OMAHA PAJLY BEE : SATURDAY , AUGUST 17 > 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No advortleoiYionts will bo tnkonfor these columns oftor I2I3O p. m. Torme Oneh In advance. Advertisement * under this hesd 10 cents per line for tno nrst Insertion. 7 cents for coch sub. Rcquont insertion , and ll,60pcr linn per month. No ndrertlMimrntii taken fo" lois than 25 cents for llr * t Insertion , Seven words will be connted tothollnoi tlmy mnst run consecutively nnd jnust be paid In ADVANCI3. All advertise ments must be handed In before 12-BO o'clock p. m , . r ml Jimkr no circumstances will they uo taken ordlscontlnucd by telephone. Parties ndvertlilnicln those columM and hav ing their answers addressed In care otTnr HKE WlHpleaso ask fora checK to enable thorn to ROt tholr latton. n * none will be delivered except on prcrcntatlon of check. All answers to nd * Tcrtlsernetits abcuM bo enclrsod in envelopes. . All advertisements Inthrtia colutnni are pub lished In both morning anil evening editions of TIIK'HEK. the circulation of which aggregates tno to than IR.OOQ papers dally , add pivoi the nil * vorflstra the benefit , not only of tno city rircu- latlonotTiiK USE. lint also of Council llhidc , Lincoln nnd other cltlci and towns throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OTFICEST Advertising fortUtse columns will bo taken 01) Ibd above conditions , at the follGTrlnfc busi ness hou.3 * } , vrho are authorized agents for TIIR 1IEK flpneUl notices. and will quote the same rates cacnn be had at the irmln olTlco. Btrcet. _ HAST : & KDDY , Stationers and Printers , 113 SonUi 10th Street. Sn I'AllNBWOUTH , Pharmacist. 2116 Gum . ming Street. WJ.niiaiinS. Pharmacist , 024 North Itth . Street. riEO. W.fAllH , Pharmacist. 1EOO St. Mary's Vjl Aventlo. aHES'pnAHStACr,2203 rarnam Btreot , SITUATIONS WANTED. ANTRD Position us wet nurso. Address W Mra. Itlllott. 1313 Jones St. 873 18 * "IXTANTKD Situation as bootoeporby young i Hurried man of 25 ; experience ; references. Address a HO. Uee. Bifl 18t wonted bya young first class S bookkeeper or eoneral olllce man , best refer cnccs . Address O S- ' , Omaha lleo. BuO ITj LN "A No.J" bookkeeper wants ) a situation. Enquire Jilia Farnam t. 8OT 1 WANTED J'osotlon as housoksoper by an oxperlonced Kngllsh lady. Call between 2 ifc > Bt issN.arth st. 852 m ANTEb Situation in some Nebraska town as salesman in hardware or general storeVan ; "glvo references. Adddrcss Lock DoxB , kNcolBIa. _ 3-maker wants work or will take „ , Lphtfrgoof shop in country town in Nob. Can give reference. Address Lock llox 8. No- Ola , la. B44 17t g > WANTED--MALE HELP. ANTED Aruotlor to holj ) run a schonio ; big money. OVS , Uee onice. EDO lot W Actlvo. young man. moderate fi Address U ai , lleo olllco , K > 0 1UJ llarbor , 1403 B. 13th st , William. - . , . ecu is ; _ _ WANTED _ Barbor.corncr 10th nnd Nicholas. " pants and vest "W maker. John-Vi olrskcil. David City. Neb. KT8-17T AGENTS .wanted , plthor sex. for Bottled Electricity ; greatest catarrh and heodaclio cute over produced ; agents coining money ; particular , * free. Addicss U. B. Homo Mfg. Co. New Dutit. , Chicago , Ills. 854 18 * GOOD reliable canvassers.steady employment with The Singer Mfg. Co. , 1518 Douglas at. twS S 13 ANTED A reliable young man , J15 weekly , light work , llooui 17. ss N. 10th. " \AAANTKD Two osperlenced salesuion tor T > city trade. Address GJLJieo bK 1M * UI7 ANUTJ ) Traveling sdlcsniau for CaUfor- TT nia gloves. Hofoiencos rtxjulred. Address Ilaymo&d , Squires i Co. , San Fraud ; co. Cal. 748 2ft * W'ANTfiD-Sollcltors , COS N. 17th ; KM per jllonl h. 003 1111' * V\7 AtlTED Traveling salesman nnd sales- T T , woman , 830 per month and expenses. 038 N. 17th st ; Res H't ' ANTED For Washington Territory tle- nmkors , choppers , carpenters , rock men , graders and tracklayers , at Albright's Labor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 221 WANTED A good ofllcoman to go east ; must Invest S2.WJO ; must be a good business man. Address the ( leo. S. Cllno Publishing House , aiB to 821 Wabasb ave. , ChlcagOjVIU. EN to travel for thr Fonthill Nurseries ot Canada. Wo pay $30 to 103 a mouth nnd expenses to agents to sell our Canadian grown ktoclu Ad. Stone & Wellington , Madison. Wls. S20 28 WANTED Agents. Magic cigar Lighter , every smoker ouvs , lights in wind or rain , lasts aJIfetlme. Sample 15c , twpfor25c , dozen , SL < cy mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. . Providence , H. r. 45031 ? \X ANTED- weekly reiirei-optatlvo , m.ilo V or female , in every community. Goods staple : household necessity ; sell at sight ; no peddling ; salary paid promptly , nnd expenses advanced. FuUpurtlciuars and valuable sample case Free. We mean just what wo say ; address at once , Standard Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass 223 ' We wish n ow men to sell eurO O goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade- Largest manufacturers in our lino. Enclose 'J-cent stamp. Wages S3 per day. Per manent position , No postals answered. Money Advanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centen nial Munufaclurlng Company. Cincinnati , Ohio. "WANTED--FEMALE "HELP. \fT ! ANTED Lady agontsjlt 10 Bushman block. I ! TXT ANTED A good girl for general House | ! T T V. orK. 812 South Ittli st. _ RH-Ui * COO lady agents wanted Immediately ; new rub- ts bor undergarment ; woman's greatest oless ing ; soils at sight and pays ngentsgloo a montn. 3'rpof free. AudrossMra , H.F. Little , ( 'hlcugo . . . ' . ( ir.7 ibt 'J Park avenue , a competent jMinu girl or woman _ MJ17 * rl for genuralliousowork _ 7M ) _ _ -holo makers. Ills Vur tte I9t An experienced uurso girl. 182 ; . _ _ 74(1 ( TMTANTKU ( Jenuanglrl to do cootlni : tai ( TVvA iliUlg.bfit ot wages paid , luuulroj. X rattde.U. 124 B liith at. _ 2U3 WANT EDTO KENT. WANTUD by Oct. 1st , 0 or 0-room cottage , with city water , convonlunt to street cur line. Will loasa tor ono year , Address , G , : )4 ) lleoolllce. , ' 68IM8 * " \A7ANTED-2or3 unfurnlbhed rooms en suit , f V 2d Iloor , prlvataliouso prefurrod. location central ; referent-s exchanged ; nnnie price. Ad- dreBs ( i M , Boo olllco. