THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : BiXTURDAY , AUGUST 17 , 1889. WHO WILL SUCCEED GREEN ? Commission Promises to Look Into Hio Onoo. CANDIDATES ARE MULTIPLYINO7 Further i'rocccillims In tlio Case or Congressman Connell nnil ttio Ons Campnny Tlio District Court Docket. Who Will Ho Captain ? The police nro Indulging in considerable Speculation over tlio probable appointment of a successor to Captain Duff Grcoit of the police force , None of lha inon In authority Will glvo an In-line of the probable action of thoctnof and the pollco commission In the matter. There are several available mon among the ofllcors of the force whoso names are mentioned in connection with the posi tion , the most prominent bo hit ; Detective Mostyn. Sergeant Al Slgwart , and Sergeant Mike Yvhalon. All of these nro olil-tlmo members of the force and competent to fill the place. Ttio appointment will probably tnko place next week. In the meantime Dotcctlvo Mostyn Is acting captain. Grcnn nnI the I'ollco Commission. 'Mayor Hroatch says that the police' and fire commission will investigate the charges against Captain Ureon despite the fact that ho has resigned. As Mr. Gilbert has re turned there is now a sufficient number of the commission in the city to constltuto a quorora. A meeting , however , will uroba- nbly not bo hold before the regular time on Monday evening. The * mayor says that Captain Green's ' successor must bo named by the lire and police commission alono. THE NKW DOCKET. liltlgntlon. Piling Up for the Septem ber Term. The outlook now indicates a very largo docket for the September term of the dis trict court. Notwithstanding the fact that over six htindrod cases had been disposed of when a final adjournment had boon reached , the Judges will have as much litigation before - fore them as they had at the opening of the February or May terms. Mr. Moores is anxious for attorneys to understand that they must have all cases for the now doukot in by the 24th inst. , as that will be the limit in order to giro sulll- olont time for tiling answers before the court convenes ? Prtuly Hanson , who says ho lives in Utah , Jias commenced suit against J. 13. Noff & Co. , alleging that they have in their poses- slon 550 head of fat sheep , valued at $1CT > U , "which belong to him , and wants uu order compelling ft surrender , of the same or their equivalent in cash. J. H : Nod & Co. nro rcsidnnts of York county. The suit was brought here bocausu they arrived at South Omaha last night with tbc sheep to market them. Jack Suttlcs , has been made defendant in a suit brought against him by the wife , son and three daughters of Harrison Brownwho charge him with having tnkou advantage of the old ocntleninn's mental infirmities and securing from him a deed to eighty acres of well improved land in Douglas county , and ninety bead of stock. The plaintiffs' allege that Mr. Brown is wholly noii'COinpos men tis , therefore they ask that Suttles bo com pelled by order of court to reconvoy the property to them. New papers wcro filed la the following cases : 14 312 IClmball-Champ Investment Com pany vs Charles E. Warren , et al ; motion for security for costs. 14 133 AIcCormick. et al , vs Nancy C. Noon , ot al ; nroof of publication. 14 301 Henry Livescy vs Nels O. nrown , otal ; answer of Unicn Pacific railway com pany. 18 235 Experience Estorbrook vs Mary E. Stevenson , ot al ; stipulation for repairs. 18-337 Schneckonburger vs Schnccken burger ; affidavit. , 13 146 Kuhn vs Slaughter ot al ; third summons. County Court. Judge Shields engaged In the trial of a lively suit brought by A. O. Mudgo. of DCS Molues , la. , against Bates & Co. , commission merchants in this city , for $500. The dis pute , it sooras , originated over a car-load of apples sent by plaintiff last fall to the defendants - fondants to sell for him. Now papers Hied were as follows : Ritchie et al , vs Roth et cl ; aflldavitby IsaacAdams. . L 8T3 Same ; notice. L 872 Same ; affidavit by 'defendant , William H. Uoth. Li 372 Same ; answer of Isaac Adams. L 501 George L. Green vs Henry St. Felix ; notice of appeal. Omaha and Council Bluffs are prepar ing to furnish accommodations for 40,000 people during' the Omaha fair , Septem ber 2 to 0 , inclusive. WHEN THE LIGHT WISN'T OUT. Congressman Council nnif the Gas Company Kncli Fllo Afllilnvlts. Affidavits are inexpensive at this season , so the conglomerated ga interests made ono in answer to Congressman Connoll'o , and placed it on file with the district court clerk at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. James T. Keyword , being sworn , says ho Is ono of the defendants in the Injunction eult brought Dy Congressman Council , and ia also a sortof chlof clark for the gas com pany. Ttin first paragraph significantly hints that as such clerk ho has charge of cbllccUona and authority to cut off the gas from customers who refuse to comply with the company's rules. After reciting a single-handed dlaloguuo about the company , Mr. Hoywurd proceeds to swear , in substance , that the gas iu Mr. Council's house was shut off Tuesday evening solol/bccauso ho had permitted his July bill to go unpaid over the time specified iu the company's rules , the 10th of every month. They also declare that no sooner bad his chock for the amount duo been received oa Thursday morning than the gas was agaia turned on. Deponent denies that la turning oft the gas ho was actuated by splto or any motive ex cept the non-payment of the bill , as required of everyone alike. Mr. Council was on hand with material enough to make a second affidavit , and 5:80 : o'clock found him ia the clerk's ofllco alter nately reading from a copy of the gas com pany's affidavit aad answering its statements in his own. The Juno trouble occurred , ho said , whllo ho was trying tbo Hoagland case , Involving over $175,000 , and was very busy. On the evening ot the Ifith of Juno ho came homo about ? o'clock ' und found a party of mon tear'ug ' up his sidewalks , "What's all this about I" haasuod. "We're