.
Mrs. Ira Higby returned from a six weeks *
visit to Wisconsin Friday.
H. Burke nnd wife , of Council Bluffs ,
dined nt the Mlllurd yesterday.
A. Sunder , of the linn of Rosenfleld &
Zunder , leuves to-ulght for the cast.
Mrs. Frank Gnrroty nnd diiUfihter Friin-
ccs nre visiting friends In Des Moiiics.
Mrs. Theodore Ensign , of St. Louis , is in
the city visiting Mr. nnd Mrs. Ira illcby.
\\r. S. Hector and wife , city , and Miss Min
nie Hawko , of Nebr.iHka City , dined togetli r
ut the Paxton yesterday.
P. Hanson , tbo Sixteenth street merchimf ,
loft yesterday for bis old homo iu Gcrimny
to bo absent thrco months.
William MucDiarmld has arrived homo
after an European tour covering some
months. Mr. MacDiarmid was for twelve
years foreman of thu mechanical department
of the lute Omaha Herald.
Kt. A sn cs' L'icnlo.
The second aunual picnic of St. Agnes'
Catholic congregation , given Saturday after
noon in Syndicate park , was n complete
success. The attendance was largo.
The weather was nil that could bo
desired. The Hev. Father D. M. Mor-
iarity nnd his competent nnd zealous
committee assistants were nil attention to
the wishes of tbo guests. Fortune scomod
to fuvor every person and every move.
The contests resulted ns follows : Sheep
killing , William Crawford won in 2 : ;
Frank Smith , 15:01. : Captain J. K. Murphy
and John Hyan acted as judges.
Charles Lear won the ono hundred yard
foot race.
Messrs. Samuel Gibson , Thomas F'ltzgor-
nld , Thomas Howling , Edward C. Cahlll ,
John Parks , M. O'Coanor , .1 , Finnogan. J.
Kelly and James MoUuiro , representing
Harness & Parks , in the tug of war , defeated -
foatod the'Aruiour-Cudiihy team , consisting
of Messrs. Jnincs MoNnnoy , B. A. Finnerty.
Peter McGraro , Fred Gannon , J. Gumlon ,
P. Trniuor , T. Fleming and T. Flaherty.
Marshal Jamas P. Mnlonoy was Judge , and
ETIVO thu first and second prl/es to the Bur-
ress and Parks' team.
The receipts will not full much below
$1,000. , _
Caledonian I'ri/.CH.
The South Omaha Caledonian society did
Itself proud at the Burn's picnic at Wood' *
Park , Council Bluffs , Saturday afternoon.
Jones Milne took third prize In vaulting und
scored in the 100-yards raco. Andruw Mo-
Andruw took Hccond In throwing the weight
and also second Iu throwing thu heavy ham
mer. Ad urn Boll , the piper to the South
Omaha Caledonian boclcty , took the piper's
first prize.
Caledonian lion I. itaco.
The members of the Caledonian society
will take the Ui:55 : dummy train Sunday
ufternoou to witness the bout race on Lake
Munawa , between William Watson and
Frank H. Cnntllo against William Buruess
and John Buchanan. The purse ls & 0 ,
James II. Lowry , of the Dulinonlco , Is stake
holder , Robert P. Kehlln referee , nnd Jumc *
M. MoDdrmct starter. The ruco will take
place ut il o'clock.
IS'otciH About thuCltv.
Saturday afternoon a man driving u team
and carriage on Q street got the rig nnd ono
horse In the motor main , throwing threa
ladles out of the carnage , fortunately not In
juring , inv bf them. Thu carriage was
slightly wrenched.
John Fan ton , ono of thu export Sioux City
butchers , has come to South Oniuhu and
taken u position ut Swift & Co.'s ,
A son born to the Hev. and Mrs. Gustar
Hobert Adams , of Erie , 111. , is the guest of
W. H. Bat'o.
Misses Boso and Mary O'Brien , of Iowa
City , la , , are visiting their brother , John J ,
Mm. Jacob Ernst nnd son will spend BIX
weeks visiting relatives and friends In Au
rora and Chicago.
Miss Lillian Qnnloy , of Omaha , is the
guest of Mrs. Dr. M. J , O'Koucko. '
Ulchard Uouthor has returned from Wls-
consla ,
Cut In Two liy tlio Curv ,
MD&OATJ.VB , la. , August 17. ( Special Tele
gram to Tim BKB.J The llttlo twolvc-year-
old son of John Smith , of Wilton Junction ,
was run over by u freight train at noon to
day nnd cut In two. Ho never know what
struck him. Ho attempted to cross tha
track , when the trulu backed down on him.