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms In pleasant location. Antlruis K. Vlnront , C .TO Nob.and Iowa Inn. Co. KM lat "TVrAKTBU Furnished cottage , f > or 0 rooms , > > by family ol 3 , from Sept. 1st. Address Cl IX lleoomce. E77 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. \\7ANTEIV-iloard in a flrst class private T family fora l Uy and Uiree children ; chll- dren'H DKUS from S yours to U years ; wunt nice front room , bath , hot and cold water : refetence iJtumd required ; iiloabe answer with partlo- ularB to C. 11. King. DouKlaa. Wyo. Hll-18 TXT" ANTED Afirocerv to rent , part of room VOltt N , l = ti Rt. Will take rent out in aro. cerle . Homo bakery. _ ta7-lCf \\i ANTED September I. room and board for T i young Indy employed as typewriter , north of Kurimm prefurred. ( live pitrticulurH as to price. locitUon. etc. Addrusg ( I SI llee olllee. Hit w ANTED 100 lennTj for 11. It. work In Wy. , Co , Itlll. Iron bk. 7/U / IK ' BOARDINC. _ at No. 1811 Capitol avenue , Private family. "p\lUB'i\claa uay nnord. liumlro 1U09 Dougltu DRESSMAKINo ! D _ _ U18 t ENQAOBMKNT8 to dodrossmakinp tn lauil- llea solicited. MlM Sturdy , ilU 6 &th St. Kii u ; ' ' _ FORJRENT HO ES. _ _ _ POU HKNT f-'room cottage. " pantry , " closets , city oud cistern water , largo yard , noulilt : car Hue , pavumout and nlcetrous , rent lltl ; ulsc ma-roojn cottage ; call on the owner. H H Me NahouHE corner of 13th and Arbor tt. t SU "VirE liavo houses ana ( tores for rent in nil w } parts or tha city. Security Loan * Jim t- , neat Co , S1J bouttt 14tb . , upstairs , tit ! u2 TBN-nooM flat in Rood location , with tha furniture tor sale ; runt , W { price. * 600j all modern conveniences ! also 7-room honso , rent , fcK ! price , 400. ( Jo-Dp. Land and tat Co. , gQSNlCthfct. 8P3-18 TflOR UHNT $25 , a prMty 7-room nouee , Call ; JL1 fornlft and ld sin. ; gas and city water. Inquire - quire Netherton Hall , room 433,1st Nat. Kane 805 21 TflOH RENT IZ-room nonsot furnace , barn , JU largo full lot. 1917 COBS st. CSS OUSES for rent Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam. 848CU TjlOll HUNT i-rpum cottage near FortOma- JL ! ha. Ki per month. Self for ILIOO. D. V. Shales. 210 Flryt National bank. K15 'fnolt UKN'N-.rootn house , 2gth and JCapttol JL' ave. Inqulro , 2834 Dodge. 811 RKNT A choice nine-room house , all FOR conveniences In first class repair , good lot with shade trees ; reasonable rent to good party. I riqulreM W Capitol ave.n TflOH IlKNT Floor of 4 rooms ; city water ami J ? cistern. 1217 Chicago st. Enquire 1115 mil- cage st. 7Ui-lt ThOU HUNT 7-roomed house , city water/bath. / JL' large collai1 , etc. , 2S2J1 Franklin nt. Apply room TOO Merchants Nat'l banfejjldg. 870ait ' TjlOtt'linNT A brick hbUBO of n rooms on JL ? Farnam street. Modern oonvonlonces and central , lloo per montn. E. F. Cook. ! C07Far- nam. * 700-17 'IT'OII ' KENT No. HKN. 17th St. . cottage six -U rooms , ccntrhlly located , & ner montn. T71OH RENT Elegantly furnished fourteen JL' room honso with lawn nnd barn , choice neighborhood , 9100. Inquire ajlIiPaclIIo st. 813 10J TTIOHHENT Six room house , cor. 18th and JU Chicago Bts.$25 ; four room house 20th and California , 315. S. Lehman. 815 NEW five-room cottage for rent , llnssoll , Pratt & Co. , illO 8.15th st. 6W THOU KENT Two nine room brick houses on JL : Park avenue , with all conveniences. Also nine room frame house on pamo street , with all conveniences ; price 6-Ti to M5 per month , D. V Bholcs. 210 First National Hank. 311 FOil KENT Hcsldence. 2100 Douglas St. , now house , all modern improvements ; not u basement houso. Enquire of Alorltz Meyer , Cor. Kith and Farnam , G23 H' IOUSH ' torrent , 10J3 Dodge. 003 TTIOH KENT 7-room Hat , & 'i > per mo. above JL ? The Fair , 13th and Howard. Inquire ThoFalr. "ITOU RENT--in-rootn brick house on 20th st. JD 'near l oavonworth. Appl y nt No. 827 8. autn 217 TXT ILL lease for one or morn years a largo 7- V V room house with all modern conveniences ; is nicely painted outside , hard-finished inside , nicely papered , two largo bay windows ; three blocks from court house C013 20th. tiPC TTIOR RENT A dotach6d 0-roorn house , all JL' modern conveniences. Knq. 2529 Capitol ave. POH KENT 2-room house , 2028 Dorcas at. C71 17t THOU RENT 10-room house , steam heat , all JL1 improvements , cheap rout. 0. li Thompson , room 211 , Sheely block , 15th and Howard. 041 TTIOR KENT ! > -room cottago. 101 So. L'Sth St. . JL1 $13. King wait Itroa. , HoomUT , llarkor block TTiOR KENT Sept. 1st. ali-room cottage , with JL1 bath-room and St.Mary H nve and Loavcuwortn. David Jamlesou,314 S. Ifith 6C4 TJ OU RENT Fine largo rBsidenco , hara wood JU llnislu till conveniences , lo\rront to private family ; 210 N , ICth St. US I "fIIGll RENT The C-room Hat occupied by Dr. JL ? Oilmcre , 8tt Iloor. No. Ifll.J Howard Bt , In quire ot Oeo. Hlggins , mil Howard st. 182 THOU RENT-a Crst-o lass dwelling with all JU modern convenicnres. Including stable , 2ij08 Capitol avo. Inquire or D. J. O' Donahoe. 1601 l-arnam Bt , 315 TTOH RENT Six now 5-rooin cottage ? , ready JL on or before September 1. 3ith and Half Howard streets , healthy location , near Farnam cars. Rent , each $15 per month , bull able tor small tidy families. John H. K. Lohmann , B24 B. 17th Bt. 441 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. TjTtJUNISHED rooms with board , Jor 4 gon- -Utlemen anfl 3 ladles. 1717 Chicago. 7bU 1BJ T OK HUNT Largo furnished room. 023 N.19th " \flCljLY furnished back parlor and alcove , J-Xalso slnglQ room , modern convonlencui , board if desired. 203 8. 24th. 78718J TjllHlNISHED rooms for rent at 1815 Douglas ' S lurnished rooms , convenient t < ? business. 760 IBt TJIURNISHED bed room with use of par- JL1 lor , gt.OJ ; also board if neslred. lull Call , lorria. 775-10J FIIONT room to a gentleman. In private fora- ily ; convenient location. 518 S. iOtU st. , cor St. Mary's ave. . CS4-17 JjlOU KENT Furnished rooms. 3213 Dodge. 405 10t "VnCELY furnished suit of rooms and one sin- Ji i Kloroom. Allmodurn conveniences , private family. KI14 Farnam st. ( VJo G OOD room with bath. C13 B. 20th fit , 23 FUHNISHED Front room. 1913 Farnam. 145 a 27 * front room , meals in the house. 1000 SOUTH avenue. 3 Q rrioi KENT Two furnished rooms , 315 north JL1l7i st. Heference required. 373-S 1 ST. OLA HI European notel , cor. 13th nnd Iodgo ; special rate by week or month. TjlOll KENT T vo parlors front and back on J-1 first Iloor. also single rooms with board , All modern covonlences. 1G09 Douglas. Gb2 FUHNISHED or unfurnished honsn for rent In Park Terrace , opposite Ilanscom park ; allinodunicuuvenlencea. Inqulre.Loe&Nlcliol , 2th and Loavenworth , 228 rooms with all modern con- PUHN1SHED vcnlencesfor goutlenion only , 170J Dodge st 61)1 ) IJIOIt HUNT Elegant furnlsned room for JL' single gontloraon only. 721 8 , JDth St. . cor. Loarcnw orth. tKX ) j lUJNT Two furnished roomi. on St. -I. Mary's nvenuo. , To gcntiomrn only. Six minutes walk of business center. Reference rcqulrud. Inquire atbture , ill ) indSl- . 15th st. rpwo rooms with nr without boird for gon- JL tlcmonprlvatefamllyreferences. lb2DodKO C'/J FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. O FUllNISIIED rooms for housoheeplng to ' * man and wlfn. no children ! rent faEen in bourd ; custom parties nruf erred ; : )19 ) North 17th. tb7-10t THOU KENT Hooms for llgnt housekeeping , -13 LOU N. iTUi st. 8S3 IB ; * * TJIOH "KENT 4 rooms , unfurnished , sultnblo JU for housekeeping , with all modern Improve- mu-nts , 17UI Debater st. Price. tM. tea ) TpOIl ftENT 2 6r 3 unfurnished rooms , clos- Juts ! and nator ; 2d iloor ; IXil 1'arnam. B21 J.