hero to take up the gas pipes. " ono of them replied. "Well can't do it ' , you to-night ; you're a little too Irte sn the day , " and suiting the action to tlie word the congressman tossed the planks buck Into place. The men hung about the yard for a time , then walked away. Mr. Council was busy thut evening preparing his argument for the next morning. Ho wan down for the opening speech , and said ho wouldn't have had the interruption thrust upon him at that time for H'5. But ho arose early next morning , and going to his office wrote out a blank check and carried it down-to the gas company's of fice. He settled the bill , paying , as ho slates , "too Qxtortlonato rate of | 3 per 1,000 foot , aa charged , which , as a matter of fact , as compared with correct incter rates of coal gas , would bo in excess of (3 per 1,000. , " Iteiurniag to his office his wlfo Informed him by telephone that mon were tlioro again , tearing up the gas pipe * . Ho replied that ho didn't tea how that could bo , as hu had lust paid the bill. "Tell them to stop , " ho added , and hurried up to the court house. At noon ho went home ana found that the uipos had been cut , and the earth packed over them again. His wife told him that she had asked the mon to atop , tolling them the bill had been paid , but ( boy had paid no attention toner nor further than to ay that It didn't make uuy dllteroune. they were going to cut of ! the jra , und they did. . At till * the congressman admits his choler rose and bo went down to the gas company's ofllco. Chief Clerk Haywara received him , and , on being questioned , admitted that ho was the follow who replied to Mrs , Council's ' queries. "At which stage of the play , " said Mr. Connell , "I called him n cowardly cur , n paltroon and n few things like that. " Alluding to the claim that his bills were allowed to run past duo ono onllro month , ho stated that it was duo to nn error of the gas company's accountant. Before going to Washington hn had Intrusted to Judge Ires the payment of a number of small accounts , among them the gas bills. The account ren dered included only ono month's bill , whereas , it should have Included two. It was paid as presented , and the gas people had no right to object , especially as ho rec tified their error at once when his attention was called to it. . These facts ho incorporated in an affidavit , Which was Died shortly after 0 o'clock. IMIcst Piles ! riles ! Dr. Williams' Indian Pllo Ointment will euro blind , bleeding and itching piles when other ointments have failed , It absorbs the tumors , allays the itching at once , acts as a poultice , gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pllo Ointment is prepared only for plies and itching of the private parts , and nothing else. Every box Is warranted. .Sold by druggists , or sent by mall on receipt of price , 500 and $1 per box. WILLIAMS' M'FG CO. , Prop's. _ Cleveland , O. Omaha and Council Bluffs nro prepar ing to furnish accommodations for 40,000 people during the Omaha fair , Septem ber 2 to 0 , inclusive. FKAUD IS ALLitiGtiD. Alex II. Robertson as Trustee Urines Suit to Itocovcr Certain Property. The ofllco of Conedon , Clarkson & Hunt , has been converted for two days into a court room , Some years ago Alex H. Robertson , who resides In Haiti.noro was made trustee for the estate of Eltt V. Davis ut Plattsmoulh. Subsequently ho made a sale of several lots through Chapman & Polk , ns his agents to Michael O'Donahoo. Later developments , disclosed a transaction which Mr. Robertson thought bore strong evidences of being tainted with fraud , and ho Instituted suit In the United States court to bavo the O'Donahoo sale sot aside. Ho al leges that while Chapman & Polk were his authorized used O'Uon- agents , they simply - ahoo as a figurehead , aud Polk was the real purchaser. Ho agreed to pav O'Donahoo ' $200 for his services In the capacity of a blind. The deed was made llrst to O'Dona hoe , but before any record was mode ho transferred it to Polk. The latter , it op- nears , hud put up a littio schema to make bout 1,000 out of his client , by getting hold f thp property , valued by him nt § 3,000 , but .vhici ) , says the plaintiff , is now worth $30- 301) ) . The work of taking the depositions of Robertson and others is now going on. Ilorsford'n Add IMiospliato Makes Delicious Lemonade. A teasuoonful added to a class of hot or cold water , and sweetened to the tosto , will bo found refreshing and invigorating. OFF FOR FREMONT. Wliore the Omaha Tumor. * Hope to Win Fresh Ijaurels. At 5:10 last evening a largo delegation of athletic looking Turners from Omaha and Plnttsmouth left for Fremont , to take part in the Turners' tournament in that city to day and to-morrow. The Plnttsmouth and local prize Turners met at Germania hall , and headed by the Plaltsmouth 13. & M. band , marched to the Webster street depot. The following were the Omaha Turners in the party Philip Andres , president of the atato organization ; CasparBuechner.Ernest Grubo , Otto Nlederwicser , Carl Stanger , Charles Kchchuh. Gottlieb Blaettort , Fritz Fruehauf , Gus DaySo , Henry Ulx , Fred Kuhn , Max Hcmpel and Gus Gold. George Anthes and Kohert Kosenzweig go as Judges. The Plattsinouth turners wore : Charles Hanne , J. Kopp , Henry Kirkwoilor. Paul Woorl , Emll Woorl , John Lutz , John Saltier , Hans Frohm , Philip Caruff. Accompanying the party were Mrs. Lutz , Mrs. Saltier , Mrs. Grauso und Miss Ulatn , all of Plattsmouth. Last evening at Fremont a grand "com- mors" was clvon in honor of the visitors , and the now banner of the Fremont turn- veroln was dedicated. To-day occurs the couipction for prizes in turning , and tomorrow row is the day set apart fur athletic sports. A grand excursion party leaves to-morrow for Fremont , and all the local German so cieties will bo roprescntod. The tram leaves the Webster street depot at 9 a. in. Mr. D. M. Grayson , of Cornville , Frank lin parish , La. , says : I think Swift's Sno- cillc is the best blood remedy in the world. I have known it to make wonderful cures of persons with blood diseases , some cases which had been regarded as incurable. Half rates on the railroads to the Omaha fair , September 2 to 0 , inclusive. AT BEtiLiEVUB UANGE. The Scores Made by the Cavalry Mnrkmnen Yesterday. In the annual marksmanshlD competition for the cavnlrv nt Bellevue range yesterday , the competition was with revolvers , at known distances , dismounted , The first two hours this morning will bo devoted to revolver practice , mounted. The score of the loading twenty men was as follows : Competitors. Jus. 1' . Hughes , scrgt. , 1C , 1st cav W. A. Holbrook.Udlleut. : , 1st cav Chas. F. Lines , prlv. . H.lstcixv John M. O'Connor , Corp. , A , 8th cav. . . . Ji V. Lurtu. 