-OS ItOOMB frltn bath , gas and steam heat , CIS So , 10th , I'lat "A.1' 710-17J "I7IOU ItltNT Uufurnlblied rooms sultaole for housekeeping , In suites ot 2 to ( ; convenient location , llutt'a Uentlnj ; Agency , 1KW l'\irimiu. FOB RENT-STORES At < P OFFICES TTIOli TlisNT-Sulto ot rooma with bath and JL' gas , suitable fur a doctor. Apply or address p , O. , 1U12. Harney st. 15 ri O RUNT Desirable war home room on JL truck. Apply to C. W. Keith , 711 Pacific Bt. FOU RENT Store room , cor. ' th and N sts , . Smith Omaha. Heat location In city for gi'Jits' furnishing or dry good * store. Inquire of J , J. Muhuuay , room 50(1 ( i'axtonblk. 472-.s3 POR RENT Stores and living rooms on Cum * ingst. Also house on Ca sst. Harris , room 411. IB Nj 'jn n 231 FOUbtulncsa purposes 2d Hour , Mxli. . in Paxtou building , loth and Farnam , entrance on Furnam , pataenger and freight elevator , north and south light , will divide Into two if do- Huywau to Dutches , 1513 Farnam st. IOU HUNT The 4-ntory brick building with J or without power , formerly occupied byThe Uee TuUllshlni ; Co. . 918 Varoum M The build- in , ; ban a Ure-prpof cemented basement , com pletofcteara heutlux llxture.-i. water on all the boon , ROS , etc. Apply ut the olllco of The Huo. 815 T/lOlt KENT Tne corner room under theNe- Jbnibia National bant will eon be for rent ; the Equitable Utust Co , removluf to larger n.uarters , ThosnacoU about doutlo that occupied by tlieC. . U.&Q. tlccet oUlcu. Tne iloor u tiled nn tno room can be made dcairablufor a It. li. a cVtt or broker's olllco , ti 1 or paitlculars upply at bank. 6Si RENTAL AQENOY. IV you want houites rented , if you want your real estate sold , It yon want Insurance , If you want money on rom estate or other securities call on the Security Loan ft Invest ment Co. , 215 8. Hth St. . upstairi. V91S ) MISCELLANEOUS. mill : banjo taught ai nn art by Geo. F. Oellen X beck. Apply at Uee olllce. 0V ) milAVTfniNo Salesmen-Send yonr hddross X nd reference to Keystone , Manufacturing company ( Incorporated . Glrard , Erlo Co. , Pu , , and they will mall you free a full outfit. In cluding model of an article that Bells readily to the trade In every town nnd city , and upon which they v lllpny you a liberal commission , Whole outllt weighs eight ounces. 833 10 + A 1115 you looting for an opportunity to en gage in the mercantllo business1 ] It so cotno and see us. W. K. E. & M. E. , Room 14 Chamber otjommerce. Tel. 1140. ( IJ5 /1KSSPOOLB. cisterns , privy vaults , etc. , Wcleancd quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean- Iv ; all work done by odorless pump. Odorless ( January Co. , 1406 Farnnm street. Tol. 208. KK Sn 'LOST. TUAYED-On Sunday , llth inst , from Cass nnd 41st st , one dunpony-builtmaronndono bay horeo ; when last seen were going throutth Dundee Place via Dodga street } both Jiad halters - tors ont maro'ttorolock Is cropped close ; liorso has v > ire fence scare on foot. Finder will plcaso notify James S. Franco , nt U. a > ntlonal bank. . T OST Sunday , August 4th , In the 7th ward , n JUrlch red brown Irish setter dog ; the end ot his tall Is cut elf ; nbovo average size. Answers to name ot "Dan. " Unturn .to 1310 Georgia nve. , or 215 ! N. loth street , and receive reward. " 1 OST Largo * , young closo-halrod Sti Hernard JLJ dog , vollow with whlto breast find feet. Ho- turn to 1130 Georgia avo. , or ilOl Douglas and get reward. KH. T .OST English Mastiff. Keturn to 400 Paxton JLJ block and yet reward. 241- PERSONAL ANNA 01m. Letter postoillco. Aimal'ranko , letter postolllcc. 85U 17 ? " CLAIRVOYANT. RS. Ecclos. the famous fortune teller and clairvoyant , business , love , marrlago and chances. 007 B , 13th door to llarkor hotel MADAME Wellington , world renowned as- trologlst , test medium nnd destiny reader , Just from Europo. Tells your llfo from tno cradloto the grave , reunites the separated , causes speedy marrlngo with the ono you lovo. locates dUeasos and treats with massage and electric baths. All in trouble "honld not fall to consult this gifted secross. 1'enourO , upstairs , 417 South llth , olllco hours from 10 a. m. to lo p. m. 413-10 * FORTUNE Teller Sirs. Lonorman can bo consulted on nil alTalrsof llfo. Patlsfnc- tlon guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th st. U21-S.S * TV1NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant , ' -JL/cal nnd business medium. Female Alt a specialty. HONlCtUst. rooms ! i and 3. 003 STORAGE. TORAOB at low rates at 1121 Farnam st. , Omaha Auction ana Storage Co. 237 rpKACKAOE storage at lowest ratos. W. M. -t llushman 1311 Leavcnworth. 238 and forwarding. Wo collect and STORAGE of all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture nnd baggage no cheapest rates for storage for any length ot tlmo. Vans and wagons to bo bail at shortest notice , wltn care ful men for moving. Packing and shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Olllco 217 S 14th Bt.tolephono 114. llowoll V Co. 240 \\7ANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and * household goods of all Kinds. Omaha Auction & Btorrge Co. . 1121 Farnam. 237 MORRISON & ELY Storage und forwarding ; special arrangements for commission mer chants , 1213 Leavenworth ; tel. 4MB. , Omahn. . _ SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING QTANDA11D Shorthand school , Paxton blk. , Ofsuccossor to Valentine's ) the largest exclu sive shorthand school in the west. Teachers ore verbatim reporters. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Mechanical construction ofmachmo taught by factory export. Circulars. HITTLESEY'S Shorthand School , IJarkor block. Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer In shorthand froc. 470-s5t / \MAIIA Business College , cor ICth nnd Cap 1- v/tol avo. Shorthand The largest and most successful shorthand department in the state. Standard methods taught. Munson's revised of ' 80 a specialty. Call or write for tornw. > * - FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS ONE tire proof safe ; llghtexpress wngonnew ; four horsos.ranKlngrrom 850 tol.300 pounds. will be sold very cheap. Nebraska Mortgage Loan Co. , room 618 , Paxton block. _ 880 OP30 cash buv top buggy ; 4 cash buys open tp buggy. II. E. Cole. It ( l. Continental. fl8l-lO TnOirPALE 750 tons of Crystal Lake ice ot JU the flnext quality. Inquire 1410 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. b53 21 SALE Cheap , steam peanut roaster. .1 H. Head. ICIM Saunders st , _ 8TiO 18r SALE Kurnlturo of B-room cottage , all Foil ; cottage tor rent. Inquire 1135 N. 17th street. OOJ-17 TT1O11 SALE A IK-horso power Porter engine JU in coed condition , weight 5,100 pounds , cyl inder 11x10. For particulars apply to The Bee omce , 71)8 ) NEWFOUNDLAND puppy. 4 weeks old. for salo. t038. lOthst. 809 got TTUNEST carriage team in state , dark browns. JU tull 10 hand- ) , weight 1.180. Inquire W , B. Millard , S. E. cor Ifltli and Douglas , Omaha. _ _ _ _ ! 703 s 12 T710K SALK Cheap , ono good square bet top JU buggy. Inquire at 2015 Hurt. 770 2flt "IT10H BALE Foot power lathe with cliucks , JL1 tools , etc. , good as new ; cost ISO , for J.'n. N. M.1tuady. 2HB. loth Bt. 7C5 18J ' 1710H BA LE Cash or time , 2 good teams , wag- JL' ous and harnesses , J. J. Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam st. 080 TJ10H SALE Turnlturo of large house , every JL' room routed. First-class location. Parties leaving city. A bargain. Address IS 8 , Bee olllce. 553- "fjlIVE hundred shares of 810 per stmro North JU WojtBiu Standard Oil stock. Tnls stock is non-assessablou ad laud is being developed now und is suio to bring good returns In near future. Will sell for cash very cheap , Address E ta. Bee ofllce. bCO HlOIt SALE 1.000 tons of 15-inch Ice. housed -I-1 on truck. Council lllulfb , Jo. Gilbert Bros. 808-02:2 : TftOR SALE Law library. 1H10 Douglas T1HK Cantleld M'fc Co. being about to move .L will sell 1 flrst-clasH 4-horso-power engine nnd bailer at U actual value , izod Douglas at. il'tf WANTED-TO BUY. TX/TANTED / To buy good real estate uocond T > mortgages F M Richardson , Iftth ana Douglas. Uil 18J \\/ANTED To buy for cash n retail hard- li ware store doing good business In growing town. All communications confidential. Ad dress at oncu F. S. Abbott , Arcade House , nn" ' " * Omaha , Neb. _ WANTED To buy a good family cow , fresh. _ Address by mall , A. H. Fitch , city. K.V5 VAfANTED- buy. for cash , a good btillS IT ing lot In Walnut Hill. Inquire room 40V Now York Life Iliiildlng. 8tl IHt ABSTRACTS _ OFTITJLE. _ M1DLAN D Guarauteo & Ttus Co N. V. Life bldg , Complete abstracts furnished and tlllei to real estuto examined , perfected & guaranteed. 24J MONEY TO LOAN * T , OANb on iniprovfld and unimproved prop- JUerty at low rates Odell Bros , & Co.,312818tu. 208 _ _ _ MONEV to lend on real estate ; got my terms before placing your loans. J. B. Evnna. iiua N. Y. Life lluildlng. MMB MONEY laane'd on chattel securities amQeu- . olry. U.MuUHBhoely block , Omaha Ne braska. F. H. Jerome. _ 427 u 2 * mortgage loana lit low rates and 110 delay. D , V. Shales , 21U Flnt National bank. 8fl EUvliOUN Loan Co. give money Jn any JL amount on good security , f u rail urn In use , horses , etc. Low interest. OveronimerclalNa- tlonul Bank , latu and Douglas. _ TfrONKV to loan ; cash on hand : no delay , j' 1'J-W. Bqulro , 121U Farnam St. , .First National bank building. _ 2dO " MONEV to loan on any socurily for abort time , at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgugelnvestroent Company , room tUQ , Pnxton block. _ 2 8 _ BUILDING loans. D. V , Shplea. EID First National bank. _ 2KI ' 'TvToNKV to loan. O. F. Davli Co real estate IlLand loan agenu , 15ii t'aruum yt. 277 LOANS made on real esuts and mortKagoi bougtit.LoVTls B. UeedlkCo.UUBoard'l i-ad f } Per Cent money li , 3G2VN. r. Llro Tns. blag IVfONBr to loan on fiirnjtfiro , homos , traeoni' , J-'Lete. , or on any apjirored security. J. W , Ilobblna. HUH Farnam lVdet , Paxton hotel 161 K "eg KIJ Bholos , room 210,1'trst Nat'l bank , before making your loans. , ° 281 MCNKY"loaned for styf'O or W days on nny kind of chattel security * reasonable inter , est ; conildentlal. J. J , y'lntlnson , 1417 Farnam. "RESIDENCE loans < fiT to 7 per contTno ad jLldltloual charges rofxonimlsslons or attor neys' fees. W , li. MolklaPirst , ; Nat bank bldg. , i.j ! , , . sea CJJMO.OOO to loan at n pcuj. ut. Lluahan te Ma- tpboney.joom W Paxt iUjlocV. _ 287 BITILD1NO "ml olherrcAi estate Ioaus W.M. Harris , roomS , Frenzer block , opp. P. O. 874 MONEY to loan on real estate security , nt lowest rates , lletorn negotiating loans see Wallace. It. illO. Brown bldg. ICth & Douglas. X'82 XTrANTED First class Inside loans. Lowest TV rates. Call nnd BOO us. Mutual Invest ment Co. , R1. Darker bib. 15th ana Farnam. 278 MONEY loaned on furniture , horses and wngons ; rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , lie 3.13th Bt. . opposite Jl lllard hotei. 270 MC to loan on horses , wagons , mules , Lhrtusouolil goods , pianos , nrgann , diamonds. lowostTatea. ' 1 ho first organized loan olllco in tno city. Mnko loans for thirty to three hun dred nnd sixty-five days , which ran bo paid In part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest , Call nnd see us when you want money. We can assist you proinptlv and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money alxvnys on hand. No delay in making loans. C. F. Reed ft Co. , 310 8.18th st. over llinglmm ft Sons. 2Hj HILADKLPHIA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur- nlsh cheap onstern money to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans nt tholr western olllco. Gcorgo W. P. Coates , room 7 , Hoard oC Trade. -34 YOU want mouoy ? If so don't borrow DO before getting my rates , which are the low est ou nny sum from f I up to $10,000. 1 make loans ou household goods , pianos , or gans , hnrsos.iuulos.wngons.warohouse receipts , houses , leases , etc. , in any amount nt the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can bo made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at anv time , reducing both principal and interest. If you owe a balance on your furniture or horses , or nave n loon on them. I will take It up and carry it for you as long ns yon desire. If you need money you will find it to your advantage to see ma before borrowing , II. F. Slastersroom 4 , Wlthuoll building. 16th and llarncy. 289 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons or securities ot any kind ; coramorclrl and mortgage notes bought at fair rates ; all bust * ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan Co. , room ail. Itotngo building. 713 T7-KYSTONK Mortgage Co. Loans of 810 to J-VJ1,000 ; got our rates before borrowing and gave money ; loan on horses , jfnrnltnre or any approved security , without ftabllelty : notes boucht ; for new loan , renswal of old and low est rato3callll203,81ioeloy blk,15th& Howardst. Loam negotiated at low rates with MONEY , and purchase goods , commercial puper nnd mortgage notes. S. A. Sloman. cor. lath and Tarman. 273 \TEintASKA jort | jonn co will make you a 1/N loan on household goods , horses , wa gons , land contracts. flno Jewelry , or securities of anv kind without publicity , at reasouable rates , iloora 7. Kowlov block. South Omaha. Hooins 618-510,1'axtou b.lpck , Omaha , Nob. UT3 BUSINESS"CHANCE ? . OlGAIl store In city , cSUO ; restaurant , good location , J450 : one of the best chop-houses in city for $1,4 u ; hotelsconfectlonories and bakciles ; feed store , in8 < Jed location , for 8BUO. nnd other business chanqos. Saloon builness In ono ot tno best locations In city , ono-halt In- toicst for 3100 or all lor1,000. Co-operatlvo Land & Lot Co. 305 N. lOtrTfit. 8D418 WANTED-Partner wltli 81,000 ; business will clear 8KO per montn ; olllce work or traveling. Address , G , 83 , ' Bee oQIce. 