2 < 1 llaut. , Utlicnr Charles K. Orltllth. farrier , 11 , kthcar . Charles Hunt ley , prlv. , II. 1st cav 1) ) . It. Douglas , curp. . 0 , 8th cav 13. II. Stlner. Corp. , 11. M cav J. F. Jucksou , . U Uth ft * ' < JU OUUt OUt bk , l * ' ! < * ' cav < * * * * * W. U. lialdwin. fnrrlor. D , ath cav Stephen Klntg , scrgt. . li , 1st cav P. ft. IJorboy , prlv. , J , nth cav William Itellly , corn , , M , fan cav John Albert , prlv. . Cltti ) cav A. M.MoMunn , Corp. , I.tith ruv Kobert Charlnton , serg. , a , Eth cav. P. M. Ilutler , sorpt , , U , 1st cav , . Cienrgn Leonard , prlv. . F. 1st cav Army IVotoH. Lloutonnnt John E1. McMillan , Ninth cav alry , who luis bean on duty at Bellevue range , has been ordered to Camp Crook , al Fort Kobluson. Lieutenant Fuller , Second cavalry : Lieu tenant Hivors , First cavalry , and Lieuten ants Slocumb and Duff , Eighth cavalry , who have been on duty atHollovuo , have been or dered to their respective stations. Lieutenant Rivers , First cavalry , has been granted twenty-one days leave of ab BOUfO. Lieutenant Robert E. L. Mlchie , Second cavalry , has boon granted leave of nbsonco for twenty days. All olllcors engaged in the cavalry com- pntition at Belluvuo have been relieved by ojtlor of General Hroolto , and will report to their cominnnus. Dr. Talrnago lectures on the "Sunny Side of Llfo" nt tlio Omaha fnir. PAXTON IIOTin , OJIAUA Snoclnl tit- tontlou to commercial mon. Finest and largest hotel in the woat. Klttrodgo & Brainurd , proprietors. The 1'cst ilouse. The board of health wcro out on a tour o Investigation yesterday inornlne , looking for a location for a post houso. It is probable they will locate it on Cut-off island. They have about decided on a spot three mile : northeast from tbo center of tbo city , am nearly ouo rallo duo east from the Locus street bridge. _ The best wine gropes in the country como from northern Ohio ; Cook's Im perial Champagna is mudo of thorn. Abstracts of tltlo to Wyoming oil lands furnished. Assessment work Uono and verified to by aflldaylt and certi ficate of recorder , Claims located. J. J. Corhott , Casper , Wyoming , Merchants' woolc is the same days as the fair , September 2 to G , inclusive. TI112 TENNIS XOUUNtXMlSNT. The SrrlcMoC Onincs "Will Entl Tills AHcrnoon. As tlio tonnls tournnmcnt begins to dr.w near to an end , and the players to enter tha Inal contests nro singled out , increased in- crest is tnkcu in the games , nnd tlio spccta- ors gathered nt the athletic parlt last ovon- ng were the most enthusiastic crowd vet In attendance. The jilaylnp was wlUiout doubt the iinest ever Witnessed In Omaha , nnd it was a pleasure to see with what swift- tcss and dexterity nn accomplished player can knock the ball into his opponents' court nnd Just out of the Inttor's ronch. The Ipublo sots were played by Pnrdon nnd -.nthrop vs Euatmnn und Coombs. The Irst game was a brilliant ono , lasting nearly an hour , und resulted in n score of 0-7 in favor of Purdon and fjttthrop. A second sot vns commenced , but was postponed until to- dav , with the qcoro standing 3-2. The singles nro attrnctinR considerable In terest also. Last evening Stranp , Doano and Purdon appeared on the scone , each anxious for the championship , and each laving downed two opponents , Doano hud defeated Coombs and Luthrop , Purdon had aid out Ball and Eastman , whllo Stranp dangled the scalps of Dioltoy nnd Heed. Strnng nnd Doano wcro the first two to measure skill with each nnd the result was .that Straus had to re- , lro from the contest with scores of 0-3 aud 0-1 against him. The championship of singles is therefore narrowed down bo- .wccii Doano nnd Purdon , and the frlcuds of each bollovo that their favorite will win. The tonnls tournament ends to-day , und to make sura of this the playing will commence at 8:30 : p. in. Among the ladles who witnessed last oven- ng's games wcro the following : Misses Harrison , Duryea , Mary Duryeit , Staley , Helen Smith , May Burns. Jcnnio Moore , lizzie Urecltcnridgo , Stella Mount. Sago , Jm-narJ , from Lincoln , and Mrs. Collins. Hnvo You CAtarrli ? Tlioro Is one remedy you can try without danger of hum bug. Send to A. G. Coleman , chemist , Kala- nnzoo , Michfor trial package of his catarrh euro. His only mode of advertising is by giv- ng it away. Postage 2c. Judge for your self. Mention this paper. Morchnnt8' week is the same days ns the fair , September 2 to U , inclusive. AMUSEMENTS. "Sweet Lavender" was presented by FYohman's Lyceum Theater company at 3oyd's ' opera house last night for the first time In this city. It drew an audiecce almost as largo as the ono that witnessed "Tho Wife. " While everything favorable that could bo said of "Sweet Lavender" as a stage attraction is fully deserved , it is lotTai interesting a play as the other. That , nowevor , is probably duo to the fact that its characters are not so familiar to American [ icoplo , and the story develops occurrences so tainted with human weaknesses and social immoralities that tend to chill rather than outhuso tbo more delicate , more refined and moro sensitive feelings of such audiences as patronize this superb company. But it served , nevertheless , to show the members of it in a different light from that in which they have been seen here ; therefore , the appreciation was all that could be desired. Miss Cayvan never appeared so charming as in the character of Minnie Gillllllan , and she completely won the ad miration of every person in the house. W. J. Lo Moyno has the principal part , though , that of Dick Pheuyl , a barrister , nnd ho played it to perfection. A moro artistic , delightful bit of character work has never boon seen in this city. All the others deserve mention , especially Miss Dillon , Mrs. Whlffen , Henry Miller and Charles DieUson , who was substituted for Herbert Kelcey in the role of Horace Bream , a young American. The latter did not appear. Charles Wolcott , as Nelson Wueatcro ft , nnd Mrs. VValcot also sustained the parts allotted to them magnificently. All in all the performance was in every re spect entirely satisfactory , and all will agree that in several instances it showed better acting than anything done in "Tho Wife. " The audlcnco that greeted Lilly Clay's company at the Grand opera house last night was large , enthusiastic and masculine. The evening's programme was varied , and was a presentation of songs , dances , shapely limbs and other brie-a-brac. The entertainment was amusing , of course , to . those who appreciate that variety of shows , but the moral effect on a Sunnay school class would bo anything but salutary. As a matter of fact , the show was almost Indecent , the actors , if such they may bo called , approaching as near the line as possible without violating the statute. Do not fail to see the now CARPETS , RUGS , LINOLEUMS A.ND DRAPER IES shown lit Chas. Shivcrick & Go's. Dr. Talmngo lectures on the "Sunny Side of Life" at the Omaha fair. Siianncin's Lislit Fine. Jack Shannon had his hearing la.polico court yesterday afternoon on the charge of assaulting Ofllcor Monell with a chair. Monoll was called into the saloon at the cor ner of Cuming and Twentieth street last Tuesday night to stop a fight which was go ing on there. As he entered the door ho was struck full In the mouth by Tom Carroll , who also snatched his club from him. Monoll knocked Carroll down and was taking his club from htm when Shannon picked up a chair nndjjrpjicat-ovor Monell'a head , bruislrjg-hinrSo that he was unlit for duty noxtTda.V.Carroll und Shan non were both arrested. After hearing the testimony Judge 13crka imposed a fine of 5 and costs on Shannon , Carroll's ' case has been continued. Ilo AVns a High Roller. Hurry Hubuoll , a solicitor for the Michi gan Life Insurance company , who hat bean residing lately at 1115 South Twenty-second street , lias disappeared. Ho came to the city about a year ago from Peoria , 111. , and was employed by a coal 11 rm in South Oma ha. His salary not being lareo enough to suit tno gentleman's extravagant taste , he mortgaged his leased furniture to Uvo dif ferent parties , and also paid bills with checks on banks in which ho had no deposits. Hn moved about from place to place. At first ho and his wife roomed on Capital avenue between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets. From there they moved to Nineteenth street , afterwards going to Davenport between Sev enteenth nnd Eighteenth streets. Ho finally moved to South Twenty-second street , where ho lived until ho loft the city about a week ago. Hubbell was a prominent member o ! the Omaha Guargs , nnd a hlght roller goner- ally. Ho contracted debts on all sides nnd resorted to all sorts of schemes to defer pay ment. About n weelc ago tils wlfo loft for her old homo in Pcorm , nnd Hubbcll took his departure soon afterward. The leased and doubly mortgaged furniture was given to the landlord to pay rent. Dr. 13. T. Coppodgo. of Verona , Mo , , says ho has sold a largo quantity of Swifts Spe cific , and to n great many customers , nnd knows it to bo most successfully used for maladies of the blood. Omaha and Council BlulTs are prepar ing to furnish accommodations for 40,000 people duting the Omaha fair , Septem ber 2 to G , inclusive , Tliu Sixth Ward ilcpubllcans. A meeting of the Sixth ward republican club was held last night. An executive committee was chosen for the ensuing year , and a com mil too was appointed to sue obou1 getting a now voting precinct for tbovcsi end of the ward. It was decided to make up a mounted or ganization , with floats , etc. , aud go iu to win tbe prize banner in the ward club'a contest A Serious O ( Ten so. "Even a king has no right to Invade the sanctity of tils most humble subject's home , " said Judge Uerka yesterday in deliver ing an opinion upon tbe rights of an agent of an installment plan furniture house , to eater a customer's house and take forcible posses elan of goods that have not been paid for. The case grow out of a complaint for us lodged against Frank Vail , an agent for Slmpsan's furniture house , by Mrs. Emma Andrcun , ofjSojith Seventeenth nvo nuo. Vail went ldtMr ? , Androcn's nnd took losscsslrm of n gasoline stove upon which [ hero wcro several pWltients duo. Mrs , An- tlrccn objected U > iVAll's action when ho pushed her to ono aUjfMUid took possession } f the property. Slip then had him arrested for assault , Judge' ' ilorkn declared Vail eullty nnd assessed U Una of (3 and costs. Dr.Tnlmnpo lectures on the "Sunny Side of Lifoi at tko.Omalm . fair. HOWS TI11H , jVf'l'AIN SOU ARK ? Why Don't Tlicfetf JYounsr Mon Got Their MtMiiornm ? There Is trouble In th'js ranks of the Omaha 3uards deep seated dissension nnd discord which , If it continues , is liable to break up the organization , Hero is the history of the case , As nearly every one is aware the organiza tion is not n part or portion of the state mil- tin. It Is a company composed of young mon of a military turn of mind who uniform nnd arm themselves , and receive the satis- 'action of a press notice whenever they go on parade. The members of the company are , In the main , the bast young mon of Omaha and constltuto a military organiza tion of which any city might well bo proud. Out ns assorted , there is trouble brewing , The Omaha Guards are in debt. They