885-17 * V\7 ANTED A partneyin a brewery doing a T V goodbu'inoss in n-prosporous Nebraska town. Ennulro at room'14. Chamber of Com merce. Tel , 14JO. 3J i 875 OU SALE A well b'ullt up brlcK yard. 270 feet fiom side trackf 'two stationary kilns , two drying sheds , brlcsitoachlno new. house , stable , wind mill , water tank , load piping , to- cethor with ttvo acres .pllantl. Price $1,000. Ad dress 0. F. Kaul , Madison , Nob. 8S3 23Q RAKE opportunity for Investment : Will A sail$8,000 worth of stock in an incorporated company , which has a paid up capital of $200- 000 , and is now paying from 12 to s ) per cent serr.l-annually. Itevereed circumstances de mand a speedy sale. Banka will loan CO per cent on this stock. Address Q 33 , Bee ofllco. FOlt SALE-S3.000 stock of gents' furnishing goods , hats , caps , boots and shoos. Paying business of $2,000 yearly. Good building for sale or rent , Good reason for soiling. Fox & Hughes , Council lllulln , la. SOS-IS a Eon SALE And trade Drug stock nearly new ; one-half rash , balance time or trodo' A good chance for some ono to go into the drug business. Address G 37 , Boo. 860 17t TJ1OU SALE Cheap , a moat market doing a J- good business. Address Q "I , Bee olllce. M217S TTIOR SALE or Trade A good 3-chair barber JL1 shop w Itn bath rooms , centrally located , at South Omaha. Cull or address A. L. Undelaud & Co. . Omaha .Nub. St7 21 * TJIOll SALE Fruit , confectionery and cigar JL store in 1st class locatlon.aell ch oap.009 N lutli F45 17 MEAT market for sslo In peed location , good reasons for selling. Address G 21. Bee. 607 20 * flOOD paying restaurant and chop Mouse for tJTsalo cheap for cash. Established trade Close to Union depot. Address. G 20 , Bee. 80S20t HALF Interest in an established real estate lonn and renting ou&lness ; small capital ; will accept berne trade. Address ( } 13. Boo , 740-lOt POH SALE or Ilont The Malvern Steam Flour and Feed mills , or will take an active nrtner , Byron Sweazey , Malvern , Iowa. 545-10 TilOHSAfjE Or exchange , flno drug store In JL1 country town ; also some cheap landa. Ad dress lock box 20 Stuart , Nob. IU3 2ut STOCK of groceries and llxtures for sale for tiOO nnd store for rent , by John Strom. ISO" No. 17th st CGO 10 } I71OII SAl.E A nice clean stock hardware in JU best city in Iowa ; Invoice about S3,000wlll ; take K in clear real estate , balance 'Cash. Ad dress Box 2-'S , Cozard , Neb. 635 FOR SALE or Exchange Fine drug store in country town ; also sonio cheap lands ; will rent a roller mill to good mmi.ront not BO much of an object as to have mill run. Address Lock Box 8. Stuart. Neb. 63322t TltOK 8 A LE Cheap Harbor shop nna 4 chairs ; JL' good location ; paying business. M. H. Flew- lug. Crete , Nob. JM4 S7 TTKH SALE or Trade for Omaha property an X' established business. Box CIS Omaha , 340 AOHEAT bargain in Gordon , Neb. , anew roller mill for Bale , aj oarrol capacity and rigged to malco buckwhoit nnd rye flour , meal nnd chop feed ; in a gouU wheat conntry and good inurket for Hour , ; , ; J dwellings and barn with it ; prlco ? 8,000. PiVtlos having prop erty to trndo need not ttpply ; mill nas ilrbt- cla a reputation. I' . J. uarens. & 13 alOl1 FOR EXQ'HANCE. SADDLE Jioise for fliili'gle driver ; must bo young , sound nnd .reliable ; will pay cash allforcnce. Address T iUl'aiJcius , city. r ) 8IU IBt ri O EXCHANO B-\Vo har a good farm of 120 JL acres laymg cloie up tn the town of Pteeio City , Joirerson Co. . Neb.n About 70 acreH In high state of cultivation. ThlijJjriver ; bottom land ; soil can't be beat anywhere ; 25 acrua good tim ber ; balance In peed pasture ; all fenced ; never falling water ; this Is a Wn-ftftiilcont farm , with houso. stabling , and b nk'bjots in town go with farm if desired ; titles ali | erfoct ; wu want in exchange , nice , clean mockflt mercnandUe or hardware. Call on or aOrtrMs W. II. Gordon & TJ-EAUTIl'UL Donvefjrroporty to exchange JJfor property turffift'1 oast. Dexter , fcll Wrlgnt lillc , MluneupollsMlnn ) , SW Ibr TilOIl EXCIIANQE-2-story brtct uuslueis JL' building in Colfax , Indiana , for toclc mer- chundlso , hardware or iiiipltment . J. A. Shori' dan. Superior. Keb. S Kll 1B > pONTHAOToKS- equity lu Walnut Hill vvlot to excliaugu for a barn ; inquire room 4it Marker bit. 7Utl 18J T\7" " A'l'have you to offer In exchange lor ray T T tJ.OJO equity In lay double couss on Latnrop st , near ICtn , or for my W.OX ) equity in ray double house ou Htxmoer st , near d. or for my iJ.OOU equity in my double house on Wlrt st , east of 21th , all with modern Improvements , all encumbrances fi years at 7 per conU No farms will bo considered. W. T. Seaman , east side lillh Bt. north ot Nicholas Bt , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carrlngaa. 71)1 ) /T N elegant 412,000 stock of dry goods , etc. . -cXfor trade for land und casn ; tnls stock has not been offered boforo. Stringer & Penny , DouglasJIIock , Bole agent * . OSfi ifl W"ANTKI ) To trade for a stock of groceries , cash and lot * on O. ic 0. 11. intitor Una. Lots will bo put in ut tholrcash value. W. It. li. &M. & . , Itooin 11 ChainUar of Commerce , rpOTrtAnH for vacant lotst Aijoo X and business property , located in onft of tn but towns In NeurnAKa ; no encumbrance , pays good Interest upon investment. Address Qte , flee office t 871 48 TTIOW EXCHANGK-An elegant tract of land JU containing ISO acroi , in Antdopo county , Nob. , with ordinary improvement. * . A cnmrtcr-sectton in Hand County , Dakota , partly Improved. Eighty acre * near Council Bluffs , la. House nnd lot on South ICth st , Lnrga amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil stock. Will exchange for good br the erection ot gome nouses. Ueo. Jropctty . 1st National ban * building. 1178 1 .IVEIlV stable , stock aTilflxMires In Omahiiii JUprlco $9,000 , for clear land , or small in- cumbranca , and some cash , Furnlturaof a ten * room houEo. H.OOO , for clear Omaha property. General ntocK ot merchandise , KI.WH , for H cash nd balance land or city property IB-room frame hotel building to trade for land , 14,000 , Co Op. Lnnftand Lot Co. . S06 N Ifith st. 8 5 18 rpo KXCTfAiNllE The undlvldod onn-hait in. J-teret In : EHO > 100 ncri-8 ot a peed farm , lo- cntodJn i'ulivatl Co. , Mo. ; about oeo-hatt in cultivation , the onlnnce coed timber ; about ton acres In 6rchardtwo ; otlior small orchards ) font fair Houses ; abundance of ROCM ! spring water , anil laying about one rallo from good business town on railroad ; full and unlncunv bored title. This farm is in a good settlement and healthy locMlty.Vo will oxchangu for general mnrchamuiio or hardware. Call on or address VT. n.-Gordon & Co. , Btoolo City , Nob. > 6T > 5 _ _ " f OR 3ALE--RSAL ESTATE Ij'.YrllAUlUMft AKX CnR JOJgant homo in Omaha most tnslilonablo and popular location. A good , moilcrn 12-room house , with spacious , well kept grouudi , with good barn. Property is on paved street and Is rapidly Increaglng In raluo. Easy terms and low pried to right party. for 80 days from date the cheapest property ever offered cm rarnam at. near U'utli street 1 I I We will s ll 50. 100 or 150 ft. front 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than adjolnlngproportyl 1 1 This Is a gouuina bargain. Ames , 1507 larnam. 