mvo been in this condition for a long time. They were in debt a your ago and in order to make some money hold n "bazaar , " the re ceipts ot which were to bo applied for the purchase of uniforms. The affair was a par tial success and the new bra s-buttoncd dross suits were ordered , the measurements sent on nnd In duo tlmo a portion ot the garments arrived. Four younc mon , Ned Hall , Ed Smith , Private Hoglo and n young man employed in the ofllco of Auditor Wing of the Union Pa cific , were loft out. They protested to Cap tain Scharf , the tall bewhiskered chief ofll- cor , that they were not being fairly treated , and assorted that when the command "right dross" was given that to look at the buttons on the now uniform of the second man to the right whllo they stood In their old clothes would bo sufflclont to arouse the green-eyed monster , and they didn't ' want him awakened just at that timo. This was six months ago. Hut Captain Scharf was dumb. Ho ap parently clid not care whether his soldiers Had uniforms or not. And nothing was done In the matter. In consequence , the four young men lianded in their resignations. Hut despite this action , the monthly assess ments of W each came around with start ling regularity. As a m.ittor of course they refused to pny. and u night or two ago were dishonorably discharged. The company not being In the militia there is no appeal , and they must be content to abide by what they consider an injustice. After citing the above facts , one of tbo quartette yesterday said : "It's too bud. Wo all went m the guards anxious for the company's success. Wo wore willing to stand us much expense nnd inconvenience as any one.but Captain Scharf bos his favorites and , as wo did not 'stand In , ' of course wo got ttio worst of it. Why there are mon in Company who haven't paid one-half what wo imvo who received uniforms , and wo wore shut out. It will result in breaking up the company if Scharf cohtinues his policy. Ho is , to my mind , a goodi drill master , but a very poor captain.As Jong as his favorites llattnr him they are , all right. Hut a man who insists on his rights had better got out it ho can. That Is the % tory in a nutshell. " ConstlriitloiV , , Atnomlcil. The constituting of the guards has re cently been amendo'd/touching the mialillca- tions for membership ; . Section three pro vides that the applicant must bo of good character , sound pbyjsl al condition and not less than eighteen years ot ago. They must be at least flvo feqt'six inches in height. Formerly the applicant had to bo flvo feet eight inches and not .less than twenty-one years of age. i _ i On Monday next Lnnco Sergeant G. C. Fabyan will bo examined for promotion to sergeant. u- ' . , T1 Are you goiiifjijLo.seo the tjrcat races at the Omaha fairSe.ptombor 2 to 0 , in clusive1 } SOUTH OMAHA NEWS. Sheen Shippers' Marshal James P. Maloney yesterday morn ing arrested J. D. Noft on a telegram from P. Hanson , Grncn River , Wyo. , charging Mr. Neft with having three cars of stolen sheep. Mr. NefE promptly turned over the sheep to Deputy Sheriff Houck , and explained that ho had bought the sheep and had given a draft attached to the bill of lading , the common way of doing business , and had shipped the sheep to Jackson & Co. , commission mer chants. Chilli Found Dond in Bod. At 8 o'clock yesterday morning Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A-Bills awoke and found their little daughter Minnie L. , aged four months , dead. Death was caused by dropsy of the head. The funornl will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the parents' residence , K street , between thirty-fourth nnd Thirty- fifth. Interment in Laurel Hill cemetery. A BaptlHt Surprise. A largo company of the members and so ciety of the Baptist church of South Omaha made the Kov. Mr. Daniel Rogers and family a pleasant surprise on Thursday evening. After a pleasant social interview on the part of all , Mrs. Claud L. Talbot , in behalf of the ladies of the church and society , with appro priate words expressive of esteem and inter est , nnd with wishes for future work and welfare in their new Held of labor , presented some valuable articles for service and as souvenirs of pleasant associations , which were heartily acknowlodcod in a response by Mrs. Rogers. Mr. Rogers has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church at , South Omaha and accepted a call to the p.tstorato of the Baptist church at Morrison , 11L Jnmoij Uonloy's Slnsulur Career. James'Donley , the unfortunate young man killed by the cars , had a singular career. Three years ago Mr. Donloy married Miss Anna Motz , the daughter of a woll-to-do cit izen of a suburb of Chicago. Ono week after the marriage Mr. Donloy wont to Chicago cage to got work , and left his wlfo , who did not liear from him till she got word from Mrs. Wallace , a friend la this city. Mrs. Wallace speaks in the warmest words of praise of Mrs. Donley. A brother of tbo deceased arrived yester day forenoon , nnd tha body was Interred in St. Mary's cemetery at noon. Note * Alioitt the City , A car ran oft the Hammond spur Thursday evening slightly darhteing the cur. Borns a daughtoK''to'Mr , ana Mrs. Joseph W , Slpo. ni "Pleuso deny through THK BEE , " said Councilman Molcuer , 1'tho ' publiscd state ment that I have accused any member of the city council of dolngliad things or oven con templating such. 1 dni pot uartof any clique but am trying to do ihy'onlclal duty. " Building permits have boon issued to G , H. Mack for a ? 