8U7-20 $20,000-J-I4 feet front In heart of Omaha , 10th st , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per cent now a , tlow rents ; must have (17.000 cash , balance Oner cent ; great offur : address EoO.Ileo. 731'alO * _ W "ANTED For cash customer , at once , a llrst-class residence property , about 10 rooms , C. E. Mayno , lleo building. BU.'i IGt liion SALE Extra good value In the thriving JL1 town of Linwoou , junction ot the North western , deslrablo business property cheap tor cash. One frame store bulldlng.2ixCObrlngtng good lent , bast location ; and , also , ono corner lot , 85x120. A good investment for small amount. Vnr further particulars , inquire , A. Peller & Co. , North llond , Neb. 825 18 TJ10U SALE Lots In Stewart Place , will fur- JL ? nlsh money , for building house , and pay ments monthly. Here Is a chance to secure a home. Harris , Itoom 411,1st Nat. Dank. 573 KOUNTZE PLACE 0-room house , barn and every convenience , for S7.000 , easy terms. Address for particulars , E 03. lice. SoS T710II SALE 043.7.5 acres , sec. 5. t p. 13. r. Gw JL ? Hamilton county. Neb. House , stable , iioo acres fenced , hvin water. Price , $3.003. F. K Atkins , owner , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col. 200 FOR SALB Honso and lot. east front on ! 15th ht.four or five- lots south ot Leaven woith.far enough away to escape special city taxes ou Ijeavenworthst. ; gradlug , paving , gas and sew erage all complete on l.eavonwortli ; house Is modern ; sploudid grove of trees about the orfinlses ; prlco M.OOO. C. F. Harrison , Mer- chants' Nat. Uank. t37 SOUTH Omaha , lot 00x150. lot 10. block 431 il.OCu , $100 cash , balance D years at 7 per cent , Jl. A. Upton Company , IBth & Farnam. 809 20 SIlOl.KS to the front again , Laat list ail sold out. t.T > .OOa , J30.000 , S18.0DO , 814,030 , SiaOOO. $11.503. and from this down to a small nouso for a cent , buys residences In the city for bankers down to the man vho cleans the sower. $8,000 or $7,003 buys cither 12 or 0-room houze , barn , lots 78 and 00x124 feet ground each , on S4th st. , Kountze place , with furnace , gas and fixtures , hot and cold water , bath , three elegant mantels each , all papered , elegant lawns , on grade , street paved , motor by October 1. If not cheap , come In and I'll glvo them botli to you free. U.K4I buy B-room house , furnace , and every thing oven to electric wires for lighting gas ; lot iiOxlEO , across street west of Dr. Mercer's nnd lulocic from motor. J500 cash , bal. Oper JO.OOO buys full lot In Hanscom place , 32d and Pcpploton avenue , with 8-room house , furnace and everything else. S3.200 buys n .loo Dandy east front lot on 3Jd and Pacitlo street , Hanscom place. JS.CW and $7,000 residences in Kouutzo place to trade for smaller honses and lot near tnoro. 84.000 , full lot and good house in Hillside add. opp. Webster street school to trade for vacant Jot. $1,200 buys either 4-room house , full lot. in Central park or Hitchcock's add , , and $ I.OJO same in Crelghton heights add. 12,750 buys line lot on Farnam and 42d sts. S9,7io buys 08x132 ft. on Cass st. opp. Cass school. $2.500 buys either of two 5-room houses in lioddlck puric. 81,000 buys a flue 7-room cottage on 18th and Paul fits. , with bath , hot and cold water , slag walk , and a cork r for the money. Trades. 3 cholca lots ualue in cash $2,509. In Lincoln , Neb. , for good house and lot and pay. balance in cash. Submit olferf. Also ICOncres choice land in Nuckolls co , Neb. , and good hard cash for en oico city lots. Submit. If vou don't want to buy send list of what you have to sell. We are here for that purpose and there are lots of thorn that will buy. There is just as peed bargains to-Ony as one w ants. Drop your "cranky" ideas and got to business. For pointers , seoSnotes , 210 First Nat'l bank. OPPLETON ave. cornsr of SSth st , HO 100 or 150 feet fronting on the avenue at $59 per front foot , best bargain in choice residence lots to be had in Omaha to-day. C. A. Starr , 1JOD Farnam st. 0720 171O11 SALE House nnd lot , east front on Vlr- JL1 ginla ave. , 250 feet S. of Woolworth avo. , lot 60x160 ; house has fi good rooms besides largo attic ; water and sowerugo on the street ; prlco for a short tlmo , ? 3,500 ; when the Motor Line runs to the park tlio lot alone will bo worth the money. C. F. Harrison. Merchants' Nat. lianic. K10 THOU SALE fl-room house and 28 feet front- JL1 age on 17th near California st , ; ground nbtit- tingltpn leth worth * 00 par foot ; tor a little home and as a speculation it is worth consider ing ; price8. > .000 , A cash. O. K Harrison. Mor- chants' Nat. Hank. 838 A LOT , suitable for double house , on Capitol nve , four blocks from high school , will bo sola at a sacrlllcc if taken at once. W. M , Harris , Itoom 20 , Frcnzer block , Opp. P. O , _ _ J [ 6S4 Hit TJTOK BALE Easy terms , Kountzeplivca. JD Two homes , each 8 rooms , each $4,000. Two homes , each 8 rooms , each 85.00. ) . Two homos , isach 13 rooms , each $7,593 , All \\ltu modern convenience. All large value at the price. All within a square of tli motor line. Don t lose thesu opportunltlsa. Forsaloiby the owner. V7. T. Seaman , East tilde ICth tit..north of Nicholas st , Omnlm'a largest variety of wagons and car- rlages. i 203 VEHV flne cottage In east part of Tuttlo's sub , ten minntes' walk from two depots , 4 block ! ! from Uotor Hue. six rooms and bath room , Trench" pluto windows , cemented rollar , filtered cistern , good burn , lot K feet soutn und eaat front , n-je view pf the river ana city , one of tlip Uncut.cottages in the city , owiiurls a railroad nmn and u-ood west the 1st of Sept. to take a better position and will hell hl = > homo for 52.200,011 easy terms. M. A. Upton Compa * qy. lath and Farnam. 5 au BUY a homo in the center ot the city , on monthly payments. I will sell you a lot in Aldlno square , imlluu homo of any Iclnd , worth from JlJ-jQ upwards , nnd you can pay for it monthly , quarterly or yearly. Alillne square Is on Rrace street , between 22d and 2-ld streets ; it has all the advantages such as paved streets , sewerage , water , gai , and Is a Hrst-class local- Itr. Call at liiol Farnam street and MOO plans of buildings and Get Ugures. D , J. O'Donalioo. KII J LOTS InOrchard Hill for8,003. ! ov 870J sepnr- rJntoly/riiesa lots will boou be worm double the money ; they are close to motor and llemlH park. Stringer & Penny , Douglas block. tjq id , Actual value inside business and residence $48rxw $ dence ; the seventeen lots at half pricoto first party comes. Why ? For reason am in need of flB,6UU asli. Great chance. Addroii i : : , lleo. 710-018 ? mo MANDI'ACTIJHEUB : 1 will give ammo -L ground , with upland Id trackage farllltlen on tliu Fremont , l-.lldiorii & Missouri Valley railroad or on the Missouri PoclHc ( Unit line ) tallway in Wostlawu , just outside the city limits In West Omaha , couvonleutly situated ni regard ! , access'to the otulneKs cantor of Omalm and South Omaha , to parties for the location of any ot tlio'followingIndiutrJes : Furniture Factory , llutton Factory , Khoo Factory , Lard lleaoery , Btarch ii fllucoso IV'ks. Sea ) > Works. Paper Mill , Purlller Manufactory , Plow Works , Itrooin l'nctory , Harvester Works , Woolen Mill. Nail Works. Oatmeal MUI. Knitting Mills. , HOX Manufactory , Sash. Door and Illlnd Wire Works , Manufactory , Maohino anops , Flour and I'cod Mill. Or any good manufacturing plant , Westlawn is Juat ouwlde the city limits and industries planted there will escape heavy city taxes. If you tire thinking of locating In Omaha It Will pay vou to InveKtlgatn this. Oeo. N Hicks. Aevr 1'orK Lif bulMinc , 71 * OU 8ALE-On longtime and easy payments , -i- handsome , now , well built houses of 8'J ana 19 roorui. All conveniences , good netghborhoodt paved streets , street cars and within walking dlstnuco of P. 0. Nutliuu Bheltou , 1011 Fnruam. ! SIT HANSCOM Plaes lot on fleorgU I T , below gntdo tnongh for courvr. lot S3. block IP. 13.501 , fXi rash. bManca 5 years nt 7 per cent. sanrer and all othbr tnx < paid. M. A. Up" > n Company , leth and Farnam. 8M ) 2J TAOU 8AL"K-lasl ! front'on 31st , near Pacific , J.1 1-5 cash , bal. easy. W , 10-1. West front on 32nd. near Paclflc , 1-3 cosh : 1 , , . , East front on 82nd , near Pacific , same terms , M.2U ) . ueautlful lot on Ilnrt st. , near 3 < th , f.1,030. Many oilier choice lots. Pee signs. J. . F.van , 1U 303. N. V. Llfo llldg. 7TO-10 _ PAVING llth street from Nicholas north. Contract has been lot for Colorado sand stone , Wo have 133 feet on llth 501 feet noith of Nicholas that w can sell for S2ftX ) . Must bo cobbled quick ; at tntt price. M. A. tin ton company , 16th and Farnam. 713-15 /HOMEand sea us and Invnstlgato some of the Whargalns we have to offer. Wn are contin ually listing new properties , and "It you don't see vf hat vou want ask for It , " Foroaloor exchange Ono of the finest res taurants In Omaha at a bargain , We have several fine hotel properties to trade for land or other good values. An elevator property with largo dwelling house , nt a bargain. Elovntor complete , with liorso power , scales , offlcn furnished , etc. A Ono opening for a practical grain donler. Houses and lots in all parts of Omalm for sale and exchange. For exchange , for Omaha prop erty , 1,000 acres of school land lease , in ono of tuo best countlbs in the state. A flno residence property in Omaha View for sale at a bargain. From JTS.OOO to I100.00D worth ot first-class with Block and machinery necessary to carry on the place. Old ago nnd falling health ot the owner is reason for selling. A uno Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soil , for exchange for Oinuha property. 230 acres of flno land in northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omnna property. For sale or exchange for western lands , city property , merchandise or livestock , anne hotel roporty in Iowa tonn ot C.OtO inhabitants. eadtng hotel ot the place and doing a flue business. Furnishes meals for two passenger trains dally. A snap for the right man. Wo have unsurpasso , facilities for disposing ot property , having some BX ) agents scattsred over four or llvo states. List your property with us if you wish n quick turn. W. K. E. * 31 , B. , Itoom 14 , Chamber of Common * , telephone - phone 1440. _ 683 T > BAD THIS nnd Investigate : WohavoS aero ? -Linear Central park for the small prlco , and 2 acres near South Omaha fortJUW. This is all nrst-class property , and will make line ad ditions worth almost double when platted. The property Is all clear und wo can mafco terms suit. Call on or address Co-operatlvo Land & Lot Co. , 20J N ICth St. 883 18 \JtrE have real estate In all parts of the city YV and state for sale or trada. Security Loan & Investment Co. , 315 8. 14th st , upstairs SALE J1.500 to 110,000 second mortgage FOR secured on Orchard Hill property. Address box 170. Ashland. Nob. _ Ii74-J6ffl of the two house and lot bargains 1 ONR been olTerlngon Georgia avo..nurtu of now sold and occupied , because of my very low price. The south bouse of tha two still rumutns a bargain ojion to somebody. First comes , first served. To be appreciated It needs to be examined internally. 1 positively will not rout it , though several times offered JJjOper month. 'Price , on veryeasyterms.rt.OOO. W. T. Seaman , east side I tli8t.north ot Nich olas ht.Oinaua's largest variety ot wagons und carriages. SW SALE Two of tno Deallocated traoscago FOU , on the northwest corner ot 2lst nnd Izard streets , size 123xl.'tJ tent. For prlca nnd terms inquire of the owner , Edwurd Spollor- borg , 1012 North 21st struo ; BOJ sl3t npHEbest monpy's worth of house nnd lot now JL for sale in Omaha Is that which lam now complotlnir near 24th at , on paved Wirt st. . tn Kountze place. B bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen. 2 bath rooms , ! ) water clonots , large laundry , stationery wash tubs , furnace ann coal room and collar , electric bulls and speaking tube. 12 closets. Prlco only S7.BOO no terms to suit. Likewise a duplicate adjoining at same prlco. W. T. Seaman , cast side liith st. north of Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriages. gJO TfOU SALE 2i , 44 or W foot of lot U , bloc * 7 JL1 at JC6C per foot. Thli is within a quarter of a blooc ot the now P. O. site , and will bo worth Jl.noo inside of a year. Ths o lot 8. block 101 , cor. Douglas and 10th sts , 41 fcet'on Douglas and CO on lOtli , price $25,000 , tlO.lOO cash , balance In nAo equal annual pavmonts. The so H uw M sec 0. 114. r 13 e. Douglas Co. , prlco J12.00. ) . 8-l.OUO cash , balance easy. Lot7. ulk3V ) , South Omntio , prlcoSi.203. terms easy. W. 11. E. &M E.rooiu 14 , Chamber of Commerce telephone 1140. 72T. T HAVE some ilnt-class rental property for JLsale cheap wittiln ono mile of noscoflico , on paved streets and motor line. Thos. .V. Hall , 311 Paxton block. CSS FOR SALE 9-room house , barn and lot. Hanscom Place , at a bargain. Harris , Room 411.1st Nat. Bank. 57J SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS. TTHBSr National safety deposit vaults. . Safes JL ? to rent $5 to $ ! a a year , 307 S. 13th. 812sl4 OMAHA HOTELS. LOI1E lIOTEL-Nowly furnished and Httod up throughout : centrally located : JJ per day. 1803-1310-1313 Douglas st. 131 MU1111AY HOTEL-Nowost , latest and only- first-class hotel in Omaha ; $ J to $4 per day 13. Sllloway. proprietor. 173 WINDSOlt HOTEL-Oonier of 10th and Jackson stresta. 'J blocks from Unlo depot , llegt 83 a day bouso in tiitf city. 180 HOTEL 1JAHIC.EH 141 rooms , elegantly fur nished. $2 and K2.50 per day. Uth and Jones st , , Omaha. F. A. Ualcb , proprietor. IKO-a'iS Notice to Contractors. Ulds will bo received up to " o'clock p. m. on Monday , the 2flth Inst. , for the erection ot a Drlrk Hotel Jlnlldlng ( not including the founda tion ) , according to plans and speclUcatlons pre pared by John H. Coxhead , architect , Drake block , St. Paul , Minn. The plans will be on view after tlio 10th day of August , at the olllco of the undersigned. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Tin : VANKTON HOTTT , ASSOCIATION. By J. P. Crennan , Secy. VANKTON , Dakota , August 0 , IBb'J. Aug. 0 d 12t _ _ Notice. TAKXN UP On the Sherwood farm , 2 horses tnatownnrcan Have by proving property und paying charges , fi. H. SriKiiwoop , Palace Stables , llth and Davouport. aie-SWO-si-13 Nnnun of Slouk Notice is hereby glvnn that the books of the Omalia , Lincoln & Gulf Hallway Company will bo opened for tno purpose of receiving sub scriptions to the capital Htoclcot said company on end after thenocpndMiiy of September , l s , at No. I'ttXi Farnam btreet , in the city of Omaha , Nebraska. , / , Dated this 1st day or August , 1SR9. 