10,000 briclc block , Twenty- fourth und M streets , oijd to Wnugh & Wos- tcrflold for an (300 cottaco on Seventeenth street near Mlssourilavonuo. William Purnell It building a residence on Seventeenth street mid Missouri avenue. A dance will bo giyon. Saturday evening at the St. Charles hotej , . , Patsy Murray and.Gjeprgc Thompson have become partners In thj barber business The Armour-Cudahy club will play bull Sunday afternoon with the telegraphic operators. Are you going to see the great races at the Omaha fair , September 2 to 0 , in clusive ? A Trill Li till ( U I C. Robert Buchanan , who was taken to the state insane asylum at Lincoln by Deputy Sheriff Lou Grebe yesterday , is tbo tallest man over admitted to that Institution. He stands six foot four inches lilijU but weighs only 133 pounds. Buchanan was originally a contractor in Iowa though for the past year and since becoming demented has been liv ing with his brother , at 830 South Thirty- third street , this city. Grebe says that the wife of Dr. Jerome Hertzmuu has been transferred from Lin coln to the now asylum for incurables at Hastings. REMLARS IN THE FIELD. [ Continual IVoNi .First j'rt/o ( ( , | have been hitherto deterred from going an opportunity to attend the meeting and enjoy Its privileges. In other words It was deter mined to make salvation literally free for ono day at least , and that without so much as introducing the contribution box Just before - fore the sermon. The attendance of the meetings of the day have boon very largo , nnd excellent sermons were preached by Evangelist Potter nnd others. Prominent among the now arrivals are Uor. .T. E. En sign , of Omaha ; Kov. Dr. T. B , Lemon , of Lincoln ; Kor. Swnnson , of Stromsburg , the Swedish Methodist presiding older for Ne braska and Kansas. Aurnina Round Over. II , Nob. , August 16. Special Tola- jram to Tim UKB.J Sheriff Myers arrived to-day with Charles Abrnms , charged with sell Ing 173 ncad ot cattle upon which D. N. Wheeler held a mortgage nnd which mort gage had boon assigned to the Iowa Savings aank. Abrnms waived examination and was Hold to the district court , his bonds being fixed at tfl,000 , In default ot which ho was lodged In Jail. Officers are after Jackson. This is not Abrams' llrst caper In crlmo , ns Mr. Wheeler had him In the United States court at Omaha last spring. Scientific Tompcrnnon Instruction. VfAitoo , Neb. , August 10. ( Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] The department of soloutlflo temperance instruction of the \V. O. T. U. of Nebraska was represented to-day before the teachers' institute of Saunders - dors county , now in session hero , by Mrs. C. M. Woodward , of Soward. This ovonlne n mooting was hold nt the opera house under the auspices of the W. C. T. U of Wahoo , also addressed by Mrs. Woodward. A largo audience , crowding the house , gave flno at- tontlou. A Iirakcnmn BlntrKod at Tokamnh. TCKXMAH , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to THE IJnn.l Last night whllo the south- sound freight train was stopping nt To- camah , several tramps surrounded ono of the brakoincn nnd struck him ever the head with a coupling pin , leaving him almost senseless on the platform. The brakomnn managed to drair himself into the caboose and was taken to Omaha. Sheriff Parker has two parties under arrest who are sus pected of being part of the gang. Governor Thnycr at Dakota City. DAKOTA CITT , Neb , , August 10. [ Special Telegram to Tnc BEE. ] Governor Thayer and party arrived this afternoon on the Union Pacific flyar , nnd will remain hero until Sunday morning. Ho will deliver the address nttho annual reunion of the old Bottlers tlers of Dakota county , to vbo hold near Homer to-morrow. A creat turnout nnd a general good tlmo is expected. A New Presbyterian Church. PIATTSMOUTH , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to THE Bun. 1 At a meeting of the building committee of the First Presbyterian church last night the bids wcro opened and the con tract for the erection of the now church was awarded to L. G. Larson , of this city. The church will be ready for occupancy by Jan uary 1 , and will cost $10,000 when completed. Died nn Ills Way Home. KEARNEY , Nob. , August 10. [ Snecial Telegram to THE BEB. | John Cervony , a young man from Leopolls , Wis. , died on the train this morning a few miles west of this city. Ho was on his way homo from a Col orado health resort. The remains were at tended by an undertaker hero and sent east at noon , A Jail Bird Re-nrrostcil. "VALENTINE , Nob. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun Ben. ] Walter Cruzon- berry , who , escaped from Jail in Lexington , Dawson county August 8 , in company with twojother prisoners , was arrested hero to-day by Deputy Sheriff Cline. The sheriff of Dawson county was notified , and asked that the prisoner bo held until sent for. Bit liis Ear Off. NEHIUSKA CITV , Neb. , August 10. [ Special Telegram to THE BrjE.1 Ono of the mates on the government steamer Alert hero to-day beat an employe named Dobson in a fright ful manner , over a trivial matter' , and then Jumped on him and bit ono car off. No ar rests hayo yet been made. New School House at Clarks. CI.AHKS. Nob. , August 10. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The new $3,000 brick school building that has been under process "of erection for the pust five or six months is completed and was accepted by the board at their last meet ing. Seats will bo put in next week and everything arranged to begin school for the full term in the now building. Prennrlne For a Camp Moctlnir. GitEsriAM , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Extensive preparations are being made oy the M. E. church people to hold a big camp meeting in the grove at this place , commencing on Saturday , August 24. Fined Tor "Snttinc Thorn Up. " NnmiASKA CITY , Nob. , August 10. [ Special to THE BEE. ! A young follow named Diter- brandt was fined $100 and costs in the police court to-day for treating another to whisky. Merchants' week is the same days ns the fair , September 2 to G , inclusive. FUElJ QUOTATIONS. Bids For Coal nnd Wood Received by the School Hoard. The school board has received bids for the fuel supply for the various schools for the ensuing year. The amount of coal used an nually Is about 2,600 tons , of which 800 tons is hard coal , Tbo bids this year are lower than for a number of years past. The bids on hard nut coal range from $3.00 to $9.50 a ton , and on soft coal from $3.43 to $0.25 a ton , according to the variety of coal offered. There nro eight bidders on coal and five on wood. Soft wood , is offered at $3.00 to 85.83 , und hard seasoned wood from $ o. o to $5.05 a cord. The board will award the contract at the meeting on Monday night. Dr. Talmaffo lectures on the "Sunny Side of Lifa" at the Omaha fair. Morn Hiirulnry. Tbo burglars whose operations on Georgia avenue wcro reported in Thursday's BEE visited a third house in the same neighbor hood , that of C. F. Shaw , 1330 South Twen ty-eighth. Hero they effected nn entrance by turning the key from the outside , and captured a valuable gold watch , an heirloom , auout $25 In.monoy and some silverware , the whole amounting to about 9185. The thief or thieves wore thoroughly artistic and left ab solutely no trace of any sort. There ia nothing its equal for relieving ing tha Soreness. Itching and Burning reducing the Inflammation , taking out Rcdnoss , and quickly bringing the akin to its natural color. Bawuro ot Immltatlons.Tako POND'S EXTRACT only. See landscape trade mark on bull wrapper. Sold only in our own bottles. Ali Druggists , POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 76 5th Avo. , N , r. Street Knll Notes. Dr. Mercer has returned from Chicago where ho bought sixteen moro cars for his motor system. These will increase the num ber In use to sixty-six , Dr. Mercer Is still greatly concerned ever the grading of Shoriniin avenue , which Is creeping along at a snail's poco. Ho says It will recjulro n week to reset the motor poles after the grading is done , ami the contraotor Who U doing the grading should hnvo tno work completed by the 81th Inst , , so that the motor line can bo In readiness to convoy passengers to rind from the fairgrounds during fair week. The Omaha Street Hallway company wants n permit from the bonrd of public works to lay an additional track parallel to the ono al ready on Sixteenth street from Webster to Dodge , Are you poing to BOO the great races nt the Omaha fair , September 12 to G , in clusive ? o 1'resto Clmiico. K. B. nankin spent n night In the city jail recently on n charge of adultery. When ho went in ho had 00 cents and n plucr of to bacco. The next morning nnothor prisoner , Richard Hico. had tha money in bis pooitet aud n remnant of the tobacco. Ho has been arrested on the charge of potty larceny. The Minnesota Press Kxcur-iloii. CHICAGO , August 10. A party of excur sionists made up of the members of the Minnesota Stnto Press association reached this city this morning. They will spend a couple ot days in sight-seeing horo. Pleased With tlio Appointment. ST. PnTKitanuno , August 10. The Journal do St. Petersburg expresses gratification ut the appointment of Cluiklr Pasha as gov ernor of Crete , and is sanguine that his ad ministration will bo successful. IS not only a distressing complaint , ot itself , but , by causing the blood to become depraved nnd the system en feebled , is tbo parent of Innumerable maladies. That Ayer's Snrsnparllla is the best cure for Indigestion , even vrben complicated with Liver Complaint , Is proved by the following testimony from Mrs. Joseph Lake , of Brockway Centre , Mich. : "Liver complaint and indigestion made my llfo n burden nnd came near ending ray existence. For moro than four years I suffered untold agony , was reduced almost to a skeleton , and hardly had strength to drag myself about. All kinds of food distressed mo. nnd only the most delicate could bo digested at all. Within the tlmo mentioned suvoral physicians treated mu without giving re lief. Nothing that I took Keemod to do any permanent good until I commenced , the use of Ayor's Sarsaparllla , which has produced wonderful results. Soon ' after commencing to take the Stusapa- | rilla I could see an Improvement in my condition. My appetite beqan to return nnd with it came tlio ability to digest all the food taken , my strength im proved each day , and after a few month.i of faithful attention to your directions , I found myself a well woman , able to attend to all household duties. The medicine has given ino anew now lease of life. " arsaparilla , nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Price $1 ; li bottles , $5.Worth $5 n bottle. DBS. BETTS & BEITS JiOa FATIMAM STHEET , OMAHA , NBB. ( Opposite 1'axton UotoL ) Office hours , 9 a. , rn , to 8 p. m. Bunday * , 10 & . m. to 1 p. m. Specialists In chronic , Nervous Skin and Blood Diseases. 53Consultatlon at office or by rnatl fre . Wrdlclneg sent by mull or express , securely Backed , free from observation , Uuarnntees to euro quickly , safely and permanently. ITDDuflTH ! TTDDIITPV Spermatorrhoea , semi- ItDltYUUu UiDlllllI nall.o o-Night Kmls Ions. Physical Decay , nrlslup from IndlRcro tlon. Kxcess or Indulttence. producliiK Sleepless ness. Despondency. 1'hnple * on the face , aver- Blon to society , easily illM-ouraROct , Jaca of conll dence , dull.unlHforstuilyorlniHlness , and finds life a burden. Bafely , pcrmnnontly nnd pri vately cured. Consult lira. Iletto & Betts , hot ) Farnum St. , Omnhn , Nob. Bloofl ani Skin Diseases results , completolv eradicated without the aid of Mercury. Bcrofuln , Kryslpelaa. Kover Sores , Blotches , Ulcers , I'funs In the II end and Bones , Byphllltlc Sere Throat , Mouth und Tongua , Ca tarrh , etc. . permanently cured where ether * bava failed. V'irlnnir TfninGrn aml niadder Complainta , UlanByi UrindljMI'nlnful. JMincmt. too frequent - quent liurntnff or Dloody Urine , Urine high col ored or with milky sediment on standing , Wet.K Bade. Oonorrhica , ( Jleet , Cystitis. etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Reasona ble. STRXCTTTKE1 moral complot * . without cutting , caustic or filiation. Cures effected at home by patient without a momenta pain or annoyance. To Yonnff Men anil Miflflle-AffGu Men , nriDP 'n' ° awful elfects of early AQIIDP UUtlti lilmt Vice , which buncs orKanIo vreaknes , destrojinu ; both mind and body , with all Us dreaded Ills , permanentlvctirad , TIBQ BPTTC Adressthoie who have impaired UllOi D Li 110 thomsolvei