0. L , UiionES. ( ! . A. Win.KAl' , .T. L. U. Notion t Sealed proposals -\vlll bo received at the of fice of county clerk otJ3ouglas county , Nebras ka. until 2 p , m. of 8aturd.ay ( August i'lth , 18M , to liirnlsli drugs for Douglas 'comity , for the tmlancH of the your 1880. Ll t ordrugs required , to bo found on lllu In olllca ot county clerk , Cer tified chore for 10) ) must accompany each bid. The board reserves tno right to reject any nnd iill bldg. M. D , ilOCHE , County Clerk , alldint. _ _ _ _ 'Jo Contractors. Proposals tor furnishing materials nnd con. Htiuctlnga brlcc Unslneis block , except foun dations , ure solictuil until August 2 J , at 2 p , m , , at olllce of American Mortgage Co. . Vuukton , Dak. The light is ru&urvoil to reject any or all bids. 1'juna to bo ou exhibition August 10 and after , In Vankton , and aUo at nlllco of .1 , H. C'oxbead , Architect , Druta'a-lllocix- . Paul. Minn. _ Aug. U d tt Kotlco co ( Jontrnoiorw.- SOUTH OMAHA. August u , iss'J. Sealwl proposals will be rerolvod ttt the city engineer's olllce , by the committee on rlaductx. street * uud alleys , until noon , Saturday , Aug. 24th , 1HW , for grading north hulf ( Jiof ) M Mtioet. from -Itli east to alley , and alley from I , tn M utroot. Approximate untlrnatp , B.Ocubic ) yards nt U'o3Ul. . Work to bo completed vlth- In theiily UUVH after ft contract therefor blunt ) und take * elfoct. All bids must bnaccfpa - nlcd by a euitllloil chock for S.VJ ; until ( , ckto bo returned on all bids nut accepted. Thw ilsla to reject any and all bids is reserved. E , II. TOWL. Chairman Com. on Viaducts , Streets i ; Alleys , alSdTt far 80 Saj ONtV we will ; ua for ta tha DEOROQTELEGTRIGSPIRAL fcS OEOOI BUSniSCj ; ; BSSWiu'i BUJteiJi liw. Donrrt of Kqnnhzntioii. Notloo of the sitting of the City CotinciUj Doara of Equalization To the owners of lots and lands abutting on or adjacent to the streets , alley * or avrnuw * . or situated in whole or in Dart within any of tha districts hereinafter named. You and each of you arc hereby notified that the city council will sit as a bosrd of ratifttlzy tionntthoonu-ooftho city cleric of sum cife In Don pins county court hou < iion Krldojt the SJil duv of August. ISfli.trotn'V o'clock n. ili to n o'clock 11. m , , for tno purpose of emmll7.ln2 the proposed levy of special taxes ana ossoiR- menu , ntul correcting any errors therein , and or hearing all complaints that the owners of property so to ho taxed and nsse < uod. may mnka ; Bald special taxes and assessments being levied according to law to cover the cost and expenses of paving , curbluir , opening and widening street * , anil the 0110 halt cost ot gt nd < ing , AS herelimftor stated- Alley In alley paving district No. 83. Alley in alley pavlngdistrtt.t No. 4,1. Alley in alley paving dtsttlctN < i.4l. Alloy m alley paving district No. 4T , Alley in alley paving district No. 51. Alloy in alley paving district No. fc. . Al ey In alley pavlnu district No. t3. Alloy In alley pa\lnu dlstrlcl No.M. Alley In alloy paving district No. 50. Klevcnth street from Mason street w William street in \vlug district No. 145. Clark street from Sixteenth street to Twonty- fourth strcotln Paving Diatrict Ao M. Uurtstroot from Sixteenth street to Twenty- second street , in Pavlnu District No. 14v' . Webstur street from SixteenthstreottoTwen- ty-n coud Htrcot , lit raving District No. 144. Ilnrnoy street from Twi-nty-slxth street to Trrcnty-olghth atroot. In Puvlnpr District No. 153. Capitol avenue from Twenty-fourth street to Twenty sixth stioot. In.l'avlng District No 1 3 , only-fourth street from riponcnr street to Spauldlng street. In Paung District No. B-J1. Izard Btroot from HUtoonth Mrout to lilRti- toouth street , lu I' District No.-- ! . rnruam street from Thlrty-suventh street to Tiouo nvouua , In PavliiR DUtrlet No. 2J4. 0.133 street from Uhlrtcenlh street to Six * tcentli street , In V'uvhitt District No. ll. nnu ! ( t. Twonty-seeond street frcm Oraco to Iako street. Spruce street from 23d street to 2th ( stroot. i.iiko street from 18th street to ! Mtu street. Hurt street from lUth street to U > th streot. Tw enty-tlilrd stioot from Cuinlug street to alloy north of Webster street , Nicholas street from nth street to 21th street. Hickory street from inth street to 10th street. To cover the full cost of Kradlutc Twenty- fourth street from Lonvcmvorth street to Masgn street. OPKNINO AND WIDENING STIlRGTfl. AVobstor btreot from ! id ! street to I'Oth street. Thirty-second uvctiuo from Kd Crolshton avenue to south city limits. Thirteenth street from Spring street to south city limit ) . Twenty-ninth street from Indiana street to Hamilton street. Von and each of yon are notified to appear Ijotoro Kalil Hoard of Equalization at thu ilnio and place aboro specltlud to make any com plaint , statement or objection you may doslro concerning said proposed levy ami assessment of special taxes. J. B. BOUTHAUD , City Clerk. Omaha. Aug. 13. 180. nl7ddt THE RAM TIME HUB , OMA1IA. Westward. Running between Council Bluffs and Al. brlcht. In addition to the station ! mentioned , trains ntop at Twentieth and Twonty-fourt * streets , and at tno Summit in Omaha. Broad rrans- Omaha South Al- way. for. deput , Bheely. Oinahn bright. A.M. A.M. A. M. A.M. A. M. A.M. / > ; i5 5:51 0:00 : 00 ; > eo 0:3) 8-.T7 0:33 640 ; 7:00 .M 7:25 YM 7:4i 0:0(1 : ( 7:45 : 73 8:06 5:12 Bai 8:42 : 8:55 : 8:45 : 8:62 : t:01 ) 0:13 0:2,1 : 039 ; 9:42 : 0:55 : IQiiXI :52 : 10:12 10:30 : 10i4b : OK ; 11:03 11:12 11:30 11:4- : 11 :53 P.M. P.M. P.M. KM , J' M 1' . M. 13:0/1 : / 12:12 12 : 12:30 12:45 : 12:5J : 1:05 1:1 ! 1 : 1:45 : 1:53 : 2:12 : 2-23 2:30 : . S:42 : 2D5 3:45 : 3:0 } 8:12 : 3:2. ) : 2:30 3:57 : 4K US 3:45 : 4:12 4:2.1 4:39 4:50 : 4:57 : 6:15 : 445 ( : U5 5:12 : 6:30 : 6:45 C : r , fll2 : 0:89 l:45 ! 7:30 7:45 843 ; :5. : 'Ji08 0:1 : 0:21 0:45 : 1UU5 : 10:21 10:30 : 11:00 11:07 : Iv ar 11:11 11:201 1 11:51 12:01 a-M 11 ' ' : . * - IMMM. 1UA1 i caktwura. Al South unarm T7an - bright. Omaha ley , Dopot. for. wuy. A. M. A.M. ATlL TTMT A , M. A.U. 2'j :00 " " ' : : ol "e'i : 6:15 0:27 : fliM ol7OJ 7jir , 7:20 : 7ie ; :49 7:50 BK : 8:21 B : ,23 , ' 8rt ; ( 8:10 8 ; . 8:50 : 8:55 : 007 | 0:15 : BM D : V:22 : U:3U : 0SO II : 10.-07 10:15 : 6:37 : 10.-3S 10:05 ioio ; 10W : " 10 riO 10:55 11:07 : 11:15 : "Has 11:50 11:55 P. M. T. M. P , M. P. M , P. M. I1. M. 13:37 : 12:25 12:55 : 1:07 1:15 : 1:87 1:33 : 2:07 2:15 : B:27 : 2:35 2:60 : 3:07 3:27 0:10 U:16 : 8:27 : B50 8Vi 4:07 : 4:15 : 4:27 4:23 4:37 4 : < 6 4:55 5:07 : fil5 : 6:37 : fn :07 0:15 : i37 o.ia BlU C:55 T.-07 715 7:27 1-M 7:60 7:16 807 :15 8:27 : 8:50 8tt : 9:07 : "SI'S ' 8:27 : 9:60 : 6:65 : 10:15 : 10:27 : 10:35 10:50 : 10t' : ll:07ar : . 11:30 11 tU into 13:11 : , , . . .i COE YONGEotte CO.r WALkTAGDCANE8y lowtlt pr AuftLon i anuKnlfaSUnitia IUIUT1UTLU t ' 7ICWMHINCTON