by Improper indul * ceticea and solitary habits , whloh ruin both body ami mind , unfitting them lor buslneos , study or marrjagR. M AiiitiKi ) MEN. or these entering on that Imp py life , aware of physical debility , quickly ua listed. OUIl SUCCESS. Is lyxsod upon facts , Plriit 1'rnctlcal ' Bxpa rienco. Second Uvory case Is eflpeclally studied- thus starting aright. Third Medicines art ) pre , pared In our labatory exactly to suit each caae , thus alTectlng cures without injury fS Bend Octmti poattge for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. fXT\ friendly letter or cell may save you future sulTorlntt and shame , and odd golden years to life. tVTNo letters an swered unless accompanied by i cants In a tumpi. Address cr call on itETTn & UUTTS , UOdlnrnam litreoL Omaha. Nth. ESTAIUISHEO 1861 ( ISO So. ctl0nso | , ms , Jciarkst The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAti AND SURGEON li Kill Treating with the Qreatat SKILL and SUCCESS L M xvir .Tr.t - . tonic , Kerrons M Private Diseases/ /W NERVOUS DHIMLITV , Lett Manhood. Falling Memory , Exhausting Drain * , Terrlbla Drtama , Head and Back Ache and all the ffecu ktdmif to early dccuy and peih < p < Cocaumptlon ot Iniaeity , treated scientifically by nor nelhodi wiU Dever-failinR tuccrts. , f SYPHILIS ami all bed Blood and Skin Oil * saitn ntrmnnpntly cured. a-KIDNEY unit URlNARYcompblMs.OIett , Oonorrhoea , Stricture , Varlcoctle and all dlse.\ic of the Uenlto-Urlnary Urftaui cured promptly without Injury to Scmach ! , K fdneyi or oOicr Organs. W No cxperlmantn. Age ami experience tm portant. Consultation free and incred. fliTStnd 4 conn postit ; * for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervoua nd Delicate Diieuei. ffi These contemplating Mimiaie end for Dr. Clarke's ctltbratcd guide Male and Female , each 15 cenu , both 33 ccnti ( itamm ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly Idler or cell may averuuire ufler Ing and thtme. and add colden year * to life. O9Uoou "Llle'a ( Secret ) Errors , " 50Mnuitampi ) . Mtdlclna nncl writing * teot everywhere , secure from exposure. Hour ,8to3. SuruUysgtn u. Addreis F. D. CLARICE , SV1. P. . CMIG&QQ * PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH 1302 PAKNAM STREET. -THIS- CHICAGO SHORT LIE OF'IHK Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The Itcst Kouto front Omaha and Council Bluffs to - * ETHS E AST EEE-- TWO TUAIN8 DAILY BETWKEN OMAHA AND COUNCIL IlUIFJfti Cblcngo , AND Milirnultcc. St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rnpids , Hock IslamFieport ! , Rockford , Clinton , Diibiuiuo , Davenport , Elgin , Miullson , JnncsTllIe , Jiclclt , M'lnonn , La Crosse , Anil all other Important point * Kajt , Northoait nnd Bontlicnst. For tbrniiKli ticket * call on tlio ticket ascat at 1MI Farnum street , in barker lllooi , or nt Uali > B L'aciflo Ihipnt. Pullman Bloopers nirl tlio Ilnast Dining Cars In tbe world nra runun the main line ot thaihlcuiio. Mil. waukea A St. Paul Kallnuy , and oviiry attention Is paid to passengers uy courteous employed ot the company. It. A11U/BU. General Mutineer. J. K. TUCKKH , Asilttmt lioneral Mnnneer. A. V. it. UAliriiNTKU , Uimcrai I'nsjonsor and Ticket Agent. UEO. i : . HI ! AKFOBll. Assistant General 1'assengor nUTicketWRont. T.J.ULAUR.General Snperlntsndcnt. FOR SA'-E IN CAB , INIOTS. . NEBRASKA IOE CO. , Koarnev Nob. Bi&H RESEILVS UNIVERSITY , CLEVELAND , OHIO Over U > jintfrifxin end BOO Rtudcntu Inst year. 1. AdclUcrt CollcL-o. Classics. Uturnturo , Science. Well equipped , ilncljr located , nr.-ido ot Novr xiurlund Collcttus tit Imlflno coil. 2. Departmental Medicine , tliroe yctirs course. a. Cotiserraturyot Music. None bolter imywhero. 4. Bcltuol of Art. I'lemuntiiry and advanced. 6. ColluKo lor Women. Collcco Homo , Urado and cost of Ailolliort. Son' ] for Cntulosucn. HlllAM C. HAYDN , Dl ) . , L. I ) . . 1'UKS'T. FEMALE - _ _ _ _ _ _ ACADEMY Preparatory and collegiate caursen , Jlteraturo , languafM tousle , art. K. F. JtuLLiRb. IMncipftl.Jacksonville. . Jil/ ILLluuiS MILITARY AUAUbMY Superior location ; excellent facilities. Thor ough iircpnr.itlim fur ri > lloir < \ iqlrntlUo noliool nr liu lnp s. Knll frm lirelna Bant. I8ih. llBNBYJ. bTBVK"'I ' ! , . Jlorcaii I'- " " ' 'o.lll. NBWYOKK MILITARY AOAHMY , COIIN wall-on-Hudsou. Col. C. J. Wright , II. B , , A. M. . Htipt. : ( J. K Hyatt , Conicl.tor : Callow. llrooka Hall , for Girls und Young ShortMd o lludla AeiKloiny , fur Hoys und Yuung llott SwitMB G , ShorlliilEe , A , M , .JS55K2. Mcdln , I'cnnsylvnuli , near Philailolphla. NORTH J5STKKN Conservatory of Music Mlnnnapolls , Minn. PIANO Host tuachers only In ovary depart muut. Unequalled opportunity for study. OllGANJ IOHHOUS for II. " , . I'rae odvuntagei worth prlcoot tuition. All Instruments. .Ua- .Buugen. . History. LUeraturo. VulLfE Bond for calendar. CHAHIjlia II. SIOltSB. Olreotor. _ ST. FRANCIS ACADEMY COI.UHIUIH , I'lATTB. COUNTV , NEIIHASKA. Conducted Dy the Sisters of St. KrancN. its eighth scholastic year riuiit 4 , ln-'J. Tnis in * HtltuUon olfer.1 every aUvantage for acquiring a thorough. Christian eJucatlnn. I'or tsrnis and particulars uddresu , Hl.stur M Jonopha , Huner- vlHorusa. I HI oritii n I'arkUictuOhlcntrtl'/ I nc Sp5 IHchom for Girls and Vouiif J.mio3. : ForEta cataloeua addrosa O. 'I'HAYIClt. U , . I ) . . " * Uoraan i'ark , 111. , or 71 Jladlion Street , Chlcuuo , 111. CH'.CHESTER'S ENGLISH PENriYROYAi , PILLS , Jtotl Cri ) s IMitiuiiiul Hi anil , Tl onlri ll Ht pill ( orulr. iurt , l.uillci. unV l > ruKoUtrurlli Illu. luund llrMiiilfl" rril lnviilUitwie , 0 lc4 MlUiklu < irlt > U > u. Thkeliuvtliri. Kec44v. f.tttitipi ) fur i > rilciiiar AU < I * * Kelj6r ti > r Ijndlrm" lalilltr , l.y mull. Kunr t'lrcf , . . . ' . . . ' ' i- l Co. .luJl.on ! q.I'Jilldaii'a. FAIRBANK'S STANDARD SCALES , FAIRBANKS , MORSE & CO.n 1018 Farnam Street , Omaha * ETCHINGS , eiTEMERSON , ENGRAVINGS , C3TH ALLET iV'DAVJ3 ARTIST SUPPLIESjjm MOULDINGS , OfFRAMES. 3TSHEET MUSIC , 1B10 Doualna Street , Omaha , Nebraska.